TUB FARMER, "7rstlaytMr'ff araM lrM, Fram HeMrtker Farmcri Mb. Mimn : I am highly pleased with your mosl valunAilo paper, tho Northern Fanner.cspcciaHy tlio Youths' Department. If you eco fit to publish thereto tho linos below, you will ubligo mo anil exhibit to tho numerous readers of tho Farmer, tho calculations of one of your subscribers, a boy twelve years old, and tho son of a far mer, - ' V.V.ti . Columbus, Ohenango Co., N. Y. 1 have some EliahBhea lions you see, Thai lay llioir pretty egga for mo ! I keep lhJm well, I led them corn, And gat tier in their eggs each morn. JWccal Ihera all hare none to (ell, Myfathor likes their egga to well! Tihlnk It right I do indeed . .s Tor father furnishes tbelr Iced, When lummercoroes I on Incline, To fave eomo eggaand call them mlno ; ,Andbitld tome nests, and tit ray bene, ' 'Andliatdiout chlckcna by thotcna. '4- i i When the litlto tlilngsaro sr.mll, I'll build ii coop around tlicma II ; And nurto them with my tender care, "Andlnthofjllsiroraatharc. - not kill or sell my part, nutstlr aroundtobrlsknndtm&rti Gather them food that I will do, And keep them all tho winter through. Thus 1 nm rcaolvcd to preserve, In raitlnehentfrom yeartoycarj .Then sell them olTnt prices Bleep, " AnS lay my money cut In sheep, Tho sheep l'lllicetinnd multiply, " "Ani sell the wool when It Is high s "Xndfrnly pirns wotk liken charm, ' -'l Wlllsalt my thcepand buyn farm, Ianircsolvcil wh.n thenlodo, l'llbuilda houso, and paint it too, rencomyfarmwlthn fottrfool wall, litvothcrc, nnd keep bachelor's hall, v. Corn Meal for Cows. In 'tho fall of 1850 1 began to food throo farrow cows for tho purpose of supplying a milk .man in this vicinity with milk for mar ket.;' 'i had a few sugar beets ond turnips with 'which I bogan, and as I designed ilio farrow cows for tho butcher in tho spring, 1 commenced giving them meal from barley, souio t'ou bushels of old grain, then corn meal'alono, increasing till they ato one pock each" per day. I tried it -cooked and raw, wcf. and dry, mixed with cut fodder, composed of hay, straw and corn stalks cut together, varying tho amount of each as convenience may -suggest, as I think all animals requiro a variety. JVofcj; for'tho result. Tho cows increased in'imilky giving more on tho above feed thaii'thcyhad on grass during tho summer. ConCr'ary ta my expectation, they did not improve very fast on tho food given, and I was olligcd to dry them up early in March, to got them fit for the shambles.. Sly cows thus were coming on in the spring had two quarts of corn meal per day, and they also gave liberally. The milk being sold daily, gave an excellent oppor tunity' of testing tho' amount .given at tho time.' I made up my mind that corn meal was tho best for the milk cow, and still think so, if good, rioh milk isw taned- Hlrits on Transplanting. l.-In setting trees, let tho holos be dug"from two to thrco feet wido, and from tcrito, sixteen inches deep, and partly fill tho holo with good mellow earth, before placing tho treo in iho hoi?. 2.' Prune off the ends of all bruised roojts, and pruno tho, bodies up to thrco or four liinbs, and ihcso should bo shortened to yhrco or four buds, except tho poach andjlwarf trcos, the bodies of which should not'bo pruned up but should be shortened in from tho top by cutting off half the last year's growth. 3. Placo the tree in tho hole, and'- fill with.good mellow oarth or top soil, cxclu ding'all largo stones, sods, or manures from coming in contact with tho roots. Take hold of the trco and shako it gently up and down, as to cause tho fine earth to Biftih'and fill up all vacant places between tho roots, at tho samotimo raising the trco to its'propor height if too docp.which should not bo deeper than it stood in tho nursery. Tho point where tho roots commenco to branch from tho trunk of tho tree should bo within 6no inch from tho top of the ground. 4J1 In tho fpring, long manure or litter should bo placed around tho trco for tho spaco of thrco feet. This serves as a mulch, and preserves tho roots from drouth. 'Trco3 will grow fast if treated in this way, 5.-. Tho ground should bo cultivated to som'o hbe'd crop for several years, and if tho ground" is wet, it should bo thoroughly drained. 'Remedy for lite Bark Louse. Thomas A, Graven, of Franklin, Now Jersey, writes to tho Country Qontloman that a certain icmcdy for bark louso is touso tho common Bal-Soda. wLiolt may bo had nt any drtl'. .T. .i,.i. .1 i i C1SV8 10r ftUOUt lUreO CCntS tlor nOUntl. DLssoIvo it in water, allowing ono pound of tho gal.soda to each gallon of water. When well dissolved, apply it with an oldj whitewash hmsh to tho limbs and trunk of tho trco. It destroys all inscots which harbor under tho loose bark, nnd effectually kills tho bark louee. Mr. Craven used it in sprirjgand autumn,, when tho trees aro not inMeafj ami its effects aro astonishing in giving a new vitality to th6 trco. t i ! t y a- l ,i , ImellUS Ink. bis cents worth Of mur - Tjjio' cjjrop of vinegar. This Ink is war - ranted indelible!. KiJk AND Omnibus 11. II. Line. THE underslgnst. rospeetfully informs his friends and the public that he has taken the KieAtjrsiPtn,ill liloomsniirB, iwehicii " ,.,-'v.. directly opposite tho Court House, which hat been throughly repaired and Improved, where he It pre pared to arcommodiitn his customers with good liro andlngcnoraltatltrnetioo. ,, He also hat In connection with the Lichango Ho. "'"""OMNIBUS LINE, runnlngrcgulnrly.icvcrnttlmet per day, to nnd from In tlennlnn I li n rrlVftt OflllO Cn I .. llV V. lliCll n.lttenff' en wlllbe pliatantly conveyed to the nepolBlatlon.ot taken rrom fllliireiurnea io lueir rEii.n-.iiH, n ..,,,:.. Zf llewiii niwaysiia nappy to enieriam modatc hit friendsto the utmost ofhls abilities. rCTKR UlLI.MI'.VElt, J'retrlrrsr, ninomsburg i April , ,1638 y, UllliAr WATUHKS AND J c w c 1 ' y Store' Nortll.ri street cornerui viuni Hold Lever Wnlclics.fulljcwcled Hold I, opine, is carat Silver I.evcr, fall Jewelled Hiver I.cpinc, Jewell, Suporioraucrticra, Hold Spectacles, fine Silver do, Hold llraecleta, Lndio't Gold l'cnellt, HlvcrTea Snnons.sct. D 00 7 00 7 00 1 50 3 00 1 BO s on 1 00 Gold Pens with pencil nnd silver holder. Watch classes, plain 13 j conte, patent 18, , l.unctSSl other articles in proportion. All goods warranted In l.o what thrv are eohlror 8TAOFFBR tt IIARLRV. O- On handsome (loldandSilver Levers .fc I.enlno (llllowor than theabovopilccs. Octl 1650 DYER'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Fa. IntSoUnml wetlknown Ilotcl.lnlhclowr of CiittauiaHa,losiil1 kept by tho under tictirJ.am1liiflDitnofnlilkci.se laws, ho it stftormlnpil to tnatcphi linnc one of the most comtoitu hloplnerafortravplcrptoplop nt, tlmt rnn he fountl In the interior of rci.nnylv.mf i Ilia tnMsvvillhcruriiU). Gil dally wiiit ine icf i tno ;warKeican anoru. trj'Myol.irricnilsonaiMvcllctPsciiarallynrc Invited torall. JACOU DYH. Mny2i,isi5. y . Esynlowu Coach ami Wagon Fclory, rpliniindrrsjjn'4'! hnvlrg gucrccded Jacob S. V.vo X In tho Wagon and Coach making buslncflii.at his atnnd,ln Esnytown rcspoctlulty intorm their ft lent and tho onblic, that I hey contliiucwill tho Wagon Making MitswcsSj InnlUiiB drpiitnicntu, where they will bo hmry trro ccive orders aiidpri-mptlyexcciucallfciutnofali.thcli line, wiui iieaiucfBanuurrpnicii, tri Wiiooi barroun made to order, and all hinds ol rupairlngdono on sliortnotif e. Hip)tovn,June?, 1S5G y SrLENDID NEW HVGGIES TWV, subsciibcr rcBpoctfnlly inforina the niiblic in general, lhat he has nst finished and now offer a lor sale, a otuf 2i. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUOOIUS, at his ware rooms. on Mam Htrrct, n few doori below this omcc, (opposite riiicM mo e'reet,; niniieoitncDcst maicriattfinished In the tlrststylc of thear', antiwar ranted to giva B.itiif.iclinn. X3r lie fuviicu his friends to cnlt and cxamlncfo tlicnisnlina. March 15' 1830, "SUPEiTFlIOSPHATE OP LIME. mil 1 1J sabsciber proBent to tie notice of ranncr.and Xuthfrn interested, tho above article. j no Oicci i Icncy of our preparation has been so well known for many years pjBi, inai we uccin ii. unnecessary to sny muchn reepect to Its mprils, Iml mcrcl v remark that during n lotiRscrief of yrnrs, its purity and value ai a stimulant lor the growing crop, ami as a Permanent lllamu'c havobnen thoroughly rt-lablhihcil, Our Svper Phosphate rfUme is not changed in Its' char nctcr every season. btit is wliat it purports to lm uni form In t.s chemical constituents, nnd is relied upon an the Beat Tirill IJzcr in use lor CORN, OAT3. WHEAT. TOTATOS, GRASS, and other crops rcauirliie a vigorous and lasting manure. Pamphlets describing it and the mode of applying, can bo had gratuitously at our Etorea.or by mail when urisjri'M, JAUriOX. lie particular to nbscrvo that every narrclof our nrtkle has our uamcand thatcf Potuand Klttl branded on the head. 'JhU Caution is render, ed nccssary nstltero are eo manv o nicies of doubtful vnlue sold under the name of Super rhogpateof Lime, fl to niiehnd those who are unacquainted with tho value of a Genuine Article. Price $ 15 Per 2000 lbs. 2 cents per lb. A liberal deduction made to DHALIsHB, Since last fall there lias been imported but one cargo oftheceItbrairl PAUiriC OCCAX GUANO, which weoUcr for sale in soiull lota. FISH MANURE. A supply of tills valuable article for sale. Price $30 icr 2000 lbs. lj cent per lb, NO 1 GOVERNMENT PERUVIAN GUANO. For sale at tho lowest rates. The leading AgricuUnralJournahand Navsnapcrs are regularly filed at our office for the use of Farmers. uiih a mil nssoitmentol t'ls, snltahlo lor Ml nertand store keepers' i-su, Si-erm and ai'ainantine Uandl.s, n$"We arc nlsorgcnls forKinrsfoiils&Sons,Odwc. go I'ure Stalcli, corn ttar.h and l'rcnar.d corn. ALLEV i. NEEDI.Ea, No. S3. South Wharves and 33 Soulli Water St; First rrorc ahovo Cesnut sireei, riuladeliihia, March 7. 1857. 3m. rAKJlEIia' UEl'OT ANU I'LASTER MILLS, AT THE JUNCTION OP York.lcenut, Crounand QiltoirMllStrtett, PHILADELPHIA. WE offer a largo stock of Chemical Manures an rcrtilfizcrtQt low price-, nud war ranted to be Genuine; anions which will be found : J .(JOU tons Nol tjover timunt I'uruvlan Guano, 1 hdO tons Do Uurg's No. 1 Super jflmrpliula of Lime. Tlic above ttnnilard nrlicics nrd, tadi ol (heir kind, the best in the world 1 Our Lftnd IMnsipr. iiiaimlVic. lureit from selected stone is celebrated thioughoutthe Union for itftliuritynodttrench. Wi; INVITE ORDUitS Ton, Do Hurt's No. 1 tiupcr IMioi-liale of Lima. No, 1 Government iVruvhn Guano, rrench's Improved Hup-iMiojphato of I.ime. K ranch's niiludeliihia fundi cite. No. I i'hosphato Guana, (Philad'a Co.'s) Mexicun Guano, (A) Kitrn Laii'J ,uu Ori'unry Laud 1'1'iicncl Chemlnal Ko.ic, l'ure Uonrl'ut. fish Guano, Ground Charcoal iuuuu iarrcii innii I'lauer 5.U0U " ('nslinz flatter lil.uno llvilraullc Cti'icnt. 3 000 " '1'ruo Uonnn Cemi'nt, I. too 1'orlhiid (English) Cciotl.i, ALSO Dentist' rifMfr. I'nwdcrud Anthracite Coal hi bbli PtcrrotvpePJAMer 1'owdcrcd Qilttmlnnnscoal nibble Gljii 'fjli'fl Jo (J round Brown Stniictlii blls Ground Soup Stone White Kami, 'In bbls. do Whito Varble . Ground Uricks fir Painters, di blue Marble Powdered Itnno Uldtk. rUUNCIK RICHARDS & CO. Steam Mills and Parmer 9 ItVpru. Jit Junction of York Jicenue, Crown and Ca'levMU tntts- PHILADELPHIA. March Ttli. 18i7,-Cnn LANDUETII'S EXOELSIOIt fJOIiN rvn. siiELi.r.RS, run hand oh powep..- rv Ve make four sizes of tho nbovo Corn n? Bheiieis, ana warrant tuem lo give satlsf.ic Y7W ti tiou, or the money rcturnej, Tlinynro for superior Ip rtuy now nt Uto market. Wilt' dlg'i)Ut to i".crs, Rfiiilin's Patent Power Corn Shllers and Cleansers al-ij inanuficturod andfur sale, wlulejale und retail, by J. LANflHETH fcSON.O. Implem"llland Seed Warehnuskc Nos. SI ana'JI S, SIXTH St., below S1nrlh) 11 wiumiui u u a iny. 4 uiuia. November, 15,l50. Phlladovbia.lh I CIDEH MILLS. ' Styu 500 KRAUSCR'B PATENT IMTROVEU rjPj.rORTABLE CIUr.R SIILLS. W are now raWimaniifacturing tlicso unrivalled Cidor Ultra. i a-greatly iniprovnl and strengthened since last I irofiv (Iml unit ulntilv nn nru nt U'hn aniln .sn.l f . - i Mil's shipped to any part orthe Union. ' Tortho character and finish of his work he rcftr. to PAsCIIALL MUIIRIS U CO., 'suehnshn has mad) Is this county. Ho will furnl.h Wliolcsalo and Retail Dealers In Agrlcultllrallmnle.' ue.inns fortiork orciccuteanvtlutlnnvbefuriil.il. 7th and Slarkctstrcets, Philadelphia. STAR COHN SIIELLEUSj A Hill supply of tlic premium Star Corn nsiiollers.lroin i our own Mauufactury, now nrailontcil for either liliiul or horse nouor. , auu aru w iisvcii io oc tno test tntiicriii nm inarsci. 1'ASCIIALI.. JlOlillia t L'O. lniplemint onu Heeit Qioro, Jlli and Market i'liludclpMa. Nureinlicr 5a, 1850, GARDEN PUMPS, TIlltOWINO a stream or water 50 io nn rem. nn.l Iron I.ITt nnil Puree Pntnn. Iin.n nnn. vvrsrtiioiirs, lurnipurins, ivneai uruis.wun oat .n4and fJrassHjwers attached, Flow, or various i paiiern. onu aizos, sinar. a no ejpanainc Harrows, JOoru's premium putent Butter Worker.anew nrtlrto , pascuall Monnm u co.. m unpiemeBiandrjeca ptore, 7tlia.dIaielitiettf,VHIIailelplila SAVING F1IIVD Or Till! MriO.VAL SAFETY TRUST CO.W.1AT. BBWBL Mil WALNUT Street, South West comer f TlltRO, l'Uilmloli'lifi. Incorporated by the Uiato of t'onnsytvnnia. Moiipir ii rcp.veii I n nnv sum. Inrci or mnll nnd lntereit pnttl from tho Uy of deposit to tlioday of vMimirnm, The oillcft l ntiGti cverv daw fioni 0 o'clock In tho inorntttf till 7 o'clockln tlio evening, ond on Monday, rind Thursday evening!, till 9 o'clock. INTEHEST FIVU PER DENT. Ali unis targe! tr imull, ore paid back in COLD on demand without uollce, to any am on nt President, lion. 11UNRY h. UEN.Vr.U. Vlcol'resldent, KOItERT UELmiuan Secretary, WILLIAM J.llUHD. Dircctortt Henry L4 Dcnncr, O.Landroth Munnn HdwardL. Carter, F. Unrrnll Urowittr UobcrtSPlfridne, Joseph D. Harry, Hamticl K. Ashton , Henry I. Churchman, jameiif.pmitlii r rancid wc. Thiiconinanvconflneft ita UisiiiPM entirely tn tha rpccivinj oi nicnry on tmvivu i iru iKircainicnig n tnonniinpio nearly, nrj Mii.i.inv and a ii At. ! fiP nor.T.Aitai per pnbllshedrcport of AtfCTS,nro made (n rnn nrmitv with the proviMns of iho rliarlrr In UHAL USTAtfi, .110nTtiAaE3,IIllOUND HUNTS, nndmirh lirrt ctais iecnrilica.'.aswil I always Insurr perfect re curily lo the depositors, and which cannot in I ta rivo permanency and liability to this old nn I welt on lab. iished Inatitutmn, (fcb. 1 , 1825.) iAIarchTth. 1W7. STKAM ENC3INES AND IfOILEH. rltC subactibcr is now prepared, with now Machine ry, to build statiouary engines. Irom 5 to IOU Imrto oinaio iouiinrt.0 , tower, upon the latettlniproytdptans.anil w-ill I.nildto trdcr donblcand siuijle pnrmMc engine? from 10 to 10 ioropQWcr,lliiigcd upon carriages, with lloilcr Rear Ing fepumps nil complete nnd ready for action. Alio -c Under llucand tubiilarholltTB cntt tron con! Ireakjj in patented in 1830, Tor tlircslilug srain nnd crackinr lorn and now nmdo on n largo scale for crocking oj orcakltifr coil. HeaVvnilninir nutnns ami tiro tiininfi i ringed cnmidctewiih doublo nctinp rorkinff punuu.ni kltul of mill Rearing in.! house casting mails to ordcrl Llinjsiianiug with nnydcHnil bizcb ol pulley a finishc I with Itanirrr Ironnlnninz done savUl feet Inn-r; n. kliuh of Iron turnirg hc.ivy press mid other icruw turned witli any dci-ireil pitchnfihrpad. , i nuocai liouo iron Lrircntng .uarnirtcs, inai over conic before the public, cat Iron anil wt'oden machines I made to order. Lever power, chain or tread rower raado tocrdcr Also takes ordcrsforthefiiltowlnpinao chinery: Harrison'? litnst p Umtarnii) mill, $101)0 of- 1 feredby the Patentee Iorit4 final. It will srlntl Inyood Ilnnmcal25 biishplBin one hour. Alsoljoltiandclcva , tnm.it) In nrdpr.alsollnpsjlo's I'atpntlllowcr.n'aniir.ictur- mn, u80 wlh ltocieast imntinl ofnower. o IS of SSSi wiin nn tin iibh nt I bo Pntimlrv fur avhihiitnn a ii... inpnoove wonts winoe warrnntca tobi what thoy nro sold for. Al.o Take nrdors for Peon's Talent niacksmltli Slriker, and richts to nso them inthccounlicsnrColiint bin, Montour, Northn mho rla nil, l.yconi i ng.Snlljran and Clinton, one of which enn be seen ntmy shop LEWIS II. M AUS, March 55, 1650. Blnoinsburi;. Columbia it., PllISUDlCTII &UUOT1IFUS. WHOLESALE NO, 103.NOUTII TIIIIII) ST11EKT , rjvc doorsbclow llncc, i'lllLADELPlIlA. Janrnrav 10. 1 855.. C. C SADLER f CO., NO. 0, Norlh Water Street Philadel- nhla COMMISSION MERCHANTS, anil dealer, in Lard, Shoulders, Cheese Hams, Uuclicts, 1'orks, Flour Slc. Aplil 1.1S55-ly. Dr. Francis C. Harrison, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of lllooms Imrg jnd vicinity, that heh iscouimenceil the prac tic n 1' Mlmcins and gunufcHy, mid solicits a share o publlcpalrou.'i're. lid enuitwaysbo found a ttliti Exchange Hotel opposite Court llo'jyo, lileomsburg, Tcb. 2,1823, II o r.i ce o p a 1 h i c I' hysi ci ant RESl'ECTI'ULl.Vtendorshis I'ro.'esrionnl Bcrces to the citizens nniloonibb urn and vicinity, gene rally CJ- Olilco on tho comer of Alain and Iron cUreols nioumsburg, Adjoining Mr llroivcr'sStorc. 8ept. '-"J, 1855. MONTOUR II OlISi;, CORNER 01' MARKET AND MILL STEEET3, finnieiilatctf opposite the Court Jloute.) DANVILLE, l'A. HAVlN'fJ been recently renovated and refurnUlicd In nstiprrior style, this elegant Hotel is now rcopn tor the recrptionof strangersandvisitors,whosepa ronago is rcbpcctlully re'tui&tcd. 8. A.EHAnv, Iyi5, 18511. LIG IIT ST11EET OYSTEPi. SALOON. npIIE unilcraigned inform tltcir. it friends nnd tho public in general, that ttieyliavo opened a new OYSTER SALOON, Under the front bascmrnt of their Store, on Miin Street, whore they are prepared to accommodate nil uho miy Fee fit to give them a cull, will; CI1UICH OVHTIJ RS, nnd other etceteras, hi the best u'.ylc of prepe cation and at very modcratr prices. MULIUK U CZIUA3V. Mghi Street, Nov. l,815fi. PKEMIUM AO KIOULTUHAL DIPLE- jrol Iniplcmentsolthe veryhestiualllv.nianufac Vir(,rrii ai our nencuiuirai 11 nrnst uriBioi, i n- ... 'v tl.n Ia.iucI - i.t. nrlr. ...'inlnanlnnr rnlntl rt ! wlllchallenco coiupariKon with those manufacturedby 1 any other eitablUhinent in the country. The first pre ! m lu m of one hundred ilollarswun awarded u? by tho ' Committee Gf theU. S, Aatlniliural Hootty.lo their 1 lalu Llnhibition at l owclton, for "tlnliest ditplay of AprtculturuiimpieuientsmaiiNiaclurcil by theenhihitnr. Kvery nrtlrlcsoled by us i wan en ted to Leas repre sented, ur the muiicy rcturnrd, I). LANDUDTII U ?ON, Implements nnd Srad Warehousr, N o2 1 and ':i.iioutli rintli street, Vhtladclphia. November 6, 16-G. liAUUERING k HAIR DRESSING S A L O 0 1ST. TIIH underlined rcspnctful)y informs his cld custo mcrsand the pnblicin general. ll'St lie continue THE B.WBEnhW DUSrXhlSS, In'all its various dcpnrlmrnts, In the old stand, Ex eolumMi Democrat OtIlT, on Mn Street, llloonnburi!, Whcro ho willnlwnys be happy to accommodate hi rustfimcrs Oil tlglA ailUlll (110 lUU'St fclJU OIU1U iaillDIl- atjIe'ir'' ' Oi:QttGE SMITH. Itloomsburg Novomhrr lcSC J3, I KE1V MARBLE YARD IN nLOOMSnURCI. JlllLJLiM o. KjJUVJi 3 rtfionc.l n M trMn V.ifJtit tho rnrnn. nf Mo In nr.. I TT LJ. Market Streets, where ho is prcoareillo lluuli the ' . ' s. . ..." . , ,in 'N rr t !, po-iio rniiVriiu I JUUrt U .ULilM IB, XU.Ul, Tomb-stoncs, Tobies, Slaotlca, Window-sills and len n. ' 1 luny kand reasonable In price. inoooisiiurg, iiec.o, rejii. JjAHlVliN ii 1'AUK.Ku. I cjUCOUasORStoI.ljluroot&ainedloy.manuracturcr. O and wholesale dcilersln ra HATS & CAPS, AND Straw Goods, No. 11 Nortlt H'cond sirect, nmt door above the Madison House, I'll II. A 1KI, I'll I A. Merelianta visllinif the city will mid It tn their oil vannee!lo call andoxaiiilno ourgoodsbaforu nuking releth. leetlons. Marall 15,1653. y, HENRY ZUPPINGER, Clock ami Walclimaker. South Side of Main Street above thcRail Road. ' elrv-RIaiiiei for hiintli)n u.ntfhoi .noif.s.i.L t.. 1 K.1S ' ' uiooiQBtiurg, Aug, iin, it 8TATJE FITWD OFFICE Next door to the Post Office. M EockStrccl,Vhiladclphia.m.. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. ALIi HUMS OF MONEY RETURNED ON DEMAND. rpHE STATE SAVINGS FUND, No. 83 Doolr. Stroor. next door to Third Street, JL an.ladjolnlnff the rostoinre, receives money on deposit dallyfromO In tho morning until a In the after noon: also Monday evening. froni71ni)o'e1oek. Interest perannum. ncposiis Mil be rei't'neii in wnoieor in part on iiimanii wiinoui nonce. Thepopulsrlty of thlsoitlco withml elasset of the communily, tothlu town and country, nnd Its consequent I t.l II Am,M.nni.Mitnnl.,p,nnnilliln nRj nr,.(llnl.1n iucl.nn!cS.rinrrS.MInoTinfcUhfrMnn(lollwhohavefHnd(in ( aany time Yitli flvci cr eent tutcrprttt.lfWI. .i.i,.u.i..uJ vut urnositors rcrcur nonnaiiiii-M minncioi nii ny n'ltl... hn..fe. .....a ......Ii.,.. Tt.rtf aiinv n nntrt . I n Idcposllt.wlihuul.licinteivehllon ofilteei'iorinr Administrators. Any one or moro persons may deposit In hlti her ortiifir ninrj or lot nny oinor rr,on nrpnrions, I nd, A llcpnit Is inide caclijeariotho Leglsbiuroand Council sof tho City, 1 3i!i. ThcOillccMare swoin bcroro they enter upon their ilutlesin addition to tuvlnj nondt with sureties. Sth. The Stnto aavlnps I'und is ni-MlSaTlnf. run.l nelan lnsiirnnronndTruitCnmpany. OurlarBClistorne. jioiitouau l tho l'hlladclphla publlchavobecncntcful to observe that thochartcr avoids the butldcst and risk of (ih. Intercslln this rainpan doet potceate fourteen days previous to tho wlth'tawaloflhc money, "Hi. In order toaAoifcvcryr a-onahla facility to lirpo.ilioiswho resident a dlstnnro Irnm I he iifnre.thelrdrpo. tltt'artpormlltedtobo wlihaiu n by rhicks.alur tho manner cutlomarvwlth the Bnnkt.uicck Books willbo I lurul.hcltodcpo.ltors withoiiii it arte, ,1,,.mi,,in .,, .,. whcrcthechara,toroitholMiltut nltbcttknowii.iaagia.lfyingfacttowhlchlhoj CIIAULtlH d I MtiAY. Tre."9Ut WATCH & .BWELEY 3E3MPORIUM, NO. Ill South Second Street, A few doors below Market, ritlladclphin. mHB nndotil'relrcs'iseiriilly rail, tlw attention of iln-cltlicin of lllooinslurs In p.irlleular tUtopcu tf i ColamMaco..ty...;s;prai.lou, orBtor.co,nl,ln VJA ms ill it ilociiu ItirsaandmnitHinelGnt "W ,h Unlon.l, entirely uciv.ancl of most j'CJ '.)) v7oMc"r lVatr'hos,lallJoWcllcJ i "a! , , Wjlthes lull Joivcl p:i 31". nnil ovor, :ZZZ7Xntci, e, Te nicVw Other articles old for . . ,. ... . . n.1.1 'AilgUBtil.lB35.-y' - II RW DRUG STORE. CXCIIANOU 11I.OU.K, MAIN STREET, Bloonsbiirg. Tlln iinii-ritnciiwoiililri,spoelfnllrlnformlil friends and tho nubho generally, that lio lias purchased Ilr, Tniga f llriiganJ Chemical Bloro, nnd Jnsl returned; frouilhecity with nlargoand select ttoek, consisting ul Ficsli and Pure JJi ul's, Mc.liclncs.Chciniralt.Rrnundiiniltvlioleiiplcrs.rnlnts, n:i. vn. i, i.i,a. Hip Pintrs. Window Cllassof all siniM, r'.'.'"' ".7." : . .n,i.t.. rv.n,i. .,..! L?..!, I1 ,? iiVii B ti .t acc o 7s a r i . f o n c y 0 oa n a S3 1 a v Intr i:r,.nt.i Pure Wines anil ISrandieB, For Medicinal uro, EnstUli, 1'renrhnnd Amcrlcnn I'cr fumoryi In short, avcryartiol4kopibylrueglots gene rally , , , rTProrrlnllmncarelully compounded. N. U 'Iho Dlntii, 1'RoFBFiioM, will, be eonllnucd In lUoonuburgand Light Siree.. Cloinnhir, rebnnry 1, 1857. WEST 13RANCII TNSUKANCK CO OF LOCK HAVEN, PA. IN5U11E3 Delacl.cd Rulldlnas, Stores, Merchandize, I'jrm Property, andollier Uulldings.and lliclr nm. tents at moderate rntos. Capital 83,000,000. DIRECTORS linn John J Pearce, Hon (1. C. Harvey, Jinn II. Hall, T. T. Abiams, Clinics A Mayer, 1). K. Jackson, CharlosChrut, W, Wliltn Tcter Dickinson, Thoims Kitchen, HON. B.C. HARVEV, rresidolll. T. AnaiMs, Vice I'rcs. Tiios.KiTcitES.Soc'y. 11.0. Uimak, lien Agt. 1.L.1 L.i.L.u.a. fl.itniiolll Lloyd. Thos Itownian ,D. D. A. A. Wiiic-uarder, L. A. Mackny, A. While, James Uulccilo, John W. Miivnarrl. Hon.riiinonC.inicroii, Win, Vniidcrbelt, Win. renrnn, llr. J.S, Crnwtord, A. Updegraff, James Ainlrong, Hon Willlnm iliglcr, W. WIltT, Acnt, illooinsburg, Junel, 1?;0 WHOLESALE AND REIAPL CONFEOTIOXARY & FRUIT STORE Oyslcr ami Eating Saloons. TNR iinclerslRned, rcppeciniUy inrniijsr, the citizens of (tloniu$biir( and the ptib&Oj ilic In general, that Ihey have boiiRhl the intnrpot nf Mr. llolTniati. in the cbovo Hsiablishmcnt.onMain titrect, lilomiif Imrg, and nlen n cenernl P.tiltcry, t'onfectinnary, nnd Oyttcr C-'tnl liinl mcnt. where tliey willat all Uicn-sKecp a full suppijif Proisinns tttt meats nnd P.itnldos, eucli nj (Irrnd Plpii, Sweet Pontoea. Cheese, Mai Krel, icc. scrvid up ,n cood ordtrand on moderate n tins, Tl'fir Stock comprises n larto mi p ply of Ahnnnds Pis, Karons. Prunes, Nuts, AVnlimlK. Uatf-s.Tt t ni co Cigars, t'tc ,1w-iih every imcsin iblearticlein their line of biuliir8H,and of the best iunlity. Families supplied nln'l tinier with Urcnd, Cakes. Pies, Oysters, &c , nnd nil orders promptly hlti d. Cash paid for Counlry produce and the public custom respectfully iinltod. N It. A Indie's l?.iloon dlcconnccledfrotn tnonbovo CFtabli'lmieiit lum been prepari-d in good order and willilwnyH be ntthcir commnnd. THOMAS O. JII.SU. OMVCU t. wileon. Illoomsburg, Feb. It 1827. llOOIC STORE AND STATlSNKKY: TUP, unders gncd rerpectfully Informs -T7fr Mi friend and the public that he has . purchased iho DooUStorc. Stationary s.f-TVl laljlhmrfitand Restaurant Saloons, of 4ui.i-AT lln MwiiitJt.. fir nl iloora In Ihu CxCliancO l'lllldillir. ii 1 ro no win continue thu aiiOvc nuisucsa in an nicir v'-t nrimi lirnnrlif9. ilavinif renlcnislipil his csiablifhnient v.ith n chciir.o stock of New llookrt and ritntionery i he is pn-pnn d to nccoimiiodatc all who maycivirhim a call In his line ALSO. OVSTnRS.fiine, fatand frc?h, received daiiyat his ItesttiranlSaloons, during the season, and will be served Tin tp tuuihuwn oflpno picurcil ryoo upubllcciutom Is respectmllysnllrltcd. Ji;?sn g cini; Pfootntbura Orlol.c C. 1855 y. J. S. & B. L. 1'UROT, Produco autl Qoncrol COMMISSION MER CIIA N TS, No 18 North Wl.nrvis, rilll.ADELrillA. RUFEftEM-ES: JUIIIII 1 I'lllSlUII. l.B' . ll,t.lUVIl'IU.I, "Messrs Hacker. Lea & Co, ' " Slier, l'rico & Co. " Rut niior. AlcCauimon L. Co. " " t'harlca Ellis fi Co. " H. Morris Wnln tc Co " " Omrrbri Ice, Arvoy h Co. " " Ctiatles U Joseph I'erot, " i Tiiotnas c r.IaMcll, Now York. " O. M. McClun; U Co., El Lo lls. Mo. " J. S. Atoms Sc. Son, Loaisvllle. Ky. Yn rcli 1 5, 1855 y Pennsylvania Mo lei. rnn I Swell known Hotel, lately kept lySji- .riu,, n..iu,u ,' vol,. ,u.i,v, ik a 1 1, lias been taken by the subscriber, who is pro- Isijl".', imru loacwimoiuuuiu iriivsiirrsauii sirungera 111 the best minner. Tho house lias been thoroughly overhauled, and is now reliticd up and furniBlied for lie ciiteitaliiincnl of guests, lllsstnliiing U largo nnd commodious, Willi Horses anil vehicles for hire, and ho will spare no pains to render general satisfaction IG'A liberal shartiof llio public patronago is respect folly solicited, GEORGE W. FREEZE. nanvllloDoc. SI, 1853. RInn!!i.ii:irT TlinvncA .nial SJava Stnri. rpUUuntleriisnetl respectfully lnfurms his old Crionds interest iniliuulnve csubllihinent.and the concern wll llCrealtCr bo COlldtlCtcd t)V llinise!.' C X d US 1 Vtll V. HQ 1.13 t . lllBl .n.r.t..H.l r.r.,1 VlT-., P... ..I.. ll . I jmoitcstonfiive assortment of FA NOV STOVU9 err r hit rnditced into lit Is market. My. tli "tuck consists of n complete assortment of cbiliesl Cookiog.ind parlor stoves in the market, to thejror with Stovo Fixtures of every description. Oven and I.oxgLoves, lUdutors, Cylinder Stoves, Coal Iron Alr-TifiU dtnvtrs, Cannon atoves, &c &c. atoyeplt pcand Tinwarenonetantlyon hnud and man ufactured to order, All kludj of repairins do no, us usual.on shod notice. Tno patronngeof oldfricnda and new customers ro speotlullysolicitcd, A.M. UUrCRT. nlooimhnrg, Jan. 2, 1654, -tf CAM Hit A CORNERS nOTEL TIIBUNIU'.riBIriN'HI), Inrorms his rriends and lie traveling public, lhat ho lias purchased the abovu valuolilo properly and llioroiiphly iinprovcd llie Cambto Hotel, located IH miles Noith orillouinubur. in L'amiiri. Luzerne county, end is well prepared; to cnteitnip. .tr.nifferi nnil rii.lomi'rs. . renani soliignnil returning from the Cllv. mi course travelby tho r " wl" 01 Cambra Mail Co" ,,ns!.:nl,an,d,'.,fl,u;:,,i "5Ksr"iip Tilt) subscriber, aho keeps, i ' luvuiinveiiiue ihcijiucb 1IENUV J, VAPtC. it ollowi'u.ou deposits at ine rate or rivi. ii.ii ui.ni tlonnoilot V In lit editors. Admin Strnlnrt. AsslffnecS i.n i " hi ii is1' " v ..'".' 1". ' . 'v. " . . r. 1 nn nri..knett UlllViMitrcim.i".'--"vi ..... an assortment of eooiU as any .f1"'110' ;talilltlnicnl : In rrcont stylos anil liattiiint.wll 1m dlspotml of at the lSkaratcscfrom iSOto aslilsli M 8300. Hllvcr l.ovot wnvprj,("ini vvneuicn. i"- it, prorortlon'. All sno.l. warranted whuthey are n,iit Rlivor Wurr nt wall at a fi no assorlmonl n llAVTinnr. JAMna it. rim.Eii CATTAH ISSA. U ILMMISPORT & ERIE HAIL HOAD. Direct 11. H. Cunuoctiuii between Nia gar.i Falls anil Philadelphia. Shortcs Quiokcst and Olicapest Kouto from Wca tern Now Yer!: to Pbiladclnhia, Harris burgi Pitisbsrg, Daltimore, Washington City, auu the boulb. TABSnXOEU TRAINS leave Elmlrn dally (eire X Sundays,) nt7 A. iM pas'llli; Willlaluiportnt II) 15 A M connecting with Uc.id'ni; Kail Uoad atrorlCtiti lon.undrcnchini: Philadelphia ul730 1', M. llrturnlng. Icavo Philadelphia from comer of lire -nd VlneFtrcetB, nt"'.tC, A, AI. rrachllif! Willlanup . . S I.'i.r. M..nnd nrrlvlns nt Eln.lr.i nlP, I. M . " i'a?si;ncei: -mains will leave P 01 1 Clinton fo r Uomsbiirg ect, via llaunliln nnd Susquehanna ltnil Road, on IvalofCatauisa Train, at 1 151'. M, reaching Ha r.sliurftat 8 l'.al, j -llclu rm na leave Hnrrlfliureal 7 15 A.M..cnnn-!ftu I'orlCllnlon Willi Catlawissatraiu bound wcslftirn Wllin iiinRtftlrectroulo tollarrlsliurir.'l'i.tsbiira. lilt . tniuoroandtlic South, connecllnc tlicso points with a'" liorinwestcrll l ennsyivauiaanu ivesirrn m'w iuik. Coiinec.lnsat Elmiia with trninson New York an Erie Kail lload;also, with tho Elmira, CanandaRU Uoche"'.cr. lluiralo nnd Ninfarn mils. Crnaectlnadirpcily with Hie Croat Western Uallroa at r"i sponsion liridce for lictrolt, Clik-ngo, St. I.oui. .r , lllllf ma Kins I lie suorirsiinu llieapcsi rume iruu I. ilodclpliia totliore points. A FREIGHT TRAIN. Will Icavo Williarasport DAILY, at 0 30 A. M.ro Philadelphia. 1'reislit train to and from riiiladr.lplila willioultran shipment, from llcndlni; ltnll Iload rrelehtUepot.corn erof Itroad nnd Cherry streets. TRAINS I'AfciS Ll.liN 1 LI.L, rta tuununo uoino kisi , 'nsfcnnerTraln 1- M. rrcighi I'r.-iin, U III A.M. GOING WEST. rnssenerTrain , 3S5P-M FrclshlTraln, J ail-.. ii l'ARCS DetwcenFhlladclpiiiaandRupert, 81 40 ' Ilanvllle, 4 Oil " ' ' Caiawissa, 4 M " ' Tani.viua 2 110 ' " Mllloil 5 10 .i Wiilinmspnri, 5 00 r,fis noil lids nfnersnlial l.aee.ieo llllolM'ilto rneh nass sencer excess charei'd nt doulil' Ilr class I reiRhl rales II A CflVllA P.....H,,.,p,i.r, Jnn 20, IfSS V IIILA. AND READ IXG RAIL UOAD Wnttr Arrai.gcmcnts fj Vastcer T raws. January 1st, 1857. Ul' Trains, coins North, leavo I'liilai'clphia alSJ A SI. nnil 51 f. SI. Down Trains liuingiouth, leave Totttt illc at 7 A, SI lep. and 4 1 SI Uptr.ihun-in ncaeingatlO.Q, A. M.and B.'MP. M. downTiains" ' 3,13,A. .11, 5,13 1'. SI, Tlie EtprcslTnin is discontinued until further nn tire. Oloni romiectiotts are made lv llie 10 2'j A. SI tha Train from Port Clinton to Elmirnnnd nil interiiie. iliato points : an I bv Hie (l,',,lJ I SI tJpTrnin fmiu Port Clinton tn Elmtr.i. C.inanilaljua llull.i'o, Niapara. lie. not. Chlrn-io. St. Loui. Il.iVcnnoit and lownf'ltvi Sl:ikin; tlii. route the shortest and chc.ipctt to the lake Erlcesanatsajiaaa. OoSundnys.tlie Hnwn A. SI. Train from Pottsville, andUpl'.SI. Trnin from riiiladclphia, only.run. IlAnnisra-imCortinrnoNs, ly Uaiipliin Railroad at An lllll II A special Accommodation l'.issencer Train leave. ReadiiiBil.ully. (excel t Sundays,) nlTr A. SI., run ruing from Auburn nl ill 1'. M., on arrival of 3,10 1'. SI. Trantiroin iiarrisuurir. WAY FAKES Fnoi Ue-.dino to Philldi;ph'n,SI."5nndl.45i I'ottsvlilc 31,03 and 0,E5; Auburn, 0.75. THROUGH TARES, to HarrUburg. S3 55; Tnmae.ua Sl.35; WIHisnwport SI. 10, Emlra $d,35; Cnnandal cuasiou lliilV.ili or NlosrnSIII 00 Cli-aie(.ind.$IO, 70; Tnl;.IoSII7.1, Clnclliuall ? lO.b'J , Chicaro 8JO.00 Rock Isand 515,00. ALL I'assenserswill procure tickets licforocnert th ars: 10 cents extra on l-'.tres paid in the ear Tif y lbs., of personal Uag;aeo alowcd each l'asien a ovcrtlial weishlcharsi-dasEitra nnccaeo' U. A. NICOLI.S, aniia. 3,1. IS.'" tf. Ccn't Sup't Greenwood Seminary. . MILLVILLU, COLU.MIIIACOLNTY, PA. For Youth of loth Sexes. WM. lHJilfiKSS, ritlXCIPAL. Till IS Institution wiucli has bcu iu sucresivc opt ra- X tion lif aevfral years 1 as recently Iii'r-n enlarsul tu jiivo heller nccoiiioilalions fur lioarilesund incrvasid fa cilitirs lor Tuition, &c, Ilarli ninrtpr of the School year comisu of elevpn weeks, and thi ni-vl session wlllcommcnccnn the 11 tit I of Augiut.buL pJinU will bn ink tu nt any rciion I In addition lo the cotiflaut nltcntluti ol Hie Prlncipil, 1 tlio servircs of an experiencrd teacher have been pro l cuicd. Instruction will he given in tilt the English hr-iuchcs usually taught. nudaUoin Latin, Natural I'lil lnophy nnd Astronniuy will op illustrated liynpproprlatcnpparatiH nrd nco'ts civen tna Intrary ondlhc uso of luiiiheniatical initrmncnta. Hooks nd Stationary will he pr lvi.lrd for ull whudofiro. TctTioN-J.1 HO and. SI S3 per iuarterradcd lyt p course ofstudy. n3- Hoard, Tuillon, W3iMnj, lights, &c. , 321 h 1 btcrjc nnuhalfnayahlei.uarterly in advance. u Fun r farther pirltcular address tho prJucipal. Mlllvillc, July 11,1830. BUSINESS NOTICE. nnRRir.'c I'luuruoar , ri: Aiioihcr victory Mocur tiUYPakii.Julv.1. US5 F. Jt.DUdorm.Etji LonJon.Q. II'., Aeentfor llerrns U Co. Di:n Sir: I am sorry to i nform you that mystoro wiui ino wliulKii i tin. contents, luruiliire, cioiiung, c. was destroyed by lire la-t n i c lit. I saved iiullilns, Vou willrcmcmbcj l bmihgi ono of Herring's Ha lea rrom you last March, and I lnvo much pleasure in liifnrmingjou aitood the tiro well, It wncpirrcctly red hot f ir SLVcr- os hours; the handles nnd brass plato bolli melted off. il darterbaillir.friloutoflhohiirulliBHiilieiswolio,l alnpour water emit lor nearly half oil hour before It could bo opened. Vou may fancy my satisfaction rmdincmv books, mort;.ii!CS. deeds, notes and cash r 1 rlcht. I had a largo amount of vulunhlo papers In which, had 1 lost, would havu completely rulncu luo Von will plcaso send mo onothersalti direclly, and 1 will send yon llio old ono that you may show it to all who wish lo havo a perfectly tiro prools.iru. I remain, dear Sir. yours respectfully. J. W IlMEltSOH. sos. mf Tho subscribers havoon liandror salo, ono orthe argestnsCnrtmcnlol Fiiic An lleaoun I'Roor Bins In i world enarranteed to be equal to tho above and su ,etiotto anyothcr now oirered tothepulilic. i'ai!ki:l,j i!'.r.'.r.;ij 01 Valnul,tjtrccl,l'liiladeplila. .''AiiguBllI 163! -v it SB mi rml l&i ilj $Jj il sJ 1WJ H EVANS; k NEWCOMER, (f'sruicrly tltbb .V .Vcucamrr,) Arch Btrcot, abovo 'i'liird, Pbiladolphia. TIOIIIIS OF MEAI.S- UstKriT, 3. 0 and 7 o'clock to ID Dimmer ,(lcnileincn'anrdinary,1 o'clock to ,3, '. l,adies,'J o rlocK. Tn. ,6n'clorkto II EVAN UVAN8 ) t" N'RWCOHnn A 'lg ll..ldJ y Dr. J. S. II oughlon's ORJ3AT CURE FOH DYSPEPSIA. DlVIIOTTailTON'S mun True niffcillva X riuhl. or Hniirle Jiticoi Prepared frnm Rennet, or the roiiilh Btomnchof the Ox, after oirernonsni iiaron Jjie. bigttiioBreatPhytloloR leni UhcmUl, by J, H Touahton,M,I) , riil la dolphla.ra. I I TliltitNaturo'townU-mntyfor nn unhealthy Fto mach, No nit of man can equal Its curative powers, It co nini no Aicnonoi i.iti. rt,Aci,is, orivausaout HcwarcofUniggcS tmltMion. I'epMln Is not ft Diup. " en 1 on tlio Aircnt. nnil cct a Dmct ntlvc Cirttiln t I . 1 1, n n limn n.nn.tnl nf Rlnnl f n ririinifA .i. i r ca.i.tin. t.,.t.iA.H frnmLlebiit'.Anlmaiulicinlstryllir.Coinlic'srhlslolory Dluestlonl I)r 1'erelrnon rood ami niHiDr. John W. I Ttaner. ofNew York Un Ucrsltvt Prof. Duncllson-. ' l'ysloioay; l roi, aiuiiunn,oi i airwoiicugciir.niprn teVsrhy-iolosy'; fccto.'clhcr with rcportso'f circa r.omnll nnltsoftho United ilnes. Snldby E. 1'. Luti! and J .7. '.. , , n ....... ni.. .i.. R.SIoyr r, tltonmshiirir. S.U. Ilowinan flnwick Uct3, 1655 ly. JAMES BARBER'S , wnoLESAllt mn nrTtt CLOCK EBTADLISMl'.Nr. S. E. corner of Second and Chestnut Sts, Philadelphia . Whcro may bo lound ono tlio largcstandhest nssortmcn nrClocks nnd Timo Pieces In tlieUiiltedslntei.luiuantltlea nsuitpurcliasers.frnm nslnglo Clock, tnonetlioiisnnd (.locks; embracing ercry varictyof atyloand manul'nc Hire, suitable for Churches, Halls. Counting Houses, I'nrlors.SlccpIng apartments, nnilKltchg lis, steam and C.lnal lloats, nnd Railroad Cars: Al.o snlnngeniror Itapp's lately patented Scientific JjiclicGold Pens. Wholesale and Retail Gold Sllier Pen Hollers, Pencils nnd a variety of Taney goods. Thn.e wishing to purchnse will find It to tliei r Inlcres tocallbcforeiilirrhasini:i.scwhero, JASIES llARIirU, S, E.colnor of Clicslnui & Second Sis,, rhila Pob. to, 1855-lv. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! fTUIE umlersignod l'nforma his ffienda f nntlii ptiblln i nencral dliit ho linntnkcn tlieen tlru i lie rest In llio Tin Warcanrl Stove EitahlishncnL) on Main Siri-ct, nip itoor nbovn tlic Court House lMoonisbiirff. when-lie Is prcrnretl to furiilpli Tinnare, StneB.ytnvf rio,anrt spouting, nn (I ull utlic r.'insi iters 1 n Ms line on short notice ami tn goud nrder. TlioNew lUulmml Wni. IVnti, CooklngSlovc, nn also nit: rite nssorl m cnt of Parlor Bttesconitatillyo Iu ml nnd Tor t-nlu ut inr.de rnte prlct v. TThaukrul for Inrmrr nntrotiiiei .li c re E)f clti.) j lie its n continuance otlio fmr. JUdUPII HIlAlU'LCeL'. ninnmeljura Apr! .11, ISM Aviso's CHEAP WATCIIJcJEWELRY STORE, No. 72, North Second Slrcol, OI'l'OSlTETIIESIllUN'l' VERNO.N II OUSE.l'll I LA tlolilLeverWalchesrullJcwcHcd 1611, Cases . o Sllter do do - li 00 do Leplne do 0 00 Uuarticrs , S outo 7 00 GoldSpcctaclcs, J 50io in oo Silver do 1 50 SilvciTablcSpoonB pcrsctt, 14 0ntni800 do llcscrl do do OtiOlollOO do Tea do do 4 75to 7 50 GoliU'cnsaiidGoldCasesi 3 35to son do Silver do oo Togotlicrwlth n variety of flno Gold Jonolry.Ool Cu r,Gunrd and Toh Chains , All roods wnrrantei.toli Vns presented. Watches anil J ewclry rcpnlrei'i n th UCSWMil II IM'I N R. Alloidcrsscnthybyinallorotticrvvlscwillbc nunctuallyitlendedlo . Nnvemberl? 135J 1 DENTISTRY. GeorgcM. Ilagcnbuch, Surgeon Dentist. THE subscriber respectfully nllVrs Ills numi prol'essinnnl service to l lie Indies nndi)-ir7E t,niilli.,i,in of Lllllll Slriil. nn,l vipl ml vM i IVtl lie isnreiiarcd to attend lo all tho vnrl .lusoperalions i n Dentistry, ondjs provided with the atcstiniproved rono ELAN T CTII, Whirhwlllbel nsnltcdonplvol or gold plate, tolook as wetlas the natural. A superior rtlrlec l th Powders. nlv, njion hnn a I lopeiniini. rn llie Teeth War rnnled. rerinalientreldenec In Light Slreel. L'olrrrbin cn. !EU. SI. II AUENI'UCII Slay 21, 1853 v. STEAM GKIKT MILL. THIE undersigned pleasure in an Ji. ink. iioiiiicingtothcirfriendsand tliepubtical I urge .that they ...t.,.,n,nuJ f-J M iiicresifuloperalion , SWi?!I THE ESl'YTOWNS uTum finish .WtifTfi in l jj jj , Whf,r('llicy arc making the very best;ol l-'lnur inlho linrteftilmenndi ntend vliug nt t hflnweslprirfs ThTi arefour run o( Hurs i n this Mill, proppff ihy ( team-popr all performing o perfection. and grinding , iboufliiitvliushelsofgrain per hour The flour madp i here has been pxamined by thehesl ofjndgei, andpro-j nounefdPfUperinr irlicle. Wei uvite ourl rlcnd&tocal andpxamtnefi'rthrmselvrp. t-Vrilersfor Hour, chop, fped.A.r- thanklullyrccclvcil ind lil ('dnnthnmoftrrasonnblecoiidillous N . II. Caplinaidfordraiti FOWLCU & (JRCVCLINC D3iytnwn,Jiilyg:i.lP5:i 1 HARNESS ES T A 1 5 L I S II iM E N T . Th KUHlJfOF MR MIITR HORSE . Till; undersigned resppclfullj i nlorn n Krm his friends and the public lhat hcrtS' continues tlio SADLERJNG BUSINESS in nil i f - vnrli-in lir.mrtipu. nt bis oli sin tidnn comer of Muiuond .Market strrs. C7h:-raiC'' Wherp ho will keep cunatantly on lmd n lull supply nnd willmaiiufacturo tn order , nllkindMind ulyleno SADDLES, M.'-VKiS, TRUNKS, VJIUCES, c, nllhcvpry lowest prices .and w ill hn happy to serve 1 hose who may fuvor him Willi a call In his I ine. XHr Ordersfrom n listancc iu either hrnncliof the a hoveliusincas .wUI'jclhar.kfullvrccelvedandpromptly c xccuted , WM. J. UEIDLEMAN. Itlunmsli lire, Aug, l". 1353,12 y. THE UNIVERSITY FAMILY HEMEDIES IPSUEIliiridi'rtliosi'ril.narictloiintn! nutliorit)' of Hi Uiiivorsity uf Treis .Mctlicinr nnil 1'niitilar knoll Inlgii Cliartcrcil by llie stntn of rciinsylviiuia, April '.'Ji, l(-3-l Willi nrnpitnl nr Sltiti ono, mainly lor tlio iHirnoso o .....il..il.... II. nCUmirtMi. Vn.i i. Alto for upplyi ri tl.u C'npi iiiiimty witli rcllalilnrcm. cilipsHliuimvur .iComnocnt riiysirlmi cannotor will not be employed, Invo nurcliaioil from Ilr. JOHN II. HOWAN1), Ins re lebrale.i huH'AWt'S TOXIC .MIXTURE. ICnnivnroruiiwnrila of twonty-llvo years as lie nnlv Hiirealld sarerliro for KEVEIi AND AGUE &o. And his Inestimable Itcmcdy Tor llowal Complaints Unwand's t.'oinpoiinil Syrup or Ularkberry Hoot, whicli hisl'ly opprovcil and popular Rcnitilles, together Willi llie University's Ileineily r.irComlit.iiutsortllo Lull:;.. The IJniverslly's Ileiiiedyfor llysii pia or Imlijea ilon 'I'lifilliilvcrsilv'slteinctlvror Co.llvc Ilouels. Alsntho University's Almanac may bo h.id, at the Branch nisionsary,orat the OfflccoltlieCoIuiubloHLiii. ocrnt. JIay3, 1855. ly. REMOVAL. CHARLES lMAGAROE & CO. Having Removed from No. 01 Oomomrce TO TUB South-Wist corner nf Sixth and Carpenter Streets. riiiLAuctriirA. T)I'U toratlthenttcntlonoi rurhascrstntlirircxtrn- 1 ) , slvoassprliuent ori'aner, niliir.nier Markers' RTa tri.lls;l'rllillnj l'apcr for Hooka li ml News, Water i leaf, sized, ilncjllendercd and calli'uilercd.ofall ouali. t..A nnil urices.iiliinvs on linnd: llardwnre nn.l nfniiil.l In r.ipi'rs,TrunklloanU, Ulmlcrs'lloards, Hanging I'a- pcrs.&c ,ke. I t'.-irticularattontion isinvitciltn thoir extensive as aortmentiir I LEDGER RARER S X . , , ', - From He noit Celeirattd .Minnfiictorles in tic Country. nl' Among their AVKITINU TAl'lIU H10UK may 1 , round it, Uoui.N'oto AtlanlicNole, llathrest, fool's aip, I'lulCap. Thiii Mcdlitm Demy. Itoypl, Hup.Hoynl, (liiarto 1'osl. 1'olioPosl, Medium, imperial. I'UTt PArrris. o every deseiintlon sirenndoualliv Jmi Papers. In reat urie v. ilnrctitie ravers. lilin ,Va;i Papers. In -Treat lurirly. llnrthpe I'apcrt, whito 1 hn ll'anil cold. lllier laid or wove. Colored Pavers. Rn I cazed. and other larlelles. Manuraclurcra areinviledlooxamlno ilmlrrin.k r.as, I'nrei'il and Domestic, lllenrhing I'oivders. or approved hrrandsj Alum, irronnd or crude! Sal B0.I11, noun a aii , 1 1 1 ii3) i iic uiuiui, uii 1 juiarine,ranu i'u ner.Maktri'MattjrlaliiKenerally. 4 tiiducigfusofanyofthcahoveiJeiifriPlionofrapMB.I .'lilli.il J Ifuvi ALEX. C. CA'JTEJiL & CO. . i. a sr. I OKU CiUt:ci:SSORS to James I. Bolton,deceased,Coinmls Oslonandl'orwardliigMifcliants,lortliesaleorn I'our-Sceds.lfou.I.iimber tc.No. laNorlliH'alei Pli1lft,lilr,t,ln enn.l,r.i,iu!,iil.ilillt. In. .ft.. on tho Hchuylkill. Union .Susquehanna and Jur an, Pflnnls. .......v. wu. vi, BJ0411 i 11s1er.ur1na11011c.4e1.111e suns nlires t. DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED German Bitters. WILL KFFKCTUALLY CURE L1VE11 CUMI'LAIM', Dyspep.ln, Jaundlco, Chronlt or Nervous Dcbllliv. liltenscs of the Kldnevs. n.,,i all dlscascsarlilng from a disordered Liver or Ktomatn, nucn as unnsiipannn.inwnrn i net, l unnesi or Hood In tho Head, Aeldity of the Stomnch, Nausea, Heart bum, Disgustfor l-'oo.l, Kiillurss or Wright In tho Bto. innch,Smir Eructations, Blnklng nr riiitlfr'nB nl the I'll of tho Htonucli, flnlmmlng ol tho Head, ilurrled itti.l Difficult llrenthilis. ril-ttcrlnir nl llie llrnrf. t'lmv 'ng or ijuirncaung onsniions urn in nlylnp poiturc. ?ln,,n",, ?'?, f , V,i 'if! W,,H Uie- Blglit.l'ctet - .1, -, " V i.'. ii ;:'.',V"r nJUc n?fl,,( ,,1,ll1,nllyll,c t of Evil and SI-1.'!?!1!'. 1" i'r v h ub uirn nn u me rnuni i ins inei'a rni nn ,uois so w i in n leri e e nr I ni n i itir,. i0.r.0',w;f,0i!'!.11 '"'" """I adaptation to the diseases " V.v 'IC. ' 1 ' 1 ' 'c"l!,n!c"d,c".' ., " I " '""ricii nr.iiiiaiiui mr in innai stood thotc.l of a ten yenrs' trial before tho American "P,'0 ""'l iu. ' Irt-jMUntlon nnd snlelsnninnlled lyan, ,lf, , ,,,,i,,e,,ii , 4 ,, , ,, u. .if ir, or uivcn nv i in tno.t nrmii in or (jlvcn hy the most prominent nnd w rll-knnwn 1 hy slciani andlndlvtdnals tn nil ptirtn of the tounltyti ImniuiiFo.nnd a rn refill vrtifal of the linnnoc, publith cd nnminily hy the prnprlrinrt nnd to ho had r rutin of ftfiy of Ills A gents, cannot but snll fy the most skcplirnj nt this remedy Is really deserving the great celebrity donthcr t rnNNSYlA'AXIA TCSTIMONV. Ctrttftatt tf ll. WQOtNAHDi Keq.t the KtlMnoun trc tttlerfor the JJuncannon Iron Morkt, Vtrryto,, I'a. In MAissna, J limit, ry 11, lt55, Dr. C. M. Jackson Dear Sir I was lor live yum pcvcrcly nflliclid with Chronic Ultious D)scnlcry,fcr which I wns nttcndpd hy scvcrnl of thohesl l'hyslcluits tn the country. hut all of no noll. 1 nlso used nilr.ua remedies, hut could II nd nothing to beiuflt ine. until I wa Induced tulry your flrrmnn illtturs, nnd after tnlc ina four bottles ot u liich, I was entirely cured, uiul avi rnjoylnglhebcstof health M MUUi: CI FCCTH OF Till'. finitMAN IlIllFUB IN nvenirsiA and l.ivint comti-aint, Cpitlllcnte or J.C CUILTIH. r,sq, , llcportcr t.f tl, , nvciiliii! Chronicle, ritteburi, l'a.. who, February J1 lb.i.,saj8i " For pomo weeks part my wife hnn irai units )oiir Ceriuan Itittcis, tvith n happy effect. Bin; has been nllhctcd more or less, for several trs,ihh (iiicust! oi uic i.iver auu uypf pim.nini iiiniisnr corn nirncrd using the Hitters, uothintr had itiveti hei ninth relief. Ucrticnlth Is now rapidly )mprolitr, Ofpiiite good, nud we h.ivn every reason to believe 8ic will be po'.ccllyrcfitored, Qbo says it le tho'best inediciiit she has ever used.1' Nciivous nnniLiTY. J. M. llLtsnifcn, Foylenown, In.. Juno 20, ltM says! My wllu hn "been nfilirtpd with o iimous ('q billty, since September, 11-31, sinre which time 1 Jrno been unable to find nny physirinn or tncdlcino 1 n would bpnrfit lirr in the leapt, imllloue day 1 called at the store of Dr. Harvey, of this town, for pome 1 1 n c t u j e of I rnn, and described to him the nlllictlnn ol niy (rt. he then handed me a lot of papcrslo rrnd.umoiig whhu I found one describing )our Oeriuan liitlns. I Initio diatrly procured nfew I oiliest mm him, and nm pun tll tn state that the use of the Hitters han'one her more good thun nil the medicine she has herrtoiore taktn l wish ou to sendme n hnlfdoxen bottles LIVUK COMI'LAINT. J. V. Wick, Martlni)urg, Fa., May S3. 1P54, eayt 'With much plcasuru t tcallfv to tho virtues of jbtit ncrinin Hitters Fnmctimc since,! was FeverrH nf flirtcd with n didcasn of the Liver, for wli'rh 1 ttet,i various rcinediep, but wllh no beneficial e(lccl,unlil t wui Induced to try your Hi Ut rs, which 1 nm now Iiomiv to Blalohave entirely cured me," Thpynro entirely vrpelable. free from nil ntrohotic ptiuiulants.niid pleasant In tane nud snu II, I'rire 75 cents per hrtllc. .old by DruppiBts" and Stnrtkeepprp In every town and vl tinge In the United Plate and CnnaAis.nnd bv J. It. MOV F.lt, niooiiibiwir, H. 11. UOWMAN 5s CO.,Hemith I. . WIIUTA1 AN, Itnlirsbiire. F.. U ItOIUIINS. LlchtHreVt. H. A. U'OIt .MAN. llVpy. .MUI.ICK & CltCAHVt Light slrctl June T, 1850. A INVOLUTION IS NECESSARY Victor? is Ours. Such Is the progress oteSicnct in thin ngr: that iinthir g pcems luiporjuiiltj. That there aro new mm pcietitiln. iiiPCoverieH iiein msnie eiery nay, nn one uii tluulit Alter a thorniigh Invesligation ut the V(g.tnble Kiiij: t dom with a view tu obtauin positive or tpcclllc remedy for the more common II I ol liu inanity, I have sucietih d In bringing together such Three yearn loveclnpud since in I nt roductitiu, nnd it iB now isirtimcd th't mn popul.ir retutdy lu tho World, know n ,ih Jlctmbjltl's Genuine I'uputiun. Highly ConceiitnitedCompiiiiiid Fluid Extract Muchui . Tor all Difrcwe ollhelllpddvr, K idrieya, Urinurj ui.j tJi'Jtual Organ. I JOY TO THE AFFLICTED I ! I ) Itcurey Dlseasesollhc lllmlf'fr, Kidneys, Ciavte Dm p sy, Obstructions. F male Ci in) hints Chrctii (iu.tr 1 rhncu, Hiilctuts, Gki tt. (inn nil dift'tufc nrifii-g In m (excesses nnu iiupiuui iicum in ine, Nervous and DcltlaaMfi j And removes all iu-piopi r discharges In m llie Illai'di r , KiUueyMor txuai urgim wijHh : t x utiug in Aluk t t ' Feeiuale From hntc i r cain-c t li r- n uy liaeoriiiiiii ' ted, and no tn.ilK r ot how long tt l n it 1 iiirt ciing Health t nnd Vigor to the frame and b ot m tu tbt I'nlliiM hei K in iii 1 1 1 y , hrougiii i u ii y iiiMisc, ti mot. I 1l ri dde I'totflfi which has hrmichlthn snnds ft he liuinnii (iiinlh to nn , timdy pravn, thus blnrting he Lrilliaiit ho i s H ur enti and blipl.tiiig it the hi d tlie glorimiiambition of ninny a iioiJiu youiii, ran nc urtd iy i lip ti v c c I IIjis. fnj'ullibh Jit?liefi'tt nnd ni n medicine hit h must lien tin evrnhfih frriu the Dimply id I trate In tin mliii( d fritldupaf ring lnn bc, n(iL"tjal is to bi Ion i d. It ) on have cuntratu d th iirril)le dit-euse, w luth hen once ecu led inlhf tstem iimlcrmindcc the coiiftiitioii, sappjngtlit cry ilbl Hun! sot ift, procure the ircmed) at onrn J he Leprous dtstllmeiit. whose 1 1ft ct lluhU mith an enmity with blood nf man, That en ill ns 'luicksilur it ccuisesthr(uth The nniurnl gates and olU'js of the body, ('(udlin, like eager ilroppints iiitonulK, Tlielhiu nnd uholcsome blood. Ittuv.irc ofanaclt iioatruius and quack Doctors n irdmboliTs Highly Concentrated Coniyound I Una llzlraa of linchu 1 Is prepared directly according to the rules ofl'harmuy 1 At L'hemetry, with the ginltst ncrurary uhd cIuij.kiiI kuonlei'saiidc.irc devnledin itsccmbination. Its pip I ulnjity has f Attiulfd In a'l directions, and u he Hut itftd in ton ut country, hnipitnl or printe prntlce, has In ' variably givcutlie most detjded and iini'jut . crnl sails I fuel ion und prod u led tint mod salutar) and bintficl.il I ptlVcts It has been nnd Is us id In all the nntij a I tit ! fes iu the United Flu Irs nud I ntlph l'rovf nieu, In houth j nubile and privnte practice, w it h great siicccfm Mcdcc . HI rlli let it I' understood, fvr the n ( Is an Ico tn i whtlming to he coutrndicli d, that 1'rlHibold's lliphiy I Conccutratid Compound Fluid Lxtrnct Ilcrlti.Js ibe tpoit vnluublo ri medy ner olli rid to the I filiclt d. 1 i The mass of voluntary testimony lu pom-si-fonoflho oprieior is luuneuxc. embracing namip wen Known io mieiicc und Fame I CLlvhraled Fhjslciane and Dieting. tushedCIcrgjmen. Hec Frotcssor Dowec's valuable work on the I'rfrtito ofThysic and moslof thu late standard twijirem Midi cine. Dr. Cphram McDoewll,nhighlydistinguislirdph)si i man a nu memrur or t lie linjui Liuugeoi Mirgi ntig, ire ' omd,nnd published intbe trant-adions ol tho Kin? and ' Queen's Journal, says " Tho Fluid Fxlrfltt lluclm having been lately strongly ricommeml, 1 won Induced to make it it trial, and my experiments have rcujIK d lu tho most satiflacty manner, having nnm-dcd in pnv ng iliemoil invcturuti! cases in whiih 1 htd nu hopia Of SUCCl'FS." Anintercsting letter is publishLdin tncieiiiccuirur BlcaMto lew on the subject orKltract l.iiclm, by Ilenja 'I'ln. ravers, f. It.B., ieiikiiisotiSyi'bil Isotnl iIulbscs 1 ""sing rrom rxcussofinurcury, licsutcs mat" no rem I V,'V i e-iunl to it its power is oxttuori'mnry, moro so tlian anyilniK Inliiaeiualiiletlwilli It Is in llie strict est sente a 'Ionic ttilli this inalunble niiriiiiilu, mat it Isnpplirnblu to aetata or the tyslem so timkcii and et so irrjiablc as lo louder other substance of a Tonlcclass unavailable, or injiiilous," wo nine inu nueriy in marHii(r,(in Italics.) says llioilisllligulshed cilitrr.Ill Johnson, bicnuso we i.ioslcordially concur with Mr Traverse in his statements of r.itmct Hiichu It Is a medicine w liich is pcrfei lly pleasant l n I Is tasto and odor. Iiutimmriliale in its nr lion, and it istakin by persons olcither rex, without hindrance from business ormedicalailvico.nsoxp'lcit dinclionn for use and nn ample niiuibcrorrcliableainl tPipmisiblercrtiOcatrR to convlncclho mostskepticnl will accompany enrh boltlo l'rico SI per bottle, or six bottles ror S3. Ilclitricdio nny address, l'riparcdnndrcldby II T lll'.l.Mlini.i). 1'ractlcal and Aiial)licalOhcuiIst. No aSoutli Tenth street, bclowChestmit (Asscuibly L'uildings,) I'hilailclphia. To ho had of J It.MOVini.frnl. nnd of riritjrglatR and Hnnlers throtichout the United HUies,C.iuiiilnsaiid Uriusli 1'ruviiiccs. AuniutS, 1 150 y. UOtVItAD ASOULVnON, IMHliADELI'IHA Imwrtunt Announcement. - 1 mo all ncrsons nUIirti'd Willi pcxti.il diseas aeucll X SBMINAI. WUAXNEaS.IMl'OTUNOU.GONNOn IIOl.V, liLl'.CTSVnllLlrt 1c, i-C , IM,., HnWAIlll AelSUttf ATION or I'lllladolnhta, in 1 view of the awful .Instruction ol huin'in HTu anil licallli, caused by Sexual diseases, and llie deceptions which"" practiced noon the iiiiroitunato viciims ol siiihdlstnnr , by lin.iks, liavo diicclcd llitlr Ci ihnIUhb Surgeon, as- I n till AltlTAIlI.U AO I' worthyjol their name, lo giisi I MI3IIIOAI. AIIVIOIKIKATIS, loall person. Ihu. unlv, tc.. Male or l'emale, who apply by letter, mill " lief be criplion nrtuoitcoiHiitinn ngcocrupauon " Aic.. and in rases nr extreme poieuy nnd snllering , n.'RNistt sir.niuiivuH rituB tir uiasi,!. 1 Tlio Howard Association is njioncvolcntlnslilulton established hy special endowment, lor the yelitfoa the ' RliLknnd distressed, ufillrted with Virulent nod LpMlcni III Diseases,,, and its hinds, cnti be ror other pnrpoie, It has now a surplus oi nuns, wniin ine micciui. n." vnleil lo advertise tho above notice. It Is needless in vmeo loausciusu iii uuuvo ... .V odd Hut the Aseoclllii.il coramauda the highest M"i cal skill or the age, and will furnish the niosi -epprovr.. or modern Ireaiment a liable ndyico nlsii given io sic nlidliervoiiatemalesnlllirtod wilhaliaoiniimineaki... "k'V"-V " "m V lMl.V.- i Vt e 'V LTl 1 f-'isr Con , -.r . .. c.mih fuh uUinfiSiisuon, Ilowonl Abtiociation, Ao,S South ft n oflcr tof,l"ic0 ;..,, , ,.rJ. n HO. FAIRauii.U.icrrctary, August u. loan y. OAIinEN AND FLOWEIl SEEDS. iln' I, Rrii;and select assortment or tl alovo ' Jt.,i l ranted aoniiliie, nod embracing many linnd .,.1 ,. ,..,1. f'oUIl in. r.nnite vniieiii's. lur ..lie. wnuiuriiiv u,i ,. ry Deal. ra supplied ata liberal discouot I ' inn ll AT T. inn I la fz CO.. .triruliiiral Waishnns" snd Pead f loie (ambrs.JuIr 1,I3(3( i MilChlP, 155? Ml, 3, I Poc "".'n. ladsiFh.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers