i THE FARMER, jWllllisyU, flssfarsitM (arles, ffijif ns.lrlllirA.M sr r(ci." Deep and Shallow Plowing. 80 varibus aro'thu optnhiii on this Bub jeet n represented in llio manuals of cul ture, nnil tlio weekly publications, that positive authority can bo, found for neither - leaving tbo anxious inquirer for truth in tlio couililioa of tho '.iss in tlio fable, stand ing between two stacks of b y. So far is my own observation lias extended, I havo never known any injury nccruo from sink ing tho plow to a gonorous depth provi ded a corresponding application of fortili zing material was niuJo to tho land at tlio samo timo but on tho contrary, I have oftctiknown the labor applied to land al moat Tcntiorly sacrificed for tbo want of proper attention in plowing. There Is scarcely any plant cultivated, tbe'roots and fibres of which will not sink to tbo depth of twelve inches or nioro if tbc noil is? con,Rtion 10 admit of such pene tration Take for instance Indian Corn, n plant mtro extensively known than any other whit depth should tho land bo ' stirred up Jortho most advantageous growth of this crop I Should it be six or eight inches! 1 say twelvo inches ; and whoso ever dies less than this, 'takes in ut tho spile and lets out at tho bung.' I know that thcro are tboso who say that their lands will not admit of being plowed so deep) and that tbey havo raised as fine crops as any of their neighbors, and bivo not suffered a plow to sink on their fields to a greater depth than six inches and that they would not thank a man to plow deeper than this. I have heard this said by gentlemen flho stood high in the world, whoso opinions wcro referred to as authori ty wherever they were known, chiefly be cause of tbo authorativc manner in which they wcro uttered. Tho truth is, tbo timo has gone by when any man's ipso dixit is to bo taken for law in tho culture of lands in relation to tho rights of man. Facts, established by repeated experiments in accordance with scientific demonstration can only bo relied on in tho management of tbo farm, or in tbc government of tho State. Tlio Necessity of Drought. The State Agricultural Chomist ofMd., Mr, Higgins, published a paper showing tho necessity of drought t replenish the soil with mineral substances, carried off to the sea by rains, and also by tho crops, and not returned by manure. These two causes also, in operation, would in timo, render the earth a barron waste,, in which no Tordnre would quicken, and no solitary idant take root, if thoro was. not a natural counteraction by drought which operates to supply thb wasta in the following man ner : During dry weather thcro is a continual evaporation of witcr taking place from the faco cf the earth, which is not supplied by any from the clouds. Tho evaporation from tbo surfaco creates a vacnum, so far as waier is concerned ; which is at onco filled by tho water raising up from the subsoil of tho earth : tho water from the subsoil is replaced from tho next strata below ; and in this manner the circulation of the "water is directly opposito that which takes place in wet weather. With this water also ascend tho minerals held in sol utation, tho phosphates or lime, carbonate and silicate of potash and soda, which arc deposited in the surfaco soil as tho water evaporates, and thus restore tho losses sus tained as above stated. Tho author of this theory seems to havo taken considerable pains to verify the. fact by a number of interesting experiments. Tho subject'is worthy tlio attention of men of lcisuro and of education, who pursue tho national system of blending chemistry with agricultural" science, ; " Seed Potatoos; There has been same speculations among the farmers in this paro of tho country about seed potatoes. Some contend that tho seed should bo Eclcctcd. Othirs, that it docs not make any diffcrenco of what size tho seed is. Now, it does not mako so much difference about tho sizo of the seed, as tho quantity that is plantoJ in a hill. Mr. Nathan Iloagland raised 100 bushels from 51 bushels planted. They were tho common white potato plantoJ and tended in the ordinary way. Rut tho seed was of tho smallest size, the avarago not being much larger thin a hulled hickorynut. And yet tho potatoes that he raised wero tho finest I ever saw. The secret is this ho did not plant moro thin two or tbreo of them in a bill- Usually thero is a handful of such seed put in ono hill, Thcro aro a large number of shoots, and tho plants oro so thick they cannot thrive. A very small potato has from four to six shoots. 'I' euob potatoes aro enough for ono hill iiargo ones ougnt lo bo cut in pieces and but part of ono planted in a hill. This method will produoe a crop of largo pota toes. Let tboso who doubt it try tho ox. perimcnt. J2rThe eastern papers say tbat a cod fiish was recently sold in Boston that weighed one hundred nnd nun nnnnila nnA was thought to bo tho bigsest 'sea boast' of it, i.t.j . . . 3 iuk tiuu ever caugot. J New corn in the vicinity of New Orhan, i nid.to b a hot high, Holloway's Pills A MEDICAL REVOLUTION. Tlio World Unanimous I THE GREAT L'OUNTER iitHlTAM'll rplIE vJrui ordlscnee often iimkcs lis wnvto the In 1 uriilllirgsus through the pon s oftbosklii Till! rubbed In Tsa'sorbed throuslithe same channels, end, reaching the teat of I n flamliiat ion iirom tl and Inva riable subduus It, whother Incitedin thu kidneys, the liver, tlio luues or anv utlicr Important orenn. It penetrate, the surlaeo to tho Interior, tlirouuli the countless tube, that coton iinlealr with the skir, In iiimnier r.nn passes Into the fevered earth, .infusing tt ronlaml regenerating Inflsenne. KIN DISEASES AND GlrANDUI.ARSWr.t.UNriB. Every rppeicsnlriteriurirrliniioi.l a quickly reduced by tho anil inll.iiniualoty action oflliis Ointment. Angry Eruptions aueh ai Hall Khcuui Erysipotas. Tetter. Ringworm, Scald Iliad. Nettle Rash, fccables, (or I tell) bt., die out, to return no nore, under. ltBni plication llrrpitnlexpcrlenciln all partsollhcworld proves tta Infallibility In diseases of tho skin, the musilcs, llio Joinls and the glanda. ulcers, bore and tumors Tho effect ofihla unrivalled external remedy upon Penrfula nnd nthprvirul.tnl ulcers nnd sores Ir-almnsl miraculous It nrat discharges the poison which pro. duces .iippurnllonand prom! flesh, and thus tho cures which its hallnf properties afttrwnrd complete are safnas wpII as permanent. - wounds, miuiscs, nunvs. and bcaliib. In eases nftlia fracture of the bones, Injuries caused by steam etploslnns, llrulses Hums, Scutds, Uheuma. turn. 3lin"ness oflhrt Joints, nnd contraction of the si net 1, it Is employed nnd warmly recommended hyllie faculty. This nnrvelous remedy lias been introduced by Its inventor In person into all the leading Hospitals ofEurnpcand no private household should be without UNDENtABM. TESTIMONY The medical stair of ihe French ord Engliih armies ntnq urnnsr, navo oincnuy eignen men approval n lloilowav's Ointment, as the most reliable dnesing for sabro cuts, stnbs, and gun shot wounds. It Is also used by the Surgeons ol the Allied Navies, Both the Ointment and Tills sliould be used in the following cases : Dunions, Ruins files. Bore Heads, t 'oreTb reals, ores ofallktnds t rains, pi, I Joints. Tel 'r, Ulcers', Venereal Sores Rheumatism, Quipped Hands, uingw." Hi. i.ueuiii, uutibiams. Fistula, tiout, Lumbago, Mercurial Pcnlils, Bkln Diseases, Swelled (Hands Erup-Sorc Lees, r?ore nrcasts. lions. Wounds, nil kinds. Sotd at tho manufactories of professor llollowav 80 Mil Jen I.ane, New York, and '.'14 Sin nil, London by all respeetahl. Druggists and Dealers In Medicine throughout the Uni'ed mates ant the civilised world In pota afJJcenls,fi2, cents, nnd 81 each. There Is a considerable sa ing my taking the larger sizes. IfJ" CAUTION I None are genuine unless the words Itotlovay, Arte York Bad tendon," aro discrrniblo as ft leatce nark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or hot; the same may bo plainly seer by holding las tetf Is Ms light. A handsome reword will be given lo any one rendering such Information as may lead to the delection of anv patty or parties coounierreiting the medicines or vending the same knowing them to he spurious. 'REMOVAL. OIIAKI.ES MAGAUGE & 00. Having Removed from No. 51 Oomcmrce TO TltC South'Wcst corner of Sixth and Carpenter Streets. PUILADELrniA. BEG tocalltheattentlonof ruriasento tbeircxtcn ivotMsorlmcnt of I'liner. and Toner Murker b Ma trlala;rrintns Parteri for nonkmnd Ntvvg. Watc leaf, )xctJui)CJllentlere(l and callenclereutof ill quali tin nntl prlcpR. always on hand; Hardware and Manlt 1 1 Pap.Ti.Trunklloardi, Uinderi'Uoards.llangliiBPa perit ic.itc rarticnlaratlcntlon iilnvttedlo their extensive as sortatent of LEDGER PAPERS. Prom the mo it Ccltbraied Mtnnfaetorlei in tht Country, Among their WRITING PAl'EIi STOCK moy te to una (Jom.Noto, Atlantic Note, aaartnrost. Tool's Cap, Folio I'oit, Thin Medium) Medium, lloyM, rtathrost, I'lat Cap. Demy. Sup.Uoyal, iinponai. Flats Tapira, o every deicription.aUpanduallly. Map Ptfper.tn rreat variety . Knttlope Papers t white, bulTond pold.Fithcr laldor wove. Colored Faptr$tane glased .nnd other orietiiB, MrtmifnelurorB are Invited to examlnft their ttock of Ragtt Foreign and Domestic. Bleaching 1'owders, of nnnmvpil hrrandi: Ah ni. it round or Crude: Sal Sodai Soda Asli.l eitings.uire ujouie, uuraiuarine,and Ta per Mnkera'Materlals generally. U3Tliey are also prepared to take onlert of odd sixes and welgh'aofanyofthe above description of Foprs. Marcn joju. IIABNESS ESTABLISH MENT. Th ESIUJtOP THE WHITE HORSE. Til Uundemgncd respectfully i niorins his friends and the public that he VUllllJillVB HID SA DLERING BUSINESS, Innlliti various branchp. at tils old stand on corner of Mala and Marketstrrs. C3Rtt5SSl Wherehewill keep coiintantlyonhai'd a lull supply ana win manuiaciuru 10 orajraiiKinat.nna myieao sjiiiui.tis, iisiujvrx, rnujiKS. rjiLiCES. nt t he verv lowest prices .and will he hanov to ai-rvB llDi6wiio may l nvur mm wiin ucau Milliriine. E3-Orderifroin a lUtanre Ineltherbranchof the a bovebuslness.willbelhackfullvrecelvedandproBiptly WM. J. BEIDLEMAN. nloomsburg.Aug, 10, 1822.12 v. THE UNIVERSITY FAMILY liEMEDlES TSSU ED under the seal, sanction nnd nuthnTii v nfih X University of Tree Medicine nnd Topular knowledge Chartered bv the state ot Pennsylvania, April 2D, JH53 With acanital of I00 000. inainiv lor the nurnnan a arresting the evils of Spurious Nostrums, AUo for supnt vlns the Comniunitv with reliable rem. edies whenever a Competent Physician ennnotor will iioi vo ciuiiiujreu. Jinre purcimseu ironi ur. JUIlr. K ltu.YAnu, nn cMeurateu RQltAJfD& TQJftC! MIXTURE. Knownfortipwards of twenty-five years as the only F12VEK AND AGUE &c And hlg Inestimable Rcmcdv for liowel Comnlainta Rowand's Compound Syrun of Ulackberry Uoot, which mziuy annrovcu ana nonuiar ueiiieaiei. inceiner wiin ino university suenieuy tor uomtuainisoi tne JjUnis. Tho University's Remedyfor Dyspepsia or Indigei tion. The University's Remedyfor Costive Bowels. Alsothe University's Almanac may be had, at the it rancii Dispensary, or at tueumccol tnevoiumbiaDem ocrai. Mavi, 1853. ly ALbSX. G. 0 ATTELIj &(JO. SuwulsSduud to james ra. oiton,aece3seu,uommis slonandForwardins;Mirchants,lorlhesaleofa iln Four. Seeds, lron,Lumber &c.No, 13North Walei it.. Otitlfsalnhls. nnn I.C I.J ...III. s .11. on the Schuylkill, Union, Susquehanna. and Jur it& f!nimln. tp-aaltPlasterlGriodstonesXorfale auhe vest fluid! tir, I 333, WESTER, llOB'EX, Nos. 0, II, 13 and IS Ooartlantl street NEW YORK. D. D. WINCHESTER. TIIOS. I). WINCIinSTKH, 1IUNJ, P.VVINC'IICaTH. May 31.1830 3n LEAF TOBACCO & CIGARS, mmwmwm a cao.. ai, South Front Street, l'lllLADELriHA. Sept. C,1850.-) JOHN II. AVYLE & CO., 01 Ktrlb .Vnrres, abuvc Itaco Sheet, rillLAUELFHIA. GIENCRAI. COJIMISSIO.V MERCHANTS, rorthe r saleof NAVAL STORES, BODA. ASH. WOOL. FLOUR ritOUUCB.l'ltOV'ISIO.VS.stc, Spirits of Turpenliue, Tar in bbls. and kegs, rllch end Iloiin, Soros, Rosin Oil Alcohol, llurnlugl'luid end PineOil'forsaleatManiifactures'prices. Oakum fcc Aeenu for WHcock1. Wheel Grease. Mir 31,182 tl.-y. States Union Hotel. FURMEERLY RED LION HOTEL.) No. 200 Market street, Philadelphia. -.EORGE W. IIINKLE. Prnn,i.i, r,i.,. yr lumbia. Pa., would Inform hlsfrlendsand thenub lethal hecontinnesto keep the above named Hotel which la wel l and favorably known thronghoutihe ........... .... ,., m.u s,.u.ivenieut Hotel la hecltv. lie inoslresneclfullvsnllli...l.. Icpationage, April 7. 18J5. ' National g Hotel. ( LATE WHITE BWAN, ) Sides & Stover. Race Street, above 'DlitiL Philndrlnhia J""5io".li.ofihenraiai3vens.i:oIllntsheal&Co Mount Vernon House. Second street, above Arcli, Vhila'da, TI,m.u?.4,.i'i,,F "i"1 purchased Ihs Inters,! o M'-U. UWria theaboieoldestablisbedlloiel.wil now have the sole supervision ol the esubllibmen ndsotisils IheDatrunsseoflh. nnhli. II. i.i..-l. I '"l"'isIIi)u,,ooms,Tabl., Servants . j.v.s msvssi iscommsnaiiion n. esnsiv. 1, L. UAHRETT N14W DIIUQ 8T01U5. BXCIIANUIl DI.OCU, MAIN BTRKCT. Bloomsbutg. Til C undersigned would respectfully inform his friend ml the p'julie geaorslly, that he lias purchusedllr 'I'.lt., .' Ilrll, nn.l f 'liantl,,! Rln.A. h till I ... I from thecity with alarje ami select stick, consisting ol Fresh and 1'arc Drugs, Oils, VnniUlits. tie etuiTs, Window (lias nf all sites. tni,t!inl uiill, i,inl,inllilnanrtmilit .lll'alitl .Trtnl h ami I Uliavliig liruilies.Tolntco.titgors.laiitjajaiis.aiiov. Ing Cream. l'uro Wines Htltl Hratiillcfl, Per M.ijicln.luse.llngli.h, IVenchand American Per. fumery, .ho,t..,.r.r,lc.ekeptbyU,u,gl.t. gene. TrTrre'erlptlonlearfrullycompniuiled. n . H-ine vekwau rrirunof, will DC continued in Dloomtburff ami Lisht Street. (inn. M,iiAar.NBUUiii 111 oiniibarg, February 1, 1837, BOOK STORE AND STATIONEUY: rriHU undersigned reiperlfully Informs jl uisirienii nnu tne piinuc inai lie nut chased the Hunk Store, Stationary nry Vi'VjrZtffjy thttllalinient n nil tin. tan rant Pnlnitnn l:ra. Sworn,, nrsi iloors In the Utchange uuiiuiiig, .tiit re hi will eontlnuo tho abovobulsucss I tin II llicir vtnrioii branches. Having replemihcd Ills establishment I Hi n cholro slock of New Uooksnuil Stationery 1 lie Is prepiindto accommodate all who mayglvehlui a call in his line ALSO. OYSTlins.nlne, Inland fresli, received ilnllyat his ItesturanlSaloous, during the season, and willbo served Tin Ip tsiilliewaoflsno pleiire ILToe uiiuuiiccustom is rcspccmiHjeaimiiru IV.VdCa CLARK lUoomtburg Octobe 0, 18SS y, J. 8. & K. L. t'UROT, l'roduco and Oonoral COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 18 North Wliarvi s, I'HILADnLrlllA. RBSERCRCBS: John)' I'enlston.nsi). riilladelphlai Me'srs Hacker, Lea U Co. " Piur, 1'riru u Co. " ltuckner, McCainmon at Co. ' Charles Ulhs flt Co. ' 8.; Morris Wain It Co ' ' Ontcrbridge, Arvov ft Co, " Charles & Joseph Perot, . Thomas ac Maxwell, New York. CM. McUhing k Co., Bl. Louis, Mo. J.S. Morris&Bon, Louisville, Ky. March IS, lMU-y DYElt'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, ?a. n MIR old and wellknnwn Hotel, Inthctown J , .'fr J Al'Cntinulfl9A.lsstill ken I bv tho under- ""I'm si&tH'd.andlnspilenfnllllcense laws, he la JuJpfl. di'tcrmlncd to make his home one of the most comfo tta lilenl.ireafortraveterHtostnp nt. that can he found In the Interior of Pennsylvania His table will bcfurnlih cd dally with the bcstuie.-uarKeicnn aiioru. tJ"My old friends and travollcrFseneratlynre Invited to roll, JAC01J DYEK. May 31 IBM. y . I'Sjnlown Coach and Wagon Fclory, TIIU under signed ha vine succeeded Jacob fl. r.vt in the Wagon and Coach making hud ncas.nt his atnnd.ln Hsnytown respcettully jnlorm their frient, and the niMic, that they continue will tho Wagon Making Business, In a Wilts depa i tments, where they will be hippy trro celvc orders nndprotnptlyexccuieallbusinetBintheij line, with ncatnessanddcspaich. r Wheel harrown made to ordcr.and all kinds ol repair! ngdone on short notice. CVANS 4t HAaCNBUCll. npylown, Juno7, 1850 y MONTOUR IIOUS K. CUKNT.Il OP.MARKET AND MILL STREETS, (fmmca'iafcy oppotlte the Court Jtouit,) llANVI I.I.H. 1A. JTTAVINO been recently renovated nmf refurnished I l1 lnBn.rInralolo.hlrlpffuntllnlallal,nur rannn lor I lie reception of strangers nnd visitorsi whose pa rouage Isrcspcctiully requested. B.A. DRADV, lyt5.1B5H. BAUBERING & IIAUl DRESS1N Q SALOON. Tlin nndrslcncd respoftfuWy Informs Ms oldrnsto mers and the public In pencral, that lie continue 77: BAflBEIUMJ 11 VSIA'ESS, lnaHIte varioui departmrnts, in tbc old stand, Kx clnnco block the only shop tn town, opposite the Columbia Democrat Omce, on Main Blrett, illuoinsburi;. where ho witlnlways bo happy lo accommodate hi cusmmerson sight and in the lutest silo ofihe faihion aWcMU GEORGE SMITH. Bloomsburg November OS; SCH' MARCLE VAItDIN BL00.1ISDURG. IIIRAM S. CAREY HA3npencda Alarhle Van! at the corner of Main and Market Streets, where he is prepared to finish the best work from Italian or American Marble Tor MOf.UML.NTS. TOMBS, Tomb-stones, Tables, Mantles, Wlndow-slUs andlen Ills. rorthe character and finish nf his work: he refers tn suchashe lias made Is this county. He will furnish uesigns for work or eiecute any that may be furnish edlohlm. Hlswork shall always be satisfactory In ilsstyleand reasonablcln price. Uloomsburg, Dec.O.lMli. SPRING AND (moods. SUMMER eilHEunderslaneil rcsoectfullylnfurni lilifrienilsauo X the pub,ic atlarge and the-rest ol mankind that llenas estanusuviia spienuia In the L-leeailtnewSlore llnuai. hint erprted In llnh a 1'urff, Columbia county, l'a.,nherehc has now opened "in me mui viiuivb aaiorimenv-ot Sprinir and Summer Goods. Which hri dctermlneii to sell on such termi aiwlll jndiice a I tat least In this vicinity, who are in want ui .iicrcnanniziMo exienu nun vneir custom, II is ft lock hasbecn selected ullli iiiuchcaro nnd with reference tothe wanieofthlscommunity and without going to enter Jnlo n minute enumeration oft he various kinds he risk nothing lnimurinp his friends that rv ryinjng suauy Kfpt in uountry stores, can here he nana "Nine cneapertnan ine citeapcsi." O Country produce, including Grain, Lumber, &c. taken ineichaage for coode , WILSON AGEU, UohrsVurj , March 23, 1P57, y, LANDRETIPS EXCELSIOR GOKN SHULLKIla, FUll HAND OR I'OWER. ve mako lour eizus or the aunve (Jnrn Sbelleis, and warrant them to give sot Is ruc tion, or the money returned. Thpyare far superior to any now in the market. Will in ii urea n uurn ai we I as urv. a iioq rat disoiiat to eers. Itejdiii? Patent l'nwnr fJnru rJlillrs andCteansers nlao mnafacturedondfor sale, D. LANPRCTfl &SON.P. Implnwnt and Seed Warehnuskn Nos.St andii.l ti. SIXTH El. .below Marlnhl November, 15, im. I'hlladeCpma.th 01DEU miAA. 300 KRAUaER'S PATENT IMPROVED 1'UUT.MIL.U UIDCK MJLI.S. We are now inanufaclurintT these unrivalled Cider Milli. ureath IniDroved and strenathened since last rvar, una can mppiy oruers ai wooiesate una iietall. Mills shipped to any part of the Union. I'AeSCJIIAMj MURUIS Ic CO.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In AgrlculturaIImple Miotiisttnu iiiaciiinei, t 7th and Market streets, I'hiladelphla. Pennsylvania Hotel. Tilt 8 well known Hotel, lately kept by Sam. Jt. evlU Rcbd.oii Main Birtei.in Danville, fvTT i ucijii ar,ii ujr urn suuicfjucr.wi4uiipre pared to accommodate lravsl I eri and strunsers' in the best manner. The house has been thoroughly overhauled, and n now refitted up and furuiiheJfor viuer.uiniueni oi guei n, Uissiahilns I large and commodious, with Iforin and vehicles far lure, and he will spare no poJnsto i. it ui i fjunsjiai utiiaitiiiiuu tC5"A liberalihireofthe uubhe natronaa la rpimn fullysolicUed. DauvilleDec. S3, 1855. STAR COHN SIIKLLERS. A full supply of the premium Star Corn Bhellers.lromour own Manulartury, now ouhand at Whuleiale and Retail, They are adopted for either hand or horse pov.or, and ore believed to be the best Shelter In iub uiariei, rASCUALL, MORRIS St CO. Implement an d Seed Sioro, 7lhand Market riiiUdelphU. Franklin House. tPilltKEIl k LAIUU, rroprietors. Chesnut St., between Third and Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. BeptemberlJ, lejO. 0OAL1 OOAL1 1 rv P, FULLEU St Co,, would r.sptcfullylnformlh j- p.opieoiriusion and Ihe public ln general, lbs, bey bav. opened. Coal Yard, of ample dimension. ire prsjareo ni metr omce, eorncrof Main and Hall dsrsU to III I .llorilersforcoalfordouiestic.ini .u,l WVS, JUST RECEIVED BY UAILltOAl). NO l's.S's.and J s Mscksrtl, U'hile Fih end Her ring. Irish Salmon te. pi.iwr. II C I, W KARTHAK, MILL. i b taKf pleasure in an '.rouncluntotliclri'tlrndiand lliepuniHi inrgoiinniiney siiccessfiilopcrntlon , ,TllH BSt'YTOWN x t T f fllLJilj. Wherrlhey oremaklnp the very bestjor Plour.lnlhe , ;iicsulnienndlnend selling ot thelnit est price "Thcrearcfour run of BtH i lhls Mill, propele.lby leam-power a Ipetfo JVXrmKAfcy I lie best of Judges, nnd pro. Inouncedosuperloinrtlcle. WelnvHcourlrlenditocol ami uxiii.i.ii. 1 .i, " r-.j i,-. i,-,,i,i,iitu.--iii-si andnilednntliemostrpasonalilccondillonK N.U.Co.hp.l.iro.OrninLi3n&cKijvcLiji0 npytown,Jiily3.lP JAME8 1) A HUB It' S wtinttsALte AMn RrTt CLOCK EBTAUMSMtiNr. H, 1J. corner nl Second an ChntitniitSts, rdltaddphin Whore may ho lound one the lamr-m flmilipn nssorimen ol'f'lncks and Time Tierrs In the United states. inquamltles oait.i uurclijiftf rs.from ailnitc Clock. toone thousand Clocks; cmhrnelnjr every Vitriftyof styleaiitl manutac turn, iiltnbln fur (Jliurchpa. Ifnlla. Uolintlnir Houses, 1'irlnrN.Rlpfnhiif fl nnrlmrntu nnd K It t.htt nn. Stenill and fan I llit. nnA l!.i(lritil l?mt AUo solcnitent for It.ipp's lately pitenteil Bclentlflci Niche Hold Tens. Wholesale nnd Uetnll Gold Bllvur j rcn Holders, renciisntHi a variety or l ancy gooti. Tlionewifhingto ptirchnse will (Indittotlmlr interes tn eallbeforenllrehaslneelseu here. 4l.lll.D DltllllUlll H. n. Corner of Chestnut k Second Bls,,Phlla Pob.lO. IRS3.lv. (JllCAT WATCUUU AM) J c iv c I r y &i t o r e VV ilelnhlaWHtcli und Jewelry Bturr,1 No. l)b North idstrcet cnrnir of Unary, rhilailrlphla. tiwfl Hold l.pver Watches, lull Jeweled, lti carat uO Gold l.plno( 18 carat 24 Oil PilvrrLevor.fntlJcwclled 18 on Hlvcr Leplne.iewclfl, 0 00 Fnpcrlortluertiers, "OH fjoiUfpcctaciea, u'i Vinn Kitvpr do. 1 ,10 ColdPracclPts. 3 00 1 Ladle's Hold I'cucils, 1 0.1 SiverTea Spoons.set, . A 00 (joldl'nns with penrllnndsilvfrhnldeT. . l 00 Cold flnnor rlnps 37k coKs to $80; Watch pinnies, plain 13 cents, paten t lej, I.unct 93; othnr articles in proportion, All iroods warranted In ho what lh v are aoldfor BTAUFPllR fc IIAHt.EY. trj-On handsomeOnlilandHilvcr Levers A: Leplnn till tower than the above price a. Oct I lfSn Aviso's CHUArWATUIIkJUWnLIlY 8T0RC, No. 7a, North Second Slrcot, OPI'OSITCTII n MOUNT VHUN'UN HOUeU.I'II ILA OoldLoverWntcliosfull Jewelled 18n,Cutc , $!S u mivur uo no ruuu do I.cplne do 0 00 (tunrllers . S OOto ? uo aoldSpcuaclet, .SOlolllOU Silver do I 30 StlvciTableSpoons pcrsett, M00tol800 uo uesert uu iu unuioiiuu do Tea do do 4 75to 7 an QoliircnsandGoldCasea, 3 5Sto Soo do Silver do I no Toteihetwlth a variety of fine Cold Jewelrv.Col curuuaruandrobunains All goods warraiitcetoh as presented. Watches and i ewclry rcpaireiin t h hesimanner . N u. Alloiderssenihyvymaiiorotiierwlse.wlltie piinctuallyaltonnetiio . novo nmo r i . icj.j. j DOCTOR HOOFLAMD'S CCLUBRATED German Bitters. WILL EITHUTUALLY CUIlM LIVER COMPLAINT. DyspepUa, Jaundice. Chronl or Nprvous Debility. hitu(B of the Kidnr a. and nil diseases arir Ing I rnm a disordered Liver or titumach. Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulliicss or Ulood in the Head, acidity of thi Stomach, Nausea, Heart burii,Hin;uitlor root, t uiiiiestt or Weight In the tftn innchs Hour Eructations, Sinking or riullcrng nt the fit of the Stomach. Suimmfug ol the Head. Humid und PI (Tie nil ttreaihiiig, Turner mg at the Ilpnrt, Chok ing or Suiroraling sensation when in n lying posture, dimness of Vision, D.Hs of wehshelore the 8iglit,Fevei bad DuIIPainln the Ucud, Deficiency of Perspiration, yellowness ot lue bkln an uti) e. ra in in tin- tsuit,. Ujck,Chtj8t.LlmbB.i.c .Sudd a u riufhes of llcut.ltiirn ingln the Fleet), Constantly teiiiings of Evilank great Deprfssiou ol Spititt ur the proprietor in calling the attenllf n of the pub 11 nils in epa ration uors suwitnaiemiij: oi i nc utntOfii toretwcu in its virtues oml ar'utitutioh to thedUcaiLi or which It is recommended. It Ik uo new and untried nrticic,;but one in tnlint noiid tlietpt of a ten ytars' it ial biforv the American aioplu und its .repulatimi and nlt Isumit a I Im Ljany eituilrpreparatioiis extant Tin l stimuli) cf iicui at given by the most prominent und well-know n 1'hy. Iiclans and Indivirlunls in nil parte of the rounlrj H iniiitjiife.and a enrefulpcnikal of the Irnhnac, puMii-h a-l nnnually hy the proprietor, nnd to ho hnit prat if ol dny ofhii AgeniD.caiiunt but pnthfy the most tkeptiral t ihlt remedy Is real!) dckcrving the crcul celebrity outlier l PENNSYLVANIA TESTIMONY. Cnttfitate of It. liVOiJU'Jtlll). Ktq (As vtll-known tetter fur the Vvncannc Iron Itorkt, rirrycv.t i'a Dvvcihhon. January 1U&55. Dr.C, M. Jackson iUurSir lil ai lor live ytars severely utllicted with Chronic MM ion a D)cntiry, fur which 1 was attended by suverul u tliuhevt Physiciaus In the country, but all of no avail. 1 uho useU tnricui rcmruies, but could Und nothing to Uiitflt me. until I wjb Indured totrv vuur (JeriiiHii it I tiers, and after tak. ing four bottles of w Inch, 1 was entirely cured, and am riijuyiiig me uest nt iifaitn MOKE tiPFECTB OF THE GERMAN IIIIIEUS IN DYfl'Crsi A AMI I.IVP.R CClMl'LAIK'lV Certitlraies of J.U. CURTIS. Esq., Ucporirr tf the Evening Chronicle, Pituburg, Pa., who, February VI. lbS.Baya, " For soiuo weeks past my wllu 1ms been using your German llitleie, with aliappytllect. She hair been afflicted more ur less, for tseverul jturs.uiib uiHcavu v iuu ijiver nnu dyspepsia, nuu uiiiiiBue com minced using the Hitters, nothing hud ghen Iter muct relief, ller health i now rupidly improving, apprtitt good, and we have every reason to believe sl.c will bt v K-.KKif iviiurcu, cuu says ii is tuv uvt lueuicint lie uai VVtjl UBUU. NERVOUS DEBILITY. J. M. Ikasmzia, Fojlestuwn, lu.. June SO, 1853 savg! 11 IMv wlfu hat bven atllicted v. Ilh a ncrwiim bllny, since September, IKSl.siiire wh.th timo 1 have been unable to And any physician or medicine thai would benefit her in the least, until rine day 1 called a) the store of Dr. Harvey, of this town, lor mine tincture of iron, and described to hint thu nlHiction ol my wife ho then handed me a lot of papers to rcod, among which ii'uuu one tiefcCTiumg your ucrninii itiutl. l inuie diately procured a few t-ottlesfrouihlui.aiidaiii uirnc. tobtalethat the use of the I) liters hat i' one her mor goou iiiau an tne meuicinu bub hub uerrioiore taken , wish jou to sendmoa halfdoxeu bottles LIVER COMPLAINT. J. P. Wick, Martintnurg, Pa,, May !i2, 1F54, enyr-: With much pleasure 1 testify to tho virtue cf youi German Dltters Sometime since, 1 wan severely af flictcd with n diseace of the Liver for vOrch I tuec various remedies, but with no beneficial etrict until 1 was Induced lo try your Hitters, which I am now happy to state have entirely cuml inc." They are entirely vegetable, fico from nil alcoholic stimulants, and pleasant in taste aud smell, Price 73 cents per bottle. Sold by Druceists and Stort-keeners In rverv In.', uuu,,iugviiiiui; uiiiit.'ticMiiii'suiiuvjaiinTns.nnutly ,v.. i.iuuiii.iiurir, S. 11. flOWMAN St CO., llerwisk. L. WCllTMAN, Ilohrsburc. 11. II. KOF1IIINS. I.leht street, B. A. WQIiMAN. l:snv. MCLIUK It UUCASV, Ujlil street June 7, 1830. DENTISTRY. George M. Hagenbuch, Surneon Dentist . s nil. suuscriuer respectiuuy oners Ills -K. i, ruiu s I u ii u I crviceiuiiieiauiesnnn gentlemen ol L,igni ritrcel, and vicinity,' lie isnreoared lo attend to all the vnrl. ou.operatiousinuentisiry, unci, provided with the aivsiiiuprovcu POROELAN TEOTn. Whlcbwtllbel nsertedonplvot or gold plate, lolook A SUD.rlor rtlcl.r 1 Or th Powders. nlwnv.nn hi, w.,v,v,i. uiiiua scc,ii,arraiiiuu i .rmanenir.iaencc in J.uin Ktree . ;olrni)iln eo. , OtO. M. IIAOHNBUCII in u , inoj V JfUISUlIUTII &UUOT1IFUS. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEilLEtttS, nv.los.NOKTU Till III) STltKKT , Pivedoorsbelow Hace, rlllLAOCLrillA. Janrurav 10.1833., c. c SADLER CO. NO, 0, North Water Stroot IMiiladel Phia COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ond dealers in Lard, Shoulders, Cltees. Hams, Duckets, l'orks, flour lit A n III I 1833-ly. Di's Francis 0, Harrison. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Uloorns burg and vicinity, that be has commenced the prac ilcor Moi(.-iandaooty,ana solicits a .hare o fiubtie patronage. 10 an 1 1 wnysbe found atthei: tenants Holelopposlte lllosnisburir, Feb. 3. IB 53 I)r, J. C. Kultcr, II o in as o i a 1 Ii I c Physician, RBsrBCTFULLYtendorshi. Professional Eercss lolheclliiensofOloomsburir.ndvlcinily.geiier.llr O Office on Ihe corner of Main and Iron Street, Oloomsburg, Adjoiiilcg Mr Urower'iBlors, B.pt.SO, ie3J,- STEAM GK I ST HP II 15 undorsigncd mm Ik i SAV1IVG VVMi. or TUB ftATlOltJIL SAVKTY TRUST COMPJMV. f ALNUT Street, South West corner i V rf Tllttl It. IMillfidplnlllA, 1 t t.l t.w Ihr. Hlnli tif t'ptl n V 1 tf nil 1 9 Money is renved hi any sum, larte or small and intercit raid f:om the day of deposit to tho day of Tho olllce Is open every day from 0 o'clock In tho ... lnornina 1111 , uuus.ui ,o . , - ,..... nndThursilay eveninjs, till 9 o'clock INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums lare-or small, nrc paid back in UOLU on demand without uol ee, loany nmonni. President Uon.llUMlVI.. IIDNNCII. VicePreeUent,KCllli:llTSCI,ritIUOC Secretary, WIM.IAM J KUEU. Jlrrllors; Henrj'I,. Ilenncr, C.I.andrcth Munns Udwnr.II.. Carter, F. Carroll nrewatcr Uohcrf"lfrldi!e, Joseph B. Harry, BamuellC. Aeluon , Henry I. Churchman, in,,,n.n.i4,,,tii,. Francis 1,00 Thiscomnnnyconflnes its husiness entirely lo the receiving ni uieneyoii nneru... i.imi.k.i. i. inonntinjto nenriv. .,.. ..., ONE MILLION AND A HALF OF HOLLARS I s per published report of ASSETS, nro made in eon n.mllv wild Mm nrovl.ions of lllfi ehirter In ItHAI. tSTATC, MOIlTGAaM.dltOUNI) UCNT8, nnd such first class seeurities.iasnill olwavsinsuro perfect se curity lo the depositors, and whiih cannot lul to give lermaneiicynnu .lauiiny iu mis uiu ann wci1 rsiau ished Institution, (I'ch. 1 , 1655.) March 7th, ie57. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILER Tin r aili.icrn.fr In now nrenari'd. with new Machine 1 u. tn ItiiUri ttilimiflrv e hit iiiet. from 5tO lOOlinrBC lower, upon the latet Improved plans, and will build to trdcrdoubleaudsiugle poriable engines Irom 10 lo 40 lorscpowcr.Uicgei) upon carriages, with Uoller near xng ft. pumps all complete nnd ready furaellou. Alio -c)liulur 11 ina mi tubular hollers cait iron coa! brrakg in patented in lH3G,for llireshtiig grain and crackiur torn and now nmde on alargoscale furerveking oa orenkliiR coal. Henvyininingpumps and tire tngitiel riiriTpd coiunlctcwitti double act I tie for.; ine nuinni.nt kinds of mill geanngand house casting made to order. ijineBiiniinig wiin auyuefiru sizei oi puneys untine with liunirer Ironulanllli! doiifl.iatf 'i4 feet tons ! n. kinds of Iron turnirg heavy press nnd other screw turned with nnv desired njlt h of thread. Thebeit Rough Iron threshing Machines, that fvor comebcTore the public, cat Iron and wt'odenmachinrs made to ordtr. Lever power, chain or tread towrr made toerncr. Also lakes orders for tbeftillowingma chlnery: Unrrison'Blatftl p.ilinttraln uiill.SjIUtjOof feredby the Patentee lor il equal. It will grind lu Knnd nne menud nusneisi ii one notir. aiio uoitsnuii ftR-va-tors nil In orde r.nlsotiucnle's Pafntlli)wer.nmiiif.ictur e d hy O. It Harris Co., tho mom powerful lllowi-r now in use with ttieteasti mount nfpuwrr, one of which wllltin putin use nl tho Foundry for t'llubitinu. A I tot t (im above works wi I Ibc warranted to be what they are sold lor. AUo Take orders for Scott's Tntcnt Mlarksnlth HiriKer, niningiun to nse incin ininccountics nfCohini hla.Montour.NnrthnmVrland.Lvcotni g.Pullltan and cuniontone oi wuicn can ne seen ni my nnp- LEWIS II.MAWS. Mnrcn va.ieau. uioomti.ii.uoitinil.lH rt AND R. R. Omnibus Line npHE UDaersignei. respectfully informs 1 hiB rricmts and tlio public tlmt lie 1mi Ukcn the F.xchavjrtiiotti.in itiooinsiiiirit, locale ii onMainStrpc t. rtirocily oppoiiic ili Court lloiifc, uliich lias been Ihroitghl)' rppalrcd and ImproTed. ulure he Is pre. parfil lo nrcoiiiinoilnlf hi emtomers Willi jood (are nnu in i;riivrai saiisiaciiiii' . lie auo nn in conned. on Mtti ttic lizenatize Uo lei, an excellent riinnincrecuIarly.Hf'vernltlnict' pcrrfov-to nnd from the Depot on Hip arrival of ihe Cars, by w hicli pasiKiic ere s lllliQ plpntnntly convryedto thp DepotSintion.oi isicpii irom mm rem men tn nieiir Cfiaencru, iiiieiirra. Lr nnwiii niwnyK if1 nappy in oniTRin niiunccoul mod ate lm friend e. to thcutnioit of hltnliilitit rUTlall JULLMl.YCR, Vrovrxttort illoomibarg .April ,5. 1856 y. """FA1TMCH3' DCrOT AND PLASrtR MILLS, AT THE JUNCTION 01 York 1 emtio. Crown and Calloahllt Strteti, PllILADELLMIIA. Wf3 offer a largo stock of Chomicnl Manures an Icrtll lizcrn nt low jiricns, tunl uar ranted to be Goiniuw: ninons which will be found : I .oou tons No. I (.over iimeni Peruvian O iuno. 1 OWltoni De Hurt's No. 1 rtuper l'liocplialh of Limn, The nbove namlanl nriirlcs nre, Hirii of llicir kind, tli'.'bcut in the world! Our Land Plaster, iiniinfuc. tiircdfroni tekclCil itoue in celrhratcd lliiougliuui tliu Unioo lur its puruv nid lrpnsh. WIJ INVITIJ ORDUKS TOlli Va Dili's No. 1 Saner l'lioiohite of Lime. No. 4 (iovetnnienl IVruvltn Uuano, French's Improved iup.pjioiiplijte of Lime, French's PliiUdelpliiiPondirite. Nn.1 PhoRplmtHGii.ino, (Plulad'a Co.'s) Mexlrun Guano, (A) I.ttrn J.nnx.ilcr, Ordinary I.nnd Plaleiul L'hotninal Uoe Pure llnntUJtt. Fish (Juano., Ground Charcoal, 10 oof) Uancli I. nnd PhtFter SOOf) " CntJiinit Plaster. 10,000 " Hydraulic Cement. 3000 Tiue Ktiinan Cement, 1,000 Porllaud(Ungtisli) CemtM. ncntltl rinM4r. Powdered Anthrnclle Coal in hbti Bt.ereotypePlai.lcr PinvderedPilmulnouico.il in bill O'neuMnk'fl do (iround Ilrown gtnne, hi bbls G'ound Boap Stone White Hand, in hhU. d White lerble. Ground Urlcks for Painters. d Ulue Marbles Powdered Untie lildik. FRUNCII. KICIIARDd it CO. Steam Mil su nd Far men' Depot, At junction of YorkJlvenut Crown and CatlttcLiU Strttts- PHILADELPHIA, March Till, 1837, 2m. SUPER-I'IIOSIMIATE OF LIE. TIIR enbsciber present to tic notice of Faimtrinnd otheri interested, the above article. The cicc). lency of our preparation haa been do well known for many years pun, th it we deem it, unnecessary to tay much n respect toils merits, but mtrelv remark that durinff a long neridi of years, iu purity and valuta a stiumlant lor tha.i!fowIn' crou. and na n Ierm:mexil JSaciure haveben Uiorouyhly eftabllnhed, Our Super Pho$phaU cf Lime la vol ehanjrrd n hi char aeter everv season, but 1 what ft nurnnru tn i.,ti.,i. form ill J. chemical Loiistilufnts, und is relied UDon CORN, OATS, WIIISAT, POTAT03, QUA S3. and overcrops requlrlhfra vigorousond lastincmanure. Pamphlets desrribine It and tho mode or applying, can be had gratuitously at our stores, or by mail when desired, CAUPION. He nirticular la nhiervn tlmt .n.s barrelof our article hai our uamand that of Potttand urnnuou uu iuj ueuii. in id uawion ii render, ed necessary, aslhereareto minv nrticles ordouliiful value sold under tho name of Super Pheipkatt of JAtae, as to id If Tend those who are unacquainted with the aius ui a ucuuuie Article, Price $15 Per 2000 lbs. 2i cents peril). A liberal deiluclion made to DRALERB, Bmcc last fall there bas been imported but one carfo of tliu celebrated I'AUIFIU OCCAV GUANO, wtiicb w.olTcrfor sale In small lots. FISH MANUItE. A supply of this valuable art IcIb for tale. Price 30 per 2000 lbs. Ii cent per lb, NO.l GOVERNMENT PERUVIAN GUANO, For sale at Ibe lowest rales, The leading Agricultural Journals ami Newspapers are rexularlii filed at our office for the use of Farmers, una. a inn assorlraentof Oils, suitable Tor Ml. nersnnd Blore.kLennfs' u.h. k,u .., ..iQn.B.i. Caudles, ' ........i.iiio EfWaara oliotgents for Klnssfordsai Bobs, Oswo. ol'ureStalcb.corn slarrh and I'repar.il corn. No. 53. Sooth Wbarres.and 3S Boulh Water 8I .' i'!' f 'S'i aliov,! uill!u uraei, 1'bilaaelnbn, LAUKIN& PAOKElt. SUCCEflSOnStoLlglitfool&3Wfld,y niaDUfae.ur I ond wholesale Uealeriio ' iif 4 HATS & GAPS, AND A Straw GonrlH UK. wo. i morin rjecond sirset, next door abuse in. Madl.onIIous.,l'iULAI)ELPllIA. Mercbanls visltlaff th.cilv will tinA lt. , i. . , . , ,anta,eio callandei.mln. ourjooJlbsfors mikin J 1.1. lbs lections. . srsnu,ni.-. STATE SAVING FtTJVM OFFICE Next door to the Post Office. jo. 83 Lock Street ,l'h iladclph ia , 1804 . INTERES T FIVE PER CENT. ALL HUMS 01? MONEY KETUItNED ON DEMAND. rrUIE STATIC SAVINGS FUND, No."83Dook Htrcot, ncxttlonr to Thlrtt Strre I ..l,llnlnl ihe Post omce. receives monev on denoslt dallvfrninu In thn mnrnlnv nuiil l.. it. nooni alro Monday evening. froiii7too'cliiek. Interesils allowed.on deposits nt the rale ol riVB ITU llt pci annum Deposits kill ho returned In whole or in part nn ilemanit without nnller ' TlienopiilirilyorthlsOlflce wlilisll classes oflhocummunlly. lothlu town and country, and Its eontciu.hi ueress.mav be ascribed, innartilo Ihe follnwlng substantial reason, 1st, It oirers a convenient, responsible nnd proOlnble Depository to Ilieculors, Administrators, Assignee. 1 Collectors. Agents,nndalliiiblic ofllcers-to Attorneys, Trustees, BoelcllS and Associations, whether Ineotn-, pntated or otherwise tenisrrled or single ladles to Studenis, Mritbaiiis. clerks, and business mengencnllv.t. Mtchanlcs, farmers .Minors olcllhir sex andnll who have funds, much orllltle tojedosit, where tlicy tnoybe. ti2 1 anny lime with live per cent Inlereeladded, .... . . I 2d. Depositors receive llnnks with an nlirract or Hie ny Lowsmd rognlatlons.ln whlehln entered llicir ilennsh. which books serve nstouchcrs, Thoymny designate, Incase of sickness, dcalhorahsence, who will receive II o. deposits, witiioul hi inloivenllon nllUecuiors or Ailmlnislrators, Anyone orrnorepersonsmay deposit In bin her ortheir name orfornny olberpiison orpersons. ... I 3,1. A n.epori Is inndo each year to Ihe Leglslatumand Council sof the City, till, i lie I iiliccrpnie bi ii c . v...... .111,. I'linfllitti, Havlnss Punil Is aftasnVillltS I Und porilo'Sind the I'hlladclphli publlchavebccncareful toobserve that tbechatter avoids the buridess and risk of tnsursnro. .e.... a nth. inicrcstin tnis compnn uoi-s iuiiri-iii,n.i,u.iru 7 III, t n OTiierioaii'U" i-.'-ij. u-,,n.,, .nv...., ... sllsnripernilileiltoho wlihdra n by checks.nftcr the iuriiisiic.iir.4ip....i..... ..",. "',, - ThepepMlflfpatronage neainwu ii 'null v" ,', li"-; Kxiiniiimiv nna liereiheelnractorolthclnsiltiil in lsbesUnown,lsngrtirylngfactowhIehlheTrusieesdesiretnen where the charade rn! the Insiltui t:iIAUiii; ti i ..I i. a i , , re a.uF I'hiladelphla, May 31,185il.-Cm WATCH & JEWELRY EMPORIUM, NO. 12 Soutti Scootvi Street, A few doors below Markol, I'liiladelpllii. mlir. iinderrlsned respcctrnllv calls the nttention m jl Coliiniblacounlylnsencral.lnonra.soriineiilof m. JeV0''"r.O"ver,liaie,inn..i..ii inn as It noes as larss nnu inaaiiuicici. uu hbbuiiiikiu.ui H. ....... -.-..,.c, ln IhS Union.lsentirely now, and ormost recent styles and inlterns,wll he disposed er nl tl,0 'V'll'lLSvefiVnleheV.r'llllnwelted, ISkarntc.os.froin 30to..hljh ... 1100. 8llv0r , tvJi lull Jowcllei 8U nnd over. Rilverl.epln, Waclhes. lewelled, $'J and nv., 8, Quart er do, S5.to,Slu;Onldl'encil. $1 50 to $7i Finn Cold lllnis, 371 f 5nls to -Wtt. HiiL .rrfnnnn Snnleoli. ner.st T?as. SS Ileserl III). TaMe SIS. WatihOiasse, Usi rui. ly-plnln 15 ecc ls,iatent 181, lunctSS Other articles in proportion. All joods warranted wnaithey iri '"'ons'lanllyon hand n full assortment of fine (lold Jewelry nnd BHver War. a. wall as a flno ssorlmont , OOLII WATCIIUS. Tor Ladie, . Benlleineii rrom the most eelehroted njanuraeturers. Wllr-palr na prompllly ntiende.l li the Ludies of Columbia couuty atep.rtlcularly Invl t,lniili n,it. ecljf our stock 6fJewelleryberoraniaklnellislinuichasss, nujiiiin,.ui P III ti A. AND READING RAIL ROAD Ulster Arrangementl for Patstngtr 7ainr, Janu.irv Is). 1857. T-rp Trains, goini Norm, leovo I'liimaeipiwa 0171 u A M.nni.l i . Down TrnlnsaoineSoulh, leave I'ottsvlllc at I A.M Ice. nnd 4 1, ill. ,, ., , ,.,,, UptralnsiMSs licaomg at m,., "UV'"' down Trains" " 5.IJ.A. M, 5,J.M. ThoCtnresrTraln Is discontinued until further no- llco' Clo.iieonneetionsore nmin oy tne ru.ya n ,ir tlio Train from 1'ntt Cllntonto Ulmlinand all Interme diatopoinls: nnd bv the 0,112 1 M UpTralnlroml'oit Clinton lo r.liiilr-i.Canandaiauo. iiuunn, Niagara, lie pot, (.'llirncn, HI, Louis, Davcnpntt. nnd Inn. City; Mnklnl this route tlicthorlcsl and cheapest to las X.os KrrrsendCaiiaiia, OnSiinil.iys.thi Down A. M. Train from Poltislllo, nndUpr.M, Train from I'hlladclphlu, only, run. IUrrisolroCoukcctioks, hy Hauphln Roilroud utAa. hnin , , A sperlal Aecnninindatlon I'nrsenpcr Train leaves RrniliiiKiDiilly. (eicept Kuu,lays,)nt 71 A. M rein ruing (Tom Auliurii anil P. .M., on arrival of 3,11) 1". M. 'I'rniti (rtiiii ller'isliiirc, WAY FAKES Fnoji Headino to l'liu'idcfnhi'1.31 75anil 1,13 ; l'ultsvillo $1.05 and 0,t3; Alilinrn, U.75. TIIUOUCII I'AItns, to Ilarrishurg. 82 53; Tamnn.ua Wiuliisporl S4.10; LiilIrn ll,33i Cnnnndal euaSliiu Hiiirali or Niasraslu mil Clenvefand Sli), 70; Tol'dnSM.7; Clnc)lluatlSlG,UO, Chicajn SJU.OU Unck Isl.ind$JS,OU. ALLl'iissenjierswiliprociire tickets heforeeiicrl t'l a's lOceuls extra nil t'.ires paid in the enr 1'iyli., ofpersennl Haeanee aowcd each 1'asscn over thai ivcljlil charged us Htnn Ueceno' U A, NIUOLLB. linn a j. .11 IP57 If fien'IBnp'l west mtAscn insurance co. Oi' LOtti IltVU, PA. N'UllM Dolacbed lliiildine., Stores, McrclionJiio, I'-irm I'rnnarty, nnd other Uuilihngs.aud tbeir son Unu ut nioderule rates. Capital 83,000.000. muix-i UKM lion John J Tearce, Hon u. C, llarrer, JOm Ii. Hall, T. '1'. A brains, l-'liarlca A .Mayer, 1). 1C. Jickson . L'li.irlisi.'lirisi, V. Wlulo Pcti-r Uickiusiin, Thima, Kitchen, HON. C.O. IIAItVEV. Pri-sldcnt. '. T. AnntHs VicI'os. Tims KlTcma.aec'y. II. 0. Umax, Uen Ail. lll'l'pnrvni'j 9amunlll Llnvd. rims Rowmin.!). D. Win, Vnnd?rbelt, Win Fcarnn, Dr. J, M. C'ravtlord, A Up tfer.nr, June. Aiii.trnnc, Hon William UiKlcr. V. AVIUT, Agent. llloomslmrg . A. A. Wlnetrardcr, I.. A. Markcy. A. Whilf, Jniiim QuiL'sle , John W Muvuard, Hon SiinouCaaieron, June 31, If SC HUSINRSH NOTICE. UERRIxu' 71 Itri'KOOP A FE Another Victory v .. r . MourHannrs,Jnly4, lrlJJ. t. B.B.disrra.E. , tsn.en.C. n,Agtntfo, llortng ..f.'i'r 8?!T' t" Inform you tbat niyslnro M Iln lb. vkliolennii. contents, rirnllair.clailiinE,kc, nn.ik-strox-dliy nre last niclii. sandnntliinc. You Wlllrrllirm'jcj I linn lul nun ,ritwr., n. un,nu r. liist.Marcli. ami I have innrli plia.uie in liifuiniinivou aituoil tun lirn hi II. It wnc ,r..r,iu .A.i i..., r... p. l ours; the liamllps ami l, i.,, mflleiloir, II il afti-r li:inliii;llouinl llic bur nine e mbei s uebail nlniioiirwnlcr null lor nearly half an hour In-fora It roiiid be ojK'iird. on may fancy my satisfaction at fin. nig my book., inoneases,. leads, notcsnnilca.br II riclil Ilia.lalnrse amount ol valunblo naners in it u Inch. had I lost, would luve rnmnlstelv ruined in. on will please send me nnothersoro .lin-clly, and 1 will send yon I lie .'III ono Hint v,,i, .i.. I, . . ... who wish to have ii perlirllyllro prootiafe. i m. jui, ucaiBir,yoursresircirully, ITS" Tho subscriber, hnvrnn liandfnr i.H'l'.V. argestanllorliiiiMilol Fiubaso Ucrour I'aoor Sirs, in nvnrlil .i,nr,ninii, ml.. un ., . '"'..Ml ..ellolloaniotlier nanrnnVrriltotlippublir I'AIIREI.S St IIEUIIINO Aiitil.tll USS-i W"""8't.l-I.lld.i,,.. A: WtJ.MO.' j.. WHOLESALE AND RE 2 AIL C ON FE C TION A H Y & HlUIT STORE Ojsicr .mil Ealing Saloous, TIIC nnderKlffiint. nn.-ir..ii,. tr. 1 Ihe eiliien. of llli.om.biire and the pub ( lie in general. IIi.ii ihey have bonebiili. interest or air Hr,fr.m. i,, ,i... Eslalilislimenl.onMain Siren, Uloomsburg, and alsn n general linkrrv. Couli nlnnnrv. ..i ...7.. "'.,"" ".0 m-nl, where tbey tvlllai .11 times keep a full .unn!!.l l ro.l.ions.t'wecl meal, nn.l Eit.bles, sucl a. n,(H I'lcs. Sweet IMlnloes. L'hei so. M.,.i i. . "'.'"! M in eoo.l orilor nnd on inoderale irniis, ' '"""""I1 ...r r ciiicacniuprises n Uree supply o Almond. Fizs, Rasnr.s. rriind. Vihb rvi.....l inionns ..Hii'i'T L"dl,0''s,,1'o"n dlsconncetedfromtneabove estal.l rlimcnt, lias boen prcpanid in good order arid w lalwavs boalllieircouimand. urucr nnd THOMAS O. KI.PE. OLIVER T Wllsnv Uloomsbure.rcb. 1,1657. "ilv"1 WILSON. OAMBItA CORNERS HOTEiV rpilEUNnEItaiGNEI), Informs bis friends and tho X traveling public, tbat lie ha. purchased llie aboso valuable property and llioroughlj improved ihr?mi... Hotel, located 18 mile. No.ti, Sruiooiisbu,, in c.?i. Lutcrna county, and Is well prepand loenferiain strangers and cunomcrs. ' r "tiin l'ersonsgolngnndreturnlng from Ihe City. ii rr eoursetrave bytho Tt win oi Cambra Mail Coach, andwlllnlwaysnndtbl. the raost eonvenlontn.nn stsriingaud arriving. ""uicniprlo Tbc subscriber. ftl.o keeps a Livery Ksubliobmont, Inconneclion withlilslloteland Mail Route, br which hceanalall times carry vl.itors. Ilunier. Vili " parti... to lh. l.ongPon,l,'r a ii y other d e si I n s I lo n o n shorlnotlce and Willi toodtravilliug rarHli.es ' 0 C.mbra.Julj 1, IBM. "ENBV J' LD. Bloomslmrg Tluwaro and stove Store, rfillEiindersiinedrcsneeifnliuinr. .., - . L and customers, that lie lias 'purrl i, d hi. h,'.i . ' Inleresl ntlieaboveeslabli.hment aii.lll. ro,lle',f i--. '-muii uiiu oners rrsa e. the i;r..i.r .fTVf mOlleitBlnlVHii-.nrl....... 'r aVi J?..1.'?1' nd eve,lnl,oduc..lTnTolhl.,;,k,e"UlrS10VC8 lliegerwitliBtoviFliluresof eV", ' d, mh,fa'i,A,Xo' J.R?'l"'."'ors.Uyli;,d(ir Blo5e. rt i'S"" Alr-Tlgh Sioves.Oaiinon Sioves'Al &e ' ,,on usual.on shorinotlee. or repairing dons, as loomsbnrg, Jan. 8, 1851, -if A" M ,lu'2RT. PIULADELI'IUA OAIU'ETSToFe bslovr J H.-rh.lWu J WKEV JOHIM. 1 ,i:, iiu lies in iiuiii i iud in givi n a jtoniis Willi sureties, nelnil lllsliranennmlTnialCniiinsnv. rinrln mi ll.f nt t,. .... ..j, irvviiusinine witnerawaiortnc money ........... ..,, v lrUin mo inner .tneirneno. manner customarvwlth the Banks, Check Books nill bs .u . ,.i j.,,im,, . . ui.u..uu... ..ni.i, j rrinai. n" '" ' 1''''' 1"""-U"" """"i " WATLI1L8 ft CLOS. n . , EDIInt irAvnnnrr. JAJIH8 II. FIDLEH Dr. J. S. Houghton's QUE AT CUBE FOR DYSPEPSIA. JDIt.H0U0IIT0N'S T'l True Dlitesti,, Fluid, or Unsi,,; Julco. Frep.,,.,1 r, Rennet, or the fou irr, Bloinnrh of Ihe Oi, an," blg.lhcgreatl'liyn,,,,, Ipn I r?lf.,l.i i. . . . N. AOUBiitoii.oi IJ I'WIa. dclpbla.ra. T1ii.ii Nature's own H?ineilyf.ir an unhtnlibv p, mach, No aitof inanean ennal Its curallr. pi,,,, II contains noAlchohol I'itirrs.Ariil., r.r IVaust, Drugs. II l0ltreini.yiiBreililil.'lnllielaste nii,, betakenby the mostfceblu patients t.ho rnitK.i ,H, walcrcrackorHlthoiitncute distress llcwnri nflji,,,,, , linitntinns. r psln Is not n Drue ' " Ca'l on the Agent, nnd get n Drscrtptitp Cimij, trails, giving a large amount nf Hclentlflr IM,v,,, Iroml.lcblg's AniniaH.heinisiry;Iir.Combe'sI'hisieit,, nigestloui Or Trrelraon Food and Diet jiit Ji j, ii' Tlaper, ofNcw York University: Prol. Dungll.t , I'jsiolosy! I'rof $illim.nn,nfValrUollcd,e;lir arm tei'sl'hysinlogyi fcc.logelher Willi rcnortsof Can. tromnll pnltsofthe United laes. 1 Bol.lby II. P. I.utzanil J, It.Moyer, lllniim.i,,,,. H II. Ilnwman lletwlck, Oct.1, 1F.H i lf "A REVOLUTION IS NKOESSAliy Victory is Ours. Buch is the progress in rience in ibis age ttiniiioii,,,, seems iiuposiiblu, That llurv are iie aim srjri.i.! discoveries being mn.le I vtiy ila) , t.u nlie mn distil AHer J th.iroiigli iiivvsligatiuli nl the tg, titbit k.i, doin. with a view tuobttiiin iiosillvoor .pitihr n ' fur the morocommoii il I ol humanity 1 liavosiirtrii'.t In bringing logciher such 'Ibtceytar, li.n- , i, ,., since ilsiiilroducllou.aud ills now isiremeu thu a.., pujiular remiily in Ihe Wurld, known us llelnibold's Genuine Prtpurtimt Illhl t'onceiiirnii dCiiiiipiiaiid l'lum Lilian I, mi. For all llisra.es ol the Ulrdder, K luiicj ,i m.ai i m Sexual Orglin.. ' JOY '10 THE A1TLICI 1'Li'. Ilcure. I)l.ensfsolibcIlUiidi r,Kliiiii)B,(.'itl( , sy. Olistrurlions, I'uuhle Uniiii Urns LIiiiik i.,, , rbn.n.tiltlcturs, (.Int. Milan ditto. is an, it.' ra eici c and iuiiluci nreit s In ill,-, Nervous and iJilitvrukd Svjjiuis, And rtmovf s nil in'prnjii rdi.clisrgi s In u. lb. I isi, Kidneys or Htiual uriir. wbcll.i rriHtiii, in Jlfnl, ,( Ferm ile From whali vir rnnso (In) n n I t.l on, n,a ted, anil no matter nlbuw long sliliiln p, sivn ; ,i,i and Vigor to Ibe Irani and b in u, to I be I'alli t rl.i ii D.'l.il 1 1 y , Ikoui; Ii I on by hbu.e, u imisllrrriMt ..I..!,. Kliichhasbiiiuglitilia siiuls- Itiir huiiiiin faintij ut, llinely graves, Urns blasting hi-bnlllai,i .., , , ,M nils and bhcbtnig it II.. bi ,i the cli.nr.i.ian.l i.i. i, u.auy anubK')uuth,cnn be ,nri ,11.) il tust ol uis lnj'lillibll ItttHtXH, .nil ss a medirine ulmli nmsl In m hi rvr.lnli fir Ihe simply dclicale In tin ..i.Tn,. d I. node. llliis n it sc, noe.iuol is tube f..in d If jou have clilrrl.u Hi Urrii.ie .ti.rn.s, w mcli buionrc sealsd intbe sisi.it uiiileimindec Ihe cnnslulion, supping the tel. i.i lluidsof life, pr.ieure the trrined) ntui.cv 1 be l..iron ili.tllu.eul m hoar, Hi rt Holds such a li enmity nub Monil rf n.sn, Thnlswillos iinckslltir llcoulseMtiruush The iialurel gntos nnd alleis of the I i,.y llrudliiig, liktt.girdreppints liilomi.k, Tin-thin and ln,li'ionie , I. .... I . 'lewKrcuf qtiackiiosiiuiii.aiidiiuark Drclors llclmbold's Highly ( uHccittratcd Vonipoutii Fluid Batract of Buchu la prepared dirertly armrdinc to Hie ruks of 1'harii.sM Ji i li.-iiip.lry, with the giulisl ncrurnry ami ch.u us' knoli i-giiilrareili.viiledln itscoiiibiuallini ll, i.i uiaiitylu.ri tended in a lilirecliniis.nnd l,nl,u I,!, in town, country, ImspnaUr prUate l.rurllr, bar In variably given the most drcliltil and uneuult oial ..,, faction anil produc.il the moil salutary and l,ri,nlria 1 ' . . ''''"I'eenand is usi d In allthe nrnuii n nt fes ln the Uniled Stales and llnllrlil'mv inn s In Losll oulilican, pri'ste lattice, v. Mb, , cat sucre.s lltnt, birtli let It be understood, lor I lis-1.11.1 is nre 11 01 ,r whelming lobe contrailtrli d. Il.at llrlu.l.iilil's Hi. In. Innrpiitratiri ti,mioiin.l lluiil Eiirnri llul.u.ls tin Ipiisl valuable rii.,,.,1) , er ili rid li- His- sifllirl. u 1 J he ma.s of voluutnr) li'.liiuony In nr.e,.n,i n(il. opnetor isli ni.,. ciubracil'i Hemes will km vinu llienconnd 1 ame I celebrated I'lij slcians and li.lli.( eu'beilL'Icrgynipn HppI'rol.ssorDewee's vilusblp onrkmi the rsrll.k Jjn'nysicud niuslof tbol.ie sumiaidl..ll.'ii,ui Km ni!'',!:i,',"l".,1't"ocnl,'n,'i'!,'V',ll"'t'il.bi.'pl.)l nlan un.l member ur ibe Uuyai t.Vil.-gpoi ru-cioi u, lie ama.aiid published inlhe lliiliriictiulis nllhe Kll g ard f J"",""',1. )s: 'I In- llnid l.nran nuci.u iiaviligbpenlatdy strongly Hciin.ii.enil, 1 no Im'hi,,! 10 nuke it a trial, ami ,y el ciliui lils have rtsi.llid 111 1110 mostsallslaii) iiiiiiiiiir. buving ,iimi,.ii n, olVuctcrs' " l",ull;""1! " In l'i'li 1 Issssl no l.uj.i Aninlere.tlng letter IspubllshedllitheMfdlroChrur J calileviewoiithesiibJectorEitractllucliu, by llenja "l iVi,,?.?.'; U "?r"""c"y. lie slates Uia..,ll,nH ti..l f1""0.il-'l'l'ower tseitl.ori'iiiary. more ,1 II1.111 any drug l amaciuainiedwllh. It is in theslri'l est sense a Tonic Hill, ,,i, i,al.le atlriVu J, 1?,"' ' "t of Ihe S)stemso tunkei, and lei soirri able aa tore niter other sub.tatictur a Tonircls.i unavnllab , or Injurious." We lake the i,rt ,, narking,iiIial,cs,)saystI,edislii,sul.l,p,lVjll,,'. u Johii.ou, lecause we mostcorilially concur w th i 1 Traverse in lalenieiils ol EJlracl Uucliu Iilsaiiiciliclnewhichisperfecilyplcassniinlisia.u andoaor,huliimedate In ilsacllol,,an.l,i sink,', persons o e lbersej.wilboullilnilraiice rrom bn.iL.i or infihcalailvice.aseipiich directions roruseand ai JiJlFi iemu ?lber or e' 1 W-n n.l rerpoill,lec,0ra, " .icPSIneMV.?kCp,i?tt,ll,0,t"m'l .nVi.cdd1..:v;,d;.id.brai!;;E,,., To be bad 01 ''".) H.llad.1., l"". ,V and D..I.,. niwuJuuif KJu, B'Au'g'u3",'i'gS'l?J:;,",1'''U ' UOIKAKD AbOt'lATlON, I'UILADIILI'UIA Important Announcement iiVaVItbVViK EST-. """naVett'l-i'i: iyCUAUlTAHi IV ""!' c' l'lli V.'i?on, In Disease. ., 5 i'."81"!;'1 Vlruleul and Epidrm voted ina.lJ.ri :. ,i,r .1 """" lb' Directors li.ve Address, (post-paid D, r!c U im i lirii m t; ., Ily order of the Direriors, a EO. FAIRl;,,7LB,Cs,t,rl,,Ii:,A"TWELi.. r ,,. AngusiM, inae-v. '""' IIENHY ZUPl'INtlKR, " ,,. l?cli Watchmaker. South Side of Mum Street above the Rail Rotui. soetalss,Vs. wisv-u llle.iasburj, Auj, M, lit,