COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. tEVI . TATE, EDITOR. BloomsburgjMarcli' 2L.1857. Dem oxalic State onilnallons. tor governor, Gen. Win. P. Packer, Of T.vcoming County. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER Nimuod Strickland, Of Chester county. tor ivbon br the suriiiMi: counT- Hon. Ellis Lewis, Of Philadelphia. Public Document), Our thanks nro duo for pullio documents, to Messrs. 12nt, Jenkins & Steele, of tho Legislature, onil also to Ex. Gov. Smith, of Congress. CANDIDATE FOtt COA'GUUSS. Ex, Gov. Wm. Smith, as wo observe by tbo public papers, is a caudidato, in Vir ginia, for rc-Mcction lo Congress, at the Election in May. Gov. Sniilhis a fino ora- tor, able statesman and national democrat, ts thousands of cur citizens well know, who litd tho pleasure last fill of hearing his thrilling speeches iu Columbia, Wo shall await tho result of his election with lively interest, and rejoice at his success, with exceeding great joy and satisfaction. Adjournment or tiieU. S. Senate. 'i'he U. S. Senate adjourned on Saturday last, after confirming tho appointments sent in by President lluebanan, and ratifying the Dallas-Clarendon treaty, with several important amendments, the extradition treaty with tho Grand Duchy of Hidcm and also commercial treaties with Peru, Vcnczula, and Siam. Tho livo Mexican treaties negotiated by Jlr. Forsyth, were considered highly objectionable, and wcro not laid befuro tho Senate. . Boston Olivo Branch. Joins' H. Sleeper & Co., have succeed, cd Mr. In orris, in the conduct of tho Boston Olive Branch. If is one of tho oldest, best conducted and most respectable literary papers in Ivew England. We have enjoyed tho satisfaction of its exchange, for many years, and regard in as an invaluable house, hold treasure, ty- Sco prospectus in our columns. Tho Selection of the Cabinet. There seems to have been good judg ment used in the Choice of the Cabinet Officers, in view of satisfying tho different sections of the country, that would take a natural pride in being represented. Tho North has three members who, with its President, may bo a fair balance for the South, with its four members and its Vice President. If any one says tho North should hive had four members and the South three, it is replied, better be magna, nimous and have the proportion as it is. And then tho threo sections of tho North ore represented in tho Cabinet ; Now En gland has a member, tho middle States a member, and tho Great West a member, So loo, the sea-board Slave States aro rep resented by two members, and the Great South-West by tho same number. The Bradford Timos. "Wo have received two numbers of tho Bradford Timts, under the supervision of Col John G. Frfeze. It is materially improved in appearanco and interest, and gives promise of future usefulness in tho Democratic cause, and tho support of its principles. The Lycoming Gazette, speaks thus of Col. F. SSy- Mr J. G. Freeze, formerly assistant editor or tbo Columbia iemocrat.hsxa assu mod tho control of tho Bradford Times. ' Mr. . lias gone into too heart ot tno ene- mvs country, and wo hope ho will striko aiUt and left until David, tho annotated of tho PhilHstines, shall fleo beforo him, and his followers bo ECittercd as chaff, beforo an October wind. A Soldier of the War of 1812 Tho Commissioner of tho General Land Office hss issued a 1G0 aero land warrant in fa vor of Mr. Gosro Peabody, tho celebrated banker, for services in the war of 1812 He was a privato in tho well remembered artillery corps of Georgetown, D. C, com manded by Major Peter. Resignation. Wo learn that Col. F. M: Wyokoop, U. S. Marshal for tho East ern District of Pennsylvania, sent his rcsig nation to Washington. Mr. Wynkoop Lannado an excellent officer, and wo trust his successor will provo ts popular and cjEcicnt. President Buchanan has nppointed Col. Samuel Mcdary, of Ohio, Governor of the territory of Minnesota, J. P. Anderson, lato dclcgato from Washington, has also been appointed Governor of that territory. Both these appointments have been confirm ed by tho Senate. jg?" Tho aggrcatc amount of taxublo property in Pennsylvania for Stito pur poses valued by tho Board of Hcvenue Commissioners, recently in fession at Har- riiburs. is S56S.810.278. Tho amount of tjzablo property in Columbia county is put down at 83,303,300. Godey' Ladt'b BooK.-i-A splondid number for April, emphatically tho ''La dy'a book," grace our table, ' DAYID STRINGER MOT. Tho Allodgcd Murdoror of Dr. .Norcross. As will bo remembered, wo announced in a postscript last week, that McKim, tho alleged murder of Dr. Norrross, had been . arrested at tho Lone Pond, on tho north mountain, in Sullivan county, by Messrs. Aaron Wolf and F. A, B. Koons. Tho arrest took placo on Wednesday afternoon of that wcok, Knowing that tho wholo communly have taken a deep interest in tho apprehension of tho miscreant, who perpetrated ouo of tho mofct foul murdors, which has shocked tho world for years, wo on our outsido this week, give such of tho particulars of tho former c.-rccrof McKim, as have como to I light, and shall hero detail somewhat mi nutely, tho circumstances of bis arrest, and his subsequent conduct and appcranco, Mr. Wolf was on his way to tho region of country, north of tho mountain, when, at Now Columbus, a village somo ten miles south of its foot, his horso becoming disa bled to perform tbo contemplated journey, ho prevailed upon Mr. F. A. D. Koons, a son of tho Hon. John Koon3, to accompa ny him, using young .Mr. Koons' horse. Ascending tho mountain, Mr. Koons oasu. ally remarked to his companion, that "it would not bo strango if wo should como across tho murderer of Norcross on our journey." These words thus carelessly spoken, are now rcnicmbcrcdj'as almost prophetic. WTe may hero remark, tint those two young men aro men of peace, but of undoubted courage. Both aro comparatively of light muscular nuke, but lithe and agilo, McKim is tlx feet in height, uncommonly stout limbed, longarmod, and apparently active. Ho is, withall, cool and deliberate, in his manner just such a man who, if murdor be in him, could brain his fellow without a flutter of the heart. In due timo our two young men readied tho cleg int and comuiodiou3 Hotel, of tho Messrs. Rickets, at Long Pond. They drive up to the door, and in tho ab sencoof tho regular hostler McKim comes , forzvard to lis their horse Koons and Wolf oschago gbneos, but saynotawoid. Al'Kim, with many polite expressions, took charge of tho horse and led him to tho sta ble, while, tho two young men entered tho house. They there communicate thcirsus picions to each other, and concert their plans. Doth wcie unarmed. Having ev. cry thing arranged, M'Kitn is sent to tho stable to harness the horse, tho land- lord is informed of their intentions, and asked lor his rifle. With this weapon upon tho return of M'Kim, Wolf entered tho barroom and at sufficient distance to uso ! tho gun safely and surely, announces to M'Kim that ho must surrender himself a . prisoner, Mr. Koons thon stnnt forwnrrl and examined his person. The mark in L " ' tho hand, the scar on the forehead, tho marks with India ink on the arm aro all found. A ropo is procured and Mr. Koons pinions his arms the prisoner is placed in tho carriage, and by twelve o'clock that l night is landed in Uloomsburg jail. Tho prisoner at no time mado the slightest re sistance Crowds flocked to see him on tho three following days, but tho eager, and in somo instances vindictive gaze, of hundreds seem ed not to annoy bim in tho slightest degree. ! Most of tlio timo lift rnrlinnti nnnn the, Vioil I rind nulv cm llin innrninrs nflnr liifi firf ... j , . I imprisonment did his countenance wear n I . , e .. i, . . , , it was apparent that a violont commotion was going on within. This however soon subsided a reaction took place, and ho listlessly lounged away his time. Ho how ever engaged in conversation freely, and when unrestrained by tho presence of too many, his manner was really affable. Ho admitted without hesitation that ho started from Dunlcith, with Dr. Norcross, , . , 1 !, but al-1 legcd that ll0 lcft the Doctor Rt a poInt . ... , ., , wcst of Altoo.'!a' whero tho murdor. 3 committed. Ilo spoko with a sigh of Dr, Norcross as ''poor Samuel'' said that ho "thought as much of him as a brother, and had dono as much for him." Tho reason i i.Uv ho assigned for leaving Alt:ona after tho' murder was, that having been seen in com pany with tho Doctor ho was afraid a mob would lynch him. Circumstances are terri-1 bly against him, but ho may bo innocent. A Blair county jury will do him justico. On Monday morning last, at.3 o'clock, ho started in charge of Sheriff Miller, for tho scene of tho murder. Mr. Miller, took him as far as Ilarrisburg, where tho party was met by tho Sheriff of Blair county, Wo understand that tho prosecuting at torney of Blair County has secured tho as sistance of Wm. A. Stokes, Esq., for the trial which will commence on tho third Monday of April next. Presentation of tho Now British Minister. WASinxnTON',March 10. Lord Napier, tho now British Miuister, was introduced to the President at 10 o'clock to-day, by Gen. Cass, and presented his crcdebtials. His expressions of congratulation and his desire toprcservo tho peaco of tho countries, woro cordially reciprocated by tho President. Lord Napier was in court dress. Many visitors at the Whito Houso desired to witness tho ceremony, but it being of a privato character, they wore excluded from the audience chamber. jjirMaplo Sugar is pclling in Michigan at 10 cent I'cr pound, State Central Committee. In pursuanoo of a resolution of tho -last Democratic State Convention, tho follow ing named gentlemen hayo been appointed to bo tho Stato Central Committeo for tho onsuing yoar: Chairman 0HA11LES 11. 11U0KA- L12W, of Wooinsburg, Columbia county. fii.-v-.?-;..;..'.. n- n i i riuuuKijmiw nun, jvicnaru v aux ccant, John Hobbins, Jr., Dr, Edward Morwitz, Geo. Williams, Alex. Drown. Montgimcry Edward Sutterthwaitc, Henry W. Donsall. Chester ana Delaware ildbni E. Mon aghan, Joseph It Morns. Berks -Dr. 0. Hunter, 13. L. Smith. Bucks UobcrtTylcr,HtokesL. Hoborts, Lancaster and Lebanon Georgo San derson, H. North. Northumberland and Dauphin W, D. Sipcs, James M. Day, llichard Ilaldcmau, Jcsso 0. Ilortcn. Kortliampton and Lehigh Jno. Davis, Jno. W, Hutchinson, Mililia Hannum. Carbon, Monroe, 1'ikc and Wayne Pamucl McLean, S. S. Drchcr, 0. H.Molt, W. F. Wood. Adams and Franklin Henry Riley, J. W. Douglass. YorhW. II. Welsh, Jacob S. Keidcl. Cumberland and Fciry Thomas Al. Diddle, 0. J. T. Mclntyro. Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan 11. L. Diffcnbach, John W. Maynard, James Ucgan. Blair, Cambraand Huntington II. D. Pctrikin, Goo. Adolphus Patterson. Columbia, Luzerne, ij-c Asalirundagc. llra-lford, Susquelmnna, ij-c. D. W. Overton, Gen. John lllanding. Tioga, Potter, fyc. D. L. Sherwood, Edwin U, Eldrcd. Mercer, Venango and Warren Hon. M. C. Trout, L. T. Parmlco. Eric and Ctattfoid Murray Whallon, John P. Davis. Beaver, Butler and Laicrcncc Gen. Jonathan Ayrcs, Gen. Charles Carter, John Graham. Allegheny Hon. P. C Shannon, 11. Diddle llobcrts, Charles Darnct, William Blurk. Bedford, Lawrence Hon. M. F. Doug herty, W. J. Dare. Armstrong. Indiana awl Clarion J. Alexander Fulton, Col W. T. Alexander .,, uuit, tyjiurius luuniii, Favctte and Westmoreland Hon. John L. Dawson, Col. A. E. Wilson. Schuylkill lou. F. W. Hughe?, Benj. Churst. Appointments by tho President. Washington, Match M. Tho folio wing, among a number of other appoint ments, wero confirmed to-day by tho Sen ate : Abnor Pratt, of Michigan, to be Consul at Honolulu """" ' " ister resident at GuateiimK J- IaS9 Hopkins, of Virginia, Consul at "casco, Mexico. Joel II. White, of Connecticut, Consul at Lyons. Francis A. Thornton, of North Carolina, Consul at Aspinwall. Peter Sangcman, of Loui siana, Consul a Matamoras. F. G. A. Johnson, of lthode Island, Con sul at Deyruit, Turkey. A. B. llagan, of Georgia, Paymaster iu tho Army. Eugene M. Ncilson, United States At torney for Minnesota. Charles G-. Uaylor, of District of Colum bia, Consul at Manchester, England, Henry U. Andrews, Postmaster at Gal- veston, Texas, vice John U. Root, , ' ' about SaOOO. Salary Andrew W. Evans, of Maryland, Second Lieut, Seventh Infantry, to bo First Lieut enant, vice Matthew R. Stevenson, of Now York, dismissed. Tho following appointments of Military Storekeepers wcro also confirmed : Sam uel II. Montgomery, of Arkansas j William R. Gibson, of Oregon; James A McNcitt, of Tenuessco : and Lawrence Talifcrro, of . Besides the above, there wcro a number of other nominations sent in and referred, but not acted on; Hon. Thomas Duval has received tho U. S. District Judgeship in Texas j Wm. 0. n..T.f.i.ii.: ,i if a irM...i iou" "j trict, Hamilton Stuart will bo ro-appoiut- ed Collector at Galveston, and Major Bon. McColloch will bo re-appointed Marshal. tST Children Stolen by Indians and Bruin. Some months sinco tho Western papers gavo a thrilling account of lholos3 of a child which had been carried off by a bear near Manitowoc. No traces ol the child havo been discovered, and iho oxoito mont was about dying away, when on Wed nesday of last week! in tho samo locality, a Mr. Woodward, living near Sandy Bay, had oomo difficulty with an Indian whom he had fed nearly every day during tho past winter, and kicked hiin out of doors, Tho next day his liitlo girl, threo years of ago, was standing near tho house, when an Indian fnrans out of tho thicket, clasped her in his arms, and bounded away through the underbrush. Pursuit was commeuced immediately, but up to Saturday without success, though information had been re ceived which, it was hoped, would lead to recovery of tho child an Indian and a squaw having been seen tho dy after tho aliduo.ion earning child which wos clo sely wrapped iu a blanket, and was crying bitterly, of office to Presidents VnuBuren, Harrison, . - . Polk, Tajlor, Piereo and UucJianan, hdward G. W ebb, Dr. Andrew Ncbmgcr, Gen, Win. llcilly, Win. A. Porter, John 0. Kirknittrick. Eutreno Ahcrn. Win. Snr. Tho Unconstitutionality of tho 1 Ikllssouri Compromise. The opinion of tho Unitod States Su- memo Court id tho Dred Seott ease in which seven of tho nine Judges concur, is tin- n, ,t , l. i . . . , lancy that bcott is not a citiron of tho , . ..I unitou wiaius, mat "0 was nonnanummcu 1 constitutionally passed by Congress, aro Justices Wayne, of Georgia, Catron, of Tennessee, Daniel, of Virginia, Gricr, of Pennsylvania, Curtis, of Massachusetts, and Campbell, of Alabama. Tho dissent ing Justices aro Mel, can, of Ohio, and Nrlann. nf Noro VnrV n, TI,ii!,T Q1.1,. q., .1 ' Iho United States Supreme Courtis tho . highest Judicial authority. It is tho au- tliorizcd expounder of tho Constitution, its decisions aro tho supremo law of tho land, . . . . . . . ti.1 ita ic ( nn oil nnnil nl i n nuuua vuuu la iiuiiiuu un uuuaiiuua iviiiuu 1 I its jurisdiction. Wo say final because there is no appellate tribunal on earth abovo tins Uuurt anu every man who 6wears to support tho Constitution of tho United 1 States, by this respect i not set by his own discretion in opposition fiat. Attorney General Uushing in . . ms farewell speech to this court said to tho i Justices "You aro tho incarnate mind of : tho nation In tho complex institutions of our country, you aro tho pivot point upon which tho rights and liberties of nll,Govorn mont and people, alike, turn; or rather you arc tho central light of constitutional wisdom around which thoy pcrpotujlly re volve." Wo hove made this allusion to tho char acter of tho tribunal which has just decided a question that has stirred tho heart nnd mind of tho nation deeper and longer than any other, fcr tho purposo of urging tho duty of acquicsccnco in its verdict. Men may, conscientiously wo dare fay, enter tain opinions in opposition to those decla red by this Bench, but so far as legislative action is concerned, every man is in honor bound to respect tho supremo law of tho land, No man is justifiable in advocating a "higher law" it is treason against tho corner stono of republican institutions. Tlicro aro thoso who w ill assert that this decision is contrary to "tho law of God written on tho heart of man" and endeavor to create a prcjudico against tho authority of tho court; but all such men aro enemies of tho publio good and demoralizers. Tho moment wo cut loose from an implicit obo dienco to law,wc aro thrown upon a treach erous sea without helm, compass, chart or port of refuge. As tho detail of the opinion pronounced by Chief Justico Taney has not been receiv ed wo cannot comment at length upon it But its leading features, command our full endorsement, especially with regard to the unconstitutionality of ths Missouri Compro mise. And wo caunot but express tho con fidence that it, in connection with princi ples so clearly defined in tho Inaugural of Mr. Buchanan, will give tho country rest on this vexed and unprofitable question of sla very ex'ension. Tho position taken by tho 'Democratic party in tho lato Presiden tial campaign has been endorsed by tho Court of last resort as well as by tho peo ple. May wo not hopo that slavery agita tion, will now havo rest and tho peoplo re pose. Buffalo Courier. itself, and its bearings upon tho leading!" Uolloway's Pills" and " Holloway'a "warehai, les-ir MllltAnl ..AniI.H e il. i i Ornhnpiir." fiiul nrnnnrrd In 1m nrifitnd fnr I ' : ::r." X ' '"rUnlhlm midcr fate'protoneo. nndVor Snud- TIIE LAST NOTICE. ... " luu rr,yT ulont purposes, 500,000 copies of tho book Estate of Benjamin llauman. bybcingtaken byhismastor, whonaalavo P'pui" ia . wen caicuiatca to Ucccivo, t.:.j.ii.nri'n.i..,fTiii...s. .t Icing anc m& of tho original, except. . ... . ' . 1 to fur as legards tho water-mark in tho Marth si. ifsr -i. tho Missouri Compromiso was an act un- nancr. viz.. "Hollowav. Now York mid T.nn. must suprt it as is interpreted --j; body. Members of Congress musi M1i rlurtor, unicss ,ll0 ivcs of tho pant- WM&iKXXix. lli&W&X:? isdeeisions, and tho President can- phlets wrapped around tho boxes and pots fifj1"?. ".'K'SSiWS.Vl. S,0..'...... J up his own opinion or bo guided i containing tho same shall Lear tho words, ol,o,JJ,1.,0",l,,,lIc .J" "" f111""" w new and I Affairs in Kansas Causo Of miasmatic swamps of tho South, and tho GOV. Geary's Resignation. epidemics which at particular seasons dc St. l.ouis, March 17. Tho St. Louis cimato tho population of our crowded cities Democrat publhhed a statement relative i nro fuscopliblo of being controlled by the lo affairs in Kansas, given by Gov. Geary, puri'j'ugt disinfecting action of the pills Tho causo of the resignation of Gov. Geary I uPon tho nmmal flullls ' "1,llle "'"nil dis is said to havo been tho failure of President caso3 a,ld injuries nro rapidly and thorough l'iercoto fulUlltho pledges mado at tlio l? curc(1 y iho anti inflammatory and timo tho appointment was conferred, to , I'oalmg agency of tho Ointment, suppo. t him (Gov. G ) with tho power of , c. 0AIJTI0, ccnili0 th. WBrd. tho army and militia, anil ttlO mcailS Ot tllO llolhitiy, Xca York and London," nro discernible as fronnrv ifnceossarv but instead of re. 1 every leaf of the book of directions ircasurj, H ncccssarj , oui jusieau oi re-, ,, ath pol oM,OI . , ,mo niay pi.imy seen CCivino' tlllS alU, hO has paid 5iy,U0U OUt by MJmg tie leaf to the llsXl A hanitsonu. reward nf 1,U .iron nonltet to moot tho exnenses of Hl" !,vf" U"iy,no rendering such iiir.irmat Ot U13 OWU pooist.1 w JllLt-l, till. LiiiLliscs Ol , aj ,11:1y )cuj , , j,.t.Cion of any p irty or parlies tho administration, has boon refused tho aid couuitricitinj tim niodtcino or ruidmc tbu sauic and support of iho military under tho most . hl""!!."e. i":'"be 'I'".10?- ! REVIEW OP THE MARKETS. I. w- ' . - , ... . . 1 . Judiciary itory cry uoss bio manner, 'I'ho Governor states that' not les3 than fifty men wcro under oalli, from tbo dav lie entered the territory until ho left it, to assassinate him, provided his official career did not meet their approha- tbn. . Tho Governor recro.ts the stops ho has heen obliged to take, and feels conCduit that had tho tho promised assistaneo boon rendered hiin, ho could hivo admiuUtercd the affdirs if tho territory in a manner ac - coptablo to the honest hcttlors cf both tides. In rolatioh to tlio outrages cuinmittcil tiy evening MnrchTtli, by tlio Ucv Hi. A, isU ir tho pro-tlavery men, ho Bays ono half lias retts, Mr. ltuiul,rii II. ltlciLEii,of Mun not been told. Ho pronounces the murder cy, and Miss au.vh Kvr.nt,v, diuglitcr of of lluffuiu by Ilaj-s, the most cold blooded j Jaeub Iiycrly, Eiij., of lllooinburg. uud ntrucions aflair ever witnessed. Ilij . 0n tho 1 2th inst., by Kcv. Win, J. Kyer, version of tho Sherrard affair is similar to ! j,ir jAME3 s, M'Nincii, to Miss .Maiiy J tlioso already published. lie -says, howov Hitliu, both of Oattawissa, this county. or, war, mo aceouut i publican over ho signature of "Jones, is a tissuo ot laisenoous. ... Tho Governor complain!, much of tlio ohstructiona uud mutilations of his official .1 ii4:.l, nr i. To correspondence. He nays tho niiil bags were constantly opened, and all objection ablo matter to or from hi in, extracted. Ilo thinks the establishment of a Slavery Con. btitution in Kansas inevitable. Sickness at Wasiiinqton, March 17. . . . , , . . . Tho National Jioiciuas occn iaeii pus session of by tho Hoard of Health, and thorough investigation will be made of tho I i. . causes 01 mo jaie bicsuws- Important Caution to Druggists and Mcr. chints in Gcnsral. Whoroas, ono " William Lcith,'' lato of tL'5 c!,of Now Yo ''ruS b.kcr' ha? unla,.ful misineV of countcrfeitinc tho nr nnninlilnt nf ili'rnntlnnq nrnnnil nnli tinr i 1 1 " - wm. and pot. a 1 whwikus, uu liuumunuii uooit or 'don," which appears on every loaf of tho genuino document, but can only bo seen by holding tho paper bctrcccu thooyo and tho light, And whereas, tho aforesaid "William Lcith," having been arrested, and fully charged, on examination beforo Justico Oiinnolly, with procuring tho printing.and uttering of tho above counterfeits, escaped , m cu,ln(lv of tll n ' ,ay ofDorcmbor, 1850, and is now "a fu- ' ghivo from justice," and is tobo ! pursuing his dishonorablo and felonious do-1 Lirrns clowhcrr MKU!I USLWHLIL, w,, . , p . . .... 'Mm I IrmrrMfcta nt Mmf'ii'iAtia il,ne ln,v,a LnJ viHnjjCs of tho United States archerc- foro hereby cautioned againit doalinu with tiio aiorcsaici "iiiuiam i.citu" lor any "nicies p urpor ung to no noiioway a nils luii.i ui . iuiluiiiuua, iviuuii water . .,. i i. .!,:. i ...i , ... , , , up the printed sheet singly to tho liuht. All others are (.'OUNTERFlilT j and all mailt U4ii uuij uu uiaiiuuiMluu uy I101U persons vending them aro liable to heavy penalties, and will bo prosecuted to convic tion Oy tbo proprietors of tho genuino pre parations, ns tho only moans of imardins hii own interest s and protecting tho pullie 1 agamsi uamago to lioattn anu Ji Io irom tho uso of deleterious articles, sold under the guaranty of his name andreputatiou. Tho said Lcith is a Scotchman by birth, about 35 years of age, of good addrcs, deep-toned voico florid completion, light hair and thin whiskers, gray eyc.J, st mdim; pboutO foot 8J inches, and somewhat in clined lo corpulency, Another Mysterious Poisoning Case in Boston, Tho Boston papers contains au account of the supposed poisoning of Mrs. Livina Biiggi, of Stought m, and tho ar rest of her husband, Hosoa Briggj, atid a young woman, Miss Adliuc Drake, as tho supposed authors of her death. M rs Hri-'cs body was taken up, and clnrooal lists wcro applied, which thowed arsenic in the stomach and bowels. Tho case is now under examination. Governors of Minnesota and R'asltliig ton Tcrritroies. WAsnrxoro.v, March 13. Samuel Mcdary, of Ohio, his been ap pointed Governor of .Minnesota, and John P. Anderson, lato Delegate for Washington, Governor of that Territory. Appointment by the Canal Commission ers. Tho Canal Commissioners havo ap pointed Isaiah B. Iloupt, Mo' tgomory co superintendent of tho Eastern Division of iho Pennsylvania 0 anal. Mr. Iloupt for morly occupied tl3 position for a term of three years, and as his re appointment was without solicitation on his part, the compli ment is tho more flattering. Tho HcnryClay Association of Texas is to havo a grand celebration of Henry Clay's birthday on the 1 th of April. llolloicay's Pills, Armed with this great antidote tho traveller is prepired to encounter all varieties of climate, for ho has tho means of cradicting nearly every species of internal disease. Tlio cudomics of tho alluvial districts of tho West and the CORRECTED WEEKLY AT IIARTMAN 8 STORE Wheat OUO ButtorT. '-J2 Kggs 14 Tallow M Lard M Ky0 Gil (Jorn 00 I Oats H7i Unckwhoat oat Potatoes no Whito Ilcans... .100 Dried App'c3..1.r0 - I MARRIED. 1 In tho Lutheran Church, on Funday Q t, iath insU hy tbo nov Wm. J. (J, . ft M llCAD cf mu I mlolnliin. tn .MisH llvr.r.v lJmr.Aniv. ilimh. 'f , . 1. nMia-,1, .,lf - Vilkcsbarrc, Pa. DIED. In Bloomsburjr, on Tuesday last, of Ty- phod Fever, Mr. Nathaniel 1Cuvee, ' Bf aout a0 ' em nn ' In Muncv. Lycoraina Co., Pa., on Jan - - ji , nf n-.,:,! t,.. a , , of Limestone, Montour county, Pa., and wifo of Jno. F. Mnnvillc, of Munoy, I .48 rnnro n mnnilis nnfl QR llftvs. b "sr- I I n f i iiuuun.iy, now iorn ami j.onuon." in US- irt Studu to n,, n SPECIAL NOTICE. T0,l'.? a. rnI Bzn w"1 fc n ni nm.lii.rii from tht J 13 h of April llll th. nihl M w,CI, iimenu pct. ton. IndtUe,! io him nrn reqiietlril to M.nier0rtrd deceased. "TKTn'IMnT,1. I 1.AM1. i n lt w -ii4 ta iiuiuuv UiVUll. in an pors ns i-1 ''"'"b umotiicil nreou with u Emit nf IlIrtJAMm lllTui. lain rr (Iii,l . 1. 1 , .. cramiy. dmaaril,taprcKnttlirm iu Hie uiHleriliripii '"vm. HOLOJION NEVIIATIl). NOTTfJR. NOTICE is hereby given, that th0 an- J"'?1 Iiiftlnitnrilio ttluekliolilvranrtlia lllonmi. Monday, the 4th dan of Ulayntzt Tor tranrac thl March SI, 18S7.-CI UIIAni.ES w. risnnn. Trtuurtr, J. PALMER & CO., MAMCCT SrnEGT WIIARr, ri(ILAI)ELrilIA. Jjcaicrs m iish and Provisions, rr . . ' J-J A v n r o ta n u y on lian'l an ntcnri merit ff shoulder.,' Ha J," u'KheuAw'tl MartliU.1637.-3m Macker. ork, Lard, BLINDS AND SIIADESI O.' .Vfilf' STYLES. B. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 13 IkORTII SIXTH STREET. uii.4uivLriii SAVING FUND or the National Safety Fund Company OlaV Annual alatclll'JIlL nftlie !iil!ni.a fnt tl.n,:;Hl., 1 talon PR ce an per i-lalcmctit Hie 1,1-t.ij 3373.:C3 40 To Amount ri'tctvcil from lH'positoifi liiiriiic Die i nl cinl inar. from Dec. 1. 155. W D.ic. 1, ISili 8,i!3,S3 3J To hitcri'at nrcutuiilnttil dur I tiff tin aauic tllo rrcitit of I) noillnrs 47,070 63 To Amount pntpil to tho Cniitinitcnt Turn! during the aaiiio jicriuJ 7,333 87 OR. Ily Aino'inlof I'riticlpal ,.tU in ui'pufli mra .troiu uuc. t, 1p.M. to l)"C I 1M3U Oy Amount or Inti'r'-st paid to IK'ponitorB Miring tho it.mii' iir-rinj Ny Iiulauce iith thcCnmra y. 91 034,101 SI ss.eoo C3 1.374 073 04 3,357,347 '.'J S3 3J7.347 12 Ily nnlancc Willi tho Co. ag ""nvr- 81,371 073 04 Tho nvistmntff, amontitioir. Qa nl.ovr, to (E million. Timr.i: iiiJN"Kr:n ,xn hevk.nty. t OHIITIIIIUS ?;n ANU 14 UV liN'TV K1VE HOLLA M AMI I'OUIl l.'L.NTH. na per .ul,'i jh'-il It, port of AM 'LTd, nri- undo in conformity Willi fio provi.miiii of tlm rinrlpr. In KIIAL LiTATI! AiOltTDAIIES, tillOO.M) ni:NTS, nml puch Oral claim struriti-i aa u III alwnyi imuri- perl'Tt crutily In thi' Ili-i iitnr and whlrh ciniint I'.ijl to givt-permanency nnj klalilli y to till! oil and xv .; 1 1 -.--1 ii 1. 1 1 b i , t Inditutiou. ii. l. nr.vs', rioidint. ,.. , "ol'T. sr.l.rnluui:, Vice I'rcfident. WM. J. tlsrn, PccrL-rary. Marrh 51, IS'.7- It THE BOSTON OLIVE Bit AN OH. rovvi.AU vnorir.iDLF. nr.jii) Till". OLIVr. IIIIANC'II of the New Vrar has rhanced Iiti'pueiors. and appears in a greatly Improved inriu. lis iiuw nead Is uiituinnssrd or el, re mil aulv: mid with a comt.leio ...i r eu t...? ..... .i... I) nest und best of paper, the appearance of ii,.i oi.I VIS imAN'Oil is uucxccptiuiiablo to the most fislillojs Hut Ills cxternalappearauce of UieOLtVn ntlANCIl is ii mailer or trilling rnnsc'iuenre compared with the cliaricti-r nfiis contents; and iu this respect ll vill bo tlio am ol the proprietors to render it not only equal, but as a family journal. SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER rAl'EIt IN AMERICA. Editorial talent of the highest order U ill hi I'ninlni. cil iiptn it pisea, and m cnminriK will contain con t iribiiiioim from m-menl the inntili(tingnili-il of Ante, nraa wiHern- No piina will lo gp.iren to tturr it n valualilo ni wMI ns nn iiitcrciititi(j cotnp inioii The tone, botli oriclnat an 1 crlrctctl. will Up frvth Hint Bpnrklniff. Wnitcr th-j Mlitorll IickIhiM tt! ftutrnl .miy r'Ui'ii nrlicics upon n ofhitrrrYting jinn Fonir unli'l and onrnc ilnj fume instructive and ethers racy nnd a rnu jti n , Tlit ULIV ll ItllANril will cnntnln tclcliri fron many (iirriiu coNTUiiurrouH, Tint giuir.inlefing a plonniit vnrirty of llionslit nnd itylp. (ircashiml bripf uioirra phi cnl sktvlches of ills i ilnguif !i"il imln niiil 1 innlniliiruct'r will hn pnMish I d We bhall civ n r'iume ot cvpiita nl intprp-t in I liclitfraiy world tn!rtlu-r w Kit Impiiriiai nitir s and rrilirlim nl nculv ntililislifd works. A nortii-.n nf niircniuuins will be devoted to cho if- ffi'in- of poenyj nnd in the l.i'lie' depirtin"rii .vill h (oiind nuttvrH of1 Interest relathifr to thf fashions of the flay, and (ihrr mibjefts f eifial vahi to ladie fi ncrally. 'I lie farinpr w ill find In ill ts OMVH HltAMUI ;u ngririititi ral ilep.Trtincnt and hi clilldrttt will t Ifc hi in unra- velllntf thf tnteries o on r co'niiin of" fincm Wrk " 'i'ht OIjI VI! ItUANCII will also rnutan a siiinninry of tho iuiporlnn Hewn o( tlm div.wifh anecd.itei. tri flfs, and n iliouaud liitlo parasrapha, calculated to excite . iniilc. or illiiMratn n moral. Hnhf ri ption price, two dollnro n j enr. Bold by dealers everywhere irr fmireenta n ropy. JOilM II. UIjUCITK & CO, I'liblifliir. N'o. H Washington street, lioaton. Much 21. Ift57 -Ini. "sfrixc AM) swim m TJmumiT fltllE uo.i-rslgned grateful for post patrotngo. re J spectfully luroriiislilKeustoniers, nod llie piihllc generally that hn Ins inst received from the FJatt trn uiiicstinc inrpcai anu most seicci siock 01 Fashionable Spring Summer Clcthi?igt (halhasyet been opened in Bloonisburf , to whitli ho inlles the nlteullonof liisCricmts, ntid assures thfin that tlieyureoiroredforsale ntffreat barj;ai"fi. Ills Siockconipriesa large a ml selov assortuient of Gentlemen's Weaving Appircls, ConFintftig nf Fashionable Dren Coats, of every do. striptmii ; Tanls. Vests, Bin 0, Unvnts Stockf, Cotton llamlkerchkf.1, (J lovea Suspendera, Jsc, tc Goll Uratcus atul Jcucltyl or every deieripllon. ilmt tml cheap, N.B. Remember Lowtnberg'tChtap Emvotium " Call &ud se. Nocharj;u Tor i.jnniin.njj .nol . D.WII) LOWKNUKlta. nioomsburs, Mn-chSl, 1657. Spring & Summer, AT MENSUH'S ciuca'p stohe. rjIIE nntlorsigned having removed big j Htore.up town, at the. tiit'tt, lately oernpicil by U (J tt 1 W llartnmn where wit it cre.iliT mcreaied lacihtiei. lie Itenabletl loclltra full m-foitmcnt of spring and Summer Gaod, Wliifli lie has jul received from tlio ratern Ujlies, rotnprisina Ury 4JiiiiIj,(Jrocur iff. Hani vir,tiueens- ware i;enar-iiir nmiu wuci miui,-. iiinnun tve Tlasier. iron, N.wl.Uoois.r4hoet, lints, Caps, 4.c &c. Al-so-HBAnY JI AUK CLOTHING. Insliorl.eveiy t ll l"s Biinlljf kept in country Stores, to which lio inviieilliopulilicsuiiei'ully p Ciah. I.u nlier, Old Iron ami Country rrodncs tikeiitnexennnielor Goods, ill tlio meesl nurliel price. A. W. iMlIiaijll, nlouniiburi! Match SI. IfST. lSIllSr AllUIVAI. OP SPUING & SUMM E ll 512)3 wm sissy s WE havo now receiving our Spring and Hummer Goods, by Railroad al our new Hand, on tlm corner ol Main slid Mnrku ittccu. The stock comprisesa lull aisoiuucnlfl Dry Goods, Grtccries, Hardware, Queen icaic, Cedir-ware, Hollow-ware, Lrugs. I', Coal, I'liiter, Iron, Kails, Hoots, Efiocs, Hats, Oops, lc &r. ALSO HEADY MAKE CI.OI'IIINO, indln Tact everynameahle arlicli usually kept in a countiy Hiorc Couulrypiodure taken In nclianat for mods II. O. & I, W, HAUTMAN1 f,tOOmibirg,Hsicll'il, 1M7- I ! nl' vi'Mi'i'im tuna .. . March SI, 18M.-3m A VALVAR!.!? IIIOGHAriHCAL IIORk! flloDLn Dt OWItKD A!D htAO BT EVESV YOUNO MAN IN T1IR I.AND! 1I1B tlr or Till CKLBfikATBD INVENTOR OF STEAM110ATS, D Till "Father of Steam IVavlfftitlon,'' ONE OF rENNSVl.VANIA fl MOST I-ATRIOTtO AND OIFTEI1 PONS, ,Alm0T' ROBERT PULTON. ' Onq Tolumo pemvo. IDmirnled with iwam. aupctbly colored nnd tinted llntetl rniravliica, nrcuifd In Mr. Tiilioin oritlml drmvlrii l tiie neat manner irom air renregentlna hli nninGrnua u"l'""i c nnnn ititviERiinn, r nriinrntloiia. Ac . Ac toBeincr wiwi eopiea ol tin rarly dmnlniii nhrtt in "J"lm,n'",ui!"lnle')'l'r'lill yiniPl imininiuriii ninicrjIliriilladeliihU, liyj. Frank. -uiiiua Btatcj Autinra. ratcotcea'auldo," &c Ao. ulolli lilnilinf;, . "8 it in RontRT I ttToi -rcrhopa l hero la no man In f'l th Wlfhl palany of llnll,Siil.hed Americanj, A " adorned tht hlilory ol the Kepubtie , hoc " ale.r la mora unkinelyniKoclnied tvhli her lry and Inr trot, per iy, than ha vi liojc lianio wo havo placed nl the luad oft ilanitlcla, lll.lir,i,w,,en l,y J.l raiikllnlulMrl. or l.nncnucr, l'a , nhlch wa nlo llm ,lrth. place of l ulton, liaa oeeri lately puMl.hod. II Inn eildrnliy licen a lain, r lovo. tho wiltir Imvlnff nrrlnrn rd I ii allotted taak. with a Adelltv nnd ccmplctcncia that do honor at onco lo liia head and lo hli heart. It ii tho only tellahlo or antufactory Me of Itobnrt Fulton, anil tiliea It. p ace anions Anierlcnn hi ogrcphlca, without the ahphteat poliihlllly of dlfpnlo. The people fthr. dnell In the bread talleyot tho inleluy MitilitlppLahould he ninonir Iho earlieit and tho moat prompt in welcome the appearand' or an an. tliontlc record of the nnn, to wtime (renlm ihey are Ki deeply tndeliled for the means of an rlrlily dive0i,nff Hie aliounillnireaouirea of their aectlon of the country The nrt tu dcnioiifcttnte the pracllcabilitT nfpropclina tnt'lt by team, and lo put II Into aiiicotfurpraetleo. hia claim to bo ronaldi rt d as nmnnjr tl,o chief benefne tore, not only of his country, but of his mediae tonr been admitted to bo un.iimilable. Tint the possibility of tills linl struck ntlnr minds, nnd hnd been nrsurii theoreticnily, hut without nny practical iteinonatralicn ol tin, lact, does not militate against his riphl io ba considered tlio fntlier of steam nnvlgnlinn Tbo tins, sw In ltll7 ol tho CLr.ll.MUNT. from New Vollt t Albany, waa tho teal of 1,1s tltlo to tilts dlslinellon. nod it I. now, and Ilia rr lMra been undisputed, and will forevei rem.lin liidirimtnldn. 1 lrnm tho cntly boyhood nr rulton, the perm or Ma future fame lvn rccoeni,.e,l by all who knew bim. and who wn'ched the development of hia mind nnd of bis chaiacter, ns n plant or stroiie. nnd Ticoreus cruwlb. promlsinji a rich nnd pietuani mnlurlly The first of Mr. Ilelgans i niorrs 1 1 i,K lllu'trnllt ns shows bin, n boy rr fourteen years of age, inaklnc; a surcesstul expe. ruin-in oi propri'incn annii skin by paddle wfleela cf construction, on the Comslosn. llnswasln 1 '! Itteuiyelelit seara iherenlter he satisfied n dnublera Hint n vessel or lareo sise could bo prop. lied by paddle. wheels Willi steam as tho motivo power lletween thoso two i ms of his life, Ills genius was de veloping itself in ninny varied ways. Ho was a driURhtfinan of no ordinary merit, and painted wiih great skill, lie supported hlinselfwlili li's pencil for many yiars. deriving einoluieent from painting por. traits nnd landscapes, and making draftings of innthl nery. Thesonrls he put to poo.i and usclul purposo when Ii., became, ns lie soon did, n civil engineer and machinist In the book before us wo liavo colored lithographic plates of sevirnlof I'ullon'a il'lislrnllrns of Joel Inr low's lanious' ((1LU.M11I.M)," which show great oil. glnnlityofconception, aptness of design and facility cf execution It is not our ptirpnsi to give even n synopsis of tho liiteteslitnr events of the remarkably netin- and orchil career r.f rnltoii'a life, iiiucli less to go into an elaborate eaaynpnn bis genius, and tho wnndi rlul retiiiis that invn tlowed Irom 1,1 s great invention These two tasks heie been very creditably performed by tiie au. tllor ol Hie volume to which we have alluded. Our purposo is piincip.ill to call ntlention to that wrtk. Time is one ine.iilent which It especially htcorii us, however, to call lo the t.ntlco oTour finmetlinte tel. tow citirens. li.irinj; tlio war of I3i'-'-l3, Itebert I'ui ton was of gre.-il service to his country A conlta'l was trade Mild hiin. Oy Iho United Plates Government, in Deri'llilier lp4 lor tlio p,irp.,sn of ein,lniiig hll steaniboiils Vi siivius, .'Utnn, New Orlenna and Nntthtx. on tlirt Mi-sissipii river, in tratispnttlng Iro0 a and munitions of war, nnd tlielliitialn on ilieOhin. Tho celibrnteil batllo of New Orlenns tm.k place Bbont a. week alter the itrrlvr.1 cf the Vesuvius In our watirs, and it wns upon her. (siys our hiogranher.l Hist lhu couiniandlng general rclird. as an auxiliary, in his nu. ticirntioiis of inTetyto tho city, nnd the nrcnmp'iih. ment "f a brilliant victory. John Uttincy Adrms and Andrew Jsr ksi n Loth cettifieil toOonsrrss the valuable sen ices i f rulton ul tills lrniB period, ill sides putting into suei esffel operation steam ves. sols nil ov r liio country, plans of defence onanist mtl itinte inv 'sum. and oftub aiuatic navigation occupied Ills lhotight8, and no little ol ids time nnd ex penmen, t'll artUity. And out of suggestions and d"irioiirtra lions iiride by him have sprung iiinnr of tho muM tiss. fill and cireruvo instruments ol omul warfare of this class llie wor'd now knows ll was the opinion of Cai'Vi'ntader P. Oolden. rf Kftss Vorlt. ns espn ssed Iu hia memoir rend befo-e tlio Ihl liisnpiiieat Koiicty or ihat Stale, in U-i7. soon nfl-r tlia ilenth orrultonanditls an opinion in w Inch all nan kin I will now agree " that there cannot ho tonne, on the records of departed worth the name ol'n person la whose individual exertions, mankind are more indcliird 1 uin "y 0,010 ""nen luitiirr 'i'rr-tUii4f, Phers and statesmen have In ttroved tb illt ion of man. but no iniliti dial I as cunferied moio l,nP""anl benefits mi Ins species lhau Ul has dono.' l "? ;s rirayaac. Nv. 7, ItSO. "'"icu 1 1, iej, sm, (OXSfMlPTIOX, a Nn ALL dihi:api:h or tiii: lunos I T1IKOAT nojtitl vd v ciiralilo by inrmlnUon, which confys the rvmcdim to the cuvitMi In tin ltiri9 llirimith tlitj air passaRcs, und coniinjr tn ilfrci contact with lli'j diifCKe. iieutraliz-s the Mbrrrular niitt(ir.(ill.iyi llic conpli. caufsrs a mennd tvnuyeiptc turatiui. hut 1 1 the lutiga, purifiei the blood, impati rent'wcit iiahty o t It1 nervmii fiitr-m, plvin tha to no and energy o Indixpcnunbln fur tli rfitorntMii tl iieHlth. To Uf ab't- to atiiie contidctilly Cuiidump tion Ucurnblf! by i nhalatlon, Is to iu source of jnal Inyed li-uutft U is ns in ucli un tier tht' control of ii.t iliint trfutineiit ns nny cthtt foniiit'nl'ln diU'-sH'' , ninety nut of ry hmidrtd rafes can be cured in llrstt-tapri and titty per rent in tho second j but in the third Bt.12' it is imp eelbl1 lo ur more Minn five per rent . (or lhu liiuti nrc no cut up by tht! riN"6c tt to bitl dc IIiliicp to in dicul cklll Lvi'ii however, in tbn In t Fiiifffs, litlmlaUon nlHirds rx rr.oriliuary rcttc I lo thu nil' rmj ntiondt ig ihii lerirful fcnurt'i wliifli a:i nuiiiiy iif-trnvs iiincij nvr imoiihiuhi pernnifl in tno United HntCK si.oiM' ; nnd a correct ralculritit n iboui that nitho prctMit p(.Mil.ition uT Il inrih, tight Uiil lions urn dertincd to fill the fininiimptivv't. prae , ruiv Hie (juiver -1 tieaui ins no mruw vo iniai rtt 1 tlf inr it epiren neitliir nge nnrU'X, but sneri'S olfuliko llo bittve, tlm btnutiful, the graceful, and tho iuilted. liy tho help oflhnt Miprcme liclnjr, frt-ui whom 1 comcth every piiod and pt-rfftt ifift. I om cnobifd to oiivr in tho olllictnl n pcruiftncnt and speedy cure in Coununiptiun The firft caute vf tubercli b U fmm ini pure blmd, nnd llie imim'diate cflVn, produced by th-ir d.'positinn in the luupa, i lo prevtint tneUec admisfion nf.-iir into the air tells, which can-eia weakened viM- i fTntitviinintiitii I n nil bbch it lias been te creot vnpinv lity through th entire ji,oi Then surely It in nmro rationaltocxpecl (treal'T eoodfrom inr-dicines enlcrinK the cavities nf Hi" hum limn from tliosi; admliiistered tliroiluti tiie si ath Hie patient Mill aluiij a find the liintrs free nnd llie hrenlhinir easy niter inhaling reme dies True, lull ilatiuu is a local remedy, nevertheless it arts constitutionally, nnd Willi more powrr and cer tiinlv lhau rrnieiliesnduilnUtered liy tiie stomach 1 o prove tin powi rful and din rl influence ot this mode of iiduiiulMMIiou. chluiidnriii liihaled will entirely do ttrov senMl.ilitv inn fevv iniuutes paialvslnit tiie cu williout tho fluhtest pain ; inhaling llie ordinary buru tiro tiirioiis sistem sc n limb may he amputated i, n nn. .vill ill htrov lil,. it, ii Tew liniirs 'lln Inlialution or iimiiioiiii will rouse llie system ulien fiilntiui! or nprnreiillv ilenil Tin- oi'or of many of tin- iiie.liclnss It pi rreptlhle in llie skin n Tiw nun. ittes lifter licliiK tnhnleil ninl may be liniiieiliaiely tie 111011 in tiie blooil A ronviiMiiix proof cf tbo consti tutional 1 11. els oflnlialnlioii Is tl.e Uct tbal sickness is Hlwnys pinliiciil bv bpiilliiii(,' foul nir. Is not ll-ls positive eilileuco tint proper remi dies, rnretully r" pareil mirl Juilieiously nilmini'lereit tlirougli llie lunps, should product! llie I I linppy remits! Ilii tilt(t eigh teen tens' practice, irnny tnoxinlids fiirTclltiR fri'm dise.tscs of llie lun.s and ll'roat. Iinve been under my rnro.aiiil I Imvo efftfcled many remiirkalile cures, estii alter llie sullen rs Imd been prot.i unced in Ihe Itisl siages. wlitrli fully satisfies tno tint consumption Is no lonccr a fntnl disrmo. My treat ment or coiisurapl on is nnsiiiiil, uud loundeil on lone experienee nnd a tno rnucli Invi'-llpali,.!!. My pi-ncct nriuainlance nitli llie natitie of nibi'rrlec. Ace, I'nalilis nm in ilislinsui It. readily, the various fnrins of diseaso llint simulnle coiisiiiiii lion, and npplv Ibo proper r'liieines, rnrt-ly boms mistnken even in n siuple inse. 'lliis familhtily , in ronmition Willi rertiln piitlinluciral nnd iniciosro iiic dltriivcilcs, t iiaiili s nio to relieve the lunci from tbo rir,ots or contracted chests; to entnrcn the cliesl, purlly the lilood impaitto it renewed l itniity , givini enircy and lone to tho culiro sliti ni. Hoi .VI. I'usl Ofiiee.i; W OI1AIIAM, M I).,Offlet 1011 ranter site, l, below Tnelflli, I'liiledcl) hia, I'a. .March 14, 1T. GAltDBN, FIELD &PLOWKR SHEDS lRErJII AN'II fir.NUIMJ OAIinr.N SHIPS. In every X variety, at wbolesali-and r' tall-iiiibraimBna lbs new nud I'esirnl.lo kilos i i. iully put up in I n ' fur the mail trail,-or mpP'I'd in I ult Liuliise cugsr On tie Heed Jarm Tens llinnti. Water Melon, 1c A Iso. nrhoiie asMiini.i nt ol finil'iowii fit sis mmiy vi. ,i,ii... in box for si. nmn t;iuf r und Tirnotl y Heed. O'chanl Grais, KioOtais, Herd nnd fine l.i 1'AM.IlAl.lJ itlUOIICT K I.,,, AlirleiiltiirDl luiph-liienl Olid Suit Ftore, N. 0 lorner ol 7th lindAlarkel streils, March 14, Itji. l'hll'delphin. mow PiiiM. Tilt! silblfrihrr ttould inform llie public nnd Ills ciisloiniis ceneiidll'. tli! ''' .?""f,'a"''1!!l1i sun. luuiel K Werln.nii, with lilin in ho n'""j business. at llolllsburi.'. noiu nnd irter the SdM M"h. ,M7, nnil Ihat Ihe bu.iness liiri.iller lull be conduilert under lliu naiuu bi. iIoot Use Aim cf E. Winuiali tr'on. r.ohiBburj. Mnrrh. 9-IP , Wl'.RTMAN -3t NOTICB. 4 Mi per ton f Indtbtedto the ut)'tori?ncii, rillir ty V iiMo or LttoU urroiiiit, art remicuiert to innko tel tleincnt u nil i njniint iu order (o thu ieidy cloiir,; upofhi.husilK... U.WURIMAH rinhrsburr. Mutch 0. 18S7- LAND WAlUlAlSTS'VANrKD. SOMI". Inlf i!o-.en OOVEIlNMEVr l.ANO WAR IlANTiinre wanted anv tlnio htlivceu tins nnd the. first of next May, nl this oiliee, or apply tn Wut Kesl orthe sjbseribif.ln llemletl toivi ililu, JOHN MUal.l-K March U, l7-lm