THE FARMER, "J'.ll.l lylA. rlcifkmuli trft, mmuU muiltMitXeUtr irlce." liaising Potatoes undor Straw. W t. t L il nil Y0 Clip UlC lOIIOHltlg from tllO UhlO f'li'tit-itnr anil iloAm il wi-ii, f..1l LU ll'lltorl ,DU accm " worthy Of full CX nor!mnnl , f our corresponded, lthln a Year, havo Snokcn fitvoraMtr nf tlio m-an. ! jfvoi, navu opancn itoornuiy oi UIO prao-' nee oi planting p.n.toe, and covering with Btraw, both as lew laborioaa and more proutaulo inolhod of rnisin that crop, iiio idea (snot now to us. As long as 1834. WO saw this mothoJ nrar-lippil in The tffoet orthla unrlallcdeilcrnal remedy upon -.o, viv saw mis mouiOJ pracllCCU in gcn-i,,!,,, andothcrrlriil.ini ulceraand lorealMlinoat Vermont, and it Was reported lliphlv sua. mlrneuloin. It flrat duehartca the poison whleh pro- '""""'I uuu " ii-1'ui.i.u iiib'ujr sue iMn illplafnl01,d proud flesh, rnl thus the euree Ccssful; bat for SOIUO reason it his not'whl"' " I"""1" properliea alterwnrd complete are itateniwell ae permanent. omo into coneral uso. The experiments wounds, bruises, purns, Axn soai.ds. b w inuuuw . fl ,-imelureof the bonet. Inluriea cattaed wo saw tried were by selecting a short pasture field, dropping tho seed at suitable distaUCOS OVCr tho Ground, and then COT. 'b oring tho wholo wiilin coating of straw to the dopth of a fcot or moro. In tbo fall tho straw was raiod off, and tho potatoes picked up all dry. In wet seasons this plan was thought to bo very effective The Pike county (111,,) Free First has been presented with potatoes raised tho last season by a .Mr. Shipman, of that vicinity, find details as follows : Air. Shipman informed us that ho plan, ted them in tho usual manner and then covered thorn to about tho depth of six in ches uith straw ; after this no further cul tivation was required tho straw kept down the weeds, and the potatoes wcro not dosturbed until they woro dug. Por not only his this method produced him a very supctior potato, but it has this yoir brought him an extraordinary yield, four bushels to tho squaro rod, or at the rate of six hun. drcd and forty bushels to tho aero I Ho has tried his modo of culture for thrco yoars past, and has in every instance found it to bring results superior to the common method. This year ho has plan ted at three different times , with tho follo wing results. Pinkoyes planted on the 24th of March, covered with straw, yield two and a half bushels and four quarts to tho squaro rod, they woro tho smallest potatoes: Pinkoyes planted about' tho last of Juno, covered, brought two bushels and a quart to tho square rod. Those, though tho smallcstyield, were the largest potatoes, and of tho best quality. Don't soli your best Stock. Don't allow tho speculators aud drovors to pick out tho likeliest and best of your stock, leaving you only the ordinary and poorest to brcod from. It is tho wor3t policy you can adopt, By continuing such a course, it will bo but a short time fceforo you will have only ordinary and poor to select from. Supposing you can get a little more for this likely lamb than for tho others : you will do well to remem ber that it costs no moro to keep them th'an it does poor ones ; and next shearin" w i time tho fleeces will tell tho story in favor of keeping tho best you havo if you intend to make a practico of raising a colt every year, keep the best mare you can afford. II aven't yon noticed that when a man comes to purchaso a young horso he is always particular to Know allabostthe stock, &o., before ho concludes his trade ? Keep tho beat, then for yourself. Dont fell your host cow beeauso you can get five dollars moro for her. Koep her, and sue will more than mako up the dif ference ere another year comes around Soleot tho best seed for your own use, and you will always havs as good as any one ; and bo sure of tho highest ptico for any you may wish to dispose of. Think of it: Equivalent of Various Plants to Hay. In Bergcr's Economy nf Fanning there ia a "Table "of Equivalents" showin!? how much of one kind of ordinary fodder is erpirl in nutrimental vahio to an equal amount in weight and measure of another kiiid. Tho following ii an extract of this table : 100 pounds of hay are coual to 00 pounds clover hay wade when fully niossomcci, 08 " raado before it blossoms. 08 " 03 " 80 " 410 " 407 " 1270 " 374 " 044 . 101 " 1S3 " 201 ' 175 " 330 ' 501 " 275 " 308 " 04 " 40 a CO " 04 57 " 45 55 " 00 " 03 ' 02 CO a 105 " 100 " 107 ", 107 " second crop of do. Luccrno hay. Sainfoin. Qieen clover. Vetches and tares, green, Grrcn Indian corn, Wheat straw. R. o straw. Oat straw. Pea straw. Raw potatoes. Roiled potatoes. Mangle, wurtzel. English turnips. Oarrots, Ruta baga. Ryo (grain ) Wheat. Oats. , Buckwheat. Indian corn. Teas. Deans. Horse chestnuts, . Acorns. Sun-Sower seed. Linteed cake. Wheat bran. Rye bran, Wheat and oat chuff. Ryo nd barlcv chaff. An ox requires two per cent, of his live weight in hay per day; if he works, two nd a half per ecnt. A milch cow, three per cent, A fatteuing os, Cvo per cent, at first, and four per cent, when hlf fat tened and afterwards. Sheen, when grown, thrco aud a half t,er cont, of their UTt iTcigm in nay per uny. Holloway's Pills A MEDICAL REVOLUTION. The H'orld Unanimous I THE GREAT COUNTER IRRITANT I I TUB virus of disease often makes Ha way lo the In tenia! organs through the pores rjftheskln. Thlf ' rubbed In. is at aorhed tlironsli tlie Hole Chan nela. and. learning Ihe seat orinnauiiiialion.promptlynnd lnvaiOlls, Vampinc., DyeSlufla. Window Glassof all sites, ruuly aubduca it, wficiher Incatetliii the kidneys, the ' togetheiwlih acornnlcieaasorlmcntofPnlnt.Tooih end "" ll" lu"S' r"1 other important orian. It Mf nl the surface to the Interior, through the countless lubea that communicate wllh the sk tU iil.oa fiat nm li-llll 1m I n wilt. Ilia skin 111 I I . ,.- mit nnian lulnlltn ffiVfi toil nn tl .1 liT,, at tier I 'VMaKffl Everyspec.cso(exterlorirrliaiioi.i.iqiiiriiiy reduced ty tIt3'a,;, inflammatory ncilon ofthls O.ntmcnt. w .c (jr ;f .0 ''iiVI'.'arfrnUTnrrr.'lo'rrld 'prove, m inraiiibiiiiy in ditratca or the kiu. the ulcers, sonn and tumors by ttenm nxploeiona, urunri. uurna, ccanis, uneuina flinrneta nftha Jninta, and contraction nf tho a I It employed and warmly recomineDiled hylho Ita Inventor inporfon into all the Icadini llorpltala oruarcpe.auii no priyuto nouaciioiu biiouiu ue wiinoui UNDENIAIll.n TTSTIMONV. Tn m.lritt alafr of iha French nrd Enffljih armies ntheCrimer, havo tiflictally tlgnoil their approval o HollowaVa Ointment, as tho moat rrlljble ilnnlnf for sabre cuts, stabs, and run allot wounds. II Is also used by tho Surgeons of the Allied Navies, Both the Ointment anil Pills slwuld be used in the following cases flnnlons. riles. Bore llends,r 'ore Throats, ores ofall kinds t raina, St. I Jolnti. Tet r, Ulcere-, Venereal Sores- Ilurna r.hcuinatlsm, i:iianieii lianas, uinaw Clilll.lalni, gaikitntum. Fiatu a. nraldn. (lout, 6kin Diseases, Lumbaco, Swelled Glands Mercurial Ernp'Sorc i nn,. Koronreatis. Wounds, all kinds, Sold al tlie manuiRCloriea or proieiisor imiiuway SOMilden Lane, New York, and tU Strand, London by nil respeciabla DrnsvrMs and Dealers In Medicine throughout the UnHed Slates and the rirhlsed world In pole nl2Sccnts,C1 cents, and Stench. There is a considerable saving my tuking thelarcer sUea tra-CAUTION I nononrn genuine unless tno worus tiettoway, Xia Vtrk and eadoa, are discernible as a cater nark in every leaf of the look of directions around each pot or box; the same may bo plainly seci by Atlilnff rae lenf ra u ii;ae. a nanusoma rewnru willboclven lo any one rendering such information mav lead to the detection of any parly or parllea coo umerl'cl line the niodtcinea or vtndlog the aame knowing llicui to ue apurioua. REMOVAL. CHARLES MAGARGE & 00. Having Removed from No. fil Oomemrce TO TUB South-West comer of Sixth a7id Carpenter btrccts. PniLADCLPUIA. BCG tocalltheattcntlonor I'lirnmncrsto Ihcirczien' wva iiirtrtiiifnt of Pit nor. and Tanfr Markers Ala- iirialsirrinltnir raneri f-ir Hooks and New. Water leaf, flzed, iincAtleiiilercd and eaMondured.of tl qnali tits ond price-, aluayt on hand; Hardware and Ma nil la rapcn.TruukBoardsi DlnJcrs'Uoardi, Jtanging t'a- rarticularattcntlon Inlnvilcilto Ihclr citensive ai , Bortmcnt of Front the vtott Celtbraied Jfann factor It $ in thi Country, fVmone their WRITING VAVCR STOCK moy he found Com, Note, Uuartn Post, Folio Post, Medium, Atlantic jnoic, i;ainron, Fool's cap, riatCaji. Thin Medium Dewy, Koypl. Pup.Uoyal, Iiiipcrlal. every deicrintion.siroand quality Plate rpi rb, Map ropflri.lnirent variety. Knvtlope Papent while f I, mm ml cold, either laid or wove. Colored Paper i, Qni .latnrl nnrl fillipr I nf lftl fft. Racst Foreign and Domestic. Bleaching Powders, of approved brrands; Alum, it round or crude; Hal Sodai Soda Aeli, Tellings, Wire Cloths, Ullramarne,tand Pa per Maheri'MatfJilals cencmlly ' ir--They are also iircpattdtotake orders of odd sites and weights ofany ott he above description of Papers, March 15, 185Q. HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT ThESWJtOF 77K WHITE HOUSE. rntlE undersigned respcctfuuyi niorins X his friends and the public that hoV continueslhe in all Its various branches, at his old V ft J! ifiiiilnneornrr of Maiu and Marke l tt rrs. CSK7?TUlr3 Wiicrchewlll keen consianlly onhaud a lull sunnlv and wtllmanufacture to order allklndt.and styles o SADDLES, ItJilitfESS TJiUJfKS, VAUQES ft. at the very lowest prices, and will be happy to serve jtioiewnoinayiavor mm wiwi ncau innisiine. tfj Ordersfrom n dlsianee Ineithcrbranchof the n hovehuiiness ,wil the thankful I yrecelvcdandpromptly exccuieu WM. J.BEIDLEMAN nioomsburit.Aur. 10, 1852.12 y. this univeusity family jLtEMEDlES tSSUCD under the seal, sanction and authority of tU University of Tree Mediriup ond Popular know led ire Chartered by the state of Peunsylvaufa, April S9, IP53 With acapital of S"" uuo, uiain'y lor the purpose u arresting iimeviis oi cpunons nosirums, AUofor supnlylnstheCominunitv with reliable rem edies whenever a Competent Physician cannotor will not he Hinplnyrd, have purchased from Vt, JOHN It. KUWANU, ins crieurateu liOH'JlaYD'S TOJia MIXTURE, Known for upwards of twenty(lvo years as the only suruonu suit: cure lur FEVEIl AND AGUE &o. And hia inestimable Remedy for Dowel Compluinta Rnwand's Compound Syrup of Ulackberry F.oot, which hizlilv annroved and nonu ur Ucmediea. toirether will the university-aucincuy inruomplaintsoitne J.ungs. Tho llnlverally-a Hemedy-for l)yspepiaor Indigos lion, l lie unlversny a icemcny tor cosi ive uoweis. Alsotlie University'. Almannc may be had, at the RraiiehDiapcnsary,orattueOmceol iheColuntblaDcm ocrnt. Mar .1,183.'!. ly. ALEX. Q. OATTELD &CO. illICCE3SOttS to James M. Bolrnn jlepaeeil.Cnmni l OsionandrorwardincMiFVfiants.torlheaaleofG tin Four, Seed, Iron, Lumber ace., No. 13Norlh Water it.. ruiiaueinniB. i.oous lorwarueu witn care,ro aim nis on the Schuylkill, Union, Susquehanna .and Jur alt. uanaia, (fSall.Plaater JirlndstuneaXoraale auhei west piirea Mlirhltl,ISS3. WliSTUltit! UOf EI, Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 15 OourtUnd etreol NEW YORK. D. D.WINCIIESTER. TII03. D. WINCHESTER, DUNJ. T .WINCHESTJJR. May 31.18303111 LEAF TOBACCO & (.IGARS. mmwBmm aia 21, South Front Street, rillLAOELrillA. Sept. 6.18Sll.-y JOHN H. WYLE & CO., CI IVerlli Vt'arvts, above Raco Street, rillLADELPlIIA. GCNnttAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, forth, siteof NAVAL STORES. BOHA. ASH, WOOL, FLOUR PKOUUUbl.l'RUVIlilONS, etc.. Smrits of Turnentiue. Tarln hbls. and keas. Fitch end Itoein, Soepa.Ronn Oil Alcohol, IturnlngFluid and fine uii' lor saie at ftiamuact urea-price. Oakum, ttc Agents for WHcock'a Wheel Grease, Mar ai.ieoo. . States Union Hotel. PORMEERLY RED LION HOTEL.) No. 200 Market street. Philadelphia. -1DORQC w. IIINKLE, Proprietor, formerlvofCo VJ lumuia. Fa., would Inform hiarrienda and thepub Ic that he continues lo keep the above named Hotel which Is wetland favorably known thronghoullh. fltateoa oneof theoldestand moslconvenientHotelin neciiy. ue moai respectlully soiicllea sha reof pub' . npru i. iwo. National eotel, ( LATE WIIITB SWAN, ) Sides Stover. ace Street, above Tliird, Philadelphia ?'""'' ofiheflroaStivens'llolllngsheadeiCo . - . b uuiuu iiutei, Aujuat9, ItiSO Mount Vernon House. Second street, above Arch, Thila'da, THE undersigned buying purrhaaed th. Interest o Sir U. Ulairlu IliuaboviioldestaUisliodllotel.wil now Have the cole supervision of the eetabllahmen and aoliiits the Patronage oflbe public. Ileleelscontl deal thit a trial orhla House. Rooms.Table, Servants sie,, win prove rreommandailou he can sire 1, i. UAUSCTT NEW DRUG. STORE. BXCIIANOB nl.OUK, MAIN STBBET. Bloomsbllrg. isrri.i a iiruiranii uncmicai oiorc, aim juat retumea i oiiiihecity--wiihBlarge and eelect stock, consisting 01 JL tO( Hill A "ft" Mediclncs,Chemieals.groumlnnd wholedpieci, Paints, Shaving Brushes, Tobacco, Segars, fancy Soap,, Shav tag wcain. Pure Win" snd Brandies, For Medicinal uto, English, Frenehand American r.i ... . . . r. w"?."?"ir'""r'?.?".?'. n . ui lie hirt.l t-Riirsinnt win oc conunuea aa , a iiteal In Ittooinclmrff and Llffil Street. AUo,a full assortment or the latest style Teeth, for aale by (ino. M.itAaCNDUCii. nj)mbtirg, February 1, 1S37. BOOK STORE AND STATIONERY! rpiic undcrs-ffned respeetrullylnforms wi7. X his friend" and tho public that l.e has .7rv purchasedthe RookStore, Stationary Le9 .-r:: uhli.lim.Nlanil S.ilnnnii. nf3irf'1 Era.Swarll., first doors In the Eichanae Building, .hi re hi will contlnuo the above bulsnees inallthelr vlratifiii branches. Ilnvlnir replenished his establishment with a clioiee slock or New llouksand Stationery! he la prepared la accominodalcnll who rnayglvc lilm acalllnlilallna A t.AI OVBTERP.Mne, Inland licsh , received dally at his J Resturanisnloons, during theaeason,andwlllbei3rved T-hl tp tlillhnwa oftene plctlrrl HFoe up-jbllceusiom Is rcsreclflillysollcl-.ed. ' JESSE O CLARK. lUooineburg Octobo 0, 1 613 y. J. S. & L L. l'CROT, Produco and Gonoral COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 18 North Wftarvra, . ... l'llILADELrillA. nariaaacasl JohnP renlston.Esi. rhlladelphla. Messrs Hacker, Lea it Co. " Biler, Friro atCoi fi " lluckner, McUainmon A Co. " " Uharlea CILa ft Cos " 8. Morris Wain It Co. " . Ontcrbritlge, Arvov tt Co. Charlea & Joseph Perot, ' Thomas & Maxwell, New York. C. M, McClung It Co., SI. Louis, Mo. J.s. Morris t Sou, Louisville, Ky. March 15, lBJO-y DYER'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Pa. ri UtHoldandwcnknownilolcl.lntlietown . afCAttau-lsin.isitill keni bv the under Ivnod. ami in anitRof nil license laws. IlO if AftfriainrA to umb. hf liOiiaoonPor the mostcouit'oita hie ttarei for travelers to stop at, that can be found In the Interior of Pennsylvania Ills table will hefuruieh j h am v wit u inn nFiiint) Jiinrneican auuru. tyMy old frlenOs and travcllertsenerally are Invited inriiw Mayai,lB35.-y, Ksyptown Coach aud Wagon Fctory rpllCundcrsigncd having succeeded Jacob S. Ev J. tn thi Wntr mi and Coach inrtklne huil neis .at till stand,ininytown respectlully Inform their frienc anutne nutnic.iiiaiiiiey coiuinurwiuiue Wagon Making Uusincsst In nlUitsdfDaitnients. where thevvt ill be hannT trro cclre onter anrfpvnmpUyeseeuteaUbusineBSintheii it ne. with neatness and despatch. (Cy-Wheel barrows made to order, and all kinds of tcnmrinpiiuiiti uiuiiioriiiuiicr. r ruiua l. if Jtrafxnivtrvit Etpytowiti Juno7ie50 y MONTOUR II0US1, CORNER OP MARKET AND JIILL KTREBTa, fnnrdlolcly eppastta tki Court HauuA DAN V1L1.E, l'A. TTAV1NO been recently renovated and refurnished xin aaunerlorslvie. mis cieaantliotellsnow reonn tor the reoepiion oi strange regno visuors,wnosepa ronage Is respectlully requested. Iyi5.18i8. BAR BERING & HAIR DRESSING SALOON. THE undersigned respoctful'y informs hit oldcnsto mersaud the publicin general, that lie continue THE nMBEMXa B USIJfESS, In nlllta various dcoartmente. In tho old stand. Ex cta-nge block, the only shop in town, opposite the i-ninmiiii. llemnerat Office, on Main Street. Uloorusburr. wnere no Wlliaiwaya ua iivipf u V-T. , , , customers on sight ana iniuo laiesi myiu ouue la.uioa' CEOROE SMITH. Dloomthu rg Novemlicr 185032. NEW MARBLE; YAUIUPi ULOOMSnDRG. HIRAM S. CAREY HAS opened a Marble Yard at tho corner ofMain and Market Streeta, where he is preparedlo fluiah tho best work from Italian or American Marhlelor MONUMENTS, TOMBS, Tomb-stonos, Tables, Mantles, Windowtilla and len tils. Forthe character and finish oflilavfork he refere in such as he baa made is Ibis county, lie will Cumuli uesigns forwork or execute any that may be ruriiiilf edtohltn. Ills work shall alwaya he satisfactory in ilsstyM-ana reasonaniem price. Uloorasburg, Iiec.0, 1BJ0. SPRING AND SUMMER Goods. epiIEundcriigned respectfullylnlurm lilefricni-aani, J. the pub, ic at large and the lest of mankind that behaa established, splendid W4 -SES' tn the elf cant new Store House, just erected in Koh burg, Columbia county, Pa.,wlierelie baa now opened aiarge ana cuoicc assoriiaeni or Spring and Summer Goods Which beis determined to re 1 1 on such terms aswlll induce allat least in this vicinity, who are in want oi iercuanaiza,ioexienu niuiiueircustom, 11 1 9 Mock hasbeenseiectedvillhmuchcare and wilf reference tothe waiiUofthliconiniumiy and wubout going in enter inioamiuuteeuumcrationorthe various kj litis lie risk nothing in assuring his firnds that c i i u mi b uiiiiy srpi in uouuiry csiorei, can ucre uo uauu - iuiio cuesper iiibu me ciieapesi," tnrCountry produce, including Grain, Lumber, Ac tcu in ezcnaogtt tor gouag , WILyOV ACER, Itohrsburg, March 3, lt?27, y. LANDRETIPS EXCELSIOR CORN il!CLLERfl. TOR II AND Oil POWER.. Vo make four vizus of the sboro Corn SaellLis, and warrant them to ore eslUfAr- tlon, or the money returned. They are far superior 10 any now ia ijio maritei. will th ltUre3n Corn aj well as Drv. Aliboial disount to euri, ueidinj's raient rowor Uorn miners anuuieaniers also manuracturcdaudfor sule wiwiesaie ana retail, oy D LANnRETII feBON.e. Implement and Heed Warttiousk0 Kos.Sl and 33 B. tilXTfl St., below Marlnhi November, 15.IM0. CIDER MILLS. 500 KUAUSDR'S TATCNT IMPROVED ruHTAUur. uiuisit MII4L.H. we are now nianufacturine these unrivalled Cider Mini. greatly Improved and strenxlhened since last rear, una can sunmv orucrs ai vvuoicssie una itftnit win uippeaio any nan 01 ine union. I'AHLMIAI.L. &1URUIH le CCi Wholesale and Retail Dealers In AgrfcuHurallmplo 7th and Markeislreeti, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Hotel. rnillS well known Hotel, lately kept hy Sam uetjH vukcu u iic luuicriucriwui) is pre ill pared to accommodate tmvsllers and struLsers""1 In the best manner. The house has been tliornutrtilv overhauled, and is now refitted up and furnlthcd for heeuiertalninent of guests. Hissiabiing is large and commodious, with Hones and vehicles for hire, and he will spare 00 pains to render general satisfaction ITfA liberalshsreoftlie public patronage Is respect GEORGE IV. FREEZE Danvillellee. 29, 1835. STAR CORN SIIELLERS. A full aupply of the premium Siar Corn Shellera, from our own Alanufaclury, now onliaud at Wholesale and Retail. They are adopted for either hand or horse powor, and are believed to be the best Bliellerin tne market. J-ASCIIALL, MORRIS 4c CO. Implement ano Seed Storo, 7lli and Market rhllsdelpM Franklin House. PARKER Si LAIRD, Proprietors. Chosnut St., between Third and Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. September, 1858. COAL! COAL1 I P. FULLER c Co,, would r especrullr I nfnrm Hi oeopleofPlttston and the nubile, in .t.. D bey have opened i Coal Yard, of ample illmemiona tie pregared at their office, eorncrof Main and Hail dairnr to till all ordera for coal for domestic and edhcrfasea. JUST RECEIVED BV KAILROAD. NO rs.a's.and 3 s Mackerel, While Fish and Her ! ring, Irish Salmon Ac. ApIMWT. ji o & I, W, HAUTMAN. -7 Lour STEAM GRIST MILL. TUB undersigned take plcaaure I n an nounclngto their I'rlcnd tan it u - zl r " ''u'VP?;J,iV"" T1IU KSPYTOWN STEAM GRIST MTLL. Wherfthey are making tiicvery besljof Flour, I nine horicsllliiicnndlnieiidaellingalihelnweBlprlce. u n'i,...rn,ir run oflliniin I hi Mill, propclnlby leani-power nllperformliigio perfection, aiidgrindmg nOUIHCIi unu I" . ' ' ...iniirintn 1 i iri". w j i nviin miff rininmiucAi rr ih m.elvea im '"" . f...i...rnrilniir.chon,fced.c.,thankluMyreelvcd and nilednnlhemolre.isonablceonditlona,.nLcK&OBEvELiKo Sspylown.JulySS.IBaJ ( JAM US BAUUER' S VtlotVakLB AMD RtTAI CLOCK ESTAUI.ISME.Nr. S, E corner ol Second and OheslnulSIa Philadelphia. IVhure may be lound one larseetandbeM aiaorlmen otOlocka and Time 1'lecea In thpi:nlt-dmtea,tniuinlltica osiiitnurcliasera.front ainalet;lnck.tounethouaand Clocka; embraciujever vrielynf stylcand manufue lure, aiiliable fur Chnrchoj, llalla. Couiitlnit llouait. Failnrs.gieeplni! ap.irtmeiitlandKllcliena, steam and J i;anai lioais, ami nonroaa lars. Also solcaeent for Itapp'a lately palenleil Scientific mrncuniii rena. t) iioiesan-auo neiau uom nii.v Fen Holders, IVnells and a variety of Taney gooda. Those wishing tu purchase will find Ittotlieir Inter a a toeallbefuropureuasingclionliere, iiniiiu.,,, R. H. corner of Chestnut k Heron I nte.,l'liila Feb. 10. lc3S-lr. CH CAT WATOUCS AND WHOLE8ALF. AND RLTAii i ine rniia.,-ip rfintii Witch and Jewlrv Store." No.9GtV North SJ street corner of Uusry. I'liiladelphia, Oold hevcr WAtchst.fullJeweltid. JQ caiai UlMU lpiUC, u laiai HilverLercr, full Jewelled fiver Leplne, Jewels, ... Superior aunrtiors, Gold Spectacles, Pino Silver do, ....... uniu urtrcieis ,-. Ladie's fiold Peneils, . . . BiverTea tipoons.set, Hold Punt with nenrllnnd ilVf rholiler. Cntrf rtntfflr rlnir 27 CPirtS O 80: WfitCh Cl9HCS plain ?l cents, patent Ltnet 35 ; other article In prDPortion, All goods warrmtfdto be what thfy are SOU) I Or njiui rnii n, iiAuiri. i , lCi?,t)nhandsnmeaoli,aalHiWerLevera 6t I.ppine till lower than the above prices, Octl li?i0 Avise's CllEAl'WATCUJC.EWELnY STORE, No. 72. North Second Street, OprOBITETIIE MOUNT, VERNON IIOUBCrilt LA ColdLeverWatclieerullJenelled lBU.Casca , 8 " Sliver do ud do Lepine no Qiiarllera. S00lo?qo GoldSpcetatlct 4i0toip Silver do ... a.lvsrTablellnnan. neraell. 14 OUtOIHUU do uescri uo uo X:: "Zi do Tea do do 4 7510 7 50 QoluTensantlGoldCaee,, 3 9Jlo5 00 Hn Htiver nn . uu Toretherwltli a variety of Bne Oold Jewolry.Gol LUriUUtlVDIie.uuu"alu.' nil.B.n.i. aa presented. Watches and Jewelry repalrciliotli N n. Alloidf rnembyiiy mellorolherwlse.wlltio punctuallyatlondert to . novimBcrir i,..-.. DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S CELEDUATED Ge rman Bi tters. WILL 'EFFECTUALLY CURK -w ivpiI niivrLAlNTtDysrienftla. Jaundice, Chronl I j si fjiirvnni HcLilitr. Diseases of the Kidncrs. and all diseases ariting 1 1 orn a MiPurucreujuivtr ui oiunintii 0uch as Constipation, Inwaid Piles, .Fullness or Illood in tne ncaa, nciuity t,c -,i""ii nmitwi n.n burn. Disgust for Food, rullnetsor Weight In the Hto mach,Bour Eruclallona, Sinking or Fluttcr'iig at the I'll of the Stomach, Swimming ol the Head, Hurried and Difficult t.TCaihinR, ru-Uenng althe Hearl,Choa dioinewit ji iiiuninn i" -v ui, i" i v a, ,v tnms .. bad DullPaiuiu the Head; DeBclency of Perspiration. . i AfiLa Ulln an .ll!vm Pnln in (he Malta. , r . -1 .7 ttk... .,1 uli,t,.rn.atlinCinlil Pa.-,. back, Chit. Limbs. tc iJud.ien Flushes of lleat.llurn Ing In Hie t iesn, vonsiauiif ue inings oi juvnaiiK preal uepreision ui oiimu .,.tim ..rmtrioior incallina tht attcnlinn of the nuhll 1 HIS IMtl'nin.s""'""" eniwiiv ....kwiMi.,i.iiiv,u torctwjee lit lib viriut uuu &ri puiiuu iu ineuiseast nr wi-.ich itia rcCUIiimPfidf'd . It is iio new and untried art jtlP.M.ut nnpthtnbat rtof-d tho t em oi a len ears inn i ntioru mr mucricsn at'opip audits reputation and rale is unrivalled bjany euulUr preparations citant Thi testiiuMiy of iisiif or given oyiim mosi nroiuint'iii 'u w(h-miiiv,h my-hci-m ami individuals in all pirts of the countrvii mmtiii.snd aearcfulperufc&l of lb e linaiior.r'iiMith- a1 aniinalU' hv thr t)morintornnd to be hurl eratls of day o His nzi'niteini,m uuibuiki y uie uiusi tKrpurai l nils rcuitujr is ruuuy ucit-i i u nic givui t-uivuui) outuer I PENNSYLVANIA TESTIMONY. Ctrt&tate of It. HVODH'jIHD, F.$q.,tke Kill-known vtlltrjor (As uuntannon iron n urht, rtrryvo., i a, Di:n('ao.n, Jnnuar 11, lf.H. Dr.C. M.Jacksmi Diartiir "t wustor five cars severely utllictcd with Chronic Uliluus Dscnter , for wuirti i was attenupo ny several oi inc nen t nystiians in flic country , but all oi no noll. 1 alto used ancus remedies, hut could tind nothing tn litntlil me. until I wus induced to try your German it it trs, and after tak ing (our baules ol which, 1 was cnL'rely cured, and am enjoying the hi st of health " MUilH ISFFCC1B OF THE GERMAN IlI'll ERS IN DyePEreiA and liver complainf. Certificates uf J.C CURTIS, Esq. Kcporter of the Evening Chronicle, Pittsburg, Pa.. vho. February ill, lfia5,says, 11 For some Vvttks past my wilo has Picn using your Gi riuan UittciB, with n l.appy clhct. Sho has been atHicted more or It-ss, fur ti verul cms, with disease ol thu Liver and D)-pt-psia,nnd untllfhecom luinced usiugthe Uittets, noiliiitg had given her much relief. Iltr health Is now rapidly iinpoving, appciite good, and wehuve evpry reason to believe nr.evwll be pe'iecny resioreu. cue says u is mv uqsi incuiciDt suu uastver uien." NERVOUS DERIL1TY. J. M. IIcuiuER, Coylestown, ra.,Jr,ne 20, 1B33 savs: Mv wife has Lien ofihctpd with a nervous tie hilityt since SeptPinber, since whith time 1 have been unable to Bud any physician nr. medicine thai would benefit her in tho least, unlllone day I called at thp store of Dr. Harvey, ol this town, for some tincture oflron.and describedto him the a miction ol my wife ho then handed me a lot of papers tort ad, among which diaielv procured a few Lotties from him, find am nlcaift to state that the use of tho Diitrr huki'oue her mor good than all tne medicine sno uas nerriotore taken, wish you to setnlmc a halfdozen hoi tlea LIVER COMPLAINT. J. P. Win, Martinpurg,Pa,,Ma'S3,ltS4liays:M With much pleaMure 1 tcrtlfy to thn virtues or voui German llittcrs Sometime since, l -was severrlyaf- mcicu Willi u uierakf oi in niTr itr wutii i usee varioai remedies, but with no beneflcla I effi-ci, until 1 was induced to try your Uittfrs, which 1 Oin nowhajipy to state have entirely cured mo,' They art ci.tlrHy vegetable, free from till alcoholic stimulants, and pleasant in taste aud smel I, Price 73 cents per bottle. Sold by Drusgists and Storekeepers In every town ana village in tne unite.. Maiesoniiuanafos antt py J. U, MOVER. HloomMmrg, H. II. UOWMAN ic C0..1tent'lik. L. WERTMAN, Rohrcbtirg, ,K. R. RORHINS, Lighutreet. S. A. WORM AN, llspy. MELIUK ii CREASYi Llghturecl Juno 7, 1530. jrnisusitJTii AbnnoTiiFiiH. wholesale TOBACCO DEALERS, HO. 108, NORTH TIIinD ST11KKT , Five doorsbelow Race, rlHLAOELFIIIA. JanruravlO.ieJS,, C. C SADLER $ CO., NO. 0, North Water Street Pliilailel phla COMMISSION MERCUANTS. and dealers In Lurd, Shoulders, Cheese llama, Buckets, Porka, riour ttc. Aplil 1. 1655-ly. Or. Francis . Harrison, WOULD respectfully inform the citixuis of Olooms burg and vicinity, that he has commenced tho prac in ui .ijauLwns 4iiu punusKjr, uuu U1ICIIS a SUIfO O publicpatronage. ne eanjiwaj Iwaysbe foundattUeUxchanse HoteloDiiaslte Court House. iHeoins'jurg, Feb, 3, 185J, Br, J. C. Itutler, II o m cc o p a I h i c Physician, RESPECTFULLVlendoralil, l'rofesslonal Sercea lo the citixensotlilooiiishurg and vicinity, gene rally rf-Otflce on the earner of Main and Iron Streeta Uloomsburg, Adjoiulng Mr.Urower'sSlore. Sept. iJU. 163S, OIL WINDOW BLINDS. ARK and light oil Window Blinds, Just icrelverl J and for rale by Apail 4.1637. IIARTMAN. A. M. RUPERT. Tlnvrareand Sheet-Iron Manufacurer filer en Main Street below Rupert'a Store, ROSENDALE CEMENT, P Ell SONS wishing Rose ndale Cenienl can find it bv calling on lb, luustilbtr at liupcrt. I'a. ). II. HABMAN April II, IVft m fT'TjfnM tin inr Mfi IKK SAVING FUA'D. OF Till! XJITtoMl SAFETY TRUST COMPJXT. in if anil msmmm f ALNUT Street. South West comer 7 f tf TIllRtl, rhiladclpbia. incorpuraie1 ny me Dinio in i rnnwiyanm Money is revived In any sum, Iflrgo or ffmlt and IrAffst paid the day tf deposit to the day of wf tlnlriiul. The otll'-r Is open every day from 0 oVI'Hk in the morning till 7 o'clock in the event np, nnd oti Monday. and Thursday evening', lilt Oo'i lock INTJ3REST FIVE PER OENT. All sums laree or small, are paid back In COLD on dctuand without uotice, to any amonnr. I'rcsider't.lioii.ui.lMir i" "1.-.MJ11. VicePresidcnt.ROnKRTSELFKlljaB Secretary .WILLIAM J. HEED. Wlrdlor,; Henry L. Conner, U. Lnndreth Munne Edward L. Carter, F- Carroll nrewetcr RobertSelfridge, Joseph n. Harry, Samuel K. Aahton , Henry h. Churchman , Jamean.Hmilh. FranciaLee. This companyconflnes its business entirely In Itie receiving of mcney on. Interest. The Investments a nionntinaln nearly, 1 ONn MILLION AND A HALF OF DOLLARS I s per published report of ASSETS are made In con. nrrnlty with 'h provlstona of Hie clurler In REAL llalATli, HI till I u Aur.r-, iiiiuu1.11 UL,i 10, anil eucu flrit elms seeurllies.'aswill al&tsinsurc re r fee I so curily io Ihedepoiituri, and whirhlcannnt lnl to give I lo gtvo perinanericyaim v-muili. iukiuigum nnu ncr vinw h tlied Institution, l KM, f AC"1' March 7th, 1657 STEAM ENGINES AND DOILER, 1MIE subsfitlberii now prepared, with new Machine rv. to buildiiHtiouarveiieincs.fromSto luoimrsc tower, upon tho latest iuiprovtd plans, and will build to trdcr doubleand slugte poriabte engines from lo to 40 lorse powcr.uiggcu upon corriagcs, wiui uuuer piar intr fcrumni alt rotnnlcie and reud v for oetion. Alio -cylinder flueand tubularbollers cult iron coal brc.ikg irs patented in 1830, fur threshing grain ami crackinr 'orn and now made on a large scale for reeking os ormklnu coal. Heavy niinlnc nuinos and (Ira e tin in el rigged complete with double acting forcing pumps, ni kinds of miltgcaritigtnd house casting made to order! Llneehafiiug with any desired sites o I pulley a finhhe with haniitrs Ironnlanina done.sav 'J4 feet Ions! n klndsof Iron titrnirg heavy press nnd other screw turned with auv desired sltrhoflhread. ThebestRoiighlron threshing Marhinea, that ever comeheTure thenubliL,cat Iron nnd w'odcnmachlnrs made to order. Lever power, chain or tread tmvrr made to erdcr A so takes ordcrsforthefouowlncniai chinirv! II nrri i oil's "ItilPil rat mi 1 1! rai M mill , SI0U0 of fered by the ratcntee (orilifiual. It will grind in good nneiopaivj nusneism ono unur. .Aiioiiuitsantieicvn1 torsall In nrder.aleoUuirch.'s I'ntf ntMlfiwer.iinimfncHir edby O. D Harrin t Co., the most powerful II lower now i n use wiiuiuciejsi iiuouiu nipower, one orwnicii willnepulin use at the Foundry for eilnbition. Allul thp above works willbc warranted to hi what they are sold for. Also Take orders for Scott's Patent Rlnrksmlth Striker, andrights to use them InthecottntiesofColum bia, Montour, NorthumherlRnd,Lvcomiiig,Sullira ii a hd Clinton, one or wiucn can uo seen nt my niton LEWIS 11 MA1TS Marches, 1830. Hloomsbu. Columbia ic , AND Omnibus Ra Ra Line. fpIIE undersigned respectfully informs J his friends and the public Hint he hat, taken the xefcanfs met, in iiioornsiiu rg, located on Ma in Street, directly npposiu the Court House, which been throughly repaired and improved, where ho is pre pared lo accnmmnrtnti! Ins customers with good tarp ami lOKt'iierm satisiaruon. He also ha in connection with the Exchange Ho tci, un excuiem OMNIBUS LINE, runningregulnrly aevcrnltiines per day .1" and from .lie I'epinun llie nrrivni Ol llic uara, nv wllirn passcng. era will be pli-.'ift.iiitlyeniiveyeiltnthe'llipotSlntion,oi laaeu iroiiinnuretiirneu to tneir rcsiiienccR, itnes ired. njy-llewill altviiys Iio happy to entertiin niuluccorn wuuaie ins irienueiu tneiiiiiin.i ni iiis.-iiuiiiip 1'ETEit uillmi:vi:ii, Pwvrlclor. Olooinaburg ,Aprll,5,ieSC y. FARMERS' DEPOT AND TLASTER MILLS, AT TUB JUNCTION OP l"flrlcfnus. Crewaand Collotrhill Street', PUILADELLMIIA. WE oflfor a largo stock of Chemical .Manurpunn lVrlillizcrjiil low prices, nud war ranted to he Genuitio ; nmniig which w ill be found : 1 .turn tons No. I Cover tuneul Peruvian G fnno, 1 (KMtoni' DpRurs No. 1 Hupcr Photphalb ol Lime. The ubove Handird arlirlfs nre. e.i"ttol their hind, the best in the world 1 Our Land Flakier, m turedfrom clccud stous is rrcjrated tUioiijiiomiliL u mh-u iui n i"' iiir iii-'i 'iiritHit, WE INVITE OltllERS FOR; Djniiri's o. 1 Sttiier Phot hiteofLime. No. lGovrtiimenl I'eniviui Guano, French's Improved Supl'iiosphate of Lime, Trench's Phlludelphinl'oiiilri-itL. Nn.l Phonphnu Guano, (Philud'a Co.' si llmlrltn (1iinA A ' ..St-..-.A -AIU f; Extra Laifiiicr, Ordintry LandPlitcncI Chemlnnl lioo Vnre HoncDust Fisli Gunno,. Ground Cliarcoul 1U 000 Rurreli Land Pl.irter fi 00(1 C;iniiij PlJ.ter. 10,Jio llydruuiic lament. 3 00(1 " Tine Itoman lm,.it, 1,000 Portland (English) Cemthl. AL-O Dentist' Plaster, Powdered Anthracite Coul in nits Ht.ereotipo Planter Powdered Ritumliious cmrl iubbh G 'ass Mak's do Ground llrovn Stone, In bbU Ground Soap Hmne White fa nil. in IM. d White Marble, Ground llnrks for Painters. d Dluc Marbles Powdered llnnp Phck. FRENCH, RICHARDS k CO. SlPim Mil t d nd Farmers' u pot. At junction tf Yorkjfrtnve Crown a4 Colli uhill itrtiti- IMIILADEI.PIIIA. March Ttb, 1657,-Sm. SUPIiR.PIIOSPIIATE OF LIE. THE subaciher present to lie notico of raii'icmind others iiiiercsled, the above article. The excel, lencyof our preparation h.ii l,een so well known for many )earsp.ial, that we deem it. unnceessaiy to aay ..... - v. . ,..v,..D, w. iuici v renin tk inal during a long aeries of years, its purity aud vulue'as a stimulant for tha growin crop, and aa a ' I'eriiiaiiunl .ISauiu-c have been thoroughly ealablished, Oar Super rkoipkate e, x tint ia not changed DIM char acter every aeaton. bull. vliat il purporle lu be unl form in l a chemical consliiUeiHs, and la relied uuon eslbeUestF rlilliltrinuM for r CORN, OATS. WHEAT, POTATOS. GRASS. andothercrops rciulringaviuorousandlastlngmaiiure. wiiiu,-,iiiiiii,ii uv -ne muiiB oi annlytnv. can be hadcratuitouslv at ortr stoics, nr lv r.,nii ...i.J desired. OAUrtO.f-ne pirlicutur tn observe that every barrelof our article has ear uaiasand tkatef Vetteaad A'ill branded on tllehead. This Caution Is rer.iler. ed necessary, asthere arc so mmv articles of doulnful value sold under the name o f Super Pkeepkate tf Lime as lo mislead those who ale unacquainted with the valuoofaUenulne Article. Price $15 Per 2000 lbs. iU cents peril), A liberal deduction made lu DEALERS, Sineclasl la II there has been imported but one car;eoflliecelebrnled ' PACIFIC OCEAJf OUANO. winch we offer for aaloln amalf lota. PISII MANU.RB. A supply of thi s valuable anlcl.j Tor aale. Price $30 per 2000 lbs. 11 cent ptr lb, NO.l GOVERNMENT PERUVIAN GUANO. Fur silo at the lowcit rales , The leading Agricultural Journalsand Newspapers are rtnularln fded at aummr. for tlte use of Farmers. uiui.a tun assortment oT Oils, suitable for Ml. Cand"n H""ek"r-"!"'1"U'B''1"'" o-'d adamantine .W.y'uV. ',0,'teI", ro Klngafoi.1, t Pona.Olwe go Pure Stateh, corn alareli and Prepared corn. No, M. South Wharve,and 3iBwiirw,'Stkle LAliKIN 4i PAflrfRTi SU.C1?ora!eH'f HATS & CAPS, AND Straw Gnnrla no, n nuriii necooa airact, nan door nhi,,. Madl.niillouso.l-mi.Alii., piiia ' 000, "bnve the Menhalits vlslliiu thacliv wlli'rln.t u... - . jurvBi3,iJX.-y. OFFICE Next door lo the Post Office. iVo. 83 l)ocL-Strccttrhiiarlel2)hia,l PER CENT. ALL HUMS OF MONEY"uKTUUNED ON DEMAND. rjHE S PATE HAVINGS FUND, No."83Dook Sroct, next door to TbirrtSircet, X andadjoiiilng the PostOiTlcp, receive moopy nmlnposll dally frnmtt in lhi mornlhg until 3 In tha aflsr. noon l also Mondny i'venliig.lroin7 tuOnVlofk littere(lii nltowi tt.nii M yur Its at the fair oi F1VK ri'-H CENT pet annum Depnults Kill h rcturnfd In wholo tr In piirt on t'eniand wilhMX nnilf Thepnpulirlty of ihlsUlhco uUIilII elasni's of Hie commniitty ml. In town and country, and its consequent urTss, may be ascribed, In par it to the inwinp siihunnttnirranoiis 1st, It o.rrsarnveuienl,rep.i.)lMe and prodtahte Depository in llfculorn, Adinlnlmrntor s, Assignees Collfrlors Apr iitfl.andnil public oiflcrls In AllorMys,Trutee, B -tUtl nnd Assrtcintlotit.Hhelber Ircnrpo pnrnkMl nr otherwise tcinsrrlfil orslin iV lai'lrs- to Htudenls. Mnrl iits CWHa.nnd hiirliif vs mrh ffncrslly to Mrhanlcs, Kariifrs Minors otrlthtrfcx and all whohavu funds, murli or little ttilcdosit. wheir they may ho had aany lime with flvf pr ci nt tnlrrrsl tidilpd, ( i!J I)"poiiora iccpIvi ll-ioks with -in nlnrnctof thf Py t.nwsinrl whlcMrn 'ntrrfit their deposits which books serve as outlier.. Thuv tuny dfsipnotf In rate ifsiekhcps, aeaihutribTiire, who will recti v their i deposits, without ht'iritntvrnlion oll.icri'inrs or Atlmlnlsirators, Any one or more persons may deposit In hill ncr iifii!ii name or iot mny 'nirr pt rpnn or persons 3d. A Report Is iinde escbynr tn thi l.rjrtsla.i.rctand CounrlloofthrOity. 3th. The Officers are sworn bef.trclh'iv enter upon ihrlr fluff slit additrnr tngivlnc Ronds with surrtus. Mh. Theanie ?aviips Fund Is nr.mavlnt!s Fuml -not an limurnnre an i-Trust Company Our larpf list nfD porilnrsind tho rhltffriclphin public. havo bcmrarcrul to observe tint thccliarter avoids the bufli'rsi and rUh of lnsiirnnro, , Otlit Iniefenltn this cnmpin docs notfrasrfotirtreti ilayn nrevittis lo the with rnwnlofthc money . 7th. In order toatlord f veryt aonnhlefnrlllly to Deposit nrs who n-sldrnt a ihstnrtrp from the nflire,thelrdepo sits nr perntlltcdtn ho wlihdra n hy cli-cks.nftpr the innunrr ctittomnrvwtth the Ranks, Check llooki wiliba furulfchedtndfpoiillnrswMlioute arge, . Tin' popular pHUontinP bestowp upon tht i(T.rr by n proi eiblallteantious and diirrinilanting cnmniunltj'.aniS nim tp I up rinrncif-rni iiio in. inn in is uesiKnowii,isiicrviiii lUKiaci iuyviiivmhiu t i."'.': -'l" "V; ll A ll i ' in it i ill ui I i rraiwr r, Philadelphia, May 31,185d Gut WATCH & JEWELRY EMPORIUM NO. li! Routlj Srconii Strpc. A fow doors below lMarl(oi. Philadelphia. TIIF. iindprilffned i"ppftrnl v cnlls the attention of Columblacounty in gpneral. to otirn'Mirimrnt of jewellery, h n vrr, riatPd nnil nriiinia wjres , uttiipry, inncyuooas, sic. liiir eror coin nix Ing n it dors an large and mag nlfic lent nn nlsnrtninnt of goods as any similar estnbllflinif nl lr Ida Union, Ispiitirely nnw, and of most ricont styles and patterns wll be disposed of at the very lowcut cru'i prices. (Inhl Lever Watrhps.rull dwelled, 18karalcscs,froni 930 to ashfgh as $300, Silver Levar (Vntches (ull teivpllpn ia. nnd ovpr. Hilvprlipolnn Wncthes. lewollcd. S'laudnvar flllvm ?J3U aimrth-rilo, $3,to,$l0; Hold Pencils ?l 20 to $7J Tiiip Oold RIhiTs. 37 r -nts to5no. Hllvurnoons. Piualroln nertet Tem. SS Doiert Table A 1.1 Wati h G tftines bust nusl. iy plain 12i cent, patent 1H, lunct'JS Other articles in proportion. All goods warranted whstthey ero sold for Constnntlyon handafull nseortmenl of fiw Gold Jewelry nnd Silver Warr as well aa aline assortment o GOLD WATCIIEH. for fiadiM urgpntlenvii from tho most cclvhr&led manufacturers. ryUepalring promptly attended ti the Ltulle nf Ctdumbla ejuny arepartlculsrlv inviied treult utillti ectp ouratock ofJewelleryhcfor'smaklngtlielrr.uichostBi EDEN HAVDOCIC, AllgUlliiMui ;i PIIIf.A. AND READING RAIL ROAD Winter Arrangtmtnti for Passenger 7aini, January ls(, IS57. TTP Trains, going North, icuve nntaueiphia o 1 7 W A. M. mid m i Diwn TrnlnsgoingSoutli, leave rottavlllcal 71 A. M Ice, nntl 4 P. M. iJiitminspafs ucaningai in.v.', a, M.aniio,vzr..'M. down Trains " 5,IJ,A. M, 5,4J 1. M The ExnrrsiTrnin Is discontinued until further no- ttcn 1'irun risiinnrtioiii am 111 id e bv the 10Ji A. AI tho Train fromPnttCltiit-jutn Elmlrnand all interme diate points : and ny tno t,vs r ni up i rnui irom rnri Clinton toElmlM.C.itiundatgua ll'Jll,'!o, Nlagitra. De pot, Chicago, St, Louii, navcnpori, nun iowni;uy; .MnklnjlhUrnittQ theshorlcstand cheapen to thi Lake KrleesandCanadA. OnSnndnvs.tho Down A. M. Trftln from Poltsville. and Up P.M. Train from Philadelphia, only, run, t IlARRisitt,RoCoccrioss, by Dauphin Ralrood nt An n n l n A fprlnl Accommodation Tassnngnr Train leaves Rpadingihillly, (except Sundays,) nt "i A.iM., rtturtiii g from Auliurn al'fi P. M., on arrlva ol 3,10 P. M. Tniinlrnm llnrrishurg. WAY FARES PnoM Readino to rhil.idrphii,$l.75andl,45; PottsvHIo 1,05 httd D:3; Auburn, t 7fl. THROUGH FAUn3, tn Harrii-hurp $'J 35; Tomnt-n $1,33; WiKicmsporl 91,10; Ehuirn $0,3J; Caiuiiidtii gua$i.fi0 HutTah or NiagralJln.Oi.; CZ-avpand tilt, 70; To'do$ 14.7-1 ; Cincinnati $10,00 , L'liii'iip'. $iu,tu Rock lbainl',0!'. ALL Pasautigersw ill procure tickets before p nrrt ti ars 10 ctnts pxtrn on Fnrpn paid In Hip rnr Fiy lis., of pcrsnnl nagaccnZowpd i-nrh Paneen overt hat weightchargodnsExtrn Itntrui .u G A. NlCOLLS. nu.iAwA 3,1. IP57 tC GpiiW Hup'l west rranoii insurance co or LOCK HAVEN. l'A. INSURES Detached llullding", Stores, Merchandize, Furin i'roprjrly, and other luildings,and their cn wmn at nioJeruiy rates. Capital S3. 00 0,0 00 1 1 1 it tit rrn im uon.jonn J I'earce Jthii It, Hall, Charles A Mayer, Charles Ch nsi. Hon G. C. Ilsrvcr. T. T. Abroms, D.K Jrksoii W. Whito Peter Dickinson ThiAinTt Kitchon, UOS. G C. HARVEY. President. F. A o Ra M 4 Vice I'ms. II. G Ui., lien Agt, Trioi KiTcnk's.Sec'v. RHrSKENCEH. SiiMiulU Lloyd, ThOi Itim-mtn.D D. A. .. Winpsarder, Will. VniideKHilt. I,. .. .v.icuy. A Wliit". J.ims (tutrKle. John W Mavnard, Hon. SI mou Cameron, Wm ri-.truii, Dr. J H, Crawlord, A Ifp.h'g. .11. Jimp Aitt'triMig, lltm Wiltiim II n; It, V. WIRT, A-jrnt. iUoomihuf g. June 21, l&ZC RUSINKSs NOTICK. HER RING-Till I-l-ltOOl-Aril-Aiiolhei Victory Mni'-Tlliin,!.. , 1 1 . .1 ta'.K F. II.BtdJcrn.Eeq , Lonion.C. W.,.igerltfr llerrMg I), .It SIR I nill SorrV Inlnfnro, rniiil..i....i. with the wlioli-nn lie eniitentp furiiiluro. f lolliliig, .c. -"" -o,iuj . t,j lire in.l lilgui. 1 fa l ,1 nulhllle . Vnu Will ri'liielnli-j 1 bn:ilt.'-l on i. Mli-rrl uMrlud r,m liist.Mnrrh, nnd 1 havi- murli pli-n-uro in iiifiirluiligriiu uitiiod the hri- wi ll, Il wncp, n. elly ri dhnl for sei.-r. oliiMirs;llie Ii indli a nud brans plait- belli inelitrimr. il d afti-r hnulii-a it nnmf 1 1.,!,, ., b .... i. ,.i nlnpour wali r ouil fur nearly hall' nn hour h-lure it r'-'iiu uu niii-ii-u. 1 on inny lancy my snlittritctinn nt lliKllugniy honka, lunrlgiigea, deeila, tiotua nnd cash ell rieiu iiii'iuinige nmoiiiil oi vitluulilo papi-i In it whii h, hud I lout, would Invr rompli lelv ruined mo Vim will plcn.o send mo iinether 'life directly, nnil I will si-ud yon the old ono that you inny shuw it tn all wuu wi.ii in iibvv a perieruy liru proolstilo , vii. .n , uvtf i i i ,yuu,A r I'specniii iy , J . V.' Empiiso. ITS The subscriber have on handfor a.'ilf.niir i ti,,, arg''ntartortmpntot Fine and HunoT.AR Ppoos Hrrs in wnrM gd.irriiutprd In Lf p final lot hp above muM it. ,ei lot to an) other unwnflWpd tn the piiMir FAKKHLS k. IIEItlilXG .,M.,II 1R55-V V'''"'a-"'.-'-.lladel.-bin. WHOLESALE AND RE'IAJL CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STORE. 0stcr ami Eatins Saloons, Tllfi undersigned, respectfully Inror-nm. Hie cititens of lllounirburg und tho pub W. V ...w ... (jLcllll, vnl, ,,:j nail- uo IglM me Inleretl nf Mr . ilolluinti. In il. u.. Lslobllshnient.niiMnlii Slretl, lllnoiushurg, and nlsn a genelul llakery, Conr, clii mry, and OlUrr lia I, 1,7 mniit. where they willnt all linn s keep J fn Mini iel I rotialoiia Sweet meala nnd Eatable., such ns Ureml Pie.. Sweet Potatoes. Ma.krel fci! JJ m cood ordornnd on moderate turre. 1 p.Ti'P,'-r l-eke" Uree .upply ol Almonds r ICS. Itiauna. t-nitii Ni,i ll't.1 u Clgyp rlc .Jwllli every llnagliiiibloarl'lcU-iii their line ol business. nnd oftho best qua ity. p."- "'- -"i.-i"--.i ui ui nuns wiiu uresii, cases, il". Oistcra, Str. , aud nil nrdcra promptly filled Lash paid for Country tin. r,ni.iir reppecifi Hy Invited. 1 . , ,',-7A t-'dic'iSaloon dlsconneetedfrom tneahovo eaiaiil tluiicnt, liaa been prepared In good order and wiiialway. be nllheircommand. TIlllMAH i' v.imi: ,.i THOMAS C. ELSE OLIVER T. WILSON. Uloomsburg, Ttb. 1, 1857. 0AMI5R.V UOI.NER0 IlOTEL THE UNDERSIGNED, informa hir friends and llo traveling public, that h has purchased the hi, valualle properly and thoroughly improved tlieCambiu Hotel, located IHuiilc.Noillioflliooinsburi, InCamnra Luteme county, end la well prepared, lo entertain strangers and customers. ' Per.ona going and returning from the City, will of coutsetravtl by the " " Oamlira Mail flnn!. andwlllalwayaflndthle the moil convcnlcntparlo t.rlinrr And .ir.lwlni. The subscriber, aj.o keepa a Livery Establishment, In connection with hlallotelnnd Mall Route, bv which hecau atall timescarry visitors. ll,mtA.. n. ai. parties, to thn Loog Pond.or any other destination, on shorl ounce and wilhgoodtravelliuir facilities. C.mb,.,Julyl,lM0. '""KVJ rAr'-G- Uloomsburg Tluware and Stove Store. TllllunJer.ignedrcspecifully inform, his old frlonda andrutloiucrs.that ha uinnm,....i i... , ' ' Inlere.t liithe above concern wil hercallerbo conducted byhlui.ell cielusivelv IlU l,i. I u At ierMlun.1 r. .. . !' gr "" 5i . . uii .me, mo loraesiaiid Iheger with stove Filture.of every depcrlMloi, Ovo usual, on ahortnoiiee, "I'.inni uone, a, .l;eoW;.o"nVirefdo.ldft,,n',""j ,w r.,.. loomsbnrg, Jan. S, I6Jl,tf A, M, RUPERT, PHILADELPHIA CARPET STORE waitings Just received SO, (ion Pieces new alvln nufcetured and l,rled e,p for" (JARI-EI No. u.fJ1" ' , "j ' k "I-1-r . will ,.,.',. '. ast-Vbhurcii "to UacDPd Bireel.Jat door below Marrtal, ittfO. J. BIDKCY JOKTS, uuwiniu n. i t thrcltlrrns of Itlrmnnburg in pnrljcular thatopee (f WATCH EH & CLOS, ""Hiio ii. rilfil,t Dr. J. S. Houghton's GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. DR. H0i70HT0?rS rpllE True Dlgcstiva wrnnSffif? Juice Prcpnrpd from kp r-ini.1. n tm..lm Rennet, or the rouith l Btomnch of thp (ti. nfii't- dlrcrtions of Unron Lie. hlg, thpgrpotPhyslolog len) ChemUt. hv J. h. Touchtoit.M.D . I'M I-,. . D n unnenitfiy r7lo math, No ntlnf nianenii clualil, curnllvr powers. It contain, nn Aliliohol I illi ra, Arldr, or Nausaw,, lltiiga. It l-jtrcmelygreeabletothetnrlc,nnd Piav bcLikeiibytliiiiiiiisilecble patient, who cannot tat a watercrackcrwllhoiiiacuicdi.ireas lie wan ori)iuud tmitmions Pi p In Is not a Drug ' Ca'l on the Agent, and get a Descriptive Clrculo trnilp.oivlng a large nino.iiil of Seieniirir Evldci ce rrunlLlebig'i-AliimaH.lieinl.lrylllr Ci.iil,o'Frin.ii.rtr lligestloiil llr Perclrn on 1'ond nrd Ilieljllr. Ji liti Tfnt-cr, nfNew Vnik Universllyj I'mf. Hun. Ilpnn't 1'yploTngy; rror. Vnli Colli lire; Or Cerprn tnl'pPIHPlllngy! ,c.,tirether Willi reportpof Cures rromiill pnltpnfllie tlniipd Atnt- Soldhy E P. Lutr nnd J. R.Mnyer. Illniiijipbi,,, H II. Ilowinan llerwlek. Oct3, IP5S ly A UEVOjAiTION IS NECESSARY Victory is Ours. Such is tlieprogie.r oi sie uci hi tin, nge tliainoiLlh. pcuiii. impii-ilhle. '1 lu l ihtio lire new unu scienttf.. iliACuvem a U-iiig mnilu tivry iin, no one will doubl Aller a llmruiigli IlivePtintitli i'l the Kll., doni, Wlthil vilw tuobt-iliu pnsllitvui .peiilie uu.e, fur tho iiioiccumnioiiill ol hiiinuiiiiy. 1 butt suci.tdi in bringing lugnher suili- 'J l.rec u r lair Ii,,,a since it8iinr--iliu-liou,aiid Itie now t.licuitd the n.v popular ti mid) 111 thu nrld, known up Hdmbold's Ucnuinc Pitpartian. Highly I'uiiceiiliiiinlt'nmpiiuiid 11 u xl L'airart PuiLn Fur all Diseases olthe ulrdder, hldnej s.Lrii art aaj SilualUlguiK. ' JUV '10 THE A11-L1C'IEI)!1! ltcure. Dileapepolllie lllai'di r,Kiilii,ys,Uiavlr,Ln p y Oli.triiitionp 1 mult Liii. Innip t. luti, Ctltr rliii-a.btilcliilp, I'lnu, aminli ilixuirs an, ing excippis nnd I liipim 1 1 ci le, in nit. Nervous and lJtliUiatcd Svprtrs, And remote a all impropi r, p It, n. Ihe l.l.i.i.., Kii1iicpoi Sexunl tutui.s wln-ilxri anlii,. iu VlnU u Fi-im.ilu I'ri'iii w l.,iti' , r in iin 1 1 1 j nay Ihtroiiiun ted, nml in, matter nl how long rbindti g, rn 1 1 , ll,t tth and Igor In thi-Iruiiii-and bi.i.mtu the 1'nlll o rhi.k Delltll),br,,t.rlili,ii b) tibltst. It mi felteriil.te Hipt.1 Hliicliha.liruiielillh.i patidp- II be human fnlul'y In tn limrlj tr!ii, ii.ii linking h' Inlll.i t Ik. , nf is, out, nml bhgl.lii.t il tlx- In ' II I- inMiy nnublui-iilh,cnii I e .1111 oby II t use of Injlilliblt Ilimcm and na a medicine w liirli iiiupI u mli'i , ,r)lin l) frri. tho simpl) iklicnli li. II. iimliinil M,iidi,paliii.a lr.,. sc. i tube f.iui d. II joil have iiinlrartail Ih l triple Hirdiee, w mil, Ahinoncu reuud 1 1. 1 he syil.u utiileiluinibT the cnllPtution, puppligtl.e very Yl lluidsoflif,-, pruriin-lhe Irciueil) ai mire 'I'hu l.epriiup illililiiieiii wh, .(..i:,rt Hi-Ida tut h an .'Mini- with blood 1 1 man, Tliaiawifiaa -imckallttr it rcutrolhrougb The n.llurtll gales iiIImp i,r the li,il, Cruilliiig, like engir drippiiup Inn, n.nk, lli-1 hi n ni d whulernme bit ml. rT Ucware or-mack mittimus ai.ilu.uark Declors Uclmboltl's ltghly Concentrated Compound fluid Lxtrnit of Jlndiu Is prepoicd directly uriordlng to the rultsi.fpharmsci ft Cheimnry, with il.e ginli.t ncimaiy al il chemitpl knnwleiigliiidcare lie v i n iln Inn,,,,. . ,, . iilajityl.isiiteiided in a'liliticllnii.,ui.d iii'a in low ii, emiiitiy Imtpltnl or piitale rnrlki , ,n, in Aiiriabty git eu tin- iiiopl deriilnl and uiit-juhoial ran. fai tluii und priiilnrid t lie anliilat, anil linf.Ci ptleeu It h,i. been a ml is iipi d mi all the prim it ul nl l- s in the IJ I Sluice and llnli.l,Pro li.r, p i. l i.iiil, oiiblic.iii prlnti riirilce.wltlicrial.iicre.a Kirlh Ic-t it In- liiiili-iptood, li-i Il.e i.'i.f. arr tin ,er whtlnilng tubo cin.lrai'idid, llrt IMuiliiild-p llirlnt Oiliriiilriited L'liiiipoiinil 1 hull Eilinil llnlli, Is Hit ipopt valuable leuu-iiy i ter i.lli ml tn tin piilii-iiu. r Hie lunvs or vnluuliiry te.iiiuony In poppi r.fiiiinrihe oprietor lalmuien.e emt-rucin, name, well km wnu Hii-nri- mid roiiiolcelcbtiu-d I'liysiciaii. and Hi, tin, einheilClcrg'inen See Dewee's viiliinbtt- work or the rartirt ofl-hypicaud uiusl of the Ult .taiii'arillni.t'rt in Mtol oiiin. llr. Ephram McDocwll,'phiil alan und member ufthe ltu)al Cmlegi. tl riiirgimi,, Jre 3llid,und pliblithed llillie trulifurlii ns in tin- Kil.g and Cuecii-K Journal, en) a '-The l'li.ld Eilinit i.uthu liaving been lutily ptrnngly n coiiiini ml, 1 una iinluicu to make It a trial, und m) t'Xperlii'eiilpboi' ri iillid In ..... .u, .nuaitiii, llilllllitr I'll, ll'l r Ultlll neii in pnv rig I Ileum., i iuvtterutt- in winch I had nu hopes oi .uecera,' Aniniert-slingliiterispubliilicillntlieMidicoChrur gicailttvieivniithe pubuof Hitrartlluchu, hi lienja ii-in ravers, 1". lt,rlspealinglSypl'iHrnriiidlsrat, arising irom i ri'ii,f meicnry, h-siali t that no rem dy i, ("in a I lo it its powtr ia ostiaori'lnnrj . more p i than uuy drug Inniac-iuaiuicdnilh. 111. intl eatrin eal ,iiinn Tonic wllh H is intulunl.le nllllbuti, ihlilil isapplicnb'i- tn a slate of the sypti ni eo sunken ond el o irriiablens tore nder other subliminal a Tonirclaai unavallnble, nr injurious." We take the liberty in iiiarktug.fin Italics,) taya the diillnguislied eiliii. In Johnson, bieaiiro we motlcurdially concur with il. Traverse In his Unlemenlsnl Eilrtct l.urliu lllsnme.lirini-whith ispirfccll) pleas'iil i n it, .. nndodor.biitimiuiiSiale in ilmicliini, uii.lil istalen Ls persons oteillu-r sex. will hlnilrl-melron, bi,,,,,,.. ormedicaladvico.aaeip'ieil illri cliona for lie,, and , nmplo numberof reliaiileaml rellilleine. i convince the me.takepilcal will aeconil nr.) etch loiila l-ricnsl per bottlo ursli bullies fur $S lli llvru d to any addrepp Prepared niirt.Md b, IIT IIELMI.OI.I) K.H..lhT..,I..W'i; To be had ol """dln,.,) Phii.delph'm. " . , , J.R. MOVER, Scent nnd nr Druggists and Dealera thrnughoiil the Uliii.l Biatea.Cnnada.nnd llrliish Provinces "., Augusta, IMP y. HOWARD ASOCIATIOS, PIHLADEIil'IIiA Important Announcement. To all per, one ulflirtod with sexual duces Bench ,..8.I-I!!?.AI- WEAKNESS. IMI LI ENCI-"Jo""0n IiajA.fll.EET SYPHILIS Ur etc. """nn"" Ithe HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philudilpbla, ia View of the awful dcstruclioiiol human Hie ni. il lieallh, caused by Sexual disease, and Il.e dereptioii, vt ,i, It. SVll AttlVAWr' '"ffW '" ir f'' '" ""'"f t" t'0l.. mi-iih-aa 1 J'r'n-'Vi'l'J'-i' iiarnu tu g,.Aj ,1 - lhA. .A,"V,t),'' l loiis ll u, f tl. lod,Male or female, who apply by lellrr. viilh a lie cripiion of iheircond.lion e'e u( t,in he,.1,!. , file i urn leii mi:ihcim:h ruci: of i.-iiAi:it- Ihii Howard Aaroclaiion is a bennoii iitliinliullnn. cnablishcd by rpiciuli miowiuent Inr iheyeliifos th, slick and dlstrepted, aflllcled Willi Virulenl and Epli-em lu Dliiatit,,. and its lui'da, run bo for oilier puinnie It has nuw a surplus otnnils.viblcliihF Hireciora have lJ!,.''".".','V",'e.,b. ""' 'I ' l.lldle.s to add that the Aspoclallon rinnninndr tin- lnelii pi Medi cal skillof the age. and will lun.i.l, , he iiiif.t VrpVc.V u modern trcatiuciit. V'aliiablt-ndtire aitn alien in .irk .ndnertou.lemaleAeClieiedwiihnbdoiiiiiVulwcakni.Aa WimibComplalnl.Ciinlvineap Lculoihun. -.r . Address. (post-paid) I), CALIIOI N, rr-l. B,VePh!ap!,0rPaU.A,,0CU,IO' S- KUUt" 614 Uyordoroflhe Dlierlors. O EO. VAmZrlTWr-LL-Angust V. IH5n -y. HENRY ZUPPINGER, Clock and tl'alcliiDskrr. South SideofMmn Street above the Rati Road. Glasses lor liulilln, u 4BftfBWdtri( spiljlaelea. Ve. ' ui 'mitfarg, Aug, -J0,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers