0 Jr . n AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. 1 To Hold and Trim tho Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'or tho darkoncd Earth. AIM B. TATE, Publisher. X JJ, J-il-iUj J. lUJJi.J.UlUl f OL. XI, NO. 8. BLOOMSBXJRGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1857. YOL. XXL GOLUMBIA DEMOCRAT jfUDLlSlllSU CVCRY SATURDAY MORNING. Imltloomsbiirg, Columbia County, Pa. OrricB. In the, new Brick JJuildivg, op 'posilcthe Excltangr,by side of titt Court House," Democratic Head Quarters," , TERMS op iomcntrTio. 41,00 In mltranoe, for ono copy, fornix month.. 1.7 i In ndviinco, for ono copy, ono year. 2,00 If not paid within tho first throe luonlhl, '5,25 If not pat J within tho first six months. 2.40 If not raU within tho voar. tO No subscription taken tor loss than six months, , And no paper mscontliieu until all arrcarngcttsliall hayo beonpalJ. U7 Ordinary mlvcrtlscmonts Insortcd and Job work exeeutod at the ostitbll.hnd prices. PltOOLAMATION. W1ICREAS, tho Hon, Warren J, Woodward, rreil ftentontio Court of Ojcrnnd Terminer and On neril JnllDellvcrv, Caurl of Quarter Hiniom of the fence and Court of Common rtirunnil Orphan! Court. In the Twenty-Sixth Juiilc.nl Dlsirir t. compotei) ortbe counllci of Columbia, B-jll.vnn nmt Wi-yming, nnilthe lion Jacob Uvn nnd Petcr Kline, A'n hoc fate -Judget In Colum uin county, have itaucd their prrccrt, itenrmf date the ?tli day of February In the year of our ho Til one thousand eight hundred nnd fifty tlx, nnd to mo H retted for holding a Court of Oyer nnd Terminer nnd CenernlJail Delivery, Cenernl Uunrter Svm.oii uflho reace, Common 1'leos nnd Orphan'i Court Jnllloome turg. In the county ofColumbit, on the flril Mondav (bcingthe 4d day of May ficit and to conUnucone week notice n hcreliv giren, to me corona r ina juiuct Select JjJoctrtj, Spring is Coming BY DB, J. nAYr.S, Yc. tho tluo eyed Spring is coming, From tie balmy, sunny south ; Sco her sporting, skipping, running Songs of joy are in her mouth ! Sco her roll old Winter's carpet. Whito and fleecy, o'er tho plain ; Dowii the mountains, sec her roll it, To its frigid goal again. DALTiaiORIS LOCK HOPITAL, DOOl'Oll JOHNSTON. Til R founder of this Cclehratod Insti tution oiTjr the iuotccrtftln,tpcdy, and only t dec tn il reim'dy intlio world fur effects for Glictf, ttrlcttirHt Heminal wnHniiii. t'jlns In the ho In it, Ouustltutioiinl Dobility, Impotfiiry, Wcakuen of the Utek and I.tmbs, Affections oT tlio Kidneys. 1'alplta lion of thn Heart, IH-.iepil.i. Nfrvnu Irritability. Dliaase ot tho UimhI, Thro nt. Now or Ski it und all i lit) u serious and mclanrholy Disordirn arising from ttie dmlrictlve JiaMsoT Voiiih, which deatroyn lnt.i body nnl mind. Then fcrut and solitary practice!, nre more fatul to their victims .than the hour of the Hvtdiii to niarinerit Ulvite. blielitlnir their trnoit brlllinot hopei of aiiticlpatioai, rendering marriage, tee., linpoisiblc, I young Men. tnfelOly who htve become w uettme of nolitcry Vlcti.tlialdrcadrul and destructive habit, which annu ally Bweuu ! nu iinUtimly u rate IhouMiidn of young men of the moat exulted tntmits und brilliant Inlet lect, wlm mi a lit ulhvruiie hi.t) entranced Imtftung H nates with 1 lie timui'crsoi Ho lumcf. or waked to Xtic.eUulyre,in.y e.ill wlthall coiitldunce. v Marriage, V Married nsraont.ot Vouiu Men contemplating mar rtie, hriu aware of physic.it weakti"H4, organic de hlluy. defiirmilles, a.c,, sho'ild liuinediatety consult Ur Jtliiistnn,(iud he renlnrrd to pi'rlrct health, sZ llo who pi i Cf'n.liluui'll u ndr th enro o( Dr. John stoniu.iv ret igi'Hity,cnn tide in hit honor as n gentle i lueu, undcouIidiMitlv rrly upon his skill asepliymeian, Organic Weakness luimidiitity cured and full vigor restored. ' rhU,dis".is(i it th! pfuilty most Ire'iticnly pnldtty l tin j wholnvebucitiuf the vlrtim of improper itnlul gdiict'i, Voung ieri"in nr too ipt to cominit ei re n from not lioinp nwJru of tlmdrradful conroitieiice that miyi'UHii', No.v, wlio that unilernlund the sttb Ject will pn-tcud to deny th it the powi-r of procrca Miun is loit sooner by llioae falling into Improper Jubitt th ti by Hit) prtidont. Itesidiis buiut doprivcd of K tti pl"asiiri of he.tlthy o(Tipilng, the moil serious aiil destructive symptoms to both body nnd mind ttltt. Th j ynteni becomes denngi'd; Hie pkiyxicnl nnl th nil powers unnkened, nervous ilcbi 1 1 1 , dyi pepl i, natpttation ol the heir I ,nidi;rsti(in. a u listing nf tlli I '!!. Cfinirli fin hi nu, m it f CO lis 'I Mi lit in 11 lif,' J3i.)ll.: No 7tfuuTii I'rr iik nu k SiKUti, seven doorr frau Ittltlmore street Uit sl'ie. up tin- steps J(c i Ittnicutar Inotis irvim; thNMlKnud MJMUKH, or iu wil mistake the pi ir, JtCun HarrKt,vr na Vhnrgt Jlfadl. U from One to ivo Inut. NU MIIKCUIIY Oil NAUtii'oUJa nUUfJd USED. i Dr. Johnston, -Mmfi r nf the Uoval Collfirn of rturceons. London 4irid'ntc I'm i n one oTUih mosi i-iiinit u. cilleiitM n( the Umt"d ,Sttlt4, and thpsrcati'r pail ol whose Iilc has Lieu Vnent in III" timt lliiniulii ofLomlon . I.iri.I Jii Ul.'tp'iia and etnowhere, has i tlorl'-dsimie of the most amillHU 111,; cures Ul.lt WTP rvr known, ninny irimu 11 wto riiuiiij in iim liuad and t-ats wlin nslcep erKl tivrv.Msiii'ss tM'ine narmd si vudtb-u soundi, sriinni'if jiiii'ss. with fn-'iueiit blii-limg, uttended stninlini's with durung'iiiuiitulniiiid wtrecurud iin tuvdiaitly. . A Certain Disease. Vhn hn niisgiiidd and imprudL-ut votary of ptca sura. ft id In h is iiiriilifd the sevds of this paiuiit disease, it loo ofim happens tint on iltlJuifd fLitsu u lame, or dread of dnuoiery, driers hint from nsnly I tif to llios' vvlu from educjiimi and respectability ck al-tue icfriendlitui d.tl lying till tht cuustiiut tonal tymiUoiui oi tins dorr td dicaemttk8 tlmi rajtpearancr, ? such is ulcerated hore tl.ruat, diseased u'iie, nocturiml pal us iu the liad and limbs, dimness or MSlit.dcarni'm, imdcs on tlid skin hones, and arms, bloidus on the held lure, and extremi ties, proreosiug v. i Hi frit-'htttl rjpiditv.lHl al list the pilule nflhe mouth or Hid vbonrij of tlie nohe t.ill in .iiiiiI the vision ol Hih nwful . cUtrair become a horrid obh-ci of c ouiniieeralion. till d'alli nuts a period to hisiu;e.iilfuUuilcriiigi, by ten- ' dlnihim to "thai iMinrii" Irem whence no Oiiecr return.' To such Hie refute Dr. Jnluitton pledrs liiiaiclflo preserve the must eiivi.iia'le seen rv, and rom hia eileiuivi prnctku in liefiri HoipitnU of Kjrop4 an t Auicric.i, he ran confidently rtcoinmend afj audspeedy euro to the unfortunate ictim olllils uorriu uisvase Take particular notice. (3 Dr. J adJresNcs al tliofe ulin have injured them 'oWei hv orivatnanil imnropT itiduliieiire. iM,Thesu are soii.eoi the s4d and mel.tnrhnv olTerls Vstrolnred bvearlv halutf of 1 outli, vi IV t nKi ( th ot ,2tti lick and liimbs, I'aiu in the Mend. I M fsof lumbla,thatthfly be then nnd there In their proper person nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, with thfilr records, inquisitions snd other rcmcmbra ncea to done. And thofe that ore bound hy rtcogniranre, to Sec her OpO the Vftlo of plc&SUrO. P.rf 1 " o pa I n 1 1 1, e p r i -om r 1 1. ".rr "'J1 J I Aa nUU :rtfl nnA ine j an oi snin couniy oi (;oiiimnin to uvuivu nnu iiil-io v7 prosecute them oi fliil I bejust. Jurors nre reiucit ed to bo punctual In th Ir attendance, Agreeably to their notices. Dated at Iltoonisbtirg, the i!tithdny of Majch in the year of our Lord ono thousand eicht hundred and fifty-seven, nnd InthcBltt yearof the In dependente of the Untied Stales of America. (God save tho Commonwealth.) BTCrilKNII. MILLnH.iflcH. LIST OF OAUSKS lOR TRIAL MAY TERM i. AT As, with macio's fairy wand, And restore tho hidden treasure Winter stole with ruthless hand j While behind her groves aro nodding, Nodding in tho silver sheen ; And tho purple bloom a dotting, Dotting o'er tho velvet green. All around her vocal rivers, John Grrllngrtat. . Charles T.Mann. j l iping forth their merry B0n, Pnniuel L. McUullock ttal.rs Samuel F, llcodlcy . WI.JU n.,,al,:nr, ctrnnmlpt nliivcra- William Koons ti.Utorgfi L. Klinu el ai, u mio iiio gusning strcamici quivers uauKiu as it moves aiong i And a troop of warblers singing Notes ethereal on the plain : While tho echo music's ringing, lunging in tuo chorus strain I Spring is coming o'er tho mountains, Laughing, frolicking and gay I See her opo tho summer's fountains, And with rosrs stroir the way, All around her clouds of glory, Paint tho festooned, fringy trees ; Whilo tho youthful and tho hoary, Dance beneath tho golden leaves 1 William Knnnt n. llfuma U. Kline. Frederick Heat's Cirs, t Philip Winteritecn et a I Joseph Stackhnuso ri Ullbtrt Fowler. Jnnn M,IlernlngerrW. A. Kline. David Ueliiboldt's Anron Woll. IVtcr Applemanet al, t Leonard U Hupcrt et al, Mary Vansic-tla r Joseph Kuekle ct ul. (leurge Miller v$ t;iotworlby Fisher. (eorin Miller rs Nnthiniet Ovurdorf. 1'eier Applcman v$ Leonnrd II Uupert. Thomas Parker i John 11,1'nrkrr. George L. Kline v$ Moses Co (f man, John Wn;ner vs Sally Wagner. Susunnnh llntl v$ Clotnuel Henry. Isiar. IJrovvu rs HnhertJ L)oii. WillinmUoliison Wilf-nu Ager. Isaiah rilinmaii es Jnob LHImuiau ct al, Jesse (licks rs Joieph Kirkendatr. Jdco'i Schuyler rs Wilson Ager. Nathin rieclv rs Dm let HnoncntiPrg'i Admrc. Fletcher II Dodson v Wlihain Long, Cutharlne Tanner rs John D Weaver. Adtnt Utihle vs Hnitlr Fox, Adm'r. Willi-tm Wichtr(Iordon It. CoiT. Jtnathan Masteller n Stephen HaMy. Christian llelil rs Daniel Cigcer. Wllliim Hopper ta CdmondCrnnfnrd. (leore Fetttirman vi Holomoit Fetterman, Martin Mowrcr vt Thomas rtlneklmusu et nl. Gilbert Fowler ri Daniel Fowler, Kx, Ceorge Moore el nl rt Dld Ltwis ct al. Daniel Kustenbader r David Hans. Te'cJiiiinn D, Blrome et ol r John Hess . WilliJiu Hittenhousc l Hnnincl F. Iliadlry. Junes Ualstnn ri James Ralston, Jr , Adm'r. Jeauder W Kaufman, etnlri Lewi" V Myers eta D-tvid Del de bra nt vs llenjnuilii Fnux. Kebccca Garrison vs Alfred llowelt, Daniel I,. Win'crsteenct nlrsChrisiiaa Shu ma n Williiui itohisonrs William l.cigar. llloonifcliurc, Mnich i'3 .lf57 (SDrigiual Storu. Written for the Democrat. Tho Strength of Principle. BT KATE. Git AND JUllOKS i'OH MAY TEIiM, Itri arcrnk John Honk, Itkhardl hompson. On im Solomon Ncjhtirtl. C iiaiiisi-Char Irs Krrich. Greenwood John l.tuion , Geo. Mniteri Edward A Iberlflcn. Ira Joh tison , Isaac Dtwitt, lienilof peter Appleman. t.ocust-John Yeaner. Mnu nip tea rant J.irrdi.Coho Mililin 'brithuni Mostelltt. William.N. Crown. Maim Dn idel bhuinan. u.intmir-Tfter llrloiLarh Maiiisoii Jcuifs Jonns u.KcifcrA Snlili , Join Bwlsher. pine Albilt llunler. Heott JohtiTresibly llarinan O.Cmvcll r.g .Jack sou Girreuoti. Sajtir loaf Andrew t.a'itnc h. Uluoinrburi:. March S-. WiL TltAVKRSE JURORS MAY TERM. lllonui Morris Van Ituklr k Hrinr creek Henry KHti i.l.cuse, Henri Doak, John lleaver Charles Michtel.Moiet Frhlicher, Jactb llitltridx-ni'er. IMiitou RiehardHtilea, Joseph C. llcss. Centre John Fertrr. Jacob Hagcnluch Catiwla a Daulrl Uh) wvll tJ'teawood Abnham DririLclbis. Jacob D tten bender. Hem ork Ilrubrn Uogart. J.irVsnii George Farvrr. lrnm Derr. I.orust- lohu I.. JItrit.Jonis (Ucrnluger, O. C, II fr ;dvvln Ji'hn. M'ltllin John, Folk, Henry Iklla. Thomas Aten. II s rnin Freat M tdMon -Neheu.li h Wctliver, Richard Pemott. Mo'intpn is an t John dh Ipmn, Fliihp Crawford. Paul Kline. it it in ii ur reek William DrrUharh. So.itt-Ueece Fairniau, Willi.itu Nyeri, Thomas ihlfhl !.' nf M.Mrnl.ir lou -r l'.iliii'.itioii of Hih I Re hno nlman . Willard C Grcru llart.Dvspepnin, Nervous IrratiUlity, Dcr.iugt inetil J Sngarlnaf Grnrpc Hlrdnni. -ftfiliR Digestive Functions, Gencrui Debility yn ptojus oiuonsiimptiou, r. MflN TALLY The fearful rfl" rt upon the mind1 , .are much to bo dreaded, Lih ol M "inry, ConriMiou of : I loas, D-iire-ion of the hpiritn. F.il l'ortlodiiici sAversionof ducicty, Titiiity &c.,arc suinc oltln-uvild .produced. ,,-v Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge m what is tin came of tleir dt'Chning hCn ltd . Looting Ithalrvigor, becoming weak pnlesmleintrined, hat in J flniul.ir appearance about the cycs.ciHighond vjinp ilonis of Consumption. Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for Organic tircakcss. dwDy this great and imporiant remedy, weakness nfthe forgans are speedily cured, and lu'l vigor reftoird. iTb'iusjndsof the most nervous and debilitated, who .had I t all hone, have been I mined lately re In ved Alt Impediments to Marrlige.l'hysirnl and Mental Disfnia tlftcatfon, Nervous 1 rninhilrty. Tremblings and Weak- ,nesi, or exhaustion ntthu matt (earful kind, speedily cured by Doctor Johnston , Young Men .Who hive Injure.) themselves by n rerttln practice, 'tftlulged In when n In tie i hntnt freipientty lenrnei ffonrt evileompaniotia, or atsckool theerTects of w Inch nre nighi'y lelt, even when asleep, and If not cured ' render marri ip iiuposslble, nsd destroys both mind itad Uidy, should apply immediately lUWhii ti nitv that u votmc mm. the hone of hit conn oTry.aud the darling of his parents, should bft anutrhed . " "from all prnjpects and enjoy meiits nf life. by the eoiifo I ki,Viunrcs ol deviating from the rath of nature, and In-1 uuiging in areriuiu necret naijit, cucn persons ucioxu ,oatcmplating VT"Z Marriage flhould reflect IbM a sound mind and IWynre the inns Llndej 1, withnut tlieie.tlic journey through lilo becomes , weary pil4riinnge,thu prospect hourly darkens to ilio view ; me nnnu itecomes iiinnowru .iiii oespair ouu f nnoihi'rliernrites blurhled with our own, i lOMMfjU MJ.7 b()U 1 11 f it tilll.uii'lv Dr.,waiiiworc..Tja (ALL fUuli ICJA It Ul tillA l KtAB I'liKX Uttfll l.u. N.H. Lot no false modestv nrevent you. but onitlyiiu ftfnadJ&telyeiiherperfconally or by letter. SKIN DISUAHUd HfllLMlLY CUKUD, To Strangers. JTk. f.t.aA . tlilu I ii 1 1 ill Inn ulth'n ,4 ha, last IS years, and the numerous important Surgical superations periornieu ay ur Jonusion, wiiuessuu uy rlha reoorlersel the naniira nnd manv other ncrsuiis.no- i ttlcei of which have aitpeartd again and ugftln beforo llloomsburc. Mirrli 2J, IB57. PUliLIO NOTI0K FOR LICENSES! NO'l'lUll Is lirrchy civen tint the fnlluwini; periods in Ouluinliia cmintv hnvt) MNnI Up ir scvrrtil )cti. (1'iiis in llie i:oitll if (ln.irltT riibvlom or the inil oMinty, for n Invent liccn.u s it tln'ir rn.pcctivo town tliii, ulncli bui.l petitions will 1h pn-.nteil lo thn aid Cou it, oil Mnml.iy, till 4lli ilsy of Mny tint, of ivlnch nil iieiions iiitcrutcd will lirrvhy InKo tittle, n ml Hit lirvnii'1 lor the County nl Coliimliin, Mill be titntttcil nn Wednesday, the Clli day of May next, Qt U u'clock l'.M. Oliver A. Jacohy, J.iUiun Wnnier. WilliaiH Lous, Ttiontns Connelly, Franklin Hhuro.u, Joint l.inttt-ii, John J. b'tilci, Tctrr Shop, l in.tc iiuoars. Jo.irh II, Long, Isaac Yelter, Ramuel Andrew., W. A.Klino, Frrilerirk Nicely, Kl'irerA Hinith, Hatiiltel Koai'nhorilur, Utiorh llunell, Daniel I., i'.verliatt, Hajiiticl Mdlenry, lltcliaril l'lumMcr, tUmurl Uvcrctt, 1'eicr r. Klino, Georgo 1.. Shoemaker, l' ter llllltneycr, llavtd Miller, Jnliii 1. Hunt. J.inies i'leece, William llttichison, JucoU (lOOll, (.'hrifiilniiRliuman, Johii Keller, John I.earnck, Jacob Dyer, Daniel Mellcnry, Bulnucl llarinan. Stephen WolT, Store, John Hharnle.i.tlnrn, Fredenck U. l'.yer, store ll&uc K.Swepenhelicr. Store License, Stephen woir, II loom, diuyn? Iiatn. riFliinccietk. Ileiick llnarinscreck. Hiiarcreek. Hen ton. Srutl. JCttBt. llO. Maine. do. Jerce)town, CuttaKitia. Bcolt. l.i(.lit Street, llenton. JUuom. Orange do. Hemlock, lllnnni. llriarcrrct. I.ocusl. ltlOOILU Mounlpleaiact tlrause, ltenver. Mldlin. I'.lnomsbur;. 'Rtt.iw).s.i. ruliinacrctk, Centre. MiUlin. Uattavissa. do. Mifflin. Mifflin township. II. 11. W. Vanawker, (resliiurai t) tfnti m. - f.tt ni.l l!, nlillnn ill Ih.dtililic, iHsiiles i ll i. un.liuiansenlIenianorclia. I ,h ,nllia t0Url fir license to keep uu paling house or nacterand reiponsihllity, ,Uu sufficient guarantee to Take Notice. N.n. There are so ninny Icuoiant and worthless lucks O'lverliiinj Ihemsclvn riiysiciaus, rulninj o lieallh ortho alreidy alUirted, that Dr. Johnston eems it necessary to say, especially to those un.ic ualntud with his reputation. th it his rreiWniisIs and inloniasalwaysliaim in his otBce. nf-r.pir Novici. All lollcrs must he ncsl paid, and contain a postage slump for tho uply, ur noansner t- willbfl sent January 17, laor. EAGLE FOUNDltY, ULOOMSDUllG. Stoves aud Tinware. THE subscriber havlnj erected larjo new brick Foundry and Machlno Shop, In pluro nf the nld 1 .one, is prepared io niaito an mini, ui inmui a. m.- lowest pnets. 1'lowi constantly on hand. The rub criber has ulso removed bis Tin Shop from Mam it to the Foundry lot, where lie has erected bulldlnc ,i alloretlter for Stoves und Tiuware, . Tlie Cooking Stoves consist of tho VM. TUNN . SSSCOOK. ItAIIII COOK, VANMUll COOK, nnd .Ql'AIM.O.l KTOVF.S ot all kind', the I'.GU CV 'CTSl.lMIKlt BTOVU.ic. All Muds of Bpoullnj side to order. JOSErU B1IASPLBB8. Jnooaioirj, April Jl ifjr, restaurant In their resptctivo toninlnps. and thcio petitions will lie nreiciiieu ana ncieu upuuui mu samu lime iviilt those fur tavern licenses, Mary llolmec. Fishin;creek. T C IIUii Sc O T Wilson, Ulouinttiurg. Joseph W. Henderihui, do. CarulinaClark. lllonui. Ja'ljCeiiBeli. JohnCngold.Cottauissa. Hiram Sniet'.iers, Iteinick. JAUOU UVEIIUY, QUr. Illootniblirti April 11, 1857. ADM 1NISTR ATOll'S N OTI0K. Estate of Elijah Price, dfc'tl. TETTERS of Adiniuistration on tlio jr.iue of lllllah 1'rlre, lato of Iocilil township, Columbia couulv, uecenseil, have been mauled by the U Ulster ol Columbia county, to David lleinliold, wt,o residrs in said Locust township, and J. r. Trice, who nsidee in Ashkiua. Brhuylkill county! oil persons having claim, against the estate af the dicedent are re'iuested lo present luein to the Administrator Willi out iU'Uv,aud all persons indrbird to jnako payment forthwith, DAVID IIU1NUOLU, J. F I'lUCi), April 18. 1I3T-C Ain'tt SIDIN'R JOI'JB, BOAlllia AND HUAN'TLINC. for Milt,, H W &W.K CREABV, In o beautiful but sequestered valley, and a short distnnco from tho sloping mar gin nf ono of those placid streams which beautify and fertilize our country, itoid a little cottage, almost hidden by tho shrub bery in which it was embowered. The dwelling, humble as it was, resembled a diamond encircled with cmoralda, as the reflection of tho last golden rays of the Betting sun was scut brightly back from tho eaBcments upon the grass-carpeted lawn and tall lilac bushes. To the north rose a mountain, exhibiting nil the hues peculiar to an American autumn, boyond this towered a chain, so distant ns (o resemble a wreath nf vapor losing itself in tho mi-ty blue of tho horizon. On the opposite snore ot tno river stretcuou an immense tract of prairio laud, whoso soft green afforded a pleasant relief to the sombre shade of tho mountain. It was a lovely spot, one on which Nature had tbowcrcd her gifts with a lavish hand at loast bo thought the two individuals who wcro en joying its beauties from tho vino covered porch of tho cottage. Ellen Osgood was the delight of he father's house. Her merry smilo was ever successful in driving every mark of care from his brow or depressing thought from his mind. She wns a pure, disinterested creature, whoso only aim was to lighte the oarcs of thoso among whom her lot castj and admirably sho succeeded, for her home was rendered as bright nnd cheerful as though sorrow existed but in fancy, and had never cast a blight upm Uio fair prospects of the inhabitants earth, Alas, that so lovely a scene should bo marred by the hand of tho spoiler 1 Henry Elton was tho accepted lover of Ellen. Ho was a young physician who liad just left college, where ho had been a general favorite, and perhaps it was owing to this that his moral character had bo como somewhat unsettled for, in trjing to please all, lie was obliged to assimilato himself in some degree with tho habits of thoso with whom ho associated, and il is a fact long sinco established, that all are not purely moral in theso institutions. His manners wcro pleasing, and ho possessed conversational powers of tho highest order. He was engaged at tho time our talo com mences, in pleading with Ellen to shorten tho period of their engagement, and, from tho gratified expression of his haudsomo faco, a spectator might havo inferred that his ploa was successful. Tho preparations for tho approaching wedding wcro rapidly progressing, when, ono day a3 Ellen Iras seated at licr worlt near an open window, but concealed by a luxuriant honoysucklo that shaded it, sho heard Ctcsar, an old servant, say tosomo ono beneath: ''Wat a nico gemmau Massa JJnrry is. Pity ho drinks so much, but dou its do only fault ho has." Tho color loft her chook. Could it bo that her Loan's idolwas a druukard? She est indiscretion. The breath ot suspioion bad never infused a doubt of his innoocney into her mind, and ho bad doomed him abovo the foul aspersions of slander. How could she solvo her doubts t Sto could not ask a servant if her betrothed was un worthy, and, as Elton was absent dn a visit to one of his college friends, sho had no opportunity of observing his condtjet. Sho tried . lo banish it from her thoughts, but tho imago of a drunken husband was con stantly recurring to bcrjmind. About a week after, whilo on a visit to hor cousin, Isabella Welding, who resided in a neighboring towr. the unexpectedly met him in ono of tho frost public streets, where he with sovoral otters was discussing politics rather more louily than tho occa sion warranted. Ilo immediately joined them, and Ellen obscricd that his faco was slightly flushed. This was almost sufficient to corroborate! hor former suspi cious. At any other ti ic sho would not havo remarked so common an occurrence; but, now that ono painful thought com pletely absorbed her mind,icr perceptions had acquired an unnatural quickness, and sho gathered food for her troubled spirit from tho most trifling circunstanco. In a few days, the cloud lhat rested over her happiness was diepellcd. Elton bad been her nltnost constant coupanion during that time, nnd his beaming glance of lovo had gone as far as his rcpcLtcd assurances in convincing her of bis innoconco. Ono evening her father came in. "Well, Ellen," said ho, "aro you willing to leave .this pleasant villago for your country home to-morrow 1" She expressed her readiness, though not ithout somo reluctance at leaving her lover. Her arrangements wcro accordingly made, but her aunt who had felt unwell all day, became very ill during tho night, and they were obliged to remain. and your voncrated father for my guido, wo will have nothing to fear." Ellen was softened, but sho had often heard that intemperance was an almost incurablo moral malady, and this thought ctccled hor heart against his eloquence, and saved hor from that most awful fate a drunkard's wifo. With her eyes blindod in tears, she extended hor hand, and with a choked uttcranco, exclaimed, " Farewell, may God bless you, and cnablo you to conquer your imphoablo foo." Elton left tho place, and no tidings of him ever reach ed hor cars, though her prayers for his welfare wcro constant as the return of uight or tho dawn of morning. Writttn for the Democrat. Tho First of May. DT A TYPO. Tho Boatman's Daughter. During tho year 1814. while tho allied arraios were concentrated about Paris, the following remarkable incident, posiossing all tho interest of romance; occurred. It is strictly true, and the parties aro still living. A young lieutenant of dragoons was engaged with three or four Hungarians, who, aftor having received several smart strokes from his sabre, managed to Bond a nan into A MAN OVERBOARD. It was ono of. thoso tbuudcr and light ning gales at night, when for moment all would bo ns light as day, and moment after, so dark thai you oould not boo an oar's length from tho vessel. The oaptain was forward, and all hands except the cook and myself were aloft. Tho ship was pitohing mtdly, and tho wares were toppling sometimes ui high as the yard arm, and then dipping away with a l,;.l I. 1 il L. .. . .w .. . .1 n.iii, uuuci vjui aws, malt utauc uvury is shoulder, to niorco his chest :.i... : .t ..t s rri.. h...j Ji , ... . ... I mulfi;s " "io vwaoci uuivur. j.uo inuuuer with 'a thrust from a lance, and to lea vol im, 4i ,i .i him for dead on tho bank of the river. On tho opposite side of tho stream, a boatman and his daughter had been watch inn this unequal light with tears of despe ration. But what could an old unarmed man do, or n pretty child of sixteen ? However, tho old soldier for such tho boatman waj had no sooner seen tha officer fall from hii horse than he and his daughter rowed most vigorously towards tlio other side. was roaring like ten thousand oannons. and every now and then, as I said) -half the sky would be lit'up in a stream of fi'ro that glared over the top of tho waves, and glistened on tho wet deok, and tho span lighting up everything so plain, that 1 oould sco the m6n's faces at the main top, and catch glimpses of the reefers on tho yard- armclinging liko death then all would bo horriblo darkness. You could hear tho spray spitting a gaiust tho canvas, and tho groat waves Tho curtains of Mrs.Wclding's chamber wcro closely drawn. The almost perfect stillness which reigned throughout the partment was broken only by tho vibra tions of a small mantel clock which stood opposito tho bed, and an occasional moan from tho sufferer. Isabella was sitting near her mother's bed, watching tho almost impcrocptible motion of tho thin covering as it rose and fell to her gentle breathing. Kllcn had tlrJwn her chair to tho window, nd, leaning her head on her hand, her thoughts wcro wandering back to tho days of hor happy childhood, and thou wcaviug a bright web for her future years to untold, when she wa3 started from her rcverio by tho sound of voices on tho pavement below. " I say, Elton, is this tho place where your fair enchantress sojourned when sho blest our village with hor prcsenco 1 l!y Jupi'cr, it's well for you that sho's homo ward bound." "Never fear, Morton, I always take caro to cuaru against suoti a misbap as that." Ellen glanced out ot tho window, and saw Elton and his chum, Edward Morton, staggering down tho street. How rudely was tho veil torn from Lcr eyes ! How quick tho transition from exquisito happi ness to the deepest anguish I Truly, " tho heart knowcth its own bitterness, and stranger intermcddleth not with its joy." Sho siid nothing, for sho saw that Isabella had been so intently watching her mother that she had heard nothing of what had passed. Sho hid her faco in her hands, and tried to collect her scattered, bewil dered thoughts. Oould sho marryat'f!; Wo do not cay, with tho anti-utilitarian, '.'Alas 1 for tho good old times," when peo ple went a-Maying ; thoso rollicking an eostors of ours, old and young, matron and maiden, siro and son. And rare sport it was, to bo euro ; and tho mimic Quean of tho Day was oftentime, doubtless, hap pier thanherwho wore thojcwcllod diadem, and swayed tho scepter of power over na tions. Flowers fade, 'tis very truo j yet tho crowned of thoJMay-pole's gathered crowd, her insignia withered in a dyi saved at least her head from tho pressure, physical and moral, attendant on tho in heritors of thrones. Wo do not, wo s&y, regret altogether, that holidays nre not so fashionabhboro as in some other countries, and as erst thoy might havo been in our own land. Other means and moods of enjoynent havo taken thoir plaao. Tho press, ever sending forth it3 forest of paper leaves, percnial as they arc, and thicker than the poet ever dreamt of m Vallam' hrosa's Vole, is ono great diminisher of outdoor pastimes. The parlor and eon ter-table keep U3 from tho fields and woods, and the bye-ways. Steam, railroads, mig netic telegraphs, and allsortsof machinery, havo set the world agog, and thero is no time, in tho hurry to get ahead, for piuso or dallianoo with Nature, over the Bamo. You must be on board when tho bell rings, Tho Watts, Fultons and Morses havo knocked romanco into a cooked hat. There is no poetry savo in tho practical And thero is poetry there ; in Iho spinning . . . i. .1. lennv: m tuo sieam-enginc in an iuiu aids to develop genius, bkiII, and give em ployment to labor. But, about tho first of May. Tho morning was loworing, and little hearts excited by altcrnato hope and fear. Tho qucFtion arose among tho whito-robed Then, when they had deposited the Ei.ir ..i .).. i. i wounded man n their boat, those worthy 0f the: wind. through' tho rigging, and nowM people crossed tho river again, but. with 8Dd thin, when a gasket g.vo way, .amit faint hopes of reaching the military hospital ihe Bki to lccwrd-you could, m time. ...... hcor 'tbo canvas slitting liko tho crack of "lou havo been very badly treated, my nTr,ivet ' .... i .. . i .1 . . i . . . I,. , --""-" ooy, saiumooia guarusmanto mm; "uut hero am I, who havo gone further, still, and wtttd Bcreflming.D ordcrS) ,J t!l0aato t como home. I .1 ' . ? ' .... mi i ji .i . i .... i , lUB crosa-irco screaming inem .over; mi The silence and the. fixed attitud.q qf thd lightning came, and.tlTe thunder, both Lieutenant S- showed tho extreme l0;6t, and deadened their voices, 'if agony of his pains, and tho hardy boatman lia k lf o m,j8 j' Bti soon discovered that tlio Wood winch was Ias ' I j . gathering about tho wound 'on .th-e loft.sido h! e of tL'Q' j, thaj-fsaw a-, 7t? L wly, if?,, -i'l'?.St.CnCC-' the yard-arm lose his foot-hold r3 .... ... '.. .. "' . I tho shin rMva a nlun?e. but hia arms wera "Wary bo sd, "you nave ucard mo clbricheTround tho spar. - Bcfo.o I couia tell of my brother, who died of such .ano, ,6ce) tishueiai3a eaul0 tjvcr. bnd thtf 1 ther wound as tins here; W oil, now, had lfi.j..i' i. ..i.-,i.. i,Lip.i.f., hero only boon somebody by to, suck the 0MditnBj I .thought I heard aonietliing , hurt, his lifo would have been tUved.' 1!ko -. tin Low ?t d-d off .nd: ' Iho boatman then landed, and went to Vit: n.'.i. rit..i.:.t.. look for two or three soldiers. to help him V i, mom -,y sho'ld , frt nirft' thn rtMi nnr 1 a a tr n ir hie Hntinlilaip I ; w..., .rv.,.v.,.., p. tufrtop Of.orwat tho1 wares alongidc, out m charge of him. Tho girl looked at the Tom Wcet tL iightniDg, gj. 0'n, sufferer for a second or two. U hat was f 80 tLst t c1ouJd,18eo , tho her emotion when sho heard him sich eo rn ' i - . - BI2I1 BO ,-. deeply, not that ho was resigning life in As jack would W it !te the first flower of his age, but that ho should Lauht hold of ono ol the studdini, ilL ho dio without lk mother's kiss "My mother! my dear mother," said, " I dio without" Her woman's heart told her what he would hivo said. Her bosom heaved with svmpathy, and her eyes ran over. Then she remembered what her father had said, and thought how her uncle's life might have been saved. In an instant, quicker than thought, sho tore open the officer's coat, and iho generous girl recall d life with her lips. Amidst this huly occupation the sound of footsteps was heard, and tho Washing heroine fled to tbo other end of tho boat Judge of her father's surprise, as he canio un with two soldiers, when he saw Lieu tenant S , whom he expected to find dead, open his eyes, and ask for his deli verer. Tho boatman looked at Lis saw it all. Tho poor irirl camo with her head bent down. Sho was about to excuse uerseit, wnen uer latner, erawa- -,. from tbo Tessci "?r ii TToM on. mv man 1" shouted the cs cing her with enthusiasm, raised up girls, can wo go ? Elderly maidens looked , spirits, and the officer thanked hor in Ln sheets, cs bo fell, and as ho pitched: 1 oould sec it slipping off tho coil, upon the, deck., , I shouted like mad 'a man overboard f and just in titno to catoli the rope, when wo could see nothing again. I was a boy then, and couldn't hold by tho rope tho sea w6 too high, and the man too heavy for mo. I shouted and shouted, and felt the sweat starting all over my forehead, a tho rope slipped out through my hands. Poor Ton had been our mes-iuato tor a year, ana, wo all loved him, Presently tho captain left his aft, and took hold with me, just as tho coil was nearly spent, and we pulled upon him (, and the cook camo, and wo three hauled, together on him. Poor fellow I it must have been a desperate work for him, for , the feli'ip was drifting at a prodigious rate, emm ana we pulliDg up at lhe Bame timc; but ..i bo clung like a man. By and by, at a flash, we saw him on a it turco oar s icngiu irom tuc vessel. 1 Hold on, my man 1" shouted the cap. up and said thoy thought not ; mothers did not exactly know ; but tho boys said "Como !" and that settled tho affair. The young folks sallied forth, and our heart went with them : and we csid at our labor, let the lip bo wreathed with the smile of innocent girlhood tho bright cyo dance with joy, and tho guileless tonguo pour forth tho thoughts of hearts untouched by tbo cares nd tho sorrows that will surely como. Let tho pleasant voice ring out in tho wildwood'; pluck tho first flowrtta of Spring i clasp whilo you can tho rose, cro tho thorn shall pierce. Tho stern realities of life, anon, will bo upon you. Tho eyo that now i3 bright and clear, may become dull and clouded i may becomo toarful ! with untold grief ; tho fair and sunny brow these nronhctio words " You havo saved my life ; it belongs to you." After this stie tended mm, anu necame his nurso j nothing would he tako but from her hand. No wonder that with suoh a nurse he at length recovered. Mcauwhilc, Master Cupid, who is very busy in such cases, gave him another wound j nnd there was only one way to euro it so very deep it was. The boatman's daughter bccaino Madame 8 . Thrilling Romanco Sold. Somo timo since a Cincinnati paper re ceived and iprintcd the first chapter of what promised to bo a thrilling romance, in tho expectation of being provided with the may be wrinkled by flare ; tho clastio step anil Oh, no for eko remembered that .drag heavily witn ton, anu me nosom now tho wrath of God rested upon him but boating with a happiness that thrills through did she not lovo him 1 Alas! too well thu heart, yo Lardly know why, bear a but oughts cho to give her heart's best J weight of wo of which yo wot not. Tho affections to ono who loved not lehovah I lip that nowuttors tho (eeling of tho heart. to one who was tho enemv oi her best will learn to bo silent, when that heart ......... r r?' .1 ,1 V;nf mlcf.rvnr.nn would MJCllV ClVfi It UttCraCCC n X' WUUUf UUU I1UV IIWUVI Mliu iui-vij .w D IV all with whom sho was connected T These joy, then, the hour, did our spirit sjy to tlinu. bts flitted ranidlv tbrouch her excited 'tho seekers of pleasure, whilo yo aro in brain, but she oould ariivc at no decision, the Springtime, of lifo, for Summer, Au and in tho fulness of her heart, she offered J tumn and Winter will como to all things up a prayer for tho guidance of Him who animate. .Perpetual bloom i3 not of oarth. has promised to bo " a very present help j May.days, to you, willsoonbo memories of in time of trouble." Her heart was soothed jtho past, dimming in tho distance ; rcmcm by communion with iho I'athcr of Spirits, ! brances, gleams of suushino, Bave in retro- and sho roso with a firm determination to ( specuvo visions, uasuiug muu, mwu, u mt do her duty, and resign him who had been lightning upon ihc benighted traveller, paramount iu hor affections. rendering his way darker than before When on her return homo she saw Elton, Enjoy, then, wo rcpoat finally, in a rational and uuflinchinclviold lim what ehc bad manner, your young hours; they aro wing- seen, and that their intimacy must now ; iug noiselessly but swiftly by, and onco forovcr ccaso, ho at first appcard thunder-1 gone, aro gone forovcr. struck, jxnd attempted to laugh nt what ho I -' ' called merely a "a youthful indiscretion." ( " I liko you," said a girl to her Ho portrayed in tho most eloquent terms j suitor, " but I cannot lcavo homo; I am a tho happiness that awaited them when far widow's only darling; no husband can removed frojj the scdustions of fashionablo equal my parent in kindness," hud no other foundation for belief than socioty, Ho would becomo all tho fondest "Sho is kind," replied the wooer; "but tho gossip of an old servant. Sho hid hoart could wish. "In tho bosom of this 1 bo my wifo; wo will livo altogether, and never known him to lo guilty of the slight. 1 peaceful valley, with ycu for my solace, 1 see if I don't beat your mother." " For God's sake, be quick," said tho man, and went down in a trough of tha sea. And wo pulled the harder, and tho captain all the timo calling to him to keep up courago and hold strong, Uut in tho hush, we oould hear Tom say "I can't hold out much longer I an most gone. " Wa called out' tho moro to'hira to bold on, aud presently wo got him where wo oould most lay hold of him. and wore only waiting for a good lilt of the Bca, to bring him up, when tho poor fellow groanod out ; " It s no use, I can't good-bye 1" and a wavo tossed tho end of tha topo olear upon tho bulwarks. At tho next flash we saw him going down under tho water. I nev.r shall foreet how ho looked for expectation ot ueing provmea wuuj u L plain-when he said "good- conouding portions a3 they might bo needed "u Dal ,,.. i,,., Tho chanter was very inRcniously written. W and let B h,a h,,1J- nnd concludod by leaving its principal -m-c, character suspended by tho pantaloons A IiUUIJ UM a, from tlio limb of a tree over a perpendicular John D. G ough leoturcd in Cincinatti on precipice. It attracted the attention of Friday night of last wcok. Hero is ono the press, and inquiries began to bo made of hia anecdotes. concerning tho continuation of tho story A long, lean, gaunt Yankee entered a and tho fate of its hero. Day after day drug storo and asked; tho victimized publishers looked for tho. Uo you tho drugger t remaining chapters, but in vain they Well, I 'sposo so, I sell drugs, nover camo to band. Jmding that liiey Well, hev you got any oi iui oouatin had been sold, and wishing to put a stop stuff as tho galls put on their hanke'ekers l to the jokes ihcir cotemporarieswero crack- O, yes, ing at their expense, they briefly concluded V,T our Sal's gwin to bo married, and tho story thus : sho givo mo nino-ponco and told mo to CHAPrxn II, conclusion. invest the hull 'mount in sccutin stuff, si's After hancing to tbo treacherous limb to make her etink sweet, if I could find for four weoks, his pantaloons gave way, and Charles Melville rolled over tho yawn inc precipice. Ho fell a distanco of fivo somo to Buit ; if you'vo a mind I'll jes small round. Tho Yankee smelt round without being rnilns. and camo down with tho small of suited untiUho'dru2er', cot tired of him his back across a stako and rider fence, and taking down a bottle of hartshorn, which so jarred him that he was compelled said: 1- to travel in Iuly for his health, where ho Pvo got a scentin stuff hero that'll suit is at present residing. He is engaged in y0u, A. single dmp on a hankcrcher will tho butcher business, ana is tuo lamer oi a stay lor weejes, auu you eiiu i ivas;t u um, largo family of children." but to get tho Btrength of it you must take a good big smell. Is that so, mister I Wall, jest hold on a minnct, till I get my breath, and when Isst neow.vouput it to my smeller. Tho hartshorn, of course, kuocked the Yankou Man Hu.vq by a Mod. Tho Ohio Statesman, si vs that Edward Hawkins, who last month snot and Killed James iu. T.ci.,1 nil Inaan Awiniv Rnorifr nml fiOn- stable of Estill county, Ky., was taken at down, as liquo has done many a man. his father's in Adams county, Ulno, ana uo you suj.pu no uj.um. ........ -6. lodged in tho jail of Estill county, Ky 9 the drunkards do I IN othc-but roll On Sunday, tho surroundiug inhabitants ing up his sleeves and doubling up his fists, assembled together, UroKo into tuo jn, " ' " j .irii.j.!.,. ...1 1,! l il.nl farnal everlastinc Stuff. mUtCf. HOW 1 carried off Hawkins, conveyed him fipnt of tho murder, and there hunj him, 'jnake vou smell wollin.