ocal 3ntUi$jcnccJ AlKM II. AK, I.OCAI. KMTOH. 1 RntllVflflV MOniinf?. MarCll Zli.clarcdlilmstlfovcrjoyed.oitil atoned hi. dttotmln a ' t IiOOAL News Wo nro anxious to mnlto riho local department of our pnpor interest- ling, and to accomplish this vro must have tho aid of our friends in Yimous parts or (tho county. Wo filiall therefore bo thank- ' fal for all kinds of news which may trans- - ... , m t piTO lU 1MB, Of UIU UUJUIIIIU VUU1H11..1. fnny ono who will occasionally or Habitually tBcnd us homo news, wo will very cheerfully 'payallpostageandothernccearycspenses ns they aro mado known to us. Iho item3 of intolligcnco may bo cither written out, , or the substanco given and wo will put it in shape. Letters containing Bitch infor-1 , 1 , , i n 1 I ,aiatiou, as wo donrc, ehould reach us by , tho mails Of Thursday, as We CO 10 prCSS A iS Literature in Uloomshurci. It is 1 gratifying to know that the standard of I literature in Uloomsburg is rising in pro- i portion to tho onward march of all other Z i , rri 11111 imnrovomonts. The select and clasFtcal Bchool, under tho control of Mr. B. V. Eaton, assisted by Mr. 0. F, Wcli.s, is now in Buecc?sCul operation. At this insti tution, all tho higher branches of education nro systematically taught in such away, wo havo no doubt provo aliko creditablo to our community and advantageous to the pupils under their patronage. SuaaFSTivc. Thcro is nothing our niTiTrttia clmtilil frtA frfi(nt nrnln in iliin fa 1 having tho streets adorned with shade and . ornamental tree The old assertion that in business streets, they aro an impediment, is fallacious. A beautiful trco is certainly much cooler and more convenient than an unsightly awning. Those who havo not their property thus adorned should tako Immediate steps to plant. Spring is upon us, Tho suitable time for planting is at hand. Strange as it may seem, even in this largo and well-wooded country, trees buitable for shade and ornamental pii'po'cs nro yearly becoming scarcer. In fact, nurserymen everywhere state that tlio do mand annually exceeds their ability to supply. Tin: AVKATnr.n. The weather for tho last few days has been unusually rough nnd unpleasant for this titno of the year. Some few days exceedingly cold and blus tery blowing as if there was a new hand at tho bellows : old lioreas having taken a, t-hort rest. Then came a warm and plea Bant day, making ua feel as if summer 35ut March is proverbial for "smiles and tears." Next comes a cloudy 11'uht and cloudier morn, llain camo on early in tho jnoruing, and after a fhort time it com menced snowing and continued doing so in quite an old fashionable December kind of a way. Now wo do like an independent careless po ahead kind of a snow storm. IJut wo ccitainly liko lo sco things all in time. Wo feel ni'-'ro than half poetical upon tho subject, and if wo thought wo could succeed, vc certainly would try our hand t a " n 00 bit" of poetry. Hut tho " hey tloy in tho blood is tamo" and wo are and must be content to say to cur readers, in plain and humble prose that tho venther is unpleasant and uncomfortable bat when things get to tho wortt they sometimes change," IJyron says, and wo hope that the weather may do tho same. Fashion. There is a f.ishion tint never changes and wo would havo our Dlooins burg ladies particularly remember it Tho sparkling eye, tho coral lips, tho rose leaf blushing on the check, tho cl&stie steps, nro always in fashion. TTonllli vniv .., ... ji bouncing, gladsome health is never out of fashion ; what pilgrimages are made, what prayers are uttered for its pos.-ession ! Failing in tho pursuit, what treasures are lavished in concealing its loss or counter feiting its charms. Light Street, This beautiful villago, located about threo miles northwest from ! tho county-toat, and midway to Orango ville. is alivo with imnravemonts. evint-inc . o , tho highest degree of prosperity and tho most activo enterprise ot her citizens. Stormv I Last Thursday we were visit ed with a refreshing rain j after which a btorm of snow camo down, causing very bad walking. Tuesday, being St. Pat rick's day, was beautiful and f-pring-like, and celebrated, generally, by tho descend ants of that great personage ! S. P. Kasu has taken tho Koaringerc-k j Furnaeo, and will doubtless drivo it ahead with his accustomed energy, and certainty ( of succoss. Gen. W. H. Kaso, is about' erecting now Iron Works in Somerset I county, in eenncction with Borne Philadel-1 phta capitalists. Resigned. Rev. J. E. Bradley, for merly of Rloomsburg, has resigned his po-' eitisn as principal of tho Dam illo Academy, I Cnors. Tho grain crops, wo are hippy , b . 1. ' lu nlienvt'n iiroco.if f, linn nhnrt.Mtinn to observe, present a fino throughout Columbia county, On tho first pago of to-day's paper will be found tho full particulars of tho Norcioss Minder. The water was let into the North Uraneh Canal on yesterday. Spocial Notices, C5-Tlin 11E.MOUHATIO NOMINEE TOR GOVER. .NOK. A correspondent write. I hoi as soon a. Gen ' Packer heard that 111 had hcon nominated for Uo.erno r by the llamocritlc Cmvcailonjat Ilarrl.burfihe do Hon Intake tho slumps! an intly d.y In an I r r -.Li 1 Iblo ru It ol clothiniz ftomllio mnsnlfleenl establishment of nvttt stouts, No.so:)ciic.inut.ircet.bovo ciii, idipM, ,truttnaliMrUltt r..tofC,.-san,. uwnnti.niiii nrorecelvoilonilepoiltc,nndrcturncdntanyilmn,viiti ..,c.,. ,o Olco ope,, ..any, Du every Monday evening. l jgr 7"iC iw Per Cent. Savins Fund of the National safety Compmy, nwnui .trcct, ontii. rZZSr .Z iimts, and otiicr nm class cetiritie. io ih bencntjof dcpotiiors. .thomas v. matton, Reccirrrt therma Mednt m tho World'. Pair in iWjn, ism, for TRUNKS. CARPGT nAGS. noon, shoe, and Gum.. QtrMMelMMtmnovl n,.rpd to purchasers ofino nbovo articles. Thisls murhlhelargoswiockoltrunln, l,.,.ai1tn,..tM I- ni.t, ..I.,. I.I- . i or cnli. .Miuiifictorlrs: 1.10 Mirkct Street, fl. W. urnerond lie Market aired, S 1J. corner of routth. "'oont.AD urram."-. pemtitf, UwtWc c impotied'. nnd f,r iiainiio ritltc Tor drn.lnj i.JIm iiairitiimnnfiuii, givlrc it n iinjiu ein-y nnnctraricc. It cniisc. Gatulcinon'i Ilalr tn cnrtln llio most nnturiil manner It rmtovra daMiiruir. niunys giving llie II air fhu nlparanrJ of liclngj Irish limi pooled, Price onl) fitly ccut". None genuine union aijncd. rCTIlILOl:&CO., N. Y. rropildnnoltlio 'Bolm pf a TAouitnd Jlotetrt.' Torialo by all Drug;lita, KQUALIT1' TO ALL I UNtFOTWtTV OP PRMCSI-A New Fixture h IK-ettcsSi Ltery one Ms virn SaUtmeitt JONUd A: CO., Ofllio Crcrnt One Trice Clothing Stfiro. N'o. S00 Market trrt, above PUtli, I'httailvlrlila. In nddltmn to Imvlnc Ihelarpcft, mfttt v.irimt ami .l.l-...,.l, r Ol.,, 1.I-- t.. Pl.iti.t..ln1i.n. ni n, In fI,rr,tl fJ ,, ,, ,,aic rntm,..c,i orry ono j Iila own .alcaman, hy bavins mirked in figure! rnrimrtltlc tho viry lowest piiccit can ho .old for rotliey cannot possibly vary all iniistbuy alike. Tlio cooJsoro will sponged nndprcpared, nnd gronl pains1 taken with the making so lliat all can buy wi, the full nsiiraiico ofuclllng 11 good nrliclo nt the very lowctl pricu. Also. a larao slock of prco poods on linnd.oftho litest H)U and belt itiilitlns, which will ho iiudo to order, in the most risliioiialiio and best manner, 23 per cent, htlow credit prlers. lie nunitjor iho Crescent, in Maikct, above Pisth Street, No. '.'CO. JONES It CO. - OXJ3 PRtOK ONLY 1 MrHNCOTr A. CO S. Oisli Clnthinj; Wnrehoii'o, Houtli Wesi cirni'r of Fourth and Market ftrfjls, Thil ndelp!in. The only Ois rrici Qlothlng Store in Anerica Cull purchif-rn of A!.--!!? or hoy Clothing, a wliolfsnle and ri'tall.catt here, m.iko tlii r Bflcctioit from nn invnonup stock of f. s'umi.ibly cut nnd will nndf clothing , got'ip with nlvluw to gtJo saiiifattmn to nil ,nud at tli" vnry loweqt p nilil' mliing prico in mirkt'tl in plain figures on uvcry (tanncnt, nit buy at Iho B4iun price, a id wlictlifr llipy an- JinUm of jjoo I or not, tliy cannot ha decipved. Onn uniform low price to ask aniltakJ. aiiitaeverjboJy, wilt; the tj stint moile offt-ikiii; tun prices, aniltnktn? all that ran bo pot, suits iiobn ly.tiiiilc'i'in thruQ.fo iri'H ; for infttniico n mm nks 513 fnracoat, and artrrwiirdin?riT3 to take $10, nnd it )pf Tintly rc ruin, ll at ln would have tahrn $15 if hf could l.uv' k t It, nul linn n'-tmlly chit he pnrrliiisT out of fivr ilull-irn To rcuifdy linn e II and i-tiblisli fonfidcnci in tlm tr.idi, I.ll'lMNCu r &. CO., ll n iiiuf )nn,ifbiw price on ail their good, 'very much h low the iminl r.itoa ) and vvi.l.iitivjrv try one cent utnlcr any ci renins i.iiik . A Nil iinCp At tli-i-utli U"tftonia of Fourth anl .M .irk it strirt riutmtcMphia . Spring and Summer GOOD S ili'Kcivy, rn't-aUt'CO., I TAVt( JuHt reri'iven and openert their stock of Vl ititTCinuiitiri' fo r p r I n g tiilei, whk-h comprise st he AH(ii.T,clll:I:M. ond iiandomut anon. inent now oiftTt'd in t'ua TOWN' I Iln iii p lid cri'nt attention lo lh eh riion of their entire btofk, i,r io pneennd 'fiality. tli-y flatter thcuuelvi' that tney ran compete with the cheapctt, and all those utsbitij; to buy ctn .ip, can u e innney hv giving uanit'. We bnvc all lJndn nt (iooils and VVurei to supply the l'cuplt;. A v ry Inro lot of IsADLtiS' D11KSS GOODS, French Merrnoeit.WoolPlalds, Alpacaf, lloinbirlnns, ' do batsc I'opltTih, P.ir.imett.i chithn, IMobair I. unties, .Mils I in Dc Ltilnes, Persian clollis iIiuk'liamB.Ualicoev, ic. ) white (lonna or all icixna Pievrs.coiiarR, i Ihndkurcbiels, fiiuti-ings, liimH and trimmiiigs, I.a'os.intl.t.UMiiys hnnnei riMt or, in large variply. -'lvci nb'ioiis.iind braid'.kid,cotlonland lisle thread glovi h , AIol.iui iiittlb. tcr. We (nvifourtriLMids and tho publlr generally lo' give us it call Ijcfon purchatiun el tew Irti . rhave bouclninr g hi Is at Uineii iuh Prict's.and ill nut ) undorsold ly aii)bod or the rtsto' iuaiiKiml. McKf.LVY, Nx'.AL is 00. j nioombn''g, JIirchisM, 1 r57- Espy Cheap tore. SPRING i- SUMMER GOODS. rpHE undersigned take pleasure in au B nnunci ng to l In ir custom, anil llio pithlie in con i ihal ihev iinvo enlarced their ftore House, and I hoioug illy filled it Willi u I resh supply of Spring nnd Summer Goods, Coniprislnpa IiImtiiI allowance of nll.trlicles of the aleilslyles uud bvstiuality uauall kepi in Country fctorn Wo nro better prepared lo necotnodatpour friends than ever nnd are deit-milned In sella lilllerhenper than theelieapi si. Thenkful for past on, routine, iboy ranonty proiui.elheir bc.leirorls in future to render general satisfaction JAiMKS Kc:STEU fy 00. Kpytown.Marrh 21, f17 PUBLIC V UNDUE. 'l"XrILL bo exposed to silo, by Public- ... .''" ."I.'..r, '!dence of the suiiseribcr, in lli;.ni,ULK ltiv.iiir, uuluiniita county, on Thuisdai, 2fth of March, The following iles-ihed p rmi ll iiropetty. vir lil.'llil nuiint.3. nine i niin-. irs' Wagon. .Truck Won Ml. nnd t-'lcl: &y.v.ilr,i lurfi' w i.iiii ivaiors, nun j iitt-Kniiig W2.T3J.,.!1 .(.,,,,. n, ,t,nrl. Farinine Uttn. , lis generally. I ALSO Oraiu nnd Potatoes by tho Rushel, with a variety nrilottsehold nnd ICitchen l'utoilure. lu t'-di. ous too UK'lltlull. ltl" silo to commoner nl 10 n'c'oek. A, M., when allcodaiice will bo given nil J terms in nio known bv JOHN K. GIKTO.V. Mircli II, 1857. JOSEPH FUSSELL, VMBt.r.Lt..1 AVfl fJin.H,Of. MAKUFACTVRrM, 1,0 NOS III TO! Rl II STREET, (A'erlA IVit cortitr rf Mirl.it ttreet ) rilll.ADUM'llIA iiASnoivonhiudanejteiuivonssoriinent !liollii iimvest an I iiiii.t dsir.i'ilo Kinds s&Ji'iludios ninnyNI'AV fcTVI.HS not heretofore to no uan iu mis inarKit. au osaioiiiiitoii or our stock is solicited beforo puirlta.lns oUew here. March n, IM7 :m. Nnw Wholesale Dnug SToitii, No.'ld South Second St., riiii.Anr.i.i'iiiA. TT srnvi'DIt TIIOMArl, Iinporter. Manufacturer ii. .mil Healer in Ilrujs, Medicines, uiiemican,, 01 W" , ,,,, , ,. Paints, Oils, olors, 11 Into Lead, ' ' T , reiich and American White Zinc, Window (il.i Olas.warn, Vurni.llcs, llrilshea, luslrillnclila , fi ros . npices. Whole Hpice..uu I alt oilier article, usual n pi by iriislis,!iiiludiii Borax. Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, kc. fec,;utj'ioA" "r """'"'"'''Kronipiiyat OOUNTRY MERCHANTS are Invited to rati and ei amine our stork before p ur thatfiiiiM'liewheiH. C5-(;ooisnntio any of tho Wharves or Kill It on J UtioiH, I'ncfulo an J jovds wnrrante d, " March M lf.50.-ljr r?-,.."k - ui I P one 1 h . Ir-i.,ri 1 l.oi.ii Wiigtiu l 'iV "bTi If ckaHav. "Ii ADMIMSTllATOll'S NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Zcisslof, deceased. LETTERS of mlrolnlsirallon mi tlm dale of Jacob 'eisslnft, lntetifMcdlson,townrhlp, Columbia co. tlcc'd. hovoLi-cn er.ntun liy Iho Register ol Columbia Inwnfliln In sain county! all Persons having chlnn rnuniy. la inn .utircriiier, moo rcstuc, in aininsnn nttalnst ihedecendtntnrii rpq(iciol tt present them to the Aduilutlrt.lor without tl'hiy. and all persons ifi uetitofl to make pnymmi lurmwirn, IIEUUEN I1AUT.MAN, Jtdm'r. rcbrinrySI, lf37.-ou, KXKOUTOIVS NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Fisher, di ceased, T nnxilfl Testamonlaiy no tho l!l.llo of Jncob Fifhcr.tiite of Mat no townfliln, Columtitn count v. dee'd have li-en crnnipil lv tho K cUti-r f ColiimMi romity to the urclrtlgnril who rmldinit in snid .Mai no tmvnfiliipt 1'olmtiMa co'tnt j All iierivtir havhiR clnlms cr dctn.ntiila tiftutiift tlif Hetntt oftlid.i'R' fcnd.int, nrn rrq'ief it-el tn inftkc llfin known without ueuy .aim ai indtutea to muke rn motit roitin nn. 1'iircii rmiiun. roitrtinry 7. ieo7. i.u adaTinistkatoh's notiok.- I Estate of Ahiaham JJurgcr JrtJ deceased, jtlTTKttd offi'lmlnlntrnllon tut tha cttilrof Abrn -i tin in lljrs'T.Jr , latn ol Cntlnwisi twrp .Coliimtda county, dix'tf, havo Ui'ii irraitlr-il l-y tiu-Itiplitcr of CuliimM i county, to Icls Vetttr, who imide In Cntlawltn tiwnihip in j id county nllperoin hivlns claims nsnhiflt the estate of tl'mhicpdcnt nro reim'stcd to pr rtcut tlx m to the Ado ntftiiit' r without ilclay. and all persona indebted tomaki'i nj mcnt fr rtltwilh Cattawimjjin. 17 lei:. ft A DM 1 iVISTlt A'i' Qll'S KOTldS Estate nf Jsauc Ilartrnan, (hcca&ctlt J" BTTI5U3 f odmtriifltrntion on tlio i rptatf of I mne Hmtionn. Imp of Vnt"n ton n ("tup.Columlii i cnimty. decl Invo Ifi-u urn ntcil by th Ill's hit I'ti'olmnbia toi'nty. to tt r mb?criiirr, who re ri'lnln llmton township' ti Mht cniinty. All person Jiatlnp clniim ii;aiiii ihf MniM f ih di-cii'( nt iirrcn qupdtfd tt jtrrscnt thtni in tln ArtiHlnUiratorn Mlion; dp lay, and ull pcrsoni indtUrd to make pn mrnt forth n iih, JOHN J. BTILr. AUltAUAM II A UTMAN. jidminlttt&tora, Januiry 17, 1657. Ct. EXKcufoirs" NOTION Estate of Daniel Ehllrrt ckcfi. F KTTK11S Testamentary on tlic Kstatc or Daniel ittstlcr, lateot k a it an Ufa towimhltt r-.i.,mtln rmiotv. ilrr'il. bun hprii oruiilril hv Him Ki-tf. l.ti'rofl.'oliliiihi.icoumy to tlionndirigned v Imrciiiilca lii.lldCattlwis. it-iWiisliipCohllilhln.tJo. Allii'Tpons liavlnc Clillini-rir 111.111.11111. iiRain.i inn L..inir ni 111c lie- mlcill are rdl'ie.leo 10 iimKoiiifin Known wiiiioui u. n v. n .1 it .1 1 1 1 It .ltflltt' ll 111 InftttO lia IIIC O t flirl ll Vt 1 1 ll . cww( Jn. 17, 1857.,. 1,uwls Yjir: ADMINISTRATOR'S NO'i'IOE ' , , ,,. , , ' ,, '.Tlinsitb.cilberr.nersatprlvnloffaloononnhainosl T 111"! nils of ndinlni.tiation on iho estate ofWilllain I beainllul nnd desirable rcsid. nccs, in Iho town ol .Li IV rkhciKT. bito ul.M.nIifnn tuep. (Vihimlil:i cnui ty di'r.M.h.ivf lie ii grttnlcil by the Ur-cthtcr of Cnlumi-ia county, to UipfiibetribiT, who rt sides In Madison town bIiI pin slid cinitily ; all persons hovlm,'rliiim-g nzainit the ilrciMidmt are rrqueted toprefctit Hum to the Ad iiiiiiirlrntor wiiliout delay, make pnymi nt lortnwim. KMA3 UOCAUT. tftdm'r IVbruory 11. lf.1T. Gi. ADMLNISTIIATOU'S iNOTlOtl. E&tafc of John Pn'cr deceased IETTi.llS of nilminletration on tho cslntof Jolin - Trice, late of Catawin tinnliip,Co,niiil 1 1 county, di'ei'iiPt'd, hecn prantml bv the Keglffr of ti-lnm. bl i county, to Low i t Yi-tter. who reidcii in Ctiawei lowiifh't1 In t-nid count) ; nil pvrroi's hnvlKc claims ngniiin ttiei'Ktute of the dMirnt are rrqucoti'ii to pre Bciitihrm to tho Ailmlnim.itor without delay, and all IHT60H8 iudtbtcd tomjlvc pajuirM forthMlth U:VH VKTll'.U Catawippa, Tcbrui ry 31 , ie3T lt Jdm . IU23IOVAL! n. c. & i. w. iiautman. TT vt; remove.t their stuck of (Jooda to the utand O outhii.'ormr of Mam nnd Mirlo t otreets hi luw .iKKi'lvy.eai rf , lately oroupieil hy a t; Mctisch. whi re. with prmtly ii,creaied fueilitii, tbey .ire enn- I I If il to oiler ii lull Ufsmlnn'iit nf Ilry (iootli, Cioceries i I Ilnrdwate, (lui'rnswiirH &r ,at luw price. I ! lL''ountry I rduco token ul tho highest market! urin-n. I Coni alwnjK on hftTtanl for sale. Fish.Sa't Til stcr and Iron, at tnwpncf nair;iui lur puii itivori ihey hopo for a continuance f Ul IIIC BJIHU. II i At I. W. IIAUTMAN. IIInonKlmrs. Mirrh 1, 16C7. MfiaiU iEiA BOOtTi S'i'OttBi. Corucr oi 51Ii &. Arcli Street, j Philadelphia. Henderson &. Co., nooKicii.r.ns .ixn rvnusur.Rs. XNVITE tho attention ofall Persons Visi tine riulnd.li bin. ulietbrr nn Business o- ple.isure lo tht i r Lxtraordui.ry Cullcctton of Hooks upon all sub, II 11 kseller-, I'ounliy Dealer., T nrlo r, rublic and priv.ito Libraries, supplii-il with iiooks ic H.alionary nl lowest rates. C. G, llnNDLIlSO.V St CO., March 7, IPS7 -Cml. NEW LIQUOR STOltE. XO I33.NOHI1I TU III II HTKIXT. (Ill the Eagle amblings, .'Jlovc Race St.) Philadelphia. rpIIF. utvlomrgno.l bpgi envn to J nform 1 ih (rieniVanJ J tin public, tlm lm mi opined an esiensivo LIQUOR HOUSE, Inllnpslolliilldilis.. No. 133. N.,j Rt., ln,vp, ithireh,. tvilllii. hippy lo supply JPrrhnni.. Moirl. kivp.'rs. iiinl riMlntiior. ecner.illy, with iho choicoil brand. k'pl i.i I'lnluotlpliij. WILLIAM I1R01IST, March 7th 1P57. y. (tel. if VimWe ) STRAW DONNE I S & HATS. AT low prices for Cash, a large and well arsorlcil Hiock ol tVooiens. Mints k Cliildreus tP STRAW tv SILK DONNETS m -W-'A--. iiors ji.vi) cnif.uut.ya eti Straw Hats. AUTlriCIAL, l'LOWOUS, k IIOVNRT WJS31AS MISSES HTIiAW HATS, v. n- v ., ,.,n!'),'T,1:llS & K'l'ACKIIOt'Hi:. No. Z,, North 4ii tl. lOpom.s .MolclnnH II. lei rhila.l Iphla. Lackav.nu;i & Blomnliurg ii. Ii. Ofiirn I.n'K-a C Illoolvsburg R. It. Co. 1 VVvuhimi Lu. Co., P.i., Jan 15.1 607, ( INTEREST PAl'AIJLE ON STOCK. 'T'lir.ftiirkliohl.'rHuf ibis company ore hen by noij. J tied that by I.i-olntion Qf uie !nnrdof l)in-ctn', ii.wrr-t on Sti ck roiii iitnl to tht a. cf Ui coiiiIm r, lf.i(, will to paid on application at ihis (Jlluo in LcrtiA cates cf Stork v ;. vi7 Touj i Full tod. Cerlifirr.ttswdl boif,i-rd when Hii in i. tii. Ms auiounm totlio s-uui or fifiy dollars; and fjrl . i ignt I "jrs. sumll-r sums or any (racliuirii aniounts i'1-riill-.iten wil ion. ard one , ho Is- wmi. Vl VUCVMOsL 7Wr Uh. Flow a. j March 7'h, U57. ' r"'r. JUST LOOIv AT IT. 1 1 . iu 1 ersons nnvmc iircnunts ormcr HJt momhs - iv n-M"' t' 0 " h'iih: iwnnru an" rune 11 p hy thuflrkt of March ; and a'l accounts of one and t wn tars standing must be altendid to in mediately vi Coit Will bu lidded, A. C. MUNICH, Uloomiburg. Ftbruary 7, 16i7. Horse Biffs. Wo havo tho createst vaiietv of Fnncv Typo, and Fashionable- Ilori-o Plates, of ny othor oliico in this tectinu, and aro. con?cfiucmlv, nrenarctl to Execute Jlors Willi, neatly, cheaply ami expeditiously at tho ofiico of tho Columbia Democrat. FALL CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS At Wholesale and Retail.. GF.O. HULIMN k CO., Iniporfrs nnd Manuf.icteriofFLOAKS AXD.MANTW.I.A No. J7J Client nut Htreet, (a Tew doors ubovu 7th, sent side.) I'HILAllCI.l'lll . (In cnnuei linn w Hh GHi UMLPIN', :(0l Hroalwny. JV V. The largest Manui turur of thcro goods In tliyUnitediStrttes ; I!i'g locnll the attention of wholesale and retail buye lotheir large nndvniied stutks ol CI.OAKH .TAI.MAs ftc ,4.r. for the Fall Trade. Theirrotlecliniiroiiipris 4irii'iiiiui .ininrimeoi di nu ine laieii i arisinu Novell io in civet, -u ni re antique, ioiii, iiain ii.. w lillo the facilities afforded by I heir ronnection with the largest Manufarturiiig llou, (nf these goods )lu New York, unable tl.'MiUni.-Muruntee beltervaluc than tsoblitnublc elsewhere iiitliis market- GFO, IIUl.PIN 4. CO., sipl.ti.liC. ly. "p'HV riceied by Hall Utad.afull Irupplj- ul Gmn t Bhons. I. are FoMs. fir.. Jnn 31. IrfCT. It. U. & t. W. Ifarlmsn. l'UDLIO 8ALB. -or- V.al uablc Real Estate. f N nursunncft of nn order of llio OrnltftVfl I Court of Cnttmibls. cmintv. on Hnliir.li.v. tho Slit dya ofMirch neit nt 10 o'clock in tin fort-norm John Ashh?m.in, AdmlnUtritnr, fit., of Dakict. Aiiuruit, natn of BtieAttofif lownlifp in sniu county, unerased will rxpotrd ti alf by Public Vonditc, upon the ptein iifia t ci in in nicssuijct icncniciiv mm Tit ACT OF I.AND, !lilfttftln tin tr.wnthin of Pnirarlonf, nforinld, ran talnlngOM; IICNDKI.'ll ACKi;t". mori or Irnn.nhoii I'orty acret ot wbich ii Cleared, '1 hero U on the pum YOUNG Al'PLR OnOlIAllD, mm, nnd n co'itl ttrcain of running natcr, deil on Iho ); iti by tandx of (liilnr? Doun. Htcplifin.mi itio North hi. tan t ni ViU i iiiiui rirniiril-, nil nil' hp-i,i)' Mini ni t.i r-m . . U'lm.im lien , and nn tlio Pnnlli hy land Mfl f 1 Yfft nn oi LLty 01 in rnim. on nliiin n nrrip.i n in fJ.-J''' JAi nousti An A i.Aiini; tor; WMiN.tziJVHi Late ill tt.tatn nf mid ill r.-nB-'il . iiiitlo In tlio town ship of riitcnrlOjf.nnd comityntorcald. JACOU nvr.RLV, OirSr, I'ebrnary 51, 1B17. -OF- Valtiable Meal Estate. n N pursuance of an ortlerof the Orphan's Vfc'J'ifl of Columbia cointy. on Saturday! the 2 1 st day f March ncxtt nt 10 o'clock in tho fortioon JOHN K IlVl;a and liiiuiui-s m'ja. pit iMintif oi nm minor children men Utl.IUliVI.S. I,it! rn'fjrp.-invdotl ioAnhtp. in fiu roiiiiiy. iii,rpae!, w ui rxponj to a.iit- by ruuiic Vcndmt. ni Milhlite. (JriTimooJ townililp, tno uinll iJ(!d four mxlluoflhe follon nig dcscribui lUal Ktlate to Wit . About THIRTY ACRES OK LAND, mtrenr Icsa. ttn.it in Uietowiiihlpof .Mount IMeftFiint in the tMUilj M t'otiimltii, ndjoiim p lntMir of Antin Kcitcr, Kohcrt Mmiljomiry nnd Itcnjimln Keller a pirt ol w Inch la clujrtnl land, hutito buildi ng vrtctcd thvrcon. ALSO ABOUT FOUTV AWUiS OF Lm ' more or tittiato in Pino loivn-tilp. In tlio tonnty ofCnluiiMtm atori'eiid.ndjniiiinu tan.Inl.ilo bi-'onul ik to Jnhn f Imltz nnd land, ol Jacob W. Wvtncr, uboutsix acrtv ofwliicli U cltuted. ALSO About twenty-four Acres of Land, I .ll'into in flroenwood township. Columl in county, ad I J'linlnS land of J.ilin Mlllor, llrnry Kitrlion, John t I JlKi r iili'l other s. lit j.tlvc tea roil land, but 110 biiildinii. i.ri-it'(l Hi: n on. l.ntolh. Estate of said deceased, .inula in tlictown ships nit J cu'inty nfircslid. JACOB EYTUI.Y, Cltrl.. Elooinsburg, Teh, 21, 1857. VOVl SALE. llio low., nf Illoomtburir. Tha lot U SO feet l-ront on Itlaiu Sircct, nnd nn tiTil llil.l hv nllnVt on tlm Winl nn.l dmiih it if fltiott up wltfi all tlii ncceniry out titiiltllnes; nud ani'Kh luatiblc well ul excellent water, Frame Stable and a . . FINK DUICK 1IOUSK. Mi I Tenni c.iny. Apply on the rremlfea. or nt this of fice, or to Hie BtiifcnbtT Jo mm c. Fuunza Maori burg, February 23, IF.V7. I'KIVATK SALE -or- VJ1L UA BLE TOWN PROPER TY. nilin undi rtislguu! will, ell at private sale, the vain 1 1 utile conn r I ot 1 1 irroiiml, whrrrn l nie orictiMl n ll IU.I.INU IIOUi!!', sroui; lltlUn, nnd oincr impror inen IK. situate oo.Mii n Strrft.fn Itlonit! jl'tnte- SfjjU till rr. I III) l:lfitriif llinl-iln Inl.n tin rt.,.. I ncrciitil. rani nrooertv ts one of I,,0sl plcneantiy luruiijjul i!m thnt-F in town, with a , Pn'Jd Htoie llouec and eli(ibto business stand. Terms VJ" Apply to the subscriber, agent for the', Heirs of l'ie said dtcearid J, U. MOYER. Uloonuburjr, Fi.br i.iry 7, 1P57. t vn urutin vn I'm oiTn JjAiMi M AULIAN L J OR SALE, ACOVF.llNMinvr LAND WAUR NT, can tiiifd on appli'ttion to tha IMttor of the i ho rb fni,,,.,. hi i ll'iiii irr.a or hip iiudersigti -d, loiiding in Muntour ,u uiuuiuia vuiiniv. JUS3C I10LLI.NOSIICAU. Poliriiary 7, Ia.',7. 3. PUBLIC VENDUE. WILL be exposed lo sale, bv Public Vendue nl 11 e I ri'.irmi'o of llie eubscnbcr, in MoiintplcaBant Tncs'lini, the 'Wh oj Match, 1857. The loll owing valuable properly, lo wii : HOUSES, CATTLE, JiwVx Hlieep ling. Wagon. Plows, liar. fHSTTJ wtltS rows, llorso tlcat., Harness, Ciiat ii.XA.'rJ one Pled. XilfJa running Mill ('tilting il,u, ic , together with a large nrtfty tl Panning Itnplt nur.ls tr Sale to cuti tn, nte nl in o', In, it. A M.. on ..lid di wh rn nliet.daiico will be tlven and condition, mado klloe, u. by - , N. HOWE!!. Mlreli Till IP;7. MIFFliil r0T, WIIFN A PERMANENT CUM' IH (itTAU ANTTUD In nil Bt.iffO- of Sm.'ltin' I)IH1:AI;s Se!f.Abun, ?.irv(.t Di'iiiiity, tiictiiri's, (Sleets C ra r I. Merruiii.i 1 Klti'iiiintistn, frrntnla, Fnins in the Ankkaand llouen. JiiH'asi s of the Throat. N'tise and Ulu-rs noon t lit,. IL.itv r..tnnls IrtTfTirl .riti... 't. fli.irge. no niittei ol Imw long itau(ttn. or obstinate , the cue. ret-ovry i rerl.iiii nnd lu a eborter 1 1 tun t!i in a pcrinnuriii curi could hu f tfTti'd b any other treut riiMit, evin after tlm t-kill rf Hie motit eminent phtsi nam hu I filled, and the dn-ease relBitd ml other menus off ire. Th" renifdies nr Iree from oihr, rjiu. inc riutlHT plcknepfi nor iuconunirtire, nntl wiiliout rnerrtir or ImIr.iiu Dutintr twetity jears' pr.irtire, l Invo restored to licotli ovi r seventeen ihun. nn,l pn ttontq who were fiitP riiis linilrr th" wnM iDrnn of all the above meniioni'd thbcities. whii h cniranlfes m- m priinii-lii? ii p1 f ft ct and muft npeedy rure S en1 1 iln I l.ir nre l be grealept i health am Inppi ueg, a-i tliiv nrn the fl.ut eiuie il coiiumptioii sen lot i.c , and should be a terror to nil iitiiiont on ihe earth ; f.i; th ilmeaM! it b-cmning so couinion anl treatment ko little nii'lertnod. tint u iM-iininent cure Id nr.irn ti , ever eflcii'd is u majority nf the rases fall into the i InmU of liicoinpfteiii persons, who nut onlv tail to ! cure th" m a lid) . hut ruin Hi" couxlltut ion wild corro. I sive ftitihitiiite i il;uigtfrnu poison, a prepaiatiou of nifrctiry-w htcli, with (lie remain t of diseam in iho I Bi-tt'iii. prndtic.'s many of th aliove named afi'ections. w hi'-h llnalli iTinlnate in i nnsamption a ad trtiut-mlv a r.ipm oii'j; inn tiioui'i i; not cinto oenin speemiy, i nnd tho victim (oilHoaai; iiiarriis tlio disease j4 then I cou eye, from ilie pnrfiit to the rhildirn.causint; tlmui tu euian Into ilm worl I with srrfu( i, ntr-rtions ot tlio I hittn, eye tlir.iit fer , .n.l ainni frmiimf in con I sumption, and rotiojiiii iii n tin. to au untimely grac I ('"tweeii the .ic's ot hv oh) nt ha an 1 thirty live rata 8ef ah iyt is .111 other fornndaVo enemy iu heallh ; it I de-trtivsihe iMrvous "vst.Mii ripulij wasting awav tho 1 energies nf life eiu'iu; inent il d.'f iti'jement, prevent ! luir a 1 roper i'e 1 b'lnent of tho sj .tt 111, and tllt-iiul i -fyinc f4 virlim for ariitiu''. cnrifly liismess and nil eirihly hani iness. Fcina! Irreulanti' 1 and all other d seitii s rfti mules treated in the tihint t-Kilful and n en 1 1 lie uiauiur. Meilicines, with d-mticiH. cent to any p irt of the United Rat' a ami C.iiiin'as, by paileuu ' communicating thi ir st ii,iioms bv Ii iu r. j j. HFM-u;iiviM,n. m. n , Hoy .11, FotU Olici ; Fitutnr st below t:th, Fhiladul I phi 1. Fa March U, IP5T. LIST Ol-1 LET l'EKS I-r.MAINING lu iho I'ost Ofllro at 11 'ooniiburg l' IVj. I.'lh, IB57. I Ale, Thom.13 Miller. John ,1'ugh , William jldifiO'l Ginrgti ilioail.Mirgirel fKtitier, John .Itobcrls t'lurlcs 2 Hihr, 11 11. tllldiU. It. I. Uuers Siiuuel lljldniu, William llreere. Henry lll.iko.ClurlrsM. C.ir-s t'li.irle. Church. Adisoii U ivis, lieu iu d'nibir, J. II. Hank"'. Joseph Klnlcy.fi.'oreo I. try. .Michail Moyer, Alllin M, Miller, Mrs I'lurie, MiTci ror. I', r. 2 Miller, Jacob A, n.iiui, j rs. ij. Mihimt Oeorgo Mimidt Konrod trivrr, Jernmo r.ii'zart. Finiik VVjiy tit r, .toll n Joseph Wilson J lines IWtult r, I'lt'iumS Perj inn :t Hi ii? for the above letters will please say they ore -i Ivcrtited. IM1IM1? U NAN GST. P. .1 OiLVULISS IL MAU1,LI?S. WIS1S AM) LIQT0U ST0UK, JV, 143 North Third Stnctt Above liacc, Kat Side, Two doors nhovc the Fjclc ! Hotel- PHILADELPHIA-. lias rnnctanlly on hand Prenjli ilrandjp., Holland (lilt and a general asiorluientofroreicn Witic., aUo, all kinit.of Aiuriiaii plriis,&c. .March 13. IKSli y. S HEETB ANII SULTZlins wiior.s.v r,. WINE L IQUOR STO RE, No, 'i'A'i North Third Street. (.Mine Callowhlll,) I' III LAI) EL l 111 A. Actional ass.irliiicnt or brandies Wlncb, Cordials, in.! I,piori of t"ivry description. K H1STS. f. P. fSLTriR. October 7, 1851 -yrs p PJIUKNOLOQIAL 0A13INKT. rOtVLBUS, WKliLS & CO., nmnNtii.onisTfl anti fom.isrir.np. Arch Street, below Sevontli! I'hilaM. 231 I7nrnl.il nl I work. ,on riirenotopv riiy.iolny " WatoiUnri MnKnetliin. nnd l'lionograptiy, nhnlciinlf androlnll at New YotkflrttM. ProTcMlnnal ?amlnJtiottn, with chart and t full wrllfn description of character, day audi evfoiiitr, Cabinet tree. May 13, IB35, y. 1857. i SPUING AND SUUMFll, m & m & m a b a GKO, HULPIN & 00. IMPORTERS JIM) MA.Wr.lCTVRT.RS, 171 C'HENNUT ST11KET, Arc now prcpirrd'to eihibit tticlr NewPtylei FOR SPUING TRADE, iNci.uwxo Rkrk and rolnrfdrlllk Mantillas Cliantly I.ne Man llllai, I'reiirh I. nro MiiiiiiiIik, I : i i , I. r, i .1 r I Hllk M'ltitl lint. , Uiiffkd Lnrp nun Ni t .Mnntlllui, Mourning Mnnillln. Ha.riir..Talii.aH, .c . &.r.. Allofwlilctl HlllhQ olfcrod nttln1 t.nwrst rrire.. ami. iif)i,i'i u 1:0. IT t ohomut Street, nliovo;tti, 1'litlndiihla. Mitchell, 1SS7. DISSOLUTION OF PAUTNEHSrilP. rpili: mm of MUVROE & lUtntAV.Mns iIi.ol. I hy ni'iiinl ron.ont, nnd iho I'orwnrdioi! Imslro a oft In tholinnrt. of J. II. It.iriiun, mm of Iho fim r Klrin, I would iccoininr-n I Inni t'lthf ehlrplng Polillc liilng fullv n..uri'd. tlio hustncfs will bo ollenilcd with promptneaa nnd ill. patch. IBAAU 8. Muunon. Unpcrt, rcbrniry 1857. FOIUVAUDING MIUIOIIANT, RUPERT, PA. TTT 1 I.I. I'ltro I to recelv ng i'orwnrldiie hv Oanll V i.rltAII. lillMI nll.MrrLliiniliiOJnd might di- rrrtrd to bis rare Willi iirooint'i".. an di'.nnicll. I 0,,d. will bo delivered 11 fio following rule. per. 1Q0 , pounds. 1 n rz 13 M fs L Frcishts nn all goods from rblln'dl to llerwick.ll llavin, Wilkes', rilts, 1 .1 rins.viz nrvtlood.,1 Hoots, HI1111 lints c, in so co C4 .13 S3 SG CO 43 43 30 SI yd rihcelings rtie.cnctse ,lr' a I Mnlssse. Sugars, Salt Fish.lron e:e. . .. ... : . ' " ,1. v ! J . at i ro-ran iair ' ' ' i , 'l' ncuounts.i'll freight! must lu marked niie of J. H.lUr man, iiuperi t remvn prnmpi nirniinii. Refer lo Col JMSmi I'A.NTON, MnJ, I H. MUNKOCi Hupert, Fcbrutry.'-d ie37. 2ino. Calateis.4. MUKPIIY & IvOUNS, rlUNCRAIi COMMISSION HI Ell CIIA NTS', Axn wholesale nnAi.cna in I No. 47 North Worjos (below Kaco Street) ' PHILADELPHIA. ; Have comtinll on hand n larjn as- jSvpfrx so.imoni or nsii u. onun-'i: .t 1'ito iScSU I VISIONS, which iliay are prepnrcil to sell at the ;ocs( rJOKUcns prnmpll) allcnled to. rtbuary 1, 1W JOHN M, FOltD, IMPOnTr.ll MANUrACTUREKMrAI.r.R IN SADDLEUY, COACH HAltDWAllE AND TniMMINT.S, No. 32, North Third St. Philadelphia. PURCHASERS 'will find it to their advantage lo cl am I no my lock, w hicii is eryoxtensive ami pur elisse,! Inrl.'fisht n.d emisisl. in nil the varii ly of .New Mtytesoi t.uoii.in my line. I N. It. AU Order, .halt have paitictileraml prompt attention. PepttMiilLrll, IMIi ly' OLIPH.VN T, WOODSIDE & CO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in 5 anti iquovs7 No. 153 N'oi lli Tliinl street, Corner of New Street, P II I L AD E L P 11 1 A . r.OLiriHNT, J Woons'.DE, Gto. Mc.Up January, aj, 1357 -y. IMPOltTEHS OF TOYS AND Articles for Druggists, Tobacconists, Stationers nnd Confectioned', No. IH, SDI'TII 4lll St I'llILADGLl'lIIA. , r-'bnniy '.'-i, lt-57 2iu . ' riTfr-Vj. A full supplv of the premium Fiar Corn O-fVi Phellerd. Irem our ow 11 Miinutnctiiry, low J'U'y'on html nl Whiiles'ile uert lc Tail. They yll are ndoptvd f.ir itlirr hand or hort-e pow r, mAV-.. a-id are In huvi d to be the best ghtllirin -At--the inarlut. I'A.-niAM,. MORKH & FO Implement uni eed tiorn, 7th and Market I'M loth Iphla. N'ovcmbCTK, 1P51. (JAUMEN PUMPS, WT, THROWING a iii ream ol wntrr .10 to 00 feet, $rs-j-rat Iron I.itt und Force I'tioips. liarn llnor l-inollers. Turnip Drills, Wheat Dtills. w ilh Ont jA-iiiiil Grasii B wers nitarhei,riow-s of variom patleriiR nnd sizes, square and exp-tnding Hirrows, GoreV premium patent Hotter Worker, a new articla ilt received , aUn, nt I other ariicles in their proer sen sou, fur the I arm and earden ,at Wholesale and Uu tail. FASCII ALT Monniw & ro., I ni pl men 1. 1 ml Heed Ptore, 7th ad Marketstrcrts, Philadelphia. liAXlillKTirS EXCIiLSIOll COIcN jws sni:M,i:i:fl. foie hand oh rowi:it - Gyi-T''?! Vc miki four vizi' of Hot nhovo Ufirn qyJ-A'1-rPLelleis and warrant them t ewe ftitae V ti'"i, or the io 'mi "y rettirued. They are tnr JAltr.-?vttlPt'rlnr ,0 !inV now in iho market. Will J"h 11 Greun oirn ai welt ns Hrv. Ahbeial disoiint to eers. Itfidiui'4 Patent Power Corn Shfl'TH nnd t'lea'H irs aim unnuf ictured and lor sale, wholesale and retail, by ii r.wnr.nnt &sove. IninlruitMit and feed Wareliniiskc Noi.21 nndilt ri. 6l I'll St .below MirfJ(hi November, 15, lt?30. Fhlladcpli th CIDKU MILLS. ; -s 5110 KIIAUSIIP.'S PATENT IMPROVED I "Vl5l'OIVl'Ain.l: CIIir.ll MII.I.H. Wo nre now fvKniiinrnctor'n! these lltirivall"il l.'ldor .Mill.. Kiemi) ii.ij.ro.r,, ..iiu .in-iiu iiii-iiuu i,,s rear, nnd call supply order, nl U'holesdlo und llclall, Mills shipped luuii) pari ol the Union. I'.WLMIAI.I. .MilP.lllS It CO . VVholesiic nnd Uetail Healers in AgTiculluralliupIc inunisanu .iiaruiui-s, T, Ii and Markrt.lrccls, Philadelphia. UI.DO.USI.UKG L'OUNOaY. I08EPII SIIAnri.nS8 bavins r.s' iii, late partner iu Ihe Blooms bura I'ouodrv, nnd is prepared to iiiumtfjeiiironllkinilsofrtist. 3llifrsusunlly made 111 hisline of ou. ine... Thankful fir llio liberal cus tom heretofore awarded thi .establish ment, he hope, id metaii.liierea.no niiblicpitrouage. lllroimbiirs. AnrllStli. let;i! AGRICULTITIIAI. IMPLEMENTS. efrerjn, IMPROVIHl Hay Preeses. IMriner. Unlet, Hor.e Power, irnl T tire iho 's. GrHlnt'an. iSHe rn.-ise Untie., and Hiutr.-r, ol varlou nilroiu. I innrovett P. rlnblo Gram Mill. &ir.'.c,"u'J'' AI.31 H.y .traiv and fodde Cutter in ureal v.irlelv. I'ASi'HAI.I. MORRIS St CO. Agricil llutal Warolr iitoalid fi.eil Ptcro. . ... .... Ui auJ .Market I'liilailcliiliia. November ?'J,!82G. Peruvian Guatto. i EXl'ERl IViCr, hut iniiht iho l'nrinir Ihal Ilia omv ' itti.UDi.i l'erliUer i. the 1'Elt U VI AN 0 0 V U UN M ENT GUANO, i The snliscnber, Bolo Asclll in Philndeli hia for llicsalo I'UHE 1'EliUVIAN GUANO. .,,y!,h,e,a',,,!Tr"iCj'h O.J.I I Ml I SI-1 1 V fyitli Wharves, ontB7 Nonh Water HtrAi cw .7JTCni jar fUradlluh tt. ATTIIA0TIV12 SOHEMBl 3,307 l'lzos-Lowcst I'lzo $10i itRAhiY om: mizr. to r.rt.ttYMttr. nakT.v a 1'lllZL.a (iUAUANTBKDI Georgia Lottery. ("It.mei ty l ' ' ) Tort Walncs' Acilcmy Lottery 1 CI.A8S SS. To I,. .tr.wn in if,. nh nf Atlanta, ncorala.l n tutlie. onTucmay Mar. I0i!i aeili, & April Tin onlheritn of SINOLU NUMiJEUSl tJrureli.uor. Intuiting lo U'l olo Tifkrl. jrlicn. Die numWia aro in I, II, :i, 4. 3, C, !, 1 !, 0) are guar nntc.dr 1'iizp $iu-ft.iur.niitl (Inartcrj to propor lion, or VMifttut rf lu V'.te( will ho noUlHl tho rate, below, lor iln-riikon iho Tiikptr, nnd whim, entitle. Hi" holder to nil ho draw, over ihu84urrizc BAMUUL S IVAN k OO., Jlonouer.. 30.00H TicKeis 3,307 Trlzes! vur.F.sjixuvxruxn roj-Mmi Will bo (lirtribulvd according to Die follow lhg Ui.IUlNAl. St. HEME I 1 frltoof 1 1 " 1 " i I " 1 " ' 10 rnze.of lua 1011 ' a.tuo S-O.UL"! I. 1U liOII IS tll.UIIU I. 0 WD It 4,Wld i. l.OfJl) I. l.omi I. -.'IKI nio mo nro 70 aro St) ii ro 10 aro 1 50,000 3,307 1'rls". nmmiMlnjto tWJ,0M) llliole rfrtei, (10; orM,J Qimrlsr.. K. Tho3.llO'l Price of SHI will lie determined by the lntlisurol lhi''NiiiiilierthaldrasthrttltHUI i'rizte Forexampk i Dm .NitinlM-r 1 rnAinir the t2 i.nnol'ilzo finis, with No l.ttienall IlinTlck.ls wlieri'thi'iiuni. bi'rindsin I will ho enlitli'il to $10, II tho Number em'. Willi No 'J, ilin all tli'lTi"kel. where the Num ber ends in J will ho in!Hlcdtn$10, nnd .0011 too. lNiUCi:.Mi:NTt) TO UI.UUH. ,V. by Ihts Htliimo.ouo 'i'lckrtin every llll. c aaran rrrd tu diaw$10 wo will sell CrrlyTeair rf I'acuag rsof 1U TickoiB (w here the number .end In 1 , ',3. 4,.',. u, 7. H.D, d,)at the following rate., which I. the risk on thru.. A nihil they draw over the S 10 Prize.occrue. lo llio purchnsi r. Ceimlcateof l'ackagcof 10 (VholoTlckctt, $d" '- !a 1 . " . ' r - , , purcli-mer lu a certificate of inTlrkelr. whfn if h 1 buy Ticket ho would o.ily r tt for that mm OVVholei ' thunby buying (J.trtlllcalcs he ins lour more clunri) 1 tor ttiu larc'-r i'rlzes Halves a no Cluarter I'ackages ' 111 pronottliin. i 1 N OUUritlNfl TICKHT3 OXl cnil'VlVtCWA, F.nclosethe montv to our nddr'fii for the Tickets lord'icd on rcieiptof which thoywili bo forwarded b first mail. I'liichnarrs can havcTicktticntliiig in figure ilit-y iinyduPitMime. ! '1 he tut of drawn iVni,i1trj and Pri wlllbenunt to tiiirrliAe r s liniiiedLilrlv after the ilr.i Iiip. I'rizi1 Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickctiot 1 1 lie r ofiifp. AddretfordTsftirTickcls orCertlflcntrs either to S. SWAN & tiO., At anta, Ga. or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala, January ! lc7. j SUI'KK-PIIOSIMIATE OF LIME. THH pubscilipr pretcnt to tne notice of raimrrsnnd otlnra Itilerrfted, tlu above nrtlclc. The excil , lency of our pn piiniliru ling hrcn no well knnun fni I tnniv uan niml. lli.it W ilrem It. unnprrsK.irv In n- murh' n respect to its merits , but mretv remirh that durinz a 1ongeiii of yiars.lts jwirlty aid value ai a stimulant lor the growing crop, und ds a Fcrannnent it2;usure have been thorniichly esUlillEh,di Our Super Phosphme n Um Isnol rtinncedin its ti.nr 1 c r t ry bii con. uu 1 1 9 iiiii 1 1 purpi ts to be tilii foimlni s chemlrnl coiistltueuis, und is relied upon niilit Uegi F riilhztr in no ior UOltN, OATH, Wlir.AT, I'OTATOS. nilAe.a, I and otiicr crops requiring a vigorous and laf Hit" manure. , I'linphlets ilevmbitic it uml the mode of appl iiiit. run bo had gratuitously at our sums, or by mail when I Cesired, CAlirlON-lle pirtlrulnr lo observe thit every I oarrelofour article han oar u a me and thatcf Votteand Khtt br-inded on the head. "I his Oaf Hon is rcrder ed necessary, as iliora arc fo man articles of doubtful vniue soiu muicr llio name ol Super Photphale of time, j 1 ns to m M ml those who ao unacquainted willi tho valuo of a Uoiminc Article. , Trice $13 Per 2000 lbs. 21 cents per lb. , A liberal deduction made to DKAhFHP. emec last l.i II there has been imported but one cargo of the cclebrnled PACIFIC OCHAV GUANO, j which we oft cr for sale in small lots. 1 PISH 3IANU11E. 1 A snnnlv of this a!itnMenttle!n tt,r sIc. S'riceyliO per 2000 lbs. Ii cent per lb, NO 1 fiOVnUNMDNT rr.KUVIAN GUANO. Fur saloat thu lowest rates , The leading Agricultural Joumahand 'iXri'XTTJrirr'i ttrp. rrnthirhi -filril nt nfitrtt i tor ttc use ot j armerst uuh A lull asRortmentor OUt. suitn le fnr Ml. nersnnd Htoro Ktcperh tre, Phi m ai.d adainontine irrWo are alsoppents for KirpufoidBit fonc.Oawe go I'ure titatrh, com stimh and Frepar d corn. aluiv ti nci:dm:s. No. 23. Sotilh WharveN.atid "5 Poutb Wnter t?t. First fmri! above Chesnutstrcct, rhilatleloliia, Marih7 1 M7 -3m ' FAUMFHti' UFPOT AND PLASTIiR MILLS, AT THE JUNCTION Or York Aitnve Crown and Cal'owhili Strata. PHILADELPHIA. E oflfcr a larro stick of Chemical Mimon! an FertiHizers.it low nrirsi-. nud war ranted to beGeuulue: among which will be found : 1 00.) toiot o. I Govci iiiui-iit PernviaiiG ntio. 1 liugton- lie Ihirj's o. 1 Suprr Pbofphateof Lime The miove hiand.ird artrles are, a'h.i their hind, the hf t in the world! Our Laud Plaster, uimiuLie. turadlroi)i sehcted btono is enhhrated tfi louglioui the Uiiifii In I ii - ( uritv at d treti(;ti. wi: iwiTii oitninis ron; Ho line's iv, I tin pi r I'Iim lute of Lima. No. Govetiim,iit P ruvl io (Jtuini, Fr- nrh's linpit.ved Up-Plnipphatc of Lime, French n Pbtbidtlplna Pontile) te N-i 1 I ho'plmto tJuiiuo, (Philad'a Oo.'s) Krictin Geano, A) Httra Land IMamer, Ordinary Lund Fluster Ghent e,ul Ho.ic. pure tloneliint. Fish fiu n no Ground Charcoal III turn L'aneit Land PliMer 5 uoi) " Gat-tin? PUnter 10 mm II) ilruulir Foment, anon Tun Ito-mn Ce.unt. I.uuj Fortland (l.nlifch) Cement . AliSO Hpiitiff Flagler. Foddered Anthracite Cool in Mils t enotypi Plaster Putnlered Hiiunnii mis cn.il iu bb.s Glat-s M ik'x do Ground llrow u Mono, in Ills Ground toap Hiono UluieSuid inbhls oo White "arbb. Ground Hrirks f r I'nititers dj lilu i Marldc-i wo ere ( Ft ne Ciurl. FUt.Nl'Il. UICIIAUHrf iz CO. Steam Mil I anil Farmer' Hpot. AtjuHtthjibJ ork .tctaut Creien end Co lit tt hill Struts- PHILADELPHIA. Marrh 7tb, l--'7 -'m, (Successor to PERRY rii'JiZ l!OOKfli;i,l,l:il, IH.AN'KIIOOK MANlTACTUnEIt. JiUNJJJJIl IIJ'.A Jil'.tf 'V.' V'' -Mr.RICA.V ST.MfO.vvnr. ti W Coriii-r, 4lii und Race rintadi'lphi'i. (JOn 1'IiINTIXG.) (UCOK ihndi:g.) VSTM- G- I'KIUIY, anuouncoii to his TV fri-nd. nnd I'.Hrjna thai ho . sitpuli i ne on low terms. Plank-Hook's nude in a uperioi .Ijlo iliht. own Mauuficlory, Buil-ible foe n.n, I'ltliq 11,11, Fk-. A- II, I,, II.K I . I'n.nilvltll-,.. ' itC"8 i 1 Irt 1 1 Eh . it ,1 .III 11 AM s Gil I Hooks, Hook, of nil kinds lor nulilie ffPiflt&l , and Privalo l.ibrr.ry. Hehoe'. iji aVilRf?ii CurlniulMp-rs, Wrapping IV pcri I',,ol" -feSKffir rap. i.i nor, o o 1'ioi'ii!Papers,riaiii I'aichmenl. Irchineiil t Paper III' ,t?, .Morlco-cs &c., I'roiuijsa' 'l'hl. is the onlv e. mlil l.li ,,. , , ...... , imtiiioii rupor I.Y PORTRAIT l!llll,E ran be purchased, litis liibl, ,S 'ra , ,, sr., ?.,.7i. i ', ,,".'""lu."' me n.l, thiv ;ai',iv;n;r!iiav": ill'orlrmi (ll .1 . It I can bo 1,0011,1 for ibis purpose lo accomodate any uuui ber ofAiiuatiirc. desir.d. ' Mni'iizinc. Periodical, and old Book, hound in ' WM. (1 rCRUY. succeeor lo P.nnv tt Erliv. 4111 St Race, rhlladilpbn March Tlli,l'S7. SAMUEL "MrJIECUTt'IIExT MU,r..iniicurr sum nmtrt mill srom: M.vr. i F.iciuui:it. ' QOI.E rroprtetor of Johnson b siVirv 1 k- Iljllllv appioved ;i o,l oiiirli "' r imptuvvil SM IITP & rKniEEf- yy3S' INii .MACHINE; Improved WW& ir"ni.ouc ivo oriili Hustler, iher-if H a J $rZ?KZ rri'mluin .Machine for.Millers lJ 14 51 m f-Tsi IttiUcHct. No. I'4 Ql'llEN'mi fl-tS.WfJflH Plretl, (Icth Ward.) addre.itii?j-ii'a4 5 Kensington Pnsl inlico t'Z?JJi'Z2 flt'PI 1IAVIIOCK flre.l.Mow Trort I'liradel 1 C'oclll.o JIIII stooe. Mill lri),. smn ,, Jii, , ,, I'aluil Jlillllu.h. Portable sun,. Hii.tchcdlieUtn. Cement mid Screen Wire, "' ,. i111-'11.5,'1"''1' I'UI.TINll CLOTIia. IVbtuury'JI. Ie37 3raos OOAl, ! UOAL! ! LSHi'hH" "J:',,J "fP.Mfully Inform ll, 1 !'!?'!.';v.',.';i'?";,".vc!,'j" .J'""1' r' ,,,,,sVo,,.; Jd!i;;rvie':: " u" f" MiZzti?:& 1 1-- , VtVJIJIl . I I ' AT. 'C0vo,Trai;.',,nnd'nJfor', l IIAR1 MAN, Fatal Railroad Acoidont. SEvnsTr ou liiaiiry Killed, TonoNTo, C. W Marcltsl.1. 1 Tho train which left this city this after noon for Hamilton, run t, IT tlio bridgoover the Dos Jardins anal above Hamilton, precipitating engine, baggago car and Iwj patscngcr cars int the water. 'Viyi loco , motive and haggago our paistd over the , bridge pafely, but tho two rear cars, con- 333,o(o taining 120 passengers, fell through to la no . .... . . . mot'ii twoon. lxty or eighty passengers aro '"S ' supposed to have been killed on tho spot. 'Ji"! i Among those killed aro Samuel Zimmer- JjJJj j man, a well known Hanker and eontraetor, jyiJjj ' native- ofI'ennylvatiia ; Mr.- Street, a mil lionaire of Nugra I-nils, together with hii sister and mother-in-law. Thos. O. Mick- lam h oho reported to havo been killed Tho passengers who escaped death aro all more or less mangled, and most aro injui red beyond all hopes cf recovery. I octoM aro leaving Toronto and Hamilton to ren der services to tho wounded. 'J hero nro foveral Americans among the wounded. Tho bridgo was paiti.illy broken down, and tho cars fell ono on top of ano lior a distance of furty feet. Tho excitement caused by this terrible catastrop ho is be yond precedent. Parliament adjourned immediately on learning tho tidings Nothing has heretofore occurred in this vicinity lo create such profound grief. 15, O.OilBSBUlMjf CABINET WAKEUbOMS, fPHU iiiulrrfiiincd respectfully invites tho atlcntlio X of the Public to hu extensive asgortmcnt of Cabiitet Furniture ni.d Chairs which he wilt warrant to bemads ofctiniinilerUliinnd tu n wor!;niiinlikc mariner. At hts Fetatdiihmuit, can alwa9 be found oguod assort ment of FASHIONABLE PUllNITUKE, e Which Iseqnal In .Ijlennd flnish tn Ihal of Phil. ndclphin or New York cities, and nl us low prices. Jt: n In. SOFAS, of different styles ami prices, from S23 to ISW1, Divans, i.ouugs: Wat. nut and Mulmgony, Parlor chairs, Kocking nnd easy chairs, t'itna stooh, and a variety of upholstered woik with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card centre and pier Ubl. s. iteiashus, rlictToii tc ra w hat nots and coino .lis. and all Kinds of l.if liionaldo work. Ills stork of linreavH, cudofid and common unsh tands, ilrrss la'iis, corner cupboardo. sofas- breakfast tables, bed steads, cane sent and cmnmon chairs, Is e irjtcti la Ills section of tlie country, lie will also keeps good assortment ol looking gliesi's with fincy gilt und com, non friuies He will nto f.irnisli sprfna matresn iHtedtoauyslzofl'eadacal which are superior for durnuiliiy and comfort toany bed in tue. fi(MON C. 6II1YU, i;ioonui)urg April Kin, igai. llltOADWAY GOLD PEN NO. 335 EttOADWAY, NEW Y0KK. LIST OF RFTA1L TUI E3 J Gold Tens. $l,WOotd Tootli.Pick. t SO uoiu reii n. snver Tooth tt Car Pick. 3 nil Holder. iJXi Pencil, Watch Key.'!! 00 LadlcsUold Pencil,, 110(1 3( 3u0 4 OJ' , 4 00 5 00, " K ith Ten 5 l Genls' Gold Cuse. i., 3 00, Ten. ! ' 8 00 3 HO .. .. Jo 00 S I", ' Gothic 13 00 A 0:1 .. Ken I. Pencil 8 no Gold Fi n anddlt, cx- Bilver Holders. Manimotith ' iVvia.hen Fou mam Fen, Desk Holder Matniiiotith " Ftidro'-hiiig Fens. Levhithan and Hot Gothicrlilvorandrin.3 00 And al); other kinds and nngrnsiiing " 1 im st les at the loiv rei.il pri ' M.iuiinoulh - 5 00ch. ruoiiujia PRESENTED to runciiASECsi. To every erson buymj ngold pin of us Wopresci. a nuuiberiMl cemncutc and each ofihere certificate! entitle, tho holder ol ll, by the eilra pjymcnt of no rent,, to on article ol Jewel ry. in value I roin $1 to Slot This jewelry conrils of Gold uml Silver Watches n. ereal vsti'ly. Silver Giblets, (ilvcr i'riiil lljskrlil Gold Guard C'lialn. for ladic, l.nckcts Uracil, ts. Gen . Gold Foband Veil chains, Thiuibhs. Ureastpins.llracu lets. Ear lliops, Htuds, Kinns, Crosses. .r , none, which will sell lor less lhaii gl. roll EVERY LOot I.Alt PAIIt US. Till: I'AIll'V IS ENTITI.illlTOI. NL'MIH'.P.Ell CERTirlCATC, AMI liV 1 HE l'A A MEN i" Ul".'5cls. EXTKA ON EAUI1 GEUTlriGATU ii eis i:titi, r.u 'io nncnivc wiiATi'.vi.uTiir. ' XL.MIlEltUl' IIIEI.'EHTlFriUAlE DESIGNATES!. I e hive been in on.r.llion for llirea ..nr. ni.H ihnu. Ihaiids have bought ol us and we have never leanul 'vatiiny ono wn. evi rilistalisiled. I tils pliin .nr .rj a tery o.iorl'l nity ol' obt linlnju fold walch or somo IVntelo jewelry, fr a trillinj mm. All our nelir. Pencil ct-1.. fce orp fioouiiitf articles loaimficiurml ,llsroiircc.nilhi;re,it can. and wo olfer th"in pre-I-ely nl pricesnskeil in nil oilier etori. in the citr. To ngmls we make ndiatil.iceoit. ntio rs, and npy ener eclic person cainlo well by working for in. We with arc ms in everyplace in lie rouiitry and persons bo would like to becotiiceuih wn! pi' ne 1','ilrers us.antf wo will semi Ui-jH printed ciicnbir. .l price., terms, tf. We liave no ct tied period, for (fistriliulinn. The moment a pen i, purchased, the purchaser i. enti tled to receive his piiinium on the pay inent ofSi c.nu cxtia. ' All or.Ier.bvinlll slioiildbe aildresre.l MElmiUK, UENION'&DEA. 3.15 llrn.iiluay.VeT7 York, AGENTS WANTED. N. II. Gold pens reported In a superior manner n,ncloeihetciiand;J!)ciiilt in F o stnuri, and t'bt pen will he repointed and rrturncd nt rnlt. The HliOAHWAV GOLD I1 FN MA N L' F A CT U U I N (I u. well known ihrcurimut tlm crmmry but tbirearc undoubtedly ttome who arc Mot nequntntal Willi iiswoapptnd the followinC well Known firm 1 rrftrencca; i incus tt MiTt:nni,r No, a, lIri (In ! .c?."iv 'iJ.';.'!"'s I'rradwnvtCntirilanil tl, ' 'L'.1; '''tout si reel. Pin l.d, iphin. 3 ll ii;k co s;n 5 Gii.ev nu'ldiiu; k r. I r:(:, u JV.('0U :'" MaiTenVane e ii 1 ibrosryV, lW7.-..1m. ) VALEN'Vrvr.S! vai.ii.mttvrs I l'auc-vi Cunilc & OrHamrnial Valentines. FRESH FROM THK FACTORY t.V P1IIM 1 nt' rill s.,rls, site.. n5 les and oualitie. and at van ' nis rtltes. reeulati'd hy qoiilnv iiccnnipnnioit bv ICtllV cpi'.rtii tntlhuts lust riceiVLil n,l flir.nt, , the oflicccflho Columbia lltmocrai. ALSO, A large lot of Choice Muite, for sale by ihe piece,- n nnks. tieeils, Sc .Mamacc t'eititicuti . Illeo-nsb'ire, January 31, 1P7. AVM. S. SMITH & 00., Produce Factors AND aE.VF.R.II. COMMISSION XERCIM.YTS, No. 00 North "Wharves, I'lllI.MIEI.rillA. Tho Mnk-i la'uo ol all cons; lumti alvanc Cash when di'.lrer'. Ularchll, IpjI ly , I IHAOllEH Ai WODDU01 II HOLE SALE Eonl Shoo & Tn:i! Il'arehtmsc. No. Kit Arrh Street, up Stairs. feiwecnllilrdt rourth Sis..upp-r. lo near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, LVptl llap. aim Voices i.rall dernitnirti. ., , ,, I'llAr.' CSTHMTlilt, Ma ch 13, Ititt. KUCElli iODllUO ' MITOIltil.l, & CUOASDAI.E, (Siittllisri . O. II'. midway, c.) No. : North WliarvfP. iaoiK .ni-ii 8-iacsr. pitiMrutLriiu fin i.iuuiini'- n-i - ,w, -iraics.ftn ate.. Rrniv-n nn.... v rn alefoaus. IViui-r -p.-rni Oil. I.al 11,1 in...,. OIl.Tliinur'sOlls, t'Jiinull. Rice, VavalSlnros L'.ir. WliiieWiiite,l',lephr.ntOil,Eii,a while Vii,ic',8olI? Il.lil .iciie,! iviiiiit ivnalo Oil. C00111101, Whale Oil nilno hnlo Oil sperm i. Adauiauilne L'jaiiir, ac Ocl.'J7, 1832 y. . 1 a L.vuy w!!a.,.,,B. "w.aw 9inl.My, ile. ires hl-kniilVIl lilM hj IHV III l.i.n.i I. rriie I mV. II l-v r hi'iil i-i! 1. ". ...j. i.iir. .tt,ll, i, D,Yj 1 Ibijta.i Mj..,. .nlih m .ci.,i.oow1tlbenl.ri- , uk,o 1 " IM V fibrn. T IS7, ,1iu 1