Blooksburg, AIy .2, 1857. t i : .1 ' i , 1 ilivl H TATE, EDITOR?.... democratic State dominations. FOB. OOVERNOR. W. ygi. l! PACKER, Of r.ycomina County. , Utk, . i TOR CAN A I. COMMISSIONED; NIMIIOD STRICKLAND, Of Chester county. Roasscnlbling of tho Stato Democratic Convontion of 1057. In pursuance of a resolution adopted by tuo Domocratio btato Uoraniitteo ot Jt'cnn sylvania, tho Delegates to tho Stato Con. rention of March 2d, 1S57, are requested to assemble at tho Capitol, at llarrisbuig, on Tuesday, tho Oth day of June, 1807, at 1U o clock, A, lil., for the purpose ol nomi nating Candidates to coniploto tho. Stato Ticket, and transacting all other business pertaining to tho orgiual authority of tho Convention. OUARLES K. DUCKALRW. CHAIRMAN. J. N. ITUTCIIINSON, ) R. J. JJaldkman, J Secretaries. MORMON REBELLION. It has long been foreseen by those who ore not afraid to look all matters of the Stato in tho face, without sweriug, that the Torritory of Utah, with her present Mor mon population, is destined ti) give the General Government a great deal of irou bio of a very serious nature. High Priest, Brigharn Yoflng, olroady soouts the author ity of tho United States, seizing upon every opportunity to defy it and treat it with contempt. Lately, all the publio archives belonging to tho United .States wero de signedly burned ; and at this time tho Gen eral Government rally cxeciscs no author ity there, all the Federal officcrB having abandoned tho country, Tho Dcserct News, which is Young's offician Organ, publishing nothing wiihout bis approbation, denies tho right of Congress to "come, dictate an J forco laws upon them, in opposition to their own republican laws, as a power to which tho constitution gives no such auth ority i" and thon asks, ''how long can such oppression bo quietly endured?" Tho truth is,. t hit if Congress refuses to admit Utah into tho Union with all her present abom inations, she will rebel, and then it will be for tho General Government to jjmt her down if it can I Wo do not pretend to say that Utah will not bo subdued ; but it will ba only after ono of tho bloodiest i and most expensive wars that tho United States ever entered upon. A Clinokor for them. Before wasting too many crocodile tears over the decision of the Supremo Court in Ihe Dred Scott caso, tho Black Republi cans had better explain to tho publje how they happened to excludo black men and mulattocs from citizenship, in their famous Topeka Convention! That Constitution to which they cling, "like drowning men to a straw," confers the right of suffrago on free wbito men, on "every civilized male Indian who has adopted the habits of me wnuo man-" duc not on negroes or mulattocs. What have tho " freedom sbriokcrs," to Bay to this 1 ' Death seems to attach itself in some farm near or remole to the White Houso at Washington. Jackson entered it a few weeks, after the deceaso of a beloved wife. Harbison and Taylor themselves died in it. Tyler became a widower sif Ut ho rea-ched it, Fillmore buried his wife and daughter soon after his terra expired. Pierce had his only son and child snatched from him a ahort timo be fore entering upon his duties as Chief Magistrate and now Mr, Buchanan mourns a beloved nephew, who was called away in tho pritno of his early manhood Verily, tho grim monster' is ''no respec- j ter of persons," Governor or Utah. Tho appointment of Governor of tho territory of Utah has been tondcred bytho Prosident to Jlajor Ben. M'Cullough, cfTcxae. Should ho accept, and it is thought ho will, Brigham Young will find in him a man who will neither bejjonverted nor driven out. I( ho go there ho will slay until such timo as 'ho chooses, to leave, unless recalled by the power that sonthim, regardless of monaces or force,and wijl do bU duty as ho under stands it, without reference to iho opposi tionof.the Mormon outlaws. How to Talk. Wo aro in reecipt of an aamiramo roefcet Manual just pub lished by Messrs, Fowler & Wells of Now York. IIuw often has every ono felt tho inconvenience of not possessing just euoh - ... 1. T. . - a us mia. egmes in a form at once convenient and portable, and at price which rondcrs it accessible to all. Price in paper, SOcts; muslin, GOcts. Address Messrs. Fowler & Wells, 307 Broadway, N. Y, IS" The .vacancy in Congress caused by tho death of iho Hon. John G, Montgora ery, will not bo filled until the soeond Tuosdajr of Octcbor next. Such is the law, The Governor will issue his writ for tho election o a Cnart;3in at that timo. Proposod Salo of tho. Main Lino. A bill is navr before tho Houso of Re presentatives for tha lalo of tho Main Lino of tlio Publio Works, which is drawn o Unfairly and unjustly against iho interests nf tlm nnrnrnniiwnnJtli. nnd tho nassAiro of hvliich would infliol so lasting n blow at .v " !i e .... Diin it..,t fli IUU Jiroaiieri.jrui uui wfcw.u, tiiui, ii u in. compelled to lssuo an extra, on Saturday, ., r. . r Tr.'... n says tno j. airiot ami union, caning puuiio - . . attention to it. T WM' 0- (HURLEY, Esq., ,ot Blooms- - This bill proposes to sell tho Alain Lino , burg, was appointed President, and lion for 87,500,000, or, if tho Pennsylvania but P. Clark, Esq., Secretary. Railroad Company becomes the purchaser,! The object of tho mootting haying been thq.prico is to bo 0,000,000, and for this consideration tho Stato is to relinquish tho tonnago tar, and tho tax on corporation ttocks, now paid by tho Pennsylvania Central and Ilarrisburg and Lancaster Railroad Companies. Mortgago bonds aro to be given for tho amount at which, tho lino is sold, bearing fivo per centum interest; cno tenth of which is to fall duo in 1600, and tho romaindor in ten oqual annual payments after that timo. All tho 'worthy and highly cstcomcd member of rolling stock, land, buildings, water powsr, I tho Bar of this county, ono with, whom wo etc., now owned by tho Stato, aro to bo.havo been long and intimately associated, transferred to the company purchasing. I h0th professionally and in tho social walks buck are tlio prominent provisions ot tins bill. Let us now consider how it will af fect tho interests of tho Commonwealth. In tho first placo, then, tho Stato derives no benefit from tho salo of this lino for a period of thirty-threo years, save tho into, rest of fivo per cent, on tho purchase money. For thii sho relinquishes tho profits to bo derived from theso works, which, last year, amounted to 8092,500 42 The tuunago tax on tho Ilar risburg ana I.aucastcr and I'cnnsylvama Central Rail roads, amounting, last year, to 249,021 42 And tho tax on tho stock of tho two Cornpanios, estima ted at 100,000 00 Making a total of 8741,017 84 And in return bIio will receivo in tho shapo of interest an nually, 8150,000 00 Showing a jearly I033 of. .. .8201,01.7 81 In this calculation, which is inado from ofiieial records, we do not tako into consi- deration tho yearly increase in valuo of tho tonnago tax, which would undoubtedly maKc tho loss to the Stato much greater, This annual loss to the treasury of 8201,- 017 84 of revenue would, in , thirty-threo years, amount, without calculating tho in terest, to 80,623,389 72: more than the purchasers aro required to pay for tho iilam Line. The State is, therefore, ask cd, by the friends of this bill, to sacrifico theso works, to a company, and rob her treasury to ooablo that company to pay for them. It would bo better for tho State to give tho Main Lino away, and retain tho tonnago tax, than sell it under tho provisions of this bill. Another outrageous featuro, of this bill is contained in tho fourth section, which provides that, if other parties than tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company purchase it, such purchasers shall within ten davs "deliver to tho Governor, for tho uso of tho Commonwealth, bonds of tho Stato of Pennsylvania, or the eity of Philadelphia, to the amount of 83,000,000. or in lieu thcroof, a like amount of mortgage bonds of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company; and payment of tho prinoiplo of such pur- chaso money 6hall be mado in certificates of loan of tho Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania at par or in cash, and of tho interest in cash somi-annually." Tho moaning of this section, in plain English, is that no party, savo tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, shall bo permitted to buy the, Main Lino under this bill. Can our Lo-1 gislaturo consummato such an outrago as this? Wo have thus hastily referred to some of tho provisions of this bill. Thero are many other objectionable features in it which, did our tpaco permit, wo would cx pose to tho1 publio, but wo think wo have said enough to convince every reasonable man tun the bill is all we have character ized it, and should, under no contingency, become a law. Wo do not look upon this as a parly question. When tho interests of our Com monwealth are attacked, it is tho duty of men of all parties to defend her, and there la patriotif m and honor enough among the sons of Pennsylvania to reward lur faith ful servants and punish her traitonus ene mies. Anotlior Victim. Hon John G. Montoomeby, tho De mocratic member of Concross elect from the Columbia and Montour district in this ' Stato, died in Danville, on Friday morning last. Ho is another victim of tho National Ilotcl pidomio, having 6toppod thcro du-1 ring his visit to Washington at the timo of tho Inaguration, and contracted tho dis ease, or poison, of which he died. Mr. Montgomery's deccaso will crcato a vacancy in the Congressional delegation r.. !,: Ol... i . . ? iivtu . unuu, wuiun wo uopo to E00 filled by the nomination and .election of!c- . , 'Pwn8 1110 0Ulca ' tho trifled Mnn i Z 1 7 ' 1? SuPe""t of Common Schools from when! a better nMZ where tl,rrmw i....a i:.:.. .uu uiuuu oi mo Commonwealth Luneaster Intelligencer, VZT Did his ouir. Amon? thn manv members of our State Legislature, who onosed tho nassairr, of il,n l.ill .i ' .... ! of tho Main Line of Public Improvement- 1 there wero none who did their duty moro rv ... uuf ow-ii niBuiner irom this District, Peter Put, Ukj. DEATH OP THE Hon. John G. Montgomery. rninuTn or mi members or the ear. At n meeting of tlio members of tho Bar jor tho counties ot fliontour, uoiumula ana K'ni-llinm1icr1lml' (nnrnnfTirhi flin offlpn nf - , , J. W.GojiIiY, Esq., in Danville, April 25th lflr.7 m ( stated in n few pertinent ond fechug re marks by J. W. CoMM', Esq., ' On motion, J, Wj Oomly, Charles Pleasants nnd Paul Leidy, Esquiresi ! wero appointed to draft resolutions, who reported the following, which wero unani mously adopted, viz ( Whereas, It has pleased Almighty j Q0J, by a mysterious dispousion of His I providence, to rcnioro from us, by death, a 0( life, and ono whoso talents and integrity had won for him tho confidence of his fel low-citizens ; And Whereas, Wo doom tho occasion ono that calls for a united expression of our esteem and regard for our deceased brother, our appreciation of his may vir tues, our deep senso of the loss which wo, as well as the community in general, havo sustained in his death, and of our sympathy with wo the family of tho deceased j 'i'Jj-rc-foro Resolved, That it is with iho deopest feelings of sorrow wo havo received tho announcement of tho death of the Hon. JonN G. Montgomery, taken as ho has beeu in tho vigor of life, before ago had made ita impress on his system or impaired his powers, and that our griof on this oc casion is rendered tho more poignant by tho fact that ho was stricken down by an unknown hand. Resolved, That in his death tho Rar of ftlontour couuty has lost a worthy, highly estcemod ond talented member, the com munity a valuablo cilizen, and his family a kind and affectionate husband, father and counsellor. Resolved, That wo do most deeply sytn pathise with the afflicted family of the deceased in this peculiarly distressing bo roavement, and that as a token of our regard for tho memory of the deceased, we will wear ciapo upon tho left arm for thirty days. Resolved, That tho Chairman of this mooting bo directed to present to tho widow and family of tho deceased a copy of the foregoing preamblo and resolutions. Resolved, That thoso proceedincs bo published in tho papers of tho counties of alontour, Uolumbia ana Northumberland WM. G. HURLEY, President. Bonr. P. Clark, Secretary, Tlio Norcross Murder Impor tant Developments. Two days ago, Officers Stevenson and Williams, of Ohcstor, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, arrested an individual of that neighborhood, named Michael Bon ner. LTe was intoxicated at tho timo, aDd in tho most accidential manner possible, a letter was discovered in his pocket from David Stringer McKim, the alleged mur derer of youug Norcross. It was datod from tho Hollidaysburg jail. That lettor calls upon Bonner, and two or thrco moro men of Dclawaro county, to como to tho rc3cuo of McKim, and is signed by that personago himself. Ho siys that if these companions to whom he writes, will oome to Ilollidaysbun; at tho tiino of his trial, on the 27th inst., they can clear him by perjuring themselves. Ho desires them to do so, and gives tho most explicit directions as to what they aro to say when placed upon tho witness stind. Bonner is to say that ho was with McKim at tho timo of tho alleged murder, and thereby prove an alili; whilo tho others who aro named, aro to fulfill other tasks definitely set forth. Had this letter not been found, the trial would probably have brought forward as oompleto a list of pur- jurcr3 and frco swoarcrs as has ever been known. Bonner was brought to this City by tbo officers of Chester county, and placed in chargo of High Constable Black burn, to await tho action cf tho authoritios of Blair county. Thoso who are familiar with MoKim'd hand-writing, says that the letter wts writ ten by him without a doubt Daily Neics, " That it was and is the intention of the Democracy to mako Kansas n SUvo Stato is indispinsiblo." Philad. Hun. It is uot often that wo find anything in tin-kettlo to tho tail of Black Rcpubli i- lcan"m to ntice, but tha abovo paragraph 3 t0 Spring a i"lshood to go uncontra- "lctcd' i"o man who wrote it know, if . i ..... i no Knows anything, that it wa3 untruo, but . , 1 ith. uiiuu. lliu Ni.rniirriv ntr.n ,n, ... Munchausenisms, or too much prejudiced T . against Domoeiacy, 10 savo his soul from another stain. Wopityliim. e.:,v- 'rt.- l.lii e ,, ., f'ctary of thoCommonwealth, """'V I,aBSCU ootii nouses and been signed by tho Governor. MONEY I A10NEV1! MONEY 1 1 Will our oustomors who aro indebted to tWs offico' an(1 especially thoso owinz for Ld Sal9' IIand BilU otc-' re KnAir ' ' "10 MayWt GT W.,0nflPllnr. n, f,. i... released fiom prison, on bail. THE OAMFORNIA MAILS. Tho Post Offico Department hs invited proposals till tio first of Juno for catrying tho entlro lottfsr Wail bvorland, from tho I Mississippi tb San Francisco, in four, horso coaches Bcmi-nonlhlv. weekly, and, scmi-wcckiy. , I TV.-..:.. I... 1 BCmi-WCCHly. ,'Ilie UOpartmont Ot tho TViA.:.. I... ....... Interior has notrly COmplOlCd tllO arrange- iiuuuut uu. .it- monts for Iho construction of tho oontom plated wagon road to the Pacific Ltmiplimeftl V Mr, JJUChatian. Jhe friends of tho Colonization Society proposo '"r1 f""1 llf dir c'r of that institution by tho payment of ono thousand dollars into tho treasury of the . , n . . . , OVWVIrV. MltJUUIUl UI1VU UU IUUDUU- Eeripton, Senators lmve followed, and tho tl.ino- will tin necorr.nlialiml. Wn lionn nil Iho friends of the society will contributo some tbiny, that tho moyemtnt may be General. Colonization is cminontiy con - SCrvativcin tllCSO troublous times. '(C, States, Washington. Light Strooti Awako. Messrs. 11. ,W. & N. W. Creasy, havo again replenished their Storo in Light St., with a most superb assorlmont of Spring and Summer Goods, and this accounts for tho groat commotion wo yesterday witness ed in passing through that usually stayo" and quiet village KST Tho Amorioms of Bordontown, JN . T l,ni. .1,.,1 I. I .. . .J., navo resolved "til to lnvo any eonneo- Irtt, rltl. 1. 1 ..ti: ni 11 m . . ...... nun i.iu muuuiuuii i uity.- Jiioy also resolved to cal upon tho Americans in the 2nd Congwtwnal District, to meet witli thorn at t-oiuouturo dayto organizo moro cffactually ln American paity. Elected Judoe Thomas W. Clagctt 17 e . t r . iiii., luruiony or innce ucoanos county, "."I uaa uuuu u;ut:icu 1. juugu 01 1110 llfSl 1, l.nA l.AAn -T l.l - .rt.l ft , judicial district of Iowa, by somo 8000 majority. Ho was tho regular Democratic nominco. Last jjear tho district 4"gavo 1, 800 republican mjoiity. C2y Counterfeit Fivo Dollar notes on tho Tamoqua Bai'n Im been put into cir culation. BCT Tho bill to establish the now county of Lackawanna out of Luzerno was de feated in tho Houso by a voto of ZQ yeas to -12 nays. Tho rcal estate of Mr. Zimmer man, latuly killed in tho 0 anada.railroad, is estimated to bo worth 87,000,000. Ilollotcaifs Fids. When tho complex ion assumes a sallow appearance, and tho whites of tho eyes aro tinged with yellow, thcro i3 mischief st work in tho liver. A j,. e U!. . ,, , ,, Close or two 01 tuo rills will llion arrest tlm progress of the disease, anil aavo muck pain anu trouoie ; out suouia the malady liavo reached a more dangerous stage, and laken tho funciion of the stomach havo becomo disordered, a course of the remedy may bo necessary. Tho cure is merely a question of time, lor however violent tho symptoms may bo, however loni; the patient mav havo suffered, this potent remedy will inevitably produco the desired effect if administered in accordance with the direction. THE BLOOMSUURG MARKET. COltltEOTHI) WEEKLY AT HAUTMAN's STORE Wheat SI 40 Rye 02 Corn ,,G2 Oats 37i Buckwheat 02 Wbito Uoans...l CO Butter 22 ! 12 Tallow It Lard 14 Potatoes CO Dried .App'cs.l 02 MA'llHIED, In Berwick, on Saturday, April 11th, by Rev. I. Bahl, Mr. Peter IJacuman, and Miss Louisa IIiitensteii,, both ofllri arcrcek. Oa ithc 23d Inst, by tho samo, Mr. I'nANKLIN KllLTirR,. to Miss Susax Ann Boone, both of Light Street. DIED, In Mifllin twp., tho ICth inst,, OimisTi ANA, wifo of John Michael, aged 00 years and 17 days. In Nescopcck lwp on tho 20th inst., Susan Euzadetii, daughter of Charles aud Elizabeth Smith, aged 3 months. At his residence, in Valley township, Montour county on Friday morning tho 21th inst., William Snyder, sii aged 50 years 0 months and 2 days. (JTolumbia E?cmoi:vat. Tho following arc tho receipts to the office of tho Columbia Democrat, during tho month of April, 1 857 : Mr?,Bl!'Rol'i'0" 2 Ki P""M "anenhuch 1 00 !'.' :"''. 0MaJ. Samuel 1'reaa. 3?S ul 10 10' 3 Mil i.ll-yni, a UU Win Ilotlman, 4 M 1 I'.' . an I uiTocrt, ti uu ' John Illll, Jackaon llnxer.ttuch, 3 501 Jeremiah Hngenliuch, uenry j remmey J.'?"'.01"''')' -'i. Mil es U. Ahiiott, I 101 JohnLnckaril, C on 3 POJKatof DHnanenbera 111 im . iviiniin, I riiz. . 117, n ir . .... 1 07' 0 II, l.nli."151.;:ir,c.:E",' I S!J;,RScl!i',au Eatqlllez. llnona, 3 SolRobert flllrov. .iiii. S no 3 ID 1 oo 1 23 1 iM '2 SO 1 (id 'J Ul DO 3 00 1 I'.' llr J.l'.Taaearl 37 H Jeajellicka.Uai., .llclick it Creaay, Joaeph I'ohe. TLomaa J. Morria, Ab.aloat llniatiay. 'J iO) A Inlander Mean, 4 M(fl. W.IIcra, n lIW.r MeMullon. L'harlca Iluchea. f, ;5 J. I'errv Sii.lth. XllerlirMlller, i till Alexander ICerr, 3 i-o Mra It. and alia It. uu Jacob Ever ly. Ks , 3 h7 Uenrfalluiinan, I id (Jcoriio W Unoahacli. 1 30 Alfrud Ilouell.Ea.i 4 Wl Ephraiin Auchy, 7 Uu Eatnta of E. I'rfce, 1 75 BomuelMcllciiiy, Jno.J.Killp. s so W, ll, Feteman,ni 50 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 3D 7 00 3 00 7 01) it on i 03 n on 3 Ul i r .i a oo Jacob 8. Heia, Henry lip.,, Win. J.lleaa. Samuel lleaa.Sd, Joaejilio Hen, llavld lie, i.lolj SI?J,,l,,i l.ui- lieoree V Uievelln;, 2 OUjWm. Colo, Ean Jolin'l'rembley, 0 OojOavid V. Croaley I. K. Olldlne, 1 73jsamuel Uejcotk, Jamea Heater it Co., 4 (10) A . M. llaldHi n, 8ol.Nryhard,E,., 3 COl Win. McNmch Eat of II. layman, 3 OQJM. 0. Woodward, FOR SALE-CHEAP, AN excellent ItAMAOl-. t-K Ess, In good oiJer. for j Xi. aula cheap, at the office uf tho C'elaaHa Uenoeral. I CUMMER EfijUYLU and .'feiillllne. for ..ileal J - llABTMAN'fl MayJ, ISJ NClV&dUCit0ntC)tl$ji PUUHO VI2NDU1I. TTTILL bo cxpBscdVsalo, ol Ibo VVJenco ofiheiaijicriber.inSouiMiiwi rest- lb lUeoaisburg, r .?..!..;.. mt, nr., I the following Mcierlbcit ptopert lo .illt-llntii ! ' rl- lwo-houeWieon. BIcil-KDil Sltlflii. Inria narrow. Corn Harrow, learn llaincM Inml l.iJdrr Mtnri. Dingle imrneBH. 1107 i-noucri, uuiiing wui, iu ofHtraw by the bunitlo. Alio. I'nrlor itnri Cooking Plovai. nurrnti. Corner Cupboard, TadIcr, Cbnlrf , Corpflla. Dorii end Nodding, lot nr BmoKod Meat, l.ard, Applo lluUcr. nnd IloiltQ. riold Furniture ge ncrnl ly, tou immerotn tu biontlon. nncndnncewl It litglftn, and tondltlontmidp known uynioo,n,burg.M.iy2. ww. ; BLOOMSUURG (BOOT AND SHOE STORE ' fliK unilcrr-ljncii trip. rtruiiy infoVrin tin e'itloni j 1 nf lllnoiniburg and tlittp uLlic In genual, Hint lio HM upvill'U I Root and Shoe Establishment, , I"..',1!?. " 'l,.?J.M!"'."l'?J." .5I". ?J'tr"'i. n!'?vcl1!''. Wllton'i IMkery. wnerojuo hni eomtanily on linntl a large aaaortuicnt of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c, And will mako unwork to order on abort nottco Ilia ,,n"e oiprienin tiio imimei., and gonmai know I lnil.M 111 f ha Vl Hill . nt Ilia n.nnl. lull I l! ... If rcn,l,.r lalUflirUun to nil l,li ruitumcra. ond hould (.cure 111111 pairunngc wnicn no nop In lnrrll 1IKN11Y KL.CI.M. Illooinabnrg, May 3, XSS7 BLOOMSBURG BOOK S TOR lil, '"pHU underigned respectfully announces tbnt alia rontlnnea tlio Uhomshurg Book store and situionary r.umattsamtni, nil. ly rnniiiicieo ny HIT uccrnsed liusbaitil. Mnjor Clnrk. in nil tbeir vnrloua branrbea, Hlttioold atnndltt tlm r.xclulige I'uildinga. nratdoor Kaator the llxrlinnao tloltl, nud haling roiilenl.hi,l lur eslubliliinc'lit with n cluico atuck ol Aui BooKs and statloniry.1 alio la prrparedjlo acboniinodata all who tuay givo licr n call In her lino, jitn (Tin RcatuHnl Silooij, In tlio.baaamantof ibc above , aubli hintlit, wll l,j co l II 11 10.1 in u m I by thaaiib. Utnir. wnntiii pihii5,-i,i n.itti nmoa fa supplied wlihlho cholrcat liicviRioc. and Hcratf tiMKit ra. such ni Afin-irati.rlaraoparilln, Bfor, Alc.c, rinrdinca, t-w,:" I sA j "'""""b'lrcMnys.issT. WANTED, i'OUU MEN to work in attj ractnryi Tour Coop. . era preferred, l.iit a, tlvc labuiing men will nil Bwer. riutty employment nn'l coou wagea will lie given. Appiy nt me millgtoc Mini, near Light at. ... .......w... .Mny2, 1C57-21 JUST RECEIVED AT OUR NEW STORE. TTO. 1 MACKEREL for $1 J( per barrrl. nnd rthera la lit Al.o, n lrc?h Mlppiy r Sugir Heloasea, Klcu.&c. Aim. a now supply ,f IVafl I'a por, of diirercnt slylca. which will l o mild lint. HfC. Si I. Vt 11 Alt 1'MAN'. Mayil.lSJJ. IRON NAILS, Spikes, G.Yass and Paints, for anient 1IAUT.M AN'S. Mays. 1847. SPLENDID sella of Toawira, for aalc at .. IIAUTMANU. MayS, 1837. NE W SPUING AND SUMMER Ef To he Sold Very Cheap JUflT ItnCElVuB AT Till! STOlIli OP 11 ROWER, Dloomsburg, April 25, 1857- NUW WAGON SHOP, Willow Grou, Souih Bloomsburg. nnllB nn.leraisiiHj ro.petf,illy Infoniii hie Iriemla J "i" l""iic Generally, Hint lie has tuken the, Btanil lately occumed hrlh Kohnriiimk... i.. m.. 1 1,7, SiS M"w "r"aJ' ,,"c"-' I 'ft ttji'. Wagon-making Business. In all ita vurio tadcpartiuenla, in eood el le niul t n n,.l,.rr,tn ., r,,,.. Aluo-ltenairlns WaROita, llufale. Cnrrlnsea, Bui kiea. Sir,, done to ordernnd on abort time. CJ-Produce taken for ork. , , . UHARLErt IIIIEWEII. llloomiburg April 9S, lfeS7-3iu DISSOLUTION. 'pllr. iiuln. r.lil.i herelofuro eil.tin; between Win. I Mclli'lry & IV m.Neiil. under the Aria of Win. Me KclvyJtUu ,iu the nit nil Tact lire nri'aper ntCaltani.. aa Mill., wua d'aolred by mtituiil conaenl on Ihe let dny of April, tf!7. The businea. ol tlio Lit llr in w II lie settled by V IV McKelvy&Co , ul l.'dUinsK.J .Hills WM MiKCI.VV ii CO. Tha un.leralsned haelnj purcliii.c.l tho Intercet of the l.lto firm of Win. McKnlvy t Co , ul CnttawUaa Mills will continue the iimiufjct.ire cf I'aper un-l purclnau Itaga ua liorelofore. 0. W. MtKELVV b. CO C. W. Mi KatTT, J. H MiXimn, April 25, lh37-3t APPRENTICE wTntEI)" TI"ANTEn immediately, by tho pub- Y T acrlber, a Hoy lo am ihe Tin Ware and Sheet Iron ljuaiiieaa.lo whom aiioud altualion will ho given. A M. nUPKUT Ulonnaburj, April II. 1637, CAUTION. ALT. peraons nre hereby caulione.l neain.t laVlnir an aaaignnicnl of nrerlaiu uole, yiven by Hie under. aiBiied. upon the ill of April, li37, tn IKii'iam jls fj. twenly.rne ilollira. na I liavo not received value Ihere'oronil am detvrniiiiu,! not lo pny n unleaa com! pel led by due tourtc ofluw . MONTfiOMEUY COLD April 4. 1P37-31 - NOTICE. "1VTOTICE is hereby given, that tho an- L inialiiieeinjofllij;Hloekholderaortlie lllcoma burc Iron Coiupnuy, will bcheldai Iroiidalc. Columbia county, nil Monday, the 4th day of May ntxt, I'or the purpnao of ilecilnj bireclora, und (or Hie trana lion of other huiiuea.. .. . CIIABIX3 W. F1SIIER, March 81, 1 83". 81 VyruaiiMr. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. TUB partnorahlp herelnfara dieting between tho uiltcralslied.itilho Marra-ltill lllamola in Liahl Irett, bavins been JLaalved by luuliul conient. nil peisoiif interettoil will plen.o lake nolicc. u,at the Look of Iho lute (inn nre lift nt Ihe old aland in the handj ol ; n.Creaif, for selrlimeut and miiertion J i. h:lh;k. JLl(,.llll,t. "-W-CUBAtlT. Kvw Spring and Suniincr FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. MARY ll.VUKLEY Invilea attention to her amek nf newly received Millinery Urea. Ujode, Trim" mints, Ribbons, e?i Iks, &e , which iho will n chtan at the old aland, luwercndolMmusiri.u. Bonnets of the latest Spring Style Will be made to order, and trimmed to suit anv " Children a nd Miasos llonneU, llalaand Plot, of va rious pneeaand atylia on hand, and will be furnished lo order in any style or mate of trtmuiing. RE.MOVAL. T'lE iiibacribcr havlcg removed his Marble Yard from near iho Courl l.o'iao, lo thu goiun tv, .t mr. ner of MAIN and MARKET .Ireels, In RupsSViow wharc hois prepared to rurni.u all kinds of ' Marble Wirh; Viz- MONUMENTS, (.'radio Tombs. Ilox Tombs and Head Stones of every description . Ill, nock Hoi the beat kind. Ilia workmanship noi surpn.scd by on, n your.eVv'e'.?' a" 'JW Jj" an,X ' ''' .t2r.'! evi'! f",'"1'1' TaHo and nureau Tons. Manilla for houses, llaae Clues, Linlies.aid Hills for Wlni'owa aud Doors, al o tv llguro rfTurtVraef0r,,a,iraVOri'W ,"po rur"tlnmnco niou1.buu,Aprl.4..8S7"ONVW,Af'' NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. llJIKESt 11AKF.SII 1MKE&III THE ooderslgned laka pleasuro in announcing to Merchants that they are inanufaclurlni a son ,.l,,r arlic co HAKES at their Naw l"cioVioVffih?i Creek, above Orangeville. Colunibln county: iu?. el anla wisbins lo punjia.e fod Hakes can have ii e a the I'aciory.or j disued ttecar. forwar ihe , , llloom.burg.lBS.O. HbJve. whero thoy ca, geub" m orru:,rnu,'rr. : ;:. "" "(IN 13 DOLLAR A VHAR. Circulation over 100100 Copies Weekly, 25 Witnesses, oit, THE FORGER CONVICTED. ' TOIN B. DVI1 la tho Author, who haa hail Ion J yenriioiporienru na n,l!ankorand riibllahararid A ill hor n r a if ll t.tUt" l ' Brcatna) nbtrmtli when, fur ion ru;ctivo nUhla.ovor r urao.owii'copia jca .-. , Greeted lit in with rounda of applnnae, while ho 01.,...l il.n ni.nn.rln nvh Ir h Coil n terfe tn f a eXACtllC Ihclr irniiila. and theaiireal aud thottoat ineana of detinlng ihenrl 21 ( Uani Mti Krgmert all My lhathtlithi grtatut Juttgt ef I'aptf Money Ucing . Greatest Discovery of the Present Century I for Detecting Counterfeit Rank Notes. I lieaeriliil.g every Oenulno Illll In exlatence, and exhibiting flt u glance every CminUrrail In rirciha lion I Arranged anndinlrnbly.lhal Roicrcnco la Kaiy and Uctullnn Iiutautaiieoua. XCfUo Index to examine I No patea tfl ,nnl libl Iiiu a,i alinpllilcd and arranged, that Iho Merchant, I Hanker ruid llualnfta Mnn can aco oil al a glance, Englu, fVcacA and German. That each may reau the In la 1 a own Nallvo Tongue Most pirfect Bank Note List Published. Alan n liat of nil the rnivATU iiANitcns in America. I A complete Summary of tho riMARteop Kunnra and AtEBloA will txi piibllaheit in enflh edition, tcgclher I Willi all Iho Important NEWS Of -flic DAY. Alao, I A BfcMEel 01' TAt.rH From nn old ainnuacrlpt found in tho.Enat. It fur- uia,ii.v iiiu 111 oa 1 cunip uto ineio ry Ol OIUDNTAL Lire, And ileacrlbln the tnoal petplexlng pnaltlons In winch Iho Indies and untleui en ofth-it country havo been o orten found. Thao alorlei will cnuliuiio tliruiijhout the whnleyeal, and will prove Ihe mott entertaining ever olTertil lo iho public nJTurni.ln'.l wotkly lb fuhaenbera only, nt 81 a year. Alllctcrt must bo nddrea'i'il In ,, . , , JOHN S. IlVn, nroUr rubliaher nnd Proprlolor, "0 Wall at., Now York. J. WEICIISELDATJM, - Optician and Oculist, from rjiiLjinEi.rur.i, pKPPI'.CTl'UIil.Y Inloriua tho clllaen, of llloonia- xi nurniiu vi runty i nut no nianpetieil oKoim nt the Exchange lloti I, wheru ho olljra lor aalu S I' E 0 T A 0 L E S 1 Cf ttcry Variety, i,ite and Quality. A nnv I nvftitlon of Hpt'clfieVft, for ('(Ftmt noil clnio itrl n new ntnl ( initrovf.l njf rimun I or ptfll'n1 cal t rMi ml fli fit tllasK-uMf hit own in tmUictiirf. !(' wniiltl jiiirtinilnrly call 1 lie atto lairn of ilia public tu Lis Sjtceticlei fur NiiAit i'Ui;&o?;s, And IYr'"rjrou w lmve bwii or, tet iion 'or t!ie cnlantct of t lie uo, cI,1oi(h new html iilnnns and 'oiiflfrv r ot iho glil iiiuiJu ul' tlio Lest tliittunJ n ztire (Ilnncfl. Ill O PMPOUTANT: Tin: n:nr nt:sT nnji'.iu.tAX muniTA Po'uuiveri.i IJy jirovtiJ to lie In r aiMiurior M nny otli-r Aluo- Mlcm-copc, ? ilnB n urnl I'clf rOf b, Willi iliirii(nl pruvcr. lit! mi nlwiiy n lect (il.isitei tu RUit tiiu vision il the pTKutt, nr tu- hgl'h Micid, (1hhi tlm lirbt lie will ri'innln It litis ntacu ilurltif Miy !"irt. ntitl tliobf m want of tlio uliuve artitjej tvtll plcntc pivu Tit tu n mil. U?" H'i Willi if roiuiruU, go to ony reopvttttblp liousn wlioru liis pnrvice? may Lt win tel. lTThr very litt-l 13 YB WAThU always fur folc. April 1.-. Ib.i7. ESPYTOWN NEW STORE. rpllll ii ii rsliud, hnviiif; iisfnchtcil tngtnhi-r in tlio jl .n rrniuiie liiidiiitut, ijku ncndtiiu j u u tinon lie ihk to th'Mr lri"iiln and the public tn ftcucral, Hint lltfir new Stort Utilise, locnt.'d on .Mniu vlrrut, central in l.(4iyiuu n, Ouluinlia', linn just t'.'tn Blocftm) U ltd lfctv Spring Goods, Co-prJulng an cjfnslvi! njtrnrtmfiit of Oloihi, Cnnil. iii'Ttfn, Vcatln-js, aMnalini. I. litre, nntl tvrry oiht-r sr tirlt! In tho wv rg Hue, incl-nliiiir Kanhv.irc, CJilnn, and llolloiv wnrf. llrorcrli-i. Mm nr .'IVu UallVc, Iticc Molasrra cic.otc with nil ntlitr artl clia ol cnntrncrron('nptcl to fount ry ft pre . ALSO-HEAD Y AAUS CLOTHING tr'lrain, lumber, rrovixionii, Product, i.c, of ell kinds, la lit.' i) In exchange fur incrrhitni'ixi'. . k, ituuiiiAnn. . , , no. uuuviiMisn, NOTICE. To tha School IJircctois of Columbia county :': I n pursuance of the' 13.1 section o r Ihe Acvof fill May, It.VI, hhi are hereby uniilled to, meet in Cuiireiitiou, nt ll'p Court II luae in lllooui. burg, on Ihe llr.t "Vli,ni.o In My. A. II n.',7 bung lh 4111 day of Iho moillll, ul 1 o' III the eft-inn, u. nnrt select, nra lore, by a majority nf the wliole num. ber i,f llireclnrs presdil, one person ot liicrnry ami sciuiitlfic iillniiiineiils, and ol skill and exiiT.eoee in tin art of Te.icliuig,as County rlilperlntendent rr the three s icceediug )ears j ilelernini,1 the amount if com peliiiilii i, for Hie, and c.-rllly Hie rceull lo tlio tilale Puperinlentlfiit ut II irrtsbnrg; as rc,uiri,Uy tlio 3Dtli aod 40th sections cf said Atl. II W WIMVER. Cuttnt'j bvptrlnttniltnt CoUmlit. O llloonHhurs. Apnlll, tK'.7t lr OF I.EITURHreiiisiniiinthel'ostomceat j II mos'iurg, ra., April l.t, 137. Alexander George 3 I.orov.lln 'M'Cllulock edrtw Mj.ylin Illclurd'J IViittian rfiinoii iriejlu i'rancls I'lVifi r Ch ules I'Herdeorce .Ke.s-r lii-beicn jlliu-cl Woel i Ryan John 'Pchmiyer vtr.r (Hlaiv.on Mary SiMiiserlleiijainln j lovey Ccorgi. ) iiigtn Ceoria IWibtJeorsu 8 j Wullowcy Llleo i:nuiviu ,m. Ultra Samuel llrot. n. J A II F, liuhm CulhuriDe Cluii.b: rhilii Wm Chri.ti J hn II. Crrcui Corutlius first John I'reese Jocinb r:.ibli Henry P. Ilillerd hamuli llenlev W (J. Ilnrtmnn Jacob Illll tileplitti II. lUpklns lOenzi sum I'r.- K lick Itahler Thompson ItJ-lVrtoiis calling for the ab ,vo Itltcrs will olraao iv I lev are uilvrrlt.v.l ' say they are uilvcrliieil. rilll.lP UNANG3T, I'. M. April 4.1P37. Greenwood Seminary AT Millville, Columbici Co., Pa. A HVST':,vV1"!"" co"ru "f I'l'irurlloii ia iiieM In .. . : ....h..w.. .,.u.,,.n tiFu.iity laiicnt. 1 lie ."m ".'.".'...'L1 ba ""Hi (he pr.n,t,enr b) I .M 101 rxnrrluiirnl, reccntlj Uta Hie l.niicaslerroulilt'r.urnia Hcbm I ' A acullon orteven tveole will commence July 1st T E H SI 8 . Tuition, for day puplis. $v,o tu $l,;,o pir'iii.nier Hoarding, Tuilioil Washing, l.mllls, .c SM ptr llMllirol .Irven weeks, one-h iirin ndvniirii I'or circular, catalogue, or oihi r particulars a.ldreaa i ii i .. .o, K"' UOIUIES., Millville April 4.1WT. I'rmcipal. NOTICE. EIIIIIGE ELECTION. A N clecllnn for one l'pi.idenl. six Mamgers one " Tr.? ""'''; ""retnry; ollicer. for uf,, ca" tissa Urlileo Cominn fr the .nsuing yrr C,,tattl.,1ll,i,(8eOmce?A)L,ri"u"737.BS,&',y' DRIDCE NOTIOb! rpllE l'rcaldenl and Managers of the Cotlawlsaa J llrldee Company, hat n i ns ,(.. h lend of three percent. (75 rls per sharu.) on the cjtuiul elock ol said Companj for I he last six inontha payable In (heSiockholdersc their Icral eprSiJi,?,!: ive, on nrufler Id.- loth in.t , I llioolhceollio T Surer, in Cnttawissa. lly order ol the lioar.l, Ca.tat.issa, April 1, 17' JAIt 7Vs, SELECT SO IOOL. MON AY, Miylltlijieti. an I cnntlnue eleven weeks. 1'up ila are rci'ived al any . TEllieel Of TUITION, rrimaryjtiiudios, g (Jomiuon Eug ish'Studics, - - 3 lllgliorEijliihtjludiasand Classics, n n.oo,u.b.,.M,, KAT0-V- WW MITCHELL & CROASDALH'S iVPEIl-PUOSPllATK nf mo, THE subscribers jnlorm dealers and farmers Ibst they have now on hand, a lull supply or super-Phosphide of Lime, Ihouiarkct. y oo hand. ' Peruvian and Mexican Guan Oils, Caudles, Soap, ke nl iho lowest market istu s . ' nr .. .... .'nt... U (J(l , o, 30 Nor lit IV bancs, abovo Arch street. rrirm.r. .mi, i . Philadelphia. crod whirl. " ". anu u.ol.l ma April II, 1M7, JUST REObllVEl) itv if ATr.nn a iv Nin'.,'.3',,VlllJ.3'' Mackerel, White Full and lle'r ring. IrUhBilBion act. AjiiHWe U 0 t I, W IIARWAN, I'll IV ATE SALE ' OF Valuable Kcal Estate. T,ULCed,,oin,o."t.7for0),, "i """" """ I All ill 1 11 In Mnillftnn trtttt.l.t. rta li ' ;.'n. . ..tlolnlr... I,- e.."r; V""'i n .'oun a which the road pliaea iroin ier.eylown to Blborua. hur. togclhor with all tne Improvemeiila and appur. lananeealhareuntubclonilng. 1 F !!? JILSD. mm A IIOUSB NII l.or, with tho Imprnva. an tfl trnet ofI,nnil .I...I. A.M.... at.. ..I .1 U Mill iia.tuuiuiu ""mora (,mU Ull T T 1 1 1 0 f a flt Jencylown, Columbia conntj-, im. SIIElllFF'S SALK BY tttiht bf n writ of vttullttoni ipoi,aiio me dlrett fltla tlxtrc will tic npoteil to public mlo, ot lb. Courl lloute In liinoiinlurr.oiiMuiKioy.Uic ih dn 0f May next, nt 1 o'clock, 1'. M.,tho lollowing real tiim to wit I All itmt fprinln tract nr plom of land tit net Q iQ Urlarcnk townitif prCftIunbiu county cuntnlniiiir 0ni hum! rod nrrci. bn ihh s.unn more or lrii nbout itvetM tv five ncrcs of Alilclt I Improved laiut, lon ml til on tliu unit. by lands uf Jacub Copo, on tlie north, ion is niul weft, by ul her loml ol SamtiPl Ilcndley nnj otlirrh, it linlttf; the Vnjrip tract pnrrhneed .y toid lit adlcy of tienfrre jt. eiMliJt(.u(p j wlicrpon liertctd a iwoMnry Irf.inn llwdllng House, out Kftcliru, iMinn Hank Hani U tho apMirtciiaiicri, Hplzcil nna taken in tiuution as tlio properly cf flainuct 1. Hundley. ALSO. At the same timo and plnco hy virtue of another writ of rcndttienl txponat nil that cortftln tract or plrce of I i.iniii Ritunic in "i million imvnMup, udiuuidiii county, lioitfidcd and ilcocrihcil m toltow in wit ! on tin north by the heirs ofJiln Wclltvcr, on Dip cmt by tho I Ori ol Jnhn Wullivcr. on Die roulh by DaniclU'c lliver Ion the West by Daniel Pinlih. cohtnlninc fouriircti acrrn, I e the aniR moro or Icsr; whcrinn ! ererlcu a one and n haT story frninp Uwelllt'e House, fend a Frnnip HtaMi with the n pitriennncf's. Htizd n nd lakm In eiccutlolt ut Iho property of Jacob Ktsner BTCl'lIEaV 11. MILLCU.McHT, nionmmrg.- April II, M7, Spuing and Summer G OODS. rrMIB unilralpncd rcppootftilfy inform lln'ir customer nnd (he public pi nrrally, that they hrtvrj'Ui roccivcil at their u vt lirick Store llouie, In I.flittiltcol n seltct titsnrtuH-tit ol fHihion&Llo Spring ami Summer Goods. direct Irani the Liistern cHIcb. cntnprit:i; nl t li o nrfniin n u 1c ctl n ii b to In fniind In (,oniilri fiiom, Uiimiting of (JliiLhd. UifliiucroH. I)rlniiis( HrnxeF, Kilicui'K. c Tiielhcr ultli u.l kindn of Dteut goods for ihelaillcfl, ALUO,-GRTMIMIIN'S WUAH, 01' A L MO Hi VliUY BUUT ANI 8TYI.1J. 1 LAUIP.-iTAI.MASimtiSIIArf.HAU'LS.&c. (IroccricK. Mol.inBLs, Hityar. Tt an, Cortec Pplci, nnd in short, uvcrthliifr in thi wny nf Mrrcliauilii lillADY MAIlLCLDTllINO. ol eery (!fscripilL tO-lrnu.ftecl.NaiU SulkyHprincn 4f b"'I"ob. IlI" ThimkfiJl for p.iftt piilronnffi. j t will b their fltmiinuH aiut to plcntio tlicli curtumers ami to giro general satlsfuciioii. II. W. & V. N :nEAriY. Mght Hireet. pril ll,Jis57 ril'itlMi AM) iSUitlftlKU CLOTIILNO, frill M umurslgnud yrnteTnl Tor pant patronage, ro f mtrfrl tl'tl 1 1 V I II fiVriiiB Ii im C1I f nna..r . .i A lt....Lv jfuiif rally, tful liclnaHul rrcelvril friiir) tor Km ctn Olttci.tliclarftm and mont cfct ilock of bushtomiUe Spring A'- Summer Clcthinn ll'.ulh.isyi'l been oiencd in Blooiiithors, , to wbub bo I utiles t lie niieullouof hiefrlomts, and assures ihem thin iheyarenlloredforsnle al great bargain,. His Htock com pris can large and seler? assortment nl uentlcincn s carinc Annar.On Constating or Faihhnable DtteeCoale, of ererr do. .L.liiltn,, . r'nnl. Vn..D Bl., .. .. .. Oollonllaiidkerchlcrs Cloves. Suspenders, ht., 4,,'' uol'l li iitelus and Jiueliv. of very de.criplion line Lnd cbesp. N. it... r:,in ,.,i. n. ..rA,..u...r,l w, . (.all ond se Nocharse lor jnminlnir Court. w.v vii) LOWENBERQ. Bloomal.urjj, AJa'ch 31, 1W7, rmsT auiuvaL ov SPRING & SUMMER WE havo now reoeivinj; cur Snrinit and S mcr Gondr, by llnilroail al our n.w .land, on ilia (tinier ol Main at il Marktt slrctta. 'lbs .lock compriicsa lull assurlmeni af Dry Gojds, Gnccries, Jlarduaic, Quen ware, Ccdar-unre, Ilolloic-tcure, J rugs. 11. )l. Conl. I'la.lvr lrn V 1 1 ...,. . .... . - "" I'owia, cooes, liais, Cnls, Jkc Sir. ALSO-IIKANY MAIIU CI.OTIIlNn andliilct every naiueable article usually ksatlu a eoillilry Miore ' Country produce tuken In exchange for goods II. '. tt I. W. HAUTMAN- nloniifburg, Vmirli '.1. li. SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS FORil.857. 'piIH subscriber respectfully informs his i Clstnmers and 11,6 nubile eenerHllv. H,i I, a L.. receivedn rullsiiak of choice fcjiriiiy and Summer Goods. eompri.iny n roll iisroniiKM if CI. tin. Cnsslmsrs, Halitirlla. Ileliiliies llrlixie.s Calicoes, te. loselbsr wiinagr-aivaiieiy or other articles usually kept In Country Hiures. v Al.0 ll.ndtvere. Cutlery, ftueeniware Halt, Pl.h, Iron, rilecl, Hal., Cu,r lloots.Mbi'ss. A.e. Country pioduce, including Crulil Lumber, 4, lukeli in enhance fur goods Cg-'lhauklul f,.r pan pilrouage he isspoclfullj asks a suntuiaoctjoltliesnue TUO MAS E. EVES. miiiviuc, .-.lorcti n;i,ie37 y. 5 I2io Kiimf KLvn FORWARDING MERCHANT, . RUPERT, PA. W1,1,;1!' iiii,'ti?1,',i,' r"1 r?'"0"""" icnm i r...,i I,. i.,I 1 a" ' ireisiiia o. V. , .. . . t"ulli pi'iess ami dispaltb os sltllvcrttl ut tUu ..llnaing rates per. 100 l rtiShli oa all noil, r.n puiaileljikla I, lunvlck. Wilkcsbarro. l.leUis, (.0 to Vd cb.s, la in 3d class, 40 4U till !., 30 so I'lll. ion. o P'r IV0. to 30 43 t.,pn..n.b. n.t- n .... ..... Hats and Cars, llooisaurt tboes, willowtt u're'lic","' .. ... . v."". it.s. i nmiies.un.eae, Crackera. Ilj.1 VVonils, (Ins Pipr, llollow-ware, Hope. Vc. ' .. ' ' " "'""'e, iiomest r I. nuors. Iron. Ho Lfhllil Mnr. I Kl.n, ...t ...... ,YT( . ... .lu.avs, cm. j'eiro. 41 CjJ.-Ale, lleec. S .gar, Hall 1'ish, Pork and Uicf in barrels. Cement lim u, Mill Stone,, c. n 5 t' frnl,, llnn.ll.,.. U i,,. . . . i, i" ' '.'vin, suinu'ioa, ic. taken at Pro-rata rales special rnuiiacla nude lb, largo fri-mhisn,,,., i.h k... .. .. v . .. .. ,.,.,. u j, ii. liar. man, Unpen la otteneion liefer lo Col JinsEpii r a VI on, ) ., . ..'ej, . o niiirtuui;. tv-.-.-r-, Rupert, 1'ebruiry, tu w: mo. ' cheap" s rroiiE. SPRING AND SUMMERcToODS. "T'llE undarsiunod tako pleaBiiru in an. uitc iu ineirrusioiiiers and the public gencr ally, Ihnlthey havojustieeeived, ut Hie Lima Rids, aloro. n eho ee nssnrttm n( r B feprini; and Summer Goods. Comprising ovcry anielu usually kept in olirbSI-'''-ir.ato, - r"is irr ruaoy pay. 1 onslrllng of a large variety of Cloths, Casslmera, elulnes, Urazea, Calicoes, ic. "... O" Couniry produce taken In exchange for good, Livouen call. Nuno nttd go uwny diisalihed. O. & Q, LOW. Lnno Riiige. March Sd, 1837 Laciawnna & Dlouiusburg II. n. omco Lcck'a Sl UloumsbiirgR.Ul, Co I Wvomisii, l.u. Co,, Ta., Jan. I3.1U7, 1 INTEREST PAYARLE ON STOCK. (rllEstockholdernof Ihis company ale hcriby noil. Xllodlbat by lleioluuon 0f ihejlloardpf liir.cto,, '."J."!"',?'.' """'S '""ifiU'il lo the 31,1 of December IMC. wilibe paidou application alibis Oihce in (.'srili 1'ull dock Cerllllcatea will be l.iu.d when Ilia In. leresl auiouni, to the' sum of Bfly dollars: un-l foil smallar auiua or any fractional ninounts .Certiliiie, r II be Is. sued. l'. TETTEUONE. 7V..V aiarcn 7tli,JlB7, LICENSE ROlTuS. - WE havo just printod, and offer for A.llaul Ihla oir,r. Hn. IA r . I..-.- it--... ui ' va' k'"1' 'ur l,,:,.D'i. ajiplymg f0r 'iaveru LI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers