AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL' ADVERTISER ALEM B. TATE,. Publislior. fLEYI L, TATE, Proprietor. "To Hold and Trim tho Torch of Trutlt and Wavo it o'er tlio darkonod Earth.'' WOL. XL NO. 4. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1857- YOL. XXL I COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. J rUDLlSUBD EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, II n Uloomsburg, Columbia County, I'a. Office. In the. neto Brick Building, op t posite the Exchange, by side of tho Cow I I House," Democratic Head quarters, inus op suDScmrTio. '41,00 In ivlvnnoe, for ono copy, for tlx month. 1,75 In ndvanoo, for ono oopy, ono yoar. 2,00 If not paid vrttliinthc fiMt threo months. 3,25 If not paid within the fl rat l months. 2,50 If not pal.l within tho j-unr. fjtr NoflubijrlptlontftkoiiforloMthanalxrr.ontnB, . and no paper .lUcontlncd. until all arrenrng.g shall havo Loon paM. lOT Ordinary advertisements Inserted and Job work oxocutcd at tlie cjtullishod price BALTIM0UI2 LOCK UOHTAL. 1)00X011 JOHNSTON. fTMIE fouudcrof this Celebrated Insti- I tuiioii,oirrs ihu inotci-rtoiu, Kopedy, anil only ftTloctii tl rdmmly In Hid world far eirecta Tor (Heels, ftrictur i, diiiuitidl w itUix;, liina In tlia IjoIob, i;,)(iiUuitioti.i1 Ddtiiity lnipol'Mcy, Weakness of 1)10 Uuctt nod Llm'is, AiTectloin uf ttiu Kidneys, l'atpha tliu of lli'i ileiri, Ii ipuosU, Nurmii Irrltnlilllly. lilicattjol thi lluad, 'i'lirodt. Noo or Skin. 011 d alt lAni-i serloiit find melancholy Diordera arising from tut dmtr.ictlva UtiliiU uf Vouili, whlcli do 1 troys both uody and mluJ, Ttint: secrut mid toll t &ry practices, ri more fatal to their victims limn tlio song of ttiu Byrpni to the mariners Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant liop of untlcinalljn. rniidcriiig niarriogo, A., iuipoisililo. loung Men, ipiv.l3l1v who liavo becomo tlio victims of solitary vUfl.ttiut d reai! lu 1 mid destructive habit, which a mm ' ally sweoti to hii untimely i rac thousands of ) citing ' mtin of tlio motii-xalicd talents mid brilliant Intel lutt, who nil j lit otherwise huo ciittuncrd luti-ninr; eanatti' with the tliiutCcre n cio'pir ne, or waked tu .wxtaclestholyru, m.iy cnll with all confidence. Marriage. Married ptjronior Voun Mn conteniplatinjr. mar ri0, being nware uf physical ivciiKiif., organic do bility. deformities, &x,, huilt ini'imdiatcly consult Ui Johnstontgjd bo restored to perfect lii-nlih. Ho who plicca himself und'r Hit cure nf Dr. John ton uiav rnll(jlouily ennfide in Ms honor us n gentle loan, anilconhdentlv rely upon his cktll us ephystclan. Organic Wenkncs (miantiHnly cured ntid fnlt vigor ruotorod. Th1fdlsensn Is thi pcntlly moi fru'iutinly paldr.y this who hive become the victim of improper litdul gonclflt. Voung persons iit loo apt to rotuinU cx es from not being awarn uf tho dreadful consequence t bat niayeiiu. Now, who tlmt underinndi the enb Jeet will pretend to duny tint the power of prncret Hon is 1'iiL iotiiiur Uv thoe ftillnic Into iniiirotior habitR than by tliti prudent. OftldeA boln? dtpritcd of tba pl'iabure ot htaliliy ollspnng. Hie moil nerioiis and desiruclivu ttyiuptoniri to hih body and itilnd urisn. The yntu'ni bticnniei ilo m u'-it; iliu p!islrnl unl urtbt'il powers wuukoiied, ucivoiis di-hllity, dys Ppi4, iialpitntton of tlx hcfirl .indiiteslioit. a wattng uf ihe fvd. cough, tiyiittoiii kitf n Hi4inplion 4c c.' 7T J""-7 rn.T.t I t.upRRK k riTRKB r. soveii uoors -rr' I-. 1 u,.t. tut lh.. uIi.b Ita me JrirrtTti J rainV.A 1 B audtNUMlJi;Ut or onwiII miiiiakii tlit! plttiif) KO MiJ.IUJttV OR MALMlitA'S DRUG3 U3CII. Dr. Jahnsto.i, Mimbirof tho! (toy n I Oollejfo of Hurfiem, London Gr luiiu tru'tt oii uTthu inuat t'ttiinciu cnlIeitcH uf the UnitiJ States, and tlK'yrenter p.tit ufwliosu lift has )4mi annnl in I he itkI llnfiuln a 0 l.oinlon , Tdrit. I II - U I'lphia and Alsewhiru. tun Mlkrfd hoiiki uf the iituit rt niton m at ng cnrn that were ever known ; many timiii til wiift ritiitiiij liiitm head and wlia ueltcp. t grl nervniisiiess. Innng alaimcd at miilden doun.ts. A aad bafjluosi, with .freiuuni Idmtilnjf, uitoiidt-tl MniHtntifs with deratisooiuul ufiniiid wire cured 1m atedUtuly. A Certain Discass, Winn thflliHluguidijtl and imprudent votary of plea sur.j flndj hJ hn imbibed the m of this pBinfu Jlinase, it too nficH happens that an UHfuied stnsu o ; nhrirne, or dread of dheui uiy, deter iiiiu frmn nprly ItiC to thosii wh j from ndueniion and regpretabihty tn nlono bffrieiid Mm dpliying till the conitiluiionil ymplmni ofthtshorrid diseam malm theirappenrance, '1 sash s ti lc:ritiij .ue throut. diittnsed nose, nocturnal , pains in th 1 head and limbs, dim nun of siji lit, deafness, nojosnn in sain nones, uii't arms, uioiriifti on thai bvtil fttce.nud eilrcm'-tieB, prngrrsting nilh fnghilul rapidity, till at list tho palate of lite month or tint boats of Hi nose fall in , and the victim of tins aw ful dinette bccotiws a horrid object of commitseruliou, lilt diili puts a period to his tlreadfulsutluringB, bystiu llughim to "that bourne from whence no t rave It r Tstuni." To nucli therefore Dr. Johni-ton pledges riinielf to preserve tho moil cuvioi ilile sccr? cv. anil (rom his eitnnalvo practice in the rtrst Hospitals of Bsropo and America; lie ran confidently rccoiuinetid a tiU siid gpqedy euro to tho unfortuimto vicilfu olthis horrid disease Take pirliculir Notice, Dr. J addresses all those who have injured them alves by private and improper indulgence, Thtse are smr.n of the ml and mulanclioly effects produced byoarly habiin of ouih, 11 : Weakness or tha (luck and l.lmbs, I'eiu 111 Hie Mend, Jimitesof ' fight. I,oia of .Muscular I'ower. l'tlpiintioii of tlm Heart. lV8pepln, N' Irratlldlity, Derunc'nient of l bo DiR'iHtive Functions, Qonoral Debility, syn-ptfimn ofU'iiisiimition,e. Mr.KTAiiLY The fearful erreits upon lha mind ere tuueh to hedreidad, J,ojs ol.Momry, tJonfotnn, of , I do as, Ueurerition of thu ptnts, Cvil rorebodiucs. Aversion of Society, Timny,i.c, are sume ofthi-evils s 'produced. yiotsnds af persons of all ag ran now Judge ; wnlt is th cauieuf fioir declininjt licnlth . Looting ' tholf vifor,b('ciiijug wuak pal'Mmt cm if laud, haviu y a sinfu lar appearance about the cyei,ctiujhmid Bjmp tonisof Consumption. Dr. Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for I Organic Weakness, y Dy this great and import ant remdy, weakness of the orgsns arn peeJlly cured, and full vieor rnstoied. Thmiandgof the moiit ncrVftn and diliilitulet, who , hid l-it all hope, have heen imiuudiiteiy relieved. All Impediments in .Marringe.riiysical and Mental DUiua- liflestioti, Nervous Irritability, Treniblings and Wafc nets, or eili.viBtionorthe m st Icarfutkind, speedily ' ared by Doctor Jobn stun Young Men x Who htivo 1 11 lit r Afl thHiiidul vfd hv a eertiln practice. Indulged in when njono i habit frequently learned from evil companion, r at school thu ufiVclu ofwlur li are nijlitly fdlt. oven when asleup, uud if not curorl render marriiae impossible, and destroys both mind bu uouj, buouiu apply iiniucuiaiuiy What a niiy that u vouuu man. the hone of hit coun try, and th j iliirllng of his parents, shoulJ be an tit clad irum an propccis unu etijoynuiiit) 111 itia conse auinecs of devlatlna from the path of nature, and In dulging in acerlain borct habit, Puth persons befuro vuuiauipuiung Marriage ahout't reflect thai a inuqd mind and bodyaro the moe naidSBirv re'ial ulies to nrom )iu couunbUl huinltiefis Indeed, wiiho it those. the loarnov through life bteonr's weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darht-ns to tlio view ; the mind becomes shadowed uitli despair and Oiled with the melancholy retletlion thattlie happiness of ItllOthnr livrnrnnil htllthlo.t with mi r nwn. OFFICII NO.7 hOUTll PUUDIiltlUK r3T.,iarnnJrs,.VJ N. U, Lq tuo falsa modes iy prevent jou, but opp'y im wvuioioiyeuuor personally or iy leuer. BUIV DI3UA31M ril'miDHA' CUKHD . lh Strangers. The many tho man It cured at llii Institution witli'u tho last 15 years, and tho numerous inmnriini Bitreicut Cporatlons performed by lirt Johnston, witnessed by the reportersol the paptra and many other ticeeofwhiehhavo appeared ajiaiii and again before ihn dulillc. besides Ills stindinii as a ffcntlanian ofclia- raelerand responsibility, Ua sutQcient guar an tea to too amictea. . . Take Notice. N. tl. There arn lomanv Isnorant and worthies flnnrlri nrlvorlUln? ihomselvtS PhVSldans. ruilllni the health of lha already atthciad, that Dr, Johnston dooms it necessary to any, eupcciany 10 inusu unao tiualntuilwitri his renutation.lliatliii rredentlala and diplomas always hang 111 his umre. . trSTiBBNorics. All lAttcre mnil beppstpaid, an contain a itottaxu ttoiup for tho reply, or uoauswe willbe sent January 17, 1857. JOtlN ir.VYLE & CO., 01 Norili H'arvcs, abuvo Itaco Street .r ruir, Aiinr.vniA. GENERAL COMMISSION JIEitUII ANTd, for th NAVAL BTOItr.S. BODA. AHII. WOOL, 1'I.OUU f'ltrilllllM IMIItVtflinVH Jc-f Spirit! oT'lurncmiuo. Tarnl liljU ami llf?. I'ltdl .a Ri.ln, kiii till Alcaliol llurnlncl'luidau I'liiuOirior.oloniM ii irartuiDs' Hlrc6 Oakum &c An Mr wn.ivk i Wlicci Gitaso Jljy3J,lPjl. r. May Term of Court. PROCLAMATION. Wlir.nnAS, the lion, W ARficK J.WonDWARf.rresi nernl Jail Itclivorv, Court of Uuarter Sessions cf the ( Fence end Court of Common Fleasand Urphau'a Court. , In thoTwenty-rfixth Judicial Hlstrict coini-oscd ofthn cttunties of Columbia, Pulhvan nnd Wyoming, and tho (Ion JACon uvans nun i'ktkr kiiki, issoeieie junjrs iu Columuia county, have issued their preci pt, beating dale the7lhday of lVbrunry,ln the ycarufuur Lord n..n thinirid eirlit hundred nnd lift viix. nnt to lite di reeled for holding n Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd 1 fleneraUml Delivery, General Uuarter Pceeion of the ' Peace, Common Fieri nnd urphin's Court, in lilooms Lure, in tlm county of Columbia, on the first Monday, (being the 4d day) or May tint and to contluucono , WNoick Is licrchv given, to the Coroner the Juittrrs nf the Fence and Constables of tlio snid county of Co lumMn.lliat limy be then and there in their proper pcrsontnt 10 o'clock in the rorcnoou of raid daj , with tliHlr nrords. intiiWUionsnnd other rtuitmbra ores id do llioie lb in ai1 which In their ofl.crt appcrlhfti tube done And ihof that nro bound by rtcogniraiire, in pififueutM nj;a ins l the priontrs that are or may bo In the Jail off aid county ol Columbia. to be then and there lo prmerute them as shall bejust. Jurors are rfpiest ' rd to be punctual In th ir allenfance, apretabiy to their notices. Dated at llloomsburg, the Inlay of, Maich in tho yenr of our Lord ono tliouund ciplit 1 hundred and nrir-ipwn. nnd inthebUt ytnrot tlm In depeiidcnre of tho Unilid Htates of America, , (Gottsavo tho Commonwealth.) 8TEFHUNII. MtM.nU.AAerlJ. LIST OF CAUSES L'OU TU1AL AT MAY TKUM. 1, Jr-hn Orrllnitrtnl. ts, L'hntlrs F. Mann, a Pnuiuelli.McCulIoclcetal.iJ Kimuell-, Ucadlcy 3 Willi.imKonus rt. (Jeorgo h Kline cl al, A William Koonsts.Ccorenli. Kline. 5 Frederick Ueafs 1'hl Hp Winterdceti el il U Joseph Htnrkhousc rt flllbcrt Fowler. 7 Jano MJIernltigerrsW. A. Kline, a David ileliilioldet AnrnuWolI. l Frier Applcman el I.eonird II Ituporl el at, 1U .Miry Vniisrckle tt Joseph Rurkla vt al. 11 itcortjo hilt rs umiworiny nm-i . li dcorgo Miller ts Nntliaiilcltlverdcrf. l'etir t Leonard H uupirt, 1'hoinau Furkeres John II.Farker. Giorgt' i. Kline rs Moses Coirman. John Wagner u Sally Waancr. Susannah Hall v$ 01 em up I llcnry, Isaac ilrown rs Robert J Ion. William Kntiison vh Wilson Agcr. Isaiah Huiimnu rt Jacob LShuinan ct al, JeEij Hicks rs Joseph Kltkcndatl. Nathiii Hueiv rs Daniel Sponcnberg' Admrs, Fletcher U I'lodsou vt Willmm hnng. Catliirlnti Tanner rs John D Weaver. Adm (lablo vi Ilnslc Fox, Adm'r. Wilhim Wiehtrt Cordon R. Coir. Jir.athau Mastellcr rs titepluu llaldy. jacou rchuir rjWiHon ni;cr. .1J Willi 1111 llop-errj Ddmoud Crnwford. Uhrisinn iifiit ri imniei iiipir 31 (Mr;y Feitenoan rs folnnon IVtitrtmn. 3i Mart in Mowrer vs 'lliomns ftncklnuiim it al, 31 GilVrrt Fnwlcr rt Daniel Fowler . Hi. : (itorpe Monro i t nlrs David LtvMn ct ul, 3i Diniel Kustenliader rs David Mann 37 To'ghmin 1), Slrotuc cl nl rt John Uvk . 3 William llilteiihoimn rs Hamueir. Hdtdley. 3J Ji.ueti RftiHioii vs Jamei Uiistiin.Jr . Aiiut'r. l,nn ter W Ka'ilman.ct atri Lrum VMjers ct al 11 D tvtd lie! itet.ranl rs tleojumiu Fnux. 12 Kebi'.ciCarruon rt Alfred llow-ll. 4't Dnmei i. Wi liters teen ( l nl 1 1 Cbrutmn Shumar, 41 WitlKtm llubiFonvt WHti.ilu IMgar. Utoiuuburg, Maich '-ii.idtT. Qlt AND JUKOlltf l'OK MAY TlillM, Uri nrcrrek John Do ah, nichard'lhrjU'pfion, Centr-' Rolomon Ncjhard. Citawisa Charles Krcigh Greenwood John Ltmou.Geo. Matters, Udward A Iheruen, Ira Johmon Waac Dcwilt. HeinUck- FutPf Appkrnan. Locust Jolin M(n nlpleiifanl J.icob Coltn. MilMiu brahnni Monot iir.iWitli?m7J.IJrown. Mime Daniel hl.unian . Montour F ter Unu.t.Hrh Madison Ju men Juuns. ii.tCoIfer A Sulth , John Swisher. rum Albtft Hunter. Fcott John Trembly 1 Harnitn Q.Croveli nj , Jack son Carre I on. Hujnrloaf Andrew La'ibscb. Uloomeburg, March tH, le37. TKAVKHSE JUllOUS MAY TERM. Uloom-M irrh Van HuikirL Uri arcut'k Henry Kit tciiliotue, Henry Douk, John Freau. Heaver Chirlcj Mi:lmal, Moses ?ctilicher, Jactb llitteiibcnder. lleuton Richird Stllee, Joseph C. Hchs. Centre J0I1 11 IV -ter . Jacob llagenbuch Catiwisui Daniel Clu) well C'eeuwood Abrilnm Drelbel bis, Jacob Plttn bcudi'r lleiii Ofk Reuben Ropsrt. Jackon tJeorgi Far t-r, I rn in Derr LocuHt lohn L. llirbi(junt;neritinger, 0. C. II wer IMw in J Im Minim-Jrthu Folk:, Henry ndlns, Tliomas A(un, Hiram Freas Mi'lism tfehemhli Wflliver. Richard IVmoit. Moiiitpiiiiaut John hipiusn, Fhilip Crawford. Paul Kline. Roirinjerpek Wil liam Drelkbach. R:ott -ll-ece Fairniau, Willmm Myers, Thoruat Pchiieidnian WillardC Green H'learloif Ceorgo Fiedman IlluOiiKb.irg M urn U,ld57. SPRING AND SUMMER G00D3 FOR ie.r)7. npllfi subscriber respectfully iuforma his K customers nnd the public gtncridiy. that he his receivoda tullstoik of choice S)rini( aim Summer woods. omprisinc a full uirorlmet.t of Clcthi, Casslmers, Satiuetts. Delaines irii7irs CaiJroL A.e. iKtlur with ti great vaiiety of otli-.r atticie. uiuallj Uvt in unuiiir aiures. ALSO -Hardware Cutlery, (ineentwuro Pali, Fih Moalifrcs. Iron, Steel, Half. Ceps, Hoots, blions. &.c. Mi Country produre, inrludlrg Grain, Lumber, &e. taken 10 eirli.'inne fureumlu 5 Tiiauaiui lor p.idipatrouage 110 rtspccimny usss coniUJ anc ui me same. THOMAS H. KVi:S. Mlllville,Mnreh2J,lPj7-r. SPRING AND SUMMER rpiICundeulsncJ respectfully Inlorm hlifncni'.on,. jl me diiii.ic at nrge uini ;ic rfsi vi in-iuniiiu uiut una, tiiabiisntuu .plenum LS) In lha flcrant new Stnrn Houne. luetprectcd In Roh rt burg. Columbia county, Fa.,wlierelie bda now opened large auo cjioico Hssoruueni 01 Spring auu bummer uoous. Which belt determines to sell on such terms nswlll nituco allat least in this vicinity, who are in wan 1 lerciiauuiie, to exteuu 111m tiieircutiom- H ib stock lusbeeii selected with muchcare and will1 rctereiiLO lo the wants oft hi s community nnd without 11 1 tip tniiittr into u iiunuiu c i literal o i o i o various litis lie nth uotnins inasuring his intruuN mui v ry thing nuilly ki pt in t'ountr) stores, can litre be ana "iiitie cueapci iiiuo uo itfr'Couiiirv nruduce. iticltidiiU' Gruin, Lumber, Ac. taken lueichaitgc for goods. Rohriburj, March 23, l?57,-y. CHEAP STORE. SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. rrUlE untlsrsigncil take pleasure in an- 1 nouiiclu tn lliclrriiflmiierH unit Itin uublic crttlr oily, llmt ilicy li.ivoJu.UicuiviiJ, at tliu Lline KUgu titore, a chole. aiBortniciit cf Spring aud Summer Goods, Comprising every aniclo usually hrpt in country Etof? mcii lme im, .nicctf.i with cam, aodnilt bo iul.latvory low price. for rendypov. t'fflfS'W" (r.tfhifh Whl 'Jm,M. VVU''JU'.3. lirilTiri.caTicorS f L'"""' C",",C'" try Country produce wun in udiancr for cod. ulinnpr for (tod y dit-fJUllul & G, LOW ilvo ui a call, nuuc rucua'i awoy airviiuiui (' IdJT Select Jfetni. Linos to a Bluo Bird. First messenger nf Rpringl I love to stnj of you, I love tho new you bring. At fiowcr-cup loVe the dew That Civcs it life and beauty, Kxpandt lis opening charms For thus, thyjoyrul tidmci, Iy heart and feeling worms. 1 love thy sweet, wild lay, So full of melody. An, pci died 011 tailed ai pen's spray It miavcrt Joyously, A thousand scenes ot splendor Heeei wurb'ed (roiu thy throat For Pp ring's untold abuiidauca, Is conjured by tacit note. Thy song h but tho prelude To Nature's "land djsptav, In rcsjrrectlng wondrous ond From Winttr's past decay In ucrkluit in other earth, In fjr mor lovelv scenes Than cro inspired Oenlus, Dreamed in her noblest dreams I The odor of Spring flowers. The hum of busy bee, Fresh from trulisied bowers. Finals In the passing breire, Nature's tune ful harmonics IJrtak forth in sweetttt praise. An 1 Join their thousand voices, With thy diar, simple la). Ihou fccm'it n weird mngiclan, Sweet bird! iliy thrillii'g notes Conjure tho full 1 ru it ion Ul'bltsilul. future hoped. Then ning thy loudest carol, Make I'll! and valley ring, Tor each loved lone brings near Tlio dawn of ceiitlo Spring 1 Aflifon, Fibruary iil, 1857. iilli0Cclianc3U0. THE BROKEN HEARTED. 11Y OEORQE D. PKK.NIICB. 1 havo seen tho infant sinking down like a stricken flower to the grave tho strong m'Ati fiercely breathing out Lis soul upon tho field of battle tho miserable convict standing upon tho scaffold, with a doep curso upon It is hps. 1 havo viewed deatlt iu all i'a forms of darkness and vengeance, with a fearless eye; but I never could look ou woman, young and lovely woman, fad ing away from tho earth, iu beautiful and luicuiainuiKiutr niui.uiuiuiy, wunoui tecum: 1 !.!.. . '.1 !! tho very fountains uf life turned to tears and uutt. Death is always terrible ; but when a form of angol beauty is passing oil to tlio silent lantl ol sleepers, tlio Iteart feels tint something lovely is ceasing lrom existence, and brooils, with a sense of utter desolation, over tho lonely thoughts, that coiao up liko spectres from tho grave, to haunt our midnight musings, Two years ago, 1 took up my residence for a few weeks, in a country villngo iu tho eastern part of New, England. Soon alter my arrival, i became acquainted with a lovely girl, apparently about seventeen years of ago. She had lost tho idol of her pure heart's purest love, and tho shadows of deep and holy memories were resting liko tho wing of death upon her brow. 1 brst met her in tlio presence ot tho mirth ful. She was, indeed, a creature to bo Wor liped; hor brow was garlanded by tho young year's sweetest flowers ; her yellow IocIir were hanging hcautilttlly and low upon hor bosom ; and sha moved through the crowd with such a floating, unearthly grace, that tho bewildered gjzer looked almost lo sco her fado away into tho air, liko tho creation of some pleasant dream. oho seemed cheerlul, aud oven gay; yet 1 saw that her gaiety was but tho mockery of her feelings. Mio smiled, but there was something in her smile which told, that its mournlul beauty was but tho bright reueo- tion of a tear; and her eyelids, at times, closed heavily down, as if btrupgling to re press tho ttdo ot ajouy that was bursting up from her heart's urn. fchc looked as if she could havo lelt tho sccuo ot testivity, and gone out beneath tho quiet stars, and laid her forehead down upon tho fresh green earth, and poured out her stricken soul, gush after gush, till it mingled with! tho eternal fountain ol lifo and purity; Days and weeks pnssid on, and that sweet girl yavo mo her ojuudenco, and I became to her as a brother. Tho smile upon her lip was fiint, tho purple veius up.m her cheek grew visiblo, and tho ca dences of her voice becamo daily more weak and tremulous. Un n quiet evening in Juno, l wandered out with her In tlio . . open It was .then that sho told mo jgy Tho following are said to be infal tho talo of her passion, and tho blight that Hblo recipes : For preserving tho com had como down liko mildew upon hor lifo. j plosion tcmperanco , for witeuiug tho Love had been a portion of her cxisteuco. Lands, honesty j to remove stains, repon Its tendrils had been twined around her. tinro ; a beautiful ring, tho homo circlo; heart in its earliest years ; and when they I for improving the voice, civility ; tho best wcro rent away, they left ft wound which companion to tho toilet, a wifo ; to keep flowed till all tho springs of her soul wcro i away moths, good society. blood, 1 am passing away," said she, "and it should bo so. Thu winds have j Good. Quito a joke happened to ono gono over my life, aud tho bright buds of1 0f our doctor craft somo littla time since, hops, tho sweet blossoms of pasaon, aro ! Ho ordered somo very powerful medicine scattered down, and lie withering in tho dust. And yet I cannot go down among1 tho tombs without a tear. It is bard to j tako leavo of friends who lovo me; it very hard to bid farewell to thoso dear scenes with which 1 havo held communion from childhood, and which, from day to day, havo caught tho color of my life, and sympathized with its joys and borrows. That little grove whero I havo so often strayed with my buried love, nnd where, at times, oven now, tho sweet tones of his voice seem to comu stealing aroutid mo, till tho wholo air bcco.ncs ono intenso and niui mciouyi u.a Pe, sivo star in ! which my fauoy can still ptcturo his form ilooking down upon mo, and beckoning nio 1.1 .!. .1 on to his own bright homo: every flower, nn,i tr,n. ud rivulet, on whloh our oves had bent, it. mutual response, and bore - witticas to our cany soai, uavc pectimo .dear to me, aud I ctiuuut, without a sigh 'close my eys upon thtm foievcr," ' I havo lately heard tho beautiful girl of whom I have epokca, u dotd, Tho closo of her life was calm as tho falling of a quiet ftrcam eentlo as tho sinkini; of tho breozo that lingers or a time around a hod of t withered roses, and thcu dies as it wero , from very sweetness, whv is if. that t in raniimv.' ana riouui come over us uitli a boauty is not of' earth, and thou pass o(T and leave us to ntuso upon their faded loveliness! AVhy is it that tho stars which hold their festival around tho midtight throne, nro set so far abovo tho grasp of our limited faculties lorcver mocking us with Ihctr unapproacu tiblo glory I And, finally, why is it that tho bright forms of human boauty aro pre sented tn our view, and then taken from ui, having tho thousand streams of our affection to flow back in cold and Alpine torrents upon our hearts ? Wo aro born for higher destiny than that of earth, Thoro is a realm where the rainbow novo fades whero tho stars will spread out be fore us liko tho islands that slumber on tho ocean j and whero tho beautiful beings that hero pass beforo us, liko visions, will stay in our presence lorover. Jsnght cioature of my dreams, in that realm I shall sco tliw again 1 Evou new thy lost imago is sometimes with nie, In the mysterious si lence of midnight, when tho streams aro glowing in tho light of tho many stars, that imago comes floating upon tho beam that lingers around my pillow, and stands be fore mo iu its pale dim loveliness, till its own quiet spirit sinks liko a spell from Heaven, upon my thoughts, and tho grief of years is turned to dreams of blessedness and peace. A Stubborn Stripling- A big stripling, awkward youth, fresh from Vermont, oueo entered tho Dummer Academy at Dyficld, Mass. At that time tho boys aud gills were kept in oce apart ment, ouly tho middle aisle separating them. Ono day this Vermont stripling who had jmt been helping one of tho girls through u hard turn, thoutht it not more thau fair that ho should take toll fur his services ; accordingly ho throw his stalwart arms around tho rosy damsel and gave hor a sly but rousing suiitck which slariled the wholo assembly. '-Jcbcdiah Tower, come up hero !" roared out the preceptor. The delinquent appeared : his face glow ing with blushes liko a red hot winning pan aud looking as silly as a ninny, " tiold out your hand, sir 1" said tho peda gogue. " I'll teach you not to aot thus in this institution." Tho huge paw was extended in a hori zontal lino toward tho instructor, who sur veyed its broad surface with a mathematical eye calculating how mauy strokes of his small fetule it would tako to cover tho largo number of squaro inches which it outlin ed. " Jebedi.ih," at length he said, " thi3 is tho brst limo that jou havo been called up for any delinquency; now, sir, if you will say that you wcro sorry (or what you havo douo, 1 will let you oil this time without punishment I " "Sorry!" exclaimed tho youngster, unking an attitudo ot prido and Indiana tion; "sorry! No, sir, 1 am iut. Aud I will do jest so agin, if I havo a chance So, put on, old feller, jist as bird as you like, liy tho jumpin Jchosifat, 1 d stand hero and let you lick mo till kingdum hum aforo l u bo sorry at that, J53?- Mr. Jones, after having spent nu evening over his bowl, went homo a little ' how como you so," Ho was fortunato to Cud his bctterhalf asleep, Ho wont to Ixd, and altera moments consideration, he thought it would ho host to turn over, lost his breath should betray him ; when Mrs. Jones opened her eyes, and in tho mildest manner in tho world, said. " Jones, you ueedn t turn over, you re , drunk clear through 1' for n siok bov. aud tho father not likiug tho appearaneo of it, forced it down tho cat's throat. When tho doctor called again is! and inquired if tho powder had cured tho boy, tho father replied, "No, wo did uot civo it to hint." 'Uood heaven 1" said tno uoctor, "is tho child living I" " Yes. but tho cat am t wo navo it to her." Tho doctor sloped. E-Shopkeeper "Halloa, there; hero, you iiiuger, what aro you doiug with thoso boots i Nigger " Sah, I'so only jist takin 'cm away." Shopkeeper " Taking them awny, you scoundrel ; uon t you know that is stoat ingl" Nii'!?cr H Ho kcerful. ma:-sa. how vu 'cuso dls uiguarof stcaliu.' I'so morally insane." u canuoi no ui;n carui uuu B ouiy i uuio, ami nr. jvjiskleii, lor several years of tllQ g,al Mcj j10 i1s ,s0 l0D atjidinsjilaco. it cannot do inat our me is tito popular pastor ot a large Ucrman Uon. ... i- i i . n . n l,M,1r, nt n lv Hi nonnn of rtemitv 1 mvj.tfn,, in Hn1l!n,rn l,n,1 nl.o n.ln.l I With Credit to hltUSclf and benefit to to float a moment on tho wavo, and then ' as a teacher and pastor in Switzerland, I community. In expressing our regret, w sink into deep darkness and nothingness I pn poso to commence this spring a rcular but spoak tho sentiment of tho wholo com Else, why is it that, aspirations which leap ' and well organized Normal school, or ' muuity. As a gentleman, tcholar and ju like angels from tho temples of our hearts, Teachers' Seminary, iu Allontown. tii, JuJ Lou bll9 few c(.uahi anil vo aro forever wandering about ursatisnod f This school ta to bo conducted iu tbo . ' , . . ,, . . . Wl.v U it. that bn iaiubow Slid clouds ' laror, nr.l lnntifnUmihlinr, nf bn A Inn. bmCCrcly trust that WllCU tho UnVentlun Normal School in Allontown. Wo lnvo learned with groat deal of ploasuro that Dr. Hkvmolds, fiT many years I'rof. of ancient languages iu l'enn sylvania Oolle(;e, snd for somctimo l'rcsi j dent of tho University iu Columbus, i inrwn town Seminary, and with a special refer- . eneo to the wants of tho German counties of Pennsylvania. Dr. lloynolds is very favorably known .t. I... i.i i.... i. p lu uic lliurary icnu. uuiu us a mail ul learing nnd as a I'rofessor and Teacher. Ho is tho founder of tho ''Evangelical Re view,'' and has written a great deal for the public pro3S, As Principal of tho Allen town Teachers' Seminary ho will exert himself to train teachers to speak tho Eng lish in its purity and teach it correctly. Dr. Kc?slcr,as Qermau Teacher will give nil tho pupils a fair opportunity to learn to read and write tho noblo languago of Ger many in all its purity. Tho best arrange ments will also bo nude ti communicate such other branches of knowledge as aro required by teachers. It wo desire good schools tor tho pooplo generally, wo must, in tho first place, pro vido good teachers; for without good teach ers' there can bo no schools." Hut good teachers do not fall from tho clouds nor grow up from tho ground, but thoy must bo taught aud trained, for, "no one is bom a schoolmaster." ilo who is to teach others correctly must first bo taught himself. Mcro kuowledgo or scicuco gen erally is not sufficient to mako a man a good teacher of youth. Ihoro aro a great many learned mou whose attainments aro very extcnsivo,who aro yet not 'aft to teach,' and aro unfitcd to act as teachers. Teach ing and keeping school, to bo done prop erly, demand peculiar qualthoations, which must bo received by bein taught, and for this Teudterv bemmurtcs aro indispensa bly necessary. Dut if a school is to be good, tho training and discipline of tho youtia must go hand in hand with their instruction. Good or. dor or discipline is a part of the instruc tion which schools require. JNo ono should begin to teach until ho has learned from experienced teachers how children should bo treated, differing ns they do in their bodily constitution, in their mentjl charac ter and tho habits which they havo formed at home how is ho to proceed in order to lead in tho right way begins such as theso ? To this important branch ot tlio teacher s education tho proper attention will be giv en tho Allcutown bemtnary. l'or tho Uerman counties ot l'onnsylva nia uieio English teachers, who understand neither tho language, nor tho feeliugs and habits of our pooplo aro unsuitcd, and tho German counties should theroforo have somo of their own youth trained as teach crs, so that they may uot bo uuder tho ne cessity of bringing in strange teachers from abroad, It' a teacher entirely Eng lish has chsrgo of children speaking only German, tho ohildrcn do not under stand tho teacher and learning aro both alike toilsome and tedious, With such a teacher tho children may per haps loarn ta rcid English fluently, but they learn tho languago as mcro parrot3, by repeating whit they have heard without understanding the meaning of tho words, In this manlier an important part of tho precious school time is lost, tho children are net taught to think, their uudcrsUnd iug is not awakened, aud thus, with all their learning, tlio children remain igno rant simply because the teacher is not in a situation to speals intelligibly to his schol ars' and to explain nnd illustrate wuat they ought to learn. What is tho uso of Eng lish if it is not understood 1 A man might understand how to read a hundred cr a thousand languages, but if bo did not un derstand what ho had read, ho would after all, bo nothing tho wiser, tt is not tho letters ond words, but tho sense and con tents of tho words which enlighten the un derstanding and give loarning. Old and experienced teachers aro well awaro that a lorcigu or uuktiown lauguago is best acquired by translating it into our mother languago. l'or our German chil dren wo should, therefore, havo teachers who have iho coinmaud not ouly ot tho English but also of tho German, so as to bo able to oxcrciso the children by trans lating from German into Euglish and from English into German. In this way the childicnwould at tho same, time and without any inoreaso ot labor, learn not only to read but also to understand both langui gcs. And two languages educate tho mind bettor than ouo alono; two languages aro liko two eyes or two ears with which wo can fco aud hoar twico as much as with ono cyo or car ; or wo might cotnparo tho two languages to two keys, each of which opens a door of useful knowledge. Xho urst session ot tno Aitcntown xcacn ors' Somiuary, iu which it is proposed Jo givo teachers this thorough traiuiug in Euglish ond German, will open on tho 4th May, and continuo two quarters, namely uutil October. Any ono desiring further information in reference to this institution can obtaiu it by applying cither to Dr. Reynolds, or to tho Hev. S, K. llrobst, editor of the "Ju gend Eieuud, Allcutown, I'a. D. 1 tCT Cure for tho Gout board with a 1 printer Withdrawal of Judgo Lowia. U Hoop-do-doodon-doo I It U with unsigned renrot that wo pub- , Ubeenily a worthy mn, nH much h lish tho letter of Chief Justieo I.owis to tho 1 olsorvor of fashion, roturned t) his homo, Domooratio State Central Committee, do- I within twenty miles of usj ftor huing ab r.lTr,!nr tl.n nnminntinn n iiven ' sent in tho farncst about a yoar. Tho him for a position on tho Huprcmo Bench ' filled i the o , ro - 'msombio, ho will be induced to withdraw the letter, prompted by tho most magnan- iimou3 sentiments, declining tho uomina I .. vion. Wo hope yet to Lave tho privilogo of laboring to soeuro Lis election with tho rest of tho gentlemen whoso names ate found on tho Democratic ticket. West 1'ens SqiUhb, fAUB, rillLADELl'lllA, March i!S, 1857.5 To Cn.uti.ES K. RucKAi.EW, Chairman of tho Democratic Stato Central Committco : Dear Sir At tho lato Democratic Stato Convention, tho local claims of the different sections of tho State were generously waived for tho purposo of securing my continuanco in the high and important office of Supremo Judge. Tho energy with which thoso claims aro note urged fur tho offico recent ly vacated on tho Supremo Donch, shows tho extent of tho sacrilicos then made, and tho nature of the dissatisfaction which may exist after tine section shall bo gratified and the other disappointed by the anticipa ted nomination. The Convention, when ro-asscuibled, might be ablo to harmonize theso claims, if that body had two nomina tions to make, instead of one. I thcrcfuro feol at liberty to decline, as I now do, tho ro-nomination tendered to mo by tho Dem ocratic Stato Convention. In thus promo ting harmony, I consult my own earnest desire to retires from judicial life, aud at tbo same time put tho delegates to no in convenience, as they will bo obliged to come together again for tho purposo of nominat ing a caudidato to fill tho existing vacancy. I havo been laboriously engaged in ju dicial duties nearly twenty-four years a longer period of servico than that of any living Judgo in Pennsylvania. I have been thus engaged uuder threo changes of tho Coustitution. 1 havo aided to tho ex tent of my abilities in bringing up tho ar rearages of business, in replacing upon their ancient foundations some of tho land marks of tho law which had been inadver tently removed, and in maintaining tho purity aud tho independence of tho Judi ciary. I have constantly cudoavored to do justice without delay, lo ir, favor, affection or ill will. 1 now occupy, by tho voico oi tho peoplo of my native Etate, tho highest judicial position in it. My long career as a Judgo has received the approbation oi tho Democratio party iu tho ro-nominatioo so getiorou ly and unanimously undo by tho Stato Convenion. All my ambition is satisfied. I have but ono wish left, and that is to return to tho freedom and itide peudeuco of private lii'o. I do this with a grateful heart for thf long continued c-infidcucc of my fell w citizen, and in tho full trust that they will appreciate aud ap provo of my motives. Very respectfully yours, ELLIS LEWIS. Thk of Tuub Love .not Smooth YtT Considerable excitement has been created in our city by a claudes tino marriage between John Deau and Miss Mary Ann ISokcr, tho daughter of John O. Dokcr. Esq., a wealthy importer of li-(iu-.r.s in Front Street, Dean was formerly in linker s employ as a eoacumati. au attachment springing up between the par ties. Mr. D on leariling tho fact, discharg ed him ; but Deau managed to correspond with his sweetheart, and ou tho 4th init,, tho msrriago ceremony was performed by ltcv. Edward 1 llartficld, Mr. Roker, ou learning that tho marriago had taken place, resolved to set it asido, and shutting his daughter up in tho house, would not permit her husband to sco her. Dean sued out a writ of habeas corpus beforo Recorder Smith, but tho hearing was post poned ou Mr. D.'s promiso to settlo tho matter. Ho offered Dean a, handsome sum of mouoy to set him up in business in California, it ho would go thero and aban don his wifo. This ho refused to do. In tho mean turn Mr. ltoker, on the night of tho 18th, tried to get his daughter on board tho Persia, which was to sail for Europe tho next day, Dut sho contrived to let her husband know her father's intention, and ho applied to Captain McKce, of tho lutti ward, who vnicucu tuo iiouso " night, with an adequato police force, aud ricanism, though basely betrayed by dem prevented her being taken off. Poker also , HROguCs, who would barter principles for insiuuicu nouinu cm miuu iiiu umwiugv, outco, is not ucau, out a itvlug principlo, upon tho ground of Miss D.'s insauity. and will provo itself, uot ouly ablo to .via On Thursday, Doan sued out another writ ,Ucate its owu integrity, but to overwhelm Ul ftHVLUi Wi I'M UVIU.V V BI.J, M..W .f I.nfn.n .,,,.. lit. Ma tv!l(, , has appointed a committee of physicians locxamino and report in relation to Mrs. Doau'a mental condition, and adjourned tho case until Monday. Tho caso es.citcs much comment ; somo insist that a coach man has no right to tall in lovo with a rich man's daughter; others think poverty is no crime, and that tho parties 6ha'uld judgo for themselves. K3- Thero should boos littlo merit for loving a woman for her beaut) as in loviug a man for bis prosperity, both bung equally subject to change. first thing that puzzled him on his arrival was hU wifo'a sfeirts Ins wuo wis in tho habit of calling tho new hoopod Biirt " lloop-de-dooden-doo 1" A 1i-ly tatln her rocldrj ehilf. (Tlila tnle w. yet may rut) llrnklru metlcil rutin wij,iff rromhir Mlliopde tlo;dtn doot iter lord had cone a lon(r irny off. , pml ,tpd too long Hre. loo:) Ei. Hie lady i.tcrenicd her iklrtt at bom. With her t4ltoui de.doodcn doof Lnrig tnnrilh. on n year flew by, (To .lup lline'iil-tfcr suf..) Still ne lriytf sklMi In fiKhion iiuek oat fiOm her .lloop-du.dooden.uyo I' Toward winter time her lord cime hom. f (IVrll apt hit no, a lookrd blue.) He " emelt n rnnieM stared at thi eklrtei All! their "Hoop do-duodou dou I" At letiKth ho rpake untotiU wir (Now Kood wlvra nil .peak true,) '. My dear, ivlial make, you r fklrta eif all ot t" " VVIiy, my "llvop do dooLca.doo P' Thn good mnn saw'twai fa.liloli. whiin, tilveii a fathlon wive, piraue.) nm lie vow, hi, wire's .klits .rared him ao With h.r .-Iloop.dtj do-iden dool" Gen. Packer's Acceptanoo. Gen, Packer, on being apprized of Lis nomination for Governor of Pennsylvania, by a committco appointed for that purpose, was introduced to tho Convolution, and ac cepted the houor in the following addross: Mr. President and Members uf tho Con vention : For mo to assure you, fir, and tho delegates hero assembled, that I am thaukful for tho high honor conferred on mo, would bo but t'.intly to oxprcss tho profound feelings of gratltudo which I en tertain. To bo selected under any cir cumstances as a candidate of the Democratio party in Pennsylvania, for tho highest of ticu in its gift, is a most distinguished hon or ; but, sir, how vastly that houor height ened when such a mark of confidence is bestowed after an exciting contest, and after coming in contact with gentlemen so distinguished, so honorable, and so worthy as wcro my competitors on this occasion. Iu accepting the n:iniuation, Mr, Presi dent I confess I would bo discouraged wcro it not for tho reflection that the Democratio batalions in marching on to victory loo't less to their standard bearer, thin to lha flag of their party that good old flag which for eighty yoirs has ''braved tho battle and tho broezo" and upon whoso broad folds aro cmbhzonod, iu lottsrs of living lijht : Tho Union the Constitution; Tho equality of the States; Tho equality of classes ; Religious liberty tho right cf ovory man to worship God according lo tho dic tates of his own conscience. The right of tho people, in every gov ernment, to enact their own laws: That flag, Mr. President, w's doar to our fathers who havo gono beforo us, and around it tho Democracy wilh rally with that enthusiasm which has heretofore, -and will, I hope, again in October uejtf be crowned with glorious victory. Pennsylvania has just placed one of hor own distinguished sous in tho highest office in the world to morrow ho -will outer up on tho dischargo of his official duties what a burning shamo it would bo, if at tho first general election alcr his eleva tion the Democratic pirty should fail to sustain his administration. For my own part, in assuming the position assigned me by your partiality, I promise you, that so far as I havo ability, tho campaign shall be so conducted as it least to roflcct no discredit jjpon this Convention or upon thj Democratic party. Gcntlemeu, again I tliank you for tba distinguished honor y..ti hayo conferred upon me. But ono Sontiinout among Americans.. Wo nro ".ratified to learn thai thero is but ono sentiment among the eousorvativo anil national minded men of tics city, in relation to tho action of tho Republican Convention at Harrisburg, and that ono of indignant and unqualified condemnation. Tho Americans repudiate its action, and will refuse to support its nominees, becausu they aro national in their principles, and will support no ono fur office, who is n sectional jgitator, and docs not recognize and endorso American principles; and thoy havo accordingly a ready started a move ment for tho h dding of an American Stato Convention, to nominato a ticket worthy of their confidence aud support. In this movement, in defenco nnd sup port of Americanism, we havo no doubt all Lonest and true Amnein.m ,l,,.n ,.!,. out tho interior wi I cordially unite. Amc- 111 itrliomv tho ltpnillllil-nn Iniilnna proclaim their purposo to be to crush it out. Daily (It hig) iTcui, llEAUTlI'UL SIMILE. Tho attention nf a little girl being called to a ro.-a bush, ou whoso lupnioat stem tho eldest roso was fading, but below and around which threo uuaumui uuuj wero unioirting their charm, ' sho artlessly exclaimed to her brothor, kSee )V,.1!'lc ""wc littlo buds havo just awakened t0 tl3 tll0lr wofher b fore she died," ' '" 1 ' CO" Pi. est, Jib work '