Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 11, 1857, Image 1

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jLEVrii, TATI4, Proprietor.''
" To Hold and Trim tho Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'or tlio darkonod Earth''
, ;. ""'::. .AMHD'BJ TATE, Publisher.
VOL- XI, NO. 5:
Columbia democrat.
Jn IMoomsbUrff, Columbia County, Pa,
Office. In the. new Brick Building, on
positclhe Exchange, by side of tho Court
v Jiause," jjcmocratic Head Quarters, '
- Tnr.wi op iDoacnU'iiox.
l,00 In n-U'iinoo, for ono copy, for tlx month!
agf,7u In ail iranco, for ono copy, ono yoar.
2,00 If not p.iiil withlntho ilrst thrco month".
2.2J If not p il I within tho Ilrst tlx months.
2,50 If not paid within tho year.
ID No inbijrlplloutjkon fur tlx month',
and no papor illsMotiiicl until all nrraarngcstlinli
Pago bonntiaiil.
" ID" Ordinary advertisements Inserted nnd Juli
' work executed at tho established prices.
JrpiIK foumler of this Celebrated Iusti
JL'1 tutloiti nfT irti Hi i most cpttaln, speedy, an -I only
eiUctu il romP.Jy in itm wurlil fur elleua for (Jlet-ts,
HirUi'iii, djiiiinal w.iitNoai, I'iIim in tlio )i)lm(
.C.HUllintinimt Debility. Impotence, UVnknefs ui tliu
li ti, c a a.) MiiiIm, AtlVctioni of i-io KtJueVB, lV)i,.,i.
Iim til i Ima IM iiipil i. Nervous IrrHnumiy,
limn ii! I'n ll.i I, Tim il, Units or gkht ml nil
If mo -ifjrio.i i H'nl iiu'lJii'iiuly lijirili!is arising nuti
tlis t(Mtr ulWo li il'its nf Vomli, wuicli duslroy liuth
tnJy ;iul mi ml, Tumi aechri nu I rfotiturv prarlici ,
ard 'ii'tru Uia tollivir vl'ilmn in mi iim mux uf tlic
, J tjyriiiH to Hits mnrlnor Ulymes, liliplilliif- their inoi4
liriliul Imi""1 t-f Jnlicipiliujii, rnn Icrin nidrringu,
t.e,, tuiiu-iblo.
Young Men.
r-n ;c) iltv, win tnvfl tifconi'i 1110 uctlntj of solitary
'irf,t!iiil 'trn!lMt timl dei-triai tivn li ilxt.wlurli fii'tm
jffcii II y vi'Ufii 1 1 mi ii m iuiu ty tlwuv mila of oung
nn'ii t tlie m'lai.fvnHcil tu! mts iimt brlllhnt lrii"l
' li-ci, who itiitflit utlii'rwise limit cntiitiitetl lnitiiuj
Hpn iti'H w.Ui thi thiMttors ut e. incnc', or waken lo
Jyxticicilli'ilyrc, in t y c.ill u it. mil coji ildu ncu.
. - Aftnrittgc.
Married pornom.or Vounj Sinn cuii-wfildlhtj mar-1
r rKxc, Iteiti? nwaro of) nu.ikin ti, urea mi iie
iSlMtny. .Ur.irmilfu, A.r,, t-lutl t iii iii'illii t:ly tuiituli I
f;Dt JolMiftoii.iHid hu rcsLonil iti ntct tiuulili,
He w lio pi, r.'ji iii?npiiii.t r tin; enru of Hf. John
ston uitv rdlgioiMly con line iii IiIh limutr us u. cdilh--
limn, umlcoiitidfutlv rely u;on tu a ?kill asfiliyici m '
' ; OiLunic Wejfcnes
iiiiiiimli itly c ire! nml lull vipur rt etorcit. I;hiif.Mi( U (hi imii ilty itn-t Irfnncnlv nnhlliv
tit mi wliu li-ivu buconii the v 1 1 of huprniMT iin'iil-(imi-ic-i.
Vo iiii persona nrc n .ipt to commit t
vjnii I rout noi ii.'itii uware of 'lie -.tfunlftil t inf.ruci c'
III It III t y I'll" !". Ncl.V, WtlU (III IlTbUHKU till- Mill
lji'i:t will .ri'tiiii.l to deny ih a I lie imwi-r uf prnctci
J 1 1 t in I'Ml HiMiicr liy tlio-o! I'.il'iiHi '"t' iniiri)ii r
'tn til Kl )y tilt iriiileitl. lti(t''S lpli i!-)m-l ol
Itliu ili.inir ol luMllliy fillVitrlii'i, the moil seriiHM
7b. l iltsiraclivu ttvinnluiiH lo both boilv uinl iminl
lirMti. Th 4yUMii b'jrouKH ili'tmp'il; Dm- j I'p'l.N 0110 OVCllilll? 11 tiortv of CollprnnTH
- p 'pia, ii iiint.iti'Hi.ii iim mi . i.i.n.'i'MtnHi. .i w.imi0- ami youn ' bloods of the town liauiuctto
"'MrirTA'r --'Hrat my room,, to play anil carouse,
-frtui iiiitiiiviru ttrnt, up tn' bti-fs tin 1 In fnct it wsia a rucular mcctins of the
. '('.vm.iwiI mitako tin-iiLice, i Jtuiitcrs, t1io ascinblcu twice every week.
'.I.Vtre H'nrra&ttd or no Chnmt Made, in from ()nt to Vn W itl :i ,:.l,,:t.
V . ; - .
Bt U J'jluaio'ti
SiMtmVriif Hi' lt.y it i:uIIp of S.irrnni. I.o.i.loii '
'Mur 4 I 'I lt IM il mi i' ill Itm uidtrl i-mmi'lll. ciMU'CP- nl lilt
b fii npi'ia iii tliu firm lliMpa.iia of l.iMioiin , f.irihj In-1
JU t IjH-l -in I cNtMvlitire. h.ts i'tl' t"il m'oiu -1 tin; inut
nKt'MiMiitii curi'H ill it wri! i t;r kiiuvv it , in tity tfouh
1 1 1 wt'i rnui ii? In 'III llC.l'l .llllt i .IIM Willi .islcip,
lUfi'it iiiTVnii'i(i liiii)? al.irmil at unil'li'ii 4, mhi N
'll.l iMUllf llltl'm. Willi fn-plPIlt ttlll-H'lip, IlllL'l I
r , v mi timi' with iluraiij;iiiL-iii ul mi ml wtrucurcd mr
P A C ci tat a 1
, V'i''n 'lie niia .in i iiujiriitlciil Volar j m j U i
(oirj II hU In tin im'tiliuil tin' s.ii'.U of Uilj pnni.i
ih, iliv.rR, il ton ofh ii Imppt'iii .hi illlluo'il miil o -
ti mi t nr ilr' il f ilH .nri'iy, id tur In in from at plv
fs i 'i i! !' t loH'i w Ii i (rout I'llur mini .i i-l rriiprti hmI w
l.iii .i me infr n'ii-1 iuiu ili't.iyiiii till tin; coii-tH'iii'Hi il
nyniiiloiiH ol tliMli irri'l iliMMe m W t r .i;ipi'.ir.uii ,
' oucll ifl iilrurUel fdtre iIiimR I ii'Mf. nn,iirii it
' p. inn mi lite Iti'.uitiinl I1111I14, ilniinc-tK uf n ttc.'ifni'Mi,
, . ionl.f mi Urn 1I1 u iMiii'ff. tin I irioit. ionhr- ori tli
tiv.t'l Lire.. 111 1 ciir.MKct Ifi", prorof-mu with frijil.iliil
uraplihtv.tiH ut tti itiepiim of Hi.) toouili or tin
hoin'i nl (Hi murt I.1IN11 .iin-1 tin vi. 'iMi o itin u,i
iliii'iuf bucuiu Ji a tMrriil ot-ji-rt ol 1 oniM"r 1 i (mi iitl
il mil p'lH .1 pi'tio l in his ilpMdfiiUuliVMiijiri. hy cij.
llii'I In nl tu ' lli.ll liotini't Iritui vvIm-iici no tr.ivi'lur
rt'lurii." To nthli ilii-rrfore Hr. JilintnM pii-dii-s
.tiini'flt to iiri'a iivh tlie iM'-t imivi il t'llf (tii r rv, nint
(nun liit eiti'iHivi I'radice n ifio Urtt Iliinpit.iii u
V il irop' .111 1 A'iii'rir.1, hi ( 1111 1 niiliilfiiily rM'oiiiiiniil a
V h.iIVj nml iM,fy cere tu the tiiiliiit'iiuiu victim ol ilns
uurriu oistaKo
'lLi pitiiculir Notice.
I)r J aililri'i-nw a'l tliose who Iuiu inJun l tli-m-fiilvi'st
by pnv U'Hiit't improper iinliil juiiri-i,
Th mi' am hoii.u nl tlio Kit 1 ami iiicIjih'IioIv oiPrtF
nro'liirfil bvfirlv liatiiix ot vmnli , iz : Wi'ttKi e-o f
the 11 irfc tin.) l.jinfisj, I'.ilii 111 tin lli'iid. Iljiiiiiffiof
riijiu inij 01 iiiciiar rowr r.i'pi .111011 01 nm
ll-'irt Hvnpi-pi,i, Vitvoik Irr.itll.llity, l)"('tnoiit
.MDN'r.M.i.v Tim fearful niviis upon the miii.i
1 1,,... UM.riH.i.m i.r ma cv.i I'nrHmiiiiiu..
vit naiduciLi)r,Tiiiiiiy,.c , ouneunis
Tli.i'H 111 li M iiPrgiii. of nil ages ran now jn.lce
wli ill. tilt K.imu of I .eir .t.-cl J 11 i 11 f liciltli. l.u. in;
lllillr vi4iir,bi!Coiniil2 wiMk pitltt 411J cnliirilt1', t.uviu
n .in; aiicaruncu .itioul lliu e) cs.cungliaiiu )uii
toum uf Coimuiiiitioii.
lr. Johnston s Invigorating tlcmaly Jor
Organic Weakness.
Ily 111 i great o nil I mpo riant rcmcily, wr.iKiicinorilic
'iiri;.itia arn . n h cU 1 1 y curuil, aiiUui vlcor ri'fluii'il.
Til nl.inJ.uflha moil iii'ivouh anil ilnuilit ilml, wlmj
ti 1 1 l-i.t .ill lioiii. liavn In on iiiiiiiRilulely rclievcil. All
. inii ,u in mi. tii Mirnagn.riiyiiirui anJ au-iilii in.'itia.
4s... lulciu in, M'fv-i-i. I ml ibihly.TreiiililiiiKB ami Wt-ak
nttSd, or Piliauitlnn cftlic ini.i karfiit LlnJ, upecihly
cjred liy Uji lor Jubimtou.
-. ' Young Men
W.'i i In v B liijiim.l tlicni.ntvei by n rerlihi pracllec,
liltulgn'l in wliin alone.) Iialilt fn-iuciiily leiriinl
y from .-til c iiiipanloiid, oral .cliool tlie t-RVclii cfuhicli
x nre nl;llt'y fell, even !lin ailcep, anil if not curcil
tl r.inili;r. mirriijc Inipo.silil ntiil ili'struya bolli iniml
UJ.I lioity. sll on til apply iniiiifilljtuly
V a pity that n VOUU4 nlalt, thn llopo rifllis coun
' try. nml lliii ilarlinj: nf din parent., bn.ill do Biialclinl
from all prosprct. aiul enjoyincntii of hl'u.liy tlio Consu.
ilinnrm ofili-viutlnff friim tlio ralli nfii.iinrc, anil in
Xi (lutgin; iii arcrtain Berrct li.ibil, faucli p.irion. before
- ' contemplating
yliouM reflect thai a lotiiid iiiinil anil liodyarQlrn1 innv
liem.A.iry reutailto. In nromo o connubial lianliiiii'.ri
In 1 in it iliu.p.llto jouniny tlirou!li liln liccoini'.
a weary piiirunitgii, tliu prospict hourly lUrken. lo tno
ylew ; tliu niin,t liFcomea sli.iilnweil witli de. pair anil
.Allcil wlllitlie melancholy relleclion thalthe liajipnifis
?of anotlier hlizhlc.tlvitll tiuroivii.
ilorriuu no.? south Pit iitinuiuK B-r.,B"irf,jM
.jjajALI, fUUCIUAI, UlXltATlO.Vr) rUIlt OIl.M LH
vSTI.U, Lot no false moilealy prevent you, but app'yini
jneillately cither per nonal I y or by Iftier.
To Slranccrs.
TTlicmanyiriouaaiiiUciireilatllila inatitulion witli!n
the Inn 13 years, anil tlie tiuiiicroua nnporUi)lr3urcical
Cp'jraiiona performuil by Or, Julmalon, willicajeil by j
lhe frpirtnraol iho panra ami many oilier
lice, of which ti iv,i utipareil again anil tisii'i hrfnre
th" ilublir, beiiilen In. aUhilluii a. a seulklnaii ofclia- I
rarlerauil reipiiiamuuy, ,iia aulticienl (uaranlce to
Take Xolicc.
' N.n. There am so ninny Ijnorant ana womlilea.
; (luacka ailvirllalnz llieiiitclvca pliy. .clans, riilnliiB
Iho lioallh oftlni already afiicted, llial Dr. Johmtoii
Viloemaitilrceairy tosay. cipccially to unac
tnillntedivlth Ins rcpuuilon.lh.nliia rrudcnthla and
.llnliini.i. nlwnva haul? 11. Ilia olllcu
tij-l'.KeN oticb, All lollera must lie real paid, and
contain a pottage stamp fur Iho reply, or uoanstver
vviiibH fie in
January 17. 1857.
BUST KlltnY. I Imrrirk. Virginia Improved Trout,
flea, 1'iko and Utl Hooks, Swivel, Palmon Uul.
Trout Lines, will mid othtr eiKioda, Arlillciai Hail,
f'aninn lira., l.inrs. Fnun anil I'ljltcd - ilk I.iuca,
Lines with Floats an, I Hooks. Walkimr Stick. Trout,
and Trolllnz Rods, Floats, Llraas Hells, Alinnow Nets,
eelnes.Hel Ncls. i'artrliva .ela. nulclinrr nm. rinno
Wire. Violins anil Hlrlnifs. (111111111 anil Bpilie Tiviuc.
?enulne Harlem Oil, for uraicl and africlloca (if tlio
riaal and head, lor salr. by
tin. 30 North Third strcri, west tide scrim I ilonr be
low Arch at ,and tun door loihe fl Clurlcillol""
A?rll I, If:? lui
'Rrottv OoJ bless oul I hnve none to tell 1"
Come, mother, tit beneath the tins
Here by our fpen doar
Jlnd tell w who my father t icert.
In the gloitovt days of yore.
Ive read to-diy weft glatrhs taleit
Wondiring o'er eiery live!
Of hnifihtn who fought for the hofij cross,
In the wars of PohtUne.
Cf their ptanctitff steeds, and glinttlng tptars,
tnd their pennons waning out
And the clarion, mingling on (Ac air
ll'ith the stirring battle thovt.
TiH t seemed to hear ths rwh of fight,
the Ckrhtian's rallying cry;
The btthward tharge and tht Foynlm route
And the shouts cj tlttory I
And were my hire bold warrior knight it
Oh1 brace in their array
Dctr mother! I am old enough '
Tilt me the tale, I piay.
I hare vo tatei lite these, my bop,
On thy young ear to pour -tfere,
w'hrre trs dwelt, thy graudslrc diettt
As his grandsitc did bfore
With the hrnhhful fuh tf manly toil,
Jtnd the sweat drop on their it to to,
Thuj won these fields from the wild and wattr,
liy the mattocK and the plough,
Thei were the soil's t as denizens
Ait mittaiitd nnms their shield-
And tit .r blatter uas the waring grain
if the ripened hottest Jicld.
Seek not t'i Uetue ; f-iir young broio
lliA ntoul leitng wrrath ifjame;
But onnard ' girt in mnnkooiCs might
And win ihysef a itcint '
J hid fast tkii faith - he ft true thy heart
ttccree ns'er Jioin h-wor1 track
to cant thov Itutre iftftv worth
(in thy forrjathers back '
Sdcrt StOt 1).
Vl II "I'JVUJ UIHU lillUlllglll. IIUMII
lit tlKlt UI110 lliailllgLHl 10 get IUI1 01 JilC
elms, when Somcrs proposed that wo should
e.,1K tVirtli nn.1 ny nnwl. tl.o f.iwn l.v
" ' V "7 " .. . . J "-""
"oil planuo I and well directed piece cf mis.
clnet W lthout any 0110 ol u having a
vtry clear coiieiplion of our nctiom or in
tentions, wo h iled the proposition with
drunken rapture and i-tartcd fonh.
A travel I in.; 11 cnagcrie hail ariived in
town tlio d.iy Ii foiu and among iho won
1I1 rj was a y. ung boar. Tlie poor animal
h d been so well beaten that ho became
very humble, and acquired 11 number of
ainmin,. tricks. 01 this wo wcro allawaic,
hiviu; visited tho menagerie tho day be
for... .Just as we pas ed tiio spot where
ihu aniui .Is were eoi.lined, it occurred to
mo what r re sport it would bo to capture
young liiuin and pl.ico him in the chemi
cal room, to u.-touUh 011 the next day, tlio
professor and tho diss.
No sooner had I undo tho proposition to
Iii cil'ect than it was adapted, and all
volunteered their asUtmco in carrying it
into cxeeutiju. The text or pavillion
which covered the beast was erected in the
yard of lhe principal tavern. The cages,
each containing on e or more animals,
wcro iron nr.itod boxes, standina on wheels
moaiu of which they had been dragged
into town. Thoy woro arranged around
tlie interior of tho tent, toriunig a circular
airiyof wood and iron. Wot imasuuns
1'iat any ono would disturb the animals tliu
showmonand inmates left tho ton's entirely
unwatehed. Thus wo wcro afforded a cloar
field in which to execute our scheme.
After several of our number had been post
ed as sentinels, tho rutt crept in under tho
canvass and cutorcd the arena. It was
sometime boforo wc could, in tho dcepdark-
ness of the place, tdoutily tUocagciu wlncli
our friend Uruin had been put to sleep.
After stumbling over divers things which
hy scattered about, and peering hero and
there in tho dark, wo lound tho object of
nur search. Thero in a substantial cage
was tha dim outline of the ouimal, bis two
whito eyes flashing droops of firo at being
aroused from his quiet slumber.
Tlio next difficulty tint occurred to us
win tlm irtndn nf cnnve.vinrr 111 111 to the
college, which was several hundred yards
d itaut. Some of tho revellers proposed
., . .... ,. - '.i ...
lllat H V EUUU1U till U 1 www- iuj
neck, and so drag him along.
plan was.
and one which mot with universal acquii s
In the tavern vrd stood a water hogs
head with a sliding lid, fastened by moan3
of hasp and rtapl
Ihi3 m, slide down tno
open lbs door immediately In front of tho
hecshcad and drivo tho animal iu. We
would then nuMidown tho lid of tho cask,
secure it by moans ofaropo pissed through
tho staple-), and roll our prisoner and pri
son house to tho college.
No sooner was this suggested ihau wo
hastened to put it into execution. Tho
cago, with our united efforts, was slid
quietly down from tha whoch-Uruin grow-
ling all tho whilo with anger tho hogs -
head was rolled in and placed upon end
in front nf tlm oaim. nml tlm nnimnl stirred
,,n with nnr canes; With n tr-rrifm veil
ho rushed in and wo cloicd tho lid sud
denly down upon him, fastening it at tho
same time in n secure manner Tho ell
ofthi bear ouscd tlti oth r un'ma). and
u n nl, ocied to it. not irom anv person-i aru lu u,uuli luu uiuuuiva ui mu ueeomo vacant, tuo uovornor snail appoint snau ou mauu aim l umu uy mu iuuch v -- :-o . :. ?' .
Iu fcinnn wn liad ariived at that noint I "partmcnt, and do some mischief boforo wo some competent resident of such couutv to 1 and clerks, ono of which shall bo deposited . si''" V hat 1 lalso to mo, He., ho
' i it:..:..., .r.l ' could securu bini. Hv thn looks nf mvenm. I .'...., il. .li.- ,!,, d, .11 l,nt-n uiMitlm ISn.nil nr (Vinnt.v f!nnimhinnir, ! scarcely able to walk across tho s
WUlUll Jia.lh.ea Uliu uuauuaa ui uiii:ui, uub . j . J u..w..i. nuvn iiuiji i'iw tii.. .v - -j 1 ir . .-. . .-l
1 ill-. 1... ...... I. ,., naniolis I saw thnv nntnrtninnil llm cnnn , ,!t.i ... .v,, .!. .lnii.K ..1.. .,,.1 tnr llm nmiiiK- nr il trini. ill mini! I tlin ' 110 11C.11 III), COWC er, llotll
ICS! WC bllOUIll L'U SCI 11 UV cuiliu l.liu otiau- ' l . ....v 04111U 'nllb v" "Ml'w" iil'u.ivj, tuuu uuu , " . - m, I , I 1 -.1 11
C..1 I. a,.. n'. I1!, 11 ClliMloil. A Il.lllf.1 fear.i. 1 snhsnrilm tlm saimi natli. nml nnrforni all election is he'd, and tho other shall be farewell which lio uttered, with all
Liu.iii,.iv. ......... " " .-:-.- - t .. . " I ... ., .., .m. fi,....n. n.tlm m(iiil,nn.n, n.i I
.1. ..1.....;.. ,!..,;...! i-iieio was uuoiuer eras i aim rrrowi n. mr,n rnmniih m hi net nq nnn toil in ti'.ms!iiitrnnro!iiGi!crei.arvoi lug a.erriiarv v.. . v. ..., v,
our cars wcro regaled for tho next ten'
iniiiu'cs Willi n variety of hideous sounds '
it. 1 -.1 e f-ii.. 11. . .1 . i 1
f'ti " . , . 1 ,y l"u. "'"""S ceuocs ,
ofthe mght. 1 ho animal m tho hothead
it . 1 i e t 11 . 1 . 1 1
-1 " - J
in wlitcli tie lay. 11h lillows liatl no in-.
cumbranco to their voices, and they howled
as clearly as though they hud been in their
nativo forests.
1 Fearful of being discovered wo remain-
eu quieiiorsnmo time noiuing our ueatu,. urns agony;, tnociucst uaugntcr of our
! SnSfC,v U " OU0 :i!fturboi1' 1r,J.anit0(r comingwitha message '.unwitting,
tlimght of disturbing us. Iho animah ly entered. Sho screamed and fell. Tho
. during tho night and tho keepers thinking . ug to h,s very nosh, heeded her not. On
, unusual o bo the ma.ter, merely he passed, and tho girl lived. Better had
i i . t it. i .1
curseu tlio unruly beasts ur uostroying ,
tho unity of their rest, and turning back
went to sleep again.
1 As soon as quiet was restored, we slit a
, hole in tho cinvass, (or wo were afraid to
emerge by tho aperturo which faced the
tavern, rolled our hogshead through tho
. j ard to tho back gate. Th's wc unfasten
ed and pas3 d into tho road st irtcd at a
( quick ratu for our spot of destination.
1 Uvcr and over went tho hogshead, tho an
imal within growling at tho rough treat-
ii.cnt lie experienced, and wo nearly eon
i vulscd witii laughter at tho uocoulhuess of
! tho noiso which ho made.
At length wo reached tho back pirt of
tlio college, when ono of our party climbed
over tho' wall and unfastened tho gale, wo
rolled in our prize to tlio back door of tho
laboratory, which was tho plaeo where our
professor of chemistry lcciurod. Wo l'ounu
that in consequence of tho narrowness of
the passage through tho door, tho hogshead
would not enter. Suoh being tho oise, we
wcro thou about to stirt tho animal
through tho open door, when an idea moro
redolent of fun struck the fancy of Somers,
liack nf tho lecture ro m was a sm; 11 ap
artment containing odds und ends, and
which was not visited, perhaps onco a
month. Ho said rightly, that if wo placed
l'ruin in this apartment ho won't! not be
likely to bo discovered until some time dur
ing tho noise ho would make, attracting at
lention, tho plot would readily bo brought
to a crisis. Wo joined our strength, and
upon our i-houlders up went lhe hogshead
until it was placed on a level with tho win
dow. A 1 ght young fellow, tho simllcst
of tho party, climbed up, hoisted up the
ViimluiT nml oliilod tlio Hi1 nf tlie cask. We
shook tlio hogsheid violently, but at first
to no Tho animal was thorough
ly frightened and lay still, or with only an
occasional grottl. We shook it again and
ho started. 'I hero was but ono possible
nude ot progression, which was right
straight forward and the biuo gavo a
spring through the window. Thero was a
crash of glass, a howl, and then tho terri
fied animal, crouching in tho corner, re
mained eilont. Ourlittlo companion closed
tho sash and leaped down. Wo rolled the
hogshead up in to a corner of tho yard,
and returning to our respective r ioma, con'
linucd our rovilry until noardaylight.
It wos about noon when I awoko. I
hurried on my clothes, pa?sod a wet towel
u round my head, swallowid Komo soda
water, nud afterwards a cup nf coffee, and
then hastened to the college. It was tho
hour of professor of chemistry, and I cn
tcroit tlio room just as thev bad com
menced to descant upon the subioct. Tho
class wore all wr ipt in attention for tho
lecturer was an alilo man, and was treat
ing upon "Light," a matter of interest and
capablo of beautiful illustration. Ho had
scarcely finished his short and eloquent
exordium, before wo heard tho crash of
bottles, and a low startling growling in tho
next loom, i no proicsor started, and
stopped a moment, while thoso of tho class
net in the secret looked at each other in
astonishment. There was a nauso of a few
seconds' duration and then tho profosaor
I began to feci alarmed, as I remem
bered what had been done the night before
Under ordinary circumstauces thero was
no danger to bo apprehended. The boar
was tamo enough and Irid boon whipped
until ho had imbibed a nronorsonso of tlio
tupctiority of man. But Irom tho sounds,
I judged that Bruin had worked himself office of Sheriff, the duties imposed upon the duiiis ql judge if the cltition according of tho third act ; but. before tho drop cur
into tho room, onlv sonarated from us bv Bl, Hi,n.:n-1, t .i.-ii ,wi,. ,,nn : in !,. ,i,;;i, slmll l,n I tain lose, ho Slid to his sou. "Mind,
ft thin parttion, full of windows in which
were kept the various drugs used in illus -
, trating experiments.
'llicro were a croat
"iauyv.iiui.ys aim oouics oi aem m mat
'rnr-tn S ,nn , ,rw,v..rr.t insnflU.. n.,,1
. .... ......s i : i . r '
I.. , , , . I
I contents touch his siiin ho would be
Tho professor stopped aain, and tho class
looked around in dismay. Thoso who
'woro acquainted with tho causo of the
uvi:ui;uuiu suajueiy fceepiueir uuiuiiL-uauuu.
Wo had only to roll I" spito of tha alarm under which they county or election district, on or beforo in which it cauuU be satisfactorily doter
n linvfrnm thn wlir-nN. laboicd, thero was scuiethiu.t so ludicious! tho lothdav of April noxi. to file in tho ' mined who was duly elected, tho Convention
in "l0 growl, especially when wo figured
10 ourselves mo coming consternation o:
tho class, th't they could hardly refrain
lroin laughing outright. Iho professor,
who COlllil lint f nil frnm wlinncn tlm snnnil
proceeded aud thiiujlit it :i trick of tho
i, ii . ..!. ...I. ... ...
class, reproved them ecvcre'y, and thou
con nucu n:s lecture. "Ueutiemen," -aiu
, ho, "prepare for a brilliant experiment ; I
"ill show you a most startling effect,
1 And ho did! Hark 1 'i hero was a
fudden crash as if every bottle in tho plaeo
had been destroyed at once a smoko aroso
up tliero wus a terrible howl, that made
tho blood crudlo and tho marrow thrill
and throujdi tho frail "lass Father of
Truth ' whad mistaken the cage 1thrro
lisped ftrth, ofuriad with th" 1 urninj;
liquid which streamed over h'tiii horr ir
an untamed royal ticer I
xt 1 .f .
XT 1 1 ti .
0woTu.cuuowriiMUio consterna ton
of tho class. Petnlicd by horror-motion-
T ' 53S " L. :T r.
1 woro wo with intouso fear.
preservation. Maddened with
o animal rushed on with torn-
wv ..v.v IV ITl.U lll.k.lMU lUMI
It was our pr
tho pain, tho
nln Umun iu m0E.llnS 110 obstacle,
rt- - i i ... ... ...
i .i . . . .
slio uiou, lor never ncam sliono tho 1 i?ht
ot reason in ummo vacant eyes. l;rom that
unv fortli, sho was a iribbermc. incurnli n 1
.l,l ' " '
On 1 ii . 1 .1 1 ..
' ., J 1 litL Sf ' tl,r0Us1' th0
s reels with tho populace (lying to every for sheltcr-pastjhis old prison, where ,
I nV T 1 . 1 ,' ' 7 P "'l'u.
lT, wl"',l,c'"ilJ ,T loroI aud '
. Attho extremilyf the main, ctrcct a
"""" uum."u '"'" "0,0Ia auu i
spurred 1
Miunal, us well as his master. It was in
vain, iho tiger noticed not tlio man.
Ilo saw only his terrific steed. One leap
lIlO ,ltotl.tst. n nn. ,1 l,n
his claws into tho bind quarters of the horse,
who, unmindful of his double burden rush'
cd mi, bearing hi? fearful load as thoush
it wcro but a feather's weight. Tho man
received no hurt. With presence of mind
and coolness most dctoimincd for it re
sulted from despair ho drew his bowie
unilo irom 1ns bosom, and with ono stroke
buried it to tho hilt in tho tiger's neck.
Tho spinal marrow of this royal bruto was
severed, and ho died on tho instani. liut
ho did not rclcaso his hole. Still, with tho
death grip ho clung to his place, his oyos
glassy and glaring, and claws sum: deep
into tho flesh. On wont tho horse, snor
ting, plunging and rearing in mingled
pain aud terror on he went, until, cxhaus.
ted by fatiguo and loss of blood, ho fell
pros' rat
hour afl
:s. Those who ennn that way an
lor, cautiously and timidly, saw the
retched togemcr. ,-,ulo up
thrco stretch
lo ! tho horse, and ticr, woro dead, and
ovor their lifeless forms was tho travo lcr,
insensible, though alive, nud still grasping
in his hand the friendly knife.
Tho Kansas Lavr providing for
ji Constitutional Convontion.
He it enacted by the Governor and Leg.
islativc Assembly nf the Territory of Kan
sas. Sec. 1. That for tho purpose of making
an enumeration of tho inhabitants entitled
to vote uudor tho piovisions of this act, an
apportionment and election of members of
a liomcntion, it shall bo tho duty of tho
shoi ill's of tho several counties in Kansas
Territory, and they are hereby required,
between tho first day of March and tho
first day of April, 1857, to mako an enu
meration of all the frco malo inhabitants,
citizens of tho United States over twenty,
ono years of ago, and all other whito per
sons residing within their respective coun
ties; aud for this purpose shall havo power
tu appoint ono or moro deputies to assist
in such duties, not to exceed ono in each
municipal township, each of whom, before
cntcriug upon his office, shall take and
subscribe an oath or affirmation to support
tho Cocstituticn of tho United States, and
faithfully and impirtially dischargo tho
duties imposed by this act, according to
tho best of his skill and judgment; which
oath ir affirmation shall bo administered
to them severally, nud bo duly certified bv
I a Judgo or Clerk of tho District Court of
the United states, or Judgo or Clerk of
the l'robato Court for tho sevornl counties,
I or by a Judgo of tho Territory, and filed
auJ recorded in tho office of the Sccrctaiy
nf tlm Tmlbm,
Six 2. In easo of anv vacancy in the
and bo performed by tho Judjo of l'robato
1 Court of tho county in which such vacancy
may exist, who may appoint deputies, not
to exceed ono in cacu municipal township;
: ii.. .n: e cl...:.v .....
vtaw biiu ujuvv wnw it
l'robato Judgo in any county shall bo or
Bun fi Ti tt.ill l,n ll,n .lnlfif Kl,rr!ff
Probate Judge, or person appointed by the
Prniinin 'lilp nr Min nnnninioil l,v tl'
uovornor 03 Herein provided, in eacil
olfico of tho Probato Judgo for such county
or election district, u lull and complcto list
0f all tho qualified voters resident in hi3
said county ur election district, on Iho 1st
1 ,Ki A .rll 1 n.l,Ti.l, lief cl.nll
iu a tair and legible jiand, mo namc3 ol all
such legal voters.
ace. 4. it shall b3, and is hereby made,
tho duty of eacli l'robato Judgo, upon such
returns "being made, without delay, to causo
to bo posted at thrco ot tlio most pub 10
i ; 1. !--.!.... :..-.!...;. ...
places in oacU election precinct in his county
or election uistuct, one copy ol such list ot
qualified votors,to tho end that every inha -
bitant may inspect tho samo and apply to
said Probato Judge, to correct any error
ho maj ficd therein, in the manner hirriu
ft provided
Sec.O. Said I'robaio Judgo shall remain
. w ,. uuuu itu V 1 kjuuiiaj. umi'buil,
from the time of receiving said returns
until tho first day of May next, at such 1
P- -t convenient to tho !
places as fuall bo most convenient to tho, '"cans, snail directly or indirectly nttompt
jnhibiunU of the county cr election dis-'tJ influenco any qualifiod voter in giving
tnist. nd proeoed to tho inspection of said ! 1 vote, cr dclcr him from going to tho
rcturng alul llcar cormt alnd f lf . , lmUs or tuUurb or htn(kr him in lhe ffCC
1llll.l.,t13nl tl.A 1 1. '1
unit iii-im, uvfLutv uvfiit iiriuntr rir
tcrviinc according to the Jacts, without :
turns, or tho improper insertion of any
namon said retuJ, and any other
tionafl'cctin th,,,trrU,,r7r;M;
tho pow'or t0 administer oaths an cxanUno
,vitt all(1 enlnnn,r,n r'3? Zu, !
"1W uuiiasiuii ut uuv iiuraon irom sain rn.
. T .T V
CC33arv. ,
c n .m... . ,
'. ' "at as soon as tlio Saul li-t Ot
,loeal votcrs shall thus have .con rev.sed
and corrected, it shall be tho duty of tho
1 lcvmllU ln .r.i... 1" ?. l r . ...
mA fair coni " h" ."r and . W .
lurnisli to the Governor of Iho Territory
ono copy, and to tho Secretary of tlio Tor. '
copy, and to tho Secretary of tho Tor-'
ithin tho limits of said I
Territory, and ono cony delivered to each i
judgj ct tho election, and at least three
copies shall be posted up at such place of
Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of tho Gov
ernor and Secretary of tho Territory so
som as tho cousin shall bo completed and
returns made, to proceed to mako an ap
portionment of the members for a Conven
tion, among tto different cr unties and
election districts in said Territory, in the
following manner: Tho whole number of
legal voters shall he divided by sixty, and
tho product of such division, rejecting any
fraction of a unit, shall bo tho ratio or rulo
of apportionment of members among tho
several counties or election districts, and if
any county or clcctinn district shall no!
havo a number of logal voters thu3 ascer
taincd equal to tho ratio, it shall bo attached
to some adjoining county or district, and
tilUl 1U1II1 I i V. I I L HI-VI I j I UlU
thus form a representative district; tho
I1ulriUor 0f said voters in each county cr
district shall then bo divided by the ratio,
aml lll0 vroCllM kl,ttU .0 tL- mbr ol
representatives app rtioned to such county
or distr.ct, provided that tho loss in tlio
number of members, caused by tho frac
tions remaining in tho several counties in
tho division of tho legal voters thereof, shall
bo compensated by assigning to so many
counties or districts as havo tho largest
fractions as many additional members as
may bo necessary to make tho whole num
ber of representatives sixty.
Seo. 8. An election shall ho held for
members of a Convention lo form a Con
stitution for tho Stito of Kansas, according
to tho apportionment to bo mado as afore
said on the third Monday of Juuo next, to
bo held at tho various election precincts
established in tho Territory, in accordance
with tho provisions of law on that subject;
and at such election no person shall bo
permitted to voto unless his name shall
appear on said corrected list.
Sec, 0. Tho Board of County Commis
sioners shall appoint tho places of voting
for their respective counties or election
districts. Thoy shall appoint ihrco suitablo
persons to bo judges of election at each
place of voting. Thoy shall causo a notice
of the places of holding elections in their
respective counties or districts to be pub
lishcd and distributed in every elcctio-
district or precinct ten days before tho day
of election. If any judge of election, so
appointed, shall fail or refuso to perform
tho duties of his said ofiiee.tho logal vitcrs
assembled at tno place and on tho day
appointed for said election shall Iuvo tho
i power to nil such vacancy by election anion
Sec. 10. The judges of election shall
each, boforo entering on tho dischargo of i
bis duties, make oalli or affirmation that
' he mil faithfully and impartitiUii discharge'
' by any officer authorized to administer
oaths. Tho clerks of election shall be ap
pointed bv the iudecs, and shall take tho
... . " - " ' . ... .
liuooatii or ami in.itioii, to ue aumimsiereu
1.n ( 1 nl, . nf ll, ull-,
j ... j j j
ntnrrwni.l. Ilnnlin t,i rr-tul-iu nf election
iud the one havitin tho highest numtcr of
vr.tpn iii Iii i noil in v nr pWiinii district nlia 1
ho tho representative for such county or
lm iim miiresnntativn for such couutv or
uisiticii. aiiiii iu uaw ui a uutur a euuiuii
when assembled shall order ajnow election,
, as herein provided
1 Sec. 11. Every bona fido inhabitant f
tno Territory of Kansas, on tuo third Mon-
tilnvnf Jtitm 1 fl."i7 ln-.iii.. n nifi7rr, nf flin
.t .. i r.. . . .. e . . .
uuueu oiates over me ago oi twonty-ono
'years, and uho sjiatt luivc resided thice
' mounts nci uyvre saia cucuoii in its
county in which ho offers to vote, aud no
other person whatever shall bo entitled to
voto at said election; and any person qua
. . ... .1 ..i ...... ... i. ..M
lifiod as a voter may bo a delegate to said j
convention and no others,
1 Sue. IS, All persons hereby authorized
to tako tho census, or to assist iu tho taking
thereof, shall havo power to administer
oathi. aud ''Xainini- persons on oath, in all
vx vhr i troy be ncccaryto th" full
and faithful performance of their duties I
uuuvi .1110 tiv;, I
Sec. 13. If any person, hy mcnacos,
throa's or force, or by any other unlawfu
means, shali directly I idirectly attempt
tzemu of his rigid of sulTrago at said
punuhod by a lino not loss than 8500, or
by imprisonment not less than three months i
or hv l.nth i
volt, according lo tho provLrfons
of tlis act. ho shall vfto at anv election '
uuklu kuuiv ui u uiisucuiuaiiui. unu
iriii,:,, ...t.i rp...:.... .1. . i. .ii.i.i
to vote; and every person who, at tho same 1
.1.-11 .1.... ' 1 -.1 ... '
vuiu mure uiiiu ouuo, wneiuur
a' tho same or a dill'crcnt place, shall bo
jgoJ guilty of a misdemeanor, and bo
mimslTo.l hv .1 linn nf nnt. l .l,: ,,
"or exe-edii- two. or by imprisomcnt not
"ss man turoe montUi nor exceeding six,
or b0"'-
"ti . iiny person wnaisccvcr wno
may bo charged with holding tho election
S5u"tv ' misdemeanor, and punished by
a "no ' "ot 'cs,i t Iia.u 8500 nor moro than
5U0U0, and imprisonment not loss than six
months nor more than twelve months, or
. .r :. . ,
shall assemble in comcniion at tho capital ,
w. auiihuij, ' inu nrsi a,) u.
September next, and shall proceed to lorm
a Oonititution aud a Mate Government
which shall bo republican in its form, for
udiniisi mi into tlio Union on an equal foot
ing with tho origin 1 States in ad respects
whatover, by tho name of tho Stalo of
Seo- 17. Said Convention, when assem
bled, shall elect a presiding offiVcr and all
oilier officers necessary for tho transaction
of their business, and tho members ond
officers of said convention shall bo entitled
to receive tho same compensation as tho
members and officers ot tho Lcgisl.tiyo
Assembly of Kansas Territory, to bo paid i
I . 1 . all
olic 01 any money in tno treasury not o:ncr-
w, appropriated.
, ec 18. All sheriffs and other officers,
lor the discharge of tho duties required of
them by thia act, shall lo entitled to rcciivo
four dollars for cell day they are necessa
rily employed,
Seo. 10. Doniphan shall constitute tho
First Election District; Urown and Nchama
tho Second ; Atchison tho Third ; Leaven
worth tho Fourth; Jefferson tho Fifth;
Calhoun tho Sixth; Marshall tho Seven h;
ltiloy tho Eighth ; Johnson tho Ninth ;
Douglass tho Tenth; Shawnee, Ilichardsou
and Davis tho Eleventh; Lykins tho Twelfth;
Franklin tho Thirteenth; Wollcr, Brechin
ridije, Wiso and Madison tho Fourteenth;
Britton and Coffee the Fifteenth ; Linn tho
Sixteenth; Anderson the Seventeenth;
Bourbon, McGhee, Dorn and Allen tho
Eighteenth; Woodson, Wilson, Godfrey,
Greenwood and Hunter tho Nineteenth.
Sec. 20. All votes given at tho election
herein provided for shall bo viva voce.
Sec. l. Hcturus of said enumeration
shall bo according to tho following tabular
form :
IXauir of
Ik-ails ol Fam.
ilies and olli
eta Males rcinales 5
Kcan's Last Appearance.
The last appearance of Koan, was in
Until that memorable night, tloy had
never played together befoio a London
Kcanwos weak, shivering, and very ill.
Another actor stood ready to tafco up tho
put, in case Koan should break down bo-J
ierc tho onolusoiu. By the aid of stoam-
ug II01 brandy and water, however, Kuan
went on pretty well, till tho commencement
Charles, that you keep before mo, Don't
fi behind mo in tuu act j. uou t Know
inai i suaii uu au o to auieui , out u a. no, do
.I.-. lit -i c:n i.
j -i-
i sued his Way Without tbltcriQC. Ilo went
Oil Wltll UOSdeUlOlia, and III) 0110
tho celebrated
mating ono or two teeblo steps towaid his
, SOU, Who tOOli
caro to bo. near nun, and
, attempting dio speach "Villaiu, be sure
&c, his head sank ou his son's shoulder,
aud the tragedian's acting was at an cud.
Ho was ublo to groan out a few words iu
Chailes'scar "I am dying speakto them
for mo ; after which, tho audienco rcfu
sinr. in kindness to hear an anolocv. ho was
borne from the stage.
Ho grew rapidly worso ; and on tho lit-, nf 11.,. H:t:l llrt n lit . toil "I .in Cf 11 f.1.
, i -a - 7--o-
of hie, without consciousness and without
iSTAnow kind of telegrap ha3 been
EUL'gestcd namely, to plaeo a lino of wo
men at tho distance of filty paoes from oach
other, and then commit to tho first tho hows
to be transmitted, as a profound stent.
It 13 confidently tlmught that thero would
bogrcatcrdcspatcli sccurerby any telegraph
cowinoporttion. V-odou't pretend to say
how it ouM wcrls though
February, iSUa, iu tho play of Uthello, !tll "ap man, and Ins soap, o including as
his son Charles representing Iago, and 1 follows : "Tho manufacturer of the best
nf tho Mnnr soaP ever used for clcansine a dirty man's
Bo quiot, dot I'll call myMotllOr
As t wit sUlhg in a wood.
Under an oak tree's lufty cover,
Aiming in pleasant solitude.
Mo should eons by, but John, rny love;
lie pressed my hand, and kiised my cheek.
Then warmer growing, hssed the ether t
U'hi'e t exclaimed, and strove to shriek.
'JJe auitt, dot tit call my mother "
Its saw my anger was sincere,
And loriugty began to chide met
And wiping Jrom my cheek the tear.
Its sat upon the grass beside me.
lis feigned such pretty, amorous woe,
lit talk td such sweet vows one otter anoftkr.
I could but emite, whilt whispering tow.
"Be quiet, dot III call my mother I'
lie talked so long, and talked so well.
And swore he meant not to deceive inc.
I felt mors eriff than. 1 can trll.
Men Kit,
"OA, roAnt" tatd J. "and UKst yiu
I lore thti better than all th, otker
7 Acre la no neeir to isrty tc,
I nicer meant la call wy molhtrV
A a kiss he rose ts tears met
M- R . vt.i
S r'T J, 1?
a ' r .ltBW
?"'". ''o regrets that it is not. larger. If
,1 f"? 0 W Lo sc"0.bos iur
more. If llO IS elected t'l Some liin-li nfflun
ho wishes for a bettor ono. if ho is rich
and wants for nothing, he strives for moro
wealth, If ho is atsiuglo man, ho is look
ing out for a wifo; and if married, for
so mo
coach iu Michigan, was uufortunaio onou"h
to bo on a poor road whero he was obliged
to go on foot and carry a rail to help to
pry tho stage out of mud holes, bcoomiup-
nvlim.rt.1 ! 1 . 1 .1 sj sj '1
.exhausted and impatient, he thus addressed
,Ij0ok a ,herC( 0ia rlloV.-, Tvcf ob-
jcctioiis to payin? ten cents a mile for my
faro, and nn objections to fjo on foot, but
I'll bo hanged if I carry this rail another
S3- A Kentucky Lawyer's Atpeal;
''The thunder rolled, the moon rolled, tho
stars winked, the sky was acomplctoweb
gentlemen ol the jury of darkling dark
ness on that night ; and yet this 'cro man
did, with malice afiorthnught, steal forth
inter the quiet shades of a lonely farmer's
bridlo seller dog. Convict him, and tho
pta-urs of a naion arc yours 1"
nousc, and then maliciously mseneu 1ns
; a
Z8 Served him Uianr-Stf Roch
ester editor had the best reasons' 'or kick-
i,1r n mlnnlr nn.l-nm nnrllnw a... Klnan..-
ctn. T!l0 ftillol tll tho characterist:0
impudence of oil who ask for newspaper
puffs, desired the editor to try a box of hi3
itch ointment, being an infallible cure, and,
if found to answer tho description, then to
certify to its merits in the columns of his
Tcy A Happy Couple. An American
paper it must bo American to'ls a story
of a wedded couple, who, with. one tablo
and ono bed, havo not spoken to ouq an
other for eight years. They aro on tho
best of terms, and no doubt for that reason.
Tho Yankco, however, tolls us that "each
is too proud to speak first." If such aro
tho fruits of pride, how foolish U is to at
tempt to teach woman humility,
CSS' A funny story is told of a man who
s'olo a fivo dollar bill out in Indiana, In
order to loscn tho crime, his counsel tried
to prove that tho noto was not worth fivo
dollars, it being at a discount. Tho pros
ecutor said ho know tho prisoner was tho
meanest man in the Stalo, but ho did not
think ho was so all-fired mean as not to bo
willing to steal Indiana money at par.
C A country cotcmporary puffs Iloss,
face, Vi'o
EST A young lidy fainted tho other day
at tho dinner table, on hearing a certain
rflll mil". SP!l I'.mfnin iv.m irl- tn f Iflr-V
taax besides him. that ho had often becu
cu the bosom of tho ocean.
JC433 If you wish to bo truly polite, ex
hibit real kindness in ilie kindest manner
do this and you will bo at par in any
sodcty without studying tho rules of e
. uetto
ArpuopiuATi: Mistake. A dancing
mastcr in solicitations for patronarre wish-
u'ao"-' aur pairouii, wish
1 0(1 t0 cxPrcsi his obligations for past favors
wueu me printer mauo mm say : "AI0S5
respectfully offers his shanks."
! r48 " .Mother," said a little, square
' built urchin, about fivo years old, " why
' don't the teacher make me monitor somc-
times! I can lick eery boy iu my class
but jun'.
rQf Wo havo hoard it remarked that
, when David hurled tho ttono at Goliath,
, tho latter must lnvo becu surprised, as such
a thing never entered his head before !
I gy l'icturca drawn in our mint's aro
1 1 . ; i ; . . r i... . . , ..
! la'u '-uluH - , w sometimes
j rclrcshed, vamsli and disappear.
Sy Falso shame and fear of blaino
causo moro actions than good, but virtue
ucver blushes but for evil.
rjaag" Health is tho soul that animates all
, enjoyments of life, which fade, aud aro
- tasteless, if not doad without it.
jy-Itcmembcr all that is truly good
aUli beautiful in life, blooms around tho
1 aitor of domostiolovo.
I --
Ui? Tin. a i p nun ti 1 1 f " t
'kindh t n -fjt'i .r-
have tried it therefore wo