Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 16, 1857, Image 1

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mi L, TATE, Proprietor.
" To Hold and Trim tlio Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'o tho darkonod Earth "
10L XI, NO. 10.
.arOBt.iaiir.n nvunv suTunnAV morning.
Incjlttuutasbiirg, Columbia County, Pa.
O foicn. In the new Brick Building, op
posite the Exchange, by side of tho Court
House," Democratic Head Quarters,"
Titans or sunscairTioK,
tl.OS tn mlrnnoo, for ono copy, fur tlx months
I.T5 In advance, for ono copy, ono year.
,00 If not jisiM within tho II rstthrco months.
2,25 If not put I within the first ix months.
2,80 If not paid within tho year.
ID" No snlnorlpltiin t ikon for less than (lx months,
unci nopapurdljoontlnoa until all nrrcnrngosshnU
bite hconpald.
U7 Ordinary advortlsoraonts Inserted and Joh
tkiioeuted attho established prices.
5- DALTIMOHC lock ho pita l.
ffJIIE founder of tlih Celebrated Inati-
1 lutina.ntT'ra ilm inoatcrrtaln, f p-rdy. find only
ctfeefJil ttMiiMy in tlio worldTor iH'tMta for elects.
HirtctiirPB, Htjmtnnl wnunoM, Paltn In tho liolus,
Oaiutitutional Ueii'Aiy. I'l.uuti'iiey, Wtakncii of tlio
UbcK fin.l I.Im'"". Air-'Ctiona of tlii KlJnoyi, I'nlilfn
tlon nMU'i luirl, itt xinii i. Nurvum Irritability ,
lilstMi.i ot tlw II vail i ', .oia it (Skin . mid utl
thine 8rioui Hud iiitlanrlioly Uiiordtira arising from
llis ilcilrtctiVrj lutnttiuI'Vuutli, wliicli (L'slrnyi ln.tli
tjodr ant mini. TUaii airrn an I aulitary practices,
ara mora falul to tli-ir vl-il ui tlint tin; nai.K uf tliu
Hyrcni to tin nmrinern Ulysm-fl, blighting thnr most
brilliant hnpcf of iii.ttcipoit rmUcrmg marriage,
ifcc, impuBillc. t
loung Men,
Btra:Wy, w'n Inva iM'Cimi inc vietltn nf solitary
Vicf .t'tal.Ufa!ril nnd di-nlruitivr t.ulnt.w Inch iitinu
u 1 1 y sweep t mi uiilliucly it rae tlimiftindii of yon tig
tnsn f 'li'i tti'inl cY.illi'tl tnteitti ami brilliant Intel
loci, wti mi ulit uUifnviae havo entiontrd lut'-tnng
BU'ilna witli i!i: tlniiiCnrti i( i'hiiieiic. or waked lu
l'lticK'aiU i lyru. in iy r ill with nil cunflduiico.
"fflf Marring.
K M.irriJ pirnnni ,nr Vmiri Men contcmplatlnp tnnr
rUte, ln-in? a wart) of weakii-MB, nrjramc de
bility, dctonniiu', Ut:,, shut I I jii.n"dntrly consult
13 r J.tiinstmt.niitl bo rculon'd tn per Ice t health,
Hn wltJ pi C'tit liimmlf u n.l-r Hie care of Dr. John,
tton nit v rulUimitly cntirti'i! In 1 1 i ht.nor aa n KCiitlc
Man, niittcutilLI'Mttlv rely upon hi rjkill ninliy mcun.
itip Organic Weakness
jinn i ilmply c i rad nnd full vigor tr1 to fd.
Tun iti -jiu Ij tli-i pen illy moot fr-'-iuenly pnld.liy
thi' wnu'i ivo fooeom-? tha virtini ol" improper iinlul
ftjrttt is. V0.1114 pitrmtns nm too apt to commit ex
ftt fro n ut ti tin aware of tlio dreadful rtMi?ciucncf
niiy eiiaj". Now, who tint tin'li-rslaiith tlu suit
Jjel.will prfli'ii.l to ij-in that the powr of prncrea
uon t lott rioixiur by tlioso filling tntn iinprnptr
httiti thin tiy tlii prtii-;nt. flfsil'aa itulii deprived nf
I'fJ'jil jjMiiru urfiHliy olTHpilnR. Hie inot serious
n I ' dMriic'iv itympioniH to Inith !ody mid mind
rle. 'i'tu iiitum liicmics iluring'd; ilu pliysiral
an J nrni'ttl pkvur wtHhened, ncrvmn debility, ds-p.-Mii,
u.tlpit,iiiiin Hi ttio tin ir I , iiiiluL'stion, n witting
of thi t'twii , ci'ifii y hi jt am "I cmi9 intpiion it r
'CJ9" No 7rtwT.i KHKininn-KSintEitfcCVt'iidoor
rom KtlliiDnrc Ftruct. tlast illc up tin Plcps Ui;
.jitriitiihir in irmtr t'uNAMKand NU.MUKIt, or
ynn wil uiiittako hn pi ttn,
Cre frarrahtett, or no Charge Madt, in from One to
Tiro Ita'j.
NO MUlltiUltY OJt NAUrfUtJjIlS fJUL'Cd VStO.
i)r. Johnston t
Min'ir of tho Iloyil Col!eti cif rurjrons, I.oudntt
tJndu in- fn 11 0.1 1 iiftlio in.)tfniniiui. u ilcpc of the
IJiiitfJ rft.iti'ii. itinl tin; crater put ntuhoi't 1 1 1 - lias
ltn up fin in the I ril IIopltal.1 of I.ondiiu .r.uiF.F I J -Ul
Mptiia rii J fiUeutuirc. Iiiih cltecfd fonii.' ( f Hie iiinsl
RAtO'ii-tfliiui; c Uih tint wurc cv;r know it; man) 1 ro,ili
HI wit'i r iuiii in 1 j f liua I and 1 uth vlin iiilcpp,
rfrfflt nirvi)titiii'si lipinp :il.inii'd at xud-lfn aonmN.
an J liinf HinnH, with Irr-iufiiit lilu-lnna, attuuded
iiietimi with dt!rani;einiMiturmiud.vvrucurtd jiu
IvT A C irtain Disease,
iff Whn Hi" iniBKHidsd nm impfudcut votary ofptca
uro rt'id li t hit im'jitiu'd Hip bp of c It j w piiinfn
dlteantt, ll loo ofiuti Impppim tlint an llllimcd jiu net dd'idnl du .ortry, dtlers Mm In. in apply
ini tu tliiiitt w front education and respectability
ean it iuu n.-frn-ud nliu ddt.iyiiij; till tht cotititulniiiat
ym it i.ih nftfiish trrid dl-i-a'inain thui rappuirancc,
tacit in ulrerai-! AMff tlirmt 'Uf cod iiiie, nnrtiirnnl
MiiM in lii hn id Jiml 1 1 innii" of sisht. deafness.
unlj4 ti tlf gldu ti'iiLi-i., it ttd .iriiift, I'lmrlir-a i,u t(jr
tUTi Una mi l uiir.'Pii'-iii-ii, tir(iri"siiii; with frightltil
rpl htv . till at lot tho pulnio nftho mmitli or the
lioiiiu of 1 1. iio.i! i.ilt 111 ,nmt tint ii'liui ut thi uv lul
rffupHiifr'Cimi k a horriif uiijict of coinniiPEcrathJu, ijj
rfrti'ii u-iu a peri. i t to l)iidp'ai!fuUul!VnnB, hy smi
diiifliliti in 1I1 it nnuruQ from wIumic mi truvekr
return.. " To ms!i iVrpforc J I r . Joltitr-ton pu-d eg
fiiinili to jir rvii ih-i mmi riivml i'iIo sverrev, nnd
s front hi4 fitrjiunu j rarHcu Ju thf flrt Hoapitali nf
, Unrop n-i t A'lii'MCi. In- ran rniiltd.-inly r roimoi-ii'l 11
afd ami pi4ily euru to the unlortmiaie victim ul HjU
liorrid diitcadt
JJi. Tufa pirticulir Notice,
SDr J adInikHLfi il Ujopk wtio Ijiivh itijired tlifm
-idlvi hy (in vaM an ill ui proper indulitnce.
JBTTh 'hi- am o t.c if iho mil nnd iiiuUnctiolv flfr-rt
pro I iced iy t-irlv liahitfi of jouih, vit : hKi.i-cs of
'tho H ink nit I IjmhIh I'ruii in tint Ili-ad. Itiinin-mof
HijUi I, m oj li4niur I'owfr. I'alpiiatiou ol tlin
l.Mrt..Mit pm, irv..ii Irntil.ilii , lu rany 111 1 lit
njftli Diz-Mtiv rii'icuouK,0ncial Jirhihiv.Nin.ptnnik
iofO trMiimptiun. ic.
KMl-VT ILLY The f.-arful eftVcli upon Hie mind
Mi itiucli to l Jreidiiil, IVi-a ol Mcnmrv, 'onfuilnri of
liedt, li :iriMi in of thn .'piritu, llvil roruhndincs,
Avitfioii of dociety, Tiiuily ,A.c , arc some ofthceviU
ti.Tliu urn Ic of pfreonn of nil n;es can tmw Judge
turhat U tit t liiiMuof li'lr declining health. t.oinif
Mho'r vis or.hi'coiniuj weulc pale iidrinarutiMl, liavin
. ii'U'uitir app.iranrealiout thu eyca .cough ond tmuit
to'jiti of (Jo(ifi-inij)tioii.
Vr. Johnston's Invigorating licmctly for
1 Organic Weakness.
jflly thin grot l and i mporiant remedy, wrntc nets oft he
Ofj(iniart) kpacdlly curn.l, an 1 (ul) viir ri'itmed
Th Mtudfiof tlio moit iifrvoufl and dehilit itd, who
hul I lot il hop, n Jive tii'ou iunnediati'ly rilivi-d. All
'linp'dnujiiU to ,M irriie.lMtyFictil and Mental l)itiua
'Iflleititu, Ntvo 1 i I rnt.ibility.Tru mli litiKH and Wi nk
nesi.oriiii'utioiioltht) moat icarfdlkmd, speedily
curjd by Doctor Jo'oibtou
Young Men
4Wi' hive 'ujiiredth'iinielvpa hy a ccrtliu nractlcr,
.HndilsiJ in nliuii a.ini t habit fn-ifnlly learurd
"from vile-)niiantois, or at school -tlinoirecls of which
are ui;ht'y iidt. ewn whon mVi-i), mid if not cured
jirn-"r nitrlio imjio-Hihlo, and destroy butli inind
aad b idy, tl:oulditpply immcdiut'tly
. "IH'Ji it .t pity tint a voimy man. tliu hope nf hi s couu
try. and tli j darlinirof his parents, shnuld bo snatched
Tfjtn all proipt'ctmnd pnjoymefits of hie, by lh conto.
I'tiirex ol duviitUig ftom tliu path ofnalure, and in
;duljing hi ircrtnin secret linbit, Hiuli persou btfire
' hnuld redact tbnt a sound mind ami bnr'ynre the mos
tipcfiryreipiihitM'ito prnmo liappincss
In I3.1 1, witlio 11 t'itit,th a Journey I h rough hie becomes
a weir ypiljr iiine, the prospect hourly darkens to thrf
view; ttic miiwl litTomet" shadowed with deaptir nnd
tilled withthe nrlancholy rellertion thatthe ItOjipineas
f nnotrier h!coMi'!t hhffh ted with our own,
OPpiUKNO.'! POUrll ru:ii:tl!CK 8T..Baimre,.VJ
tH . It, no filsn moilfsty prevent )ou, but apply mi
fltdiajely cither personally or by let ler.
8i;:s uhbascs hiui:oily CURUD.
To Strangers.
Th many t'loiiiinils cured ntthis Institution with'n
1h IS sears, and the numerou importanl Hurgirat
CHtAtiins performml by Dr. Johnslon, witnessed by
th3 rpirttrsol the papers and many other persons, no
'tleetofwhlch tuvn a p pea ml again and tigil" before
thti dublic, bolides liii standing as a gentleman of elm.
racterand fmnibility, ,sa sufhcient gtteranteo to
Take Notice,
V. n.Thprear sninany Ignorant and worthless
Qiiack s advertising themselves J'liyncmnu, ruining
too nealth oftho alrmdy almcted. thut Dr, Johnston
ritiemsit nrcssiry tosiy. miperially to ihoae uiiac
3 jitutud with his reputation. tn uhi rredmuuU and
ipl intsalwnyshaiiK in hi a otTii'O.
rt Tabs No not, Allletlcrs mast tm post paid, and
oninin a postage biamu for the ruply, ur iiujuiwur
willbtt nt
January 17, 1857.
TINS und"rjlnnitii, tlniikiui ror tR literal
VTjV,A with u lilrli he has been fflVnrd Tor
year gone uy . oum ijiiuiiuim irienue nny
ciutoiuei s, bat he continues tu manufacture
Hoots and shoes,
At his olJ a'nd well known stand, on Main street,
Itloonuburg. in ul I their various and forms, in good
Iy le and on 1111 derate terms.
Jhs long fspeneiir 111 tho h'iin'ii, nnd general
knowledttcof tin reopie i( Columbia county super
added lu a luid dttcrminal ion lu render satisfaction
to all Ills riiitouiers should secure liint tucrcused pa
I (Onige n liiclt he hopes to merit
jAugn f picteric;;
0ronJb'jrf Match 10 JE57
ONB 1)0 M AH A YUAtt.
Circulation over 100,000 Copies Weekly.
25 Witnesses,
TOIIN B. DVI! Is tho Author, who ha. had ton
.1 unMpanr.Arlntiri.niin Mnilker and Pulil l?lt T, It ltd
Author nfairitc'rclurcj of the nretdtcay Taternatlt
when, ror ten ru'cfiiuvi' nutiu.invnr
Greeted him with round nr applnuse, while he ex.
i, n.'.i... n,n tn ulilc.h(Joituterrttnrii exeeulo
their Itutitia. mill tho sutcut nnd tliotlcn incaiti of
l!t'l(Ctltif tlx ih I
Tie Hank, Mil r.ncrnrtrt all my lAui he It the grtalctt
JuJgt tf Paptr Money lufoff .
Greatest Discovery of the Present Century
for Detecting Countrriil Bank Kolrs.
'iJcirrllm.g tvery Genuine Mill In existence, nnd
exliilntit'g ntaelattce tery CounurMt in firm a-
Arrnttsed inaitmlrnhlydhat Ucforcnco la Ea.y nnd
IJctrrtliiii Inttiltitaiicraiff
I3-No Iniltx tn exiiintne I No prises In hunt tipl
Put .o flutpliried tiiirt arranged, that the Menhant,
Hanker nnd Dumners Man can mill at a glance,
r.nfflhh, I'renth and German,
Thin each may reuu the saino in his own Kstltn
Moil pirftct Bank Koto JAst Published.
Also n Its! nf till lite
A fompleln Pnititnnrv oflhe I'iwakce or rraora sn
America will bo iiibllhetl in eneh edition, tcfelliec
with nil tlio Important NUWS 01' THU DAY. AIo,
a pr.uir.s or talks
from n nM Manuscript round in tho.East. It fur
nlalies tltu most compute history of
And deserihin; tho must petplexiri; positions In
which the Indies atttliolitlt'meii or that cuunlry havo
lici'it so nrten iotinil. 'J'licso stories will cnnttriuii
thriii'itlioiit Hie whole yenr and willpiove Ihu most
cntt'r milling ever niirrr it 10 inn ptiniie. a
XZfr KurniHltd we'kty to Hunscritirrs only, at 81 a
year. Alileters must bo ndilnsetl to
JOHN' S. UYn, Enkir
l'litilisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall it,, New York.
1857. ANTELOPE, 1807.
OS and nfter Tuesi'av, April 7. 1P.'7, tho P.ickrl
Ilo.H ANTUI.OI'i:, Ctpt. ft, 1' Wsii.a, will coinmtnrn
ru lining In r regular trips dally. (Sunday excepted)
between Unpen nnd NantUoke, it follows:
l,fii Kiipcrt at 5 o cloik, A . on iirr vol nf (tie
Nijht I.tpps" on the C. V, Ic U from Wil
iiimiiport, mid afiwi ut N.iuticoko ut i o'cl.irk . I'.
M .lit time 10 take the turn on the h. & H Kailroad
lor Hcranton or (Ireal Uf n tlm s ime a(1ermon
Leaves Nanticoku on arrival of L. U. Uailroad
cnri Irom Ureal Uend and t-crnnton (cay one o'chu k,
I. y ) Unpen early tho mine evoinngin
time to lake the Night Cxpr-us both ways on i lie C
V. it ll" m i ru railroad,
hisseiipen Irom Hie Wyom'iitf .Valley, for Potts
ville. rithurir. Hilt Imo re V lit "Oil rt?. and a II other
point Houth or West, will llnd it'.tn tliir nUnntjti
10 lake i ue nnovu in ne, a- li i s uiu oiuy nnu i.i i run
ntcts through, viithoul ttopping over night on ilic
l'asisenccrsfroni the Houtlt or Went, by 1 raving liar
rislutrs our nlit-ruoou tram, via Ikiuphin mid trua'iuc
hauiiu Uailroad, ami via C.itiawijta llatlioadi will
meet thf Packet at Ituptrl in time
in. ii . v mntiu
Itun.-rl. rurrvinr the 1 lilted Elates Mai I.
Leaves U'llkts llarro at ii oVlmk, A M . nnd nr
rivrf nt Unpcrt in time to conncc t ih the .Mail Trains
both waj.
Leaves H'ipert nfter Hip nrrivnl of both Mail Trains,
(my .1 o'clock, V M.) nnd arrives at Wilkes Uarrc
about nudnight,
H. T, WKLM, Proprietor.
Wilkes Unrre, April U 1H57.
rPITE undersigned respectfully announces
1 1 lull 'he ro utl nues the lllcomihutg Hook Store and
Stationary Etabliihmcut, latf Iy cuin'ucuil b JurUt Leaded
hiifbnnd, Major L'lnik, in all their various brunchee,
at Ihfi old itami in the r.trh'tnge I.ui Iditigi- firtt door
Uastof the.r.ichsinge llotil. nudhaing replenished
h r tln,lnliwt"iK with a rltoiio Ptork ol Mut lioolt
and btaUomry, he is accgmiuudute nil
who may give Jmr a call lu IiltUiic,
.4 .SO
The Iteftaurnnl Siloo-p, in thilnsiiienlrif tho above
Lbtnhltshn-( nt. wil bt: continued fa usnnl iiy tho sub
scriber. wlictH the piili'iccin atji'l tunes be bupplied
withthn dourest Hfvtiuic ami lit rattfUMi Nrs. nidi
ita .Mnimli Hirstiparilla, Ueer. rtle, vc , arilinesl
tpin l and l'i !ld Oy t"rs, PirKletMJIitm-, ( t".
UJ"The public custoai is mpi ctlully tolicitel.
Successor to Jtise (1. Clatk.
WoonubnrcMaj C, IB57.
TUT. undrrljned respectfully mvitra the Attention
nfllic Public to his intensive a fsortmen i ol CaMin t
1 iirininreaiiiM nuir "niwi mi win warnun in nc inane
nfcfo iiiiteriili-and In n woikiuaulku inaniii r. At
his llHtnblitihmtnt, c.tnnlwavs be found n good assort-
Whim ueqimiiu si) icano uiiun in inai 01 tni J
mkli'hmor New York cjlies, aiidatav low prices.
2.110 lias
OFA Sf rrrww
ind pr.r s fromfefelfei
. Loiiiig. s, Wal-Mj?-
of different; styles ami
'M to Mil. Diviits. I.
nut aud Mah igouy, Parlor chairs, Korkiug nnd eauy
chairs, Piann rtooN, ami n variety of iiplhitercd mk
with Jlressinnn 1 parlor biirenus. sofa, card ten ire and
nliritil,l h detaslliii. tlitlli'iiiurK whatnots aiidcnmn.
dew, nnd all kmd nl fa-hlonaldo work. Ills htockof
bureau j, eitcun-tu nun common wanu fuiiov, urenj
Utile corner (-Upboiirds. solas- hniikfast lahles, bed
steads cane i-ratiiiid conimou chairs, is the largest In
thin section of lh cuunlry. lie will also hup u good
assortment of tonkin titariiei with lanry gilt and com
i.i.iii frntiies- lie Will a o siiriliL mitrcsi-eii
fitted to any slw of luadtc-ad . winch re superior for
durability auu ruimuu 10 any ueo in ue
' HIM ON U. FfllVn
rtloomburs April Hlh, lfcSl-
rpllll undersigned, having osicnted tngf ihir in the
X Mercunlile lluniuei-s. tuku pleasure iiiaiiuounciug
to their friends and the. p'lblie in ueneral, that ilnir
new Htore House, locat 'd mi .Maui stnvt.couiral in
ip)town. Coluuibiu couuiy( lias just been slocked
New Spring Goods.
Comprising an eitenivo assortment of Cloths, Cash
meres, Vesting Muslins, Lines, and every other ar
tie to tu tho we i ri u$ Hue, including Hardware, China
r,arlli'ii and Hollow w ares, Uroceries, tiugarf, Teis,
UoiKe, Kicu, Modistes iic.,etc., with all other urtl
cles of commerce ut'iipled to rnuntry stores.
?irahi, LuioVr, I'rovistmis. t'riditee, &ic.tu( nil
kinds, taken In exchange lor
a' u'. uuuviiLiNu.
Kspylonn. Aprll.4, 1S57,
EAOliE KUU.N'imV, 1JL00MS13U11G.
Stoves anil Tinware.
Till! subscriber liavlns creeled a larfie new brick
foundry und .M.tchiiio HIioji, in pijro of the old
nne.i. nrenircdto make all kinds or rastlnu at lit'
lowest ,ricia. Plows constantly on hand. The sub
scrlWr has also removed his Tin Eliop Irom Main l
tn the rouudry lot, wheru he has erected u building
allogtllter rortitoves nuJ 'i'tn ware
The Cooking tiloves consist ofttio WM.PKNN
(tysrooK, It Allll HOOK, VANI,li:it COOK, and
f?53l'Altl.Oll tfTOVI'.a ul all kluils, the UOtJ OV
13i2l.INIir.ll All kinds of f pouting
madu to order.
Joseph biiaki'luss. i
Uloomshilfg, April 11,18:7.
IOtm MHN to uoik lit n Ives factory i four Coop
els preferred, hut aitlv" llltoiin men will an
swer rttudy employment and Bond tvajcs will be
glen Apply nt its Millcrov .Mills, near Lllit ,.
A&J-:z'' fj"91 unach will be run
Saturday Horning, May 1G, 1857.
Tho Sca-Boy'a Faro troll.
Walt c wj mis til 1 1 npenl
A pnrllni; sienal tn the tleet,
tVhon- station i. al lioine,
Then unit the sea-h.iy's prayer,
A tid let It till bo whispered thei.
While otht i clinics I roam.
farewell tr, lather, rev'rend bulk,
Who, splto el meial, spite or hulk
May soon his cables slip,
And whllothe furling is moist,
The 1!07 ol ffratlliltle I'll hoist,
III duly lu tho ship.
farewell to mother first cIrbs she,
Who hunched mo on lilu's stonnv sofl,
And rl5''il toe Tore nnd ott ;
May Provident e her limbers spare,
And keep her lull I in (rood repair,
To tow the smaller craft
farewell to slste r lovely yateh,
Utti w heiltcr she'll be manned or not,
1 cannot now roresce(
May st.meffood shlpt. lenler prove,
Well found lu stores ol truth and love,
And tako her under He.
farewell to George, tin Jolly boat,
And oil lite iitlle Lralt
In home's itPllghiru! bay;
WIhii tliy arrive at sallin;; age,
May wisdom cKr the wentlier sago.
And guide Hum on their nny,
farewell lo all on life's rude tnnln
ferliaps wo n 'er may melt untu,
Ttirtnn;li stress orslurutv utnther;
Hut swmliioiud by tliu Luard nhovo,
Mny harbor in Ills pert of l,ovu,
And all be mooi'd together.
Tho National Hotol Sickness.
Tho following letter from Dr. 0. T.
Jackson, taken in connection with tlio
mctlical testimony ct Washington, would
seem Boom to establish tho theory that tho
National Hotel sickness was not tho roault
of poison.
1 nin surprised to bco paragraphs giing
tho rounds of tho newspapers, in which
tho pcculinr disorder which affeded ihc
inmates of the iNatioiml Hotel, at Wash
it gton, is attiibutcd to no alleged ndmK
turo of ursonic, or s iiuo other poison, uith
tuo lontl or water usctl in that hotel.
An intelligent medical committee made
due inquiry into the origin of the disease,
at tho lime it occurred, and (rare us tho
result of their investigations tho opinion
that it was caused by gaseous emanations
from tho common sowor, which had a free
opening into tho cellar of that hotel, while
tho gases were prevented from escaping
inio the avenues and streets by air-tight
stoppers or trap3. This opinion all the
facts in tho caso fully corroborate, aud it
will undoubtedly bo sustained by a legal
invesliga ion, which I uudcrstnnd is to take
placo at Washington.
It h very easy to provo that tho disorder
in question did not originate from any
poiscn contained in tho fo'id or water of
tho hotel j for ii has boon shown that per
sons who did not eat or drink in tho hotel
woro as severely affected as those who did
cat and drink there.
Ono suoh case camo under my spocial
and daily observation, during stay at
Washington, in tho month of March last.
It was thar of a legal gctlcman, who w.ts
employed in taking depositions on tho
nubjcct of iho National llotcl disease, who
spent but sis hours in tho tNational Hotel,
aud who had occasion tn csnmioo tho cel
lar aud dinins of the house, lie perceived
a very disagrcoablo odor in tho room in
which ho was wiring, and found it camo
from au old rogi-tor which opened in o the
cellar, flo went down into tho cellar, anil
found tho odor much stronger, and on
arriving at tho opening of tho drain, tho
blast of foul air was so strong as to extin
guish iho lamp ho held in his hand j and
tho smell that uroso fn m tho drain was
very offensive nnd almost intolerable.
this gontloman did not cat or drink
anything in that hotol, and yet ho was
attacked with tho same disordor as others
who had boon inmates of tho hotel, and
ho suffered moro than thrco weeks from it,
and was not quito cured when I left
This well ascertained caso is sufficient
to prove that tho disorder was not produced
by poisons mixed with food or drink. I
heard of several others of tho satuo nature
but am not personally cognizant of the
Prom what I was ahlo to learn, I am
perfectly convinced that tho disorder at
tho .National Hotel aroso wholly from gas
eous emanations from tho drains connected
with tho common sewers, ond it h highly
probable that thu viry warm days of Feb
ruary list contributed to the production
of this poisonous miasma.
No chemical, or roliablo medical evi
dence, has yet been adduced, to pruvc
that any ono nf tho persons who wcro sick
with this discaso had token any poisons of
any kind into their stouricln. It is proper,
it appears to mo, to correct a pullio mis
apprehension on this subject, aud at onco
dichargo from our iniutls Iho unfounded
suspicion that auy icdividual had attempted
so gross and horriblo n crime, as thu poi
soning of tho whole company of a crowded
ho'cl. 0. T. J.
K3r Jones, (who thinks that Smith has
been a littlo too free,) "Mr, Smith, I wish
to spoak to you privately, l'ormit mo to
tako you apart for n few moments."
(who isn't in tho loast frightened.) "Cer
tainly, sir, if you'll promiso to put mo to
gether again,"
S Advise not what is most pleasant,
but what is most useful.
"Koitr millions of dollars hvo been o
Ipcndediutho fruitless pcarch after fJir
John Frauklin, nnd yet thcro is talk in
England of fitting out another expedition."
Wei' what of it? Wo aro plad lliero
is talk in England of fitting out another
expedition, nnd wo most devoutly hope, it
will not ond in talk. Sir John Krauklin
is worth inoro than four nvllions of dollars
to tho causo of scicnoo. Ho mny yet bo
alive. Ho may still bo locked iu tho em
brace of unyielding ice and bo found in
health although wo must allow such pro
babilities aro small. 5dt wh lo there is
tho morcst possibility that ho may be liv
ing, wo do not consider money thrown a
way which is expended iu tho search for tho
dauntless navigator,
Tho valuo of tho lives of such men as
Sir Juhn franklin and Eliska Kent Kano
cannot bo co i putcd by dollars and cents.
Tho contributions of such lives to know
ledge, saience and tho general good of
mankind, are never to bo written down as
equal to such uu amount of silver and gold
however largn that amount may be.
Wc trust lhat expedition after expedi
tion will continue to search for tho brave
Franklin and his faithful companions, till
they fhall bo f'.und and welcomed 53 liv
ing ninii, or the certainly of their death bo
established bcyotid all doubt. Ilotton
Olive Branch.
Strango caso of Soninanibulisli.
A young l.idy, (Miss Mary Stan,) a niece
of A. Loomis, Esq., of Fulton, eays the
Fullon Patriot, who is living with her uucle
nnd attending school, has of laic been and
ii the most singular and ostraordinary
somnambulist of whom wo havo ever heard.
At night, after b!io has fallen cslonp, she
gets up, lights a lamp, and taking r. paper
j aud pencil, writes several stauzc3 of poo
i try, Her unclo, ono night, fearing that
I some accident might occur from a sleeping
person having a burning lamp in her hand
took tho preoiution to remove tho lamp
from her room and beyond her reach.
That night sho arose in perfect darkness
wrota another piece of poetry, wlii'di, upoD
examination by daylight, was found to be
well written, correctly spelled and punc
tuated, and the ruled linos as accurately
followed they could have been done by the
best penman with a good light. And this
lins been repeated from night to night, cash
tirao n now picco being produced. Sho
hai no knowledge of tho matter herself
cannot repeat a word of the poetry sho pro
duces, and insists that sho does not write it,
Iirr friends watch hor closely, and have
interrupted her while wiiting, when bho
seemed like ono aroused from a deep slum
ber, and cannot finish tho line, or even tho
next word of tho stanzas she happens to bo
writing If her writing mnteraN are ro
moved from her room, sho risc4, and find
ing litem missliij, proceeds to sjarch draw
ers, trunks, etc , in the dark, with as much
caso asanotlur would do it by day, Sho
lies sometimes fallen into this condition in
the day time, when her writing impulse
comes on.
PitErAitril I'm park ! I In the event
of tlio world coming to an ond, on tho 13ih
of Juno next, the Mount 'ernon (Ohio)
B'iniitr, offers tho folh.niDg consolation
'lo all whom it may concern :"
"Hut il tho world thould came ti an end,
there is ono chss of peoplo.wo pity from
tlio bottom of our heart newspaper de
linquents I Awful, tcrr.blo, fearful will
bo thi ir doom ! In vain will they attempt
to hide themselves in caves and coal cel
lars 1 It will bo of no use there is noes-
capo for them I Their only hopo for ic
dctnpthu is to square off with tho printer
by the lth of Julie, and take a receipt,
so that St. Peter, will admit them within
tho gates of tho Celestial City. A hint to
tho wiso is sufficient'"
To Aituxs't ices When serving your
apprenticeship you will havo timo and
opportunity to store your mind with useful
information. Tho only way for a young
man to nrcparo himself for usefulness, is
to dev- to himself to study in his leisure
hours. lJo industrious in your business
lio frti"al bo economical, never complain
that you ate obliged to work j go lo it
with alacrilv and chcoriulness, ami it will
b como a habit, which will make you re
spected aud beloved by your master or
employer; make it yur business to sco to
and nromoto his interest ; by taking care
of bis. vou will learn to tako oaro of your
own. Young mon at tho present day aro
not fond of work, lou must avoul nil
wishes to livo without labor j labor 'is a
blossing, instead of a curso, it makes your
food, clothing and everything necessary,
and frees yon from temptation to bo dis-j
honest. :
Marrying in a Jolco-
! Tho Lancaster Examii or of Apt II lCth,
Bays that another instanco of tho folly of
i " marrying for fun' is just now exciting
tho good peoplo of Fonda. It seems that
i a banking officer in that town met at a
' ball a young lady from this neighborhood,
who was very good looking, sprightly and
I attractive. While waltzing with her, he
I nrotio.''fid in icst that thev bllould bo mar-
. i w V
riod. Tho lady accepted the proposition,
and they adjourned to a side room, where
a person present was called tip n to per
form tho ceremony, which he did, to tho
infiiii o amusement of nil concerned. Tho
I gentleman thought no moro of tho matter
until tho breaking up of tho ball, when the
f iir partner called upon him to conduct
her t3 his residence. Ilo demurred and
thought sho had tetter go to lor own resi
dence, Shu said that tho hon:o of her
husband was her homo, " whither thou
gocst, I will follow thee." Ho did not
hardly undcrstaud tint sho wa3 his wife.
Sho insisted upon her martial right, and
claimed that os the ceremony had been
porlormcd by a justice of the. was
a perfectly fair and lojal transaction.
Tlio man inquired into matters; found that
her positions woro correct aud that ho was
in a bad box. He is now endeavoring to
ignore his wife and back out of the bar
gain, wi'h little prospect of success, how
ever, Tho lady has before been married,
and was, it U understood, divorced fro n
hor former husband, but under such cir
cumstances as admitted of her marrying
Xothiug on ourth can smile but a mm !
Gems may flash reflected light, but what
is a diamond flash'eomparod witli nn eye
flush aud mirth flash ? Flowess cannot
smile. This is a charm which oven they
cannot claim, Uirds cannot smilo, nor
can living things. It ia the prerogative of
man. It is the color which love wears,
and cheerfulness, and joy these three,
It is tho light in the window of the face,
by which tho heart signifies to father,
husband or friend, that it is at homo nnd
waiting. A face that cannot smilo is like
a bud. that caun itjblossomand drie3 upon
the stalk. Laughter ij day, and sobtioty
is night, aud a smilo is tho'j twilight lhat
hovers gently between both, moro bewitch
ing Ih.ii cither. Hut all smiles aro not
.tliko. Tho cheerfulness of vairty is not
like tho checrlulucss of love. Tho smilo
of gratiGcd prido is not like tho radiance
of goodness aud truth. Tho rains of
summer fall nliko upon all trees and
shrub-i. Hut whon thu storm passes, and
every lof hangs a dip, each gentlo puff of
wind biiugs u pretty phower, and every
drop brings wiih it Sjiiicthinj; of tho nature
of tho lo if or blosooni on whioh ii bun.;;
tho roadcide loaf jields dust ; tho walnut
loaf bittcruc-i-t ; some flowers po!-;oi wuilo
tho grapo bbssouis, tho roso aud the sweet lend their aromi tithe twin'.lin,'
dropj, on 1 send them down in perfumed
drops, And so ,it h with smiles which
every heart perfumesjjoecording to its na
ture selfishness is acrid ; pride Litter j
good will sweet and fragrant, '
SmCKisa. A short timo tiucc, a mini
who keeps a grocery in tho vicinity of
Fairviotv, Ohio, somo distance out on I ho
National Road west, camo to Wheeling
and bought a bancl tf molasses. lie
took it homo aud commenced retailing it
in small quantities to his customers, all of
whom wcro attacked with u strango sort of
sickness, from which, however, they speed
ily recovered. No ono could account for
this singular fact, until tho molasses barrel
was pretty well drained and tho head
knocked out of it, when tho wholo commu
nity was astonished at the discovery of a
negro child, about eight days old, inside
of tho barred. Tho child was ljing iu the
bottom of tho barrel in a stato of partial
Dn. Kank. Judgo Kano, iu a recent
letter, says of his sou :
"His characteristic- with ui was his sensi
bility to conscientious impulse. It was this
which canicd him tho second timo tn tho
1'i-lar Sot, and had God spared him, would
have mado him return thcro again; for ho
believed, as nono but tho truu hearted can
believe anything, that some of Franklin's
party wcro still ulive, and that it wfs his
mission to reclaim them. lie had a ohild
liko foudness for tho affections of homo;
hut this, and zoal for science, and cmbi
tiou of fame, and all else that could connect
itself with motive, was subordinated to this
one great conviction of duty
Slundcr, in its bioadest scnsoj'is conver
flttion about a person that lossom or'do
grades tho character of tho person iu tho
minds of others;
Ti is practiced to a great extent oven in
this land of boasted morality, by tho liiyh
and low, the rich and poor in tho streets,
public assemblies, and in private- circloj,
Ilo w often do neighbors meet for a
social visit without enumerating tho faults
of sane one who is aknont? It ii common
on such occasions, if ono lcivcs before the
rojt, thojo wh'ircmainjcforcthedepartinjf
one fail ly gets out of hiring, wil com
menco talking about his manners or style
of dross, oxngijerafn ; tho faults and over
looking tlio good quali ics,
Persons of Iho same trade or profession
. ftcn try to injure the reputation of each
other. Kacli'uill represent tho other ui
belt gignorent, carehs3 or dishonest.
Sometimes, from jealousy or some other
cause, tho iunocoutj and virtuous aro re
presented as being of tho lowest charactor.
Often thoso who have been guilty of n
mean act are the first to scatter the now?
of tho falljof another, even without being
Euro of the truthfulness of it
YWi'napcrBon Id'inis c winced of
the error of his ways, ond resolve (to livo
a better lifo how few will tell of ill Hut
whin n person pcrfi r.ns an evil act, thcro
is a multitude ready to act as messengers
to carry tho news. Thou as tho stcry
spreads, it Ioojos no'hin, but rather in
creases, similar to a suow ball rolling down
the sido of a mountain, .wh'oh becomos an
enormous mass by the time it gets lo tho
Some who aro somewhat e iii-cientious
ubout talking of their neighbors will not
commence directly, but in this way "I
i-ia sorry for such a neighbor," Then the
one to whom ho spoaks will ask why he
is sorry, "What has such a ono done "
Tho first speaker will enswer for politeness
sake ; but he intoi-ded totell of it in tho
I'n st place, taking this way to cscapo the
blame of tattling.
Many a person is made worso by having
it reported when ho mado tho first false
step, when ho might havo been reclaimed
if a friend hadgeutly reproved hiui,iustead
of reportiug him to tho public.
Many inno.ont persons have been lod ti
lead a life tf sin, ro. ardless of character
or condition in life, by having faho state
ments made nbsut them. They say they
''might as well have tlio game m the name."
How much better it would he, what a
beneficial influence it would have on society,
if wo would have charity for others, over
look their faultd, or kindly reprove them,
still speak more of their W'tuej 1
Look at tho influence on a child. Tell
him often lhat ho knows nothing, and he
never will knew much. Tie t him like a
bruto and ho will l'c a duHce ; but tell him
that ho can d-j sjm thing if bs t::s; hU
eyes will brighten with hope, then ho will
try to bo somebody, and will tusceed to
some extent. '1 his rula will hold good
with th -co of mature years, Try it and
Mow-bcautiful tho following gem from
.ho pon'uf Prolific, and how hippy ilr
heart that ran seo theso beauties ns ho
portrays thorn
Why i: it that tho rainbow and tho cloud
como over uj with a beautv that ii not of
cartland then pass away and leave us to
muse on faded loveliness .' Why is it t'n-t
tho st.trs, which hold their nightly festival
around tho midnight ihrone, aro placed
abovo tho roach of our limited facilities
forever, mocking us with their unapproach
able glory? Aul why is it that blight
forms of human beauty arc presented to
our view, and then taken from us, leaving
tho th usand streams of af ction to flow
baoi in Alpine torrents upon our hearts?
We aro horn for a higher destiny than
that of earth. There is a real where the
rainbow never fades, whero the stars will
bo set out before us like islands that slum
her on tho o'can, and whero the beautiful
beings that pjss before us like) a me cor,
will stay in our presence forever.
car A gcutlcman, who, nt breakfast,
tho other morning, broko an egg, nnd dis
turbed the ropoo of a sentimental-looking
biddy, called tho waiter, and in.-inu ted
tlint ho did not liko to have a bill presen
ted "till he bad done eating."
tr Reuben, a slave boy, is to bo hung
in (iarolino county, Va on Friday tho loth
int,, for attempting to murder his mistress,,
Miss Clirt, near Fort ltoynl.
Wondorful Uoltvcranco.
Tho Watchman and Reflector furnislic.i
tho following ox'raordin'ry incident i
" clergymen whom I personally knew
was charged by a women with crhno. A
council consisting of seven olergymcn with
other porsons, wjs convicted. Two days
wcro consumed by. a long detail of clrcum
sta-.ocs, all of whHi baro thojecmblatjco
j of guilt, and which wcro sustained by tho
I solemu add vit and oath of the accusing
. party. i;omctimo'sbout ten o'clock of tlm
I oloslug d.ty, tho evidence being all adverse,
I although the minister solemnly protested
his perfect innocence, n roolutiou was
introduced to disjioio him- To this ho
requested simply lint tho net! in upon It
might bo deferred until the next morning j
whi. h request was granted, Ho then
propoied that the night should bo dovotod
to special prayer, saying, 'I bcliovo there
is a righteous Go 1 in heaven, ai d who, in
his providence, governs upon earth, I
believe I am his servant, and am willing
to emmit my case to him, after such on
excr. io in prayer.' The clergymen woro
much exhausted, nevertheless iwo of them
agreed to his proposition. Ilo proposed
that they should occupy distinct rooms
until twelve. This being done, they met
for soda' supplication. Tho two remarked
as they met, ono lo Ih? other, '1 havo had
remarkable freedom in prayer, and I bcliova
light will beam from soma quarter, I know
not where' While they woro in prayer
a loud rap was heard upon the door of tho
lumso, A messenger from tho dwelling
of tho ncjuser was there, with an urgent
(ntreuty that they would come immediate y
thither. On entering her apartment, sho
addressed them, saying, 'I havo sinned. .
Ho is perfectly inuoccnt,' Uy circ'jm.
stances which she relited, all wcro oonviu.
cod that she then told tho truth. She bad
bco suddenly prostrated by disease, which
terminated fatally. Her slotomente were
given to tho publio, Great fear fell upon
tho poojilc. A mast powerful revival of
religion ensue I. Tho man of God was
heard with great effect long after, as' ho
ministered at tljo alter, living In tho respect
of all, and died in the swoetuess of Chris
tun assurance, loaning his head upon the
arm of Jesus. And to this duy many
remember well tho emphasis with which
these words wcro quoted in that region,
viz : 'Verily there is a reward for tho
righ coui, verily he is a (Jod that jadgcth
in the earth,'
A Uoiiiicrt'e C.vvr;. Discovcm4 of
Giti Ar Wr.ALTii. It has been known to
a very few persons in this city for sonvj
time, that a discovery of great wcilth kaa
been made ia t!t intcri v of Kentucky, on
tho line of the Louisville and NVliYrjlg
Uailroad, hy a pjor family who formerly
liwid in this city. Tlio discovery was mado
by a you g njau whilo plowing iu tho fioH,
aocut six month sincq, Aa he ws plough
ing kisurely "long, the earth suddenly
gave way under his tect, and ho was pro.
cipitatcd into an imueuse cavctn. Much
injured by the fall, tho young man in casu
ting about him for somo moans wherewith
to get out, discovered numbers of iron safes
and strong boxes, which upon invoetigatiou
were fou ul to coutain gpld aud silver coin,
jcRclry aiiJ other valuable to n fabulous
amount Tho plantation upon which nil
this troaure .vi t'.nd does not belong to
tho foi'tutwtc discoverers, who only leaso
tho property, ond from motives of secur
ity they havo kept the secret of their gnoii
foituueti themselves. An cminet legal
gentleman of this city is nbnut inlere-ting
himsclj to secure the fortunate family in
the ownership of thoso great treasures, tho.
resu't of whove li'mrs in connection with
other particulars, wo ive in a frw days.
IvAiisci'lc Dunoorat, April Mf.'j,
William H. Asteu. The New i'ork.
Miiror sayt it isestiniilcd that one nf i ur
rich men, Win, I). Abtcr, has now a " re
gular income," of 0,000 a day; or about
61,10U(00U a year. If wcohh led to hap.
pincst, Aster should bo the most co .tented
mauin tho world. Hut, he ia n it. Tu keep
away tho gou' h feeds himself ou Grakairv
bread, uid indulges in a less gcncrouts
diet than wo do. Aator, ins'ead of beinr'
tho happiest man in New Vork, is peril p
perhaps ono of tho most discontented. Ho
is in law with his tenan's about ono h If
tho timo, and instead of taking tho w irld
kiudly, he speeds eight hours of ten in
reading upon tho statues of fraud. As
ter's ineomo is 03,0(10 a day, and yet vi
would furnish all lu con umea for 810 u
week. Such brin.' the carc, it strikes us
thut the man who makos 15 a week U
ju-,1 as well offaa Aster is Persons who
worship ducats placo a falso estiinato on
them. Three of tho best things in tho
world aro obtained pratis viz, pure water.
pure air, and unadulterated health. Near
ly cicry thing that wealth gives ns we cn
do without.
IsyJ U57.JI