Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 25, 1857, Image 2

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Bloomsburg, April 2518'57
Democratic State Nominations.
Of Lycoming County.
Of Chester county.
The freedom shrieking prcs3 of the
Elates nro still bent on crabarrasing the af
fair of this territory. They arc now ox
horting the frco Stale mon there to refrain
from voting tit tho ensuing election for
delegates to a convention to frame a con
stitutioo. They declare that four-fifths of
the inhabitants of the territory dc;ire. to
inaTfoit a frco Slate; but they must not vote;
for that would be recognizing tho author
ily of tho bogus legislature, and tho bogus
laws. At tho 'samo time they givo their
opinion that tho convention will Uo pro-
slavery, tho constitution pro-slavery, and
that the territory will bo admitted into tho
Union as a slave State. Acocording to
their own showing this result will fo'low
the conduct that they now advise. If tho
frco State men slioald voto, tho territory
would become a free S tate ; for, as they
claim, thoy have a majority of fonr fold. -The
bare'statcment of the case will convict
tho authors of such movements of dishon
esty. Thoy may pretend to bo acting on
prineiplo-; but tho world will ask how it is
tint men who proposo themselves to act
without law to accomplish their purposes,
refuse to act under a law, bogus or not,
when thereby their end maybe accomplish
ed, and otherwise it cannot bo.
Thoso who propose to raiso, men and
money to carry by force theit purposes,
will hardly get credit for ccruplus of con
seienco in such a case. Ono of two con
clusions tho rest of mankind will como to;
either tho shriekers don't believe they havo
a majority of tho legal voters in the terri
tory, and aro therefore afraid to try their
strength and expose their weakness, or they
want Kansas to become a slave State to
verify their predictions, and mako use of
the fact for party purposes. If they all
vote and are out-voted, then it will bo said
thai Kansas was made a slave State by the
residents of the territory and it cannot bo
complained of'with a good grace. If tho
frco State menfour to ono, they say re
fuse to voto, alleging that they wcro dis
franchised, it will bo the basis for a good
deal of shrieking.
They complain of tho disadvantages
thoy labor under, as they have no officers
of the election. That may be true' It is
not likely that a man would be appointed
to .execute a law who denied its validity
and openly outlawed himself. Let them
show that thoy intend to submit to law,
before they complain that they havo no
hand in its execution. If they will not
vote, and openly proclaim it ; nor ack
nowledge tbo legality of tho vote after it is
cast, it b absurd to mako the'oxcuso that
they havo not been chosen to superintend
the voting. If placed in Euch a position,
they could have ctsily defeated tho whole
election by refusing to act.
They now mako their own wrongs the
excuse for still greater wrongs. If the
question wero one of temporary inconvoni-
enco, or pecuniary loss, a nieio matter of
expediency, refusing to vote might bo a
matter of insignificance ; but it involves
tho great question ovor which they have
been shrieking for years. The vote is,
perhaps, to settle tho.question for years, or
forever of tho condition of Kansas as a
clave or free State : and they deliberately
determine it shall be the former,
"Wo Lave no objections at all. Let them
etay at homo ; and let tho slave Stato men
do the voting ; but when the result is ac
complished, let us hear no more shrieking
or croaking about it. They need not tell
tho world that they havo four to ono of tho
T' ters, and that thoy nevertheless would
- t vote. Tho conclusion will bo that
fLpy didn't desiro a free State; that score
ij thoy profcrrcd a slave State ; bot being
' it willing so to vote themselves, they dour-
ined to let others do what they wanted
don, And no doubt this is about tho
fact. Somo of tho free State men want
ilavea ; some are indifferent; somo want
it that thoy may make political capital out
of It; and there are but few of tho shriek
or loft who will mako tho effort to' have a
froo State. It is not in American-blood to
surrender an object that tbo mass desire to
accomplish .to tho discretion of a few.
Tho majority "liavo their way if they wish
it; thero has teen no exception heretofore,
tnd nono is to bo expected, It is idle to
eti up the pretense of forbcoranoe, when an
cbjest Is to be gained that four to one, two
f j nno, or oTen a majority hiwevor small,
0 deeply interested in.
Abolitionism Bolow Far!
Tho nominees of thoJJlack Republican
Stato Convention, "havo enlisted no ,cnthu
aasm on tlio part of tlicTpcoplo. On tho
contrary, .their pritieiplas are hcldin hb?
horrcuco by a vastjinajorlty oi tho voters'
of Pennsylvania, and, from present nft
pcaranccs,;Wo should "Sot bo auiprifcd if
tho Democrats Stato tiokot succeeds by at
least fifty thousand majority. T honest
yeomanry of the old Kcystono havo always
been as avcrso tt Abolitionism, as they
havo been loyal to tho Constitution and
tho Union, Thoy aro slow to follow after
6trango gods, and prefer traveling ia tho
good old fashioned Democratic path mark
ed out for thoui by their revolutionary an
cestors. They may havo occasionally erred
in other respects but never when tho qucs
tion of union of disunion tho integrity of
tho Constitution or its destruction, was in
issue, In all this thoy havo been truo as
tho needle to tho pole, neithor looking to
tho right hand or tho left, but pressing
forward with steady step, and flag flying
to tho music of the Union, Nor aro thoy
alono in their devotion to our glorious in
stitutions. Thero aro thousands ofpatrio
tio men in the Commonwealth, heretofore
known as members of tho Vhig party, who
will cheerfully and gallantly act with them
when such immenso issues aro involved.
Jlanysuch men wero with us in tho lato
Presidential contest, and many mord will
join tho Democratic oolumn, for the pur
pose of assisting to. crush Out the fell fiend
of Abolitionism, now that tho ringleader in
tho work of mischief and disunion is in
the field seeking for Gubernatorial honors.
Wo anticpato for Gov. Packer our no
bid standard boaror, an easy and triumph
ant victory over his competitor. All tho
sophistry and special pleading of Wilmot,
whether on or off tho stump, will avail him,
but little, wlicn he comes to encounter tho
giant blows of his sturdy Democratic an
tagonist. The doom of lllack Republican
ism is already scaled ; tho hand writing is
upon tho wall 5 and tho second Tuesday
of October next will effectually and for.
ever settle its condemnation at tho ballot
Pennsylvania has been is and, will
continuo to be, true to the Constitution and
tho Union.
Robert R. Little, Esq., Editor of the
NorUi Branch Democrat, of Tunhannock,
in Wyoming county, wo aro gratified to
learn, has been appointed, by Attorney
General Black, to tho important position
of Judge Advocate of ono of tho Naval
Courts of Inquiry of tho United States, held
Washington city. Wo congratulate the
appointee and tho appointing power, alike,
upon tho fortunate scloction. Judge Lit
tle will bring to tho discharge of his now
and rcsponsiblo station an unblemished
reputation and high legal qualifications,
with all tho pro-requisites for a competent
and popular presiding officer.
Appointments of Postmasters-
Col. Joiin G. Frekze, Editor of tho
Bradford Times,' postmaster at Towanda.
Col. Wm. II. Hutti:r. Editor of tho
Easton Argus, postmaster at Easton, Pa.
Col. Josehi W. Gray, Editor of the
Ohio Phiudealer, postmaster at Cleveland.
We aro gratified to record tho good-luck
of our brcthreu of tho Press- They are
all good fellows, working men and sound
democrats and will honor tho AdmimY
tration. Tho President and P. M. General
know their friends and arc not unmindful
of services rendered in support of the great
interests of tho country.
Hon. Asson V. Brown, Post Master
General of tho United States, has removed
his family from Nashville, and located in
tho City of Washington. The onerous
duties of his offico require his constant at.
tendanco at tho seat of General Govern
ment, and from Gov. Brown's determined
energy of character and high business
qmlifications, the country has tho most
certain guaranteo, that ho will mako a
model Post Master General. 1'ho Nash
ville, (Toun.) Union, says, that tho ami'
ablo wifs and accomplished daughter of
Gov. Brown, will gracefully adorn the clito
circles at the National Capital.
" Served him manT." Col. Charles
G. Green, tho'ablo cditorjjof tho Boslon
Post, has been re-appointcd Naval Officer
at Boston. Wo aro glad to bo ablo to re
cord this ; it is a well-merited compliment
to tho conductor of the best newspapor in
tho country, and shows that President Bu
chanan duly appreciates the "eminent ser
vices of tho Postjn defence of tho Consti
tution, the Union, and tho great cause of
trTfTha President has appointed Chris,
topher Carson, tho "Kit Carson" of Fro
mont's expedition, Indian Agent for New
Money ! Money 1 Money !
Will our customers whs aro indebted to
this office, and especially thoso owing for
Land Sales, Hand Bills, etc., remember us
at tho May Court.
jtST Mcisrs. McKf.lty, Neal & Co.,
aro displaying a heavy supply of New
Goods, at their wcllrknown Storo Stand,
j&sF Messrs. Ent, Steele, Jonkius and
Col. IL ft. Mott, have out thanks for doc
Tho Mitrdor Trial-Coon Ac-
Tho second trial of Henry Coon, tho
younger, for tho murder of William P.
... . ,. t . . .
Stephens, On the ui. of Juno las, was
Drought to ft close yestoruay. I he
nation of witnesses on both sides, was con
ciudedm Saturday, and on Monday morn
ing tho Counsel commenced summing up.
Tho first speach wm mado by S. S. Win
chestor, Esq., on tho patt of tho common
wealth, who occupied nearly throe hours.
Ho was followed by A, R- Drundago Esq.,
who took two hours, and Lyman Hakes,
Esq., who oocupted about five hours,, in
defenco of tho prisoner. On Tuosday
morning, C. E. 'Wright, Esq., mido tho
closing speech on behalf of tho Common
wealth. It was between two and thico
hours long, All tho speeches evinced
good deal of .ability and legal knowledge;
and woro listened toiwith remarked ntteu
tion. After fllr, Wright had concluded,
Judge Conyngham, submitted tho case to
tho Jury in an ,ablo, clear and eloquent
charge, very favorablo to the prisoner.
About one o'clock yesterday, tho Jury
rctirod, and returned with a verdict of ''not
guilty," nbout half past two, Luzerne
S Tho now Government vessol Niag
ara, has been launched at N. Y., and is
now lying at that port, .'awaiting further
orders. Sho is ono of the vessels detailed
by this Government, to assist in tho laying
of tho groat Atlantio Submanno Cable,
which is intonded to councot tho continent)
of Europo and AmorioJ by a "chain of
lightning," From tho published accounts,
wo should judgo that sho was a beautiful
spcciiuem of nautical architecture.
A .Gay Lothario. A good story is
toldof a follow of North Carolina. Having
been put in jail for marrying thirteen
wives, ho mado his escape, and was seen
thrco or four days afterward by a gentle
man who recognized him. Tho eentleman,
anxious to secure tho reward for his op-
prehension, invitod him to his houso to
dinner, and then slyly slipped out in pur
suit of a constablo ; but great was his hor
ror on his return to find that tho culprit
had absconded with his own wife I
tSf Mr. Buchanan said in his Inagural,
in regard to Kansas, " It is the indispen
sablo duty of tho government to securo to
every resident inhabitant, tho free and in
dependtnt expression of his opinion by his
voto." Thi3 sentiment is repeated in the
instructions to Mr. Walker, and it is both
his duty and hisdctermination to carry it
into practical effect.
SSTTho Hon. It. J. Walker is in New
York, msking preparations for his depar
ture to Kansas. It is said that ho has en
tered into tho matter in Iho most determi
ned spirit,- and will oxert himself Io tho
utmost, to restore peaco and prosperity to
the Territory, no will leave for tho scone
of his now labors, on tho 11th of May.
KT" Gov. Pollock has rofu?cdto appoint
cither of the Abolition candidates for Su
premo Judges, to fill tho vacancy occa
sioned by tho resignation of Judgo Black,
on the ground that neither of them wcro
qualified to ulr.tho office ; and has appointed
James Armstrong of Lycoming co, A
good recommendation, that, for tho oppo
sition candidates, ,
Luzorno Court Proceedings.
John B, Gardner, fined for non-attend-aneo
as a Juror at January Sessions, mado
oath of sickness, and'was released.
George Brown, was appointed Town
Clerk of Plymouth.
W. W. Bennett, a Juror, fined for non
attendanco first week, is released from
James Fuller, John C. Drum, George
W. Leach, Elijah Shoemaker,Jacob Blake
slco wero each fined S15for non-attendance
as Jurors.
Another Kansas Outrage. A young
man named Green, on his way from Rhode
Island to Kansas, mado tho acquaintance
of a "Border Ruffian" in St. Louis, who,
by means of tho ball and safo gaino, did
dled him out of all his money. Wo hopo
tho Governor of Rhodo Island will take
the matter in hand. Citizens of Now Eng
land to bo robbed while on their way to
plant freedom in Kansas, Whcro is tho
Declaration of Independence.
" Uncle Tom " Deail Thomas Ma
gruder, a Kentucky negro, died on tho
20th ult., at Indianopolis, at 110 years of
age. Ho is understood to have been the
original Unclo Tom, of Mrs. Stowe's world
famous novel.
Tho Statos'.
Maj : John P. IIeiss, has established a
new democratic paper at Washington,
under the abovo title, copy of which we,
havo read with interest and satisfaction
"The States," is spiritedly conducted, very
neatly printed and presents a fine appear
ance. Such a sheet as is wanted and
should bo well sustained at the National
Terms. S100 daily, $3 00 triweekly
and $2 00 weekly.
Two Comets. Beside D' Arrest's comet,
now visible through tho telescope, a second
enmet, has been noticed by M, Bruhn, of
Berlin, It is situated in tho western sky,
I and is nearly is bright as D'Arrcf,
Hoosombling of tho Stato
uomocrauo uonvonuon 01 wo.
In pursuanco of n resolution adopted by
tho Domocralio Stato Committee of Pen n-
i . .1.. , 1 i .. 1 - iV - ci 1 - r i ..
oxatm-....... nLt.-i u...u...
mtinc Candidates to coinploto tho Stato
n- 1 . 11 i- if .1 1
I lckct, and transacting all other business
portaining to tuo orginai outuority ot.tuo
J. N. IIUTOHINSON, ) Scctctarics.
It. J. IIaldkman, J
A Schoolmaster rifles a Rail. War
rants havo been issued at East Deer town
ship, Alleghany county, Pennsylvania, for
tho arrest of the six young ladies charged
with riding tho schoolmaster of that dis
trict on tho raib It appears that tho
schoolmaster rofuscd tho uso of his school
houso for tho purposo of holding singing
school, which gavo tho young ladies great
A Bia Gain. -Tho Democrats of Con
nccticut havo mado a net gain of about 1 0,
000 since tho November election. Another
strike liko that will givo them an over
whelming majority; and thoy aro euro to
mako it.
BCT Under the new administration there
will bo but ono special Mail agent in Penn
sylvania and that ha3 been givon to Mr,
Moore at present a clerk in tho Post office
JJ- Tbo Phoenix Hotel, is offered for
sale, in Wilkesbarre.
Ildloivau's Pi'ls. When tho complex
ion assumes a sallow appcaranco, and the
whites of tho oyes aro tinged with yellow,
thero is u.ischief n't work in tho liver. A
dose or two of tho Pills will then arrest tho
progress of the disoasc, and savo much pain
anu trouolo; but should tho malady havo
roached a moro dangerous stage, and taken
the' shape of bilious fever or lanudico, and
tho functions of tho stomach havo become
disordered, a course of the romcdy may bo
necessary. Tho euro is merely a question
of time, lor however violent tho symp toins
may bo, however loug tho patient may have
suffered, this potent remedy will inevitably
produce tho dciircu cnecc 11 administered
in accordance with tho direction.
Whoat 81 40
Ryo 02
.. .22
Oats 374
Lard 14
Potatoes 00
Dried Apples. 1 02
Buckwheat 02 i
White lloans...! 50
At Willow Grove, on tho 5th inst., by
Jesse Hicks, Esq., Mr. Henry A. Deit
trioii, and Miss Tamar Evans, both of
Briarcrcek township, Col. county.
In Philadelphia, on tho 15th ult., by
Rev. Dr. W. W. E. Bangor, Mr. E. O.
Jackson Jr., and Miss Annie. M. Lono,
of Philadelphia,
To be Sold Very Cheap,
just received at the store op
Oloounburj, April 25, 1657-3
Willow Grove, South Dloomsburg.
THE uivJerftisned reipecifully informs lilt Mends
anil tun public generally, that lie '119 taken llio
itanil lately occupied by Mr. Robert Urol., t. In W illow
Grove, tioiith IHiinrasburg, below llio Railroad, vtliere
he will continue the
Wagon-makin" Business.
In all lis vario is departments, in good
style nnd ijii moderate terms.
A goltt-D3luni! Wscons, ilugzlcr. Can laces. Sul
kies. &c, done to order and on btiort time.
CTTroiJuee taken lor work.
Rloomsburg Ap-ri 1 21, 1657 2ui
Tun pirlnerBhip lif retofbru moling lietwcnn Wm.
McKWvy & V m. Neal, under tlie firm nfWin. Mc.
Kalvy&Uo ,iu Wm unn'tr.ieture of Paper atCaltawU
n Mill! wai d'aolvtti by mutual consent on Iho ltt
day oi April, itw.
Tho Imsfnotii of tlio lato ilrmw II heecttlud by tV
McKelvy & UaUawisea -Mills.
The imInrIeneil liavlns purchased the tnlcreit of
me laie mm oi WJn.nic'Mvy ei ti . nibniuwiin
MiIIh.wjii continuo ine manufacture oi rajiur ana
purchaBi Kagi as heretofore.
V ( MWIjUV X C tls
J. S. MtNmcii,
April 25, l(U7-3t
Valuable Real Estate.
rplICnuuiicribcr offers to tell at private ealo, the
X unumuca ono-uaii oi
Eighty Acres of Land. 4$
Bituitc In Mail J son township, Columbia counWi3
tv.l'j.. nilluinlnii the farm f Jarob I'.vet nH .A
oihers, located on the Mule Fjshi n?rraek, through
w inch u.e road p-M-ies iram jersejiown f "looms
burl, tojetbor wilh all tit a linproveiuculi and appur
teuancts thertiuuw belonging.
r3inl A imiTflf? AND LOP. will, th Imnrnve.
tSflUlL merits thereon erect oil, uajoinliig the afore
said tract nCMnd
IQ-Terms tnodernta Add rem tho advcrliier. nt
Jericytowiii Culumbia county, Va.
April 25, 1857 3t
TTTANTED immodiately, by tho sub-
TT scriber, a HOY to learn tho Tin Wor and
Sheet Iron business, to whom acood situation will he
A. M. UUl'EttT.
Iltoomib'irc, April 11,1657,
ALL persons are hereby raulloneJ nsnlmt takip an
assignment ot' a certain note, clveu by the under
sinned, upl n llio SI of April, 1837. to ItVliam jlgcr, fur
twrmytftve dollars, ns I liavo nut received, value,
thcr.rorand am deleriuined not to pay it unless com
pelled by duo course of law.
April 4. 165731
NOTICE is hcroby given, that tho an
nual inuetln? ofl liejaloelt holder, (if ih Uloonis.
burs Railroad Iron Company, will lie held at Irondalo.
Columbia ounty, on
.Monday, the 4th clau of May mxt,
For Ilia purpose ol (lectin, tlireclors, nnd for lha
true lion of other business,
MsrehSl.lfJT.-ei Trtinnr,
hi wviuuhi n in u.iiuiui, ui .suing, j yft, p01ir, , flanker rind lublllitr, nd
nn Ttlftaila? La fllli ilnv ftf .TnnA. 1HK7. nt Am hnr nTi ..H.s of telur.i At talllrtadutw 7'sirnael
10 o'clock. A. M.. for tbo purpose ofnomi- w"- c"' ,cn "MSZ&WX
I . 0f"3no!'''ARnAnY,An- Tr u '
25 Witnesses,
ioiin b. dvp. I) the Author, who i,n. hail ufn
Ofifdfcim wlthtounUi or ypui.hilhojeii
Iilblled Iho manner In which Counterfeiters eeerute
u,t, itnuin. nn,i the surest ami shotted meant or
ueiimng menu
The Bak AW F.ngtMr$ ell a)f that hi ti tkt fnatttt
Judgt if raptr JUintf living,
Greatest Discovery of the Present Century
for Detecting Counterfeit Hank Kotest
Describing every flcnulne HI 1 1 In eilptenee, nnd
eihlhitirg at a g lance every Counterfeit In, rjrcu.a
Arranged fondintrnhlytthat Uefcrcncels Easy and
Detection Instantaneous.
HJ" No Index to examine I Nn f-nuM in hunt up t
Rut so simplified and nrrm (red, that the Merchant,
Hanker nnd DustnOi Mnu rnn tee alt atagtantc,
Inglltk, ncA and German,
That each limy teou the samo Hi hit own Native
Most ptrfict Bank Note List Published,
Also ntist of nil the
A complete Summary of the Flumes nr Kcnors and
ayrmi will no piiuusuea in eaeii enmnn, ugeuicr
With all the Important NLHVB OF THE DAY. Also,
From nn old Manuscript found In the.Eait, It fur
nishca the most complete history of
And describing the most prrplcslng position In
winch the ladle and cent lent en of that country have
been o often found. Theco etorlee will continue
throughout thf whole year, and will prove the most
snleriaininp cvr nnrr d to the public
fHl Furnished wekly to Subscribers only, nt 81 a
year. Al Outers itiut bo ar!ilrt'od to
JUIIX 8. LVil, Broktr,
I'ubllfthcd and roprl9tor, 70 Walt H., New Vara.
To the School Directors of Columbia,
county :
GCNTf.EMLW: In pursuance or the' 43.1 section t
lite Actof Pth .May, l.M,vnu lire hereby iioiiried
to meet lu Convention, ot the Court llsitse in llloomit
burg, on tlio HfBt rtlontay In May, A. lUW7.biuuR
the 4th day of the month at 1 o'clock In the afternoon,
and select, viva toet, by a nrijorlty "f the whole mtm
her rf Directors present, one pecsott or lllcrary and
wcientlfie attainments, and ol skill and experience in
I he-art of Tearhmj.nH County titiperlntcudcnl.lbr Iho
three succeeding year ; detenu) tbo nmotnu if 'com
pensMlon for ihn sauie, nnd certify the result to thai
ritate flupr mtendetit nt Unrriibnrg; as re'iuindby
tho 3'Jlli and 40th sections of snld Art,
u. w. WEAvnn.
Count Superintendent if Columbia Co
lltonniMiurfl. April II, 1Bo7 3i
rp'lE subscriber having removed U Marbte Yard,
X Iron, near Hie Court House, to the Bouth west cor
tier of MAIN and MAKKET elrcets, In Kupcrl's Kow,
whare he U prepared to furnish all kinds of
Marble Work,
Vlt: MONUMENTS. Cradle 1omb.i. Dox Tombs, nnd
Head Stones nf every description. His stock U o the
best kind, the workmanship not eurpnfscd byniiv In
tho country, and nt low prices. Cnlt and Judge lor
C?-ile wi'l also furnish Tabic nnd Hunan Top",
Mantda for hotMes. Ilaso C vea Lint ins. mut Hill
for Wim'ows and Doors, nt n low (Igure.
Tiunkfui fur pat f;ivore, wo hope for n contlnunfice
of the same.
Uloomsburg, April 4, 1657. I'tin
THE undersigned, huvins nisoriiled tnpether In thp
.Mrrcaulilo Bus meet., take pleasure fun uiioihicmtk
to their friends nnd the public hi general, that tl rir
new rtnru Hoimp, locnt-M on Main street, eenirnl In
Etpytotvii, Columbia county, has just Leon blocked
Ncio Sprins Goods.
Conprlslugan extensive assortment of Cloths, CnsM
inures, estings. .Miistiiis. Lines. nd every oilier or-
u.n; ( tiiu w tniig line, inciuinm; iiaruuure. i;iai tn
LarthCIl and IlnllaW Wr1ri. flrnfPrlnd Mm......
Cotrce, lllce. Molasses etc., etc., with nil other arti
cle ol commerce ndapted to country stores .
m-Oraln, Liiuilmr, 1'rivhlfms, Prniliic, kc.,o( all
kiiitla. lakuu in oichmigo for niPrcliaiiiljii'.
ii. r. Hi'.iuiiAItn,
. , HO. C'KKVlil.INO,
npyioivn. April i. iesr,
THE uud'Tsismctl take pleasure in an
nnunclii? lo thelrr uflntiiern nnd ilm nnl.lli- nnnor
nilv. thntthev haveiustrecnivftd. nt iif i.imi itiiim.
- 7, "
Spring and Summer Goods.
Oomprising every nriicle usually kept in
Country Ftore, wlilrh have hern reletted with mm.
and witlbc sold at very low prices for ready pay
nntWtlnp of a large variety vf Cloths, Casilincri,
rUtines-llrnzcs Calicoes, &c.
tC5" Country produce taken in exchange for poods.
jive us a call. Nunc need go uway disnaiificd.
U. .fc G. hOW.
I-line Ilidge, MJrch 28, 18:7.
Now Sjuius and Summer
nTAUY DAKKLEY invites nttention to her slock nf
iiili'irs. Jtibbons, Bilks. &c whlrli shnuttl crii rhn
in, ne.MV r ecu veu jiiii inerv ures lionin. Tn.n,
at the old stiud, lower end ofMalu stren.
Bonncts of the latest Spring Style,
Will be made toordor.and trimmed to suit
L&Je any tattc,
Ciuldrcnand Misses Ilonncts. Hats and I' lata nf
nous ii rices and styles on hand, and will be furnlBiifd
to order In any style or taste of trimming.
i III i 1, lOdl)
rplin iipxt lirm ofMliis school, mil coinmnr.e on
cdiitlnuc eleven
iceks. rup its are rceiveil a oiy
umiiAy, .i,iy inn ncxi, nml
Primary HluJic, (
Oiiintnoii Uillisli Sltidips, 5
IliElnrtnclijh WljJieaanJ Clai.ics, H
11 F, UATON, Vritchal.
Illoimstiiirt'Ilarcli n, ie57.
Salt, Sv Salt,
NO, 38SOU1II V,i .11 L. i I'lIII.ADUM'lllA.
Ashton's due Liverpool erouml Turks Islaiulanil
Dairy Salltronitaiilly on liana uud for sale, lu lou, to
suit the Iraile,
ApriH, 1657-3 m
Lackawana & Bloonisburg II. R
OfTice I.ork'a& r,loon.blirs U.'U Co. )
i tVvoMika, L'o Pa., J u ii 15 IfST.)
riIIEfttockholdersof this enmnanv are hrrebv unii.
Xfieil that by Resolution of the Hoard of directors,
1850, will be paid on application at thisOlhcu in Cert ft
catet of Slock.
I'ull Mock Certificates will be issued when the in
terest ouiounis toihe' sum of tiny dollars; ami fH
smaller sums or any fractional nmouuis .Certificates wil
no IS" suen, r, i iin iiwiii, irem r,
Mareh Tili.lieS".
AN elreiion for one President, iji Managers, ono
Tre surer, one Syri lary i offlcers llio Calta,
uis.a llrnljfu Cumpm for lha in.ui a yar will bo
held ul llio house of JACOB DYER, In Oiuawis.a. on
Monday , Hie lili day of May next , btlneeu the hours
ol 1 andO, fAl,
JNO. EHAIiri.ESB.Sd'u.
Callawliianrli'teOlllte. A rll.1ih.1857.
qiHE I'resident nnd Manacera of the C.ittatvissa
X JlrlUgu Oompany, have tins day declared a divi
dend of llireu percent, (71 cents per sltjie,) on the
capilal sl.Kk ol'seid Company, foil he last li months,
payable tu iheBiockholdersnr their leual epresenu.
aive, on or after the ltlth Inst., at Ihoolhceol theTira.
urtr, in L'attawlfsa.
Uy order ot the Boorit,
Cattaissa, April 4, 1H57.
WE liavo just printed, and offer for
sale at this olhco, a Una lot of License Bonds
in lecal form, fur person
apolyiiiK for Tavern Li,
T lir. partnership heretofore existing between the
undersigned, iu the Mercantile Uusinesa in Lliht
street, having been dissolved hy mutual content, all
persons interested will pleaso lake iioiico, that Ihe
Uuoksof Iho latenrnmrcltll at the old stand in the
bauds ol It, II,, fur .elllenienl and collection.
, L,,btet.i,Ar,ini,iti7. w UltEA8V
NOTICE 1 .hereby gUen the (oltowlnir persons
In Columbia county have filed Ihelr ievcrnl peti
tloni in lha Coim of anirior Senmns of tho fnid
touniy, for a tavern license In their rcipecllra toWn.
ships, which aald petlllima till be presented lo.thr
said Cotitt, on Monday, the lib day of May ncit'. of
which an persons into rem eu win m-rcuy u.c imucr,
nnd th" llcensea lor the County of Columbia.-will bn
cranlexleti Wednesday, tho tm nayoi j.iayncxi,n :
uuiock, i M,
Oliver A Jacob,
Joshua Werner,
William Lung,
Thofnan Connelly,
Franklin t?buuian(
John Linden,
John J. Stllei,
Totor Ann jr,
Isaac lt!iolcB, t
Joseph II, Long,
lianr. Yetter,
Samuel Andrew.
W. A. Kline.
Frederick Nicely,
Klefler A Hmlth,
Haniuel Kotf nhordcr,
Hnorh lluuell,
Daniel I.. Kvcrliart,
TSantucI MtHenry.
Ittchnrd I'lummcr,
Hjimurl I.verelt
rotor p. Kline,
Oeorge L Bbocmaker,
l'rter Ollltncjer,
David Miller,
John Ii Hunt
J.imes Fieere,
William Hutchison,
Jacob Good,
Chrltllnn shunian,
John Keller,
John Leitrock,
Jaooh Over,
Diniel Mrllenry,
B.tmuel Hitman,
Htephen Wolf, FtofP.
John Sharnleos, Store,
Frederick C nyer.Htorc,
Isaac K.Bwcpenheiicr. I
Sloro Licciife, j
. do. .
Light Street.
Iliooaisliu rg.
I'uhf ngcreck,
mepneti noli,
Milllln tmvnship.
It. II, W. Vanawkeri(rr8laurni't)Hrolt,
Tlio followtnir permnis have filed' tlicir nellliun) In
the satmi court fir licensito keep mi enitng house or
rcMaurant In their respective toivtHhips. and these
petithma will be predated and nctd upon ot llio same
time with those lor Invent licenses.
MarV Holmes, risliiMgcrer k.
T C I.lne hi) T Wilson BloomdnifB.
Jns'ph V. lleuiUrrhoi, do.
Cnndfn.i Chirk. Illnom.
Ja'ijCemcl& John Cngold.Cntinwissn.
Hiram timeUers, Iterwick.
UlooroMiiirB, April 11,1857.
IrtV UI LIl'rrnitSreiinlniMnllierostUiricoat
Li lllooii.Bburg, l'a., April lu, 1937
lnxiiii.tor r.r,roa 1 I. nr.. f...,IU
Mntduin Win. i Al Cllntni-lt Anrtrw
llurs Samuel KM'iyl.m UiclilidU
iirnwn. J. A I) r. tvaihiu Pinion;
Muhm Catharinn I'leilir Prnneli
Chemberlain U'm I'f if r Chirles
Christy Jhn II. Pi-er Ccorjre
Creem Cornelius Kos-ir Keheeta
First John Uusitet U'oel
I'rccsc Josiah Ityan Jolin
tinhb Henrv IV Hchmeeer Pfior
Clllard Samuel (Slawsnn Mary
leniev VV. C. atraueriienjamin
Inrlmnn Jacnh Tovey (ieurpe
Itll iStephrn II. Vnli I iiifion George
kpkins Kienzl Weh (leorai'
Util IVnirrirk VVjIIowi-V ITII,.n
Kahlcr Thompson
IT?" Persons callinii for the abovejillers will pleam
say they nre udvcriised.
April 4, 1 Mr
Optician and Oculistj
RnptT.CI rUIJY Inlorms ilm cilizoin of Illoom
ou and virinity.thut hu Ii h opened a Itoiim at
Hie Lxciiinige Hotel, where Jio uflor lor sale
Of every Variety t Hit and Quality
A neiv invention of Htif etae'es. for ristnnt nnd close
renii)itt with gold, filter, sled, and tortoHu-shell
trsmes.nndn new and improved asPorlmen t of nerifti
cil prou nd III nt (llnsics'il hr on nminu lac lure. He
won. n pnrticuiany can tnc attcnltuu ol hu public to
his riprctncl-js tor
And for parions who hi bren opera led upon 'or the
cataract ol the jij. and to hi new kind (.flilamfs nnd
Cor""'" ul the sigiit made of the best Hint and
Tim vr.itY Jiiisr uu.17jLLiA.yrKvm.1tt
t3o uniersall proved to l lir superior f nnv other
Alifo-l!icroFCOHS, rpy Clisr and l s-n e,
wlih dilferejit puir, Ilsran nlwaji" h-ri GlamM
in son in'i viwn i,i i in- Mitiu, in sees iiie n, upott
t!n first t ial. lie will rcm-ilu )i (his plaiu uriii
MayCoiiit, nnd ihose in want of the above aHicle
will lileatn cive him a mil.
pT He will, If required, cn to any respe Jtble lina
n hi. 11 ins crivit 11 ay nu I'leil
tO-Tiie veiy hist UVU WA'i'Ul nlwa j s f. r tale.
April t, lt?.i7.
WI..I. . iirn.i i i iviii.- nnd lornanliui hy Canal
... IIAII.UnAll ,.l M....I... i ...
reeled lo hi. euro with proiiiitieHH an 1 de.p.iicli.
i,i,u,ii, ...ii ug uciivL-iiu .1, inu iiiuwmp rules per. Iv'l
t rctgntt en an 1'l.uadtlphla to
Uolwici, Wilkoeli.irm rimton.
1st rlj.s, 111 ofi 7U 1M.r jrjo
'.',1 cla.e, .'0 Sli io
3d class, 4U tn in
4th cI.isji 3d 4U a ..
l. Pin.. . R.i.lri.tB l..nt.. I1....I.... n.i.l.. i,
,r, ,.,.., ,, , ,r ,a, ua,,l UIIIJI.,
Uatsand Laps, llootiniid Moei., Willuw-warn l o
?J rinl. .Illlll.r. 11 r o a ...... It.... CI., I
Dye U'oodi, Gas I'ipe, llullnwtvare. Ilopetc. '
w.u,. ui.", . ,., , tin 'K. ... II. L hi IC I.iqilor..
r.ln. ILiilpr mil I.m.I t . I,..-..- e..i. i...!..'
Dcef in barrels, CLiuent, Lluana, .Mill Stone's, 4 c.
trVPrh.iflita frnii, n.n.ll... l.r..,.ull I.. ...
4fft fll..-.W. ai.r n,tnn. I.. I. l..l.
u - n , i, .,,,.-, .uiiit-i'ia. OCC ,
taken ntl'ro.rau idu-s,siecial contracts inn-le rirlireo
ainniinls, r II Trcis'its luii.l he marked rn-e of J. II. liar,
man. Itupnrl to nxtii-o prompt niti'iiciun.
.icier io iiii upui-ii i'a.TOl, j n ,
Maj 1 S MUMtOi;, I 0'ku..
Uupoit, rebruiry.'.'d IK". Smo.
Eilute of Elijah Price, dre'd.
TETTIvllS of Atlininistration on the
ir.tni,, ..i Plllnl. u,. i . . .
jji.D....' ... ....j.. ui UUCIIS1 lOWIllllip,
t.'ohimtiia coiintv, ilcceai-ed, have been granted hy the
k,.o b..,j, iuKittlll i,PitiKi vvio
resldi's in Ashland. Kchuylkiil county) all persons
having claims against the estate ot the decedent ere
reipiesled to present them to tlio AdminUiiaior with
out delay, and all pursuit. ind-litrd to ninke payment
mini,,,,,,. win in, 1.
J. f I'iUOl), '
April 18. 17-C j,,v
rTMIL' iipdersiciicd lake pleasure In nnunun.'n t
X Merclunls that they arc nunulacturins u snpeilor
a tiilo ol IMKEtf at their New radorynn r'l.hiu"
Creek, above Oranceville. Columbia comity. Mcr"
chanis wishing to purchase eood Hakes can havo them
altlie factory, or il dr sired tieenr. forward tjieiii to
Bloointb'irc lo B.C. Hliive, where they can cet them,
or o can forward them to tho.e Stores that are not
too much out nf our tvav.
All orders should he. addressed to Ssmuc Shivc,
. .... ,'. , 'Bll'lVn U UCTTS.
April 19, 1857 lm
Till; firm of MUNHOK & IIAKMAN'.lieln I'isiolv
byuiutbsl consent, and ihe rorwiirdti? busine i
ell in the hands of J II. Ilniman, one nf Hie foiinir
1'irm, l would recommend him to the shipping I'ublcc
"ii.ll iiii' mmuibu, inw ousiness win oc ,aitiln:d
Willi promptness and dispatch.
Uupert, rebruarySS, lr'7.
mm: subscribers Infoim del, is and farmers that
.i. iucy novo now on nauu, a luit supply ol
Siqier-Pliosphatc of Lime,
4nd conndenily comni end it as .naerltr lo any In
tho market, Alt unsiai t y on hand,
Peruvian and Mexican Guano,
Oils, t'anllcs, Soap, fce nt the lowest market tales
C110ASI)Al.i:, I'lUltUE & CO '
Io. 30 North Wuatves.iibove Arch street,
la-Farmor. can load on Arch strecl.'a.'v'onui,,
erowi'ed wharl. '
April II, 1M7,
P H.t!(!Bl','0Wl?' v;iti',',l,0"' Kitle l'lows,
X Subsoil "lows. Michigan rinwg llidiilii. or I'urJ
o l'lows, Side inn riSwsi Cultivator. wl
Hay.ttr.w ami foru Walk Cu terj . Agitcui l"n
Po?l","l.V " Cr,""",
Impleiueiitnml Heoil Warehouse.
SI and Jjaouth ruth l'lHl.,a. ipb,a.
Mar hSJ 1WT Manuructor, Url.tol, Ta.
1857. ANTELOPE. 1857.
ON and nfler Toodsy, Apill 7, f37, the, racket
lloat AN'IXI.ori:,t'npl. II, F Wilis, will com mc lie.
tnnhlne her regulnf trips dally (Sundays cicetitsd)
between itiipert nttn IVantlrokb. ns lullows i 1
Ivps Itupirl at 5o'clofk;. , Mou nrrrnl ,of lha
Night Ltpirss mi the C U'.aii: Hail rood from H'll
llamsport, and afites at Nantlcoke at I o'clock. I',
M , In linie lo take the cars on Ihe L. & II. Itallroatl
lor Scranion or tireat uen ine same nucriirou
l.enves Nanticnke on nirivnl or L. tt II, Rnllro.d
cars from Ureal llend and Bcrnnlon (ray nno o'clock,
I1 , lit ) nnilairlvesnl unpen cony ine rsnio eveningin
lime to lake the Night Lipreis tiuth ways on t lie U,
vv. & hii intra raiirosu,
I'n.ieneers from the Wtomne Vallev. for Tolt..
vllle, ll.irriburg. llaltlniore rut.tiurg.nnd n II oiher
points Bourn or tvesi, win nno inrir aiiantsga
to take the above Line, fcs it is the only line Hint con
lie en tlirou(h, without stopping over night on lbs
l'nss'ngers from the South or West, hy Irarlng liar,
rishurg per urienioon trnin via llauplim and N usque
hannn itnllrnnd, and Tin Catlawljsa ltallroad, will
meet tin Packet at Uupert In lime.
n ii .a mage
Rupert, carrying the I nltcd Fiatre Mflll,
Leaves Wilkes Ilnrro at 3 o'clock, A M.. end r.
rives at Ituncrl in time to connect Willi the Mai I Trains
bntli woys,
leaves Rupert nfter tho Arrival of both Mail Trains,
fsav 3 o'clock. 1' M.l and arrives at Wilkes Harm
about midnight.
... , iv i.i.o, vri'i'ricius,
Wilkes Barre, April II 1617.
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni nptnat lo me direct
ed. there will he eiiiosed to until ic inle. at th
Court House In llloomiturir.onMondftv.the 4th dav nt
Miy next, ut 1 o cluck, I. IU the follow lug real tsiato
wu :
All that eerlaln Iract or piece of land situate in
Ilriarcrerk tnwnshio.Columhht couiitv en nml nine nna
luiudrud ncius. he Iho same inure or lens ; about seven-'
tv live litres oi .vine it is improved land, lion tuied on
tlio cast by lands of Jneeb t;ope, on Iho north, south
nod weM, by other lands of fa nine I V. Ileadley and
others, it being the same tract purchased by snld
1 1 can ley oi ueojRu ji, pim siiunse ; wiiereon is erect ea
n two story Irnmo Dwrllinir House, rut Kitchen, a
I mine (link Ham with thcupjnwtenaiicrsi
Seized mm taken In execution as the ptoperly of
Sninuel T. Hcadlc)'.
At Ihe snmn time nud nlice Iv vlrtuo of nnolher writ
nf venditioni tzponat all (hat certilu tract or plrce of
nun, Biiune in omnison inwittnip, i;oiiimriin couniy,
hounded nnd described as follow s In wit on the iiorth
by tho heirs or John We I liver, on the eMt hv Iho heirs
of John U'elllver. on (lie sou Hi hy Dnnlr I Wrlliver
on tho nest hy IMnfol Hmlth, containing fourteen
acres, I e tho samo more or ess: w hcrenn In creeled n
one nud n half story frnmo dwelling House, and a
i i unit- niiiuici it 1 1 ii inu u'))iiri(.' nil NCt'B
Seized nud taken In execution as the nroofrtv of
J.ienb Klsm r.
Hloom-burg, April II, 1PJ7. j
Spring and Summer
piIR uD'Icrsigncd fcspcotfull inform
8 their customers nnd the tiublie t?f-nrrn1tv. Hint Hiv
havejut received nt their ntw Ilrick Htore House, in
Liglitriircet, a select nssuriment ol fnshionoblo
ypring ami Summer Goods,
llrertfrom the eastern cities, comprising sl the
- iirioun irn-iitiin l'i lir- MMIIId )( lyOlllliry KloreS,
Cnnitiiig of Clothe, C.mimere In lulns, llrsxes.
Pi rtt . A i T.mnlli nlt!ui.l ll.i. .,r II..-.. s
"..- - . . iiiiiiuii ninus ui "ILII Ill(l I
for the Indies.
.M.wi. iilia.ri.liil i;v'J U'liAll, OP A L.MOHT
rirori'rles, MolnKSrs, Hu'nrs. 'I'i'.is, roflri- Ppire.
ml in sliiirt,cver)tliiiie In llirnay or Mrrehsiiillie.
. . .,. .-very ue.cripuon
ta-lron,Htrel, Nnils.SillliV Hiirinss Ac
.-f, I-" i'; k. 11 nm o inrir
tuiliouv aim to plruso thcii customers and lo el.u
euernl satlsraction.
, , , . . II. W IV. N. lintiASY.
I.l;lit Slnit. 1pill II. lf.17
M'iilM. il.M) SU.llilllJIi CLOTIIIMi.
Till! uii'.irslgncd groleru! for past palrninje, r
specllully iiilorms nlscusiomers. nml ihri,i,hi.
generally. Hint lm has Inst ncelved from the Has
ern l.itien.tlii' larersl and most selpct stock of
iHishionabh Spring $ Summer CcifttZ'l
mailiaiypi been i)ienedInIllonmsbiirg. i Wllri, bo
....v... '"". ni.iiirii'is, anunssiire. ibem
.. ' . . ,8,r"' ""'tacs. ills
Stock t-ompnesu large a ndselee,. ussurlment ul
. rifiiillnnH'ii's AWm Jno- Ann.,nin
Consisting of 'aljnl i)t, Ccsn, ol ttveiy d.
i,oltiilillanilkercli"iers.(llovcs.gil.'..'ii'der,I., ii,"'
lioll II (itriis and .Itiecliv.
nr vety deiriiption linttlnl il.inp
N . II. n,.mhi,ili, , .w..l,.'. ri. ... ....
Call nud se.. Nncharge for eisml gCooil.
ijaviii J.OWENBEUQ.
llloomiburg, Ma-ell il, IK7.
FI11ST AliUIVAL 111'
T7"(0 have now rccoiviun rmr Snrinir
JJ, ..".i.W"""rr n.?'.''. ''J Railroad sluurnew
, ui .iinin ami ii niket itrt.ts 'It
stockcoiiiiinse.n lull as.orlmenl.f
Dry Loids, Gnccries, Hardware, Queen
icarc, Cedar-u-are. Hallow
Cap.', L"' 1!uo"' "I'0"'
AI.HO RI1AIIV Mi ill' 'i
"u,!,';y,"olr7",,m'n"blC!,,,lcic'u'u"11-' '"el la .
i.ouniry produce taken In eirhangf (or goods
bi , H. I'. Si I. W. 11AUTJ1AN
Rlnomslurt7,'.MarrhVI lt-S7
G00D3 K01l..lPr.7.
rpUi Biiljscribcr respectfully informo Lis
recerVed'auTls'kci:;'!';:.0 ee"t"'"-''
bnnng and hiiuimcr Goods.
K3,','.i"'.'.',! ''"I",""""1 !.r '-"slmers,
... ... . -.. uiKLiuti uuurocs. r. lni-llir
cv.:!,l,,,il,yrVen.'.,'''y oro'"u' n'""" KJi
ui'f,0""'!'1"'1''"11"'' Ouieiifivaro Hal:, I'lsh., Irnii.siecl, Ilali, Cops, Hoots, P'boes.Vc
tr3 C'oiltllrv lirrwtnras .n...n..i .
taken , eVclV,,SeVor good, '
a ,,;;;u:;c8oi7h?;:n',,!,a.,rou,,so " 'p'r
Millvllle, March g8.lM7.-y, "
SPUING & S U M ill i: It GOODS.
'JUlli, uni oraincdlaVfl pleaeure ol in-
.lite.lM.hatebee,i7,e,T'.o ,;;u , Ti 'mS
respecuullvsolclted. custoui
rowlersvllie. March.'.'!?, Jti7,
Greenwood Seminary
Millvillo, Columbia Co., Pa.
UVi'PI'ii mini . .
A ?y,8.T.':T!.."l'"''Vrir.'rUrl0i, ,,,,,
,,i , ,' i,,',1""" "ra'ichrs usually tnuehl 1 1,7.
I'.M.l'OHti.aii eipcricnced ifacLer, recemiv from
Ihe l.ancaslcr couniy Normal ticlioei '"'n"f o
A vacation of seven weeks will commence July 1st
Tuition, for day pupils, 3,M in 1,1(1 p,, nUa.r
Hoarding. Tuillou Washing, LigliuAi; S3U ne.
'luuneroleleien week., oiie-halfnT advance f
'""'', '"'I.Im";",!!!,"; "'Wren
Millvllle. April 4, 1057.
I. as.
htOVCd ailil Ttinriro
THE subscriber having crscleil a laree new i .i.t Allii7,e ei.op, i K Tf Ih.'oM urcparedto make n i!7..i. V.". !'"? V'
lowest nricis. How. n ,, : l 'he
J..u,nr . ,iIo ...V..7T.7: "" The rub.
to the Foundry lot, where h. I ", ,,JC ej"'
altogether for Sioves and Tinware. "meu " ""iWag
a. The Cooklne Hiov nn.... Ar.i. .....
L" he Cooking Htoves consist of the W
43JC00K. I1AIIII COOK. VANLlm! i'i
ggai'ARLOlt 8TOVKS of'aU kind, hi"
LlNllKlt aTOVUC. All kin'dsof
OI1K. I1AIII1 tuuiir .7.1,. ..... LNN
CIHIK. am)
run I)V.
nioomskurg, April II, lei03"" BI,A'"''-"9.
2nnfs LATU aiHKiifcRi. tor halbTowTht