THE FARMER, Ha ItiJt by the plough would thrift, llimtslf mm either hold or drtre. Goldon Rules, for Gardouors. Nni-or wn.ln nnimll nr rorrnllliln rofne.., never vrasio animal or vcgovauio rcmso, Thn vnrir iinnn.ilrii from tlio linnilrir nrn 1110 very sonp-suus irom mc launury aro rich manure. Uavo all flower-pots washed, dried, auil put away as soon as tliey aro empty. Never Ctl a pot so full of soil but that it may hold water enough to go through it ; ovory pot should havo half au iuch of va cancy above tho compost. Never grow a bad variety of any thing, if you can help it. It takes tho same room nnd wants tho same attention as a good one. Never buy cheap seed. It is Only by getting good prices that a seedsman can supply articles to bo depended on. Cover all seeds with at least their own thickness of soil ( but as somo of it gets washed off you must allow for it. Gather fruit in dry weather, and with the sun shining, and placo them as care fully in tho basket as if they wcro glass. The smallest bruise commences a decay. Never subject a plant to a rapid chango of temperature. Sudden checks or sudden excitement aro equally injurious. Never grow the samo crop, nor crops of tho samo family twice on the- samo spot with out an intervening crop of a different nature' Never transplant shrubs and trees in a growing state. However carefully it may bo done, tho cheek is dangerous, i( not fatal. Keep all kinds of plants under glas3 as closo as possible to tho light Never tic up lettuces or endives, or earth up celery, except when perfectly dry. They are sure to spoil if you do. Keep your plants clean. Dust and dirt on leaves make tha plant unhealthy, and it spoils tho plant to a certainty. Never train or support a plant unnatur ally. Climbers will not do hanging about. Trailers will not do climbing. Never sweep a gravel walk with an old broom. It not only tears tho edging, but it also scrapes up tho walk itself. Mow lawns beforo tho dewisoff tho grass, unless you havo a machine, which cuts it best when dry. Rapid growth makes a mild flavcr, slow growth a strong one. Therefore grow vegetables quick, and fruit moderately. Tlio Esthetics of the Sty. A pig, when ho first enters upon exist ence, is not without beauty. Childhood admires his gambols, his ejaculations of surprise wiltli prioked-up ears, his slock wliito sides, as he hangs npou the breast. But beauty soon fades in the littlo porker, as in higher life. Ho is neglected, soils his fair skin, and becomes a loafer. Pigs should not thus bo suffered to fall away from this original attractiveness. They aro gruntcrs by nature, and should never be suffered to squeal. They should liyo tho aldermen of the farmer's stock, in easy circumstances. T hey aro too often far oth erwise in cold, wet weather. Kept in small filthy pens, with imperfect shelter, and very poorly supplied with stray, it is pain ful to see them wallowing through the ac cumulated snow and mud, and squealing their discomfcrt in tones that drown tho wintsw blast. But tho esthetics of tho sty arc not to be named, in comparison with tho economy ofihis carelessness and filth. Tho pig should bo kept as a gentleman, in winter ; ho needs not tho puddle or any of its appliances for ridding himself of vermin io win not tnnvo wituout a snug warm 3 bed to sleep in. He should havo a saug board floor beneath him, as well as a board roof above hfm, water-tight, Tho frozen earth, even with a straw covering, conducts away tho heat of his body veiy rapidly. Ho wants under him the non-conducting wood to retain tho heat. This greatly economizes food. Many farmers seem to think they havo done their duty when they have protected theirpigs from tho droppings of the skicp, Dut it is quite as important to protect them from the frost beneath. A warm bed upon a floor, we aro persuaded, will mako a difference of twenty per cent in the fattening of swine. Now i3 a time qf leisure, and theso littlo items of farm economy' should be attended to. If you hate not a snug warm lodging-houso for pigs, let ono bo built immediately, It will pay a largo interest on the labor and capital invested in it, as long as you continue to use it! Pruning may bo attended to this mouth nnd what cannot ho dono now should be adjourned over to June. Remove all dead limbs from tho orchard. Young applo trcc3 should havo their superbundaut wood thin ned out. Limbs that cross each other should bo removed, Tho head of a tree may bo trained to almost any desirablo shape, by early pruning. A low head, formed initio shape of an inverted umbrol la, is on tho wholo tho givo tho grow ipg fruit tho most air and sunlight. Lord Kinnard's experiments show con J clusively, that manuro produced and kept under cover, is much inoro cfficctive than . 1 . V. f L - - il - . mat prouueou auu jicpt iu tuu upcu tur And they show, just as wo should ospect from, accurately conducted experiments, that tho advantago U quito a decided on 4 Farmers prepare for spring? DALTMOftti LOCK HOSPITAL. UOOTOll JOHNSTON. iHnilE fcundcrof this Celebrated InstU I JL tuiInn,ouir th, mo.tcertaln, speedy. nil only 'eilcetual remedy In tho world for efforts for meets, M,rli.i,.. rtjtinln.l WAiikneil. P.lln. Ill lha l.nltls. Con.lliuuonal OoMlliy, linpotcuey, Weakness of the I Hack mid Minbs, Affections of Ilia Kidneys, l'iilill.t ? ...(.. ll Itl ...Id hi... ...... I llnl.!lltw , Disease ol tho llejil, Throat, No.o or Skin lid all .,. ...I.,,, ,,i ,,,Bi.,nciio y d son ers r ilni from llOn Ul III" HCiWlt 1M",0.., .1:,(ll.- I " ' till loltuctira lialiiHorYoulli, which destroys both , i mMt Tiioxiuciiit ami solitary practices, , nro mom fatal lo their victim. INoii the nong of the Syrem lo tha mariners Ulysses, oiigiiiing men moat brilliant hopes ofautlclpaiioiil, ruudcrlug marriage, i &.C linpoaiiblc. I loung Men, .noclilty, who'hnve becomo lira victim of solitary I Vlco.ltinldreatiiUI nd destructive which annu I ally sweeps to an untimely v rave thou. and. of young ! menofllie most exalted talenta and brilliant InU'l-' l.el. who might otherwise have enhanced listenm. Senates with the thunders of eloiuence. or waked lu extacics the lyre, may call with all confidence. Marriage. Married persons, or Young .Men contemplating mar rlate, beiiiff awnre'of physical weakness, organic de bility, deformities, &c. should Immediately consult Dr Johnston, and be restored to perfect health, lie who iiliccslhiuasolfiiniler ttio cara of l)r. John ston may religlousl)eonflrla in his honor as fciitle nien.anuconlideiitly rely upon his skill as epliysiclau. ursaiuc weakness Imtnedntcly cured and full vigor restored. inisjuiseaso is ine penally niu.i iruucnry paio'oy those whohave become the victim of Improper Indul gences. Young persons are too apt to commit ex, cess from not beina; aware of tho dreadful consequence Ject will pretenj la deny that the power of procrca lion Is lost sooner by those fjllfng Into Improper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived of ma picasuro 01 ueauuy ouspring. me most flonous und destructive symptoms to both body and mind nrise. The system becomes deranged; the physical uuu unieiai 'tuners wcuKenetii neivuu. ucuiniy, uys prpsla, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wasting of the frame, couzh. svmntotns of eonsuuintlon Ice t-Omea No.7r?otrTll t'Kf 0KRIL1C STRUT. seven doors iroiil miiimoro sircct. ua.l Slue, up me sicps. 110 pariicular inob.erving Hi a NAM12 and,NU.HUi:it, or you will mistake tho place. JlCnrcin'irranleit, er ne Vtarft Mail, III rem Oat 10 4 ko nasi. NO MCUCUttY OR NAU3t.OJ8 DRUGS USED Dt. Johnston, Member of theJKoyat Collego of Surgeons. London, i.raiiunie irom one oi mo must emiueut eeiicges or tue United states, and the greater patt of whose life has been spent inthu first llo.nlialn of London .Paris, rhl. ladelplun and elsewhere, has ellecledsonieof tho most asioiusning cures mat were ever known; many troub led with ringing in the head and.ears wtcn asleep, greAl nervousness, being alarmed 01 sudden sounds, and bashfiilne.s, with .frequent bluihing, attended sometimes with urungemcutofnlndiwcru cured laj mediately. A Certain Disease. When thetmisgutded nnd Imprudcut votary of plea sure And. he has Imbibed the iceds of this palnfu. ..Dvasc, ,, ,uu uueii Happens iiiai nil iiiuuieu sense o sname.or dread of discorery. deters hiln from osply' lng to those who from eitucution and respectability can alone befriend him. delaying till tho constitution!! symptom, ofthis horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulccratod sure throat, diseased nose, nocturnal painsin tho head and limbs, dimness of sisht.dcafncss, nodeson the skin bones, and arms, blotches on the fiend face, and cilremelles, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at list tho palate ofthe mouth or tho bones of tho nose tall in, und the victim of tins awful diseuse becomes a horrid object of rominlsscration, till .it... ki... i u - . . -o- "j B-, n turn. T7 .nlh i Jr.-'f"'!.,'!,..1'0 aveler 1 Mm.H?MBV,;C.h.iV. ,7 I uf " lu "is ureiiuiui suuerings, nysen nnnse It 10 nrescrve t ha moit n frrH nn.i it urn iiib cA4;iiaivu prnciico in tne nre Hospitals of Liironu and America, lie can eonrtdnmlv rprnmmnnil u afti and speedy euro to the unfortunate victim olthis horrid disease. Take particular Notice. Dr. J. Addresses nil who hn v In In re 1 hm. selves by pnvatennd improper Indulgence, iMo(uiuir,cui uiu Ksiu anu ineiancnoiy etiects produced bvpnrlv haliiti nf vnuih. wit lvitr..-.,. r the Hack and Limbs, Fain in the Head. Dimneof Heart. l)Vinrnin. ,Tvr.iim Irrt, il.illtir nArn......n I f,i " ve runciions.ueueraiucDiiity.syniptoms MITAL LV. Tlio fearful fnrla mln.l are much to bedreaded, Lois of.Memory, Oonfuslon of ub'prejaioii oi mo opirtts, i;vii roretiodluss, Averionof Society, Tlmily.&c. are some oftbeevlin . produced. lilOUsinds Of nersonjuf nil nirai ran nnn their vi?or,hecnilll III uenk. nnlnan.l nmnrlntpil. linl i T i ui muii nctuuiu lie hi in , uoosing a .insu lar appearance about the eyes,coughand sjwp turn. V. V.UIII.U U1MUI1. ur. Joinston's invigorating Remedy for wrgnnic wcaiMCis. Ily this great and ilnnartant remedy, weakness nfllii- orgjn.aro speedily cured, and full visor restored. I Thousand. of tho most nervous and debilitated, who uau ixiaii nope, nave uceu immediately relieved. All Imperii niciils. to Marriage. Physical and Mental Ul.m.v macation, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings and Weak ness, or exhaustion ortho most IcarCul kind. Bpccdily cured by Doctor Johnston. Young Men WhO hlVO flliuroil tlietnanlvpa tie n lrlnl.i indulged In when nlnn. n l.t.l rta,....n,. ! from evil companions, or at school the effects of which uiu iu5ii.y ieii, even wnen asleep, and ir not cured renders mirriaire ininn.uihle. mirf ifunrnv. i.mi. aud body, l;ould apply imniediate'ly ....... in mm a yuung man, mo nope ornia coun try, and tllU darlini- Of 111. n.irrnt.. Elinitl.t k. Bi.nipl.o.l from all pro.pi'ct. and enjoyments oflil' the eonso nuenccg of deviating from the path ofnature, and in dulging in ncenain secret habit, Sucti person, before conteiuplati,nr; Marriaae .hould reflect that a sound mind and bodyare tho mo, nccessaryrc'iuislties to promote conunblal happiness' Indeed, without th ese, the Journey through hie becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to tho . .in iiiiiiu iiecome. sii.moweu witn despair anu (lllcd Willi tho melancholy reflection that the happiness i Ol'anOthcrlii!rn:npa h liu liln.I tvi t Ii nur num. OFF1CC NO. 7 SOUTH Fit UI) CRICK ST.tBaHlmerc,Ml, Let no false modeitv n re vent vnu.hut mediately cither per fcoually or by letter. BKIXDX3BASC3 SPUEUILY CURCJ3. ffl Strangers, The manT thousands cured at this institution wlih'r the last 15 years, and tin: numerous important Surreal Cpuratlons performed by Dr. Johnston, wituenaed by the reportersol the papers and many other ncesoi wiiicii uuve appeareu again ami Hgain ueioro till dubhc, besides his standing as a gentleman of clu ructetandresponsibllityt 0' a suflicient guaxantet to sue amictea. Take Notice. N. D. There a somanv Ignorant and .'orthlsi Q.uacks ailvertisin!; themselves l'hvicinn. ruininir the health ofthe already afflicted, that Ur, Johnstcui deems It necessary to say, esneciallv to those unne qitalntod withi his reputation, that his credentials and uij'iomasaiwayb uang in ius oiuee, E3"rKt Notice. All letter innst beDOstnaid. and contain a postage stamp for tho reply, or noaniwer Will BU 1C1II January 17. 1807. DllBIFUSS & FERNW2RGER, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FANCY DRY GOODS. French, English and German EMBROIDERIES. FANCY TRIMM1NOS, AND MILLINERY GOODS IN GENERAL. No,i55Ncrlh Third SUOjovo Arch.'Jliiudclph'a. TIIU Vera would J rcipetirully, Inform their friends and the public in ccneral, that tbev have tasen tnemrKeana eoniinomous store, Ko. 171 JVortli Second Street, efcove Itace. and furnished it wnh an entire new stock of Goods, to whicli they would invi'e their particular aucmirn lussessing Uiisurp-ik.en laciiiues.nnu navin naa ni lone emcrieiice In tn business, heis enaliled tn fur l.o their patrons nnd Mcreil&nts general))' with the latest styles or raucv uoods. uiuroiocrie.. cc. a unusual low prices, and hope by strict attention to uicma snare oi punucpairoitsce, riuuirunH sc ri.ur.lJLu Kit. No. 03 North TUrilStieetiabove Arch, January 10, 1857 Country Dealers supplied with German rJilvertJpertacles.lnassorled dozens. Also with rauies. lllued Elastic Meet. Hilvsr.UoM &c McALl.lBTL-ltURD. (n.tabli.hed WM.) l'Jl ClH'uutStreel rhWidelphla. January 31, 1657. 3m. tiMiowjrs GRAMMATICAL WORK'S. rpuB FIKST BOOK of the Rational A Ky.tcm orungliin Cirainmar. Sacts. TIlllHIXUNU iiuuk ol the national system of English Cranitnar. desicned to teach the process of Analysing the English Language with sound Judgement; and the ait of using it with graiualical propriety 31 els, These work, are now used in the Publie Schools in the nrst Kehout Dutriel oM'eniiaylvaiiia. TUB 'rillUliUUOKortlioUallonalrlyslem r,r Oram mar, designed to enable the learner tu become most thoroughly aciualntidwlth 'he nature and of the Pre positions, and uuy ee read by him either in or out of school. so cts. IJIIOWN'S CllAMM ATICAI. nCAUER. This book sets aslda tliu old Grammars, exposeslheir deflects, demonstrates llio little uso of attending to them, ant presents to tl e'l'carher thn unerring and oniywayto lie Graimiier cf IheKnillab Languase. 371 els. For sule by 1'eter Uiltfcclld AKC1I Street. Thilada. rebruary SI. ISM. JOHN II. ALLEN & COi Nos, 2 ij- 4 Chesmit, Street south side be- lota water,) I'jiuaucipuia'. (Tna Ouisst Wooo-wiae Hoj.i, In Tin City ) MANUI'ACTUttUlia and Wholesale dealer. In Pat. ent Machine-made llrnoms, Patent Grnoved Cedar, ware, 10.rs1.ls1l mi t. tkrtnk. Wood and Wlllowwore, Cords, llrushes tc,, ofoll ilctcriptma. 1'ltare call and .lauiina our .lork. bniiry , 1M .-1 y. 4 savii vvxn. OF TI1C XITI0.YAI SAFETY TRUST COMPANY. jl lll WALNUT Street, Soufo West comer fTIIIRU, I'lilladelphla. IncortturaleJ br Ilia Statfl of I'ennavlvsnla . Alonev Is receivrilln AliviUm. Inrrrn nr small .in. I Interest tald from the day of Ucpoilt lo the tiny of The offlco Ii open overy day from 0 o'clock In .he mornlnjt tIU7 o'ctocktn the pvenlnp, nnd on Monday. INTEREST FIVE l'Elt CENT. All turns large, or small, ore paid back in U01.U on ucuiauti wnuoui uoiice, ninny nuinnni, llon.HENKY I,. HCN'KCR. Vice President, ItOIU'.liT HCLFltlDUC Secretary, WILLI AM J.ltl'.UD. Wrjrlors.- Henry L. Donner, V. Landreth Munnt GdwardL.Uartcr, F. Carroll Brewster KobortSelfridge, Joseph C. Harry, Samuel K. A.hton, Henry L. Churchman, JalticsU. Smith, Trancla Leo. This company confine, lis burinesi entirely to the receiving of incuey on Interest. Tho iHrestments a inonntlngto nearly. ONC MILLION AND A HALT 01' DOLLAUSI as per published report of A8S IITS, are made In con formity with the provisions of tlie rlnrier lu Ki;AL L'STATL', MORTnACUM, UUOUNU ItLXTS. unrl such first class securities , tas wil I alwa)s Insure perfect se curity lo the depositurs, and which cannot lul to give permanency auu tiaimuy to lllisoiu nnil well rstab ii.neu jnsiiiuiioiii (Feb. 1, 1835.) March 7th, inn. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILER, rlin subscriber i now prepared, with new Machine iy, to build sUtiouary engines, from Sto lull bursa lower, upnn tho Litest Improved plans, and n ill build lo trtlcr douli.eanil liujjle portable engines from 10 to 40 iorei iinwnr. ltlffpod unoii ca rrinneu. wllli Wall fir pear. tng & pumps all complete nnd ready for action. Aro -cy i inner nueanu muuiar uoncri can iron coa: urenig trs patented hi 1810, Tor threshing grain nnd crackini torn nnd now iimde on nlnrzQtfcala for erfe'tlm o creaking coal. Heavy mining pumps nnd Are engincl rigged completcwillt double acting forcing pumps, ni sinui vi nun tv-aung aim uuusc casii c mntie lo nrueil Line shaft ug witii any desired sizes ol pulleys flnlshe lropla.,i,,gdo.o,.a,l ft,, long: a. Rinusoi iron mrnirg ueavy press aim otucr screw turned with any desired Itchofihread. TJiebcst ilougb Iron threshing Mnchinos, lhfit ever come before the public, cait Iron and wccvlenmachjnes made to order. Lever power chain or tread poer made to enlcr Ato takci orders for the follow! n? ma etiincry: Harrison's l.itPfct pat in t Rraln mill, of fered by tho I'atenteo foritsciual. It will grind inc. nod finemoal'Ji IiusIipIj in one hour. Also bolts and elwa tors ail In nrder.nlio Ruble's ljlpnt IJJowcr.inanufactui cdby O.I) Harris fc UoM the nitxt pouerful Ulower now in use with tlielenstiniount ofpowcr, one of which willDo nutln use at the Foundry for ciliibition. Ailnt n - illnn niillfl use at the Poiinrlrv f,r iliil.ilti, AM,. tfiH above works wilibo warranted tob what they are Alio Tatto orders for Scott 1'atent Dlnchsmitli Sirlkrr, and rights to nse them i n thn conn tics of Colum bia, Montour. Northumherland.Lyconiiug.lSiilliran.and Clinton, one of which can be seen nt inv tinn LUW1S H.MA1T3. SIrch25.1Pjfi. Rtnnmihiipi. f.'nlMmh.. r i''iusiiiitmi &imoTiiFRs. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEAlL,E2tS, SO.103.NO11TH TlliniJ STKEET , Five doorsbclow Race. PHILADELPHIA. JanruraylO,lS55.. C. C SADLER .J- CO., NO. 0, North Water Street Philadel- phia COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and dealers in Lard, Shoulder,. Cheese Hams, Bucket,, fork,, r!aur &c. Aplil 1.1SJ5 ly. Dr. Francis 0. Harrison, WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens oflllooms burg and vicinity, that helm. commenced the prac tic of MsuiclNEandrjoltasRy, and uolicits a share o publicpatroiiage. fi oanilwuysbu foundattlicExcbacse llotelopposlte Court House. llleomsburg, Feb . 3, g3. i J. C. ESuttcr, H o m ic o i) a t It i c I' li y s i c i a n, TjESPCCTPUM.Vtcndors his l'rofcsslonnl Sercea XVto the citiiensofllloornHbu re and vicinity, senorally m co u tu eurwci ui .uitiii uuu iron cireets Uloomsburg, Adjoining Mr.Erower'sStoro. rfept.ii'J, IS5S4 DI ONTO (IK 110 US II, COStNCU OfcMA(lKUT ANU MILL STREETS, (Immediately opposite the Court JlouteA DANVILLE, PA. HAVING been recently renovated and refurnished in a superior style, tin elegant llutelis now rcopn lor the reception of strangers and visitors, whose pa lyiS, I65C, MGHT STREET OYSTER SALOON. rpIIE undersigned inform theirg fritndinnd the uublic ia ueneral. that iney nave openeu anew OYSTER SALOON, Under the front basement of their Store, on Ma In Street, where they arc prepared to accommodate nil who niav see fit to civc them a cat!, with CIIOICU OYSTERS, and other etceteras, in the beat style ef prcpeaatiou and at very moderate prices. MCMCK k CREASY. LiehjBtrsst.noT., 1,6150. PREMIUM AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- rr URNTfl-Wn nr a nrenns1 In rurnlili Arrri'-iiit feirdl Impleincntiottho vcryhevt fgitiired at our Aerirultural W'orki, Jtrlmol, I'a.. ,- --1 ti, loneii caBli prirci, wholcsaleor will challenge comparison with thoie manufieturedby any other eriiaMUhment in the country The first pre mium of one hundred dollari wae awarded u by tire CninmUti'eof the U. B, AsTicuJtural their I a to exhibition at rowenon, tor "tncDcst oupia of riculturaiinipienienii manutaciiiretinyineexnitiitor. llvervarlltlfjjolcdliy ui ii warrenlcd to he a renre. lented.or ihe.moncy returned. lfiJiil,lii.I.lJl i!U.N , Im-pluufl ntiand Seed Warehouse, Noi.21nai'i3;?Jouihriiitli street, VhilaJeliihla. NovBinher S1, 185W. BAUUERING &-HAIR DRESSING SALOON. mim i,nri(fifned remocifulv informs hit old cub to X men and the public. n general, that lie contiuuu TUR BAHBEItlXa BUSINESS, t 1 1 It ...Inn, ilpnn rlmf ntl . in tho old stand. Ui cbaiiee block, llie only shop in town, opposlia the Columbia Democrat OBice, on Main rUreet, lllooinsburif, where ho will always be happy to accommodate his customers on sigm auu iu ius imv. ... v..m. .m.u.vji uoiesii. GCOHGU.aMITlI. nioomsburg November lest ii. NE1V MARBLE YARD IN BLOOMSBURG IIIRAM S. CAREY HA? opened a Matblo Yard at tho corner of Main and MarKtt Streets, where liu ii prepared to Qui ill the beat wurk irom Italian or American .-uarmeior MONUMENTS, TOMI1S, Tomb. atones, Tables, Mantles, Window-sills andlen tils, rorlho character and finish ofhlsworfc ho refers to such as he has made is this county, II. will furnish uesigns forwork or execute any that may be furnish ed to Mia. llisuork shall always bo satisfaetoiy is ilsstyl'and reasonable In price. llloomsburg, Pec. c, lBSo. IiAUKIN & PAOICEU, (-.UCCESsORBtoLljinrooi&Suiiidl.jr.uiauur.eturets O and wnniesaio ueai.rsin r-. IIATS & GAPS, AND JJl Straw, Goods, No. 41 North Second sirct. neat dooi above the Madison Home, riuuAui;i.riil a. i.irhnnt. vlsltinc the city will find it to their ad Tantaneltu call andezaulue ourgoodsbBfore making leietus icciiuu. Mar.h IS. le)33. y. HENHY ZUI'I'INGEll, Clock ami iratcbmaker. South Side of Mum Street above the Rail lioaa. nrlVFlCULTreuairinir in watchc. and Jew J J elir Qlasse, for huntln. watches ,nrj I'P" '""!"'.... , LMQOmiUU't USI "v1 JSTATJE! SLTIWG FITIVI OFFICE Next door lo the Post Office. Ao. 83 Dock St reel, I' h iladelph ia . 1 BC 1 . INTER EST FIVE PER CENT. ALIf SUMS OP MONEYltETUKNED ON DEMAND. ffllR STATE SAVINGS rUNI), No. .JL nnu nti aininir t ie rosi till cc. receives inoiiFv nil noon l nlro Mondy m pi.lnf! .from 7 to 11 o'clock, lutcretMt nilowi il.on deposits nt tliu taw vt FIV13 l'CR CLNT Dcrnnntiiu, Dpnonlts Kill bo rcliirnnl In whole nr in nut on dmnml wit mm urnim. 1 Tlienotmlirily of thlsOIlco with nil c In sen of the comnitiititv. mtlilti tmvn ni.t fmim,. i. . urresi, nmy bd nscrllied, Inpnrl.lo Iho TulUiwlns substnnllal reasons IM, It oiTert aconveulent.rpspniulhln and pruntablo lpiotUoiy tn Rxpeulnrn, A1mlnlitratnr. Atslttnee roratcil or oilier w Iso tnimrrJeil or PliiBlelAdlrs in isiii,iinu. Mrrrlmni tiivrk .nn.i i.n'.in.. -it.. ,.iihui in, ariiirri(.uinor uiuirrncj mihiuii who nave niiny tlmo with fire tt cent Interest milled, hi i iK'irniinri receive tonni nil nn n isrncini iiip iiv which books serve nsvouchets. TIiav tmuidetii'rifiip.ln deposits. wltfiuulWu'intoivenllfiii nti:xecniors or Admhiistrntors. Any one orniorc ncrionimay denosit In hltt M. d Report Is tiindecacliyrnr to the Lrglslnturcand Council sort ho City. 3 tli. TheOfficersare sunrn heroretlmv enter tinnn their duties In ndditlon Incitlnc ttnnds with itirctlos. 3ih 1 lia Htalo Hnvimrs liind is n realsn villi's fund itotitorsanJ tho IMil ladclnhla public, liavcbccncarcful toobservcihal thochattcr nvaidi iho tnnidrs nn.i h.l nf Ctht I uteres lin thlieornnnn doei not cense rourlrcn Till t n order to 1 fiord evcrr asanbla rncllltv to tits.nrspcriiiiiicdtobo wittidrn n by chickf, niter tho luruishedtn depositors wllboii to t urc. TNOHM'nrpatrofisffe tiCitowe upou thiJomro y n Wiiiumih ""iuhui mi tiiu i nii m i. mi is ucbi Kiiun u,iu CIIAial:3U.l.MUV.7rai.l r, NEW DRUG STORE. KXC1IANU12 I1I.OUK, MAIN STItUKT. Dloomsbiirg. Till! under. Ignen would respectfully Inform his friends nnd the publi, ttenorlly, that liu lias purchased Or, Tuggi.Ta Orugand t'lieinicnl Hloro, olid Just returned from lliccily with ulargennd select stock, cunsistlng ol Fresh and Fare Drugs, Medicines, Chemical s, ground nml w hole Spices, I'aints, Oils, Varnishes, 11 o Btu trs. Window (lla.sof oil sizes, together with a complete assortment of Taint, Toolli nnd Shaving Ilruiliesrobacco.tlegar,, FnucyMoaps.Mliiv. lng Cream. l'uro Wines and Brandies, For Medicinal use, English. Trench and American Fel fiimerri in etiorf,evcryarliclekepthy Druggists gene rally ir-Treserlptions carefully compounded. jv , u i no ulktai. i Rore.sion, win ou coniiMucuiu lJloomsburir nnd Liaht Slrei-t. una. D loimsburg, Puliruary 1, 1 B."7. M.11AUUNUUUII. WEST HUAN0II INSUltANCE CO. OF LOCK HAVEN, l'A. INSUIirs Detached llulldiiig., Stores, Morehandiic. Farm Property, and other Uuildings,aud tliclr suit, tents at moderate rales. Capital S3,000,000. DIKECTOlta Hon. John J I'earce, Hon tj. o. Harvey, Jclm 11. Hall, T. T. Abrnius, Charles A. .Mayer. K Jackson, thatiesi;iinst, iv.ivnue. rcterllickhison, Thomas Kitchen, 11QN.C.U. HAIIVGV, President. '. T. ApRtltj, Vice Prca. Tiioa.KiTcnES.Scc'y. I II. C Uimah, Ccn Agt, itlil xiitliivuLia. annuel II. Lloyd, Tlins, Iloivman,!). D. A. A. Wineirardcr, L. A. Mackcy, A. White, J.imrstluiiele, Win. Vnnderbelt, Wm. rcaron, l)ri J. S. Crawford, A. UpdegrafT, James Amstrong, Hon William lllglcr, W. WHIT, Agent, liloomiburg. John W.Mnv:.iJ. Hou.BimouCdiuuron, June HI, IMC WHOLESALE AND RE 2 AIL CONFECTIONAItY & FRUIT STORE. Oyster nutl Ealing s.iloons' TIIH undersigned, respectfully Inrornii the citizens of Bloomsburg and the pubv 111- III IJt-IKIMl! til. I I ,11V HdlC flfUll llHO interest of Air. IloAuiaii. in the above establishment, on .Main street, lllomnsbiirg, nnd also n uenernl Uakery, Confectionary, nnd Oyslrr Uptablirt ment, where tbuy willat all limes keep a full suppljef ProvU ions. Sweet meats nnd Ilatable, such ns liuatl 1'ies, Hweet Poiatocs, Cheese, Altickrel, he, Et-rvid uji in eooi nrdor aiift on moderate terms. Their Stock comprises n Inree supply of Almond Figs, Unions, Prune, Nuts. Walnule. Uati s.Tobareo Cicars. etc .Iwiib every inweinableurliclc in their tine of Misinc34,and of lite best quality. homines uipucu ai a t unies wim ltrenn.uaKCs, Vies, Oyitcra, &c. nnd all order promptly fllted. Cash pnid for Country produce and the public custom respectfully invited. N B. A Ladle's Saloon disconncctedfrom tneabove edtatiliihmdnt, has been prepared in good order and willahvayj be nt their commond. THOMAS C. lUiBU. ULIVjURT. WILEDX Uloomsburgi l eb. 1( 1631. BOOKSTORE AND STATIONERY: 1 Mill unders-jim-d reipuctfuHyinforms . his friend and the public that he has n,it rhniti'i tliu i;io!tstore. piniionarv U3- i.i.iUhmpHtand Kcstatirnnt Salon in, of 5iU..(3.Kj Kra. Sv-rtz., nrstuoors in inc i.iriianpu uunning, .im rn. Iia will continue tho aborebuiincfd in nil their vifariou brandies. Iiavinit repieilisncu HIS caiauiieiiuitrin nun tmuru lock of New Book and Slut lone ry ; he is prcpaflo accomiuodateall who may rive him a call in his line ALBO. OYSTnUS.filne, fat und fresh, received dtltynt Ins HesluranlSaloons, during the season, and will be served Tin tp tmilhcwn ofts no picurei mi in.iihllro.ini.'itit la resBCCtftiltv pollened. w r JKSSCG CJiAUK- IWoomfhura Of loin 0. 1855 y. J. S. H E. L. 1'EROT, Produoo and Gonoral COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 16 North Wliurv.s, 1'IIILAUUI.PIIIA. Rireasncss: John I Peniston.Ksi. Philadelphia. Messrs Hacker. I.ea & Co. ' " Biter, Price U Co, " .. ItiKknor, MrCammon at Cos " Charles tills & Co. " H. Morris Wain & Co. .. Untcrbridge, Arvov U Ca. " m diaries & Joseph Perot, . .. Thomas & Maxwell, New York. . C. M. McCltlug &s Co.,BI. Louis, lo, .. J.H. Morrifl&don, Louisville, Ky. Yarell IS, 1850 y Pennsylvania Hotel. rpll IS well known Hotel. lately kept hy Bur XiVLH EBD.on ,ain nireei,iu iianviiiP,rtS has been tanen uy mo suusrriuer, who is pro'isi fareU lOHttUlUllluumu liar V imili,lia n ihfi drat mitiuer. The houae liaa been thorouchl-jt overhauled, and is now rehtfed up and furniehd for noenteriainraem oi guests, lii.uinhilnir la lamo and commodious, with Horae and vehtelei for lure, and ho will spare no pains to render fencrai sauiiaciion . trs A liberal sharu of tho public patroness Ji respect fully solicited. Danville Dec. W,4ie5J Bloomsburg Tinware nud Stovo Store. TUB undersigned respectfully informs his u)d friends and customers, that lie has purchased lus brother's interest in the above establishment .and ihricouccrnwil be re alter be conducted hy himself exclusively. He hat just leceivurj oau-oners iur Bum, inu larceai nnu rfwgmoslcxteiuivo assortment or FA NOV STOVD over introduced into this inaiket. f lift stock consis ts of u complete as3orlmf nt ot hihcit Oooklitirnnd nnrlor stoves in tho mnrket.tD- theser with Htovo Fixtures of every description, Oven and Hoxflloves, Radiators, Cylinder Stoves, Casl Irou Alr-TigH Btovtii, Cannon Stoves, fee, kc. elovep't peauu i.niwarcr.uufciuiutj'un iianu ami ihbii ulactiircd to order. All kinds of repairing dono, e ...mi. nn Bhoftnotiee. Th paUonngeof oldfrieodj and now customers re .pcOUu.iMOt.c.ieu. iiMuunn. Hloomsbirg, Jan, 2, 1854, If EsyptoAyu Coach and Wagon Fclory, Tlllluiiderslgneilliiivins succeeded Jacob 8. Kv. in the W.gon.nd Coach maklnR busl ness.nt hi. mini, in E.pylowu' respectfully inrorni their frlenl. cud tho iuMic, that they continue will tho Wagon Making Business, In nlllil. derailments, where they will be hippy trro ceive orders andproinpilyexecuteallbuuiiierslnihuli iin., r..nlne..nnddesnalell. E3" Wiieel-lorrow. made to order, and all kind, ol npMHW.H.H.w... fc IIAonNUU(;u. n,pylown,Jun7, iBK y SPLENDID NEW BUGGIES ust finished and now otTcis for sale, a ntnf BEAUTIFUL NEW BUOGIi:Si .. t.i- ....r,n....nn Main Hueet. n few iloori belov this oinee.(oppotHa side r.f tho Street.) maue ofthe best material, nnisn-u in iim w 10- Holnvlic, hi, frienili to call nnd oxamlnefo ,h,,"e,vo,' B.A.W1LBON March 15'ieiO. JOHN II. WYLE & CO., 01 Nerth ll'varvcs, above llaco Street, irllU.ADI'.I.l'IHA. GP1NERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, forth, saleor NAVAL STOKIIH. SODA, AHII, WOOL, I'LOUIl l'KODUCU.rltOVialONS, c . Bpirlts of'lurpentiue, Turin hbls. anil kees. ritch und, Oil Alcohol, Uurninil luidand Fin. Oil' fur saloat Manufactures' plitas,, Aeenis for Wilcock', Wheel Oreaio. U,y 31.IM0.-ir, I'hird Street, iliinnc t ils lv rrninn n ih mnmiin. t i .n, ' mnui, IIIUC1I or I UUU lUilCiIOIil , WlK re tllCV lllQV t)ti hail ' uuu i.n wa.i iki tttr inn inn in tviiiriiiu am.... n..i. .1 not an 1 tisurnnto nndTniair?nnimifiv. niirif.rnf)ii.nrr.u iinvs nrcvicm tn the wltlirnufilnrilic mnnnv. Dr-naiilomwlm rrtldont n illctnum frntn Dm nir.a ti..i..i manner customarvwlih tho Hanks, Check Hooks wlli ba nrnverlilniMcnntfoiiY nnd diicrlmlantinp rnmnninitv.itnd Kftiiii ihk Juki kv iitiiu iiiv i mi Fi rr p lit" I re 1 o cfl 1 1 tittenen UCOtlUIl II. 11AHT. Fruli!. Holloway's Ointment. A MEDICAL REVOLUTION. Tho World Unanimous! Till: UUIIAT L'OUjYiKIt IUHITANTII rpiIU virus of dldcnsc often makes liu way to the In J it rnul organs through tliu pores of tho skin This penetrating Uinlmcnt, melting under the hand as it it rubbt-d In, Is adsorbed through the uuiu thanuels,aiid, renc lilus the scat of intljuunaiion, promptly nml invu rlahly subdius it, whether locnteil in the kidneys, tho liver, mo lungs nr any omcr important orfian. it penetrates tin surlaie to the interior, through tho cotiuuess luues mni cominunicnie nn I he iKin in sunimcr rain passes Into the fevered earth, ttilluiliig ts coo I and rcfHcrntlmr inlliieuce. bkin uiar.AdUSAwu ta.ANDur.AuawiiLi.iNGa. Kvery spectesol exterior irrit-iiiuii is ftiirkly reduced by the untl Inilamiualory action ofihis Oinlineiil. Angry luptiun, such as Halt Kheum. I.r)sipetaa. Teller, Iltiigwoim, Scald Head, Nellie Hash , fccabies, (or ttcnj c, nie uui, iu rettmi nu more, intiirr, its nn plicntion. Hospital experlcnrein all parisof Ihcwurld proves its infallibility in ill .nines of the (Kin, the muscles, the joints and iho h'lunds. UI.Cl.U3. BOU A TUMORS Thn etfL-et ofthis unrivnlM external remedy upon BcorlutJ.and olliervirnhnt ulcers and sore Iratmotu mlrncnlous. h llrsl dischartten the puiron iv likh pro diicen sitppnratfonand proud ilcsh.and thus ie cures which its henlinz properties afterward coioplete are sitienn well us pcrmniient. WOUMIS, IlltUIrtCa, HUKXd, AM) EUALD3. Iln r.tsei. ot ihu fracture of the hones, injuries caused If iicnui explosiims, Itrtiiscs.Iiurns, ticaldf, Kheunia tlfntilitrnen-i nfthr Joints, and contraction nf tho si ncv-i.ilis employed and warmlyrecninniended hylhe faculty. Tli ic mirvclous rrmcdy hf-ru Introduced hv Us inventor in person into all the leading Hospital ofCuropo.and no prhatu houiihold should he u I thou iU UNDCNIAUL13 THBTlMONY. Tho medical ntall'of iha Trench nrd Unglnh armies ntlm Orluier, have oincinlly Flgnpil theii apprnvtil o( Iloilowav) Ointment, as the most rrtiahle drtssing for eahro cuts, stalm. and -nn Phot wounds. It IsaliO used by the Surgeons ol the Allied Navies. Both the Ointment ami Pills should be used in the following cases : llunions, I'ilos, Sore Heads.' Uurne Uhuumatinii, ore Throats , Ihifirtt'ed Hands, Riiip."" ' re ofall kinds Chilblains, tciu micum, t rains, rintula, Hnildn. t, 1 Joints, (out, irk in Diseases, Tel r, l.umbaso, H welled Clauds1 Hire , .Mercurial Erup Sore I.rpn, Vco tloi.s. t(jreUre;isU, Wounds, allns d HuM at tho inauuf.ictnriP4 of prof'-s&r Iloilowav tfOMdidcfi Lane, Nw York, nnd "11 Strund. hnndou y nil i hroitgh nil rtpi!Liitula IJriiffi(int mid ih'nlrrs lu Ainiiiclne out inu uuren cM.ues nu uui nvnisewonu iu pots nt i'i cents. UJ rentii.nud $1 each. There is a considerable ejvi n jnai sizes. e largo PIIILA. AND UEAUIXG KAIL UOAI) Uintir rfrrafigcmentsftr Pa$itvgtr 7Vaiwi, January Jsr, 1857. Ur Trains, coinj North, leavo Philadelphia' ot7i A. M. nml i P. M. Down 'I'r.iiuaeolugSouth, lenePottailleat A. M Ice. nnd 4 1. Al. Vptrniuspas Rcadin;nt 10.51 A. M.nud o,S3t M. dowuTralns " 5,13, A. M, 5,13 P. M. The r.xpressTrnin is discontiiued until further no. lien. Close connection, ure inaile by the 10.2S! A. M tha Train from Poll Clinton to Llniiriiunil oil intcrme. ilii-.W P'l'niU: and by tho 0,9. J P M UpTrnin from Port Clinton lo Ehnira, c.niuudiiie.un. llullaln, Niogara.Ilc. not, Chicntto, sit, J,oui. Davenimrt, and lonu City; MuLii.g tin. route the shortest and cfiea.eit to (As Lake Ertta and Canada. Oiitfiindnys.lhu Doivn A. M. Train from Poltsville, unuUpP.M. Train froial'liiladclphia, only, run. UiltRisni.rta CossEcnons, by Dauphin Rairoad DtAu lnin. , . . A special Accommodation Passenger T rain leaves Ilcadinsdailly, (except Suuiljys,)ut71 A.M., rclunung In, in Auburn atus p. ill., on urrlval of 3,1(1 P. .M. Traill from liarruburs. WAY FAHES From RiJABiNa to Plii(.id;phll,8l.75andl,13j Pottsvllle $1,03 nnd 0,63; Auburn, 0,75. TIIIKK nil FAItl.'S. tu lfarrl.liurs S2.55; Taninqnn S1.33! Wiliainspoil Sl.ll: I'.niiru Su.:!5 Canamial eunSlOO- His ll'.i nr NiasraIO,l)0: Cleove.inil SKI. 70; TudoSU.7': Clucinuall $113,00 , Chicago SJU.OO" Ilock Isanil $'ii,00. ALL Passengerswil procure tickets beforo n licrliog th tiura 10 cent, extra on Fares paid iu llie car Flf y lis., of personal Itaguncealowt'.l each Passenger n over I hit wciElllchargcdasDxIra llntpnco- (J. A. NICOLI.S. nnuavu. 3d. 1637 If. flcii'l Bup't Greenwood Seminary. MIL.LVlt.LE, COI.UMnlACOCNTY, PA. For Youth of both Sexes. WM. 15URGESS, PlllNCIPAL. mlHS Imtitulion which has been in successive onera X uou for several yearn hag recently been enlarged to Civu belter nernmodationn for boarders and increased fu cilllies lor Tuition, &.C. Eachr quarter of the School year consistH of eleen Viccks.audlhe iiext nessiou willcommenceon thu 11th of August, but pupili will he ttikeu at uny irtiriim lu addition lo the constant nt tent ion ot tho I'rincipal. tlio flcrvlcesofaneinerieiifedteachcr have been nin cuied. Instruction will be given in all the English firntitiipiiiiHllviatht. and aho iu Latin. Naturall'hllosopliand Astronouiy will ho illustrated by appropriate apparatns ai'd nceets oven lo a Library and the use of uia'heniatical instrumente. Hooks and Stationary wilt be provided mr an whuuesiro. TERMS. Tcitlort- $3 50 34 and SI 50 por quarters raded hytho ffiiu rdi of ludv. tfj itnir.l 'ruiiirin. wnahinv. lights, Uc, , SSI ps lia r,f. ftufi hlf navati ei.intrter v in tt-ivonce four fur liter particulars -iddress tho principal, 31 ii i vi ue, Juiy if, ioju. AND R. R. Omnibus Line. THE undergipDcil rcspeotfully informs his friends and the public that he hat taken the RxchamTtlloteHn Ulooinsbure, located nn AlaiuBtreet. directly opposite the Court House, which has been throu?Mv rcuaired and improved, where lis Js ur parcu iu ftccniiiuiounip un customers wim cuuu iare- anti to Kcueriii iiisinruuM , IU also has in connection wim inc tsicnangciio tel, un excellent OMNIBUS LINE, runninereeulnrlv sevcrnltimes and from Iho Depolon the arrivalorthe Cars, hy which passeng ers willbe pleasantly couveycdlothe DcpolSlallan.oi laseu irom nun reiurneu 10 hibi. ic.iiihh..., niii.ucu, Ullewill always bo happy to entertain andaccom taoaate in, irienusto tue uiiiuisiu. iii.iiuiuui;.. freprlrtef, Dloomsbiirg .April,!, 1830 y. 0AMim. CORNERS HOTEL- TIlUUNnilRalCN'CO, Infonus hi, friend, and tic traveling public. that helias purchased the abnta valuable propcrtyand thoroughly improved the Csmblu lintel, inentcd 16 miles Noi 111 of Uloomsburi.'iii Cnnibrn. Luternu county, and is well prepared; to entertain strangers and customer.. 1'ersons going and returning from the City, will of course travel oy tue ,.,, , Cambra Mail Coach, and will always find this tho mo. I convenient pari , tuning unu arriving Tte sub, keep. u Livery Establishment. InconnectionwithhisllotelandMail Ilnule, br which hccunatall limescarry visitors, Hunter, or Fishing parties, to the I.onsl' any other destination, on hortnoticu ana wiiiicuoutraveiiiug lucnines. 11KNUV J. VAl'LB, Cambra.Julj i.icjo. DYEU'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Pa. ri lllSolduiid wellknonn Hotel, Intholnwii I I . . . I. ... II bnn, ku ll.u illiil.r. signed, and Inspi'teof allllcenso laws, bo ls-l"ts-i. detcrmiuuil to mukenis nouse one oi uie inostcnuuoiiu. bleplarcs for travelers to slop al, Hint can be found in tho interior of renn.ylvunia His table will bo furnish od daily with the best tho Maiket can alfuid. tO-My ud friends and trivell.rig.nerallyareinvluil to Mil. JACOU UVBK. M7!l.l6'.-r 83 Dock Street, next door tn Thin Dr. J. S. Houghton's Gil EAT CUKE POU 11'SPEPSIA. l)R.H0UaiIT0N'S Tllri True Dlje.llve , , rinlrl, or Uastrlo Juleo. Trrpared from Ilennet, or tho fouilh mTA 1a.l.U.,C0W,"l""r',yf'! " Uhhenlthy Pto ?5h.' N.0."0n."V1l,? ?1""" curative powers, tw,? O"1"'"" nnAtrhpliol Hitn-rs.Aciil., nrNausnons i.'.w,,.lt ';i-lrcm;'l'"l!'"ll'lnllietasto.anil may Iiotakenby tho mo.trceble pnlienls who cannot rat a .M'i!;?.ck0i.,vll,!o',.,acl',l,d,.",,rc' "ownieofUruggcd Iniltj ions . Pepsin , not n Uriig. " Cu' I on the Aeent. n ml ..I n nuiMlniU. r!...... jratls.ujvlne n inrgo nmounl of Wcleinirie llvliionco froml.lehlg'.Anlmniijhcml.trysIir.Cniiibe'sPlilsloloey Diec.tiont llr Pcrrlrn nn Tnn,l n.t.l lnl. Ttaner, ofNcw York Unltersllvi Trof. llunotl.on..' ryilologyi t'ror. Sllllmnn.orValpCnllcdcciDr.Cnrpen. tei'sl'hysiolopyi fcctogctlior with reportsof cirea fromall paltsofthe Unite.1 sines. Roldby 15,1". l.uti and J, Il.Moyer, nioninsbnr.. 8.11. Ilowman Ucrwlck. Octa, 1655 ly. JAMES HAFtUKri'M U.1.I1L.O .UilllUmt, Q WHOLE. I LB ANn CLOCK KSTAIILlSJIi: yr. H. Ii. corner of Second and Cheitnntms. l'lillnilelpliln . Whero may ho lound ono tho Inrireitandhest nssortmofl nfClncks nnd Tlmo Pieces in osultpurdinsers from iinnlei'i,i, . i Clocks! enihrnchi'.everv v in eu n iicn oinies, i n quantities CnnnMloat.niMl liallroa.! Car.: aim Niihop'S.? f0,,l.a'.l''' .'y Patenleil BclenllBc rZiilL'1!''.".' '"'""nnil a variety of Fancy Bnods. iv.,.nir ' " '"""I""''"1"0 "HI "ndltto their intcro. foh. to, issl'll C,,eit"ul & 8co"J Sti.,rhlla Stoves ! Stoves ! ! rnilE iiDilcrsigncd informs bia friends J and the nubile i twnnor.ii .iimt i,, i,..i, .k k tire Incercstinthe lin Ware and Stove Establishment... On Maill Street, mm Innr nhnvn Ilia I' IllooniPbtirK, where he is prepared to furnioh Tmwnre, Stoves, Stove I'ipe.and Hponllnp, and all olherburflncsB In his lltiuon short nollte und In uond nrdf r. Thu Now Haul) .Hid Win. Vtrnn. ftmib li,(r St(n,.n nn also nlurpo assortment ofl'mlor Stoves constantly a hand nnd fur bnlu at niLdernte prin k. Cj" Thank fll I fur form, r itn I Mini?o.l, ppci.p r tful l lie its a continunuce othe same. J 03 mi siiAru'LLsa. Itloomstnirj Apr! 51, ieiO Aviso's cnnAP watoii&jcvi:i.uv store, No. 7a, North Seoond Sircot. OPP031TCTII 11 MOUNT VURNO.N UOUSi: ,1'IIII.A Oold Lever Wutchesru II Jewelled lr R, Cases , $28 0 Silver do do l'.1 ou do I.cplne do U t'o amirticrs. s OOto 7 00 tioldSpectarles, ,50tolll00 Silver do I 5ll rlilvcrTableSpooni .perse 1 1. 14 OOto I B 00 uu imipri au no liuiitoliuo do Tea do do 4 75ln 7 fin, 3 25lo 5 00 no Kilvcr no un Tocetherwlth n vnrfftv nf fine flold Jituelrv .nI Ciir.OuardundFnbClialiis. Al I wa rrnntei tnb as presented. Watches and J ewelryrepairediutlr bcstmaniier . N II. AlloiiterasentbybymaliorulherwiBcvrlllbe punctllallyittendedto . NovemberlV 15U. 1 DENI'ISTUV. George M. Hagcnbuch, Surgeon Dentist rsilltliiihscrilier re.perttully nlfers hi. gentlemen oi Llirlll Street, anil vicinity.1 tin i.nrcnnreil to nltcml lo nil the vari. oiisnperaiioiiH in Ueutistry, umlls provided with the atestimprovid PORCKtAN TFETII, Whichwlllbci iiprtedoiipirot or gold plate, tolook ns wellns the natural. A superior rllrtec 1 or th Vow ders . nl w a) i on lion al topi'iiimn. r n the Teeth Warranted. Permanent reldenec in Light sircoi, Cnlrmhiii rn, . UUO' 11 AOENUUCII May SI ,li35 v. Sl'KASI GUI ST MILL. fpIIK undersigned take plrnmiri In an uouncinstotlicirl'ricndi.iiid thcpublirut liirnetlhattlicy i.iivc liuterectcd and ouiln oiicrPAf fu lun ' rat ion , TIIH ESI'YTOWNfe MILL. WhP'ftly arp iiioklsp the ver bcst'ol flour,! nth linrti'sttimpniulinlendtfellincat theln'weittprirfs ilinrpnfo four 'run of Iliirs 1 ii this Mill. Hi-one I f dhv iteani-powcr ullpcri'orminpio perfection nnd in ndiug ahOUltlliriy uumititiui gitun (irr miur. i ue nan r iiiaiir ItnrP nn II M'til f KUIUIIMMi uy lUUUI'SI (I I IIHILTS. 11 II II I' TO iiouncednauperiorarticlt. Wc invite ourl rleudi-toral nmintnnilnn fur theuitieles. ()rilerlr "our, chop, fcpd.&e., thank lull) received alii! U I eil OU LHUIHUIM cnsniii.t LUIIUIIIUIIK N, U. Uasii paiuior uram . roWLDU L. CUUVDLIMJ II spy town, July g'i.tH53 1IA11NESS ESTABLISHMENT. Th r.aillNOF T1IF. irillTF. HOUSE. till; undersigned ru.pi'cllully I nliirii.s m . his friends and thu public that lieJ ri.utliilie. tin; vi SADLERJNU BUS1JXVSS, in all its variolic branches, at his old uiniiil nticnrnrr of Malu nnd Market strrs. Where ho will keep constantly on hand u full supply and will manufacture tn urdr .nllklu-Unnd Mtyieso SADDLES, IIAUffKHH, 7kVAA, tLIUKS, fc. althevrrylowebtprices.and will ho happy to serve j pnup wno may i a vur mm witn u run i ii limine TTi UrderRfrotn n listaucti in either branch of the a hovebusiiiess.willbelhai.krullvrcculvedandproinpily uxccuicd. WM. J. IJKIJ7LEMAN. IHooniBburg,A'ie. 10, 1852.12 v. THE UNIVERSITY FAMILY REMEDIES 3UnDunderlheseal, anclioii a n il authority nf th University of Tree Medicine and I' know ledL'e Chartered hy the stale f Pennsylvania, April "'J, 1K53 With ncnpital of fllio UOU, mainly for thupurposeo arreilini; the evils of Spurious Nonruiun. Also for supplinir t lie Community with reliable rem. cdies whenever a Competent rhyviunii ennnolur will not be employed, navo purcuaseu irom nr. JUllM u. JIUWA.MJ. UIP ci-Jenriiivu noit'jixirs toxic JirxTuriE. Knownfor upwards of twenty-five years as iho only; sure auu suit, curt" mr FEVER A NI) AU UxJ iV'O. And bia Inestimalile Ilemcdv for Howe I Cnmnlultili Itnwaiid's Compound Syrup of Mlacfrberry Hoot, which, nnnrnvfd and Remedies, together wilh the Unlversity'uHeimdy forComptainlsofthe f.unes. ThcCiiiversity's Uemcdyfor l)yspep-na nr (ndigcs tion, TJl University uenicny tor i,umu uowrii. Alsolhe Universily'i. Alinnnnc may he had, at' the IlranciUtspensarytoral llie ol theColumhlaIeiii orrr,r. Mays, ibjO. iy. " REMOVAL. OliAlU-ES MAGAHQE & CO. Having Removed from No. 51 Comcinroe TO Tl'K South-Wcst comer of Sixth and Carpenter Streets. rUILADELrillA. BEQ'tocallthe attention of rtirrhaners to their eiten sive assortment of L'uper, and rapr Markers' Ma Mrials.i'riulins I'apflrs for Hooks und News, Watc leaf, nixed, uncatlendered and eallendered.of all iuali' ties and n rices, always on hand: Hardware and MaiiiU la Tapers, TrunkUoards, Uinderi'Uourds, llungiugt'a- per8,iC.,,Kr. Particular attention isinviledto Ihelr eitennvo as sortrnent of LEDGER PAPERS', From the mo$t CettbraieU Minn factor let in the Country. Amone their WRITING PAl'Ull STOCK may r,M...I Cum. Note, AtlanllcNolo. liatliPast, , lluartn l ost, Midi I U)i naii.ap, i Folio I'ost, Thin Medium lleiny. Medium, lloynl. Hup, (loyal. Imperial. Tlatb TAriRSi o every description, el ze anil quality. Jlfij repirs.ln.reat variety. Knrrlop. Vapiri, while, buff and gold, either laid or wove. CQlortdPoptrt.Ilue ..MToii.nml nilicr tarieties. Manufacturers areliivilcdlocxanilna their stockof lines, foreltn and Domestic. Illeaching I'owders, or approved brrands; Alum, nroiim! or crude; Sal Soda, un,t. Aah.rcitinas.Wiro Cloths. Ultraujrlue.tft ml v. per Makers' Materials generally, ry'Vliuy are also prepared tolake ordcrsof odd sizes and weigh's of nay ofthe abore description of Tapers. March IS, 1850. ALEX. Q. 0ATTI3LL & CO. CiUCCCSSORS lo James M. Uolion,ileceased,Cominls Lalniiniwll'iirwarilitiirMitrL-hanl..lortlie.alenrn four. Seeds, Irnu, Lumber &e.,No. 13Nurlli Wutfi It. r,l.i.liiH. Cuod. forwarded wlili alln nnthe HeUuylklll, Union, Kus'tueliaunn, and Jui- Canals. Canals. MSr Sali.PUit cr .Grindstone .for iale a it he ptit-es Mllf!.ltl9.1J, IB!!! UOOTOll HOOPLAND'S CELUOUATKD Gorman Bitters. WILL I.m.CTUALLY CUIlE T 1 Villi l!()Ht1r.AIMT tt. . wmmimmmm Toil o h to ii ! M 11 Phi l ! I"n.l'l8":;r' "od, Kullne.sot Wei,ht In ti"t. i.iiSiii. p. "'I'"' mach.Dour llructotlons.Hinklng or Flutter nr al u,i 1,l'l,''' . Pit of the Stomach. 8ll.i,lng8, e Ilea. "'l! t" 3 lng or rJuirocatlng sensation. Um"a i li h'osii,. dimness of Vision. Uols ol websberore "ise 'sifh, f J.' bad llullpnln in the Head, Deficiency ofl 'e s rfilo! yellonncM of the rkln nn ,l;yes. pn In tie lid. llack, Chssl.l.imbs.&c .Bud, n Flit,"',, of li.!t i f,.' l"S In the FIg.1i. Consiantiylbe Inlng. f LVl'l .? ercat Depression of Hplilta i. miiui U.'T r'l"'tor in caning inc atlenllonol the nublli This pieparallon.doi'S ' torclivjcoln It. virtue, and or'oplallon lo tbe discs... orwhlcliltlsrecoininendcd. ".ouisst, It I no new unit untried nrtlclc.lliut one th t.hst stood the test of n ton ears' trial beinre the Amcrlrau yeonlo nnd Its Imputation nnd sale Isuniivalled byan. similar preparations extant. The testimony tif lis r or given by the most prominent nnd w ell-known I'hr.. -.v...,,. unu inuiviiiunis in nn parts oi tne country i, ImtiieiiFe.nnd t.rn,n jni.n.. h..i.,r.v d inuiviiiunls lu nil parts of the country i. 1 mitiunlly by llie .rop tlo t nr . nn ! tr. l.e bad .rails ol ,nnv n hi. Aieill..ennnntliiit nllfllim..A...?.r! d'nlber 'l ' "a"" ,c,c,,,l'll the great cel.bilty TENNSYLVAMA Tj:STIMONY. Ctrttfcatt of 11. nOOlJli'jtlil),, the Kill inevn (r teller for the Vuncannon Iron UorK$t i'trryto., fa. ItUNfAHNON, January ll,lbdi. Dr. C. M. Jnchion Iear t?rr I usi lor Ave von 'severely nnncieu witn unronic unious uy.enlery, ru, severely nfllictPd with Chronic Illllous Dynontery, fur in the country, hut all of no n ail, I also used various reiucuit'R, dui couiu una nutuing 10 uvne in inc, uuiil X was Induced to try your Uermau illltors, nnd after tdk ina four htHtles of which, I was entirely cured, and tta enjoying the liest of health " Monn lUTctrra ov rut o human nmnns im IVtl'LrdIA ANIl LIVER COJITLAINT. Ccriillcalcs of J.C. CUKTIH. Vi.. Reporter the live nlnn Chronlclo, rittshurg, l'a., who, I'ctmiary si, iya5,says, Tor soma weeks past my wife has breu iisine your German Hitlers, with n happy clfect. Hlit has been nfllicted more or less, for several yesrs, iih discisu of the Liver nnd l)spepsla,und until she com uiiiicpd using tho Uitturs, iioiliinn iiad given her much relief. Her health is now runidiviiiinrnjmt. good, nnd wc havn every reason tobehevo sle will b pe'lcclly restored. Bhc sas it is tlio best tncdiclat ehe has ever used," NCUVOUH DCltllilTY. J. M. Kctnitztn, Covleitnwn, Tn. Juno so, le snvs- My wilu has heen a 111 ic ted w Ith u nervnn .1. bility, since September, lh51, since which time 1 hnvg been unatlo to find any physician nr medicine thai would henffit her in the Iciet, until cmc day I willed ai the s tort) of Ur. Harvey, ofthis town, lor some tincture of Iron, nnd depcrllied to him ihu n fillet Ion ot my ife ho then handed inn n lot of pjpersto rend, among which I found one dcFcriMnir umr urrnian Unlets. I inm. dinlcly procured aftw I ntllrsfrom litru.aiidam pltas tn statu that the use of iho Hitters han'nne her niori good than all the medicine he has lierrtoiorv taken I Willi J UU IO scnu nif n 11 m 1 nnzrii Doilies J. V. Wick, MartliHhiirg, l'a May iia, 1P3, ihtii With much Pleasure I testify tn I he vlrtiirs nr.n,.. Get man Itltters Font ell me since, I was f-ert-rely nf, fiicled with a disease nf thr Liver for wh'rh J ite various remedies, hut with no bciicilcinl rllcrt, until I was Induced to try your Hitters, which 1 am now ha to to statu have entirely cured im" rv Thnv are entirely vein-table, free from all ntffthr.ii. flimulants.and pleasant lu taste and siut-H, Trice 74 cents per noiue. Sold hv HriiL'eistt and -tort-keener in avpfv and villuculu the United tnirs nnd Canans and br H. II. IJOU'JIAN & CO., llrtwisk. J, WUKT.MAN, Uolirthnrir. II. It. ItOllllINS. Light Mrcit. H. A. WURMAN, lny . June 7, 1830 ' TTti;VOLUTION IS .NECESSARY, Victory is Ours. Such Ii theprogreos nltiience in this age thatnotliliia seems nuposMhle. Tha t there urj new nim mciu niifie diFcovenes being made every day, 110 one w ill douln Alier u thorough invetigatiuii ol the Vigitdblu Kliti,, do.ii, with a itvv to obi 11 n n pomUvcor fpcctlic nmeily fur thr muiecominoii it) ol humauit) ,1 have succetdrd in bringing together such. Thrtu tar Invi- elnpinl since Its iulnductiou, and it i s now esteemed the mot popular remedy 111 tliu World, know n uh lldmbotds Genuine I'npation. Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Uiiract Uuehut Forall llHeaes 0 the Ulrddur, Kldnej , Urinary und Sexual Organ. JOY TO THE AFFLIC'IKDl'l It cures Disenprsolihe IU ailJi r. Kl.lii-j n, Cniile. 1'iep sy. Ulmtructions, I'liuuie ('uiuplanu thioiic fit m r rhucn, Hiilciuri-, Cltit. umull ditutn. uriiiiig Iiim eicesies and )nipriuieiiceip In lile, jycrvous ana UcttCetaUa Suilrrr rs. And removes all iinpnip'ri.utim'iufrr- Kidneys or BeiunM'rguns. wheihi r t Aittfii in Alsltt ir r vriiimi' r ruin Hiiimvu iuiji; uu y i gj I It t iiM f itiU- ted, nnd no nintler ot huw long stand lng, piling lit tilth ami Vigor to th Irauie and huomtu the rnlhd iltik Debility, brought on by abuse, n mon ii rr !!, w Inch has brnughltha hiimU' Itht huuiau family to uu timely graves, thus bl.iFting hr brilliant ho nt ym unti nutl blighting it the hi il t lie glnnoiii an'hiiiou of many he :uredh the use of this. IiifutiOtt licjiuat, sodas a medicinu winch must benefit ever)lodj frnm, the simply delicate in tin confined aiiUdi ipairing inva sc, noe-tuul Is tohe fout d. If )uu have cunlMCii d th ierrihle disease, wnich a lien once healed 111 ihu s)sum undermindtc the coRitutimi, snppingthe vry villi fluids of I iff, procure tin t remedy at once. The Leprous iHstilment, w bonu 1 iltrt lluhU cikIi un enmity with Mood 1 f man, Tint s ift us quickmlrur it iuutK'nitin.u(,h The mil ural pati nnd nMes of the tfil , Crudhn!!, like eagfr droppings iiitoiuik, 1 hf thin nud whdeoini' bluod, Hiw.ire oT'iunck iiontiuiin nnd 'piack Docton 3 IkimbohCs Highly ( onccntt atcd Compound I 'laid Extract of J indue Is prepared direct!) nrrcrdmg to ihe rules of I'harmsry Sl Clif inelry, with the gritUsl ni curacy and chui'iint kunwledgandcaru devote din ituLi mbj nation. I In pi p ulajity his ex tended in a'ldin ctions, and whether 11 m d in lown, country, hoBpiiul nr pritate practice, has in variably given the tnosl decided and unciulvoral rati faction and produced the moit rolutar ami bi nt Ccial pirects It Jj.tff bepnand is used In all the prinrlpal ca fes In the United States und lirilifhl'roviiicin,ii. boMh nuhlicund private practice, w ith great sunets lit nee Birth let it be understood, for tin pii't'fn art tdn.vrr whtlming to be cniitrailictril, tlint Prlmbuld's Highly Concentrated Compound HuJd l'.ilrnci Hiilij.u Uio ipot.1 vnlunblo rc medy ever ollertd to lliroftliclid. 1 1'hf maxs of voluniury testimony in poifet'Sriou ofih oprtclor is immeniie. embracing names well known to iiiencennd Fume 1 celebrated rb) slcians and XJikllug euhedClerg)unMi. Hon I'rolesior H-ewen'ri valuable work ou the I'rnctira ofl'hysicand most of thclaiu iiandardlwil'riui AHti elne. Dr. I' 'ti rani McDoew II, nhighly iliitMiguilird pi) j i alan and im tuber ofthe I.kj'H Ciiltg'Ot Hurgruim, lr'-amd-nnd published in the iraiitadioim ol the King and Queen's Journal, sn) s The (l'luid lljirnct l.urhu having been lately slruugty Kcoiniuciid, 1 wan iiuluu il to make it a trial, and my cxpt'tiiiiinlshnvt n fculttd iu the uioEtnlieJact) manner, having tucctfiUd in sav ns Ui u most invetcrutu cases in which I had no hupi of sueccrs. , , ,, An iutere&ling letter Is published In the Mt dice Chrur fiicallCeviuwon the subjuctnf extract Huchu, by IJeiija luiu 1 ravers, F. U.S., fpeHingoiS) pbiliKUiul disenst arising from excess of mercury he slates ilia f no rem edy ig ciual lo it Hi power is exlraon'inary, more iu than Hiiv druif I nm aciuainted w ith. It is iu the strict est sense a Tunic with this invaluable ntlribnte, that il Is applicable to a stale of tho ytfmsu tuiikm and jet solrrtinble as loroudur other substance of a lonirclcss unavailable, or Injurioui." Wo take the liberty m marking, (In Italks.) eays the distinguished edit- r. Dr Johnson, because we iiiostcordially concur with Mr. Traverse In his statements ol Lxiruct Huchu It Is a medicine wiiich is perfectly pieasnuiiiuis tasiv and odor, but immediate in itsnclion, audit is taken br persons oTcither sex, withom hindrance from business ur medicaladvice. asexp'icrt directions for mo and nn ample numberof relinbleand leipnusibteccriineatrs to convince the moat will accompany inch bottlu Trice SI per bottle, or six bottles for 5 Del lit red tu any address. I'repared and sold by II T IH'.LMUOLD. i'racllcal and Ana1vtkalChemJit No 323outh Tenth street, helowChestnut (Assembly Uuildiugs.) Philadelphia, To be had of J.n.MOT.n,vfgn( and of Druggists and Dealers throughout the VnitsfS States. Canadasand Urilish I'rovinces. Augusts, 1650 y. U0WIIA1) ASOCIATlOiV, IMIlLAUGLl'IUA, Important Announcement, " To all persons afflicted with sexual disras seuch an.MINAI. WI.AKNUrtj.lMl'GlXNCU.GONNOR nfE.V,(H.EKTSVrillLId iictc. lllio IIOWiMU) ASSOCIATION or niiladclphla. In view ofthe awful destruction ol hunnn life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deciplions wllithou practiced upon the unforluiiuto vldiuis ul such ar by llnoks, havo directed Ihiir Consullini! Surgeon, ns. a UUAIIITADI.C ACT worlhylorihcir umnc to f.rsj .ii 1 11 11 a 1. a 11 v llM! nn ATlrt. in nil nersons thus su.( i ted, Male or t'einale, who npply by letter, mill a lug bo , "V""".0'' B'J":?' '. "5.""' ,""",V' . I C.. U" "I" u. I .II.UIU I'.I.tll iMinuiuti m iMitiiv'i'a I'll i'l'. nl i. II Allr'.c. Tho Howard Association is a beneoleiillnlllullon, established by special endowment. lor Hie yellff or. the tiekand dlitres.ed, uHllcted wilh Virulent and Lpidem In Uncases.,, anil its lunds, can be fur cither purpoie, Il lias now a surplus ofriuds, which llie II. rectors hay. ToleJIoadverlisollio above notice, It is needless to add that thn Associllion cominands the highest Medi cal skilloftlieoge. and will lurnish the most approved modern treatment Valuable advice also given 10 sicls and nervous females artlicled w i Ih a bdoininu I weakness Woinli Complaint. Cosliveuess.l.eucorhnfn, Ac.. Address.?posl'paid)Ur. jr.O, U. CAI.IIOUN. Con eullingrliilieon. Ilnwurd Association, No, S South !!l rltl'ePt.rbilailelplila.l'a. llyordcrofthe lliicnors. ' TUA II. IIBARTWEIX. frs O LO, PAlllCIIII.U.Secrrisiy. Angus! 'J, 1650 y, GAUDKN AND KLOWKH SEKDS. .In A I.AllGr.aud select ossolluient of tho above was. J Ii. ranted genuine, nnd embracinir many hunir"- nls choice arieiies. lur sale, wholesale and retail. sua ry t e a I c r u p j; 1 1 o d n I 1 1 1 . c r a 1 .1 i e o u n t . i rAHijlI A 11. .MUHlila ulu,, km Agricullural Warrhouss aod ce-d rtnrr , ivornsraevf niniDu mbi pi, May 3, lt53. yhiUdelytlcv