Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 11, 1857, Image 4

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    Tim tfAidtdsfc
" llllifittjfktf lon-k KoM tkrlvt,
llmir'f wissl ttfhtt hold or drfve.'
OriRiu of tUo Sookol Pear.
'Hits i3iii3pi036tl l havd sprung
fnni tlic sccita of pears liruiirjht frnm Gcr
jiiiinv by tlio early sctlloru in Pounsvlvn
nia. Tlio Into Hialiop. Wliito said i
About 81) years ago, wlion ho (tlta Hi
uliop) was a lad, Micro was) a well knriwn
iportSmnn audi catilo iloaler in Pliilulob
plii.i win wai'fiimilUry known a3 "Dutch
Jatb," Every season, early in tlio au
tunnr, on returning from Ida shoDtig ex
cursion, liuteli Jacob regaled his neighbors
with poara of an unusua ly delicious fla
vor, tho secret of wlios pl-ico of growth
however,, ho would never satisfy their cu
riosity by divulging. At length tho Uol
lad Ldud Co npany, owning a considerable
tract south of that city, disposed of it in
paroles, and Dutch Jacob then ceeurcd
tho ground on which his favorite pear
trco stood, a fino strip of land near tho
Delaware. Not long afterward it boeamo
tho land of Mr Seckcl, who introduced
thisremirkablo fruit to public notice, and
it received bis name. Afterward tho pro
pcrty was added to tho vast estate of tho
late Stephen Oirard. Tho original tree
still exists, vigorous and fruitful.
Of this variety, Mr 1'. Uarry, of Ho
Chester ,Y., says it is tho highest fla
vored pear known, considered as the stan
dard of execllenco; a stout, erect grower,
not' rapid, a good bearer, grows well on
the quinco st ck, and ripens in September
and October,
Seasonable Hints.
Cows. Treat those "coming in'' with
suitable nourishing food, giving roots or
meal with cut fodder, unless there is a pro
disposition to excess of milk or milk fever.
Oivo pUnty of puro water. Provblo those
about calving with plenty of stablo room,
Cuttle, Theso should have special caro
at tho present season, A little neglect
now, will often produce debility which
whole summer may not recover.
Fences, Hepair as early as may be, col
lecting posts, rails and stakes for future
use. Have a good pile of each finished
and packed away, under cover, if possible,
Folds. Provide with lime of pnwdercd
oyster shells, and animal food. Seo that
plenty of gcod nests are made. Artificial
eggs aro very convenient when sovero frosts
occur. Thoso of porcolain or wliito glass
aro now sold quito low.
Pot don Select for iced, and sort over
thoso for family use keeping them as much
as possible from warmth, air and light.
Tools, Look over, and if any are want
ed, procure them beforo you aro hurried.
Repair old ones and see that the plowing
is in readiness.
Ploughing icith 'Ihrcc Horses. Few
farmers aro aware of the advantages of
ploughing with three horses instoid of us
ing but two as is tbo common method. For
breaking in colts, particularly, this is a vo
ry practical method. A colt may bo pla
ced on tho near sido of a span of horses,
making him pull on the cad of a sweep
against tho spar. on the principle of a
steelyard, tho length to be proportioned to
tho strength and enduranco of tho colt.
To prevent tho plough from running too
much to land tho clevy will have to bo
placed far to the near side or, better yet,
the plough-beam sprung sufficiently to tho
sido substituted for tho old one. In har
rowing, also, a mnch greater amount of
work miy bo done thin with two horses.
Tho three horso toani gives a power of
Bteadincss of movement truly suprising to
tboso who have never tried such a team be
Worn-out Meadoivs. Tbero is no moro
profitable; field belonging to tlio farm than
a good meadow, and yet comparatively few
farmers understand tbo art of keeping
them in a productive state. Meadows
become worn-out, and consequently un
profitable, from two causes, viz : from want
of proper manures, or from a kind of moss
wbicli farmers usually call fog. Tbo first
is eisily remedied by spreading a light coJt
of chaff, of any kind, over tho sod any time
between November and tho middle of
April, as this 13 not only tbo best msnuro
for meadows, but should not be put on farm
land at any time, as it contains a great
quantity of tho seeds of nos'ui plants that
greatly thin, and sometimes almost destroy
.1.. mi 1 . .y
iuo gram crop, xuo sccoiiu 13 etlectually
and permanently destroyod and converted
into a highly nutritiuus manuro by a top
dressing of lime, say twenty bushels to the
Scarlet Pevor and Small Pox.
Dr. William Fields, of Wilmington,
Delaware, gives publicity to tbo following
receipo, wbicb, ho says, if faitbfully carried
out, will euro forty-fivo cases out of fifty,
" Scarlet Fivu; For adult, give one
table-spoonful of good brewer's yeast, iu
tbrco tablcspoonfuls of sweetened water,
Lrco times a day ; and if tbo throat is
uueh swollen, gurglo with yeast, and ap.
i!y ycast to tho throat as a poultice, mised
tltU Indian meal, Uso plenty of catnip
oj, to keep tho eruption out of tho skin for
Small Pox.XSio the abovo doses of
cast three times a day, d milk diet .
joroughout tho outiro disoaso. 2carly '
ory case cm bo cured, without leaving n '""
clem ark.
SSilfiMfiS Horn,
R. R. Omnibuw Line.!
rrUIK undrrslgned respectfully informs
I hi! friends an. I ihc public that ho liu I nkrn the
F.tehnfgelhtel, in lllnomtburfr. located oh Mflln Street,
directly opposite the Court House, whlih has Been'
e li toiiflliiy rapatrrd nnrl Improved, thero ho If lire
pared to nccoinmndnln lilf customers with good Ibrc
nnu lo smsiacilou
lie nliu hn In ctriiiictllun with tlir I'.xhange Ho.
tel, ml uxcellcut
riinnln-rccul.irly acvcrnltlnus ami from
Iho Dcpoton Ihc nrrlvnlnflhe Cars, by whlrh passcon"
era wllltia plcasniillyconvcyciltnllie
taken fiuinnuiircturnod to tliclr rcsidcncesi Ifdcf tn,l
ir llowlll always lie nappy in ciitcrinn nniinrrnm
tnnd.iLo his fr ip lulu in the utmost nf his abilities.
rilTf.u HIL,l,lll.l Nil
I'rwmltf r,
l!loomst(iir .April ,5,1856 y.
Jewelry Stortii
WIIOI.nsAt.R ANDnCTAII.nitlii!"riilla-.fP
dclphla Watch ami Jewelry Flore," No. (HI tgM
Worth idstrcct corner of (tuary, Philadelphia. 2M9
Odd l.i.vcrWalchf.,fiillJewole,l,IBcarat . ft" "u
fluid l.nplne, IS carat HI 00
Silverl.cvcr.fnlljewcllcd, .... 12 nil
giver Lcplna.Ji'nclg, ..... o 00
Superior Uuenlcri, . . . 7 00
iioiurrrcciacics, ...... , ,iu
FlneFilverdo, 1 40
Oold nrarcleis, 3 00
Ladle's Gold rcnclls, 1 0
SIverTe.l Spoons, eel 3 00
Qoldl'en. with pnncilamlfilverlml.ler. . 100
Hold timer rlnj. S7cenjs lo 8?",' Watch glasses,
plain I2 cents, palentlflj, I.unct23j other articles In
pnportion. All goods warrantedlo be wlml thev are
soldfor HTAUTFEIt & IIA1U.KV.
Uu handsome Unld and mlvcr Levers & I.epine
tttllnwer llinnthenboveprices. (Jell 15G
Cattawissa, Fa.
r 1 1 1 old nnil wollknonn Hotel, intlielown .
arCnttaiWtsa.f a.till kepi by tbo Milder
llgiicd, and In apitpol allllcense laws, lio nAt'ji'Si.
di'tpruilneit to niakebia ltoiuo onoof the iiioatLomloila
bte plnrea for traveleralo stop at, Hint can bo found lu
tbe interior of Pennsylvania liif table will bofurniiU.
ed dally with tbe besllbo.Marketcan ali'ord.
ICMy old Irienda and travcllcrrgenerally are Invited
to rail. JACUU OVUlt.
May2t,lM3. y.
Esjptoun Coach and Wagon Fctory,
TIIK nndnrsigncd having fuccecdcd Jacob S. rjva
I it I beWajimand Ooacb making huslnens.nt Ins
stand, in Uspytown respectlnlly inloini tliclr frlunu
and tbo niMIc, that they contlnupwilltbo
Wa"on Making JJitbincss,
in nil its denittniente, where iIipv will bo lnoov lore
ceive orders andpruiiipllyeiccitleall busineralntbelt
line, with nealnessonildprpaich.
rr- Wheel harrows made to order, and all kin da ol
repair ingdoue onsliorlnotiee.
' b nv.iNs iiiiAocxnucii.
nrpytnwn,June7, IS5C y
npUll tulisctiljtf respeclfully inform
uy 111 10 rut it rmp. ,
hat lie ban 0T2itV'
A. i lie pnuiic in gciii'iuii Kim
tibtllnished ami nowoiTcri
nt hl wnrofooms.oii Mam Sttect. n few doors bc'in
tti i i oin.', (oppol tp nidef.f Hi uJfrcct.) made oft lie Lest
innfri-ii.uiHfiDca in ine nrisiiu ui tuour', anil war
inlo.l Id rrlvn HJlIifClinU.
XCt lie Invite hit inemlB to call and cxamlntfo
March IS1 1P50.
THK aiil)obpr present o lie nt'tlce of Tanntr'and
olhera Interpsled, tlia nbivo nrilclo. The excel-Jt-iicy
of our preparation liaj been to well J; noun Tor
many years ut!t. Hint w iteem it, nn necessary to gny
tiiurnni rRiiL'CL ions nirriia. nu i in " rei rfiiiarK inni
tJutins Ion 17 i ie-t of ycnrg.lti purity and vaUic'in n
tiimuiaui lor im gruAing crop, unii ui a
revinaneiit Manure
hnvnlivn llmrouslllv CSinbllstlPiI.
riuKuner Pitanhete rf Lime in not e linnr ii n u im
acicr every Rcoii. um ! ii p-irpuns ioi ie un,.
urm in 1.1 rucaitcai roiiiuueriif, una 11 relied upon
asih. Ruttt f'rlll lizcr In uso lor
CORN, OATS', WllliAT, POTAT03, ClEAi?!-
nnl viotousontl lauiiisinaiiiirfl
fainphlcts ilevrnbin; tt nnd the mode of applying
can bo had gratuitously at our tlort s.or ty mail wiicti
CAUriOV, Uc nirticuKir to o'iscrvo thit nvurv
nat rtlofonr arlictc lia cm name aid thatef PoUtand
nan iiniMGU on in; neiii. ion uatiion in rni er.
ed iitcjfii.i.y, aitlfire arc to tnniv nilicles of doulitrul
va tie noli 1 11 tin r loo name ol immr FAotBhaittxf
m t'i mllral iliop wlio nto uiiuciualiilcd uJth tlio
vatue 01 a ticuuuie ar icic.
rwee $45 Per 2000 lbs. 2i cents iierlb,
A liberal detludinn iiuadcto DHALKHH.
Since last fall there has tten hit nor ted but nnr
cargo ol tncceuMiraiet;
which we offer for ualo hi mall lots.
A rilpnly of this valuable article for sate.
Price 30 per 201)1) lbs. lh cent per lu
Forsaloat lie lowest rites.
The leading Agricultural Journalsand
Icicsna)crs tire regularly filed at our office
jor me use nj farmers.
uilm A lull atsorlaient of 01 1. tu rir ml.
nersand rJlorc kieDCts1 use. epmsi ninl mliiiinniiii.
mil. ii. p.
r5-We are also ace els for Kipesfnrili .t. cnn,. n.wn
go l'urer3tatcb,corn enrn.
i.i.uv u .Tiutni.iia,
No, C3. Soeth Wharvei and 35 Soinh Water SI;
First sroru abovo C:ieinut street, Philadelphia,
March 7. lf.',7.-3io.
l'crlc.lot.nir, Onen aid CMmhM Stnctt,
WE offer a largo stock of Chemical
Manures an l'crtlllizeret low rriros.nud war.
ranteit to be Genuine: anion; which will be found !
I.iioi) ions No. I Government I'orovian Guano
1 OOUlons He Ihirs's .No. 1 Soner IM'Oi-iihato of Llmo.
The above slanuaril arlif lea nra, eaeli ol llieir kind,
thobeil in the world! Our Land Flakier, inanurac'
Hired Irom selected slone Is celebrated lliiouahout the
Union lor lis puril v aed slrencll.
wk invitu ouumia tori;
Do llurj a No, 1 Suner Flios ihate of Lime.
No. 1 Government I'ernvun Guano,
French's Improved Sup-riioinhate ofLime.
French's t'liifadeliiliiai'ondrelle.
No. I I'hospliato Guano, ilhilad'a Co.'s
Meiicnn Guano, tA)
Cttra l.aii Ur, nidimry Lnnd Flatenel
Uhemioa! Uo.ic. Furo IloneUiist.
Fish Guano., Ground" Charcoal.
IIIIMO Baricll Land Tinier
5 000 " Gaiiini i'lasier.
lO.DlHl u llydraiiiicOnicnt,
aooi) m Tiue Uiujiti C',..ii.nt
1.000 " l'ortlMid(i:nslish) Ceiollii,
Dentist' rie'ler. X'owdercd Anlhracilo no l h,i,ti.
rilereolj no i'lasier Iiiderel Uitmnlitous coal Inbhti i
""" "o urouiin urown cione, in bUs- 1
"in , ouoj. oiuiio ii.ii. itnn. 10 mils,
Oo While larlile Ground 11, Irks for l'jlntcrs
do lilue MarOlcs I'mvilereit Hone t'Nik
Steam ,Mill4.liid I'nrniprB' nnn.
At junction of i'ark Jfcmut Croiea Bad Cuiltuhilt Street!'
1 I11JjALH'I.J.'U1A,
Slarch Ttli, 1S37. 2in,
inui,L.r.iio, run ,o Oil TOWER
Vc make four sizes nr ttm u.aU
Sliellei., and ivarruni tliei i to aivo
lion, or Iho ni .ney returned. Theyaro far I
,. ' "no inaraci. i
ih IKlreen Unrn aj we as llrv A 111.. . .
disoiint to e eri Hanlms l'
ghllers;anii;itiissri also inanufjcluredandfor sjla
url.tilpkiilA n nit rotnH . Iiv
, I) LANflitETII tiHOtt c
Implement and Uee.l Vn,l,n...t, '
1 HXTll BI., below Marl,.r7i
November. 15, Itijd.
I'll 1 laJc n plila . th
uianoracturing these unrivalled (Jljor Mill,
sreatlt imuroved nnd streniiiliA,.i .i .' :.'
Mills shipped to any pnrl (ifllie lninn. " "ela"'
i'nBt;ii.i,i, aiuitlllS & CO
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Agriculiural'lmnlo.
iiiiiiiIu nnil Martlins. ...u..
7iliaiidMarkctalreei, rhlladelplilo.
i(tm A tllll allnnlv Of Iho nremln,.. flm. r,..
p?.j.m8liellor.lroiiiour own Monufactury, now
are ndopled for either hand or horsepow'o7.
-.-W"d are iNlievcd to ho the best eiiellerin
"lT,tho inurkei,
Ininlciiient nnn K,-.l R,,,...
Titiand Market I'hllsdeliiliia,
November '.".', Icid.
-go TlirtOWlNO a elreain of water SOtocOfcol,
SJS-iat Iron Lill and I'orro Pomp,, iioor
tW'. Turnip Dr.ll., Wheat Drill,. !ftl, ol
srSr;,.l,iV'.i!!;.8'w''"altae.,,e'l',',''w' uf iom
'lee?Y,i a"i n,,lc"' their proper
season. for tin. farm andenrdcn.nt Wholctalcnnd lie
liupl' inenianilSecil tiiore
Hiaiiilflsri" ir t, I'luta Ipiu,
or inn
xrnoxjii. 4vkty rnvsr co.viwr.
IIS B n ! I
f ALM."T Street, South Wat corner
1 fTIIIUU, Fllil.iilcltihla.
Incorporatrii bv Iho tfialeof Pennstlranll.
Money is rcrfiv'MIn neysuai. larpo or small und
Interest paid f oni thodiy or deposit to the (lay ol
Tlio cflice is open every day frem 0 o'clock In iho
morning till 7 o flock in l lie e idling, and oil Monday,
nnd Thursday ct fcriiogi, till u o'l loch
All turn largj or tipall, nre paid Lack tu UOLD on
dcinaiidwi bout uoilce. ninny nmoniit.
I'resldcot Hon II I'AUY L DEN'NT.R.
Secretary, Wll.fdASI J. KHCU.
Henry T Uonnpr, O. Landrctli Mttnns
iMvvai.lJj. Carter. i. Cnrroll Itrfwstcr
UobertSflfridgr. Joseph H. Itarry,
Samnpl fi. i!ton Henry I-.CIitirclimin,
JanicxII.Hinlili. TrnnclsLcr
Tliiiruiiipanycoiiflnca in Ijt'fiiK entirely to the
receiving ol mcncyoii Interest, llio Ituujtinciits a
iiioixit'ntrto iioii r iv.
oxn am. i. ion and a HAM' or POl'.LAT.SI
per (HitiHthrd rrpurt ol Ayat'1'5 nre niaifc In con
ortuitv wild (iio provision nl lie cImmt lu l!C.Mj
!:STA'ri3, MOU'iOAOi: UROUXO ni.N'l'S, ntnUnch
firHdaa fctiriiic,'nt wil I nlvnm Inpuru np'ct to
cunty to the depositor, um! illicit n .inni itil to rivo
n?iiiinicrcvnn(l tijtlity lo lliliotj an t well pinb
Hfilirtl Itn.ntttion, (IVb l J 855.)
.narni iii, jcjjs
rllC p itr.ilbcris now prepared, with new Machine
ry. to buililataiiouary oitgliiPB.trom 5to Kildiorsc
tower, upon thu l.itiIiiiiprovulplnnii.and willjulldlo
r,ir iiiiniiifiiii(l fiioale nortabld eimlne rnnii 10 to 40
liirepowcr,Kig2uupo carnages, wnu i.oner vvav
n jl- M.IIIHI4 nil romttlele u till rcatlvfor nction. Aleo
-cylinder ilncantl iubularbolrrti c:it iron coa! breaktr
tm paiLiiiea in iouh" h
:orn rtnI now niado on alnrpescnle for crcckfiijr os
dreakins uml. ltojvyiiiiniua pump? ami nre tu.'inii
riirrfii double ncllnz forjlnir ntimp.m
kinilri of ntitlRt.iriiig.inl house ciitiug uiada to onlcrl
LtneniniiM'3 mu anyop'triu t zes 01 ptiiifyK iiuifnn
with haii';'r- 1 ronpl.miiu doiio payyifeet Inn?: u
kind or iroi lurnlr? heivy prers nnl other screw
turned wllh nnv desired nitch ol ihrcnd .
'l'tift)oi iifiiiffti I rou tii resliin a Micliinrs, that ever
come be. ore the nHi'ic,cnt Iron nnd woitcmmclilnei
Hinde to ord' r. l-evrr nmvcf, chain or tread rower
mfldo toenlcr. AIo lakes orders for theroIIowhiL'iiia
rhlnery: Ilarrl'oti s latrt-tpatinmraln mUl.SMiOilof.
rered by thi raicnircioriiicuai. h win zrinn in cnod
fin iritil2.1 tnihc!ni oiio hour Also bolt 9 nnd nlL-vrt-
torsall Inorder.iiUoiu'iaie s rafntmowcr.maniif.ictiir
pd by G. I IlarrW&Co ,tlie moit powerful Blower
now in ug wiin lneieaiiiiioniu oi power, oneot which
wlllijp nutiu u at llm round y for etlnhitlon. Allot
Ihpnbovo works willbe warrnuted to bo what tlicy arc
loiu tor.
AIo TnKn orders for Pcott 1'atent n ackamith
flirikrr,anilrl?lilnion- them In theco'tntieof Colum
bia, Montour. N'orih't in ifjtlnnil.l.vromiMStSulliraii and
Uiinton, one or wiucii can he tren at my nnop
IjNV i o 11. ,11 wis
I,Iarch?2, 1850 t;ioom'inrg Coluinbi i tt.,
fty.ioo.Noivrii Titiun stiiket.
Five doorsbelow llace,
Janrurav II). I8S5.,
NO. 0, North Water Street Phil.nlol
nhla UOMMISdlONMClICIlANTS, and dialers In
Lard, tjliouldcrs, Chceso lliinn, lluckcta, forks,
c ion r etc.
Anlil I ly.
Dr. Francis V, Hsrvison.
WOL'Lll rcsppetfnlly Inform ilia cilrins nflllnoms
linrzil'iil vicinitv. tliat neh.iscommencciltlif. nme
lie of Mi-n . .se und ciJiioEay, and solicits a Biiare o
no &aniiinyoj found a tthunxchangc Hole I opposite
llleanuburg, I eb . 5 , l&T.J,
lit', J. C, E&tillci,
II o ra uo o it a i !i i c Physician,
nnsrnCTFULLYteniloraliis l'rofesslonnt Perres
xttii the citizens of r.loonuLilrs ninl vicinity, ci' ne rally
rr Olnco on tho corner of Main and Iron Strcols
uioomshiirg, Aiijointng .nr urowcr'sBtorc.
sept. -J, leoo.
cunxnu ok market ano miliptkkcts,
(Immediatvhj opposite the Court Jfoitte,)
i;AfVlLl,t, I'A.
'TAV1NG been recently renovated nnd refurnished
.iln a superior style. t) i a clezant Hotel is noiv r en mi
tor the rereption of Btiangttra ami visitor, whose pa
ts. A. Lilt A l) xf
T5 MCNTS-Wo arepreparedto furnish AgricuH
grj4turedat our Aerfcullural Woiku.L'riaioI, l'u.
mjJLttm the lowest cawh or ice, wholcialeor
wllirhaileiico comnarifon ith iliosu iiianurjctnreiiiiv
any other estaLtUhinent in the country. The first pro
tuium ot oneuuDiireu ( uwaruea ux uy the
Commilteoof IheU. H. Agricultural their
late Exhibition at Towclton. forthibcst display of
Ac riculturallmplenients manufactured by theexliiiiilor.
Cverv artlr leoled by us is warrcnled to be as nnm.
seutcd,or thejnoneyreturned. 1
m. unjiiiiiirit ii ec ouj,
ImpleinentsandSecd VareIloue.
Noi.aiandtl3rJouihBmli ureet.Philadelnhin.
November 8, 1S5G.
TIID undersigned rrspnet'"iilfy informs Ms tddensto
mersand the puhlir in ceiieia' mat lie centinue
in nil its dinarlintnts. in Ihc old stand. I'.i
clnnjo Idoek the only shop n town onnoiiie the
nnliimliii Democrat Oirice. on .Main Hlrcet, llloo.nsliiiri..
UolumUii Democrat unice, on .nan
where ho wlllnlways he Inppy to nreoniniodali. his
customers on siglil and ill tho l3eitfct)lo of tho fashion.
aUe"1, oconcr, smith.
Blooni'kurg N'ovamherJSSOeij
HASopened.i'jo Yar'int the corner of Main and
MirKet MLrf!ii vlitm li ih pc pnred lo liuuh the
best work from Italian or American M;ii iitefur
Tombstones, Tablet, ilaiitlca, Window-Filla nnd leu
1'oriho character and finish of his work he refers to
such as ho has made U this county. Uo will furnish
ucffKits for work or execute any thai may be furnish
ed to htm. His work shall nlwajs be satisfactory in
itstlyleand reaBonableiu price.
lilooiniburg, Uec.C.lHjG.
O Qnd wholesale dealer in
Straw Goods.
No. 41 North S'cund sireei. nan door above mo
Maillsoullouse.l'llll.ABCI.PIIIA. ""'
Merrhanis visiung tneciiy win nnd Itto tbeir ad.
reieths leclions
Mareh IJ.Irfij. y .
TllCundersitaed resiiectfullyinlorm hiifriendsnn,,
Ihepu'i.icatlarteand :hu rest of ludiikjim that
hohas eilablislieda splendid
III the elegalltuewSloro House, Justererled in Unhrs
burg. Col .1 in lit couuiv, ra..uhertlie bus mm nn .,,,,.1
niarfo andcholcoiusiiriiueiit of ,
Spring ami Summer Goods;
IVIiicl. hci dc,o?mineo to sell oa such io, ,., '
induce allatleastin this vicinity . ithoaro Jifivanil
of Jierrinndun, to.xtend him iiiJircusioni! I
linstock liasheeuselectedvililiHiurhcaro and will I
reuirencutothewanlsnflhiscni ,,i,. ........... ...
foing tneutcr into a minulecuiiuierilloii of I be various
hlnus ho risk notliinit in assurinf hi friends that
t J-Country produce iiicluding Urain r.tjiiitcr t,
isTiM jstfjevw F'frwm
OFFICE Next door to the Post Oifice.
iV. 8!l DockStucl,l'hilt'lelpMa.--mlJNTErhlSTllUVF fEll VENT,
all bums op moneyTTStujined on DETMAND,
and adjoining tho roil OHlc,rocilrof mouty on drpoill dally fmmU In tin ninrnlng tint 11 n 1 Hip nfler. ',
nln Monday ctfniiiir.rri.niTt'iOolofk. lntor.l li allovvpd.nti itpnnMlt nt Hip ,m . .r I'li'i. pi'.u iM-.r:-!.1
i-vi .I u.i in. I'vpn.iip (vni iiu reniriivu 111 ttnoie or in pari on utninno v. lllinui tioiico.
Ihi'pjpuhriiyorililiumca ullliull plane, of tho community . 'otliiu tonn nnd rouiitry,and Ha eanponupnl
i lt. It or.'riari.nvciipiit.ripoiHibla mid proHialilu Mpprnltoi v In l.teculnra, Almlnliiratnr., Amltnpei
I Lolli flora AtPiita.aiidnilaiiulle office, n-lo Atlornrva.Trii'leof, Heflell? and Atfoclatlonf.wlietliar Inenrpo.
pnri(doriiiierttlfe-timrrUd ntainglnladlu-io Htudcnii, Men l.n nt t;lnl.,niid bulnp niennnncrally-to
"j .- u.n'ru " hi ii". iii nu up.jiuiui icnputin
MichaiilcK. rorinrm Minor, me tlnrnei nn.lolluliobavo
nnitr lime uim tlvnnpr rtnl Imerrsluddrd.
'-'I. Ilmiilofi icir.lvp Iloiilii with .in attract ttf Ihn Tv
which looks nervu asouriieri. i hor nniy dofllgiintr.inca?e flekllcrs, iiralliornrt'fncptWho will rcreHc tlifir
drprjjiu, wlnioJt, tit intaivrnlloii ol KJcci'toro or Attminlstraiorit. An) one ornioroperoiiuiny ilepoiit in bin
licr or t lid inviiu or for nny oti.rr pi rsor. oi jieraont,
Id. A 'Input t it m tiln t urli u to tho Lcjililaturcand Council iof tho City
lllb. The OlHce mare it worn l-c thnv enter upon ihelr diilleiln odditloo lopivlnfl llonrtft with nircltrfi,
3lfi TlR'Staio i vhttrn rnnd t nrcarHnrlnirs Fund-tier mi limirflntaanilTriuiHomnitny. Oiirl.Trrrlinnfii,..
po'iioand thu Phlladclphh public mvcbecncnreltJltoobfcrvcilial thecharter urold the butidcei and rltk of
i uu rinire,
f'lht filtered I n thUcoinPnn does nolrcaficfowrtrrn
(lli I it order ton fiord cvrryr nonnhla far Mil v to Depot, I on who rrplrtruta dWt'inrc frcm thenrilro.lliclritrpo
sits Rf permitted to he wlihitia n by clt rki.altor thu nmniur eustomnrvu 1th tho Uankf , Check Ilookn will bo
luntUhfdloifepntlior wltlioutl 1 nrpc,
1 'rhetiHMrpitronncebeiitowc upon thu ofllco by n proriblftlhcantloii and lisctlm Jantt np cnmmunltv .nnd
wlteretiiechnrncterntlholnsiittn n lb be itknown,iingritlf)ing fact to which tin-Truttrej desire In call nltenni,! u i m t rta'ut r,
I'hiladctphia, May .11,ld5tl.-Cm
NO I2 Soutli Second Street, A fow donra bolow Mnrltet, I'liiliidclpbla.
II V, uiider(?nrd iMprcifnlly citl the nttcnllou of l hi itlrr of pfnitnisburg hi particular that opeo cf
Coluiubiacou nly tit cciiorul. lo oiiraorinient of WATCh k
jfweiiery, Hiivrr, t'litcu ami unnnia varc . v 'Mtery. i .incv ifooon, sn unr mock comitin
nig a it doi as largo nn l man ntflc hint an rn" tutenl of aooif as aiy similar etab,i4hnipn In
th IMlon liuiitlrely new, ind ol nnst rccentstvle and pnlteriii wll be dipoicd of nt the
very lowest cnn priccn.
(iol I Lever VVatchc. f lit r welled Ipkamtf fi,frim 30ro a lush a Sl'H). rtllvpf ,r-vft
Valches InM Jeweli"p and over, Hivpr(.i-nim Wadhe Jewelled ft'J and over tillver
ti-nrtk-r do. 3 lo 3'U; Oold !Vii-M ." to S : Tiee (InM dMiri. I7 c 1M tn.tioi).
riilvoreiniiiiiiri. ununl'otn uc t Tea- ? Dceritin, TnM-Slii H'-K li U ,.i-p- bt Tin!.
ty plain 12i cestu, patent IPJ, lunctva uuier articieB
(;onlnntly on hand n full innonmcnt of (iii-Mlotd Jeery nnd SUrer Warp i well a afttta mortment n
COM) WATCIIUd. lor Lndies iiemi cmtn from the in,t reletmi'ed main .Jc'.nrer
ri'llepdirln' prompUly attended t Hkj ludi"ioi Cnrnmbta cuuiityurepmlcuuHy mvit4liriit loj-ln.
cctn oitrtoik orjcwoiL'ryaeiorniaKinatiieiiPiuc.ioscf, i.iti.jv iiaviiopk.
Augiisill liS3. y.
TIinuiiipriancii wo'tldi ettacclfully ii'fnrm his frlrrd
U'i I the puidir itL'iio-.-.liv, that he ban mtrch.isi d Ur
Tus'-i'id Ur.'iraii I Cliemir d Sioro, nnd lusi returned
from the city with n large and select ninck, consisting o;
jt'tcslt ana rate JJrus
Medicines. Chemical i.t round nnd whole Hp ces, raints,
Oils, VarnMies I), e t?tnrV- Window f!ns of nil fizea,
lojelhpi wiih n coinolctf imhirt itieiit o I'.i in t, Tooth and
Shaving Urushts, '1'obacto tsGfarfc, I one) Hoaps,is!iav
ing Cream.
i'urc Wiarp and Brandies,
For Medicinal life, Knglhb. Prcncltand Anr-rlcnn Per
fumery ; in short, every article hi jn by Drupglsts geno
tiVl'reneriplions enrefuHi componit drd.
N It The PM-ti, I'KfrrioN, will be continued in
DIoomEhiry and Liiht Fim't
HI minjthitre, IVhrmry I lr"7-
IXSUUl'tl Detached Hilldiiign, Etonsf, Alerchnndizc,
F.irtn l'roji;rty, und oihcr Uuittlinga.arid their run
tents at utoderiitc rate.
Capital S3,000,000.
Hon John J Pearce, lion (i.e. Harvey,
Jihn U. Hall, T.T.hrama,
C'nrlca A Mayer, I. K Jackaou,
UharteChneit XV. Wlulu
t'cter Dickinson, Tim ma Kitchen,
HON, G.U. HAIIVliVM'residciH.
T. An ihm. Viro Vroa.
Tiros Kitchen, flcc'y. JJ. C. U-jman, Ueii Agt .
Samuel II I.tnyd,
Tliorf. nownnn.l). D.
A. A. V.ncardor
U, A. Mackt y,
A. White.
Win. Viindcrbclt,
Wm, Toarou,
Dr J. R, C.awford,
A. lpdt'gr.iif,
Jaitiej Aiurtroiis,
lion V1 1 him niclor.
W. WIUT, Agent
Janifp (Imcslo.
John W Mauiar.l,
Hon SitnoiiCiiiicrnn,
Junol, I9CC
Oysicr ami laUiig sa!ooi;s.
TIIH tniilernljinr'd, rrBpecirulty iiir.iriiirnj
the citizen of Ittoonioburp and thu pub
ine m gpnirni. inn uiey invt ijoi.r.t tbo
in ton-1 of Mr- HolDi nn. in ih almve
nmaMNlimeut, on Main Pirret, lilooitihlmrj, nnd nlfo
n "eiiernl linkcry, Conicdioniiry, and Oyett r lial livd
rint, wbprp tbey willat till timeskeon a full kupiiIvp!
I'rowninjH rwt'i-t nieafs and Iiitablcs, nich t irtnd
riet. SwPct I'oiilncD. t;iicce. Mackrcl. . w.l
ncond ordemnd mi muder ii; 11 rms.
Tbfir mock romp ri fs a a riro eupplv ot Almonds
PisR, Unions, Trnnef, Nul. Witliiult. Hatfti Tuiinrrn
Cigars, t ic with vrry !mntiri,MilpurtIilc in tbeir line
of but inps,nnd of the best quality.
13" ' amilicsnttiili1 d nt n'l tlnicwith Ilrrnit.Cjkc.
V(8t thstrro, fit , nnd all orders proi.'pily filled
Uash oaid for Country nroduceand the rttbltc cunimn
respectfully Juvitrd,
N H. A I.adir's Saloon ilirconnrclcillrom ttienbovo
pftat'HOimcnt, ha been prepared in good order and
t I i.ihvays be a uricir command.
lilooaisburg, tVb 1 IS 7.
rplli: nnders-sned rc?ppclfullyiiifi.rma
X lualri' iid and the public that be Ins l';fZZ&
puich.tsed the Miokrftore.titntlauary E-0fcy?y
u'llivhmentand 1'.- trttirant t?aloon, ofvX.hiy
Lra.Swuru., fir fit doors in tho Uxchaugc nuildhc
h't r'j hi will coin i mi l tho abovo buisucsa i n atl their
v-snrinu branches.
Hiivinj rtipleuidlied his nataMislijiioiit with a choice
stork ol Hgw tlnokii and Stationery ; ho in preparedto
accommodate all who may cive him a cull In his line
OYHTnnS.rilnc. fntnnrl frcih. receivetl dallvnt his
ItceLiir.iniSaloonB.iiu rinir (he season. and will bo served
Thi tp tsuilifwa oft sue nirurcs
tTrin ltr.11 1.1111 II CI to .i.,niiritli, xllallii.l
nooiotbtirs Ortobe C. 1853 y.
.J. S. & U. L. i'liUOT,
Prodtieo an'J Qoncral
No 13 North Wharv s,
J.ilinP IVnlston.rj.n. I'iitladeti.liin.
.Messrs Hacker, l.ea St Uo, .
" chler, Trice & Co.
ltnckiior. MrCauunoa St, Co.
" Ciiarls 1 1 s !c Co.
" H, Morris Wain It Co .
" Or.tfi'iri li;e, rvov & Co.
" Charles c Joseph I'Crot, ,,
" Thomas tc M.ixivell, New Vork,
" C. M. McClunjic Co.,BI Lmiis. Ma.
" J. S. Morris & Sou, Louisville, Ky.
.Varch 13, lS5by '
Pennsylvania Hotel.
THIS well known Hotel .lately kepi liy Ham Jl ,1
. trr.II Ufbo.ou .Main fllreei, In Uauvllli-.RniKt
lias iieeuukjii by Uio suhscrlher, who i, pro liiiltil
paicd loaccoaiiuoil.ito Iravsliersnnd slrangers ' '
III the haul minner. Tlio lion. i Iiiib h.,, ,i.r..n.,ni.i..
oicriiaulcd nml is now reliiie, up and furuihd for
r mri .in ii me ll ru I Hfcl'fclS
liiHsialnlnt is l.uga and roinmoUlous, Willi Horns
and vehiclesfor lure I he will spare no painsio
render general eatisfurlinu '
trS-A I'berjlslureofihc puhhc patronage la rrspecl
fullysollcited. UanviliclJcc. S3, IP53.
lilOO'llSlllinr Tlnw.-lri. anil Klcvn it
rplinunderilzned rsiifctrullv i nfcnua
ani,j',l0"1(,. inal ' Imi nurcli-iicd liiaurotliv-r'a
I . ' .V.. .I.VU r.muu.iiinpiii unuinacoiicuriiwil
in,nn.. i,
iiiTiMiicriic eo uiucleu ny lliinseli exclusively, Ilo has
l Juitincaivcd and oircrs for silo. the largest and
most extensive assortment of I'AN'UV STOVES
viJoverinlrolucedlnlolhii mnrket.
?rr.,,li;V0.i:kc"",,i"l".nr:,,I1lil,'eloassnrli,ient ot
e bluett Cookingand pirlor stoves in the mirket.lo.
theger with stove I'ixturcs of every dcscrlntlon.rivi,n
.... . umrn, iitiuiMii movrjf, atc,t nc .
Htovepit poand Tinwarononitantl) on hand and man.
xiiS k"," r '"-. -;-.".
s,?,,,e'!f.u''lfn'!,,',,'1'1',,,ow "sloinerirc
A. M, ItUMIltT.
looiuilmrg, Jan. 2, 1614, if
riiir.UNni:tISII3nO, informs ills friends and tie
A travcllnit publlcihai hehai purchased iho almva
valuul lo properly and Ihoroughly improved IheOanibio
lloicl, located laiuilesNoiihoflliooinsburr, in Oumnra.
I.IIS.rilll eillllilw. ii..., la .u,.ll i . . . .'
iJiternc counly, uud ii well prepared lo onietiaii!
stranger, and cuslomers.
0V,'et,a"J bv a.'h'0":""nln f""" "
r,e ,,!lvt 7,y "", r' .,
Cambra Mail Coach,
""'l "III always find Ihli Iho indlt eonvenle'nt narto
tlarlimr jtul nsii.l,,. 1 .,-..,..,
'i,K 'uliscrlber,ho keeps a
Jtivorv I'lulf.liHilim a,,i
UV Win
iib ran ninii tlmcgrnrrv vl i(r iiu ,i
f ti !l
panic to iiu: I jujd'uMd i-r i y other t
1 J
83 Dock Street, next door to Third Sirrct,
... . n..
fund ucli or little toip,loilt,ttlicrolheymaybo had
' ' '
and regiiUlloiit.lnuhleli'if entered tliclrdepoflli'
r.lekoeM, iteailiornb-pncPiivlin will rcrclioibiir I
Any oreTious o the lth rnwnloftbri monev.
uloi.uiii iiakt, rrestant
in propornon. iii jooob wuanitu wontthy aie
as. ( ,iiLi,ir
Direct K. K. Conuc-f ttoti between Nir.
par.t Falls and I'liilailelpbia. Shortcfa
Quioktst tnd (Jbc.ipest Ifoutcfrom W'y
tcru Now Ycrk to Philadclplifa. UarrU
burg, Pitisbxrg, li.iltimore, Wasbiugton
City, und tbe South.
pASSKNfinn TltAINS Ion vr Klntlra d.illy (i'cep
X rtuud.iy.) nt 7 ,. M panning Willl.iniPpoTt nl 1U 1.1
A M coiiufdiHywlih Ufad'ii Hail uU'ortUIli
Ion, and rtatliin IMiilndtlplila nl 7 HO I'. M
Uciuriiinir. have t'hil idelphiu from corner nf lire
and Vim-Mr-'! Ii-,nl7 :td, A.M. reach hitf WilU.iinsp
Ju.l.M.,aiid urrniiiL' .itCli Ir.LUtH, V. M .
V oi l CM I it t o n fo r HurrMMirA
n.oci, via I'a'ipiiiiiuiiii u'pnliniina Kail llnr.ii on
civ.ilnf(;atii4o,iTrnIu.nt I l 1'.' It.
"iburnntd I' M.
Jilti'tiirniiipl'-uvr Hnrrilursal 7 15 A. I .c'liiiinnh
t" PortClitiion wjthi;,uiii if.-i.ti rain bound wruif tu
glho nn! dirff 1 toiilo toll irrlnbiir, I'l.t . nr.
tuiiiorc.uidthe niith.couiK'tljiiir tlirpe poiiii wilh i1
)ortlivf.rrn IVinisvlv.niin.iiMl Vcstcrn New York.
(Jim nf .hint l.tmiia itii tnihisnn Xow mk ii
Hrli'Itii I ; also, ith tin Hlmira, Cau.iiid.iji.
Uoclif .pf. r.uu':iInaiidMni!Ar.iratlj.
(,'rr. lrclliiMirrftly i 1 llie firoal V "'rrn U.illroa
at F' spension bridL'e for Detroit. tJliitiifu rt I.nui,
&r , thu i iiukiui! tho.orti'st,aiid thC'ipevt riiut i'rnu
iladolphia tothorc points.
A FltKHiirr TRAIN.
Will leave Wllllninspori I1AILV. at 0 30 A. Jl l'u
Treizlll Irnln lo nnil from l'hilaiieiiihia h lliioiil t ran I
siiiiiiii.iii.ironi iieaniii iuiii lioad l rmglill'eiMil.cui n
erol llronil ntnl I'lierry stri'i t.
lll.UXS I'A&S ll.nvil.l,i; AO l Ul.l.tlll r.
ooihn tASC
Pa'eiigi-rTrain Ii M .
1'reiglil I'raln, a Jl A. )I .
r.oiNn wear.
Pavini:er1 rain ,
rrelglit Trnin,
Dcllvei-n I'liilailelpliianniUliipoit,
" ' Iiauvlile.
" ' 1 C.ilauifis.ii
" " 'I'ania'iua
" " Mitinii
" " IVi ili.iumn nr ,
1 -10
I Cl
I :i'l
a .111
5 in
5 1 u
Til I spoil mis iifii'rsoual linccujic .ilinueilln eaeli pass
cciiger exi cs cliaryi'd nl dm. tie iirs'.iltiM iri ie Id rales
II A rilNIIA fiwn,..ii(iil.
Jan SO, 11-35
Winter trrangem cult fo rai3tzrTrauit,
January Is(, 1S57.
T7P fraiiH, 0102 Nouh, leave nnladelphii air;
KJ l iM KU'I lit Ii JU.
Down TiuiiMgoingdouth, leave 1'cttsvilleat 7
ire and i I. M-
Uiuifiinnjji Rtadinat A. M. and tl 'iJ p
down Ti-ilia 5,13 A. M, " 0,13 P
A. .t
The HvpreajTr lin is dfcn?ilMtupd until further no
tics Cioii roncctiu.iM aro nno by the 10.3'J .
lit. T ain i oin IV t tjfintoutft Clmira nnd all interim
rimte pnntH . and by tUq tS.'i'J I. .11 UpTrunf oiiil'mi
CliiiLon lo I.iiitr.ilCiiiaiidi(l'jiia Uifi'p'o, Niagara !
not. Chienpo, St, T.oul. Davenport, and Iowa City
Making tliid route lliusliorieniand chcitpett to the Lilt
Ongiin.l iy the Duvn A. M. Train from roitivllle,
andt'pl. M. Train from I'lilladclphia, only run.
IlARRiFncauCo.tHicciio.vs, by Dauphin Halroad at An
btn )
A special Accoinmodation rassfitger Trnin Itavcs
Ucadiiit'dailly. (except HundByi,)ut7t A.M., rrtnriipg
from Auburn aiii V. M., on arrival ol 3,10 1'. ,
Traiiilroiu Ilarrburs.
WAY FAKES Fnoji Kkadiso to
riiialerhh,8l.75and 1,43; Pottstillo C I 03 and ll
Auliiiru, I) 75,
TIIIIOUOII I'AIir.S. tn Ilarrlrburg 82 55! Tainaoua
Slj; Wilismspoil 31.13, I'lmiru $U,:'3; ('anaiidti
cuaSa.Od! Hunill nr N'iasraSM.OO; Oavcanriflo,
70; rol....Ii9II.7: Cinciniiali $10,011 , Clhcji". s;o,00
llnck I.'.i.ld S'U.OU.
ALI, 1'assongorsnilprocure tickets heforeoucri
th ars: 1(1 eeula exlru on Tares paid in ilie ear
i'lfyhs.,nrnerseuallla?iracc allowed eaih i'n.seu
auvcrtiial weishtchareedasKxtra ileri-aie
II A . N IL'Dl.t.rl.
nni:a j. 3d 1857 If. (Jen'ttiup'i
Moosr(lKYPOKs,Jiiy4. 1855.
f . D.Diddcrm.Etq.i London, C. ir.,Jttttfr llermj
k Ci,
Uiui; Sia;I am sorry to inform you that inysloro
wllh tho wholeorthecniiiiMits. riirnllurc,clothlng,i.c,
was ilc troy eil by night. I saied nollilnj. Vou
u-lllreuieiuhoj I boiiht one ofilcrrilig'sttafea from you
iast.March, und 1 lian niurh pleiuure in infornilnatnu
attjud iho flre well, II wnc p. in etly red hot f ir sever
ns hours; the handles nml brass plulc both melledoir
il d lifter haullUKil onto! the bur nine eml eis uohad
rwuierouii tor nearly null nu hour hiinro it
bo onened. Vim inav lancv mv Batisfarllun nl .
finding iny books, nionsiges, ileeifs. notes and cnliel 1 1
right Ihadalargo amouiil orvulu.iblo pa,.ers In it I
which, had I lost, would hivo completely ruined mo
You will pleaso send mo another aofu directlv. and I
will send you the old one llial you may show it to all !
wiin wish to hut e n nerleulv lire nroolsafe
I reniiiu, dearSir.yoursresptcifullv,
J.W i:Menn.s
ITj 'I'liogubscriliers haveon hauilfor sale, one ofthe
argesl a.liorllneul ot TlilR AMD IloROl.tR Paonr Sires ill
iworld guarranlreiltnbe e,pial tollic aboveandsu
.crloltu an votiiur nnwnllered lo the public
rAHRIII.S k IliillltlNG
31 Walnut rilroet, I'hiladclnhla.
AuguslII UiS -v
"T' Ml lffiWM SSLfn
I--' " i V-S' it, ua Vt IstWJ W
fv.., v.
(Formtrlv li'ehb ,t Jtfi.ueaiiitr.
Aroli street, abnvo rhird, Philadolplita.
liaesKrisi, 5, j nnd 7 o'clock to ll)
DlMNER.Iieiilleuien'sordinjry.l o'clotk toil
Tn, 0 o'clock to II.
11VAN UVANH.j 0. S.NUWC'OllClt.
AtlC.lI, 1R51 y.
fpilE undsisisnoil take ploasure in an-
JL iiounelni to their ciisiouieri ami in nubile centr
ally, luai tno i.imc llld.u
aiuru.u choice assorliuent cf "
Spring and Summer Goods.
Comprising every anicle usually kept in
Country Sloro whlrh hatclern .elected Willi Tcaie.
aud will Is lold at vtry low pricei fur rcadv nav '
' iv 1 J all NonoinsJgoaM jydii jtliiuil
(! & 0, LOW.
" i" "'1 " ' " ' '
Hi., J., &.( IlOugliton's
GllEAfr OUHE tfOll DYSPEPflfA.
rplll) Truo Plgeitlvo
JL riiild, or iiatirle
Jnirfl I'rcparpil from
Kennct. or the rmttili
illrcrlionioriliitoii I. In.
big. (Iiogrcall'liytlolog,
icai LMiPmiu. iiv t s
Thlr im Naturo
own llpmedyror nn unhe&tlhy Plo
. ' No tirlof iiianean pqimi , enrativi-powora.
I " con,"ln" Alclioliol rutin, Aclili, orNamaona
,' J ietrempy nfreenbletotliclaitcand may
mum. i, i-i:ucnipiT nirernDii? in top imin.nn.i in.,
""aKenny lio moittepbie patipnl. who cannoi nat
watcrcr.ickerwltboiitnciitedltrpi llowareofDruggcd
linllftlnna I'jpln Is not n Drug. '
t.a' I nn tlio Agent, nnil get n Dpftrlptlve Clrruln
flmtla.olvlna a Inren nmn.inl .r stoiontirt ri.inM..
llisestloni llr I'erelrn on Tooil nml lileitlir. John W.
Tlaner, of Now York University! Prof. Dnnjll.on',
rysiolooyl I'rof. SIlllman.nfYaleOolicilaeilir.Cnrpen.
tct'sPliy'lolncy! cc.,to,olher wiih reportsof Core,
from nil pallsoflh Unneil Sine.
Hohlby Ii. I'. L.iit7. nml J, n.Moyrr, Illoomliirir
S.B, Uowman nettvlck, OCI3, 1835 y.
13. II. corner ol Beconil and
Chestnut sis. rhllnilelphia .
Whoro may ho loiiml one
ttio Inrgcstnnilhst nssorimen
nfClncka ami T(mo I'lerrs in
the UnitcilHlntpaiinninnt llie
Milll liulrhiiser..frnlil iislni.le nu..1r ,nn..n, hn.,.n.l
Clocks; cmliracliige.ory vanetyiifstylcniiil mniiiilnc
lure, ml lili I., for Churches, Halls. Conntlnii Houses,
Canaliio.l s.nilil , inni l!np.
.A ! f " ? " I To p la . p-ss lately palcnleil Srlenillic
Whnicsnlo ami Iteinll Colli Silver
.y ,,...u..,,, l eiiciisann a variety of I'ancy eooiis.
Those ivlihlnii to purchase wi II find Itto llieir iiilcro,
c JAMH8 RAnnr.R,
S. 1.. corner of Chestnut ti Uccouil BI ..riiila
i'ei. 0. IftAJ-lv
Sto'cs ! !
BtllK tind'Tiiirtiod roforms bis friends
J nil ili'ipu'iilciu4jnarai,thalhQhaEtakcn tlio cir
tip In mm tin
Tin Ware and Stove Establishment ,
nnM.iin Hircel u i ilonr nbovo Iho Court llous
niofiiiiKbiirR, w he re lie Is propnrrd to furiiffh Tinware,
rftuvc Htovo t'jpu.oiid fpQiitlnp, tindnll othci uinci
in hip linn on hirt nol)n nml Mi ptnul order.
Tlio New Itftnhuml Wm I'l'ini, CookiiigSlnvo, an
ii1itniihirircatKoriiiit;i.t cfl'ar'or tti cs constnullyn
handniid fr ftili nt Tut d-inic pi tcr w
K3" Th titk fu I fnr JuriM r pm 11 nt'ge li e res p 11 1 1
llcitsa con tin nu uc i' oiihf ? ti'np.
Illoomstiur? Apii .'il, It'iO
io. S, .ISoi tli becond Sin ci,
DiTOriiriiTii n Morvr vi:i! n ii.irti; I'M 1 1. a
llolilI.everWnUliesfullJewf lleil lelt.rnses Svlrh
Silver ilo do K'uu
,lo l.epi n e ilo !l lid
Uuarliers s in o 7 Uu
i:oiilriecutes, 4 jci,, 1 0 I'll
I anver no 1 all
I J.lvn.'l'nl.lti4nnn... .......... .. ..... t o ...i
lo lleserl ilo do hootulltlc
ilo Tea ilo ih, 4 75t o 7 50
(loliirtnsailllfloli'l.'ates , 3 slSto 5 0(1
1I.1 Silver iln I (III
Tnceihetwlth n variety r fine floiii ii.ilry,Ool
Cur. Cunr 11 a ml Toll Chain a. All iiiimlri , n rrnntf.. 1 . I.
1 us presented. Watches ami J uivelrj repairi 1 1 11 Hi
f Ik.bI 111:1 11 lie r .
N II. Alloiilerssonihyyuiailorollii rivltc willhe
piinrtuiLlty iltcniiedtu .
.Viiveiiiimr I'.1 li.a 1
DEN I IST11V., Surgeon Dentist.
ri'.ilC subscrilirr ri'ipertfullv ufTers Ills im
J pro'essinnal servin-to llie'l.ulies ninltei;i
Ifenltemen ot I.lijlil tilr.'i'l. mid vicniltv.uYt i-Ust
lie i'prepareil lonlti'iul 1,1 all the vnr'i -Xl XJ
.,u,.'piraiinns nilleulislry, aiidls prutided Willi Iho
Hi sliinprovcd
Whirliwillliel llsoileiliiiipivol or gold plulo tolouk
as wollns llio nnliiril
Asu,irior f le.i 1 Hi th Powders. nl ii) , oil ha 11
allopiMi'M 1 1 n llleTeelh tv,i,r(.
I'ennnucntreidenrc 111 Lisl.i r-lrecl. Culm l.ln ro
May 31 IW-v. 0,SO- " AU1'-N' "l,C "
bl'KAiM Ultlp WILL.
fplJ I'i u u d i! r. 1 1 o d
J. ink ploature to an. A ; rt
nouiiciitRtoiheirt'riPiU.ind ,ftt!v
thepnbUcallarpc.lliattlipy fayC&AtJr tt V.
i. ..vol ii in r prin. i ii.! .....I.. . i - ' . x.
cces-iuiupuraiioii , f.-VAKT'l .' iZ -li f h
nt: k s t' y row n ?wti &i-v;j u
Wherethey nre makinc i lie very best ui 1'lour lutlie
linrlesuiineaiidinti'iidaellingiil llielowi-ylprires
Thcrearcfuur run ol uurs I n this Mill, propi liei by
,leani povi'r nllperforiiilnclo perl'icllnii nbil ;nii.liii(
ihoulthlrlyhuslielsiifBrnin pcrhnur 'I he ri .,n r,
here has liion ev.liuiueil by Ihobest ufjil'lsi'.s niidpro.
iiicednsup.Tior.irllcIe. VVcl n vile our rie mi, local
iliileiamincforll iselies.
rrj-Orilcrlor iloiir,i-hoi f..ed.fee ih.inkluliyrreivi i
mil rit'eilnntlieiniwlreaHoiialiiefoinjiiion
N. 11. L'nsliptidforCriiiii
mpytown.Ji uy'.'.i ii-o:i
Til 13 inn' signed ro sped fully i ulorii.s
his friends and thu public thai lic'jll?.
ontint'fslhe v )
i ii a 1 1 Its various branrlies. at his old i fit
staudoncnrnerof.Maiuanil .Markelstrrs. ff--j."Vn
Wliere ho will keep coiistuntly on hand a lull suppiv
and will manufacture to order . al 1 k I ihImumI siuVsn
atlheverylowest prices and will li happy to n-rvr
lhoi.cwho may favor lilm Willi a call in , , ,.
Cl" Ordcrsfrom n lisl.iuc.. in oil her branrhnl Hie n
hovihusiness, Willie Ih.u.k foil vreclvidjuilnroui nils
ejccillcd. 1 1 '
II to oni sliu rs , A 11 E . 10, I85J.I5 y.
fftiUCn, antllenniiil nulhnrln nr th
L liulversily ol free tle.liriue nod kiirmleilee
bliarleredbv llie stale or Pennsylvania, April "1, ii-a i
With ncapilnl or Slim 0(10, mainly lor Ihc purnoU o
nrrestlns Iho evils of Pniirtnui n,niini. 1
Alol'or supplying lIicl.'.jiHuinnitv with,
eilies whenever 11 (.'niupclenl l'h)sirinn cannninr ivil I
not lie employed, have purchased from Dr. JOHN R
I'.UWAXll, his cell hruted
noirjlffli's TOXIC MIXTVHK,
ICiinwnfariipwards of twenly.nve years as ,he i,nlv
sure and sr. le cure fur '
n,iw.l lid's T6ou nound S V . ..7 1 ,.l sV
highly opp rot ed alio populur III mudies, together wii;
I.ll.le n.7 ..I,.,.,i I,....: f.J-'. ""-I''""
HU Ulliirnii, r ini-.ijr l.l 1 .Ulll III Jl II I II I 1 1 C 1 ill 11.
. 1 "If '!"' llemedyrnr llyspepsia nr lll.lfges
1 he I'lilversily l.emeily for Cosllto lloiiels.
Alsolho Universily Alm.ime may ho had, at the
li'aiirh Dispensary oral the Ollicc ol IhcUolumhliiDeni
"!' lao. ly
Having ltemovcd from No. 51 Oomeinrco
TO Ills
Soutli-Wcst corner of Suth and Carjienter
RC? ""lll,""""""!o"fl'.rha.ettl,eireiien-
X) sive.'Hscrliiient of 'jnsr. ni..l i.... , ...
f".'!."1?'''',"!,"" ,Ji'-f"t!iook,a,,,dNew., wa "
lral,.i.l. lineal endercd and ill nuall.
llss and prices, utiwiys on Hand; llarilwaio and Jlanil'.
la I'api.rsl'runklloards, Illiiders'Uoards, llaniing l'n-
ners. Ht . Air. ........
lMriicularattentlon isiuvitedto llielrcxtonsive
From Ike mott Ctttlrmtd Mtnufaclorlii fu tj, Countm.
men uiiiiiau tvii'iiit aiot'K may he
I'oui, Nolo,
Folio Post,
Fool's C.111,
Thin Medium
Iloysl, '
lath Post,
Flat Hop.
,1'l'11'4,l", ". evory 'leeprlpHcin .licont qnalu y.
4?Pi- pl!f
i ,, ,j - f .;lT'. :r, , ',","," '."tt'ej,. raiien, nhlle. v.-ie.i io inimin, mu ,.i uvo uoiico, ii is nieiiu -liuil
anil j;oi,l.elilit.r laltlor wove, t'efsreu-Paver, i i,e ' lt Um Assorijilon ciui.mniiils il.e hlcliul Sir
elar.i.d.aiid oilier tar eties, ' '"" skill ofthe ope, and williurni.h Ihc u.n.i pi !
ai.inuraclurcri nreiuviiedtoexainlno iliolrsintk of' modern ireainiciit. Valuaiilnodvice nlro rlirn lo si"
Hons, roreleil and Domesllc. nie,,rl,l .... "I n,i,l nsivnui li'iii.ilej iilllirl...! ..1,1. I .. 1 .r. i ..l ,,,
approved hrrandsi Aliini, (round or crudej Hal "o,la I
Ho,la Ash.rcliiii.,U'lreUloihi,i;iirainailiie,'a,,dl'a'l
pcrMakcti'Molsrlalssenerolly. '
ITJ-They aro nlsoprenaredto lake onlrrsof odd ,
Mnielf li! ?e3Ql.y0f,i"-'al'0Ve ""PtlPU ol I'i,,,,.!
.1 al ' " '"'a
l,1J"l','"1i.i""Jiont fojtaie otikf sren
' "iTdlff.l yj.
Go r ma 11
B i 1 1 c r
wimi i:n r.uTtJ(Ai.i.v cunr.
LtVCU UUJIl'I.AINT.IIyppnnla. Jnundico. Chroi
or Ncryom l)ctiilliy,liiicaefortlipKlilnpy,n
all iiparef iirlilngirpm a dlnorilered l.lvir or Elon.oi
BmlianUoiutlpalinii tifiktiiitriHf, Culiiitir bi lilcmi
In fliil tlpml. Hlllll..flk. i. u... it
v ..... i,i. :::,k..v. .
dolplila.l'a. rn of tho Btuiuacb, Hwliniiilng ol llm Heart, llutiii
nnil llliTienll tlrpnllitnrf Plutlpri n .1 il.n lt..r 1-1.. i
ing or tiunornllng purotlonp hIipi, in lying pottm
, bi
(iiiuii'-rB ui iviuii.iuii i .vutivni'iorc inn HIBJll.r 1 If
bad l) In Hip Head, Dlflcieney nr i'eriplraHoi
vp nwtiepa ni inn hi n nn ji f... imn it.n h.1.1.
a ll.ick, Jlit.l.)inba.&c .Hud,an I'luiliea otllpot.llin
lug I" Ui rierlii Connantiy I
great I Irji rr , , I o ti ol BpltUf
or tlio proprietor Incalling i,e
to inings uf Lvll aiv
nllfnllnn nl tht mil.
Tills IllCturnliOIKdors SUwltliaff-etinffnf ibptitiiK
torctwJcRln llvTliturs und ar'oplation to the rliitan
or which it is recommended
It to no now and untried nrlicle,biit fine tb lotm
rtood tho test of n ten venrs trlnl before tho Arurrira;i
ycopleandlts reputation and tule Is nn in at If ti lyr
ulrnlltir preparation cxtnnt The Iff tlnn-ny of Itr t
or Riven by thu liiost pronijuciit and vctl'know n '
fician and individual tn nil purls rf the country t
Ininnnnn.nnd ararrfolprrufcnl of the Immmc, nli
ed nnmmlly by the proprietor, oiul to be bud prl , n(
any ofhls Agi'iits,citnnot butsolltfy the most cMp'
at this rcmody Is really duservms the great celetr
dontber I
rniVNavr.VANtA tcatimonv.
Certificate of li. tWOUJt'jIllI), h$q.t the veil knovn t
eitltrfor the Vuncannonron lvrkit Ptrry co., a
UuNCAMtoN, January 11, )?&'
Dr. C, M J ic It son I)nr Sir " I was lor Ave jaf )
sc it rely utllicU'd with Chronic Itllious Il)fieiiirry,
vthlcli 1 v. us nttciitlfd by oevcrul of thebest riiysttn.
In the court try, but all of uo at nil, 1 also used
rcmrdies, but could And nothing lo benefit mc. unlit
wim Induced to try your Ucriuiui llllleri, and after l.u
Ins lour bottles ol which, I was entirely cured, und u
fnjoylne thPlcitof l.calth "
muki: liFFcci'B or tiii: onnMAN nmr.iis i
Ceitillcatcs of J.U CtJUTlB, Esq., Itcporler of
Kvnlng Chronicle, rfttsbure.rn.. wiio, February -.
ltFaS.says, Tor nine ctks past my wife has tit
uriiiR your Herman Hitters, wiih u happy effect. t?t
han bfon nflhcted more or less, for several, vt i
discaseol the Mver and HyppcpnU.nnd untlishe con,
mtiicfd iiiins the nitiern, iioiliiiic had glfon her rnbcL
rt'lier. Herhcaltii Is now rapidly Improving, arpoiiti
itood, and we have every reason to believe m.o will bt
puiccllyrcstorcd. Hbe enys It Is the best uiediciti
uu has ever ufed.
Ni:itvoua DHDIUTY.
J. M. IlLtfiitLR, oylcttuwn, fa.. June so, lFji
says. ' My wifit has been a (11 ic ted with a Hcrvous th
lility, sinc.j Hqileinbir, 1P31, since which time t j,n. .
been ti nat le to ttnd nny phjsicim or medicine tiini
would benefit hf r in thu least, until one day I cnlh
the store of Ur. IInrvcy,o( thlfttown, for some llnrtiirt
oflron,.'iud ilercrlbed to hlin thu affliction ol my v (.
In then handed me n lot of paiineto rrpil.nnionp v,hli
I fnuiid oni' iletcnbiiip jnur limi'im Uitliirs. J ire Hi
d lately procun-il u few follies from him. nid am pi nHI
Inntatfithai thPiiFPofibo rtiitrrn Itau'one her uitij.
Hood all I be tiicd ii ine she Inn lerr tutor e taktu j
iU von to send um n halfdozrn bottU
J 1. WirK, MartiriMiurg, 1'a., Mny 'J'i, nt
With ir.iirh phantiro I teiUM to the vlrtum i f t,Z
(Ptm.iu nittrrn fonicllnii fi n r , I no meMi nr
fliitril wiih a dlFearp of Hip I.iver lor wh'rh I iinr
vnrnup r''mPdipf,but (Hi no benrilriiil -fl(M, until I
wa Induced to try wmr lliltt m.uhitli 1 um i,un lfir1 '
to t iIp hat u cut iri ly curt d nip,'' ri '
Tl.pynro pttirfly tf&ctMilp. fire from nil nlrr.lirhr
stiiiiulaiits.niMl pleasant in tmtp and riik II, Price i
iriitu pprbr.tilo 10
rumi uy liriiBKifi nnti rinri hii pr tf in ftirj town
and tlll.ificlii thi
p United Hinted nnd Cann'rifi nndbv
h. ii. uiwma.V & CO..,nii,t
I.. Wt:inMA-V( ltohrH,nlt. 1
H. A. WOlt.M.W, i;Ml.
3IUMCM; t CIinASvl lJght Btr(,,
June 7, IMfl.
Victory is Ours.
flacU U lhc progress in deuce lu Ihi. use thai n.j ,,
s.ieuis inipoMbli:, 'i'hat (hue arc new un.i
diruvi ro s hi'iiiu niiiili' i vci v iliii . no um u in .i. .. .
Alter i Ih iningli Invest gulim ol l lie Vigi ti.LIc- k,,
ilo.n Hitli.i view Inobt unii positlveoi .pitibt nni ,
lur tliouoii.t. oniil nl hiiiiitiiiit) I tine.biini', i
in bringing inui liier sin h 'i liree y, ar. 1 evi ehu- i
eiiile it - linn iluctiuil, mid it is now uti until ,i i, , .
jopular n niii'y in Km World, knuu n us
JIiisiIj'jIU's bcuufie l'u 2 union.
Ili?lil) fiiiirei lr..n i.Oiiiiipo.nnl Fium Uilrari l.udn, lii-.M.e. oi ihuilr.l.lcr, Mdii. )s, L rn art ai
rii xii.H Uri.ns. ' '
,IO 't O TIIK AI FLIO-I HI) !! !
Itcures Dl-easieollh, lllaulir,i,iiii,ijt,Ciinle lm
ry Ilium,s (l.ii i i, (,,,,
I Inn a, tli III nils, (.! Us l.l. all dlfeUM t l mil e i,,
eei ssi's ami iuipnn el ii it 1 1 1, J rrr-.
IV.'SK ttjxjljr t'r lil f.-tti. ,1' V..1
- .int. I'if la,
And ri'lnul. sail llniirup, i i'ir. l:.i j,i s i,,,,, , , , ,
l,idui'Mir hi suul l Lit i s v. I. el 1 1 r i ii, tii j lu . lib ,1
I'i i male I'r , I ah . r tl.i ii a) ii.n tu. i
It. t. until i..tlr I ii. V loiip. ttinilli p;, jiitii I,, h
und idor lo ll," 1 1 ii ii. ei.ii b 1 1 in ti, ti,,. I aiini in k
liability, liri.iighl on by tibust., u nn si u ml le iIm...
liitbh. hrousbltiri sands. IHii-hiin m. I. n l' i
Iiiiii'IV fr.llei. thus blading hu I rill.l.l I I,. 1 1 , 1 1 i
ems ami I'litbtilip il ll l In it the Pli r 1 1 .in Inn! ;
I..4U) anuMi- Ji'Ulll, can le until) theme il this
I'JhliUi ltivuiiy.
and as a iu,ln mi- wh I, ,ni,K p, , , ,,, t,v, r, ,n, f,,
llie Sllnpl, iKliinlt In uu ti nil t,.-(I , iiiIo.i,iiirii,f in
si , iiui ' is lull,. I. ni ,1 11 ti n h no t.uilriit. ii i
t,; .HA. Us, , imiiiIi vl l llluid. .imiiiI il.ll,- ,i,i"
Huilelliiiiitli c Um ci'iislntiMli, sapl'jni! tlib very vu.
Iiuii.boflif.., pr.iriirelbiitreuicil) ui one,.
'I in- roils ill, 1 1 linen vims,. , tli 1 1
II. .Ids suih an mm it) nith I Ir id i r n an.
'I lu l . ill us inicksiltii il Cl UlSCslUl 111 1,
1 he nam rnl gates and allele i.f the l-ml) ,
I i lulling, like ri gi r dliipi'lms inn. u i k.
1 lie I lis il aril hole, nine blnoil
HX- lie,v.ireul'iiiii-kuoBiuuisauilipiark Di r'ors
Udn.bM's Highly I oiicuitialcil Liii.j.ot 1. 1
J liiiit J.xtr at of lluchu
I Isprepiiieililirritly nei (,n!llir to the Miles till num..
I Jc Ii .11), Kill. Iln: Slim st .iltnnic) 1,1.11 i In i, ,
I AiioiMeilgunilinrii iltvi ti ilni ilsn iiibiiuiiHii, .
. ii amy Ins si. in 'til in a Idntclii n, ami t, I t l 1 1 i.
in limn, roilntiy hi s pi I a 1 1 r ,ilitalt iriillt, I.
' t.iriabl) clvi ii tin- most deciilto ami tnit.,iiito( .'
1 1. ii iii.n and roiliin ii n.i n ni rulLlnrt u...i I i.. i .
luferls it ha. I'i nl is iisi d in all ihc .i.,i i, ni
. . ri.ii, s nun iiiiusi. t rovli.ii ii ti ii
oiilillc.i-i.l pri. mi radiri, lll.gri HI sum IIm.
Hi rill ii I il in- ii ii i eisli.nd. lur llie nils nr lio 1 1 r
uhi'luniig lo be riii irji'iiliil. Hat ilu l,i,i,l's llnl ,
Doncciilr.iiHl l'iiii,,uii,ni I mid Kuni' i Hull n,.
ipnsl valuable li mti y in rulliriil H Iln i 111. i tin
r The ina.s i.l ttili, .'sliii,nny in (usi ssiunr.l ii,
opiu'liir is iiiiiiii-uve , mi rating nu nu-s well kin v. i i
i4lencouiid fame! ctlrhraled l'li)tliiant ami IIimi .
"ii.heilC'li riitmeu.
Men i'riil'.ssur llewee's v.ilnalili. uiirknti Hie 1. ...
I ofi'liysic and mutt of thu Ule iiamlaid.mi ri 1.1 J . .
1 cine.
I lir Cphriin .Miniienll.alilshlydl.iinpiililu'il...
ulan aii.l uitniher ul the l.ny.11 (.'lull (if tl Huii i.hs Ii
1 aind.und published in the iriniiat in ns ol 11,1 Kn u nn
j C Hi's Journal, sn)s. The lltidlviml li-i
having bteu l.ilely strongly itti mint ml, 1 was 11 1 in
tu in.ikn ita trial, and my uipeiiuitutel-nir it. mi,
the most snlislacl) manner, hating siitiiuii tn . .
nthnmosl jnvclurutu cases in whltli 1 had no be, .
01 sucref s."
A 11 Int. resting Idler is published) u tueMi'dirtt'lirm
Picallleiiew onlliu si.bii tlul extract lluchu. Iiv lit. 1 1,
' ravers, I'. U.S.. tpinkiugolS) plillisaudiliMa.n
I unniug from 1 xcessul mercury, lie siali s lha! no run
'V is e'iinl lo il its pimtr is ouiaori'inary n re si
' Ih.iii nuydru" Ininut'iuainlediiith llisinilu -1 ,
esi sense Ton it wiih it, is int aluuble atl lit 1.1 1 1 1
' is up plica hie to .1 statu ol Ihc s) tie 111 so runki liai il 1.1
I ""Irrpaiilonstor lor othir suii.iaiiii ol 11 Toi.i.
. 11 ' 'V 4 ' '',J'IW "
' ;'"isoii,u,r
tfniliso We iiuiHlLiirili.illv ronciir unit Mi
1 rUYITFi III HIS DlUIt'lIlt HID Ol l.Uilll IU(1M1
llliuioediciiioulilcli in rfccll) ilfnsiiitinlt r
and odor, liUtinituuJmU in itsncliou, nid it ii l..k i 1
rsonn ofei titer hex, itliout hliulrunct from lu t
oriiiediculadvicu,ntttfXitcit dlrtciious for mi nm
ample immbrrof rclmijlinnd n-tpoiigitlccciiifK h--'
coiivlnrotlio iimatBki'ptiral ulll nccomrni'V ncli loiti
I'rifL'SI per houlu or ix littles for $5 UdUr n ti V
any addrcri. rrcuured nndold (y II T NIILMlOl ll.
rracllculand .ii.ilytiralClii-iiiif
No5(.'doulliTo!ithsiret,belowChitnut (AocuM
. L , , L'uildingtj.) I'liiladclnhia.
To be had of ' 1
, , . J It A10Vi:it,A'ri.f
i nun i iimuuitiB nun iftiicri iriroiijjnnui me 1 1:
' titJiPtiUaiuduriand ilrliiili l'ru jnctn.
Importa nl Annou nccmcnt,
rito all persons adlirted with sexual diseas iiui'
(i:a,(!Li:i;tbyi' &c.,tc,
llho liOWAUl) ASSUCIA'IION of riiiladclphl
viewofttio awful destruction ol iiuuiin liiu auu lie
caused by Heiual diseases, and llie dtccpt.ons xstiul..
r1".".." ..(.. i ,..y .iinuiiuiiaiu ticiiuis ui luinui i
by Unaks, have direcled llieir Ci nnilting Suit' on
a CIIAIUTAIU.I: ACT wuribyuii their name in r."
MClllCAI,AllVIOU(JIlATIa,lonll penousllius H
ted, Male or I'enialc.l who apply by fetitr. Mlh a h
ciintion ofihcirroml lion Inei nnuiiatlon hablls oil
i u... ua.u ta.t ui l.lftlllO llll.l 11 .111" S DUt Til k
ri'iiNiaii .Mnnifi.vns riic!: of ciiarui:
The Howard Association is a hcnevolentlnililuii.
I citnblishcil by ipcciiilenilowuieitl lor thu ) clii f os
stlckand dlitressed, alHicted Willi Vlrultnt and Kpitu
Iln lit...... n.i.l iiu In.litu n. ,. I. a ... , n
I llliaiiow'surplus oftluiis, which (ho Uirecl'.is lu
WiuuhCoinplaliil. Costlventss l.nirorliwo ac
Aildresi, (post-paid) Ur 1,1:0, li. CALIKillN,
sullinst--ujcon. Howard Aesocialiun, Ko, '.' Etull.
Blio.'l I'hiiadelnhla.ra.
lly pidcr of tin- liirinors.
(J 1:0, FAinoilll,l).risiy,
Anau.tu. I8.r,ny.
Cluck ami U altlnnakiT.
South Side nj Main Strut ubovt tin.
Q- v IIIFl'lLl fTrtpaniui; 111 wsiil.t
A XJ clrv 1,14
-t-s ciry
HUM hupi.
-'l.' ep i-.lj, In, c
vf.f lu-m.h-tip