COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. AI.KM II. TATE. kOCAIi KIJ1TOII, Saturday Morning, April 4 rgy- On ilio first page of to-day paper, will 1)0 found articles onlitlou : - Rjincs to a Bluo Bird. Tho Broken near- fed, Normal School in Allentown, Gen. Packer's Acccptanco, Withdrawal of (ifJudgo Lewis, Uoop-ilo-doodon-doo, &c., I? BST Tlio Hon. Wauiil.n J. Woodward, ' President Juxlgo of this judicial district, Julias arrived with his family, and located fiu Uloomsburg, 6y Lodged in Jail. On Monday last, Joseph llcrst, was arrested on tho "jyclnrgc of taking forcibly from tho premises 1 ''of II . M. Fuller, at l.ieht Street, a horse, 1 Ind lodged in Jail t await his trial at tho coming Oourt, in May next. f ty Moving Day. Wednesday last, lywas "turn out" and "turn In" day ; but JjHho worst ' turn" was, the turn out of rain 'making it anything but an agreeable 1st of f April. w BUT Is the voioa of the " GrandJInqucst inquiring f.r tho body of Columbia county,' 'to bo regarded I '1'wico or thrico has tho ' -Grand Jury rcojmmonded that tho Iron railing about tho Court House grounds, be painted black i yet this is not clone. tr Itov. -N. W. Colburn, will poach in the Methodist Church, in Uloomsburg, on next Sabbalh morning, at 10 o'clock. 'Of Wo i'lvito tlio atteution of tho ladies of Bloomsburg, to tho card of Miss .Mary Uarkiev, iu to-day, paper, announcing tho arrival of her Spring and Summer i, .Millinery Goods, 86T Fancjtui.. The fop wo saw in town tlio other day, with switch cane, double barred breeches, and corn colored ",cloves. Ho forgot that wo know hishonost old father, who is a cobbler among the mountains. Ca?" Tiic most reliable accounts from every section of tho country, give very encouraging hopes for a bountiful harvest, Tho growing crops fr. m 0110 end of tho country to tho other are represented as looking remarkably fine. JoT Capt. X. S. Prentiss, ttarlcd'lut Tuesday, for Now York City, with a large urovo of horses. K3? SeNSIHI.11 MAN, THAT TllC CCtlt Ionian from I'hil delphia who a day or '.V'e, remarked in our presence, that no M----iWiiVfc'iJ nanus me voung tatlic s in Bloomiburg, than ho had seen in tho it city, for the lust month. , 1 The I'rcs3 which was to havo arrove, has aniven. Dr. John will issue his first ',' number of tho "Columbia County lltpub- Ixcan1" in a few days, raJ- Oua Dfc.vir.'.s Dmum. Scene Bed Ho out Tho devil heirs footsteps j ho rubs his eyes, anil grafps his dagger, lonp3 from tlio bed and walks slowly and quietly to his intruder, seizes him, "pins him to tho wall," and stabs him to the heart 1 His victim is a hed-bii". SSt' BmoMSiiurto. We have at difi'er cut times had occasion to notice incidents and improvements occuriug in and around town, und now, concisely, wo will notice the general f-tatc of things existing at present. All will agree that tho town is in n very prosperous condition, and with all tho modern improvements cxtnnl, it bids fair to Burpats all atpiring neighbors. Its access is easy, having railroads radiatiug from it near to all points. Anion;; the many incentives to prosperity, we have immense iron works, machine shop, furnaces, tan- d.-Im l.n.,f or.a ,..r. ... 1. ....... ....l.i... .1 ...t.,..u.-u urn. xuuuoar knows what uot. With these manulactur ing cstablishmohts, and their associating operation', our town this summer will spread its sails in a godd gal'i and move from its former mooring of lutliorgy to tnko part in tho business strife of Iho world. The cnormcus rates at which property is 'held, and tio exhorbitant rates and con stant dematd f.r place of business, dwell ings and oioes, all swell tho idea of tho ., w iu ,.i title which las hcoii taken at tlio flood, ami1 which will lotv on to couumma on devoutly wished lor by U.o'ffi'.VAV.'i ' T "M -wUe,e' .... J jiinrtciiHu,aiiuiuptiyoi eoplo of fcr iohiity. iiJj'Miif In i 'tin it t!ic-t''tho Journey tlirou'jti I tin titconi n we.dry piijriniitgt. tlio prorpi c uonriy narhens io i ,w thrt itil.i.t iifspnineti BlLidowid ultti deiair a . nil c.l with the melancholy reilmiuii that the happing' ;or another duxiiicii wun nr mv n, ttan Pi' i mi Nn 7 Knil-rll Pit H unit I Civ 8T. .Baltimore timers, ,"AL1. fUIKMUAI. Ol'CllATlONH rUHl-'OUMCl lapp'yi1 TV.1I, Let no falee modesty prevent you, out mediately either personal ly or uy iciur. JLWk BlilS liIdLlAHCd .Sl'IIKHlLV CURUD. Z. 'IU Ci-iiiirrti-e -......qw . .1 riTUfl inniiv tnouatim a curen at mis iiisiuuwou wutt uoumuy thousands cur:.! at this illstllution wit 1 the last 15 years, and the numerous iinporUnt Surjjii Cp'jrations perforiu-jd by Ur. Johnston, witnessed I 1 lie irinrt'Tm mo pajicrr. aim iiiaujr uiuvi ):in.n licus nfwlneh havn upp-tari-d again and 1131 In bedi ln dublir, U-jBldf ln st4iidniii n a gontltman oftl rnrtcrand resp imlbilUy, ,isu sutliciunt guarantee 4 the aillictcd. " N. It. There aril so many Isnorant and worthlfj n. II. J nere ani lonmuy ijuoraiu ana wonuiQ fluacks advLrlisinj themselves I'liysidans, ruitirpiin subscriber Mould Inform the public nnd his tha nnaiin oi iini oiruauy uuin-iru, i.iiui ur, jouiisl doemtltiifceury tosay, especially to ihoie un U iiintcd with hi reputdlioii.thuhi rrudcniUls a! .iliplumjis always uand iu ui uuitw. if srj-rKcoiice, All letter must ho postpnld, a tnnniin a puciagu iumji mi w -r,t ' January 17, 1357. IflSIIINa TACKLE. RI-.ST UlltnV, I imerirk. Virginia Improved Trfl d.. I'.Ln nnd Htl Hooks . ct wi VCl. r?alllloll (I Trout Lines, (I.U and othtr Simods. Artillcial 1! t'antoii Urn.. Lines, fpun and rijitcd - ilk Lu Lines Willi Floats and Hooks, Walking Blirk, Tr; and Trnllin, Rods, l'loats,Urass lictis, Minnow r. tflnes.Hol Kcls, rartrltlire .ei. uuiciinrr an., .in, Swire, Violin, anil Birlnics, ailllut and Briuo la.nuine Harlem Oil, f.r cravel und aOlcllons of I fcrtasl and head, lor sale by glougcw iii:Yiii:i:0Blt, Import if imoiiii Third itrcrt, west mi., noor jowArclist , and mil duor to the et t liailcill liilad.' Atiril i, Hit Jul Spocial Noticoa. rUMlRlrV VOOn litoonTn.iiirir.iini blood CTlUKitk 1UUR UI.UUD. ropiltir-Mll. vlootl, ami kcrp ll purr, li llin only Mtlnln (urirantoo f)t aooil lirnltli, a ml w know of no remedy winch more ll,8.,.r.n,l .afelyefTe.,. ..... Ma.le,-. cnrannariiiai i n lemon in nnw o imiiih ninii ' in i firl Vnln. . ApllU, M7-y m-tiii; ihmuubatiu nunum.u urn . . .. . . . ....... K.n. n NOn.-Acorrc.poii.l.nt write, thai a. eoor, a. Ocn. TZZSZZr: clarcil lilrasrlf overjiycd.on.l avowed lili iMormlna 1 tioiitaUke tho ttmnpat on early day Innn 1 rr'ilrtilila ,t.C!othlnftomlh.ntlfltuUl.l.meDtpr Ottamut BTORia, No. sou uiiCBtimv ilrcel, abovo Oth, Phlladctptili. j- The State Savings Fund, 83 Dock ttrttt,notldoorto tht Pott OJJice. Sunn, Ufgo and amnl are received on deposltc.and returned at any time, with five per cent, Intrcit. Tho office la open daily, and ever .Monday evening, tCaT The IHvg Per Cent. Saving Fund oftho Nallinal safely Company, Walnut street, soath wost corner at Third nl root. riilladclpMa, now litii morn than Ore MiLMONor Hollars, all In Mortaqib (InoritD Henti, and other first clats accurttlos, to tho benefit o depciltora. XT THOMAS W, MATT.-'ON, Itccetver tliel'riMf Medal at tlio World's Pair in Ixntjn, 181, for TIlUNKS. CARPET HAGS, llnoti, ahocs and tiunii. Ore at liiilucemontaato now oiTcrcd tn pnrclttacra fth abovo articles. Tlilil much the largest ttock oft runka, Carpet Uapa. Vallccs.&c, in Philadelphia verychfnp, nrcaih. Manur.ictortea: 130 Mirkct Slrrrt, 8 V. ornerand HSMirltcl alrert, 9 U. corneron'oiirth. "WOODLAND ClinAM Jiyomaaojtr "'Vrf . . . 1 Ike falr hlglily pelfumo.l, superior 10 any French ilrnl Imnnrted. and for lialfthc rice. For dres.ini! I.a.lie. Hair ithatno, giving It a brishl glos.y ! appcuonco, It ca...e.flel.llel..n'a llolr;tocurl,in the 1 n.o.t i.nt.tri.1 It removes dnRdrulf, n.v.n)s diving the II air fhu appearance of beli.e Iresh alia ti- pooncil, l'rico oi.lyaity.ceul. lono genuine unless a ignrd. t'ETUIDCE&CO.. N. Y. l'roprlctois ol the Volia of a TAeuland Jtoveri." Forsale byl Bra.jl.U. EQUALITY TO ALL 1 UNIFORM tTV Of rRIOnSI-A Xbw FsAtrac in Business: Every one his own Halctmcnl JON E3 tc CO.. Of the Crescent One Trlco Clothing Store No. 800 M-nket street.alinve Sixth, t'hiladelphla. In niMilion to having the tamest, most vnricd nnd fashionfildc stock of UlotMrg In riiiladelphla, mnde Gxircflily for rtlnl sales, htwc fonMitnlcd every one hlsown snlxsnnn, hy hnvtng mirked in ngurcr, nn each nrtft le the very lowest price It can be sold for rollfy cannot possibly vary nil mmt buy ntike. Tho Eooilsnro well sponged nnd prrparCd, nnd great paina takfii uithlhe making so that nil can hny wlth the full nsiirancp ofgelling u good nrliclc at 1!k very lowest prlco. Also, a Inrgc atnek of pirce gooils on liond.of tli'j latest stjle and Itnat tmlities, which uill he made in order, in the moot fashionable and Lust manner. 2i per cent, !' low credit prires, 11 o nciiib'( tho Crescent, in Market, above Slitti Sircit.Ntt. 00. J ONES f. CO. ONE PltlOb: ONLY 1 UriMNOOTT & COS. Oa.ll Clnlhin-j Wire), on it, Poulh W.'sl eorner nf fourth afl Market streets, '.Phil aJclphia. The only One Picj Ootid" Store In America I'.uh purctnser. ol Men's or hoy. l'c'Ji-jnff, a wholfjaleond -.'ierc-inako .their seleetion from an lurnon. c stork nf farliionably cut anil well madeelolhinj. cotup wild ,ivlm' lu gi.le s.ili. faction to all ,nnl at tlio very hwest sclltiii- prico I. maikeil In plain figures nnuvory gnrn.ent, oil buy at Iho anno price, nntl .vhotlier Ihey are jililje. of gooils or not, lliey railnothl dcuieveil. Ono Uliifotni low price to ii. k anil tako .uil.cveryl.oily, wile, tho ustia looilo of aikin; lwii pj.rr., anilltkin; nil tint can bo got, suit. n.iTinily.nti Jell lati three. to trl'M ; for ir.sla nc a mi n asks SI5 foro r ),it, tin I naerwnrd. arjrees tu take S 1 0, nml it Isi.j'irtlly rrruin, thai he would have Liken 315, if ho co lid h:iveH It, and Ihu. .a-t'iilly chit he piirihosur out nf livo doll.irs. To relneili tl.ii.cvil and ..tai,li.ti conCdwi in Ihotlradii, LllTINCdl' tc CO., 11 a iiiiifnnii'M-hnv price on tit their goods, (veiy much h low tlio tiinot rates.) and witl(ti:v.r'iry one ceni under any rirenin. inures, EJ-OM.I. ANII 8i:EE3 At the South W'.lcornc of Tourtli a til .Market slrccti Philadelphia , SALAMANDER F11U- AND 1'ltOOK SAFES. THIEF Til 2 I.Allnl'AT A3.3r.17T 'ir-W m&M Warranted tn bo kiiihI in nuy v,,w ,1'', nnd will in tHfi on n cooil tcruiB, a ran Iip obiaind I roiu any other Iiuiee in the .Mcountrv. ni A8 fc WATSOVa. $ -J tli ti., rjiiludulptna. TRUTH 13 MUJHTV AVI) WILL Pltr.VAIh' Report of the Committee, appointed to superintend the Hum ing of the Iron tajes, at hwhng February !i7, 13.'7 IUaoo Alircli 4. lti7. Tlie utnlorficnod. invmb'-ra of the coinin ittec , ito ri't-pirtlullv report, that up aw tho two lafrs. ori'i n.itly.iRrted tuoii by IVirrclsA; Ilfirnitg and l'.v.ino Wntiinn, placMl aid! by in a (uriiaro, viz . TIjp Halo hi i so by the payim si it of Hit l'Jn l:nJ-i pit ia mid R cadi up Uai I r nail t'c niiunv. in his ollirc nt Heading, ma nit farm red by Purrtli t Herring, anc tli'' nlc in ue hy II A. l.nntz. in IiU stnru inanuttdliired hy Kvanxtk Watson, and put in books and papers pre finely nfil:e. Theflri'-ft-a-. started at 8 oVlork, A. M.,nnd kept up unlit ftiiir enrdrj of preen Inrkory. tw'n cords dry o.ik att luir clwstmu lop wood wire i ntlrely run timed, lh wholu under tin' snperi idt iidenn of the Htihp-xriher menibcrri ol the Comnulti c. The .tl-i witp then cooloil otr with water, af vr which tin y were nitncil and the b -i nnd pa pern taken out b lite OniumitU'i' nnd ppu to I! A.lj.uii'u storn for public exa mi nation and mark-til by Ih ('Committee . The b noKU nnd paperNtakfiilroni tin afe . flnnufac turcd hv t'arrels it llcrrinss were, fu our Jtiilgnifiii, ihiinaci'd fully ti .'mm per cunt, mcrrctlian those tali en I fri.ii. I.vous & W'jt.on.1 Safe we bel.evo llio ahoio 10 have 'l.e.i a f.iir and i n partial trial of Hie rc.i3Llve. qudlities of both Safes. u.ii.ui. ii. ni : i-iiLis. . UAKIi-L. B- IIITNTCU. Having been -ibsent .liiiins the. humiiitf, we fully rni ii. -id. with Ihe above s la lenient of the coii'lithui I of tliu papers and bo'ik. liken oat of Iliu respertivo ! Safes. (!. A . Ml.'OI,LS. 1 ii. ii . t..uiif.cvnni;o. . JA3. S111.I10LLANJ), March M, 1857. I NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER OF 1857. ,,,l.;0j .irl f !. I liberal pauoSts.. 'rerpec. fully i.,ftrm u.):,r 6Pli.NO AiNU UMMER GOODS. ,ccit)priiiiurvirv v.irielvof faghlon. nualitv anditvlr. usually kepi In the test storeF, Oroceries.Oinnccwarf , iiamwiirr. j tin, rj.ii'B, urns, i aps, uoois, ciiutjj, Ate., vtneh will ho sold on accommodating Tenii. i f uraiii unu p cuutu ui nil Jviniio wantiu. M M MainvMle. March 23, )PJ7.y. MILKS' IMPHOVKI) PLOWS. 13 13 ACOCK PLOWd. Wicsin's lo a T.i le Plows. L 9ibsoM 'luvi. vfirhiirni I'l us- . Hi t.-iu; nr Fur row 1'lnws. Sidn lllll iMumi: Hultivator-i Harrow I!... Mr.iu n I I'n.n fi.nllr l.iltlntu And lllll, rial 1.1. .... ui,,.,,.,, 1U v,.rv hl!a, uualili-. in.ii.ufa. lured nud . aI(J ,b v U I.ANDUI'.nl t tos. .llld recd U'aii'hi.u.e. SI and Ulijoulh K.xtli ri..l..del.ha. Andnt Hie .Manufactory, llriitol. l'a. March S3, 1S37. NEW FIRM vupnnnn .Tnnmu, hp has nrnnairu mm ", Daniel K Wt riman, wilh him In the Mercantile business. at Itohtsburg, imiu and after ihe 2d i-f March, . yiur.,ritii i win u'tmuviw t under the name and style of the Arm iT L. Wirt man it X. IVCRTM.1N Kohrsburj, M.rcb, 0.1M7 31 I NOTICE. I.L persons indcntcdin tho umlenisned. rlther l.y A nolo (II hook .rrnimi ... .An..d.,u.l . ... ,,L a .,.. ileum .u und inyiiient in order lo the sneidy closiu: up of his business. E, WERTMAN. Rolir.hurii, March 0, 1657. WOOD AND COAL. CONSTANTLY on hand and for mle Xv 1.1 ItSO at 1I.MITMAN8 I TUB BOSTON OLIVE BRANCH rotVMn Attn MortwuLF. neAmxa. MP" R 0MVI5 nit ANUIt of llic New Year has changed I ,,... .,, ,-.,, . nreallv linnmrid ,, l9 new head In .....utpaMcit lor elegance and lienuiyi and wlili a tnmrilcto act or now type, nod Hie WKHfK'iXiW hfip. I Irlinriclcrnfill and In Oil. reineclll will ho I .he a,.o nf .he ,.rop,le.o.. .0 tender II not only o,ual, a. oiomi.n. ...... Biipr.Rtnn'rfi any oti r.n rApnii in AMr.ntoA. ' ' I nf i5t, talent of tho hlaheat order will be employ, i a r,Wi;,i.,V.Srff. , a.... ...Ilnx Vn nalna iwitl la no r.i irt n ,1 ... II n valuablo n well na on intercfthiff comninlon Tim ftortPi. boili orlginnl and jlteil, will tin frefh ntnl KTR.K3 . a,r;7SU lln.i.h- .trucuvo ireta - imme ntitl and aonie llgliti romo Initructlvo and others me tv nml n mil tiff The Ol.ivn ihltANCIl will contain (ketches from MANY OlrrBD CONTUinUTOUS, Thus Qiinrnnieelne a plcaaant variety nl thought nnd style. Occnalonnl hriel' hio raphicaf akPtchcx nf tils tlitgulalicd iiMle nnd frma lorlnrnetcrs wilt im publish rd Wo shill pi to n rtume ot events nf Interest In Ihplitcraiv world, tocclher with Imnarti&i notirrs and trillrlim nl newlv nubllnliPil unrki. A nnrtinii of k our column, will bo devoted to choice (rem. of poenyl I and In Ihe laillo.' .Ii'partment lllho lo.nid maltera of n.iFTP. ru. 111 na u ll. ....nil.... ui 11.0 on V. I... (1 O. lie r auljcrt. of especial valu. in ladle, senorally. The firmer will fl ml in llin t)l,lVC IIIIANCI1 nn acrlr.nllil ral department nnd hi. children will delta hi in unra. vellum the nivr-lerie. ol our ro1.. inn of 11 (Juo.s V uk" The OMVIi ItUANUlI will nl.o contnin a .nmmary of 1.10 inii. inn. iiciii 11 1 .no ,.y, w. (11 uneci.uir., 111 ' ilea, nun n niiio parnsrapn., calculated to oxclle a amlle, or illu.trate a moral . HotHCflptiou price, two dollrtr. n year. fluid by dealer a everywhere fur four cent, a copy. John 11. si.i:i:ri'ii itra, riiliti.lif r No. 5 Wa9hlnatontrcct, lto.ton. March 81. IPS. lm. SPECIAL NOTICE. TOMN O ntr.n.r. will be In nl omburir from the a. .... .1 nl A tin . I. . 1110 im 11 : nl u 11. r.i .lino oil opr. nuiehtc. tn him nrr rfnticaiMl in rnm f,r s rd nnd nay Otherwise tho acctiunis will te nrrai geti for collection March 31, 1857 tf THK LAST NOTICE. Estate of Benjamin llayman deceased TVTOTIOE U hereby given, to nil pcrs ns I 1 havine; unsettled nccnunta, with the Hittate of Uenjami IUymak, late ol Orange township, Culiindiin county, deceased, to present them id tho undersigned, nt his residence. In Centre lownthip, on or before the 15th of April next, propeilv authenticated for settle me nl. aubOMUN nYUAItl). March 21 , lf57. 3t Jldmfr NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that tho an nual infllng oflhe Stockholders of the Hlootiis burs Hnilroud Iron Company, will be held at troudalc, Coin itil'ia couniy.on JIonday the 4th day of May ncxtt Tor the purpose of circling hircctors, und lor the tran nuction or other hushics. uiiAULca w. risiicR, March 21, 1857. Ct Treasurer, J. PALMER & CO., MAUKCr STKl'.r.T WIIAIir, rillLADULfllM. Dealers in Fish and Provisions, HAVn rnnstantly on hand an aarorln.ent of Macker rt,, llerrinj.,, lieef. I'ork, Lard, Shoulder., Main., etideg, Cheese, Klcc, Alc, Jlirch ll,le..7.-3m .BLINDS ANl7sil a"d"e"1 l" OF STYLES U. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 13 tOr.TII SIXTH STIUXT, ruiL.DrLi'iiiA -.: AMJi' or iiMNDri Vol tl vet, Uol.l llnrdered and l'aiule.1 dllAHi'.r1. of beaultful cVelpn. tluir, nud nil ..iher color, ot Jlol ; -iTTci "iUjiK6rd'1-,,'e-' rnliir..3,Trlinoiini;ii. iic, A.C VVh.ileiile nnillif;1"11."1 11,8 l"el ia"11 l'"ce"- II J IV H.nnLI .l-faf "Tl H UT ihnnhl til 'for pil p..lrrnage, resiectAilly solicits the public to cill un-i "imS.'.'.'V'JL" "pw Iho i.ul.:ic 10 nn ,iT,..' "il'.o.i hl new and largo a.sorlliici.t. heloro i.urchn.Ei.cclcwil'-ri; v in. ufiuru I'urciinMiriccicC tTS" tt'e St it if ti to Mr.nun March 21, IM7. am GARDEN, MELIV& FTvKlt SEKl)S 1 Ipnr.Pii ami (; i:uim; GAitnnN si huh. in rvery ' . varlHj.nt whcileralpatid n tati rmbnumg all ihe new nud lU'i-irablu knntB. i-nri-tiiily put up In papers for the rttait' r suppnm iu bulk Uinu tj tfugr (Jane H'd, J.'p-n 1'ras. Hiangc Vntir Melon, ic A h-o. fi iIkiIlo uttMirliiictil (I fine 1 limi r ttils.lvenly varieties in a lm fur Si. Clean Uluvpr und Timoibj Wed.O'chard tjrais, lteGrn, Herd and finti J.twii Utags, A-c, Lc. I TASOll M.L MOllRIS h CO , .Agricultural imrlciiieiit nnti Morp, N. U corner ol ?th and Market siritts. March M, ikv, riiilideiphia. CHARLES II. AlARPI.K'S. WIMIAM) KIQUOIt STOUE, A'.). 113 North Third Strict. Ablvc Itacp, Unit Side, Two Joors jOwvc ilie i:af la rniT.ADE.PllIA. I Has conctantly on hand Prenali llrnutlies, Ilotlnnd flu. nud u aunerul assoriiui'iit ol 1'orcicii Wines a'so all k.ndof American iilrira, 'I JUrch 15, ls;o-y, KOR 3 1 I,1 u" rTlllI snb.ciitipr nders at private Sale one of the moil I beautiful and dc? i ruble, in Hie town of Uloomsburg. The lot Is K( f.. P.nut nn 11,1,. t!l. OU Itll ITOlll Oil jllalll StrCfl, nndan uccll,le by alley, nn tho West, and South I . Is handsomely laid out with Etlirubhery, 1'TtUIT it ORNAMENTAL TREES. SltllttSi&'K, and i FINE imiOK HOUSE. s Terms easy. Apply on the I'rcmiies, or o this Of ncc. or lu llic subscriber , , , JOHN O, FRCKZi:. , llloorn-burg.rcbruary !8, ie57. LANDRETH'S Y HRANTliD GAR DEN SEKD8. ! GRAS-t PUIUIS. ril!l,n Si:CD3. and n.OWER BUCIJd, forsale by II. I.ANDRI.TH h POV. No. 21 and 239outh Sixth si,, I'liiladelphia' March 25, 1857. S pring and Summer GOODS JIPKcIvy, IVoal &fCO., TT A VINO unt recrivcd ana opened their ttocM of Lln...rcnaiidiierorDrlnnales.wlil.hrn...n. '!: JrVliAiN,.iika;i".',ojrl; ciicniiiprisoitim EESS fsS Fi f to huv cheait. can save monevhVL'Iviniiinflrni nient now olfereddn this TOWN 1 Jlaving paldifreat ifK, as to that ttiey to buy cheap, can Bave money hy ulvingusaciiil. We have nil Uirulu olCIoodsand Wares to supply the 1 reoplu. A vury larue lot of j LADIES' DRESS GOODS, PrenchMcrrnoes.Wooinaid. Alnacns. Ilombszinos. de taise 1'onlins, l'arametta cloths, Mohair Lustres, iiuiin ve iji lalnea, rersiuu clolhs Giugliams,Oalicoes, i WUITi: GOODS OF Ahh KINDS.Fleves, Collars, i Handkercliiels. nmincuics. bands und -trimininis. Latcsandeittnss, bonnet ribti ons. in larjjo vuriely. velvet ribbons. nnd braids, kld.cotlon, and lisle thread uloveii, Mohair mitts, fcc. We (uviipour friends and tho pubtic generally to give us a cullbefotopurchaslng elsewhere. Wrlinvo nnuuntour gooas it un went i;mn rrices.ana win not be uudoraold by anybody, or the rest ot'inankind. McKKLVY. & GO. itinnm.iwi. Vdtch i l7 Uloomsburg, March .1, IM7. Spring and Summer I GOODS. , nr-itrn j j ir ,i i IMlb Undcr&lgnoa TCSpCCttUlIy informs m met r rus louipjB aim inc puo up genr ran y, mat tney have iut received at their new Urick Hlre House, iu Light flueel, a select assortment at fashionable SpriDg nnti Summer Goods, ' direct from tlio Uastorn -cities, coiniin.:i2 all the various selections to he found in t'ountry utorcs, i ron.i.titif of Cloths. L.'li.t.iijiereM. llelaina. llrazes. I U-ilicoe.. c. Tojfelher with a. I kinds of Uress goods t 1 for tl.o ladies. ' Al.itO -Or.NTLI.5l'.N'S WEAR, Or ALMOST UVI'.RV SUIT A Nil 8TYI.U l,llli:aTAI,MASIIIlllSIIA SIIAVVr.-t.ic. (Iroceries, Molasses, fiusurs, 'i'eas, l.'..ireu, Pplces,! ant. in .iu. i.cvr,) inula iii ine oi aierciiaii.uzn, l RIJAUV MAI1U OLOTIIING. ol inrry dccrlhllon. rrJ-ln.u.Sleel, Nails, Sulky Hurmcs ic i O" Thankful for iasl patronage, it wil) b5 their .tuitions aim to pleaso theii customers and tu eivc general satlsractioii. MEI.ICR li ORBASV Lljht Hirtet Marrli?? I"i7-y Ilolloway's Ointment. A MliMOAL 11KV0LUTI0N. Tlio World Unanimous t Till! OPXAT COUNTER IRRITANT 1 1 , ,r. .., i-. , l. , i . i. "..'':V. 0R"?.'!"Tl??SrLTxWl'V"??. " ' S7" he",' 1 "vZoZ.V'. I , nonelrato. Iho .uiraco to tho throuth .1.0 i....:. ,r... ....... .i,n.n ,.r,h ... .'., in P 1 M, l. t l . .1. M Km t n I lid I II MT.t.r. I.irni.EI. II. O rue'r ram pane. Inlo .he fevered ca.Ui, .llffmlng UveryapecieMtrxtorlorlfrltatioiils'iiilfkly reduced hu tl.u (iii 1 1 Inflimhitlnm nrlinn fifllil riinlmeiiL -MS?. 'iT-WoV.'SaiSa Anteir.TuA7i?fBS:'. ,(nrllch).(.., to return nn more, under. It.ap; U,J trX!r!ti'ti proves lis infallibility In diseases of tho akin lit u sue i, ui jDini" oni 1110 k'uiius. ULCUR3, SURE AND TUM0U3 The cffiicl oflliia unnvnlled externnl remedy upon Pcorlula nnd flthprvlriil.ini nlcera and sores I ml moil mlnif nlnm It (lrst ttifeliarijes tho pntsmi which pro il'irfu mmnitrntfanand nroud fleali. und thua the cures which lis heuliiiff propcrlies alierward complete ure nrnn wnll nn nrrmincnt WOUNDS, llltUISi:a, IIUKN'S, AND R0At.n9. In cniffa of the froctuie nf Hipbone., injntie. riiueed UV .lent., expioei...... tirui".. in...... ecu...., 1. nei. n.-i tlft...4tllf.iue. oflhe Join!., nnd cuntraclion of the .1- neva, it i. employed and w.lrmly recommended by Iho fnc.illy. ... irvcln.i. rcnu'dy ha. h' en Introduced ,y ltt Inventor In per. on inlo all the leading ll.i.pllal. ofnuropo.aud no private household ahould be ultliout ui. .u iviitiuiff ii,,puiaip UNnr.MAni.r. testimony. Tho medical stair of tho French ardEngluh nrmicf ntheCrlmer, have oiTicntly signed theli o llollonnv's Ointment, ns the most reliable dnsslng for snbru cut, stabs, and pirn shot wounda. It la utso used by tha Bur re oris orihcAllied Naviea. Both tht Ointment and t Mis should - VSCCt Wine vuuiving tuoi-a nnnlnns. riles. Sore Heads.' iitirn niitiiinatlsnt. ore Throat a. MJ mr .-i-d Macda, (Jtiiritt-ti MatJtli, Hfngvv- ores omn kidos niilllilaln. Ha., .v.icum. t mills. TiMiila, Hen Us. Ft. I Joints. Gout. Bkin Diseases, Tel r, ttniiiago, Bwellrd Glands UlrtrV, Mfrcnrial Erup-Bore Logs, Venereal Bores Hons, gorcllreusts, Wounds. oil kinds, SH ntlhnni-iniificlniles of nrof..jor Holloway ftn U,l,l,n l.flnr. New yora, nnu vr rirl.a, bnnuon by all Drnaclets nml Dealer, in Mediclno Ihroiiihout tho Unl'ed States aivl tho civilised world There is'a considerable savinj mytakins the lorjcr , 1 ITJ-CAUTION l-Kone are unle.s tho words IhUovtav, A'ew 1'orik and Imdon," in dlscernlMe as tt i tcater mark m every leaf of tha book of direellon. 1 around eacti pot or i.ox ; ine sniuo in.iy no piaio.y fcj ' by holdlnp the leaf to the tight. A hanil.ouiK reward will ho even tu a 11 v one remh rinrr such information a. may lead to the detection or any party or panics roontiicrfcilinj tho nicdleincs or vending tho same knowing them to be epmluus. ATTUAOTtVE SCHEME! 3,307 Pfzes-Lovcst PJzc $10. KRAHLY O.Vi: rHIZK TO,r.rKHYJWJK 1 WKETS PHIZES CUAltANTEEDI Georgia Lottery. (-4lAar.ieJ ly the State of Georgia ) Fort Gaiucs' Acdciay liottery! CI.AS3 S3. Tub drawn III lti!Clly of Atlanta, (icorgla, 111 I'utlic, onTuc.iUy Mar. I'Jili'Jilli, ls.linl Jlli on tlio tlan of SINULK KUAlllEllSI tTj-l'urcliascralnbuslne 11) Whulo Tickets ,wlii.n. Iliu, a, :i, J, j, 0,7, S , Olore Buar uliltjiU I'M.. ill SlU-llaU. ilUuaner. In prur tlun. Or Urruftaru of ioT.ckitt will be .olilnl ll.o iat.. Lrluw, tur Hi.' n.k on Iliu Tlrkrta, anil whii.ll, nilillos lliolioldci lo ..II he .Irnw. oer the SlUTrUcs UAMUUL SWAN li CO.,.Manasers. 30,0H Tickets 3,307 frizes! PHIZES AM0VXT1KO 7'O5J01,000 Willlic di'tlibuUU! to lhelbllowi"g OitlOINAJi SliUKME! fiizeof 9il.auu i -O5 0C0 IU ino is ll UOU la ' io uuit'il '-'--J .l.U.l is l.uiio I. l.mioi. -juo am mo ure 7.1 uru 20 uro 40 a io 10 UOI 10,000 i 10.0110 4 ,OU0 ' 1 ,uuo I 1 UM I S.000 0,0'KI 7.UIKI ' 5.WI0 ' 120,000 1 I " I.) I'r.ccsur Ml lull " 100 3.207 I'rire. amn-llilli,. tn S 101,000 I llhole VW.cH, 410; Italon.t I )rler. -'I-I Tho :l,00v) l'n.. ol till will bo dl'tfrullileil by the i Ian limirppi Hi,. Numiiei ilir.tdraiailie$J"..o.u l'rlMO I I'.ir exampli' i iho Number .'rawlni U..I J.'j,000I llao I'lnla. iviiii No. 1, then all tile Tickets here the num. her .....Is in I uill he e.ililleil In Sin, II Hie .N'umhor ' cn.lsftitli No.y, ilien alltlmTi'tkels wherullio Nuiu , bcr ends In U uill bu .-.ititledtoStO. anil .oou loo. I INiUl-'EJlLNTd TO ULUUS. A, hy 'I irkrlin every 101. jruaran. (rni to ililiwSW.we will sell Certlfiatn of Packages of 10 Tickets (wliere u.c iitiniLerneiiu i. i , i,.i. u, ,. B,'J,u,)Jt the JoJIowiug rates, wjiuli Is Uie risk on thcie. All tli it they draw over the $40 l'nzcs accrues to tho 0 Ccitilicntc of l'ackaaeoflO tVholoTlcktu, S"j ' 10 Mall , " 3 " ' loiluancr - 15 It will be perceived, I, v this plan, that for SCO tho 1 purcl. .scr lla..i certlrtcale nl lilTlrkels. when if he busT.cket.hPWoi.lil.iuly an Hut sum IllVholea hiiyinc Oarliflcaiea In: l.:i. lour more elinnco Mr In rjr I'llzcs Halves alio Uuarler 1'ackagcs I n proportion. IN OHIII'KIN'tl TICKUTd OP. C11UT1FICATE.S, I nnclo.ell.e money lo our addrcsl for thn Tickets ''"'" on tcrciitof wl.ltHi ll.ey.uli bo forwarded b "'" '"t"1 I urcliasers can lute 1 nkus ending in " ThVl!'7or',?raw" NnmbersaiiiU'rlie, nibosiint to ;Vrr Ticket.., Address orders for Tickets orOcrtlrtcafs cither to S. SWAN & CO., At anta, Ga. or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. January'.' I .lcr.7 DRlilFUSS & P ERNBRGER, I'iporlers and Wholesale Dealers in FANCV DHY GOODS. French, Euglish ami German EMBIIOIDEHIES. FMVY TItl.VMl.VaS, AND MILLINERY GOODS IN GKNERAL. ! No 01, North Third St.. above Arch, Philadelphia. riHi: 6ulncritpra would reuppcifiilly inform their X trie mis and the iiihicin (ji'iiernl, that thfv have taken tint larsc ami commodious Starr, No. i71 North Bt-roiul Street, oltovp Itate, and luriiisln-il it with tin tiitire new stock of (Joodi, to which they would iuvl c tli r atipnti'n. riinifssnis iinsurp.ifeil far llltjfa.and having had at lonp cuiK-rienco In the btiiiiic, lie Is enaMed to fur ifilliur iatroiis and Merchants pent-rally with the latent t)lp or I'nucy GooJh, nusbrcnlerie, tit. ox unitsiiaHow prices, nnd hope hy unci ottention to busjneie, to merit a share ol puldicpaironncr. urn i.LU tin. No. 83 North 'JliirdStreet,aboc Arch. January 10, 15? nuutry De!!or3 Bupplied with German J Bilvertfpirtacles, iimsctrted dozens. Also with raiues, muuii Elastic teei, auvsr..oia ue AlcALLiHTi:tiJ- nito. (Cdtablished 17'iu.) 1U1 t'heniiitfitreft I'hiUdelphia January 3d, IP57- 2in GRAMMATICAL WOHK'S. mm1 i-ina'i' unni.' nr i. n.i..i .. .... uuw.s. wi mo itniiuiiai rrri X Hvstem of Huulirh 7 ram mar 5rti. SJVt THIIBEUO.ND ItOOK ol the Rational tr&f! i'ftlriii (if t3nrtiili (Jr-nnnitr .lnilrr.u.,1 m ilillt leach the nroceiis ol Aimltslnf ilia rnolnh l.xtirni, with sound Judgt-ment. and the ait ol using it with gmtiutical propriety 31rts, These works are now used in the Public Schools in the nrst yclioot Diytrici of Pennsylvania. Til U TlllH'UO()Koftlio Uaiioual System of Gram- I tnur, designed to tnabio the learner lo become most! thnrough ly ncauai nt fd with ho nature and of tho Pre- i pout ons. mid mav bu read bv him .liber in or m.t r liROWN'S GRAMMATICAL HEADER. J his book sets aside the old Grammars, exposettheir deirjets. demonstrsles the little m.e ol atteutiing to them, and presents lo tl e Teacher tho untrrlng aud only way to he Grommeref theCnglub Languai-e :t7Tcis. For s.ln by Petpr Gritlee.lld AHCII Street, 1'lnlada. rehfua ry ifl. 1857. WtW CilllW BOOK STOICH. Corner o( Stli & Arch Street, Phila dclplt ia , Henderson & Co., BOOKSELLERS AXD PUBLISHERS. TNVITE tho nttentiou of all Persons Vi&i- J tintf riiilad'Iphia, whether on U-jiiicaa or plpnsuro ti Ibeir lirtuonhiury Collection or Uookv upon all nub, Jerta, lloukclleri.'iuntry De.ilerff, Teacheri. Public and privatrj Libraries, mpplied with Uook t (Stationary at lowest rate. C. G. 1IU.VDLR80N U CO., March 7. I-M7.-Cml. T ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Jacob 'Aeisstofl, tlucastd, JLi ' lauiif Jlfdl.on.lowm i p. Co .inildiiro dfiaVilft-n iffSni... im iui...r m voi u. eounty. to ilio subscriber, who tr.i.lo. in 1Ji,n tho Admlm.lri.lor without il-Mv.nnil all potions In. . Uebld loraake payincnl fortliwJHK HAHT.MAN, p.t, . l57.C.i. Mm'r. ' AnvlTMtu'PII ATHH'R NflTinK t I. 11 I MIU' 'I. A ' 'I I I'M Kl I I I h "j-"' v " w J7statc 0f Wilham Wcrkhtisir, llfCCaStd, I T.'?!T?P?.?' - ! - 'rtI!S?J!!!V Indmlnlalrallon onlhacitatfi of William,Uaroully 1 en .rented hy the Heil.ler or l,cVr,vvhore.te. I Madl.0.1 town- XJ Wrkhelarr. u rivc'd.havi bcfll i SKXW tho deccd-nt aio 'ei""".! them 1J lh.,lil- SJK..' 'J EL1A3 r.OU.UtT. IVbruaryH. 1fi57.r,ts, AllMINISl'llArull'S NO'l'IOlS. Estate of John Price, deceused . r.TTCIta of a. ... .. illation on the e.tato or John KTTlKd of a.l.iih.l.tiatlon on the e.tatool John I 1'ilce, ute of Cntnwl.ea lownihlp,Co,n...Wa e.a.nty, deecmcd, have been granted by the Kenl.ter nlrytit. 1,.., r,i.i.i.jr, 10 ...... k 1 rue r, , rc.iuua niu.'an.-,. lown.hlp In .aid rmnily i oil pproit. I.avli.3 claim, ngain.l .ho c.ln.e of lit. i decedent ore re'itie.teti to pro .entthemlo tho AdmlnLtrntor without delay, and all ,i;. una ii.ueu.'.'u iu iiidKc u. ui-.., ii.T.i... 1. ., J.UWI3 VLl luu ' Vfwt.mi.iit, f vuiu. ry j., ic.i ui.- iu. n PRIVATE SALE VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. M rpiiniindcrsislgned will. ell at private -,. V?.?eS?.l,,ir ifiNo uousTfi ealelhflValn ' Ismlti: H()Ur?i:. ami ntner luinrote I IEIooits , burg, the ntutcor Hit-tateJolin Hnrton, decuascd. Haid nronertv la one of Hip most pleasantly nrriinptd duelltngs In town, with a good Hiote IIourc and ftigiblo builncas stand, Terma of , easy. UTAppiy to ino subscriber agent tor mo neirs I lie Mi iu ueccasea, J. K. MOVCtt. Rloorusbtirg, Fihr tary , 1857. j Wl S'lSl ii SSSaSSH 1j g (Successor to PIullRY ij- EHETY.) BOOKSEI.I.KIt. Ct,ANKnOOKMANUl'ACTUnr.ll. mVTM.n AVn I it.. T li" M IV JH.NLl.ll ftJJ IM'jAIjE.K llN IMI'ORTED S( JMKRIUUf STA1 WA'Elir. a, iv uorner, itn unu uace MOD mtNTlNG.) v (tiOOK HINDIN'C,) w M. fl. PRIMtV. nnnotincos to hN frwnis and I'atroas that ho is supplying ' on low terms. Itlank-IlooK's made Inasupirioi styla I mills own .nuiiiiiJciury, ruuntiiu iur uahhi, ilulic CrncER'SrSc MenciuHTs Family Ilibles, I Oift Uooks, Hooks of all kinds for public JlalnfAjL 'and Private. Library School-no k &zy 1 Curtain Papers, Wrapping Papers roolJ3uilcWX rap. Lctter.Notc & Prlntlncraper-i. I'laiu I'archment, il'artlimpnt. & Paper Dcrda, AIorirnQs be, Proimisa' ry Notes, Water Colors. Sermon Papor. This is the only pstnbllhnint at which the FAME 1 LV POUTUAIT llIULILcan be purchased, this llible i9sonrransTil, The poitraitof each individual monitor ( oftho family can be prest rvedand at lat a cot Icks than, ine palming 01 an nniinary sii-ju i orirau uuu iniii.i can be bound for this purpose to accomodate any num. bcr of Mlnnturcs degln d. Majtaziiifii, Periodicals and old Hooks bound in haodiome sty lo. VM. O. PCRRV. succcfcpor to Pkrby &: Knery. 4lh &. Itace, Philadelphia. March 7lhtie37. rilRKNOLOOIAL CABINET. FOHIilillS, WE1.L8 & ( 0., niiinNoi.ooisTa and runi.isiir.n8, 231 Arcli Street, below Seventh ; PhilaM -i "liiriilsli all works on l'liri.noloi.v.l'li8iolony Kiwi- tVatPrUiirn U iiiptlsui. and I'lionography, V nholesalpanilrclail nl Mow Ynrkprlre. J ProlWsinnnl examinations, vllh charts, onil r-lull writtpn .le.cnptlon or charactir, day and ev-'iiinf. uiiiinei uec. 5Iay 15, lBi5. y 1857. SPKING AND SUMMFlI,nu m a m w i ii f n & GEO. liULl'IN & CO. IMrOUTEItS A.VD .M.IXUFACTUllEltS, 171 OHESNUT STUKET, Are now prcpared'to cihildt their New Etjlcs FOR SPUING TRADE. INCLUDING nialarh and cntortdgHk Mantllas Chantly Lac Man Maclill.iB, Trench Lure laii1illat l!inhroidcred t?ilk Mantillas ling led Lace ami Net .tlsnlillas, .Mourniiig Mantillas, lla'iues, Talma, ic, A.C., All of which willbe otlVrt'd tit tin Lowest TrlccB. GUO. lillLI'lS' & CO. '17-1 Chconut Street, above 7 1. l'liiladtphia. March ;th, 1H57. DISSOLUTION OF PAltTNERSIIIP. rplin firm of MUVROC & HAnMAN.helns (lisolT. 1 liV Miutin I ennomil ,i.i,l din .i'ni tviir.ll new Im.i nit crt in Hit; hands ot J II. .irm.ui, one of ihe f ui r) Finn, I would reeomnieiiil bin. to the shipping I n'jtir uuug iuiiv uEkurcn. in' misiueis win uy aiieiiueu with promnliiess and dispatch. ISAAC 8 MUNROD. Rupert, l'etiruary 2, 157. FOHWAItDINO MK110IIANT, RUPERT, PA. WlLLoiicndlo receiving A; rorvvarldng by Canal 4TUA1I. KOAD.iill Merch.mdite und freights di rected to Ina care with prompt'i-ss aud despatch Goods will c dilWered at the following rates per. 1 00 pounds. Freights on all goods from Thila'da to nemick 11 llavun, Wilkes, Tilts, IslClasnviz Dry Goods, j Hoots, Sliuei, Hats Ac an au ou ui -M fihcetiiigs Ale.dicese Hides. 3.1 MohsscsSugsre,Sall l'ish.Iron &c, J 53 3 id 43 43 50 51 torments from Readiog. ToUsvllle, Tamarjua, Sec, taken tit Pro. rata rales, special contracts made iur largo niuomits, rll treiflit nuut bo marked rate of J. II. liar man, Uuper. to receive nrnmnt ntfliciim. Re fir to Col JOSEPH I'AM'ON, MaJ. I S. MUMtOU, Unport, rcbruiry.W 1K57. Sino. f Catattm. MUKPIIY & KOONS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AXD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN jpisia, cnjBESK inoiisro.v$. No. 47 North War eg (below Race Bireet) PHILADELPHIA. Have conrt.liitlynn llanda largo as.. -fw soilmcnl of FISH St RllCUgi: It l'llO jP&5!jZ& VISION'S, which ihoy are i.reiaredtoselIut tlio lowest l.os.iMe rales, tOIIDi:il3 nromptlynlK'nlca to. Kliuarj l!!, Itor. JOHN A!, KOltD, IMPORTKR. MAKUrAOTUBCU &HEAI.nR IN SADDLEHY, COAOII UA11DWAKE AD TRI.M.MIN'GS, No, 32, North Third St, Philadelphia, PUKCIIAaCRftuill nnd it la their advanmi-o to ex amine niyStock, which is vcryoxleusive.aud pur ch.sed lor Cash, ami consist. In all the variety of New tit)les ol floods io my line. N. II. All Orders shall liavc particuluranil proiiiiu altentiou. ' ' Scptcmhertl, ldil ly OLIPHAN WOOD3IDE & GO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in iUincs.antr tquots? Jio. 153 Norlh Tliinl street, Comer of New Street, PHILADELPHIA. I'.OLlruiST, J.Wooninni, Cto.SIcAi.r Jauuary, 3,1,195". y. johnIiTTvllen &-db." Nos, 2 tj- -1 Chesnut, Stmt south tide be low Water,) I'liilailclphla. (Tin Olbeit Wood wjbe llouss, In TnsCirv ) MANUl'ACTUBCIta and Wholesale dealers In llt eul Marl.ine.n.n.le llr.'oms, I'aienl Grooved Cedar ware, icronl4nt lrll;,Woeil nnd Willow-Hare, Lord., limine, tr,, ofall dotcrlntiorn I'ltaw call and exnmineour slock IMswr SI, tb3 .-1 j (ONSUMI'I ION, . 41 M lit ntsr.Asns ot Tin: IAjNGM AND A THUfMT are .nit.ely rural. io ljr 'Mm, lungs I .rough me air passng'i. annc... ins ... mm . ?.iF. ih. 'X! .",',y",t" motier, allays Hie '"' 5 JmVi!i,i W-Sm. tone amlr-nergy in ini:..en.uin i..r in-Z";' KT? loved Meaeutf. It 1. 01 much miner cuiilfl if ft"'.t .!". 1 nine.To... ui c..r , . ...... ,:, ,- ni.tnaae. n...i imr per ten. ... ...... ...... - - . i .. t ..... Im . ,""11" "anT.Vr. p hy the fl...e a. to Wd ci ''"'' r'V'nJiin.Trre lef to laet t(.;. 'nhta'0" arS;. !. hiilf n the ...IT rlnl allend. . .1.1. fea'fal i ''; fl o m.o ly d '"''' 'tT, . of ri. JX:WS2;r. nai n Pje' l' V "';"" 7" of ,,r,;'.',,".V ,;;,'.,B!,.;.mS!VS Comt.tut.on, as tho LegUlalivo Assembly, foM$nl& a ',1,cir, la?' mou rcwricaili t poriiou " II. every fond and perfect fill, 1 am ennui. i! to of the election law tvhicll mUU'CU a Clia.- :ztt"sA votor to tako :i oil1.' lu tuPi?9r.ttu pore blnbil.and Ilia Immediate emtt,frod.ieedi.y iiieir denol linn ilthe lilii,l in previiiii ...e.rvo u i .,. 1,1 .ho umi, ioiirevonii..eirioo .n..n(j.i 1 ofilr Inlo thcolrrella. weakened vita hlythrovah tl.i. entire a). te... Then ."rely It I. more 1 rati 01.0 1 .0 ejp'iCl pronie. t...vt..- ""... i tho cavillca nf the lunjie than front tho.o adiolnlilercd . throush the .lomad. ; lite pot lent wi llama) a nnd the I lung, fro.) and the brrathinff eary alter inhaf Ins rente old. i rue, ini.aia.ioo IB n .win r.'ii.t'.y, .'t n. 1 i aet.runilltti(iin!ly,aiid wl'll more pow-irano rer lolrln Minn r . I. o A ml n 1 .1 tfii It V Hlfi BrniHSCll TO prove the powerful and direct Inflnf nrf olllils mod of udmlttt'trolion. chloroform Inhaiixl will entirely de rtroynensibitity in a few minutes paiahtliift ilio en j tire nervous iyst-m scthaia limb may feu anutated I without I lie slishtPstpnln; inhaling the ordinary burn Jru gas will destroy Hie lu a few liuiirn, ""t,f'',,n 01 nminonni win rwv mr Fjr ii-iii ; oflhe mcdlrlncs It perruptlblc In the f-kln a few mln utrs nflcr liclnjr Inhaled and may be Immediately tie tectcd In tin blood A ronvlnc I ng proof of ihi cnmit tutional eiricts of inhalation. Is the fact that sickness is alwnvs nrodiiced by breath ine foul air I ni this poiitlvo pvldenco that proper remedies, Mrpmlly pro nared nnd ludiciouslv admhilMered throush the iins. should produce the motli.ippv resulis? linilnji vch. teen je-ua' praclirr, manv tLotirfliiils suiTerinff from dlseafes of the tunc, nud throat, hive been tinder vny 1 care, and 1 liava eirectra many reinnrhnmu cures, errn taHer the sutTtireri had been prnnounnd in the arl ' staRcsi which f.illy anil-sdcs me thiil consumption It no !' longer a faint ilincaso. My treatment of consumption ts original, and founded on lonpcxpcrienro and a tho much Investigation. My perfect acquaintance with iiig iinin rn ni luuerciec. etc.. Knnniei nit ici nisi iimm 11 readily, the various forms of disease that simulate eonsiimvtlon, and apply the proper remenles, rnrrly oemg muinxcn even in a imgie case, inn lanuusmrt In connection with certain pathological nnd mlcmnfo pic difoverlcs, enables me to relieve tho lungs from tin eiftjits or contracted chests; to enlargn the chet. nurlfv iho blood. iiunatt to it renewed itulitv clrinc j energy nnd tone to the entire iVFfm. HOT 3.1. rOSl UUIflM' ill i'., 1(1111,11 . , , T , o'-r wen in 1 1 nimQ-sipiiia, i a Ws rFI5,6ifi$ES. IMPORTERS OF TOYS AND Jirllfli.c fur llriirrirlclc Tnli:.'ri,llii(t: I .iniClt'S 10r lirilgSISIb, I tlllilLtUllli-lJ, ... . . n.. f,.,i.Hfl Stationers and Confectioners, .c .,n ... . ..,.11 Ann n, a No. If, EOUTII 4lh gt l'lIILADDI.PIHA. Fe'jraaty 2-?, 1957 -m . ' lil.OOMSHIIIlG FOUNDKY I1I,UU.uoduiiu ruu"u'"' , TOSnrilSIIAItriXSShavli.i - li I a lale partner in Hi? Itlooins burs Foiiuilrv. and Is i.reoare.t 'Jjf tonianufacturenllkindanfcast. " r-' lur ii nnnll v made in his line of busilics.. Tlunkfulfir lha liberal ens torn heretofore awarded this establishment .lie hopes Id met an .increa.eo puhlicpntrouace. It t to ml. ii r AprllSth. lfCG AOltlOULTUHAI. IMPLEMENTS. IMPUOVRI) Hay Precses. Farmers Dmleri iHorst Powers aud Threilns's, Grain Pans Fftasaire Cntie'tt and HtuiT.-rs of varion n-iiroiis. Iinnroved IV r tab I 15 rain Mills VeUblc. ALSO Hay straw and fodde f'nltpr in (rrunt v.itinlv. pAsmiALL Morris & co. Agricultural Warnli- ucand Seed Stcre, Tilt anJ Market 1'Iittadelphia. 01 XKCVCrS-Miu. Nos. 0. II, 13 nnd 15 Courtlantfsfr'lL- d. d.wi.voiicsti:r. tiids. n., UUN. I'.WIKCIItaTCR. Mny31,lP3n.-nin PIIILADKLI'IIIA OAUPBT 8I0HK. nARICTInfl, OilCloths.WlndowSlmdeP.Matsan 1 . ti ...... .... t.. a .. MittMirS Jtl Kl rereivrd "U.IIIK) niprct notv iiil nufacttucj und ImporMd expressly for CARI'Cl' LL. Merchant t nnd Hoiskeppfrs will pliasp no V W, H aid Jil North decond Street, let door below nst's Mitirch. March B3, rS0, J BtDNHV JONKS. JOHN C YEA 0 Ell, Fashionable Hat ,U',np Store, SO. 103 NORTH TIIIHO STRlil'.T, HH.ADKI.PIIIA. frj- Merchants iiil vivitors from Xoithern Pennsyl vania,nreres..pcirullyinvitUt(. give him & call, tilivn viMtiui IM.i.ndelplila. Junn'.'rt.lW.,-y .T. U X: S. A Al.T.EN. , , o ., ... ... .. .... 7 allll 8 SOtlth 'I arves I'lllluUClphia Dealer's m Oils. s in a sutmiv TTAVCnlvvnys Inslorpa supply of Oils for Machin . ery. Hum lug and common greasing f urposiai Bperm, Winter Whale, Lard. Racked Wlule, niephant. Creasing nnd, Polar. UosinOils. Which they will set lat I q west rates. Mav 13,lH:5-y. Mount Vernon House Second street, above Jlrch, VhihCda, rTlir.undprfigncd hating purchased ih interest o -i air u. iair in iiifaiioveoiticsinuiiFhen Hotel. wil now have thu sole sunon isiou ol tlio esl.ililMlunen nud sotirtit. Ihe .atrolu.i;e oftlie puhlic. lie Irels ronfi dent a tnal ..litis House,, Tl.l.le, Seivanls .c, win prove ineoost rLCOliiineiiuation hr rniiivo 1. L. IIARRETT. S EW" LTOToiTsi'OllE. NO. IJj, NOR I II TIIIR irSTRKCT, (In the Eagle Eitildings, Above llace St.) na. QMIE undersigned begs 'cave to inform his frl'rdi and . tha public, that he has opened aneitenslve LIQUOR HOUSE, In the Ca;le Il.llldlncs, No. 133, K.,'31 St., as tblve where he will ho luppy to supply Merchants, Hotel, keeper,, and cu.ton.ers fencrally. will, iho cliolcctl hrauds keptin 1'lliUdvlphia. WILLIAM UROI13T. March Tlh. IMt.-,. (- STB AW BONNETS & HATS. AT low prices for Uasli, a largo ami well assorted Block o Womcns, MlsscsJi Clilldrem, STRAW & SILK BONNETS. Pa -5b. MEX-S, BOi-S AXV CIIU.U11EXS -& Straw Hats. AUTiriCIAL, n.OWCItS, ic IIO.V.NT.T UUS3IAB iMISSE-S ST I, AW HATS, ... WALTER.-! 4 8TACKIIOUSU. No. 03, North 4lh Bt, lOppoitus Meichant. llwelA Marcli7, 117. rhiiadelnlja. Peruvian Guano. j PERUVIAN fiOVEUNMENTGUAXO. The subscriber, Polo Accnt in I'liiiade Ig.liia for Ihesale out, lijsi.ow on hand a larjo stork of PURE PEKUVIAN GUANO. lol'i".'!..'.6"1, Inw"'-'ti price, mloisito suit eiilier-dcalersor larmcrs 1 S. J. CIIIII-'TIAJf. V. ' V. ,".h H ""'."'ii !)7.Noiih IVaterriirctl. March. tb lc?57.Uu.. SAMUEL M. MECUtT'HEN7 MlLL-lUHailTA.VI) IIURR .MILL S10XE .VAXU- F.10TVRF.K. QOLi: I'roprietor ol lonms s ,ttc-z ,. C hlhlv nnoroved nn.i m,.-i. (S-V. !.. .... Imiiroved Htl UTT i. SURKUN. KajSZ-r-' l.U MACIIINlij Imi.r.i.e.l ' W-M'r'At f-iiiv.unc tvu nr-d-niiuttipr i ri'iiu'im aiaeiiine lor Mi II forMlllrr. W Mji n p-ievf, 'r'lfoSrflllI iteittienet: No ('! vnni.j aimreii-'--iStwM.J' kj) i Ken injt'iti ot oihec 'Afe;crg'r Mr "l-IAYllOCK Slrcel belmv F,;v!ZZ, 7;m.v;;v;:-"enau,!,','e postscript; instructions to Gov. Walker, &c .. . . WAEiiiMiTON, March :n. mo msiruc tlUUs to U0V. V .IlKer nro lllll. Clear, u- then, are, quoted tl.O .e( .nr,1, nf llM.l.nnni.'a V . ! V. V .... I..!, " "r.' .1 fit .1' n... " ...-,.k..o.- j - I ,.. ..- rrt .1.,,, . ,a ,. lai,l tho frco and indcneildellt t stirf tflotl of lib omlli.'n bv his Otc." I , V . " , i rni Cab net cordially Concur. TIlCJ' ,!, ..ill .I., .,l,ln .'er his onini,nbv his otc." In this tho "' wil liortly idi.iin.tcrlUo oflwrs ct UanSaS, bCllOVO IllCrO II llOlllltlg to ptOVCni well rc'sult in the udor.ti no? the Statu I'urritivo Klavo UVt. Itellticnicn WUOliavo -3 , . . , , ...... .... . 1 matto inquiry relative III him ouu.ti-l. ujiu 1jC(ju ag&urcd, that the administration fltld Gov. AVul-cr will cmUavor to carry out their protniso in pood f.iilh, Icing fullj impressed with the iiporlaucu of tho re sult Notice has been given hy the Hritislr Poitt-oftieo of tho recent cstuLlUhmcut of packet communicatiou Mitli (.'Iiim. in cii ' .-v .i :i IieCllOU HllU lUO UUriUUU iuuiu iiiaua. The mails for China will accordingly bo made up at tho Londo i I'ot-ofiice on tho 20th and 20th, as well as tho nu ana lum of each month a vamjarm: inoGUAnucAii iohk, fltOULD DC CWftD All MID Y UVURV YOUMJ .MAN IN THIS LAND I tut ure or Tiir ctLen rated INVEXTOU OV STKAMIiOATS, AND Hit "Fathrr of Steam Katigntion." ONB OF l'UNNSVI.VANIA S IO.-T PATRIOTIC Anil till IIJU CUfl!., ROBERT PULTON. One volumf cctan. Illus.rntr.1 nllli tHcnty Cm superbly crlorcl nml lititctl ri.rral l.iep, In Hi? Lest maiinrr I rom Mr. Fulion's ortalnnl .Iran inc. i rrpre.ciittnji 111. i.ui.ifr..n Invoiilinn. in Btaani Navi gation . t-'ul.n.nrinn Nnvicntliin , Forllflratlnt.., Lc, &.c,, villi copie- ol Iii. parly tlianlng. ulirn an Artist (inliilnturopaliitrr)liirhltnrirlpliii l.yj Frank lln lletfnil, U.q.. Author tf UtilteU miIm Anloura phy," " The lnvenlors'initl atentcrs'tlulJc,, tt &c. Ololli binding, $1 SO Robert 1'cltoi Fcrl.nps ll.erc Is no man In all tl.o rrichl enlaty of dicliiiEUi.lird AiiLrfuins, who lialu nilorn.'.t . lie nisioiy ... in. iirp.i.i..c. w iioip cu'.i r i s more iriklnslya..ocialcd iili her alry and Iur pro.. pEl. Uan ,e ii,c nam.: in luno placed at Hit luad uriiisnrlcio iiisnii., wniien ny iiciiait, L.nuaiur,i,a,i.icii ..... ..i!,. .1,0 or t u lion, l.a' betn lately pul.ll.lipd. It lias r vc.H'y ' 0ll)r 0 love, tlic lt. r liavina per nrmcd In. 1 a I lolled task, ft Ith n rldolitv and coniplpinus. IPat do honor at once lo his head audio hi. hi.rt. It is the lunlyrellabla or samraclory liln of Uobor l Fullon, and 1 takes its place among American bingrrpMcs, ivillival 1 ,ifi,lctposilbility of ilijp.i'p. Tiip npotilf ubo dwell in the bread vnllev cf the might) MiBftifippLfhauld b among thcrarheil and the mot prompt to welcome the appeatance of an nu identic record of the mm, to whotc gf-nlus Ihey are m deeply indebted for the means id' to rlrhl) deflojlm; the nhoundini retoiirres of tlfirectinn ol thp country. Th first to ilcmoimtTatc tliu practicubkli y of propeluig ri'Mflf by tenm, nnd lo put t into urccFru' pructlct his claim to be conaidt red as amoip Hie clii't btneloc tors, noto-ily of his country hut of his race, has tuns been ndmitted to tu unassailable. 'I hat the poiilMUtv of this had struck otht-r minds, and had been tirpiud theoretically, but without any practical ('emnnitratlon ol thn lact.does not mllitatt a pain I his right to bo considered iho father of strnm uavigaiinn The pan fcBcc iii leliT ot tha ULURMONT. f'tiiu Nrw Yuib to I Albany, was the cal of his title to this distinction, and it is now, and his for te-irs been undisputed, und Win lorevei rrniiiin iiHiit-junji'ii". Trom the early kojhood or Kiilton, the per in of his (ui ii re fame wan recognized by all uho ktitw him. and who un'chM ih development tf hismlnd und of his churHctcr. as n plant of rtroim and vigorous gr iwtl). promising a rich and pregnant maiurity The firtl of Mr Urlgatt's interetting llhiitmlit ns shows him n boy cf fourteen jtars of ago, iii.iUing u stirrei-.lul rxpe jfrV rimeni oi propei ing a smai; fkiu ny pamne vi nceii m 1773. Twfft.T ' " '"- yi could be itoi t-lled doub'ers that a ver-scJ oi uTfeT.iw Koch, bv paddle'whecls ullh sttam as the mot it pdi'cr Item ecu those two eras of his life, his genius uan do veloping itft in many varied v. ays. lie was h draughtsman of ho ordinnry merit, and piintrd wilh great kill. Me supported htinsrtf with h' pencil for many years, deriving rmeluitieiit from painting por- tra,,a nn.'1 audcaper, and makn g dran ings of msrhi. ni-n- Tflfaii nrla lin mil tn nunil r.ii.l t.ui..l ...... nrry. Ihesenrts he nut to good and useful purpose win-ii hu ir-.iuw'im.iii. dvwii uiu.avinn I'lipincer aim machitiifii Iu the book before us wc have mlorcd hihcgrnnhic plnien of several of Pulton's il'iistrntlrns rt Joel Har low's famou COLUMni AD.M whith shew grrat otl glnality of coDceplion.nptnis of dctin and lacility cf cxrriiuon. It is not our purpOk to glv even n r.nrprls tif ihtt Inlcreatiiiir events of tlic remarkably acme and tuelul career of Fulton's lift", much Irssto gn into nn elnborttt csfay upon bis genius, nnd llm wonderful results thsii have fl nved from his great ir vtntl&ti. Tlicsi two taaks hpve been ver crcdit.ih'y performeo" by 1 lie an thor oflhe volume In which we hav alluded. Our pi.rpose is piiucinalli to call nllcntion to thai unrk. The' is one Incident whirh it pupeclilly heroin us, linwcver to call to the nolice of our immeiliale tel. low citizens. During the war or ltir.-I5, Robert Ful ton was ol treat service to Iii. country A contract was made wilh hlm.l. theUnitld Max In Dmtidirr 18M for the purp-ifp of criiloitig hit ettiamho'it Vesuvius, Etna, New Orleans and Notcho. on the Minslssippt river, in trunt-porlim. troops nnd munitions of war. nnd theltuPalo on ihe Ohio The celebrated battle of New Orleans lok place about n weeK oucr inn arrival m ine esuvius in our v. (itern. and it was upon her. (siys our biographer.) tint the. ' commanding general re. d, m an auxiliary, in his an I ticipatKwis of rafetyto the city, and thu urcompTtih mentuf a brilliant Urtnry John titni ry Admits nud Andrew Jackson both crtiflcdtoConpn-ss IhetaliiaLle services of Pulton at this t r i r tr period, j Mesides putting into fucrerrful operation steam ei. sets all ov r the country, plans nfdlcucr ngaiiirt mar itlme invjBton, and of uh ai'tatlc n.ivtgniiun orcuplrd his thoiifjlits, nnd no little ol his tjmr and experiiuni ni artitity. Ando'it of ucs,tioMs und demonstra lions maii by bltu have tpritug iiiin ol the motl i.fv ' lul and cflective instrumrnts ol naval warfare of (hie i nn 'i elective iiisiriimenu ,us the world now know s cu It nnsthn onimon of Cnitrn!.it,r r D t'nUnn. r Vi. York, a expressed in his im-moir irml b fu-e the 1'hl loFopbirnl Borlety of lhat frtate. in li-.i;, soon after the ui'nin oi i uuon anuiiis an ip.iioii niwhichall intn. kin I will now agree tint there cannot be fuunfl.rn tho records o departed worth the namo of a person t j whofniindlvidualcterlions mankind are more iudM.ttM than ihey nrelo Robert J 'nil on. The combined ctTorl j of philo-iophers and siatesuen have Imjirnved ihe cod 1 dltion of man. but no iuditi'iinl has confened more imnortnut bcneriis on Pis muTiei Htm. In. i,n .inn A'ew Qrltant ritayvnet No,7, ltiti. March.U, SUPFEtl NOT. W lira a rCRMAXLvrcimi: ia cuarantt tin Iniillst.npe.ofliCt.KllT IIISLAi-LS. -ii'f.Abu.e N'ervous Ilcbiluy, Biiiclurrs, Gleets Gintil MercurUI llhcuumtl...., Scrofula, 1'ain. In the Ankl. .and, Illsenses of Ihe Throat. None und Lye Ulcers upon Ihe Hod). iVn.nlo Irrea.ilarille.. aud all niiir.'tir dis chnries, no matter ol Low long sinu..i.i. or i.bslinali tli i case, recovery is certnin nnd In a dinner time ttiun a . ure roul.l be rflVcled b any oilier Hem nient, even nfier the skill of the most ruiinent bhln chn. had failed, nnd the ilinnsi- re.iste.i nl nll.rr means nfcrl Tlie rcuu'dics are frcfron. odor, rnu. ing neither sirkners nrr inronw liiev.e, nnd niihovt mercury or balsam Iliiriniz twenty jcirs' p.ucl.ce, 1 havo restored lo health over seventeen 11 oo.and ia tients who ucrn ...Ooriuc undrr ihe uor.t rnrms ol ufl the nhote iiitntioni'd diseases, uhith unrniiters liiein lronii.ini; n perfect and uin.t spr.-.iy cure rVc!t I .lis aes are the grealesl enemies to hi.illh and liari'lniM as iheynre theflrrl cause ol coiisuui lion. .cnlul.. &.i nnd should ho a terror lo all nations on the i-imh : fo ihe.lueasc Is In-cnnrins so coniiiitn und triatir.nt ... l.tllc, thai a peim.inrui rL.r d rnrceiy ever eftertrd, a; a majority of the easos fu (mo the hands of incompetent persons. .ho not only (ail lo cure tho malady, but ruin Ihe constitution unli mrrc rive subliuinl.. a dam-emus poison, a prena alioii n mercury-which. Willi ilio reifalns or dl. u.e In Ihv sjstem, proilui.'s ii.auynf iho abovu named ntt'cliou which finally trrminnl.. in consumption nad Iri-p eiitli a rapid one; bill should II not cause death spreclili and llic victim to ill.ea.e manlcs. the disrnie Is llun conveyed from thn parent lollie rhildirn cnii.lni' ihem lociiiiie Into ilia world with sirofuM, all. cllim. cf 1I14 kin, 1 yes Ihioal, A.C., nndaialn lerminates lu con sumption, and consigns it. vh tin. t mi u nllinrli, travr lenvccu Ihe ages ol tii monlhs aud lliiriy m.' icar.' beiraliuie I. another forundablr enemy to tienllh 11 diirtroysth. iwrioua (jf 111 rnpli'l) WiKing away live Micrties ofliro.ciuslng menial dmangemeiit, prevent. Ing a itoiwr ..fvrlopmciitof the f)H,ii,,aiid ili.o.uili fjiug its viclliu lor onrihije, tiH-i.iy bu.imss and. ill oiilhly happiness, renialo Irr.'gulalltlcs uod all nlber diseases of females troatod In Ihe moil ikllful and scl enlific manner., wlh d.rertionr, sent 10 any pin of ihe Unit. .1 Flat", a.m Cnna.' pailenu coiuniunicallii; IheJr symptoms liv leiier. n , ,. J. l-UMMLUVILLn M 11., phm Va e; Kuarr.Trl., biloiv lith, I'hiladel MArch II, 163T- States Union Hotel. rOIlMCKRLVHUD LION IIO'llM. v No. aon Market street, Philadelphia 1 1:011. n: iv. 111V1.-1.V 1, ... . W- HINKI.K, rropriclor. for.nerl. wmind fav,,,a l,.::, t,"," .v:'-' Mln.en. A .....--., ', I ItrOUCIIOUl I lie I hicltv Ir ,. ll"'u,,"0",""'!".''UllIo.lli. 1. pVllulii". '"""''I'orifullj ,or t,,!.,, Jpa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers