mm. AND BLOOMSBURGr GENERAL ADVERTISER. u faimi L, TATE, Proprietor. 'MM ATEFiiblisher. 11 To Hold and Trim tho Torch of Trutli and Wavo it o'o tlio darkouod iatu.' VOL XT, NO. 3. BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1857- YOL. XXI ".COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. ruiii.isiiuti every Saturday utonNiNo, Illoomsburg, Columbia County, l'a. Orrrci'. In the ncwISrich Building, op posite the Mxchange, by siilc of tin Court JJ.UHSC, ucmocriiiic jicua iguanas, TCHM9 or jcoscmrilo.v. Jl.00 In ailmnco, for ono copy, for dx wontta " 1,75 in mivnuco, lor ono copy, ono your. 2,00 If not pnld wlthlntho first throo months. 2,2 If not pnl'l within tho first l.t months. 2.50 If not puiil within tho yenr. in- No aulxjrlntion tnltoii for 1cm thin six month.". anil no pnpur ilUountlnoil until ull arrearages chilli uavo noenpmu. If70r.linnry advertisements inserted and Job work executed atthocstubllshod prices. BALTIMORE LOCK IIQSriTAL. DOOTOH JOHNSTON. THE founder of this Celebrated Insti ttilton, olTsrs tlio moat certain, 8ppcdy nnit on ty pittictnil remedy in the world for eilem for (3 1 ft; is, Htricturet, ttoininal wacknesf I'jIiis in tho ljOln, OoiHtUutioifat Debility, Impolcncy, Vcakncs of tho Il.ick and I.lmln, AiTectiona of tiie Kidneys, r.-)liHa tloit nf thi ilturtt IM-tpopaia, Nervous Irritability, I)iao.tS(i ot tlio Head, Tliroat, Nose or Skin, and all ihoie serious and melancholy Disorder nrlninj from the dealMCtive liabits of Youth, winch destroys Imth body nrt'l min I. These secrot and o!it ary practice!, nro miro fatal to their victims limit the song of tho Syrom to the mariners Wytuea, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, Itc, Impossible. loung Mtn neclilly. wlin tiavc becomo tno victims of solitary Viriithatdruaillul and destructive liiihit.wtiicliaiinii nlly e wee pa to an untimely urave thousands of joung in u of llio inost.rxnlted talents ud lirilliaut Intel ' li'Ct, wlrt might otherwise have entranced lutming Hcnitca with the thmu'ers of eloiucnca, or wnked tu extacies the-lyre, nuy call with all confidence. Martiagc. Married prions, or Young Men rotitcmplating mar rlsp, btinit nvvuro of physical tveakncng, organic (c hiliiy, doformitlea, &c, iliould immediitety consult Dr Jolinftnn.nnd he restored to per feu hi-ahh, He who pli ces htmselPunder the care of Dr. John tPlon may religiously confide in hi honor ns a gentle nieu, uudcoJiiidnntly ndy upon Ins skill ni ephysician. Organ ic Weakness I in nedntcty riired and full vleor rettorM. TliMjdl'.tafl Is Ili J pen ilty most frfiiipnty thorn wholuvu bmiimu tho vkttmnf improper iiulul jm'icic, Vo'in? persons am too apt (o couitnit c.t res- from not beiim of the drradfut efiiiriiciic that nnyensue. Now, who that nndi-mand tlm sub ject will pretend to deny lint the potr uf procrea lion is ))t sooner by thoao f.illius Into ininrnrur habit" thin by the prudent. Ilrfid") being deprived of rim plenaum of healthy ofTapritiR. tho moU ncrinua mid do-tlrucll vi) )yiiipir)int lo both body and mind nrno. Tiie itytctu li-coine-' dcrmgrd, iln- physical nnl 111111111 powers weakened, nervous debility, dys p"P"i i. palpitation oft he heart ,iiuli2Plioii, n vvastmif nf tli'ilrniue. Ciiuali. nyniptnniB of nwijti 'pt ion J-r.' No TAn'Tii 1'itKui hh it SnuEr.FCven door? off in Tjlrtt' rpft. Hi 1u - up tin- uteim lie - J"viiit v, iYvH."tii'i plare, "T7 , JFCurc irarramcl.or no Vbarjft .Vate, tn from One to " Tiro Pai$. . NO MKRUJUY OR NAlMCtrtJl OUUU3 USED. J)i Johtttfon, M.imb'r of tliPjHoyal Uollepo of Snrseon.". hoiulon i.Udiiatulruiii oup of tho uioit eiuiueut retlecH u( the United Stale, nnd thejtrcat' r p.ui utwhntu life has teen npLiti in the tlrt llopitJlaol Lointun.l'.iriB Fill t, t.itli'lplua and nliuwhcre. Iuh elIoct''d sumo tf the iuojI it 4 ton ithl 114 curct thai worn eior known ; ni.iny trouli T l :.l with rinai'i? in tho head and ears wltn asleep, J lrat ntniiusuLBd beiii)? alarmed at oud.1i.ii uouuds. and lufiuf.itiiefca, with "frequent bluhins, iitteudeii v 1 noniPttntetr with ileritiijniuciit ofmiud wiivcureil im J) mediaiLly. A Certain Disease, , f When Iho'ini-fguiil-'d and imprudeut votary of plea. i' miri flndd h I tl lit lio'jtbud til t! Bi'tids of lliu naitirn' f1 din a.e, it too often lappeus tint uu illtinied t-uiu; o- . V sii una. or orc.Ti nt iinoiery, neitrs nun irmu nppiy t' mi: in tliosi' vvli j fioin cditciiioii and n fneelubihtv a can uluiu! hrl'riund hi in dp.tiymg till tJu couetilutionil 'i nymptoiiM oliliis htirrid dicao in tks lliei r appcaraucis 't sitrji s ulrcraled sore thrmt, ilincibed nose, nm'tiirml tjj p. tins in the lieadandliuibx, dmut-tBn ol'a, ntMit'9 nn iho Bi in iiouof, and armn. Iilotchej mi the '' iad I ii.e, and cMienutiLd, priirexaiiii; w i Ih 1 1 igliilul rapiihtv.till nt list the piiite oftho mo'tih or the , hones ot Uiu nose Kill in ,an It ha viplimoi Un-. nwfni ', ' iJjvchc beeoui'!" a liorrld nbjert of einintifscralion, (ill ' j .Valh pun n period to his (lrp.idlnUulteriiu'8, bypen jinn1""' ' iiuiiiip' in in wiivni i mi ini ii r returuo.' To sttclt therefore Dr. Jatiutuu pluden Ilium If li preserve tiie moil pnviol idle ftecrorv. and frt.iti Ult exti luivo practitu in tbu firai lloapitals of IJ.iropn and America, lie can confidently recommend a f.tfe .tndapepdy cure to the uufort'Jnate victim otliia liorrid disenao. Tithe ptrlicular Notice. llr. J. addresses all tho.e who h.ivu inJurcdtlKDi oWi'J by pnvuluan lunproper indiilzences, Theso are soir.e nf ihu t.i tl nnd mrl.iudtolv eflectf produced by early habit k of youth, z ; WeakncrH of the Itack mid Ijiinlm, Pain in the, Iiinuicf-auf tiijlit, I.ojs nf Altiictilir Power. Pntpitatinn of the II-nrt.Hvspepsi-i, Nervi,m Irratibillty, Deransement of the Digestive riinetiona,(icnctall)LLihty,dniiitoiii9 of UAnstiinptlon, ic, MCNTALt.Y The Teatful eft'ects upon Hie mind are much to bedrraded, IjOSS of.Memory, tionrmion ol Idoai. Uepreaiioit of the Spirits, livil rortdiodinuK, Avermon of Society, Timlly ,A.c.( arc come uf thee Vila produced. Thonaanda nf persons of nil ngea ran now Judge what la tin cainiioftlieir declining health. Looting thn!r visor, becoiniiis wciik. paleandcuvtri lied, Ii.ivin aFin?tif,ir appearance about the eycstCoughand aymp loniB of Consumption, Johnston's Invigorating licmcdy for Organic Weakness, ny this great and important remedy, weakness or the "rjus ant kpecdlly cured, nnd lull vigor rtatoied. Thotisindsoftho must nervous and debilitated, who had I st all hope, have been immediately relieved, All iinuedinteiits to Marriage. Physical nnd Mental Diteiiia- v hftcnton, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings and Wenk t nes, or exhaustion ot the moat lo.uful Kind, speedily cured by Doctor Johnston j Young Men Who have Injured tlicnuolves bv a ccrtnin nractlce. 'v. inJulffiid ill u lion nt,,iin-.i luiblt rrwimniitlv learned from evil coiiin.inloiu. unit wclKinl iln't'iTiTia ofwhich nro niiihtty fell, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marri.tze impossible, and destioya built mind uuy, iiiuuiu uppiy iniiiieiuuitsiy What a nitv (hit .i ouna man. the bono nf his conn try, and the darling of his parents, should be snatched rum nn prospi-cis u nu enjoyments oi me conse insures of deviating from tho rath of nature, nnd In dulfiinj in nrcriain serret habit, Such pereou before .uiiienijriuuiHi .1 rrfl should rellcct that a sound mind and boo'yare the mns V neceaiarV rcntllsltir-! tn nrnmntn rnnnnlitnt hnnnlnpsfj ' In lee J. without tlieip.the lournev tbrniiih IHn heromps n weary pilsrjmaie, the proapect hourly darkens to the view j iim niMiu iipcomc snuuoweu wnn ncapair ana mm n im uiu uieiiiiiviiui reuci nun inui uc uappiimsr. uf another becomes h lighted with our nwn, OPPiCn N0.7 bOUTIl IMIJIJUlllUiC BT.Jlaltimore,Md rtUU PUUUIUAh Ol'i-UATHN rUId'OUMi:!',,f,oino false modesty prevent you, but apply im mediately cither personally or by letter. BKW DI3CASC3 SCCCMIA' CUP.UD . f!' Ub Slransers. Tll4 many thoim.-iniU rurpd n( llila Invlllutlnu willi'll I he la-it lo years, and tho nuroeroui important Siirclcal Cperatiom performed by Dr. Johnston, witueaaed by the reporlenot the papers arnl many other' ticca ol wulcniiivo appeared onain and iifcain before the dublir, besides hi standing na A gentltman of clia racterand rRiponttbillty, its a sufficient guarantee to -1 0 Take Notice. N. n. There nro so many ignorant and worthless Quack advcrtifititf tbeinFetvea l'liyncians, ruining tho iiealtlt oflhe already adlicled, that Dr, Johnston tie q ms it necessnTy to say, especially to thoe uunc 3in In ted with his reputation, thnilns rredcntlals and Inlomaa nlwjvs Innu m his oihre H3TAKieNoTica, All letters uinsl be post paid, nnd coniutn a poitae stamp fur tho reply, or uoumwer wit i tn- si: ii i January 17, 1857 JOHN If. WYLE & CO., Gl icrlli Wvarres, above ltacc Street , irilll.ADRLrillA. rir.NnaAi. commission mciigiiants, for tii i VJ .aloof .jiAVAL pToitns. son Ai s. wool, rLoun luritl nfTururnliilQ. Tnrln Ul. nn.l 1.. pii.I Il.i'in. Sonn.HoimOil Alcohol, llgniiniiHui.1 an riiicllil'li.rialonnliiiiifarlun'j'iiiici'j "lak'llil ( Jlav 31 IW'J. -y Select Ipocttin THE EXILE'S FAREWELL. IJY J, W.WCLGIIi Good bye i dear friends, good bye, The proud ship waits forme, The gall tnt bark In which 1 go raroer the rolling sea. I iio'crshall roam again Hollerith my native sky So take my laitand eftdfatcwcll, Good bye, dear friends, good b)o. Coodbyc, old home, goodbye, I ne'er phatl aco thco mote; Ne'er play ngnin na I have ployed Around thy vino wreathed door. I go from hence to dwell Ileneatli a foreign sky Then take my last and sad fire well, GoodbyctoM home, good b)e. Good bye tflcn r one, goodbye, We part to meet no more, Until wo meet nil free from pain Uponn better Phore. My weary heart H end The tear drop dims mine eye. Thy hind one kiss and so farewell, Good bye, dear one, good bye. Good bye, dear friend , good bye, Thcbrecza blows off the shore, Theship'sunmoorcdjier sails are act, She rldcstho wave once more. The daylight fades nwhy, Urlght stars shine irom on high, Mynatlvo Imd fades from my night, Home, friends, dear one, good bye. uJutacstmfjStoin Will MEW! OH LOVE IN A HOGSHEAD. "Thoyput everything on runners, wliilo tiie snow lasts ; for it docs not tarry lung, llitggy scats, carmgo tops, crockery seats all arc in question. Ami I even saw one of tho fiiict horscsin the city drawing a hogshoad on wooden runners, in which were seated a gentleman and lady. 'I hey were a fine looking couple, and bnro off tho palm for fast driving, as well a3 tho moat ludicrous plciyh conveyance." Letter from Chicago. Ah, reader! and "thereby hangs a talc." Tt was a Xow Year's day in that far famed city of tho AVust even the New Year's day of '50. Sit ce Christmas, win ter has set in, in a good old-fashincd earnestness. Snow had fallen to the depth of several inches, and, Icing firm and hard, made excellent sleighing a rare thing in the city. Indeed, our wintors seem sadly degene rated of late, bcinj much more mild and free from snow, than tho dava of our fa thers; perhaps tn accommodate thum to our failing hoalth and strength; for this latter fact h but too apparent. let tins JNow loar.s day seemed moio a typo of tho old time. It was cold, yet not too osld, and tho slcighinc was excel lent. Everybody that had a suitable con veyance, or could got one, even any price, was out enjoying tho rare roort: onlv the more kceuly to bo enjoyed for its very rarity. It was indeed a gala day; nnd bright and beautiful ovcihcad, brighter and more beautiful still in Iho human hearts beating so joyously beneath. barnct Hammond sat in his count no- room, busily engaged in attending to the rreoption of a largo quantity of goods, just arrived. He was youmj yet ; but fast ris ing in wealth and position. Born in tho East, ho had brought with him all tho ha bits of strict attention to business which thcro generated. Whilo there was aught of that to calm his attention, pleasure must bo waived. Therefore, when ho did givo a iloublo zeal. .Naturally warm hearted and impulsive, nnd social withal, as such persons must be, ho keenly enjoyed society. And when ho entered it, lie wa? over a welcome companion, both with his own and opposito sex. And now, closing his books with a look of satisfaction and relief, ho determined to givo himself up to tho pleasures of this annual gala day, Wl,il l,C;r.A,3 I.. closed his cars and eyes to all clso ; but now ho could not fail to hear tho unusual stir in tho streets, and feel that whilo ho had been engaged within dcors, all had been mo ana commotion without. When ho camo forth tho street presented a most novel scene, A nioro rnoflv. ineoncrous lot of vehicles it were not easy to imagine. Suchlifo and hilarity aro always infectous, ana earnest soon caugiit the spirit. 11c, too, would join tho slcdgcrs ; but how 1 Ho inquired at Eoveral stables for a sleigh, No ono to bo had. Yet ho was not easily daunted, and, moreover, had an unusual share of perseverance. ITo owned ono of tho finest horses in tho city ; of that ho was sure. Ho remembered, too, that in a rctnoto part of tho stable, whero ho nail usually Kept linn, ho had ono day no ticed a pair of wooden runners. Ho would sco if in somo way a convoyaneo could not bo planned. His Yankee ingenuity must bo brought to tho service. uo soon reached tho stablo. Tho run ners woro found, and in good crdcr. Hut now for tho other part. A hogshead, that for somo roason or other, had been swed apart and nicely cleaned, stood bofo'ro him. Instantly a part of it was upon tho runners. In a few minutes a comfortablo scat was added, aud ho was roady for a drive, Hut now oroso another difficulty, un tliought of beforo, No must have o com paniona lady of course; olsq half Iho Bjoymortl Would b lect Hut uho would it bo t Who would bo seen, oven with him, i in such a convoyaneo as that? Excuse' his vanity, reader mine. Ho know ho was a favorite. Indeed, ho could not help knowing it. But tln3 was a special occa sion, "All tho world" was out. Who could ho find bravo enough to daro it? Ho must sco. There woro two or thrco young ladies who had long claimed his special regard, ' aud he felt suro ho was not entirely indif ferent to them. Ho had oven been obscrv 1 ing them of late, striving to learn tho truo I character of each. This he found, as gen-' tlenicu and ladies usually meet in tho city, ! rather a difficult matter. How ho yearned to sco through tho false surroundings into tho truo and inner lifo beneath 1 lie was rather old fashioned in his notions, it must j bo confessed; but ho did caro inoro for tho ' real tin u tho artificial moro lor tho mind and heart than for tho outer covering But how would it end ? Would he bo wiser than his sex? It was indeed a difficult question j but ho did not quite despair. Ella Campbell had long been ono of tho first in his esteem. But recently ho had thought her vain and superficial, earing moio for tho outer than tho inner man, and had been cautious in his attentions to her; Ho would test her now. Driving briskly to tho door and throw ing tho reins over his liorse, ho quickly rang tho bell. A servant, at onco ushered him into tho parlor, where sat tho lady of his thoughts. Slio greeted him warmly ; but on hoariug tho object of his visit and tho uniqucjennvoyanco ho had.brought, sho plead a previous engagement, and at once excused herself, , Earnest Hammond was gifted with a good share of penetration; and when not previously blinded, read charjctcr well. Now, instinctively fcclins how it was, ho politely withdrew. And whilo ho rode gaily away, Ella Campbell sat pouting in tho room, unthought of and uncarcd for by tho moving mass without. Earnest's next visit was to the liouso of Squire Heed. Hero ho had long been a frequent and welcome visitor, and was al vrnye received quito liko o:io of tho fami ly,'' as Iho Squire often said, looking knowingly at his two girl-), Charlotte and Bella. Charlotte was tho older and handsomer of the two; and beauty is always attractive, especially with tho men. Sho was tho fa vorite, too, in society, But at times Ear nest had turned from her to the gentle, graceful Bo'la, with her puro heart, and p'quont, innocent ways, almost with a feel ing of lovo for tho latter. Her's was indeed a character to study. Timid and retiiiug when in tho prcsonco of stranger, shr was yet singularly artless and confiding with these sho best knew. There was a dash of independence, too, and a vein of rom neo in her heart, plea sant and refreshing to meet. Sho was graceful and pliant, it is truo, but ' there was a character and strength there, also. Though her sister might best please in a crowd, she would be boiler known and loved it homo. All that Earnest felt, still, beauty fasci nated him. Not that Bella was uly. Oh, no. But sho was not beautiful cither ; at least, save in tho loving eyes and hearts of thoso who best know her. Earnest liked them both. It was difficult indeed, to de termine which was tho favorite. As ho ncarcd tho door ho said to himself, as ono often will, in cases of doubt "A look or word shall decido between them. If ono or both refuse to ride with me, it fehall bo a sign that all is over. But if one accepts why, then, who knows what may conic of it? I am twenty-eight now; "old enough," as my partner told mo yc.-terday, " to bo married and have a homo of my own," and so I am. Wo shall sco I Two faces wcro at iho window as ho drove up. Ono brightened visibly, and tho other as visibly paled, whilo a mingled ex pression ot scorn and disippointmcnt pass ed over her features. "Good morning, ladies, good morning," exclaimed he, as ho entered their presence. I find myself in rather an awkward posi tion just now, and need somo ono to help mo out. I must have a drivo this morning, yet I have been unable to obtain any con- ( vcyance save tno ono you saw as I drovo I up, What bhall I do?" and ho looked to (Juarlotto tor an answer. "An awkward position, indeed 1" answer ed sho. " You had belter drivo alone." " But must I ?'' ho asked somewhat sor rowfully, Bella looked up quickly; but sho did not speak. " Surely you do not think a lady would bo scon in suoh a convoyaneo I" continued Unarloltc, with a sliglt toss of her beauti ful head. Again Bella looked up, while a painful flush suffused her check. Sho was borry jherfcister had thus spot en sorry for her, 'grieved for Earnest. Sho felt suro that jshc could not havo denied him that what- ever ho should ask would not bo improper or wrong. How then could her sister speak thus? j Charlotte noticed the expression, and ! half read its meaning. Sho did not much I liko tho reproof it convoyed ; and turning ' to her sho said, somewhat scornfully : " Perhaps my sister would go with you. Will you, Bell ( " Will you, Bella ?' tho young man ro pcatcd earnestly, as ho bent on her a glanco which thrilled through- every part of her being. For a moment tho bloocl rushed oyer her brow and ncok, tho next it recoded, and the answerod gaily "And why not, indeed I' Bui will you go, Bella ' im asked Earnest, tn that straight forward manner which ever characterized him. " I should liko it of all things I" answer ed tho enthusiastic girl, forgcting tho emo tion of tho moment-beforo. " Hut remember how we aro to go," con tinued Earnest, quickly. " You will bo tho observed of all obser vers," added Charlotte. ''And what of that?" oalled buck tho delighted girl, as sho was half way up tho stairs. In a moment sho was ready ; and gaily bidding her sister good-byo, sho was Boon seated beside Earnest, and thoy drovo ra pidly away. Charlotte half repented her momentary prido when sho saw tho tender glanco of earnest, as lio placed tier earclully upon tho scat, and drew closer tho folds of her large, warm shawl, in which she had shown tho good sense to wrap herself. But it was too lato now ; so taking a book sho pro pared to spend tho morning alone. In tho mcantimo Earnest and Delia had joined tho motly throng now moving so rapidly through the city. Now thoy diovo dowu close to tho wa ter's edge, where, far as tho eye could roach, ono saw nothing but tho clear, blue waters nf tho lake, with its masts aud sails, making ono think ho wcro upon the Atlan tic coas, instead of so many miles in tho interior. Annn they looked upon tho wido spreading prairio now puro and whito with Iho new fallen snow, and stretching far away till it was lost where earth and sky seemed to meet. Then ag-iin they were passing through tho wido and level streets of tho city, Oh 1 there is lifo and exhilaration in giving one's self up to tho enjoyment of tho hour ! Nature is a good mother to us all; and when wo givo ourselves into her keeping, fIio will over till tho heart with joy and gladness. Would that more such exorcises nv ro such out-ot-door exorcises wcro freely enjoyed by all I This shut ting one's self up so completely within doors, as somo do in winter, is enough to drivo all tho rosses from tho check, all joy and gladness from tho eye, and nil freshness from tho heart, making ono old beforo his timo, Tho spell of tho hour was upon them ; as thoy sped merrily along; Earnest felt his heart warm more and more toward tho pure and artless girl by his side. He had known her long ho had known her well ; and sho had over seemed the same ingeuius, truthful and g:od. Ho wandered how, even for a moment, ho had over thought of another ; for sho stomed to him, thco, all that his heart could over wish or desire. But could sho over be bis ? or was sho destined for another ? The thought initio him desperate. Ho could not endure it for a moment. Tho question must bo decides at onco, and with him, to resolve was to act. They h id been talking gaily of the scene around them or Bella had been talking, ho listening, for amid tho multitude of ve hicles in the street each had to attend pret ty carefully to his own ; when turning to htr with another of theso glances which thrilled thromjh every fibro of her being, ho said, and his voice was low and earnest a ho spoke. "Bclia, 1 am a business man, and shall do up things in a business fashion. I lovo you. Will you be my wilfe ? Tho young girl looked up astonished. Sho had' long liked him liked him bettor than any other on earth ; but she had nev er dreamed of being his wife. He was so much older, so much wiser than sho for sho was scarce eighteen, and in heart a very child why did ho not tako her sis ter? Sho could not comprehend it all; and almost doubted if sho heard aright. For many moments she did not reply. Earnest observed her closely, and roid half in her faeo tho unuttcrcd thought She was about t) speak, when tho wuolo ludi crousness laughed outright. It wis his turn now to look astonished. " Why Bella, what is tho matter? " ho soou asked, somewhat hurt. " Only think 1 making lovo in a hogs head ! " laughed tho niisehicvtius girl, i moro merrily than beforo. "Who cverj heard of such a thing!" and this time. Earnest joined her even at his own ex-1 pense. " Well, well, no matter where," contin. ued he, taking tho little hand that lay fur . a moment outside her shawl. ''Do you' lovo mo, Bella ? and will you bo my wife ? Answer mo truly ; uiU you be mine f ''' "Yes, Earnest, yesl but I must laugh, ncvci tholes.?. Tho seeno is so entirely and ; wholly ludicrous. Quito a now order of romanco ? " and again her laugh rang out loud and tbo song of a bird. At this time Earnest joined initashcar tily as sho could. Ho could well laugh, now; for.had sho not promised to bo his? . No matter vherc tho promiso had been mado; no matter how sho was his; all his ! And as ho pressed her hand at part ing ho said " Laugh, now, as much as you like ; but to-night I shall como to appoint tho wed ding day, and arrange for its ceremonies. So, good morning, dearest!" and in a moment ho was gono, That night all was arranged ; " Squire Reed and Ids wifo giving a full and free consont ; and in just six weeks from that time, Delia Reed becamo Mrs. Earnest Hammond. - EST A Dutchman who had a brother in this country, wroto to his relatives inform ing them that his brother had boon 'placed in a publio situation by tho government, ami at tho timo of his death, had several thousand peopK., including tho ehcri'ff ami graud jury, under hint. Tho Polico Outdono by a South ern Lady. A few days since somo unknown persons entered a fashionable boarding house, near SumniQr street, kept by Mrs. M., making assessments of such articles as thoy liked best, and left tho plaoo unseen aud unharm ed, Among tho boarders whoso goods and chattels wcro thus unceremoniously taken away, was Miss II.. a fair daughter of tho Sunny South, who happened to bo spending tho winter in tho City of Notions. Hcrl loss consisted of a beautiful velvet hat. As soon as tho theft was discovered tho polico wcro consulted, and every thing done to remove tho mystery, but all to uo pur pose. As Miss n., was walking.Washington st., ono of the pleasantcst days last week, ima gin her surpriso in passing a large and mns. culino looking woman, dressed in tho height of fashion, with hoops and crinoline, velvet hat which sho had lost. Wiiat was to bo done ? Every step was taking tho bonnet fmther from its owner, who was alono and a stranger in tho city. It did not take her long to decide. Sho started in tho same direction, and was soon alongside of the velvet hat. "Where do you reside, madam I" " In Court," was tho reply. "Aro vou going home ?" " I am." 'Go on, and don't let mo hinder you. And onward they walked, now to the right and now to tho loft. At length thoy entered a dark alloy, and after passing sev eral dismal abodes thoy halted at a door. "Do you live here?'' "I do upon tho second floor." "Go up then, for 1 have business with you." Thoy entered. After going up two flights ot stairs they reached njroomin which thoy found five women. Thoy entered the room, and hero our heroine mado known her business. Posting herself beside the door, with a calm but defiant look, she de manded of tho woman lo know whero she obtained the velvet hat, the shawl, and the basquo upon her person." "I bought them," was tho reply. "No, you did not; thoy wcro stolen, and now tako them off immediately." Had a bombshell exploded in tho room, tho confusion could not havo been grcitcr. Hut great as it was, it did not intimidate tho owner of tho velvet hat in the least de gree. It only changed tho happy aud fas cinating look of a most beautiful face to tho unconquered look if a Cromwell. "Now bo quiet and own up, and bring forward tho stolen poods, for it will bo bet tor for you. Now I havo found tho goods and tho thief, no doubt, I am going for an offiecn See that none of you lcavo the room or disturb nu articlo whilo I am gone." "Whilo descending tho staiis our hero ine, espied a doctor on his way lo visit tho sick, and asked his assistance. "I have," said she, "found somo stolen property, and havo it socuro in this house; will you call an officer to as-Ut mo in removing it?" Tho doctor readily assented, and whilo ho sought for policemen, sho still guarded her trust. At length tho doctor, with four policemen, arrived, when our heroine trans ferred tho custody of both persons and property to tho officers of tho law. Tho remainder of tho stolen property was soon found, and tho lady relieved of her bor rowed plumago was provided with rooms in tho Cambridge street jail, whero sho still remains, waiting tho sentence of tho law. Boston Jiurnah A Lesson for Boys. One of tho wealthiest merchants of Now York city tells us how he commenced busi ness : 'I entered a sloro and asked if a clerk was not wanted. "No," in a rough tone was tho answer, all being too busy to both- cr with mo when I reflected that if thoy did not want a clerk, they might want a laborer ; but I was dressed too fine for tint. I wont to my lcdgings put on a rough garb, and went into tuc samo store and demand cd if they wanted a porter, and again, "No sir," was the response when 1 claimed in despair, almost, "A laborer ? Sir, I will work at any wages. Wages is not my ob ject. I n'Ut havo employment, and I want to bo useful in business. ' Theso last words attracted their attention ; and in the cud I was hired as a laborer in tho base ment and sub-cellar at a very low pay, scarcely enough to keep body and soul to gether. In tho bas:mcnt and sub-cellar I soon attracted tho attention of tho counting houso and chief clerk. I saved enough for my employers, in little things wasted, to pay my wages ton times over, and thoy soon lound it out. I did not let any body about committ potty larcenies, would remonstrato and rcmonsfranco would not do. "If I was wanted at thrco A. 51., I never growled, but told everybody to go homo, ''and I will sco that evcrythlna is jisht." I loaded off at day-break packages for the morning boats, or carried them myself. In short, I soon became indi'ponsiblo to my employer?, and roso and rose until I .be camo hoad of tho houso witli money enough as you see, to give me luxury or position a mercantile man may desire for himself and children in this great city." hie uoad of iiFE. "My notions a bout lifo," says Southoy, "aro much tho samo as thoy nro about traveling there is agooddol of amusement on tho root! , but after all, one waat3 to be at rest." Homo Swoot Homo. Though tho trite old song, "Home, Ssvcct Home," has been suns within tho homd nirp.ln nf .llmnst nvnrv Itnii:nlirlr1 vnf Itntw ! t tun in-iBuua ui an miu iiuvu uuuiu. iismvuui strains, know who was tho author of those beautiful words " MM pleasure, anil paiacep, though wc may roam. Uoit ever ro iiunibte.lhcrQ'a la no placo like luitiiQ. It perhaps has never occurcd to tho mind of any ono unacquainted with tho circum stances, that tho writer of a song, which has found an echo in so many hearts could bo other than ono who had experienced all the pleasures of a happy home ; but sad as is tho reflection, it is nevertheless triic, that John Howard Payne, tho author of otttJU. J.AUUIU, luuuiru uu uua cull- fritmfiwl tn ttin "Homo swoot Home," though ho has con nevnrbad n linmn nf !,! nwn. I Wo clip tho articlo below, suggesting that a monument bo erected to tho memory of Payne, from tho Boston Ulivo Branch, and givo it a place in our columns, believ ing that it will find a rcsponsoin the hearts of our readers : The Auxiiou or "Sweet Home " As I sit in my garret hero in Washington, watching tho course of groit men, and tho destiny or party. I meet often with strange contradictions in this eventful life. Tho most remarknblo was that of John How-ard-Payno, author, of "Sweet Homo." I knew him personally. Ho occupied the rooms under mo for somo tinio, and his conversation was so captivating that 1 of. ton spent whole days in his appartmonts. lie was an applicant, for. nffico at tho timo consul at. Tunis from which ho had been removed. What a sad thing it was to sco the poet subjected to aid tho humili ations of office seeking 1 Of au evening ho would walk nloug tho street. Onco in a whilo wo would sco some family circlo so happy, and forming to be so beautiful a group, that wo would stop, and then pass silently on. On such occasions ho would givo a his tory of wandering, his trials, and all his cares incident to his sensitive nature and poverty, "How often," said lie onco, "havo 1 been in tho hoart of Paris Pcrlin, and London, or some other city, and hoard persons finging, or tho hand-organ playing "Sweet Homo," without a shilling to buy tho next incal, or a place to lay my head. Tho world literally suuj my song, until every hoart is familliar with its melody, Yet 1 have been a wanderer from my boy hood. My country has turned mo ruthless from office; and in old age I havo to sub mit to humiliation for dread," Thus ho would complain of his hapless lot, His only wish was to die in a foreign land, to bo buried by ttrangow, and sleep in obscu rity. 1 met him ono day looking-unusually sad "Havo you got your consulate ?" said I. "Yes, nnd leave iu a week for Tunis; I shall never return." Tho last expression was not a political faith, Fav from it, Poor Payne ! his wish was realized ; ho died at Tunis, Whether his remains havo boon brought to this country, I know not. They should bo, aud if none others would do it, let tho homeless throughout the world give a pet ny for an insciiption liko tho following : here lies J. HOWARD PAYNE, The Author of "Sued Honied A wanderer in lifo, ho whoso songs were sung in every tonguo nnd found nnd echo in every heart, NEVER HAD A HOME. HE died In a foieign Land. Seduction and Suicide. A very sad case of seduction and suicide is narrated in tho Cincinnati papers as having developed itself on Saturday, March tho 7th, It appears that a German named Kaiser, who kept a moat storo in Vine street, near Allison, had married fourteen years ago in Germany, nnd recent ly immigrated to Cincinnati, and commen ced a successful businos there his family consisting of a wife and ono female child. His wife was known as an apparently modest, quiet, hard working woman, well esteemed by all who knew her. About two months ago, Mr. Kaiser being sick, hiswifetook charge of tho shop, and Mr. K. coming down stairs one evening, was astonished on delecting his wifo aud a man named Glossner, who kept a liquor store near, m an illicit amour, lie urovo Clots ncr out, and tho seducer escaped. When Mr. K. returned to his shop ho found it closed and his wifo gono. Sho was never suon alive again, aud was supposed to bo concealed somowhoro. Tho villain who seduced her, rather gloried in his" crime. Kaiser sadly pursued hia business, and applied for a divorce. On Saturday week whon the ico broke in the Miami canal, the dead body ot a woman was revealed hor ribly dishgured. It proved to bo thct of Mrs. Kaiser. An immenso crowd attended tho coroner's inquest, and tho fact was os- ' regular charities arise evory morning with tablishcd that on the evening of her orimo : out knowing . how they will get a dinner, slio proceeded directly from her husband's and that seventeen thousand habitual drun store to the canal, whero sho put an end to knnls, of tho most brutal character, du ller cxistance., . ijho uaa on precisely the same clothes, had tho keys ot tho stcro in herpo'eket, nnd tho money sho had that day taken in, Those who know her, I clioved tho offcuco was her first one, and that liav iug been detected, sho at onco determined to dio rather than livo in disgraco, Throats of lynohiug were mado a'gainst Glossonor, on lourning tho facts ; but tho polico ioterfercdj and saved tho offendor, to be dealt with by no other Court, perhaps, ihm that one where t fences never Jail of punishment, cither m this life or the nc it, Dispatch State Central Committee. In pursuanoo of a resolution of tho last .. n. . n Democratic b tale Convention , tho follow ing named gentlemen hive bc6n appointed to be the State Central Committco for tho 1 ensuing year: I Chairman' CHARLES R. DUCKA- LEW, of Bloomsburg, Columbia county. 1 Philadelphia Hon. Richard VaUx, , Edward G. Webb, Dr. Andrew1 Ncbinccr, (.'on, Wm. lVcilly, Wm. A. Porter, John C. Kirkpatrick, Kugcno Ahcrn, Win. Ser geant, John Bobbins, Jr Dr, Edward Morwilz, Ceo. Williams, Alex. Brown. fl-..,... J 0...1 it tT , " i, Chester and Delaware UohcH E. Mon- achan, Joseph It- .Morris. licrlcsVt. C. Hunter, E. L. Smith. Bucks Robert Tyler,StokcsL. liobcrt-u Lancaitcr and LibanonQooxgo San derson, U. North. Northumberland aiul Dauphin W. B. Sipes, James M. Bay, Richard Ilaldcman, Jesse 0. Horten. jS'orUiamptou and Lehigh Jno. Davis, Jno. W. Hutchinson, Mifflin Hannum. Carbon, Monroe, JPikc and Wayne Samuel McLean, S. S. Drcher, 0. H. Molt, W. P. Wood. Adams ami Franklin Henry Riley, J. W. Douglass. York W. II. Welsh, Jacob S. Kcidcl. CnmbtrLwl and Tcry Thomas M, Riddle, 0. J. T. Melnlyro: Clinton, Lycoming and Stdlivar-ll, L. Diffcnbacb, John W. Maynard, James Dcgan. Blair, Cambraand ITinUington R. B, Petrikin, Goo. Adolphu3 Patterson. Columbia, Lustrnc, ij-c. AsaBrunda"e. Hra'lfcrd, Susquthnnna, ij-e, D. W. Ovortou, Gen. John Dlanding. Tioga, Potter, Sc D. J,, Shcrwoodj Edwin II. Eldred. illcrttr, Venango an-l Warren Hon. M. C. Trout, L. T. Paruilco. Uric and Crattford Murray Whallon, John P. Davi's. ' Beaver, Butler and Laiercncc Gen. Jonathan Ayrcs, Gen. Charles Carter, John Graham; Allegheny lion. P. C. Shannon, Rt Biddlo Roberts, Charles Barnct, William Blurk. Bedford, Laurence Hon. M. P. Doug' horty, W. J. Dare. Armstrong, Indiana, and Clarion J, Alexander Pulton, Col W. T, Alexander. Mifflin, Juniata and Union d?. M, Dull, Charles Merrill. Fayette and Westmoreland Hon. John L. Dawson, Col. A. E. Wilson. Schuylkill lion. F. W. Hughes, Benj, Churst. Caution to Lovors. A young gentleman residing in tho neighborhood of Richmond, had occasion, a short timo since, to drive his pretty cousin i'anny down to Windsor in a gig. Littlo Charlie, a brother of Fanny's, accompanied and sat betweon thorn in tho gig; but as ho was only fivo or six years ot aire, was con sidered nobody. Unfortunately, however, tho urchin had got a now hat that very day, of which ho was exceedingly proud. landing, on his arrival at Windsor, that it had sustainod somo injury during tho jour ney, he rushed to his mamma to complain. " L declare, mamma," he cried, " I'll never ride in a gig between sister Fanny and cousin George again." "Why so, my dear?" inquired mamma. "Because," he replied, "they'vo crushed my new hat all to pieces, with leauing over to kiss each other, all tho way from Rich mond." " I Mark only the Hours that SniNn," Tho above, if wo rightly rcmem bor, is tho inscription upon a sun dial in Italy. It inculcates a beautiful lesson which many aro prono to disregard. It would teach us to remember tho bright days of life, and not to forget tho blessing God is giving us. Life, it is true, is not all bright and beautiful. But still it has its lights as well as its shades, ml it is neither wise nor graceful to dwell too much upon tho darker p rtions of the picture. Ho who looks upon tiie bright side of life, and makc3 tho best of everything, will we, think, other things being equal, bo a hotter and happier man, than those who,s B rnnk jlin says, "are always looking at the ugly ' leg," and find occasion for complaint anil censure in almost everything they meet wi'h. Bay The city or Gayety and fash, ion. It is said of .Paris that ono of overy thrco thousand persons oommiu suicide : that two thirds of tho population cannot afford iho nxpenso of burial; that in every thrco births ono 'islllccininate : that thirty 1 thousand persons besides theso ossistcd by grace tuo city. KiT A Nut rpn Lawyers. Tho lato Joshua Soars, of Boston, mado il a boast in his lifetime that ho had never 'paid a cent to a lawyer, .-Tho lawyers aro now, having their revenge. Thoy arfi at his will. EST '' Mr, Jones, don't you-ttimk mar riacoU a mona of draco,?-" "Gcrtunlv , anvthiuir is a means of "race that leads us to repentance." Scene closes with a broom hamlk
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers