Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 21, 1857, Image 1

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    i v i 1 i n s x i n r I i
LEVI L, TATE, Proprietor.
ALE3I B. TATE. Vublishor.
".To Hold and trim tlio Torch of Truth and Wavo it o'or tho darkoncd Earth,''
VOL. XI, NO. 2.
alnmbta Democrat?
Office. In the new Brick Building, op
positc the Exchange, by side of the Court
House, "Democratic Head Quarters,"
11,00 In Atlranco, Tor ono copy, Tor tlx montlil,
1,75 In advance, for ono copy, ono year.
2,00 If not paid within tho first thrco months.
2,23 If not palil within tho first six months.
2,50 If not pnid within tho year.
TO" No subssrlption taken for lens than elxmonttn,
ml no paper iliseontlntsd until all arrearages shall
have boenpaid.
113" Ordinary ndverttscments inserted and Job
trork excouted at tho ontablithod prioos.
Select $3orlrti.
Tho Unseon Battlo-Piald.
There is tin unseen battle-field
In every hyman brcust,
Whore two opposing forces meet,
And where they seldom rest.
That field is veiled from mortal sight,
" '1 is only seen by one
Who knows alone where victory lies,
When each day's" fight is done.
One army clusters strong and fierce,
Their chief of demon form ;
His brow is liko tho thuuder cloud,
Hisvoico tho bursting storm.
His captains, Pride, and Lust, and Hate,
' AVhoao troops watch night and day,
Swift to detect tho weakest point,
And thirsting for tho fray.
Contending with this mighty forca
Is but a littlo band ;
Yet thcro with an unquailiug front,
Those warriors firmly stand I
Their leader is a God-liko form,
Of.countenance serene ;
And plowing on hi naked breast
A simple iross is seen.
His captains. Faith, and Hope, and Love,
Points to that wondrous sign,
'','" fiaz'"S 011 a" rcccivo
rt'rcugth froiifa source diviuol
They feel it speaks a glorimi3 truth,
A truth as groat ns Hire,
That to the victors they must leirn
To low, confide, endure,
That faith sublime, in wildest strife,
Impart a holy calm ;
For every deadly blow a shield,
For every wound a balm.
And when they win that battle-field,
Past toil is q ito forgot ;
1 ho plain where carta o once had reigned.
lice mots a hallowed spot.
A spot where flowers of joy and peaco
Spring from the fertile sod ;
And brcatho thopcrlumc of their pratso
On every brcczo to God.
&n3ntcrcstmrj Stint)
How She AVon the Furs.
I have a good story to toll you, and y-u
must read mo patiently to tho end, in or
der that you, too, may enjoy what has
made my poor sides ache with laughter,
ns they have not dono for many a tlay.
You remember pretty little Mrs L., whom
you met hero one day last summer ? Did
I or did I not tell you what a perfect witch
ehe is, and how she contrives to twist her
husband and everybody clso around her
fingers almost without an effort I Well,
ehe came daucingin, yesterday morning,
wo ning tho most superb set of sables; thoy
ruust havo cost a littlo fortune. No ono
but myself would have seen them, for tho
bright faco above them radiant with beauty
and gladness, and would havo riveted tho
gazcoflho coldest cynic in creation. Hut
1 havo been persecuting '1'. for a set of
ermines, aud of courso my oyo fell upon the
eablcs, and I exclaimed
"You extravagant creature? Where did
jou got them!"
"lixtravigant !" r.aid she. "Not a bit
of it. Where did I get them 1 My bus
baud of courso. Sco what beauties thoy
arol Thoy must havo cost an immensity
poor fellow 1 But then ho had to do it.''
"Bccauso you fascinated him I" said I.
i'No, indeed I I won them on the clco-
"On tho election 1 How ! You haven't
certainly been betting onBuchauan!"
"Not I. 1 wouldn't havo bet a pin on
him , though they say he has gained the
day. I'll tell you all about it ; but first let
mo tako this thing off my nock your par
lor's liko an oven,"
So saying, sho pitched her capo at tho
cat, and, laughing to see how tho creature's
back roso at tho insult, began thus :
"You know how Gcorgo and I havo
fought about this election ho was for Ml.
jnoro, and I for Fremont ; and how many
times ho has tried to silouco mo by sayiug
that "women know uothiug of politics'
which, by tho way, I don't in tho least, be
lieve. Do look at tho cat."
"Never uind tho cat ; go ou with your
"Yes, certainly. Where was IT O,
yes. Well, as I said, wo did everything
but devour each other. It was such a
mollification to me to havo him vote for
ono who would "stoop to conquer, as Fill
mora hag dono. So ono day I said ; "Well,
I shan't let you vote ; I shall keep you at
home. Mo laughed heartily, aud replied :
"That's moro than youcando, my dear."
"Will you nivo mo leavototry!"
" Y-cs, and moro, 1 11 promiso you a set
of sables, if I don't cast my voto lor Fill-1
moro on tho fourth of November," " i
"Honestly and truly 1" I
"Ho promised ' cs.' That was two
weeks before the election. Just look at tho 1
cat; here, puss, puss." It was plain sho
would never got along with her story "w-hilo
tho cat rcmiincdiu tlio room, so I picked
up pussy without saying a word and put
her cut.
"That moans 'go on" I suppose," laugh
ed Sophie. "Well, as I said before, this
was two weeks before tlio fourth, and fmin '
that time I didn't open my lips to Georgo
up in tho subject. Tho nest day tlio T"s
came to m .kc us a visit, aud our time was
so completely occupied with catering for
their amusement, that the election was
scarcely alluded to ; as for my bet why it 1
was quite forgotten. But you may bo
sure my brain was busy enough, revolving
ways aud means to win tho sables. 1 whis-'
pcrcd the secret to tho T'e, .win entered 1
into my feelings cutircly. And no wonder
for ono ol them had no furs at all, and the .
other carries a muff which sho declares is i
seven generations old. Ave concluded to
iuvito company lor Monday evening, aud
so on tlio morning of that day we dtovo
around among our sympathising - is
our Fremont friends and neighbors, and
gathered up as many as wo could get at
conveniently. In the evening wo muster
ed twenty, ourselves included, all on tip-toe
to dauot- tiil morning, if necessary, to tho
success of our plans. George, who dearly
loves merry-making, was delighted at tho
prospect of a romp, tlnugh he wished I had
deferred it until after the 'election, when it
would servo as a celebration of tho ap
proaching Fillmore victory."
Here I interrupted f-ophic, to tell her
how ridiculous such an idea was, and 1 ad
ded that I thought htr husband knew better
Site flew at me in a minute.
"There, now, don't laugh at my husband;
that's my privilege alone, madam.
1 w '8 us s'ill as a moit'C, end she weet on:
'But, lit make a long story short and u
long night ts short a3 possible, wo dmccd
till tour o'clock in the moruing,whcn I told
Gcrgc if lie wanted to bo in town cirly ho
lud better retire. IIo tiok the hint mid
before miny minutes lio was sleeping like a
top. I crept up to his room and quictlp clo
sing tho shutters, and succoded in drawing
down tho curtails till it was dark as hrc
bus. Believe it or not, cs you please, the
creature slept till four in tho afternoon I
We kept tho house at quiet as possible, and
about live o'clock 1 had tho tible set as if, and wont up to oll him
Ho yawned and asked tho time. Quite late
I said: and added, to como down, for the
girls and I cm hungry. lire long ho made
liis appear tnco in tho broakfastroom, bow
ing (.ood morning to all aroui.d wj
mo Ultimo trying to look us demure as so
m my nuns. I poured out his coff'c, which
ho was quite wit y over, declaring as ho
handed his cup to havo it replenished, that
it was Fillmore coffee to a ccrtninty ; upon
which we screened wih laugh er, glad of
any excuse to give vcut to our pent up
It grew darker and darker, till finally
wo could scarcely see. Gcorgo roso, and
walked to the window, said ho thought wo
should havo a severe storm, 'I hen he
called me to look 'what a strange light there
was in thu Wost,' Now, I Lad ucier
thought of the sun, aud if 1 had, 1 could'nt
havo kept it from setting, you know, so I
marvelled, and wondered, aud suggested
somebody's barn ou lire, or somebody's
haystack anything that would keep htm,
loitering aud gazing to pass away time
Wo watched tho light till it faded away, and
just as Gcorgo turned away from tlio win
dow, saying that ho uad never hnown so
dark a day, little Harry came in.
Ho rau to his father, aud put up his lips for
a kiss savinij :
" Dood uight, papa."
" Dnod morning, you meau,'littlo fellow,"
said George, laughing.
'No, no, duid night," persisted tho
child ; 'nursy, put Harry to bod,'
' A light broke in upon my husband's
brain, IIo turned, aud seizing me by both
hands, said :
' Is it true, Sophio 1''
' You'vo seen the sun set,' I replied ;
' now you owo mo a set of sables.'
' You never saw a man so utterly dis
coufitted as George. It was quito too lato
for him to attempt to roach town before tho
I closing of the polls. I felt so sorry for his
disappointment, that I wished in my heart
I till the sables were in tho Hcd t'ca, aud tho
tears filled my oyes in spito of mo. llo
saw what was pasting in my mind, and
drawing mo to him khscd mo belore them
all, too, I was so ashamed I'
' Never mind, Sophie,' said he, 'it's all
. fair and squaro ; you'vo won honestly, aud
, I must say, admirably, too,"
j ' Tho next day ho brought mo thco
I sables, wlu'ch are really superb just feci
that cuff.'
i ' Yes, I seo ; but did'ntho ask how you
' mado him sleep so long?'
I Ucrlamly ho did
4 And what did you tell him I'
' That I put morphine into his chickeu
salad 1
I rTT"How Ion .ti.i A,l, v ,;,. ;
J-w - AMIIUt IblUUlll 11
Paradise, beforo ho tinned?" said au amia.
bio spouse to her husband. " Till ho got
t&" Woloomc Spring.
Tho murder of Dr. Burdcll has thrown I
tho wholo country into a fovor of excite
ment for several weeks past, and all other
cases where human life has been sacrificed 1
they havo not been few in number t
Roomed to havo paled beforo tho absorbing
interest that has centered in the liouso 31
Bond street, and havo almost been forgot-1
ten. Tho Norcross murder, however,
equals in respcel; of atrocity and cold (
blooded des;gn though not perhaps in
mystery, that of Dr. Burdell. I
Very near a year ago, a young man !
named Samuel T. Norcross, cf aftablo
manner, kind and generous disposition, 1
and in every respect a perfect gentleman,
left his parents uud friends at Uast hex- (
ington, Massachusetts, with tho intention
-e -...- .t.- . . - .1 1
ui umcuiig upuu mo piuukiue ui muuiumu
at Dunlcith, opposite Dubuque, on the
Mississippi river. Tlio place of his desti
nation was reached in safety, aud under
tho care and tuition of an M. I) , Mr. Nor
cross gave every promise of rising to emi
nonco in his career. But after continuing
for somo time in tlio fulfillment of his pro
fessional duties, his health began to fail.
An abscess in the side, with which ho was
alllictod, troubled him oxceodiugly, and
after a season of doubt and indecision, ho
at length determined, by tho advieo and
urgent request of the family at home, to
return. IIo prepared to leave Dunlcith.
Then canio ono of thoso circumstances
that inexplicable and strange, sometimes
induce weak minds to assert a sovereign
piiuciplo of fatality. A very short time
belore lie started for home, lie became ac
quainted with an outlaw from society a
illaiu, named Daid Stringer M'Kim.
This man wormed himself into his confi
dence. He fell into a snare, aud tho two
became very friendly. At Duulicth they
wcro always together. Nay more so
kind and so much interest did M'Kim take
in his friend, that ho resolved to accompa
ny him to the Bast, and on account of his
illness, to sec him homo in safety.
In tho early part of January, tho twain,
in company, loft Dunlcith, tho passage of
both having been p id by Norcross, witli
his accustomed generosity. Iu Ids posses
sion, at tho time of departure, as near as
can bo ascertained, weio between fifteen
aud twonty-livo hundred dollars, iu notes
aud gold, together with two bonds of 5601)
each, and a gold watch, trinkets, &e. All
those woro ou Ids person. M'Kim had ab
solutely nothing. But at this point wo
must explain that M'Kim, in order tho
belter to carry nut his do-igns, was passiug
tho alias of Daniel H. M'Kinney, aud as
such had introduced himself to l)r. Nor
cross. Pittsburff was reached on tho night of
January Mth, 1857, aud tho couple pro
ceeded to tho liaglo Hotel, and engaged a
double-bedded room. Now mark the ac
tions of M'Kinney! liefre retiring to
rest, ho wont to tho landlord of tho hotel
and told him tli t his friend (Noreross)
was very eccentric, aud was accustomed to
make much uoiso during tho night, by
screaming, walking around, and uttering
fiightful cries. Ho (tho landlord) must
not bo alarmed if Noreross should do so
that night. What does this indicate, tut
that it was tho intention of M'Kinney to
murder his friend at night, and prevent
any alarm being communicated to tho
household, But yet from somo cause, tho
crime was not committed, and tho victim
was suffered to live a while longer. On I
tho morning of the 15th inst., tho party I
left Pittsburg for Philadelphia, their two j
trunks beiu cheeked through, and the j
cheeks taken iu chargo by M'Kinney.
Noreross, nil this time, bo it borne in mind, '
was pjing every oxpenso incurred by his
friend. Beforo daybreak, ou the 10th
inst., tho cars arrived at Altoona. and
Noreross aud M'Kinney got cut and stood
for a time upou the platform of tho station,
The dead tell uo tales, aud wo cannot say
wlnt excuse tho villain invented to induco
tho poor enfeebled Norcros3 to walk with
him up the railroad track towards tho cast,
for tho distance ol about a milo. Perhaps
ho told him they would yo to tho house of
a friend, and lcmain until the dcpaituro
of tho next train and rest theuifclvo,
Certain it is they were seen to walk along
in compmy, by two men who wcro going
to work in tho fields. They passed from
all mortal oyo, aud beneath tho ctuopy
of heaven, at a spot whcro no ear could
hear tho cry of agony, no hand assist tho
suffering, tho victim was telle I to tho earth
by tho man upon whom ho had bestowed
the kindest fcclimr ot his heart. Tho in
strument of murder was that of Cain, a
billet of wood, and with this, by repeated
blows upon the head, M'Kim or .M'Kiu
uoy murdered S. T. Novcross in cold blood.
But ho did not instantly dio, and M'Kim,
with devilish forethought, drew tho body
across tho rails of tho track, so that it
would bo run otcr, and the belief induced,
when it was fouud, that tho individu l had
boon run over by tho cars. 'Not satisfied
with this, he, with a razor, cut tho throat
oHho victim, aud thtew tho instrument bo
bido him, in crdcr to mako it appear, if
tho body was discovered before tho passage
of any train, that suicido had been commit
ted. Yet tho victim was uot dead, etraugo
to say. M'Kim thou rifled tho podets of
tho man of every valuable, ino udina tho
nionoy mid bonds, and secreted himself iu
the neighborhood, probably impelled by
that awlul feeling that appears to bo iuho
rent iu thoso who lift their hand against
their brother, to linger near tho spot of
tho occurrence,
Probably it might havo been an hour I
aftsrward3, that somo workmen coming
along tho railroul with gravel trucks, dis
covered tho form of a human being a few
yards from tho iron rails. Thoy went to
it, and just ss thoy arrived, Noreross, for
it was ho, mado a last effort to ra'uo him
self, aud utterinc tho sinslo exclamation, '
"My Godl" fell back. "Ho lived but a
little while longer. In his awful agony ho
had dragged himself to the placo whcro
Tho body was taken to Altoona, Tho
finding of the razor had induced tho belief
that tho man had committed suicide. Tho
Coroner's jury assembled, Tho post mor
tem examination revealed tho fact that tho
deceased had como to his death by blows 1
ou tho head with a club, and not by tho ,
wounds of tho razor for no important '
artery was severed. Tho excitement at
Altoona became at onoo absolutely appal-.
ling. The words "lynching" and "haug-'
ing" wcro common, and at tho very time !
tho murderer was hanging around tho I
town, waiting tlio courso of events. As '
soon as he saw that the murder was disco
vered, ho lied.
Ferdinand B. Haves, a centleman of
tho highest intelligent and skill, acting '
as special dotcctivo of tho Pennsylvania j
Railroad Company, commenced an invos-'
ligation of tho matter. Tho Governor of I
Pctiusylvama offered a reward of 8500
(afterwards increased to S1000. tho Gov
ernor of .Massachusetts offered 81000, and
tho citizens of Altoona a further sum ol
$500. The Kiilroad Company and tho
relatives of tho murdered m&n expended
money freely, and tho community was
awakened. Tho guilty man fled to Read
ing, with tho ill-gotten spoils. How ho
reached thcro is not known. On tho 120th
of January, ho sneaked into the borough,
and went directly to a houo of ill-fame,
and kept by ono Susan Npmo,at that place
He engaged boarding there, and lavished
munoy on amusements, such as sleigh-riding
and sporting. IIo became intimate
with tho firemen, and led a free and easy
life, killing conscience with animal grati
fications. Hut his plot was not yetmaturcd.
Ho must mako another movo to avoid sus
picion. At the house of the woman Nemo, wore
two girl, named Catharine Jano Nagle
and Kate Kendall. 'I hco tho murderer
choso as accomplices in his scheme. He
offered to furnish them with every luxury,
provided thoy would accompany him to
I'ottsvillo, and with him establish there a
house of prostitution. Ono of them must
pass ns his wife. Thoy consented, and on
tho yOth inst , tho party btarted for that
place, in co npany with a man calling him
self Casso Boycr, who was to " mako him
self useful about the house," upon tlio esta
blishment of tho new institution. At
Pottsville, tho party went to tho Pottsvillo
house, kept by Samuel Mann, lisq. M'Kim
represented himself as a carpenter, that bo
had brought his own and his brother's
wife to the boiough with tho intention of
remaining, lio being about to enter into
partnership with his brother. On tho 27th
of January, ho loused a fino throe story
brick house of L. Womclsdorf, in tho very
midst of a highly respectable neighborhood.
Tlio h usc he furnished elegantly tho car
pet bill alono being over 8:200, Tlio land
lord ho paid 8100 as advanco rent.
While tho party were in tho cars, going
from Reading to Pottsville, they were seen
by a gambliir, named Mark Behn. IIo
know tho girls, and when M'Kim wont out
of tho cars lor a moment, he talked to
them. They said that they wore going to
Potlsvdlo for tho purpose named, and in
vited him to come aud seo them thcro.
Thoy also gave him to understand how
Iinoly tliey wero doing M'Kim. IIo pro
mised that lio would call on them in a week
or two, on his return from a travelling ex
pedition, but, equally witli them, was una
bio to acontnt for a man liko M'Kim's ap
poaranco having so much money. Ho left
them, and a few days afterwards visited
them at Pottsvillo, and beeamo acquainted j
with M'Kim, ignorant, however, of his
character. Hut, seated one day at a hotel,
ho accidentally picked up a copy of tho '
Evening Journal, and road a notice of the 1
Noreross murder. The idea flashed oil his
mind that M'Kim was tho criminal. Ho
requested tho landlord of tho hotel to tele
graph to Philadelphia for a description of
the murderer. It was scut he knew his
game, but kept quiet and told no ono, but
sent, word to tho city that tho guilty person
was in Pottsville, and would bo arrested, '
nt tho samo time conveying tho idea to tho '
Philadelphia polico that tho accused was in
such a condition as to bo grasped by tho I
hand of tho law. On tho Oth inst., word
was sent to Philadelphia for an officer to
como to Pottsvillo aud tako tho man.
High Constablo Blackburn, with a spoi
cial warrant from Mayor Vaux, was des
patched immediately, fully convinced, from
the information received, that M'Kim was
in tho custody of tho officers, or nt least
securely "planted," as tho polico phraso
goes. What was his surpriso, on arriving,
to find that tho man had gone, not however,
from any fault of the Pottsvillo polico, for
they knew nothing of tho matter uutil too
lato, but because tho gambler, being so I
V(il"V KnlinitnMS in cnnrn ttn vrtivnril li .il 1
......w v ..... ,
in his over anxiety to stick to the prisoner,
betrayed himself to him by somo indiscreet
word or act, and becoming alarmed, M'Kim
fled. His flight was ou Monday, Sd of
February. Tho gambler had told tho
Pottsvillo authorities on Tuesday, yd inst.,
and High Constable illackburn's errand
was rendered futilo. At Pottsvillo M'Kim
went by tho nauio of Thomas Bragu, tho
roal appellative of his brother-in-law, living
( at Trenton, N. Y.
Of course, High Constable Blackburn
could do nothing moro than seek further
traces of tho murderer, and witli tho assist
ance of officers of tho Reading Railroad
and other, ho was traoicd to a hotel in
West Markot street, Philadelphia", whoro
all clue was lost. Prior to leaving Potts
ville, however, somo disposition of tho pro
porty left by .M'Kim was necessary, and having been chosen by a majority of their
Blackburn was but littlo disposed to lot it fellow-citizens to fill tho highest oflices in
fall into tho hands of tho two lewd females, tho government of tho United States, than
Thoy wero turned out, stripped of their which no high ho' or could havo been he
finery, and it and tho personal property stowed in this or any other country, were,
sold at publio salo for tho benefit of tho on Wednesday, tho 4th inst., inducted into
friends of Noreross. This was tho result offico with appropriate ceremonies,
of a decision mado by Hon. Francis W. iiioflltAl'HY or .Mil. duciianan.
Hughes, a most ablo legal advisor, acting Mr. Buchauan is about sixty-five years
as counsel for High Constablo Blackburn, of ago, and th ugh his head is of snowy
who had tho affair in charge. The two whiteness ho seems ti bear his ago re
girlslcftthoboroughontlioTthofFobruary, martiably well. Ho has never been mar
umid tho shouts and disehargo of missile ricd. Iis vital temperament is predomi
from children, and tho house was broken nanl, aud all thcolementsof health and loa
up, to tho graat pleasure of tho citizens of gcvity arc very apparent. Ho is net a
Pottsville. man of intensity and enthusiasm like Jack-
iSodoubtui tho world exists that M'Kim son and Clay, but is cool, self-possessed,
i3 really the murderer. At Reading tho careful, nou committal, and prudent, liko
girls aw. the-baggage cheeks that he had Van Huron ; more disposed to go with cir
got at -i'iltsburg for his own and Noreross' cumstances thanto step forth and control
trunks, and a landlord at tho samo placo aud mould them on the basi. of his own will,
saw tho two stolen bouds in his possession. . Hcnco ho acts in concert his parti
From his youth upward he has been an , sans rather than assumes ahold, dictaf rial
outcast from society. Ho was bom of pa- , position, and is more popubr as a friend
rents from tho British Provinces, but his , and associate than looked up to as a loa
paopla naTMivo in New Jersey. Thoy dcr.
formerly -resided, for twenty years, with j U0 wa3 i,orn in the county or Franklin
him, in Chester, oourity, in this State. Ho , in the State cf Pennsylvania, of compara
was obliged to fly from that placo to the tivcly humble, but honest and industrious
Wost, being charged with twouty three parents. Though hi.s parents wero ablo to
cases oi norso stealing, anu uigamy.naving
no le.s-. than wives. . Ono of thoso is
.now living in Uelawaro county, another at
V lluiington, Delaware, and another in Now
Jersey. Tho fourth cannot ho fouud.
When reading at Pottsville, he was about
to marry ono ol tho girls, aud presented
her with a Id watch engraved with her
name and his, in conjunction.
The two trunks of the men came on and
reached Philadelphia in duo tune. That of
Noreross was sent to his friends, but that
of M'Kim is as yet unclaimed.
Iho rewards that have uocu oilorcd lor
tho arrest of this murderer are as follows
Gov. Pollock, S1000-, Gov. of Massachu
setts, ?1000 ; people of Altooua, 8300.
Tho Noblo Bovongo.
The coffin was a plain one a poor mis
erable pine cofliu. No flowers on its top
no lining of roso white satin for tho pale
brow no smooth ribbons around tho eoarso
shroud. Tho brown hair was laid decently
hack, but there was no crimped cap, with 1 remained in that body until his resignation
its neat tic beneath the chin. The sufferer ' in March, IS 15, when ho accepted from
from cruel poverty smiled in her sleep ; President Polk the first seat in his cabinet
she had found bread, rest and health, i as Secretary of Stato
"I want to sco my mother," s ibbod tho At tho close of tho Polk administration
poor child as tho city undertaker screwed t ho retired again to his home in I'cnnsyl
down tho top of tho coffin. vania, but continued to tako an active in-
"You can't get out of tho way, boy ; ! tercst in tho political events and questions
why don't somebody tako tho brat I" i of tho times.
"Only let mo sco her ono minute," cried On tho accession of Mr. Picreo to tho
tho hopeless, homeless orphan, clutching Presidency, Mr. Buchanan was selected to
tho sido of tho charity box, and as lio gazed I fill tho leading foreign mission that of
into tint rough faco,anguished toars stream
ed ripidly dowu tho cheek on which no
childish bloom ever lingered. 0 I it was
pitiful to hear him cry. ''Only onco let
me seo my mother, only once !"
Quickly aud brutally tho hard hearted
monster struck tho boy away, so that lio
reeled with tho blow. aor a moment tho
boy stood panting with grief and rage;
p ii - .1- . i ! ., - ;
msniuo ejeam.teuueu .usiipj sprang apart
a fire glittered through liis tears, as he
raised liis puny arm, aud with a most uu
childish accent screamed, "when I'm a man,
I'll kill you for that."
Thcro was a coffin and a heap of earth
between the mother and tho poor for-'aken
child, and a monument strongi-rthan gran
ite, built in his boy heart to tho memory
of a heartless deed.
The court room was crowded to suffoca
tion. "Does any ono appear as this man's
counsel ?" asked the judge.
There was a silence when ho hnishcu,
until with his lips tightly pressed together
a look of strange intelligence blended with
haughty reserve upon his handsome lea.
ture3, a young man stepped forward with a
n .1 I l . .li: . .i.i
uriu ireau aim luiuum.; cya to picau ior
tho erring mm tho mcndlcss. tlo was a
stranger, but from his first scnteueo thcro
was silence. Tho splendor of his genius
cut ranced con v ineed .
Tho man who could not find a fiicnd
was rcquitted.
May liou bless you, sir, 1 cannot.
"I w iut no th.uks," replied tho stranger
with ioy coldness,
"I I believe you are unknown to nic."
"laa, I will refresh your memory.
About twenty years ago you struck a bro
ken hearted boy away from his mother's
poor e .ffin, I was that poor boy."
Tho mau turned livid.
"Havo you rescued mo then, iu order to
tako my hie ! '
"No, I havo a sweeter revenge ; I havo
saved tho life of the mau whoso brutal deed
Ins rankled iu my trcast for twenty years.
Go! aud remember thu tears of a friendless
and lorsakcu child,"
Tho man bowed his head in shame, aud
wout out from tho presence of a magnanim
ity as grand to him as tho incomprehensible,
and tho uoblo young lawyer felt God's
smtio in ma soul wroyer alter.
,, . , ,, , ,
fcf-iuwi luuuuiia ui uuaiars nave ueen
spent in tho search for the unfortunate navi -
gator, Sir Johu Fraukliu.
CcirKossimi is still lecturing at vtrious
towns in Knghud,
General iteratnvc
Tho Inauguration of tho Now
James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania,
aud John C. llroekcnridgo, of Kentucky,
g,Vo him a good classical and academical ,
education, ho may bo called the architect
i 0f his own fortunes. After completing1
j his school education he studied law iu l.nn-1
i castcr County, in tho samo State, which
has ever sinco been his homo. In I8U
aud 1315 he was elected to tho Slate Log-
islaturo, and in succeeding years roso to a
I rani: among tlio eminent lawyers 1
, wujcu Pennsylvania could boast.
j u0 wa3 elected to Cougross in 1820, and
wa3 continued a member for ten years sue-
I cossivcly, aud retired in 1831. General !
' Jaeksou soon after tendered him tho mis. I
sion to Russia, which ho accepted and filled I
with abi ity. Among other service!, hoi
no gotiated tho first important commercial
I treaty between tho United States and Rus-
sia, which secured to our o mmeree tho 1
Russian ports iu tho Ilaltic and Black io is. '
I Shortly after .Mr. Buchanan's return
i from Russia,tlicDemocratsin Pennsylvania
Legislature made him their candidate for,
Uuitcil Btates senator, anil clcetetl him. ,
IIo was twice re-elected to tho Senate, and
minister to Kngland, which ho filled with
credit until 1850.
sketch or mil nnr.cKEN-nnxiE.
John Caucli, B,h:cke.iiii)oi;, is about
thirty-six j ears of age. Ho is a descen
dant of ono of tho oldest families in Ken
tucky a family distinguished for its abili
ty and eloquence. His father died when
ho was not nuite three years old, lcaviug
but ittlo 0, aBJ. property for the fu'ura
support of his family. Irom tho death of
his father, until ho graduated at tho college
in JJanvilIe, rvy., ho was supported by his
paternal grandmother, 'lhat venerable
, lady still lives to sco tho recipient of h- r
bounty tho Vice-President of tho United
j States.
After ho left the college, ho commenced
' tho study of law, which ho practiced uutil
! tho breaking out of tho Mexican war, when
I ho accepted a major's commission iu uuo of
tho Kentucky regiments.
Ills campaigning over, ho returned t
tho practice of the law iu Lexington, where
ho soou made a name for himself at a bar
renowned for the learning, eloquence, and
ac umen of its members. Iu lb-11 ho was
elected to the Stato Legislature. In this
ncw sphere ho at once established for him-
. A - . ...
tclf a distinguished position as an orator
His stylo is compact, severe, and logical,
whilo his views on publio questions are
marked by solidity and breadth. Thoso
qualilioitiuDS induced the party to select
him as their successful candidate ou a Con
gressional nomination.
Mr. llrcckcnrulgo's debut in tho national
Legislature was us brilliant as in tho Ken-
tucky House. His talents and notver wero
immediately recognized, and lio became at
onco a maracd man. Courteous autl con
ciliatory in his bearing toward all, ho was
equally a favorito with both sides of tho
House. In 1853 ho was re-elected to Con
It was .Mr. Urcckcuridgo's intention to
havo remained in retirement after tho close
' 0f his second Congressional term, aud with
this view uo declined the Spanish mission
tendered to him by President Pierce.
His nomination for tho A'ice-Presideut
at tho Cincinnati Conveution was doubtless
as unexpected to himself, as it was to most
of his friends.
Mr. Brcckcuridgo is married, and has a
family of tiro or sixDyoung children.
Ho has a moderato fortune, acquired
puueipuuy uy ms uwu exertions,
! -Two hundred persons aro said to
1 havo been frozen to death in the United
l ctatcs during tho presont winter.
IQNeveh judge a friend rashly.
Wot Reciprocated.
A good joko is going tho rounds, of thu
adventures of a young man. ardent iu lovo,
who mot with a bit of cold comfort
Joshua stood beside his fair ono tremb
ling; his Iioart kept turning over, his C)cs
grow dim, his tonguo was paralyzed. A
0 dd, clammy porspiratinn oozed' through
his skiu, whilo ever an I anon ho rolled his
liquid eyes towards Julictta. At length
his knees guvo way, and down upon his
marrow bones ho thu3 addressed her.
" My dcaroH Juliet a, with ell my hoart
1 lovo you I lovo you I"
Hero bis voice failed, and ho would hivo
sunk upon tho cupel, but a timely enswer
Irom her enraptured lips' brounht him spell
bound to his Icet, ltiso, sir," said bIio,
" do not humble ymlrsilf to we I do not
reciprocate ynir lovo,"
" Rcciprocato I recipr-cate !" whi-porod
J- sh " What on ciith does tint moan,"
thought ho.
And ihon off Ii3 went, not even slopping
to kiss her hand, in soirch of a dictionary,
h If mad with hope, mid half wi h fear.
"Dictionary !" bo cried, 33 ho entered
tho nearest Look storo, "a dictionsry, 1
say 1"
" Yes, sir, iu a moment," answered th9
"A moment thunder "vociferated Josbj
" 1 want a dictionary."
'' A nicely bound oud !" t'skedtha clork,
"sell 'em cheap; cheap ns dirt."
"Sell tho D 1, I'm looking for a
word" j
Uvcranu over ho turned the leaves. At
last ho stopped; ho looked, ho si"hcd,
then hying dou tho book ho walked out
saying a3 ho went. ' Licked, hy jimminy I '
Food Fon the Sick. Cut somo codfish
to bits tho sizo of peas, and boil it a minuto
in water, and add same cream and a littlo
Split and toast a Boston cracker, and
put tlio abovo upon it. Milk and a littlo
butter may bo used instead of cream.
Ham or smoked bcof may be prepared in
tho same way. For a larictv, beat un an
egg and stir it in. iustead of cream, nt win.
the cream.
Chicken broth is mado by boiling tlio
chickeu a good deal, aud skimming very
thoroughly and seasoning with salt. A
little rice or poarl barley improves it, or a
little pushy may bo used to flavor it.
Chicken pauads is made by pounding
somo of tho meat of bailed chickens in a
mortar with a littlo broth, and also a littlo
salt antt nutmeg, 'ilion pour in it a littlo
broth, ana boil it five minutes. It should
bo a thick broth.
The Bride. I know of no sight moro
charming and touching than that of a yonuf
and tender bride, in her robes of virgin
whilo led up trembling to the altar, Whoa
I thus behold a lovely girl, in the tender
ness of her years, forsake tho homo of her
father and tho homo of her childhood
and with the implicit confidence and tho
scll-abandoument which belongs to woman,
giving up all tho world for tho man of her
choice ; when I hear her, in tho good old
language of tho ritual, yielding herself to
him "for better or for worse, for richer, fqr
poorer, in sickness and in health, to lovo,
honor aud obey, till death us do part," it
brings to mind tho beautiful aud affecting
devotion of Ruth, "With r thou goest I
will go, and where thou lodgnst I will lod-o
'.by peoplo shall bo my people, and thy
God my God.'' Irving.
cS"A Bkautitul Signification.
'AUbama" signifies iu tho Iudi in linguaco
' Hero we rest." A stry is lold of a tribo
of Indians win fled from a role n less foo
in tho trackless forests in the southwest.
Wciry and travel worn thoy roached a river
tlowing through a bcutilul country. Tin
chief of tho band stuck his tent p lo in tho
grouuu sua oxel umcu "Alabama I Aia
bann I" " Hero wo skill rest! Here wo
eh ill rest!"
Cf" A good lady who had two children
sick with the measles, wrote to u friond lor
tho best remedy. The Iriend had just re
ceived a note from another lady iuquirin
tho way to mako pickle3. In the conclusion
tho lady who inquired about tho pickle,
received tho remedy for the measles, and
the anxious mother of tho sick children
read with horror the following : ' Scald
them three or four times in very hot vino
gar, and sprinklo thorn well with salt : in
a few days they will bo cured."
S3 Nobody seems to havo hoard of tha
chap in Corniug who just came home from
a year's abseuco in Nicaragua. On his
way from tho Depot ho met quito a uumber
of ladies. After kissing his sister, &e.
"Pray." said lie, "aro all tho girls in Corn.
ing married! I moint Misi A "Why,
brother, Miss A. isn't married." "iot
married ! Nor Miss B , nor Miss C 1
nor Miss" "Oh, pshaw! brother," said
Sis, just beginuing to cato'a tha ide4"that's
uothiug but hoops."
B3yWhy is an infant liko a diamond I
Arts. Itoi-auso it is a dear littlo tklog.
Wlnt Ley is tho hardtst to turn f
Ans. A don-key.
t& When is i h .rity liko atop I Ans,
When it begins io hum,
BSS Why tro violinists twico as prudont
is other men ! Beoauso thev hvo four
strings to their bow.
ISr What two letters in tho alphabet
iro tho most disigreoiblo to ladios? Ana.
1) K (decay.)
C3r What do wo often drop, yot new
stoop to pick up ' A hint.'