Bloomsburg, May 9, 857. LEVI L. TATE, EDITOH. Democratic Stalo Nomiuallons. FOIl OOVERNOn, GM. mi. F. PACKER, Of Lycoming County, rOtt CANAL COMMISSIONER. 3TBTR0D. SmiClCLAD, Of Oicsier count;. Reassembling of tho State Democratic Convention of 1857. In pursu'tico of a resolution adopted ly tho Dcmocralio Ftalo Committee or Tcnti' nvlvmia, tbo Delegates to tho SUto Con vention of March 2d, 1357, nrd requested 0 assemble at tho Capitol, at Harrishiug, on Tuesday, tho Oth day of Juno, 1857, nt m kvlnnb. A, M.. for the purpose of 110II11- lilting Candidates to complete tho State J'ioket, stud transacting nil other business pertaining to tho orginal authority of tho OOAULES R. BUCKAfiKW; ClIAinMAN. j.. N. ilutciiiNW, Sc0Ietaric. H AT.DEMAN, R. J SSf Should the Main 1-ine pass into tho lands of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany what will becomo of tho numerous forwarding establishments from Philadel phia to Pittsburg! Thoy will necessarily to "crushed out," for it will bo idle for in dividual ontcrpriso to attempt a, competi tion with that overgrown monopoly, whose forwarding houses will, inn very short time, bo erected at every available point from one end of tho lino to tho othur. JNot only so, but that company will also eroct.lhcir own liotels,at all tho principil points, and thus monopolize tho whole trade and business to tho exclusion of everybody clsa. And in addition t all this, they will in afewyesrs, bo able to control, not only tbo politics of tho State, but also its legis lation t their own benefit and behoof. It will, in short, bo establishing an imperi ito ht iinjerio, a sovereignty within a sovereignty, which wi 1 sson bo too strong ipt tho peoplo, and bind tho grout State of Pennsylvania with adamaotino chains which novcr can bo broken. Mr. Collector Baker. Col. J. B. Baker, tho newly appointed Collector of tho Port of Philadelphia, who has been lying sick of the National Hotel 3iseaso, for several w.eoks at. tho Gap, in Lancaster county, haa so far reoOTcrcd as to be pronounced by his attending Phy eician, comparatively out of danger. -It is believed that nqt less than tcven hundred persons have been seriously and danger ously affected by tho National Hotel poidon at Washington'; and some thirty or forty deaths have occurred in consequence. Among otters, lion. Robert J. Walker Is not" entirely recovered from his sovero, nltack.. Senator' Hale, of New Hamp shire, has becomo a thin, lean man, under its ravages. It-is how the opinion of many persons that thero wis a deliberate pur poso to.paison.Mr. Buchanans and that tho diabslical scoundrel hazarded the lives of thousands in' the' attempt. Harrisburg Patriot & Union. Androw Hopkins, Esq., has sold his puper, tho "P.tlriol & Union," at Harris burg, to R. J. ITfildcrnian, Esq. Mr. Hopkins is about leaving for Nebraska to tako upon himself tin duties of Kcgistcr of tho Land Office for tbo Nobrenka Dis trict to which ho was recently appointed by tho. Trcsident. Kind wishes of many friends go with him. IIij successor, Mr. Haldcman, is a young gentleman of abil ity, and of earnest devotion to the Demo cratio cause. Wo bid him welcomo to tho editorial ranks and wish him complcto sus- CJS, .Eroeoodiugs of Court. .Notwithstanding the storm, llioro was quite a turn out lo Court on Monday morn ing last. At tho usual hour, Court met. Presont lion. Warren J.Woodward and Associates. Isaao Dowitt, liltq., of Gio'cnwood, was appointed foreman of tho Grand Jury. Moses Gaumcr was indicted for tho lar ceny of n gun from Mr. Clark, in Oattiwissa township. Itwa'provcd that'tho properly was found in his possession. A pica of Not Guilty had been entered, but after hearing tho evidenco on 'tho port of tho prosecution, a plea of Guilty was substitu ted. Sentence deferred. Little for Com., Wirt and Stewart' for Pcf. Tho caso of William Whipplo, indicted for stealing n maro, lm?gy, harness, fly net and whip from Eves Patterson, o1 Greenwood, next cmio up.. Tho evidenco effered by the pr'sccution was of a kind which tho Court upon argument refused to admit, namely, confession made by tho prisoner to Jacob Gerard, who had nrrcstcd him, and to tho prosecutor, Patterson, who hadVsitodjhim in jail. Of course, it wa3 all "Greek" to us, the uninitiated, that a man should not bo convicted on his own confession', but tho ways of tho law " pro past finding out." Whipplo was dis charged and went on his way rejoicing. Ilo was defended by Messrs. Wirt and Stowart, Little and Hurley, for tho Com monwealth. Jano M. Berninger r. W, A. Kline. This vas an action of debt brought on note Verdict f r Plaintiff SOS 42 and costs. Oomly and Hurley for PIE, and Clark and Buckalow for Def. Com. vs. George Zclincr and Samuel ?iitlcr Indictment for not repairing road. Grand Jury ignored the bill. Com. vs. Hirum Smothers Indictment for keeping a tippling house, Grand Jury ignored tho bill and directed tho prosecutor, Kuuben II.Nicely, to pay tho cosh-Scutcnco of Court, that he pay the coUs of prosecu tion within ten days and stand committed till tho sentence bo complied with. Whereupon Reuben had to fork over. David Rcinboldro. Anion Wolf Action for digging a cellar. Verdict for I'M", for SIS. Buckalow fur Plff., Clark for Def. Com. vs. Jesso Buck Indictment for perjury. J ruo Ism. jNO prosecutor ap pearing. Def. was discharged. Com. vs. Nathan fc'ccly Indictment for selling liquor on Sunday. No prosecutor appearing. Dcfeudant discharged. Jarob. K. Edgcr IndictmoLt for assault and battery. Def, discharged Irom his rcooguiziiKc. . Judge Woodward, on Thursday evening, received a Telegram from Wilkcsbirrc, announcing tho critical condition of his wire's health, whence ho started at about 10 o'clock, that night, and consequently tho Court then adjourned. TRIAL OP McKlM. Superintendent of Common Schools, The GoVca'nor has nominated Hoory C. Hickok, Esq., as Superintendent of Com mon Schsols, for thrco years from tho 1st day of Juno nest, under tho recent ret of tho Legislature. Tho Senate confirmed tho nomination unanimously. This is a well deserved complimcnt'to Mr. II., who has shown himself fully capable to becomo the head of tb'at important office. EST" Two r ew and splendid Engines havo been placed upon tho Cattawissa, TVilliamsport & Eric Railroid. Ono is named ' II. A. Fonda,'' in honor of tho worthy and aclivo Superintend ant of tho road. Tho other is called " A. S. Divisn," the former President of the Williamsport and Elmirji.Rairoad. --- S6T Tho notes of ibo Now Castlo Bank nro now selling at 80 a Ot? cts, on tho dol lar, and tho Lawrence Journal isojjpjn ion that they will soon bo atp .r, 10" We give 'elsewhere, in this paper, E lengthy report of tho Me Kim Trial, but on going to Press, arc unable to announoo tho result. A correspondent from Hollidaysburg, whero tho trial of MoKim for tho wilful and delibcrato murder of Samuel T. Nor cross, is taken place, aftergiving an account of tho commencement of tho case, furnishes tho following particulars Norcross was originally from East Lex ington, Mass. From thero ho went to tho West, in tho capacity of a musio teacher, After residing thore some lime', ho return cd, to hi3 home, and borrowed from his sisters SI 000. This monoy ho returned with to tho Weft, and invested it in lands in Dubuko, Iowa, and Dunleith, Illinois. Tho property rose so rapidly in value, that ho commenced tho study of nicdieino with Dr. Burnhold, relyina upon tbo interest of his money to support him. In tho mean time an abcess formed on his left tide, which became painful, and ho determined to go homo. MoKim, whoso, acquaint ance ho had formed, volunteered to ac company him. Tho Commonwealth ex pects to proro that Norcrcss sold his land in McKim's prosouco that tho two star ted in company on tho journey that1 McKira treated Norcross with great kind-- ncss until he had won his confidanca and cs cem and finally killed and robbed him, ou tho morning of the IGth of January last on the Pennsylvania lUilroid track, thrco miles West of Altoona, whero Nor cross was found in n dying condition by some laborers on tho samo morning, proba bly two hours after tho coinmitsiou of tho deed. Tho circumstnncii! evidenco that will ho brought to hear against McKim,maybo summed up as follows: His departuro from Dunleith with Norcross aprarantly having chargo of him at tho Eaglo Hotel, in Pittsburg, and tko jtory he told the landlord about Norcross' insanity ; tho departuro from tho hotel in company j the testimony of a railroad employer of teeing two men get off tho train at Altoona, and go up tho track on tho morning of tho murder ; tho non-nppcaranco of McKini in Philadelphia to claim his haggagoj hii 1110 ""pot m company ding in Chester Ho was attired in a noat blaok suit, and looked very well. Tho prlsdticr has" engaged Messrs. Ho fiu, Banks fend 3o)ljr tA defend him. Thcso mon will, do thojr best for their client. Mr,linnimond,tho Dlslriot attorney will bo assisted in iho prosecution by W. A. Stokes l-Jsq. Tho.atrocity of 'tha-crimp invested tho trial with great interest, and many lawyers and others from .neighboring towns nro in tho place. After tho District Attorney had concluded bis openinj remarks, the first witness, John Callahan, was called. John CalUhan sworn I live in Logan township, . two and n. half miles above Altoona j on tho morning of tho 1 Oth of January last, as I was going lo work about seven o'clock, when I got into this cut, I saw a man in tho ditch ou his knees"; lie was on his two knees, wavering back and forward wiih his back to Altoona : before I reichcd him I tho't it might bo our watchman, when 1 got close I found his cap off his hod; it was .1 kind of skin cap; ho was uttering samo words, but I do not know what ho meant to say ; I saw, as ho was raising his head, tho cut across bis throat ;l passed but few remarks j it was a pretty large1 cut, pretty near clear around the throat ; under his oar, about his jaw there wcro cuts, but I do not know whether Ono or two ; I did not remark which side of tho head they wcro on ; Sir. McKonnau md h's men 1 informed of what I had seen, and my foreman and his men camo up ; a tocsmctivo camo along, and wo took the body t ) Altoona,, and a parlyof us remained at the scene; ono of themfounda razor and a club upon tho ground ; after tho razor was. found they wanted me to go to Altoona and tako the razor ; I did so, and gavo it to somo one ; there wjs a travelling bag found also upon the ground ; it looked like a fiddle with a green cover on it ; 1 do not know what else wa3 found. The razor found by Norcross' body was shown witness and ho remarked that it looked like tho one he had seen Tho club, a stick about two inches in thickness and four feet in length, tho witness also thought was tho same. Tho carpet bag and fiddle bag, to the best of his opinion, ho thought tho sa'iie; also a shawl that had been around Nor- ros.a. Cross-examined. No ono went with mo to Altoona with the razor. It was between ono and two hours after I saw tho body that tho razor wa3 found. 1 cannot say that is tho club. Thomas McKcrnan, cross oxamincd. I'bellcvo all tho articles boforo mo to be tho saino from thoir general appearance ; I am sure it'was'blood I saw upon the rail; I picked up tho club and examined it; put it back where it camo from ; I havo not seen tho articles since until this wcok ; I recognize tbo vest by tho color and tho stuff ; I rccognizo the razor by its color and tho blood upon it. (Razor shown him.) I think it is still blood upon it. (Witucss described dress of Norcross.) Tho shawl was upon tho man, across liis breast, and clasped in front ; his boots I never saw, unless I saw them' on NorcroEs; Norcross I should judge to have-becn about fivo feet seven inches in height. Valentino Dillcr testified to'tho finding of tho body, its removal to Altona, and the blcod found on various parts of tho track lie identified all the articles except the coat. His cross-examination elicited noth- ing'worthy of note. John M'Chartcrs sworn Kccp.i tho Eaglo Hotel in Pittsburgh ; identified Fox Lako Bank bill as ono ho had fivcu in chango to a man named Norcro'3 in pay ment of hi3 bill. Hotel register of the Eagle Hotel produced. Norcross camo to my hsuso on tho 1-lth. had his name registered, and, also, as lies aid, that of hi's fncndr David McKinney, of Philadelphia .saw Norcross and defendant in company frequently ; when former paid tho hill, saw a twenty dollar gold piece in his possession, and other monoy. Samuel M 'Masters, clerk of tho Hotel, testified to first seeing Norcross and defen dant at the hotel in tho morning, after coming out from breakfast. That McKini leaned over the counter and told him, confidentially, thit ho had great trouble with Norcross ; that ho was subject to fits, and at times it would tako two or thrco men to hold him ; that tho night previous ho, Norcross, had slipped out of bed, and awoke him tho defendant by attempting to beat his brains out ngainst tho wall. Witness was further informed by defendant that ho was taking Norcross from tho West lo his friends in tho East, and that ho had groat trouble with him, as ho mado every endeavor to commit suicido whilo laboring under one of thoso fits. Jacob Shiinbro, the ostler nt tho Eaglo Hotel, testified to taking the baggage from tho Pennsylvania and Ohio baggugo room in Allegheny, to tho Pennsylvania depot in Pittsburgh, and to scciug tho meii at Ho docs not ro- B t , w, MIW.WW IIIIW II. I l...flWM.JiMIMH,,IWW.IIMIIW.IIIIll-WIIIM aTout a quarter of an hour, ho called forcing granted until they ho tested JlJt WccUy. I' brandy, but. did not gpt-up stairs; I saw and proved its truth. Hcnco If the " voico t-'ru"a J J Vftltinlllp Konl FtefiHo him again at flight o'clock in tho evening ; of the people," Is not ' the lA of QoJ , g W i tt.CSSCS, , , L n j i V. . n 't ,.7. T. 7,,'. ho mado himself known to mo by saying 'it approximates; infallibility mpro jicafly , i undii.i.-.i nn.iinir.f that ho had kn'own mo when .quite a child , than any opinion limited to a dnglo' of. , THE FOltG BU CONVICTED sjtfy fi.A ho staid nil night and wont up .fairs with possibly can. , ' , 4. j i oiw . : iivn ih, a,, -.or. -h hMj...i t. p; .""' nu,,; of mn mid rmiiiifnml until morning) I had Apply thisru' n rcrhedlOS for CX- Aiillinrnrllf.f('rh(!AiroJey7yisirflc w lilrh Hip ro.l.t nii- hum Jerni-ituivli in lllocfti. mi r . t "Gemot mm nn urn i m i ruvrm nil anu niur ,11 . .1" . , 1 It ... " " ... ..7-. i.- conversation with mm, no torn rao uiai no nuu " "S ;'""r..v: i tut.,. WiiKXnd. orniifla..i.hii,t, . Of - mi puns oiiiuo uioucruy i ruir ii.ui.uu( j,. t Hi nittntifr In which Uuiiit trrffttft m Macule their iriiuiln, n ml IhuMiml hiiiI hutt''it mratiR of I.n.1 t.riAti nnnnrvnit in ImOninir n. h Oil fin ill.famo in Philadelphia, and. thai liU wifo'ond what is tho result. For every ono ,triiJtii? - .. t i ... I .1 nf-. . ! .. tin. . t A,i f.i -.. il mii im (a I kn ttrintttl had been doad about fourteen mojitbs ; lio ' numan ocing, who places conuucucu iu ........ "j;p.ej,,M;f. cclici said that ho lived in Philadelphia, in Tenth, any other mcuicine, at least ono-ininarcu CrcatcU Discovery of the Present Century ib.ivo Poplar; this house iu Heading was 'rely implicitly upon his Pills and Ointment, for Detecting Counterfeit Jiank Notes. tho same kind that ho said ho had kept In I and prove tho laith that is in them by using ' J''1' "7iU' ""JliuiimfcHnJm. all Arrnngpil innilmlrnMjrilh.'it Uufrjreneo la Ciy ami Pliiladelnhia s ho staid nt tho houso until I thcso remedies lo tho exclusion of afternoon, and liicu wont out and bought other. Look at another significant fact, ''tmlrwmfnoi No P,n i,ni-,Pi-this watch and a piirofeanrings, , Among tho class of medical dogmatists, g .'Sti!,' -?:! f watch and chain iilontiliea ;) lio returnca , lortunaiciy ior manuiiiu uiiiiinisiiing every y.vguth, mm na uctmnn 1r .1 i. .i."f'.i:l, u'.J. '.Anv Wlin ilpnV thn I'fliciov of Ilollnwav'fl beforo dark with'1 these 'nrticlos, and mado men present of tliom Iuovcr saw tho man In my life boforo until tho day of this occurrence ho (old mo that ho had plenty of money, and I novcr should want for anything ho proposed to tako care of mo, ns 1 was in La I ho jlth, and that after I got well ho would tako mo out West to my peftplo ho proposed to marry me, and I wouldn't do it, for I thought that I would lilto to get a liltlo bctt6r acquainted ho stayed in tho houso all night again, in tho samo room, and tho noxt morning I think that ho left at an early hour that samo day, at '3 or ! o'clock in tho afternoon, ho called the presents wcro nude on Friday, but at tho interview just named ho said ho wanted lo tako iny3clf and Charlotte hero, iDiijietcie's, and she mid tb Poltsvillo this prop 'sal camo first from tho prisoner, but ho did not say what ho wanted with us tho next day, (Sunday,) at -1 o'clock,, ho scut for Charlotte McKcnzio and myself to go. Sleigh riiling wo went, and MoKim and Charlotte talked ubought getting ready to g) away 'nest morning, nEtDINO TUB NEWSPArEU, I was present on a Saturday night when an article was road to him from a news paper, but I do not know what tho urticlo was. Cross-examined 1 do not Know whether it i3 customary for people of that oaractcr to tako falso names or not I never did so I cannot road much, and do not know figures', but 1 know a fivo dollar note, and that's all tho t-heriff got the watch I Tlml each Muy.ruau ilio t.iuio In lili onn N'ltlvo Mo'stptrfict Ianh Note List Published. Aluo n lift of nil Hie-' rntVATT. iiANiaiua in AjinntCA. A fflinileni'fiuinmtry il tlie Fiif.NCK r i'.niiorE amd Am. met will lin iiiibll.litii in (ntli fililinii. lOgi'Uier with nil Hie Iniporlnnl N i:VH or Till; II. V. Aim, A suiiir.s or talks l'rnm nn nt.l Mttnn tcrlpi I'minil In llio.tlmt. It fur lilibll IU4 mo.t compli te binary ot, LII'E, Anil iloRcrltilna tlio mo.l iipliilpxttig nn.ltlnn In I wlnrli Ilia lni!li;iniltfj.itlomcii of llut country hnvn as thero WJs'of tongues in llabcl. Doctor '' o oiirn fuuiiii. rum ohm win cuiitinuo n a u. v b 1 1 irniii! hout i in w in W vcnMiml will niovc the moil Dcnlotus will rccoininond blistering, bleed- ciui'nniiiinsevoroirerui to tiinpuiitic. i '. nS-rntnulic, ivosk v to Hiutciibori only, nt $1 n day, who deny tho cfiicdoy of Holloway's preparation', scarcely any two agree. vrho proscription of each practitioner dif fers as widely from that of his neighbor, as it doc3 from Holloway's. Submit any oasc, ordinary or extraordinary, lo a hun dred so-called " regular physicians," and you will havo as much confusion of opinions letmneci ttiurountu be I uniting. ,'ILSO, A IIOL'BH N1 LOT, wllh tlio linptovt inoiilx llirrcon urcctoil. nitloinliiff tl afnta. ntil tmcl ofj.nml. IH-'lVriiH unxIcrntR Aitittcri tho ndveillrrr, it Jertytowii,Colninbia rnntity, I'n. VAI.LNlINi: tVEI.I.lVCK. April 5.1, IM7-31 ing.sudorifics and blankets; Doctor Uraco rup will prcseribo quinino and jellies and throw tho doors and windows open. Tho patients perplexed in tho ostrcmo or ra. thcr perplexed between two extremes will perhaps try both, or possibly adopt tho idea, that a system involving such con tradictions cannot bo worthy, cry, with Mercutio, " a plague o' both your houses, I am sped," Certainly when wo find that ono half of tho adult population of tho known world havo used and npprovod Holloway's med icines and that tho remainder are subject ed ti hundreds of modc3 of treatment so opposito to each other that no two of them can by any possibility bo right, wo may fairly concludo that tho verdict of tho consistent half of mankind is correct and truo, The timo has passed, never to return, when tho dictum of theorists could out weigh incontrovertible facts. If thousinds of invalids who have exhausted tho materia mcdica nnd consulted tho lights of all tho Mcdioil Schools in vain, recovered by the aid of Holloway's remedies they must ne cessarily tako picecdonco of all others. year. A 1 1 Jalti rt inuit ho nihlrtft-ntl to ' JOHN' a. I1VC. BnUr PiiUnticr and rroprlolnr. 70 Wall t.. ww Yoric. ESPVTOWN NEW ST011E; Ttin umlcmgurri, having atrocltlcd mother lit Hip Mrrcnntite ItumnCM. tako pleniitra innim-tuncim to their iriemlK nnu mo puouo in general, urn mt'ir new Btoro Ilouc, Jocated on Main itreut.'cunlritl In Ipjtown, Uoiuinuia county, lias jusi uccu biockcu witu New Snruts Goods. Coitpripin? nn eTtmivPHiortmeniof Clolhi, Cfinl IllCrt'" VCFlllllJB lIIBl(lt. Hlllt'H. till II cvrrjf in in-I cr lire In tliu wv.irln JJttc, mcl'itliits It mil wnrnj China, n.ifihii nml llollutv wares, (Irocvrii1 rtnpnr,, Coir.-c, HIctsMnlnsMofl rlc.,etc, with alt other art, clcs uf cntnincrco utopli-J lo fount ry ilorcn. ALHO-llBAD Y MADE CLOTHING H3-Craln, l.innbir, rrorislonn. t'roitncc, &c, uf ull kliiiln,uikon In exctiangu fur mrrrhanillxi'. ii. r. nuiniiAni), n o. CllUVCLINO. njpylown.Aprll.4,ieS7, Spuing and Summer GOODS. THE undersigned rcspootfiill) inform tlirir rnttninrrs n nil I lie pub Mr gr-nr-rfllly. llint thfy li'ivrl'itl rfccivtit at tlirlr new II rick Btorr- limine, in I.itfliititrrct, n Biilcct nriinrtiiiitiit ol laifilntibLIu Spring and Summer Goods, illtrrt from thn Unilcrn cltlcn, caniiri:n M tho nrlnii ynlcctlnnr lo lin fniinl hi CotuilrrRloif, t:enl-tirs of Clntlu. t'mtlnicrril.. t)elnlii,'Urarfi. Eallnoeil it Tojeilur Wlliin.l kluill of Drf ft jnCil, for tlu'laillpp. , ,'s wnAn, or Atuoux Vl'.ltV BOUT AND HTVI.I). I.Mlll'.STALMASimoSIIArl.ltAtVLP Ac. (Irocrrli-x. Molaatri. Bunri, Teai, cnfTcp. Pplef, nml in linrl,cvor) Itilnir In I h- ny of Mcrrhanilltr. nr.AHV MAIib UI.OTIIINtl, nl ever ilracriptlnn tri-Iriin,Slrel,NiiiU.Siilk,yFirlnti kt iryTliankful for patroiindo. itnlllh their sittillniiii nltn to pleniie thelt ciutomeri nnu to g,lc tunrnl cltllfaelicn. " (, , . tl, l r.nn.r... ti , . c , in, uui,,,n, I.ltlil Bireet, iill 11, lei" CHEAP STORE. SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. '"JIIB undorsicned take pleasure in on- M notinclnit tu tlitlrrii&lomeri anil the nnbllr nily, Ihntthey have Jiif t ircnvcd. nt the lilme HiJifit tiiore n choice oiportiopnt tf Spring and Summer Good?. Comprising every article usually krpl iu (,'nitntry Btoro. which hnvr lirrn prttil wiih raio, a nil will be puM nt very low prieei lor rcmly pal. UW GOOS. onilnlnf of n liirce v.nrlely of L'lotlu, Caialmcri. eliiince. llrnzcif.Calicoei, &.e. tr Country nmilure tnken I n exrtionee for r,,oi?i H .Iu.. .nil. Mulm ..,) ... .. Itonlfl..! LWV OP I.r.TrnR8 rcinnlnl'i; In the I'oit Office ut lltoomshllrg, I'd., April ht, ltf37. AlHiniuler Ccornc 3 l.nro I.Vitia U.ililnln Win. don't fed at all disappointed that MoKim j Thoy have doim so wherever they have) did not carry out his promises 1 would . boon introduced, J.Iioy aro not tuo pet rather he had not have done it, but 1 think medicines of a clique, or a class,or a tin that ho treated mo badly. ' I f 0 "w'y- f, ' ; Pf ro:i- f.Iin inhnn Ii nlut a til n vnfifi inn tlinntrn nl oiiarlottb m'kensie. lbe!r triumphs. N. Y. Sat. Even. Post. Charlotte R. McKcnsio, sworn In . ,. January last I was staying at tho houso of -j-H 13 15L00MSUURG MARKET. Mis Susin ftninnrp. rn. 1 Wiilnnf. slrrio.t. t . it it t.n Uulttil.iJlx.lJ Wf.Lilvl. 1 .11 UAUlAA ablUUU nun x Daw II1U IIISUUUI 111U1U UU VI11UU1 ll.U , 21st- or 22il ho came there on Thursday heat - . . .... i noon I heard Miss ISamoro call him -vu Hum H.unilel Krtiwn. J. A. I) r. Iliilini Calliirnm t.'liotiilierl.'iln Win Cliil-ty Inlin II. L'rceni Cornelius Tint Joint Freese Jojnti (iihli Henry 1'. tllllard Samuel llcnlcv U'. O, llartman Jaeon Mill ti'rilicn II, lUpkins Uleiizi z;iuit FrpiJcriek UalilcrTliiiiiiiivnn CJ-TerBons c.illini for ttm atjove Icltcru will pt3io eay mcy are uuvertlsCit. UNANGST, P. M April 4.1M7. M'Cllntock Andrew Klclianl, Pinion rfcifr rr.mcU Pfnfer Clurlel t Her fii-ome .Keestr llelietca Itur.el v ol Ilvait John Jflchnieycr Peler SKImv.nn Mn rv 'StruiiiicrlteiiJ.nmln I'ovey lienree Witflilnjton rjeorgn VIi tleo rce Wlowey mien 31 t.'ibaequcut appearance in Pottsvillo with two .'cwd women j his reckless squandering of caonsy, and subsequent disappcarauco when kuspfcion was arroused. On Mo.nda7.. Dr. Uuruhold, of Illinois, tsr CoI.Wm. P. Small, who has been arrived; anl ovcrai ouier witnesses ttont confined, .during tho last year, io tbo j tho West. Tbo .morning train brought tho Woyamonsing Prisou,for contempt of Court, 'two lewd woman who acrompaniod iMcKim was last Tuesday roleased by. an Act, ofto r0tuville, and ths irapcrtant witness, Aisembly, vUunnor, in chargo officer. iSrOol. J. M," B, Pmnii, tbo Saturday, nt 2 o'clock, P. M McKim Member of tho Legislature from Lyoom- w" brought into court to swear out an ing,g dangerously il at Harrubnrg. attachment for two of his witnesses, rcsl cognize McKini, but remembers tho trunlr. On Saturday morning tho trunk of Nor cros was to bo opened nnd examined, 'iho court then adjourned, THE l'LOT AT POTTSVILLE. Kate Nagle, swurn In January lait, I was living nt Heading, aud recollect seeing tho prisoner there, about tho 22d January, botwecn 1'-! and - o'clock day timo; it was at thoJiouso of usan Kamoro; I do not know what sort ot n houso it was exactly, but thero wcro thrco girls living llioro betides myself, This man remained tboro 10 C2 n no Bragg ho left there on Monday morning ( f. A.T nest, and I saw him at different times JuCkwhcat OliJ between I sslied him if he wouldn't go; White Heang...l CO to Pottsvillo he ssid ho'd put us to house keeping, and I expected of course a private house wo went first to tho Pottsvillo House, and put up wo bought furniture from Mr. Kline, household furniture tho furniture was' taken to Mr. Womclsdrof's house, in Callowhill strco Hragg was iho manager ho reiniincd with us n wcckf and then said ho was going to Philadelphia to return in a day or two I noxt saw him hero' recently ho had given Miss Nagle, noncy on tho moning that ho loft, and wo never saw him afterward we had every- tbinc iu thohou3o fiat wo wanted to cat thero was no pccullari'y about his habits ho never mado anylasciviou3 approaches to me. ii tub ntooMsnuno jail. Samuel '.Mann, svorn I next saw him at Dloomsburg, I'olurabia county a day, or two days after ho 'was taken thero I re. cognized him, and of 'cr thrco or four ques tions, he said that he did recollect having stopped with tho parly at my house " I am,"said he, "an innocent man," he told mo then that when ho got his friends to know whero ho was,it was all right I asked him what mado, him leave Pot'svillo so mysteriously ho said he did not feci dispo sed to answer I told him 1 did not como to ask any questions to convict him, only lo recognize him ho $aid ho thought that if ho had tho money for tbo furciture it would do him good ho said ho had walked away from Pottsvillo, ho told me that ho had not been in a railroad car from Iho timo that he arrived at Pottsvillo ho said ho had travolled with Norcross I do noi know whoibor it was boforo or nfter saying that I did not oomo to convict him that I asked him tho previous questions I have held out no induocinontB Jo him funher than I have stated ho told mo ho had lcfi Nor cross in compaoy with a man, named llobison 1 tbkod him why ho had kept tho checks about him, and ho said "What checks'' ho asked mo who told' mo that ho had checks I told him them who had seen them- ho colored up in tho faco at tho time I started to go away, and ho called mo back, saying thai ho wanted to ask mo something in private, and asked mo if 1 know what had becomo of tho women who were at Pottsvillo l told him thoy had gone to Philadelphia. Butter EffRS Tallow 14 Lard 14 J-'otntocs 021 Dried App'cs.l 75 DIED, On (ho 3d iost., after a loog'and painful illness, in Kingston township, iOLiZAnETn Denisox, 2d dausditcr of tlio late Col, Lazarus Dcohou, in tho 43d year of her ago. On Monday morning at Kingston of consumption, rans aiaky Ann Hoyt, wifo of SimuclHoyt, hlsq., and daughter ot tuo tato James ftcsbitt, hsq , Ntto airocrtisemcnts. IEV SPJUNO AND SUMMEIt MILLINERY. rpHCfttibscribrriluvirti; rectivt-,1 th-ir ti'v Millinery X Good nt I heir m.lml. ne.-irlv tiiinrwlte Hie 10 It Oflkp, would respectfully luvlie tluir frrfiidi ontl rmtotiiM mid the tjenT.illy, lo mil nnd cxamini nit ii atuvn., Liiiiaii-iiiig Ul a lUll 1IIUI CdflipiMU U'(1 will ol Htaw.;imf, HilL. Orapfl mid Fancy Hounds ami U(mt Maturml, together with an asturtiimul of fancy articles, wlnrh ilicyulll trn ni rtnsoualik luirai bs uiey can lj purcuaitil olicv nrro iI I, lllJILUi MayH, 1837. J. ItUUIsON. Doubt at an End. THK DECISION OP THJ3 IKOrr.K. 'HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.' rplir. und'rfni gnfd tlecui it ropnr to rnuiinn ul I ptv .JL sunt nlifi miv lierciilter Uuve business trim sac lions with Jonathan Knittle, ir., and Jtt.eUtt Ktlttlt nt In t ritftt eUlHT uf tlicin.ns vo did awe mt t ago, i-'wi iney miy auuro ineir Kiniirss as uny nue (jurg oy piduuiiig me "statu tea 01 iiiimihiiou. - I.ocml.M.iy 4.'!8i7. 31b CAUTION. ALL persons are licrebv cautioned again it hirtorin; or trust itit! a certain itinawnv unnrcniicn Lot named (3 tore e ifunttr. azed nlmut 14 venrs. who ua reL'ulnilv iiiilent'lrcd to me lo learn Ihfl fannii'ir buti iiPis, and hiis left my inula and scivicu wit hunt lunt cntuc, 1 ant iliTcToro donjn.nnod to p.iy no. dtbia of ins ciuiirai:iHi(; unur uiiHUdii, unit i uiniiuu uii persons against ewjlitynij! bjiu tuna way at meir peri 1'inc twp.,Mny 5, Id.'7 31 SPUING ANM).SUMMEU I.i mo Uldce.MnrrhSP, I P.17 u. & 0. JiOW, PUBLIC VENDUE. WILL bo exposed to sale, at tbo roni dffice oflhc ubicritcr.tnt3oulh Itlooimljiirg, ntar the Rnllroad nn Main elrcrt.tiu Saturdaijj 0t of Mayt the followinc l(1cfcrilicd property to wit: Ilorf. 3 Piui Iwo fioifc Wngon, Htcd nnd Slrlglis Iaro Harrow. Corn Harrow, tpaiu IlBttirfu (mid ladder (Jcnr. Bnitile Ilarnvus. Hay Ladder , Cuttin Uox, lot ofHtruw b the liiimllf. AIpo. 1'nrlnr nnd Ftoves, Btirpou, Corner (Jiiplioardrablps L'hnlrr. Cnrpfli, llrdsniid llcdiling. lot or HrnoKed Mrnt. Lnrd, Apple llnttrr, nnd Homo hold rutiiiturc getH'tal Iy too nuniprnus ti cietitmn. (tHilu to ciMiiuiu i ce nl 111 o'clock, A. At ., when nttuudaucG wl Ii be jiutn, nni! condition, mulr known by WILI.IA.M AMSIXLLUH. IHoomfbur, Slay U, 1357 To be Sold Very Cheap, jusr nr.ouiv c at this btoue or .1. J. ItUOWEIl, lllooimliiHK, April S3, 16S7-3 NEW WAGON MiOP, Willow Grove, South Dloomsburg. Till! unlnrstcnid rcpcotfjlly infornu M friends mil tit) putihe cniT.illy, that he InstHken ttm ptand l.itol vn.'cupU'd by .Mr Holier I Itrututt, In W illow CJroVP, S-mtli 111 in.mhurg, below thi Itailroad, where he will coiiiiuue thu D raSnn'ma7nS -Business. V&-'ZxYm J'1 fl't 'Is v.tri. i di'pdf tinciils, in bouiI V i3 V' -iiin n tid nn iimdrr.iin If mm. ULOOMSUUUG BOOT AND SHOE STOKE. mlin undcrilsned tet ptctfully infoims itio (cillsent 1. of Ulootniburg nnd the public in general, that bt has opened Boot and Shoe Establishment In ill" whitn Imlltinz.on Main strc-t. abnvo J'Ue' it WlUon llakrry. wiiuru he has constantly ou hind k lurge usinrluict.l or Uoot, Sboes, Gaiters, &c., And will mike up work to order on short notice Ills ore ckiioricni in Dim Ituaini'tfH. uiirl reneral knev.. Irdsi irth( (iiitsi)i the prople, will rnriMc hun tu until r tuii'ini nun iu ail III CUSIUlltfrs, Ullil SDOUItl cm re him patromigo which he hop tu merit. JUjIIY hliLlU. litooiuslpirrt, May 8, 1P57. Ibo it oDainiii! V:tL'nus. Ilnt'cter. t'arria rcs.tiul- kipii, Ave, tfor.e tu nrd-jr nnd nn bhnrt lime. C5rrouiico taken for work. i;iiakli:b nunwni:. nicoiueburg April 35, 1857 3-u Now Spring ami Summer FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. 1TAUV HAUKLi:VinitPsnttPtitinntoierytnck of llL ni'wlv rtcnvtd Iilllnrrv Drn (inod. Trim- itiiiuii. UlldiOiif. yilhs. ic , uhirh the will tll rhmo at the old sMiid, lower end of -Main struil- Honncts of the latest Spring SttlcJ Will bo made to order, and trimmed to suit Qiiv tatf Children and Mlssci rtonnctR Hats and Plats of vn- noun prircsiind styles uu hand, and will be furnished lu onr in unv Biie or lasie oi in mining. April 1, ioj. UEMOVAL. Tin siibscrtbur linvinn rtniocd hit Mm Me Yard, from in nr tho Court lin lie, t the South ivi $t cor ntrM tMAl.Vnnd.MAUIvrTlretts,lii Uupeit'sKow, nhare he Is (.reparrd to lurnith till kliids of lUarOlc Work. Viz- MONtJMnNlfl Crmllo 'Inmbs. rinx Torrbi.ond llfiid Slows uf cvvTV dttrriniKiii. Hi fttnek lk ol thn est kind, i lie Wurkinsiisliln i.ot ttirnafitd l ont In iho cminiry, un J ut low prices. Call and Jutit for MIn vri. IT 9" lie nil alio futnikh Txlila nnd lturiau Tnm. MjcUIi fur hoiidcs, f!nH C Liullcs, and Bills ir win iow s and Dmirt, cl n w fljure. Thillikflll fiir uatt ttxat. w Imnit fur a eonilruintii of the fcume. ANT HON V WITMAN. IMoomiburg, April 4. IP:7.-(ui ALEXANDER KEUIl, IMPOKTUU AND WHOLESALE UUALKR IN Sal,, Jg Salt, NO. 31 SOUTH W'l.MtVKrt, rilll.ADCM'IIIA. Axhion'p Ann T.ivernnot crouml Turk', lilamtand n.ilry Hnlt.rf.iuUkUly on lima uud for eali. In luu, to tun ine irouo. A(nl 4, IW-Jin WALL PAPER l AVALL PAI'Ktt 1 rices irom n cents to 37 cen IL C. & I. W. IIART.MAN. W 11 In vol Hit railrond, n splendid as Fortment of WALL PAtT.ll, which wo intend to sell nt riiilndinhin prices Irom H cents to 'SJ cents piece, wan mm April 4. 1657. PATENT HELIX DRILLED EYED NEEDLES. mills linn admirable article for scamatrersca on X cooil wives. A later manufactured instrument far tho purpose, it hs never been our good fortune to make trial of, The rye the important consideration in this w ration ul Um sea nuti es is CBtpfutlv nrenurrd acuhifi the trouble f culling or wenrietf away the liircAu, oiiu ii jb a pleasure inoreiuro in worn wuii a nioilln so invariably sure- They have ben tried in our family nnd on iheir authority, wo clictrfuUy ro torn men, I litem to thai widu c.:i lu our iniUt with wuoin H w I ii(j is n mtttfr or tuily utility a family neci'n iiy. nnd an object ol eJucaiion." i or fhiu ijy lAKV lllj.lliu. May'J, ld57 llloomsburc, Greenwood Seminary Millvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. A SYSTEMATIC cmirso nf inilrurlion Ii clven in all the KikIis!i braichm uynnlly tauphl. The I'rinrlpnl will asiHtnl t'lirlnf tlic )rfrntycnr ii T. 51. I'ipi'ilenci'il liucner. recently from lll l.anraill'r rnumy ;uiiiihi rrnni I A vacation of seven ucckB will commence July III, T r. H . B . Tnillnn. for tin? nunlls. 83.50 In 31.50 ner nunrtf r DoarJIoK. Tulllnn, WnsMnj, L.;!u, lie., $3U pe tjilillli'r rl r it I! 11 ncRPi iiiriinu in iiuvunca I'or circular, catalogue, or oilier ivmleuhiri aildrci W.M. UUIICUHS, Millvllle. April 4, 1W. rnucipal. 1'1112S11 GAUD UN SEEDS. T-U. 0). M. IIAQUNIIUCII lia Jim recciveil, anil) j. ui ut h i ik, iii ii i h iiriiji Dinru. n FeiteiN oil incut if nil kiinU nl (lardm ftttlj, fresli from Mr. Ilulit'a Se'J House in I'luludcli.l.ia. MjyO.sl7. SBLEOT SO 100L. TIIC next Irrin nfllliii tclinol. Vfi eonimare nn MONIIAY. .Miy lllli nexi, nnj loniinue oleven 'l'Cllica OP TUITION. 1'rimarylrniiilie. $1 i;(iuimaii lliitfiiali'Stitiliet. S (lijlier IMjiuli Hiu.limand Claiilei, u II P. BATON, I'rlntlr.l. nioorasliure.Murcli SI, 1H57. NOTICE TO JIEHCIIANTS.- MKKSt n.iKF.aii itAi;r.siu ruiiiiiR wiAiiiiiK io puirniiiu 5111111 iinum ran liave tlient di utr jiariuiy , it li mu Hi' cm. OrwMtJ lli( (. UlooniBli'irg. 10 H (.' PMve, whiMe liny can fcl llieoi or vn can fornoril llim In tlio. tfiorci itiniaro nut inn niuili out of our way. All nriH'ra iii.oiiiiit ne niiiirrsveu to baniuel Bhlve eitli'ii T.O., Coluiutia cuunty. rn. ' siuvr. & I1E1TB. April IS. IW-lm DISSOLUTION. rpllU partnenliip liertlofore clldiu; between Wm. I MelCelvy lc Wm. Neil. under the Arm ol'W'm. J!c. KolvyAtCo ,iti llii nmiul.-ictitre or Taper ia Mill, uaa 11'Frtolved Ly mutual cuniml on Hie let day orAprit, 17. 1 nn oiuineiig 01 tu me n rin w 11 heietHeil ty C.W. McKcivy & Co., at Cltawiiin Mill. WJI Mi.KUl.VY 4. CO, Tiie undereiencil havitiir iiurctmii.,1 thn lm.1,11 nt the late film i,f Win. IMelUlvy Is. (Jo., nt Catlnwim MiIIn.wIII cniitiuuu the inanuf.teliirc ot 1'aper an4 purrhiiii'i lings us heretofore. ... ,. V. W. HcKULVY . CO. O W . MrKlLVT. J.H MtNlKcii, April 31, le57-3t ADM 1 NISTKATOR'S N OTICE . Estate of Elijah Price, dre'd. FETTERS of Administration on tho iiulale of Rlljah Trice. I110 of l.orn.i i,i,.,ii. (Joliiinuiacoiintv. ilfceavcil. hove bein erantcil liv tho n I'l.ti I nn I, 1,1 1. 1.1, n . In , . ... reeiilie In ealil teiin township, nnd J. r. I'nce who rraiilea in Aihlami, Srhuylkill county; all i.nriora Invlnn rlalnu ngainil the ettate nf the ilicedenl ate requeued iiiiiruheni mem to inn Admliilitrator with out 1I1 lav. and all jiereuna indebted to i.inke nayniom flrlhwitll. I1AVIII ItBINOOLD. April in. lt57-C F rBIUI3, j,in. SiniNc joi-jk, BOAnns and buantlino. r0r ale by 11. w. U W. N. CHUASY. WANTED, r OL'R MEN to work in n Kit l'.ictoryj Tour Coop i. of preferred, lint n.livu lalnirinx men will an wer. Htnily eniploinlTtt nml pnoil wngea will be tiveu. Aiiply nt Iho Millgrovo Mills, near I.ieht t. THOMAS THUNUil. May 5, i57- 51 JUST IUJCEiYeD-AT'DuYrifEW STORK, NO. I MACKtltCi. for 8IS) per barrrl. anil nthen iu propoui'Mi. Alio, a Iresh mipsly or, Molaneii, nice. tc. Aim. 1 new nupply of Wall Ta per, of dillereut atylea. whlcli will hit luid low. II. O. 4; I. W. ilAUTMAN. Mays, 16.17. It is ono of tho noblest characteristics of nn ora that tho pooplo think anil juilgo for themselves. The mental training received at our Common Schools and Irco Acado mies, fit them fur this ta?k, They nro Uught to investigate, to ana'yro, lo take NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. TIIC partiierth',. heretofore ciiillng between Iho undt.nigiK'd.Kithe Marranlilu lluiiueig in He la street, liavina untn dissolved Ly mulual conivnt. nil nelsons intereited will plea to take tin I ice that tho lliiok uf iho late firm are left at the old stand in triu usimi ui it. tt. treaty, iur neiriemem mi collection. J Ji. MUhll'Kl II. IV 1'KP.AHV CENTRE STORE. Sl'UINti & U U HI HI 1 R GOODS, THE undersigned taVn pleasure o( in forming thn cilizens ol Centre and vicinity, tbal hehaa Jim received a laree and telect aiiortmcnt STttlNO & SUMMER OOOilS. Compriainfthelteavieii itockandmoetvariedaiiort. Die 111 01 i.ibiuuriaDie, Ukllulam nubt.iiitiHl Merrlm... dUu ihuthavebeeiiorTereil 10 1 he p ublir 0 'every kind Lackawana & Uloomsbtirg It. it. Office I.ack'a & nhionoburijll.-lt. Co. I loMiho,l.ui. Uo., Ta., Jan. JS, leJ7, INTEREST PAYABLE ON STOCK. 'pllHHockliolileriorihla company ore hereby noil. J nedthathy lletoluliou ol' llie'Uoaril of Director X. "'""i' Block, comrutid 10 the3ll i.f December. 1 Pol), will l.e paid 011 appliculion at thik Ulhro In CcrllA. cam tMott, " Puiri-tockCcrtlGcateiwill he liiurd r.hrn the In lereal nmouuie to Iho miui of fifty ilollara; and furl imaller iuuii or any fractional amount .LVrtiuonlee wll be li- sued. 1 TBTTU110NB, 7Ym r. Manh 7ili.liej7, ' ULOOMSUUltG ROOK STORE. aft- rFn,K Ulltlcri,'g,le,1 respectfully announcca JL Iholrlieccintliiiiee il,e,,iuriP n..k Um und.iuiiiiiv.ui.iriiii,Avuiii.;iir,'v..n.ii... ..' r,r: rrr:3"V",.r,J'iyH"' " rem inihi; n.V;.. ii'-ri"' '7 '.. jur 1.101 h, in an ineir vanoui brauchee, reaiiill-ble pricee. at the old .lan.l in ti, j:icli.inje huildinji. tint door CrLouniryiiriidiiriialrniiioichnrirp for Roodr, Ej'"'' Iho i:jihuiie llotil. uudluvliiB rcpiei,inei inrliiiliiieliraln and Luuibcr and Ihe public cuilo ivBpciimuv iu telle 11. BAMUKL LAMRACK. rowlertvll'e MarehlH, 1M7. ROOT AND SHOE MAKING. her eelal.liihineiii with 11 ehoieo elotk ni A'iu, ij arctiexaryj ,ii j, prepared, lo ucconuuodalu all who may sue her u cull in liirlniCi J1.S0 The Ilesiaiirint Salon 1,, in llie.bncnronlof the obnve, ellaWMlmeiit.wll h.i coutiuuej 01 Ul Ml 11 y lliu.ub. cniiir. wheru Uu puhnecaa ntnil tiiuee hu lupolied wlllilhn clmiceet in,att M) Itrrammmn. ,u,li Ale, Lt , Hardmei. TIIU iindertlend. tti.inblul in. thn i.h.i palroiiase wllh thich lie hai been latord lor ai .MiiirrjU.B.iriaiiarillii, Deer iuktomei. (., 1 i ,'.i . .." "". ''' ' I l"cr.,,.1" "'.!. ,,i .. 1 '"'W Ulaun, i H. Jkots and ishocs. At hii nld ami wnll.knnwnnapd, on Malnilrrel lllnom.hurp, 1,1 all lhiiruJU, , ,j ror"I?ln lylenniloiimideraloieruK. ' Ui-TIm public cuitoiu la renprctlully auliciirii OAllOH.Vi: OI.AIIK llloo,,,,.,,,,. !.. . le""J"" " " O. C4. jr. w okcahv I uniion mmeratu leruie. TDnw vi in, r, .. . - J.i,tt EHicii.Aprllll.lW. r' I. "i'SUf 'r'Phi1'""'', '" '"""ilnei.. nod general I , . Spikes, Glass aill Paints, ' kVS w,,ci,i!e0f Ih? renple of Co umbia enunty, iner. X lor iiileni ' iiautman'h ' FOR SALK-OnV AP lfoam,l.r"u.'l,,.l''l.'l'','!',",inVi,m '"render .ail.f'l in'n 8S7. HAUtMAN H. lUtt aajiL-UUttAl, !?.,;'. i ",","",,""""Ue,''l,!''l'Ji Inereaied ra. AK eicelleot BAMAOK ritEsa, in ennrl order, fr hehopei in merit. ' CPI.UNUID citi of Tmwirc, fur rale at ileehwp,althcfflcofiliaCluiMi73ieeri m JAOOU F. DIETER rcTC. riAi'.TMiva nioom.L.i., II.. .L in ' ".. IIAKTMAX'S M.y'.MPJ7 CU-m