AI.KM B. TATK, I.OGA1. KDITOIt, Saturday Morning, May 0, 1857. An Interesting Story, entitled "An .'unmojnt llobuko," will Lo found on tlio ?flfst pago ol to-day paper, Road It. Ilnoiti: i,oo3i;. On Ust Sunday, n ;'rnft broke from its fastenings in tbo river, iopposilc lliij plnco, and tvontdowu the tido eoina distanca before it wna secured, iTf" It U said by tho.a who nro potcd in tbo matter no toinina to tbo weather, that tbo mouth of April just passed, has bccn tbo coldest ono wo have experienced for 02 yoara. EST Tbo rain of Saturday and Monday '.ptivo an almost iniraculoiu impetus to v'og ctltion, ttnrt tbo crass and grain fields now laolc fresh nnd green, and nil naturo re joices undor its vivifying influence. EST The Criors Tbo small grain in tbU section looks favorable, and tliero is ,overy prospoot of an abundant harvest. It is short, but foetus vigorous aud sus tained but littlo injury by tho recent cjld JJwcatlicr. '.'.If'.ESr Durins tha past week, wo bad tbo ploasuro of seeing many parson, fromnour all nirts of the county, many of whom call ed at our office and paid their subscriptions and many now names woro added to tbo list of the UUum'jia vcmocrai. SSrVr.n WlLh. Wo publish to-day tbo now fee-bill fur Justices and Constables 'which has received the Governor's signature ntid is cow the law of tbo State. Wo have '"on band oopio3 of it in ncal form for Jus iticcs lo put up in their ciflico as tbo law dir ects. The bill raises the fees of tho officers absut 25 per ceut. t3 Counr. Tho courts of this county adjurned on last Thursday ovening, Tho " 'business of tho Quarter sessions wo arc glad to record occupio I but a few days. Itppsaks T" - - . wrell tor tuc improvements of tho day, However wo will not say too much as tbo t-Alh of July is between I his aud tho next term, and somo bloody noses may bo reas onably looked for on "Independence day." EsotiMOUS Ci.ovnrt Root. Capt Samuel Uniiiy, of Madison township, in (this county, informs us tint ho recently ; ploughed up, on hi.? Farm, a Clovor Root, Jlfleasuring twenty-five inches in length This if the result of deep plowing and good farming, 'ibo Captain has promised to depo-ite this monster Clovor ltoot, in tho office of tlio Columbia Democrat, for pub lie inspection, " County Sui'iutiNTRNnnsT The .Couvontion of School Directors, of Colum- 'tia aounty, met ut tho Court House, in 'plwin.burg on Monday afternoon last, (and elected William liunarss, Principal of tho Greenwood Seminary, County Sup erintendent ot Common Schools, for tho ensuing tbrco years, lie received -13 votes none being cast for any other person. Ho is nn experienced Teacher and will doubtless malic anoflicent County Superin tendent. Tho salary was fixed at 8100 per annum. tor May Taut v. -Ye'tcrthy. uc hail the pleasure of vitne3si;jg tlio ileparture of (Yo ung Aiucriaa, enroute for tho woods, whcro tlmy passed tho day, in playful .amusement. Why can not our youngladics faud gontlemon follow suit ? Wo pity tho ,extravagraneo of tho ago wo do, indeed, jfroiii tlio very bottom of our heart, and long lo sco tho healthful yet innocent amuse jmcnts of former day.i. Pilfer stir them up. iv. BST Disappointep Wo saw a largo crowd standing iu ono corner of tho Ha- change bar-room, tliis morning, and with eagerness pushed forward, chuckling to tounelf there's an item. Having elbowed " Tour way into tho ling, what was our sur- priso on finding nothing moro than our fricnd Wciohsolbaum, soiling Spectacles, f&c, "to tho people. I ca5" AMnRoTyi'E.s, Our citizens havo now nn opportunity of secure ono of tho ahovo pictures at tho Saloon of Mr. Davitl Ointcr, in tho Exehongo Mock, whero ho is prepared to execute pictures in all kinds Jof weather, and never falls to afford satis- Jfac ion to his patrons. Oivo him a call, examine his pictures aud judgo for your- s'eclvo. tST The sun smiled upon us fn its cheer ing beams this morning, nnd woko up tho birds to singing pwect anthems of prai'eo ito tho Creator aud tho creature. What is Wore pleasing thall a concert from nature's 1 11 rn, , (Warblers! ilicir notes aro suectest be-1 . . . , iCttUSO Simplest, and alwaVS ID tunc, bo- .... ..: . ' . causo naturo never errs with thorn1 Girls, get up early in the morning, if you want a ( scranatlo that has somo music in it. Hoys, do likewise. B3f TnuE. A fiicnd of ours, said tho other tlay, that any person who cmharkoil in Millinery goods inlHoomsburj, wassuro to thrive. We thought of this as wo pass ed tho cbtalliiliincnt of Mrs. M. 13. Rupert A Miss I. IlgbUon, and saw tho crowds that was leaving carrying hand boxes and other articles with tho 71, AVo knew not Vrhatcauscd this commotion, until yesterday ,, , wlien busy at the Press, wo woro called upon liy two Ladies, wllOgavO US an advertHC. ... ! b , . , merit Ior insertion, announcing tho arrival of Sniing and Summer Millinery Goods . ,j , , ' Rt the aboo place. Columbia Democrat. Tbo following nro tlio roccipts to tbo oITioo of tbo CoLUsmiA Democrat, during tbo month of April, 1857: M'n.llrliylloblion, S to, l)r JlenM llajanbueii tit Arthur, i nnl mai. tininue r real. iml V,. 1l0frm!n. 4 HO l'nii Ciill.prti 3 llUf jonn Mill, i i 3 SolJcrfmnlillnitcnliiicli, 2 so 4 iiuio, M. Illakcr, Um., S Oil Jackson llnrr lilnKh, Henry 'i'rciublpy aiDtitgomory i;oic, Miles O. Abliotl, William mil. II lliiti'iilieiidcr,i:t, II. r llurlmnu, Cut nl Hoi, Hoono, lir J.r. Tnwinrl, Mcllck t Creasy, Joseph I'ohi', a tiu! i:t of U MDOiionbcrj in m 07 t; II, l.Hllo, lil'l., o uu . S SO Jnepph 8. llean, !l () 1 01) 1 21 I S3 3 III 1 on 2 Oil 1 I'll Co 37 41 ii on a 40 4 I.'.', u on n , s; tin .1 on 0 on :i P7 1 58 j n iiiick Hubert llllroy, Ji'sao Nicks, Kffi.i lliinry llnrtmnn, AlfTaniirr aicari, H. W. lien, W.I' McMnl'rn. J.l'crry Hmlth, fiaiiinej Mrllenry, Jno . J. Jlo, V, II, l',ilfman,Es. rater Hem , Jacohr!. Ileia, Henry llena, Win.J.lloa. H.ittiitel Ile4,2i1 JiHrpti O lleaa, Thomas J . oiorr is, AbiatoM flninlioy. no a oo i i'i 9 SO 50 4 Wl 3 II!) :i on 3 3 7 00 3 00 7 Oil j on a r,s r, on :i 2 .1 Charles llti&hrs, KIl.TllTMIII.r, Alexander Kerr, Mrs. II. mill Mm It, .lnpnl, Tlvprlv. f..i,.. lleorfio llnrtinau, flporire Wl)rlci-Incli , l so . 4 111) 7 HO Aiiriiu iioMen,i,si, Ciihrnnn Aiicny, r.stnln of II. I'rico, 1 liavld lloiiilnlJ 511 JOIIII l.ev la, (lenrn W Crevellnj, S no jWm. Cnle, Kin , John Trenililey, lliioy, " "ill I'iiv.u . .n,Fi,:y, 1 K, nilillnc, Jalnen llefter & Co., tfnl.Nevhard.r.sq., 1 ?(,nl llnnlr. 4 (inj.. M. Ilatiltvln, 3 01) (Win. McNIntli, 3 00 M. u. Woodward, Cst nflt Dayman, S 00 Spocial Notices. TUB VITAL rLUIUentera every ornaii oflho hmly tlirnugli the circulation, diet rlbitloe tho nufritive prill' cinlu in every tcituro and llio aourco of every aecre. Hull. In n word, I til llio life of man. Mow Impor tant, llivn, Hint it eliould ba kepi in n pure and healthy condition. nrfry' Sarlaparllltx if known to posieel properties which, bc'comc aee Inillaled wllitlie blood, ilititilcctlng It of ditcaae, and restoring eiliuiuuj inture lo prittlne vljor. Cclumlia (7tiai) limtd. Bold by suiicirrtiMN, nROTiir.ii & co. "nilTr)FMOcirATio"NortNcn"ro A enrreepinnli'iit writte hooh as Ocn. lacker heard that lie had been nominated for Covcrno r bv the Djiiwc c Conveatlnnjat llarrl.-burg. Iio dc dared hlmarlf nverjoyed, and nvowed Ills delertni na liontotnko Iho atnmpat an earl day In an lrreUtlble unit ol clothing frouithn maiiiilflccntcttiblliliinaul of UnNviti. BToma, Ko,Si9CliCitniitalreet.aiiavo Mh I'lilladilnliU. Boy The Slide Savings Fund, 8J Dock ilTttl.ntildoarto Iki roll Office. Sunn, largo nnd mal are received on di'positcand returned ntany time, with tlvo ner cant. Ilnteml. Tlio offico it open dally, and every Monday evening. t The Five Per Cent. Saving Fund oflho National fafcty'oJnm street, iout!i wct-t corncr.of Third mrm, riiila.lclplila, now lias more than Ok MiLUosuf DolJars.ntl in.MoKTiuia Rrquhd lttH. nnd other tint, tu lliu bemfit o tie p obi tori. vf THOMAS V. MATTS01V, Itccclvftl tlm Vtiza f Medal nt llio Worlds I'alr in Londjil, 1351, for TRUNKS. CAUPi'T J1AOS, HooH, ehoei aiidUuma nrfnliiiducciiientfliireno'V nllVrcd tt purchasers oflho above articles. Thini jiiucldhfjIarRet ockt;)tr.nKB Carpel Hags, V.iliccn.Scc.y in Philadelphia veryciP or caih. Mniur.ictori"f!: 130 Mirket Hlrcol, B. W, orncraad imiirkct trei-t.B H.jcornerof Tourth. WOODLAND CRCAM.' Ji pomade fjr bcauttfylTiff thcllalt highly porfmued. suprl or to any French n tical imported, and for half tho rlco, Tor dressing Lodics HfllrUlifisiio finl, giving It n hrisht Rloy fippftuancc. It causes Opiitlcmou's Hair to curl in tho limit naturnl ninnnrr. It ri'iiuives dac drair. always giving I lie Hair The nppiarancj of heiug Ircsh thaii pooled. Pri ce oulyfilty ccuH. No no genuine unless igntd. rETIIiroc&CO., N. V. l'rppntoi"."tttlio Dotn of a Thousand jloiccr$.u roril by .ill Druggists. UQUALlTi' TO ALL! UNIFORMITY OP rRIOnSI A New FniTcnc M IlLsltCDl. l'.tcry onthii ftvm Salctmtnl JON US 4: CO.. Of the Crescent One I'rico Uk.llilni: Store. No. 2C0 Muktl street, above Bixlh, i'hiladiiplila. In addition to liavins tho largest, most varied nnd fashionable stock of Clothing In Philadelphia, made expressly Tor rclal sales, have coustitnted every one lilsown salesman, by having mirked in figures, nn earti article Hid very lowcsl price it can ho sold for rothey cannot possibly vary nil luiutbuy nlik Tha guo.lsarc well sponged andprepared,andgrcat pains' taken uiththe making su that all tan buy wi, the full nsuraiice ofgcttlng a good nrticlc at the very lowest pricu. Also, a largo stock of piece goods on h-iud.of the latest style and best qualities, which will he made to order, in lite most fishioliablu and best manner, 5 par cent, he low credit prices. lie ucii'ber the Crcicent.ill Market, abovo Kixth Blreel, No, 'MU. jovr.a k co. ONli I'ltlOK ONLY I iTlPl'INCOTT h CO S. Dash Clothing Warehouse, PouthWest corner of Fourth and Market streets, I'hil adclphia. The only On f'nea dotJiia Store in Jjmetiea Cash pitrclnsers of Moil's or boy a Clothing, n wholusnlc and retail, can. here, make their selection from an itiinienso slock of fashionably cut and well undo clothing , got up Willi niewlnglde satisfaction lo all , and at tlio very lowest possible selling price is marked in plain figures on every garment, all buy at tho s una price, an 1, whether Ihey am judge of goods or not, limy ran not bo decieved. Ono uniform low prica lunik nndl.'to, suitseverybody, witu the usua mode ofnsktnir two prices, andlikingull that can be got, suits nobody, andcliMatslhree.foiirlhi ; f-jr irslane atnin, audaflerwiirdinareeg.lotako i 10, uiU it'lse'i'lally rc rtaiu. thalhivvould have laken 315. if lie could l.avo git it, anj thus aclailly chit lie pnrchiser.'out of live dollars. To remedy this evil and,aitj,is:i in the tr.idu.MlTINCor b CO , fl a uiiiftirmbelow price on all their goods, (very much h low iho usual rales.) and, willjuevoriMry one cenl under unyl.circunisiniires. j-OAIat. AMI Bl'.Ca AttheSoulli mstcoruo oi Tourtli aniMarkcl streets Philadelphia . SALAMANDER FlllK AND THIEF PKOOF SAFES. frCTTTSlw. TUB I.M'.CI'.ST ASSORT- i9?i'SwCm'',,l ln ""' U,lilcJ SWles.-V-ftSiirtSSt Warr.tntcl In be o'lual to any! "ow lu'1110' n'"1 w'" t,,ll 0,1 f.'V iSB.'"' goodlcrms, as can be obtained BISkNf 'J '&fS$f ",,v ",ct ' "10 &iiUfl3t&&'5!',':ouiilrv. nt fflteUuXEttB 11V.VNH & IVATSON'8, fsSJiS' 20 S' ilU "" ''''ill'bia. TRUTH IS MIOI1TV AN D VIM, PIIIIVAII.I Report of the Committee, appointed to aiiperinttitdlhe llurji. tug of the Iron tajee, at Heading yrbmai y 27, 15.17. ItkADiHn. Much 4, IH57. The tindareigned, inemhers ot the roiiiiiullee, do respt e tin II v report, thai wosuw the luo mfeH, orisl iiallyagreed uuunhy i'arrelsaa Herring anil I'.v.iiisft Watson, placd sidi bysido in a lurnaee, viz . Tlio Hale iu , so by tho paymaster of lhcl'liiUtli-lihi.i und Readit.g Itnl I road Ci inpny. in ins o ce at Heading, mmiifirtured hyrarrolsAc Herring, qnr tho r-'iite in use by II A I.alilz, ill ilia slorn minuljatiired by livan s &. Wutsun, and put in looks uud papere tc, clselv nliko. The fire was started at 8J o'clork, A . M.,and ko I un until lour ennU of green hirkorv. twurords nakond half ch.sliiul lop wood were entirely co "uuieil.llie UU under Iim super! nlcndei.r , of l I suliscr Ibers .ineinhers ol thu tomuiilleo. The F.lq v"'" 'ii"'i cooled mr with water, nrcr which th t ivereoiened unit the bo'iks and papers taken nut y i H"' Oniuinlllee and sunl to II A. I.antz's store lo' piitilicex.iiulintionuudinirkedhytheConimitteo Thrthnoic and ta tiers laken I roni th.' Bafu . aniiufac. lured Ii v ear re Is k Her ri ngs tvure. in our Judgment, ilamteed fully lll'ieen per cent . more than those laken from livuns & V?lsnn'a p.ife. We believe tho above to have been n fair nnd im partial trial oftlic respective uuallliea of hnth Bafcs. JACOIl II. UVPIIIlll. 1IANIH. B. IIIINTHII. Having been absent during llio burning, wo fully coineido with the above sulemeut uftha condillnn of thepapersaud hook. taken out of tho respective Ba fe.. O. A . NICOM.S, II. II. lUrill.RMIir.Rfl. JAB. MILIIOLliA.Nl. SHrfli!!,, 1637. MITCHELL h OROASDALK'S iUi'Kit-riiospiijiiT. of rrilip siibscnbera inform dealers and farmers that i X Ihey have now on hand, a lull supply of Super. Phosphate of Lime, nil ennrlilcntlycomni o d It ns superior to any in .tliemirkut. Alsiusiaiiil y on innd. I Peruvian and Mexican Guano, Oils, Candlca.floaii.caliho lowest uinrket utes. , OltOil)Al.l!, riuitci; Jc co , iso,30Norih .vii.rv..obovu Arch sinet. on' load on Arch street, VaSvoi'i'i'itio cruwJed whirl. . April II, IMT. RAIL-ROAD AND PACKET 110ATI 1857. ANTELOPE. 1857. ON nnd liter Tuesday, April 7, 18.17, the Packet Itnnt ANTnt.ui'R. capt. II. 1'. Win... wtll commence runnlni! linr icRulnr inpr, dally, (8uriday excepted) between llliperi mill nitiinv, " "T , - i,rve Itupert nt ilo'clnrk, A . M ,'n nrr'vnl .or lbs Nliht l!iorB on UioO, W.& IS Itallrond from Wil- m . m tlm'n lor take llw caraon Hie L. fc n. luilroad ior Huraiilon or urr-at iiciij hij b1""" , v .. . 1,-avoa NQllllcoKC on nrrivni . ....... enra lYnm OrMt llcnd and Bcranlon. (ray ono a eluck, r. M.) niidurrivpf nt unpen etiny inn rnntv ".wmg n llmo in tnki! tlm Nl?lil UJprcsa botli wnya on llio 0, W. tc 111 mlrn rallruod, vlllo, llnrtliliiirs, ll.illlmnie. rulno'irs.iind n II other mlnia B um, nr Weil, will find Itlio tiieir alvant.i?o . .... 1 -t a&O.annlu linn III II I run. 10 IHKH 1110 nnovu J ,1 IIO, , - - necu through , without stopplnj oer night on the "l'tia'fcniera Trom Hie Bmith r Weal, liy lenylri liar rlfibiim tier aflernoontrnlii.vla lluuphln and kurquo hannn llallroad, and vl.i Caltawiiia llnllroad, trill muet the Tucket alllnpctt littlmo. mm Witkesbano and nna.t -Mrvlnn 11, r, 1. t.UMl Rlnten Mali Leaven Wilkta llarro nt 2 n'clnck, A M.. and er riven nt llupcrt In time to connect with tho MallTraina t.oavc llnpert nfter the arrival of both MallTralnr, ..... n n,lnl, 1. K1 n.rltrpa ftl tVllkea Itorrp auout miun gut. II. r. WCLL9, Proprietor Wllkea nnrre. April II 1W7. fi5 Si itfl S St ?J2t, CAHIN1U' W A It K ROOMS. mitP.iinilrr-ttgnrd rrnnrrlfully inTitrn iiib nltcntion X of tlt rubtlc to Ills pxlfnulve adsnrtnicul ofCaliitirt Fiirmtiircniifi i;iiniri which up win wnrrnni muf uinuo nref-nlnmorfniiniMi in n wnrKninmiKe inaTiufr. j hi linbrialiinci.t. can nlwn be found a goutl aiurt nientDi FASHlONAUIil'i I) U HINlTUivii, Which laeoiialin nlvle and In that of Phil 'fi, ndclphlaor New Voik cltlee.andulat low prlcea I(1. tin l.a nf iltUorrnt; ftjlpq nnd pnecq, from j$ft y.t in anu. uiviis, ihiiiiiciii . tiui w nut ntiil Mnltnffiinv. l'.irlor chair?, ilockins n rut cirv chni r.riann tlnoU, im-l a variety of iittlmUtorcd wimK wilt. L)rceins anu iinnoriturcnua. t?o'a, cnni ccniro mm pier laltU h ilctnslititf cluflVnIerB wtmt notn nmlcnmo ijes, and nil Uinilfi uf ftf lilonnhlo work, IHr stork of Imrcnua, eiiclofcd nnd common was It flam!?, drm laljIoH, corner ciir'joardK. ofns. IirfnUfact tnlili'n, ln-d. stcuJs. cjne frntniiil coiiuiioit clwiir, in the Inrgl In till (tctclion of Hi country. He will nt?o Ikrpp a good atsortmcnl ot lokin( lilivnc with fancy pMt nnd mm moil fraiiifs- No will ri'mi fur riili epritig matrrsffi fltlrdtonny of Icadftoail. whicli are superior for duruMliiy and comtort lo any Itcd in un-, Simon c. snivu, nioonw!ur3 April Bill 1854 17 GOODS. SPUING AND SUMMER 01? 1857 rgMic undersigned, gratoful for former )1 lilieral patronasct rcs.icct fully infcnun their fi-Urid uti.l riiMiniiitTtt In ci'neral. that Iki has roiif nii'iiceil liiifiiiPFM Iu his epnoiotiB Now titoru Houe, nextiloor tn ItPiult Bliuuijiti's Hotel, whero ho ha Jiivt rcctivcd, amiuu)i'iy ot Sl'iUNGANi) SUMMRU GOODS, comprising every variety of failiion, TJntJty an duty In, usually if pt Hi tho bci iturcf, Grnferics.tiuinccwnre, tlafihvnro. i'isti. -.Its, Hat-), Cap, llnntu, i?hoea,ic, vvliirh will ho poM on ncconiinnoalinti Icrmi. rj- Grain nnd u.oiluro of .ill kintlf wuntftl. A & S. ANDltEWS. Mmvlll.. March M, 1857, y I PKEMIU.M AGIUCULTUIIAL I3IPLR at. "NTS Wo nrenrrtiarnllo furnish Acricull i5S?IirBl Iiti nle'lientsollho very heat ounlltv luanufatt (HjSa Hired n't Cr Agricultural Works, llristol. I'a-ASaa-the loAC.t v'u-'h prites, wholesaleor retniLiu lllrlinlleUEo coniua.-i'on nilh lliose inaiiurncliireilby ny oiherostabli.hinciu- HI "" country, i lie nrsi pro miuni of onohundieil do.'.larwn, awarded u by the Comii.itteeof tho 11. H. Ag.-ic'lluial Sor.eiy.lo their late inhibition al l-nellmi, 'or o display of Agricilltiirnlliuplemeiilsu.nnufal'tui-oby'lliiuibllor. livery nrtirli soled hv ni ia wnrr,. uli'd to beat rcpre scried, or ihe.moncj rctiirhrd ' D.iaANnnr.Ti.'ft "P". ImplemontsandSeodWrreiloine, Nos.l2!andt!3;a(.iUthSlxlh styect,VhllKde,,Hiin. November 1 3-i. " .-rnnv Tt- ALL-KN & 00. Nbs. 2 4 Ckcsmit, Stred south side be low Water.) I'liilruic.ip.-"". n , Iln. it. 1,ii? ClTT ) MANIJI'ACTlJillllH and Wholesale drains I" !'' cut Mneliine.nndn llrooms, Patent Groove,! i UJ' ware, iraranlcdnot re sArinfc, Wood and Willows n, , Cords, llrustics &c, ofoll deicripuons, rfe&tc cl and exaniiiicour stock, I'ehnnry 21, IPS 1 y. EVANS tc NKWCOMKlt, ('oriaerylf'soait AVtecamer,) Arch street, abovo Third, Philadelphia. Hourta OF MHAI.B IIhb akf ast, .1, 0 and 7 o'clock mm liiiNER.Ocntleinen'soriltniry.l o'clock ton. " l.adieB, 2 o'clock. ' Ts. (fln'clockto 11. EVAN UVANS. 1 IT. B. NCWCOMCR Aug.U,lfi55.-y. N EW COAOII LINE FIIOM CATTAWISSA TO ASUl.AND. rp!IH nui'mcrlbcr rufpctrully irilornis hii friml anl t the puMic netn-rally, that on untlnrtcr MON'DAV, ttie tilh of April. 1P57, he will run a r weekly Line of Coaches, Drtwcen Catlawismi niiirAnhlaiul, ipavintrUattawiffa e vpry Mcmday, W'tidrfmiav Bii.i Pr'dav mornlnp. nt5 o'clok, A. M.. uud urrivtnc nt A pit Html it 1 1 o VI nek, A M., in iim- to mfptlhf Mill Cnnchus at Anlilanil, nml rfiu u iho name tl.iy s to CaitiwRn, W PhiMnecrs can apply t ciilier wi it t or nny nf tlm way .nations lVflttht ami ItJgngH convf-jr.i nn ciolcnto tcrmi, Careful drivers only cmpli jetl on BilIU TUU IU. CIIAHLE3 BTltAUSEU ApriU. ieS7. M UK I'll Y & KOONS, flUNEUAL COMMISSION 31 EH CIIA NTS, AStl WIIOLCSAI.C DEAI.ERa IN prsiB, vnsiKsi: tf I'ltowsro.vs. No. 47 North Wnrsea (below llace Btrcet) PHILADELPHIA. Have cnnmantlyon Innd n lareo na- Jmt$3r sniintpnt of riMif & riiiui'i: & ino &ZsJJ$ VltiQSH, wlmhtluy uru prcparcdtoscllut the lowest potsililp rales. flJ OItUriiM promptly aitenicd to. i'tluary SI, leS7. NE WMVALL PAPER WAItmiOUSE. nUUIO.V fi I.ANING, MANUrACVIIUKRS AND IMI'OIITIUH. A"0. 11 ire, Street, eeconj door above Auth- Ureet. I'llll.Alllal.l'IIIA. WIIE HE may bo ioutid the largest and best se ected stork ill tho cily. Country Merchants may hero bn nccnminodatud, Willi tut the iiiionvuiiienco of looking liirther, nnd nay ho assured Ihtil limy will receive Hie udvuutase ol 1'ieir money. riUKTO.N k I.ANING, March 23. 18i7 3in i saga USEiFi;(r5s;Iimi Corner ol 5th & Arcli Street, Philadelphia . Henderson & Co., nOOKSKLLFMS AKD VVDUSUr.tlS. INVITE tho attention of all Pcrsous Visi ting I'liiladi l-hia, u lit ther on Itttsiiiess or pleasure lo their liatrjurdiiury Collection of ilouka iniuu all sub, Jects, lloiikeller, Country Dealers, Teachers, ruhlie and pru.Ue Libraries, supplied Willi Uooka tt. Huiionary ul lowest rates. 0.0 linNIICUSON&CO,, March 7, 1657. fmt. EAGLE POUNDRV, ULOOMSRURG. StouiS and Tinware. ffllll subscriber Imvlng erected n lureo new brick J Toiiudry uml Machine Hltop, in plaro of tho old line, is prepared to mnku all kinds of cnslinc ut Hie lowest pnei I'lows lousluutly on hand. The sub scriher ha. also removed his Tin Hhop Ironi Main st. lo Iho Foundry lol, where Iio has uncled a hulldine, altogether forclloveg nud Tinware j, Tho Coukluir gloves cousiet oflho WM. l'CNN JflrilOK. KAIill rooii. VANI.Iiilt COtllCnnd ISPJl'AUI.OR rtTHVl'.d ol all kinds, the ECU IJY. 'tSlSMNDEIt 13TOV1:, ic. All kind, of rJpoutiuj made to order. JOiECIl HIIAltl'LESS. niooinsbucg. April 11, IBS7. MILUS' IMPROVED PLOWS. P ACOCK PLOWS, Wejin's I'loiis, Eni-lo 1'lnw., aiihsoll "lows. I'lows . Itidtinz nr I'ur. I I'lowi, Side Hill Piowsi Cultivators, Harrows, way.Mraw au l Corn HtalkCtittersi ABriculmrallm penienisol Hie my best ua!liy, nianufai tured and or sale, by 1). I.ANI)I1DTH Ic SOS, Implemeiit and Heed Warehouse, 31 and alriouth rliilh tl., Philadelphia, And at th. Manufactory, llrlrtol. I'a: Match II. 1I5T. SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES. Capital l'rlzo $50,000. TICKETS ONLY I0. OWINO to tha (treat f.iror Willi tvhleh our nindt Nmnher i.Mintiea havo been reeelircil liy tha puhllc, and Ilia largo demand f.irTlckala, tha Main pcra, H.flivAit c Co., will tiava drawing each Ba tar oar Ilirmiznnill inn year. . , The tollowitif Hcheino wll It drawn In eaehf v tiir'iiisnniit The loll'Jivlli their Lolterlaa for .May, irU7, ki.ado nl To bo drawn In the city of Ailania.neorgla, In pub Ic, on Salunlay, May 2d, 1637 CI.ABd 35. Tobedrawnlntheclly ol puuuc, on Salunlay.JlayOtlii 1857. CLASS SO, To lia drawn In the city of Atlanta, ucorgia, in puni c, ilit.Snturilay, May ICth, 1857. CI.Am37, Tobedrawnlnt liy if ll t u l. ' , a. In public ru ty, ,iiy -j, i r IM.AR9 3S. loba drawnln tin, ciiyot Atlanta, flcnr,la,lupubliei nn njturunyi uay juuil a u. 6 PLAN' or BlNtlLr. NUMIIUR8. 7Tirt Wewaail 7V0 llmdrei uni Jfinitf Priuil Moro than ono l'rlzo to every Ton Tickets. maMFtCKKT SClWMEt 10 BB PRAWN r.ACIl SATURDAY IN MA Yl 1 Trite of 1 t I tt 1 1 " loo Prizes of cSO.QOOis 20 OUIII, IH.IKKl is 10 mails ClHHI IB 3.00H ia s.oivils s.5n(Ha 2,100 la 2oiiiila S, 500 Is 2.3001. .Mollis I.IHIOIS 1 ,1100 1 H 1 .01)11 Is 1, 1IUO IS 1 .i.nol" 100am 50 am tlO.OOO 911,1100 lO.litH) 10. MID J.dOO a.ono 3,010 2 3110 .,300 dsllr! 1 000 10,1'UI 5,000 APPROXIMATION TRIZCS. 4 PrlrctKJAppmi'lrg to JM (itfll'riM nr. 83.10 4 H ICO S1U.0UJ Mil mil 10.0011 3,000 .S.30I) 1,000 so :m VOaru " iii in " to illU (iO.OU'J 8i0 i.ouo S3 UUAU- SI SO am 3JJ0 Prises nmeuiitlnf lo WIIOLU TICKlilS. SIO TriKS S2i. Flan of the Lottery. n,,a v.imHara Ironl I to :H1.0W. corrnspnnilinir wllh thoso Nuniboia on thu Tirkeu pri u ted on si parslc sllpsol paper nmi'iicirclad with smalltln tubesand placed in one wheel ... . . , , , 1 ...... ...... Did af.rlrltf nrlnleit Slid enelr. I III llll"t .IU 111..' .... - - - c led, ara pi i red tn another wheel , THO Wlli'eis liro in ' "i ir,'"j, n..,i .... ...u-.i il run ii from tlm wheel nf N.nnbcM an.l nt tlm sumo Hum a l'ri70 l ilravn from tho other wheel I ho I Number nnn I'rireurawnou sr-spn ,u , aU..... . cd to Iho- audience, and reglsftot by the Ooiiimis. sloners; the i rize ncirg pi iceu ;.ii.,.i , '-" drawn. This opurntioti is repented until all thu l'rllea ore draw li out. tfpirc-ltmtilltm rri.cs ine- io 1,i.-.i.. ...... ..... two micceiding Num'iersto those drawini: the first 18 Prizis will ho entitled to the 7. Approximation Prizes, necnn'liiir lo llio sriieiue. Tne a00(l Prizes or $21) ill be determined by the InslilBuri-olthc.V.imb'r tint draw tlm Sill null Prize. ,n. A.. i. tr il. V ,iiiil,ir (Iran lie llio S ill UUO I'rlze elms witu ao. i, in,-', "it ... the Number ends. In 1. w ill bo ontlllcJ I in SIM 1 Iho Nuuilier ends wllh Ko 2 llieunllllf I Icketa where the Number mils iu 2 will be entitled lo cm , aim so oo toy. ...,,lk fi,,. lyuruiicaii'i, i.iinar,ni-.' Ins rate, which is the risk Uortillcatu of TRckage of 1(1 Whole Tic1jpi( 30 1 do ilo JO Half ilo 40 do d. JOtluarler do i do do ID t.ulit" lto 10 IS ORDCRIN'n TIUKUTS OK CCIl'MFICATrs, UncloBC thf rnoinyto mir aMrPai Mr the tlrkeU ordprc.l. on receipt uf winch ihcy il' he lorw.inlij.l hy firnt mail. i'n rclurir.111 have tickcln ciuiine i'i aitv lijuip llu-v iniy ils(imip , , 't.t i.r linn. Nuiiilri anil rrizosu i II Im sent lo piirthnscrx iinnn-diaiely alinr tlu drawing rurclianfM will pfif ie wntoH.'J- ' im.aiJrca riain, atidcivt their rnst Oll.ce. Ctiiinty on.l Slate. nRincMlmr that f( ry I'nzc ia drawn ami ptyable in fit II without dfiiiiMlon . AUVnus uf Siuwi)aniliinlcr. aidimnMintelyalXftr llio drawiiis-otlitjr riiits utlliw iiiUal limu of thirty l' All conimunicatlona Ptrictly confiilmtitl. Add toss 01 Jtra for 'J'ickl or Ocrlitlci-ten to S. HWAV tl V.K3 , Atlanta, Gtl. rj A n st of tho numjrr that nro i'rnMi 1mm tho vMit'i'l, wilhlhtiamonntiif theprizo tlntearh onu it .Ml tl.CU l( Mill US IPUIMI ftiru aimi ihik'h i h ii.-. fo'lowiiij pnpiTri Aeio Orleans J)ttta, Mobile kc i r Crltttoa Standard, tMw4cn'a (Jnzttte. Atlanta April .'51lhv'" 1)REIFCJS3 & FEUETIlROKIt, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in French . and Gcrnln ANI1 iMILLINKRY GOODS GENEHAL. No C5, NortliThiril St.. nbovu Arch, T1'!! n.kl phin . TIUI fiubscrik-rs would rrppcifull Iit'rn Jn"'r frieudtiand the pntliciiitcncral, ihat tlin v J,110 tnkpn lholarcaiMl ooniniodioui t3tor, No. 1 71 iVrltl Second ritrcel. above Unce, aiul furnished it with entire now stock of (luodn, to which thry would inviiu iiiir particular aucniK'ii. I'onneBsiiig uiisurp:u.(3i facililiP3,anI hiving had At loiiRL'Xpriii'nci' lulhc biminefi, licid eualdttd to f u r i n their patrons mid AlerchaiitK nun'1 rally with the latest ityh'R of I'oucy Goods. Inibrr,nlerii't., An. nt uniiiiuullow rtrlrci.nnd ho no bv et net attention to uusmessito merita snare 01 piiniicpanoir.f:!'. jituiir uaa 1n.1t uit No.fd .North 'ihirtlSticul, abovo Arth Jmiuary 10, lt57 JtJlES tStlOU'jVS GRAMMATICAL WORK'S. Till- mtflT nOOK or Iho llatinnal .yJTUTff tiystem ofl'.njli'li nnmniar 25cls. 'Hl'ilt 'I HLSni.'ON'll liOllk ol inn Ration il t jeTSr'Sf svsteui uf r.iuriish (iriiinmar. itcslaued to teach theprocess ol Analysing thu Hngljsh Iiangune witu sniirni Jiiiu'emeni: nnd llio nil 01 usin u wiui gratojlical propriety 3lcti, These works aro niw used In tho I'iiMic Schools in the llrst Helmut Ditriel of reiinsy Ivuniii. Till". TIIIHI'lllKllv oflho ll.liionnl Hvlem of Oram mar, desiattej in ennhm the harntr In hecoino most thorouehlvaeuiiniiitidwith ho nature and of the Pre. positions, and may ho read by him either in or out of aCIIOUI. u CIS. IIIIOU'N'S ORAV.MATICAI. RCAI1ER. This book sets aside tho old nr.immars, exposealhelr deifucls. demolistr'ileaiho little usenf ntteiiitirtf! to lliuni.nn.l presents lo tl c Teacher the unerring and ouiv way to iio Uruminer ( I the Hnslish Laiitruaxe. 37scfa. For silo by Peter OrlUVo, Ud ARCH direct, 1'hilada. Ir'ebriiary 31. I9S7. . L. Pancoast &, Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND II CALEBS IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, K. No. 17 North Wharvci, rhlladolphia. OaMNinUS LINE & LIVE II Y STABLE ,v, N 3. I'KENIIS. rVi NOW runs n nor Oniiiihus l-rt Yi'ijai:Rj. between lllieiuiiburj; and iho rCf-A, VT W i;-,.i..nj Depot, which will.J.J.r , taki pnssoiiser. Iroiu nnd to any uf the resiliences o' the town, or the American House uud I'ork Hotel; mill uu will a No furnish conveyances lo all travel! e rs w ho may with lo so Into nny part of tin cniiuiy. lie linn also .1 l ir je livery slihla connected Willi thu omnibus lino. from winch he can accoii.uiod Ho iho public, witli c iiiveyjnces lor t ravirlliins plfixuro exoursions or i,ui neap. Illuoin.hiiri; April id, 1P55 ly JOSEPH FUS8KLL, v.MDr.r.r.L.1 jam r.m.isoi, M.i.vvFMTtmr.n, sn 11. Nonlii loi'Hrll srRC.T, (AVrtt Mill cornrr of .Uarlet etreet.) rillL.Mir.I.I'llIA. HAS now on li.iu.l an oticnilvenssottmcnl lot Hi. iiewc.taul iu i.t .losirahto kinds. In 'clu'liii; iiiauyNUW ("TVLEd not heri-tnforo iu this uiarkll. An oaniniiiaiiou uck is solicited be for o purrhuiict: ci.cuherc. II. 137 -fin S II curs AND sr. l.TZtllS WllOLSAIi. WINE ij- LIQUOR STORE, No. 232 North Third Street. (Above Callunhlll.) I'll I LAO i: l-.l'.ll I A . gencml assortment of llrandlei Winei, L'ordialu, and Ll'juori of every description- K. CniCTK, r.P.BILTZBB. October 7, 1831-5 ym, p. 25000 lath feiiiivahE-j, ron balk low uy M. W. At W. N. CUUAiV. CASH paldl'or II ARTMAN'S. CAprlU, 1SKJ b TON 15 COALI.r i.le'by H, W, t W N. niKAOY. or a. (Successor to VBIUIY ) IIOOKrXl.lIll, ULANKHUIIK .liaiui.lll UU1,, UINDUll AND DUALUK IN lMvonrr.D fe im.ntcAif srjrtom-nr, B. W Comer, 4th mil HKC" Tlilladf Iphla . (ion rtiiNTiN'c,) (book niNiiiNa,) WMi G. 1'KlUtY, announces to his frin.N nnd I'atront that ho l aiipptjlnir ,ii ...i..iin..i.,a n.nde Innftunerloi ktv o ImIiI. nwn MMuraetorv. Bultalilo for Cai, rtauo I DrrirtH'a At MantiiAifTs I amily lliblea, -y.r n.,.n.k. , .11 Llna In-nuMI Fr?fTl l.n.l 1'rlv.iln l.lhrkrva ourialiil'npi'n.Wraiiiilnj I'apcra I'unla. IlyUII llH-i, "ini'l'l I'M- wrwr-.n.-tap, I.eller.Nnle tt I'rlnilntr.ipcM.rlaln I'nrclinienl, I'nrelimeiit.ft Paper Deeili, Mnrtra;ra &c. rromiaia ,v Nnien. tvnior uoinre.Bennoii . T.v nniiTUAlT lllltl.i: rnti M rirrhid. thl IliiXc t m ftn arranifd, The pmlrflllof enf-h inillvldiialmemlmr ofiho I'mmly cn'i I" prpiirrvcdnnd til Int a cot leMlhan, the )nltiiliiroranordtnaryi7fiirortrait OMMIIIlliUd run tin lion ml for this purpou to nccbinodatQ onynuiii K..p r Minn tu ro.m dcitlred. Maj.izlnp. l'crlodicalit and old llooki bound In i,a,,d.oio i,ie. ,VM..i.rcimv. ruccmrorloPrRnv & r.Rttv. 4th Sl liace. rhlladolphia. March 7lh,lPi7, Spuing & Summer, MUM AT MKNSCII'S CHEAP STORK. flllli tlndorficnod havintf removed Iil3 a a i... ii 1 I a,, il,. . i and. lately ocenniedby II n , i w iin.imur, where iv tn iriuatcr tnereaseu lacllilics, he Is e nailed modern fiilln'sotlnientof .''nritir' and Summer Goods, V!,3un i Which he has ul received fro ni tho l.naoni (.itles. '1 501 coinnrlsiim liry Uoiids, Orocerlcllarn-wa re, flueenj. l.tlOO I Mnl (Joilar-wnre lollo-wnrc, Ilroes, l'lsh,Hnlt,4c. 1.0OU Plaster, Iron, Nails, (Ionia. Shoes, Hals, t.'aj.s, fcc.kc , IS'Also-UHADY M ADJ'j ULOI'llINO. 1 n s lion, every inii'R 'iruiiiir iuu"i "'"iw. lo which he Invlteslhe piihllcgnnernlly i ycr, i.u oner, iim irnr onu ""'""r taken I nexebanco lor Ooods, at the hlgest iiMtkel price. uexcaaneo ior unoi s, a line h,r. v. uulc. A. j. aiinovaii Illoomsbitrp. MarcbSI. Its". 1857. SPUING AXD SUMMFR, m Mi W I i U -a 0120, UULl'IN & CO. iMronrr.ui .ixn M.ixvr.iCTUnctts, 171 IUIESNUT STHKUT, Are now prcpared'tr, exhibit Iheir Newr-tytes FOR SL'IIING TRADE. INCI.yUlNO IllnUrk nnd eolnredSllk Mimtlilns Chanllv !.na Man MictllLis, rreiich l.aru M.tiilillas, r.mbrohlercd t-ilk M inttllns, Itiigled tare and Net Mantillas, Muurtulig, il.isiiics.Tnlmus, &-c . &c Allof which willbu UFered at the Lowest Prices. Olid, l(lt,'l CO '17 1 Chetnut Street, abovo 7ll, l'liila ddna. Itrch7tli, ISi". lHIlMlNOTtTGIAl7oTBINKT. F0.V..KKS, WHMsS & ().. 1'IIltlJNOI.OniSTrl AMI l'UI!l.lHIli;l;S. 231 Arcli Street, below Seventh ; Vhila'd. -,ri?. 1 n r n isu n I i w,i fk H ;iiii , n re iioiog v ,111 1 Slo logy gXytJ? Water Cure MignelUin, nnd I'honojrnpliy, v;u .v,03iie and roiall nl New York prices , Professioiiril oMinln illons. with charts Oflll eZTjilull written uescripliuu ol ciuraaer day flnd 'ovriullir. C'.ll liree. Mny 11 IfS'.-V v AG U tC U LT U H A I . LM I'LM M K N T S . I!PROVi;i) Hay Prrpfiflii. Iarntrr U'ilPrs ff&h'?i Mors- I'owerii ajilThrethoM. (Jruiiiirmiti 'Witf S ia Tuti'iM nnd r t 'i ir-Trf ol" varum trtK pitr.itis, l..nirrv.' 1 r naltlo fliaiu Miiln vo."iun 0. Aiis uny ei raw anu iouuc 'Culler- v.rlp!v, I M Ml UN nlOURIS Ic CO. Agricultural Warnh 'iMeaiid depd irrp. 7i!i and M irk.'U'.iildlt'ljKii.t. NoveniherSJ.ieJG, J. Ji. & S. A. ALLEN, .lYo. 7 and 9 south ll'arvzs Philadelphia Beaters in Oils. HAVr.always in sloren supply ofolls for Marbin ery. Uurnins and common greasing purpose! as o ows : rlperm, W'lnl er W bale, l.arit, Hacked Wb.lle, Illepliant. Orensmennd, Solar. UoilnOH,. Whirh they will sell nl lowtslrtus. Muy 13.IHJ5 r. IJLINUS AND SHADES! of A'Rir srr.r.i. V,. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 13 NORTH SIXTH STREET, rniLAnrLruiA 1 TANUFACTUREll OP VCNITIAN RI.INI1S. Vol 1T1 vet. (.o il I'.urdered nnd I'.iiiiteil rtllAril-'.R .,r I t.auiiiui uesiaits nun, and all other colors of Ilo. ,nnd 'senior tin iuus. i itiures, riiiuminus. tec, A.c , lVho.'"9"ld unil R lail, nt tha lowest c.isli prices. r"3"rllo."o &li.t'les painted to order. It I It' Ih.'iliK"'ll fur pvt p.UMiiiiee, reslertfully solicits tho nun.'e '0 ca" nn'' 'mi'iiii u new and iurgo assuitiiicnt, In.'ori! putcuajins, l Wo SiZd'J " ."ase -d lilarch SI, 157 iim NEWT.IQUOR STORE. NO. 133, NOR'I II Till llmSTREET, (In the I'asle liuil lings, Move liace Si.) Philadelphia. THE un.l'r'uad Ki faveto inform Ids friendsjand the tiublir. th. h" opened an etlensive LIQUOR MOUSE, in the Enie r,nlldins. NO. IU, N.. 31 31.. as above, where ha will be hippy to S'.pply M'rrlunta. Holel. keepers, and customer senarnllj', wili tlio choico't brands kept in Pltilu'lelphia. WILLIAM nP.O'lST, (Ute of DaeCe.) March 7th lf.57 v. SI'HAW JIONNKI'S Si HATS. AT low prices for Casli, a largo anil well retook ol IVomaoa. Missas tc ilhllilrcns, j r-,m, T,r r. i,.t ,a ,,Tt,r,,., n .NiTiTJ im.c a v mat tin ( n. o JllUfS. llOrS.I.YJ) C,i.'A-J UStraw Ma ass. AIlTiriCIAl., l'LOU'URS, tc IIOVVRT RUS3IAS, MISSES STftAW HATS. VV.ALTliliiJ & rtTAC'KlinUrjn. No. 2", N'nrtli 41 li III. ;Op;iuiu,.., Moichinu lintel.) March?, lcU7 I'liilailclphi 1 1. Peruvian Guano. El'I;llI PAOi: ha ttu?ht the Tar nitr that ho only jiKLi ahlh i'crlilzer ii the PE R U V IAN r: 0 V fi li IS M ENT G U K NO . Th" rnbfrilier, tinlo Ajent in Philadelphia for thoaalo uf it. hati now nn hand n Iurgo utock of J'UKK WJIIUVIAX (JUANO. Which he will settattho lowest Cash price, tnlots.lo itult cither dealers or limners. S. J. CIIRIATIAN'. Sole A jr v nt for rMladslphia, Ttt. 49 North Wharves, mid ''7 N01J1 Water Htittt. Mnrrh'lli, le57. 3in. joiin m, roni),, ma.vui'acturhii ;nnAi. in SADDLERY, COACH HARDWARE AND TRIMMINGS. No. 32, North Third St. Philadelphia. PURCHASintfl will liiiil itlulholr ndv.lulii3u tu ri ntiunu tuytock, iliuh is vcryualensivo ntul pur cliasad tor Cash; ami roosists iti all th. variety of New rJtvIo ul noodsitt my lino N. Il AllOrdcrs shall have particultraml prompt attotition. rli'pi,'inli.irH loll lyl OLIPIHNT, AVOODSIDE & CO. Importers and Wholosolo Dealers in ant) iquoij7 Ko. 153 North Thiril slrcil, Comer of New Street, V II I L A 1) E L P 11 1 A . r.nLU'lUNT, J. WooDSlliI, UtO.McALl January, 3J,la57.-y. APPR12NTI0E WANTED. WANTED immediately, by tho 6iib. scribvr. u l!OV tu icurn thu Tin Warn and Hherl Iron business, lu whuui ar;ood situation will bo ui.uu, A M. UU1TUT. Illoomsbart, April II, 1F37, LAHKIN it PACKER, QUCfiESSOllBtnl.lslitfiinifcrliiiedlej'.iuanuraclgren U onu wnoibsaieucaicraiu HATS & CAPS, AND Straw Goods. No. 41 Norlh STond street, neit door above tho Msdiaon llousu.l'IIII.AIIHI.l'ill A. Alrrciiniils visitinit th, city will find inn their ail vuntice to rallanaiiaauilno our goods bsforv ng t pl-ths lection. MirehlJ.ldJJ -y. coxsuainioN, I ... . Ufa vim f.fTMP.a AVn . 1J-.J enu 3 A Nil ALII, -.lj ur ifj7".V i A TllnoAT are po.ltlvely eurabto by inhalailnn, UlUlTY.yJ,,,, ih. remcdle. to i th. '"" .K,'uiin.di;ia'..neu;;.e., ..Vnii.r.nllav. Iho coiisll. time, a frronnd cnaypec- uJiuo'-i, h.yall lb. lui,8., purine, the blood. I mparii reiietvid vitality to tha norvnui ylem, flvlnit that toneandcnery oliidilpenabie Inr Ihl rcilor.linn of ncl'lh? Tobnablotnilato conndeiuly Ibal Coiuump tton I. curable by inlialallon, ltn inn n .oureo of anal Invert nlrn.arr. U 1 ,h" control of ineilltal trealiiicnt n. liny other formidable disease I ninety out or niery hundred cate.can be cured In the irstitaiic. nud firty In lliosccond but Inlhe I. , ', ' .:;' i, i. i,,lo tn tavo moro than five ncr cenl ,lnr Iho lunjsnre socnl up by Hie itlsasn n to 11,1 defiance In nir dlcal skill. Lvcll.llnucver. In tho last staaes, Inlialallon auurds eitrf.onilnary rcllerto ...,r. ,i.. ntiendi-iethls fcatful seoiirse. wh ch nri nually destroy, ninety flvn thousand persona In the llnileit Htates itlone ; ami u cDirecicaicuiaiinn ennwH Unit nl Ilia nrcnei.t papulation f ll- iiirih, elrht mil :. . . ' .l i. Illl Ilia if.ti.illiinlll..'i .,nbn . ..r. eVli ird tcnil III- toiisuiuptlve-s erase. Trui iiw iuni t "i death has no arrow so fatal n I KCiTs nirallkoihniiinvciii" ,-"" ""J"."'1; '""i '!T,h cVlyiS SmrpVrfleiiVfii'SdTn ' i&w;Wr. I niire Wood, and llm Immediate effect, nrmluced by their lennslllnnlnthe liins,U loprevont thelrce nilmlsion i ,l.nnlj.alla. ivlilrlie.llltpan wanll.liK.I lln I Aia i..,n HmntreellH. wh Ic lica II sps n weakened vita Illy lb rousli tha entire a ystem, Then surely Ills more inllnnnlMeipeel vrenter tonilfrom mi'iliclnei. enlerlni tho cavities t,f thcliinftsllinn from those administered through th' stomach ; the patleni will always find the limits freoand iholireathlnReasy alterlnhalinff reine dies True.liiliilatinn ianloeul remedy, nevertheless i, nettenniitftiillnnnHv.niid wltii more notver and rer l Inlntv than reineniPBniiniiiiisierruny me rtnniacu, . ,,.vi,lhepowtrfiilnnd illreellnllnenconlthls modeof ,.,i.tntatriillnn. ehlorolorm Inhaled will entirely If iidililnlatrnllnn thlorwo in inliaieu win enllrely He. trnvaeiiailiilnv In a fate minutes inrat isinir tho lire tiervioisststein sr that a llmh may lie ainpntaled t ithoutlli,' slishtest pain 1 Inhanniftlie ordinaryburn Ir a- cas will destroy llle In a row hours. i i.a inhftiMlnti nrnminoiila wl I rouse the system when rnlntlnrx or apparently dead. The odor of many of tliQ me.lirlnsa is parcopliiiie in uio skin n tew nun utes after b.ilnit tnlwled nndiiny be Immediately i'c luted in the blood. A convincing, root ni 1110 consii ,A,r. , ia oriiihni.'Jion Is the fact that sickness Is nlwuvs nrrnlnred by brfotlillif foul nlr Is nnl this 1,n,lirvla,.i,anCn Ihat nrnprr remedies, ran fully re ,,,, ,..,,i irnnslvn.lnilii.tercdthri.ilh the liinc. , , ., .i him,, .,iii. i,, eta , should prerliice the most happv resullsl lliillnt! elgh teen years prnrllre, i.'0'i llioutanils silllering from diseases of tho lungs and throat. Invelen under my care nod I have many remarkable cures, ryr n nder th" sulfarers had been in tho tail stages, w Inch lolly snwsnee mo inai consiifipiiwi. is ow toitaer a fal'ii dlsane. My treatment nf cons'liaolion l ririglnal, and founiled on lonsexpericnre nnd n tho rough Inve.tlp alhiii. My pcrlVrt nciuaintaucn with tlic until re oriuheretrc.&c enables me to distins-ui II . readily, the various forms of illscnse that simulate eonstiuii lion . nnd npplv Iho proper remedies, rarely tiring ni (i'i ken even I ii n single ease. This familiarity, in eoiniri-lion with rettiju tulnoloairnl nud microsri pic di.roverles, enables mo to relieve tho lungs from the efl', ts of contracted chests ; to enlarge the rhe.l purify tho blood impart lo it renewed vitality .giving energy end lone to the entire stsfm. tint .VI, i'nsl Oilier. O W'llllAIIAM.M 1) Olilce (hi i'lLBtRT street, below Twelfth, Philadelphia, I'a. March 1 1, 1P57. DRUG, PAINT AND GLASS Wholesale Warehouse COUNLU orTKMIII AND .M.MlKCT HTULUT-S. Uflicoin SoluikI rtiorv. vumtDEumiA. WninvUfftlfcnthn lo rmr finlir;''! stock of M run t'atntH, OiU. V.irit)-j?8, &e , s-Meitc.l tprly for our f.iIpk. ntifl comiiitfng nni! of ttin litest import tn out a lu the United H tatty, wlticli we oflcr at low pricPH. ior cnh or ttitirov'it pninT. V U MA X U r AC MJ K i; v a ry es tr. n ii i vcl y : I'Miitwin Punt White I.Ciiil, (in it,) Koiuintoii 1'n it; Vhilc l.uiJ, lV;nl riiiow Wlitlo J.patr. V i 1 1 1 Moninsnu' Trpnch 7Jnf.(Iie9.) 1'nrr Hii-nw Whiic Amcrlc.u. me, run ut ipt.t rtii'iw nitu .me. Silver' l-'n-lic Firo nml Vcttlhor pmofTnlrtK. (.ii rnin: tiri uiitf, Vt-liuws.uud coSitm (jcncralH. I'uritT'K mipcrior Alkaline Wlmlnvv Jtnm, C i in. i no I'rL'iich I'I fin (it (u'rr.iiitc.t ) Till1 Niv Jorcy .mc Uniiipiny'g prn.tucu , 'IM tun fe X1 !i'wu N. Y. V.irrmlipn, Itruo'tlyn L'rfaiiiiniu I'urc Wlnte J.cnili lt.iiiii'1ii I'er.iiarnMit tlrcoiii". Par.1 uhto Cm.nvba lira tidy, fit,, &x, lMPOHrilltf. Ut Trench aipt Lhplifh P late flhm, V rcrirh iiiiJ liny litll Cy'ii.ilrr G la, Coiorfilftint r.iijjrnuil Wint'uw Ulajf, ; lM(rti'rri'0io (II ise, 1 llaninii'r''tl Putc for rinrr nnd SKy-I.t fm, Tirmts. t;it.' Pfrf.tni' ry, i-c. whoi.csai.i: ni:Ai.i;uri in: DnijciFts' Artuh tt c'.tTilly, I'siinifro' TooN of nil itascri.itlone, llvdrnitlir ami lion :m Cement, (Jalcitifil nnd I in ml PlnFtrr, P.ip?r .Makpr'HtJliV. S.tin Wlilt. fcr., kt. ritliNCll. RIUIIAUIM tt TO., Stdr.N. W c iriwr Tenth nnd Mnrki t ftf.. r.icury. Junction York A v., Crow n At 'allow hilt, April 11, ItiJ7 Philailelihin. i5T:woAii!tiAOB kstaulisiiment IXJ1LOOMSBURG. I n' tli q, No1? brick three Ktory Carriage 1'uctory. cn .uain below Jlarlcct. T"!:.';r.r"I:!.r:-''!,;'!!-:,""ou""' Jl pub'ic, lli.u he. tin 3. in nil imiir im Uon. He I nremred toetrrntn nil orders Am has on hand nt reieniiin t-jiortnicittof ilulshfd work win h pure Lafceru wiitfimiit to their advantage to via. in i ne. RcrAiniNa, Will hiddno In the r,Kt prnmi't and careful manner atid tiponteiifis w hlcti rannrtfil to L'ivrsatii-fnrlilTSi. STItWVimiURC A. WILSON. Hloomihurg, April ll. 18.13. GARDEN, KIKLIJ & FLOWER SEIiDS pl!i:flll ANllfii:.VUI,li:nAl!l)U.VSi:CI)S, Irirrrry . vancly.ut wluilfhuioaiiil ri'tatl ciiiliruciiift.'ill th'i new uuit itrsirnhlo aimls, r'lr'-fully put iiii in ia, r. fn," the ; tii'l inil-j ur snj plir,l m hulli Oliiiii'st- Cano o"'''l. ijiaii I'i'us irraii?c ii-iiti-r .Mi'ioii, .c Alsu.uthi e JssuriniPiir in nniM-iou-iT. i'us.hipiiiv varieties lu u I'' ."r l t l-Mti t;hivcr nnu j iiuuiiiy Sreil. O'i haul Ur.l., l'.yc Crass, Hunt and flue Lawn Urns. 4.C., Ate. I'ASCII L I. .iI.'Hiui si-"-Agricultural linulnmcnl uil'l lml flurr, N fi corner uf "Ii! and M.i'kH March U,l;. 1'hil.ul iljiia 3 lilo lECi3SSJ2.MTs .lORWARDING SIEROIL-VIT, RUPERT, I'A. WILL aiici.'d to "ccetvinj and rnrwardinn hy u.mni i.rltAlUtL VD. '"I .Mercluiidiie and (reiht-t di rect".! to N'ft raro witu tru.npt'i.s-4 and de?pitrl fiuodi will In dclivrtcd at the following rail' per. lUd frr.ffhts en alt Oocdtfrom. rMladt'phin 10 Uimvicft. WiHtetburru. iMntnn. let r.tifB, () t"i 'i per 100. Jd does, 50 55 10 " liu class, 41) 45 Jr riM-II.ikr,t3,Kook.DMti3, nittmir, Ron nets. Half nnd Caps, UMni S!ion, WilluW-warc, '-'-I Ctaa -Itttilers, Hrx Candles, flhet( t.'rct('-Tri, Dyi- WuodJ, Gaa I', JlMllnH'-wara, Hope, &.c. IWCj-Alnni Ah Oitl"e, Uoniidtic Liinorfc, Irou, Uviilcrdui llar Lcid dual M liaises, Salt l'etre, ;c 4(4 Claute, Heir, tri"ir, Silt, Tmh, Tork an: licit' in harrutj.i'e'in'iit (u.i o. AI 1 1 1 Slonea, c, r'tVeiglitafroiii Ueti'lh)?, I'ntt.vtll.'.TannTia, &.c laKeunt fm-rati ries upcciat nm tract n ni ide fir tamo amouiui. r II tretebts nmtt hi marked taie of J. II. Uar man, Uupri tu receive nrompt Ptt(nriin. ui'ier in uoi juirii rrt, n, i MaJ, I H MUMIOU, llupcrt, rcbrury,'ja lf57. '-'nio. Catauts' . SPRING AXD SUMMER GOODS rOUyl857. TIIR subscriber respectfully informs lna rustninersnnd Die public cenerallF. that he has reccivtrdo fultatoik of choice bprin? and bummer (tootis. rnninrifinc n full utiorlmei't nf Clot In, CnsiiiincrB. Satim tiB, Uctuiar llrhzieri Caniotr,. &e., tof; with a srratvailety of oilier nrticlcu usually kept in uouniry nioren., unecnifvarR Hat:, run, Mo.iins.1 , tron.riieel. Tint, Cupt, Ituots, Shoes, dr. C3 Countrj' produce. nirliuUng Urain. Lumber, i.c, taken m rxchaiiee far snodg f-Tlnulitjl fur pintpiirounao lie rl epcclfully oskj n r until timet! of tho pflnift. ' TiIOMAS E.'EVES. Millvlllt. March S8.18ST.-y. miitsT AnitiVAi. op SPRING&SUMMER WH havo now rccoiviiig our Spring and Hummer (luoi'r, hy llriiiroail .t uurn.w uaml. on thecorii-r ol Mnln and MarUt itnits. The stochcoinjinresa lull assoruuentur Dry Goods, Grrcerics, Hardtcare, Queen xcarc, Ctdar.u-arc, Iloloic-u-are, Drugs, Fish, foil, I'laitcr, Iron, jNnils, Pools, Shoes, Hats, Ca)B, tec &.r. ALSO-RCA11Y MADE CLOTIIINQ, andtnlfact cverynamcable article ususlly krrllna country Biuro Country produce token in mrhnnpo for roods H. C & I. W. HAHTMAN- nloornibuic, March,'.'!. )837, SUaiMUK (SO AVVLB and Mantilla., for .. IIAUTMAS'S U.y 1, KJ1, POSTSCRIPT. Another Dombcratto Vidtory! TLo Municipal Election In riiiMolpbl., on Tucetlny last resulted ia another, grcnt democratic; victory. We havo triumphantly elected tho City Treasurer, nd Commiss ioner, aul carried 20 out of tho 24 Wards , nnd swept tho dun, from tbo Schuylkill to tho' Delaware. Tho con pletoness of ouc viotory is uDprcoodcnted. Washington, May 0. Tho Ilritish and t, ""V'"u "I'-".-- Government of New QraLtdt, tliot tho II in her controversy with the United oiaics. onu win nov uu ouuiiuricu uv lujeiuii powers. Ncgoti ,tior,s ith England will ji?1 1,0 'csucd up" tbB basU o 1,olks Clareudon lientV. aaaaaBaaaapaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaMaaaaaaRaMBRaBaaNaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa A VAMiAUl.K 1U0GUAPIUCAL M'OKlu FllOt LD BE r.WKD AND REAP Y i:vi:kv yoLmi man in tub la Nd iiik lipk or mi i slcb rated INVKIN'TOR UF STKAIMUOATS, iND TDK Falhfr of Slcam Navigation." OXC Of NBYIA'AXIA-S MOrT rATRIOTI V AND (ItriXU HUNS. K 0 R E K-T P UbTO Ono votiime octavo. Illuifratcd with twenty fi mpcrMy ci'lnrid nnd tinted f njf rnylrigi, fteruted lo tl.o It'll inatiiM r Jrorii Mr. rulloit'i original drnwini ; ri,l,"''""i,,,r,ll Iii uniPTouit (iivuntlonii in Etrein Navr ntttiin.futiiinirliin Niivlniitii'n. t urlitlcalfrniM. kc tt.- tft-'cthfr vttili rnpif ni hli cftrly itrAvvffi(( when a A Art 11 1 milium re i-aimrr ) i iiiim-i( nri. iij j. s rani lin l!lnrt, nnq. Author of Untied ftnt i rtntojrrn. fliy," "The Inventura'au'd Palcnlrn Ouldc,' &.c &. iMntli binding. $2 50 Robert rirtTtv Perliip liters ! no man In ll th Lrilit pal-uy of dithlahf'U Atucrlcaiit., who liav .tdnrli'd I he hiftory ol the Kcpiihlic, whofmscnrtf r I iiHifa tuki.ii?ljr pitMicintcd with ln'r Clr and lur toi. ("rltv, i fin ft fic m lit)" nftnio hnve plnrerl at the litnd nfihisnrhclu. Illitilc iviiHcii by J. t'runklinlleicart. of J.nrtfni'irr, Pn , which xr&i P.lfrf thy birth-place of tul ton, 1'" lii 'all I'utiliphcd ll has CTideut'y t.n ii l.tfior of lovti, the wifr Imvlng ppffArtnfd it ul lotted 15!" (it wllh a iUolity and compleuntm Dial J6 lienor nt once to l is ni nii uno ut uu ntnri. it I tn unly reliaulo or eatiifitclory Iilu of Kobrt rnlion, nuA takci itB placo anions Amcrkuii bjnrtinhitf , without tlm postihility of dUpute. Tho ppople who il w 1 1 In thf hrrnd votlpycf lli miflity MiaiissippUfhtutld he anions thofarhert and llio iridAi prompt to welcome tho appunrn lire of on au tliBtitic rvrord of the man, to whoie (tmiIuk they ate ta. diply iii'JeMed for the niran nr so rWhty deyrluplt. j Iheahoundinreourtafi of lliclrioctioo ni the country. Th-- lir.t to d.'inoiii'lrato the prniTlicnhility of nropclmf t'P(flii hy urasn, nnd In put It into eurceisOif prattler, hiicliiini to ha contiihrcd as amoup the chiff tticlae- tor, not only nr inn country hut or hi race, has loot In f ii tiitniitteJ to ho un.iatail.ih1c. Thdl Ihe pofiilnliiy of thu haditritrk othir nmKin.and had hrri orgued thcontiriilly.liuL without nny practical ceniuiiiitralfon ol th. lau.diiti nrt uiililatc ngninsl hi right to U toniideri'd iho fatlirr of Mr-am navigation The pat kokp in ifu oi mu ui.l.kmu; i , uout pw Tork tit Allmny. wni tha nnt ol hit littKlothi iliilinclJnii, nnd it in now, mtil lu fr wnt been undtrnuted, and will forevet rftnam itidifpulal Ic I'rom Ihe early (yiiiMlnr Fulton, the germ of hi luturc fame wu- n rnnized hy nil who knew him. and who watched the ilpv.'lopnici.t of his nlnd nnd of hli character, ni n plant of siront; nd lcuroii9 gruwib. nromlitn a rich and pn'Hiiant maturity The rtrst of .nr itciftui i s iDicre sung iiiuii tratii n cl.dit ni m byr f foiirtni'ii yenra ofnizp, nuikinit a. Ktirrcsi'rul eipc rhino! nt propct iiicn itin.ii: skid hy paddle wheel p hi on n coiulruclion, on the Concstopa, Thinwailn 17TJ. Twenty rlht )rnm therentter hi n.tiified all dcmbieri Hint a vewtl of large me could ho propelled hy p.iddU'.w heels ,'ith ffnm im the motive power Between thok-etwd eras of his tire, hi genius wa(l veiopinc itnell m miny v.iued wn(, c V;ai a' dr.niRht'man of ho or lmary merit, and Diluted with (rent skill, lie itupporledhlnipelf wild ni(( r, for many )'ari. derivinjj Miifdunteni from painiliiir nor trattn and l.imUcnpm, ntid maklns draw met of inaehl. nery. Thrn-nrls ho put ta pon(i nnd Ui-clul purpfne when ha became, ui he icon did. n civil .inu.....! tnncliinidl In the hook hefor- tu we have colored lithrcranhle plate fif ffvtralof rnltotr. ilhiftraitoiid of Ju- Vat low-Kfamoim " COMjMUIAI)," Mhidt frhon crrat orj Cinnhty of conceptioji.nptnus of design ifnd mcjlliy cf pxi-pntiiiii It In not oiirpurpnoe to rlv-evrn a synnptli nt tlm iitteifst.oK ; event ot the remarkably active and urefi.1 career nf 1 u Uon If o. much tens tn go I nio nn mbort cirfayupon hia ff-nins, and the nonrterful rcfttiid that hive fl.v.ved rrom hla print invention. Thcie two t.ixks lii-ve been very creditably performeti hy the t timr of the volume to wMch V linvialliiiieil purpose iMitlnciimlly tn rait ntieniiM tn tliat work Jhe'c is one ineident whlrh ii fnCclaiM v heeoi in, Ijnwpvt-r to i all tn the nniin. of n r fmtiudiate low ei!i,n. Dnrin;' the of I81'.-I3, Robert 1 ton waa of creni hi rvice tn hNcouniry a com wnutt nde wilfi hli.hy the PJniud Fiaif Rorcrnm in Dcren.b. r 111 for the pnrn-f. of einpl.MinV nn Iho Mu'iijpi nvi r, in. rnnsiinriiii. troops " " Miji..i.i . " "l " ,.i-Miii ami rau 'hp)c"ieHa;,uSn.;ieuiN;,Usr.' urrk allci iho arrival of tin-Vosunu, iu nurvnters .nil it was uion h'r.fsijsi.uruipatai.o.,,!,,,' ro niiniKling sonpral rrti. it. ns un auxiliary.!,, his on. tirlpatiiin. .il sali-ty to Ihecliy.nnU ll.o urcnmiilish. niintornbrilliniil victory. John lluinry Adsu,1. anrt An.lrp'JacL.nn both cmiineil laUonirresa lhovnl,,.i i. servicpsofniltoiintlhls irj mr i,or,o,l ""l"uu llosilesiultiiifintnuc.(,stdl.of.( railon steam t... sels nil ov.r thee on iitrj, plana ul d-re,.ro ,., it ino invd.ion, and ,.f nib auiutij nav,eali"n occurird his IhO'iahts, ,nl no littli. ol li time aS, nipcr.m-n. al -irilv, y Aniloiit of surersllons and rl7roo"'r5 inns mil ilo by b haie sprunj 11,011, l ,i,c man ,, I. I ,. cuccu.cinsirtiiiiriii.oi nam narlare of this cLiss thtMvorld now knons. 4,8 ul ul1' .1 o.iaiin: .Tiiiiiin on aim niaiie r D. t;oi,ron nf v. V k. n. I'spri sd in l;i3 m.moir. ron,i X" the I'hT losophirn h..i ii ty r ibal Slale, lu i-.-,7, sLoif ,rier ,h. ilonth ul I'ultiiu-niid lis nn opinion in I "ill. , aii,,! inipiiriaiit bcni-ru, on his .poclo, than ,cte Otlraae Piy., Nov. 7. lcii" "' ri- Tho iibiiiH.wr.rI. u fur .tl.. bv r c. Ilmdcno tM'c,rA,.'7,ri:,,'Arc,,'i','','!'''1'' Spring and Summer GOODS- I.TAVI .0 jusi ruceiv.M nnn oprncri their stork of iiuin now olform in tin. Toiv v i ViV; . at ,'iilion to tl,t .el.clion of llielrentiro ,tr f. lo' rrireand quality, limy flatter tl.emselve. that tni? ta comiieli! with the ehiapi, ami alllbo,l" , , I ohuy rbrap .can to vu iiioue, hv atviiig ,isa eal . hate all Hd ,,, ,;,, allu Wart.10 ,0"LV-j! ADlRtj' DUKSS GOODS. d,eoV:::!?,a!ic.f'''nc. Nd.lir.De Laine,, rerslailoll,, ciushaiuOaliVoe": "'.Vnirrj GOODS Or AM. KINnS fIces.Colla,. Ilnndkerrbiel., Iluunciiiss, bauds and t;lniiniii.' l,nronndi.ii,-in8ii bonnol rlldi oni, in lame variety ' velvet riiilions.niiil lnidsjlcld.cotloii.aiid lisle tlifenJ Blovt'H, .Hol.nir mills. Ac Wcinvitcourfnondsanil tho public generally to irivo usacnllbi'forcpiircliasinjeUcwheru. We have bonihtniir coodsnt l.owi'.l Cash Prices, nnd vyiII not ocuu crsuiu by an) body. or the rest ofuiaiikinil. McKHLVy, KKAL & 00. Illoon. lore, -Manh 3lvlp57. SPRIN'C AN'U SUM ill Kit CLOTHING, fJMIE uDo-rrijniid jrateful for past patronaje. r. X .poctrully iillotms lii.citslouiers. and llie nubli' omIV'?, ?:,'. lX, '" '"" fclvid from th, HI. ern t-itics.tlioiargcsi and most stfect.toskoT FushionaLle Spring S,- Summer Clothing, I!,,h.', l,Mn, 0rcl,cdlnUloDni,burt,io wnuli h lnller.'.licnllentlonorhief,ei,, andassures ihew linitheyarooireri'dforssle.atsrfai harpali.s. flu stocKConiprisesa large and sclc'f assortment of Gcntlenirn's AVcaring Apparels. Consisting or FasHenalle Dree, Coale, or Very j scripuoi, ; I',,,,., el , Cravats BikV, (-ollomlandkerchicf.. Uluvcs. Suspender,, 4e., fce. Gold Watches and J well y, or. 'C'V description, nnetnd rlicsp. r. .Il..-lleniclnter "lir'Hiri''CacaD Call and .... Nnchar,-roreiiu.ii,l,,f(loo,l, n. ,, J,)V,D LOWENMBBO. nioonisburg, .Marcli St, mf, HOSENDALH CEMENT. ' Arm u. 1837. i. II. IIARMAM. OIL WINDOW BLINDS. T)ilVLe$"Wm'Sn mi"d' Ju,t AP"14''8"' HARTMAN. A. M. RUPERT. Tinware and Sheet-Iran .Manufaeurer-Blcr en II. n Street below nurrrt's Store DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Till: firm of MUKHOI. 4 lt,(IMAN'.Mn di.,01,. .ft h'lTa ,".'n,C0"?C,"','. ".I "' lu.ll,. . eft iii tha hand, of J. IIHarinan, ono of ihe foVirtlr I'lnn, I would teconimcnd dim to the shippmj rubl ,,,,eV.7.Bd,d.,,;:.e,e!i"i""' 'tf-i Rup,,r.b,u1,fS9,lH7 "!A-'NHOB.