Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 09, 1857, Image 1

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KMl L, TATE, Proprietor.
1 To Hold and Trim tlio Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'or tho darkoncd Earth
ALBM B. TATE, Publisher.
VOL. XI, NO. 9.
In Moonisburg, Columbia County, I'a.
lOfFiCE. In the new Brick Untitling, op
posite the Exchange, by side of tin Court
House," Democratic Head Quarters,"
tf.hms or SDBSCMrTlOSt.
11,00 In ndvanco, for ono copy, forth: moatka.
j? 1,75 In advance, forono copy, ono year.
. 2,00 If not paid within tho first throe months.
' 2,25 If not paid within tho first six inontha.
2,00 If not paid within tho year.
117" No subscription taken for losi than six months,
anil no paper dUcontluod until nil arrcaragcsshall
havo boon paid.
1X7 Ordinary advertisements tnsertod nnd Job'
work executed attho established prices.
THE founder of this Celebrated Insti
tution. oiTirMliomoitrcrtaiii.ppcily, ami only
rilectnal reinnily in Uib wnrlillfor eilctti for tMreln,
Piricturui. Homiiul wnunetfi I'.ilmi iti tho l.nlnn,
('oiiatitutioiial Debility Impol'Hicr. Weak noun ul tho
Hack and Limbs, AiTcct.ou of ttuj KUnryu, I p t i n
- thn of in HuarL, jH-oepaja. Nervous irritability,
Disciac of llitj Head, Thrtiiiti Nina or Skin ami litl
tlioie serious ami nicl.incholy Disorders arising from
tlii destrictlvo linhtU uf Vonth, which destroys both
Imtly unt mind, Tliesu mcrui ami solitary practicon,
arc inoro fatal toihrir vlrtlnia.than tho song of the
Byrrns to ill" nmriiicrs Ulysacn, blighting their (wont tin pet of unticipailJtn, ruddering iiiamnge,
&.C., lllUlUiiiblO.
Young Men,
QpnzUlv, who hnva tmcoiiw ins victims of Bollt-iry
Viro.t'ialdrmil.ul nnd dti.lrhct,v li.ilut, w tucli unnu-
u My h-a tep tj au uniiintjly b ravo lliuunnla of young
mcit of the most exalted talents mid brilliant Intel
Iticl, who mi Kht otherwise litivo entranced listening
Heinle Willi tlio llNiititcru of vn iiicnce, or waked to
tJ uxticicailnjlyru.iiLiy call witliaii cuuildunec.
J Married persons, nr Young Mun contemplating mar
a, rl btin uware.of phymcal iveakiifiB, urgatur do.
MlUy, deformities, &.c,, shoulJ Immediately cousull
$1 Itr Johnston. und be restored to pcrltct hcnliti.
14 lid ho pli cjiiifnsc)f undt'r the care of Dr. John
Ftimtiiiy rliKliiiilyicniillil In bin honor a a ReiiHe
men, atidcuniidriitlv rclv upon Inn skill adeph)mciau.
' Orgariic VcaIcncs
- Iiiiuwdintoly cured nnd full vigor restored.
riilildHiMne li the pcmlty moU Iru'iuenly puidiby
lliNi wlioh iV'i liecoiiii: the victim of improper J mini
Hj.ieiH. Vo.iii pcraima arn too apt to commit ei
t'di ffum nut aw.tru of IhodrenuTuI cmif-ueiiea
' tint mtfoiMiif. Now, wtiotliil uiiderrtundi Ihu tub
'J"d will pretend to deny that the powir of procrea
-j H in ion sooner by those fultinjj Into Improper
jlulitts linn by the prudent. Iluxidus being deprived of
Wtho plea sum of biMliby otrprln?, the mojt surloiiri
ffanl destructive symptoms to both body and mind
Jnri'!. Ttie system b-jcomes der-ms'-tl; itir phynicfil
aiiI ic u ct 1 1 powers weakened, neivoii debility, dyn
,p.'ntj, palpiUUoiiorthij bear I ,indi5fliON( a wnftnig
of tin frnne, conjli syniptoiiifnfC'XiHUiiiption ke,'
tvJlfie No "H.niTii t'ltKUHRitKTRitKi.tuvt'ndoorv
from tliltiwure Ptret-t Uatl tridi1. up the Mps lie
jitmcnlar InolwTviiiit t!i,i N.MU nud NLLMUIUI, or
jr. m will miitnkc the ploce.
jj Curt.ftarruntitt, vr HoVKargt .Vide, in from Ono to
7 Via Day i,
l)r, Johnston
3.nnbr of tli lloy,i( College of rturj;coni. London
, tit ill 't if Truiii one of the inosleniiiicut ccIIc-j-mh ol the
w U ni"J Hi in-, iin l thdRreftir-r patl olwhoi: hie tins
. fc len Kifiti in the fit-. I lliiitpltJl.i nT London .I'nnn.l hi
l tl Ipina and ehcwnre, ellerfd some i f the most
v4tjiiHliin cures that wi re ever know u; miuiy tioub
Itl Willi nniiini in the hea I nnd cut a ut'ij nabfp,
, (Tftt ncrvonHiicsH, bi riff at.irmrd nt mdden rtminds.
'"'1 battlifjlnu'tft, with fic'iucnt bluhtii, titteiiddl
' Minlimfn with derangement oluiindtwerecured iui
A Certain Disease.
When Hi" minjfuided and Imprudent volnry of nlt-n
lrH (l'ldt ti t tin miljihed the edi of tins UHinfn
ditense, it too often happens that an llliimi.Nl bt;ii- o-
inni'j, or dread or duurrry, deters Mm from us ply
tit in llnxa wh from edueutioii and respectability
cm iline ttefrlrudiiim deltyin;' till tin constitutional
fyiiiilomi nfthiMlmrrid dioiaemakM their appearance,
ucu ulcerated fore throat, diseased nose, uocturniil
r litiK in tlui headnud limbs, dmint's of mjlit,dL-afticM
nodes oil ttiu skin bones, i,i!nrms. bliHrlies on the
titud face, and vxireineties, prortiti( with frightful
riiUJitv.till at hat tbe pilule uftlie luoutli or Ihu
t.'.mia of tlm ittiicfall ni.jintUu vi.tiiaof this awful
diifiiicliecoiifs a borrjd itjt of cowmiftsuralioii, 111 I
Uath puts a period t his dreadfuUutlerinKs, bysen
dinnliiiii to -that bourne from alienee ik traveler
return. ' To suck therefore Urt Jolint-tuii pted-es
lii.n-irm nres-rve the most eiivlolilile sitcrprv. mui
rnim bis exleiiiVH practice in the first Hospitals of
ni (imrni.i, iib can co iui ii n i ly r commend a
afn nudspepdy cure to the unfurtunate victim oflliis
liurnu disease.
Take particular Notice.
Dr J addresses uMthocc -tio iiavp Injured thern
nfltvfll bv nrivatu.iild inioroiier indnl
Tlies are smr.eof the m and melanrlmlv elfrcts
rroduced by early lulktsof youth, viz : Weaklier of
. ne nncK ami Miuhs, t'alu in tbe Head. DimneMof
Hjht.L'iss of Muscular Tower. I'alpitntion of the
T n mrt.L)vspepsi,i, Nurvous 4rratibililyt Dernngenicnt
1 " I." " '"s'ive runciions,UeiiorulUebiliiy,ayniptoiiis
MI2VTALLY The fL-arful cfTcCts iinnn thn win,!
fire much to hedreaded, Lois of.Menmry, tJonfiMinn of
Aversmnof Society, Tiinily.acc.aro koine uftlicevils
- , Tiiom.nuli of pernonof all ages ran now judge
what i tUictuieof ttjejr declining health. LnoFing
njai, uepres'ion ot ttie rinrits, J-vll 1'or. t.r),!in
jl a fwiifuiar appeiirauru auuui iuc cycs,cougiiand smp
V o-iis of Consumption.
, iIimvmiiii I'aiL'UHii UlllilUHlied, liaVIII
V Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for
. urgamc weakness.
Uy tnt9 great and important remedy, weakness of the
1 nrRinsare speedily cuied, and lull vijtor rektoied.
tTliousindsof the most nervous nnd debilitated, who
had lt ull hope, have been immediately relieved. All
impediments to Marriage. Physical and Mental lMspia
lificatroti, Nervous I r nubility, Tremblings and Weak
, siess, or extiaustinnoitbo most fearful kind, speedily
Young Men
Whf have injured themselves by a ecrtilu nractice
Indulged iu wlioit aloue a habit frequently learned
from evil companions, or al school the effects rf which
aro nishtly felt, even when atslcen. and If not cured
junder miriiajze iiupossllile, and destroys both piind
Mi "uui ainpuiu uppiy unmt'iiiaieiy
What a nity that a vounz man. the bone nfhla coun
try. and the darling uf Ins parents, should be snatched
troiu an prospecis aim enjoyuieiits ni the come
luenrcs of deviating from tha path of nature, mid in
dulglns In a certain secret habit. Hurh persons before
-UUtl7lll J! Idling
1 ' Marriage
uuoiiKi reuect inai a tounu mind nna imrynro tne inns
necessary reUisitiestii promoic conunbial happiness
In leal, without these, the tourney throush lite bi enmrH
n wunry piisrimage, te pruspcii hourly our hens to tha
view; the mind bicomcs shadowed ilb despair and
jiuuu wiin i no memncuoiy rciiecuon inniinc happiness
of nnoiherbecomes hllnbted with our own,
OFPIUUNO.T hOUTU Pit UDniUCK &V.tlialtimoretMii
N. 11, Let no faUe modesty prevent you, but apply iro
mediately cither personally or by letter.
To Strangers.
The many thousands curd at this Institution wlth'n
tho biftt 15 years, and the numerous important Surgicut
Cp'jratious performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by
ihu reportersol the papers and many other
t'cus ol which havu upponrcd again unj ugiiti before
thi dublir, besides his Btiiiilliitf us a genlUuuiiofclm
racterand responsibility, ls a sullicitnt uuaraQlto to
Che afflicted,
'Hike Notice.
N. There oro so many Ignornnt and worthloss
CLuacks advertising ihcmselves l'liyncinns, Tuinlng
tho health of the nlresdy alnictcd, that Dr, Johnston
deems it necesvary losjy, especially Vo ihnBe unac
gualntedwilh his reputation. thitbU rrcdcntials ami
.dlplonnsalwayslmisr in his olhco.
CTTiBcNoncE, Alllutters innsl bo post paid, nnd
contain a postage stamp for tlio reply, or noanswer
January 17. 1857.
Stoves and Tinware.
THE subscriber having erected a largo new brick
Foundry and Machine iLop, in plare of tho old
one. Is prepared to make all Unds of casting al iho
lowest nricrs. Plows constantly on Laud. The sub
seribur has also removed his TinShop from Main H.
lo the Foundry lot, whero lie has erected u building
oltogethnr for Stove, and Tmuaro.
l lie uooKiug b loves roiiiifi ni inu iv ni.ri.nn
HOOK, It A lltl i:OOI(, VANLUJIl COOK, and
ll'Aiu.ou Biiivi;a or an ktmis, the kuu uy.
:mNIII:II STOVE, tc. AM l.mds of Snoutlni
uadti to order,
Joseph BiiAitrLues,
IHooiuieurg, April 11. ten,
Select Jpoetvi,
Tho Warrior's Tomb.
I or
Lie cumlilreil In tlisitnne.
Where, nc&Ui ttis window's rosy light.
He rratetli All alone;
Ofihosu who loved or feared hlrn onco
There now rcimlneih uonol
Ilia namn and deeds have passed away,
Where ore his laurels now?
Though eaer sought nnd drarly won,
They withered on Ids bro I
And ho at last, stern wartior,
To Death's decree did how.
Abovo his head a banner hanrs,
Which waved o'er many a flcMl
Now sotldd and torn lis color ono,
Destroyed hy inildow'. blight
How many a pageant haiii it seen I
Jlow ruanyu gorgeous sight!
And kings, when conflicts thundered loud,
7'oits tair forms havo turned.
Where it so proudly waved alolt,
And Willi ambiliuti burned
To win Ly nrms, as trophy bright
What he who sleeps here earned
Time specdeth nil things lo decoy I
And centuries Invo ll'iwn
cTincc his proud crest in battle waved,
(ir bis bright heluiLt shone;
Bin re livedand died the warrior knight
Who resteth hore ulonc,
llo may have led vait armies forth,
To conquer or lo dip,
ltciieath thudark and thrcat'nlpg cloud,
Or'nrnth bright suiiunirs slty
el ne'er in norm or bniilo cowered,
Ur Horn the (uo did lly.
Hut hero ho sleeps! his namo forgot I
Though great he may Invo been,
Now turned tf dust that mble foini
Whlrtl ruled his fe.low.iiicn
II is many deeds of gond und ill
lleyond ull huiuan ken.
A mournful gloom hangs o'er tho spot,
Ilrtieath Ihu gorgeous lisht
Of Hlnitied uitiilow, where reclines
'i'hat full armed, war clad knight;
His earthly battles long o'er,
And finished his tail light.
CHAKI.B8 Nelson had readied Lis tliirty-
Dftlt year, and at that age ho found him
self noing down hill. Ho h:id onco hecn
one of the happiest of mortals.and no bless
ing was wanted to comploto tho sum of
his happiness. lie had one of the best of
wives, and Ins children wcro lntclhgcu'
and comely, lie was a carpenter by trade
and no man could command better wages,
or bo racro Euro of work. If any man at
tempted to build a houso, Charles NcIsod
must boss tho job, and for miles around,
peoplo sought him to work for them, But
a change had come over his life. A demon
had mot him on his way, and he turned
back with the evil spirit, A new and ex
perienced carpenter bad been sent for by
those who wou'd no longer depend upon
Nelson, and bo had settled in tho village,
and dow took Nelson's placo.
Un a back street, whero the great trees
throw their green branches over tho way,
stood a small cottage, which had onco been
iho plidc of its inmates. Before it stretch'
cd a wido garden, but tall, rank grass
grew up among tho choking flowers, and
the paling of tho fenco was broken in many
places. Tho house itself had onco been
white, but it was now dingy and dark
Bright green blinds had onco adorned tho
windows, but they now had boon taken off
und sold. And tho windows themselves
bespoke poverty and neglect, for in many
places tho glass was gone, and shingles,
rags and old hats had taken its place. A
singlo look at tho houso and its accompa
niments told tho story. It was the drunk
ard's homo 1
"Within sat a woman yet in tho early
years of life, and though sbo was still
handsomo to look upon, thobloom was gono
from her cheek, and brightness had faded
from her eyes. Poor Mary Nelson ! Onco
sho had been tho happiest among tho happy,
but now nono could ho moro miserablo 1
Near her sat two children, both girls, and
both beautiful in form and feature ; but
their garbs wero all patched and worn, and
their feet wcro shoeless. The eldest was
thirteen years of ago, and tho other two
years younger. Tho mother was hearing
them rccito a grammar lesson, for sho had
resolved that her children, should not grow
up iu ignorance. They could not attend
tho common school, for thoughtless chil
dren sneered at tbtm, and inado them tho
subject of sport and ridiculo ; but ia this
respect thoy did not suffer, for their mother
was well educated, and sho devoted such
time as sho could sparo, to their instruction,
For moro than two years, Mary Nelson,
had earned all tho money that had been
used in that house. Peoplo hired Lor to
wash, Iron and sow for them, and besides
tho wouoy paid, thoy gavo her many ar
ticles of food and clothing. So sho lived
on, and tho only joys that dwelt with her
now wero teaching hor children and pray
ing to God.
Supper tiuio came, and Charles Nelson
caino reeling home, He had worked the
& Beautiful Stoni.
day beforo at helping to movo a building,
and thus had earned money enough to find
him rum for sovcral days. As ho stumb
led into the houso, the children crouched
closo to their mother, and oven sho shrank
away, forsomotimcs hor husband was angry
when thu3 iutosicatcd.
0, how that man had changed within
two years 1 Onco there was not a finer
looking man in tho village. In framo ho
had been tall, stout, compact and perfect
ly formed, whilo his faco boro tho very
beau ideal of manly beauty. His noblo
form was now bent, his limbs shrunken,
and tremulous, and his faco all bloated
and disfigured, Ho was not tho man who
had onco bocn tho fond husband and doat-
ing father, Tho loving wife had prayed
nnd wept and implored, but all to no pur
pose; tho husband was bound to his drink
ing companions of tho bar-room, and ho
would not break tho bonds.
That ovening, Mary Nelson ato no sup-
por, lor an tuc toou sno uau in tlio iiouso
thoro was not moro than enough for her
husband and children; but when her hus
band had gono, sho went out and picked
a fow berries, and thus kept her vital en
ergy alive. That night tho poor woman
prayed long and earnestly, and her little
ones prayed with her.
On tho following morning, Charles Nel
son sought tho bar-room as soon as ho
arose, but ho was sick and faint, and the
liquor would not revive him, for it would
not remain on his stomach. Ho had drank
very deeply the night beforo, and ho felt
At length, howovcr, ho managed to keep
down a fow glasses of hot sling, hut the
close atmosphcro of tho bar-room Boomed
to stiflo him, and ho went out.
Tho poor man had just scoso enough to
know that if ho could sleep ho should fed
better, and ho had just feeling enough to
wish to keep away from homo ; so ho wan
dercd off towards a wood not far from tho
village, and sunk down by tho side of a
stone wall, snd was soon buried in a pro
found slumber, When ho awoke, the sun
was shining hot upon him, and raising
himself to a sitting posture, ho gazed about
him. IIo knew that it was afternoon, ftj
tho sun was turning towards the west. IIo
was just upon the point of rising when his
motion was arrested by tho sound of voices
near at hand, no looked through a chink
in the wall, and just upon tho other sido
hcsawhi3 two children picking berries,
whilo a little further off wcro two moro
girls, tho children of tho carpenter who had
lately moved into tho village.
" Come, Katy, " said ono of theso latter
girls to hor companion, "lot's go away from
hore, because if anybody should seo us with
those girls they'd think wo playod with
them. Come. "
"But tho berries aro thick hero," re
monstrated tho other.
"Never mind we'll come out some timo
when theso little ragged drunkard's girls
aro not here.
So the two favored ones went away
uand in hand, and Nolly and Nanoy Nel
sou sat down upon tho grass and cried.
"Won't cry, Isancy," said tbo eldest
throwing her arms around horsistcr's neck.
"llut you aro crying, Nelly."
"O, I can't help it," sobbed the striek
en ono.
"Why do thoy hlamo us I" murmured
Nancy, gazing up in her sister's faco.
" 0, wo arc not to blamo, Wo are good
and kind, and loving, and wo never hurt
anybody. O, I wish somebody would lovo
us; I should bo so happy."
"But wo aro loved, Nancy. Only think
of our noblo mother, Who could love us
as sho does."
"I know I know, Nelly; but that
aren't all. Why don't papa lovo us as ho
used to I Don't you remember when ho
used to kiss us and mako us bo happy I
0, how I wish ho could bo bo good to us
ouco moro. IIo is not"
' Sh, sissy I don't say anything more.
no may bo good to us again ; if ho know
how wo loved him, 1 know ho would. And
then Iboliovo God ia good, and ho surely
will help do something, for mother prays
to him ovory day."
"Yes," answorod Nancy, "I know sho
does; and Qod must bo our father somo
timo." " IIo is our father now, sissy."
"I know it ; but ho must be all wo shall
havo by and by, for don't your remcmbor
that mother told us that a cold finger was
laid upon her heart, and that sho might
loavo us ono of theso days, and and "
"sh. Don't, don't, Nanoy; you'll"
Tho words wcro choked with eob3 and
tears, and the sisters wept long together.
At length thoy aroso and went away, for
thoy taw mgrc children couiiDg.
As soon as tho Httlo ones wero out of
sight, Chatlo3 Nelson started to his feet.
His hands wero clenched, and his eyes
were fixed upon a vacant point .with an
eager gazo.
"My God 1" ho gasped, "what a villain
I am 1 Look at mo now I What a stato
I am in, and what havo I sacrificed to
bring myself to it 1 And they Ioto yet,
and pray for mol"
no said no moro, but for somo moments
he stood with his hands still clenched,
and eyes fixed. At length In3 gazo was
turned upward, and his claspod hands
wcro raised obovo his head. A moment
ho remained so, and then his hands drop
ped by his sido, and ho started for his
When ho reached hi3 homo ho found
his wife and children in tears, but ho af
fected not to notice it. He drew & shil
ling from his pocket it was his last and
handed it to hi3 wife, ho asked her if she
would send and got him somo porridge.
Tho wife was startled by tho strango tono
in which this was spoken, for it Bounded
just 03 that voico had sounded in days
gono by.
Tho porrldgo was inado nico and nour
ishing, and Charles it all. Ho went
to bed early, and early on the following
morninghe was up. He asked his wife if
sho had milk and ilour enough to mako
another bowl of porridge.
" Yes, Charles," she said. " Wo havo
not touched it."
Then, if you aro willing, I should lika
somo more.V
Tho wifo moved quickly about tho work,
and cro long tho food was prepared. Tho
husband ate it, and felt bettor. He washed
and dressed, and would havo shaved had
his hand been steady enough. Ho left his
homo and went at onco to a man, who had
just commenced to frame a house.
" Mr. Mouly," ho said, addressing tho
gentleman alluded to, "I have drauk the
last aleoholio bovemgo that ever passes
my lips. Abk mo no more questions, but
believe mo now whilo you seo mo true.
Will you givo mo work V
" Charles Nelson, are you in earnest?"
asked Manly, in surprise.
" So much so, sir, that wero death to
stand upon my right hand, and yonder
bar-room upon my left, I would go with
tho grim messenger first."
" Then thcro is my houso lying about us
in rough timber and boards. I place it
all in your hands, and shall look to you to
finish it. Whilo I can trust vou, you may
trust me. Como into my office and you
shall have the plan I have drawn."
We will not tell how'the stout man wept,
nor how his mble frie nd shed tears to ceo
him thus ; but Charles Nelson took the plan
and having studied it for a whilo, he
went out whero tho men wero at work get
ting tho timber together, and Mr. Manly
introduced him as their master. That day
ho worked but little, for ho was not strong
yet, but ho arranged tho timber, and gavo
directions for framing. At night ho asked
tho cmployor if ho dared trust him with a
"Why, you'vo carnod three," replied
"And will you pay mo threo dollars a
"If you oro as faithful as you havo
been to day, you will savo mo inonoy at
Tho poor man could not speak his thanks
in words, but his looks spoko for him, and
ftlanly understood them. IIo received his
three dollars, and on his way homo, ho
stopped and bought first a basket, then
threo loaves of brad, a pound of butter,
somo tea, sugar, and a pieco of beol-stoak,
and ho, had just ono(dollarandscveuty-fivo
cents left. With this load ho went home.
It was somo time before ho oould compose
himself to cntor tho houso, but at last ho
went in and sot the basket upon tho table.
"Como, Mary,'' ho said "I havo brought
something homo for supper. Here, Nelly,
you take the pail and run ovor to Mr.
Brown's and get a couplo of quarts of
Ho handed tho child a shilling as ho
spoke, and in a half bewildered stato, sho
took tho money and hurried away,
Tho wifo started when sho raised the
cover of tho basket, but she dared not
speak, Sho moved about like ono in a
dream, and over and anon sho would east
a furtivo glance at her husband. Ho had
not been drinking sho know it and yet
ho had inonoy to buy rum with, if ho
wanted it, What could it moan? Had
her prayers been anstrercdl 0 how fer
vently sho prayed then.
Soon Nelly returned with tho milk, nnd
Mrs. Nehoa hid the tabic out, After
supper, Charles aroso, and said to his
wifo :
"I must go to Mr. Manly's offico to
help him arrango some plans for his now
houso, but I will bo homo early."
A pang shot through tho wife's heart as
sho saw her husband turn away, but still
sho was far happier than sho had been be
foro a long while. Thcro was vomcthiog
in his manner that assured her, and gave
her hopo.
Just a3 tho clock struck nino, tho well
known footfall was heard, strong and
steady. Tho door opened, and Charles
entered. His wifo cast a quick, keen
glanco into his faco, and sho almost utter
ed a cry of joy, when sho Baw how ho was
changed for tho better. He had been to
the barber's, and to tho hatter's. Yet no
thing was said upon tho subject. Charles
wished to rctiro early, and his wifo went
with him. In tho morning, tho husband
arose first and built tho fire. Mary had
not slept until long after midnight, having
been kept awake by tho tumultuous emo
tions that had started up in her bosom,
and hence she awoke not so early as usual.
But she came out just as tho tea kctttlo
and potatoes began to boil, and breakfast
was soon ready.
After the mo al was eaten, Charles arose,
put on his hat, and then turning to his
wifo, ho asked :
"What do you do to day?"
"I must wash for Mrs. Bixby."
"Aro you willing to obey mo onco
moro t"
" 0 yea."
" Then work for mo to-day. Send Nelly
over to tell Mrs. JJixby that you aro not
well enough to wash, for you aro not.
Here is a dollar, and do with it as you
plcaso. Buy something that will kcp you
busy for yourself or children.
M r, M clson turned towards the door, and
his hand was upon tho latch. lie hositatcd,
and then turned back. Ho did not speak,
but opened his arms, and his wife sank
upon his bosom. Ho kissed her, and then
having gently placed her in a seat, he left
tho house. When ho went to his work
that morning ho felt well, and very happy,
Mr. Manly was by to cheer him, and this
he did by talking and acting as though
Charles had never been unfortunato at all.
It was Saturday evening, and Nelson
had been almost a week without rum. IIo
had earned fifteen dollars, ten of which ho
had now in his pocket.
" Mary," ho said, after tho supper tablo
had been cleared away, " hero aro ten
dollars for you, and I want you to expend
it in clothing for yourself and children
havo earned fifteen dollars during tho last
fivo days. I am to build Squire Manly's
groat house, and he pays mo three dollars
a day. A good job, isn't it ?"
Mary looked up, and her lips moved,
but sho could not speak a word, Sho
struggled a few moments, and thon burst
into tears. Her husband took her by tho
arm and drew her upon his lap and pressed
her to bis bosom.
"Mary," ho whispered, whilo tears ran
down his own checks, "you aro not dc
ceived. I am Charley Nelson onco more,
and will bo whilo I live. Not by any act
of mine shall another cloud cross your
brow." And then ho told her of tho word
ho had heard on the previous Monday,
whilo ho lay behind tho wall.
'Never beforo," said ho, "did I fully
realizo how low I had fallen, but tho scales
dropped from my oyes then, as though
some ono had struck them off with a sledge.
My soul Btartcu up to a standing point,
from which all the tempters of earth cannot
movo it. Your prayers aro surely answer
cd, my wife."
Timo passed on, and tho cottago once
moro assumed its garb of puro white, and
its wholo windows and green blinds. Tho
roses in the garden smiled and ovcry way
did tho improvement work. Onco ajnin
was Mary kelson among tbo happiest of
the happy, and her children chooso their
own associates now,-
For tho information of tho publio wo
print below tho Fco IHU rcoontly passed by
tho Legislature. This bill increases tho
compensation horetoforo allowed to Justi
ccs and Constables.
An Act relating to Pooa of Al
(jermon, Justices of tho Poaco
ana uonstaoios.
Section 1, Be it enacted by tho Son
ato and Houso of Representatives of tho
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General
Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by
tho authority of tho samo, That from and
after tho passage of this act tho fees to bo
received by aldermen and justices of tho
poaco shall bo as follows :
For information or complaint, on behalf
of tho Commonwealth, for every ttn words,
one cent.
Docket entry of action, on behalf of tho
Commonwealth, ten cents.
Warrant or mittimui. on behalf of tho I
VJommonwcaitii, twenty-uvo cents.
Writing an crimination or oonfession
of defendant, for ovcry ton words, one
Administering oath or affirmation, three
Taking rccognizanco in ovcry orim'mal
case, twenty cents,
Transcript in criminal cases, including
certificate, fifteen cents.
Boturuing samo to court, for each mile,
circular, actually travelled, to bo allowed
in only ono case, at each session of tho
court, throo cents.
Entering judgmeni, on conviction for
fine, ten cents.
lleeording oinviotion or copy thereof,
for every ten wordi ono cent.
Warrant tolovy Dno or forfeituro, twenty
Bail pieco andjreturn, or supcrccdas, fif
teen ocnts,
Dischargo to jailor fifteen cent3.
Entering discontinuance in cases of as
sault and battery, twenty cents.
Entering complaint of master, mistress
or apprentice, ten cents.
Notice to master, mistress or apprentice,
fifteen cents.
Hearing parties and .discharging com
plaint, twenty-five cents.
Holding inquisition under landlord and
tenant act, or in ease of foreiblo entry, for
each day,ito each justice, ono dollar and
fifty cents.
Precept to sheriff, foroaoU justice, twen
ty five-cents.
Recording proceedings, to each justice,
fifty cents.
Writ of restitution, to each justice, twenty-five
Warrant to appraiso damages, twenty
cents. Warrent to Bell stray3, twenty cents.
Warrant to appraise swine, ten cents.
Receiving and entering return of ap-
uraismcnt of swino, five cents.
Publishing proceedings ot appraisers oi
swine, ulty cents.
Entering action in civil caso, ten cents.
Summons, capias or subpoena, each, ten
For every additional name oftcr tho first,
two cents
All witnesses' names to bo put in one
subpeena, unless separate subpoenas be re
quested by the parties.
bubnocna, duces tecum, uttcen cents
Entering return of summons and quali-
fvinz constable, ten cents,
ISntcriDg capias and bail bond , nve cents,
Every continuanca of suit, ton cents.
Trial and judgment in case of defence
made by detendant or dciondants, twenty.
live cents.
Entering judgment by confession, ten
Investigating plaintiffs claim and enter
ing judgment by default, fifteen cents.
Taking bail, ten cents.
Entering satisfaction, to bo charged only
when an actual entry 13 made on tuo uoci:'
et, fivo cents.
Entering discontinuance, fivo cents.
Entering amicable suit, ton cents.
Entering rulo to tako deposition of wit
ncsscs, five cents,
Rule to tako depositions, ten cents.
Interrogatories annexed to rules for
taking depositions, for every ten words,
one cent.
Entering return of rulo, fivo cents.
Entering rulo to refer, fivo cents.
Rulo of roferenco fifteen cents.
Notice to each referee, five cents.
Entering report of referees ond judg
ment thereon, ten cents.
Written notice to a party in any case,
ton cents.
Execution, fifteen cents.
Entering return of execution, ten cents.
Scire facias in any case, twenty conts.
Opening judgment for rehearing, ten
Transcript of judgmont and certificate,
twentv cents.
Return of proceedings or certiorari or
appeal, including reeoguizance,torty cents
Receiving tho amount of a judgment
beforo execution, and paying the samo
over, if not exceeding ten dollars, ten cents,
If exceeding ton.and not exccodimr iorty
dollars, twenty-five cents.
II exceeding torty dollars, uuy cents.
Every search whero no service is ren
dered, to which any fees aro attachod, ten
Entering complaint in writing, in esse
of attachment, and swearing or nflirmiDg
complainant, fifteen cents.
Attachment, twenty cents.
Entering return, and appointing free
holders, ten cents.
Advertisements each fifteen cents.
Order to sell goods, fifteen cents.
Order for tho removal of a pauper, each
iustice. twentv cents.
- n . - . , e 1
Urder tor tno removal oi a puupcr, entu
iuslico. fiftv cents.
Order to scizo goods for tho maintcntneo
of wife and children, twenty uvo cents.
Order for premium for wolf or fos, or
other scalps, to bo paid by iho proper
UK ; acknowledgment or probate of
deed or other instrument of writing, twenty
ukbu """"
ing and signing acknowledgment of
are of an apprentice, for each inden-
wVirt v rrmti.
furr- twentv cents'
Assignment and moking record of inden
ture, twenty cents.
Canoelling indenture, ton cents.
Comparing and -signing tax duplicates,
each justice, nftycente.
.Fijr jaarryingeich couple, nuking re-
cord thereof, and certificate to tbo parties
two dollars. '
Certificate of approbation of ivM ttltind
to the binding ai apprentico of a person
by ovor3cer or directors of tho riDor. napti
justico, twonty-fivo cents,
Uortihcato to obtain land warrant, fifty
Swoaring or affirming County oommis.
sioners, Assessors or other township or
county officer, and ccrtificato thoraof, to
be paid by county, twenty-five cents.
For administering oath or affirmation ia
any case nothercin provided for, ton oontf
Dor issuing precept to lesseo in landlord
ond touant proceedings, justico. fiftenn
For hearing and detormlnln!r rtorrmlntnf.
and all other services rondorod thnrnin'
fifty cents.
For recording proccoJings therein. eanJi
twenty fivu cents.
For issuing and receiving returns of
writ of restitution, inoluding cntrv ihoronf
each justico twenty-five cento.
Sue. 2. Tho fees for services undortho
laws of tho United States, shall bo as fol
lows :
For oertifioato of protection, fifty cents.
For certificate of lost protection, twr-ntw.
1 '
For a warrant, twenty-flvo conts.
For commitment, twenty-five cents.
Summons for seamen in idmiralitv cans.
twenty-fivo cents.
Hearing thereon with docket ontrv. H(tv
cents. '
Certificate to clerk of distrlot court tn
issuo admiralty process, twenty-fivo cents.
Sec. 3. That tho fees to bo received
by constables, shall bo as follows :
I'or executing warrant in behalf of tha
Commonwealth, forty cents.
Conveying to jail on mittimus, or 'war
rant arresting a vagrant, disorderly porson,
or other offender against tho laws, (without
..wvwc, uua viiuiu uutuiu justice, iovy
ing fino for forfoituro on warrant, twenty
fivo conts,
Taking tho body into custody on mitti
mus whero bail is afterward ontorcd before
tho prisoner is delivered to jailor, twenty
fivo cents.
Serving subpeena, ten cents.
Serving summons notice on refereoultor,
master, mistress or apprentice, personally
or by copy each ten cents. .
Executing attachment, thirty ocnts".
Arresting on capais, twenty, five-cents.
Taking bail-bound on capias, or delivery
of goods, fifteen cents.
Notifying plaintiff where defendant has
been arrested on capias, to be paid by
plaintiff, ten cents,
Executing landlord's warrant, or serving
execution, twenty-fivo conts.
Taking inventory of goods, oaoh item
one cent.
Levying or destraining goods and selling
tho same, for each dollar not exceeding
thirty, fivo conts.
For each dollar abovo thirty, threo
And one-half of tho Bald commission
shall be allowed whero tho money is paid
after levy without salo ; but no commission
shall in any caso bo taken on more thau
tbo real dobt, and then only for tho monoy
actually received by the constablo, and paid
over to tho creditor.
Advertising tlio samo, forty conts,
Copy of vendue paper, when demanded,
each item ono cent.
Putting up notico of distress at mansion,
houso, or other public placo on the premi
ses, fifteen cents.
Serving sciro facias personally, ten conts.
Serving samo by copy, fifteen cents.
Serving rulo and interrogatories in at
tachment of execution, twenty cents.
Executing bail pieco, twenty cents.
Traveling cxpensos on an execution
returned nulla bona and non est inventus,
whero tho constablo has been nt tho placo
of defendant's last rcsidenoe, each milo
circular, threo cents.
Executing order for tho removal of ft
pauper, fifty cents,
Traveling expenses in said removal,
each milo circular, ten cents.
Traveling expenses in all other oases, for
each milo circular actually traveled, count
ing from tho offico of tbo justico to tho
place of service, threo cents.
For making returns to tho court of quar
tcr sessions of the proper county, fifty
cents each for ono day.
Milo ago for same, counting from resi
dence of constablo to tho county scat, to bo
paid by county threo cents per milo circu
lar. For nppraismcnt, a3d all other sorviccs,
under exemption act of ninth of April, ono
thousand eight hundred and forty-nine,
ono dollar,
For serving precept, and returning
same in landlord and tenant prooceding,
twenty-five cent".
Executing wit of possession, and return
ing samo, fifty cents.
When tho rent shall bo recolvcd from
tho lesseo by tho constablo, such comtnie
Bion as is now allowod by law on writs of
Section 4. That tho Iwonty-sixth and
twenty .seventh sections of tho act approved
' March twenty-eightb ono thousand eight
,1' v.
I mniinn nf rhn rink nnnroved March twpnlv.
eight, one thousand eight Wrod and
twenty, in relation to penalties for taking
illegal fees and bills of parucnlars, are
, " - -if . : . . - - j.
Jierebv re-enacted and their several pro
visions extended and mado applicable to
all violations of this act.
Section 5. That tho proviioni of this
act shall not apply to tbo city of Philadel-