Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 18, 1857, Image 1

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ALKM B. TATI4. I'ublishor.
LEVI L, TATE, Proprietor. '
" To Hold and Trim tlio Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'er tho darkonod Earth-''
VOL. XI, NO. 6.
tjL ruuLiaiino every batuuday morninu,
Tlu Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa,
Ufpice. In the new Brick Building, op
positcthe Exchange , by side of the Court
House ttl Democratic Head Quarters,'
Tr.nMs or iCDScnipTiox.
4',$l0l) In mWfinoe. fur ono copy, for ctx montUi
1,75 In tvWnnct. for ono copy, ono year.
3,00 If not paid within tho first three months.
2, 25 If not pfiM within tho first a U months.
'2, 50 If not paid within the yoar.
(D No subiorlptlon taken for lou thnn six months,
and no papur discontlnetl until nil arrcnrogcaihall
Jure boon paid
117 Ordinary advertisements Inserted and Job
" work executed at tbo established prices.
TIIK founder of this Celebrated Insti
luli(iii,oirrn tlx! nioitrrrlnin. fippfity. and rnly
rilectuil ffiiipily in the world for ttl ret lr tjlvin,
friricturei't sVmliiril .i"(ni; I'.ilns in llio Loins,
:inntiliitMiii:il !ft ttiiy Itnpot Mirv, Wi-iifcunn nl llio
II tit K find Umlm, Air.M 1 1 ihi 4 ill tli t Kl.lncvi. I'filplta.
tfMi nf tli.i llrnrtf l)U ippsl-i, N'Tvuin IrnUliillty ,
jJIsoary tit Ilia lli'iid, Thr, Nosu or S.kln . aim) all
Hunt! tor ion n in! ineldmlioly Disorders n rising frtm
ill'' tlcilr.ictivu Iialntauf YimuIi, whidi tU-slroyn hotlt
bixly tin J miuil, Those me rft util unlit! ry practict'f.
urd miiri; fatal 111 tlltlr MCllUH lltail Itlii RHIIH uf till'
Hyrrnii lo Hid wftntifra iuyn', i ui 111 tn uifir iimti
hftlliut't tnici nl utiliiiiil mis, rtuiJuriiig man it' fie.
otttg ih ?t,
i.n-I .11 V. U.I il II ! ll'M'lllll I 111) VI'II'IM lit Kit 'it -rv
Vti-i iintilri'iii'ltl ami iliirt tit i i.iii,uliui.iitiiii
m II y . ci'iM 1 1 1 it in.lliti.'ly i nm limit .imis I n u.
Ill I! II III mi ' .uivm mil 111 B " nm-i-
i..m. wlin intulit nl!ii'rt iu liat tmttai.u'il ll'ii'iir
a ih tvtilt I Ik; I iMiiir.i' r 4 ul nciici'. r uti'rti u in
, tatuivsihi ''-' ' iy 1 1 wiiu Jll (.uii.Wluxc.
M.irrhil wTftnin ,ir Yaittiz l'it foiitPin,il ilit: ih.t
a itfitt? nivnrti ai fjiiiyir.ti vc.ikih'if, nrjMitn trv
liiUiy. (M'orinttli-it, Vc,, flumM liii im-iIi tti'lv 1 011 -a It
'-'a l)r Jolniiiinii'i'iit du rcattirnt tfii'rrrrt litnhlr.
5T llu wl. pit tiMiHll iiinl t 1 in fiirc ul U JkIiI
'ion 111 iv ri'lijiimuly crtiilldu in IiU linnor ;ih :i tnitir-
mun, tinitcoiili(liitlv rely tiffm lutt -kill j 1.111
Organic Wtnkms
, 1tu.1t lt 1L1 ly c ircil .111.1 lull i(;ir rrntornl
r t'U I ,l is '.ii; t IL ! pi' 14 1 liv tti(it irfiiiinly (muI.I'v
lit H - wlin h iti Itrcnm1 III VMtl lit ul l'ri(irun I in-n.
(,' I II V liii HT-M1 ,ltc 1(11, .llt III I MIIIIIt '
' 1 In; 'ii hut li.'iiiu 11 u iTf n 'Id ilri'iullul 1 - '(in'i
j I ill in 1 1 11 rj . n.w. tvti ii I h il iiuthTu l.i ml IIh ii-.
4ft I Will fl t ll t l''Hy Hi It tilt lmv-r of tM n I
jta hi 1 t l 1 t iuii'iir ty tlhMi- tailing int Miuirti r
'11 1'n if til hi liy tli (irihii'iii, H-'i.l" n Im In ) 1 tt it ul
ih; piMrinnt nl hVMlih nilpiirii!. llu no. I scrioi.
f 11 11 1
Qlijoicc 5poctvii.
Tho Shadows of tho Valloy.
litre's a moiiy, lAaty talley.
When ths vattrt vini end jlote.
And tht dtiti ilttp in Klnttr,
.YtaiA a tovirlid efinov!
jnd tMeti, blve tytd violet,
Bloom In beauty tn the eprinr.
Jtnd te eunbtamt iff. (At vacttttt
Till tht 9 ettm t9 laugh and ting.
But In tt'mR, viten (A tunl'gH
Crount tkg tedar covered Mil,
iktdfiire darken in the valley
fXtdowi cmieve and mil,
And tkt ytlletn, Me banntrt
Cf en h'Jin'$ hett that ed,
Ttngtd with gold and royal purple.
Flutter tadly ovtthcad.
And those thtdottt, gloomy thadwi,
J,Uc uim phantom t on the ground,
Strttchtd their dreamy length forever
Oh n dohy covered mound.
And J loved her, c, toitd htr.
Rut the angth lorn' her tea.
So ttu's ulerjitng in the stillrv,
Wnth tho si if to bright ard ite.
And no slab of palttJ marble
Hiors Us tchlte and ghastly trad,
Titling wanderer in the xaUey
if th rirtuts tj the dead
1,'ht a lily It her tomb-tone.
And a dtio drop pure and brtyht,
1j He epitrp mi angrl trrotf
In the iVUnttt if tht night.
An 'i I'm menriful, eery mourrful,
lur my tout dvth citr iroio
'or the fading cf the thodovn
rVH.t that little uwdtmnd grr.e&
Ittr tl military tf tie loted ouo
brv u my tout will nrttr part.
And tho r ehadotct in the vellry
J hut tho tsjuihinc if iy henit.
I bodies of tho wolves beneath us, and every
now and then wo could fceo great, glowing
, eyes, staring up into the Irco whero wc
wcro scntcu. auu men ineir yens ; inoy
wcro loud, and loner, and hideous.
I I know not how long wo had remained
I in this situation, for wo had no means of
1 nsccrtaing iho time, when I heard a limb
' of a trco cracking os if breaking down bc
neath tlio weight of somo of usj and a
moment afterwards a shriek went through
: niv carslikc tho morcine of a knife. A
uy joun n. gouoii.
I the mark of a bruise. I felt my flesh creep.)
.'fl'lt- Ml t. 1 it . I 11 ! it
I oam uc, "I' ok ;n mat, cir 1 1 um 11 inrcu
. days 1 cforc she was taken down upon her
1 bed, and sho has told you that she his a
There is no power on earth will make a ' good husband, Am U Am I a good
man a fiend like tho power of drink. Uno husband to ncrf i
circumstance in my own reminiscences I mol" und ho bowed
It was tho voice of Caroline Allan. Tho ! I said, " to co to him.M
poor girl never spoke again I '1 here wru ! " Well,'' said he, " ho is a hard case ;
a horrid dimM dizziness and confusion in he beat a daughter of hij, fourteen years
Snako Fascination. I A Man in tho lipid s of Niagara
I A Feariul Predicament
Last Fall a womin residing vi tho vici-1 lQ gtory 0f Joseph Avery, tho unfor
nity of Worcester, was picking blackbcrric.-? tuuato man who lived f r a day cl'tigiog
nm 1 1 Am x n goou . 1,1 uum " , ' " , , to a took in iuj riiu.i uuu iuu iviucr
Ood Almighty forgivo j bcr only child, a bright eyed httlo follow jcan tfau Niagara, will not soon be forgot
p.d ovnr that wcimnn nnd of less than a year old. The babe sat upon .. nn(i an occurrcuco ofvcrv similar
will give to you. I was askod by an imli- wept like a child, griped tho bed clothes in tho ground amuPiiig ilselt nt grasping at cnarac:cr h.ippcnud on 1 uesday Ust. A
vidual to go and bco the hardest case then his hands, and hid las faco in them. And , tho clumps of yellow weeds thi.t rcw within ni;U1 Inmed h. 0. Taylor, & iciident of
in town. I said : she laid her thin hand upon his head and reach, and ea'injj berries from time to vc,t Winfield, Uerkimcr 0ounty((a guest
" I have no right lo go and sec him ; ho said , timo brought him by his mother. . at t10 Lmiow House,) dcccndcd tho bank
will say to me 'Who sent you to mo who " Don t cry, Iiuko i don't, please dont; 1 he latter at lengtu intent upon g.uuer- 0f the Hivcr, near tho Suspension Urldgc.
! tor tlio purposo ci viewing tliu
from below. On reaching tha
Lo sllppotl, and fell int tbo water
just above tho briilgo, und when tliscov
I brancbi-s-t. whim dull heavv sound unon . vour own buaincst mid I will mino s vou been for the drink. Mr. Goush, don't bo.' which hid tcr child from her view;, tlio ijriiltfo
tbo stiff snow. wait till vou arc sent for; and when I want lieve him ; ho ia as cood a man as ever , was about to return to him, when hearing wtol..
Iflt fin.A t T nm rtmin ! Vfttl T will firw1 frtl vnii ' T 1itvn Tlifllf " llwil. Dnn't. drr. I.nln- 1 him lauffbinir and crowins in crcat cleo.
niv brain, and I spoko not; and L stirred ol bbo, witu a sliocinalier s strap, so tlut A hungry be.r.
not. for tho whole, at that time, was like the will carry tho mark to her gr .vo." i lighted upon a saw
an ualv. unreal dresm. I only remember, "lies n brute, said I. lores1.. Tho man
thtt there wassinothored croans and droad-i " His wife is very ill now with a fever, catinjr his dinner,
The Bear in tho Saw Mill.
! and thinking he must bo safe as long as ho orc(j waa or orty roja below t'
was so nappy, buu rcimiuuu a mviu luujjui .bridge, noar tlio shore, rollmj over v
whero sho W.1. 'ovpr. lmm nlonj bv tho reitlesa rurronf.
searchinK for fo'd,1 Suddenly tho little voico coascd, and , un(il ho c ,lt jj 0f iar rock
mill which stood ih a 1 tcr a moment s delay, tlio young motnor after gomo j,arii strugdos Bueceeded in
vho attended it was stepped upon tlio men ami iookcu over, rc;,;,,- tll0 t0.)( 'i'l,a alarm w a imrno-
vhen Bruin walked up expecting to fee Her babo a,lep ; "istc1'" , diatelv civen in tho neighborhood, and it
ful howls underneath ! It was all over in nud tho doctor thinks fclto cannot gat over to tho mill. Seeing tho bear co tiing, the ' 01 which ho was situ n pcriccuy mono n- was soon decided 'hero was no way cf
a moiiient. Poor Caroline I She wjh lit- it; the man has notbeen drinking tors me man started fmni his seat, and climbing le3i,i "l" pancu, uhu uu u, fi
1 orally calcu alive! The wolves had a days, and if you can get at him now I up to tlio beam of the mill, sat upon it. eyes fixed with a singular oxprcssinu upon i
, friiih' ful feast, and they became raving think you niij-ht do him good." Umin sat down on his haunches, mid began . somo object which Mio tit lirst was unable j
mad with t lie t Mc ol blood !
I HiAii..lit I ,,-nnlil ,rn. T !. nnflfnit it 'in ml lln, n ni I.nn'a .linnnv ,Illi nrnnl ! to (llSCCm.
Iho door; ho came to open it. Ho had satisfaction. liut the man havim- recovered Xou can judge ct her horror, when on
roaehin2 him but by moms of a roue lad
der. '1 his was innneiliato'y procured, and
after much hositition, doiny, and alter
ation. occasioned by tho difficulty of deter
milling whore to place it, in osuiuch os tho
Wl.nn T n,nn TulKr In lin-Cnlf allon
tlio horriblo dream went off and il lasted been to ono or two of our iiicoling". Tho from his fright, thought, bo would disturb closer scrutiny, ? ho potccived, some four j 0uj I11)t e Eacu (tom t0 projceti
, but a moment 1 struggled lo shau'o oil
tlio arm.s of my fri.tcr, which wcro cling
. in" around me, and could 1 havo cleared
myself, 1 .-houltl have jumped down among
moment lie saw me he knew nu'. Said
, "Mr. Gouzh, I believe P
Yes, that, ia my name; would you bo
th raving iiiiim Hut when a second good enough to give nie a gla-s of water, if
thought e uno over mo, I knew that any , you please V
attempt lo rc&cue, would bo useless. As , "Certainly," said lie, "come in."
lor poor Maion, ho was wild vuth horror. , So 1 g' t in. I sat on ono side of the
3V Capital Bketti),
Ho had tried tj follow Curt lino when she ' table and ho on the oilier. There wore two leaped from l lie log, oazed at tho saw a
fell, but he could not sdiakc oil' the grasp children in tho room placing together, nnd moment, and then with a growl of delianee,
of his terrified sister. His youth, and wonk , a dci.r half way open that led into tho j leaped upim tho saw, and hugging it to his
eoujlitution ami frame were unablo 'osland room whore tho wile was ill. 1 t-at and . breast in a ut ot Jury, was soon changou
A Night among tho Wolvca.
ii JOHN' U. WIlITTllitl.
iitnlinz tfit rliwcoUtniiniilli., vlttt lo.if
.In d vtvtl tt M'lie ,, tlllckjorfccd.
irticllvi tft inii'iit.ii (l IimIIi ImhIv .unl inlinl
I'll i dt'tciii b i:kiii4 ilirHuiJ; ! n'ui-iriil
niil I'Mi'iiJ uiTg ti-tiiiMMi iif"i' iriijiiii). My-i-l"pl
J. u il(iil-ilt"n ul I lie in- tr I iiiUi j"tiiiii. it w.t-liiii,'
-il' t't-' I'O'ii r.mjli ) iiiitiMit t tit r iii fi (iiiiMi t.'
iJrOi't-.i No .'An ri i-'ituLRH a ti uu ttn i ti ilnorn
hmi KittlHiun; uti' t ll.oi -ni. in Hi' fit'i'i U
ji iriii ul ir liiDlt ifvin . n,, ir. ;nil .U MHUII, or
"m7TXLltTtraHTtira Vhargt .Made, m fnm Ore to
.Unit'JOUY UJi NAU.sClH'S Dltl'tid rsi;i
Dr, JuhfibfoH,
.M'ni'iTof lUc ColiVc' "I HuruPiiiiii. I.fitii'fni
llf.l hi III' IfO'll OH1 ItflllH IIIUHl 111111' II' C lli-EI-" ul tli
tjiiitl duti mill itii'srciiii r uit ul nJrii hh' Ilis
U n!ii trnt in ilie Ilrit llu'iit.iia nl lifx on r.ri.I tn I
.U-l -litiua ii'i t I'l-juwIii'M.'. Ii ii i tin fiUi'ium t the mnti 1
. i.iojiHiiiiu turrit Hi tt wri r know n; hi.iii tinul-
i wiii (nielli i in iim iiu.i-1 ami tuo in iiinii, -
Kf.ll ii'T.i'imi's- Wliii' ul.iriii'il at hiiMi'N .itni'tjt. lUOK Mlg frtai S gaVC US
j nig n iiitf-, wnn triiiii'iu niii-nifs, iMifiiiirii
mi l tm" Mh i!'MHi;.iiciil ul luinil v Kturt'il iiu' I) .
1 ( nut itf I
Wli.-ii 'It ' uilfiiihlil .unl niiiMiilriit v 1 ;r r ol pirn
II lit ll tl t imiilnM llu twlii ul' Itnn 1 1 it lit
i 1-i-jiu, ft iuu (itli it n.ipi'iMi tlmt an illiiiH"il M-iiM- ii
h i, ur tiff ul nl tin uri i, ih turn Inm I r nt ;i( ply
in ( tJ tliti-ti. vvU t (rum L'iltir,iinii .iinl r'npi tl.ihili'iy
i .i i iljni ii.'fritsit t ii 1ii ilfl t y i (t till tli'1 cnii,tnitii"ii il
icttiiiiH ul tin- h.Kri't ilMr'a' in iKs tlifi r tppi';ir.iiii, ml tlir-i u, tltnf.iiil ni4' lu-'iiiriril
P it-in in Mi' ii-M'l unl limit, ttjttiiifit ft Ki'iin i
itnm on Hn' III ttJlii', Mini ,iiii-. I"l"lili'i mi ifcii t tea. um t ci rmt tn'i. pruri-'i'iiiL' w ill If n lit it I
r tpl.liiv, till .! l-t tlifpil.tif ut'tlif i th tirili-
hi u 'j i( tliu no'' l.ill ji .Jiii-l llu v i. -11111 i-l lint , it i
Ii 'cjie lrcmii ;i ti in id olijt ti ul roruuiit k r.iiinn hi'
il i Ii puts ii pritii in ln4tlri'Uilf,llttuth,mij;'. I m-ic
Iiu" tinu tt ' thai Imnrii" Irnt'i rli''ii(' lit) tn.'dr
r 'I'tni-,' 'lo mirh tlii'rcliiru IJ r . jniMiFtt'ii pd t in irt , J T.i.n, 1.111 mLt ,n
In nil lu pr.JTVii Ih-l HMHt CUViil Hilf nvr r. .iu. -a umw u.t mu uiu "v'i i"
4roni ini mt.'iniu! I'rnctiw in ihr urt.i iiunptiiuM i f were like a red ro.5o lotf in June, Mo
n.iO .unl ,Kc(ly cure tuiliu uulon inal 'nu ul lint
tirriti OiPiL'Uiit?.
Talc0 p trttrtfir Xutirr.
ftt J niM'i'Fr.i'fj aM llioi' wtio hn ii j'it i ((
i.lvi by a Hit improper niiliitrnn,
rir"i -rp d,i nf Hut Ml .nitl mi-l.ilH huh ((Villi
t-rn I'ici-il t early lul it ul unili . v ist VVi i kt e.f
i II icH i hi MimI l:ilu tit Up llrud. I'm I't'inl
'.'lit I. nf M hi inr I'nu'f, I'.tlpr ilcnt of Hit
I' irt. ti ftiiciiki i, i i v nt lrr.itiliili't'. Dit'iml'' mi l t
.'r.i."!!IM', " '"," Jarkucs'. 'I he snow was deep ; deeper a dosciibe. The though of it has haunted
hum- vui.v -ti,'' ri.'iu up -n nit- iitin,i uront iiuni tnan ii ever lain 01 i.uu e,irs , ,no uuc niv shadow, anil even now tlio
'.nul l I'M, ul !- ., , r,,., lri,lv nn,,,.l, 1 " . -l 1.1. . !....
uui iiiu Buuui-u i . ". decile reniea ai hums uuauij uuiuiv uiu in
to benv wr weight ; aim we imnieii on
" 'Twns- a night of January, 1
had been to a linu quilting fiolic, about
two miles from our settlement of four or
five lug houses. ' I was rather lulu about
1'J o'clock, I should say when tho paity
broke up There w s iw nwou ind u dill
grev shadow of haze hung around the bor
izoti, vhile overliead a few p le and siu'
heir dull light as
ihey shone through a dingy curtain. There
wore six of in in ejinp mj larry Ma.1311
and 'our as pretty girls as ever g cw up
this tido uf the 'Jrccn Mountains 'I bore
were my two sislers, and ll rry'n sisters, hn sweet heart, tho dauclit r of oui
uext ili-or i.eighlor. She vvai a dowur'ght
handsome girl hat Caroline. Al en, I
1 never saw her equal, though I 1,111 no
Mrauor to prett j lace-. Shu vvi'S so plea
1 ut und kind of heart ?o gentle and
sweet spoken, and to intelligent, bc.-idc,
that evervbodv loved h- r, ."-ho Irid i,u
the drciidful tiial ; and lie i-lood close by 1 hiked with him about everything I could
ny side, with his hand lirmly clenched and think of but tho subject ; I talked of trade
j his teeth set clon-ly, gazing down cm the and crops, railroads and money matters,
I dark wrangling creatures below, with fixed and then diinking, and he headed mo oft
i store of a maniac. H wai indeed a tor- again. I looked and I thought I saw a
I rililo scene. Around was tho thick cold iiuilicioii3 twinkle in his eye, as much as
night and below, tho ravenous wild beauts , to say, " Voting man, you are not up lo
were lapping their bloody j iw, and how- j your business yet."
ling f r anothtr victim. j 1 was abr.ut to give it up; but, 1 think
The morning broke at laM, and cur providcutially, I saw the eiiildren, I said
frightlul enemies fled at the lirt advance ; to him :
of daylight, 1 ke so many coward y tnur- " YouVo got two blight lo king children
deiers. Ve waited until the sun had licn, there, sir
before we ventured 10 enml from our hid- " ! yes. yes; bright little things."
ilif places. Wo were chilled th'ough;1 " Vou love your children, dent you!"
every limb w.n numb and cold with terror said T.
and p lor Mason was dcliiiou', and raged ( " Kle.-s tho children, to be sure I love
wildly about the things he had witnessed, hem."
There m ere bloody stains around the tree, 1 ' Would you do anytliiug to benefit your
and a few long black hairs were trampled 1 children!" I asked. 1
in the snow. He lo ked at mu as if he thought some
Wu had gone but n littlo di.-tance, when .thing was coming after. ,
wo were met by our friends Irom tho set " Well, to bo sure, sir; a m n ought to j
tlemcnt, who had b come aim mod at our do everything to benefit his children."
absence. Ti.ey were shocked at our wild j 1 hen I itood up, so that I might get !
at,d frightlul appearance j Mid my brothers 1 out of the door as speedily us possibb, !nd !
have oftci.timc.-1 Id mo, th t at first wo all said :
seemed liku Romany crazed Mid brain-I ' Don't bo unity with mo ; I am going
sickened ireiturcs. Ihey araiit'U us to t) ask you a plain and smiplo qucaiioii;
tho bear's equanimity by setting the saw . 01' ' 'oet trom her liitunt, a rjtiicsnaite, , binl. ovcr his ll0a( ;t w,3 iowor(.,i t0 tH1J
in motion. tSo, er.wling softly along the 1 with his glittering ey.-s i.isiencu upon ms, ( ji3lilI1(.0 0f p0rhapj a hundred feet tnd
beam, ho loaned over, touching tho handle j""1 tearing htm by mi aim st impcrccpli-; becltuo cutan,i0(i among the rocks and
which lifted tho "gate," on I let on tho a motion. jtrec?.
water. Iua moment tho saw began tot 1 ho sight nf her darling peril so nearly, hwasatonco decided that s-mc ono
dance, and tho log on which Hruin sat to paralyzed tier, mat lor an instant sno 11:111 must g0 dowQ to tiisuut:,nglo it. In a fev?
uuiiuiuu 111.11 mu momciiH, Willard U Uobum, porter of tho
tcnueu 10 11 Tseu ; uui uie eeriumy ui.n , Ija(Jon. Hotel, volunteered his survicc, and
unless she was the iii-tru...cnt of salvation procecuil )g t , til0 .,.aco whoro tho l.itldep
to her child, he was inevitably lost, in some wa, nttaohod t0 tho trees. Ho needed
decree restored her power. She glanced as,i,tance, an I soon two more brave men
wildly round for something th.t might be Anthony Shiloy and Nats Grant, offercl
used as a weapon, but liotnm' appeareu,ito down Tllc thr03 ,vorl;cj bravely
slido toward it,
It was now tho boar's turn t j start.
into a dead boar. The man, you maybc
suro, was very well pleased with this. lie
got rid of a troublesome visitor, and bruin's
head was worth more than the dinner which
ho had lost.
Foolish Hruin 1 lie fought with a saw
and porished. I hope, my children, you
will never imitate the bear s folly. I hope
so, because many children do so. Whoever
docs wrong, fights with a saw. There is a
boy, for cxamp'e, who frets and funus be
cause his father is a poor tnan, and cannot
afford to dress him as rich men's sons are
dressed. That boy lights a saw, for it is
both foolish and wicked to wrangle with
the providence of God. Yonder is a firl
who gets into a pission when sho is contra
diett d , or when bbo cannot havo her own
way'. She, too, Qjhts with a siw, because
sui h conduct is sinful. She does herself
harm by it, and every siu is a slurp saw
ready to cut to death thoso who commit it.
Dear children, don't fight with a saw.
ed over half the space which divided him
and his victim. Another moment and oil
would be loit. What could be done !
Iu her hand sho hold a broad tin pan,
and sputng from tho rock, quick as thought
sho covered tho snako with it, and stood
upon it to prevent its escape.
Tho charm was broken ; tho child moved,
swayed to 0110 side and began lo sob. At
tho saino time tho mother recovered her
voico and screamed for assistance, retaining
her position until it arrived, when the cause
of tho terriblo fright was dispatched,
Wild Woman in Alabama.
Slar.uuo county Alabama, is still astir
on account of a wild woman that recently
wonder, then, tint Harry Mason loved
her bov though Ik- was; i'jr wo had
neither of us seen our seventeenth summ r.
Our path lay through a thick forest of 0I1 ,;, i,c;1d
, oak, uith heie and there a tall pine rai-.i For my part, Iconf. ss, I never recover
. inn it-i dnrlf full shadow tli'rfill t tho skv ..,1 In,.,-,.j tl.n ,1f,nMir,lw 'i-
'.' -!.l .II 1 1 :,i:.lin.l 1... I . .... ...1 .1 V
1. wiii an uuuiue il-uuu'uu .. I-...?,.,..... i.ti cutiistances wuicu l navo cuueavorcu v
reach honi,; ; but Harry .Mas u uevcr io
covered Irom ibe dreadful trial. lie no
elected his business, his studies, and his
friends, anon murmuring to himself about
that dreadlul nialit. lie fell tt drinking
soon after, and d'ud a iniserablo drtftfkard ! mo Ibis lime.''
before age had whitened a single hair up- ' 1 ou have got a good wife haven t
o,-,.,,, in llin .vnnila -.n l l.tllj nf
you know who I am, therefore, you won't , ' ffhlotllooJ ,0 , narlv 0f huntsmen.
SLi is a medium sized womm, fair and
bo angry I Suppose you never uso any
more intoxicating liquor, don't you think
your children would bo better off I"
Well well, said he, " you have got
said I.
quite naked, with the exception of moeasins.
She runs with great velocity, leaping on
all fours over every impediment like an
An editor who was one of the hunting
party who a!so saw her, says sho was accom-
" kcs.Bir, as good a woman as ever a ,J V ab , al.?oramoi cmarknblowilito,
in: tiiiicii lu ltd In hl"J, Jn ul Memory
lifts, I) '.ri'iuti wl ihf Mtrl'.d. Lvll t'ori'hudiiit
,r-i in uf tltic itiy, Tiiiii'j '.t , arvruiit 1 1 llic. ilf
I'lt.iaiH il uf tcrnnno f till n run turn ''..'li
vll it II III r. UitCuf I mr lci lining liuiillli. I."i
Hi i'r itfitr.ln'C'iitiiHi; wenk p.itcmnliii u i H it, lutin
11 g .ippcaramu abuul Uiu cjei.ti utiunU tup
Inillri uf Cuililllplluil.
Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for
Organic 'Weakness,
Jly itiin ureal aini Important reiiirriy. winkneMorthe
4ir(tnare kpreilllj cartii, mi l lu'l visor rrvtoinl
lit I'JSlllliiOl IHO IIIOII llcrVUU UHU tlOI.IUl iu-M, n hh .
h4l I t fill hopft. Imve been immnliatHy relieved. AM
iiiipfilnntut tu M irrinsti l' oiut aitiiiaiXJUnuj-1
liicitt'Mi, Nrvoiu Irritability. Trem-bLiH ami Wt-ak
iiesi.orezliaurliuutlio tuunt U urful kind, sput-dily
CJrcj by Uot tor ioiitatoH
Young Men
Wlii hive injuru'l tltetuielvej liy a certilu practicf,
rlb'Juli'f'J hi utien nloiit .1 lintitt froquenlly learned
froift evitr.oiiip ihlttm, or nl school-the ffl"ect rfwl.ich
aro nlrfliUy flt, oven wliu mtfPi utid if net cured
rrniili-ri tu.irri.iiftf fm.irHiHilc, iinJ destroys both mind
iid indy, shnutil npply imuirdiatnly
ii miv tl.n i. i ti 111,1 n. Hip linns nfltlfl COUIJ
lrv..iu.ltl i da.llr.if nf liiu turentf . shoul l h snatched
fram all proipt'ctsuml enjtiyiin lUn nf the cniise
lUBncti o( iltsvhtlnj trom tho path ufoaturc, and lu
-ialiilnc In acerlain scriet hnim, Such pt!riob licfori
coult) initialing
thoutd refleri thai a auiid mi ml and liot-'ynrn tin mus
tiecenryrcqiilsltlsto happineiis
lit lu 1, willn it theifl.tliu journey llirouih lilu dfciuiu'8
a weary pilgriin i;'!, tliu propfct limirly darkens lo Hie
tfievv j the mind lucumes sittdowrd ih despair and
HI Id with tho incliucholy rtlleitiuu that the Itapulucsi
uraitothcrbceutiirs hlighle.l wilh our own,
Om0UNO.7k0Urll fitUIlKUlt'KSI' tHatttuortt.Vi
AM. fUlHilU.W, Ol'llltATlON'H I'Ullr'OllM U .
N.lir-r.ntnorilim inodfuiy prevent you, but upp'yim
mediately either pefiouulty or by Utter.
To Strangers
Th. ihrt.iL11i.,Id rnrod at ihii llistitnlioil WltU n
tliu 1.11 l3y.irri,aiHltU(j nuiuerous imporfint Hiirpirat
Cinjiaiions pfrffirtneilby Dr. Johnston, wiliieuvJ by
the rfporter-Jol Hie papors anl many other
ticea ol w hUh havu aiiponrttl again anl naalt) hetoru
tha dull lie, besides his standing a a uentltinau ofcha
racleraifl rsiJ weiVulily , kUa sutlaicnt jjuarauU'i: tu
tUu uUliCleJ. tit f m ,
Take Notice.
N. T). There aru so many Ijnor.iui and woilhlr
O'tacks ai1verliiiiE thcinseivrs i'ltysiclniis, rultuns
the ue-illh ol the ulrmdy uttlicled, Utut Ur, Johnetnit j
Jenn ll urcPiary tos-iy. especially to thoae unac-I
iualnt1 with his pjpiitatlf'n.lliatliii rredenilals and
dlploniaaalwayslmnar in his otTtre.
!XTkWotici!, All letter muni be post paid, and!
eoniain a postage itamp for tha reply, or noonswer
illbB pnt
January 17, 13i7.
BnST KlltHV, I iiiiorick.Vlrcinla tiupiovej Trout,
Bea. Tiki. nnU Crl llooki, 8ivit, Balmon 0i
Tront Mura. rul olhcr Snoops, Arllncjal Ilttit,
Canton Ora.i Unet. friun ami I'luited 'ilii l.luai,
Line. Willi Floali unl lluoki, Walkirf Stirk, Trout,
an. 1 'J'ii.IiIiii Roll., rioali.UuM Itccli. Minnow Noli,
Pinm.3l Netf, Purlrldye Men. Uulciiurr nJ nno
Wire, Vinllntinil Slnnsi-Oilllne ond Heine 1 wlna,
Oenuine llurlem Oil, for mavcl auil ofluciiona ul Hie
u 'otoifcc w. iicvociigek.
91 viVs Nnrlhlhiru .iiurt wait ri'li .irond donr be
!.H.'h,l . ind duo. ,, ih. Ml llol.l
1 ih and I start up with something to nleaso vour wif
over the bright pathway with rapid Mops. 0 ,i,0 6!imo feeling of terror w hich 1 ex- ) " Well, I ought
Well d not proeeeucu iar, uoioro a joiig peiieiieed, when, ni(ro than halt a con
lowl catiio lu nur ears. Wo all knew it in tury since, I passed a night among tbo
a moment ; and I euuld feel a shudder wolves-
thrilling tho ar.i.s that wcro close to my' .
own, as a sudden cry burst from the lips H O 111 0
of all f us, iThe wolves ! the wolves 1'
Did you ever ice a wild woil net one HoMt: it is a little word it has its
of your eaged, broHcn down, snow anim-is, own i,Jterestilf ;ts own difficulties and sor
which aro exhibited for t sispcacc a sight. I ros jts ovni blessings and joys. It is the
and children halfprtcej but a fierce, ha f banctuary of the heart, where tho affections
ttarved ranger of iho wintry Torcit, howl- cherished iu the teudcrest relations
ing and hurrying over tho snow actually wLcr0 beart ;3 j0;nea to heart, and love
mad w'uh hunger I 1 hero is no ono ot umpUs ovcr all selfish calculations, U
God's creatures which h is sucli a tngmiui ;3 tho ,rain;Dg gcnooi of tb0 tcnfjcr piantS)
fiendish look, ts this animal. It has tho I in after ,.ear3 aro t0 parcntal caro.
form as well as the spiut ot a demon. ) It j3 thQ rountain whence come tho streams
Another snd another howl ; and then wo wh-ch ,eaxltity and enliven social life,
could hen- dirtinc ly the quick patter or Jf anyluan should have a homo, it is the
feet behind in. Wu turned n -hi ab ut m(n ot- uusincs3, jje is tho truo woiking
and looked in the direction 01 uie souun. '
'Tim wolves aro allot us,' said Mason
good man had lor a wife."
"Aud you love your wife?"'
" To be suvo I do j it is natura 1 that n
man should love his wife,"
'And you would do anything you could
wile i '
'Suppose you were lo sign atcmpiranco
pledge, would that please her !"
" Jy thuuiler, l rather ttunK it wouiuj i
could not do tho thing that would please
my wile like that. If I was to put my
namo down there, why, tho old woman
would be up and about her business in two
"As she is Eick," said I, " then vou will
do it."
" Yes, I guess I will do i'."
And ho at onco opened a closet, took
out pen and ink, and I iprcad out the
pledge, and ho wroto his name.
The children had been listening with
eyes, ears and mouth wide cpon, whilo wo
were talking stout temperance. Thoy
knew wha: a druuken father was; thoy I
ucss, by whoso wool sho neiu ou wuen
running up hills and springing ovcr rooks.
This ram appeared very murh attached to
this wild und singular creature and protects
her. It appears that somo fifteen years
ago, a littlo girl, daughter ot a l'rcncti
wman residing ou the nanus ot the lorn
bigbeo river, was tost, as well as a pet
lamb of hers. Ihey were never after
heard from, so that many supposed tho
littlo girl and her lamb had been drowned
The nuestion now is, can this wild woman
ol ilarengo county bo tho samo t It is
highly probablo, but how sho has existed
during fi'tcen years in the woods, away
from all intercourse in tho world, is a
Hoop Incident.
A young man has brought suit at Louis
villo. against a youni lady, under most
peculiar circumstances. It appears that
she resides in tho vicinity ot Liouisviuo,
abroad among rural scenery ou a fine sun
ny moriiing, is to ramble in the temple of
t.' o IVMty, and witness tho creative process,
Kvcry day, almost every hour, witnesses
somo change, buds, blossoms, leaves and
flowers arc woven uy unseen hands, paint
ed by invisible artists, aud perfumed from
'vials full of ordors of sweet," we look
upon them in tho morning with surprise
and pleasure, wh lo tho hrst do ana sun
beam aro visiting the n. What an admira
ble and perfect tasto must Ho have, who
performs all this! 'I'hero is no hois'1, no
usclesi display. l lie creator tiiercin
teaches medesty to his creatures. His
goodness is also visible the blo-soms soon
pcrnli, hut their huo and iragranco and
tho breathings of a benevolent mind l.o 'k
at tho multitude of littlo heaps of sand
that lio in the pths and suffer your eyo to
rest for a moment upon tho busy and ap
parently happy insert that btings out his
:.. . i v.,i.: ,,, .:..,, i
IJIUIIl Ul ruuu, lAu.iii.i Duuu.a kUJ miuuiu
and insignificant for the Almighty to put
His hand upon ond invest with faculties of
intelligence and happiness.
pointing to a lino of dark bodies. And so
in fact thoy wcro, a wuoio troop ut win,
howling like so many Indians in a pow-row.
Wo had no weapons of any kind, and wo
know enough of the vilo creatures who
followed u, to know that it would bo use
less io contend with them. There was not
n inciiiiei t to loso ; the savugo beasts were
man of tho community. Tho mechanic
' has his fixed hours, and when theso havo
run their course, ho may, ero tho day closes
dismiss all anxiety as his Ubor ends and
seek tho homo circle. Uouiparalivcly littlo
has been tho taxou his mind, and not much
tuoro on his physical system, cs ho learns
to take all easy, 5ut tho man of business
is under a cuistaut pressure. His is not a
l,n linnr .v1iiii. with an infomil of rrst
close upon us. To uttouipt flight would t ho ;3 ,jr;vcll onwurcl, caily ond late,
havobeen a uopeicm au-ii. without tho calculation ot hours, lio must ' ' '"'u Tuu ?J r uu"',"- ' , I affianced to conduct her home, which ho
but one chance ol escape, a-ni we msmiiuy bo clnl,,oycd, In ,hu earnestness cf com-. co was gnastiy pa.e mo eyo urge buu fc j manner. Arrived ,.,., ipletion-iu tho complexity of modern Ujmk deep in .U socket; he. long
To the tret , b t m .-limb this rce '-- ll0llc3 of lu5illuaain lho fluctuations ! thin and bony fingers sho griped my band, . ac lu Z ' WM ,n
cried, fcpringigtorw,.rds a lovv bong lie, M frcquonlly occur-in tho solicitous and w. U otlier toot the hand oilier them ,IUnia Bij0 ut juri
liui H.ia, uiuv , . . I 1 ll r
knew what tho principle of abstinence , a"u "'S
ii r . .,) i t llio cirt'iu iu wtiiuu situ muvuu, iiur suuuia
1 it -n. were numerous, and main- otters of m-ir
' 1? 0,0, has ligned the pledge I" ' f A Aort timo.sineo she
"Oh, my I" sa"d the other, " now m ! 'ct one to who o devotion she yielded so
go and tell my mother;" and away thu , far as to name the day of marriage. Tho
ran into tho other room. newspapers chronicled tho approaching
u.. ,i . i :. t nuptials, and iho youni; man lavished tuo
lilt l. iuu iiiuiiiur uuu xiUiiiu .i, aun i. us" . ' - i . l i to her eallin r i n"st expensive presents upon lus intended.
i t ..i i i ,.i, i i... o " i On
JIUI.U, J.UQU. VUIIIU 1IUIU M, tUUlllk.,,,, ,
cj. i t - ii n :.. i i :.!... and
outu tie, iiuuic iu iiere iiiuu tiitii uiv , , .
"i :r ,i .coiiiiu
1 . b Lbedside. TH-beeoming ''no better fast" she askedhor
for more than an hour in conducting tho
ladder, whilo men at the lop e ircfully let
it down. At length tho wuving of lunk
crehie's and oaeering on tho Oauada siJo
iudicated to us that tho mm had spruug
to the sliore from tho rook, and h-d begun
to ascend the ladder. Cau iously, ond
witii firm grasp and step, ho climded up
three hundred feet, and was greeted by tho
shouts and a:cl Jiintiom of tho hundred)
of spectators who had aisemblcd to witncsii
the exciting scene. Ho was for a few
moments barno on tho sholdcrs of tho cx-
. cited multitude, all wore so anxious to con.
i . ..i, t.;...
gratutiitj uiiti
J5S5 A friend told u tho following,
which wo consider a good tin.
lioing in a machine shop the other day
an urchatit catno in, his dress covered with
His father observing hi3 dirty plight
said to hi:n.
'William, my son, how camo you to
muddy your dross so f
The boy stopped a moment, then looking
hii father in tho eyo very obscrvingly ask-
'Father, what am I made of!'
'Dust tho lliblo says. Dust and
unto dust thou shalt return.
'Well father, if I am dust, Inw can I
help being muddy when it rains on me .'
'William, go down stairs and get somo
wood, Etart '
cutting our feet off t save shoe leather 1
lion t do it its bad economy.
tfir A great do il is said and written
aginst the extravagance of tho ti lies, but
who says anything about tho meanness of
over-frugality? The truth H, extrava
gance shows lor itself, and everybody can
see it, whilo meanness naturally sneaks,
and, n t being much observed, escapes
comment. A sensablo man will supply
I... . .. . . . .
Athort time since somo gentlemen were cry fcj.ouaoic nut w.t i w io
(ininiin,! I in rbinipcmn rtl iiiMirilTllf nnil " v -.w.w-
having lost sight of tho hare, ono of the P1"! of 'lopping off our desires" is simply
party rode up to a boy, when tho following
dialoguo ensued
" 13oy, havo jou seen a hare running
tlia wy, followed by dogs I"
" What do you mean a little brown
thing V
" Vcs "
" Had it long cars!''
"A littlo whito under the belly !"
" Yes."
" Had it a short tail I'
" Yes,"
"And long legs T"
" Yes."
" Was it running as fist at ii could t"
" Yrs. it was."
" Boy, (after a pause,) No, I have not
scon it."
GnAniNa Wax odii be made cf two
parts of rosin and ono part of beeswax,
adding a small quantity of lard or tallow
say ono third that of beeswax. Tlio
object is to havo tho wax of such consis.
tcnoy that it will not run in wurm weath
er, and will not crack in dry, windy weath
or. These are tho important dualities in
I grafting wax, of whatever it may bo made.
st expensive presents upon his imenueu. j quarreling, daring
; tho marriage evo they attended a ball, M ' (a fc
1 during tlio dancing the young lady f eo
npla.ned of slight indtsposition-wbich JJf ,lig 'fatbor.s cs.,reio;
t'.his teasoirofi'"., ,
. loi
tho ifround. and tho whole Iroup wcro yell
ing at my heels botoro 1 reacueu iub re.v
uf tho company. Tliero was ono luometit
nt liard breathiug ami wild exouumion a-
moug us, then a foeling of calm thankful
ness for our esoopo. Tho night was cold,
and wc soon begun lo shiver and shake,
like so ninny sailors ou tho topmast of an
Iceland whaler- But theru wore no mur
murs, no coinpla'iuiug among us, for wo
could distinctly sec the gaunt, atttnuttcil
tho court understand yiu to ay, Mr.
Jouos, that you f aw the editor of tho Ar
gus of freedom intoxicated I' '2Jot at ali,
rir; I merely said that I bad seen him
i frequently bo flurried in his mind that ho
- - would undertake to out out copy with tho
r5- Iu a neighborhood where wc onco pasto-paddlc that's all.'
lived, a man and his wifo wcro almost con- j ...
stantly qnarreltng, during their quarrels j So nobody, speaking of the new
boy,) was gcnorany cent, says ;' J hey oro'a beautiful coin, all
had caught many iM the eagle, and ho seems to bo tomg
expressions. Ur.c day, , 60nionhcre in a detporato hurry, probably
when the boy had been doing something ' because ho has just got a now t-cent.'
wrong, me moiiier, luteuuiiig iu uuususe . , . , ,
him, called him ond said "I'omo here, . , . , , , , e , ,
fir. What did you do that for I" The ! . A. Ice" la.Jo a
boy, complacently, folded his arms, and 1 ' I'lulaMpuw l"cU ooutains U yards,-
pant, lor nouie, aim nan iuu luouieut wucu --- .
ho may cscapo from his toils to seek its aJu1;?' .,,,, , ., , ,
,.,.:.,! ;,! ii- t,(v,.!n ,,n.l,v. That difficulty I Godonlyandthocrusbed
i uu, u ,w . v.u..., - - ,.-
WHO 01 mo inicuiperuiu uiau kuow aiiytmug
about it.
Tho man shook like a leaf; ho snatched
lu" A wag describing an elephant, re
marked that this sagacious animal always
carried his trunk before him and con never
bo robbed.
t&- Why do old maids were mittens I
To keep off tho chops,
his hand from tho grasp of his wifo, toro
down her night dress from her shoulder,
ond said
" Look at that 1" and on her thin neck,
cloio to her shouldor, was a bad mark.
Said he, "look at that I" and when I saw
It is rather hard "getting round" that
SSy " Mammy, if wo cross lho bridge at
nigbt must wo pay toll I" "Of course,
my doar, why do you ask !" "Why, be
cause tho river win havo gono homo to
6leep." "Oh ! tho river nevor sleeps.''
"Then why has it a bed, mammal"
essrltoad not books alone, but men i
and abovo all, read thyself.
imitating his father's manner, replied :
"Seo hero, tnadum, don't trhlt ta haie
any tcrrc's icith yov."
New Bi'.autitudk Blessed aro the po'T What cvidem-e have wo that Cow-
folks-, for thoy shall have little to "toto'' I'M was poor ?
on moving days. I This ; he 'Uh'd for a lodge iu some
. vast'
JKsy Moderation is tho languor and si th 1 --
af tho euuI, as ambitieti is its activity and ! Cttjf" A lady of fashion recently stepped
ardor. I into u lurniture-store, and nslteu lor u
, . . , , matrimonial basket, being too delicate to
tSf Truth is tho hidden gem we til say cradle,
should dig for. i --- -
1 r" A horse dealer, dcseriUug a ued
lnV A Vr ll.n.lnt. il trllln,! I.n linrs.i .ot,1 l,n I. .a tr I... I, 1. .....
can Eliug sometimes like a dead wasn. editing n Jailj newspsper '"