w 3S ocal 2ntcQCtc AI.I2M TATE, LOCAL JCDITOft., Saturday Morning, March 28, Boats nro noVr running in tho Norlh Branch Cannl. SyRcad tlio select story on our first page, entitled, " tho test," or love in a Hogshcul, ftgy-Tlio circulation' of the Columbia Democrat, has been increased ono quire, lincethe opening of tho 11th volume; tSf Easter. Enster this year comes on tho 10th of April, much Inter than Inst year. SST Capt. B. F. Wells, intends running his packet Boat A ntolope, between Pittston and Rupert, nest Monday, tSf We hftvo been saluted with tho song of tho blue-bird tho cheerful harbinger of spring. t&" Tho Election of tnvttship officers, passed off very quietly last Friday, consid ering the large number of votes polled. 1ST Maple Suoaii,--A large quantity of Staple Sugar, hs been manufactured during the past few week in Columbia county. S8T-Runaway. A horso, attached to truck-wagon ran through our streets last Thursday evening. Wo have not learned whether any damago was done. WSrLiCKSSFflt Tho Taverns and Enting ilou'so Keepers, throughout our county, nro having their documents prepared for the May teem, jffir McKtM, who wai lodged in the Harrisburg Jail, for safekcopitig, has since been removed to Illnir county, to await his trial. SSy.Wc understand that tho fashion for tho coming summer hoops, will bo only sis inches wider than thnso which now encircle the ladies. J6T Tho Methodist Congregation of B'otmisburg, havo obtincd permission to iso tho Court House for publio worship, during tho erection of their now Church, riowin courso of construction. Bo?- A Mmical Convention umler tho direction of Mr, J. W. Alexander came ofnnJLiiglvtStrcct this week, and we nro "f.iformcd thattlTc singing was very good, and tho oxcrcisrW well attended by the citizens of that neighborhood generally. t Messrs, Keyhard fi Jacoby, havo Mido arrangements at their room's' in the Hxclnnge Block, ti uipply our citizen, with summer drink, sucli as Ale, Porter, l.ager Beer, Mineral Water, Sarsaparil la, Ac. tSrEvn.Niso's Entehtainmknt, We had the pleasure of attending tho Exhibi tion of the studonts of the Select School, on lpt Friday evening, which passed off very creditable, Wo learn, that hereafter, 16 order to avoid confusion, tho audience will bo limited by thn uso of tickets which can bo obtained during the week, of the Teachers, Srrtiso's Advent. The gentle Spring (s slowly, but surely, miking its advent, And who is not iilad of it, and elso thank ful that grim old Winter has taken his de parture, especially such an ono as wo havo just experienced. Tho merry little birds are commencing their chirpings, and boon all nature' will wear a different aspect, Tho trees will bo covered with foliage, snd tho fields of green and Sowers will give forth their delicious fragrance for tho bene fit of nil, Wl9ou'o thrico welcome tho most delightful of seasons. l&rA Bad Practice. It is ono of tho failings of human nituro to encroach on privilagcs until it amounts to a nuisance. " Give an inch and take an ell," fs an' old nnd severely tried truism, applicable alike in almost every ca?o that has como un der our observation. There is one abuse, however, wbi1 h has so long remained un corrected, that the parties connected there oith havo, we do believe, concieved that they were protected by tho town nrdinances, instead of outraging them. This U tho time honored" custom of filling tho side walks of our principal thoroughfares with empty boxes, piled sometimes almost twelve foo high, rendering tho safety of pedostri anism difficult, and engendering tho dro'ses our fair hollos: Wo seriously hopo that our authorities will take this matter in Land and issuo orders that no person will be permitted to lumber tho avenues of the town for a longer period than is provided by existing ordinances. This is right, and is o movo that will bo hartily seconded by every one, particularly tho ladies, and wc hold tlicir wishes should lo consulted in re gard to this matter. Wo have rib wish to intcrfero with tho business of tho town, nor do wo object to tho pavements being used as a placo of deposit for goods awaitin, shipments, but for boxes, barrel i, and i . ... i, empty nackaccs bcin? normittcd to remain for an inilefiiulo Icnclh of time, leavIiiRi 1i,r,ll sr. ill mruiy two feet passago way ill streets ivbcro thcro is constantly a throne of per. ton's pissing tn and fro, MAttRIED. Ill IHoumslmrrv nn.tlin 112 inaf tiv Hqv. At Sbarclls. Mr. Eli KxrcuEV.to Miss Carolina M.Kauns, all of Bloomsbure. Oh tho ovonin'g of ttio 16 inst., by The riov. D. J. Waller, 'Jacob WAMroLE, to Miss Hbdi-.cca, daughter of Joseph Maust, of Madison township, all of this co. March 20th, by llev. E. II. Waring.Mr. Daniel Suane, of La Crosso co,, Wis., to MlSS ANNA MaH.UAH.ET MeLICK, of llcht ui-.-t li Direct) X o, On Sunday, the 22d of March, 1857, by Jacob Shipman, Esq., Philip Kistler, of Mountpleasmt township, Columbia co., Mrs. liLlZAJlF.Tlt GlLunitT, of tho same place. In Bloomtburg, on tho 21st inst,, by llev. W. Goodrich, Mr. Almond Aciies- UACIl, to .Miss ANJELIQUESorillA YpUNO, daughter of Rev. J. M. Young", all of Or angcvillc. ?lfi tho 18tla inst., by'the Rev. William Iyer, Mr. John liANsious, to Miss Lena F. Bird, both of Locust township, this county. On tho 10th inst., by thesame, Mr. Jeu emiah S. f AiinisaER, Vi Miss Elizahetii Case, both of Locust township, this co. On Thursday evening of last week, by llev. J. Thomas, Mr. David Siulhaut, of Danville, to Miss Melinda A. Demott, daughter nf i ichard Demott Esq,, of Madison township, this county. On tho 10th inst, bv the Uev. II. O. Moore, Horatio A. 'lijj'any, M. D., of Madison, Wisconsin, to Mrs. Margaret Digcs, daugh'.er of C. 11, Doeblcr, Esq., of Williamsport, DIJBD. In Wedgetown, Columbia county, on the 19th of March, 1S57, Mrs, Nancy Brun don, nged about 00 ye.trs. Mrs Nancy Brandon Silmon, waa born, as nearly as can bo ascertained, in 1707, in tho town of Northumberland. Was married in Light Street, to fcv. W. Brardon. Was a resident of Ohio for fif teen years. Sis years since she returned to Pennsylvania from Ohio. She was ono of the oldest members of tho M. E. Church in this section of country. Her husband was a Methodist preacher, and her fjmily entertained the first preachers of her per suasion in this neighborhood. Ou Wednesday list, in Wilkosbarro bor ough, Dr. fV, L. Boyd, aged SO years and 0 months, REVIEW OP THE MARKET. CdRRKCTED WEEKLY AT MARTMAN S STORE Wheat llyo Corn Oats Huekwhcat. . . White Ucauri., .8H0 . ..G2 ...0U ..U7i ..021 ..150 Butter Eggs Tallow Lard Potatoes Dried App'es. .11 .14 .It .50 .150 (tfcilumbia SOcmoctat. The following are the receipts to the office of the J Columbia Democrat, during tho month of February, 1857: Jon.ia llerniliger. 10 "J.Uirus Try. Sl.i on 1 c:i in: 7 7i 10 on 1 btt 1 no William iioqi, liaic lloniT. Emu Ail.ima, Aaron Wolf, 1 5d)l) W Armstrong. 1 iu'llev. J.R. Jloirn, 1 dm Tunis Karn. 7 UllA. Iluwill, Ll1. Abrahlui t ry. Ceo. B. RMUert. IVaI. t5 7, Ml 1 IIU 2 nil! .1 on' Mils l: J, nit, Jonas Kisiier, ;Ceo. L. Blmeumker, Aaron Hots, Jos V. Ileildershot Eat ofjohn Hricn. J.nnca C Bponeulufgi John .'.t VVilioil, 2 .Ml 1 50 J CO Edward Mcllonry. Joeepli llenderiibott IMC. Ilerbeill, Es 1, l irn 4 on 1 110 a no1 I 75 Incept) Marti, II Ira ii vy Tbnrnlon, III 00 1 50ji:san Vel liver, ciijn lovuiu, Jacob llrnwn, 1 50 6 I'D 1 l"l .Mimlmtr County, 4 00 Mra. Martha llartman h. inrion, 1 00 1 on t (III SiO T. Bharn na. I WiJIiCacon it Peterson. IV. Mo nil. 2 00 B A II railv. ftees I'airm.in, 4 50 II f. rnrlnrr Est., James lloone. 3 7Vlllcliard llussel, 10 IHIJCnl. Job Fallon, 10 ll llev. Geo llunler, 10 Oil I). IVolf, l:sl 1 Uj IVm. Milliard. I Sll 5 Oil Bwan Ac co. Ilaviil l.owenburg. Win. C. N'orris. 3 (HI 1 50 5 Oil IV. T Phuimn Est. t:nt. of J.iroh ri-ner, 1 75Jiibso ('irmai, 4 2j I Oil ll.inUI Knstenbauder, 10 W.mIu rill'Mlller, lainea Mnslcrs. 2 00 BamuelKisner, 1 00 G no 4 50 2 5i5 C r. IWHnir, I OO'M. (! Klnnej, I Oil Adam Keller, 9 00 Henry lless, (C ) I 00 V.imuel Hi li . 7 Olrilievi Cm, 1 75Jacob Eyerly, E,i, 4 OOllr J. A. llliodes. Willnm staley, i;.l 01 Andrew tires, W It. Pelerman, Ea-i. Jienb Uyei1, Dr. Ceo, R. Ilayhurit, UenryO. rnulips, 3 57 sn 7 oo io o Spring and Summer GOODS' IW'IicIvy, iVcal &fCO., HAVI.SG jimt received and opened their stoek of uif rcnaudizc ftirprlncsules. wliiuh Lnmprisosihe I.AIKILlS'r.CHKl'j;!', and IIANDS05ILST aitsnrt. mcnt nuw olfurud hi thin TOWN 1 UaviiiK paid cn-at attention to (lif lei etion of their entire Ptork, an to price .iiul quality, they itatter thcmifUen that tuey can compeie with the thtapest, and allthosu uliliine to buy cheap, can save money nv triving usu cmi. we havM all hpinjs.ol floods and Wurti to supply the rtopitJ. a v-ity i&rge lot 01 LADIES' DRKSS GOODS, PrcnchAIerrnoes.Wooll'laids, Alpacas, noiubazliies, do bamu 1'onlini. IMrnuietta cloths, Mohair Lustres, .Muslin Ue Lai ues, rtrdianclonisOlugliaiiK.Ojlicocs, fee. WIIITC fJOOHS Of ALL KINO!!, Sieve, Colhui, llamlkercbiets, eauneiiifa, bauds and trlmiulnyt, LarL-iandcdiriiiiTs.bi.iinGi nbb oni. in lame vdruly . velvet ribbona.and brai!-, kid, cotton, and lisle thread glovua, Moliitir mitls , c. We Inviteourfrieuds and the publir generally to Hive us a call before purchasing Uew)tere. Wnhavu buuchiour giiodi at LuwestCush Trices, and.will not bo undersold by anjbody.or the rest oriianKini. Meld LVV( ti&L A;1 CO. Uloomsbarg, MurU 31 , 17- Espy Cheap Store': SPRING tj- SUMMER GOODS, riIIE untlerfignc'l take pleasure iu an I no'incinc lo tlittr customs ami the public in sen' cral, tliaiilieybaveeulargeilllieir Btore House, aud Iboruugbly railed tl itli a ireausupply of Spring and Sufimcr Goods, Oomprlslni; a literal allonance of all article, of tlie atuat styles and bestiality usually kepi in Country More' Wo arc better prepared" to necoinodate our (rlni thaneverandare determined to hcij a little rheaner inaiitneeneaprsi. 1 hiiimu ijii ii Unas, winy ..n m.iu ..rA,..;Baihlr LuBleirorti ill future to render citnnrnl anlialaction TAMES K ESTER 4- Espitown.Marrli 91, ICST. 00. M-;W l'IRM. TIIH atlbsrribcr noutil Inform the public and hist custoulirs crnrrrilly, tlul tio liaB ussncialt-d his. son, llaniel K WKrimau, uilli him in thn McrrJnnla on siiicss, at Hon Limn:, Horn unu alter mi vum iuarrn, r-a7.anu Ihat Ilia bu.l nes s hi'rvalti'r will bn condiicto,! umler tho name and style of llw firm tf tl, W irimau & Co 11, , n. WEtlTMAN Ilohrsburg. Match, 0.1857 3 NOTICE. retains Indrbtedto the unrlar.lf nrsl , ritlirr by t n"io 'i i' v, uuiii, u.u feuuukivu IO Iiinsc t.. 1 tlemant and nai mini In order to the .nmiivcloiiiii "'' onil'lra""L"' ii. wehtman, Ilolirsbun, March 0, lf!7- -. I WOOD AND COAL. flOVflTANTI.Y nn haad and for sale I III II 13. I3C j Nov al IIAIt'l'MAK THE BOSTOK OLIVE UIlANOH FOFVLAtl AMD PROFITABLE HKJlDIMt. TtlBOMVti DRANCII of the NewYw has ehanied proprietor!, and apficMs In a greatly Improved for in, Iti no head It iiniurpaiied lor elect net and heautj nd with a complete tet of.hew type, and th fined and bet 1 of paper, the appei ranee of the OMVC DRANc'II It uncicrpilonatila to the most fastidious tatt, lint ihft trn1innfflrntirft nf thnT I VI? tin A VP 1 1 lin mailer of trlflina; ronsenicnra compared with Ilia character of lla contents) and In thla reaped II lll.bo , SpOCt l V Ill.bC ine aim or the proprietors lo tender it not only equalo aurcnion'ro any 0Tnnn,r;Ar-r.n in America. Editorial latent of Iho lushest nrds will hi, .i..)... ed upn lis piges, and Us coiumni will contain con, ''Ihutlonafromaomeoflhenioitdlitlngulih - clofAme.'BK rlcanwiliera. No pnlna will be aparen lo render It n i I vnlualile na well aa no intcreiting conipanlun. The by tf pnninnnl.n. Tl, Hone, boll, original and aelrctod, trill be freah ami , sparkling. Under the editorial head will ho found r,icn unities iipmi a vaueiy 01 interesting aub- jcela-iome aolid nnd aoinajlghi; aome Iniuucllro iiu uiurre rnry nnn nniuainp. jusuuivii iniAnui win contain iketcnea from MANY OtrrtD CONTniDUTORP. Thna guaranteeing a pleasant variety of thoughl and r.iu. ut.i.a9iiii.ii niiv, uiorrnpiiicai iReienca or illa llngutalieil maiennd femnlorlnrnclera will bonublleh-1 ehall give a rciiima ol etenta of Intrrcal In ' Ihe lileraty world, together wilh Impartial nollcea and crltirlima ol noivly piihllahed orka. A portion of our columna will ho devoted to choice pema of pocay: and In the l.ldloa depirtment .vlll bo tniin l maltera of intorcit relntlng lo Hie faahlom of ihe ilay.nnd oilier p.nijvi.s i e-iirciai viiiiii m inniiia generally. Tho farmer wilt dud In llm Ol.lVn 11 It A VIMI nb.,iIi,.ii.i ml ilcparlment and hla children will delfcht In nnrn- J.1 "?,.. .",tf'r'', ""r co'umnof" Oueaa W.irk." 1 ho 0I.1 L InlAN'CII will alio contain n tuinmaiy of ..... I,,,.-.. ,u,. i:i,ii in iiiu ii,jr,iv,iii aneruniea, ill , uiii, a muuiAnu lri narnirrnnna. rairu ifti.n in eiello a mllle, or lllurlr.itc a moral. nun.cripuon price, two dollara n year. Bold by dealer a everywhere fur four rente a cony, JOHN II. BLULl'ER k CO , Fnbliehtr i . . No. S Waihlntton itrcel, Uojlon, March 51, Ks;, 1m. SAVING- FUND nr Ttlf iiiiuuuut ouiuty X' uuu UUUlIiilUV OrFlCE In WolnulSlrecl.aoulhweil corner ol Third atreel. 1'lillaOelnhl.t. Annual alelemenlnf ihe hurlnnafor thcoflic lal year, commencing December I, ISJ5, and ending December i. icoo. DR To bthnee as per statement Dec 1,1-53 37 J ,503 (0 To' Amount received from Depnsitora during Ihe f ffl dal yo.ir.troiMDcCit, 1853, lo Dec. 1. 1850 2,'JS3,4!3M To interest accumulated dur ing the same permd.to the eieditoflliposltora 47,070 CJ To Amouiil passed to the Conllngcnl FUnd during the same period.. 7,339 87 Clt. lly Amountnf Trlncipal paid to Depositors.lrom Dec. 1, lf55. lo Dec 1 IM.IO. 1 1 ill, 105 SI 1.371' 073 01 lly Amount of Interest paid to urpiistiors during uo same oerind.. Hyllalance with theCompa. 3,337,317 S3 3 337,347 S3 Hy flalance with the Co. na "0ve , $1,374,075 04 TilO Investments, nmnllnllnir. aa thrive. In nfjti MII.I.IOV. TllltEE IIUNt'PEri AND SEVENTY. I'OUrtTllOUSXNDANOBEVENTV FIVE IIOI.I.AItS AND r'OUK CENT.3. aa tier nulillihnil II, -non nf AH SET3ar made In conformity wilh Hie provisions of the Charter, In ItCAI. EiTATC MOilTHAfJES, (1I10UNL) RENTS, anil such first class securities as will always insurtt perfect security to the Dc osilore and which cannot fill lo give permanency andalabili y tulhia old and woll.eBlablisheil Institutiurt. ii. l.. UENSKIt, rre.iitehli ItOHT. BEl.t'ltlnilE, Vice rreaideot. Wm J, Ttctn, Secrerary. March 31, IS "7.- It SPKOIAL NOTIOK. TOIIV C, FUEK7.E Will tin In III nin.l,i,.. f..., ,1,.' ) 13ili of April till tho l-thj al wblrh time all per sona indebted to him nro requested In como forward ! andpiy. Utiicruise the uccounts will be orrai gin for I March 21, 1857 .-If TI1K LAST NOTIOK. Ks'atcnf Benjamin Hayman, deceased. TO'l'lCli is hereby Riven, in nil pora aa Ll hnrjnir iitiscttlcd ncrnunts. with the INmln nf llisjiMii IIavhsh, lute of Urango township, Colnmlna ' county, deceased, to present tlieni lo lllc utulersIirneiL 1 at Ins residence. In Centre lownhip, on or before the I .nil 01 ijirii next, propurlv authenticated for aettlo. i mcnt. i BOL.OMON NEYIIARD. Mareh 51, f57. 3t JWr. r NO TICK. jVTOTICE is hereby given, that the an- il nnal meeting nf the Stockholders of lln Dlooms hurg Kailriinil Iron Company, mil bo held at Irondale, Columbia county, tin Monday, tlie 4th day of May ntxt. Tor tho purposo of electing Directors, 'and lor tho transaction of other business. CHARLES W. EIHIIEn. March 21, 1857,-Ot JVeaeurer. J. IJALMEH & CO., MAtlKET STREET WHARF. PIIIUDELNHA. fiealcrs in 1-Ysh and Provisions, HAVE rnnstantty on hand an nsorlmenl nf Maclier ol. Shad, Herringi, CViiiAsh, Eeef, Pork, t.aril, r?h ouhler, llnnis, rlidcs, Cheese, lUco, fee, r. IIkoib Cll.ln. 'h.. 111.... J. iii.ircn is , ieo,. jut BLINDS AND SIIADES1 OF XF.ll' STYLES. 15. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 13 fiORTII SIXTH 6TIIEET, llll..n,i.iiiia 'ANUr,CTUREU Ol' VI1NITIAN nl.tNJIS, Vrl .11 vil, Cold Uordrred mil' I'alnlid SIIAIIDS. or beautiful c'talcns Hull', and all oilier colors or Hol land used for HhailiM. i'litiires.Triniinfiiss. oc, S.e , U holes.ilo and Hi tin I, in l lies Jowe.l cash nrlccs, l3"Hlore rhailea painted to order. It. J W. ihaiiMul for past, patronajjc, rcair-rtrully solicita the pulilic to call anil ,'aaini no liis new und largo assorthicnt, beloro piirrhasinseiscwlivrc, ITJ- lie Stud) to rieme.J7i March SI, 1?57, 3m GARDEN, FIELD & ELOWER SEEDS IRKSN AND GKN'UIMJ (JAROEiV BHErs, Inrvery ' . varlety.at uliotufaleand retail cfnbracing qli the new aud dcsjrahlo kinds, carefully iut up In pljcn for the rctnil irnde or Mippiietl in lmli Chintf c Suut C'anc tii-ed, JdpMi i'l'.'ii. Ornntre Water Melon. Ac Aiio.nciioiieHssoriiiiiiioiiiiioi-ii.wcrSiiiis.twiiiiy varieties inn boa for 31 Clean Clover and Tin X H-(d,0'ctiont C'rass, I(je(;rnM, Herd and line Lawn Gran, Ut., be. TASCII L MORRtS U CO Agricultural Imi'lt nirni on.I Bctd tiore. N. K corner of 7lh and Market streets. March H, mi, l'JuUdeiphia. CHARLES II. rtlARPLE'S. ll'I N E AND LIQFOR STORE, A'n. M3 North Third Strict, Above Race, Uast Bide, Ttvo doora nbove tbe liaile Motel' PUILADE.PJUA. . lias eonelantly on hand I'reijh Draadles, Holland Om and a eeneral asBorlment ofForeien Wines, a'so . alUcllnlnof Anierlcun plrita, tie. Varch 15. IWO-y, It EMOVAIsl II. C. & I. AV. HaRTMAN. HAVD rrmoveil. tbelr stuck o.'Tioods to the aland on the Corner v( Main and Market streets, below I McKtlvy.Xenl U en . lately ocuilpiM by A C Mensch, ' where, with greatly Increased facihtii-s, lliry nre ena titeitln otrer alull assmlment nf IJry Gnods. Groccrios I ILirdwate, (imrnsviare itc .at low prices. i U'tountry I'roduco taken al tlie hiehcat market prices. 'Coal always on baidand for satu. rifll.Sa'l Plj iter and lion, at low.nricuB . Thankful for past luioralbey hope for a ccntinuanct rtllBaiue. II. c it I. YV. rr A rtT.M a N . uigomsaurg, Jiarcu i, IC07. ' FOR SALE. rpHC subRcriber oflers nt Drlvaie'Bila oneofilm mo it lrt!ea,i,1'u, B",1l '''w resldtucei, in the town of , , 0y wit- rrUUl Oil JlialU aiTCCI. ' and an nccpsrlbla by alleys on tha West, aod South 1. ia handsomely laidoutwith Shrubbery, IMUIT & OIUVAMENTAL TREES. it la titled up with all the necessary out bnildinf s; aud anithaustitile well ul excellent water. Frame Stable Fine muck house. $k Terms easy. Apply on the rremlses. or at Una Of, tice. or lo Ihe aubscriber JOHN a, FHEEZU. Olootasburg, February W, .1847. Lackawantt & Oloumsbiirg ii. it. Offlee I.ark'a It nloomsburgR. R. Co. I H'iumisu, I,uz, L'o., I'a., Jan, 13,1617, ( INTEIUlST PAYAULE ON STOCK. CPIinMockholdersof ihii company are hereby not). Xlled llm t hy llc.olution of the Hoard of Directors. Interest on Hork computed to the3Ut nf December, Jf-it5, u ill l e paid on opplicatioii at thin Oilico In Ccr(M (at i of luock, t'ui ttotk t'trlififMPi will boiutd when ths in tcreit amounis tothe rum of fifty dolUrvi and fori mailer auras or any fractional amounts, Certificates wll be Ii- f led 1'ETTEUONi;. Trttt'r, March 7ih It 57, HollowayS Ointment. A MEDICAL REVOLUTION. Tho World Unanimous I Tim GiinAT uniiNTEn iriniTAMTii TlIEvlrua ofdlieaae oftenmakcalta wayto the In lernal ortana throuah the oorca of tho akin Thl A lernal organa through the porea of tho skin This penetrating Uinlmcnt, melting untler tho hand flail la rubbed In. la abBOrbed Ihrnuali the same channel. .and. penetrating uinlmcnl, melting under tho hand flail la 'f 0.f,"ln't "? r Inflammation, promptly a nd Inl '"""!" "newer i",u'n " Kiunejs.iu. penetrate. he aurfaco in the Interior, through the couiitleaa tuhea that communicate with the akin In amnnier ram paaaea Into the .fevered earth, tllfTaatng lajr.niiianiljegencrating tnlllierine, 8KIN MSUASl'.S AND OI.ANDUI.ARSWllLI.lNaS, i.veiy speciesotexierlorlrriiaiioi, la quickly reduced hv th mill I iifln moiain , atoil,,, nfihl. fli.tm.nl.M Aniry eruptions, audi na Ball Rheum. Erysipelas, Teller, Ringworm, Scold Mead, Nettle llaah, tcablea, lor lieu) att., mo out, 10 return no more, under, lie ap plication. Iloipiialoipcrlcnceln all partaoltheworld provca lla Infallibility In diacaaea of the akin, lue luuiclca, tho Jolnla anil Ibc c'anda. ULCERS, POP.H AND TUMOR3 The efTcel oflhla unrivallcil eitcrnal remedy f)oti Penrhiln, and blher vlrutnnl ulcere and aoree Iratinoil mlracutoua. It Aral ilUchareea Ihe oolnon tthlch orn dncea luppurationand broud flcah.and ihua the eurea which lla hvallui propelliea allcrward complete are aafunawell ne perniaiiciit. WO'lNUS, llliuistls. nURVS, Am BOALPS. In caaea ol tliefmcturc of Ihe bonea, Injunea cauaed ly atcnin oiploalona, llrinaea Hut in, Bealde, Ilheuma- llfmtllllncaa urine Jolnia. ami conlrariionnf ttie ai n.u , i. Alnni,un.i w.,miv .n..,....r..,u.i h f.icnlly, Title marvrloiia remedy haa b-eii Introduced by Itainvenlor In perron into nil the leading lliifpllalr nfEurope.and no private houaehold ahould be without i' . UNDENtAnLE TEBTIMONV. The medical alatr of ihe French hid I'.ngljth armle ntheCllmer, hnve officially algned theli apprnvnl ol Ilollowau'a olntnicnt, qb the moat reliable drea ring for eabra cute, ataba. and gun ehnt wounila. It Ib alao uaed by lite Hurgeona orthe Allied Naviea, Doth the Ointment ami Pills slwuld be used in the following cases : uuniona, rnea, Bore llcada.r 'ore Throats . orca ofall klnda t lullIB, et, I JolnlB. Tel r, Ulnr.', Venereal Korea i.ioiiui natua, unigw fi.,,1. J.L"'",' Br... ..iieuiu. Braids, Bkin Diseases, Swelled (Jlanda Ertlp-Borc Legs, Porellreasla, i Jl.Ve.rJi.' Mercurial tiona, Wouna.all kinda. MjIiI at the inanuf.ielories of nrofesscr llnllowav BO Maiden l.ane. New Vork, aod ail Btnnit, London hy all respeclablo Druggists and Di alers In Medirme throughout the I'ni'ed Btalca ant the civilised wutld Id pols nt23cetlis.f,, ceuM,nnd tleach. 'there la a considerable saving my taking the larger aires. ITS-cXUTIOVI-'-Nnn'! are genuine unless the worda IhUateay, JV'eia 1'orfc and London," are discernible as u rtiter mirk in everv leaf of the liook of directions around each pot or holt tlm sdmo mjty.he plainly reel by holding ihe leaf to tht tight. A liatnlsoin reward will ho given lo any ono rendering bucIi Information aa may lead to the delertinn.of any parly or parties co'jitiiicrfeiliug the medicines or vending the samo knowing them to he Bpurtoua. ATTRACTIVE SC11KME! 3,307 l'izes-Lowfst I'izc $10s XF.AHI.Y OXKPRIZB TO.r.rr.llXXIXK TICKETS PHIZES GUARANTEED! Georgia Lottery. ('"taunted y t.S'! '1 (t'g ) Fort Gallics' Acdcmy Lottery 1 CLASS S3. Tube drawn In the City of Atlantn.neorgla.ln public, on Tuesday Mar. luili 2lh, & April 7lh onllierlon of SINOJjE NUA1UEHS1 C3-rurchaoralnbujing 111 Whole Tickets ,uhcn. ihiiiiuiiibeia are in 1,'-', :i,4, 5, 0,7.8 u, 0) are guar nmcadi I'nte ol SIO Halves and Uunrlers in propor lion. Or CVrtVitatoi of lit T.ehett will be aoldal the rates below, fur ilionrkMi tho Tlckit, and uhlih, entitles the hu liter 10 nil he draws over )he31orrizi'B SAMUEL SWAN It CO., Mauagera. 30,0011 'f iclicis3,307 1'rizcsl prizes jiMovxnxa rcroi,ooiif Willbu diitrlbuted nccording to lherollowi"g OliIOINAls SiillEMEl 1 rriieof 1 1 ) 1 1 1 I 10 I'nzca of HO ioo ion 3,001) ' SU.OIIOis 3?3,0(0 io uliO is ' 10 oo'J 10.0110 I. 10.000 10 000 is ' 111,000 J.iiun ia ' 4,001) 1,000 IB l.OOil 1,000 is I, ono , -tm ato ' f.ooo 100 a;o U.iviu 70 nro . ?.'J00 50 uro I.ioo 40 am ' lao.tmo j i , $:o i.ouo , 3.'.tOT Vt l7es nmounrine to ttioie ri fuels, 5iu; nones Z; Qliartsrt. l2. Thn a.OOil I'ri7.if GIO will Ho ilttc nil I ne.l by tho lasl lisurool tin- NilmlHirthat draiva tlio$Ji.tlOO l'ruco Koroianiiili-illlu-fiiiinlK'r i rnini; Iho t'iS.OOOl'rlr.i) c-tiilt.. n Itn No. I. lhoii all thi'Tickns where tho num. bur un.li in I mil til! cmilleil to $10, 11 the Niinihcr in da w Ith No.'J, then allthoTinki-ia where Ihe Num tier ends in I! ui II bo riitnlcdto ;4t, and ooll too. i INDUCEMENTS YU CLUUH. As by thtsSulicincnno 'I itki'tlo ovcry Mils uaran Irritn (IrnwSIU.wowill foil CVnntralM of ratkagcicit 10 Tickpla (nhcro tho iiituibr-rsctid iflil , '.',11, 4,.',. 0, 7, 1 8,U,0,).n Ihe follow hie rates, wbirh ia tho risk on 1 llii'in. All thil they draw over the 840 Prueaaeeruea to ihe I purrhascr. 0 Ceiunc.no of Tackogeof lOlVholoTlckeU, f0o I io iinii . ' :i llllliaricr " 15 1 H will bo perceived, hv this plan, that far SGI thy niirchascr li.ia a certificate of lilTirkets, when if ho I n. . . r.w , I. n . . .. n. R IV inivaTirkfii tie nonlitotil v L'i't fr that auni (i Wholes thiinby buing C.iriillcaieK he has four morechauco lor the larger frtz-ju Hslvca anc Uuartur Packages in iirnportion. I I N UUUIUtlNO TICKETS OK cr.RTJFICATB., Undone ific money to our addres for the Tickets ' ordeied on rerclptuf which tltcywili he furwardcdh ftrnl mail. I'urthawra can IiaeTickttiendi(iB in I ni; tire I hey maydcaiguatu , Thu IUt of drawn Numbers and Frizes' will be flnt to purr hft'erni in mediately alter thu dm wing, Vnto Tickets cnsliedor rcnenediu otlmr Tickets nt ither olTn-r Address order for Tickets or Certificates either lo S. SWAN k (iO., Afanta, Ga. or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. Jnnanry?! .157 i " liKKlFUSS & FERNUERGER, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FAiVCORY GOODS. Freneli, Englisli and German KMDROIUEHIKS. FAXCY Ttt'MMlXas. AND . , ., MTf.T.TN'ERY GOODS IX GENERAL '-n 1 UUUUil u UcnuiAU, NnGil, North Tliird it..nUovo Arrh, riiiUJelpliia. rpllll Suhrilprs (-ould; respectfully Inform their X friumls aud the ptihliciiii-enernl. that thev have tihen tlm lari!1 and ooiiiiini'ltoiu Store, No. 1 71 North Second Htrect. ohove Race, and furnished it wilh fin entire new stockol ComJj,tu which they would invi e thir parlicular nltenilfn- rossetisiiieiiii'jurp'issed facilllics.and havinp hadot long I'xperienci in the husiness, he is cnahled tu fur inri ilitir patrnim and Merchants grnprally with tho latent t)les or 1'nncy fioodf, Kuihroidenes, 4r. at uiuuualto.v prices, nnd hopp hy strict attention to businesk.to uierita share of pnldic-tntriihagp, nm:iPtj6B a. ternklr nn. No.r.3 North Hilrdttcet, above Arch. January 10, 1B57 Country Dca!er3 supplied with German Silver Hperticles, In assorted dozens. Also with rallies, Oluod Elastic tcet, Silvar.riom &.c McAM-.lBTCil 4- 1SRO. (F.itatjlished IVM.) VH Chetinut.etreet rbitadelphia, Jannary3J, 1857. 5m JJ.WflS IUIOUWS GRAMMATICAL WORK'S. rTilin rillST linOK ol the Ilatioual I 1 System ofKilgllFfi Drammar. S5cta. 'i'ilnHi'.i?nvr iinnic nr u... tfti...nl system of Uuclisli Grammar, deUnudp teach tfenriressol Analvslne the Cneljth Lancuaeo with Bouud Judijeiiieiit. and Ihe ail ofuiiog it with irraiiisdical nrnnrietv 31 rta first Bchoot Ilisirlei u( Peiinsyhania. l lie1; wnjK uuii"w imeii in 1110 l uuuc ucnuun 111 111 1. i inn -miuK 01 me uauonai Biiem 01 uram- mar. designed to vnubie. the leurner lo become most Ihnruiisltly acqualntedivitli lienalurc and of the I're. porilions, anu may nu rcua ny unit eiliur in or out ot . aclioot, a'. eta. 1 UltOWN'S CRAIMATIOAI, RCADCR. Ibis Loot! seta aside thu old Grammars, exposealbeir deffecta, ! ueninnstraies inn nine use 01 aitrnuini; to ineiii,ana presents to ll c Teacher the unerring and only way lo ho IJrammer ff the Cnelish Language. 371 els. For sile by Peter Grltleo.lia A11UI1 Street, I'hilada. February lit, IS ST. TIBE C1IKAI UroOK STOItU. Corner ol 5IIi &, Arch Slrcel, Philadelphia . Henderson &, Co,,! BOOKSELLERS ?A7) PUBLISHERS. INVITE tho attentioiiof all Persons Visi ting l'liiladilphla, whether.0" UuaineBsor pleasure to their Uitraordinary uoiieclii)nrill"kuPan all sub, Jed., , ItDuksollers, Country Healers, T"'1""- Fublic and private Libraries, tunplied with iwoks U Siaitonary al lowest ratca, . C, U n.Nl"!RSON CO,, Maiclt 7. l8S7-Cmt x ADMlNlSfUATOll'S NOTICE. , Estate of Jacob Zchslofl, deceased, Lr.TTERRofadmlnlatratlonnn Ihe eiiale or Jacob Xelailoft, lato of Mcdiion,lownahlp, Columbia ro, dee'd. have teen granted by the Reglaler ol Culiimbla enuhly, to the aubacriber, who realdea in Madiaon towmhlp In, aald rounlyl all peraona having clalma ngainit ihedecendenlaro requeued to preaent them lo Ihe Admlniltrator-without delay, and all penona In debted to make payment forthwith, IIDUBEN MARTMAN, February 91, 1657.-0H. Jltm'r, ADMINISTKATOIl'S NOTICE Estate of William iVcrkhciscr', deceased. LETTERS ofadmlnlitratlon onthe catate ofWIlllatn Wrrkhclaor, late ofMadlaon twap. Columbia County lec'dihave hern granted by the Ilegiitrr of Columbia county, to Iheaubicribcr, who reaiiiea In Madiiori town ahlp in alld county t all peraona havlngclaimca ngalnal the dccciiitent are retpiealed totirercnl them in the Ail nilniiiraior without delay, and oil peraona indebted to hiakeneyineiitfortliwitli. r.t.iAa uooart. dn. Tcbruery 14. 1637. Gib. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John Price, deceased Ir.TTCltfl nf ntlmlnlitrnlton on llic cstnte of John l'rlcd lal? of Canwisna towntilp.Cn(ntiibif coimly, dfecnac.l.tiaTP liern Kmntfil Lv the llrgitti'r oT ccliini bin county, in LmvIi Ypttcr. wlio resides In Cat(.wpa towntili in mid ruiiiity; nil jm reoin liatliiir clninn nK'unsi incesioie oi uif iprcn ni nrp rcjupneu 10 pre ecMitlhtjin to tlm Admlntnrntor without ilcly and all persona inJclitcd to make pnytnent fortlivi ti Ii :atiiii3, Tcbruary 31 1P37 6t. Adm'r. PIIIVATR SALE VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY, rrUIC undcrmilenetl ulll.et) .it private sale, the vain jl uniccnrnT i 01 ni crmitHl, Miif-rnn arc prt-ctfil a II VAA.WU 1IUUSU aronu llOUdK. nml oiner improve inftittt.iiiuaiP on Mtitn Btrrct.ln llluome burg, I lie Lit Me of thnlnleiohn Harton, flccunicili t?anl nrnncrlv If one nf the most plPBEiinily arfMiifd tlwrlhnifi In town, with n Rood Store llmnc and cliglblu busincn stand. Tcrui tav. IiyAppty to the mbicritier, ngenl for tho IMrs of l lie said dvceaivd, J. II. MOYCR Uloomibiirg.FelSMary 7, 18S7, (Successor (o VERRY J- EUETY.) KOOK8EI.LCR. Ut.ANKIlOOK MANUEACTUREU, BINDER AND liEAJiKK IN i.vroMT.D .iMKRicxsT.nroxr.nr, S. W Cormr, 4th and Race riiiladelphm . (JOn PRINTING,) (BOOK Ill.NDING,) WM..G. PEKRY, announces to his fnijrldi and P.itrom Hint hu tt supplying on low trms. nian)cll')uk'i nmdc in a superior ty1u In his own Mnntifictory, Suitable for Uakus. Pibui UrricEtt u Minciunis I'atrily IIiM;, &r Oirilloofts.llonks of nil kinds lor .iillic JftBIBuFL nr.d rrlvato lAbrztyt fctiool U11 kn cJzZEXl& Curtain r.tprrk, Vrapintr I'apers I'nnl ffiiffiViij rnp. Lptler.Nitte it Prliitliipr.iprri.rialn I'nrctiment, t'drcliinfiit. Sc I'jner Dceilo, Morien&cu Ate, rroiuiisa rvOit WnltT Colors. Sermon I'ttpt.r, Thi i the only t-BtnlilUltint'tit nt which the rA.MI I.Y rORTUAlT IHIJLI ran In purchased, lhi Hilile lino nrranc.'. The iiorlrmt of cich inilivitlonl member cifllie r.umly ran he rcit 1'Ctland a! lat a cot leu thnn, the raitiilnuorftnnrtlfii.iryt-izLHll'i.riruii OU) lilUI.Ld cnnlirt honn.l for this p-irpoiu to accuuiodatti any num. her of Minnturts desired. MaBJr.int-s, l'crioilicals nnd ol J Dooki bound In handsome (tytq. WM. (3. PERUY. fniccct'.r to Pkrrv Sc Uhett . 4U: ic ltace, l'lillodclrbu. Mirch ;th,1557. I'HRENOLOOIAL CABINET. rouiiKiis, wni.iiS &.co NIUENOLOGISTS AJC)) I'lJfJl.ldllEllS, Arch Street, below Seventh: l'hila'd I furnish al I wo rks on I'liteiKilogv.l'hysiotogy . ValrCnr Mannellsnt. nnd t'honot'rophy, J l'rffessionnl rxatninations, wltli charts, and litll wrillcn ursr cviiunB'. Cablnctfrec May 13. 1653.. 1857. SPltlXO AND SUMMFR, GEO. ltULPIN & CO. IMfOltTERS AXD M1XUFACTWIF.RS, ,171 OIIESNUT STREET, Are now prcpnredfto exhibit their NewPtylci FOR Hl'UNG TRADE, INCLUDING niatsrk anil rolorrdsitk Muntiitaa Chantly Lac Man Mactillas, Trench Lnre i11nntllla, Enibrnidereil Hilk iM.mtilla, llnckit tare mm Nil Mnntillns, Mourning Mantillas ltasiiies, Til In.as, &.C, Uz., All of which will bo oirered at Ihe Lowest Trlrcs, GEO. IIIILPIN & t'O. 1174 Chcinut r-lreet, abote? Ill, I'hiladerihia. March 7th, 1857. DISSOLUTION OE PAItTxVERSIIIP. fpt11firnior,MUVROi: irAnIAV,heln diolv. X"hy mutual con mint, nnd ilie torunrdtnc busitn' h irt in the haiiiitj of J. II. Ilnrman. one of the farm r )'irm, I would tcconunt'nil him to thu shipping I'liblie heiiif full asnured, the liuiineii will ho in ten tied with nromptnesn and diipatcb. ISAAC 8. MUVIIOE. Rupert, Ftlirnary 2a, 1637. FORWARDING MERCHANT, RUPERT, PA. Wll.l. nnrn" lo retcivinss: rorwariilip by Canal nrltAII, MMAn. tall Merclumlisa mui Ireiclits ill recti'illn Ins raro with priimptiiass and ilespuch. (I h-Jj uill cj.jlivero dat tho lullanlng rales per. Illl) pounlBi Freislita on all goods from riiila'iln'tn Uerwick Ii HuvuUi Wilkes', lflClassviz Dri'GOoits,' I itiiots, siloes. Hats 4c. nh Bncetlilgs Ale, cheese SQ Si I'D I'.l S3 S3 30 CO ii 43 ' SO . SI Hull's, :m Molsiics Sugars, Ball 1 sail . iron &c, m'Freigtitafrom neadine, Tons villi, Tamaiiia, e., taken at Pro. rati rates special rontracla inido fur largo nnionnts. rll freights mul do marked rale of J. II. liar loaai llupert lo niceive prnmpt ailenciun. ueier to uoi Jiieii.t'ii i-HAiinii MaJ, I ri. MIIMlOi;. rtupert, FtLruiry, lia Jr07. 2ino. MUKl'IlY KOONS, ; G UNHRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A.NU WIlOLCSAI.n DHAI.KRS IX FISH, CitKESI! .V i'ittn'isro.vs. Na. 41 North U'aryes (lelow Race Btrcrl) 1'IllLADELPHIA. Have constnutl) on hind n larje asw ,, ,si.iii sntttiient or Fit1!! 6i GllUHMl & IMtO CS5S VISION'S, which they are prepared to tell al thu Jo.esl posfiMt rates. pyollDKRii promptly attended to, rtbusiry si, Idi7. JOHN M, FQRD, IJirORTKR, MANCFACTURCR .jnEALnh IN SADULKRY, UOA0II HARDWARE AVI) TIUMMINGSr Nd. S-2, North Third St. Philadelphia. PURCHASERS will find It to their advantage to ex amine iiiyrilock, which ia vcryexlenslve.nnd pur chased for Cib)i; 'and consists in all the variety ofNew StylcaolQoodsin my line. N. II. AllOrdera shall hive particularand nromnt attention. Scpteinhor u, 13" I y OlilPHAHT, WOODSIDE & CO. Importers and Wliolesalo Dealers in tUinqs dnD tquot5? No. 155 Nof'lli Third street. Comer of New Street, PIIILADEIiPHIA, r.OuMtiNT, J. WooDsiua, dto.McAir January, 3J, 1S37 y. JOHN II. ALLEN & CO. Nos. 2 ij- 4 Chcsnut, Street souOi side be- low Water,) l'hilailclpbia. (TiiaOt-rasT rVooD-waw: Ilouss.l.i TiraCiTt ) MANUFACTURERS and Wholesale dealera Inl'at. mil Mar.lune.madQ llri'iims. Fatenl Grooved CeA&r. ware, learaatei not to sanaa, Wood and WilloW'Were. Cords, Urushea etc,, ofall deici Iptieat. 1'lcaae eall and examine our stock Bee-ftiuFi , 164 -I t CONSUMPTION, AND Ati dIbeabes t)F THE j.un6 awo TllltUAT are paltlvr-ly curable hy Inhalatlrra, which conveys ihe remediea lo the eavlllea In Ihe ln-nga through the air passages! Knd coming In direct contact Willi Ihe diseasei neulfaDiea the tutiercular .,., .ii... ,l, ,Mih. snses a fie anil ealv SIMM, toration, heals the lungs, pnrifles the blood, imparls renewed vitality to Ihe nervosa system, giving that R!MrarMl!d.iWSM SSSdViSSSWiW o,,VoVeu?.V":arednyaVr.f'of,err.a:h.' . hritxiT(es Aiid ftny per cent. In Wieiecunrf ! but Id thi third Btoco It li Impossible to ave tevtt t ftrt fire per cent. for the lungs" 10 eut ut by the dlitB n to bid defiance to medical skill. Lven, tirtwtrtt. ih tho 111 iaaii. iniminiion aiTjrdt piirr.orrJinarr rctitf it tho tniTerinf! attenditift this fcatful seounr whUlj an HU any ueitroyi nmeiy nv iiiuuibiki perucm n inui itntt.s.1 innt ! am) ii eorreet c Hteulfitfnrr hnn' that ol the present population of tin rarth, elf tit mil lion arc tlestmcit to mi the coniumptire'serate. I Truly ilie quiwr of death has no arrow so fatal ai uongumpiion. in ail Bgi li nas urvn grtui rncmjF of li, for It fliarca tieithrr age nor mix, but sweeps oir alike tiiaJjiavctthe beautiful. Ih gractriil.Rt'd the jtlfteil. Dy the help of that supreme telngafrcin whom coineth every (row hnd perfttt gift. I am enabled to oflVr to tho mulcted- a jiermanent and spccily rurc in Consumption. The fl tn cause uf tubercles It from im pure dwoii, OTtfl in ininicaiaiwf.uens itoouccu oy ineir iirfioelilnn tn th lunos.U to nrnvent tliufrce admininn of air Into the air r ells, which tames a weakened vita lity through the entire ayiiem. -men uureiy ills mora rntioiialtoeiti''Ct c renter eondfrotu mpihclnepj enter I or the cavities of the lungs than trout those adnilhlttcrcd through the sloinnth; Hi pstieni will r.lj s find ihe lungs free and tho breathing eary alter Inhaling rcme dies True, Inhnlatiou la a local remedy, ncferlhelcsa it acts coniiitullonallv. and wlih moro pour r nnd rer tnlnty than rermit.es administered by the stomach, lo nrove the ntiwerful and direct influence ol thl inodf of administration, chloroform Inhaled will tnilnly dt ftroy aenfilliility in a few minutes. paral)zing the en tire nrrvout oyntrm tc that n limb may In amputntcd wftliout tf fiigntpsi pain inimung uie ordinary burn lrg k9 will destroy life in a few inur. 'llm Inhalation rif ammonia will rotjic tho aystem when fainting or BpparentU tload, Tin odor of many of the tnr.litlneii It perceptible in the sKln a fiw min utes after being tnhilfd and may be imineilmtely de h'Cicd in th' blood A roiivinnhgproof of ihp cnnstl tutional eiP-cta of inhilAilon.ls the fjet that sirkness is alwtiys prndiicid by brtathitig foul nir. It nut this poitivo evidence thit proper reim lief. rnrelully pre pareil and judiciously ndmliilitered throuph the lungi, r-houtd pm.iucp Die mol hippy rcrulir-T fiurinp pirIi. teen yrurs' praeil'e, many tliouRtitit. nutTt-ritic fiom iWmaret of the lut gs and throat, hivp been umler ruy tare, and 1 hnve effected many reiiiftTkaMccuKf, even after the sutTfrera had been pronuunci-il in the ta it siage. which fully ontiifirs me itrnt consumption Is no loiiL'rr a r.itnl discard. My treatment of consumption m onitinnl, nnd foUndcd'nu longciperionce nnd a tlio rou ).'h liiTcsiiflAiinii. My pprffct nciunlntanre with tup nam re 01 luorrciec. cc., enables mo tn uitungtim readily, the various formi of cti pcarxt that simulate eoiisuiiii tion, and apply the proper remeoiert, rarely being initio ken even in a single cane. 'I his famlliirity, tit connection win. certain pnimMOfieni mui inicrosro pic dirovene, fiiftbles me tn relieve the hings from tho rlT.-tts of contracicd cltOflti i In rnlarifn the rhet purify tho blood. impait tn it renewed vitality ,giring cnt rw and tone lo the entire ivttm i t not sij, iosi umre, u v uivrtiiAM.nl n.,t)fiice iuy raocBT street, uciow i wcirth, rbliadeiphia, ra. w. Tii,tit:u. IMPORTERS OF TOYS AND Articles for Druggists, Tobacconists, Statioucrs and Confectioners, No. lf, BOUTH 4lh 8l rillLADRLrilU. FMirnary IW 2m 1(1A)0.1BBUHG KUUNDKY. ' TOSnriISIARri.KaahiivintT " J ttken tilt! entire Interest of his late partneHn the lllooms tmrg rotiiNiiVi nnu uirepnred to manurjcturcii!llt)nJ8nrciit- eizlossuniillyniodcin hlsllne of '-'"--"' Thankful for tho llrerfll cue torn hrel(ifreaTVardf(ithlseftalliihineiil,hchupei fl met an (increase n nnoiic puroiiugt!. lllromhnrg Apr.lMtr. M AGRIGULTUIlAli IMPLEMENTS. IMPUOVr.D Iloyrreeses Tarmers notleri t Hum I'nwc's aud Thrtythnrs. (J ram Fnna C Si.isaifj Ciiticm und SlulTert of vnrion natrons. Improved Prrtalilo. (3roin .Hills . VeR.'tnWe. ALSO liny straw and fodde Cutteri In it rp tit v.irietv. l'AsniiAi.r. Monms & co. Agricultural Warohvitseahd tieed Stern. 7th an J Market Philadelphia. November 2'.MP5G. Noa. 0, 11, 13 and 15 Courtland street . iEV YORK. D. D.WINCIIUSTIsU. -nioA.n viNCiifc?Tr.n, "HKNJ. I'.WINCMILSTEIl. May 31,1PJ1 3m HlllLADEIil'HIA CARPET, S I ORE.' pAltrCTINGS. Oilcloths. Wlhilnwghlrlef, Malaria V' Mattings Just received lU.OIIII pierra new style nufaclured and irnprarl.; ,1 expresfly for CAIU'ET ,,. Merchants and llousekeepera will pleasf nb Kos. Ii ami HU Nor 111 Second Slriel.lil door below na.'a I'lin .r fi T 7 March 33. IH3U. J f3IDNEY JOKKS. JOHN a.YAGER, Fashionable lint & Cap Store, vo. ir.3 vnnTn Turn n htiippt iiuit a nL'i rim i k Hf pf chn nil .n,i vI.iia. V.V. v- ..i.I. i-Vl"t vitV!'nA.l'1llV'e,l,hJ!1' June Mt?. y J. 11 & S. A. ALLEN, No, 4 and 8 south Warves Philadelphia Trv BfPnlP.Pt: Iti I lilt; H'Bnwnys in store a supply of Oi In fur Martin cry. Itutning and coiumon grtntiiig j urpotn aa o owi Bperm, Winter AVhalc, L.ird, Hacked Wimle, Utephant. Grcainipatid, Holnr. KonnOiU. Which they wilt sellat lowcstratts. Mav H,IP55-y. r Mount Vernon House Second strceti above Arch, YhihCJa, Tllr'.undfrigm-d having ptirehate.i the jntireft n Mr 1). Itlairiu iheabiivi'nldesiHhlii'htd Hotel wi nuw h.ivo the fob uper ifion nt ihn CFtnl)lilitiit-ii and colifil I In p.itronl!i o'lhe ptihlie. II, It-cln 1-oitfi .lent tli.it .1 trial uthia House. ltMim, Tuble, Hervanis 4.C.. will pro.e thebegi recoiiiincnd.'ition liettingive . 1. u. .UI.U I , 1KV LIQUOR STORE. SO. 133, NORI1I Tllllt II-STKCnT. (In the Eagle Buildings, Jlltove Race St.) Philadelphia. TJIC undersigned begi 'cava to Inform his fri'nJs and thtt public, thn he has opened an extensive LIQUOR HOUSE, In llm Eaele J3u1ldnss, No. 133, N.,'3d St., as alovei w here he w 111 bo lnppyla supply Mrehanu. I'oteN kerpers.and ciidtomers genfally, wiiU the choictit braudd keptiu riiiladelphia. 1 wilum nnonsr. " . ' halt tfJJanntU) March 7th, If57.-y ' STRAW BONNE I'S & IIAT8. AT lownrieps for Cie.li n lirrrn n it-nil ion iini.13 lor visii, a largo anu WCIt assorlad Stock ol IVi'mena, Misses & Children!, pjQ STRAW fc SILK DONNETS s3c MEXS, Bors AXD Cllll.DREXS , fitraw Hats. AaTiFiciL, rLowcus, tiio?j.vnT nutata MISSES STilAW HATS, WAI.TUR3 & STACKIIOUSC. No. 53, Norlh 4th St. (.Oppoiltaa Metcharu. lintel.) March 7, 1S57. I'liiladelphia. Peruvian Guano. IXl'KRlTA'CU hasltuglit the Tarmer that the onlv J ni. li (VDLB Tuttllzer ii thu PERUVIAN GOVEItNMENTGUANO. The tubiciiber, Sole Agent in Philadelphia fo( Ccaalc of it, liua now on hand n large Block of PUKE PEUUVIAN GUANO. Which lie will sell nt the low esl Cash tulce. in Initio suit either dealers or furmirs. n S. J. CilRISTIAN, , , Ml Agt't fir PkiloietyhU, Ifr. 41 AorlliWharvea.aud U7 Noiih Water titreil March'tb, 1817, 3iu. SAMUEL M. MECUTUIIEN. MILL-lrKlOIIT AXD BVRR MILL STQXE MAXV- I J-IUJ UK l.K . j cui,u i roprieior oi johsson a ijr-scs I Vw, hgihty approved and much 5iJ lupiovuii h.m u'rr it. scnvuiv I Ml MACIIINUi Improved ..nn vviituvt; iir.n iruBiier, me I'reurium JIacliiue for Milli'n, fJlrecl, (lath Ward,) adilresaE? Kensington rosl Oftico. s Shop: IIAVDOCK Street. below r,nni n,.i. hi. I.C;oC,!lM?llSL"S,i",Mill..l,,", B,,",,, Mntbinei', ..-.i. viinuic iiiiii.iriretcneoiieiiing CetnentandScreen Wire. . PaUAUn MESIIEU BOLTING CLOlllS rebiuiryS! IC5,-Jiijo LEJ M Et 18 r POSTSCBIPT. j HEPtJBLltJAN NOMlNATIONBi Hon. David WiLMOtj fat GtJvtmot'i wlim. MiivrMd, of I'LluaeirMs. Ca"l .OommmUsioner, litiVo lobh nominatod by tlio Vu0n Convention, vrhlcli atscmblcu in Harrisburg, on last cdncaw day. , GOVERNOR OF KAN8.B. ii .I,.. . t lion. IloniiRT J. WAtKEn, lias becrj sjipdlntcd (Jovcrncr of tlio Territory .of Kansas, in Jilaco of John W. Ooary, ro figiicJ, EX-I'REsIlENT 1'IEBUEv Ex-President PitrcS i Lady, hao ,r rived in Philadelphia, whore they Intotirl to rcsido during tho month' of April, for tho benefit of medical advico for Wr: Pierce, whofc health ii much impaired. itST Mil. Mitchell, of Perry county, ha9 been nppoiutod Superintendent of the Philadelphia and Colulnbia Railroad, in place of Col. J. R Uakeii, resigned., V VALIAIU.E IllOGUArillCAL U'OIIK.' HIOtLD Bt 01MtD AltD XH BY GVtSKY YOUNG MAN IN TllU LANDI tse Lire or Tin cbubratid INVENTOR 01.' STEAM UOATf, nlnrr. "Fadicr hf Strata' Navigation.'' O.VE OF rENNSVI.VANIAH MOST rATMOTIfls AND (UlTUn PONS. ROBERT FULTON. One volume octato. Illustrated with twenty fir superldy colored and tinted enprnin;s(-etrcHtei In the I'fit manlier Ironi Mr. Pultdn'ii ortninnt tlrawinifi; reprOseiitinj: his niiniernu invuiiliom In Hteani Nv( paiinn Huhninrtnt1 Navifrtition , Fort i nriiiitina, kc., Lhu iocciher with cople nt his p.irly thawing when aa Arilt (miniature pointer) in rhilatlcthli. hy J. Frank lilt nijari, Usq.. Author of United States Antfptrn. p'.tj'i" 1 lit inveiuuii uuu iduuiiu ijlillio, ' be Ac, Ololh binding. t " 1 50. HntiKbT t'l Lion Teiliani there in no mm. In-all ik tt?Ui galaxy of dintiiiKUiBlieil Anuricani, who havo aaornen uie niiiury ui iiiu nf puouc, n note euicerii nit re kirikinFtvattociatctl "h her pUry rnd her proe. prnty, than he whosu name e have placed at the hnd of this article. His life, n ritten hy 4. Prahklin Ilci-arf. or i.ancnuier. u . nicn n ain tlio iirthilac of eulton. hn been lately puhlinheJ. It hns cv;.lent been nlnhir of love, the wiiur having ffr'nrnied hi nlloiied task, wilh a fl.le lily and criiitileu-iiess that do Honor at ohcg v mi nvau nnu 10 mi nearr. it is inn unlyrdlablc or latuf.iciory III' of Robert rnlton, and ukie us MacH aiinnig niiifncuii I'jngrnpiiif n. w nuotll th Bhghtftt poftibilny of di;pu'c. j ue pcnpui uu itcii in urc orrou vaney or tnt raighiy MisBisrippl,ihonld lx nuinnj; the earliest and the most p'dmpt lo welcome the nppvarance c.f an aa thcniic record ol the man, to whoe g' tilii they urv n deeply indebted for the means or to rirhly dcvloplng the alMUiithng renonrres of their section orthe country. The first to demonstrate th" practicability orprcpcIuf t'ltieifi vy kirniii, hum iu ,'ni i nnu succt'jfsiu' praenco, his claim to bp considred'ns nmorp the cliff f hint Ins' tors, not only of his country , but of hla race, has lonj been ad mil led in be unassailablo. That the poisibtllty of this had struck otlitr minds, ami had been arputd theoretically, but irilhout nily pracilral demonstration ofihtj i,ict, docs net militat1 acaiiii his rip lit lo bs roniiilcred tho f.itlicr of MerfurnaviftniltiTi lhe fins' oaco In ie07 or the, ULCRMIilVr. fmn New Yoik to Albany, ni IM til) nf his title 10 this distinction, and it in now, and Ins for eam been undirnuttd, uud ntil forevei runnni lmliFpulalilp. From the early hohood or Fulton, the perm of hla future fame wni rt cognized by all who krtv him, and who wa'ehod l lit- development of his mind and or hla character, as n plant of ttrong and vigorous grumn. promising a rich and prejnnni miiurity Tlm flntof Mr Reigait's ititcrcsUnK lllutinlicns chows him & boy of fourteen years of age, maUnp a aucrr'ful cipftr rimcnt oT propel inp a smal! skid by paddle uheeU nf hi own construction, on the Oonrstoj-a. This was iu 1779. Twenty eijzht fjrg thereafter h sntisfieil all duublers that a vcfiel of large nzff could bo propelled by pnddlc-v Iicl'Ij wilh sttniu as thn motivn power. Iletweon those two eras of his'iife; li'm genius tvnn do vtlopins ituelf in many varied hoji, Ue una a drJUKhtfmnn of ho ordinary merit, and piloted with creat skill. lie supported hinuetf uiilt Ins pencil for many years, deriving emolument from painting por tniis and andfcape, and making dranmirs of machi ncry. Theitenris tv put to'cood and uicful'-purpniu wiitriL nu uvtawci am iiu suun uiu a c vi i engineer ana inacfiinbt. ' 'In the book before us we have colored hthprnnhia plntci or.rV ral of Fulton's il'ustratlonn of Joel bar low's famous "UOLUMIIMD, wliirh nhow preat oii finality of conception, aptness of design and facility - vzeciition. It is not our purpose to clvi even a synopsis of tba' interesthis events of the remarkably nciive and ursful ('arecr of Fulton's tifo, murh less to' go into an Maborata cinayupon his-nenlos, anJ Iho wonderful renults that have Unwed from Mi prrot iiiventtcn Theso two tasks litre been very creditably perft-tfocrf h the an thor of the volume to which have alluded. Oar purposo is pnuclpitly to call attention lo thni work. The'e Is one incident which it vsneclallv become i however to tall to thn notion of our Immediate tel. 11H i wasmadft with him.bj IhcUnit.d Platti Government. in Dert'mbcr 1614 for the purpnon ofWployiiig his (tianiboitu Vesuvius, Xtna. No v. Qrltas and Natrhtc. Ion the Miflippi river, in ttahsportine troopi and munitions or war, nnd h I celebrated battle of NeW week ailci Ihe arrival of liic riurutu. on ineunio. ins urienns icmik plate about s the Vet.ii.iut) iu our vatcri. and it was upin her, (siys our biopanher,j thn ttft WlMlie.llUllIt, KLIiriUI IHIHI, III Ull Ull 4HUlf,JH 1 1 a O-il ticipii'.ions of tafcty to the city, nnd the ilfccmp'ish. mentof a brilliant lictory. John Uuincy Adams aud Andrew Jackson both certified to Con; n a ihe valualU eervicca of Fulton at this Uinp periods lltiides putting into ruccetisful oiefation train ve. pelt oil uv r the country, plans of oefener acati,t mr it! inn Invaiiioii, and nfub aiuattc navigation occupied his thoughts, and no. lit Ho ol his time and rxpertnieov lal arthiiy. And out cf tupgcktioiu and dfnionstra' linns tin ft i by him havo ppruufr ninny of the most tif In) and ciroctivc instruments ol natal v.'arfare of this clar-s the wnrhl non knows. It was the opinion of Cat'wal.nlrr It, Colden, of New Yoik, an eiprtjied I h hik'hirtti&Jr rrad-befoc the Thl losophiral Srtety of that Male, in le.VT, son utter tb death of Pulton auditis nn (-pifiion Inwhichall mho kin t will now aBe ' that th"ri rnnnot be lound, on the rerords of dt pal ted uorth ihn name or a peron uhos" nulivi lual ejtertion mankind tire more indt-bird than Ihey arelo ItSbert rtitton, The combined eflorla or philo4oph'rs and htatesti.en have improved the cob dltinn of tnnn. Lut nri individual has tonferietl mori important bneDio on his i-pecies than htt has ione, Ji'rvf Orltint Vrsyunt, Nov, 7, IPSO, March H, l-Sui. SIFTER K0Tf WIIKN A PERMANENT CI7RK Irt GITAJt ANTCKO lualUlajesnf tiUCRFr IMHKACd. Kelf-Ahuia. Nervous Uvbihty. Htiictures, Gloats, fJrar'fl.Mircflrlilf Hhemnatlvtn, crofula, rains iu the AuMi-s&ud ltunos. Diseases of the Throat. Noe and Vyt9t Ulcers 11 port the liody, Femnlu If rcpu.antlef.Bad all tuiproptr iHs. rhnrgei, no matter ol bow Ion? utaTniine, or obstiilatr the case, recovery is certiia and In a shorter ttuve tbam a permanent euro fould be efTtcti'd by any oihc'r treat metil, evtn ofie.r the i-killnf Ui mof t rinineitt pUttl. cians had ftiled. nnd the 'dltjeasn revisivd aif oilier nirans of cure, Tho remedies ary freo from 06 tit, emu iiiir n.ithvr fickner-8 rmr inconvi-uience, and without nircury nr baUnm luriiry twenty jrars,' practteu, I Invt rrntnred to health over seventeen thou. am!' r. tienu who wcro luJVrHtu under thu wotrrornn cf all ! 11,0 "'",'v,! "x"1""1"' liiakiB,v.liirli cuaraiitrranic la i.rr.ini.ing r"irl"i anil nm,t Brr"lv ritr.. srcrii dis. rwt att llietreati-et cncirii'S tn health anil hanpinrss. iui:r "1 iiiu luff cause iii rtinsu lupiion, aeroluril,ac., and should be a terror to all nations on the. cartti ; fo: theilisease Ib becoming sovommon Qnd'trea'lrnent ao little understood, that n petmuncnl curv H aearcelr ever cffictrd.aa n majoniyof the u.cs fall into the hand, of Incompetent persons, v;Uo not only tail lo cure tho malady, but ruin the Muatitiiiion with corro. sive ubli matea dangerous poison, a preparation at mcrrury-wlilch, wiih tin, remain, of disease in the s)sleiii. produces many ot the aboio ntmtil aireetlar.v, which nnally tenniriMu iu consumption. and rrriuentlr a rapid one , but i.hould it not cuuse drmtr speedily, and iho victim lo illspaie marries the diaease is then convejed fror.1 Iho parent lothe children, caixting tan to come lj,io ihe world with scrofula, alTVclions ot th skin, eye. throat, ace. anUaiaiu Mrnlnatts la rpn. sunii'tiuii, nnd consigns iiiurtimio anunlimrlvcravV, bc'iveen ihe ages of atx inonlrls antl thirty five yeare .'elf-ahuse ib another formidable enemy to health ; It destroysthe nrvoila system rajridly Hasting away tho encrgica of life, musing mental derangement, nrevent. Ing n proper I'evelopmem of tho system, and rllaquall fying its victim for ii iirtiace, society business and all eatlhly happiness. Fcwire Irregularities ami all other d'sease. rafemaleB lreatedlu the most skilful and sci entitle manner. Aledicfnea, with directions, senl to any pirt or the United States mid Cnnailat.br pallanla comniuinratlir'g their aynipinms bv letter, J. SU.MMI'.RVIUI.n. M.D., Dot S3, Foil Office i FnarRT si., below lath, I'hiladel' iiu in, I a. Mareh 14, 1837. States Union Hotel. PORMCCRI.Y RCD LION HOTEL ) No. 200 Market street, Philadelphia tuateas'neoflhenldi.'n I1' l",.u,v" "otH.houub hiVtil I- ,lae oldcaland most can venlenl Hotel In irV.i,o;.ro,,r,,,",fu,,,,oliel,"v" T. A. M. ItUPEUT. Iiniraraino IBh.et Iron Manu(aruirr..8tei m. Ittalkflovr Ruitn'B