-teu - ...'"a: Ml'MBIA IWiAT, At. KM II. TATB, t.OOAT, KD1TOII, Saturday Morning, KTayi'2, 1857. fSiW Hum to tub West. Never lo- fore, within our recollection, has thcro 'Jbccn, such ft mania for emigration to tlio ' Western States and territories ns is now prevailing. Plauy of OUr citizens, (in this i and neiglltoi'illg counties,) aro pripar'mg .thfllisclvCS fortho lonfl anil tedious journoy I .i7tho far west. Looking at the high iihopcs and bright anticipations thataninnto fiife vast throng of emigrant', many of whoin havo left comfortable houses and cheerful firesides hero in the healthful and well Ecttlcd districts of Pennsylvania, to bcoonio pioneers and adventurers in wild and distant regions, ono oanuot help in dulging occasionally in rather gloomy foro bodiugs. Home, doubtless n largo pro portion, will proceed well, while the exper ience ol the past forewarns us that many, ,ycry many, will bo doomod to sad and bitter diiappointmeut. Of thoso now leav ing us thcro may be somo, ruddy in health and with abundant mcaiu, whom bard usage, care, toil and tuckucss will dishcar ton and break down ere they can find tho dosircd homo in tho 'West, and who will in svypar or so hence coino straggling back, liko many others who under similar cir curastanco had gono boforo them, their families reduced by death, thcmsolvcs dispirited and brolicn in hopo'and lortuno to commoneo anew in tho places whero they were once among tho most prosperous and indcncndoLt. -Btill wo would not discourago tho migra tion. It .is for tho general, good of tho wholo country. While the farmer, mer chant or mechanic, who lias a gojd homo here, and is succeeding tolerably, should rarely bo advised to break up his old con nexions and go west on adventure, at the same time it is to that restless unsatisfied tw spirit that wo owe tho rapid development .of tho.couutry's resources. Our boundless diimain in tho wild region? of tlio west Intito those who are weary of the old set tlements, and t ho axe of the pioneer opens tho way for civilization and tho advanco .ment of our national greatness, jjp" 'I'ur.v iiAVii Conn. 'I liosc un- wcaricd pedestrians, tlio organ grinders, who always make tbeir adveut in the Spring .ofTtho year, aro now perambulating the .streets of our town(land grinding .out music , fortius million, to the infinite tlcl'glit of Voting America. Tboy tnulgo :il 'lie, from 'Louso to bouse, with all ihe patiouee iwa nfballe, followed by crowds of youngsters. . Tbu profosi-ional organ grinder is some- ithiuginorcthau an ordinary being. He en deavors to charm the puUiu by a ''auccc3- ifcton of sweet bounds." Hut the public fctmnge, iudeiid are entirely too beartlesi tdTnppreciatc bim. W.itch bim as he stops lirTfrout of a bouse to adjusts the legs ol bis'box. See bis calm countenance, as be turns the crank and doles out music by .the quantify ilo line a catalogue of tunes, I - ii.:... .. :t r i.:- i:.-.. lIVUUU I1U1 WBtU 11 iUIV lil 1113 IIUU1LUI1 j i,n.,A Mn .i,nt M...,.t u if.t'jo eollcctioiiH amount to moro than what I bill lllOStSaUlUlinO eXpCOtationalmdlcd llim , M l ... I In evniicl l,o rr, .,!. Ind no! rftud In. Iin., 11 Tf . , , Jo jUing ngnin nt No. 1, find Cnifillillg iho i oourse For this ho lllskes 111! odllitilinal .collection. After C ICVUSMiig the street, ! ,anu inaKing imiisoit lannliar with every , ,nook and comer in.a jiliee, ho takes his ibuu uu neneraiiy iiuisiioh ino cnniictiu ue-1 ViV.J'Hw!'7tln0" i"""-', iu i"- a..m on .' i i , i ",, i,. ,, I 'JBlKipoo.licriu,acaii he oM.iini'd fore lie oslis fi,r Uk- "liccr.tul." natal !iw'23??.15t.':iifiiiir,.m any otinr houu m tiw iltori eh lout iir lie aaiiincs aa lio looks a-! r-i4-p!;SS''uu'',ri!vAlN3 u waton'H, .departure for other towns, and turns Ibe,! .cW day after day, witli.uiiliring energy. SiJVili'lhiV.KK I 1 t, i,.,..i,,il1n nti.l hntllln II A. MS&- Almost a 1 mu.-Ou .turday .evening list, tho dwelling portion of EL-0 lg Wilson's IJakcry, occupied hy Uupt. J. 1 'Q. Fujs and family, was Mightly damaged iby firo. It appears that Mrs. Fuss, was - 'filling a fluid lamp, while burning, and ,iroin somo cause ur uinui, 11 ovenurucu, i iond tlio room was soon in a blaze. Timely inssistaiico.lioncvor, iirevcn'cd a disastrous .couflagration, , tSf For tlio largest assortment of cbcap 01otliing in town go to Lowcnburg's Stores iin tho Exebango .building, or above tbo .American House. Mr. L,, lias all kinds i -l.l t..l. 1 1 .1 I (P.cioiutug, uuuimou uuu uuys, unit maiiua la order, sells cheap and disappoint no ono i ,i,u uiavi, I'wiu. vuu 'in the nualitv of bis coods. Givo lain Icill. - " 'tali f-u. u.., I. a...,. Bmr... M- ir... JtSf J100T & DH0I5 bTOlm. Air. Henry Klmm l,..m.,,.,l n Ttnnf .tr Rlino Rlnrn T ,V V-4 " J - k WfVMVM Ml -WMV V WIU1V) Jn tbis place, on Main street, immediately abovo Else & Wilson's Bakery. Give lain a call yo that hare poor touts. Seo liis .card in another column. tSr Court, Noxt Monday, tbo re gular term of court will commenced in ..thlsplaco. Wo know of nothing very important to coino before it,but shall strivo to furnish tho proceedings, whatever tboy ' may bo in our nest issue, 7i L C Wo saw to-day, in tbo office of W. Wirt, Esq,, o specimen of 'gold in quarts,' from California; mined by Mr, Samuel W. Oaroy. Quito a curiosity 1 Tna Latest. Mr, A. 0. Mknbcii, has just received a Urge assortment of Cheap Goods at his stand on Main Street; S-Tqrn Down.--T1io old Methodist Church. Spoolal Notices. THE VITAL FLUID onteri overy organ of Iho body tlifouicli Hit circulation, distributes tho nulrltl.r) prm-1 elfilo. to every texture cinl tlie source of every ipcre-' Hon, In n nunlilti.llia Ufa of mm. How Initio r. !""" ,i,"' luiumidiMkepiina imnnniii,.iihy .cuiioiuon. luritti aorlitriariMl II Known lotimru prnptili'i ulilch become ncclmllittil'wttli ttie blu1. disinfecting 11 uf disease. ie, and roilnrlng exhausted r.,,.l n.4.t ti...tj -CVfRiath(7ff0 IrriM. , TIII.IN, DROTIIEK & CO. , nilura Co pilillno vigor. CeirisH. (7 JBoldty BCllDUTi: us-tiiu democratic nominee ran oover -( NOR, A eorretponil(iit,writ(ii llinl.m oon ni Gen, Packer heard that lio had boen nominated for Governor 'ckr heard that lioliad l,,i nom anted for Coven clarcil blmsdl overjoyed, and avowed ,hia (Ule'rnil tia ""'"" tumpatan early day Innnlrrl.tlblo , i!c uit of clolhlng from llio mag nlflcetitesi,ib:i slimo lit of UnANvan Stouts, No, 503 Chestnut. iroet.abovu Clli, nt .. , . . , ' - t iniatieippia, EST" Tlitl State SavllltS Fund, 83 Docli .... ... ,1. rv... nts Ri,n,.. Ini.nml.,rtl are recti ved on depoillo,ond returned ntnny lime, wild ,. . 1 five per eoiit.tlntereit. The ofllec la open dally, and every Monday evening, t3f" The Five Per Cent, Saving Fund oftbo National snfcly Comp.iny.yralaut alroot, aouth westeornerjof Third alrcel, Philadelphia, now haa moro than One MlLMONOf Djllars. nil InAloRTAota GROuao Rots, nn.1 other firit clu.;c'iilt!c, to the benefit u dcponltors, t3-TIIO.AS W. MArrnov, KrcelvciJ tlial'rizef Medal nt tlla World'a Tnlr In LoniJ.m, 1V,I, for TRUNKS, OARPUT 11ACS, llootl, lliooa nnd Quma. G real Induccmonia are now otTercil tt purctiaicri of the abovoarllclea, 'I'll 1 I a much the largeit (tockollrunki, Carpel llag, Vallcci.&c., In Philadelphia vcrychcap, or cjiIi. Manufjctories: 130 Market Street, S. W, oriier ondJJS Mirket alrcel, B n.,corncrnf I'ouitli. "tVOOIIf.ANl) CREAM' A pomajtftr beautifying tAe ralr highly "QifmiieJistiprlor to uny French a Ileal Impurled, nnd-fJr hair tlio riea. Tor driMilng Ladlea Hair it lias no cual, giving it n hnghlglossy appearance, It cauiea Gentlrman'a llnlr torurlln Iho nioit iialur.il inflnlicr. It removes ttahdrufl. nlwnys giving Ihe Ilnlrl flic nppenrnnci' of being Irrgli stia.ii pooncd, Price unlyQlty cculi. None, genuine .tinlcsa a igncd, rtTRirGnCO., N. V. l'rrrrlctoranrtl.o Uolm of a Thcutanil flatten.' Tor silo by all Draists, EQUALITi' TO ALL I UNIFORMITV Or ntti'KSt A Kew 1'saicrb ih IIusisksh; Kvery one his own Sale $ matt JOMM & CO.. Oftbo Creirent One Prlco Clothln? Etcro. No. 200 Mttrhct etreit.obove Sixth, rMlnetnhln, In addition ta having tlio largest, most varied find faehional.ro itock nf Clotlilcg in i'liitatlclphin. mado (jjtprcntly Or rititl salcn, have f out-tiintrd overy one hi i own Baloimnu, by li.ivinj unrkrd in fignreF, on each arm to tho very lowest nrlcuit can bo sold for rotliuy ennuot possibly vary all inust buy nlik The goo.Uaro w-ll iongcd and prepared, anil great pains' takr-n with thr making Ht that all tan buy with tho full 8BtraticQ offsetting a gootTNiftlelc at tlio very lowest price. Aho.n Ijto slock of piece grjodf on li.iiid.ofihfi titcst ie and beat 'tuilitifs, winch will he made to order, ia th) mott f inliinnalilc and best manner, 23 por cent, below credit prlcci. Ke ncttibff the Crescent, in Market, nbovo Sixth Struit, N'o. VOO. Jo;ii:3 si co. ONI2 TUIOii ONLY ! I.iri'lN'COTT & UOS.Oasli Clalhinj Warehouse, Routli West comer of ln.irtli and Mirkut utrout, I'hil adelphia Theonhj One 'rca Clothing Store fit Amsrica Caili purclitoera of.Mn0or boy a Clothing, n whotofalo and retail, enn' ticro, make ttair election from an itiriieiiii stock of fatiliioiiably rut and well nude cKithln , cottp wiiJi ajvluw ti K"ln miisf.iclioii lo alUand nt tho very lowest possible telling pneo Is markrd in pliiu figiircs on overy garment, all buy at the umn price, and; whether ttify arc jud'es of goods or not, tliey rautiot bo deeicved. One mil form low price to ink audU'ie. suiiaeveryhody, wile tho uiua mode ofankinc two price, and tilth); all tint ran be got. ft'lltri noIinitytii.Jciir!.itiiUri)3.r.)irt!H ; f ir insia ne a in in ankf $irtfora coat, aoil all erw.udi agrees to take 6 til, and it.ls eq'.al'y rrrialn, llmt lie4wcuid hactaken 15, it he co ild lmv git it, unit llu atuilty chit lit piirrlnn 'r out of rt vc ilolljrn Ti rnin'dy ttiig c II :tnd,eiitatli3li confidence in the irad.,I,U'ri.'C(r & CO., fi a inifiirm'iclow price mi nil their goudj,(vcry much b tow thcubiiol rntcn ) ntid willKVjr vary ony ct nt ui:d:r anyi'nrcHt.iitai.ccs. At t'teSotitti W-tcorn.' of rotrtii uni.U.ukel iircH I'hilar'i'iidiii. SALAMANDEll FIUK AXJ) TllOOF SAFES. ,rY-r Till! T.ACIIP.T A80RT- ftJrSBtf "!,. lli the llnlli'd laies Ivnrraiilnd to lm fTiial m any :i S. Itli it., rial.i'l.li.li.i. mr'nT in MinitTV AN I) WILL rr.UVAIt, "g im. ;n . i """i;"- fWrajj- f, isw. The undersigned, meroh'ira ol Ihe roniinllteo. ill resptrlliilly reporl, that lie nv the Inn a.ilra. nilgi h,i ,..,. I nin,, fiv Far r( la & Herring uu d I. vj ,1 & Wafson, iilar-sl tld! hy .Id" in n linmce, tlx: The Han- In i ae hy the piynisier of ihnl'liilailelplila and ,'. tiufiri -ireil l,vrtrnlt llirring, am tin- fan- in iwan'& iv'ntson" o'l'iii pel i hooka mid iiapcri,! iu. Viwiir waananed .a 8r "Viorii, SAV a'U'.i Xiinui top wood iviy C3 nilifcr iliiTu mrmlmrk ol ll.n Crtninilltre. T1,";'" hi t r ii in li, it, i -,rq tnlii-ll nut V Hi lliimuiillre ami Benito II A.l..i'llz'a Hare lot C.'i t,.;. ..rji. tr"wM'r tho" . I I... Pn...l. I. Iln..ln.m w,.r . In flllr ,lllKlllll ecu per rpiil . mnratiian mcn inn. atson'ti Hald. , , ilmv. t.,l,:iv,t lieMi a fair anil I nr- partial trial oftlis resiucllvi-qualities nf bnih BaTri. JAI.'OII II. UVfH llll. Hani 1 1. s. nr.Ti:it. !lavii!( liaen alisent iluriu!! Ilm li'iriiinif , we fully enint-lilu with tin1 i,l,o,o statement of tli4 cniiitilluu nl , 1. a .. innha a .. .1 I "j J 1 ., tl ,, ,1 HI, I fit I 1,1, ri..r I IVO naius. O. A . NICOI.LS, ii. ii. ii;iii.i:Nin:nn. JAS. MILIIOLI.ANII. M'lrrhSSS. 18S7. Spring and Summer GOODS' l?3'Kc!vv, ft'cal &)., HAV1NO )ust recoiveil unit opcn.'it tlio I r stock of liiercnaiiUircf.irt-prlilRslles, whlcll r oinprisoatlio I. A Ii OMIT . IMII'.IT.K-IV find II ANnWflM L'S'P assort. rnent now oirercd In tills TOWN I llavlns paid groat , !. Inn in II, rllnn of their elillre stock, lis In -,r,;-j . i,y, tiy llatter iiieinaelves tliat tney can eouipete with iinuwfiii, ami umuosc suing .ian. can savu lunnei liy giving usacall. We aliavo an kimia oi oood. in,i ware, to supply the I I l.Ollll, A vttrv lame lot of LADIIJ8' DRKSS GOODS, French Morrnoea.WoollMalils, Alpacas, llomlililnos, del,aio I'oplins. IMranii tta ilnths, .llnlinir Lustres ),u,lili Do l,aliin,rcr.lanclollia(ilngliaiiiB,Oalicoc illllllllir I.IIHllCH, I tC WIIITC 000P9 or AM. KINPS. Sieves, OoIIara, llandkerclilcls, noilncliigi, bauds and tnuiiiiin-i, I.aresandPilglnss.lionniil rib'j ons. in largo variety, velvet ril,lioiis,au,l.braidn.kld,cotlon,aiid lisle thread glovea, .Moluiir initts, ate. We Inviteoiirfrlondi and llio pulilic generally to given, a coll beroro purchasing olsewliiire. Wnliava iioughlour gondsat l.uwestllaah I'rices.and will not bu un oriold hy nnyliody. or tlio rcst o' mankind. MolvliLVV, MiAL & 00. Illooir. l,org. March SI , ltWr. 8 AMU Hii M. MECUTi'IIHN. MiLL-mtiaur Jitn nunit miu. stoxe munu- " h'.ICTVUV.K. ool.n Proprietor or Joussos a O hsilily nppfiive.l and much i,,,rT,v,.,i km i itt ic hcui:i:.- I Ml MAUIIINli; Improved Iron Onnc ivo l.rrt Dustier, llio. Premium Machine forMillers IttlUtnet: No. f I (IVBIlNi Kcminjlnn I'nstOllico Klt'ri IIAVIIOOK Blrci'l, below r'ront Plii'aileliihia. Oocallci Mill HlnliBS,.Mlll Irons. Blnult Macliinel. I'alcul Mill Rush, Poilalile Mill., mulched Helling. CciiituKaudtfcrirn Wire, fiaUAUR MRSIIIIII 11UI.TIKO 01,01'IIS. bruary SI . I.1T. 3uni. 1 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP rnlir. flrm of MIINROU u 1IARMAN. bclui ilinoK- J liy mutual consent, und iho forwunllng buslne a .ft In tiiu liBitdi of 1. II ll.irinin. one rf i tie fnrinlr VI wm. I u'unlil rirnmiiiriid bini io llio luniiiitT I'ubltfC Uriag fulU u-j.uird. thu butiinvri Will be .attendd rz$&nrjr. Hurts?. A wi.li promp.nes. am. .nipaicu g Hup "it WbnuryC 1?7 RAIL.ROAD, AND PACKET BOAT I 1857 ANTELOPE. 1857. nil - .n Tne.dair. An, II 1 IAST. ll, rnrv.i Rout ANTELOPE, Ci ft, II, r, Wilts, will commence, tannins ln r regular; iir.a Bally, (piinilnya cicepled) between Huperland Nantlcoke, a lullowa I " 1evei Icni.cat niSo'cluck, A.M..n nrr.val .of Ilia Night 111 pr"ss on tho U,W, Jc K. nail road from Wil llsmspori, nnu arrnra ai miniicnKV m i o ri.ira, 1. for Scran la n or Ureal Hem tlio lame a Aernnoti Lcavoi Nuntlcuke on nrriv&l ot L. it II. Railroad! cor. from Ureal Ecnd and Bcranton (ray one o'elotk, ' Uy'V'ri w,.a,w', al ) an.iurrivcsni imp., early mo name vvouiiigin taif. me mont uxnrcci uum wove uu wio ji I ml,:, ,4ll,,l. l'.iiH.n,.r. Trnln tlin Wvntnlnd Vail... for Polta. villc, Hani tbu rg. Baltimore. Pit wuurg. und all oilier I,0'"i South or Weil, wl 1 nni into the r "Ma3ii to tako the abovo I.lno, ns It la the only line that eon. nccta through, without stopping over night on Hie P.uscngor.rrnmthoBoiitlinrWcst.hylrnvlngllnr. ."."'' .V-.'."" . . TV'" . .UBl".V iiaiina naiirnau, ana via i.auawissa iiauroau will meet the racket at Rupert In lime. Conch, will be run uHly.fSuiKlnriiOx V HkcsLorio And Runprt. cnrrvlncr tlin L uiti-il Utatrn Mnll. Leiivfd WJIkte llarro ot 2 n'clock, A M.. unci ftt. rlvrs nt Uupcrt in time to connect with tho MallTralns both way. Jjiiave Ilupcrt nlVr tlio nrrlval of both Mall Trnlne, (My 3 o'clock, 1 M.) and Orilvcs u Wlltrnt Ilirre about nu lnlitlu. n. l WCU.Troprlotor. Wltkpi nnrrr, Aptt U lfS7. CABINET WAKE U 00 MS. riIin umleritiEtied rerncclfullv invlteM ttm mipnttf n X rf the Public to hii oiletmive aiorlineiit of Cabinet Furniuircntid Chair which he u ill warrant to beiuadc nf pootfimtcrlnljaiid In a workmanliko mannrr. .At bis KdtabUahmciit, can always be found o toodas-oit-mcat of FASI1IOKABLE FUHNITUKE, ,i,i., ,fli-.,,ui. njir iiimi uiiisii loinnioi I'm 1 ndclphiaor New York ciilca.undatos low prices. He haa SOFAS, ,55-5. of rtliTei-ent, styles and prices. fromMcA 545 to ', Divans, Loungts ; Walii' nut und Mahoaony, I'arlor chaim, Itockiiifr and eny chpirf.Tlana noola, and a variety of upholstered work w IthDresilnandparlorburcaus, lora.card centre nnd plcrtaitLa,dLtashijg, chifrcnfcrs whatnotn amlrnnm. deR,and nllkindsof f.ihioriabto woik. Ills itoclcof i)uru,iTii, oiicioseu qiki cominnii wasn Etamis, ilrets tablca. corner tunbuards. solan, brrakfmt tnMi.. UrA. ptpada, cine wnl and common chairs, is UiclarccH in thir sotlion of tho country, Ilo wilt also keep a rood aiiforlmfntoritiokimr rI:imc ulth rhney pill and com nnni frnmeti- He will a bo fnrnith snrlne niatrestfa mtcd tonny size of rcadrtend. which nre superior for uui uwiiii j uiiu vuiiiiui i iu auy ucu in use, tflMON U. SHiVC, IJInnmbMrff April 8lh, IS54 WE SI'RINa AND SUMMER OF 18C7 ''H ho undersigned, grateful for former liberal patronage, reepeetfully Infcrma llieir irinns nnu runonicrs in general, 111:11 lio lias com, inenci'd liustliora in his ctuiiautis Now flora Ilniiio. nertdoer lo Iwlah Shiliunii'a Hotel, where he has just received, uiuii supply ol SPUING AVU 1MMEU GOODS. coniprislr.2 every varielvof fish Ion. oualiivnndaivlo. usually kepi in tho httt aiorea, nroceiie'.lluinu.ware, lliirdivnr,, l-'iali. rt.ili a. ll.il u. f '.m 11.,.., Jl.- ull.cll w ill bo sold on OLrili)liloualil,; Til in. " 13- Uralu and produiu cfall kinds uutitid. A & S. AND1CKWS. Mmvlllo, Marrli,lf'S7, y.l I'RKMIUM AG KIOULTURAL IMl'LK- -rfTi Mil NTS We arenrrpan dtn furnish Azricnlt 5ftraUmplcmenlsolthR vuryln'st '(intftv inanufaC Vf l'! our crirniinrni iirh!, irieioi, i n., atitlhe loAeet cali prires, wholesalcor re tit it, in iwiit diallenEG comiari-nn with those mtinurarliirt ilbv any ntherostabllshmcnt in the country. The first pro 1)1 111 IU Ol one nuiiiiruii uuiiainniK uw.mini up uy me Comml'tee of theU. B, Agricultural Society, to their Inte Cih'tbilional Towelion, (or 'thibcst display of Aericulturallinplctnents tnauiitaeliifed by theexlnbltor. l'.very nrtirlfuoled bv iih in warrenled tu be as rupre setited.or tbe.iuoncy relumed I). l.ANORr.Tfr fit SON, ImiilemenlsnudBeod Wareliniiso, Noi.'.Ql and lZ .South Sixth rtrcet. Philadelphia. JSN'oveuiber B, 18 . JOHN II- ALLEN & CO. Nbs. 2 ij -I Cfirstntt, Strctt couth side ob fow Witer) Phijatlclpliia, (Tn Oi.DKfcT Wnon wabf llour. In 'IiieCiiv) I,T ANWPACTITUlIlt-i and Wholesale dealer? in Tat lAl cut M irhiue-iinde ItreniiM. Talent Grooved Cedar warp, uaramtdnot to shrink Wood and Willow-ware, Cord", itruiiu's &c,, tifall dekcriptions, Tlcatru call and oxaiulnepiir nlork. IWrnnry 'J!, IM . Ty. EVANS k NKWOOMJiR, (Formerly IVUb .y w'ev!C0msr,) Arcli atro?t, abtvo Third. Philadelphia. Bointn of mi:als 1'itEAKfAST, 5, G and 7 oVIoflt tn 10 IJiNNfii.entleunMi,f.rdiuary, 1 o'clock tn3, l.idieji, 2 n'elock. Ti:a, (bn'tlorkto II. i:VAN HVANtf.J U B. VUWCOMflR Any. II, IPH-y. " NKW COACH MiNTii ritoM CA TV A WISSA 'JO A S 11 LAND. rpllfi BiitHcrlbpr rffj.ftitullj informs lna fri''nls and L ibn mi i) tic aoite raMy, tint on and alter Mt)NUA V, ttie Uu ofAoril. Ifoi, hfwl'l run a ui weeitly Line of Coachrs, lb merit CatiawifK'i nnd Ashland, leavittxCnttswif. Bi every 1 lnv. Wtidites-iav un.i 1'i'di v nt irttui(.r. nt 5 o'clock, A. M..UU I nirivmir at Afhkiud nt 11 u cl ck , A M.i in inii't i meeiilm .liil Coaches at Atjhlmd, and re'u u tltu "Jamtt itiv tu Cutiuit.',. V t lV.4wni;er c:ni ' only tu either fuint nr any of ino way stiUKiiii i re ism nn i naRgnco coiivota on moiifrate terniv. o;ud iomIo. IJareiul iluvers unly Ciiiiil,ic CIIAUI.M flTIt.U'CCh. Ap-IM. 1'17 MUltl'IIY & KOONS, COhMlSHlON MURCIIA NTS, ANII wiioi.iisam: UCA.i:i!S IN VIS!! ('Kt'SB PKOVUUii.VS. No. 47 N'oitJi Warvea (lelow lUco Kneel) PHILADELPHIA. Ilav.i coiutnitlyim hainl a larao as. wrjj ao i iiiienJ "f nnil & ciiui:sn &. i-uo "S52S2S5 'IijOVH, vlurhili8y are prepared to gull til Hie lowest l.otlila r.ncrf. r-Oi.l'C'.a prcmpiiy aucn icu iu. i couary SI, lf37. raslii oua Me at & Cap Store in. in Knn-rif TlirUD STKUCT ' ;'riM.AOp;i.l'IIIA. CS-alerclmnliand ilsllnri from Vortlicm I'cnniyl vaiiia.ari'respcctlully iiiriudlo give l,.'in a call, wlien viitini.' l'iiiladelpiiia. I June I18,lfc30. y. 1 . - , NEW WALL l'AI'Ell WAHliHOUSE, HUinON Si LANING, MANUPACTI'HLIIH AND lMPORTRRS, -Yo. 1S1 vlrca Ctreet, second iloor a&nr. Siitl Street, 1'IIILAUUI.l'lllA. WUEIIE may bo found tho largest and lies! ae'ecled slock In tlio city. Country merchants m.ij liero pu nccnmnindated, with iul llio iucoiivoilienao of looking lurther. and maybe assured that they 'Aill rectivo llio advautose o I t'teir money. HURT N i; V ANINO, Slarcll23,1857--3ul Coruer of ,rlli & Arch Street, Philadelphia . IIendbrson &. Co. IIOOKSELLKKS jS.VU rUHLISIIEllS, TNVITE tho attontion of all Persons Visi- X. li'ilf I'hilad'lphla. i ln-thpr on llnsincss or ph-asure to tiiuir Jixtrayruiu; ry i;ouecnoiioi uuuks upou au suu. jectu, Itockinliprt. Countrv Di'nlf r. IVnchcrs. l'nblic and iirivato Libraries, supjdh'd with Hook Stationary ul uwe&i rate. March 7, lt?3T Pwl. UOOT AND SHOE MAKING. rim iiudorslcneil. thanltlul for tho 1 hern patronage with wich ho has been favored Tor yuarsunt: ny . wuui iniuini nis i riu nu una cuttucis, iiut liciintinuef tu tjianufacluro Boots and Shoes, At hii old and woll-kiiowiiO and. on Main street. lllootiuburg. in nil their r i a und forms, in good Htyle tt ndou mtderute lrw- 1111 Ions experienco iu tn o buinsif, nnd general knowledge of I hi reoido of Oolutnbia r-jiintv. suntr. ndih-d tu a fUt'd ditermlnatlon tu render suiltilaclion to all his customem . rhotild sseuro him increased -d .,,,...... ,r p IIr0nls'i'J M-.uk 10 lift SWAN & OO.'S Ii)TTHllIBS. Capital I'riitf 450,030. TICISETH OUtit I0. OWING to tho great fitnr trllli which our ftlnglo Number Lotteries have ftcan rseelveit by tlio publle, and tha largo demandTor Tickets, the Mana reri. B. Swax & Co., will havea drawing each Ba lar- oay iiiroiiihnut the year. Tho fnllowtna Rrhemn will bt drawn In cnclil af their Lotteries for May, 1M7. CLAB4 94, Tobo drawn In Ilia city or Atlanta, deorg la, In pub lo, ( on BBluntnv. M S,l. IB5T , T Vl.SM 39, on ttotutday, May Cll, 1M7, CI.AB3 no, To te drawn In the eityof Atlantr, Georgia, In pull.c, ou.Baturday, May lClp, 1857. CLASS 37, To b. drawn In the cll y of Attaiils.rioorg a, In public, on Saturday, May (3, 1637, CLAM .13. Tobo drawn In tha ciiyul Ailanl.Oeorla, In public, 1 on Saturday, May 30lli, I8S7, 1 I OV TUB VLAS Of SINUIJi NIlMIIIIItB, Thrte 7'ianif 7Ve llmdtid iad A'inety Trliri Moro than ouo I'rizo to overy Ten Tickets, mamncRNT sciiuif.i to aa lnw it n.ACIl SATUUUAY N at A V I ll'riioof ssu.cduls 830.00(1 Sii.oiIii III ,b til) lll.llDU J.IDO S.000 1 20 Olio U ' 1 ' 10,(103 la 1 " 1U.IMJI, 1 . 5,uu0ls I c.ooois 1 I.IIUJIa i " senilis 1 . fi.fluu Is 1 . fi50Uia 1 . S.U'U Is l' tl.aliuis l .. s.jnols 1 1,01)0 is j .. l.ruuls 1 .. l.iiuilla 1 I, OUtl Is I ,. 1 .IKIU is .'.SllD 3 All) iKjPilicsof ,ini)aro 1!M0 'L1'''!!'' lOi suato s.ora. Ai'rrtosiMA-noM rni.Bs. 4 Prizes, 2'.';A'roj'lrg to ,i;i."f'ii I'rizo aro i'lio 4 1G0 u.iaju r.10 1 1 1 B VI SI fO .11) so SIS no arc iu 10,0011 Gil) I'.llO rwi olio no.ooo .1 don SJ..11U) ,001) 3000 3M0 Prizes amounting to WHOLU TlClCCl'd SlOi LVC3; ijiin Flail of the VMtcry, Tha NumbcrB from I to tta.0(4,corrnspondiii3 with thoiie Nuinbuts on the '1 icktl. iriu tod nn m;p.mtc filipsnt paicr,o rwcncirclad wl.li uu oil tin tubes and td.ited hi one wi.eel. 1 The I) ist SIB Tri7(t, Blnithiy primed t nd citcir ctt'd.ara jdiccd In another vhlil . The whrelfi nre then revulfM, and ft nu mbcr Is drawn Iriim the heel of Nni:tori and nt the r-ame time a Prize Is diawn from iu lother wheel Tin Number and Trizc draw n o it aro p t'ned and exhibit td iq the audience, and resisten-d b'J thj Ooinmia BionerpJ iho Trize beiug diced trjaliiit the Xutubcr drawn, This oieration is repeated until all tho Tries nre drawn out Aiyroxtinatton Prizes The twe pieccdinft and the twii succft-dliifj Num!jf re to thuie draw iiu the first Id Trlzes will be ci. titled to t!,o Vi Anproxiuiation Trizcs. nceordinp to iho srheniH, Trie $30,10 Tnzes of $2i) will oo determined b y the lart tipuniufthe Number thaldr&ws the $3i,000TrUe, Tor esomplu, if the Number ilriwlni! Iho Q'tdttOd i'rlzn vu U with No. 1, tlieu rll the Tickets, where the Nuudicr ends, in J, w II bo entitled lo S'id It the Number ends with No S.thenalt tha Ticluis where the Number endd in H will be untitled to gSJ, and iu on to l). CcrtlfirntrM of Ttckapra will bo cold at tbo follow lar; ratev, which is Ihc nk : Ceitill&ituof Tuckagu of ll) WholTickPO, $F0 do do JO H ill' do 40 do do Kiduarter do Vd do do IU t;titi du IU IN ORDCKINO TICK KTB OR, CCR.T 1MCATI B, I)iclo!e the mmicytu Mir .iddrcdvlji the tickets o i tiered, mi rereipt nf winch ihty wiV he forwarded by HrM mail. TureluBf racju luvu LicLol a undinjf hi uny J'luie they tuny deslanaie j ue I. let ni nrnw n n uinuers un'i i riii'iwiu uti bciii lo p irchavcrs lmm'diately alter tha dMwiiij;. Turcha'rs will pleanu write th'Ji f i an ilurej I lain, a cd tjive their Tost OUice, County and tiinio. ( Ren.einb'r that every Prite is drawn and piyable iu fu II without di diittion . All Tnzes of $ IUUU a nd tinder, aid imtnAditcly after the drawing other Vtln at the usual lime of thirty dnfl Alt conim-jnirntloiia strictly confidential. Addrvti orders tjr Ticketi or C'ertitlcalet to H. HWAV U CO . Atlanta, Ga. A lUtol thr nnmb.ri that aro drawn from the w hi'el, with the a mount nf the prUe th.it each one in entitled to will bo tmblinhej afm r every draw ing in the fnlbiwina pppcrB : A"us Orleans Delta, JilobUe Ile tfiftrr. Cttirteton titmlirdt Yti?ieii Cazttte, sitlmta iurliigmrer. Xcm YerL )UcUj Day Ilookt and &svtinc .Morning Jicd Aprd .!5,Ji37 I)ll!3IFUS35& PEltETURGBlt, litpo iters and Wkola'dc Dealers in LWNDOKY GOODS. Kroneli, Eujjlish and German EMIJIiQWEtlJKt', KWT 7i.u.wfAoa, AVI) Mlf.LlKKUY GOODS IN GENERAL. NnG3, NortliThird f't. abo'o .reli.Thtl adt-dphla. rsfin BiibJcrii'Ta v'inld renpecifully infi'rni tliofr L fridiid and the pittdiein fcin-ral, that t!iy t:uv tikLn the large and touiiiiodioui sture. No. 1 71 North flrcoud til rent. tboo llnte, and lnrtimhed it with nn e nitre new sti.rltof Cfiuds, to which they would ir.vl e their particular nurml'-ii I'.mBestitig unsiirp-isicd faellltif. nnd having had at loiifffxperiencclnlhe titmine. Inl9 euabied to fur (Fnlhtir natrmn and Merchant cntcratly with tho latent styles rf Taney Cnodn. hmbrr iderieii, .c. at unitsiiallow pnciis, and hope bv strict nttention to businebti,io metiia snare ci iniinir innf mce, ntiiiiPUHB FiiT.N'iti it nn. No.di North 1 hi rd.t reel, above Arch, Jan-airy 10, 1?57 GIIAJIMATIOAL WORK'S. rpnij rillST HOOK ol tho Bitlonal k, J HyMe n ofllnlisli Ornmiiiar Mcls. ji-ISfi. TIIUBUCONI) HOOK ol in., n.itlDiialH,Afj tvsiem ol lliu 'isliOraium.ir. ilehiniie.l li,cu.tUrV t.lcli tlieprnci'ssof Analysing tlm Huglllli Language Willi l.mi.,1 Jut.ieineni : uiiuinoaii 01 uiin u wiiu o ritmntical iiroiniety 3leis. Tit. ho vurln am trv lii'eil ia tlio I'uMie rtcliools in the llrtl Keliool JJItnci ,'t i'eiin, ivaiua. Til 11 Til IK 'lUOOKoflliu IMti'ioal Hyalem nr Grant in lr, ilesiai, ell lo onntiio the hariier lo Lecomo tnost ilinruuirtilvac'iuaiiilidvtlli li.i nature anil of llie 1're positions, and uuy bo read by luat either In nr out or i,clio..l. ail rts. IIIIOHWS ORA VMATIPAT. r.CADCR. Ihlabonk net. a,i,lo tlio flit urinilliars. otponi'siiieir uru.-cis. dninoiiitriteb iho lllllti ugeof Bttcnitinuto litem, and preinin to tl eTeacher the inierrins nnd only way to In Uianiiiier el ins untnirn i.-iniruazH .wttis. l or siM liy rotor tirlliec, Ud AUUiieiruct, t'lniaiia. Teliriiary 21, l.-57. S. L. Pan coast & Co., it-m, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND OCA LRUS IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, No. 17 North Whaivoi, I'lilladelplua, OMNIIJUS LINK & LIV32HY STABLE N R ritllNTtB, NUW runs a new uninio' - liptuocn likronnbiirif nnd tl .' Itmlni llnttnl. Wllicll Will laku nast,c"S'-rs lro' n'"' to any of the rriiilenrci o' n, ti.n n.n iinuao and FiirU Hotel : and ia wiii aL'of'irniiih conveyances t al irawllers ""lo'hV. 01.V V l."rgo llveiy' .1 lblo eon, ec.ed wllh the oi nlbi s lino, f.'OW which In-can asconiinodat. So nub Ut. vt h co'ivoau-ces lor trovelli.u.plcasuro exnursitin. ur liusl ncsi. Ulouiusburs, April -a, iw 'j JOSEPH EUSSELL, VMBHELLA Jl.'l) r.lRASOl. M.tXWACri'RER, no II. nostu rooRTtt STnean, (A'urlt H'rst corner of Market UrMt.) PIIILAUEI.PI11A. -Vv HAS now on hand an exi, n.iveassorlment St-VoI 111. ujwi'il .in I nio.i Iniiralilo tilndi, in- NaUiT cludins iiiouy M'.W HTVLlia l.ot lieretoinre to 1,0 hud in tins lonrktt. An einmination ol A i,ch is soliciicu ouoiu purinain'g incivi'ii.' Il,lc5;3ui. SIIBETS AND BK.LTi'.ERS WlIOLSAXi. WINL .I- LIQUOR, STORE, No, i!32 North Third Street. (Abave Callowhill.) IMIlLADi: 1I';IUJV. Agenrjral aiotlmonl of iirninllp Wlnei, Corillali, ami Li-iuora of every (lecrlltinu. K, t-ltt-KTSt f . P. BELTZKK. Oct(.h'r 7, 1831-2 yrn.p. or 000 LATH 8IIINGI.IM, FOR BALE LOW BT W. W. & W. N. CUBA", Y. CASH paid for GRAIN, al IIARTMAN'S. April 4, 1837 i cjlVMl COA I. I r saie'1,7 Q II. W. I W N. CREASY (Successor to I'FRRY OOOKBRLLKR, nl.ANKIlOOK MANUFACTURER, JUNJJKll AND l)KALi:U IN n. iv corner, 4tn ana jtaco j niuoripnia . (JOD PRINTINH,) (IIU'Jll DlMUlNd,) WM, Q, I'EIUtY, aniiouncefl to hii friends and l ttrom that tto f p S'Tf'riuif on low tcrinn. I'lank-Ildok'i mad. In a uptlit itybt I in hit own MAiiufictory, Suitable for' lUmtj, PtBLio , OmrcR'afc MrnuuNH ramtly Hiblec, wrir. , Girt Kook. Hook ofnll klnd lorililie flHISpjft and l'rlvato l.t"rcry Pchoot lla ki &&?ht j Curtntn I'apetit, VrJppnf( Taper ooU-WjW&jmi rap. lttpr,Noie & rrinnrtflrdprri. Plain l'utchmcnt, l'arrhment, it Papir Herdu, Alorigaftfji Uc, Trd'nitta Irv NulPt, Water Colnrt. Her moil Taper, Thin t the only pftnblUtimrnl at which the TAMT LV TOlTinAlT llllihli con bo purchased, thin Jtiblo inn nrranid Tiic portmlt of vacb Individual member ni iijt) i amny ran up iirenprveiinnu oiiat a com ictnnn Dm painting Man rMinary sited Tortrnit OLD 111 III, l'..- fn he hound for this purpoao to accomodate anynom. her of Mlnalurcs desired. Masirln... I'ctlodieala end old Hooks bound In 1 liaudsouie style. vysi. u. rwiiii. .uccessoflo Panny & Ksatv, 4lh t llace, riilladelphia, March 7111,18:7. Spring & Sumbieii, AT MENSOII'S OIIHAP STORK. fl,l ,.m,,, T ,6. , ,r , ,. . ' ,., Wlilrlilie has Just receivcdlrc.111 the lantern UI Ilea, , nun? !.:.... i i.!.... .i i.! o.uu. '.,ia uuuuiciuuu uuviugr iuiuoveu ilia prove inc poweriut onu vim, ,,i,irn, i ii irn'op ui 25U01 JL SlOf.up touii.otlheslind, lately oreuplcdhy II ndmliilrlrnllon, rhlorolnlnl mlio'cd wi.l entirely di- H.500 , IJ. U 1. W. Ilorlnnn where with stealer Increased stroy senslbilliy In n few mln'Jl" palallzllij llio en. 2.SW1 . laclllllca. hols cnal led loom-rn fjllakioilnicnluf lire nervous sysliin sr. Ih.it a limn way h- "miiutaled 1,000 , comprisiiiB nry uoons,roceriii,iiarii-,vire,tiiieens. wi,pn fnintlnir or apparently dead The odo' of mn-v l.DOi) 1 wr Ccdar'ware, llollo-ware, Orui. risli.anll.aic., , of ,i, i,R.,nrincs Is pcrreptible In the kln a fuv nun l.oou I'lnsler, Iron, Nails, loots.Bliof s.Il.itajUaps.&c.ke. lltc, nfter bclnn Inhiled and 11 nv be Impicdiaiely do LOW ALSO RKADY MADK (LO 1'IIING. leiledln thcblood. A rnnvlnrlnVproor of ibe eonsll l.OHO ln ,hn,i..,,i, . i..nn t,..,,,!! On,.t .n n,,irv ftin'rnu tulloiial elli'Cls of lilhulai ion Is tlifacl that sickness Is in ivl.lrl, hn i,,n..il,. nl,i,ifrnnriiv. to which he Invlteatbc niihlic'icnerallv. hi-j. umh.l.H nbar, Old Iron and Country I'rodiico I tal:cnlnexeliango lor floods, at tho Ingest market price, A. O, MISNS011. llloonirhitri.'. MarrbSI, 1P.17. 1857. SPRING AND SUMMEB, ISjSHI 1P"I UtHJ Lj HK Vl L-j 1H1 SiZ! 11 GEO. UUU'IN & CO. IMrOllTEltS .WD M.WVF.ICTUnEIlS, 171 CIIESNUT STIIKET, Ar now prcpnrad'to exhibit their New Styles FOR SPUING TRADE, INCLUDI.Va IltaUck and colorrdBilk Mantfilas, Chantly Lao "Man Mactillm. Trench Lrtre Mantilla, embroidered Silk Mantillas, llnnled l.are and Net Mantillas, Mouruins Matitllliti, l!:iiuc,Taliims, Alc , A,c, All of which will bo oiler cd at the Lowest Trices. UT.O. UTILTiN &. CO. 1174 Chofmut Street, above 7tt, Thlla tit hi a. March 7th, 1H37. PHIIK NOLOGIAL CABINET F0WLK11S. WKLIiS & C:0.. PIIHIIN'OI.OGISTS AND TUIJI.lSIILnH, 231 Arcli Street, below Sovonth; I'hilaM. ,VT. T?urnlih at I v rkaon Threnolo?v,ThyniolO(jy k'Va)l WafrCitre .Ut;nttlsin. and Thonography, YwhfdeBale and retail at .Vew-York prices. j Trofipiional examinations, with churls, and tlull written description of character, day and evuiuoir. Cnbirii'tfrcc. May )': i.'. v- AGltlGULTUHAL IMPLEMENTS. fit?F. lMPitOVlll) liny Prcescs. Farmers Ilniler, 753: Horse Pawern ami Threshers, drain Fans H'SSmt Pianse Until)' nnil Htuirers. nf arion fi,tftS piilr.i'M. imnruved IVrtatdo drain Mllla Vor-uiMo. ALSO llay straw ami foddo - Uu Iters inreat v.iiietv, PAHIIIIAM. JIOURIS & CO. AsricuHural Warolionsonhil Seed Strre. Till ami .Varki t Pill la lelphla. NoveinlierSJ.lPiG. J. 13. & S. A. ALLEN, JEVo. 7 fide 8 south IFarves Philadelphia caters in Oils. HAVnnlwa) in storca supply ofOils for Meehln ery. Humlnc andcojiiruouereQeing nurrioectas o Snarni, I.nrd. l.lfnbnnt. ' ntpr Whale, Itarkrd Whale, Crea'insnnd, JlosinOils, Moiar. Which Ui"y will scllallowestrati's. Mav IS.U'SC-y. BLINDS AN1 SIIADESI 0,' A-fiir STYLES 13. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 13 NOP.TII SIXTH 8TKCEV, flllLtDILrillA " TANUFACTUIICIl OP VliNITIAN I1MNDS, Vol. 11 vit. Onld lonlereil and Piinted fillAIirfl. nf beautiful deiile iia. Hull', and all oilier colors nf Hoi land used for Hliadas. Futures. Trimmm;,., ate. itc. Wholesale anil Ktlail, at llie lowest cash prices. tgr r-mro s turn's pmiu" " oroer Ii J Y. liui n kful lor t.:i'l itatrinoee. resnrctrullv solieila llio puiiuo to call i, 1 1 examine Iim new und largo Ubaorti.:ent, belor p.irtlnaiuj; Llscwhre, tt tr it e Atuuij ta j'teast .si ricreli 21, 1-57. am NEW LIQUOlt STOKE, XO. l33.NOaiII TIIIItn.'STItrr.T. In the Ealf Buil-Ungs, Jllvvc Race St.) rimadelpliia. TIIU unJ'Trijitod bp 'eavpto iniirin hii frirndeland th4 piijlic, thu ho na ojiann m mttMisivo in the CaK'ft liinldmi', No. 135. N..3I Pi , as above, whero h will bi lit)yto supply .Mfrrhnnts, Hotel, keepers, an 1 cii-t'in.ers ten-rully, with the choice't bunds iu 1'hitadt.lphia. wilma.m nnonar, Late cf JanvU'e.) March Tth. U.7,-y ' S'I'HAW BONNE IS X' HATS. AT low prices for Cash, a largo and well nj-mrt d t:ni !t ol Women 9, Mises& Chlldrens, rQt STRAW & SILK 130NNETS. f$ Straw Mais. AUTIFJCIAI.. n.OWlinS, k IlOV.Vr.T ItU3ilAg. MISSES STRAW IIAT8, WAI.TKIIS & STACICllOU.-ir. No. 31, North Jili lit. (Oopoittos .Merchants Hotel.) March. ldS7. I'hiladelphla. Peruvian Guano, IXPUlilCS'Oniiatiuphttlio Fanuer t liatliecxLv li uutjiLLB Ferltlzcr is the PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT G UANO. Tho subscriber, Solo Agent in Phllodeiphia for the sale of it, lias now on hand u I irge t,torlv of PURE PEUUVIAN GUANO. Which ho will sell at tlio louectUaeli price, . iil ilnlio suit elthir dculeraor larpurs. U. J. CIlllISTIAN. Suit .IglHtfar rllaitlpla, Nn. 15 North Wharves, and U7 Aoi.li Valor Street. Mareinth. 1.-.37. 3.U. JOHN M, FORD, IilirORTUR, MANUFACTURER &lDCAI.nR IN SADDLERY, OOAGII HARDWARE AND TltlMMINCS, No. 33, Nor'h Third St. Philadelphia. PURCIIASIIKSulll find it tn their advantage to ci amine iiiyStock, winch U veryuxlmisive.and put -chased forCa.h; undcoiisisuiiinll tho variety of Now Ply ICS oi noons I it my lino. N, II. All Order, shall havo particularand rroinpi attention. Sepioinliir'l.l"l lyl OLIPIIAN V, AVOODSIDE & CO. Importow and Wholesale DohIcm in iUinc0 ani iqnots7 Xo. 155 Xorlh Thiril Mrcct, Comer nf New Street, PHILADELPHIA. r.Ot.imi.NT. J Woonsios, dLO.McA! January, 3d , 137. y. CENTRE STORE. SfRINU & SUMJJIElt GOODS. flUIE unilorsicncd lake riloasurcof in JL forming tho ritWm ol Centre nndvlclnlty, tljat lie has Just received a larjc anil select aiinrtueni SPRING ti SUMMER C1OOD0, Compriiingtliolieavlest itockandmoit varlcdasiort, iiientol'lashionable, usefiilnnd iuuUma Merch.ni dliulltuthnvibeeiiollered lo the pu otic oie very kind ancH'linlily.whlclithcy wlllsellfurreadylpiy.ai very rea.ouablu prices. tqr-Couniryp,oducilakiiiu4ebanre forGoodi. Including Grain and Lumber and the public custom resjiectlullvsolcltcd. SAMUEL LAMRACK. rolrsvii'c MarthW H,i7 ai.i iilai;ABlM OP Tin; I.I'T.r.ri ANIi, TllllOA i r p'vitiT.ir eurjliie hy inhaloUrn, wlllflt ennv- ys Ihc reniedu-a lii lint r vities' In rna ', lui,,s thrnueii th-' air paf.aa.s. ana coming In iilrtct eoi.ia t with the ilinse, muirilia's tlio tuhriular , mailer, allnya Hie coiiali.wus.i t frieawiUasycipec. I loralloa, hials II. e t.injs. imrlnVa llio blood, Impatli r, nw.il vilnhlv 10 Hill nuSVOUS SVStetn. fflviliff llUt Ivuo ailil';nor,y Milndlfpintabln lor Hie iesl,,raii',u of tii'iiiii inim nmo i(J iinu 1 ,,, ,7 ,,u,i .uu.uiii,. turn is rurahle liy inhalation, la to inn a source of Jtial loyeil plcninri'. H la as uiurli under Hie control of loei'iial irenlment as any other formluoUln disease i ninety (ml of em-ry liuudreil cases can he cured In the Ih'.Vd L",a'e Si rZKtiZ i'" iA." nve I,';, W.iTAB.! Wti&dZr.i'xXl t'SirriniMth iynV.Me Ihal ol the prcient popuUtion of tin earth, light mil- i llon.liro deVtll.fd lofill tho con.ili.iitlvo'. Rraio. Trulf Hie 'lulver i.r denlli lias 10 arrow to fatal as 1'ons.liiipllon, Inollatvsll has been Ue ciialcneuiy cf lire, lor It spares n itln race nor sex, hut sneeiis oirnllko Ibe binve. the lieauurul, Iho nraceful,an.l llio itincl. llytho help of lliatKupicnio Helnjr, from whom cuiurtU every oood nnd perfect plfl, I am enabled to olfer to me nminen a iieiniaocni ami sneeny cure in i Consdoipiion. The nr,t cause or lunrrciesii irnm Hn- pure Mend, and the iinniediaia eir.Ti, produred bytiieir , liepowlllonlntliel'ins'.H.Inpreveiiiilieircondnilition Ufalrlnloiheiilrtells.whleiicaii.esaweakenedvlla lilylhreuslilheentliOJJiteiii i Then surelyltls mere , ration I la expect creatvr rood from medicines enlcrlnit thocaviilcaof tlio lunts ih.:rt from llmsoodmlniMered , throuih tho slomach ; iha pitipni wlllnlwnyf find the ri!liiwl'i;"f. ! It BCIS constitution my. mm , i n nioia oivvritiui rcr- Lilnly than re,uedleadiiiin,erfdhylh noiintli. ln wltliouttlint litht'itnnln: inlniint the oromaiyoutn-, . HuBas will destroy life In a few hours. ,,ile Inhalallou of aniuiouia will roile the ,-vstiin always vrrductil by brealhlns loul .nr. Is not this posillvo cvldejico that prop, r letiKdica, rnrelully pro pareu anil juiuriousiy nuiumifleren tliroiteh the lunna, should Droiluoc the most hnnny renlif nuiinff eiah- te'n ears liractlre, n ony tboafani'ii tuirurinK from dineaweti of tho lunjii and throat, have been umicr my care, and I Into effected many mnarkabiecurei, even after the BUtTerTs hfld been prnn..uii(.ed in the lait ' i tapen. which fully patlefirn inp thst ronnimption it m l loticcr a fatal dlscaso. My trratmcnt nrronsunption 1 1 original, nnd founded on lon?expf rteiice and n thu i rough Investieation. My perfect nciuaintanco with thetiature of luberclecfcc., enables me to ditllnsul'h, readily, tho arlouit forms of disease tl.nt timulate constimj lion and apply tho proper remeales, rarely i be!n? mistaken even in u single caRO. This fanillirity, iu eonnrctfon with certiin pattiolnelcal and rnicrnsco 'pic dirovcrieH, enables tne lo relieve tho la am from the ejTei ta of contracted chesti -tn enlarge tue chet( purify tho blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving cnt rcy and tone In the entire syetfrn. i0T ..), i oi umce, u.v ukaii am fli u., timcu 100 Tildert Rtrci t, below Tnclfth, Tiiiladelphia, Ta. March ii. 1P57. D1UJG, PAINT AND GLASS Wholesale Warehouse eOUNlUl OF THNTII AND MARKHT STHLUTS, UlhcalnBecondHtnry, PUlUtDF.lPJIUI. WJV invite altent I n to nur enlarsl slock of i)ripg rainis, uiiu, siiniijics, aw , seiccifii vxprcsM) for our salcii, nnd enmmisintr one of the lines! assort VV raliili.Oils.Vaiiii.lits.io, scloclPil onrcirly ' i ij i in MviiiiEiiu iii tiisiiii tiHiJr:ii aim n -j, iimil's ' uipntf In the United i-'iiiPs, which we olfcr at low , nrieff. 'ni tali oraintioTt'd paper. 1 Wti .lIAMMMtJI villi prveTtonsively: ! rruiiurii l'nre While l.eaif, fbest,) Kt'iisingtnn Put.- Whlti' Lead, IVatl rtnow Wlnto Lart. Vi-lle Montngn" rrenrh Zlnc.(bcB,) l'uronuw White Ainuricnii Zinc, I'lnUdclphia Siimv Whiio ,lne. Silver'-) i"atic Tiro nnd Weather-proofPalnts, mm' (Jrpctis, Ve hows, and culora ceiicrally, AO UNTd FOIL 1'ortBr'ii miporlor Alkalina Window Glafs , O'Miiilne Trunch rinlo Cl.isi, (w itrantPd,) Tlie New Jersey .mc Oninnariy's products, Tddfn fe .Vjih'iw's V. Y Varnishes, It mold) n lreniliiiu Pure While I, tad, Iliinipilen I'unonneni f'reens, Tare Ohio (.'alauba U randy, it,, Lc, IMl'ORTUItS Ol" l'reuch and Unzlieh Plate fllafs, 1'rciirli and llngtish CyUtidor (Ills, Colorcriand Uneraed WindowUlass, llaKiicrri-ot po Glass, Hammered I'JdtP for Doors and Pky-Ilhts, triiff3, Chemical, Porruinfry, 4tc. WIIOLsUSALH niSAUlIta IN: Itrujrgists' Arlich'B ccnornlly , I'.iltitera' Tools of ad descriptions, Ilydratili''. and Unmnn Cfinent, Oalctnt-d and I.aidPlat-r, Paper Maltrr'st.'iav ri.-tiii Whit, fee, kct F raUNOll, UlUllAHDd At CO., Store, N. W corner Tt nth nnd Matket fits,, Tactory, Junction Vorh Av., Crown fie Calfonhill, April 11, 137 Philadelphia. jNJ5W0AKKLVGB tlSTADLISILM ENT IN BLOOMSBURG. Intlic Now brielz tlirco Story Oarriagn Factory, cu Main Lelotv jVlnrkct. TIIIl subscribrr would trFpcctfnlly annouuecto rhe pub'tc, Hi At he ha commenced the PnvJ 3 Jn nil fill ranches Ilo Is pri pared tniTiG nil t rders and lias on hind al repent jnis nrirncnlnrilnished work w li im purchasers iviti.intlii to their advantage toeia mine. r.ni'MUIN'O, Will lie d'ino In lite most prnmi.i and carefil manner and lipontclliil ivtiirhrnllnotruil In ,vesiilisr,irliii. SlliAWIlltlllJi: A. WILSON. Iiloonisburf, April 'it. Ir-.,.;. liitoAinvAY gulu im-jn NO, 35 BROADWAY, NEW YORK LIST OFRLIAIL rillcr.3 Uold Pens 81 l) Gold Tonlh Pick JJ 00 ' Tonlh k liar Picks 3 00 2 00 Poi cll. WatrliK,- 3 03 '.adlosCild Pencils, 2 (III 2 nn a o o 4 llll' ' ', " 4 00 6 UO' " Willi Pen 3 nu Gents rjold Cases a M Pens " " ' 18 00 s on lo mi 2 I'J Cathie 12 0(1 5 O'V . Srrew Peurll 8 fill l.'olj Pen & Silver Holder, Gnlil Pen nii.ldld. Silver Holders. Mammoulh Lcvrillien " 1't.u ntalit Pen, Desk Holder Mamiiioiith " Hultoisiii! Pen". I.evijtlnn nnd Hot GollncHilver Mid Pen.:i 0'1 And oil niliir ktmU and " i'lrgrnasiii!; I M stylos at tlio low retell nn. " Maininoutli .'. Wcci. piicsuiijH PRini;vTEi)iroipncHAsi:n3. To every erson buyin ngolil pen of us we presens a numbered ceitillcato, nnd cacli ofllieo cerllllcntrl eiilllkalhe holder ol it, by the extra payment or .'5 ceuts.loanurliilo of Jewelry, in value Iroin 1 loSIOil Tins jewelry consi"; of Gold nnd Silver V.'auliesns Fieul variety Silv, , rt .,cla. h.lver i'rni. 111. ken '' dGuard Lihains for lauie, I.ocULta.Praccleis, Oen , loimnii v est cnainr, riiimiiies i;reaHiitius,l,'ucl ''..13. P.ar llriins. Studs. P.itifia. Crushes. A:c . nonee. whicliwlllelllorles llunl. roll UVIIIIV UOof I.Alt li II) Ua. THE PARTV IS HVTITLHI) Till.. NL'Miini:i:ii cerpii-icate. and iiv the pa a MENT OP US els. EXTKA IIN EACH CCRTIPIC.Vl'IJ HE IS ENTITI.EIITO lll'.CI.IVC VVII VTl.VKIt Til V. NUAIIIEltnr HIE CEIlTIt'PtCA'l P. l)ESIONATE Wo hive boon in operation for three ears and lima lliands l.avu boucllt of anil uo li.ive neier letiriud evatuny one was ei erdi.snlislied. Tina plan allonl 1 aiiery opunu uny oi oi,i lunula com waicn or some Pcnldo Jewelry, fur a trilling s.iin, All our pens, Pencil cits, t;c are geiuine articles tuiiiiurjelured dl.coiirseisivilhrreat care, nnd wo olfur llieiu pro, 1-fly nl prices asked in at I other stores in the city. To n penis we make adiantapi ous oireri, md any ener gene prrsonc. iu i o ntllby v.viimg for us, We with axenls in everyplace In ibe roiitury. and persons who would like lo become sut h will please nt'dre us, und we will send lh?m printed circulars of prices, terms, A.e. Wo have no stated perloi's for distribution. The niouient a pen Is purehated. Hie puirha.er is enti tled to roceivo hii premium onlhe payment oIiH cents eitra. All orders Iiv mail shouldbe addresied .MEItlllCIC, IlENTOVk DEAN. .135 llrondwav New Vork, AGENTS WANTED. N.R. Gold pen. rcpnintedln a superior manner. L.iiuj9cinupfnanuj',eenii in I', u, stilupi, nnd tne pen will bo rcpninted and returned iiusl paid. The BItOAllWAV OOI.O PEN AIAN Ul'ACTUUINO Cll, is well known throughout the country, but as there nre undoubtedly soni,. who nro not nc Uaiiile I iy,. . Huui-piuu u,e luiiowiiiBuen j.nowu turn a i ei.i.uwh cii. .nn 17 Maiden I.aiio, New York . lllCUS fc .MITI'.IEM., No '.'II ,n do IIENTO.N I1RUS . Cor llrn.i,livm IV,,,, I,. .... New Yotk.nudChesluui street, Philailvlph, a. J. II BIl'llY tt CO , No 3 (lilscy lluild' v V COL'1,11 WOOD No. !) .Maiden Lap ., " t'ebnnry7, 1J57 3m 00 GARDEN, EIKLD & PI.0WERSEb.DS T7KESH ami fii;;;i'iMjr A. vsiIlIV at whnlninie- '"'"'r ftKlli, in rvrry ! ..i ?. l.r "id ruat!"ii,bracingall llie r"'.'.''"'."." ' ' luppura iu bulk- ci.nie.eSiiL.or .e.. rar"f illy put up it, papers A IM aXlee ' ''ai. Orau3e Water .Melon. a.e i. ,'l.orlment ol hnel'lonerS Is.lwenly Jtll l nre. t0 " lover and Tiuiolhy ? .. j f'.r"I Grass, Re Grass, Herd and line Lawn urais, fxt., tic. rAscim.r. morhis t co. Agricultural Irmlolnent and Sent Bloro. o, i. coiuuroi mi anu aiaiki l sueils. March 14. P'uhdilrHn WALL PAPER! WALL PAl'ER! TTTE liavn lllttt rrmlvnil. hv rillrnn.i a ..t...t. i VV iimaninrWAI.;.'A to soil at Plilladeliihia prices Iro'ui aplcco. Call and see, It. C. Si I. -iioui n ceois,to a; j cents V. IIARTMAN. April 4. iea7. ROSI5NDALE CEMENT. PERf O.WS wishing Rosenilale Cement can rind u by calling on lhiu!criberai Uupen r.i. A N" I I li I rl i 1 I I 8 . JL KJ JL. KJ 1. J - , , , r Tntnn fi-nivi TNHnnrnonn uaiOi 11U11 lmiugua; .. , ,. , v. f'j llio iii'iii; ii,u.,, uw w-- leans, April 2", we girc t!(. follonlng Urns rocpcctingppcratlojfs in Nicarngnn. I ha Umpiro City has on board ono hundred men belonging" to IiocVridge's Company, and feventy others, incln.ling Oene.a's Wheat and Hcrnsby, who aro on tho Illinoia, bound toNo5r l'crk,- "I I,,, ,,,! . , Am small, 1 llu rcst rpllltlll U ABp UWalli trl.n r(rnn f r.r,f,1-ri,lnn !o nrmfirmnd 1 110 retreat Ot i,OCIrlOgO OOnnrjnpfl. rj'i (J03la ltucmia havo takan notci.sioll J uuijusia ivuiiuia mm lahuu polisiou 0f I'ulita Arcrlasi and have alun canltircd ' 1 umd J'rCrIaBi ' lm al capiutsu m etomnoi, llfaeno. itli n. nr,ie nmnnt.t ' of ammunition and six pieces of artillery. Lockridge S men were takno at Aapin- ., .,., , , wall by the UntlMl at tall JUail, - - - Indiau Troubles in Nebraska. . . . . i . 4, I IsttirbatlCCS Imvo OCOiJXeU between llio t whits tettlerson Salt Creek, Nebra.-ka, aul l.i . ti .!. . p i i r ino 1'awnco inuintH. ii. ugui iiaa taiitu , , , T-.l! , T.ill..l piauu .urn several zuuiaus uouu This is lad news A V A I , t1 A 11 1 . K i) 1 0 (i K A P H I (' A L V OltK; HmCID BKCUKKH AKtt UtAti BY LVKUY OUft(J MAN IN TIIU IA N'D f IIIE tlrt Or TUB CtlfBRATEO INVEN'i'Oll Olf STEAM IIOATS, 4n inc 'Tathcr. of Slrnm .'gallon." ON'G 01' rCNNSVNVAMAa MOVV I'ATIUOTIO AND OlfTlill BON?, KOBE U T F U1.IOB, One volumo octavo. Illusiratid with twenty five nniiCiUy iclorcd and tfnted emyrn-tltifs, fxecuied in lite best iiiaiiiitrlroiu Mr. Tultuir original ilrnwinjrs; reiirescntin? hii nuii.i rrni Inventions in Steam Nari cation, Submarine Nuvigutloinl-'oriiacatiriis, a.c., tc vecether with copicn m hii early drawings whrn an AnUl (mlnl.ilure painter) hi Thiladehdili, by J. Frank. linRfijnrt, Ui.. Author of ' United Statn Antogra. puy,' "The Inventors'and Tatcntees'Ciuido," Ae, Cloth binding, $. SO Uobert Tcltox Tcrhaps there Is no man In all thtf trffthl P'lliy of cJiftiuguiiheil Anicr.'fiint, who have adorned the hltlory ol the Republic whoic enreer l morestrikiiiRlytisnJClatcd wllh herglwrj and lu r pros, perlty, than he uhose name we have placed at the hcarV If this article, llislilc, written by J. Wankliii Reigarf, of Lancaster, Ta . wlilch was also the Lirth-place of L- u I ton, Han been lately published. l Hat tvldentiv bieu atabnr ol love, tho wilier having performed his nllotttd task, with n Odtilitv and cbmpteteiiesa that do imnur nt uitLfl to Ida head and to bis heart. Ii ia ii.n ------ - - - - - . . --- "'S rrllauio or saiisiacigry um oi uoiurl lullon, anjl takes ils p'aro aionni, American liJosrimMcs, withou, the ulighttit posnit.il ,ty of dlspulc. T ' Tim people who dwell In tho bread valley of III. mighty Mississippi should be among the earliest and tlm most prompl lo welcome the nppearnnce or an an. t limine rucord ol Iho man, to who.e genius they are bo deeply indebted for llie means of so rlHilydcvelowW Ihe abounding rciourcel ofth'!lr section vltlio country: The first to demonstrate llie pracl liability of propelmg ress'ls hy steabi, and to put It inld successful pructict his claim lo be consul, red as amonir ihc chief bmelnc. tors, not oily of In. rounlry .l,ut of his race, ha. lone been ndmillcl tobo tinnssailnblo. That the possibility nf this l.ad struck oilier minds, and had been nrgucd theoretically, but without any practical oeraonslrallou olllio lact ,1ms not in I II trite against his right lo b. considered the father of str ain navigation Tho pni Mia in 1 HO? of tho CLERMONT, from New Yolk to Albany, was tho rea or hi. title lo tins distinction, nod it is now, and llis for years been undisputed, aad will forevel rnnain indisputable. From the early boyhood or l'ulton, the germ of hi. future fame wus rirognizerl by nil who know him. and who watched tho development of hi's iimui nnd of hi. character, os n plant of .Iron? and vigorous growth, nroRiisii 3 a rich and pregnant inaiurjly. The first of Mr. Relgait's interesting lllu'trnliens shows him a hoy cf fourteen year, of age, making a sue. esslul expe riment or propel Ing a Binal! skill by paddle wheels of hi. own construction, on the Conesloga. Thiswasin 1779. Tiveuly eight Jcirs tliereallir ho satisfied all doubters that a vessel of largo size could bo propelled, by p-iddle-wheels with suani ns tho niolitc power Uctwccn ihototwo eras of Ins life, liis genius w'tts de vetoping itelf in many varied ways. Ha was a' draughtsman of no ordinary merit, nnd painted wllh great skill, lie supported lilmrelf Willi lnM pencil for many years, deriymit emolument from palming p0r truim and Ian l-capej, nnd making dran ings nriuschl. nery Tin so oris he put ti prmd uinl utelul purnosa whpii he beenmcashesoon did.acitll engineer and machiiiist In the book before us we have 'colored litlicgrsnhlc. plates ol several of Pulton's illustrations cf Jo. I Pari, low's fatnoua COLUMIUAD," which show griat oil, jlnahlyof conception, aptness of design ai.il facility cf exiTiltioil. It I, not our purpose to give even n ninopiis of the fnteicsling events of tlie reuurkiibly nclive und ur.ful enreer of rulion'slire much less to go into an rlaborale e-ay upon hi. geniiu. and the wondtrlul reruns that have flowed roil, hi. great iiiientlti, 'I liese two Inks liI'V.' been very creditnb'y penormeil by Ihc cu. tber ol llie volume to wlii.i w c haie ulluo..!. Our purpose is pnuclpall) to call attention to lhn woik "I Inc.' is one iiieblent ivllirh II rsperlnlfy l,n Sr. us, howi vcr tn call lo ill. iinlicu of our immediate lei. low ritlzjns. Uurlng tlio wnrof I61.'-n, Ui.bfti Ful ton was of great service to liiscountry A rontrait was made with hlm.liy the L'nllul Na'.ra even uient, in lleremlier lull lur tbo purpose ol eniploting hii fctean, bonis Vesuvius -Etna NVw Orlean aiul Nalrl tx on tho Mi(-i-fppl river, in transporting nocps imJ munitions of war. and lllullupalo.on theOhio. Tho celebrated battle of New Orle-ms lock plate alout i; week ull,:i tho nrriv.il of the Vosuuus in nitrwatcr.' and 11 was upon her. (saj our biogranher.i IliM Hrt roiiimaiiIinr' general relied, man aiiMliniy, In bis an. ttclpations ol 6.1.'. ty tu Hie utj,. ami the arcoinpllsh mcntot a brilliant Mctory. John lluinry Adams nnd Andrew Jackson bolh cortlfled toCongrcs. IheialuaLlo services or Fulton al this liying pound lllsldes putting into Micn-stful operation steam vc. sets all over Ihc country, plans of dlei.c lirninst mar itime illusion, and of.uli aiuatle navigation occupied his ihoiights,.ind nolitilo oi l.is lime and niicnmen Ml artnlly. And out of sugge.jloos i dunnrslra nous mail" by him have sprung u am ol Iho moil uc lul un.Iullectlve lestriinients ol naval wrtrlaiu of tl. I class the world now kuowa. It was Hi,)' opinion of Cn'walader P. Colden, nf line York, as expu rs. d in Ms iiiiuoir. read bcfoie the Vhl tosophnnl Son, ly of lliat blale. In lrj7, aoon nfler lh death ol I'll Hon audi,; it nu op.nioti iu which all m.il kin I will now agree- ihal llieio ennnoi bo lounii.ou Iho records o departed worth, tbo niime or a persnn t whiueinillvidilaleiertions mankind nre tnoie In ill bled than ihey aieto Robert Fulton. Tint combined eirnru of iihilosorLorsanJst.ile.il en Imve Imnrored iho con dition of nnn. but no indiil'iial ha. cnferied mora important benefils on Ins specie, than he has one A'rw Otltatia Vtcatine, N'uv. 7. ll-oll. VT Tho .ibote work la for s del.yC C l!cndirt Ha, coiner nrsihaiil Arch, 1 hiljde'i Ilia. March 11, 1M7 Snt. rSlTFEE KOT, WIII'.V A PERMANENT CUIIF. H fifARANTEED III nil stage, ol SKI'tlH'F DIMlASEP Se'MbuTi Nervous Debility. Strictures, (.leeti, lira, ,l Mcuunni Uh,-im,nliiii --cmrola, Pnins In Iho Ai.klc.aiul Roues .. . "I,"0 uuu Hies, lalccrs unoii l ie llody. IVinale IrreguUrille. ill m I Z Su charges, no matter ol Low long .1,,,,,.,,,.. i, 'Alti,, le ?K-,?y ,."'.,,.,.ni" ' a Miollerlimothan a pernianent i lire could be , it. e led by uny other",7at n.elit, even ..Iter tlie -kill of the moil "nine tt rtlxl, elm. had filed nnd ,ho .l..ewfJl.n1a,lPl,, mean, ol euro. The remedies at free fron.od,,,, i'e'rcnryo7l,V...r''n ivo r?s?o, d to her ,1, rS '""' J"!"' pracuco. 1 nave Kstonii to lier.iih uv(r voiiHMHIiiunil is. tienis who wcmiuil'ei u. , r ulei," ; V,",,' tho above mentioned .liseaies A b clS," .'erl ft, . promising a pufecl anil , speedy cu". J.cJe dls earesalotlieg,ea,l,tt.clllir8lultJ1 u ' "is i,',o,urr.!o,;;;:?;i!!:;:lir ever oliVcted, a,''',, .""..Vy 'oTl ' aVXlu', IZ'Z ., r,ip u o,-. ,.,., i.o.M It ,., ci.. , ... - uinl .lie V li'inil illsfiiso i.inrn,. ,), iV.i... coiivejed trim Hie patent to Uu, ch,i,lie ciiislnB Ihem skMr'oeS'n :m'Ze,,,'ilrr''fu'a '''1" skill, i) is llilont.&r.. riiiilaioiii Mrminnlei in co i'u TT, r,""W. 'tivli mutual i, ii m.iyirar litwcen tue ages of ,n n,,,,,,,,, and thirty fiiivears fcelfabaro is nnothe, foimidi.b'e e, ,,,, , huuh It deFtrojsihi, nxrvniis si stem ram, lit , "lanu ," euergiea o, life cansing iMffi", Inc a proper .eiflopiuent of the .yiei,,. , j Em lying ill ilctiin for i, a triage, locutv I'.isliiiss nnd oil eulhly hippluess. Fi.,,,,,,,, lrroguln',,,1, a , U , h.r , A mru iii iim iiiom SKI flll Olid t"Y eulific manner. Me.i.elne,. mil, d recti' ,. ,i any pitt oft lie Unlieil Slat, , anu Ciiirld,, $i pa,"i,u cot uniratlng th. ir ..n ploni. b. leiier P1" V"1 J. Sl'.MNEln lUi.n 51,1, "li"!'!'" "1C ' l'"'l""T "- "':i'',V 'itl'll March 14. IF37. PISIIINU TACKLE. BEST K1RI1Y, llmcrick.YirglniuIn.n,,.,.. ... Sea. Pike and E. llol.kl. Pl"i"i ?. PL",,', Trout I.in, i, Cut ,! oil,,, SnoV, l'( 'JwiVlC a I ii u I t'auton firas. I. lies. Snim i,,i ,,i, J, t. , , ' Line, with 1M, an a.,.1 f"okJ V. J 1tj, ? VZ',' Sil, r-nJiiien Cut, CEOKCE W. Iir.YDFk'OrR. No.ailNorihTlilril.treet.we.,,,,,, se-o.'dCnr'be nTjt'X ' 'V nSn 'I April i ffST ,- J 11 IIARMAN nr. II 18 JT