Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 21, 1857, Image 4

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lt ttut by tha p)mh would thrive.
Mlinitlf m lit either hold or driro.
Up In the ear ly mornlng.JutM lha peep of day,
Blralnmi lha milk In tlx dairy .turning the cows array,
Sweeping 'the floor in the kitchen, making iho bails lip
Wisliln the breakfast itl she duitlng the pirlor ehairii
Braining the crumbs from tuo pantry. Iiunllnr; for eggs
in the bnrn,
Cleaning lha turnip, for dinner, spinning the stocking
Opreading the whitening linen downon the
low", .
Ransacking every meadow whero the red strawberries
Starching tlia"uicni"for Sunday, eburningthe snowy
Klnalng tho palla and ttralner down In the running
Feeding th. geeso and turklcs. making the pumpkin
Jogglngthe little one'seradlo, driving nwny the flics
tlraee Incvory motion, music in every lono,
Uoaulyof form and feature thousands might court lo
Checks thai rlial spring roser, teeth the r,l!test of
One of these country maids Js worth a score of you,
city girls.
Out In every tempest, out In every gain,
Biff ting the weather, wind stormandhall.
In the meadow mowing, in theshady wood,
I-cttlnj In ihosunllght where llio tall oak stood,
Uve'ry filling moment each tk ill fu I Jmnd employs
Ul"ss me I were thcro ever Idle farmers' boys I
Though the palm, la callous, holding fait tho plow
Tha round cheek is ruddy, and Iho open brow
Has no lines and furrows wrought, by evil hours
Tor the hearl keeps wholesome, trained innalurc's
Healthy, hoarty pastime, the spirit never cloys ;
Heaven bless tho manly, honest rarmers' boys.
At thomerry hurklnks at the apple tree.
How III 'ir hearts run over with geuialharmlees glee;
How the country mtldins blush Willi conscious bliss"
At the lovewords whispered with a parting kiss,
Then the winter evenings wllh their soda I Joys,
llless methcy are pleasant, epont with farmers' boys
Experiments in Potato Planting.
Mr. Drown, of Long Island, has recently
published nn interesting experiment touch
ing tho planting of tho butt onus and seed
ends of potatoes. Last spring ho planted
four rows of equal length, of two varieties
of potatoes. In ono rovr, with each variety,
ho planted only tho "seed ends" of tho po
tato i in the other, tho opposite, or "butt
ends." These were tho pink eyes and tho
poach blows. Wo quote tho result from
tho concluding portion ofhis statement :
Tho yield of those four raws was as fol
lows :
Pink eyes, butt ends, 217 pounds.
" " seed ends, 170 "
Poach blows, butt cndsl 225 "
" ".j seed ends, , 170 "
The potatoes raised from the butt ends
were much larger than thoso from tho seed
ends, and appeared to be from a weok to
ten days earlier. Had tho wholo field been
planted with butt-ends, tho yield would
Lave been more than 500 bushels to tho
aore. I also planted two rows next to tho
above, in one of which I put only largo po
tatoes, half a tuber in each hillout length
wise bo as to divido tho eyes equally, and
in tho other rowI dropped only small po
tatoes, one in each hill. From tho former
I dug 181 pounds, and from tho latter 131
pounds. I should add that tho averago
yield of tho field wa3 about 190 pounds to
the row ; and that largo (not tho very larg
est) potatoes wcra used for seed cut length
wiso with a half of a tuber in each hill."
Preservation, of tho Apricot Tree
Tho Apricot is nearly allied to the plum,
nnd is less susceptible of intense cold than
tho poach ; but it appears to be more easily
injured by changes of tho weather, and
those familiar with its culture, aro equally
familiar with disappointments is from dead
and dying patcho3 of bark on tho trunk,
often extending all around or over tho
whole surfacc,and inevitably destroying the
tree. This is tho great drawback in tho
culture of this very early, most desirable,
end delicious fruli the curculio is within
tho control of labor.
TVo havo great confidence in tho protcc'
ting influence of evergreen boughs. Pro
cure a wagon load, moro or less, from tho
nearest hemlock, pino or spruco woods, or
from Iho cedar swamp, early in winter, nnd
proceed to tio them on each apricot trunk,
so as to shade it from tbo winter or sprins
Bun, and protect it from, cold winds, and
tho best remedy is undoubtedly opilied.
It may not bo infallible in nil cases, but is
certainly worth trying. Will our intelli
gent readers, who ctiltivto tho apricot, and
who havo a fear of the bark diseaso, give
it a trial, anil report results 1
(JTolumbta Stemociat.
The following aro the receipts to tho oflico
of the CoLUswiA Democrat, during
the month of February, 1857:
Willlaui Ileal,
tio 7.Vyro l'rjr. ,
1 w Aruinroni:,
915 00
1 CJ
1 ti
111 ISI
2 SO
1 00
2 SO
isa tc uowcr.
Unas A Isms.
Aaron Wolf,
Abraham Try.
Oeo, H, Oiluerl.l-.l.
Jamos U tfpnneubdrf;
iohn .M Wilson,
Udnard Mcllonry.
Jowpli llemlcrsliol,
I'.K. Ilerbtilll,
Joseph MaJlz,
islijah Vocutu,
Jacob llrnwn.
I M:
lev. J.ll. Morris,
1'unis Karui,
H, Howell, U.l.
1, Arise,
Mi., i: i.oii,
Jonas Ki.ner,
7 On
U 75
4 01
1 (.,
2 Wijilro. I.
1 51
a uo,
1 Ou
taron lless. 1 to
los W. Ilemlerthot, 4 00
list of John Trice. 1 7J
1 TO
S 0u
.lira i w Tliornlou, J'J no
50 llsan Wclllvcr. 1 50
0 IM Montour County. 4 UO
Mrs Marlha Harlmau, 1 uu.
1 DO A It. filrton, 1 DC
1. T Bharukss,
1 41) Deacon li I'eterson, 1 I"
w. Al rill,
James llocne,
S Btvau&co
liavid Lnwenburg.
Win, V Norris.
W T PUauiiu Esq;
Est of Jacob I'l.her,
Hanul Ko.tcribauder.
Jame, Masters,
J, r, I'crsine,
William Kuiey.
Kl of Anilretv lless.
W II I'uiermin, Lit,
Jteob llye.,
llr ll ui It lla huitt.
' ru .'if.
2 00S. A liradr, I 1)0
4.50,11. I'. Former. II,",., 2 50
3 75i:iclitird lluiiel. 1 So
10 OOLCol Jos l'avlou. S 03
10 00 Iter Geo. Hunter, 3 oo
10 OuiC. Wolf, i:sl I 50
1 23 Wra.llilliard. 5 on
1 75jesse ('oiruian, 4 25
10. Oo'heiiirMilltr. 100
2 GO.HamuelKlsner, 1 00
1 00).V. q Kinney, 0 00
1 01)j,tdam Keller, 4 50
a uifllcnry lies., (C ) 2 25
I wnajmuillitii, 3 JO
7 na;i.evl Cox. :i7
1 75' Jacob Eyerly, Rn, 7 no
t 00 Ur J A llhodes, 10 10
unrvmTf TniTMaiiMM
1 "uu.u" """"" . . .
TUB foitnilcrof this Ueleuralcu insu-
tullon.otTirsthf) innntccttnlii, speedy, and only
edcctiul remedy In tho world for cflceH for Hlfcls,
Htn -lures, Heminal ivaexn... t'aiiM in the l.nlna,
O institutional n.'t.lllty Impol.nrr, Weaklier, of the
Uaeknn.l I.lm'js, AlT-ctlana of the Kldnryt. 1'alplla.
tlun of thi Henri, Njrvms Irritability.
Disease id the It.-mt, Throat, Nose or Skin .and all
Uiom serlom nnd nieUiirholy Uisordnrs arl.lwt from
tli iteslr ictlve hnhiHofVoutli, which destroys both
body nnl minJ, Tlta.e saerut an I sunt ary practices,
nr. mire fatal to their vlitlins than tho song of the
Syrens to lha mariners Ulysses, blighting their mol
brilliant hope. ofanticlpailJiii, roulcruij marriage,
jie., impossible.
J 011113 M-cn-
..peel illr, who Invn licrnmi the victims of solitary
Vico.tiintdreadiul nnd destructive h.ibtt wlnrhniniu
nlly sweeps ti an untimely srac thousands nf jouhg
men of the most exalted and brilliant Intel,
1,'Cl, who might otherwise havo iiiitiaiicid littruiui;
rten-ues with the liiumicrsot eloquence, or uaked to
osluicallHilyte, m ty call with all eonlldenec.
Married persons, or Voung .Men contemplating map
rlnie, bi-lna aware of wcakn"s, organic de
bility, deformities, c, should liu u.'.llitcly consult
Dr Johnston, mid be rnstori'd lo perfect li(-lilth,
lie who pit ces himself under tho care of It; John,
slon may religiously ennlldeln his honor as n ccnlle,
men, und cuiili.tctulv rely upon his skill us cph)siciau
Organic Weuhncsi
Immediately cured and full vlaor restored.
ThIsJ'llsuusa Is Urn pentlty i t lrt"iuen!y pald,by '
tlwso who have become tho victim of improper Inilul- i
guides. Young persons are too apt to coniinu en
res. from not beinq nwaro of the dreadful conica,ticnce
tint may ensue, Now.wnoiuii unui
I.., tuil I nrrl.n.1 I., , 1, a , I h n nr
ov. who tli tt unduretaudi the iuu
owff of procroa
tloil is lost sooner by those falling into improper
habits thin by llii prudent. Itcaldua lcinj rivptlvrdnf
I lie puaiiirfl ot iivaiiny niupiing, ino inoii rcnoui
unl deftrticllw; lyiuptomt lo both body nnd mind
arise. Tho system become dor.irtgod; the physical
anJ nuictil powers weakened, tictvoui dibllliy, dya
pepsli, palpitation oftho liuar r , Induention. a u asting
of tho frame cough, pymptoiuBofconaiiiiipllon fee.'
tJ-omco No. 7 Bot'Tii I'RECKRtcK STRkKTevcn door
from lUltlmore itrrct, Vai sldu. up the ilppa. Ue
parlicular Inulnjrvlrin tin NAME and.MJMUCR, or
you will mistake the place,
jJCurcJiarranteUtor no Vhargt Vnd, in from One to
7Vu Dayt.
Vrt Johnston
Member of the Royal College of Surgeonr. I.ondon
nraJmtel'rom one of the most emtneut cclleges ol the
United Stated, and the greater part of whose hfe has
been spent in the flrsl II osplula of London, Pari sj hi-lad-'lphia
andrlaewhcre, has rtterfd some of tho most
aitonlthlng cures tint were ever known; many trnub
lt!l with ringing Inlhe head uud cars Un asleep,
great nervousness being alarmed nt sudden sounds,
and baslifalneiii, with frequent lduhing, uttettded
some u mo b ultli derangement ul inlnd, were cured im
-1 Certain Disease.
When thclmisguidr-d nnd Imprudeut votary of nlei
sure lltidi lis Ins Imbibed the seeds of this palufti.
disease, It too often happens that an llltimed tunsc o.
shmue, or dread ot'disuortr), deters him from apply
log to llioao win from education nnd reiprctahiilty
can alone befriend 111 in delaying till tho coiistihitloinl
ymptomi ofthH horrid diceaseinaks thci r appearance,
such us ulcerated sore throat, diseascdnose. nnclnrnal
pains in tho head ami limbs, dimness of fiialit, deafness,
uodcsoiitho skin li'ines, und arms, blouhes on tho
head laco, and cilremeiies, progresslugwith frightful
rapidity, till at list the palate of the mouth or the
bonej of the nose fat I In ,nnd the victim of this nuful
diseaic becomes a horrid object of conimis scration, till
d 'nlh puti a period to his drcadfjlflullerings, by sen
4inglum to "that bourne Irom whence no traveler
return." To such therefore Dr, Johnston pledge
Jilmselfto preserve the most cnvioliblu secrerv, and
from his extensive practice In the first Hospitals of
Uarope and America, lie can confidently recommend a
safti andspeedy cure to the unfortunate victim o t tills
horrid disease.
7?e particutir Notice,
Dr J. addresses all those ulio have injured them
selves by privataand improper indulgence),
iiiese arc boit.o oi uiu sau ami mcianenoiy enccts
produced bvearlv habim of vouih. vir : Wenkness of
WeakiH-ss of
the Hack and Limbs, Pain in the Head. Dimucrsof
MgriLiiUa or Macular Powar. raipitntion of th
Heart, Dvspepia, Nervous Irratibitliy, Derangement
of the Digestive l'lincilons, General Dtblltty.s) raptoms
of Uonstiinption, JJ-c.
aro much lo bo dreaded, Loss of.Meumry, Confcuion of
fliun i riuuv inc lenruii eticcis upon me nana
iiioas, uenrPH-ion 01 me hpirits, i;vll t'oreiiodtiies,
Aversion of Society, Timliy.&c, ore eoinc ofthecvils
ThoUiaiiilt of pprpons i.f nil apes ran now jtidcc
what H th 1 came of liieir ilcctlnitu health. Lojsinf
thc.'rvijor.bccominc weak, pale a ml emaciated, ha In
a hi iifuiar appearance about the eyes.coughaud eyrap
tonif of Consuiuplioiu
urt Johnston's Invigorating Ucmedy for
Urganic Ivcakncss.
Hy this sreat aiidfinporiantreniedv, wcaknes of Hie
orgi ris are tpet'dily cured, and lull vizor rcstoted.
TliTisamlnof tli3 most nervous and debilitati'd, who
had I'Ht all hope, havp been immediately relieved. All
I inpedimenli to Mar ri-ijcriiysiral and Mental Uiifiiia-
nnciuon, .-vrvou irritability , i reiiiftiniBs ami WpaK
ness, or fxli.mtioii (ftho inst learfalkinJ, speedily
cured hy Doctor Jobmion
xoung Men
Who hive inturo.l tlirmi(lirf!i he n cprtlln nmctitp.
tndlllsed In when nlnnn .1 lnliit ffmniunnv tf.trnrd
from evilAompduloiii, or nt school the cflecli of which
are nightly felt, even when asleep, nnd if not cured
render inirriaie imposdilito, anddeetroya both mind
aad hiidy, should apply immediately
11 i 11 uy mai u on ii 5 nun, hid nope 01 11 1 a cou 11
lrv.ii in! tile darlinc of hi narents. should he snatched
from alt propi'cts und enjoy mefitB nf fife, hy I he ctni?e
qusnrcs ol'deviatins fmin the path of nature, and In
dulslng In n certain serrct habit, Buch person 4 It. fore
should reflect that a sound 1,1 in d nnd bo'Jyarethe mo 9
necessiryreitilsitiesto promote happiness
maced.wiiiio 11 inesn,iiie journey inrousn me necomca
a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the
view; the iiinid becomes studowed Willi despair and
filled with 1 he melnncholv reflection that the hunt. limns
of nuolher heco nes hhshtrd with our own.
Ol t'ICliN'O.I WJUl'll trMIWCRICIv ftr..Italttmore,MJ
N.ll, Ljino false inodesiv prevent you, hut apply iiu
mediatelycltherpcrsonalty or by letter.
To Strangers.
Tha inanv thousands cured at this institution with'n
the last 15 years, und the numerous irnportml Hurg ical
Cparations performed by lr. Johnslon. witnessed by 1
the reportersol iho pap 'r. olid many other !
licesot which nave appeared again aim again ueiore
th? dubtic, besides his etiiidiii; us a gentleinaii of tha
ratterand respousiuiiity, (na sumcient guarantee to
tho afflicted.
Take rsolice
N. n. There arn so manv lirnorant and worthier
0,'iacks advertising iheinsrUrs Phyncians, ruining
the health oftho ulreidy ulilicted. tint l)r, Johnlou
djtma it necessary to say, '?picially lo those unac-
inin'ed wnn ms reputation. 11111 iih rreuentms aitu
liploiuas always liana in his office.
ttPakNoiic, All letters must be post paid, and
contain a postage stamp for the reply, or noanswer
wiiibP seni
January 17, mm.
DnEirussTMib?BraGEii "
Itnpojters and Wholesale Dealers in
FAicvimy (joous, !
French, Euglish and German !
No GI.Norlirihlrtl Su.a'iove Arch, Philadelphia.
TIIU gubcribers would respectfully inform their
friends and the public In gunpral, that they have
taken thulnrgoaiul eoniiiiodious Ptore, No, 1 71 North
Second Street, above Kace, nnd lurnifhed it unh nn
entire new stock of Uoods, to which they would Invl e
iu"ir particular nucnin'ii
iintteeinsun3urpiBieu uciuiies.ana inving liitf at
long experience Inthc business, hels enabled to fur
Iftniluir patrons and Merchants gcnerully with the
iaiei siies 01 1 ancy uoous, 4;uiiirrineries( c. a
unusual low prices, and hope hy strict attention to
business, to merit a share of public nntronnce.
DUDlPUEiS & l l.KNKtP. CR.
No.CS North 'ihlrdstreel, above Arch.
January 10, ldJ7
pountry Dealers supplied with German
(silver pperincies. in iis.oriiiu dozens. AliOWltll
rauics, Uiuud Ulastic fteel, Hilvsr iioiuoic
(Ilslalilnhuil n'.Kt.)
l'JI C'liesuut.irert
January 3J, 1857. ?m
THIi: FIRST HOOK of the Rational
J Hyite-ii orijnffii'li iraminar ilcts.
TIll.SCCONi f.OUK of tlm Ration H
i .tf m of Ciir'iih Oramuiar. dealsned to
ti-jclt theproc( o( Aitulyilns the Unglith Lnnguape
with iouud Judsi'iuenl : and the art ot utinj it with
tn niii.iiiral nrnrrlety J1 rti.
Therfn workt are n"w used In tlm Public BchooU In i
.1. lli.lrirl nf Pnnmvl I
TH V. Til III UOOK.of ihe Ualional ttyjlPm or Gram
mar, defigaed to tnubie the learner In t iconic moit
IhoruuKhlyactualntidwith lie nature and of the I're
position!, and may bo read by him either lu or out of
(thool 2(J cti.
sets nUe thu old nrammari, exponeilhelr deirsctg,
deinonkinlei ihe littlo tie nl Dltcinling to ihemand
prefeuit to tie Teacher Ihe unerring and only way to
lie uruiamer me i.npuiu tansuace. jijch,
Tor i de by IMer Grirec,US ARCH Street. Tlulada.
1'tbruary vi ioar-
Nos. 2 ij- 4 Chtsnut, Street south side ic
low Water,) Philadelphia.
(Tin Oi-dest Wood w.aa IIol.c, In Tut Cm
MANHFACTUBER3 and Wholesale dealers In I'al
eat Machine. mads Hcmms, I'alent Grooved Cedar.
......r..f ia mirl.k Wood and Willow. ware.
Cords, liruihes Uc ofull dciilio. I'lfotn tall
and esBiniiieour stork
l'tlniari i, cl -I f
SA.V1&' VCXli.
rlfe 1 M .1 i
AIjNUT Street, South West comer1
tf Tlimil. l'hilnlelnhln
Iticnriiorutfd bv thi Smt of lenni' I vaula.
Money is reirfvul In any sum, largo or irnill nnd
Interest paid f'n thcdiy of deposit to the day of
with draw I.
The omcc Is open every diy from u o cl"ck Itv the
nnriilnrj till T o'clock in the evFnIni, nnd on .Monday,
anil'llntrsilnycvDiiiiijs, till Du'ilock
All sums Inrgf or sniall, nrr paid Lack in CULD on
demand ulthoul tiolice, to any n in until.
I'resiilont.llon.II I'.MIV I.. IIKlV.Vrilt.
Secretary, WH.I.IAM J. Itlino.
IIcnryL. Ilenner, O. I.nndreth .Munns
r.dwntd I,. Carter, 1. Carroll llrewster
ltobort!?elfriilsc, Joseph il. Harry,
Samuel K. Ashion , Henry I.. Churchman,
Jainesit. Smith. I'rancis
ThUconipanyconllncs Its 1ulncs entirely to the
rrcrlvlnsnl mcneyoii interest. Tlic iuvcstnicms a
tnonntitisto nearly.
s per published report of AHrMlTH.nrc inado in rnn
nrniityulth 'he prtu iiops of the chtrter in ItliAI.
EMT ATI!, MORTCl AII1W. OilOUMI HI'..N1St, nndsucll
first class eecurilics.'asuil I nluajs insure perfect re
curily to the depositors, and uhlch cannot ijil to pivn
pcriiianc nrynnu iauiiuy to mis oiu nnu uci psiau
nsneil insiitution.
(1'cb. I, IMS.)
.March 7th, t?S7.
rliC subscriber is now prepared, with new alachino
ry, to build stationary onciur's, irom 5to lull horse
loner, u pon llio latest improved plans, afid will build to
irdcr doubleliml siunle portable engtiirs from 1(1 Io40
torse power, lllcced upon carriages, with Holler gear
Inz & pumps all roiiipti-lc nnd rLadyforai'limi, AI1.0 .
-cylinder tlueand tiibul.irbol'crs c.istiron cou! breaks
irs patented in 16.10, for threshing grain and cracMnr
oru and now tnadu on alarcsraio furcrccking ns
oreaking coal. Heavy mining pumps and fire (ngini-l
rigged coiiiolctcwilli doublo acting forcing pumps, at
kinds of mill genringand house casting made to order)
Line shafting with anydrsind sizes ol pulleys fiulshu
ulllihanzCM Ironplnning dono .cay '.'1 leet lnng:n.
kindsofiron lurnlrg heavy press and other screw
turned with any desired pltrhnl thread.
Thebcit Uougb 1 ron threshing M.irhlnes. that evor
coino before tlic nublic.caft Iron and woden machine.
m.ule to order. Lever power, chain or tower
madu toerilcr. Also lakes orders for tltefollou inginn.
cbinery Harrison's .latest palint srai III. .5100(1 of
feredby th t'.ileiitee loritsciual It will grind in yond
fine tnealS.l hiKhelsill one hour. Alsoltnltsnml
lrs all In ordnr.alsor.uagle's I'atnntlllowor.unniif.ictur-
nowin iisewitlttlieleastaiiinunl nfpower, ounofwliich
willuu ptitiu use at the roundly for exhibition. Allot
the above works willbc warranted to bo what Ihcy aro
sold lor.
ANo Take ordors,or Scott'a Patent Utacksnilih
B'riker. andrlghls lo n-e tliem In thccoiiulie.of Colum-
Clinton, one cf which can be t-ren nt mv shop-
','1,' ' " , tiirun ana
Mnrcli22,ie5G. niooinsburfi. Coliimt i.i (t..
TOKiiCOW 15 R A fri EES,
y.l05,XOUTII Tllinil ST1112KT ,
Five doorsbclou Ilacf.
Janruray 10,1855.,
NO, 9, North Wattir Street IMiiladcN
phia COMMItdlON MCRCUANT, and dealers in
Lard, Shoulders, Cheese llama, lluckets, Porks,
riour He.
Aplil J. ISZ5 ly.
Dr. Francis V. Harrison,
WOULD respectfully inform the citiKons of Illooms
burg and Mcinity. l.eli in commenced tlic prac
tic nf MemriMs and iSi'ROERy, and solicits n eh are o
public putrmiagt?,
lie can tlvvayftuo found a tthe exchange Hotel opposite
Court House.
llleomsburg, rb. 5, lfii3.
Di J. C. SiiUcr,
U 0 m ce 0 1 .1 th i c P h y s i c i a n,
rjCPCCTrULl-Vteii'lorshis rrofesilonnl Serct t
V to I he r itizensnflt loo lualiMrtrn nit vicinity, gpue rally
C3 (Jllice on tlio corner of .Main and Iron dtreols
Bloom?burg, Adjoining .Mr Brower'b.Slore.
Sept. ii'J, 155.
fmmediafei'tf opposite the Court Haute.)
TjAVlXn bepn rccrntly rcnnvali d and refuritlshrd
BU,:",'!;r"',y,l'!,tt,lil"nlr'.SA',''! iV"i'iil"
' Vn.riiiinV r...i7ii VtM,i "'
rjIIE' undcrHigned inform thcir(
H friendsnnd the public in general , that
tuey nave oppjied a new.
Under tho I ront basement of their Store, on Main
Street, where they arc prepared lo art otunindate all
who mnv see At to eive them a rail with CIIOICH
OYSTlIltS, and other etceteras, in the best s.)le of
preparation nnu uivery inuuerairprireu
Light Street, Nov. 1,8150.
MHNTS Wo arcprepandt furnish Agrirult
l5rtf!iral Implcmentsotilie very best qiialitv.niaiiLfaC
5'3-iloreil at our Agricultural Works, Bristol, Pa.
. lli Ioacsi cn-li prices, wholeealeor
uillchallcnge coinr.trion with timet luanuf.icturedhy
nnv ntlmr ediahl ilhuit ni ill the cotlntrv. The first nrn
miuin of one hundred dollars was awarded lis hy the
(Mm 111 i t IOC of theU. S. Azricultural Hocietv.lo their
laic Inhibition at Powelton, for "thibest display of
Acriculturalliupleinciitsniuuulactured by Iheczhibitor.
iiverv nrtlrlesoled by us Ib wane 11 ted to be as re ore.
sculcd.or the money returned
I m le me nt sand Heed Wn rehouse.
Nos,Sl and 'JJ.South Sixth at reel, Philadelphia.
November B, 1S3G.
S A L O O N.
TIIK undcrilzned respoctfuly informs his old ctisto
tnersatid the puhlicin riiitral that he continue.
ln'all its various tlepnrtuirnts, in Iho old stand, Ilx
clmii"e block tlic on'V shop ti town, oppnslio llio
Uol.i iul.1 1 Democrat Offlre, on Miin direct llluoni.tiurir.
wliero ho will always uo n;ipiy io uccuuniiujaiB iub
rustomcrson slijht auilln tho jteslbt)lo oflhe fu.biou-
Itloouisburg November leSO 22.
npeueda Marble Vnrd at the rorner ofMaln and
Mirltet Sireeii. where he in prepared to fiuiuh thu
beat work from Italian or American Marble for
Tomb-stones, Tables, Mamies, Wimlowiills and len
I'orthB character and finnh of his work he rpTeri to
ucliaslifl has midu is Has county. He will furuihli
oesign i for work or execute any that may bo furuuli
tti lo him. Ill work shall always bo satUfactory In
Wtylund reasonablcin price.
Ulooinsbtirfi, DecC,
O and wh'desala uealcrsln
TT A TO Jtr flATlS AV11 ew.
rii -. ' t VWSl
Straw GoodB, Xpstk
,1 V,.,1, H..eiinil .ir.ei. n.TI ilnnr a ..v, tlm
Madison llousu.i iiii.Ain.i.i ii i a
i.,.i..inn inz I Iii city will find it to their ad.
vautige to call uuduxa'jiino oursooJsbafore maknie,
jlarelilS.litM. y.
Clock nnu U nlclimakrr.
South Side of Muin Street uLoie the Jim,
DIFFiCUl.Trepalrlns in walehesaiid Jew-
clrv-Classasfor liuuiiiij walehoi-anil
'spsetaclcs, lit
OFFICE Next door lo (he Post Office.
No. 80 DockSlrcct,l,hiladtlphia.--m. INTEREST 1'II'E EEll CENT.
rjMIK STATE SAYINGS FUND, No."83Dock Street, ncxidonr to Third Sired,
Ja nti't adjoining tlio I'osl Ofllce, rrrrivca money on ilfposlt ttnlty from!) In the morning until 3 In the niter,
nuoti ( aImj Mo inlay i-wiiing I'miii 7 lolln'ttof k IntcreK It ullnwi-d.on driuitltg nt the mte ol I'lVC VVM CL.NT
tii't annum loi)oiti Mil hu rc nirnotl In uhotc nr In part on tlfinnnil u lllimii tiotirr
hcpopnljrily nf ihiHUfflro ulilihll rlanfi of iIip runimiiiilly . 'othiu town anJ country, ami Hi coni&qtifnl
urcpfld. tn;iv he ndcrlhctl. In inrtl the lullnuiiis Biihtihtinlrr nnoiii -
1 1 ouTl o cnii voilieiii r"p"Mi"i nun prnnmuin
nnriitod nr uit iw ii-e- ii ttmrrh d nt Hia plfldlea- to hiim.h
Mechanic, I'nriiirrn Minors ttlrlthi r e nud all who have
nnny time with r per c nt inurcsl udiled,
Dipoltors rerrlvd It, ink with an n Israel of the Hy Lawsiud regit latlotn, In which1'! entered their deposits
which bookn ecr ve ns vouchers. Thev may dislgnalo.ln rare of Mekne, iieathoriiliente, who will rcrelve their 1
deposits, wltuout iiLintu venllnu olllxccuiors r .dnilnlslrniors. Ai) one or more persons may depot! t in hltt '
Iter orth'ir nnmu or fur nnv other p tson orpersnns. I
3d. A Rcporl Is made eat h ear to Iho Lrgistaturcand rouncll tvt the City.
:tlh. The oi'icersari' sworn before lliev enter upon their duties In addition In giving l.nnd wllh surelle.
Aih 'I'll i Kt Ho Hat inns 1'tind Is n realA vltii! n l'uinl e an 1 tiMirnnre and TruntCninhHiiv. OurlareeliaiofTie. '
poftilo'sind tho l'hlladelphii public, have been careful toubercilnl the charter avoids the burldess and lUk of
Uth, Inter pHn this ompan does not erase fourteen days p rev it us to the w !th mviftlnfthc money .
Till. I n order tm (lord cverji aonable fur Hit v to Depositors v ho ri side a t a distance from the othro.thclrdepo
sits art permitted to ho wiihiiin ti by cht cks.n Iter the manner customar with tho Hanks, Check Hooks will be
(urn I ihcd In depositors w Ithptitt urge,
ft... nnfarnnl n iiimit It nfTirfi hvD Ii ni p I Ii In 1 1 1 rfl II 1 1 Oil t and .dUfr I 111 I nnl I tif rnmmlitilttr nn.l
where t he rh trade rol the instl tut )n Is btstknown.lsa gratifying fact to which llieTriutrc delre toe nil nttencn.
CMAillsl (f i i IjA i , rravi r,
t'hiladelpnia, Muy 31,ltiSd. Cm
nxciiANai: nt.oou. main utrukt.
rTtllr.nn,lcrslL.ncmvoul.lrepertfullv InformMi (rlenls
X nud lln 11 ttilie Rnnernll) Mlml lie Iins imrtli.isul llr ,
Tusm - t's Urussinl Ulicmicnl Store, iiimI lust roluri.eil-
i'Vfii una l'urc Jjrugs,
Mivtlrl l.'hi.n,rnlH. rfrolliill n ml U lioll- rioiCes. t'nlnts.
Oils, VuruMics. Die Blull's lVimlon Ola.. of nil sizes,
tnsctlier Willi 11 coiiiiilcto ossnrlliieut ol l'n hit .Tooth and
Bliavlng llruslics, Tobacco. Bcjari., I ancj tloai's.Sliav-
ingurcani. (
Pure WinPK and I5rondic3,
Tor use. nnslisli. rrcnclian I Amalrnn Tor
funiery ; In short, every article kept by Uru (gists gene.
ITT Prescriptions careful I vcompoiudcil.
N . U The DFtrAi. rRoibstoK, will, he continued in
niuoinsburg olid Light Btrcet
nioMnliiirj. rehruary 1. 1817.
INSaandDolJichcd tlulhlliids, Stores, MVrchandize,
rjrm Property, nnd cihcr Uuildiiigs.uud their mtt.
tents at moderate ruteB.
U1UL.U I Uli."
Hon John J Tcarce,
lion 0. O. Ilnrvcy.
j ili 11 it. mm,
Clnrlcs A .Mayer,
Charles Christ,
t'ctor Dickinson,
T. T. Abrams,
1. IC Jickson ,
W. Wlnto
Thcma Kitchrn,
G.C. HAUVIIV, IVoshlfnt.
V. Ann,iM4 Vicol'rrs.
I It. C Uiman, (Ion Agt.
Samiirlll T.loyd, Thos. Hovvpnn . D. U.
A. A. Wiiirir.irdcr,
Vm. V'anderbclt,
I,. A. Matkcy,
A. While,
John V Mavnar.I,
Hon. Simon Cameron.
June 21, lt?:0.
win learnti,
Dr J. H. Crawford,
A Updecratr,
James Amstronc,
lion U' 11 In m lliirlor,
AV. WHIT, Agcjit,
Oysicr raiil Eating Saloons,
Tlin iindiTfllfined, respectfully Inrorm,. -
the citizens of llloomsh irp nnd the pub (K,vl (o J
ilic in gumral. that they have bought the x!rr-V
interest if Mr. Iloflman. In the nboe i
Ilfiablishment, on Main Ktrret, lilnnmshurg, nud hfo
n penernl Ihiktry. Conlecliimnry, mid 0slr i;.latliFd
ment, where they wlllat til times keep a full nipt)t(
Provisioni Sucrt mints nnd Ihtidiles, r-nch ns Urend
Pion, Sweet Potalocs. Cheese, Markrrl, I.e., nr cd up
,n cnotl nrdoraud on moderate terms.
Tiifir Stock comprises n Inrcr mpplv of Almonds
Tijis, llanori Prniiis, Nitls. Wnhnits, I'ntPF To I act o
Cij-ir. eic .'with rverv imn"in.ibli'art iclt I n their tine
ol business, und of the bent ,ualtty.
Xlt 1 umilies su,ipiicu at a'l tunes witn nrrnu.uaiies.
Pies, Ovstcrs, fttn ,nnd nil orders pronplly filled
Cis'i'palJ fur Country produce and the uldic custom
re-prctf'iHv hailed.
N It. A l.ndic'i Saloon dlsconnectfilfrotn theabnvo
eta'di-limi'iit ha been prepared in pou.1 order nud
uillahv.iis be atlheircomuiDnd
Dlooniiburg, I eb J, 1557.
Cook yroiiE and stationery?
riiNH unders -gned respectfully informs VTf7w
I his friend ami the public lie bai Ar fyt,
putclnsed thn HjokSlore. Statiouarj '-yr
taiHIlimeni nun liPSinurani r.i'onin 01 ?
lira Swattz., first doors tn the Cichango Rtiitdiup,
Un r3 lit will eon ti uitc tho above buisuess J 11 all their
varmu branches.
Iliviti:: repleniiftied his rstahtiFlinient with n chojre
slock nf New llook and Sin t loner y ; he Is prepared lo
accommodate nil w ho mavslvi him u rail in his 11 im
OVSTHRS, filne, fntand tresh, ret eived dnlK at his
KestoraniSilnons.dnrinii thegeaon.and w illbesurved
Thi lp tuihiwa oftsno picurrs
ITl"oe upubliccuHom is respectfully sollclird
jr.ssnc claki;-
lUonmOHirg Octobe ti. IP55 y.
J, S. 4i U. L. I'fcltOT,
P ro d 11 c n 11 n 'I 0 0 11 0 r a 1
No 18 North Wharv s,
John r iVniston. I'si. rhltadelphla.
Mosr, Hacker. I.i a & Co.
14 Biter, Trice & Co. "
' It'tikiior MrCniinoon A: Co. "
Clinrl-. Ellis z Co.
' B. Morris Wain t Co
Ootrrhri Igf, Arvov U Co.
" Ch-irli!' st Jogeph IVrot, .
' Thomas & Maxwell. New York.
" CJ. M. McCluiia U Co., St l.oms. Mo.
J S. Morns; Sou, Louisville, Ky.
Yarch 15, 1950-y
Pennsylvania Motel.
mil IS well known Hotel lately kept hv Ram
J.EVLI1 Kurd. on Main Street, lu Ilanv ille, ftVs
has been taken by te BUbfrriber. who is pre-jltf
narcd toaccomniudHi lr ivfllerfiind slruiipers
Hi thu beat iinnner. Tho houne has been Ihoroui'lil
overhauled, and is now reliucd up and luruished for
lie entertainment nt sura is,
HUxiabiinz la I true and commodious, with Horses
and vehicle for hire, ami he will tparc no pains lu
render iioncral tintisfacilon
UjA liiieralsluruoflhu public patronage is respect-
luuy Goiicueu.
IHnvillcD'JC. SO, 1333.
DIonmslmrfT Tiinvaro and Stovo Store.
rpllHun Itirsigneil res pec fully informs hi old friends
L and cUito.ucri, that he has purclns.'d hiiihroihcr's
interest in the above eg tablithnient, and ihe concern wll
hcrealterho conducted tiy hiinaelf' exclusively. Helms '
Junt n'Ctiived and oilers for b ilo the larznximid
Jfl inostexteiuivonsfinrtmeiit of FANUV dTUVUS
ever Intro lured i nlolh is market.
Ilia tock coultft of a complete- assort mm t nt
ebihait (JookinEnnd parlor stoves In the market, to
tinker with Stovn I'iuurciinf every depcriiition.Uvtjn
und ttoxstove. Itattinlors. Cylinder Stoves. Cast Iron
Air TigU Htovis. Oaunoii Hinvea, .c &c .
Sioveplt peand Tiiiwnrnnnitaullou handand man
ufactured to order All kinds of repairing done, ns
usual, on shortimtiee.
The paironageof old friends and now customers re
itjeolfullr solicited.
Uloomebnrg, Jan. S. 1654, If
I-syplown Coach awl Wagon Fcloryt
al IH undnrsignid having surrecded Jacob H. Hi a
in the Wagon uud Coach making hue I ms,nt Ins
stand, in Kapyiown respectfully Jnlorin their frienL
audtho iithlic, thatlhf-y contiuuew ill tbo
1ragon Making liasincssy
InnH.itsdcpiltmeiits.wlicrethey will be hippy irro
cfive orders andproiuntlycxccuiean business in theii
line, wiiii neatness ami uepairn.
CJ" Wheel barrows made lo order, and all kinds ot
rcpairlngdonc on shorinotico.
Hpylown, Junc7, ltiiO y
TIIH subsciibcr respeclfolly Informs
llio public in eeneral, llial lio lias
ust liuislied and now oilers for .ale, a
at liis ware rooms. on Mam Hlreel, n few doors below
material, lluiil.cil lu Ihe llrslstyle of Ihe ur', anil war
rnnted In elvi sall.facllOII.
Ho invite, his friends to cui: nnd cianiliicfo
March 13' lBiC.
01 iVcrtli U'vanrs, above Ilace Street,
i nn r. ah ni.i'i ii a .
f saleof
naval SKfcBSvwofetiVS,0.1" r''UR
Bpirtt. of lurp.'iiliuo, Turin bbls. and Itees. Pitch
nnd IM'in. rio. ps.Koiin Oil Alcohol. Hurni nnl luid and
, I'lnoOil' for .a eaiMaii'ifnrtuios'prUes oakum Lc.
Ar;nls lor wcoe- ,vnti mease,
nr pdmni y in ijiruinrK, AiininitrAlori, Ailgnrri
- Mr 1. 1, dm. t Iprkn.nnd butl nn. i.
fund, much or Utile tcdedosit, where they maybe had
uuuuut. ii, i , i reliant.
MoIloAvay's Ointment.
Tho U'orld Innnimotis !
MMIU (run ofdlseaec often makes its way to the In
.1 t rtial organs through the pores of the skin This
piiieiratlng Uiutuicnt, iiicllliig under the hand nihil
rubbe.d In. Isaisurbi'd tlircuph tho same chtinii(Is,aiiii,
rejfhing the seat of liillamuiutiuu, prompt!) und luvn
rinbly subdues It, whutlicr located in lha kidneys, Hie
liver, the lungs or any ether important ortm. It
penetrate the surface to tho inttrior, through thu
timnllccs tubes that comii.uuicate with tlic skip In
summer rntn passes Into the levered carlh, .tiirushig
tf rooland regenerntlng infSuenoe
r.very speci("of eitoriorlrriiiittohi 'inlckly reduced
by tha null Inllaniuiiitory at tio 11 uflhis Ointment,
Auiry Lrtiplians, such as Halt Khcuiu erysipelas.
Teller, Ulngwotni, Scnlil lltnd. Nellie Raid, fccnlues,
(nr Itch) Ai'- die out, to return no more, umli r. its ap
plication llVlt;il cxperiLitiein all pans of the world
provt Us inralhbilliy in iHsuiels f the ekiu. the
muscles, the j.wnl nnd Mm glands.
The PiT.-ct nrthis unrunlicdexteriuil remedy upon
Pfotlula und olhcrvlnilanl ntccrsniid sore Unlmost
mira(.uioii4 It ilrst dlrhames ilm p ijt-oii w hich pro
d irth s ippurntlonaml proud Ilei.h,niMl thus the cures
whlth Its h'aliiiii prnper'.ies alterunrd complclu are
Bafiiaswell ns permanent.
In cases ol the rructute of the bones, in ju rifs caused
by pit ain explosions, Urmaeu Hums, fc-cnlils, llheuma
tiu Slltt'iiesn ol the Joint, nud contraction of th'i si
iiuvs, il employe I and warmly rerouimendrd by lln'
faculty. 'Phis mirvelom remedy has b'rnlntroiluctd
hv it iuveiilor in person into all the b'tdms Hutpiinls
ofLuropo.und no priwite housthtld should be withou
lt' UNDrxiAinr. tivi imony.
The medical sliiTof thu l'rench ai rt Ungllili armies
n tlio Crimtr, havo ot.ici.illy sifinrd theit 11pprov.1l of
IIollowav'B Ointment, ns thu most n liable dti-sfcinp for
tabro cuts, hintx, and pin shot wounds. It l3hateo
used by the Surgtonj ol the Allied Nut iet.
Both the Ointment and nils should be
vsedinthe folhtvini cases;
Iluuinns. Piles,
a-irti Heads.
( res ot all kluCs
t raiun.
Kt. . Joints.
Tri r,
Ulce ,
Wounds, alliM d
Kunifr Kln-uii'utiiiu,
l.n.i. in il Hilda, Ulujv"-
Chllbijlns, H,.. ..ticunt,
I'i-lul.i, Hrald,
tiout. Kkln Ihi'nsrs,
Lumiiago, duelled fJlaiuis
Mercurial Lrup Sore Leps,
tions, i-'oru lireu-ts,
H )U at the in in u factories nf prof 'or llollowav
SOMtiduu Lane, New Vork. nnd '-Ml Strand. Limdon
by all respeciablt DruspittH an I Dealers la. Medicine
llirouplioul the Uni-ed mates an' th" rivilUcd wuild
mpiis at Jrenls.(iJl cents, and 91 inch. r
'1 nereis n considerable rav 1 ti tima c targe
ESIIis.'t' rfrtbhgcntnlt fa Patscngrr Tralni
January ls(, 1837.
fit" Trains, jroine North. lt'ao l'luln'clrliia
KJ A IV1 llll.l 5 I'. . ,. ... .
Down TriiinsiioliigSoulh, lrac mm illc nt il A.M
Ire. mill 4 1 . .'1
Uilr pi TtcaCingailO
, A. M andii.SJl'.M.
uuwii j 1.1111s
i,i:i,A. M, " 5,1'.M.
Vlie nprcsiTi'iln Is ili.coiillnue'l until further no
tice, oti.o im.ti.ti.nis are luaile hy tl.e 10 2'J A. M
tlii'l'r.iiu Iriim Toil Cliul'Mi lo niiuilnnuil all liiteriiie
iliatomiinls: anil bv llio II, IIS I' M I'li'l'rnlii fiom I'ort
C'lluli'ii lo Ulniiri.C.iiianJulaua llullelo, Nlaeara. De
pot. Clilrajo, til, I.oui., Davnitiuit nnil lonn Cm ;
M'klnztltW route theshorut nnil cheuiel to the Lclc
V.rUts atidCamtda.
On8unil.iyi..tho llaivn A. M. Train frjin I'oltsrillr,
anJUpl-. .M. Train from l'liiladel lila,
IUuai?DL'BCosM!CTioNs, liy Daupliin Railroad nt Au
I"1"1 . . ...
A special Aceouiaiodatinn Passenger Train lravi
UciKlIns il.iitly (utcept Punilajs,)al7l A.M.. ri-tu rump
(ruin Auluirnnlili T M on arrival or 3,111 I'. HI
Traiiilioiii il.irri'lnirj-.
I'hll.uWyliii SI "Sandl 11; I'oinvlHo SI 05 and 0,85.
Auliiirn, II .
TllllDI'lill rABI'.. to Hnnii-I'.ir" 5J55; Linraqtin
S I .:l . ; WiKi 'iiispnil SI, 10; 1". SU V.l; l-'.niand ii
guaSH0 r.ul'ili nr NiaaraS'll II"; I'leavraml SIO.
70; To1m.iSU7i; Clncinnull , Chicago SJO.OU
Rock Iti.lilSJ5flO.
AM. r.usen-jcrsvvil procure nclcts hefure c nerli
ih nr.: Ml rentH ei mi on I'.ir. a tnld iii Hie car 8
TIP Hh .'if icis'-nal ILiaiai-ealnueil eai h I'a&sini'cr
a ovcrthai waishichargi.ilasi;vir,i nngsnie
II. A. Ml'OLI.S.
nuunJ. 3d. 1857 tf Ceu'l Huti't
M .nfl Cl.,.!..r.....
nUl UCll Y UUU fStJlllIliai V. I
For Youth nf loth S".rcs.
TVM. imilGESS, l'ltlNOH'AL.
ffIMS Institution whifh h,u beit in succearsive oopm
I t trm Cue Kfvrrnl vearn bus ri'i-fntlv been cnlnrL'td to
give bcilT aeroiiiudiilioiiFi Cur boardersund 1 ucreased fa i
climes ior i union, te.
IJicIi'iuurlfr of Ihe vear consists of eleven
vvreks.nndlliu ncj.1 session willcommenceon thu Dili
of Auguxt.hut piiMlii will ba taken at nny scaMm
lu addition to ihe constant attcniioit of the Principal,
the servires nfnn experienced teacher have been p-o
ruied. Instruction will be given in nil the Hujlish
lir.imhes usually taught, and nkn In Latin.
I.J nnnrooriaieannaratiu ai d nrre iriveu ion l.ibrarv
j rllllO-opiiy nun ..sirtiiiuiiiy w in uu niusinin-u
nniMIIU USe OI ma,HI'OI imai iiimiiiiih.iiio tiuuna aim
.. ...
Slationary will be pnvnled for oil whodcplro.
Tuition-53 50 54 and 1 50 pernia''l'i'(iradeil b the
course of iiudy.
Hoard, Tuition, wai'iinr, lights. Sic ,C31pe
Vtrrjn. mw half payable '.uirterly in advance.
Tour farlher tdilruss ihe principal
Mlllville, July 14, 1850.
R. R. Omi.ibus Line.
rpllK unocrsif-ned rcpcutfully informs
s . n. .. !. .. . y ...
II Ms ibc public llint lio hai. taken the
Krchanirc Hotel. In lUnninidiur!', Inrnlcilon Main Street,
directly oiiimsile ibc Courl House, w li It Ii has been
throughly repaired and Improved, where he I, lire.
pared tn accoinmodnt. his customers Willi cood lara
aildloeeneral sillbl'actiol'.
lie nlso li.i. in connection Willi llio I. .(change. Ho-
runninBrecularly severaltimes pcrdny.toand from
tho Depoion the arrival ol the Car, by which p:meu.
ers will be pleasantly convi-yqd to ihe HepolHiailou.oi
taken Irom nud returned to their residences, If desired.
ti3MIowill nltvii) be happy lo entertain uiidaccom
mudate his friends lo the utmost of hi itlihtifl.
I'UTCit iiiLiMin i:n.
Uloomsburp , April ,5,iB3fi y.
rpiir. UMilllulGMiii, iniiiriiu nu iricnu. aad u
trjveliii.' tnibllc. thai lie lias nurchased the abovu
valuable properly and lliorouj!hly iinprovi'd Ihu Cumhle
I loUl. located Id miles N'oilli of llloo'n.burf , in t'runtjr.i .
J.iiKernn county, und I. well prepared toeuleilain
.trailers nnd nui-louif rs.
Peronsi;oinsaiid returning from the City, will of
coursetratelbyilie -.., ,
Vamura Mail Coach,
and will always find this the most convenient parto
Stirling undarrit ins-
jnc suuscriaer.ui o Keep, a
f.ivcrv Kstamisilimcllt.
liiconnectioii wlllihisllotelalid M.ul llouto, bv which
liccaiintallliuiescirry vi.iturs. Hunters or Hslilng
parlies, lo tlm l.onpl'ond.or any oilier destination, on
.no,., .. HiViSiuv'j.-VAPl.E
C'uniUrn.Jiily 1. 1'jO.
Callawissa, Pa.
J arCatnlwi,;,, I.'mIIJ kc,.l by Ihe under- PSKB
si8ued, and in sptleof all license law., ho l.iJUL
d. lertiliued to make his house one of the liio.lfomfoiu
ble olace. for travelers. o slop nt that can bo found In
rt HlSoldand wcllknown Hotel, inlheiown .
the interior ol Pennsyliunla
ed daily wllh Ihe besttlioMarkotcnil atloru.
ElrMy old friend. andlravllmjenerally nrelnvlted
May 21, 18S3 y
Dr. J. S. Houghton's
rplin Trtto Dlfcttlvo
X I'liild, or Oaeirlc
llennct, Or t in fniitlli
H omachofthotJx.aaor
illrcrtionioninron l-lo.
leal c hcmUl. Uy j. h
roiiBhion.M.U , 1'Mla
I hi
i T MiFifl Naturo'n own Itmcdy for on unhealthy Pto
m.icli, No ait of man can efjual It curative na'mrr.
It contnltin nn Alfhntiol rittirB.ArhU, orNaunnotia
"tugP. it M ext reniely Agreeable to the tasto.nnd mnv
? tho ,,n.0"1 fcpbl PliPnts who cannot cat a
wntrrcrackorwlthoutaoite dUtrcBtt UcwarcofDrueccd
tm 11 niton Pi tiflln U tm n Itniir b
CaM on the Agrnt, and get a Deter Iptlvc rircula
ftrntlfl.trlvlnp n largo nuinitul vf Bcleutlflr V. Idcncc
frninl.lrlii3 AhninU,ltri(itry;l)r.Cniiitii)'Brhilolnpy
DlsfFtloiii Dr lvrclrn on Pood and Diet; Dr. John v,
T fa per,
l'y.lntocyi Prof. Sllllman,orvnleUollcflee;l)r.Carpen
lersinvininjiy; c.. toirciiier witn reports of Cures
from nil pnlt.oflhe United fines
fluid hv 1J, P, I.ut7. nnil J. l'.Mnyer. tllonmsliurt
H. II. llowman Berwick, Ocl3, less ly.
fl. tl, corner nl Second and
Chestnut Sts. PlilUd-Mnlila ,
AVhcro Dltv bo tnillnl nnn
tlm largcstandhet nssortmcn
of Clochs nnd Time I'ircrs In
ii l- . 1 i uoihkii; vihck t loone t nnusanu
LsIocks, cmiiracin every variety of style and nmnulac
lure, suitable for Churches, Halls. Counting Houses,
i nilors, sleeping n pat Imentu, nnd Kitchens, Steam and
Lanal llonts, nud Itailroid ;ars.
Also sole nirrnt for It.imt'a Inlnlv n.i.nntml ifl.
NiUiMiolit IVns. Wholesale nud Ilftnll Jold Piher
iiotiit'rs, lenciisnnii n arieiy of Fancy poods.
rhnewhina tn purchase will find It to tlict r intcres
tucallbcforopurchaslncelscw here
, , JAML3 nAniltsR,
H. L cornor of Chestnut At Second Sis., I'hila
Pob. 10, 1853-1 v.
Stoves ! I
rBTTTP. iimlnroir.i.n.l .'..fA.v,B !.! f..t.J
E , ( ,h ,M..ft ... .
tire iueercslinthe
Tin Ware and Stove Establishment ,
on Main Pirrt, rn.p ,Ioor above t lie Court II01135
lllooui'lmm where he Is prepnri'd to fiirnUh Tinware,
Stoves. Htove ripe. nnd Hpoulinp, and nil otlicrbushicss
in his Hue 011 short nollf e and in fiiiod order.
The New llnuhnnd Win renn. CotKingStove, nn
also ulureensr-ortuit-nt 'nf Pa tier Mows constant!) o
hand nnd for fcalo at mr df rate prici
rxThaiikf ulfor lormer pulum.Lt lie re eperlfi.Tj
He its u coutiiiuaucc uJlhe same.
jejuni BHAnrLcss.
IlloonUburs Apr( Al, I6i(j
No. 72, North Sccoud Street,
oproaiTUTii u mount vuunon houku.i'H i la
fluid Lever WutcltcBfn II Jewelled 16 Ii, Casus , fit: u
!?iher do do l'J Do
do t,cplne do 1) 00
aunrticrB . - 5 OOto 7 00
UoldHuectacIcs, 4 SOtu 10 00 ,
Hllver do I 50
dilverTable3poonB pcrsctt, 14 OOtolHOO
u I'l'svri no no uiuiiijiuu
do Tea iln do 4 75to 7 50
Coldl'cnfandGolt.Cn'cB, 3 v5lo 5 00
do Silver do Oil
Togellierwith a variety of fins Cold Jowclry ,Ool
Cur.tiiinrdnnd Voh Chains Al I L'"ds w ar rnntet tob
as presented. Watches und Jewelry repaired! 11 th
N It. Alloiilerrsen thyijy mai lorolherwise.willbe
punriuatlj ittPiidetl to .
tVovomhcrl lCJ:i. 1
George M. TIazenburh, Surgeon Dentist
'Pill; iiiliieriiif r rr"perirullv nm t h
I n.Wis 4 l.i ii.T t wi 1 ii.. In Ih.. L-i.ln.w niul
"iillemeii ol Liftlii Street, and viuiiityJ
flu is un-inred to aitejut (o tit I the vari
ruop raiionp 1 n Uunttsiry. niidis provided with the
Whirh willbet npertedotiplvot or gold plnte, lo look
ns wella-s the naluril.
A sup 'tuir rtkii t 1 01 th Powders . nl w nyion ha n
u I lop'" it 1 t, thoTeelti Varrnnlil .
reruianrntreldLlicc 111 Lis 1 Ftrtcl, t'nlrn r ro
Mav 21, H5"i v.
ti 1 HAM (JlllhT
! laltr pleasure in an
iendsand 'SSiSi$.
iliatlhuy jg?ZWn
".I liutiiiSl JJS'i'c
llie l.irt'C .1 Ii
,.lV0UH"recieu uiul puiliiS, MsJjL
jiicrei'fuloperntioii, iiit!V? 'jla.'ll:
ni ii i53i'YrowNEfa3iaS3i:i
5n .
o 'i' am fi n t h 'n m
A! T 1,1. KM'
When they uru i.iakinp iliover) l.est.'oi I'lnur.l tithe,
linrlestlinie a ml Intend selling lit the low Cht prices
'I'lieri arefour run ol llnrs i u till. Mill, propeledhy
steam-power ullpetlormin'-lo perl.xtiou.anil irrllnllnf
ihoutlliin huslielsol urniu tierlioiir The lion r niailc
here has hecn exainlnetl liy lliehest ofjudjes amlpro.
nouneed a upermr article. Wet nvilu ouri rieniKlocal
t-'t'Orilersl'ur llour,clini,feeil.&e. thank I till) received
and fil ''it nn the mn I reabonahleculiditioiik
N. U. l.'ashpoidforllraiii
rou' t
vi. r.siaftoF riiR it'll irn iionst:.
X Ills friends and tho public Ihul lic-O'y
cuntiniies thu IS
Itn. - illits various brandies, nl his old
lit l,n ...ill L.m. rini.Ki.illv nn lji..l -, ftill ....
and will manufacture tn ord.-r . all ki ndt.nud Htyleso
sjinnLF.s, thu.vks, yALicr.s. a-,
nltheverylovcit prlre? .nnd will be happy tn serve
ihoxe who may favor him with u call In liMiti-.
tfj Orderffroiu a lirfiance i ti oil her branch o f t he n
hovbusinesE .vvnibelhar.krullvrecelvedaudproutplly
Itloomsburg , Aug. 1(1, l..'i.,.I2 v.
IPSUnDunderthcsenl, aiictionand authority of th
iTnlversitv ofTrJe Medicine and Popular know lede
1 Chartered bv the Ftate of I'ouiiiylvauia, April 'J'.i. lr-33
i With nrimllnl nl k hi uo . lu a niv lor lint iiiirtinjon
With ncanilal of SI 00 000. uialntv lor the nuroouoo
nrrentim: the evils of Spurious Nnpirunis.
Alfofiir supply ins the Commuiuty vvith reliable rem.
cdie v hoiiever n Competent Phjsicinu cnnnoi ur w il I
not b employed, havo purchased from Dr. JOHN' It.
RUWAN'IJ, his celebrated
Knownforiinwnrtl.of twcnty-llvc ears as llic only
gureaml t-ale uim for
And his iuestiuiubte Remedy for Ilowol Complaints
Ilownnd's Compound Sjrup of lllnckberry ltoot, which
hiably unproved nnd popular Remedies, ioeiher wit:?
the Univerily(Reioedy foU'omplaiiilsoi tiie I.uul's.
ThelTiiivcrsiiy's Remedj'for H)cpfpia or Indiges
Ti'.,, L ll' ilversilv'. A maliae may be hid, nt' Ihe
.,": .V.,lnJn.nrv
ncn,sPesary oralllieUmcoollHaCominbianon,
ocrni. .
May a
" 7 7Mrr-lT''l T
Il JllUU I J I.
' . , ,
IiavUlg llcillOTCU Irnill Mo, 01 UOlllCmrCC
to nie
Soitth'Wcst comer nj Sixth and Carpenter
1 Ell tocalltbeullentiounf I'tirrliacrsto their cxlcn
IJ sivo .iisurlineiit or Paper, nnd Paper .Murker.' Ma
ier,!it.,l'rinliii.t Paner.lor Hooks ami New s. Wale
leaf, ued,iiiicallendered ami calleuilered.of all 'u.ill
lie. and prices, alwa). on baud; Hardware and Maiil).
- m I'apers, 1 run knoarns, uumers noarus, uaugine, ru
n.n. XiC . &C
pnrMrniaritiQiiilon isinviledto their extensive a.
' sorli.iiiiloi
From the man CcUhraltd .VinnfactarltM in the Country.
Anions their WHITING PAPER U'J Ut'K may be
fn II nil
I'om.N'oto, Atlanlic Note,
UiartoPosl, l'ool's Cap.
IVIio I'o.t, Thin Medium)
Alidiuui, Koynl
Path Pest,
1' Cup,
I llip'Tlil I .
Pi-x ik I'Arsm, (i cry deiciiplion slrennd ii.ildv
.Unl" I'.ptri. in treat vnriely. LHctlcpt Vartri while
hnirnud oold-illher Inldor wove. Cttercil'mri.Rna
jlaied .uml oilier arielles.
Manufaclurers are nviledtoexain i o their stnek
una., I turitt, a ....... v, ..,
anpruveo hiiuii., .,...,, - -.., -uUu,
Ho'lu Ash.lviiiun'.WIre Chillis , Utlrauiarlne.lund Pu-
i,.b. pa' .Materials ceuerally
" . , .... ... All,,,. ..mull. I ,1. Cril.l.. M.l Un.
CTThey are also prepared Intake order, of odd sizes
and weiBii'sn' any oil lie abovu description ol Papers.
March 15, 1H50.
P f " t r n I .. f... r r N o l"l Vo Th W ..l "
r ,t. Bee, ro n 1 1. " ' f' ,r; 'V , "I ' i , iT
Philadelphia ..Roods forwarded Willi i 'are. oul n
iUCOE3iJORP to James M lloltnn.d'ceased.Cotnmis
on tlin Schuylkill union. nusueiianiiu ju.
Will P,a.te,jG.lud..o..c. for.a., atthe-
German Bitters.
will KrrnuTUALLY rjtrnii
Jjnr Nnrinm IIpI.IHIu. iitaeni.A. lr u.. . .
nil tlliensoiorlilnnlromo (liiordtri-tl Mvtr or Clomtth
MuehMCoiittipalloiiJnnaiciritot, rullneii or Wood
In llio Head, acidity of Hie Btomacli, luuo, lltatl
burn, Dlsguiit for l'od, rmincM or WcirM liilho Bto.
i.ntli,Sour IUuctatlum.Hlnklnit or riniicrnB al tho
fit of the Btomnch, Hwlmmliig o( the llcnti. llurriid
ni,n "Toaiiiingt iinicrnig nunc near i
euiToraUng ictiiallonn when in a lying pi
'Huineis ofVmion, Uois oruehsbarorMhc Bight
batl Diilll'aln In the lleod, Deflcicncy of Icrsili
nnd Dimcnlt Hroothlng, 1 .tittering tit tho Heart Cltuk
jgru.t tti
Jcllownesa oftho fclkln on dUye, l'ahi tn the bid.,
l'ck,CMst.LlnibS;iC ,Snd(f,n Flushes oMIeot.Uurd
ln Hie Flculi Constantiyibe Inlngi of Uvllotik
ort.-fl 1 1 )pii rt In n ol Hnl r Iti
or 11,0 prl'iletor In calling the attention of the pubtll
Mfparatioii.ilofa ro wltliafccllng oftheutmoid
torotwjee in tU vlrturg nnd adaptation to the Olicaiis
or which it U recommended.
It ii no now an4, untried nitlcle.tbut one th tsli&t
stood ihetost ofn tan years' uiul hcrorc Hie American
yeopio annus .reputntton nun snic isuninniieu lynny
simlbir prcnnrutlnus cxtnnt The trslliuom If in,
or ft! ven by the most prominent and well-known Phy
sician ami Individuals In all ports oftho country Ii
linmeriso,nnd ol the Almanac, publish'
cd annually hy the proprietor, nnd to be had prat Is of
nny of his AjM-nts, can nut but salliry the most skrptirat
nl this remedy is really dciemny thugrcal calelrlty
dotithcr i
Ccrttfrate of lt. ItVOlrtV.IM) the vtllKnotcn trm
veiltrfar the liuneannon Iron llutkt, Vttry c., J's.
Di'stANos. Januiirv 11. 18.15.
Dr.C, M. Jackson iimr fir' 1 was lor Ave years
nnvnrnlv nlllltc.l .till, I' I!lll.. lli..r.n,n. r.,
nicn i was niicuuru Dy several oi inn dcsi i nysiciani
in the country bu tall t no nvuil. 1 ulso used various
remedies, but could find nothing to bentfll me, until X
waslnduied lotry our (iermnn itltti-rs, andnftcr t&k
Ine four bottles of which, 1 was entirely cured, and au
enlniinff ihn l.rnt ot health 11
, MOltl! l.rt-'CCTfl OP I'll 11 (3 HUMAN IiniKItB IN
Ci'itllknies ol J.C L'UIU'ltf, Ksq., Ucportcr tf the
Uvculut' Chronicle, Tittsburg, l'n, who 1'ibruary SI,
lBj.",says, Tor seme weeks past myulfe has been
uping your Ocrmnii ltitlns, with n happy eirect. Hhe
has been alllicted more or less, for several ) tors, wit d
diseuse of the Liver nnd l)j rpepsla,nnd until she coin,
inenced uslnp tho Hitlers, nothing had ghtn hei much
relief. Ilcrhcalth Is now rapidly Imptoving, apppnti
POiliL mid wp tiavn miri- rcninn lntiliivn iln . in i. -
I ielctly restored. She says It is Ihe beat incdlelm
s he h as e ve r n ned ,
NLitvous dhdility
J M. lk-Lsmkii, lojlcfti-wn, In,, June SO, leil
says- " My wllo has been alllicted w 1 1 Is n nervous tie
bllity, sincii Hcplrmbtr, Jh5l, since which time 1 )mv
been unable to find nny physician or medicine jhM
would bent fit her In iho lcnt, untilt nc day 1 called at
the storo of Dr. Harvey, ol (his (own, tor somo tlnrtiirs
of Iron, and described in him the itllllctlon ol my v (e;
ho then handed me u lot oTpancrsto rrail,amoii which
1 found one ilescribluB our (iermnn lliiins. 1 heme
dlatrly procured a few I ottlcslroin hi in, nnd am pkau
toEtatethal the use of the Hitters hflti'nnc her loon
good than nit the medicine she has lierr toiorc taken , 1
wish jou to send me u halfdoen bottles
J. V, Wk, MarlluMirg, l'a.,Mnj 22, 1P54, sayr;.
Willi much pleasure t tcEtift to Ihe vlrtu-s of join
Genu tti Hitters Fomciimc since, 1 ias tewrrlj af.
Tlicted with ndintiEe of the Liver for which 1 it re
uriois remedies, hut vi llh no beiirficial efltct, until 1
was Induced to try jour III Iters, which 1 ntn nowhorpy
to stale have entirely ruri d me."
They are entirely vegetable, fiee from nil ateohnllr
stimulants. nnd plejsaul in tarto and smell. I'rice 73
cents per bditlu .
Hull by DriizuiPti nnd ?lori keepers In every town
and villureln the I'niled Ptaten and Canu',asund by
.1 It MOYnit, llloon.tburs,
P. II. IIOWMAN ft CO.,lterwlik.
L. WLUTMAN. IlnhrjburiT.
H. It. KOnillNS, Li l' lit slnet.
H. A. WOKMAV, II mi)
Jane 7, 1650.
Victor is Ours.
Buch la lhepro(;refr ufeii nrein thi ae that iiothlro
St e on iiunttsfeible. Thai theru are ucm uim fccienitfii
dlscoViTies being niadi- f ery ill,) , no 0111 will UtubV
ALeru Hi troupn investignlioii t.i ll.e f f ti. bt- Khif,
do 11 w 1 tli u vifv tu obtiin 11 pontiv c or ,i cific riintdy
for the uioieLouiuion ill ot I luvesuctiidid
in brltiRing logeiber surh- Three ytarn Invi- clnpfsd
bititu Its iniroiiuctiou, uud His now ititriiUHl ihn i;tts
populjr riuiidy in ihu AVorld, known
llcltnbylds Uvnuine I'trjwition.
Highly Concentrate, dmpu ind I'lui-i Euia 1 I'lirhu 1
lor all Uleeasci ullhcBlrdder, lUdiu-js, Urn.aij aid
o '10 tiik ArrLUriEi)!!!
It cures llio as'Boliht' 1.1 at t't r, Kniin-j Liu vie. 1 tor
. Obstructions, I'm tile L'thtj knit, tbititt dihi-
ihota. Htilcturi?, CI"
1 all I'nti
t 1 lumi t fu t
ciccttus und ImpriK't
1 1 ti in ii nrr
jxcrvous ana jJctaaatcd vfjrurs.
And removes all imp nun r ilii-cl'urti .' -', 1 h f
, Kidneys or Bi-xunl tiig.tii vvl.eil.t ri li.iji'f in SiAC i"v.
I'm male I'roni whan v r miin- H j it I t,v tritmn
led. and no matter ol hew long tt tntlirx:. urn re hishh
, mid Viffnr lo the Irani e and b i.i in to 11. I alhtl r til
Jiidnifiy, brought on h) I bun, nn iiMiiimIIp rHP ,
I w hich hn brought lha tnnds llht bun. an ICDiHy to nn
Uim-M (.i.ivo", I ii ii a u m urs in- LrilllUlit li (-1 ff
eiitf anil bligbting il the bi d Hit clt ru mun i ilit-L ci
many a noble J oolh, ran bo uted b) the iibv l! ibis.
lufatliblt Rimeny)
and as a medii in k w hirh must be ni lit ever) bed) frtm
the simply iltlintle to tin confined i,nij lct purine i ma
sc. iioejuul is lobe fum d. It vou have ct'iilracid th
iirriblc dlt-vase, w nith s henoure kenii d In the yitn
uiulermmdie thu tontulion, capping tbt vory vilul
llUlJbnl lire, procure the In Hied) Ul (.lire
'I'll,- 1,1'prous iliiilmeiit wl.otot-iUct
Hol.U iurli a n fitioitj u ith Mi'Od 1 1' nun,
Tin I fw ill its 'puckfilver il c(iiii(cilliri.uti
'l'he it'll lira I gnfs nnd lillfjs i f the bod) ,
CmdlHig, hku eager dtopMti(.s into liillk,
Tin- lino und whnlerome blt.nd
r3 He ware oT'inack noitiuius und quack Doc tori) j
llelmbold's Highly C anctrutratcd Compound
Fluid Latrutof linchu
Is prepared din-ctly acctirding to the rntes of rhnrmnry
&l t.'ht'iufttrv , w iih tin' ci an tl tiKiiii'i) nnd tin 11.11 ul
know ledg und rare di viiti-df n ilsriiubitintioii. llr p
uJajity h ih exli ndid in u'liliri-ctioiif, and vln H tr d
in town, country hoepilulor private prurtlce, l.tis in
variably pivi'ii the niobt dei idi d and uiieiuiviii ul tali
faction uml firotlun d the uiott sulutarv un 1 1 1 c Iuu!
Iir rii lt has bee ii nnd Is uvt d in nil the piini j at en
los in the L'nilt il h'lales und lint U I, Prov Ii.cif, ii bomb
oubiica-id private j ran ice, w ith print but clm Jlii.te.
Hi r tii lei ii be uiulcrt-iooil, for I be pii 'f ar tt o t vtr.
whllmiup to b-1 toiiiutilii lid, lluit I'rln.bold'f Ilifluy
('ouceutt..ed Compound 1 luid Hlltari IJurluJk tho
ipost n meily ver olli ml i. th Mliidid.
r TIM' ni,i of voluntary li'Plimony in pofcrsioiicifthu
uprietor fa immense cjniiracing naiutb vm II knov n to
Uit nce nud Paine I celebrated Th) Kiciaiib and JH tiiig
(.uelied Cleruj wen
Hec Proirssor Iewce'i valuable work on the Priutif
of Tliysic and most of the late 6tainlardiwt'rcui MtCi
tine. Ur Hpur.nii MrDoevv II, a highly ilistinguiFhi'd h) n
alnu una member ol ihe llnynl Coilegect HurgmiiB. lr
oiud and publiflad inthe irantaciieiis of the King and
Eileen's Jourinil, sii)s '1 he -I luid KiUait 1 uihu
having been lately btroiigly uiriinmcnd, 1 wtisindutcd
lo make it u, nud my cJiperimeiilsiiave resulted in
the mi st satisfadv manner, having tuutttled In nav
ng ihe iii.mI Iuvulerutu cases in which 1 liad no hopes
Auiuterestlng Utter Is published in the Medici Chrur
gicul Review ou the subji-tt of Hi trait limhu, by licnju
miu -ravers, 1'. 11. H , speakingolS pbititond ducate
urising Irom t-xceBs ol'mercur) , he states that'- no rem
tdv U equal lo It its powir is cxlraonfinury, more so
than nny drug 1 nm acquainted w ith u in in the alnrt
est sensi1 a Tonic with this Invaluable aiun um,
lenniiliciblc lo a slalo of llio sv.lein m mnken and j el
soirn'alile as lorui.der oilier subslanceof a Tonlcclass
unavailable, or iiiiunuus." ti lake in" nuirtyin
liinrkini!,(ln Italics,) says the distinguished ccliu r, Ur
Joliiison. birnii.e we inoslcordully concur wilUMr.
Traverso in liis statements ol Uxtract lluiliu
11 i.u iiicilicinc wliicli lsM rUill l'leasinlinlt(lssl.
anil odor, bin immediate In itsacliuu. aliuit i.taktii lr
Tiirioni nfeitln-r sex. w illmul Irom business
or niedicnl.idvico. nsexi.'icil directions lor use anil an
ampin nu,ber.,rrclial.ii;an.l lenion.ll.,. to
t,..,, c I l.nitl nr i y Imllle. for e..i Del i vi led 10
l'riccSI per bottle or six hollies for .i llclimedlo
auy address. Pripared and.old by II T IIU1.JII ULU.
i'racllcal and Analyliial Chei.iisl.
No 233outIl Tenthslreit.belowClictliUt (
L'ulldilius,) Philadelphia.
To bu l.aJ ol
nnd nf Ilrusvlsls and Dalers throushoul the Uliilsd
Utiles. I.'.inailas and UrilisU Province.
Aucust'J. ieoli y.
lioiviiAi) Aol;VTlo, I'liiuitianiu
Important Announcement.
rno nil persons afflirted with sexual diseas seurh
1 rlliMIN M. WIlAXMlsa l.MPL,TENL'j;,ONNO.
lltllA.lll.llllTHyi'llll.lS tf.. tic , ,,, ,
II llO I1U1V Mill ASWJUI.VI 1U. Ol iiuiamusu,
view of lha awful destruction ol liunriu lit. uml hoallh
- caused by ili.n iui.a. nnil UlB dCCCHtioil. l tilt lit,.
iiracliceil upon llio uuloriuiiatc Mt'ii"iiiiiiM,ifiuiii
byUuaks. Invo directed tin ir C.uslillinir tJulB'oli, hr
nCIIAItll'Alll.i: ACT worthy'ol their nauiii to tics'
,M RIllOA I. ADVICE CiUATlS, toull person, llius arhvi
led.rMaleor I'emale, who apply by letter, mill n li.i
criplion oflheircon litinn ni;eoirupatlou linblt.piu.
jLc ami in cases of exlreuio poverty nnil suturing
Tl.n Howard Association l. a bonevoieut"1'1'""1""'
cnablished by special endowment lor llio jelii los in .
.lickan lill.lressed.allllcled villi Virulent und Lpidem
In lli.eascs... and Us lauds, ran be for nlher piirpotc.
It has now u surplus oi inius. ... .''v. ,n
vrueil loadvertlsellie uboie notice, It , lit I
nddthlllha Associllion commands the hichesl Jleili-
i .l ni..r,i, n,.e. and will tun i.h the nia.i approvd
modem treatment. Vnluablo ndtit" ltn slf'n lo
of all,lier,u, lined ttilh.ibdomin.iltteukne..
, ,vnil. . jmunia in. ......... ...
n " . . . ' ...
Address, (post-paid) Hr .i:p 11 CALIKIl N. L
sulliniiSuaeoii. Iluwarii Association, no,, oou.u v...
Street Pl'ib' Inlpl'ia . l'n.
llv oiucr oi ,,u ' ' ' , . .
Aujuit u, IdOti -y.
fl A IM 1 1. AND Kl.dWKU NEhDb.
I.AIIOr.anil select nssoitmenl o tile abotc
It. A Vauled Keiiuine. uud embrarini! many liuniro
,ls choice vnrielies ..r. whol.'.ale and r.tuil. Coos.
n s cm ' ' uii,i t liberal discount.
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