IIIWIIM DMfilMT. LEVI Ii. TATE, EDITOR. Bloomsbuvg.Marcli HJ857. Pemocratlc Slato Nnmln.nlong. roil aovhiiNon. Gen. Wm. P. Packer, Of T.vcaming County, FUU OANAI. COMMISdlp.Vr.ll, Nimrod Strickland Of Chctur county. roK juuui; of thu Surinam court IIon. Ellis Lewis, Of Philadelphia. Tho Cabinet Tho cabinet of President Buclianinij as follows ! Lkwis Cass, of Michigan, Secretary of State. HowELii Cobb, of Georgia, Secretary of , tho Treasury, John B. Floyd, of Virginia, Secretary cf War. Isaac Toucet, of Connecticut, Score tary of tho Navy. Jacob Thompson', of Mississippi, Socrc tary of tho Interior. JznsMiAU S, Black, ef Pennsylvania, Attorney Central Aaron V. IinowN, of Tennessee, Post Postmaster General. This is a cabinet combining high par Bonnl cbaractcr, tried administrative abili ty, and comprehensive nationality. General Oass was born iu New Ilamp shi'c, in 1782, and is now seventy-five years of age. At an early ago, ho cmigra ted to the then wilderness of the West, and located in tho State of Ohio, lie was hero elected to several liighposit on.'in tho Ter ritorial and Stato governments, by the choice of tho people, a3 well as that of President Jefferson, who recognized his merits as a popular and able young man When tho war of 1312 came on, General Cass, obeying tho instincts of patriotism, which has always been a marked trait in his character, volunteered his services, and entered tho army, to beat back tho Britisli and Indian invaders. He served gallantly under General Harrison, during tho whole of his north-western campaign, and acqui red much distinction as a brave and active officerintho battle of tho Thames, as well as in several other severely contested ac tions. After the conclusion of tho war, he was for many years, under successive ad ministrations, Governor of the North-West Territory, and in'"that position acquired immensn jiopularity. Strongly imbued with the-prLnciples of Democracy, General Cisa was one of the ablest supporters of tho hero Jackson, who. honored him with tho most distinguished marks of confidonco lie was made Secretary of War in Jackson's fecond Cabinet, and discharged the duties of that mostimportcnt department, at the nullification era, with great credit to him self and tho country. One of tho last act3 of tho hero of New Orleans was to fend General Cass as Minister to France in 1830. Ho remained at the Court of tho Tuilieries until 1842, and during that time rendered U3 more important service than almost any other Minister we ever had abroad. By his patriotism, ability and vigilance, he succeeded in preventing Franco from bo. coming a party to tho Quintuplo Treaty between the great powers of Europe, which asserted tho right of search against Amcri cau vessels, and would, had it been ratified, havo involved us in a bloody war against half of Europe In 1813 General Cas3 was nominated for President, at Baltimore, by tho Demo cratic Convention, receiving a two-third yote on the fourth ballot. General Buttler, of Kentucky, was selected Vice President. Previous t this time he had written his immortal Nicholson letter against the "Wil mot Proviso," Uiaking tho then novel ground that Congress had nothing to do with slavery in tho Territories, but that it belopged entirely to the peoplo who reside there to settle. This position was furiously assailed by tho opposition, but General Cass has lived to sco it adopted as the fixed policy i f tho government, In this cam paign ho was beaten by General Tayl.ir, , receiving ono hundred and twenty-seven rotes tn Gen. Taylor's one, hundred and eixty three, s General Cass was ono of tho principal tuppurtcrs of the Compromise measures of 18S0, which wcro based upon the idea of his Nicholson letter. In 1802 General Cass was again a candidate for President at the N,atioual Convention, and received by far more votes than any other candidate. An agreement was finally effected upon General I'iorce, as a compromise man, and that gentleman .then received tho support of General Cats and his friends, n.o lent tho imraetisa weight of his name and influenco to the passage of tho Ncbras- k.a,bill and to, Uis election of Mr. Bqghauan,! in 1650, and Actually, notwithstanding his.f'vor in that body. Howiw a prominent great age, Took tho Btump in Mr. Buchan an's fovor, in Michigan. Few men, if any, in the country havo had a moro successlul or honorable poliii cal career" a roan of high statesman ship, of firm integrity, of stern and un bending democracy, nntjggf ptiro patrloU liva, hostands high in tho public estima tion. He'will boon truo to ins tru-.n w i.. t.,.1 r i,sv "-""v uv. , IIowslIi Conn, of Georgia, lms won an i onduring reputation by tho commanding i ability with which he has discussed and tho boldness with which ho has defended tho rights guarantied by tho constitution, Ho was horn in 1SG, in Georgia and conso qucntly'is but forty-two. After graduating at asouthcrn college, .ho entered upon tho prctico of : lie law, and exhibited ability so niirlctd that in 1837 ho was chosen by tho Georgia logislaturo solicitor general. In 16-12 ho first appeared in tho national field by an election to congress. In this body ) no took rank among tho foremost debaters, and was reelected for foursuccossivo terms, In 1810 ho was chosen speaker of tho house. Succeeding this service ho was chosen in 1853 governor of Georgia, and in 1855 again was returned to congress, where his power was universally felt, and his fitness for leadership as universally acknowledged. So elevated has been his patriotism ; so ir rcproachablo is his private character; eo industrious his habits ; so clear his intellect that it is conceded on all bauds that he is worthy of tho responsible post to which ho his been called, and if prior servico be any test, it is a guaranty of an ablo and faithful administration of tho treasury de parlmcnt. JonN B. Floyd is of Virginia, where his eminent services to tho democratic par ty won for him a wido popularity. He has powerfully supported tho democratic candidates sinqo 1830, He is an eloquent speaker; ha3 held many and variouspub lic offices; was governor of Virginia in 1850; and has evinced administrative a bihty of a high order. An opp"sition journal concedes that ho "possesses con sidcrablo talent and versatility, and from experience iu various offices will no doubt bo found competent to his new position.' Ho made an ablo reply to Mr. Banks's speech from tho steps of the Merchants' Exchange, IScw York, and was a demo cratie elector in tho last election. Isaac Touct, of Connecticut, has had a long and wide experience, both in his own state and in tho general government. lie served in tho house of rt presontatives from 1835 to 1639; in 1640 ho was elected gov ernor of Connecticut; in 1852 was chosen senator; and, in every station to which ho has been called, has exhibited ability and judgement. He was a fearless ndvocato of tho Nebraska bill, and his argucmont for this great measure will be a monument of his patriotism and statesmanship long after tho assults of faction th41 havo been forgotten. To fino ability, Air. Toucey has a private character above reproach ; a fidelity to his friends as truo as Iho nccdlo is to the polo; and tho President in him will have a constitutional advisor who. knows how to appreciate thodffioulties, aud to estimate the patriotism and sacrifices of thoso at tho north who stand by the nation al compromisei, and arc laboring to recall this section of tho country baok to fidelity to the constitution. Jacob Tiiomtso.v, of Mississippi, sovcr- ed several years in congress from 1830 to 1851; and distinguished himself by his industry, practical knowledgo of business, and good sense. Ho applied himself faith fully to measures of high importance, which ho discussed with ability and eloquenco and stern integrity. He, like Gov- Brown, is a state rights southern democrat; but also liko Governor Brown, did not, in tho contest whenthe 1650 compromise incisures wero enacted, go with tho cxtrenio southern wing. He has great firmness of character; largo personal popularity; thorough knowl edgo of public affairs ; and is emphatically a working man, having in him the quali ties that go to mako up administrative a bility of a high order, Aabo.v V. Brown, is by birth a Virgin ian, Ho early distinguished himself as a lawyer in Tennessee, and was tho partner of PresMcnt Polk, Ho was a senator in tho Tcnnesseo legislaturo from 1821 to 1827, and a representative in 1831 and 1832, where ho earned a solid reputation as a debator aud legislator. From 1839 to 1815, ho served in congress as a member of tho hours. His speeches on tho "freedom of elcctions,""tho burning of the Carolino," against tho tariff, of 1812, against tho Gs. cai bank bill, on tho remission of Gen Jackson's fine, on tho Florida treaty, and on the Oregon bill, ftro pointed to by his friends with pride as evidences of his supo rior ability. In 1845 ho retired to private life, but was met on his return homo with tho news of bis nomination ai j governor by the democratic state convention. Ho im mediately entered upon the canvass, ex- Senator Foster, ono of tho most popular men in Tennessee being h'u opponent, Tho canvass was a brilliant one, r.nd result ed in Mr. Brown's election. II is admin istration as governor proved him to bo pos- scssod of great executive talent. He was defeated by a very small majority for re- election, owing to parties u.-wg evenly ual- anced. In 1850 ho was a member of tho Nashville convention, and though a stato rigllts democrat, took ground against tho cxtrenio radical viows which met with some- canmuato lor mo vico presiuency uoioro tho last national convention. Governor Mr own made very ablo speeches against know nothiugism, sharply exposing its in sidious character. Ho is 62 ycar3 of age, stands high in the confidcuca of the demo cratic party, and will mako a capital cabi. JsunMVU 8. Hlack, b tho attorney Inerdh and h nrouounoid by all who e . ....... ono of tho greatest and best mon of tho country. Ho Is a Pcnnsylvanian by birth, and wusloYti in 1810. Ho devoted him stlf to n professional life, nnd never held a purely political office; In 1842 ho was ap. pointed ono of tho district judges of Penn sylvania i bcctimo on tho bench tho chief justice,. and iu 1E51 was elected to tho su premo bench, JIh literary attainments aro of tho very highest order. Ho is pro found in his knowledgo of law, and his opinions as a judgo havo won for him tho highest respect of his professional brethren Ilia selection has elicited tho flattering cu. logiums oven from tbo opposition press Thus Iho Philadelphia Gazette says "lie is a lawyer of very high attainment', and of most accomplished mind in other re spects; and we aro euro ho will do emi nent credit to his now po"sition.'' Tho Pcnnsylvanian (democratic) remarks Tho purity of his character, tho inbred and incorruptible honesty of his nature, tho soundness of his principles, tho superior brilliancy and clearness of his intellect, all stamp him with tho genious attributes of truo greatness. Tho nation could not havo marshalled into her service a nobler spirit " Thisglanco at the antecedents of the personnel of tho now administration shows that it has a marked homogeneous charac ter. Not that tho members went as a unit on tho exciting questions that havo lately divided the country; but that they all held their views and action na subject to tho paramount duty of tho preservation of tho Unmn. Hence, wlnlo this cabinet i3 rep resentative of tho strictest fidelity to con stitutional right), it is emphatically a rep resentative of that national sentiment, that comprehensive regard to all tho interest of our common country, which should ever mark tho couusols and tho conduct of pa trot statesman. And at its head, as the dispenser of the political-power, as emphatically tho Pbes idest, is tho illustrious statcsmau, who has just solemnly declared, that ho is con vinced he owes his groat ofiico "to tho inherent love for tho constitution and the Union which still animates tho hearts of the American people;" and who can have no motivo to influence his conduct but the desire ably and faithfully to serve his coun try, and to live in tho grato'ul memory of U3 countrymen. Let patriotic citizens, of whatever party, sharply review tho past and calmly survey the present in tho legacy of "tho richest political blessings which Heav en has bestowed upon any uatio'n;" and then say whether such an administration, based on such a platform as tho inaugural, is ngt worthy of their utiited and powerful support. But especially let tho great na tional party that called this administration into pwer, resolve to rally round it with zeal and enthusiasm. Measures emana ting from such a source deserves to be judged with candor; and the past is a guaranty that thoy will bo found worthy of tho support of the patriotism and intelli gence of tho American peoplo. Judge Black's Successor, Tho transfer of Hon. Jeremiah S. Blaok, by President Buchamn, from tho Supreme Bench of Pennsylvania to a seat in his cab inet, has created a vacancy in tho Supremo Court, which will be temporarily filled by appointment of Governor Pollock until the Election in next October. Mean time, tho Democratic State Convention, will rc asscmblo and nominate a candidate for the succession, it is uncertain who will tie nominee, but 'as a matter of information, wo gave tho names of several distinguished democrats, who havo already been named by tho newspapers viz : William Strong, of Berks county. Charles A. Black, of Greene. William A. Stokes, of Westmoreland. James Thompson, of Erie. Hopewell Hopburn, of Pittsburg. From such an array of distinguished gentlemen, with others who will yet doubtless bo proposed, tho Convention can havo littla difficulty in making a judicious scloction. Either of whoso nomination would greatly strengthen our Stato Ticket. They aro good men and sound democrats, Cheap Straw Goods. Messrs, Walters J- Stackhous; at their splendid establishment, No. 25, North Fourth Street, (opposito tho merchant's Hotel,) Philadelphia, invito tho Northern Trade, through our advertising columns. Their stock of Straw Bonnets and Summer Hats, and Spring Goods, gcnei ally, aro a mong the first in the City, Give them a coll. Exchange of Storo Stands. The Messrs. llirtman J- Mr. A. C. Rlensch, Merchants of Bloomsburg, last week, made a regular oxchango of Storo , stands. Mr. 31 essch, is now flourishing up town in tho ''Old Arcade," whilst tho Messrs. lunTMAsr, aro comfortably loca ! ted bellow Market on Main Street, on their own "Cheap Corner." Wo wish each of j theso gentlemen great success in Us thoso who deal with them, wi business, will roadily attest their generous attentions. jOur readers aro requested to peruse witli attention, the notice nnd statement of tho Saving Fu.nd, of tho National Safty Co., which appear in our paper. People who havo largo sums, often como from a great distance to put their money in this old aud well established institution, on I account of Iho security it nffords. Tho of. flee h in WAtsot Btrrot, Doutn-wcstt or - .n Til l! J.t.t.t. Tho Doinoorntio Slnto Tickot. Wc,bri!ly rcforrtd yesterday morning, says tho I'aihtylvanian, of Wednesday, to tho fact that tho Democratic Stato Conven tion had nominated Hon. William F. Packer, of Lycoming County,for Governor. Ho has been tho architect of his own for tunes, and has risen to his present position from tho starting point of a printer's ap prentice. Previous to his appointment as Auditor General by Gov. Porter, ho lad been for a short timo ono of tho Canal Commissioners of tho Stato. Ho was Speaker of tho Pennsylvania Logislaturo during tho session of 1848 and 1840, and was soon after elected a member of a Stato Senate, whero ho boro a conspicuous part in all its deliberations It will thus bo seen that tho training of Gen. Packer lias been admirably calculated to qualify him for the office of Governor, Endowed with an active and penetrating mind, by his ripe cxpcricnco ho has bccouio fully conversant with all tho varied interests of tho State, and when hois elected, we shall once more havo a Governor of our uoblo old Com monwealth who knows something about her interest nnd of tho duties devolving upon tho Executive, and who will thus pre sent a refreshing contrast to the present in efficient incumbent. Gen. Packer is one of tho finest speakers in the Stato. During tho last campaign ho rendered very effeo tivo service to tho Democratic cause, and his speeches always commanded tho deep and earnest attention of his auditors. For Canal Commissioner, Hon. Nimrod Strickland, of Chester County, was nomi. natcd upon tho second ballot. Wo have known him long and well,' and wo do not believe that any party in this Stato over made a better nomination for a State office. There is no man in tho Commonwealth who has, through life, maintained a higher and moro hounralU personal character than Judgo Strickland. Ardently attach ed to the Democratic patty, ho has given tho best energies of his life to its service, and few men have labored moro zealously and efficiently for it3 success. Connected with that staunch old Democratic paper, the West Chester Ripublicun, as its editor, for near fifteen years, his vigorous and in dustrious pen was ever busy in sustaining great principles, and his political services as an ablo and convincing writer, were of a very important and useful nature. Not withstanding his straightforward political course, howover, his high moral character and unswerving integrity havo always se cured to him the lespoct and esteem of the members of all parties, wherever ho is known. As an evidence of this, ho was last year elected Associate Judgo in Ches ter County by a handsome majority, al though the Democratic Stato ticket was in a minority of several huudrcd. No stain or blemish mars the purity of his life. Ho will go into tho office, if elected, with clean hands, and no ono who knows him will doubt that ho will como out of it equally pure, and free from ail taint of corruption, or tampering with tho public interests. Diligent, faithful, upright and intelligent, ho would do honor to the station, and tho pcopla of tho State cannot do themselves better servico than by electing him. ForJudgo of the Supremo Court, tho present able Chief Justice, Hon. Ellis Low is, has been ro-nominatcd. In early life, he, liko Gen. Pirckcr, learned tho myste ries of tho "art preservative of all arts,'1 and for some timo edited a newspaper in Lycoming county. In 1832 and 1833, ho was a prominent member in the State Leg islature. In tho latter year ho was ap pointed Attorney-General by Gov. Wolf, and shortly after ho was appointed Presi dent Judge of tho Lycoming district, which position ho occupied for twelve years, until in 1845, ho was appointed Judgo of the District composed of the county of Lan caster, In 1851 ho was elected Judgo of the supremo Conrt of Pennsylvania, and since tho expiration of Judgo Black's term as Justice in 1855, ho has occupied that position, ror twenty-lour years Judge Lewis has now occupied high Judi cial positions, and during all that period he has most ardently devoted himself to his profession. At tins day he stands in tho front rank of tho Jurist of tho ago, Thoro can bo but ono opinion as to h'u abilities and devotion to his duties. Notwithstand ing the eminence he has attained, ho dis plays tho somo unflagging industry that has distinguished him through life, and his opinions givo ample evidenco of tho pos- eesjion of an amount of legal Ioarning rare Jy attained even by tho most skilful and distinguished Judges." ltogether, our ticket 13 a good ono a very good ono ono that every Democrat may bo prcud of, and ono eminently ue serving of success at tho polls in October. Tho Panorama of Lifo and Lit erature. This invaluable monthly, for March, is on our table. It comprises tho choicest lit erature of tho age aud stands first amongst tho American Magazines. Tho Ltvm, Age, a weekly Magaziuo, of similar char- actor, accompanies tho Panorama, both of which are published at Boston, by Littell Son & Company, March Farm Journal. This excellent work was on our Tablo with tho opening of tho month. It is so well known to our readers, and becoming justly 1 I popular that we scarcely deem further ,k - "-- J i Publtbhor.', Philadelphia, Lato Nows Itoms, nuNnr S. Maqhaw, Stato Treasurer, was on last Wednesday, ro-clectcd i'reas urcr, for tho onsuing year, ftfancar, Lobo and Wagonsellcr, Voting with tho Demo crats. Now Hampshire has gone for tholtcpub licans. t ' Tho Mcxioan War has terminated with out blood-shed, Tho Scnato Committco has reported in favor of admitting Camtron to n seat in tho U. S. Senate. Tho remains of Doctor Kano wcro on Wednesday last interred in Philadelphia, Tho Family Koopsako. A noatnnd very interesting Family Mac- azinc, a great iavonto witli the Ladies, published monthly, by Ilurtlick X- Sea. vill, in Now York, 81 00 por annum.. La dies, hero 19 what you aro all in want of viz: a Companion, Holmhold's "Extract Buchu." This mcdicino is said to bo a certain sne- cifio for tho lingering and distressing com plaints mentioned by tho inventor in his advertisements. Persons thus afflicted would do well to tostit3 miraculous powors. Mr, Jno.lt. iloycr, Druggist, 13 tho Agent for its sale in Dloomsburg. 03 Joiim McB.EYN0l.DS, Esq., our Bcprcsontativo in tho Board of Itcveiiuo CominisHoncro, at Harrisburg, has our thanl'3 for important documents. Mr. Mclteynolds has discharged his duties very satisfactorily. Tho Hoard adjourned last Wednesday. S- Peter Ent, Esq., our Itcprcsonta. tivo in tho Legislature, was called home last Wednesday to attend the funeral of a deceased relative in Litht Street. Br.EEniNQ Kansas. Let tho people bear in miud (says tho Now Hampshire Patriot) that Kansas ceased to ''bleed" as soon as the presidential election was over, which proves that she was made to "bleed" for effect upon that election. Let them remember, ah'i, tint every statement and prediction of tho black re publicans in regard to the effect of Mr. Buchanan's election upon Kansas and sla very every statement and prediction in regard to tho slavery qucstion-Ziawrat'ct? utterly false and deceptive; while every position assumed by tho democracy lias proved correct. Iho Inaugural Suit. Tho Lancaster Independent Whig gives tho following description of Mr.Buchanan's Inaugural suit: '1 he cntiio suit is to bo black tho coat and pantaloons of the finest cloth, and tho vest of silk, flowered. Tho entire affair will reflect credit upon the su perior workmanship of our townsman, who finished it. In the inside of the coat, across tho shoulders, ana around tho arms, Unity one ttars aro tastefully embroidered in silk, with Iho Keystone in tho centre, represent ing the glorious trio, of brilliant stars, which Air. Iruclianan will endeavor to bum still moro firmly together, with tho Keystone of tho whole, strengthening, aud holding firmly the splendid arch." A Harmonious Cabinet. Every member of President Pierce's cabinet occupied tho samo place from the begining to tho ending of tho lato admin istration. This is said to havo been the only case of that hind sinco tho forma tion of tiio government. Tho fact speaks well for tho Presdcnt and each one of his cabinet officers, showing as it docs an un precedented degree of harmony. A Now Supremo Judgo. The appointment of Hon, Jeremiah S. RlnnV in tlm OnViinpr. lr.nvi n vrmnnm. nn . . ..wj w.. the Supremo lsouch, which will bo lilled i;i V,vl nlnnlinn T rinir Pnllnnlr Whr, Ulltll llOXt election by UOV. I OllOClC. M UO llO will aPDOint WO UllOW not. It Will altO r .. M ... .. It will alio ' create the nccos-ity ol caning together airain tho Democratic State Convention to nominate an additional candidato lor the li t..i. tr- t.ll .Ail ouprcme dcuuii. iru oiiuu uiuti uuii tail We shall elect next fall two membeis to the Supremo Bench. Terforated Postage Stamps. Great Convenience. lion. James i-ampbcll, tho Postmaster Ucncral, has rcfcntly introduced an improvement iu tbo post.tgo stamps, which according to the Philadelphia Ledj; or, adds greatly to their public convenience. He lias hail them preparco nerforatiom around tho stamp, so that they can bo trom the other, without pair of scijaors. Besides in this improvement, tnero curitv that tho stamp wi loiter, for the poiuts or rou, tho ncrforations will ttiel; tcr, thcro Lemg none ot tno nsK 01 tho edeo turniu" up as when it is continuous, Tins plan of perforating letter Btmips is practiced in liuropc, aim' wr, uampucir f.m ll.nt niinlrt. fr,r lien liorn 'I no ml,. mil r ift pmurncior iti nru :ure a inacuinc tract is nindo witli 'I'oppau, Carpenter &j Co,, of I'hiladelphia, and, iu addition to a sunnlv forthatcity.tho fctam impsimvo already . 14 ... iv' v t. l-..-.. li. .t.i Ueeil Belli 10 lltn iun, jjusiuu, uuiiiiuuru,; Cincinnati, St. Lt'uU,New Orleani.Chicago, I and Albany. Tho amount of letter wri-l ting in tbo United States may bo inferred from tho number of postage stamps used. , Tho number sold by tho government last 1 year reached nearly ono hundred and titty millions of stamps. . 1ST Tho case of James Simmon, in Cin- lt mluUy .n-I night, all ,h yr mmrl V " ""'" JO IN K. OIRTO.V. ,ii-; which fully aaiiide. me ihm con.uniption i. ; dcRrCO, ten years ago, Oil account Of poiS- ,.,,.,. 1837 louuer a fatal diaraie. My treulm.nt ot coi..ui.. o" .? 1,:, f ,il,r.ru VmiK- hen nf whom ' "' l. original, nnd lounded on lone . iperlel.ro and a II oning lin Mther 3 uniuj , two o: wnom Tnei'iirr wiscvr i ' rouen inv.iiijaii.ui. My perrm aciuaintonre wi ' 1 died, has been disposed of by the supremo jubijIU rusc-i.ijii, iiiuutuooriubercicc,fec.,tnaiiie. men. rti.tincu I court, and bo is or.Iered to be hung 'on tho wiamw avij muml .w.vof.otww. , m. ,0?,;ay,,;r,o'';,tcfrnmlrV.,"in.". I 14th (if Anril next 1,0 '-' """a"' "T , beinit miiiakcn eveninn aiMSlec.i.o. 'ihia famillilllj lllUOIiipril lltXl, i (A-vra W teener c.V.Ut.trl, ' ,l cnnniction wilh certain patliolosiral aud I"'""'" . .. .... . ..i... ... ...I.I.... ,n ri.ii..v. .I.e lune. f run. .trinn.; foiinit ml 11 nt .niirilor in tlift lirsr. . ...ill t...l..n I i.ini. iii ii . kltnivn bV nHer .lie .UUTer. Ol'en p-n in u ill m tZT Tho population of New York is iy. has . SSi W ZXS'.l !nc ok .innni llir, rain of one overv BOVCU-I T., .'h"J'! ?"3t Jn&Vt net. - www.. lllll..lli:i.l'IIl1. sic ui.ru.riii,. r.m.... . .- . - K3r Tho Houso of Representatives of ThilinH. 1... 1 1 .11 . wui.iiiii nils jjussuu u uiii securing 10 mar riad women whoso husband havo been im prisoned for felony, nil heir own real nh.l personal property, their own earnings du ring suou ucsertion or separation, and the proceeds of their husbands' debts. ThU is a ngiitcous law. JOT A nrlsonor in tho MlcMrmn nnnl tentiary, Bcntonccd to solitary confinement, was found dead in his cell. A steam pino passing through his cell to warm it had burst, and as no cry of help could bo bard by tho keener, to savo himself ftnm lm!.m cooked to death the poor man cut his throat. HSyA statistininn trim l.-a . - - . v.jiiiimuu a list or the killed and wounded during tho llovolutionary war makes it as f dlowa : British, 25,33p; American, 0 271. E Tho Democrats of Missouri lmrn nominated It, M. Stewart for (J place of Gov. Polk, who is elected to tho uuiicu oiaies senate. VST The editor in chief nf llm To 'Pimts 13 said to have tho Same K-llnrv no tho President of tho Utiitcn States, 825,000. SSST Tho lino of steamshin running tweon Philadelphia and Liverpool, will hereafter run into tho port of Now York. afi5Tho Legislature of Tnrlimn l,o (!-. cd the rate of interest at ten per cent on special contracts, JEST There is now livim? in nn1nn. Mass., 21 farmers, between 80 and nn old. ' IoHouay's Ointment and Pills. Poss or- sod of these remedies every man is his own family physician. If his wile aud chil dren aro troubled with eruptions, sores, lumurp, winio swellings, sore throat, as thma or any affection iif the skin, elands ormusclcs, nperscrving use of the Uiiflment is all that U ucce.-saiy to produco a radical cure. If on tho other hand, tho internal organs ure ass iled by diso, so whether it bo located in tho livor, tho stomich or the intestines, hocaneradioito it by .ulmiiiiitcr ing tho pills to tho suffurcr, under tho ui d ince of tho clear directions which accom pany every box, tC CAUTION 1 Nnnnnri eflniijnc unlfii tlifl words " oi.otfay. Aeifl Yorhand London,' are ilir einiblc ut u ra:tr mark ta every Uaf or tba hook or direction! uriiumlfnch tint nrliox; l h-i raaie may lieptaiitly neti liy ipdintf i6 Utf to tht llgt A liatiitsninK rcv.Bnl will bu given tu any uno rendering met) inrninmlinii a may lead to tli deierllnn of, any party tr paitien co'inierleiljii the ntarilcine or vinding the ranic, knnwini. them tn lie !ntiMoiia. REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. connrcTSD weekly at uautman's stoke Wheat Ryo Corn Oats. Buckwheat. . . White Means.. Bees. Wax. . . .SMO . . .02 ...00 ..37 ..02 ..150 Butter. .. Kggs Tallow. . , Lard . . . , Potatoes. 14 14 ,....14 ....50 Dried App'cs. .150 DIED. In Hloomsburg,nu the 5tli of March. Mrs. Margaret Wfiw, wife of Casper J. Tho lias, aged about 49 ycara. In Li.it Strost, on Siturtliy last, MUs. Margaret Salmoit, (aistcr of the late Sher iff S ilmon) aged about 70 years, In Light Street, Columbia county, on Tuesday list, Mr. John II. Dcwitt, Post Ma3tcr at that place, gcd about 32 years. In Benton township, Columbia co., on the -1th of March, ylii?ij Longer, aged GO years, 4 mo., and 22 days. In Kingston, March 4th, 1857, Daniel Koil, in the Oltli year ot Ins aj;c. In Pittston, on Tuesday last, of Neural-1 nrii.an..ii .r ,r i, Mr. James U. Fcesman, aged OS.XX'J.Kn" vprirv J1-"3 In Abinton, Luzerne Vo. Pa., 10th ult, of dropsy, KM. John Miller, aged 62 years, PfeT Ali j New AclverLisemenis. tY V-A i:JUUIUU Klfl'MTl! 0T. 4i" 11 ' WHF.N A pnilMANBNT UUItr IS GUARANTEED iu allstagen of SCt'fl V,V DIBIAHKS Helf-AMnte, Nervous Pebiluy. dttictures.niects. Gravtl.Mercurtal Rheumatism, fcrofula, l'mns in the Ankles and Uones, lttipuiiintiim, ftrotiila. lhtiis in Hit! Anl.lt-1 and Uonei 1 iiiuki or the Thrum. Nme ud nn, uiccn upoi i lh' llody. Imillii I r rf KH lantlc-. nnd III Imiiruprr dll ' Ciaree., no uutlcr ol l,ow lone naintini!. or lilirint ' c. rwov.'rjr la crtlain Hid In rtioner tiranthal t n nrmniivni pure could lie rflVclfd hi any otlier treat t'ia case, rerovry fs certain and in a shorter timrt than hiiiiBj. nn Ill.ltlUI- nl liOW lOIIP tUIKline. or DliSlitiatC mpnt, cvcnnnir tii mii of ti mmi nn i.ioii ''" ' ' f,ile,l;,?'l.!.li5,iL,,.''."r" '.''rli'e.'l.M'. ii1.'" i : inir muiifr 'iri.nfn mr inccmniienre, an.t itiwut ineimrv or tial.nln Uurlnil tni'l.lt )l.ir.' lirnctice, 1 nrai.a Tin n.i.iBilInd ... Tr.... Trnn. n.l.ir. rn.i , nnve ,irt m hi-n.Hi ovtr ovpiitten ilioiuin.l pa lienta wliu worn ruir'rini: iin.fr r llm wrrt rnrniii of a'l tho aliovo iiipiitinnf.,1 ih.en.eH. ulilcfi siiarutitct.. me in prtHiitftihS a pirirct nnd iioiil iH;i-dv cure Si-cri'l ilti- tan nr i" urt-u.'-n. 'i''""--' "' " .i i',.i i ai thfV nrfi tin' fi.it ciuii of cniuiiiiit)in- .rrofut i ,c, and rhnitld b4 n tfrrnr to all n.li-m. on Iho enrlh ; for itlm.litearc ii li-con-inR ao coiimioii and ircalmcnt 10 little nmlf mnnd, Hut n pimnnnnit curn i. marrely I ever tflVcti'd. n ntajnrity of l'ie ca.i'i fall lulu tho i ImioL of ineonipetent pi'mom. who not only tall to eure thf. miilaiU. hnt riunlhs roii.tilntion rorrn. d , em rility hapoliie... !''eui.ilt IrrepulariU' a and nil other t . II'IUHIC" M-UTII 111 HI. ... ... ......... ...... v-. J0mm ' nl, .. i'a Mll H. 1857 PUIW.IU VICXDD13. "VS7"ILfj bo exposed to silo, by Publio ,,2L01k Thutsday, 20tt of March, Thofollowini deenhd per.nnal properly, vlr.: Four R()00 0l8UlJ- cattle. Il-iclc or T Sueep one i liurae Wneon, elcht lloga. O'aSiLB 1 bono Wneon.Trurk Wa'n. ol d one fiipi ltockawav. Medi nod Hleljb'. 1'lnw.. JLJaHJ Harrow., Cultivator!, and Threihing XmaSsJliSi Machine, and in .hort. l'utniin Uuu illascncrally. Ah ill Orain and l'otatoo?by tho IJuMiel, with a vailety of Household anj Kitchen ruioiturc. to I'-Ji-oja loo lil':litloil. ... ... t iiH' si u to f oinniencn ni iu o.oca. r.. ... . ..utn Wr ll..tk II lfc.1t "r r,,u t,.h ..ill. .ii. n...,in. i .ii. hi,. e iitii.. 1 bird .t.ue it a liupeinoio to .ae uioro ininnveprr inircury-whlrh, i I e re..ain.. I aea.e in I he i up by llm fiat.tt a. to . ..i.i....n... , il.nfl.r.iit i.ni.r.ii.n ureiiotnl ion nt I on SUCCtH VMtl '4lPJ;'J iond, '.i.'.le.ance to m. J.cal .Kill 1".. however. in , .ta hOrUora Ol each M ,.'. bulrhn.il.l ii not caoro death .ptedily. " "S''- "VT"'.; . Zl.r,;' I ..V;," ihT;,? .i separated, one ' vc''"lt" iZ Jui, """y "'"' ?iy a ihuad perro,,. ... u,. . 1 . tnnveyeilfroni the pircnl tntlioe"llillcli,c.in,liii! inein ,...,,,...,,,,',,.,,., rntiiBilon ibowa USing a K111I0 01- lo eome Into I H world ;'' rX.i In cirl- '" tho preol pnMilat,ou of tie corlh, ei.hl roil. tho Mviaaof time ? S I KvStwV. V,?.. .feWJ'S U greater so- &'r. !?;;!,!!.J'"." -S,'J2X 11 aUliero to tho de.tr.iyiiho nrroua .yatnn rapldlv w.Hlnit nwav Iho ,',', '" T,,'h"1ui lul.'lbo emeef.,1. ami tl. I'll Cllyoleft bv "crpiu. "f't t'Vi'"Vic"e."I,,:I, .i '.'XlV. cined. nytlie Uiip uftliat rupromo trelna.frtoiulioin hotter to the let- rvlim il vliitm for rrlaee. iwnty ihiiIiiih nnoi.il ; ' i,, ,1, r. '.,,', ,i :,-.i ,,e in . lie I eroiier . r., . - . , ,r, i n, ri.no eo 10 ,tm ' ., '," ' . .inn .1 , , , ..nl in l"t'0 blood, uilil the iuiinediolo eaert. produced by lio-ir ,nc I'Moner. Ii'lne., ' n I d,r ,'ll'nj-'' !,oilionlnlloi lunM.il to prevent the free adlui..iotl - f. .h. ;.',,,, k, teller "fair nun the air colli, which con -el a weaken. ,r Vila-- umcallng their a n M0' '" J.K"."'n M n ,ty throueh the entire ajite.n. Then nurely II i. inore- nx . Vort Ofnc ; rWT .1 . below K.b. I'bi.adel ';'"; ."P !" I ZSSS NBW FIRM. Till, lobitrltier no'ild Inform Hit nnblii and I.,, under IheimmoonilMyUofUie n,ni t Wtrtmin 4k. noliMlmrj, Mite!., 9.1817-3t. U WTMAN NOTICE. ALV,i,I,."k,Ll",'M""0,l,,i,",,,,""l' l'hf by n.h,!S !bwk "fount, r reque.tcd to raako lot' o?T.i. Kii'V."'." "' 'p""""-"" nohbur, March 0, 1857- E. WHITMAN. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. S'.1,!;"lf 1,0 en GOVERNMENT l.ANU WAU. n,.i'lr?r? ",! " '!" between lhl..ndU,. urjt nf nct May, nl tlili office, Marcli 14, 1S17 lm. GARDEN, FIELD & FLOWER SELDS amic,.',"'1c"'a,',lt)eC,",' "e,d '' ""! tascii ill Mortnts t co, Airlcullural Implement and Seed etore, ., fc .. Ks,? cu'of7th and Market ilreetl. Mirth H, lfi,, rilllodelplili. VALUABLE UIOGUAPIIICAL WORK. iliorLD at owftiD Attn anp at EVERY YOUNd MAN IN THE LAND I tin Lira or tin tittBHatiD INVENTOR OF STEAMUOATS, 1KD 111 "Father of Slcnm Navftration." ONE OF PENNSYLVANIA rt MO.'T rATIlIOTIu AND (lU'TCD EONS. A1UIOTIU ROBERT PULTON. One Totume ocutn. II tiitraled uiil, i.-.- - ted -,., 1.-: ' Wiether ith ropio ot hi early iliawliiii vtuen Tci' Altl.t (miniature painter) In riiltiidcliihi,, by J r. llllRlatl, n.o,.. Author of "United IMalei Autee,; puy," 1 lie luvouuirs-ana l'aienicea'Uulde," tc LMoih binding 92 SO RniellT t'l'LTn rcrhani there la no m.n i- r-rl!Tit niihuy of UUtingunlied Ainer!c.ni, vlio I,. adorned iho lilitnry ol the Ropuhlle, liu.c carter i allotted tnk. vrilh a fidelity an and e.in.pleunci. iha, J ml to hi, bea, , i, .j" 111-of Robert Fullo., and honor at unco to mi head an 1,1 , ...,..i i,rei uorjert Fu ton and I, It... tt. nlnre nun , , A,.t ,u h i. nun Ui 'liphtt poMibllity cr fliVpuie. b ""IM!B' Tlifl iMplf who lUwill in thA brca) tBiv tti mlfchiy Minisiippl, Bhom.l b niiimxr thn rarhept Bud t)i most prompt in wdcnmc llic appearance r.f on an. Utentic record i.f Hip nun. to wliokc g..lu thry lrtM ilf-ply imlutitPd for tlio means or m rirNly dVIoi In tlie atxmntliiiK recoil rrp of tl.einpc Hon oft,,,, f0urtir Tli firm to kmuiiliDle iht praelicabiliiv of nrpnchrm' ri'MPl by tPiini, nnri to put ii jnio sir Cut nriicilct his claim to to cnneiiUred ns nuionfr llic clii'f tirriHuc tir, not only of Im cmiiiiry. hut of lii.i rncejim innt Veil nrlmilU-d In l. mi.ijxa liable. Thnl Ibe t"iili.HlT of this had flrueh otl,r n.iitj., ftn, tial u railed tlicoretiritlly. Iiut w iihout nny practiral letiintiitrtf(in nl th-i lact. ilnes imt nilliiute ajrnuHl In right tn b con tide red llip father fit Mfni iiavJention The un. 3Bi In IH07 ot tho CLRnMON'T. from New Voik lo Albany, una the -cri. of Ms title to tins diitmctlon nod It J iinw. nni Ins for venrs been undisputed, aul will forevni rriunin iiidirpujir From lhc eiirly hnyhuod or Fulton tho perm of Ms future fame wa ricopnitPd by nil who knew Mm. nod who w.vch''d thf! ifpylopmpnt of his mind and of hl charncUT, tn n plant of ftmnn and vigorous criwth, iTomtPttiR a rich and preannnt maturity The fir ft of Mr llpisai fs inu'rekilne illuurotirn Imna tiny f rfniirtff tt ynrs ofnn, link i rip n stirrr-MTu W no rimcnt of propeling a m:il! skid by pa Id'p whceU tf hi own construction, on the Cum tog. This was In, 179. Twpnty eiKht )rn' thereafter h satisfied all doubters that a vcfs''I of large , in could bo prnpOletl by piddlewhcel with itt-nm as the luotito power Het we ii thoFPtwu eras of his lifp.his genius was de vetoping itself in many varied wayi. Hp wss a drtiifilttr'inan of ho ordinary merit, and pi I tit rd with prom skill. He xuppnrtcd hlinir lf u ith hi pencil for mtny yi-Jirs. rieri?ip; e iimIiiimphi from palming por. tnins ami lan-t'cnprs, and mnkit.tr drawing of tiisrbi nery. These nrts he nut l good and uifJijLeurpoM when hfl became. as he soon did, a ch II JV" mactiiniit. - m mm In the bonk bcfori its wc have mlore.1 IUhrCrp1jle plates or fvf rul of rultnn's il'iivtrntlnns of Ju- Ifar. low's famous flOLDMlHAU," whirh Miow gtnl or. ginalitynf conceiilioo, aptntrs of design and lacillty tf uzi'cutinti, It is not our purpote to civ eren a sjnopsij of lb InlerPMtms pvetiis of tli mmrsnbly aciive and uielul career of Fulton's life much Ipss to go Into an HaborM pnay upon his Renlm, and the wonoVrfut results that hive fliwcd (roin his pn-nt invi-nlicn Thre two tnsVs hpvp been vi-ry creditnb'y pprformeri by the su itmr of the volmnn in which wc hare alluded, Our purpose is prlncipall) to rail attention to thai work . The'f is one Incident which It rsprcinily becomes, us. however, to call tn tho notice of our immediate tel. low citizens. Dunns iho war of lrtl J-I5, Koberl Ful ton was of groat service to his country contra! wasti'adp wilh hiui.h) thn Unltfd fin'es Covernmpnt, in Dffiinb.'r lfM for the purpnsp of cmplojing his iteanibo.'its V'evuvius.vnitia, New Orleans and Natcliri, nu the Aliiippi nv'r. id trnnsporlitig troq s aiii! munitions ot war, nnd llm flu pain nn iheOhio Tfi celebrated bitllc of New O riorum toi.k plate about a tvpek nilct the arrival nf the Vesuvius in our w niets, and it iv as upn her. fsnyn o.ir bioptanher,) tint tho eoimuanditig geuprat reiird, a an auxiliary, in I is an iriy i i im cny. himi iijc iircdiiip'UH- ii victory, jonn uuincy Acunis snr, both crtifledtoCousreis the vutuaLla service, m r uiion llr.Hle.p.illMii; ""'0',',01' j hi, tliniighli, And services nf Fulton at ilns Irvine period. llfiide pultinu into successful onerstlon steam vss :ouniry, plans ot uience against rnr nd nfuri aiuatic navigation oeeupied I no littlo of Ins time and rxncnnieu. tat acthity And out of supgehtious and d'minitra lions in id, by him have snriinp man of the moct uts 1 I"1 and effective instrument! ot nataf warfare oftbls eioMuwor'H nw knmvs. , it was the opinion nf Cadwalaiter P. CoMen, nf New York, a enpn sspd in his memoir remi btfoe the, I'hi (),nt(njrn Soriny of that hlale. In JeA7, soon afie'r tba ' t1ealtl ol 'ulton-auditis nu opinion Inwluchall tnsn kin t will now aurpo" ih.it there cannot be foumt.cn iho renrds of departed worth Hie name ofa pprsnn t whosf individuil ezertfnni mankind are more Indebted than they are to Robert Fulton. The combined efforts of phiIoophprs and stales en have Improved ihe con- muon or man, out no mum Tiiai naa conieriea mors important benefits on his specie than he has done A-Vui ilrlnn PiMUimi Knv . 7. I hill. March M, 1H57 Cm. i'o.suniriov, IllSllAShS Or THE LUNOR AND nn Ai.r, TIIUU4T aro ooiitlvelv curahle bv iiilial.linn. which convyi tho rftnediei to tlie cavitifi in th'i luiij;. throuith the ntr p.ia.asei. anil comini,' in direct contact Willi Ihe di.eare, litulraliE, tlie tubercular nintter,alla)i Ihe cnupb. etlui i a ffi c and caiy cipee tornlioi, Ixali the lungi, ponnei the blood impjrli rDiewed viuilily to tlio ncrvou. ,)il-ni, pirtiir; thai tone nnd energy .o indupcnanble for thu reiteration ol lie'illii. Tu be able to .lale conlidently that Contump. tion la curable by i nhalntion, ii lo me a autirce of Jiial toyed plujture. It i. a. miicll under the control of inu'iial treatment a. any other rurniinablo dueaie ; nlnelv oul of tnerv liuiidred tare, ran bo cored tu lh. flrat rtasB nuilflllyiierrt.nl iu Iho lecond J but in lh. The fir.tcai.se per .rtiibercliBUl'rioli ini- throuuli the .tnoincli ; the pfilieiii will elwaya find lh. lunea freo and tho br. alhins eary niter inhaling reme ' Trui. inli Llalioii i. n local remedy, niverllirlris it aril conHitolionnlly, nnd Wlih more power and err. tJintv than reoiediea admlni'tered by the Hi math 10 p-uve the powerful and dirott Influence ot thia niode tr ndniiiililriiliou, chloinlorm luh.iicd will tntirtly de rtroy .eii.ibilny hi a few nilnmea paialtiintr ibein lire nirvoui .salein rc that a limb may be ami""""0 without tho ilishtnlpaini inbalirB the ordinary but" lie gai will deiitoy life lo a few hour., i 'Iho inlnlation of nmmoiil.i will reuio Iho vitrni 1 iv-lir it rdintliiK or oornrentll dead. 1 be o.'o. ol unny I of Ihe iiicilirin.a ia perreilbln mi the rkin a ftw mm 1 utri nflcr l.clit Inhaled nod may bo immediately i-t 1 i.. .i... 1.1.....1 A nnviiK me oroof of tho comtl- luii.M.nl e if.rla of inboMlioo I. Hie I'jct lint lick lie la ia rare, aud I have iiaclid inauv ri mutknlileiurea, itn , iMi. ' Pl'M" I' t1 pRCSII ANU Cr.NuIN H GARUEN SI EES, In rrtry flfi.t wholeleand retal' einliricmr all tba new aud drtirahle Hindi, carefully nut un In r'aiert for the retail irad. or .u,,p,i,a bTifk-f-yin".'.' ,',', (.ane Seed. Jnp-.n real. Uranie Witcr Melon. c " Alio, a choice anorln rnl of fine riovtrr S.edi.lwenl. vnrieiiei in a 1101 inr si. T ,.n m........ peril), than ho whoe name lie hnve'pluced at Hie n'..; ..rihli article lllllile.ivrilttn by i rraiiklin !lel!? of l.anca.ter. I'a . which im, alio tl,0 LiVth nine. V trillion. Inn been 'alely publl,ed i,,, J 5.?.?' been alabr of loin, the writer .' niu.A ......inr.il bv brenllilbL' foul nir. la.tiol una I uo-iliio oidenco Hut proper reioidici., rnrnnly rra- litre an.l lu.Hrioo.ly i.uMered Ihrooch the lunca, ihmtpmita lh '' "iPMy te.ull.l "',"' 'ft .u'?.Al' i.e ihe lone, nnd thloat. have been under my u 'ijj Liuitn him bng tnd intiinatPly to oe n-r i imi, 4im.uvnm