Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 18, 1857, Image 2

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Datuocrntic Stato Nomlnallons.
ron "oovciiNORr"
aw. mi. F. PACKER,
O" Lycoming County,
0" Cics:cr county.
Stato Committoo
llion e i.DcrBoi uie ucmocrauo ataic
t'omtnitieo Tire revested to meet nt tho ,
Slercuams-Hotel, riuiaucipina, on mon- "
day, April SOtb. at 7 o'clock, P. M.
, Chairman,
Other TriumphB to bo Aohiovcd
- til0 nbovo named paper, uavo cugagca jur. GoVi slwnk the npnoinimont of Associato
vlc ory of he Democracy is permanent , jAM(8tt. JIoMath, of Philadelphia, as Jud wllich )l0 . until 1M1 Aftcr
and that notlung more remains to be done, Associalo m Mr Mi a yoUDg rcloJBsi h!m3clf from tIl0 c(litorial chai
tosecuro a succession of triumphs for yo.ra gcntloman of finc ,tcrary al)illtie,,( a fluent lhfl Jn torg ftf Uenlla !
to come. e are not of that number.- I wUcr uuJ souml - Ul0 doraocratio faitll. , u p, . voluntarU offoreJ
ror more than half a century wo have met Wo bavo uo doubt that with the aid of rc5p0Ilsibie "posilIo 0f warden of tint in
n powerful and relentless enemy at ovcry jj MpMatii's nctivo non. the Gazette.' .;. ..:. . ' i.
, rt i .. lit
Tiiifif nnnllifif vrtfir nlfnt vf n vnoflu ntiil '
vw.,u.v.(Jv- j-.,
willing to battle) against tho success of our ,
principles, and under any namo and in the)
load of any man who promised victory,
and spoils to their deluded followers, '
lovo of money has ceased to have a place
in man's affections, this opposition may
cease, 1 ut.uot before. Why then should
we flatter ourselves that we arc to havo a
political xnillcnium even for a single year.
Wo out of tho question, aud say
- . . , ... . ,
friends ovory where, bo not deceived
. , . , .. T. .
to our
i... ..... 0...1. r...n;..i ,:... t .
' . , , , , ,, i
our party hvo dono a great work, a noblo.
work, in the recent contest. An issue
with which tho country has been threat.
cned : fearfully threatened for years, was'. , ... . . . m 1 . . .. n- i .1 . .,
boldl made and as boldl net W ' D c mission to China, by led in tho public arena, but has contracted
' .. , ,, ,,, ' 1 President Uuchanau. This wo consider 'no defilement, lie is a ihrowd and accu
mean the question of boutliorn fslavery. ' , , ,. r 1 1 . . 1 1
. , . . , I an excellent selection. 3Ir. Heed, is one rate observer of mon. eminently practical
It is true it was clothsd in tho more pal- ,,, , , . , - , ., , , , . . ,. . , , ,,
... , i, of tho ablest lawyers of Philadelphia. 111 I113 judgement, well acquainted with our
atablc garb of " bleeding Kansas,' and by - . ., . . .... , . , Vi' 1.. , 1 .1
, 0 , . J ! During tbo last political campaign ho did public works, aud in every particular tho-
.uuB . ....
ranks of tho opposition who would scorn to
, . , 'J,, , ,, , , ., ,
do lounu more u incy uau nonosuv noisicu 1
.. ,. . , . ., , , 1
tiio Abolition flag, tho true emblem of tho
Whcir wo next meet tho cuomy Kansas
will have ceased to bleed, and what will bo
the issue, then. There will be no more ter
ritory to dispute about, or raise fahc issues
upon. Will our enemies skulk behind
some "dark lantern scheme," sonio "oath ' .
b"und" association or combination, or will
thoy rally under ,the open aud undisguised
banner of tho Northern Abolitiouists 1
Time mu;t answer this question, At pres
ent tlicro wculd seem to bo 110 other alter
native for them. Wo trust it, may be so
and that we may meet tho enemy (airly
upon that question, aud if possible forever
settle it. Thoy bavo been vanquished upon
every rcil 'question raised beforo tlio pco
plo sinco the days of Andrew Jackson ; and
when thoy have chosen to depart from
principle, and under oovcr of false issues,
fight as from secret dens and caverns, our
artillery has reached them in their lurking
places and drove them io defeat and dis
grace. When they baldly assailed the
Constitution and threatened tho perpetuity
of tho Union in 1850, ibey fouud the De
mocra ic parly asinvincible as ever. That
question was fairly, but we apprehend, not
fully decided. Wo count another light
upon it, 'J ho. democratic party has deli
ned its position upon tho question cf
Southern Slavery, aiid we hope to compel
our opponents' to do tho eaaie. Ou:s is
the broad Constitutional ground of non
jaterypntiou in or out of Congress, sud wo
(ball stand or fall upon it. It is a foul
ilander opon us to say that our party is or,
ever1 has' been in favor of' Slavery; No
iu'cb thing Northern Jlcmoerata, aro
generally, opposed to meddling with tho
affairs of our Southern brethren when wo
have uS right-constitutionally to interfere.
In Pennsylvania the question of Slavery
w4 db'posed .of as suited the inclination of
her dteus. TheSouth neither interfered
or dictated a course;' then why not let the
Southern Stales have tho privilego of dc-
ing tk same. If they choose to
the institution, bo it so If they abolish.
Slavery and. s(iil ,kccp tho negroes anion,'
them tnd provide for them we shall rejoice
over it. But if tbey eh uld set them at
liberty and send them North to get their
living as best they can amoug u3, why tint
would raiso a more serious question.
If (he. opposition, driven as it has been
into tha embrace of Abolitionism, arc wil
ling to tako tho ground that Congress Ins
the tight to interfero with tb9 domestic in-
Etitudons of the North, let thorn avow it.
If they are willing to array themselves, ts
many of their leaders have done, in open
hostility to the Constitution, let them do
40. If they desiro to consummate their
withes by a dis'o'utimi of tho Union they
thould have' tho "honesty to siy so. Wo
look forward to this question .as tho ono
upon 'stick tho next political .battlo in
Pennsylvania, as well &$ in thoentircNorth,
; j -to -be' fouiikt j and wo say let tho struggle
"omo. If it hai to come, the sooner the
iter, Our pirty yrill not shrink from it,
it the good -sencp of tho peoplo will rttle
Amorlcan Stnto Convoutiou. j NJmrod Strickland.
A State Convention has been calfc.1 by ncmofcrlli;0 nw for 0annl Oom.
ha .Americans i of 1 cnn.ylv.ii I., to be , . ,f ft ivo of dhcgtcr oo
io Jen on the 20t i of Mny, in tho city of, .' ,t . ,, ,,,,
" , (anil la now in tboptiiao of intoilectual life,
Lancaster, for tho tturposo of nominating , . , , .. w , ., , , ...
, . 1 1 . ' . having just attained tlio rlpo ago of lus
catuililatoa for Governor, Cnnal Conimis- t. .. t ..v. ...
i i . n o n . fif ictbycar. Ho is tho Artificer of his
eioncr, and Jmlecs of the Hunranio Court. , , ,T . . . ., ,
,nl. '. ,6. , ,... , , own fortune. Ho was a clerk in tho pub-
Tin, movemen u matlc, exclusively, by Uo ofilcc3 of C!lMtor oounty befaro ho yM
opponents of the Democrats party-pen- twon, of tbu3 ,
t omen opposed to tho consummation of tho; , i,.. , n..
, v i . ,... . . 1 been thrown on his own rosourcos. Uu
frauds of tlio lato Milinot Convention . ., , ... , ... P
I and has the concurrence of that largo and
, rcspectablo portion of tho "Old-Line
Wltigi" of tho State, who cannot swallow
'Black Kcpnblieanism." Tho I'hiladol
phia Daily jXcus, tho organ, pcrsc, of tho
. . , e n i i i
i, . . , v i I
' f.ifnrj llin nhl'ner.ncn mill rnhl?nn Hin 1
... ,". . ,
null (no null I lntitntiliATi ti(ini ttFt nAliiTninj
comprising tho name, of hundreds of -
7 7'r , rr j
, , , spring of 183U ho took tho edit irial charge
V'JUVm. , Clyt01,rOV a,ofthat old and well ct.ibl.Nhod Demo
regular,"' Kilkenny cat f.ght.' cralio plpcri Americani RrpltMi!:il!l)
IMossrs. TmvtN k Co.. l'ronriotors of
1 '
... . i. . . . i
will increase, in political microti nnu gcn
rj Locusts ar0 Coining,
,,, , , . ,.
dings, (ireolcy, Hale, Seward & Co., are
i all expected to stump tho Stote for Wtl-
mot. Tho eld game of last year, ulso, of
, subsidizing rotten newspapers to preach
black Republicanism, and to blackguard
tho friends of Fillmore, as well as the buy-
ing up of merchantable politicians, ill no
, , , , , . ,r ,
doubt bo practised over again. Venal
hacks may soon command tueir own price,
' I
A Good Selection. Wm. B. IIebd,
' V.ert na irn ct.itml in fmr lncf ilin. lind
, forvi(;e for th(J ncmocrali(! 01use,'
... i -n 1 . i.m.i
and his appointment will bo hailed with
, ,. , , , .. .. ,. ., .1 wi:. -.1.. 1
delight by tho natioml higs who joiucd
with the Democracy to savo tbo country (
from-anarchy and ruin.
Godey's Magazine, Godcy's Lady's
Booh for May is already before us, look-
ing as bright and beautiful as the mouth
it is iutended to represent. "Dining oat,"
is aucxfiuitito littlo rural sccno engraved
upon'stccl. Tho Fsshion Plates represent
four fieures, handsomely colored. Qodeyi
ni. f-ivfis soma half dozen now etvics of!
Spring Mfiiifilias, together with Caps aud
Bouu'ets, Morning Dress and other illus
trations almost without number. Alto
gether the number is a most excellent one,
and wc cheerfully recommend it to the
attention of our readors without exception,
The price of the Book is S3, but wo will
.'. . . . . ' , ,
furnish it together with the back uumbcrs !
to January for 3"ifO Dollars,
Jy Wiljiot, tho opposition candidate
for Uovernor, says he intends to stump tho
btate, commencing in May. Ho hopo ho !
wont neglect old Columbia. Wo want him J
maioritv five or six hundred hi,her than I
Columbia Democrat.
You shonld havo added that ho has sent
an invitation to Gen. Packer, your candi
date for Governor, to accompany him and
-tump the State together. When David
does conic into " Old Columbia, '' wo won
der whether William will "come iilougl"
Bloomsburg BejniblUan,
We have no evidence of the truth of the
itory, that " Jttdgo'Wilraot has challenged
General Packer." If ho has or docs, wo
promise lii in in -advance, that ho will be
accommodated. Our private opinion how
over Is, that Davy knows too pmch ,for
that, lest ho might again bo "Scltuubbled."
Very Sensible Man.
A gentleman frieud of ours, who after
having taken tho Columbia Democrat, a
number of years and made arraugemcnts
to louato in tho West, ordered its dUcon
tiuuancc. We complied with his request.
A few days ago, he countermanded tho
order iu the i-abjainod liberal and comjili
mcutary b tier.
Col, Tatk
Dear St;W'heu I gavo you
ordorrJ to discontinue tho Columwa Pkm
ocUAT, lo uiy address, it was uij expecta.
tion to have remained in tho West, but
butiaesij requires my ureseuco bore, eo I
wish you would continue to send your pa
per on to me, as it has always proven a
welcome visitor. Thouch wo do not agree
in a political point of view, yet, fostering
thoso social fecliugs which should even
exist between man anu man,! cannot con
sent tn -discard that useful lutormation
your journal always imports. Trusting
to sco you soon,
l'our3, very respectfully,
J, JU. W.
Farmer's Journal.
J, ItoniNS, Esq., lato editor of tho Mil
tonian, lias sent ui his prospectus, for tho
publication of a new paper under tho above
title in Milton. Its character is to bo po
litical, hut nothing is said as to its com.
vn wish our friend KobiDi cue
ling U1U uuiiiliiian iltiutl ui iTyyuril T nun.
ho was appointed to ono of tho public-offices
of his nativo county, whero ho preform
cd tho duties In a manner hih'y accep
table to thoso who were daily transacting
business with him. After his term of
office cspired, ho was offered a position in
1 ' 4
tho Fourth Auditor's departmout at Wash-
!n .ton wluoli ho hold for 8 tmo two yoirs
and more, nnd then resigned, the placo not
'being congenial to his tastes. In tho
which ho edited with signal ability up to
October, 1803. During bis connection
ii.- 7?,....;.:L.. i. .1 r.
tmuiiuu. iiuat tiutu iiu nuu i.u
hold from Ju'y, 1851, to July, 1850, when
he resigned tho situation and returned to
West Chester, and in tho fall of tho sanio
year was warmly solicited by political
friends to permit his name to bo usod on
tho democratic ticket for Associato Judge
Ho did so, and was elected when the op
positionmajority in the county ontho State
ticket was for hundred, at least. Ho is
new before tlio people of Pennsylvania for
tho responsible position of Canal Commis-
sinner, having received this mirk of esteem
. ,'.
from lus friends recently asscm-
bled in Stato Convention at Harnsburg
, . . ,
from all partsof ourbroad Commonwealth.
No man can point to a stuin on his private
nrttt tnl '.In. rnntnv Un lmalnnrp Intnrr.
roughly prepared to f.ilBll tho duties of
, . . ..1 v. i- i,
Canal Commissioner with credit to himself
1 n i- . .1 y. n 1
and fidelity to the Stato. Capacity and
honesty arc the Jefforsonian qualificstlons
for office J and theso who know Wimrod
otncklanu most intimately, aro bost.quali-
ficd to sayihow truly thoy apply to him
His name is pre'sentod to tho pcoplo of the
State with entiro confidence that all who
shall give their suffrages at tho coming
ccnoral clcoliii, will have cast them for
an honest and a good citizen,
1 1
Canal Commissioner,
All lncu who desire to have our public
works managed efficiently and honestly,
will cast their v tes for Ni.Mr.OD Smicic
, LANE, whom tdl know by reputation as a
ill iifiilmil Inil nnnnnlfv nnrl tinliouli.
!,,. . ... ... .,
i Wa iln nfif lmliiivn llinf nviin rim umisr. i.m.
. .,, , , , ..
littered opponent ever questioned bTiucit
land's perfect integrity. Thou why not
every man, without regard to party, vote
for him ? His neighbors, without refer-
leueo to party differences, always voto for
him whenever they havo mi opportunity,
IIis 01)llonout i3 VI. Millward, a
Ph,ludclPbl,,n' who tlunk. luuclf in the
northwestern part of tho StJtc when nt
Ilarrisburg, and whoso reputation for in
was of such suspicious character
that ho himself alledgcs John J. Pi:auck
thought him so surely a rogue that be tried
to bribo him 1 Come on to tho stand John
J, Is Bill MilwAUD an honest man?
You siy he is a liar, but is ho not a roguo
also! Enlighteu your friends, John, for
they havo voted for rascals enough lately,
and out of sheer gralitudo 3ou ought to
savo them from such misfortunes iu future
if you cm. Clinton Democrat.
Black Republican Tactics,
It is amusing to sec how complacently
the llepublicahs chuckle over tho defeat
f tho Loco Fccog iu Hhodc Island, aud
clim it as an exclusive "Ucpubliean" vic
tory, although achieved by a "union of tho
opiiosition." 'Jlio Americans ore not even
named, yet without them, tho Republicans
whould have becu helpless, Tho voto for
Lieutenant Governor shows it, for thcro
wjs a puro American candidate iu the
field, and no election hy the people, In
return, however, for Amciican votes, the
Republicans are crowing over tho fact that
tho Legiilafurc will elect their candidate.
Wero tho Atucricaus iu Pennsylvania
to units iu support of Wiluiot, and elect
him, they would be served exactly in tlio
samo way. His success would be heralded
tho world over aa a Hlack Ucpubliean -tri
umph. Wo are not yot prepjred to loud
ourselves to such a swindle. Daily JNeicsi
taT Tho Parm Journal, for April, has
come to hand, and is as usual, interesting
and attractive It is well worth 81 00 per
nnnunf Euilon & Co., Publishers, l'hilc
jgy- Mn. Est, our cver-attoutivo Ko
prcsontativo in tho Legislature, has our
thanks for continued favors.
I "ThoUo6ton Olivo Uranch our m an
exchange, Will tho editors redeem theii
' promise' Should like to know.
" Amoricnn" Ropudiators I
Tho so-called "Americana" of Clearfield
tjuuiuj iiuxu n iargu wuuvj iiiuuuug ni
Cloarficld, on tho 1st inst., at which thoy
repudiated tho black republican nomina
tions, unanimously, aftor adapting tho fol
lowing preamble :
"Whcroas, wo havcjboen grossly deceived
and disappointed, being able to discover no
Clement ill that Convention S.IVO tllO most
abstract Black Ilcpublieanii.n, and In ono
of its candidates only n Locoloco l'rco
Trado Frco-Soiler. whilo in nnothor wo
recognizo a Philadelphia Bully, who, in
tlio late J residential contest, turned trai-
In. nt tl.n l,-,,ll. nml o.
tor at tlio clovoutli liour and sought to
betray tlio American Party into the hands
ot its cncuiicj.' 1
... I
11. lmntfffti Surlr " nnil nnnllini.
... ..'VU..U.. MITW..",
Know Nothing luminaries nddrcssed iho
meeting, and during thoir remarks handled
tho "British Freo Trado Loco Foco Uo
publican,".Wlt.MOT, without glnvcs. Tho
gentlemen really scorn to bo oblivious to
tbo fact that tho Know Nothings aro dead I
vory dead eternally dcadjand buried 1
A Brulttl Murdertr Convicted. Tho
Cincinnati Gazctto states that ltcubcn J,
Walker, of Sylvania, charged with inur
ilerlng his wifo aud then burning her re
mains to oblitcrato tho traces of his guilt,
has been convicted, Tho Qazctto re
marks :
"Tho murder is ono of the most brutal
and disgusting in all the apnah of crime.
A husband not only murders his wife, af
ter Cidd-bloodcd premeditation, but lie
bits up nights, with his door looked, cuts
her intii small pieces, aim burns up her
remains in tho stove, i Ins process occu
pied several days, in which timo, ho, drew
largely on tho shops aroundjfor shavings,
and tho uusavory scent went forth from the
chimney, and filled tho nostrils of thoso
who happened to bo in that vicinity. Ho
lias not yet been sentenccu.'
Ilolloway's Ointment and ' 'ills. 'The
strongest proof of the wonderful and unb
form efficacy of theso remedies, is to bo
found in the perfect conformity of the les
limony in their favor from nil parts of the
globe. This testimony is couched in at
least, fifty (liltevcnt language, but ltis all
of the same purport, ltcmotcst India, and
tho centres of civilization aliko declare that
thes unrivalled external aud internal cu
ratives aro never administered in vain,
Thcro aro uo exceptional cases. Such a
masi of coincident evidence cannot bo pro
duced in favor of any other preparation
that has claimed the confidence of mankind
since timo began.
Butter 22
Eggs 11
Tallow 11
Lird H
Potatoes AO
White lle:ius...l 50 Dried App'cs.l O'i
On tho Oth inst., by Itcv. W. Qootlrich,
Mr. Hiram 1'ALMEU. of Hloomsburir. and
Miss AdatjInf. Tittli:, of New Oolumlin,
uontour county.
Ontiie-Sth of March, 1857, in licnuck
by tho licv. I. llnhl. Jlr. Hkuukn Sitm:k.
of Uriarcreeh, ami Miss Maui: KoCheu.
ot Ucntrc,
On tho 2d inst., by tho same, Mr. John
WnirEimKAD, and Miss Hovisa Movkii,
both of Uollenhuch. Luzerne county.
In Cattawisa Valley, on tho 5th inst.,
by tho same, Mr. John Eisf.niiauuu, and
Miss KaciiaiUj Stauiteb.
In Light street, on tho 6th inst., of con
sump'ioti, Mr.". Emetine KiitiYj aged 23
years and 5 montln.
?i I rnttotrtci Vollft n ,tl. nf
Anr;i nhrinnn. TritVnF TftpAi, ta
agcu lio yearn, u months nu 7 days,
In Cattauissa Vallev. on tlio 3d ins'
James lluchamn, sun of Daniel l.cbrcr,
in . il . -
III Cattawissa Valley, on tho Oth inst.,
Ikii.'a iin'n Vil7l Knn nf lnlin d
Jjciyamin iranhim, son oi Joun tr.
Schmidt, aeed 7 mouths and 10 days.
In Outtawissa, on tho 18tli of March
last, Mrs, Margaret Aim, wifo of Amos
I'uhringer, aged about U7 jears. i
Nod Qbucvti0emcnt0,i
Tlin parti.era.ifp lirrtrtTnrQ exliHtig between tho
inid(ri.tnpi,iii t'Mi M.ircintile llucitieta In Light
1..,!,,.. I.Dan,l l.u n 1 .nnl.llt. .
iicisiii'is iiilcreiteil will nlfase taku notice, lliat tliut
iiioka of iliu laintirm aro left at IU" old siainl in tlio
lian.U ol 7 HCrcaix, for etrUnuiit anl eolliTiiou.
ll, iv, wnuaai ,
I.islit Firri,'.1prilll,lnS7.
lit FirctApfll II,Ir)57.
Instate of Elijah Price, decU
T UTTERS of Administration on tho
talc nriillJali Pilte.lale of Locust lownshlp.
ColmntiiacounU. ui ccaf.(i, liuvf bean cianicn by tlio
Upci.n.r ufljoluuibia rountv. to Unml ICeinbold
resldi-a in said Locust township, nnd J F. I'ricp, who
ri'siilra iu Ashland, ticliuylkill county) oil parsons
bating claim, against the eslal of the itrcr-ilr-nl are
rciucsied to prasi-ul them to lh AdmiuNtrnlor mth
out di-lov. and all nelsons indthti'd lo maka pnyuietil
forthwith. DAVIH Ul:lNUOI,ll,
J. f 1IIICC,
April V, US7-C Adm'r$
Till','islf ucd lakn ploasuro in announr nc ti
.Merclianls Hut they .110 nuiuuf.irlurin: u supi-rlor
article or iiaki;h ut ineir New s.cioryon risnms
L'reck. above Orauucville, L'olunibio cout.ry. Mcr
chains wishing to purrlusc cnod Hakes can have them
allbe Factory. or il nesitcd st. torwaru 1111111 10
llloiiuikb'irg, lu S.U.Wiive, nharc Ihoycau eellhim,
or wo can foruard thcni to thoieBtore. that arc not
too inucliotit nf our way
All orders should Jsss oddrrssnl to baniuel Shive,
realera 1". O., Columbia cuuuiy, rn.
ApiiUS, IS37-lra
Stovts aud Tiuware.
Till subscriber liavlnj erected a largo new bricV.
Foundry and Machine Shon, in place of tho old
ono, is prepltcdlo make all kinds of casliiif at Ihl
lowisl pnc... Plows cuniUnily on hand. .The tub
scrilieflialsornioyed In. Tin bbop from t.
u .tin iu...,; v.t.o.v - ......
The Coolltatoves consist oftlia WM.TCNN
MPARLOIt ot afl kinds, tbo UiC, OY
j'iSV UNDUE BTOV1, &e, AH kind, of Spouting
made to uid.r
I ;oscrn flHABri.EEE.
j Flonmibirc ptiUI i'JT ,,
Optician aUtl OCUlist.
from nitLJiotLrurA,
pl:?rncTFUI.I,V Intnrms the clllMns Of Mooni.
hum nml viflnln. lliiii.tie tin otitneil a Room all
Uie linunogo Hotel, wlxreln on'on lor lalo . -
R I Ti! (1 'P A Ct T. V! a ! '
Vi(r rarUm, Sht ti (JHie.
a s&sZ2iSB2 I
A new Invention irRpeelaeci, tot dlitantaml tloii)
'". "ltA:!:!
rii nmumi turn ciaiienui iiUownnmnuiicintf. Ho
.Vriiir. in, ruUi.cto
nhaii simiTun rnnsoNs,
Ami rm perroni who have bcrn nprrmcil upon for inij
t tiliriHl ol l lift evej nnu io ii is upw Kinn oi tin. iv nnu
ciinrer or tho neiii ruaJu of mo licit mm ami
iituHi v uipnnTivpi
' .-,,....
Till, rt.ltl ilKisl-
n n.i. i,h..i... ..... ..v..
a0 UnVC rBj, I,, ITO, , ,11 V l. IUI ,U Ull, VUI.I
i. ini.
AUn-Mlcrmcope, Pny (Jlniaei nnd rctrtropri,
Willi iiMlvrcnl power, nucan anvn) iupci uiaivcs
ti) suit irm vision i.rihi- wriiii, nn ho ieei ihni. upon
Iho I1ri.t 11 1 it. Unwlll ruiniln i (Ills placu JurlliR
Mny Court, nml thoe in want of tho abuvti attlclci
..ill ntinai. eivt linn n fill.
13 He wilt, If riqiiir(l I!" to any rctpc.tuble liotipu
Vi Here nil tPrvicei limy ucwameu.
Ci'Tlie very Imt KVU WATXIt nlwnye for falo
April IP, 1PS7.
TtTII.I. r.Oni.1 to iieelvlng ami rorwarillns MUljl
vv iiriiAu.iiu.vii.H.i .-iiirciiniiinto ono ire.iiiua oi-1
rerlM to IiU Mire with prnmptie, ami dc-spatth
(jooub win bo oulivtriuiti mo loliowmc mica pur. iw
llotwlcji Witkcaharro Pllinon.
lat rh, Kl Oil 7n per loo,
S(tcl.H, SO SU CO
.njclua. 411 S 50 '
4111 clan, ail 40 4.1 '
lil r?df rtHhra. Ratline, nun nclf.
Hall nml Cup, Iloutannd eiiorr, Wllluwwnri',e.c
2d unit" iintirr. nrni. i;amurs, unerin, i.rncHvrp.
Dye U'onila, Oai Pipe. Ilollnw-warc, Hope, &e.
na cia rtiuiu . apiic, ijoiife, imiiih'bi ic ui'i'iori.
Iron, Holler nnl Car, shot. Motmaca, Salt IMrc,
4 it Clait Ale. Beer. Hnenr. Bill. Full. Pork nnd
Beef in barrels, Cement, Guano, .VIII Slnnea. .c.
el.'relphla from Iteaillnir. Pnttavllli. Taiiiainn. ce .
token nt Pro. rati r.llra,apucial emitrncls inndo for I iriro
aiuounla, all frelghta hum ho marked rate of J. II. liar
man, lluperl torecelvnprnmpt alt"iiclon.
ueltr lo i;ol -iiBLru i-n.i.j.t
Catatcist .
Rnperl, Tetiriury.-'d 1?S. Smo.
WANTRI) immediately, by tho sub
rrilirr. d lUlV tn Ir.irn I lie Tin WiirP nn.l
Sheet Iron t.iuim'sd.lo whoat a id iltuniiou wilt ha
ntooniibaro;, April 11, IS37,
A,1 prriooa aro hnrcliy cnutiuniiil ngnitut takinir nn
:miriuiteiil of n certain nolo, civi-n bv Uio titidcr
afiifft upon tlM 21 ofApril, 1H17, to Milium Jigtr, for
iwcmv nve uuiinf na i iinvu ii'Ji reef ivuu uiie,
Uu refor .tnd out itcluriuinc-l not l't fay it untesi torn
pt'iiuu uy uiik) cuitiu in niw.
April 4,
To the Sctool Directors
count y ;
of Columbia
ir,NTM;Mi;.V: In ruiniianeo or tho 43lircllnii
XJ. lln Act of flh May, IWI.vom nr' henby nntiflctl
lo iiiL-et In t.'unvriition. til Co'lrl 11 mif hi rinniu-
byrjr. on the tlfiit (iorn.o) in M.iy. A U.H7. htinp
L lie -tin ti.iy oi in-mill, ni l o chick in i iif a n ruo' n
nntl Plrt. tie voce, by n nnlory of t!i uririlo nuin
Ji r f f Diri-ctors pn'ttf nti one puiton of liiornry und
"cifnuuc nUiiiiiMU'tiisi, nnu ci dkiii mm tiprrtPiicc i it
llie B'l of Tiarhuirr.ii County S ipiTdnttdloni, for the
tlirt-c ficct.'tMlmff ytnrH ; tirlcriniiK' tlii am mint h" roni
pi'milion l r mm (Tin) i nnu ci-rtny i.'ic rt f u it to inn
rftat Super intdnIiM ht llarnsbnr,.; an runvt by
tliu'3'Jtlinntl 40lti sections of iiiil Ait.
County Superintendent of Colmnibta Co
ntiVMHliuri April H. IHW :ti
Iir. MibfrnbiT havip? reinovoil hi Vanl
L from near ilie Court llouip, tn tin Hniiitj ti nt t r
ii'T of MAIN' nit'f M AUKKT it rt c t J n itt'e.,t Hun ,
wlurt hu d rtparrd to fitniifli nil kliult i f
MttrMc Work,
Viz: MONimnvi'tf Crnllo loinb-i. Itoi Toinlji.nn.l
lli-nd fftoufn uf over) , UU tiork ii ui tin
brt kind, Ih? iNOTkmnnihlp ?u fiitpnmi' .ynn in
the country, und hi low pricci. Call and Judge (or
UTIIj wi I jo fuinish TiiHo nn1' Pun mi Ton?.
.Mat.til fur liutiti'fl, tl.ic Cori-e. Lintivt.. and Silli
fiir Wnw'orts anil Uiori, nt alow tlgtirn
TliiiiiJvful for p itlavors, wo liopu lor a enntinunnce
Illoonikhiirj;, April 4. 16.17. ijii
NOTICE is hcroby given, that tho an
nual incline. oriho.Ulockholilrrso.'' thu llloanis
ImrK llailread Iron Company, will hu h.'M at rund.ik.
Uoluinlda nxii.ty,nn
Monday, the 4th day of May next.
For the purpose nt (lectins, ilireclors, mid tor Ihe
trans lion uf other Lusinrss.
ciiAr.i.nrf v. risnrn.
March 21, IB".. Ct Trmiurtr.
xl" K(w Sjiring autl Siitamer
IlTAItY RAUKI.l'V linilei Dlleuilnn l.ihrr slnck of,
iVl newly ricelced Alilliuery Urns . U ior.i. Trim, l
nil's.. liililioni, bilks, ic , whlrh the will nil rlnan
at the old slantf, tower end of. Main strcei.
gBonnclsnf the latest Sjning Slylr,
?WI1I hn runln loonier, anil trimmed lo suit
nny taite. ,
Children nnu Aliases llonnets, Hals and l of vn-
. rtnti prict.iiu.l Fly lea on hand, nml will he furnished,vst)ieoriUsioof triniming.
. ' ' '.'
1 Tlir. next lenn or this school. Will riuninnrc on
I x monhay, may nth nan, and rmuiiiiiu oievm
celts . Tup ill are reel vert jv any me.
rr.itics.or, tuition.
I'riinnry fMutlitji, 1
Common l.iitj'Uli SimJic, i
dialler nnjliifc ij liicti mailt. Cl.ifsir-, ti
II F. EATON, Printout
lllooivii-bHr-jr.Mti-Kli S-J.1M7. .
Salt, ,J SiiH,
Afhton'p floe T.lvcrpool' crounJ-Tiirk' Ihlatut nnJ
)airv Sali.cunslantly on lianu ana kit sale, Iu lots, to I
euil the traile. . j i:r.itn '
Apri I. 1137 3in
, rtfrin, i.j, m ,
LacKawana & Dioumsuurg i(. if.
OHlc rLark'n i. Bloon.ilmrgn.'.U. Co.
Wvomuiu, Co.. i'a., JanlS. 1657,
r'JCl'loc'''lulll.:'"iri!'1" conijiany aro ncrcliy noli.
J- "cd mat hy i.raoiution or tiir-unnniur inrfciors,
Interest on Stock eointutteil lo tllelilst nf December.
ti ll be jiaidou application ntlhl.Othcu iu C'irrui
efles of Stark,
t'ullMockCcrilficaie.uill beissunl when tho in
terest nuioitnla totbe sum of 0fly ilollars; and furl
stnaller sum. or any fractional amounts, t'crlifVulea wil
be Is. sued. (', rcri'IiUONi:, JYcal'r,
March Till, 1FS7.
, imiiiGi: r.i.EUTioN.
AN clecllon for one l'r.sident, six ilanagers ono
Treasurer, one H retiryi ollicera fur Ihe Uallu
vris.a linden Company for llin ensuing y,ar will bn
bald ullh'i house of JACUIl IIVUR. In t'dll.ilss.i. on
Monday, the 41I1 nay cf May next, betwecu tha hours
oil nndo, I'.M.
JNO. HIIAItrl.KSB.Sse'v.
Caiuwissa Ilrii'ge Office, A r il 3 Hi. JC57.
" 15HIDG15 NOTICE. " " "
rplll Preildent iin-J Manaperi or tbn Uatiawima
. X Hriitjrw Oompuny. Itavii tln-i day ilorl-iu-ii a tlivi
ilonil of three if r rnl. (75 conti r share,) on iho
cinitat hHk ciJ'naiit Company, forth last tit inuiitUn,
uayutilu to the Sioikholdrr or their leirol inrent
ivc. on oraiivr i"" iuiu iiui , nt theotiiceoi the Tirn
I u'"" 01 Uod6. al(AEPLU!j3, JV(.
Callawissa, AfriM. IM17.
,,, ...,""
, ... , rr
lE liavo JUSt printcu. flHU (lULT lor
a T f ..i i o ui nil. uBice , a n n. mi oi n so no nn.
in lejal furiu, lor persons applying for Tuveru
i. uses.
TVTU I s, I'., and S Markersl Whin fish and lltr
l't rinff. Insii iatlmon Ke.
An m, 1.07
WllOlCSalO WarcllOUSC
ooiiNcn or tenth ano maiikbt BTnisCT8,
Office I n Sueond Biory,
tti! Invtleatiantlon to oar cnlarjiJ atork ururuti
W Palnta, Olla, Vatnlilica, c , lelemetl ciprcmly
nl, i , vnWca BlolM, which wo offer at low
prlca. 'or ram or approved paper
fill: itrviilenilvclyl
I tvii ai Art u r I li liu very n
rrimiiiiii 1'uro wnite l. run, iunii)
Kenalnalon Pine White Lead,
l'entl 8now While Leadi
"Vlello Monlagne" Trench Zlnc,(licl)
Pitro now While American 7,inc,
Philadelphia Snow While .Inc.
Bllver'apln'tle Tire and Wiatlior proolTalnU.
I! h mine tlrrcni, Yeliowa. and colora gencratlr.
AnilNTS roui
Porier'a superior Alkaline Window niaaa
nunulne Trench Plato niaM,(wurranteiV)
The New Juraey Zlne Umiipany'a producta,
Tilden ft Nrpliew'a N. Y, Varnlihca,
Brooklyn I' rciiiliiin Puro While Liad,
lliinipdcn Pcriiinnent Oreena,
l'oro Ohio Cnlnnba Urandy, tit., lit,
Trench and Ciiallth Tlata Claa.
Treurh and linn Mali Uyllndrr (llan,
Coloreil nnd Engraved Window Olail,
liaucrrcotjpc Ulan,
llamliiered Plate for Floora nnd Sky-1,1 nil,
ririic. Chemlcalf, rerntmery, lie.
wiiouusali: dt.alcrm i?(i
llriifaiiii' Atilclra cenirally.
Pilnlera' TooK of all ilnacilplloni,
llvdrnullc ami Roman Cement.
Calcined and Land Planer.
Paper Mokai'a r;iav.Bnlln White, &., Ic,
' ritnNUil. iiluiiARUit it. Co..
Etore.N.W corner Tenth anil Market in..
Tnctory. Junction York Av.', Crown it Callow III II.
N0T1CU Is hereby given that the following pcriona
In Cnluinhia county have Oled tlu-lr arveral aril.
Iloiii In the Coiill of Uimrter' raiiona of llin laid
county, for a tavern license In ttielr respecilvo town.
.1.1... ...1... I. D..l.l ..nllllim. .mil l. n....uni.l ... Ilii.
,,;, Coilr, JIuhJ.,,, um 4H, ,ny 0f May neil, of
... . ... c,,on "interrsicd will hrriliy toae n-.tlcr
iim HrLTiufi lor tliL Count v of Columbia, will rm
prnnlfit on Wciliiciiloy, the Utirdny.jf Mny licit, ut a
o'c'ock. r. ii
Oliver A. Jaeoby,
Jothii.i Woiiht
Wilimiu Long,
'I'limnni Connelly
Franklin Shu in an,
John Linden
John J. b'lilci,
Tpter ShitR,
innaz Uliodf,
Joxf'iti ll. Long,
IflMC YfttTi
Hnmimt AiMictrit
W. A. Kline,
KieiTor A Binltli.
f.iniufil Uott-tihurJer,
Klinrh Uunrll,
Dtnicl I., r.rcrhnrt,
ni.n; I Mcllvnry.
lllclianl Plummcr.
Himiiil llvrrrtt,
IVtrr I'. Ktino,
Ocoritn 1. Plioemater,
IVtfr Itilltncycr,
Davhl Miller,
Julm Ii 11 u r I
JaniMi I'lreze,
Willinm Utitchiioil,
Jacti'i (Jnoil,
Clirisilnn Hhiimnn,
J ilni Kcllrr,
John I.Kifoclit
Jncob Dyer,
lhnicl Mcllf nry.
liuiiiii'l IMrnian,
FlcphPii Wolf, Ptorft,
John 8Iirplen, P(nrt,
rrntcrirk i3. Urr, Store,
Inac K Swcptfnlieiser.
Blur1 liiccntc,
Btcplun U'uir,
It loom.
Brrwlck '
Hp n ion.
Mtht 8tret.
11 loom,
Urn nr.
Mini in.
j Mifilin.
Mifflin torrnshlp-
Tin followms pnron Vvn nicd thnir petition In
lfi faiii t court fir licnn lo keep no pnt injr hmiie or
rettaurant thlr reRpcrtive lownhipi and ltif.e
petition 4 w ill be prfntcd anil nefd upon M lbs tame
mil': wuii inusi; iur uivvrn iicuhucbi
Mnrv Illuii. ristiiiifcrff k
T C IlUe ( T WHaon Ulonmebufij. V, Heitilerhhot, 10
Camlina Carl, nioum
Jti'b inijL I Ac John Gnsold.f'nttaw lain.
I limn Hiiiftit-iH. llcrwick.
JACOLi KYEIlhV, Cltrk.
Ii(inmbiirg, April II, lt57.
In tlio Now brick tlirco Story Carriage
Vactory, rn Main below Mnrlnt.
Tllll milneriln'r woulil ri'.pci Ifnlly announce lo rlie
putiic, tie liaacoiiiiticiici'it llin
in rill iUl ranclif 1. 1 prrpirfd nil .rleri?
nil t ban nti bund nt rraent mi 4i"ortnieiit of liiinln il work
whit Iipiirthiiter w lilflndit, to their ailv;uiUpi lo na
Will he donn in the 1 not I prompt nn.l c r f 1 1 ruiiiner
and upontci idb wtikhcnnnot fail to cite nliifnctior,
HI'li WVltltllHii: A WILSON.
Itloomsburg, April 'i. Ir?55.
1 I. Ki
nd! renin I nn In thu Tost Otfi.e at
1 j lllonn aiSura: I'a.
ipril 1st, 11.17 .
Alcnuder fleorj. 3
Cnldwin Win.
I'.ur rt.tmuel
llinwn J. A II I.
Il'lllut Cilhlrino
Chi mlie.'lnin Win
Chiiilv J hu II.
Creeni Cnrialius
Pirst John
Kreese Jnsiflli
O i Mi Henry f.
(Illl-iril rtaiiiuet
llenlevVV C.
Iliirtinan Jnrnh
Hill Slephiu II
lUpkins Kieuzl
iiul t'reileriik
Kahlcr Thompson
l.nre l.r.lia
f.M'libnt.ick Anr'riw
.i" inn iiiciuro 'i
IVnthaii .iii.uii
i; "Her i.'lmlr.
il ih'i (jenrne
Keea..r Itt-Preva
illin.el Vl'.iel
Jjian John
JHchimyi r iviei
iiriaiv.tin .Mnry Iti i.jjuilu
Toyey t!f'ilii'
WahiuKton tie'Htt
tVeh Renrii.i
. Wallowey Cllon
I tflr Persons calling tut the al'Vfl.IcltiTa will pl-ase
"V they ore uilviniie.l
-l"'1 '
I'll I I.I I' UNA-NUST I" 51.
j 1
I) Y virtue nf a writ of i.ndlnoii rj;anas in mi. direct
f,i. llnTf1 will be ctiioitt-il lo nublic kale, ul llir
'ntirt Ilnunt in Ittnninstjiirv. on Mnihtny, thf 4111 -Iny ir
tiny in1 sit ill i u . uu it, i n ii." luuun inj; itini t itHlr
lu wu
A't that ct'ttniti trart r pi-ci- nf Unit tlUmte m
nmrirrfK lowninii i.Diuini-ia cuiint foniaiiutiK ni.e
Iniitdrctl laies. dellic naine more1 ut rti j.itjo'it srvctt
tv Ihn Jicrfi of svlijclt If imprnvrd lairl, linninlr-d nn
I hi f:iFt hy Units I .Iirob C'npe, on llin iKidh, louth
unit wuat, by nilxr IihhU l Hamnvt I', lie nd Icy nnrt
nthprft, it t-ins llio t'Omc traft pufchint-tl by nit
llr.'t11( Cfinjjo U. HUikliou.-; t hereon itertcuil
a MvdMlnry trmnu Dtvcllhir; Ilrnisc, tut Kitchen . a
Iranif Hank Hntn willj llicniiimttcnaucm.
iSrlzpil nnu in ko it In cxiruticii at (tic ninsariv i.f
At Iho (tamo tlm DtuI placu by virtuu of uniihr writ
i or venditioni (zhoas nil tfnt rrttxin Irflci or nmf ut
, l.iiii,iitiiiiiR in Mnilunn twtnltip. I'aluinlila touni).
J bv tha Unit of John Wrl liver, on tlio ctil bylhtheiri
ot Joliu W'Ml'ivt r. on ihe minhhy OanJul VV'lliVfr
on ttic wiH 'tiy. PaiiiM Hiniiln.ronnliiinj; (nurlfeen
i acres, Uo the sumo morn or tvlivenii ) vrit tcti a
onu .tnrt a half t-tory frniii') Dwcltinu Houm?- n
Frnmr SrnLln. with tlio Mtivi rlenfinpfn T
tirufil nnd taken jn uxccuii'ui tn. jurpfity rir
jacou miner
bti:p:ii:n ii mjj.i.iui ntriff.
. ItK-iftinJiiiffT. Arlil U, XC57
i -r r
rrMIR unJcrsi-zneil fcancctfulh Infnrm
a ilunr rua trtrupra nnd I tttih iiiriH v. ihnl ihs-t-
i.nveiu.t, rrrlvesl nt tlsolr ntsv llrsrk SJtnrr llnnsc, I n
( rprivcn ni mvir new itricn r-inro i
roe I, u select nsborliut'iil ol lauhini
Spring and Summer Gooda.
i,s,iSiroel, u select assortment ol laalilnunblo
! illroi i from Uie Cn stern cltioa, eomprib:i; nit the
various scierimnfio un lonn.i in i;nnniry Hiort-f
Coniixiiui of Cloths. lOaiiiinfrfH. Uelaini, It raze n,
, IVihcocn.-c Tpjjeltmr williail kinds of Dress gooJs
Vl.HY HlM(.l- A JN 11
I.AUinsTALMAaillttiSIIAa.llAWLS 4:c
) (Jroeerics, Molusses, lusara, Teas, CotiV. Fpiren.
nnu in iiiii.,i;vi iwiiiiii; in ini.-miy m ni rrriu mi tzt.
iiitinv n a n P. it i ri'i'ii I vn .,i .i ..
1 rj Iron. Hti-rl, Xinli. Sulky prinir s Kc
lCJ"Thankni for pmt patronage , it will b ' tiVIr
tmiioui nlm to ileao thcii cuitomerB and lo give
i zuiiLT'ii saiiiiaciiun.
II, W 4. W. N. CREASY.
T.laltt Street, April 11 1K17
JI'tiT reived,a yocil asiorlment, foi .alo clieup
AprlM. leST. IIAItT.MAX'3.
T-tAIIK nnl light oil WimMiv. DlinJs, just irrtlveit
j.' nu'i lor .ie oy
l you riau
llerting, While I'iih and Mackerel, for
1857. HARTMAN'B.
II. W. k W. N. CBBAtY.
t'lV.MJ COAI. lor sakj.y
isle by
II, W..Jt W. N.CKUA8Y. I
lABH paidfn QRAIK si
Arid t, le
' ON and aflrr Tlieldav. Anrlli7 ldSTI lh. !......
llont ANTr.l.OPK,Cpl. ll. F. Wlra, will coiiira'.:"
j rnnnlns her rejular inpa dally (Bunitaya eieani.V
between Itnpfrl and Nantlcoko, na follnwa I 'r"'l
lvealliiperl at 5 o'clock, A.M., on arr.'val ,of ih.
NltlitElpr-iionlheO.W.&n R.iilroKI fro i v,l.
Iliniiport. andoi'lteaalNantlcoke at I n'cl tk p
M .In time lo tako tho cars on the L. at II Itallr'oid
.u, cc.niitiiii ui ieai uen 1110 same anernooii
Laavet Nanllcokn on arrival or I, & II, nii,
Pairengers from the Wjnm'nii Vallev fr,. tu
vllle, llaril.biire, llilllinoro.l'i Vtifuri ni. I .11 .'"
polnla B..0U, orVj.t, will fl 11 il 1 tfto tlie Ir n lint at a
10 tako tho aliovn LI no, a It 1 a thVnoil'l.a. tu,., if !
ll,roueiw,hoU( ..'oVplliVoTer li'lVhl ou7b".'
tixV,'iR!Z n'i,..6.p.?.,,,!.h .Y -7 1'-r'" c "f
haniio linllrnnd, and via Ratiawlaaa Kail road, swill
inu l Hit 1'nckil atltupartlntlmu.
N. n m...
Coaeh.wlli be run
cipied) betv,e,ft
VVi ketbatia a.,.i
Rnperl, rarrylrf the L lilleo BialraMall.
, l.eavea Wllkea llarie at 2 o'clock, A M.i and at.
rivei at Ituncrt In time 1.1 (dhii,m .viii. th m. iik....
bnthwaja: me
Loaves Rupert alter the arrival of bnih Mall Train.
(ay 3 o'clock, V M.) and arrltca at Wilkes Ha,
about nudnlglit. .
. . 11. l . WELLIs, Proprietor,
Wilkes llarre, April II 1E.V7 ' ' '
MjijrUFvtcTuni.xa vo.
I.I8T OK.ttUTAlI. I'UKT.Bl, gl CQRolil Touih Plt .
Cutd rcn a. Pilfer
noli) IV n nnddM, eg
.J J0"."1 tEl" Pisa. 3 ID
i tO , rirrll.Walch'KtitS on
.LaUlcsUold I'.ncils, s oo
w, sou
1 W .. wiiij.r.n 1 jo
ncni.'OoM Casta &i
s "J; Gothic 19 m
riivcr uoiiitri,
Mnm month
lothcn M
Fountain I'm, Dock
Liigroiting rent.
ljfviHlhnn mirl lint
Bcrcw Tc nel ( t
tilLtr klliit .. ...
rJothicSitruraiiiIl'rn.3 O'JAnd all
W styles at tliclnf ki,! j .,,
.1 to cia.
rnuMiujia I'KnicxTEinTo.runciiASEnij.
To crcrr t crannburlni a tnlil urn or nt .....,.
a iiiimi ari-il r'.itilicnli', anil each ol these ceillStai.i
entliitailii. Iiniiltriil ll, hy the him nn) incut i.r si
ct'nta.ln an articlf nrjewtlrv.ln vnlui. itm.. a 1
Tlilajrwelry eonalla vf (Irlit ami Hilur Walch'st.
Brciii rini-iy. nnvfr ui'blela, filler Fruit Hasltls
llnlil Cuinl Clialna lor lailiei., I.i.rkrli Iliac. I' Is, Urn
llnhl t'. lianil Wm rhnln,TliiiiitiUs,llreatlr,lnf,rl.stt
li'ls, Kar lllniu Pinils, i:inr.,Jriisir. He, Mm.,,
which will . 'I Inr lc llin l. Flllt I'.VKIIV Iilluf
I.AIIl'Ain US. Till: I'.MtI V let KNTlTl.r.lJTUl.
numiii:ui:ii utiti iru.-ATK. anii uy uik i a a
nt: is r.NTiTi.nii'in iiklt.ivi: w iiai i.vhi tiiu
susiiinnoF' ini:.'i:iniKi-iuAii: hl.-kin.ah..
Wu havn Iicpii In iiirjlln f..r tlirre )urs anu llmv.
Ihauila have houchl i.l us anil M 111111- nerrr l.ttnsl, I llin nlanair.ui
aiti.yitrlu nlly nr nlilaiiiln-ii cnlH natch tir sum.
IVnicIo Jewelry, for a trilllnj .iim, All nur fcenr,
l'ciicil cos, a.c an. genuine nrliclrs iiiauura.luieit
iliscnur!cawltli;rcat car-, and sr. oiler Ibeui nr.
I' cly nt pricniuliil In n .ntlur lnir In Hi., cur.
To act 11 Is ui make ailvaiitiijtti us iillets.eud any iij.i.
tclic inrioucnli iln nHlby nurking fur ua. We niHi
lie nla in en ry place In 'he ci.uiiliy. ami m rsoas ht
MDlilil like li h'conicrillh will (ilraip nt'ilrr.. ut.toi
wr lllaetnl lll"ln iirhlleil cilcnllil. rr iirlfrs. Inn,
c. We have mi atateil perim. lor if i.trir.u I ici .
Tha mninent a pen is jnut Ihe iir.liir I rsil
tleilto leceive Ms Jilruiitm 011 the nor iiitul vl ilj i.iiIm
All order, by mall .ImMrfl.c niMrrsir.l
33.1 llruai'ir.y X.rr T luk,.
N. II- Hold pens rpnntril in a stijirrlor ineursr
Unclnsclhe pen inn1 iiticrm. ml' o sl'iul 1. sml ik
pen vim ue rfii'ti men ami r.turneil p ji 1 nlil,
CO, is well I new n llin ujlii 11I the counll) Ut as
thi-reare IllldnilhliMllv seinv vhn irF not HI ul .1 lilt I
With us u I: n i m.i the follow lli rll lium CIU4
tfftrchtti :
I T.I.KiH'P ri) .Sa 17 Mni.lrill.lioy. New Yllk
IIICKd tc .MriTIIKl.l,. Nn wi ' J-" ,to .vtn
IIKNTO.V & IIII11.1 C.r llr-a.lnnUi r..uil-i.uJ l.
N'w Ymk aii.l('hr.ii i.tT.t, I'
J II SI'I'IIY A I'll.. Nn 3 (,'ilr.ey HiiiMIn, N ,
((iliri.ll 4. WOOD No. u llaiil.u l.aim, a.
Felrmry", IHiJ-Sm
rpHK u" iri-ij?i)f!tl urauru' tut pnt al nn Ae . tr
X sncrtftiUy n li-rni hi CMClomcn antl ili.iii)ii
jtirnll that lin !jd fim rccrivnl froui the Kia
vrn Uitn-a-tlir la -it and mo it stlrti stock ot
FaahionuUf Spring Humtn'r Ctttfiiit
iLaiUai yet U-cii ujiet.til ii IMunri it ut p tv j,v
hnltliie aiuntiiiin.i UNfrJcoil, ami JtiMr. ltui
t Imi t liry -irr otic rvil fur nV ui f reii harxai"!. Hi
HioekvoniprMtMuliirKeitiHi te-; atuor line til o t
Gentlemen AVcnrint; Apptrels.
Cotimiting n I'athtfnahtt Ottt$ Cents, o rtt J
M(tiilinn ; r aittt rH mm . Crtvad Htink.,
t.oiitin liin-Jkurchlvl!) (llovci Hmpooilti, a., L.
(toll Watchts awl Jtttrl.y
nf very l'ierilinn fine t nil (I.Kip.
N.H.'-HQintTiiitui "l.oiCfltrjr'fCkuip t'tnJttam '
Call uU io Ni.chnrifti lor MiHmitiiiif ( o.ti-
Illooiu.'UK, .Mj-LllCI, If37.
Iiavo now receiving our Spring
ami Hummrr nimi's, Ly ll-u' II unin
. alnl, nn tlit'CMniT ut luiu anil Mi.tkrt struts 'IU
ituik conipntrsa lull .l.surliiii'lll . I
Dry Cuids, Cncer'es, arduair, Quica
uwe, Ciihr uiirr, llaUow-u tiic, I nip.
Full, Coal, rhiui liun, Mulls JXlll, SjltlS, ll.ll
Vayt in: &r.
sn,lln (act fir iiaincablt aitlclu us'i.iis kct,tin
" unity fiore
l.'uuiiryiroiliicu tikcii n enhantt for .m ils
H. r. i!t l.W. IJAUTMAN
Dlnomsli'irf.MauliVI lhf,7
GOODS FOll 1657.
nIIR subscriber respectfully iufonna his
S cui(fsiiirnn1 ihe niihlm gcri-sri-iiy, llmV hi hi
rteivodu lnlU;ovk uf clitiire
Sptiti aotl iSuiiimcr Oood?.
cinprinn(f a full Hiortmci t Clit!ii, Cfisslinvrii
hlllt'llI ppluiiH'i) Jtrhzicrs i.a'Jrnt, tic, logftLr
nltliM itrfatvaiitfty cf oilitir Afhclt-t Uiuaih LtM
Coumo Siorci,
ALWO-tlnrduitTi'.Cullerr. Qiirtnfirttre Halt'. KIllJ
MojtnsfAi. Iron. Bird. UatF. Cans. 1'iictf, Shot 4v.
Country pfo.tucc inrlmllrg Oraln. Lulibof, &
taken m cirhanso for goods
!" Thank hit for pjit f.iiruu2; ha rtpccllJll)f
'jcintnt kiiC-J of tint inmo.
Mitlrlllc, Match S,1657-y.
spri(; & sii)i?n:n goods.
rPHF; unilcrriigncd laV ploamrp ol in-
J forming thn citizens of Centre and v'clnMy. tlU
he ha juni receivi-d u larcr uud setcrt Uiioilmt; u t
CoinprUlnjthe heaviest slorkandiiiostvariedassorl
in i' ut ot tailnonuMe, useful and snostantial Mcrchati
dlif lhai havebcciioifiTed tnthrpul In- o' try kiuJ
and'iuility, which they u ill sell foi rt-ad)pay,ai very
rcutonuble prkts.
H3Ooiintry nrodiicf lakcnliiejrhflrfr (or Goods.
Includins Oralis and Lmutcr tind lliu public custom
roipcclfullf so lr U il.
FovrlersrlPe. Matrh.SS, iei7.
Greenwood Seminary
Millvillo, Columbia Co., Pa.
ABV8T12WATIU cour.e or insrrucilon is eiyen In
all thu Ciiali.h brai.ches usually taught. 'Ibu
1'rlneipal will be assisted niirliic thu present year by
'I'.M. I'OTTrl, an eiperlenced receully Irom
the l.ancasler routily Nonnnl Brlini I
A vacation of seven weals win commenia July 111
T 1! It M H .
Tuition, for day pupils, S1,.',0 to J lsp pet uailor.
lloirdint, Tuition Wnshlni!, I.mlils, Ac , ?'Ju p.t
niiyn.PM .Uv. n ..-An Ira nit.Olire.
' I'ur circular. calaloauo. or olhcr particular eddies.
Millvillo. April 4. IMT. jTnnif.l.
TTTl' l.nua p.,.ly..l l.v rrlllrnxd. fl .tll.tlllld B.
V I'Al'Clt, wslch if I If nil
lo sell nt I'hltaitrlpliia price.
Iroio ci',lJrli
apiece, Call and ice,
UAH, Ui-
I c . i f
rn t iesv