COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. LEVI I" TATE, KDITOB. Bloomsbur&March 28,1857. Nero, ocallc State Komluatlons. FOR GOVERNOR. Gen. Wm. F. Packer, Of Lycoming County. TOR CANAL COMMISSIONER Nimrod Strickland, Of Chester county, FOR jUilOE OF THE BUrRCMK COURT. Hon. Ellis Lewis, Of Philadelphia. Hon John G. Montgomery. This gentleman's numerous friends will bo gratified to learn, tint he Las quite re covered from (lie cpidernio attack, with wbick ho, and many ,othcrs, was seized at the National Hotel, when on a recent visit to Washington City. A gentleman from Ohio, Mr. Lcnnock similarly attacked, has since died of the malady. Tho Board of Health, after investigating tho establish mcnt, have come to the conclusion that tho poisoning was not caused so much by tho It ds as from tho poisonous miasm, gcrmi natcd in the walls of the building. Legislative. Wo do not find much of interest either special or general, in the proceedings of our Stato Legislative. The action of that body, that of tho National Congress, during tho past winter, has not been regarded as of much general importance to the country. Tho subjoined acts and provisos, of the Legislature, relate to this section and will impart some interest to enr readers : Mr. Ent, has recently read bills in the Houso for the purpose of widci ing a cer tain Street in Bloomsburg, and also for es tablishing and incorporating an Academy in Orangcvillc, Also, passed tho IIousc, the bill to repeal tho Stato Road, from Bloomsburg to Sullivan, gran'cd last Ses sion, or so much of said road as passes through Hemlock township, Columbia co. The bill passed in 1850, which reduced tho number of Supervisor, in Catawissa township, and by which the road repairs were let out to the lowest bidder, has pas sed both branches and been signed by the Governor. Baltimore Conference of tho M. E. Church. This Conference numbering over three Hundred Ministers, which met on tho 4th inst., in tho Light Street church, Baltimore city, adjourned on tho 18 instant. Tho most important action of the session was .its -division into two Conferences, to be called respectively Baltimore and East Baltimore, The East Baltimore Conference embra ces all that portion of Pennsylvania, con tained in the old Baltimore Confcrcnce,thc Counties .in Maryland immediately adjoin ing Pennsylvania and part of tho county and City of Baltimore. It is divided in to six districts, and these arc subdivided into One Hundred and nine circuits and stations. We publish, to day tho appoint ments for the Northumberland district: The State Achiicuxtuiui. Society held a wetting at Harrisburg list week, which washeldfor Secretary and Treasurer of the Society, when Messrs, Walker and Bueher wero ro-elccted. It was determined to hold the next annual Exhibition on the 20th and 30tli of September, and tho 1st and 2d days of October next. No place hai yet been fixed upon, but it will proba bly he held in Philadelphia. Advebtisino Sale3. Tho last No. of the Bucks County Intelligencer, contains notices of no less than ninty-eight public aalcs to oomo off in that county. Tho In telligencer says that in no other county in tho State are personal property sales so well attended or aro such good prices obtained as in Bucks county. This is doubtless owing the liberal system of advertising adopted in that community. It has been found that money expended for advertising is cash well laid out. The Cabinet, It is a noticonble fact that five of tho seven mombers of Mr, Bu chanan's Cabinet have been honored with the position of Governor, viz : Gen. Unss, Ex-Governor of tho Northwestern Terri tory! Mr. Floyd, Ex-Goy. of Virginia; Mr. Brown, Ex-Gov. of Tennessee; Mr. Tonecy, Ex-Gov. of Connecticut ,- and Mr. Cobb, Ex-Gov, of Georgia. This shows tho high estimation in which the Cabinet is regarded at home, in their respective States. tT Mr. Cobb, the new Secretary of tho Treasury, is said to have added to the pre existing causes of dismissal prescribed by his rcdecessora in tho Department, that of dealing in lottery tickets, and frequen ting gaming houses. If this rule Bhould bo enforced in respect to members of Con gross, there would not' be a quorum left in cither house. New Furniture Congress has ap preprUted 820,000 to- 'ronew the furniture of the Kxrcutive Mansion'; and also 911, 000 for the repair of the public grounds in Wsthington. Tho Next Houso of Hoproson- tatives. The Washington Union furnishes tho following t&blos of the political cnmploxion of tho next Houso of Rcprcscntativcs.-J- Tlut our friends in tho States where eleotions aro yet to bo held may fully un dcrstand how much must bo done to givo tho Democracy tho noxt House, wo present two tables. Tho first rlassi(i;s tho mem bers elect, politically, and tho second states the relative strength of tho Democrats and their opponents in tho delegations as they wero returned to tho last Congress : Members of the Ihirty-fflh Congress al ready elected. Democrats. Opposition- Maino 0 New Hampshire 3 Vermont 3 Massachusetts 11 New York 12 21 New Jcrsev.... 3 2 Pennsylvania. . .10 10 Delaware 1 South Carolina. . 0 Ohio 8 13 Indiana 0 5 Illinois , 5 4 Missouri 3 3 Arkansas 2 Michigan 4 Florida 1 Iowa 2 Wisconsin 3 California 0 01 00 One vaeanoy caused by tho resignation of James S. Green, subsequently olected as a Democrat, is gcuerally classed with the opposition, bcoauso of his well known views on tho slavery question. Political Complexion of Hit Deligations of States in the Tiirty.Jourth Congress, in which election are yet to be held : Democrats. Opposition. Bhodo Island 2 Connecticut 4 Maryland 2 4 Virginia 12 1 North Carolina... 0 3 Georgia 0 2 Alabama 5 2 Mississippi 4 1 Louisiana 3 1 Kentucky 4 0 Tenncssco 5 6 Texas 1 1 Missouri I 47 .04. 33 ..00 ..33 123 111 .234 Members elect. Members 31 Con. 47 Ill Whole number. It will thus bo seen that to secure a ma jority of tho nousc, 118 members, the Democrats must gain seven members over their strength in tho last Houso in the States named in our second tablo, Appointments of tho Methodist Ministers. The Baltimore Conference of tho M.E. Conforenco of the M. E. Church, last week nude tho annual appointments for the several districts. On the Northumberland District Eov. TnoMPsoN Mitchell, is appointed Presiding Elder. His resi dence is Lewisburg. Tho circuits aro fill ed as follows : Williamsport Samuel Keppler, Newberry James Curns, Finley B, Kiddle. Money Andrew W. Gibson, C. n. Sav age, E. E. Allen, Sup. Milton Samuel Barns. Milton Ciiouit J. G. McKcchan, P.B Rucb. Lewisburg John II, Dasbiell. Mifflinburg Samuel Crcighton. Northumberland E, H. Waring. Sunbury Thomas Tanyhill, M. L. Drum. Catawissa John A. DeMoycr, H. S, Mendenhall. " Danville Wm. H. Wilson. Montour Mission James Gamble Bloomsburg Georgo Warren, N. W Colburn. Orangoville J. Y, Itothrock, S Shan non; Bloomingdolo Elisha Butler, A. M. Kester. Luiernc T. H. Swittcr, John Gnss. Berwick--!!. G. Dill, Thomas Shcrlook Iiport Mission John W. Stout. Thomas Bowman, Principal of Dickin son Seminary, Member of Williamsport Quarterly Conference. Irvin H. Torrcnce, Secretary of Pcnn sylvania Biblo Sooiety, Member of Dan villo Quarterly Confcrenco. r3T Tho following arc said to bo a cor rcct list of tbo New York appointments : For CollectorAugustus Schcll. For Surveyor William H. Ludhw. For Postmaster Wilson Small. For Naval OJtecrh. H. Birdsall. For Marshal V. B. Hart. ForA'uvy Agent XUetmaa Brisloy. Naval Storekeeper Anson derrick. Inspector of Di ugsV. Merkle. Lovi IC.Bowen is to bo Naval Officer and Dr. John Morris Postmaster of tbo city of Baltimore Tho Philadelphia ippoiatmcnls. Washington, March 10 Tho folio- wing aro the appointments for Philadelphia made to-day : Collector Col. J. B. Baker. iVat'oj Officer Chambers McKibhen. Postmaster Gideon G. Westcolt. Surveyor -John Hamilton, Jr. Nival Agent William Badger. Marshal of the Eastern District Jacob S 1'ost. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. Tho following ofEocrs wero elected on Friday last, for tho ensuing year, for tho Tarious townships, in Columbia county: I1LOOM TOWNSHIP. Constables U. F, Hartman, John Lud- Supcrvtsots Samuel biiaUcr,Joun Pur col, Martin llupcrt. Overseers lioucrt IS. Arthur, J, II. Abbott. School Directors X)t, J. Ramsy, Wel lington Hartman) E. B Bcidleman 2 yrs. Assessor John M. Chcmbcrlln. Auditor L. B. llupcrt. Judge Caleb Barton, jr. Inspectors Elias Mendenhall, Gordon R. Goff. MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. Constable Lewis Eokroat. Supervisors Pbincas Smith, John Sny der. Overseers Elisha B. Brown, Stephen II. Swank. School Directors Stephen Wolf, Jno. Michael, John R, Yoho 2 yrs. Assessor Samuel Snyder. Auditor Dr. D. Montgomery. Juigc Charles Workheiscr. Inspectors Lewis Creasy, Geo. A. Brown, HOARINGCREEK TOWNsniP. Justice Michael Ftcderoff. Constable Robert Hampton. Supervisors Peter Levan,David Strau ser. Overseers Samuel Hauk, Joseph Wit ncr. School Directors Joseph Hibbs, Mich ael Fooderoir, Abraham Mcnsch 2 yrs. Assessor Charles Dyer. Auditor Charles Dyer. rfgc--Abraham Bcaber. InspectorsJohn Rarig, Charles Lovan. ORANGE TOWNSHir. Justice Georgo Richarl. Constable Michael Keller. Suptrvisors Abraham Arnwinc, Moses Everett. Overseers John Pnyder,Peter P. Klino, School Dire:torl, C. Vance. Assessor James Patterson. Awlitor Wesley Bowman, Ju dge Abncr Welsh, Inspectors Augustus Evcrhart, David E. Dayman. CATAWISSA TOWNSHIP. Constable Peter G. Campbcl. Supervisors Mathias Hartman, Jacob Drumhcller. Overseers Soloman D. Rcinhart, Jno. Kcifcr. School Directors .Wm. Hartman, Jno. Scott. Assessor Milton H. Kerr. Auditor Levi Kciler. Judge Michael Brobst. Inspectors James L. McNinch, Frjn cis Dean, MAINE TWP. Constable Isaac Yettcr. Judge Daniel Fisher. Supervisors Henry Bauman, Jno. M. Nuss. School Directors Joseph Gcicer. Sol omon Shuman, Michael Gruver. Auditor Aaron Andrew?, Jacob Shu man, i-tocy John, Ovcrsicrs Daniel 1 etter, Harman G. John. Inspectors Emanuel Gruver, Jno, L. Shuman. Assessor David S. Brown, PINE TWP. Constable John Young- Overseers Philip Swisher, Jos, Shoe maker. Inspectors John L. Whitmirc. Henry Faus. Supervisors Henry Faus, John Cot- ncr. School Directors John Young, Jacob Christian. Assessor Enoch Fox. Auditor James Masters. Judge Georgo Welliver. MONTOUR TWP. Judge John Dcitcrich, Inspectors David Baylor, Isaao Mouscr, Supervisors Daniel Karschner, Philip Foust. Overseers James Barton, Jacob Arn winc. Constable Peter Hcimbach. Assessor Cadwaladcr Roberts. School Directors Elias Dcitcrich, Geo. Yost. Awlitor John Dcitcrich, BEAVER TWP. Justice: Charles F. Mann, Henry Fry, Constable Charles B. Troy. Supervisors Daniel Sinclcy, Samuel Cox. Overseers Jno. Singly, Mich'l Rittcn house. School Directors. Damcl Rumor, Geo. Delicus, Ubarlcs Miclincl. Assessor Edmund t chcll. Auditor John Hoats. Judge Henry F. Hossler. Inspectors Joseph II. Shuman, Wash ington Longenbergcr. HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP. Justice Jacob Harris. Constable Daniel Noyhard. Supervisors Isaao Lcidy, Elisha Hart, man. Overseors Goorgc L. Shoemaker, E!i fah Somers. School Directors Samuel Bruglcr,Esad Qirton, John U. IMcvis a yrs, Assessor John II. Faust. Auditor Reuben Bomboy. Judge John Gruver. Inspectors Amos B. Haitman. Geo. W. Little. JACKSON iwri CoHstablt Jacob W, Hess. Supervisors Joshua Savage, Jacob Kel ler. Assessor James W. Kitchen, Judge Daniel Poust. Inspectors Fred, Hess, I. P. Heath ScIimI Directors "Win. E. Roberts, Is racl l . Heath. Auditor James Yocura. Overseers -James Yocum, Abraham Manning. O.RKBNWOOD TVVP. Constable Georzo Kester. Sir)grt'sor-Philip Recce, Franci9 P. iiives. Assessor- Daniel W. Robins. Judge Daniel L. Smith. Sihool t Directors lSIias Wertman, Humphrey Parker, Johnson n, Ilicr I yr. Inspcators Joshua Davis, Richard nca cock. AudUmt -Johnson II. Ikclor, Daniel IC. Wertman, John K. Eves Overseers Thomas 'E Eves,) David Eves. MAIDSON TWr. Jvstice Andrew J, Thomas. Constable James Welliver. SuperviiorsJas. Dildino, Valentino Welliver. Judge Gcrsham Biddlc. Assessor Perry Christian. '. Inspectors Parvin Fisher, D. P. Ross. School Directors Moycr Welliver, Jno Shultz, Nemlah Welliver. Overseers John Swisher, nuph McCol- lum. Auditor William Ncwhart. FRANKLIN Twr. Justice Reuben Knittlc. Constable A. S. Knittlo. Supervisors Michael Alensch, Hiram J, Recdcr. Overseers John G. Henley, Peter Doll man. 8chool Directors Moses V. Shoemaker, Bcnj. P. Fortner. Judge, John Ziglcr. Inspectors, A. 8. Knittlo, Samuel Yet ter.jr. Assessor, Aaron Lambcrson, Auditor, Aar.m Lambcrson. LOCUST TWP. Constable, William Goodman. Supervisors, Leonard Adams, Peter Bitnor- Assessor, Gcra Howcr. Overseers, John Reinbold,Solomon Fct terman. Judge. Mayberry Snyder, Inspectors, Samuel Keller, John P. Walter. School Directors, Georgo Fctterman jr., Lewis Lee. Auditor Wright nughos: CKNTPE TWP, Constable, Charlos II. Dcitcrich. School Direct rs, Thos. Connor, Sam uel Hagcnbuch. Supervisors, Abraham Ernwine, Hen ry Hes3. Assessor, Solomon Noyhard. Inspectors, Aaron Kclchncr, Cyrus Urcvchng. Overseers, Jacob Hess, John E. Shaf fer, Judge, Lovi. A. Hutchison, Auditor, Levi Aikman. MoUNTPLEASANT TWP, Constable, Malchia Ruckcl. Supervisors. Joseph Gilbert, Wm. Fairman. Judge, Georgo Vanco. Inspectors, Hiram Crousc, John C. women. Assessor, Overseers, man. Andrew Melick. Samuel Oman, Jacob Ship- School Directors, Philip Kistlcr, Geo. Umati, Mathias Kindt, J yrs. Auditor, Andrew Crousc. BENTON TWP. Constable, Stephen Kiefcr. Supervisors, Thomas Davis, Eli Men denhall, Oversocrs, Jacob Welliver, Abram A. Kline. School Directors, Aaron Smith, Eli Mendenhall. Assessor, Peter Apploman. Auditor, Jacob Weliver. Judgo Samuel It. Kline. Inspectors, Geo. Laubach, Wm. Yo cum. FISniEGCREEK TWP. Constable, W. McGill Woods. Supervisors, John Crevoling, John Bright. Overseers, M. A. Ammcrman, John B Stuckcr. School Directors, Jonas Doty, G. D. Klino, Ascssor, J. 0. Runyan. Auditor, J. K. McCollum. Judge, Michael Lemons. Inspectors, Wm. Ms Stucker, R. C". Parks. COSYSOnAM TWP. Constable, Georgo Philips, Supervisors, Alexander W. llae, Uco. frcott. Overseers, Israel Ilulstcin, Joshua Lracl Hulstcin, J. Womcr. School Directors, Womcr. Assessor, Joshua omor. Auditor, F. B. Wolfarth. Judco. Jacob Dcrk. Inspectors Abraham Williams, Wil liam Ilulstcin. bcott Twr. Constable, E. B. Pursel. Supervisors, Samuel Melick, Philip T Hartman. Overseers, Sam'l Melick, Henry Trcra blv. sciiooi Directors, mniei onyacr, jos. Lilly. Assessor, .Lewis Appicman Auditor, Thomas Onvcling. Judge, Samuel Kresler. Inspectors, James D. Melick, J. D. WorkheUcr. SUdAItLOAF TWP. Constable, Cornelius Girton. Supervisors, John Lewi, Georgo Dills. Overseers, Cyrus Larish, 0. L. Monro. School Directors, Peter Hess, James M. Shultz, Assessor, Peter Hess. Auditor, Jacob II. Fritz, Judge; James V; Kile, Inspectors, Andrew IIcss, Sam'l Hess. Washington Affairs. Washinqtos, March 24, Gov. Geary was to havo bad an interview with tho President tbii mominff, but the timo previous to the cabinet meeting was monopolized by a largo number of New xorK pomicans, some ot wuom ucbicgeu the members of tbo cabinet nt their lodg ings rclativo to tho appointments. (Jol. I'cickcns, ot Koutll Uarolina. lias been tendered a foreign inisson, tST Congress, tt its late cession, raised the pay of cadets at West Point, to $30 a month; JSrTho Captain-General of Cuba ro ocntly reviewed 15,000 troops near Ha vana. The Mexican Congress adjourned 1 B ht 17tb ultimo to daueriIeoWpeTartists. WANTED a purchaser for n DA' UUEIMEOTrfl! SALOON, located It one t! the nioRtfloiirlahlng lowni In Una S tato, with a popn latlon or all out aooi). Tile utabliahmmt hit been In operation about four yeara, la well a. pplled with all the material! neceaaary for AMUROTVPINO, and anii rde an tt eellenl opening a good operator. For runner particular!, addren T. MAIITIN, March 85, 18i7 If. Lock Haven, r STRAY DOG. 5ia WAS loit from the lubKritifr. clthe. tolen or etrared atiar. on lait Hiimi.v. the 15th , " A linilND. With black on lilt hack, four yellow kaeee, n email wliito epo. on each Ion, mul a cut over hie left eyo, He had a chain a roil ml hi it neck, with the Initial 'M 1837." Two doliari tvl I tbe given lor hit return to the fubartlbrr In Uluoiniburir. ciiAi.nns w. HEssEnT. nioomahurg, SI, ti!i7. SELECT SCHOOL. TUP noil term ot hit tt liool, will commence on MONDAY, May lllh ne tt, and ennt Inue eleven week, ru pill a re received at any time. TEH.M3 OP TUITION, r-rlrosry simile t, f Corniit on Cnglfah Qludlca. - - 5 lllgfler EngliauStudleeamlClafelea, s n P. BATON, Print If tt. Dlooraabufg. March 33, IM7. NEW WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE. BURTON & I.ANINO, MANUFACTUncna AND IMPORTRI18, Yo. 1121 Arth Strttt, tttotd door ebovt lzM Strttt. rillLAUELl'lllA. WI1EUE may bo lound tho largest and beat ae'ected alork In the city, Country merchant! mav here Up irMmm..Ui with ut the Inconvenience or looking further, and maybe aaaurcd that they will receive the advantage o I ttctr money. March 53. !8S7-3m PACKET BOAT I ON and after MONDAY, March 30, UJ7, the New Packet float ANTE- l.Ol'K, Capt 11. F. Willb, will run between Tittaton and Itupettaa fnllnwa: Leave pittilon every Monday, Weunciday and Fridayal 0 n'elork, A.M . and ar rivea a. ll i perl early aaroe evening. Leave! Rupert every Tueeriay. Thuradny and Saturda y, at 5 o'clock, A. M and arrive! at Pllwton aaiuc anernoon about i o'clock. The Packet will aliodnakethrci extra Irrpa a week between Pittatnn nnd Wilkeiliarre, leaving rltteion on Tuea layi, Tburadaya a nd tjaturdaya, at 24 o'clock, V M, Leaver Wilkeabarro ouMondaya, Wednoadaya and Frida) i, at "o'clock, A.M. The above arrangement la made only for a lew daya, until audi time aa the I.. ft 1). Kill, can can run to Nantlcoke to meet the racket. Notice In due limn will be given to the public of I he change, aa II may he a daily arra,ugerocut betwec n the Great lien d and Ru pert n. P, WELL9, Proprietor. Wilkaaharre. March 21. 1837. LANUHETll'S WaURaNTiSD GAU DEN SHEDS. GRASS HEEDS. FIELD SECD3, nnd'TLOWER SEEDS, foraalc by '" ii. i.vnuHiirit ac tsus. Nna.21 and 23 South Sixth at,, Philadelphia' March 2J, 1857. MILES' IMPROVED PLOWS. PEACOCK PLOWS, Wlcgln'a Plowa. Bl'le Ptnwa, S'll.ioll flow,. Michigan 1'linv, . Ridging or Fur row Pinwi. Side Hill I-lnwa! Cultlvatora, llarrowa, Bay.fclraw anl Corn Htalk Cuttera i Agricultural Im plementaol the verybcel iua!ily. manufa. lured end or eon, VJ D. LANDRCTil it PON, Implement nnd Peed Warehoaae, 91 and 53 South Sixth at..Philadrllila. a And at the Manufactory, Url.tol. raj March !J, 1B57. CENTRE STORE. SPRING & SU flUtCR GOODS. nPIIB UDtlcrsicncd take ploabtirr of in I fitrruinir thp citizens of Centre anrt vlc(tiir. that lie ha i juii received u large and Relert aiinrtnteni 01 SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Comprliingthe fieavfeit itockio'lnioit vnrinlaorl tnc n I of faih lunaMe. useful and CiDitanttillMffchnit dic itiatliuvebroiioflfreii (otltrpubltr ofe8fy kind andTUttUty.wlilcii tiiey wjiiieliiorreoi;pn)r,at very reaioneuie prices. rra-Coiiiitrvurodiirftakcninejeharcf for Good IneliKlfne Grnfn nnd Lumber and the public euitom reipecuuiivsoKiieii. Fowlnvl!o. March S3, 1P57. BOOT AND SHOE MAKING. TIIU undrralirned, thank lul for the lihrral patronaKO with which lie haa bren l.ivnrrJ Tor yr-nra gon e uy , w oma iiiiorui ni. me hub nnu cuatuinci!, -nat lie continue! to inanuiaciure Boots and Shoes, At hla old anil wall. known rtanrl.nn Malnalrfft. uijomauurir. in aiitneir varictiea ana rorina.rn cood aiy ib a nil fin numerate leruia. Ilia ions ciperieucr in in" "uriniii, nnu g'-n'rai knonlcdaeof lh4 reoDln nf t'olumhia county, auner. added In a flxed determination to render aaijefartinn to all hla cuatomera, ahwnid aecure him increaacd na tronage which hehonca to merit. jauuu a . uiutuittfjn, nioorashurt, Match 10 1U7. NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER OP 1857. The undersigned, pratclul for former liberal patronage, rrspeclfully inferom Ihfir friends ana customer in general, iiiai ne haa rmu. tnnnrH ,1 bualneae in life anactoiia New Htoro llnn.e juat received, afullaupply of nn.i .Innr to leeiah Bhuman'a Ilotcl.Hliere he h. SFKUNG ArVU UMJIEIt- CiUUm. eoraprlalng?very variety of faihlon, inaliiv and iiytr, uaually le'l in the beat alorra, (Iroct rlcr.aiiinceo are, Hardware, Fiali. d.ilia, llata.l'npa.Iloota, r?hoea,&c,, which will be aold on accoiiiiiiouating 1'crnia. rrB- Grain and noduro of all kiuda ttauttd. A & S. ANDREWS. Malnvllle. March S3, IW,-y. SALAMANDER FIRE AND THIEF PROOF- SAFES. , THE LARCKST ASSOP.T Inient In the United sintci. I Warranted lo bo equal lo any now undo, nnd will be aold on na good terina, at can he obtained froui any other uouae m the country, ot UVANS c WAT60VS, 5 Stl a. 4ttt it., I'liiladelpbia, TnUTII IS MIGIITV AN U WILL PBUVAILI Report of tt Cemmllttt, cppotntld tt itiptrltttndHt tlurn. lair olae ra ttjti, at Itiading, fetntrl 27, 1557. rta.niao, March 4, 1657. Tha undertigned. roenihera of the committee, do reapectfullv report, that w law the two aafea, orlgl nally agreed upon by Farrela at Herring and Uvana & Wataon, placrd aid by aide in a lurnace, vifi The Bala In t ae by the pa) mi filer of the Philadelphia and Reading llai Iroad company. In liieotuceat Heading, inariufaciured by Farrcla & Her ring, nni Ilia Bale lu uae by 11 A, Lnntz, In hie atore, manufactured by Kvan a At Wataon, and put In hooka uod paper, pro claely alike. TheOrewaiatnrtcd at ei o'clock, A. M., and kept op until foureorda of green hickory, two eorda dry oak and half ch.. Until top wood were entirely con aurued, the whole under Ihe auperiritendenei of the lUbacrlbera.memberaofthe Coiiiiuittee The gafea were then cooled olf with water, af er which they war nnaned.and the bfluki and naneri taken out by the Committee and aenl to II. A.l.nntE'a atore for public ei am I nation and marke d by th e Committee. The hooka nnd pnneratakenfromlne Bafe . ai-tnufac. lured by Parrel, U Herrinza we re. in our ludemenl. namagea miiy iiueen per ni, luoroiuan tuoie taaen from Uvana ec wataon', B&ie. Wa Leliere the abuve lobave been a fair and 1m partial trial of tha reannctlva qualltiea of both Sifci. JACOll II. UYBIIEIl. DANItL B. 1IUNTCR. Having been abaent during the burning, wu fully cnlneide with the above alaiement of tha condition of thepaper, and book, taken out of tho reapective Bafva. a, A, NIUOt.LS. II. II. mUllf.UN'IIERC Jab. miliiullanij. Mareh'tfi, 1617. OMNIBUS LINE & LIVKKY STABLE N 8, MENTIS. NOW runs anew Omniliu between lilooroibur? and tin v. nt..n,,rr from Hnri In in of the roaideneai o1 uauroaa ire pot. wmcn wi the town, or tha Amnion Home and Fork lintel: and na will alaofurnlah conveyance to all iravr Hera who may wirh tosolnlo ony part of th, county, II, haa a,o a Tan, llverv ilibll counected wilh tha OBiDibu line, front vrtrieb he can auouitaodate th, pualic wlili cooveyiocea lor littlhiig. pleaiar, louraiooa or 1-ualpeaB. pioonjrtur, A pill 7i, its ly May Term of Court. PROCLAMATION. WIinitEAB, lira Hon, Wiaam J, WoomviUD.rreil . dentorihe Court ofoierand Tctailner and Ue. ncral Jail Delivery, Court of Cluarler Seiiloni ufthe reace and Court of Common IMt-ae and Orplian'a Court, ana t-oun ot uninnion rii-aaanl Orplian'a Court, Tweniy-Bliih Judicial Illatrlct. tompoaed oftht 1 iVeSlu Kiiwytev,: 1 umoia county, have laaued their preceri. hearing countlf lion J in iu, TTrii,ro,4in uncial IfliiriCI. CO in uoiumvia county, nave laauea ineir precept, hearing date the7ihday of February, In the year ol our Lord one thouaaml eight hundred and flfiy.rlx.ani! to ma dl reeled for holding a Court of Oytr and Terminer and fleneral Jail Delivery, (Icneral (Manor Scralona.olilio t race, ijouiniiin neaa nnu urpnali a court, In lllooma Lura , u k.xinijr ., uniiniN, on ine urn niunnnr. i lnlbe4d day) of May nnt and to tontlnuaone Notice la heiehv e ven. In the Cnrnnpr. thn Jk.iI... of tho Teaue and Conatablca of the laid rounty of Co lumbia, that they be then and there in their proper peranna at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of aald day, with llmlr reconla.iiiciiil.lilniiiii,.! mi.,., , ,. d.i iliote thlnga which to their offieee appertain lobe done, And thnae that arc bound liv ,,.. i. proaeciite ag nlnal the priaonera that are or may bo in llic Jail of aald county ol Columbia in l,o il... ,:.i ..." to proseeute them oa ehall bo juat, Jurrri are rroucat, ed to be punctual In III ir altemlance, agreeably to their notirca. Dated at Dloomihutg, the Vfth day of Mateli in tho year of our Lord nno thouaand eight hundred and fifty .aeven, and in IheSlat jearof the lu depcudenro ufthe United States of America. (Uod save the Commonwealth,) 1 STErilENII. MILLED, SUrlf. LIST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT MAY TERM. John Oerlln(t et a. t, Chailea P. Mann. Pamucl I.. McC'ullock Samuel F. Haadlay William Koona et. Otorje L, Kline et al, William Koona t. Reorce 1 Kline. Frederick Ileal 'i Cira.ta I'lilllp Wlntentean at al Joaeph tJlnrkhouac vt (lilbert Fowler. Jane M.IIernlngerri W, A. Kline. David Iteinboliler Aaron Woll. lVler Appletnan et al. tt Leonard B ltupart al al, Mary Vanaickle ra Joaepb rtueklo el al. Ueoree .Miller fa Clotwrirlhy Tirher. George Miller at Nathaniel Overdrrr. l'eter Apnlcman vt Leonard It Itnptrt. ThOinaa 1'arker ra John ll.l'niker. Oenrgi- I.. Kline ri Moaea ColTonn. John Wagner t Bally Wagner, ctuaannab Uall rt Clcmuel Henry, laaac Drown r nobertJ Lyon. William llolilaon va WllaonAger. latlah ."Human rt Jacob I, Shuman at al, Jeaae Hlcka vt Joaeph Klrkcndall. JOCOb tichUvl... 1-. VVIIann aw 2.1 Nathan Bcely vt IJanlel nnonciilj.rifa Adaarl, .4 1 letcher 11 llodion tr William Long. 3J L'jlhtrlno Tanner ti John U Weaver. 211 Admit 11.1,1, v, Cngle Fox. Adm'r. 27 Wlllnnt Wleht rl Cordon It. Coff. 2S Jiniihan .Maateller ti Stephen llaldy. 2J Chrlailan lleiil vt Daniel Olcscr. :ij illiain Hopper vt IMmond CrawforJ. Y !0'za I'atlerman tf Solomon Petterman. 31 Martin Mowrcr Thomn. Plncklmuae tt al. 3J (.ilbcrt Fowler et Daniel Fowler Ex. :il (leorge Moore et al vt David I.cwla et al. .11 Daniel Kuatenbader r David liana. 37 Te'ghiniri t, Strom e el al ra John lleaa. M William Itittenlioiiee ri Samuel F. Ilradlcy. 3'J Jaiaei Ualatnn ra Jamca Uilatnn, Jr-. Adm'r. 4U lieander W Kniirman,etnlra LrwiaVMytra et al 41 D.,vld llel di brant ra Ilenjamiti Tatix. 41 KcbeecaGarnaon r Alfred Howell. 43 Daniel I. Winterateen el ol raChriatian fihtiman 41 William Robiaonrr William Udgar. Dlonmaburg, Match 58, GRAND JURORS FOR MAY THRU, Iiri arcrefk John Donki Ulehurd Thorn pion. Centr-t Solomon Nryhnrd, Ciiawina Cliurlei Krelgh. , . Greenwood John Ltmmi. Gro. tMaittrf . Edward Albertit n.Ira Johiuon, Waic Dewitt. HentioeK- reter Applrtnan. Locust John YtHEtr. Mou ntpleawnt JarobGotio. Mifflin Abraham Moitcl icrWilliam.X. Irow, Mainf Daniel Miumnn. Montour reter IlrlmUfli Madlion Jtuiti Joliui o, Kcifcr X .B nllh , John Bnlsher. I'ine Atbirt Ilunlrr. Hrntt JohtiTrcKibly, Hat mm G.Cr tveli nj .Jack ion Garreiion. Hmjarloar Andrew La-ilinih. lJloouiiburg, March 2i, 157, TRAVERSE JURORS MAY TERM. til nnu Miirrl Vin flmfclrk Urlarereek Henry Rit tenhousc, Henry Dnak, John Hcavor-Chirlef Michael, Mo Hi chlicbt-r, Jacob Ultuiibcniler. Itciitmi RiernrtltflUca, Jnnph C. Hen. Cenlrt John'Kf iter , Jacob llagentmch Ontnwla Dintel Cluywell Orccnwood Abnham Urelbclbis, Jacob 111 t ten bender. Hcm'Ofk Reuhen Tlogart. Jack ion Octfree Tarvrr. Irrm Prrr Lncuit- lohn I. Ilinl.Jonat Hf'ulnfer, O. c. v . Bdnin John Miniltljnhn I'olk.Ilcnry Drllai, Tliooiai Atrn. Hiram Vtvnt Mniiiun Vehemtih Welliver. Richird Penmtt . Motiiitpiuiaiit John Hh ijitnn, I'liilip Crawford, faul Kline, a Knarii.s,reok Wit Iiam Preisbarh . SMtt -IltfiCf Fnirmtii, William Mytrt. Thomai flchneiduian, Willard O Green. 3 lajirloaf Ooorttf Btcdinnn. llloouiatbue. Mirrn33, SPRING AND SU3IWER GOODS FOR 16157. THE subscriber respectfully informs bis euntomeraandihc pnhlie generally, that lie lua received a full atock of choi ce Spring antl Stimracr Goods. compri'lnt a full aaaorlment of Ctoiln, Uaaalmera, Satinctle. Dehliiea llrliaiera Caiiroea. Ate., toeethor ttilliasn atvallciy of oilier article! UBually kept In Country Storca. Al.SO-llardnare.Cullery. aneenrnrare Bait, Fiah Mo(ala,aei. Iron.Sleel, llatt, Capa. lloola.Hhoea. aVc. VT Country produce, inrludlng Grain, Lumber, Ac, taken in exchange forgoode ItJ-Thaukful for paat pitrouage he rerpcetfully aka a eonluinoeooflheanoe. THOMAS E. EVES. Millville, March 53, lSSJ.-y. SPRING AND Ooods. SUMMER TllCunderaigned reipectriiiiyiniurin nnirieneai'f the imh.ic at large and the real of lualfkiud Ibal he haa eatabliahedn aplendid M&W SVO&BS In the elegant new Store Hoiiae, juat erected in Itohra burg, Columbia ri.unty, ra.,whrthe ha, now opened elarge and choice naaurttnent of Spring and Summer Goods: Which hrie'ileterinlne.t to acll on audi lorma nawlll induce allat Icaalin thia vicinity, who aro in want of Mercuandlxo,to oxtend him their custom, ti.. .tn.ii liM.henaelectcdwilhmuclicarR nnd will relerenco lolhewalitiollhiaconimunily and without going to enter into ami nutu enumeration oft tic varioua klnda he riak nothing in alluring hii friend! that ev-ry thing aually kept in Country Storca, can here be bad a "hille cheaporthan the chenpeat." tlJ-Country produce, including Grain, Lumber, Ac, taken U.xcb. god. . wiuom A0En rtohraburg, March SS. ie57,-y. Spring and Summer GOODS. rHE undcrslgnod respectfully informs ... inmera and the mih lie eencrnllv. that thev have Juat received at their ncwllnck Btnre lloilae, in Light Blreet, imvi. .,..., . Spring and Summer Goods. direct from tho liaalern citlea, eompriaing all the irloua aolcctlona to be found In Country Blorea, "I.I..T-. r iilmha. Charimerra. lielalna, llratea. CallC0CB,fcC. 'iogetner Willi a.l klliua wi .'ivaagooua fALr!0a-nKSTLBMnN'3 WEAn, OF ALMOST rim, i.m'6 ; -- - . , EVEKY BORT AND STYI.i:. i rrnipiTAI.MAUlllltlSIIA SHAWLS. tie. A.tTlem. Molaaaea. Susara, Teaa, ColTee, Bnlcea. and in ahort, everything in theway of Merchandize, KHADY MAIiE CLOTHING, ol every deacrlpllon. ry rn, Steel, Nnila, Bulky Hpringa ic. tfs-Thankful for poal palronago, it will bl their atudioua aim lo pleaae Iheii cuatomcra and to give general aatlafortion. MI.LICIC At CRCABY. Light Blreel, March 57, H57-y CHEAP STORE. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. TI1E undursigDCil takcploasure id bd noundiu to their cuatonieri and the public tener any. lhalthey tho Lime llldje Store, n choice aiaortment of Spring nnd Summor Goods. Comprising every ariiolo usuaUy kept in Countiy Bloro. which have Urn aelcctcd tvtih talc, and will ho aold at very low price, for ready pay DRY GOODS. Comiittnr of a larie tariely of Cloth,, t-aaaimen, Ileljlnea.llraica.Calicoea. Ac. VT Country produce taken In c, chance for rood, lilv, ua a can. none neeu e o"ur O. & Q. J.OW. Lime Ridce, March se, JPS7 TilSTHMlvcgliyBall Uoad, a full fui'ply ol Hunt U ftoaa.Laop co,ri,a;e. .,- Spoolal Notlcos. O-Tlin DBMOL'ttATlO NOMINEE FOll OOVKa-NOIt.-A correapondenl wrltct lliat aa aoon n Ge. racket heard that he bad been nomlnatcdfor Covernor by the Democralla Convention?!! Ilarrlaburg.he da elaredhlmaelf overjoyed, and avowed hla determine mmicji ovcrjojco.ann avowed hla dele liontolake tho atumpat an early day Inntllrr. r "c,0,lH",' "vnr ,0'" """" oaanvitu HToate, No.a09Cheatnul atreel.abo elallbla Jlihraent of . abova dth. l'hlladclplila. StsT The Stute Savings Fimd, B3 Dock nm.wn. m. , lypict . o rati, larfs and amal are rccelredon depoilto.nnd rcturnod alanj time, with fire per cent, Interaal, The efflta la open dally, aa etcrjr Monday cronlnj, f$r The Five Per Cent, Saving Fund oftho National tafely Oompiny, rIn4 allrtl, aoath wcat corner of raird at reel, rhlladclplila, now haa mora than Ohi Mituonof Dolllra, all InMoaraoae Gaocas Ittaia, and other firai clan accurltlaa, to tha kauafliiof depoaltora. VT THOMAS W, MATWON. Hoc. Had tfca Pria, Medal at tho World'a Fair In Loodjo, 18:1, fo f TRUNKS. (JARPBT nAOS, noon, ihooa indOuma Greatlnducomentanrc now nOeroil tnpurchaaera of tha above arllelea. Thla If much Ihelargen nockortranti. Carpet Ilagr. Vatlcce.icc, In Philadelphia very (help, or cajh. .Manuf.icloriea: 130 Market Street, B. W, ornef and US Market atrect.S n. cornar of Fonith. "WOODLAND CRRAM."-jJ pemtit f,r traallTyla laa Hair-highly pcrfjmo.l.iuperl or to any French al Ileal Imported, .and for half tha lite. For drrnlni I.adiii Hair llh'ai no equal, gllng it a brrf lit gloiiy appnarancc, It camea Gentleman'! Hair tocutl.ln'llie moat naturul manner. It rcniovra dandruff, afwaya gltlng the Ilalr fhe appearanca of being1 Ireah I tiara, pooned, Trice onlynily.eeuti. Nona genuine unleaa a igncd, FETRIDGEtCO.. N. Y. Proprietor! of ib. Balm tfa racnaad fiwtri." foriile by all Drugglaie. EQUALITY TO ALL! UNiroRMiTV or rnit:nst-A nw t$ixt W tlCtiiHitij ry ontkit eun tUmtl JONlffl it CO.. Of the Creieent One Trice Clothlnfi Gtore. No. &0Q Market lrect.above Sixth, rhiladelphla. Ia addition to having thetnrgcM, rnoit, varied and fashionable slock of Clothing In rhiladelphla, made zprcssly for rrtal sates, Iibtc eonstitnied every out bis own salesman, by having mnrked In figures, uu eacharttile the very InwesI price ll can be sold for rottiey cannot ponibty vary all mmt buy nlike. The gomlsnro well sponged andprepared, and great' paint taken with the making so that all can buy with the full asuranee ofptctilng a good article at tha very lowest price. Alio, a large stock of piece goods oa hand.ofthi litest style and best qualities, which will be niade to order, la the most ftihlouable and best manner, 25 per tcni.btlow credit prlres, Ro nenibri tlio Crescent, U Market, abort fllnU Btrevt. No. 00. JONR8 & CO. ON'E PRICE ONLY I IMmN'COTT u COS.OaKh Clothing Warekortu, Pouili We it corner of Kaurtlt and Markst strsls, irkit adelphia. TAi eay Out Prita Ctetkltf Situ Jmsrtm Cash purcbuera o(Mn'ior hoy i Clothing, i w holesale and retail, au here, mnke thvlr( itlctloB from an irumnns e stock of fashionably to' and well mudcclruhlng, got'ip with av lew to gidi istlifartiote lo all, nnd at the vary lowfst inible seliinji price U marked in plain rlgiitcs onevery larmtot. alf btiy at the stnv price, and whether they are Judfei of good or not, they cannot bo decieved. One mil form low pricatoaik andta, suits everybody, wile tho usuit moile ofavrting two prirei, nnd Liking all that can be got, suits nobody, andcliQats trill ; fr Inmost a man oik I 15,for a coat, and take 910, and It Is rquull y tt rialn, that he would have tsksa 315, if he could havo gat It, and thus tjjn(rs he purchaser out of fit a dollars Ji li i rjj IJjtt ritr nnd,estahtinh confidfnro In the.tridi.LirNNCOT i CO., fl a uniform. low price on all their goods, (very much h low the unnnl ratea.) and n lllnovjrvatry one cent under any tclrcmnvlsncri. OT GALL ANl BRB,r Al tli South Wcstcorno of Fourth au I Markerttraeii Philadelphia. 11 HUT AIIIIIVAI. OF SPRING & SUMMER WE havo now receiving our Spring and Hummer Gortdr, by Km I road n our nw fland, nn thecorner ol Main ami Market strcsts, Tbt loch comirisoia lull manrtmentar Dry Goods, Grcccrics, Hardware, Queen ware, Cafar.icarc, lIoHow-wurc, tragi, PJ'ti, Coat, IMastcr. Iron, .Nails, Hoots, Ehosi, Hals, Uoj-s, it tkt. ALSO IinADT MADE Cr.OTrUNO. andln fact otery nameahie article usutltf isplla a roontry tiiore Country oroduce taken in Qithaapefor rnndi. H. C. & I. W. HARTMAN- tltoon.ibarg.Matehiil, II LO o n SBtR CARINET WAREHOOMS. TUT. underpinned respectfully invites tbe atlBtlo of Hie rublic to Ins uxteiiiive atiorlment ofCabiust Furnitiireaiid Chnira w lucti lio willuarrant tnlvinad of anol in.ileriaM and hi a workmanlike mnt.t'fi. Al ItlM KfiHtilislimcnt, cnu nlvsaji be lound o uoj tiiorv- inent or . Whtcli isrr)iialiii si) Ic and finish to tliat of rail adrl)hiar New Voik cities, auuatos low pfiM lie lias SOFAS, of OUre rent styfos and prices, fromfl tt. sr.ll. niviim. l.nuiirri: Walc nut und Matingony, i'arlor ctiairn, Itocking and eaif chairs, 1'inim stoole, nnd a variety of upliolitcred wi-ia witliDrcBiIngnnd purlnrbureaus, sola, card rentre as pier talK s, detaishuti, rliclfi'iilera nhntnots ondenmo dei,uud ullkindirf I'jiiliionnlilo ntrk. Ills ttockef bureau, enclosed ana common vnh flanks, itreis labia , corner eupbonnU. sofas, brrakfntt tables, bed steads, cane srat and coninioii rbalrs, Is argfiil this s.iction of the country. He will nltokrepa gooJ asorttnent of looking glasses with fnncy c"l nnd con, nion frames Il will alio furnish sprim nmtrestn fitted to any sito nfbeadftead whirl, are aiiperiof tm diiraqility and comfort loany bed in iue. BIMO.V O, SIIIVB, Ulnomsliurs, April fitli, 1B34. SPUING AM) SUilIMKU CLOTIIINC, THIS uiinirilRned grateful for past patronage, r nectfully iiirornisniscustomers, mid thepublis generally, that Just received from the nasi rrn uities,ine largest ana most feiect nocnoi Fashionable Sj)ri?ig Summer Clothing, lhathasyet been opcnedinDlooiusburg, to which ha Incites the otientlouof hlsfrlendi, andassures thsm that ilieyareoiTvredfor sale, at great hargalff HI BtockcomprJiesa large and belc7 anortnient of Gentlemen's "Wearing Apparels, Consisting o( FtMonhlt Vr$n Cents, of aver 6. ecnption ; Tanta,, Bluas, Cravata Btotis. Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, fcc,t Gold Watches and Jtcclry of tvery description, fine and cheap. N-H. Ileineniber Low$ntirjr ' Chlop KmWTnn M Call aad s, Mochargeforuxamlningtlooda. DAVID liUWliiNiJlUUU. nioomiburg, Ma'chSl, 1657. Spring & Summer, COOIJS, AT MENSCn'S CHEAP STORE". rplIE undersigned having removed bit i Storo.up town, at Iheatird. lately occuplerfhy II. C7i I. W. Ilarliuan whero with stealer InereaitJ fauhliea, he ia enabled tooifera fullaiioiliuenlof Spring and Summer Goods, Which ho haa Juat received from Ihe Ea.tern Cilia,, coinpnains Hry tlooda, II rncerie. Hard ware, Queen, wnrM llMilar.ware llollo-ware. Druaa. r'tatl.fialt &a. , riainr. Iron, Naile.llooti.tJboellali.Capi, ate. ft. also-ready made olotminq. In ihort, every tlii"i! uaually kept in country Btort), to which ho Inviteithe publiegancrallyi VT Caah.I.uiibor. Old Iron. and Country Prodna, takeul it exchange for tho hieeat 111a rkei priea. A. U. Al HNS I! If. nioomiburg, .March SI, 1(37. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. OOMIi half iloten GOVERNMENT LAND WAR- HAM'n aro wanted any time brtween una and in flrat I'fnei; May, al thla ofliru, or apply lo Wirt, firai, or the aabacnbcr.ln ll.mlerk lov- nr nrnip joiiv imrfr.. Match II, lf:j-lm.