COLlfBIA DMHM AbF.II Hi TATKf I.OCAX, JSIIITOM. Saturday Morning, April 25. 57 OTolumbia Hlcmocrat. May 'crm of Court. Tho following nre tlio, receipts lo tlio olTioo of tlio Columbia Democrat, durinij tlio month of March, 1857 ! ksr Noxt wcolr, tvo will present to our rtfadora an Original Talc, entitled " Tnc $tbenqth op PniNCirLn, " written by a young lady of talent and promise, for which wo ivsk tho fayorablo opinion of tlio public. Wo wore favored a littlo moro thau k iycar ago, with a Btory by tho samo writor, which was widely copied, and deservedly too ; and, although elio is unknown to tho World's fame, yet she possesses those qual ities which render her worthy of it. Wo My this much, not by way of, compliment, but becauso wo know what wo say to bo 'truo, Wo are promised an occasional con tribution from her, and wo assure tho fair author that sho cannot send too frequently. jSffir Wo havo been waiting somo timo 'for an opportunity to announce to readers, that Spring had actually mado its appear ance, but after deliberate consideration, wo 'fiavo como to tho conclusion that wo shall to obliged to wait " a little longer" before woenn make this imp-irtant announcement It'roaybo well to clironielo for futuro ro fcronco that snow fell in Hloomsburg, on Monday last, tho 20th of April, to tho dep ti. r. C .ln... nnn fnnt nloono in til t a vicinity, it was considerably deeper, lho weather, on that day, was as inclement and boisterous as tho howling blasts of Icb tuary. Rut, since then, what a chango ! -tho snow has nearly all disappeared, and tho weather tho last "few day," shows eonclus ivo that that the "balmy days of Spring," arc hero. C. (1, Henderson, tin 00. II. H llntnn, U.i),, O. u.rludler t Co., S "Ul l , M. Ilatenbuefi, II, T tlelnibnlil. 5 0(1 C'ol. Uoal tt I run Co. 8 On Wm. Tiller, lln,., I mi, McK li i In ft; Bon. BOO Walters tBtnekhotue 3 00! Tliomn. Mngcc. 3 on jessn miannon, J, M. Ilnwer. SOU John V. Fowler, lis,. I fin nev. ll.Tiiiiirfjo, I rn ust wm.Werkiietsei, l 73 Ho. Fwastus nation, 4 00 lo.Je.tsl Ulark, amci k, i;ycr, Amos Joluiiton, John Drugler, llolTinnii Ac Else, II Werlmnn, Jinlse Rupert, Ullth.1 u. Iliitlon, A. M Rupert, Joseph lloss. Alcxamlrr Krnmef , ll.s.gcliiitl.Eaa,,. 1'. A II. Koons. Jacob tlorrard, Anrm Wolf, John Wolf, 1 on 75 son ID 41 son 31 00 son r. do i so a in 7 on l oo II, I.. !o i r l.nti. Jicksnn Garrison, Silas Wolverlon, l.'.ipt, Jnn. Itond, flee. Jacob Zelsslnrt, Jaeob I'. Meterlck, rntilmiil.l County, Gideon Stf rkir. Mtennci meeker, :ol, II A Nlrmls, IS 00 3 37 i on a no I on 199 1 7J .100 1000 P7 173 sua olin llleterlck, Esi., I 7J II. P. I'erslnir. II O. Crovellnir. Jcno llol llnittlioad, u. r. rorsmjr, I.mnbcrl l'errln, J.W Aloinndcr, Knorli Unwell. J. M.llnwor, K1K renter.! Bamilel Jntinslou, mine iniiier, T. nlnrtln. 1J .. (Hit Woilcy KnyJer, ivm uoweni 1 on 3 00 son PROCLAMATION. Wlir.ERAB, Ihe Hon, Warm: J, Wootwixi,Presl .I'm of tli3 Court ofOitrund Terminer on. I Oe ncral lull delivers, Uourl oriluarlor Besilons ofilie I'eace nnd Court of Common riims.ii, I Orphan's Court, In tlioTwe nty-SUIh Jin lelnt District, composed of! hi counties of Columbia. H'lllivnn nnd Wyoming, uniting linn jatoo llvi.s anil ilim, Aisoeinie suaies In Colunililacuiiniy, liavc issued their precept, hearing elalo ihe7tlidiy of February, In the yenroloier Lord one thousand rlclit hundred nnd flfty ill, anil to inn dl reeled fir holdingo Court of Oyer and Terminer in (I GcneralJail ilclivery, General tluarter Sessions a I Ilia 1'incc, Common rirm ami Urphnn'i Court, Itillloomt burn, in the county ofColuiubia, on the ""JV' (being Hie 4d day) of llay ueil and to contlnucono ttfck . Noticit la Hereby (tivcn, lo imo coroner, ino juiiirn SWAN k OO.'S LOTTKllIKS. t'aiiiiai rTizc $50,ooo, TICKKTH ONLV I0 OWINd to tho ireM furor with v,hlch onr Rlnele Number Lottetlci have been terelved by the public, anil the largo demand nir iicKini.iiic Col, Co. Hi. Poctdy JoKcpli McLean. Atiain uerinccr. Kcv, J.It..Mortl, I 50 son 3 On I 73 nt 50 a 37 a on jii 3 S3 13I0 am aoo i on 3 73 3 00 uai 57 1 no 3511 1 IS 1 33 D. p. Ilelthari) UCo. 19 on nflhorcaeo anil Conrlablea of the laid coiinlv of Co lumbla.lhatthey be Ihen and there In their I 00 , ihnir recordu, lintnlHloni and other remeinbrancei to in, inoir ininae which ,,,,, in.. . done. And thnnj that oro bound by recugi'lrnnce, to properdin acainat me prisoners tnui ore or may do in the Jail of anld county ol Columbia in betbon and there to pri'ireute them n fhnll bojuit. Jurort nro reiueil pit to bo punciunl in th Ir attendance, agreeably to ineir notieca. llnted at Illoonmburg, ino xoiu uny oi Mairh tn the year of our Lord one tliouiand ciaht liunilreiland ATiv-eeven, mid in tlm Slat yearol tho lit. uepauuonio utthe united state oi aincrira proper nun J50))r. Ilnlloway, I'. Unanant. Henry Younker, ninanucl llogart, i:ii Crevellnu, i,evi tinier, Special Notices. TUB VITAtri,UID-iiH!rcvory organ oftho body through lho circulation, distributer the nutritive prin ciple to every tcituro and tho cuiirco of every accro tiou. In a woril,ltiatlio life of man, llowlmpor' tant, then, that 1 1 thould lio'kopl Inn pure an dhc.ilthy condition. JIurugi SariopatUla la known to poraCM properties which becomo Rssliuttated with the blond, .Uninfecting it of ditcase, anil restoring cshuuited niluro to liriitlun vigor. CoIumLta (7rx) IltrnM. Sold by SCIIUIITUMN, I1ROTI1CII k l.'O. th riiTuMocitATic noji in en roifcov i:it" NUH.A corresiHiiidclit'.writca that na soon as Gen, racker heard tlmthe limlbmiii nouiinateillorCovernnr by the DcmacrntU IlajrUburc )io de clared liimstlfoverJo)ed,and avowed , his detorm! na tinntotnko tlio tluiupat nn early day innn IrreaJitiUe auil oi clothing fiom the mngnltlccul eataU'lshiQe nt of Chahmlli Sioitti, No. S03 Chestnut strcut.abovo Oth, rhlladuliibia. (Godsavo tho Commonwealth.) STCniUNII.MII.l.Ull.W kktrlf. ecra. H.Bwm h Oo,. will have u drawing each Halur .(v Ihrtiiiohnitt the veHF. The Inllowimr Hchema will ho drawn In eaehof their Lotteries for May, 1857. IU.ARII 91. To bo drawn In the city of Atlanta, Oeotgla, In public, cn.Batunlay, May 3d, 1837 CI.ABrl 35, Tobadrawnin tho city of Atlanta, Ocortlti, I n public, on rSalurday, May Oth, 1C37, IJl.AHrt 30, To be drawn In tho city of Allnnln.Osorgln, In publ.e, uii Halurdty, May ICth, 1657, CLASS 37, To ba drawn in t he city of Atlanta, Of orgl a, la public, an Ujturday, May a, 1M7, ' CI.ABa 3S. To be drawn in lho city of Allantn. neergla,tapub!iCi on cuiuruay, aiayuiu, .au. ov THD plan or sinciix NUJinnas, Tkrct Thmtand Two JUnirltl end JVfaity Ptt;it Moro than ono l'rizo to every Ton Tickets. MtatflFlCKNT SCII1MEI 'in aa muwn I'.ACIl SATUIUiAY IN mayi (ft 11 !iSLLJ W (Successor to I'JHtllY ij- UliliTY.), ni.ANKiiOoK MAMUrtcTimcn. JlINDKIt AND DKAIjliU IN litraiiTF.n it AMKiucjitf, 8 W Corner, 4tli and llace 1'hiiadi Iphin. (Jon rniNTiNu,) (hook uiNUiNa.) WM, G. PKIHtY, announces to his friends ant r.itrona that he supiilrlui! I on low terms. rthiik-Ilo'ik's nindi Inariiperioi styln Mnhls own .Manufjciory, Hultnlile for ninas, rtratte i Orrif er's k ManrilANts Family liiblee, .-.-rrfw. (llftllnoks.Ilooks or all kinds lor public rlglatm, nnd l'rivato l.liirerya Vchool-Uo ka Ciinaiurapers, Wrapping rnpers ronls-Kaijakaur rap. Letter, Note & f'tlnlingraieri,riali, rarcliiuent, rarrhtnent. & Paper Heeds, Mortgages &e., rrounsta- rv niuei, tvaicr .oinrF, neriuon rap"r, COXSl'illl'IIO.V, ni) all nisr.Asnj r tiiii lunoh AMI Nil (ll,li wblth cunveyi the reim uii'i tu the civHi' a lu X'U lunas through the alrpaslagra nniltomlnt In rUrecta .... ...... n. .Il.n... ,1ml, a tl.n ,.ilrr,il j t cniiiuri wi. - - .-v .. m mutter ,ull.lys me cnugn. chili a inx snn enpy c,ht- toralloi, ate the lunge, purines the blooJ, liii rl renewed vimliiy I" Hip nervous system, tlvliifl thai ton.' andeneif v in lndlpcnablu lur Hi reiiiiratnui of health. Tobo alih' to stale conrlileiilty lliat Cimsump ! Hon is curable ly inhalation, isiii me a aourcaoi .mni loyed pleasure It Is as miirh under the coniml of medial Ircmmctit as any other fonuidablo limine; oitl of euerv httndrrrf cases can be cured In the flrstitages unit flhy vcr cent In the second ( tint in lhe 1 4aMsafl'i i, j 4 5 II 7 H 0 1(1 II li 13 II 'V2tm Pavk.mentii. Wo coll atteutiou to tho misorablo condition of the s'tdo walks in this place, with tho hope that owners of .property willsco tlio necessity of repairing them at oneo. In every strrot in tho town oftUloomsburg, there are some in so bad a .condition os to render it unpleasant to walk -upon them. Wo gram that tho frost com ingout of the ground has mado many of them as bad as they arc, but do net think - tills a sufficient reason for their remaining o.j Law and common scnio declare that noiman has n right to let his pavement lay .iiTfiiat condition which makes it diagrea bioo hii neighbor or tho community. liut .many of tlio pavements aro not only incon venient but a nuisance and disgrace to thoso who own tho property. It would crento bad,recling, which is not what wo want; butnvill say in clo-iing this subject for tlio lircsent. wo huno lho bltoo will cct on tho ngut loot aim piucn t,o tigut as to uring .their eouscs, and securo a KSF 'Tie State Savings Fund, 8U Dock strttt.ntxtdoorto tht Font OJfice.iSiimt, largo and smal are received on dcpoMte.and returned atany time, witii five per cent,fititeicst. The otTice is open daily, mid every Monday evening ES- The Five Per Cent. Saving Fund oni.o National saMy Oainpmy.liralaiU slroet, boiiiIi west ror nerof 7'iWra utrcet. tins more than Okk MiLiiosof Dnll&rs, all ill MoRTAngi Clnnuau IIfnt', nnj uther first class aecuritica, to the benefit o depositors, LIST OP CAUSES lOK TRIAL AT 5IAY TEIIM. John tlerllne el nl. vs. Challes P.Mann. Bamuel I.. JlcCullock it Pnmueli', llcadlcy William Kiimiis ci. Iltorge I,, Kline ci ui, William Knons vs. ficorgc L, Kline. Prederlrk llenfs I'.irs.rr I'lillip Wintcrstccn ct ol Joseph Stackhnuso rs Hlllicrl Potvler. Jain .M.IIernlngertaW. A. Kline. liaVld I'einboldes AuronWoll. 1'etcr Appieiimnei al.m Leonard n Hupert et ol, Mary VtmsicKlo vt Joseph Ituckle ct at, (leorgo Miller r Ulutworlliy Plsher. iicurgu miller us Nathanlciuvi'mcri. I'eter Appleman vt Leonanl It Rupert. Thonilu Parker ej John II. Parker. 15 ueurge I. Kline va Moses Collmall. in Jnhii Wagner ef fally Wasner. 17 Kus.lnrinh Unit r i:teinuel lloliry. lo Is-iae. Itrnwn ts Uotiert J I.)on. in William Uolilnoii vs Wllsnn Ager. St) Isatah Hhtlmnu rs Jacob Lliumnn ctnl, SI Jeuellickg es Joseph IClikendall. SI Jacob richuyler rsvilsou Agar. 31 Nathan Heely n IHniel fpiinenberg's Adinrs. SI Plelcherll Dodsonrs William Long, SJ Catharine Tanner rs John U Weaver. 30 Adiiullabli. rs Cnalc Pot, Adin'r. 37 Williim Wicht ri Cordon 11. CorT 3S Jinnlhnn M.nleller m Slfph-in llaldy, S'l Christian Itcltt rs Daniel (lls&er. 30 William Hiipperrs Ldtnond Crawford. 31 II or.'e Petturinaii v rioloinnn I'ottermin. 3i Martin Mowrer rs Thomas tMnrklninse ttal. 31 Clllmrt 1'imlrr rs lnnll Powler. III. 31 Ceorge.Mnoro ct nl r Dnvid Lewis ct nl. 31 lUnlcl Kilstenbader t David linns, 37 Tn'jtnmn II, Htrouie ct nl rl John Hess . 3S VVHItJiu Itltl-nliousii r annuo) P. Hrndley, 3') Junes UaUlnii rs James Uilston, Jr . Ailm'r. in Lean ite rW Ki'lfnian.etalr LewisVMyeri et a 41 lltvid Hi'l di brant rs Itenjamln Paul. 41 Itehpeca (I imsnn ri Alfred Howell, . 41 Damei L. Wlntersteeii el alrsChristlau Hhutua n 41 wiiiiaiii nniiison rs wiui.un utigar. dbllilfiu innueuts to removal of this cmI IO" THOMAS W. MATTiWN, Ilecutveil tin; t'riot Medal nt the World's Pair in Lnr'jii, itftifor TUUNKd.aAIII'C'r HAtifcJ, Hoots, rhiica nnd Cuius, Creal iii'liicennilitsari' now ntn'rod to purchasers oftho .ibovonrticlea. Tlilsis uiuclithrlargest stockoftrutika, Carpet itogs,, in Philadelphia very cheap, or cash. Manufactories! 1311 Mtrket Street, S. W. orner a'i I l13MirkPl slrcrt, S II. eorncrofl'otirlh. "WOOHLAMl Cltn.M." A tomedtfor Icaullying Ike lalr highly puifu ined. sup.'rl or to uuy Prencli a tical imported, nud for half tho rice. Por dressing Ladies Hair it li.isno equal, giving it n bright glossy nppuarancc, It causes Ccntleman's Hair to curl in lho most natural manner. It removes daHdruil', n!v.ays giving tiie II air Hie appearand' of being treat) flit'ii. pooncil, P rico onlytllty.cculi. Nouc.ginuille uuieas s igntd, PIlTKlPCilUtCO . N. Y. Proprietors oftho 'SoIjk pf a Thousand ioicerA." P.irsalc by all Orugslils, JJtJUALlTi' TO ALL! UXirnitMITV t)i' I'illiinsi A New Piurcau is ItL'slNU-l: Every onekln oien Salesmen! JONES It CO.. Of tlio Crescent Ono Prlco Clothing Ptori" No. 300 Mirket street,alinu Binlli, Philadelphia. In ndilition tn liaviug lho largest, most vnriad on.l C.I.I......I.!., ,.C f.,,.l..n I.. l.l.ll.l. Inlti'l . Ml.ll, TO KriCAl'K .JAIL. Tho ,.,,rc,,- r r tnl sates, hate rnnslitnled every one V UlltT tirihOItcr by tho t 'l'own salerman, by having marked in llgtircs, on Gariticr. coneealeil" himself in tho a& TltYED otbttrovcniitg ti'ma-ol tjnil yard when .-hcriff Miller locked up, and (theu ootnmoiiccil the oUctnpt to work his way through tho nuter wall of lho yard lie had only a firo-shovcl and h piece of board wliich he had taken from the bod to aid him in ithu purpose ; but had taken ojiTtwith him a sheet and lorn it into a iropo, with, no doutt, an effort to bcalo the wall.'; Iii tlio morning ho had only got about six inches into the wall by his digg- tingnd tho Sheriff found him shivering 'With'cold from tho wmt of his coat which ; ho had left in the jail. each nrtii lu the tcry lowest price it can be sold for inthey cannot possibly vary all niustbuy nlik 'i'he gonilsaro well sponge:! nnilprnpared, aiiil great pains' taken with the making so that all can buy win, the full asuranco ofgctlir.g a good article :rt the very lowetl iricu. Also.n large stock of piece guods on liand.ofthii litest sl)luaud bust sialitics, whicii will ho uiadu to order, in the most fashionable and best manner, 3i per cent, below crodic prries. Ilu neiiibei the Creoceut. in Maiket, above Sixth, Street. No. 300. J ONUS t CO. ONE PHICK ONLY I LIPl'INCOTT t COS. Oasti Clnlhing Wnrehoiife, Boitlh West corner of Puiirth and Market streets, U'lul ailetphia. Tke only One Vriei Ctctklnff Store in .Imerka Caih purchasers of Men'H or boy's Clothing. .1 win, lesale and retail, can; here, mako ttheir selection from an '.nm-inso stock of fashionably cut nud well in hid clothing, gotup Willi a.vicw to Satisfaction to all, and at thievery lowest possible selling price is marked in plain flames on every garment, all buy at the simiprice.aiidj whether they are Judges of goods or mil, lliey cannot lie decieved. .Quo uniform low pricotoask andt.i'ca.s'iitseverybo-y, ll,G Hsla inole ofakmg two pr'nea, and taking all that can be got. suits unholy, ami cli'ialslhreo.l'itrtlis ; for ir.slanc jf3 , u man nsK3la,iora coal, anil i.iku t J!.,I? At. I ,1..... ii,..-. uuy.... "' ijuimugmuuiuicjuuvui an i umijuuuj $:3. fho could have gat il, anil Ihus ai-lililly clut Will.'answer J-eS) SO kind fliellds WO jllit' llepinhlser.'outof livu dollar. To remedy tins evil .'.'. . .i .1 ' and establish lou.iileuce in thu trade, LIl'l'INCOP it Wntil'i bay Hi up uiu spouts along youri(.0,iM a uiror,i,eiow price dn nil tlieirgoods, (very 1 Uail ! Don't it make a person feel particular unpleasant as you bow you hold to enter a door, to h ivo a tiny stream of ,-rat rip from the eaves of the house, run .downyour neck, and o'er your b ek Illooimbu rg, Mnich 38 .IP57 GltANB JUltOKS POlt MAY TEIIM, 11 ri arcreek Jnhii Hoak Uichard 1 hoiupnon. l.'en tr ' Holnniiin Ni-Uinrit. Cal a issa l.'har les fctcluh. (ircenwood Joliu l,riiinu,t.eo. Masters, Ldward Alberlst n.lta Jnhn.ou Isaac Hemlock- Peter Aii'emuti. Locust John Yengcr. Won nlpl ea sail tJaiohjC oho Ml Oil n Abraham Mosielur. Vllllani;N.i:rown. Mil i ii c Da nii'l Id. u in an . Montour 1'etur Hfluilnch Madison James Jouns.ii,KuiferA Smi Its , John bivisuer. Pino Albert 1 1 ii liter. Srntt JohnTroMibly, Harman G. Crevell tig , Jack so n llurrctsoii. Bujar loaf Andrew La'ibaeh. Uloomvburg, March 33, 1S57. 1 Trite of 1 " 1 " I l( i i " l 1 to 1'rir.cs of 101 ' tJUXOOIa 311 U0U Is 111,1100 Is 10 OIK) Is 5,0110 is 5,000 1 1 5,11111 is a jtio i a.5iin is S.iOO la 2 ,.',111 is 2,500 1 S.500IS l.UOOIs l.ooois 1,000 la I, our) Is 1,0011 is louaro 5onio This is tho only establishment nt which the TAalt, I.V PORTRAIT mill.B.can bo nurchasnd. this llll.lx is so arranged. The putt rail of carh I itdlvldual member linns am destined to nil the consumptive's gruve oi tlio rainny can ua prrserveunn'i ni a cost ies man, the iialiitlnghfannrdiiinryslzcil Portrait OLD ItlDLP.S can tin bound fur thlspurposo to.atcomodate anynuni bnr of .Mlnntures desired. Magazines Pcrlodicata and old Rooks bound in ti&udseino style. WM. (J. PKRUY. suecossnrtn raanv &c nseir, 4th & Race, Philadelphia. a rch "in, leST. Death of D,r. Jiloutstisacrj'. Hon. John G. Monioomehy, M, of 0. nrstslugea uuil liny pur ceoi in ino ertunu , 1,111 hi p third stage Ii Is Impestlble to save moro than Ave pcrp.i.-i dlcil nt Ilia rcsidrinco In Tianvllln on cent., lor lho Imigsure so cut up by the iiisenrc as io(Scllc,i al ,lla rcsiucuco in xianvuio, on bid doOanco tn iiuiliralsklll Kven. however, in lhcsT, ...i ..,! '.. it, .(Ta.i. r Inst stages, Inhalation affords nlr ordinary relief toGThuraday CVCIllllg last, from tho elTccU of thosiiaeringatlendilglhls renlful scourge, n hltli un H . . 4 , j, ,, .,, ., ntially detro)s ninety Ave thnusanil persons In thcE(ho poison dilTusett at tlio i atlQnal Hotel. United Slates alnpei and a correclealculatlon showsjg 1 j. ' k.. i i.n ...... nniiiitaiiiul l,f 1 1, enrih. elirhl n, 1 1. PS . . 1 I AW' snrndeVt.i,e;rK.rillih.cunsuniPtive'Bruve fl asutngion v,uy. ' l Trulv the aulver ot death has no arrow so fatal asM , .A,,, r.r. t'onsuniptliin. In all ages it has been Ue great enemylfl njru i ntrnllkn the hinvo. Hie bcautilul, Hie graceful, and tliett GX3EiziUi3hnHti-il&!igt tS' gifted. IlythohlpnrlhatfuprruiHlclng,frrii,whoiiiH UTAH APFAIH8. $10 000 3(1,1)00 I0.UCU 10,IUJJ 5,1, LIU 5.0011 5.0011 S..VJ0 3.5IH) 8,500 2,3lK) 3il,0 2 500 J .IIIHI 1,111111 1,1100 1.0IK) 1,01,0 lll.CtU) I 5.UUU SPUING & SU3IMEU, ..inell. vt.rv itnnil nud nerftet aril t I olil rbabkd Int. ofttr lo Hie afflicted a permanent iitniepiedy euro lug Washington. Anril 22. cnsumtiilon. IhenrrlenliMiifluberc ir hfrom ini-H ir unuinioii, ijiril pure blood, oii.l ihe ""d" jTfj" Pt'?S!?",,,s: H-JTt3 The ftstemcnt (hat it had been dctcr- ofalr Inlu thenlrcella, which cau-esa weakened vita felllined to send a military force of 2000 men litylhrough the entire ajstem. Then surely Ills morcH ;, (i ;r (,njiij It,,. nn.i Pnrlmt ratlouallooipcctgrcatergoodfroin medicine, enlorlngW" 1111 tucJr law,1 " ""l antt cnpipcl the cnvitlee of the lungs than from those adiniiilXendatho peoplo of tll'it territory to abolish (heir through the stomach i the palleiu will alunja find ihell, , ' . i ..l .,,:. (, iime. freoand tho breathl lie easy alter Inliailiu ri.i,,n.f'beastlv nlld fCllSUfl prttCtlC03, IB Simoythat dies. True. Inhalation is a local rimedy, tsiiveiih)-lvei!tprcmatur( as up to HlC present hour ttotl. it actsconsiltutliiiuilly.aiidwiih inurepoweriindrerHP , ' ,,! ,' ,, , . . , tslnty Ihnn renieiliesnilinlnlHere.lhy the stomach 1 oging definite With rcg TU to tllO SUnjCCt It 13 AT MENSCII'S CHEAP STORK. rSMlK lindcrsicned having removed his provo the powerful nnd dirtcllntlacnfentihis medeolPt -n nrf,pil itnnn. I Store.uptown.ntlhdstii.d, lately oreupicdby II ' odmlnlstralinii. clilornlnrm In hated wi II .ntlrily .le-MUM" aS"eu uPon' 13 fc I. W Hartniaii when! Willi gte.iter iiicnniod stroy sensnuiny in n i m,.,. .a.iii,iin u,o cn-i: l.icllltles hclsenal ledtnorTirn fiillassortmcnlbr lire mm.u " ' ( Y.iir,Ti,lllc'ltV. Willi" I IIM' riPJr'i' ( t "'-A i'"-"iii'iui; "4"' t( Spring and Summer Good?, I itg gas wilt deitiny hfu In a fi-w hours. ArrnoxtM.vrioN piuzns. 1 Prlres,e325Approi'iiig to .io H) rrl.e ato $000 t lull " 30.I.0J CIO H IS 24 SO 3000 fO 10 ,10 25 20 aro 10,00) 5 010 3,500 1,000 Oil) boo 7AI 5U0 C0.0U0 3ill0 Priies amounting to tllt.OOO WIIOLU TIJlvUlS 310; HALVLSi C' QUAII- Ti.KS 33J rim of the Lottery. Tlii.MnbeM from I ta 20.0C0, t orrospnnding with thoso Numben on Ihe lirkcls print 011 s"parate. slips nt ioier.nreeiii.rc!cd wittt small tin tubus and placed lu onn whrel. . The first sia Pri?.", similirly printid t nd c n cl r cled.aio plired Inniiother wheel . 111a wiieois nre in'" iu"-., ,.". ,. raivn frum lho w heel of Numbers and n I lha latim n P,ln la I mrt II 1 1 1 ll HI-! II IU T W 1'C! 1 IW Number nnd rrise draw n o il aro up e 1 unJ cthibil , jviaullllee llaiues,Ta lines, 4.c'., to W4' 1857. SPIiINO AND SUMtMPlt, VALl.Ull.l':'IIKAL H'ORK. fllOU(.D DR .nMD AND tD Hit 12VUUY YOUNU MAM IN Till: LAND ' tllh, LICK OP Til K tEl,ruRAli.D INVENTOH UP Sl'HAMHOATS, AX 11 HIE it I.'.ilhpp nf'i ynvlsrnttnn.'1 ava tro(iiirui ov breaming tout air. Is not tiiisii .- poiitivu evlib'iico Hint primer remedies, carelully pro tJoNP. OP l'i'.W.VHvl.v tKIA'ri MOT PATRIOTIC pared nml Jiullrlnusly adiuliii.tercil through lho lung", JS AM) CU' PUD SONr. elmuid proilncethe inosltiappy results? During elgh O n n ti en I,' l I m n it i teen years' practice, iiiany tlmii, em's sutruring frumtj li. VJ i Je lv i. I u li A. J XV., Idiseases of tlio lungs and throat. Iiave been under myj 0nc )0tumo octain. llus'ralcil with twenty five ,...b,a,, . ...... ..v-....- , "'n","';1-u"-7'J:r'''etily colotlil ana nnieu engraiings, ejecuiea in alter tin '"fercr, had been proiioiinceil in the lanSJ0,irjf planner Iroin Mr. Pultun's original drawings; stages, which fully jatlellos mo IhatcoiMiimptlon Is nog" " L. s,,r,e his iiumcruus Inventions In Steam Navi' longer a fatal ilissnso. My treatment ofeonaniaplintiS":' .,, K,1i.,lnrl,,. Navigation. I'ortlflcnlli lis. J.C.. c.. isrr glnat.onii lounueu on inngeiperlencn and a tho S ...... wi,, coples ol his early diawings when an Which he has lut receitdfruni the Cntciti Cilles.l 'i h. tnlmtation if niainouia wilt rouse the vtnina comprising Dry Hoods, tlroi cries, Hard-warp, (lueens when fainting or apparently dead The odor of ninnjji wnro Codar-wnre. llol'O'Wore, Drugs, I'Hh,Knli,&e, of the medicines Is perceptible In the skin n few lain t I'lnstcr, I rim, Mails. Hoots, Shoes, tints, Caps, &r.c. i utes after being tulialed and may he iniiuediately de-ii Ami 111,'AliV JIAniJ t T . I ' I ' 1 1 1 rvn tectct iii ehobloud. A convluctliaiirunf of illi! ci.n.ti-; ,,,ilml .,, ,,- .,ii i,,i ,. ,. hi, . ' ' IntionaJ oll'eeto ortiibalallon is the fact that sickness l In si or .every lung usual y Kept in country Stores, p,irul by breaihinir foul air. Is not this1 T3 t.'fcah, Lu iibur, Old Iron and Country Produce taken in exchange lor floods, at lho hlgest market price, A. V. MiiJN&UAl. Iltonmibiirg. Mnrrti 31, 1E-17. GEO, HULPIN & CO. IMPOIITEllS JlXn M.I.VOFACTUP.F.nS, 171 OI1KSNUT STREUT, Arcnnw rrcinrcd'io (ixlnlilt Ihflr New Sty lei FOR SPUING TRADE, Ulnlark ami coInrnHilk Muni (le Clmntly !.fic Mrn ,'s, I' i-iirli Inrf Ilia', UiiihroiilrrtMl tfitk Mnnull is lii'al.-d tare and Na.Minllltna, Mourning TRAVERSE JURORS .MAY TERM lUnnm Morris V.m Mmkir K Url rcrt-ek Henry Jtittenlioiise.IIciuy l)oak, Jolin Trf is. lloaver Charles Michael, Mosos Schltclicr, Jactb Uitttnl'rnif'T Itjiiloit akhtnl Stilrs, Jneph (. Ucvb, Centm Jtihn lVrtcr , Jacob IlageuLucli Catiwin-a DtiIpI (Jl-iywoll (ifcenwooJ Aljnhaiu lUL-ittlljli, Jncob U lien llCtltStT. Ilcm ork llpultfn nogari. J.ickdon (rorc Itrv rr. lr:im I'crr. l.oniii - loli n I,. Mlrl Juniri4leriii,.gur, (. C. Iter uir. Il.iwin Ji.liii. Miflli'i Jnini ,1'dIIc, Henry Hell a, Tlioman All n, Hiram I'rcai" Mi.lUxi-7-N'e'riPtiiIilt Wrllivcr.Uicti.ird nemnit. Mu'intiti) n i ii t Jolt ii rili I pin ttii rtii lip Craw for J, Paul Kline, It i irinjTerk Wil Nam DrrUliatli . BiDtt-U-uci t'iitriiiiiii, Willi a in Vycr. Thomas Sctinciilrii:ii), Will.inl O (Jn-cn. fiiRurl' II (; fclpilnnii, llltxHintjiirs, Mjrm Spring and Summer GOODS- H AVISO Just riTcivoit ami oprnpft their stock of inercn.ii.ili7'' far prinfTrnlPg, tvlilchrouipfisesihe UAUaUST1CIU:iCSl,1 ;n,I IIAMISOMUST assort mini now olTtfred in this TOVV 1 Having paid great attrminn tn ilir fulrction ontifiri-nliru &Un k, t.s lo prireaml quality, they Halter llirinselvi'S that tney can compote with thu eAej(, nml u tliuse , luliins to Imy cheap, can onvfi mntiev Uv tvinj 111 n fin We Invu all kimift oi f.nmlH ami IVurcw to aiipjily the Teoplo. A vry larc lot of LADII2R' DKKSS GOODS, rrmcli Mf'rrnoee.Wooll'luidfl, Alpflfiin, llMinbizincii, .lo liaise I'uplins, I'siramctt.i cloiha, .Mnlmir Lustrei, Mm I in Ue Lji ins, l'triiun clollia Glng hams .Oalicoes, WII1TC GOODri OI' AI.L KINDS, SievoH.Collflrfl. H. unlkercbiels, llouncings, bauds anil trimmlngBt I. at fjxaii(loiTins, honnul nbh citm, in i.irgo variety, vulvet ribbniia.aml brat(H,kidlcotl.,i,.i.ttl lisle thread I glovcti, Mobair mitU, ice. i We invite ourfricnris anil the pnliMr ger.oralty to 1 ive us a cull brforc purchasing eUow here, We havo 1 bouphtour itjun.lgat hnwestCasli I'rics.and will not bo u it ersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. McKHLVV, NliAL aV (30. ! llloun, burg, Marih 21, 1657. .i ,n tt.n n,..lie,,rp. ailil r!2iJt?10l bV tllO UOillllllS alonersi the I'rlie bcie; plicuil ngilnu lho K,imtirr ilrnwn. Ili a otieratmii is rcputeu uuui un i,0 rrtzua nre diawn out. rrl , jlppronmeUon we. ,vv0 piocu.Iins anil Ihe two succeeding NuiniiTSto tlitise ilrnw iug the lint id rrires win ue eiiiii'tu in ina Approxunatiun rrizes, ncroritlnc to Ilia srbenie, I'll e S3000 rrlr." of S20 mil bo iletermineil li y lho taet flour t! nfltie Number that it raws the e.-,n nun iv le. Tor I'tampte, If tlio Number ilr.iv.'i ng ttio $VI INVl rrizr ciiis nun .mj. i, . n oil nn ute j tenets uneru tlio Number runs, in l,m bo vntlllcil lo ttJii Nuuitier emls Willi No tl.ttieiinl Ilia TlcUits tlie Number enila ill a wl 11 be entitled lo 520 ,aud so on in ii fJcrtitlcntcq nl I'ucknges will be sold nt the follow lug rates, which it the ilik; Ucrtlfliato of Package of HI Wholo Ticke's, Sfl) i.o do lillliir do Jo do tlo Itlttunrler e!n L'U in do 10 l:igtith ili 10 IN OCIICrtlNG TICKCTB Ott L'Cll'l lrltlATI S. I'tiiciniii rim iiiiiiievlu i,ur alilresslir t lie ticket, ortli red, tin receipt ol which ihey wll beforwarilel by brsl mall. I'lircluwrscju iuo tkkels emliiig ii nnv tijuic they may ilcBtgiune i 'i lio List of llrann Numb-rs nml I'rizeswi II be sent to purchasers immediately niter tile iliuwirg I'llrchastrs will please write fill r SKiiaturcs laia and give their l'usl Ufllce, fjotll'iv anil Hlnto Utiiiiembor Hint tvi ry Piize la drawn anil pavabU In full'iul iliduinon. AH i'mea ol SltluOnliduniler. p lid Imnuilhlcly nTlor tlie flawing ollmr l'lirea ul the ustal time of lliitly ""a" ceiminilii If atlonii strictly cnnfiil. nthl, Aiblieas iitders for'l'lckel, tir CeirlMCates to H. SWAN & CO .Mlanla, On. XtV A listol the numbers that nre etrnwu from the wheel, Willi Uiu amount oftho ir iU tlit tai h line is e nl 1 1 lid to will ho publUlieil alio I tn-oiy i law lug in Ihe full. living papers .Vcia Crltani Dtlla .ViUlc li gii'ur, Ctar.erlon Slauuard, A'azkcrfte (tai lie. .ilhn a JSIClllglrfCCr. i.r,.H uj u,u,tduu v-imiivn ATomlng Aetra A,illl 'J3 .It 07. mililFUSSi.fc FKRKTKRGER, Lnpi'.ers n il Whol'stde Dcatc.t in l'WNCV DRY COOKS. Frotuili, KnlUIt and German cMunoiucnir.!!, F.ixcr thimmiaos, and MIfeLINEKY GOODS IN GENERAL. No 0.1, North Third StA'iova Arch , rili In.lclp Iii i . mill: Subscribers would respectfully liifrrni Ihcir Allot winch wil Ibc iilcrud uttlie Lowest Trices. OEO. lllll.riN i. t'O. 171 Cliesnut Street, abovo n, l'l.lla diliia. M irch ;ili, Is;. PURE N OLOG I AL CABINET. FOWf.KltK, WKIsLS & CO,, rliiir.Not.oois'rs ami i'oni.iRiii:i:i, 2111 Aroli Struct, below Sevenths J'liila'tl wheru ,rt luriilsli ul I wo rka.on Plireniilogv,riiy,lotoffy Iftllii K&W JL Writer (Jnn1 Vlngiiellsm, nml I'li'inograiihy, wlire ".if Avln tesalenndrelall nl Vcw York prices. - l'rolesiona exaiiliu:illou. with charts, anil I Cilull writtnn descriplluii or character, day and levelling- C.ibliillfrec. amy 1 v rough investigatiuti. My perfect nciualntance with thenatuieorinberrlic kc , enabtea me to illstlngul h giil, K'iart. r.i Autlinr of "United Statei Aotogrn. readily, the various lornij e.f dlseaAe thai siwulateM " . -J hej Invculors and P.ttciilciB'Guli!o," tc Sc. . cuiisiiiniiiiuii . mm iip.iiy 11 11 iroper rummies", rrlJl , 1 bPiiiff iiilsiaken even in aslnglccnse. This f.iniiliirity.S Uloih binding. Wi ( 1st - -l!r. tvlil. rntlaln 1 Ii nl 1. ty,n I ..,.1 ...1. t, t'r. Pitl.tini It.ntii I. tlnlntn ll. nil tk pie ONroveris, enables inn to reijpvp the lunRB ffnnigl right y of (liHUgnielird Anitrlcans, w 1m have thi t'lTi'i U or contrticlpd chetf to rnlarpo the thft gadoroed ihf tilttory ol thu Ucpublic, vlioc career Is purify the blood, impa it to it renewed vitality glvineMmorftttrikincly. infuriated nlilt her ;lry iind lit r prn. en'rj;y nml tone tn the entire svnti in. i?ncrlly, ihnn he whono name no havti placed at tht Ik ad ftnv 53. 1'oht OlTice. O W C.IIAIIAM.M X) nffleplr .fihi. nrticio. llishfi'. written bv J ITaukhn neicart. 100 FantfiT Btrrit.beluiv Twelfth, riilladelphla, Va, T'of Kam-asttr I'a which nns nUo th birth-pluco o( Mn..l, II td-.T !........ t.nn fliilu nnlili.1,,.1 ll l,ne a.v I?Ih .-n ai.'ibr of love the wntT having p'T'onncd Ins flallnilid task, wittl n Huelitv and coinpleiein t Unit do Mmnur at onco to liead nnn to his licart. ll is tho Tt"T I 1 S t inlv reliaMc or !tul.l..cury Urn or Kobrt l ulioti, onH Wholesale Vv areliouseK'jKe. ,t. Pic.. a,,,;.,ig w.tnou, 1 'Vho peoph' who dwrll in thp brend valley cf tho' niif lily 31lif irpl hould be among thorarhett mid the. most prumpi to welcnne the appearance of an au khiMitic record ol ih1 min, to w horn gonitis they cm 10 'deeply ini'-rbld for the means or sn rirhly tlevlopirn !ilionli.)iin(liD2 refoii rces of their lectio ii ol tin- contitrv. Thi Ilrit in iknionirato thf practicability of prrpcliti March II, 1' DRUG, PAINT AND GLASS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. J?,CWjV MirnOVRt) llavP-rose Tarmcrs Uoilet TVWtlH I lots. l'uvvca a -id 1 Im' ( ra In 1 am SrjJVSaiiasrj Cntie. t and 8imrn of vmion xjb patrons. IiinrnvM !- table Urain Mills -kS. v' niablc. ALSO Uav straw and ib'J.le Cutters in crcat va.fniv. PXmilAIel MOH1TI3 tcV.O. Agiiculuril VVaroli"nKoniid Seed Sirrp. Till and Market I'lu ladelphla. Nnvembrr 22, 18C0. No. J. 15. et S. A. ALLEN, anil 8 south If'arves Philadelphia ropfsoutl you'd bo spared saying ngU tSS" IIafiino, Wo umlorstiud tint ihqJSusfiuchanua River U now in tho best order fur raftin", and that flatillaa of lum- ,yyi t IMir Mro passing down it daily, Tho rpuan- tity now at tholoworpolnta, and expected, isquitolargc. T4A ' tgtf Destruction to the TEtuoRAnt. The enow and storm of Inst Monday, worked destruction to tho Telegraph Lines. "Wo'iioticod two posts blown down between jwoomsDurg aim jsspytown, J.iio wires TfWOigoiwi'ally deranged. , iST Messrs. NuvHAnn & Jacobv, ate doing a large'busincss in their lino, asbot- tteraiof Ale. Ilorter, tvc at their rooms A A i 1 ' ' in thj Exchango Block'. Wo had tho plea Bun) on last Saturday of partaking of soma of.lheir drinks, which wo found to go down tnanurttble. fivA good story and soveral interest' ting and instruotivo articles -will bo found ,o"n our 'first page. Tho farmer is referred ,toruscful hints and suggestions, in .his liuo( pn ttio iouriu page Anotiieii AitnivAre. Mr, J. J. iiiiiUi Ii luiv tlio ii i ii al rales.) ami nlll.iiuvrviry' line ci nl under any," circumstances. p-IJAI.I, ASH sni:ca At tlicSoiitliwcilcori-o nl I'o'irtli am Market streets Plulaileiiilila . mm Buqweu, has just opened a largo assort ment of dry goods, suitable for tho season. JHisliouEO has tho reputation for selling .go'bda right, and tho.taste of the proprietor .is a guarantco that his goods aro of tho .Ulcst stylo and fashions. 'ISr The trial of David S.McKinn, for ttio murder of Db, Samubl T, Nokcuoss, ViUcoramcuco in IIollidaysburg,'U!airco,, on noxt Monday; a Ginib, 'Xlio wild.horso tamer. SALAMANDlill I'MItK AND Til I EI? PROOF SAFES. THE LARHCrlT AS.SOin--menl in tlie Uuilcd rllales. Wnrratituil to Uo eiual tu any tiniv m-iile, nml will lie e,nl,l un na guoil li-miB, n enn lie ubtaui"il Truin tiny otlier Iiuusu 111 the Pciiuutry, at IP EVANS k IVATtiOV'P. ,tjg Sli S. Illi ll., l'IiilaJcliliia, TlllITII IS Mir.llTV AN'U WIIil, IT.nVAIl.! Jieaort of Ike Comillee.t'Pliolnlld to avperintendtlie Burn ing "ftka Iron coyer, at Heading, Ftbruary 37, 1557. Tlio undersigned, members nf Hie cummittee, ela resncctfully rcpurt, that n aaw Hie two safes, origl nilly agreeil uiiuii liy 1'arrell It Herring and Uvaus It Watson, iilacul sid.i liy aide in a turnace, viz Ttio Bare in l i-e by tlie paymaster eif tliel lilladtlplila and Itcadlig Itailroad lilsufliceat Ueadlng, maniiliicturea liyrnrrols& Herring, one thu ftitu in use li II A. Iiuutz, lu tile stoiu, UMnube turcd Uy Eans& Wulsun, and put in books aud papers te clsely alike. Tliellre was eta rtcd al 8( o'clock, A . M..and ku up until fourenrds nf green hickory, tworoids nnb a,l hnlf el... Htnill IDS WOOll WeTO OUt irt'lV CO auiiied,lhc wliola under tlie siipeillilendoiio. uf l l...i....ll,nr. HiMiilmi. nl I l.ll l.'llliiilllll in. The K.I - were tliell cunlud olf with Hater, af ir winch til t wern o e'liuil .niiet tlie lini.'is and pjpirs taliiu oui y Ihe Ooinniltlec and sent to II. A, I, Quiz's stnre lor piitilicoxamlnatinnnnd nnrkeil by the Coin mi ttee Thelinnks and papers taken from tlie Bafe . Miuufac turcd liy I'nrrcls It llsrrlngs were, In uur Judgment, ilnmaged fully fifteen per cant, mnrcttian those taken from ilvana it IVatson' Hale. We; believe the above inliave hceu n fair and lm narlial trial of the rosnjcllvn ".unities nf both safes, 1 JAUOll II. UYrJIIUU. I1ANI1L.S. IIIJ.NTIUI. Having been nbseni during the burning, wo fully cmiieida with the above u lenient e,f the en million or tlio papers and boaks taken out of the respective Safe. G. A . NICOI, II. II. MHIII.I'.NUI'.nO. JAS. MlMIOIiIiANll. IMUKI'IIY et KOONS, u i:thaIj MISSION iMEI! Oil A NTS, AMI wnoi.nsALr. DEAI.mtS IM f'SH, CHKESn H I'MIOI'ISIO.VS. No. 47 Not tit Waryca (bi low llaco Street) PIllLADELl'IIIA. Have coiintantlynii limd n larjf t. jTnL nitnientot FIHII ft UllUIIi it Vlli) VISIONS, wliidiiliuy are prepared to sell at tlieJowcl posiiiblii raifH. tOUIU'-lts promptly aitendfd to. I'tbuarySI, Id57. J frienita and tlie nubl icln jjeni-ral. Hint' tlnv Ii.iw tikrn lliiilargeniid ooinnioilious ftorp, So i7l North Second Bln el. alne Km c.ami turn i&tinl it witti an entire nnv slockof (Ionils,to ulncli Uuy won Id j ti i e tlfir particular alt calirii' riiiftesfinsuusiirpicd fjcillties.nnd Invjnp bad at lonff experience in tlie biisinenf. lieis enabled t fur inn their patrons and Merchant cmcrally with the latest iljles of r.mcy Rnodv, llmbrcideiicj, ii t unusnallow prices, and hope by strict tut rjii lion lu business, to l.ierlta share ofptibllrpatrnn.'':1-, DRCIPUU & t'CK III it nn No.n5 North TiiirdStieet, above Arch. January 10, lt?57 GRAMMATICAL WORK'S. TUB riUST UOOIC of the Rational Syste ii of nnllsli c?rannmr t 25cts. vcti'in of Cntrlisli Grammar, dclened to ttJ-jri- teach theproccia of Aimlyeinj the Knglih T.insnae with sound Judgment: and the ait ol usnij it with grniiulical propriety :il rta, TliPde worki nre iiw uped In the Tnblie Eelioois In tln llrst Hclmot l)ilrlci of I'enri&vivania, Tlin Til lit Ii IIOOIC oftho Italionnl System of Gram mar. designed in en nine i he learnt r to bccoine mocl ilmruiielilvnrnuainledwlth henaliirp niulof the I'ru. pn-itions, nnd may bo read by him ciiht-r in or nut of BCllOOI. tig. IHIOU'N'S ORAlMATICAli RtIAIf:U 1 nU hook sf,ts aside the old Grammars, exponcstlieir tU'd'-fis. demon tritfs rhc little usn of ntlcinHnj! tn them, and presents in tl Teacher tlm unerring and onfv way to lip (Jriuiiiner ef the ttnslifh InnK'iae. cts. t'ortuiu by I'dtor tlriil'oo.lld AKCJI Street, l'hilada. IVbruary Jl, 1857. JOHN O. Y13AGER, Fasliioiiable Hat Cap Store N0.1C3 NORTH TIIIRn STRUCT, I'lllLADKLl'HIA. tT3" MerchnntB and visitors front Northern 1'ennsyl vania.urercspecifullyinvitedlu give liiiu a call when visiting Philadelphia. June Ud,lb2G.-y. Nli W WALI7 PA LElt WAll li HOUSE J3URTON & LANING, MANurACTiincnn and iMi'ou'rnnR. Jk'o. 121 9rca Street, tetond door abate ftittk Street. rillliAIIIlI.l'IIIA. TT"I'UE may Lo found tlio largest and TT lest selected slock lu the city. Cuuntry uiurclunts may lieru ho accommodated, with ,ut lho inruiivaiiicuae of looking lurther, anil tniiybu assured that they will receive the advantage o I their money, .. , , J1UHT.V 4c I, AMINO, .Mar ell '.'3,18J73ui 'iTBBE Ciai3AliMSOk'S'fllmgj7 Corner oi 5th & Arch Slrccl, Philadelphia . Henderson &. Co. JlOOKSELLF.tlS AND rUBLISUF.RS. INVITE lho attention of all Persons Visi ting I'liiladelrhia. whether on Dtisinesa or iileasurn tu their Hitraordltiary Collection of Hooks upon all mb. Jccts, Itooksellcrs, Country Healers, Teaclicrs, rulilic and Tirivuiu Iiibrarles, supplied with llouks Sc. rltattonury at lunc.i iuics. S. L. Pa nc oast z o., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ANIl DHAIiCRS IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, No. 17 North Whartoi, Niiladeleliia. Jr., OMNIUUS LINE & LIVEUV S'i'ABLK uAV4 N 8- PKH.NHS. teWJls NOW runs n new Omn Im SilinMWh ItlnOin.tiiirv ami site Marcli',28. 1S17. SAMUEL M. MECUTUIIEN. MiLL-maaiiv utrn hums mill sroxa manu- VAOTVRF.U. QUI.I. rropnetor ol Joiiksoh's fjfcft kl lieilily annroveil nml mueh wi. iiHliroved B.M UT1' t SCIIU11N. I Ml MACHINE ) Improved IrunCone ive tirau Dustier, Ihe I'reinium Macliine forMillers. Resiience: Nn. F4 UUF.i;N 0lr..,.t. Irilh Ward.! nihlrpfia Kenslnitoii t'nstofflce "SWS'sCSJiiS !; HAYIIOUK Blrcel, below Trnnt I'lii'adelplila. Cocalico JIIII Htunes,Mill Irons, Bmiiii Maclunes, l'atcnt, 1'ortable Mills, ftretthed Hulling, Cement and rlereen Wire, fQI'ARF, JIJSIIKII lltll.TIN'n L'I.Oril sruiry Jl.luM Jasef March 7, Ir?57.-Ciut. c. o. un.vucusoN it co lleunl. Wli.Ch will takn passoniters liom and tu any oi Hie ri.menccs o' Hie tuwn, or lho American House anil I'ork Hotel: and ne will conveyances to nil lr.iv.Jlo re who nuy Willi to go Into any part nf thu counly. He also a larte llverv .null councclcil wilh the omnibus line, from whilh he cm iiccommodat. thu nubile, Willi cunvciunces lor travelling, pleusuro exoursions or Imsi ne... Uloo in. burg, AtuiiSw,lS53 ly JOSI'31'H FUSSELL. VMBT.ELU1 A.XU PIUSOL MAXUF.iCTVRtin, Ml 'J. HOBTII FOURTH HfBKT, (XortK West comer ef Marktt ttntt ) IMIU.ADUiMMMA. w HAS now on hand an extensive assortment 4rJ$ot th ncwot ati'l moatdntilraMo hinds, in eluding many NI!W HTVLUS not heretofore -rfr to he had In this lunrket. An ex a mi nation on tock is tuliclted before putrliasiPfi elucnhcre. niu J 1 1 CJ( , in Si i UOOT AND SHOE MAKING. TIIU undorslened. thankful for tlio liberal patronage witti wicli he hns been favored for year sou e uy, wuiu nil 01 units trie nu. ana cu.ioen. 'hat hcoiiilniiee lo manufacture Jloots and Shoes, At Ills Old and woll.knnwhe and. on afjln street. lllnmnsliuri!. 111 nil their var i and forms, in jood I sty le undon mi derate terms. ills mug eipcricuco in ttio ii-ismoss, and general knowleilgeof th.1 reoplo nf t;olumbi4 county, super nddod lo a tiled dllcenlinatiou lu render lutlsfjctinn (to all his customers, should tcctirchini increased pa, nonage which he hones to merit JACOll F. DlCl'F.RIOK, ' llleoiniburg, Maick to IMJ BHCUrs ANIl Bi:,I,T7.,UIIB who Aii. WIN E & LIQUOR STOll E, No, J.'3a North Third Street. (Abavo Cutlouhlll,) J' II I L A I ML.IMn.V. Ageucral a.snitment of Uraudies Wines. Cordials, and i.iuoraoi eiery uoicription 'ociober'7, leal-Syrs.p, r. r.sat,TZEK QiniNfl JOl'JE, UOAIIOS AND RUANTI.INC, for aato Uf II, W. It W. N Clir.ASV. CASH pud for 8EA1V al lUKTMAN'ii April I, 16WJ corn'i:r or ti:n ih and markitt strixtb, f Otllculn Second Siory, VUlLAnr.LVllli, to our cnlnrifil stock at Drups I PaiuU, Oils, Vanishes &.c, selected cxprfn-ly fur niir salts, nttd rnmniisinz one ol i hf fliipul aisnrt t iiifitta in the United dtntrs, which tic otTvr ut low MPfisai i Uy ttcani, and to pulM Into siircifBfu! pruclic, nricfH, lor i nth or approved paprr. fihii clnim to he ninsitUred as ainiuip the chief hi nrlnc u jiAnuirtui ukl very uxicnsivtiy: l'r-mnnn I'uru Whin I.e.-ul, (liest,) Kctuniplon fine White head, l'eajl tuow Wiiita I.i'irt, Vrlk Aloni ino" Trench 7.lnc, (lies,) pure rnow Whiio .nicrkan Zinc, I'lul.i IHphla Hn"w While .inc. Silver'" i"afHc Fire nnd Weather proof Tnints. Oh run 1 1' lireuns, Veliow g, and colors cencrallV AGENTS iOU: lNirler's Mipfrior All;ilin Window Glass Genune l'runeh I'lai'j Glais, fuarranlcil.i Tlio New Jfrxi)y'.iui. Gnmpiny's products, Tilden tc V. V. Vnrnlntirs, Itronlctyn I'ifniiiim I'uru White Lead. Hitmpdon rermnnfnt Gicfns. ru re Ohio Catawba L randy. Lc, Lct IMrutlTCRS Jf rrench and Unplith rlnte Glas, 1' rfiKh and Uiinlish Cytindcr Gl is, Colorflri And Unjravcd Window Glass, Dj?uerrP0l no tilnsr. nninnii'rpd Plata fnr floors and 8U.Lt titt Uriis;. fJfiemirali, Perfanwry, A-c. WIlOlXSAt.K ItCAIsKUS IN. J) r npuits'' Atliih's generally, l'.ii nir Tool- nf it 1 1 flescriptioiidi llydraulir nnd Roman Cement, ('nlcined and Laud Platter, I'jper .Maker's OKv.Sj'tln Whitp, &c , te. FlinNCII, RIOIIARDB & CO . Store, W cur tier Tenlh and Marfcft Hi Faclorv, Jncction Yorh Av,, Cruun & CallowhlH, April ll,ld57 Philadelphia. Dealers in Oils. HAVEnlwnya Inslorea supply ofOils fur Machln cry. Hunting aiidconimougrcasingpurposcias o owe : Sperm, Winter Whale,, narked W bale, lllepliant. Crcasincnnd, teolnr. nosinUils. Which they will scllatloivtstralcs. Slav l'J, IH53 y. li LINDS 15 AND SHADES! Vtor, notmly of hisrouulry hut of his race, has loni ihpeu ndmitled tube uins ail.iblc. That tlif po-jiililUiy ii thin Had strucK oimr minus, ami nan ncen urciiia thefiretirally.iiuiwitnoui any prjcurai ccmnntiraticn .. . I . ',l..- ., s.slllt.ila tmtlli.l rUlil in h 5couiideted the f.ilhrr nf sirniii natlpniion The pas "Kisn in 1j-U7 of Ihe CLCRMOXT frnai New Yoik to Alhmv u.-ih tlio tea of his lltlPtnthis diFihictlon, and it is now, and h i for vtt heeii undirputed( and will forrvrt rrmam indirutnl'l' 1 Frnin the eaily Hoyhood or Potto n Hip ccrin nf Ills VUiture fame u rfcopiiized by nil w hu knt-M l.lin, unit iXuhi, Ka'chPil lho (lvvi'hiiment of his mind and of his (stliantcirr ns nplmt of strong and vigorous growth. iiouniris n 1 ith "Ml pregnant mmurily. Tli firit ol lum ( f fun rl nun vrniri nf Dfrf. m.ikintr n Kiirrp until t f . Sriinenl ol prnpcl ing a sin il! skill by paddle wheel of i.i-own coustrttrtlnii.nn the Cuncstnsa. Tins was in Li 170. Twnnty ciyht rrfrS thereafter he satis fled nil doubirra that a vess-! of large size could be propelled JdUy I"U iftuniia nun ncuiii 111 uiu iiivi n )ti1TI jmictweeu thofe two eras of his life, his culus was de vcwiiiini; itevii in 1 11 u 11 j itircii nitys, ne wan a draiii:htnian of no ordinary merit, nnd niintrd with Unreal skill, lie snnnorted hlnHclf whh Ins neuclt fnr tiiiany yearn deriving Pmrlumcnt from paintltif; pnr- iiki.iiin !' isn iiieirni-ii u 1,1.1 nicr ui mucin juir "'"i vm .-" uhii un iui tyilipi si) .hen he (jccanio,as he soon did, a civil engineer and n the book before its we have colored liiicrnibie opiates nl Eevcrulnf 'uMon's il'utraiinns of Joi Unr How's famous 1 COLUMRlAl)," whh h sluw crinl oil- NEW CAltltlAGB ESTABLISH 112NX IN BLOOMSBURG. Ia the New brick three Story Carriage Factory, cn Main below Market. rpHR suhKriber would respectfully auuounccto rhe public, that he hasenmmenced lho G.MltUAGE & .WACON MAKING DU-1 Jglnalityof conception, aptnrss of dp sign and Unlity f Sext'cmion, j It iii not our purpose to give crn a S3 nop sis of tho linicrestint? evpiiti of tht: rrinirkably active and ucful Srarccr of liltou'sljf. iiiucIiIpss to jfo into an elabornto eaynpnn his RPitins, and thounnt'frful resnlis that fMve flowed Iroui his great mvcnlicn. These two "tapks hev tiepit very creditably perlormco by the nu Sttmr of ihe volume tu which we have alluded. Our 'purpopc is principally 10 can nticiition tn tha work is mtc mi NO. OF YFM' STYLES J. WILLIAMS, o.TII fci.vni tnuncT, ANiirACTUKnii or vcmtian BLINDS. Vel. tM vpt, Ciold IlnrdprPd and I'auitrd rillAPUH. of bcautjuit ('psicns. ttulP. and all miter rolorsof Hnl land ust'il lot ntiadc-i. I'- Hire?. Trim !niiis. &c., Stc Whules lie p ad Retail, nt .ho lowest cash prtcca. ifSr- Hioro dhadca pamtCtl to order. li. J W lhankiul fn nasi mirnnaye, reseftrally FOliciis th) piin'ic lo call and eiamino Im new and largo ano tin mi 1 Jloro nurchnm(f eNcwh re, TfT" Study to rtease Xli March SI, 1P57 3m NEW LIQUOR STOKE. " NO. 135, NOR1 II '1 IIIP.irfiTltnrr. In the fjarrr RuiHh$) Jibove Race St) s ina. milt! Jndersijncd heji 'eaveto inforiti his.frtrnds and j inr ii.iiiiu. 1 11 1 1 ii" je it-a nn f'Tieusi ie LIQUOR HOUSE, (n the rato Rulhl'iisa. No. 135, N..3I St.. p.nlnvo, whprp he will U hiptylo sitpp'y .M'rehmti. llo;ci. kcepi'rs, and ciHimner tnerairv, wi.h thu rliyicet iuudi Leptin I'liiladetphi j. WILLIAM PROUST atttDaviUlc) Mire Ii 7ih. 1 f5T y riio'f is one inrhtent which it psopcinllv Ueeomb tins, however w call to Hie nnlici of our immediatp (el Slow ciiizfns. Purine the war of lei -1.1, rl l'ul linn wa nf pnat ervicp to lil country A conltact i na in n ilo ia ltd 111 ui. h V the IT Illicit Slftif m ff7nvirnniifi . in all iiibrdiiihes, llo Is prepared tooipcntp all 'irders,!,, ijprenihrr IfM for the pnrpf of empluyinc his nnd has on hand ut rpsputn 11 assortment of llnishPd workftidamlioau Vesuvius Xina.New Orleans andNatrhrx which purchasers waifitidu to their advantage to exa Bnn iho Mississippi river in traneporlini' trnops nnd mlnu. Esmunitious nl war. and the llnfalu on iheOhio. The RnPAIUlN'C, Re-IcLr.itM hntile of Vcw Orlpnn tm k plan nbrut a Will tiPtlniifl In thp most prompt and tnrpful mannerrivriek aHei the ;ir rival of the Vesuvius In our waters and upcinteniis which cannot lail In yive satiif.iriion, 5JatM it uns upon hr (siyi our bioifanhpr,) th'tihs STRIWCainGU A. WILSON. Rcouimandin? ser.prnl relied, o on auxiliary. in his nn l!l ooms burp, AprlliM, 1P55. Kliclpations nl fafptytn the rhy. nud ihe accomplish ,kJfmentof a brilliant virtory, John Uumry Adams ni tnti 1 1111 v fin n di?m WAndrew J.ickson Imth citlldtoCotiprcs Ihe jajiialilq UllUAUWAl UUsUU 1 iUSS tSservirestfrultonntthislryinBOPrlod 1 77 S V'JrV'f jTrWf-V? fit) Ei Uside.p'ilt.n.TiiiMfueresfut oprrotlon ttcam cs TM UJtl,A fJCJ.i lf. gBPlinloirthecouniry,pla..sof4lreitfpa;eii(stm-ir. VO 'I'll KllO T1WA V VnTlTC fcti'lm',i'iviou. and nf ub aiiratic iiavisaiinn occupird iU, JJi J5UUALIW1, iNJiW JCUIUV gilislinitclltBil,m noimieni his time nnd. i-iprrimfn. Ktal artuny. And out of sujrsi sdoiii utid demnnstra l III UB ll'illll' liy II I III IlilTr PI'IHHK III (I !) Ul I DC III II I UUP LIST OF.RUTAIL PRICES Oold Pens, Cold Pen & Silver Holder, fluid IV n niulrtbl, ci- i5ilvT Holders. MaiiriiQiitli levintlion " l outitJin Pen, Desk iluhur Mnuiiiiuiitlt " Lii2iobiiiS Pen p. Leviatluu and Hot STliAW JiONNE I'S it HATij. AT low priecd for Cash, a Iaro ami well aMnrlGJ (Stuck of Wo'iiiis Mim.iaic tuddreiit, 8XKAW & SILK IIONNETS. m Mi:.'$. BOY'S A.J) CIHLDllVXS Straw Mais. AUTU'ICIAL, TLOWUR, & IIONN'RT RUri31(P. MISSED STliAW HATS, WrALTi;it3 fc HrJCICHOUSR Uo. 2.5, North 4th Et OppoitUis .Meichants lintel ) March?, lM 1'hiUdclplna. gl 00 Gold Tomhrick OOKI'il and eaettive instrumciits ol natal warfare of tlii ' loom c ticks a (lur.r.ipi 1110 wor'n nmv nnnwp. 2 Oil 'Pencil, W.uchKcys3 ool? It wasthp ojiininn ofCa(faIader P.Ctdden, of Nrsr 'Ladies Cold Pencils, SJ ouVoik. as pxpn td in his memoir rend bifop tho rhl 3 00' " " 3 oojl'osnphinil Horiety of thai S-tato, J is U57, soon nfier tho 4 0J' , " 4 oildpnili nlTnlton amliiis nn opinion Inwliichatl mm 5 tn with Pen oolfkin I wilt now Hjjree ' that there connot hu foui,oa (lentr o old Cast a &i reeords"o departed wortli I lin name of a perfnn t3 3 Ovf ivu3 . p 00 who3'i individual pxr lions mankind are more indrhu d . .1 i o OQEthan they nrp to Robert Tullon. Thp combined efforts - n'' rtothle " l'J hi) jof philinplurs and statesmen have Improved the con 5 UJ Hrew Pencil td DORditinn of ma 11 hut nn tndhlual has confrricd more i.3 u J A 11 ii aUnthpr kindu anilftlmporaiil bwtehts on his i-ppvip than he has Cone.' li aT-"" tJHtaVM riratjune. inhv ir.A,. cph. 0 lt3" Th.i nbiup wrk Is for h'jIp by C .0. Ilcnidrrio rest in , cornet ni oina'iu akii, run oc't iiia. S March n, lP5?-i;m. To cverv 1 t'reon buniL' a mild nennf us wi; nri! i?cni?t 1 .. s.,.. .. . H nllnitiwrMll rf,iC,rn1i, nfll.n... mr. tllinii ITt ! pntH ls tlio holder nl It. Ii v the piir.i navtnenl ol" .5m ci iiis.u, nil 111 1 n ip hi Jt,wury lit v.-lMiuiroiii i 10 5 iuo.j 1 t j s V Ul HU IS (J 17 AU JT.liU Tiim jowtlry cousilH or ttcld und tJilvT Waiihes 11 -I hi u ll htaces orUUHi;r lMSlIAHlSst. t?p'f-ALun. (jreul vin-iy. bilver (li-hlds, hiUcr I'nnt IMikuti SNertoiM Htuitay, triclurrs. Olci-ts. i;rav I, Mprcurlal (Jold Cuard Clnuus lor l.n!ie, Lockets flrartiln?, tlen -ti IE he 11 1 m ., Pains 111 the Aiikle?,and Runes. (.old l obnud vt'st chains, I'hliiiblnj. UrtafpniH, ltrarijir)if( 01 tin Throat. Nnp nnd Hjrii. Ulcers upon MiDljroiiiMllg Mstulni'mih 3 oj: PKLMIlMd PRI13UVTi:i)JTO PUCIIAriURd. sirrcu not. Peruvian Guano. Ii'l'ntlir.VCr, basliuulit tlio rauuert liatheoMv j mmu 1'u r 1 1 lie r le iliu l'l'J K U VIAN O O V K It N M ENT G IT 1 NO. The subscriber, Polo Agent in Philadelphia forthusalo of it, Jiau now on hand a ItircMocIt of PUKE PEKUVIAN OUANO. Which Me mil si'iluttlio lowest (Jnsti price, niluts.lo suiiulilier dealers 11 r lurmrrs. S J. CHRISTIAN', Sole Agent for rkliadtlpkia, N'o. 49 N'eirtli Wliarvrs, nml U7 North Water rUrct't Marrli7lli. le37.-3ni. JOHN Al. j7QHD, IJU'OHTl'.tt, UAN'UrACTUUUR&innAI.nR IN SADDLEKY, COACH HAKDWAKE AND TRIMJIINCS. No. U2, Nor'h Third St. Philadelphia. lJUUCIIASr.RS ulll II ii .1 it to tliitr .hIviiiiu-o to el-1 X iiiiiini: inypiocK, which vviyoxirtii.ive.mia pur chased torUasli: aiiilcoiisistsiiull.UiQyeriet-uf'ew Htyles ol Cnailsiii my linei. - , N. U.--AilOrdsr. sliult liave riaiticularanil nronnit attuntion. Seplpinrinrfl I Ifls, t-lioii.. tmj3. It nr. Crussi's. ,tc . iionf wliirh will m-lllurles. SI. I'm: UVIIRV IIOd in i-.i ii 1 1 1 u r.uirv tr t;. I'l l i,t;ii i'lu rtu uui ii iwviii.nn in inr. irt r,i rinan. nl cure ceui.i t.p r ir-rtrd i any otln r treat iln Lody. tfinale IrrrcuhiiKip mid all tuiifrmr dls charsei- no matter ol lum- joes; sinmiins. or ubsifuato tanner time titan M fcS i' OP 'JSris. IJX'fl.AON KAt'll U CRT I PIOATlS IIU H I'.NTITLLDTO KI'.l'lMVIl WIIATKVKR TIILf ntumui;kuf niuci;itTiFricM7c iiKHiiiivvruH f We havu hepu iu opur.iiunfor litres years nnd lhuu-7 thands have bought of us nnd wo have never learned? cvaiany one was cvintiskatisltcd. I nis pianatiord! aitery opnrlu nity nl' obliiiiiu .i gold wntuh or somni leniciu jcwi'iry, mr a triuiut; sum, Ail our pi'iir, nu'tit. 'V( n ufier the Kill of tin; riott cminput nlitl cliins h:il filled und the difc-nip rcisinl n I oil.i r Maus nt cure. Tlio roiufdies at" fr-- from odor raut iiij; iniihcr eirknpsn ni r intonxi i iei.f, ,md without mercury or balsam Hurina twenty pars practice, I have reetnpd tn Ilea ih nvi r s vt hipph tlmutitid fa tie ids who wue sntlerlnir unlpr lho unrni rurms t.f nil Qlbe abow ini-iiiioun! ilucukPn. wbirh juarantvrs me n w..vs. ! i;- . l..lir. i...,M...6,..,li...l1ii,,rs :i poi leci nia ni"vi spriMiv cure rcrct an discour-pcswllhcri-ai car;-, und e uirer ihui prB-ferase are Hip Brealesi pnemics t'i tuaMh ami Inppinrss, i ely nl pneesaskrd in all other stores in tlie citv.KBs ihov ntP th fr.t r.iw ,.i ...&......iri., . I. jl- as Ihev ate Hip first cauiuoi consnmptlnn scn-lulu ,4c,, i '"'I riitmi't un .i ii-riuc i'.t ui iinii'ink on nifcnnii u To aiM nis w e make ndvaiitaecous oirors.Qiid nnv encr-S 5 JVtZVi ,uV:niV wor"'3ru1,' ".h;ne(Iis!a(e l3 breninnnsu common and treatment so DL-ents in evervn ace in he ennutrv nudtiersnna uh.t.... i .. i- would like to become null wiltpleau addri-s us, nndgever effected, as a majoniyof mo fall into tho 1 "Ir??' !tJTJ'r" e' clrc1l,,'?" (f Prr'. termsijiKind-. uf inccmpetcut pprions. wl)n net only lall to n l . "".ed periods o. dlfctribuiion.-bcurH the mslady. hot rum the consvituiion w llh mrro .i r 1 !i l,,Pl,;fllIi(" the is entl-Bivu cublimntiwit dangerous pon-ou.a pripaiution nT tieitmricenc His prelum,,, on Ihe payment o)i'3 Cttiilngmercury-w hich, wiih tho rci-ams of dUra In the cx!r1p.' . ft) stem, prndncps many u( the uo9ve naui'-d alloc lion. All ordprsriv nnll thonMl.p addrns.nd Krthieh anollyteriiiiitPtLin consmnption and rnonenily MLRItlCK, IlUNTON tv 1nAN. ga rjpid onu; hutivhould it not causu di-ntli ipedily 3W Hrtiadtv.iy New York, Kind ihe victim to diseact! ir.artv. the rfiseaie Is thep ACPVT1? W VYTPM Kernveycd from the parent tolhuchtldrrn,eruFinij,tnt,ni r- , flu,Ji11 10 ' iiA ltn tonin Into ih world with scmfuli. at 'dlons of tho T. .U. Knld pens repointrd in n superior manner. Rf kin, eyes thioat.ic, nnd Htmn tjruuncies In con Enclna9ihBpeiinnd3'Jr1eiits In V O.stnui'S, and IhtK.uinptioii. and consigns iU vitlim to an milimilv grave. p,U!.,ul AfltJV' .rt" rt turned pnm pndd. I',-, iween ilmnics f six monihs and tbirty.flve yean. A i -' i v ' iui"";i;rii aiium in u ii inner in I lintnt'i liicni j tt imu I ill i i nui Known ininiiiiiioiu inn country, nut mMj, aroysiln nirvous system lapidly Wt,tl)u awjy the CO.. tlieruarc ur.dotiuicdly pm who are not nciueh'ip.lfl Miereip's of life. ciuiii' u.cni.-il duian'eniuni. uinmi. i-j.iiun tun tuiiut. iiib yii kiioH n iiiiuujsum a proper ieciopmeni oi mo syaieui, and iiisqitati wiih us wua rtftrcnten Fi.LUiWBA: PO.,Nn 17 Maiden Lane. New York HICKS & MITt'llCLL, So, at do do liLNTO.Y & Cor liroa.twnv & Courtland it Nw York.ftndriirstuui street. Philailrlphia, J. Il.sniRY Ac (Ml.. No. 5 Oilsoy llmMhiff N. V. COULU & W(OU Nq. U MdiicuLauc, do r.brii3ry7, m7.3m OLIPHANT, AVOODSIDE Sc GO. Importers and "Wholesale Doalera in ' iljiucs cmtJ iquncs7 No. 135 Worl.i Third sircel, Comer of New Street, V II I L A 1) E L P II I A . r.OLirUiitT, J U'oousipk, (ltj. Me.Up January, 3J,ia37.-y G All DEN, MELD et FLOWER SEICDS lltnSIl AND OUNUIMiOAtlDnV annus. Inrverv! JL variety, in wlmle.aleaiid retail -emiiraciiijnll tlie; new nuil ilesiratilo kituls. carcTnlly put un in t.iir.s inrenc eeuui imu. ,ir supiiiien ill Iiuik e.eiine.'j tiu.jii Cane fii'el, J.ipin I'eas. (iran.' IVntur Melnn. &c x its viriini fnr ncrnage. society k.u.i nrp, &111I n l, it- irthly iinpiitne... PVin ilu Irrecularitioi. ami all eitlisr Id s erfeuiuteii trraleilin til'1 iiiui.t sklidil Ch1 ci .'iililic manner, leiiirines, wtiti uireriHiu. sent to ranv mil 111 t in Untied t-ilalrs and Canntlrt?. hv natiunt. 2couiiiiuiiicalin!i llieir srniitoin. lur liek'r j. iu 11 ..i 1,1. vi 1,1, 1, ii. a.. ii S3, 1'oH Office j. l"n. in t i.,4tluw 1 tin. l'. Marcl. H.lrlf. Also, aciiuitv usMirluir nt ortinL'riowerHeLels.lwcnlyH'I'rriiit I,tii varieties inn box for Jl t:ienn Ulnver anil Tiinolliy&'-'anloii (I Seed, Orchard Urals, Itye Grass, (lord and line l,av. nS'-i"1'' wit! nr-tilnes K'irc.A gGeliillnf (.tirca.ln Nn.JO? Uross, &.C.. .c r.tscii m.i. mohuis t co , Agricultural Imrletnenl ant gcrit ftrtrr, H. II comer of 7tlt and. Market str.i Is, Mnrcli 11, 1457. l'hil.i,lil.s WALL W PAPER I WALL PAPER I ROSENDALE 0E.MENT. PCRFON.-l wislnnj: RospntliiL Cement ran ftnd It by calling 011 th. sutiicrltier si Kutiert I'n I J II HARMAN' I Arr 1 II Itu; 1, liava lust irfccived. bv railroxil.. uilenitld . orliriem eif WALL 1'AI'Rlt. w.lrl, n.M li.,.!..!? to sell at rililailrlpliin price. Irotii H cent, to "J7I cents? niece!,, ' Anril 4 I8J7. II. O. fc I W IIARTMAN. w 11 .NK e. OA I. lor ssle'tiy o . 11 w 4. IV N CHEW PISHING TACKLE. BnST KIP.DV, I lmrrirfc.Viitliua;i'ifirncil Trnut, tiiu, l'ikg and li I!- it.. Htvivel. Salmon Out. Trout I,tiiL-s, Gut and other inoiieU, Arlieil Hail, Grass Lines. 111111 nit.i I'laited Ilk Line., illl Floats nnd lltioks. W'alknie Stirk. Trout. i;.iiu iroiiuii uous. 1 1. tils, uinis Keels, .Miiino.v Kets, nr-'iiiues "Set Nets.'l'arirnliie ,'l, lliitrimi r unJ I'lani. HWire. Vinliu.and Slriiit.i;illinj and geiiieTwino, pGeiiulnR Harlem Oil, furitruvcl aud atltcltont ol lt,o ueeu.inuii uenii, lor snio uy uuuiKit; vv. ItOYUUliGUK. I.,i..,rlpr. 0 Nortli Tilled street, Ht-sr side, srrnurf ,lnnr l. ww .rcn .1., una nrx. uuur xi euu M..eAarl.s ttol, 1. ruiladclnlila April 1, ISTC-lm. 3 wnWwTap'er. " i ll'ST received a good aisorimdiit, for salo cIimc. a.J at i! ApnH. IS7 IIARTMAN'S