COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. ISVt I.. TATS1, editor. Bloomsburg, April d, 1857. Democratic Slate Nominations. FOIl tlOVERNOR, Gen. Wm. F. Packer, Of t.Dcoming County. to. CANAL COM.MIS3lO.NEn, Nimrod Strickland, OfChesitr county. rOR-JODOE OF TUB 8UWEMI! COURT. Hon Ellis Lewis, Of Philadelphia. 1ST Hon. Qeoroe Scott, of tho Canal Board, Las our thanks for ft copy of the Kates of Toll, to be charged on tho Penn sylvania Canals and Railroads, for 1857, tST Mr, J. B. Silknak, Assistant Engineer on tho Lackawanna is Blooms burg Rail Road, will accept our thanks for a pamplct copy of tho Report of tho Directors of tho Board Stockholders of said Road for 1857, Tho Apportionment Bill. Tho now apportionment bill, now pond gin before tho Legislature, of which thcro havo been two versions reported proposes to make Columbia, Montour and Northum berland, one Senatorial District, (one moni tor,) and tho other names Columbia, Man tour, Sullivan and Lycoming, as said Dis trict with ono member. Both reported bills, by tho IIouso Committco, propose Columbia, Montour and Sallivan, as the Representative District, with two members. We shall publish tho bill, as soon as they have passed, remarking here, that in cither event, the arrangemont would not be con sidered very objectionable. Republicanism Triumphant! Tho State Convention or Conventions which met at Ilarrisburg, on Wednesday, or last week, wcro completely under tho control of tho Black Republicans, who had every thing their own way. They effec tually out-generallcd tho American wing of tho opposition, and, despite all tho efforts of tho latter faction to prevent it, accom plished the nomination of David Wilmot, for Governor j William Millward, of Phil adelphia, for Canal Commissioner; and James Vecch, of Fayette, and Joseph J. Lewis, of Chester, for Judges of the Sup reme Court. That Wilmot would be tho inominee of the Republican party has been for Eevcral weeks a foregone conclusion with everybody except our Know Nothing friends who had worked themselves up to tho belief that such ua event could not occur. They would not believe that tho arrangements were all mado by self-eon-slituted leaders for their regular transfer to tho Kepublican party. And yet it has come to pass, just as was foreseen by every ono not wilfully blind to passing events. Thoy havo bean litei ally and un conditionally sold to Black Republicanism, and must cither gulp down the animal, tail and all,, no matter how nauseous tho dose may be, or elo repudiato the whole concern, act with becoming independence, and vote for tho Democratic nominees. Tlieymust now make their election. They havo no altcrnative,"if thoy wish to participate at all in the contest. They will Have to act with the Democrats, or with tlio Black Republicans. Which course willtheytakel Timo will determine. Wo havo no desire to make proselytes of them, but wo only ask the Americans to act like men like freemen in tho approaching campaign. If they arc willing to be tho dupes and willing instruments of designing men, and beccrao thoroughly abolitionized. they will vote for Wilmot, Millward, Vcech and Joscpb J. lewis if not, thoy will cast their sutirages for tho Dcmocratianominees, Hon. Robert J. Walker. This gentleman is unquestionably one of the greatest and most sagacious states men of the age, and his appointment as Governor of Kansas, in tho room of Col. Jons W. Geauy, resigned, shows the wis dom and discrimination of Mr, Buchanan, in reference to the troubles of un-fortunato Kansas. Mr. Walked, is a Pennsylvan ia!! by birth, but has resided some years at tho South, and from his connection with various national enterprises and his occup ancy of high national positions, is as deep ly imbued with those national sentiments which are peculiarly neccessary in a Gov crnor of Kansas, as any man in tho country. in eminent administrative abili'ies, high character, and superior fitness for a 're sponsible post, ho has no superior in the f United States. The Governorship of Kan Bas, in view of tho unfortunate difficulties, which have prevailed in that Territory. and iho deep interest in its condition man ifested throughout tho entire country, is an omce o: the most responsible character, SSr Tho Philadelphia Daily News, the organ of the American Party, gives "par. ticular Jesse" to the lato Fuiion Conven tion and its nominees. It looks upon the Convention as an attempt to Hepublicanko tho Amerioin party, and calls the mana. gcrs unscrupulous and unprincipled. ' Thomas F. Meaoder Lectures in Wilksbarc ou the cven'iog of tho 21st inst. Murder in Philadelphia. Dn Saturday evening a dreadful murder was perpetrated in ono of tho low drinking shops In Shlppcn street, near Fourth, Phil adelphia, Tho kcopor of it, Wm. Kelly, was kilted'by Lawrcnoo Riley, who went thcro in search of a notorious woman liv ing with Kolly, nicknamed Liverpool Lite, but who had formerly been Riloy's wifo. Kollcy told him to tako her, and said that if sho would not go poaccably ho might get a policeman to aid him. Thereupon Riley stabbed him in tho neck, Cutting tho jugular vein so that ho fell and bled to death in a few mlnutos, Tho murderer then started to run, and as he went out of tho door a man named Russcl struck him a despcrato blow on the head. Nevertheless ho mado off and hid himsolf in an alley, whoro ho was soon afterwards captured and taken to tho polioo station, Tho murdered man was one of tho most notorious characters, and was well known to tho pouco by tho soubriquet of "York Bill." Tho murder was deliberately threatened in tho street a short timo previous to its execution, and tho threat was immediately reported to Kelly, who laughed at it. Tho informant then went to give tho information to tho police, and whilo ho was gono tho murder was perpetrated. Tho sceno of tho murder was one of tho lowest dons of vico, misery and crime in Philadelphia. Tho Lato Dr. NorcroBS. An unclo of Mr. Norcross, tho young- man murdered at Altoona, and for which M'Kim is now arrested, gives somo very interesting facts. Ho states that tho parents of tho young man, although of high respectability, are in very moderate circumstances, and wcro so at tho time tho son, Norcross, departed for his western tour. At tho date of that de parture, great commotion existed in his family, , and among his friends, for his demeanor had won universal favor, and they were loth to part with ono so univer sally esteemed, Ilia two sisters were school tochers in East Lexington, and helped to support tho family. When their brother expressed his intention- of going west, they gave hira all tho money they had been enabled to save, by a long course of labor. He received 500 from each, and bid his homo farewell. At Dunlcith, so well did young Norcross improved his opportuni ties, that in bis short stay ho obtained no less than S3,000 in money, and tho two bonds for 6800 each, But an abecssin the sido troubled him, and he determined to return homo to givo (some account of his success, and to rcitnro to his kind sisters their earnings. Ho wrote homo just be fore leaving Dunliotb, to this effeot : " 1 havo found a friend, (U'Kim who is to be my travelling companion, homeward, and whom I believe to bo a friend indeed, Ho dresses my wound and attends me liko a kind brother." When tho murder was committed near Altoona, it was about eight o'clock in tho morning. After being struck, tho victim did not instantly die) but untill noon reposed in his blood, with tho thermometer at 12 degrees below zero. The Wealtii of Mb. Buchanan's Cabinet. Most of tho members of tho present Cabinet arc wealthy, and as a unit they represent an aggregate wealth of somo four and a half millions of dollars, divided as follows: Lewis Cass, say 82,000,000 Howell Cobb, 500,000 . Jacob Thompson 1,000,000 John B, l'loyd 500,000 Mcs. Touchy, Black & Brown, 500,000 S4,500,000 Regarding the force and virtuo of these figures, tho New York Herald remarks : " They aro the hostages which tho mem. bcrs of tho administration givo to tho pco. plo for tho faithful, honest and virtuous performance of their public duties. Men possessed of property to such an amount are raised beyond the reach of the baneful and corrupting influences which would otherwise bo brought to bear upon them by the jobbers, speculators, schemers and plunderers of all descriptions, who fatten on tho publio treasury. 'J'ho artillery which this army of spoilsmen would bring to bear upon a pauper Cabinet, is of far too small a calibre and too circumscribed range to bo of any effect against even tho I outworks which defend this citadel of four nd a' half millions. Wo have, therefore, in tho Cabinet chosen by Mr Buchanan tho best prima facie evidence of incorrup tibility." Hon. C. B. Buckalew. Tn another nart nf nnr nnner. navs tlm Bradford Times, will be found tho names of tho present Democratic Stato Central Coramitteo ; and are prntified to see that Mr. BuckaleW, of Columbia County, Is tho Chairman. No ni.n in tho State moro pre-eminently deserved that position ; and we can promiso our opponuntiin advance, a carapaitrn eonauctea on me stncicsi principles of political honor and courtesy but at the same time, with the most untir ing zeal and devotion to the principles and measures of the Democratic party. No man ol his ago in tho state stands so descrvincly hich in tho estimation of tho publio as docs he. In the Sonate, be lcfi;eooU bo perceived, but a slight warmth annmo second to no man who ua3 ovcri , . .1... , ..i 4t, as a clmstc. clear, lucid, arcumentative snaaker. he has no superiors. We hope! to hear the ring of his clarion voice among tne mils of Uradforu Uounty, SST The National Hotel, at Washing ton, bas been elosed, in consequence of the ickncsj prevailing there,. fremiti 7snspis Omxli. Now Castlo Dank Burstod. This banking institution located in tho Berough of Now Castle, Lawronco county, . Pa., has oxploded. Tho Cashier, Jno. N, Wogenscllcr, formerly of this place, ab sconded. He Is a defaulter to Iho amount of 53,000 according to a statement of the Directors but it may bo much morol Tho notes out do not exceed 890,000. The assets are nominally 5200,000, but may provo ono fourth that amount. Tho stockholders aro individually liable- for the redemption of every noto out, wo havo but little doubt its circulation will bo redeemed at par. The Bank hat) been in operation 18 months. When it was first organitcd, J, P.Shcrwin formerly of Pottsville, obtained control, and put in a young man formorly clerk in Wagcnscller's omploy whon in tho Exchango and Banking business in this Borough, named Samuel Ncilor, who is not a German as tho papers havo it, but is originally from Chcstor county. Slier in established a shaving then at Pittsburg and Ncilcr supplied him with Now Castle Bank money to the amount of 800,000, whereupon a prosecution was instituted against Shcrwin, who disgorged 810,000, and subsequently, all thoy could ascertain ho had'rcccivcd, excopt four or five thou sand dollars. Of tho amount returned, 810,000, it is alleged, was retained by a Pittsburg broker, for his services in for- ,cing tho Wall street man to disgorge. After this transaction, Samuel Ncilcr was turned out and J. N, Wagenscller elec ted Cashier, who gavo Richard Carter of this place and Hon. Henry M. Fuller, as bail in tho sum of 830,000. The Directors commenced withdrawing the heavy issues of the Bank, and in two months past has redeemed nearly 8200,000, when on Wed ncsday of last week tho Cashier was rais ing, and with him whatever small sum in cash that might previously havo been in tho "vaults" or safe of tho institution, leaving but four dollars in change behind him, Mr. David Tidball, formerly Postmaster at New Castle, was examined before the Board, and gavo a detailed statement of whit ho know of J, N. Wagcnscller's de parture. Wagenscller, tho Cashier, it seems, induced the Board to send William T. Carter, the teller, cast on business, on Monday; on Wednesday ho sent tho chief clerk to a director residing at somo dis tance, to notify him of a meeting of tho Hoard leaving no one in tho Bank with him but a youna man not very well ac quainted with Banking business. He then removed from tho cash drawer rundry slip3 and memoranda of money ho had pre viovsly taken out ; amounting to somo 820 000 charged himself with tho amount or took about 820,000 of notes of tho Bank charging himself with tho money and then squared the account by placing in the safo his nnto for twenty, eighteen and twenty thousand dollars, payable in two, three and four months which icicn paid will squaro his accounts with the inetitu" tion. On Wednosday ovening ho left Now uasuo 1U company with jur. iiuoati, tor Enon Station, intending to tako tho night Train for Pittsburg. Being too late, they gut on tho freight train at two o'clock Thursday morning, arrived in Allegheny at five, and took brotkfast after which Woconscllcr came over to Pittsburg, and took tho morning boat for Brownsville. The runnaway Cashier was arrested in Philadelphia on Wednesday last by officer Patterson of Pittsburg, and ono of tho Directors of tho Bank, they having met with Wagenseller on tho Street. The ac cuscd was taken to Pittsburg for trial. Death of Hon. W. J. Brown. This gentleman died at his residence near Indianapolis last Wednesday, He has been for many years a leading Demo crat in that State, and has been frequently honored with the confidence of tho citizens of Indiana, by placing him in high and important official positions. Mr. Brown was Assistant Postmaster General under Mr, Polk's administration, and was e'ected to Congress from tho Indianapolis district in 18-12-48. He was for many years tho alar '" oenunci ami at too I -r 1 . . . . r . . ri .. . . ... tlm0 of ma dealu W8S one of the Crst wcn , ,n tl,e btatc- 1Ue loss of 80 Mo a CBam pion will bo keenly felt by the noblehcartcd Democracy of Indiana, and will be deeply lamented by his numerous personal fiieuds In a Tuance. On Friday last, Miss Williams, a young lady of 19, who is sister-in-law of Mr. Victor Williams, went P Uirs to dress for a visit. Not return Jing, somo of the family entered the ro nn 'and found her hints lifeless on the floor. j As sbo Lad 6uffcrcd fr0m palpitation, her I , ., . , . , , . , , ath was considered to be tbo consequence of a disease of tho hoart. Tho eveut was publiahed generally in tho papers, and Sun- day the Incnusof the deceased wcro assem. bled to pay tho last honors to her romains, Whilo tho hearse and carriages wcro at tho door, ono of tho party discovered a flush come on tho faco of tho occupant of the coffin. On feeling her heart no pulsation i . . .....,a was felt. Medical men were sutntnonedi wbo advised ji delay of tho funeral, and the hearse and carriages drovo away, Iho young lady still lies in an unaltered con dition. The flush and tho warmth aro still perceptible, but in other respects tho ap nearances cro tho usual ones of a corpse. i - . I Cincinnati. Gazette, 11th, Pennsylvania Legislature ILuinisnuna, March 31, 1857, Senate. Tho following bills passed finally : For tho appointment of Oommis- ioncrs to sell tho Franklin Railroad : to incorporato tho Pennsylvania Farina Co.,; to cxtond tho charter of tho Diligent En gino Company of Philadelphia ( to incor porate tho Richland and Lumbervillo Turnpiko Company of Bucks county j to incorporate tho Allegheny Iron Com pany) to incorporato Iho Marino Exploring company; to incorporato tho Handy Urcek improvement company j a supplomont to tho act incornoratinu tho fanniHf IIouso and C!,..i.,..; 'P...II, ItX.A i ' I Tho Senato then adjourned till to-mor row. House. -Tho Appropriation Bill was considered in Committco of the Wholo. and , tl.neiw.tlnn romnvin. U Mnffitt ,.'.!:.. cussed at groat length by Messrs, Jenkins, Ball, Struthcrs, Foster, Hi tie, Oildeo, Johns and Willcston ; after which, it passed tho committco, Adjourned till 3 o'clock, P. M. Afternoon Session. Tho IIouso wont again into Committco of tho Wholo, for tho purposo of considering tho gonera! appro priation bill, and after a time tho Commit tco roso and repotted tho bill to tho IIouso as amended. Tho bill was then taken upon second reading. Tho IIouso by a voto of 44 to 33, refused to strike out tho additional appro priotion of 8100,000 for school purposes, Tho section appropriating 850,000 to tho enlargement of tho Delawaro Division, was adopted. Teaso 42, naj's 33. Tho IIouso progressed with tho bill as far as tho 57th section, and then adjourn ed. Now Tariff. The following are tho principal features of tho amended Tariff bill passed by tho Thirty-Fourth Congress : 1. A largo extension of tho Frco List. placing thereon many articles 6oarcely produced or rivalled in tins country. 2. A reduction of the present rates of duty on Iron, Cotton and Woolen fabrics, Hemp, sugar, wool, to twenty-hvo per cent. 3, Wool, costing less than twenty cents per pound, will henceforth bo free. 4. JiistUled Cjptnts, liquors, c, hith erto charged ono hundred per cent, aro reduced soventy-fivo per cent. 0. W ines, I'ut Ulass, Meats, iiaisin, Snuff, begars, and all lorms ot manufao turcd Tobacco, all manufactures of Itosc i m, , a i , . - , i wood, Mahogany, Ico., reduced Irom forty ' to thirty per cent. 0. A reduction of twenty-tier cent, on nil articles not carried to the Freo List or reduced to four or eight per cent. t Recently tlio wifo of a citizen of Petersburg, (rave birth to a child with two tongues. Tho account does not state whe ther it was a ''gal" baby or not, Pitts burg Despatch. What's the uso of. '' stating" on that point ! Of course it was'nt a gal baby, Naturo ia fond of an occasional freak. but tho idea of giving two tongues to ono woman would bo too preposterous a whltn, altogether. tSf James Summons, who poisoned hi? father's family at Cincinnati, a few years ago, for which ho was condemned to bo hung, has had hia sentence commuted by tho Govcnor of Ohio, to imprisonment for life. Sy Mr.E. S. Neibell, the senior part ner in the ''Luzcrno Union," has purchas ed the interest of his partner, Air, Can, WALDEH, cay Arrested John N. Watrconsellcr, tho defaulting cashier of tho Newcastle (Pa.) Bank, was arrested in Philadelphia, with his baggage, and taken to Pittsburg. Mr. G. M. Reynolds, of tho Carbon dale Transcript, has associated with him in the publication of that paper, Mr R, II WILLOUQIinY. Efif Charles J, Faulkner, has been nom inated for re-election to OoDgross by tho Democrats of tho 8th district ot Virginia. In the Fauquier district William Smith, uas been nominated lor re-election. A Pair op Them. Wap-onscller, the defaultins casliier of tho New Castle bonk, is a brother of Wagonsellsr, tho traitor, If their parents aro alivo they must lcol proud of tho family they havo reared. Bad Eggs I Holbnoay's Pills and Ointment. Mor tification may always bo prevented, by the timely uso of llolloway's uintmcnt, anil lockiaw bas never been known to super- vene in any casoof external injury whero it was used as a dressing. Its healing properties aro proverbial in all parts ot the worid, and it is used in all the great sur er i oil institutions of Continental Europe, as the only reliable and unfailing specific for wonds, ulcers, dropsical swellings, cancer, tumors, and cruptivo maladies. Tho pills are prescribed by eminent mod ical practitioners as tho most effiotcious remedy for indiscstion, liver complaint and disorders of tho bowels. REVIEW OP THE MARKET. CORRECTED AVEEKLY AT IIARTMAN's BTORE Wheat 8140 Rye 0!i Corn 00 Butter 2: Eggs Tallow Lard Potatoes Oats 374 Buckwheat 0i White lloaus.... 150 Dried Apples.. ISO DIED. In Center township, Columbia county. on 8unday morninc, March S2d, 1857, in tho U7tu year ot her co, Mrs. abhy llAOENuuoir, wifo of Jacob Ilagcnlucb Ksq., In Hloomsburg, on la6t Sunday evening, Mr. Joseph Lo.nq, aged 47 years, 4 mos, and 24 dayg, On tho 28th day of March, 1807, near Light Street, Columbia county, ra., haw nah Elizahetii, daughter of John and Harriet Van Llew, aged 7 yoars, 4 mos and days. Columbia Democrat. Tho following aro tbo receipts to ibo offioo of tho Coi.umma Democrat, during tho month of March, 1857; C. (Mlendenon, $10 00, 11 P rahnTii.. IU0 G.O.Hadler fc.Co 5 dn! II. T. lUlmbnld, 5 00 Col, Coal fc if on Co, s no Wm. Tiller, V.n,.t I 00 filcKU.bin & Pnii, 8 00 Wan eu&BtRcktiouae 300 Ttomm Magee, 3 00 Jetie Shannon i 75 fl. M. Hnff.Doiiru., 3 37 ii i.. I'earitMi, Jackion (larriion, tjilai Wolvcrton. 1 00 GOO iffi J I Cnpt. Jno. ttond. r.n Jeob ZciMlofl. Jacob F.uiaierlek, Colli tiibJl County, 10 00 K7 Jnim r, rowier.Eis.. i so Jt ni unwer. u" inncuii oiecaer, Michael meeker. 175 5,0 Est wm.Werkhcisci, l 71 t.'nl. O. A Nlrnlla. Joliti lileierlrk, Eii., 1 7.1 ! Erastus iiarton, 4tio Do. Jesse O Clark, S J 03 J (10 7S 100 19 l 3 00 31 1)0 4 IK) 0 no 1 so 3 ie 7 00 I Oil IM 1 SO 900 3 011 175 IM SO u. r. rera nu 1 00 3 00 ll U. Crevellnr. Jamn K liver. Jeaae llol llngaTipad, S 00 1 110 S 37 SOU 3 00 3 2 13 00 JOO 3 00 Aiiioi Johnston, John Urugler, Hodman At lltio, T. Wertiuan. u. r. rpriing. Lambert Terming, J. W. Aleinniler, Enoch Howell. J M.llower, rllai Pooler, Hanmel Jnbniton, I'lilllp Ml II. r, T. Martin, Ell., r.t Wealey Snyder, Wm Howell. Judge Rupert, nniia o. nation, ?M.,W" Jotenh Nom. Aleifinrier Kram.f, ll.a.Schell.Cll., Y. A Il.Koont. Jacob Oeirnrd, A.rin Wolf. 3 75 . 9 DO ' UO 'Dr. Ilolloway, IP tTnn.... 0 S3 57 jonn woir. Itenry Vounker. Kinanurl Uogart. Ell Crevellne, 1 10 3 50 1 11 a. Aj.E 1 McT.ei Joneplt Adam Oerinccr, Rer.J K.Morrli, i.eYi oiiiier, 12J n. F. Ili-Uhnrd&Co. 12 00 New Ibucriiscmcnts, New Sprlug ami summer FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. MAUY DAKKLCV Invites attention to her Block of newly received tSJIIIinery Urea. Ooodi. Trim, mli'te, nibbona, SUka.AL' . which ehcwlll tell chinp at the old atand, lowcrenj oTMain street. Bonnets of the latest Spring Style, ijSPwill be made toordor.atid trimmed to ault yiVri any tartc. C'hllJrcn and Miaiea Donnola, Data and Dot. of Ta rioua priceaand atylea on hand, and will be ftirnlahed tu order In any Bt)leor taita of liintmlng. April 4, 1857. REMOVAL. TC 8ulreritcr tin vine removed hi Marlde Yard, from neir the Court House, to the South wpsi cor ner uf MAIN nnd MAUKCT turucti, In Rupert'i Row, whare hell prepared to lurnUIi oil kinds of Marble Work, VUt MONUMENTS, Cradle Tombs. Iloi Tombi, nnd Head Sioiict of uvury drtcnption. II jn ttock U of ibo belt kind, the workmamlilp not turpatscd lyonv in the country, and at low pricei. Call and judge for yourielvei. EJ-He wl'l alio furnish Tablo and Hun-ait Top, M ant (-H Tor Iiouspi. Uase Curie. Lintlei. and Silla for Win ('own and Dnor, at a low figure, Thankful frr pait favon, we hope for a continuance of the lame. ANTHONY WITMAN. Illoomiburg. April 4. 1817. Gni NEW COACH LINE FltOU CATTAWI8SA. TO ASHLAND rpllR B'lli-cribir rfpi-ettoily inki!" In. trknd uu I JL the puiilic eenernll), limi on mid alter .MONDAY, the Gill of April, lt-17, he hill run n liiweekly Line of Coaches, l nelween C.itlawissa Ashland. leavlncCnttaniMi every Muudnv. VVftdM'silat ao.l r'r'dav hi'iriiinir, nt 5 0 clock, a. M.,and rrivimtai A.iibind m u o'clock, A M., in time I" meet the M ill Coaches lit Ashland and retu-n lite same day. to uatluHi'ba. ijt Passengers can ipply at either loint or any of the way stations Freight and Eauage conveyed on moderate teruis, Carefut dilverB unly cntploed on id route. , M UJlAUL,Lja Bill.lUBblt. AprlM,18S7 NOTICE. BRIDGE ELECTION. A 'I..... ..... Rrr.-I.irv . isntrr fi.r U.a fall., t SI .L.tlnn fn, ftnw l'mx irient. It Miini..,. nn, .1. 11 limine Unitiniuv for the ensuing yrur will ha held tit the house of JAlIOli DVEIt. in Caltawlsna. on Monday, tho 4lh nay if Jlay itcil, bttwecn the hours of 1 andli. P. M. . Catuwlssa Ilrli'60 Omce, A rll 4lh lci'7 j.wu aiiAuri.i;H.rc v. BRIDffK NOTICE. HE President an I Minngers of the Cattaw ia , X llrldce Couiiunv. have tins day tleclarctl n iltvi. lend ol three perceni. (ta retiis per Bttare.) on me intuit sl.ick 01 said Com nan y for 1 he Insi six months, pn)ablc to the Stockholders or llteir legit r(trt-),e ta tivv, 011 nrafter the luiii iti.t-, at theuiliceof llto urer. 111 coltantssa. tiy order 01 ine uonru. JNI). ailAKPLESS, Trees. CallawiSFa, Aplll 4, 137. ESPYTOWN NEW STORE. rrillE undersigned, having associated togeih. r in the I alercan 11 ie Business , m.o piuusmo 111 a 11 110 unci ng to their friend, and the public in general, (hat their new more House, located on Alain street. contral in spylown, Columbia county, na. jusi ocen Biocaen with JVcio Spring Uootls, Uonprislng on extensive assortment of Cloths, Cass!. ntereB. Vesting. Muslins. Linea. and every other ar- icle In tne weiring line, iiici'mihib iiuiuwuir.iniu i, Surtheit and Hollow wans, firoferics, Sugars, Tis, Coffee, Hire, Molasses etc. .etc, with all other art!- cs oleomineren arapleti to rountry siores, rri-Or.iiii. Liiinbcr. Provisions. Produce. AC. of all kinds, taken in exchange fur lnerchandixe. 11, I 1V(.I.I1 .11.1., II O. CltEVELI.NO. Espytown. April 4, 1?57. lilooinsburg. Pa. , April in, i7. lexander George 3 Lore Lydia M'Olintuck Andrew Mnyiin UlchardS Watltan dhnon rreifti Francli I'ffjfcr Cliarlea rifcr Georce Kecir It eh eec a KukboI Woel Ryan John Pclmicyer I'eter Slawinn Mary Straunerllenjarain Tovry Oeurge Washington Ceorgo Web Ocurfc Waltowey Kllen llaldwiu Wm. Burs Samuel rown. J A. I). F. Ilulini Catlurln. Chembertain Wm Christy John II. rcem Cornelius irst John Frcese Josiah Gabb Henry r. Gillard Samuel UenlevW C. Ilartman Jacob lllll Stephen 11. Hopkins Kienzl Hunt 1 reuciicn Kahler Thompson in-Person, colling for the above letter, will pleas. say tney are ouveriieeu. FIIILIP UNA N GST, V. hi. April 4,1827. Greenwood Seminary, AT Millvillo, Columbia Co., Pa. jf all llie Enclili brandies usually tautrht. TI.h rrlnclpnl will be aiiUtcd durlnc the present year b a RVSTlMATiu eourep or instruriton it civen iu T. M. TOlTa. an cipPrloncM tcactier, recently from the Lancaster county No mm I chotl. A vacation 01 peven Heexi win coihuh-ucj juij TERMS, Tuitifln, for clay pupils. $1,50 to 51,40 per qu'Mcr. TtninHncr. TuHinti. Wailnnff. l.islitg. tVc. S30 Der tumter ot eleven weeks, one-lulf In advance 1 Or Circular. CillUIUUUCi Ul w.ui,i I'ltiimi.iia.miuicjBi wm. buitonss, Millville, April 4. 1057. Principal ALEXANDER KERR, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Salt, Jk Salt, NO. 38 SOUTH WIIAttVEa, FHILADELIMIIA. A.itio,.'. finn T.lverooit crouiid Turk'a Isljnd and Dairy Salt.constautly on liauu and ttir sale, in lots, to sun in. ir.ue. rnnn ai.i..Anuui IV1.UU. April 4, ieS7-3m FISHING TACKLE. BEBT Klltllv, I imerick. Virginia Improved Trout, tie.. 1'ike and Eel Hooka, Swivel, rtalmon Out Trout Linea, Out and other rlnoodB. Artificial Bait, Canton Orasa Lines. Irnun and 1'lailed ilk Lines, and Irolllni Rods. Floats. Iliass IteeU, Minnow Nets, Felnca. Bel Nets Partridge Xeta, Dulcimer and 1'iano Wire, Violins and tsirlni;.. Olllini nnd Seine Twine. Genuine II. rlem Oil, for gravel and infections o( the i.m.a w ih oats ami iiuoks. ivaiaiue ni ex. irout. brtasl and head, lot s.w ny OEOltGE W. IICVnCRGER, Importer. o. inNnrth Third street, side, seeoud door be tow Arch and door loltie W.CiurUs Hotel, rinladeluhla April , lM7-3ro, WALL PAPER 1 "WALL PAPER 1 wrt. I.... lust received. bv railroad. A anlendid aa VV Lnrimwni of WALL PAPER. wHch WO 1 11 1. Ltd to sell at Philadelphia prices froia H ceul. to Hi crula a piece. uau ana see. II. 0. k I. W. IIARTMAN. April 4. 1M7. WINDOW PAl'Elt. TU8T received, a good assortment, for ealo cheap J at April 4, 1817. IMRTMAN'B. (J " April tie57.) sail n.M IIABTMAWS. S. L. Pancoast &, Co., COMMISSION MKROIIANTS, AN P DEALERS IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, d-c., No. 17 North WhatTe,. Dillanelrhla. Oil. WINDOW BLINDS. DAltK anil light nil Window Dllndt, luat and Tor aale by Apall 4.1837. IIAUTMAN. COD F1BI1, Her ring. White Fili and Mackerel, far aale at April 4. 187. HAIXTMAN'S. STRAY DOG. was loat from Hie ubicrlb:r, either jSW "" c." urayed away, on lait Sunday, the 13th Inat i A nntiNn. With black on lltl bock, four vellow knnei . n mi.1l while epo. on ench ton nnd n cut over hi a left ey. He had nth. Inarou nil hi a neck, with the Initial "M. 1857." Two dollar, wlllbe givon lor hia return to the .uuicnuer in Uioomaoure. - Ul! AMIES XV. HESSnitT, nioomahure, SB. Ii57. SELEOT SCHOOL. TrLF..e.Ti J.e,t.n f Hile school, will commence on MONDAY, May lllh ne xi, and cont Inuc eleven week. Fupileare reee Ired at any I line. TERMS OF TUITION. Primary Btiidle. omnton English am. lies. 5 Ilieliar EnglialiStudieaand daisies, fi n F. CAT ON, Principal. Uloomaburg. March 23, IM7. NEW WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE. BURTON & LAN I NO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMrOItTnnfl, A'o. siren eirm, second door ebots fi.ut Street, T7iiI),KL may bo lound tho largest and It best Be ecled stork In Iho clly. Country nierrhants may here bo accommodated, with "it the liiconiwilenoe of looking tulther, mid may be nasured that they will receive the advantage 01 ficir money. , IIURTON ic LANINO, March 58,187-301 TO DAUERREOTYPE ARTISTS. WTANTED a purolusor for a DA- T T tlUEItltCOTYrE BA LOON, located Inoneol ttlO mOtttltirlShllt. Iuuiim In th. Alflt... with n nnnn. l.lliOII Uf allOUt 30 III. Tllo Urm ln..ln oneration about four years. ia wellsinplied with all the materials necessary for AMURtlTYPINd, and alto rds an pxeelletit opening for a cood operator. For further iiarllculira, addreaa T. MARTIN. March 'U, 1857 if. Lock Haven, l'a. PACKET BOAT I MruUUtf 0i and after MOVDAV, March 30, fcsn5sffilai857. til e New Packet Itoat ANTE LOPE, dpi, U. F.Wslls, will run between Pittaton and Ituperla. follows: Leavo I'iltslnn every Monduy. We nearly aod Friday nt 0 n'rf ock, A..M .and ar rives a, Hip'irl early sime evening. Leaves Itupert everyT.i.d.iy.Tnur"ii.iy mid Kitunlav. at 5 o'clock, A M ., d'td arrives at Pulsion sa 1 e afternoon ubout 4 u'clock Phi P.iokel wilt alsniuakethresextrn trips a week between Piltslon and tvilkeilinrre. leaving PlttMiin on Tucstays, Tliursdays a nd rialunlays, at til o'tlock. P M. LtMvas tVjlkesb'irr'. on viondays, Wednea hys mid PriilaB at 7 o'clock, A M. The aliovo iirrang.'ineht Is mi'te only for a tew days, until such timu as the Ij.&itl It It cars can run to Nanl'cnke to meet the Packet. Notice In due limp will be iivpii to I he public of the chance, a. it tuny be a daily nrMiigi'ineut between the Great llcuil and ltil perl. It F, WELL-3, Proprietor. Wllkesbnrre MarchS-,1817 BOOT ANI SHOE MAKING. m THE undersigned, Ihatmliil for the liberal pilrnnixo with Wikcii ho hns been lavored for y.iars iioii by, would iiifoim his trie lids mid c t stouter s. hat h? eonif nuc. tu maiiulaclure Hoots and bhocs, At hi. Old And W. Il.kliown M mid. On Math Street lllotiinsbiirl!. In all their van tie. and good sty le n nd on m- derate lerius. M experience in tl,.. I. i.inu. and gene ral knowledge of iln 1 foplc f Columbia rntinty. super. " .'' " t-, .u...Uv..--,. to uli h i ti onaioiiifTa . Klionit n'curu liim increased pa- ironajfo utucii lie nones in iiif-ni. JAUUU P DIIirnRICK, lloomlturg. Mnuh 10 IM? Lackanana & Cioombitrg K. II. OfflrH Lnrk'fl & lllnc'inBliiircU. R. (.'. ) WvuMInq, lut, t'n Tit., Jui.. J.'i.lMT, i INTEREST PAYABLE ON STOCK. riMlH storkboliiersof Ihl. coninanv ore heribv noli. Xflidlhal by lU'Solulion of the llnardof Itirectors, lnierci.t on Htock romiuittil to the aiit of December, IPS", it 1 1 1 be raid on implication ailhls uiuro in Ltrlijl tatfl of StoiL. lull uncK certiorates win oeissuru linen the tn ter".t ainouiits to the sum of fifty dollars: and fori smaller sums or any fracllonit amounts, l.'erlirl''.-tics wil be is siieo. r, ili i uou.ii, nene r, March ?ih, 1P57. OMNIBUS LINE & LIVE IS Y STAHLK N 8. MENTIS. a IJiJSsJO NOW runs a new Omnibus 1-7-n ibnl between lllooiosburir and the frrk. vSf imii.n.j Ilepot, whicli ulll-'. I f 71 tnir. ,:n..pn7Fii from nnd to ativ of the residences o the town, or the Aiu-rican IIouso anil rorK lintel; nnd no will also furnish convoniiees to all travel! era u m imv u s i i.t en into any Din oi me cuuniv. He has also a Tirgo liverv stiblo connected with the oninibitB line. from winch lie can nccommndate tho liu.tic. Willi ciiivoyancoa lor travelling, pleasure exoursiona or l.usi ness. Dl.'oni'burjr. Aprli Si, 1835 ty HUCCTR AM) SfiLTZKHS WINE J- LIQUOR STORE No, 232 North Third Street. (Above Catlonliill,) p ii i l a i i:l v nix. A general assortment or Ilrondles Vlnes, Cordials, , FIICITH. r.S.LTIIR. October 7, 1854 S yra. p. KIIIST AIlIlIVAIs OI"' SPRING & SUMMER WK hnvo now roccivinR our Spring and Smnmcr Gundf. by RailroaJ at our new Etand, on the cornor ol Main and Market streets, The slock coinpructvo lull assortiuenlf Dry Goods, Grtcerics Hardware Queen ware, Cetlawarr, HoUoxv-ware, Jrugs, fJh, Coal, l lastcr. Iron, Nails, Hoots, Khot, Hats. Cap, fcc iter. ALSO-UIIADY MAUC CLOTHING, atidln fact every nameable article usually keptU n inunlri Hinra Country produce taken In exchange for coods. H. O. & I. W, IIAUTMAN" rjlnnmsburg,March!!l. 18S7. SPUING AXI) SUfliniUlt CLdTUINd, mitir i.n.iraitrned frateful for nasi nntroiiase r( 1 spectfutly mrornistilticustonicrs, and thepublic nenerally, that tin Un juat rpcuived from the East Fashionable Sjiring 4- Summer Clothing, balhasyet been openedlnBloonisburg, in which he that t hov ore offered for sale. at erf at bargains. Ilia inLn the attentiouor iiisirienus, anu assures uiein Block compnsesa large u.iu sc.v.. ...uiiumt . Gentlemen's Wearing Apparels, Consisting of FteMmmlle Drese ueele, ot every fl.. scriiitioii ; l ain., vests, phi s, wnims Cotton Handkerchiefs. U loves. Uuspendera.&c, tc. Gold Watches and Javcliy, of every description fine and cheap uber i.stsr(r'.Csa Einpsri.w Nochargel'ori.janiinlnit!ood. llAVin T (IWI'NUEKO . . o , J'Vy L-nUnnv. Call and sea . Hloomsburg, Ma'dlSI, 1857 Spring & Summer, ffj U lS1 AT MENSOH'S OlIUAP STORE. ''PHE tinilersignctl having removed Ms I Btore.upiown, ul tho aland, lately occupied by II C & 1. W. Hartmau where witli giealer iucreased la'cihtiCB, he 1b enabled toolli-rtt fullassoitnient of Spring and Summer Goods, Which lie lias Just received from Ihe Eastern Cities, eninnrislns Dry Uoods, (IrocerieB, Hard. ware, aueana w. Cedar-warc Hollo ware. Drugs. riah.Sall i.. rtsitor, Iron, Nail' .Uoou, Shoes, Hale, Capa, etc. tc, also-ready made clothing. In.hort.eveiy thing mually kejit in country Btoroi, to whicli he invitesthe public generally. XC Csah.Lunbor, Old Iron aud Country Trodus. takentnescuaugoior uuuue, .i... BlooQishurg, March CI, IM7. Road, .full Vupply I altn.. 1 ...a IMrs. lie.. ", lim. II. kl.W.Hiltniin. UllOADWAY GOLD PEN Jijurv M:iCTUni.--a co, NO. 335 BROADWAY, NEW YOIIK. list of ncTAit. rniccat ""' ;. It 00 Oold Tooth Nek. ' 00 J: Tooth Vl.lm s m llolilier. Gold Ten anddbl, cx Silver lloldert, Matnmoulh " lpvlQllteo Fountain Ten, Deak Holder Matniu.iith ' Utifro'tlns- Pen. 3 00. ."rcnril, W.tchKei.J na f-adiesOolarenellB, 9 oo 3o a oo 4 no! , . 4 oo 5 00 .. W ren 4 jaema-OotdCaireak 3 1)0! Pen. t. o oa s oo, ,s i'j S UU. flolhle ' n on SOI). nr...i.: l.tvijllmn nnd lini r,, 1. . .... . mi i. ........ . . D w " llngrosslnj UU.t leal mi " Mnmuioulh SUOces, I'nCMIUMS rilESENTED TO rullCIMSERS. To every crson buying a gold pen of u. wc preset), a nunibered cettlllenie, and each oriheaa cortlfleatel cnlitls. tho holder ol It, by the extra payment of so an article bfJerrclry.ln value Irom SI to sf 10 ThlaJ.wclry conslls of Gold and silver Watchess. great vtl-ty. Bilver Oebleis, fllver Fruit llaakel. Hold Ruard Chains Tor ladles, Lockets Btacrleta, Uen, Cold l'oband Veal chains, Thimbles. Dreaslpins, Bract. Ida, Ear IJtons, Studs, Kings, Crosses, &e , lion. . which will selllorlcsa than SI. I'Oll EVERY r)Oo i:AI...l,K,U,,.''1'"1; '"AltTV 18 ENTITLE DTOL. ?.V.M,ir:Ri:". UTIFIUAT11. AND UY HIE PA A M EN T OFVJcts. EXTKA ON EACH UEHTIKICATK II E IS ENTITLED 'I O ItEUEIVE Wll ATEVWt THE NUMDEllOr HIE CEHTIKFIOM1 E DESIONATEB. wo havo been In operation for threo yenrB and thou thands have bought of us and we have never learn. 4 evatanyone was everdlasatlsficd. 'I nisi plan afford aiteryoportil nlly of obtaining a gold watch or aom l enicle lewclrv. for a irinit.n ...m. in .... ...n. lencllcies, &e aro genuine articles inanuiaelur.i illscoursecswlth great car, and wo offer them pr. i ely at prtcesasked In nil olbrr stores in Hie rl. To a gluts we make advsntageous offers,. nd any ener gillc person can do well by working for us. We wis. ngcnls in everyplace in iho country. and persons who would like to bccomcBurh will please nildress us.anl w o will send them printed circulars of prices, terms &e. Wo have no stated periods for distribution.-. The moment n pen is puirhased. the purcliaier ia .nu lled to receive Ma premium on Iho pay mentor 33 conn extra. All ordershy mall shnntdbo addressed MEltlllCK, DENTON U DEAN. 3J3 Droadnay New York. AGENTS WANTED. N.ll nol.l ...III. rrnnlnlnd In n Enclose the pen nnd ;p,i crnis In 1- o. stamps, and Ibo pen will bo renol nled anil returned post paid. The miOAlnVAY 001,1) i'l'N MANUI'AUTUniNO CO, is well known throughout tho country, but as tbrrcaro undoubtedly Borne who nre not nciiinintef .v.ui us .ytjuipi.iiu iuu luuowing wen Known nrm a Ttftrtntee i FEI.LOWB CO.. No 17 Maiden Lane, New York, HltJKS &. MITCHELL, No. ffl) do do DENTON it URDU Cor llrnadwnv t Courtland it. New York.nndChesluui street, I'lill.-uMphia. J.ll STURY tc t.'il.. No S tlil.ey tluildliv N. T. OOUI.D k WOOD No. 0 Maiden Lanol J. February?, IM7. 3m. CABINET WAKEKOOBIS. Tim undersigned respectfully invites tho ttttPntleD of the I'ubllc to his e&tenilve QHorltnent of Cabin i Fitrnitiireaiid Chairs which ho will warrant Inbomadtt of poo. i tniicrliil nml in a worttnmnhkn mntiticr. At his Kitnbtislinifiit. enn always be round b cood anon inent uf FASIIIONAllLK FURNITURE. "" i i ! 'Miii nt) ic nnu ti nil ii iDinnioi roil ndclphiaur New York elites, an.utus low prlcef. SOFAS, of diiTprent slylrs and prlcij, fr $1H to SOU, Divan;, Louitga ; W mil nml .Matt ouy. rnrlor chairs, Itockinj and easy chalrn, Plana loots, nnd a variety nf upholstered woik wii'i Jrlllf: unn parinriiurenus, som, cnrii teiitre and pier i.itl., (lelunlitibt, rlieflen itrif not and romo i and all khiiM ul Inrlilonablo work. Hi stork of hurt'iin, I'licloFcd and common wash rtanrln, flrcn lAlils.rornrr cupboitrdu. vofns briakfnet to Mm, bed uteadfl. rani' m at nnd fontniOM elinlr. Ik a u rimm i. thl s.Klinn of Hip rountry, Ua will also keep r pood AMorimoiit uflooking u la si en with lancy fillt nnd cots niou ifcincij uu aao inrniMi spring mntresbi'it flllfd to any tii'iorhfadftcad. which are superior ftr dtiraqiliiy and rntnfurt toany bed In ukr. K1.MU u. BIIIYC. nioomburir April Ptli, IS54, CENTRE STORE. rrMIE iinilcrsincd taVf plcnsure ol in X forrnirifr the citloni ( Centre and vlrlolty, tlmi lie lias juit received a largo and stlcrt Qs.oitmcn t n f SritlNU U HUMMliR GOODS, Conipr Is) npthP liea virtu utotkund most varlrdansnri. nit?nt nl lasliMiiMMe. riefi I and miiittantfal Me rt: . fllze that hnvclnT nniTprci mi'Tiihlir "Ax:?. aiiUTuaiiiy,wiHfitlipylllsLiinT rai( vei', reaaruiiuiiif' pritCB. trr,i-sOuniryiirodiirrtnLrriir.e2Cliarpf fur Rnnds, Inc I inline (Jriiln and Lumber and the i-ublic custom rcspertfullv solriled SAMUEL LAM1JAC1C. Fowlersvil'c. March 'J. 1PJ7. "KI3JI OVAL! If. O. & I. W. II ART MAN. HVH rfuiov.'.l their stock nf flondi tn ttn stnnd un iIip (Jurni-r il Maui and Mukti ritrels tulnw McKf-lvy.Neal 4V co , tatt Jy iic-npied by A U M'Mijfh, wli re. with pr ally itcn ui'Ml f..riliiim, ituy nte cna blfii it oil it n lull ftKmniniLnt of Dry Gnudir, flroce ries llardunii1. CMLCiteon tVrMat low priren, XQ" Country 1'ruducu lukcn at the highest inarkd pricef, L'onl atwo n on Im'idand for snlc. rifh.Sa't 'x tcr nd 1 on at low prices Tt-iinkftil fur pJl luvors Ihey licpe fur a continuaiice ufthv sathe. II. O. & I. W, 1IAKT.MAN. I) loo mi burc. March 1, 1E7. NEW OARKAIGB SHOP. (Ac whitt luildiitgtQn JIMUYSTJIEET. marly tfj$$it thlM ic. TIIII miliirrlbor would retjpt'ctfully announce lo xt public, lie liaPCOininrMiced the WAG O.N MAKING UU-W" jy aiNLai?. in all iis branrhes. lie Is prepared all rrderi and ha on hand ai recent an as sort iuent of finii htd work which purcbascrit willQndit to their advantage to exa mine. IlCrAIUIN'ft. Will be done In the most prompt and careful manner and upon terms which ran not tail to irive sat 1 (faction. HntAWintiiMii; a. wilhon. Itlonnuburg, April iM, 1855. JOSEPH FUSSKIiL, VMBIELLA jf.VW PjilUlsQL MANUFA CTUJlEt, ho a. Nonrit roL'Riii btrcet, (Worth JVett corner J Marhtt ttrett.) l'UILAllLU.l'.UA. HAS now on hand an exteiifiv assortment ol tilt- neweit iiti'l m-iU di's ini'ile ktuds. in cluding many M'.W tiTVLUS not lieri-ldfor to he had in Una mnrkit. An cxaminatiou ot nur neck ia solicited bifore purchaking tlkew lure. FALL CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS At Wholesale and lUtail.. (1 E( EO. UULl'IN fi CO.. Importers and Manulnctersof CLOnKB AND MANTILLA o. 171 l.'be. tout Street, (a lew doors above 7th, sunt side,) PHILADELPHIA. (In conn. ttinu with UEt II1ILPIN.3Q1 ltroadwH),N V. The largest Alanut lurnr of those goods in the Un lied Btntes.) lleg to cnll tho attention of wholesale and retail bitye tothcir large and vaiieil stocks ol CLOAKrJ, TALMAS etc., Ate. .for the FallTrode. Their collertioiHoiiipris aromplete assortment of all the latest Parisian Noveilla In Velvet, Moire Antique, Cloth, Plain rtilk, Ate., whilo the fact lilies' n (forded b)lheir connection with the largest Manufacturing House, (of these goods )in New York, enable them lo gua ran leu better vatua Hutu is obtainable Jqclit.ti,lfcl5o.- elaewhereiiiiuisliiarkei. u!,u.nui.riit fe-v.".. iy- . A LADY VTTIln HAfl nr.EN CURED OP GREAT NERVOUS W Dibihty. afior inanyyeiire imlsery. desires to mukeknoiMi toall fellow.sutferers ho suro msans of relief. Aildress.enctosine .tunill I o 0: iay return postage Mrs MARY U. DEWI'11. Iloston Mass,, and tho tu scriptionwill be s.nt, fro., by neit post, February 7, lB37,-3m. , """" '"""" lfOMC halfdolen COVER O RANTS are wanted anv II Urttofnet.w.y.aithl. office LAND WARRAs'iS WANTED. RNMHNT LAND WAR time bflw een ihis and th s office, or npp.y to Win. Neat, nrllie llonile ck tOW HS I II JOHN IIRUGLKR. March 14, lrS7-lin. LEAP TU1JACCO & C IGARS, BMWBMW $3 Mb ai. South Front Street, ' I'HILADELPIlIA. Sept. 0,ieS0,-ys Franklin House. .PAIIKER & LAIl Proprlelors. Chcsnut St., between Third and Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. Beplemlell3, 1P5C. COAL I GOAL 1 1 edht rf :ses. r P.FULLEIllt Co., would jespecfully Inform Ih XJ ui tiiisiun u nw ip..u.iw ... "y' . Iheyliiiv. opanea.Cjal Yard, uf amnio aiiuenslona ol uumitw piard at iheir offlce, corncrofMalnatid diar-ii to nil all ord.rsfor eoal for domesllf lJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers