Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 14, 1857, Image 1

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ALM B.' TATE. Publisher.
LEVI L. TATE, Proprietor,
'VTo Hold and trim tho Toroli of Trutli and Wavo it o'or tho darkonod Earth.''
VOL. XI, NO. 1.
ft la a silent stream,
Calm a. a o,ulet Bleep:
To a etrange repose,
The .till stream flaw.,
Wlicro mourners coato to was..
It la a wlde-apread alream,
And every valiy Alii;
It covet, ttic plains,
Al-d the high domalna,
It li a ecailc. at'eam ,'
Forever flowing fast,
Like ajsotomn tldo
To the ocean wide
Oftbo for.unfathomod past.
It la a atrcatn,
Ile.lalleai In ita awnyl
The alrongo.t kins'.
It cat ilea with ea.e away .
It laapteeloua etrraml
'nr porta orprieeuntotd
neward the card
or the eearchar llirtc.
And Ita rand, are aarida of gold.
Through sitM realm, ofnlght
Tbroi gh every glnrlou. cliiuo :
11 jr night and day.
Onita wide spread way.
Fait flow. tho Btreainof timo.
Tribute to Dr. Kano.
In the Rrnnto of Ponnsylvauin, on Thurs
day last, Hon. Wm. II. Welsh, of York,
submitted resolutions of regret for the death
of Dr. Kane, tlto intrepid Arclio naviga
tor. Appropriate speeches wcro made by
several Senators among the rest Hon.
Gkorqk W. BitEWMi, whoso remarks were
tho most beautiful mado on tho occasion.
Mr. IhtKWER said :
Mr. Si'Eicer : I have tho melancholly
pleasure of attesting my approbation of the
resolutions submitted for tho consideration
of tho Senate. This touching and uiourn
lul scene is no less creditable to tho mcm
JoV""!ii.te body, than duo to tho cherish
yi?S:.y of Jhat young hero, who so
calmly sleeps in tho quiet of an honored
, but untimely rave, I had not intended to
; -minglo thebrok -n accents of my voice wilh
,tho appropriate and eloquent testimonials
Awakened by the national sorrow of this
- hour, but I am unable to suppress the un
'i bidden emotions which spring to my lips :
' and indeed 1 feel untitling lo permit this
worthy and gallant son of Pennsylvania, so
young, so generous, and so heroic, to pass
away from tho toils and picanurcs and lion
ors of earth, into tho dark and .silent houfe
of the dead, without a brief and humble
expression of my gratitude for his services
nd admiration for his genius. A whole
nation, with heavy hearts and toar'ul eves
is summoned, in sadness and silence, to the
early and suggestive torub, of Elisha K.
Kane. Hut we find a partial solace, even
in tins soasonot crict, in the not unploas
ing reflection that so little of all that mado
his lifo distinguished and eventful, and
that now makes his memory a chorished
glory, can over lade rrom tho grateful ro
collections of his bereaved countryraon, or
perish from tho best and proudest records
of the human race. His boyhood was
marked by tho same impu'scs and aspira
tions which wcro destined to adorn tho vi
cissitudes of his life, and to distinguish tho
signal achievements ot his wondorful career.
IIo was not a warrior, and yet he conquered
a most splendid heritage. His nodding
plume never led a column into victorious
battle, but ho blazed a hero in tho van
guard of the world's grand inarch. If not
mighty in arms if not invincible behind
his shield ho girded his loins for a far
nobler struggle, and won, upon tho vast
field of science, civilization and humanity
omo of tho proudest triumphs of a progres
sive age. IIow appropriato to tho sublime
heroism of his stirring and glorious life, tho
truthful language of Milton, the great poet
of Liberty and Christianity :
Feace hath lta vietoriec,
No leal renownodjh&n war."
From tho altar of scicuco ho snatched
his torch, and with its mild radiance illumi-
I nstedtho frozen regions of untravclcd dark-
ness--at tho sacred shrine of philanthropy,
was kindled into power and enthusiasm
the lofty purposes of his generous nature,
and straight tho footsteps of civilization
echoed along tho dreary shore of perpetual
win!er, and tbo holy songs of a simplo, but
touching worship, swelled into tho chorus of
fa6urpassing music, among tho everlasting
uunaui tuo ico-uouuu norm, ins novo
tion to scicneo was beautified by tho genial
touch of a puro and elevated sympathy and
compassion. Tho proud trophy that recor
ded his achievements in tho scientific world
4. was decorated with tho fair and unfading
garland of a high and manly generosity.
A gentle and plaintive voico swept across
?. tho tranquil waters or tho blue sea, and
whispered to his listening car tho mournful
ft etory of a widowed and abroken heart. In
' a fa country, a woman, lovely ami aocom-
plished, sat in silent sorrow, amid tho
I (brouded grandeur of palatial halls. That
home, once bright, joyous and happy, was
f vciceiesa now mat ueartu, llUKCU to tuo
; fondest associations of this carth,was now a
-desert, and that heart, with all its hallowed
. V memories, and all its springing hopes, was a
,k(ouching and go moun ful, thrilled every
Jghord nnd animated every emotion of a
?JBanly bosom. Tho youthful hero fiscd his
' "6r Sai uPnn ,uo cola beams of tho
Northern 6W,and bounded along tho path
of danger and of glory. With a firm step
and ihrobbing breast, ha moved away from
tlto scenes of hia cliilclhootl from tho asso
ciations of Ms youth from tho cndeirmonts
of his home. Tho child of a marvellous
destiny, ho strode away from tho fascina
tions of affluence from tho charms of beau
ty and of fashion from tho tasto and ele
gance of a polished society, to enrich tho
annals of tho world's wisdom, and to bring
back health and beauty to tho faded check
and joy and contentment to tho lonely and
desolated home of Lady Franklin. Fail
ure could not dauot his courage danger
could not change his purpose. Tho wintcry
wlnds oC that lulioopitnuio ooaot could not ,
chill tho generous ardor of his souldim.
cultycnuld not arrest tho rcsoluto progress
vi uia uunuiu uiaiuu. I
A second time he started upon the toils. .
trialsand privationsof thatpcrilousjourney, : uncomfortably cold, and those 'who rcmcm
Ho returned, after many months, with au bored tho chill atmosphere, tho murky sky,
unwearied spirit, but with a broken con-1 and tho Enow apja that distinguisUod tll0
lasl hois no morol It is but proper that
1 1 !. -I....M I .Ml-i
..... '
Pennsylvania should nav her willing trib- ,
uto to tho memory of her own distinguished
son, wnoso untimely demise has clothed in
the habilanicuts of an unfoirned mourninr- i
every civilized peoplo 011 tho face of tho
... - . . .o . " .o
earth. Ho was not ncrmitcd to dio in tho
homo of his youth in tho land of his birth
but with his family around him, and with
the low whispering winds of heaven, bear
ing to his cars upon their dclicato wings
the pcrfumcaud tho music of a more sunny
clime, I'jMsiia K. Kane sunk down to his
last repose, and left to his country and to
tuo world, one ut
"The fjvr I nimorlal name.,
T'jat were not born to dio I"
A Thrilling Incident.
The tragedy of Nacogdoches and tho
romantic incidents which led to tho Texan
War of Independence and their parallel
only in tho Roman history of Lucrctia and
tho elder JJrutus. '
Juan Costa was a person of influence
and bravery in tho wild forest, but ho fell
under the displeasure of Kanta Anna, and
his minion, l'edras, tlx command.lcnt
of Nacogdoches, was sent to arrest him.
Ho arrested tho father at tho supper table,
attended by his only daughter, a young
girl of surpassing beauty nud intelligence.
He loaded him with chains, and cast him
into prison, notwithstanding her tears and
entreaties. Finally he proposed to freo
the father if tho daughter would consent her lnuoccueo and honor, olio
rcicctcd tho infamous proposal wilh a
blow iu the face. Tho armed ruffian swore
a horrible oath to cxecuto his will on them
With dark eyes, tearless fixed as those
of a corpse, yet flashing a doublo portion of
lumiiiuus fire slio mounted a horc and
hurried away wild around the country.
She halted at every house, no matter
whether Mexican or American, and re
hearsed, in tones of thrilling horror, her
father s wrongs and her own.
A 11 timid modesty, all weakness had van
ished from her tongue, utterly consumed
by the so orching thirst tor revenge. &he
painted in passion's fiery language, and
with awful minuteness, fact of the damn
ing deed She bared her virgin bosom,
and showed the lived marks of tho ravish-
er's fingers among tho azuro veins along
tho surlaco of snow, now so polluted au
soiled, but before as puro as tho gleam of
au angers wing.
And still, wherever tho beautiful maid
wandered, a dealening yell ot wrath and
vengeance rose up against the tyrants,
Tho people of both races and all classes
now to arms, appointing a general rendez
vous for tho 14th uf Juno, at the residence
nf tho absent and now imprisoned Juan
It was thcro debated by tho peoplo the
mode of attack, and who should bo their
leader, but nothing was agreed upon, tho
whole assemblage bado fair to break up in
contusion when a tall and powcrtul built
stranger, who had just entered Texas from
tho States, came forward and addressed
the multitude.
"I am a stranger, but am also a man
and 1 owe my lile, soul, body, health and
happiness, all all to woman to my moth
er : and if I turn a deaf ear to tho prayers
of an innocent woman, asking my aid a-
gainst a villain, may she am! my (jod curso
mo . If you stay behind, I go for one to
fight Pcdras, and his well armed ravishors
01 your wives and daughters I"
The speech was received with tremend
ou3 cheers, and a general shout, they seem
ed to Bhako tho solid earth, uttered tho first
peal 01 tho revolution.
"Wo will go I Death to the tyrants !
Freedom for Texas, and the giant shall bo
And then for tho firit timo was heard in
tho laud of Texas, the namo destined to
become and echo to tho pulsation of all
hearts tee namo ot 1 nomas J, Husk.
The next day ho led his raw recruits to
the attack of Nacogdoches, and stormed
every position against immense odds, after
an assault of four hours, tho carnage being
dreadful on both sides. Fortunately, among
tho slain was the dead body of the atrocious
SO? God has writton on the flowers that
sweeten tho air on tho breeza.that rocks
tho Honors unon tho stem unon tho rain
drop that refreshes tho spring of mos that
lifts its head in tho desert upon its deep,
chambers upon every pencilled sheet that
sleeps in tuo caverns ot tho deep, no less
tiiuu upon iuo uugiiiy sun mat warms and
cheers millions of creatures which livo in its
lightupon all his works ho has written ;
" Nono liveth for himself."
Inauguration of
President Buchanan.
HftxnlK rrtildcnt of Ihi United Haiti:
Washington, March ltb, 1857.
A brighter day seldom dawned upon tho
Federal city than this .1th of March, 1857,
which was to witness tho retirement of
Franklin Pierce and tho accession of James
uuci,anan to tie Presidency of tho United
. , , , . , .
States. Tho sunroso clear in anuncloud-
ca 8lJy- J u0 air was co" without tcing
.""o"" -"
,.n,iM nnf fl rlr-ITO n fntrAonM. ,r, 1
1 noiifTiiffifi nn rlriW ett h pnnMiri 'moaa.
could not fail to draw a fayorablo omen
from tho pleasant contrast of this day.
There was probably never assembled in
Washington sa vast a multitudo as that
assembled in front of tho eastern portico of
tho Capitol. Tho procession that escorted
tho President and President elect had been
admitted ; but all carriages and horses
worn nxnlltdnd frnm tlirt nnelnanrn. TIia
was a countless crowd of men. women and
children, occupying every loot of space
that afforded an opportunity of seeing tho
eoremnny on tho portico. As for hearing
tho address, that was a fivor only enioved
by tho privileged few thousands that could
gjthor closely around tho p irtioo.
Ihero was a good deal of confusion nnd
scufiliug in tho crowd, and many grow im
patient, after waiting long hours, for the
grand event of the doy. A very spicious
puttorm was erected on tho portion, on
which places wcro assigned for nil those
who had been admitted to tho Senato
Chamber. At last tho procession cmorrrod
from tho Capitol door and appeared on tho
platform. As tho tall figure of tho President
elect, clad in that unions black suit, with
tho tl.irty-one stars embroidered on its
lining, became visible, there rose a deafen
ing shout from tho vast human mass, It
spread over tho wholo multitudo, and it
was some timo beloro it could bo quieted.
Tho President elect, with hat in hind,
bowed repeatedly in acknowledgment of
iuu irjjiuiiii uuciuioaitoiis.
In the very front of tho platform was a
seat to which tho president elect was con
ducted. Inhis rear woro tho President and
Committee of Arrangcmcnti : back of
them wcro tho Chief Justico and Judges
of tho Supremo Court, tho Vice President
and tuo members ol tho Senate Then
came tho Diplomatic Corp, en grand Untie,
and then tho other persons who had been
in the Senate Chamber.
When quiet was restored after the accla
mations that greeted tho President elect, ho
proceeded, at about 1$ o'clock, to deliver
his Inaugural Address as follows :
Fellow Citizens : I appear before you
this day to take tho solemn oath "that I will
faithfully exceuto tho office of I'residcnt of
tho United States, and will to tho best of my
ability, preserve, protect and defend tho
Constitution of tho United States." In
entering upon this great office, I most hum
bly invoke tho God of our Fathers for wis
dom and firmness to cxecuto its high and
responsible duties iu such a manner as to
restore harmony and ancient friendship
among tho people of tho several States, and
to preserve our free institutions throughout
many generations. Convinced that I owo
my election to tho inherent lovo for tho
Constitution and tho Union, which still an
imates tho hearts of tho American peoplo,
let us earnestly ask their powerful support
in sustaining all just measures calculated
to perpetuato theso, the richest political
blessings which Heaven has ever bestowed
upon any nation. Having determined not
to becomo a candidalo for re-election, I
shall have no motive to influence my con
duct in administering the (iovernment, ex.
cept tho dosiro, ably and faithfully to serve
my country, ami to live in tho grateful
memory of my countrymen. We havo re-
ccntljr passed through a Presidential con- 1 tcrriho ovils which would result from dis
in which tho passions of our fellow citizens 1 union to every portion of tho confederacy,
wero excited to tho highest degree by ques-
tions of deep and vital importance. Put
when tho peoplo proclaimed their will, tho
tempest at once subsided, and all was calm,
Tho voice of tho majority, speaking in tho
manner prescribed by the Constitution,
was heard, and instant submission followed.
Our own country could alono havo exhibited
so grand and striking a spectacle ot tho
capacity of man for self-government. instrumental, by ita example, in the exten
What a happy conception, then, was it for sion of civil and religious liberty through
Congress to apply this simplo rulo, " that ,out the world,
tho will of the majority shall govern," ,to Next in iinportanco to tho maintenance
the settlement of the question of domcstio 1 of the Constitution and the Union, is tho
slavery in the territories. Congress is ' duty of preserving tho Government freo
neither "to legislate slavery into any ter- from tho taint or oven tho suspicion of
rilory, nor to excludo it therefrom," hut to j corruption. I'ublio virtuo is tho vital
Ioave tho peoplo thereof perfectly freo to spirit of Republics j and history proves
form and regulate their domestic institu- that when this has decayed and tho love of
tions in their own way, subject only to tho ! money has usurped its place, although the
Constitution of tho United States. As a forms of freo Government may remain for
natural consequence, Congress has also
prescribed that when tho territory ot Kan
I sas shall bo ndnntlnil aa a Htntn it. kltnll I10
I received into tlm Tlninn wllli nr witrinnt.
slavery, as their own constitution may
prcscribo at tho timo of their admission. A
different opinion has arisen in regard to
tho point of timo when tho peoplo of a
territory shall decide tho nucstion for them-
selves. This is hannilv a matter of but
little practioal importance j besides, it is a
'judicial qucstiou,which legitimately belongs
to tho Supremo Court of tho United States,
iiofore whom it is now pending, nnd will,
it is understood, bo speedily and finally
settled. To their decision, in co nuion with
all good citizens, I shall cheerfully submit,
wkatcvor this may bo, though it has ever
been my individual opinion that, undcrtho
Nebraska-Kansas net, tho appropriate
period will bo when tho number of actual
resident in tho Territory shall justify tho
formation of a constitution with a view to
its admission as a Stato into tho Union. But
UO this as It may, It IS thO imperative allll
:, .!.. f nnn.nMIIni n
iuuiai.uuaauiuuui.jf ui iuu uuk.ii.iuu... i
tllU UlltluU t?LulC3, IU &UUUIU VU uvuljf 1U31-
dent inhabitant tho free and independent
expression of his opinion by his vote. Tho
sacrcu right of each individual must bo
preserved. This being accomplished, noth
ing can bj fairer than to lcavo tho peoplo
of a territory freo from all foreign interfe
rence, to decide their own destiny for ihcuv
It i . . i ii . i
selves, suoject oniy to 1110 constitution 01
tl. TT:..l lntna 'l'l, T...h.l
question being thus settled upon tho prin
ciple of popular sovereignty a principle
as ancient as freo government itself
everything of a practical naturo has been
decided. No other question remains for
adjustment, because all agrco that, under
the constitution, slavery iu the States is
beyond tho roach of any human power
except that of tho respective States them
selves wherein it exists. Way wo not, theo,
l0P tlm "! 10.DS agiwuon on this subject
1" """.'"-""""a . tuui uu," K"
graphical parties to which it has given
birth so much dreaded by tho father of
his country will speedily becomo extinct 1
Most happy will it be for the country
when tho public mind shall bo diverted
lrom this question to others ot more press
ing and practical importance. Through
out tho whole progress of this agitation,
which has scarcely known any intermission
for more than twenty years, whilst it has
been productive of no positive good to any
human being, it has been the prolific source
of great evils to tho master, to tho slave,
and to tho whole country. It has alienated
and estranged tho peoplo of sister States
from each other, and has even seriously
endangered tho very existence of tho Union.
Nor lias the danger yet entirely coased.
Under our system there is a remedy for
all mere political evils in tho sound sense
and sober judgment of the people. Timo
is a great corrective, l'olitieal subjects
which but a lew years ago, excited and
exasperated tho public mind, havo passed
away and are now nearly forgotten. Put
tlto question of doniestio Slavery is of far
greater importanoe than ol any more poli
tical question, because, should tho agitation
continue, it may eventually endanger tho
pcrsoual safety of a large portion of our
countrymen whero tho institution exists.
In that event no form of Government,
however admirable in itself however pro
ductive of material benefits, can compensate
for tho loss of peace and domcstio security
arouud tlio family altar. Let every Union
loving man, therefore, oxcrt his best influ
ence to suppress this agitation, which, since
tho recent legislation of Oongross,is without
any legitimate object. It is an evil omen
of tho times that men havo undertaken to
calculate tho mcro material valuo of the
Union, lleasoned estimates havo been
presented of the pecuniary profits and
local advantages which would result to
different States and sections from its disso
lution and of tho comparative injuries
which such an event would inflict on other
States and sections. Even descending to
this low and narrow view of tho mighty
question, all such calculations aro at fault
tho baro reterence to a single considera
tion will bo conclusive on this point. Wo
at present enjoy a freo trado throughout
our extensive and expanding country sucli
as tho world never witnessed. This trade
is conducted on railroads and canals, on
noblo rivers and arms of tho sea, which
bind togctuer tho iSorth and tho bouth,
tho East and tho West of our Confederacy.
Annihilate this trade, arrest its free pro
gress by the geographical lines of jealous
and hostile States, and you destroy the
prosperity and onward march of the wholo
and every part, and involve all iu ono
common ruin. Put such considerations.
important as they aro in themselves, sink
into insignificance, when wo reflect on tho
, To tho North not more than to tho South
to tho East not inoro than to the West,
These I shall not attempt to portray, bo
cause I feel an humble confidence, that
tho kind Providcnco which inspired our
fathers with wisdom to frame tho most
perfect form of Government and Union
ever desired by man, will not suffer it to
perish, until it shall havo been peacefully
a season, the substanco has departed for
Our present financial condition is with
out a parallel in history. No nation has
, over beforo been embarrassod from too
large a Burplus in its treasury. This al-
most necessarily gives birth to oxtravagant
' legislation. It produces wild schemes of
exneuditurcs and bogcts a race of snccula-
. tors and iobbcrs. whoso inenuitv is exert.
cJ in contriving aud promoting expedients
to obtain publio money. Tho purity of
official agents, whether rightfully or wrong.
fully, is suspected, ana tho character oi tne
Government suffers in tho estimation of the J
people. This is in itself a very great evil. '
1 ho natural moao ot rone: irom tins em
barrassment is to appropriate tho surplus
in tho treasury to great national objects,
for which a clear warrant can be found iu
the constitution,
Among these t might mr-ntton'the extinguishment of
the public d'-bl, n rt-aiouabla Incrcnio or lha Navy,
wbichisnl present inadequate to ino pioiccuon omur
va.t tonnaio afloat, not greater than that or any oihrr
I nalion-
CI)lll. itll beyond oil nucstion llio principle that no
more revenue ought to be collected from the people than
maa well oa lo the ucience ol our extensive aen
demount nccoi.ary to defray the expenses ora wise,
er.ntinmlciil ami efficient ailtiiiiilatration ol the covem
incnt. To reach till, point, it vaa ncceaiary 10 reamt
to a modification of Ilia tarln", and thle has. Itrust, been
accomplished in audi a manner aa 10 do aa tittle Injury
a. may have been practicable to our domc.tlc maniilac
lure., cipccially thore necea.nry ror the derenco or the
country. Any discrimination aaalnat a particular branch
(or the purpo.e of benefitting tavored corpciiatlona, in
dividual. or interest., would have been unju.t to tho
rest of mo community, and inconsistent vilh that spirit
of f.iirn-s.and equality which ought to govern In the
adjustment of a revonu.: lariir. Uuttliu squandering of
the mlblic motipy .ink. into comnarutlteltisicnifiranc..
as a temptation to corrupllGn.when compared wilh tlm
squandering of tho public Inml.. No nation iu thu tide
oftiine ha.vvct been blessed Willi so rich nnd noble an
Inheritance ns we enjoy iulhetuuilc l.anu. 111 au.
nilnlslring mo important iruti, wnnsiii may oe wise
lo grant portions or them ror the Improvement or tho
remainder, yet we should nevorTorgcl that it isourcar
tlinal policy tnprcservelhcso lands, ns much nsmnvbe,
for nctual settlers und till, at moderate price.. We
shall thus not only best proinolo the prosperity of the
new Slates and Territories, by furnishing them a hirdy
and Independent men of honest and Industrious citizens,
but shall secure hoinrafvr our children and our child tens'
children, as well as ror tnose exiles irom foreign snores
who may seek in this country to improve their condition
andlo enjoy thu blessings 01 civil and religious liberty.
Buca emigrants have done much to proniotctha grcwih
ondprospelily ortho country. They have proved bull
rul both in peace and in war. After becondng cltizena
they are entitled under the constitution and laws, to be
nlacedon nerreclcaualit with.nativoborn citizens: and
in tmscnaracier luey aiiuuni ever ue kiimh; nogMizeu.
Tke Federal couititulioi la a grant from the dtate to
Uongrcs. to certain apecific powcra.and the question
whether this grant should be liberally or strictly con
atrucd, has more or lesa divided political parties from
the beginning. Without entering into the argument, I
desire lo stjte.nt the commencement or my udininistrn
tiun, that long experience nnd observation havo con
vincuu ma mat a strict construction 01 uie puwers 01
the Government is the nnly true, p. well a. the only
safe theory of the Constitution, Whenever, in our
;iast history. (louotlut powers nave ueen vicrcnen cy
L'ongress, these have never rilled to produce injurious
and uuliippy consequences. Many such instances
migut 00 auauccu, u inis wero .mi pruper un-aaivu.
Neither ia It neceasary for the public aervlec to eiratn
tho lancuagn nf the Constitution, because all the great
and useful powers required fora aucceaaful administra.
lion of tile Government, both In peace and in war .have
been grnntedcitherln express terms. or by the plainest tvnnsi neepiy cunvuiccu 01 iiirnw num.
I vet consider it clear, that under the war-making now.
er Congreei may appropriato money towarda tbneen
structlonof a military road, when this is absolutely
necu-sary for the derenco ornny State or Territory of
lli union, ngatnsi foreign invasion, unncr me un
stitulion. Congress haa power "lo decUie war"" to
raise and support armies" "to provide and maiulaln a
navy"nnd to call lorlh the militia to "repel itiva.
sion." Thus endowed in an ample'mnnner with the
war making power, the coiresponding tluty la required
that " the United State, shall nrotect each or litem
(the Rtalcs) acalnstinvnslou." Now is it possible to
niioril tills protection to milium ia aim our i acuiu
sessions except by menus or it military road through
the Terntolic. or the United States oer which men
and a inniiiiltion of war may bo speedily tranrported
from the Atlantic State, to meet and repel thu Invader
In tho event of a war with a naval power much
stronger than our nwn. wo should have no other avail,
ahlenccess lotho Pacific coai.t, bentuso such a power
would instantly close the route ocios. the Isthmus of
Central America. II ia impossible to conceive, that
whilst the Constitution linn exnresslj -equired Con
gress to defend all gha Stales, it should )et deny to
them by any fur construction, the only possible mean,
by which one of tliosu Stitea can ne defended. Uo
sides, the Government over since ita origin, haa been
India constant practice military roatls.
tt iiilghtnlso bu wise to consider whether the levo
for the Union which now animates our fellowcltizena
un the Tacifiu coast muy not be imparcd byour neglect
or lefusntto provide fur them in tlieir remote and iso
lated condition, the only means by which the power
nf the States 011 this side of the Kocky Mountains can
renchlhciu in autHcicnt time to protect them againat
1 forbear lor the present from expressing an opinion
as to the wisest and most economical modu in which the
Government can lend ita ulilin accomplishing this
great and necessary work, I believe that many of the
difficulties in tho way which now appear formidable,
will in a great degreu vaniah ns goon a. the nearest
and best route shall have been satisraclorily ascer.
tainod. It may bo right that on Ihisoccasian 1 should
make somebrief remarks iu regard to our righla anil
dutiea n a member or the great family ol nations. In
our intercourse witlithein, there are some plain prm
ciplea approved byour own' experience from which wo
ahould never depart.
'Wo ou-lil to cultivate ncaco. commerce, nnd friend
ahip with all nations, nndiliis, not merely aa the beat
mean, ot promoting our own material interest, outin
a epint ol Christian benevolence totvarda lellow iuea
wherever tlieir lot may bu cast.
Our diplomacy should be direct and frank, neither
sceaing m ootaiu more nor nccep ling less, man is our
due. We ought tocherish a tacred resird for the I ndo.
pendenee of ull iintious, and never attempt 10 interfere
in thedoiuestic concerns of any, unless thisshallbo
imperatively required by theg'cat law or aell preser
vation. To avoid entangling alliences lias been amax'
fninf our policy ever sineo the days of Washington
and ita wisdom 110 one will attempt to dispute .
Ill short, we ouahl to do justice in a kindlv snlrit to
all nations ,and require Justice froai them iu return.
It is out glory that whilst other nations have exten
tied their dominions by theaword, we have never ac
quired any territory except by fair purchase, orasin
thu case nf Texas, by the voluntury determination afa
bravo kindred and independent people to blend their
destinies with our own. Uvea our acquisitions Irom
Mexico form no exception. Unwilling to take advan
tage ol tho lortune of war against n Bister Republic, w-n
purchased thesu possessions under the treaty of pence
for a sum which was considered at the time a fair equiv
nlent. Our past history forbids thai we should Inlhe
future acquiro territory, unless this bo sanctioned by
the laws of Justice unit Honor. Aclingnn thisprinct
ple, no nation will have n right to interfero or to com
plain, if intheprogressor eveuta we sliallslill lurlher
extend our possessions. Ullherlo in all our acquisi
tions, the peopleunder thu protection of the American hive enjoyed civil and religious liberty as well aa
equal and Just laws, and h tvo been contented, prosper
oug and happy- Their trade with tho ru.tor tho world
has rapidly increased, nod thus everycomniercial na
tion has shared largely In their successful progress . I
shall now proceed 10 lake the oath prescribed by tho
Constitution whilst humbly invoking thu blessings ot
Oivlnul'rovideuccou this grcnt people,
Dutch Marriago Coromony.
You promiso now, you good man dar.
Vat stand, upoa the vloar.
To hah dis woman for wour vlfe,
AnJIuh her eberniore;
To feed her well mil aour c rnut,
Pcans, puttermilkandcticae.
And in all things to lend your aid,
Oat willbromoteher ease.
Yes, and you voman atandln dsre,
Do bledge jour toid dialay,
tin you vi II take or your husband
D!a man and him obey :
Ilat you will bed and board mil him,
Va ah, Iron and inent his eloso,
I.aagll ven he Bmllea,vcep von bo aigtlff,
Dua suaro M.Joya ond voes .
Veil den, t now vitin deso valla,
Mil choy, and not mil klief,
Uronounco ou both 10 be one mint.
Von name, von man vnn beef:
I publish now desepanne,
Dcse matrimonial ties,
refute mine virr, Jake, Kate and roll.
Ami filtiheso gazing eyea,
And nail do sacred skrlplurs.iy,
Vol Cud unit., togeddcr,
Let no man tare asunder put,
Let no ruandarethetn sever ;
And you britekroomtaro. Iicru you atopl
I'llnotlelgo your collar
I'.rore you answer rae dish ling. 1
Paiitb rare lahtotn tollail
Dologates and Resolutions
of Tin:
. ,1,w;fluiln,limtin1,
jVUmUUUlUUUUUU vumuunuu
Wo publish below, for tho information
of our readers, tho List of Delegates to
tho late Democratic Stato Convention, to
gether with tho Resolutions, adopted by
tho convention, which aro understood to
' ,.
have been Written by our fclloW-CltlZCn,
tho lion. UHARLCS 11. UUCUALEW i
1 Philadelphia G. 0. Wcstcott, Wm.
A. Porter, John II. Campbell, John F.
Deal, Joseph Lippincott.
2. Montgomery Jacob Danahowcr.
3. Chester and Delaware llobcrt Ir
win. 4. Perks Henry Plannory.
C. Pucks Gen. Jos. Morrison.
0. Lancaster and Lebanon William
Patton, Daniel Urownc.
7. Dauphin and Northumberland
Hamilton Alricks.
8. Northampton and Lehigh Leslie
9. Carbon, Motiroe, kc Thomas
10" Adami and Franklin Joel II.
11. Yorl Charles M. Smyfcr, (con
tested bv J. M. Anderson.)
12. Cumberland and Perry John
13. Centre, Lycoming, &c. II. L
1-1. Blair. Cambria, &c. S.T. Prown
15. Luzerne. Montour, &c James
1C Bradford. Susquehanna, &c
John lilandiiiL'.
17. Tioga, Potter, &c. K. L. Plood,
(ointostod bv II. A. Uuornsey !
18. Mercer, Venango. &o Albert
10. Erio ond Crawford Murray
Whal on.
20. Butler, Beaver, &c, Jonathan
21. Allegheny V. C. Shannon, Jas,
A. Gibson.
22. Washington and Green William
3 Somerset, Bedford, &e. John
24.--Armstrong, &c. Dr. Forney.
20. Juniata, Mifflin, &c. John Cum
20. Westmoreland and 1 aycttc 1 . a.
37. Schuylkill Charles E. Ilipplo.
Adams Henry llcilly.
Allegheny J. 13. Hucy, W. II. McOhce,
James Ilerdman, O. II, Blackburn, John
O. Dunn.
Armstroug, Jefferson and Clarion
Scth Clover, A. 11. Marian, G. T. Craw
ford. Beaver, Butler, and Lawrence Hugh
McKco, Lewis Taylor, C. J. Shrincr.
Bedford, Fulton, and Cambria II. A.
Boggs, J. B. Sansom.
Berks Levi Wunder, Gcorgo Smith,
Daniel Kutz, Charles II. Hunter.
Greene James Lindtay.
Blair and Huntingdon T. C. MoDowoll,
J. M. Gcmmil.
Bradford Hiram L. Shaw, J. B. Pio
let. Bucks U. K. Sagcr, Ed. Thoma, Hi
ram Scarborough.
Carbon and Lehigh Hiram Wolf, Ja
cob Dillingcr,
Centre James Gilliland,
Chester Abel hvans, Samuel ltingwalt,
E. W. Sharp.
Clearfield D. W. Moore.
Clinton, Lycoming, and Potter Ellis B.
Schuablc, F. W. Knox.
Columbia and Montour Charlos R.
Crawford Henry B. Brooks, J. W.
Cumberland Abraham Killian, Gcorgo
H. Buchcr.
Dauphin Gcorgo Bowman, Wm. Lau
man. Delaware Dr. Wm. Young,
Erie B. F. Sloan, Isaao It. Taylor.
Franklin J. B, Orr, Wm. D. McKins
! try.
Fa vctto and Westmoreland James Rut-
lcdgo, .las. C. Clarko, Alexander McKin-
uey, Wcsloy frost.
Indiana S. S. Jamison.
Lancaster Thomas Mcllvain, J, F.
Kautz, Gcorgo G. Brush, B. M. Stauffcr,
Joel 1. ijightner.
Lebanon Wm, M. Brcslin.
Luzerne George P, Steele, Wallaco
Mercer, Venango, and Warren Arnold
Plumor, J. Y. James, William S. Garviu.
MitUin liharles JJowcr.
Monroo and Pike Charles Burnett,
Montgomery Henry W, Bousall, A. II
Tippiu, E. L. Acker.
Northampton John A. Slater, Philip
Northumberland James McCoruiick.
Perry Henry D. Woodruff,
Philadelphia D. W. Morris. Georgo W,
Ncbinger, William McMulliu, John P,
Murray, H. B. Yeagcr, Wm. A, Sturgeon,
Win. A. Edwards, Francis P, Magco,
Chas. W. Oarrigau, J. G. Brenner, Robert
Allen, Michael School, Ueorgo Jislmer,
n m, Mcliloncy, l'cter llaiituo.
Schuylkill John Horn, Isaao Ward
Somcrsct--Danicl Woyand.
Susquehanna F. A. Ward, C. 0. Finch,
Uioga Ueury Sherwood,
Union, Snyder and Juniata John M
Washington Finloy Patterson, Wm
Wayne Win. II. Wood.
York K. P. I.ynes, John ALL Aloxan
der 0. McCurdy.
Ilcsoltitions of the Convention
Resolved. That as representatives 6f the
great party founded by Mr. Jtfferson, wa
salute our brethren of tho other States with
congratulations upon the auspicious and
just result of tho Presidential olection,
achieved uyourunuca euortsaua-saoriuoo
(with the aid of patriotic men hcrctoforo
V. . .. ., t.., -ii i.- i.
attached to other political uouics,i aim ne
cessary, as wo believe, to tho honor and
prosperity of our common country, and tho
continuanco amongst us of tho blessings of
good government.
2d. That tho course of recent political
action in tho American Union has clearly
shown tho usefulness and uccessity of our
party as a great conservative organization,
able to resist and put down extreme and
impracticable theories of government and
social order to prcservo tho constitutional
compact between tho States from loose and
dangerous constructions, as well as open
violations to hold iu check the passions
of the country, when dirce'ed by lood ex
citement or other cause against lundamen-
tal points of our political system, and to
presorve to ourselves and to those who como
after us, tho rich and invaluable legaoy of
irce aud well ordered institutions establiih
cd by our lathers,
3d. That to the existence and cfhcienoy
of our party adherence to tho rules and
usages is essential, and that right reason
and experience prove that without such
adhorence, division, disaster and defeat
are inevitable j all departures, therefore,
from our party laws, in State or local ac
tion, are to bo deprecated and resisted, as
evidently fraught with elements of danger,
injury, and eventual destruction,
lth. That in behalf of tho Pennsylvania
Democracy,in addition to the ro-aflirmation
of our best principles and policy, wo an
nounce as rules for our future action, tho
limitation of publio expenditures, to mode
rate and necessary outlays tho sparing
and careful grants of corporate power
tho enactment of laws in obedience to pub
lie opinion, rather than in advance qr con
tempt of it occasional and prudent amend.
mcnts of tho Constitution as cxpcricnco
may demonstrate them to bo necessary to
the welfare aud protection of tho people
the encouragement of virtue' and intelli
gence as the supports of our political system
the rigid accountability of publio servants
and the cultivation of just aud amicablo
relations with our sister States, without
subserviency to tho passions or policy of
any of them, but with a frank concessibn
of tho constitutional and equal rights of
each these are grounds upon which, as
heretofore, wo purpoao to maintain tho
character of our Commonwealth as a free,
powerful and illustrious member of tho
American Union.
Dth. That we recommend to tho support
of the people, tho candidates nominated by
this Convention, as men of character and
experience, well qualified for tho posts to
which they havo been respectively named,
in the full assurance that if elected thoy
will discharge their official duties with fide
lity and success.
Gth. That wo congratulate tho Demo
cratic party and the country upon tho tri
umphant election of James Buchanan and
John C. Brcckinridgo to the Presidency
and Vice-Presidcney of the United States,
und that iu view of tho whole political
history of Mr. Buchanan, rendered memo
rable by Lis steady and patriotio adhorenca
to the Constitution and to tho maxims of
its fathers, we, tho representatives of tho
Dcmooratic party of tho State, ia full Con
vention assembled, do most confidently
pledge to our Brethren ot tuo union a wise,
conservative and constitutional administra
tion of tho Government under the guidance
ot a .Pennsylvania i'residcnt.
7th, 1 hat in tho late proceedings which
resulted in the election of Simon Cameron
to the U. S. Senate, the opposition to our
party openly and shamelessly exhibited
their lack ot high principles of honor, their
contempt for tho known sentiment of tho
people, and their utter disregard of tho
character ot tho state, and together with
tho thrco apostates from our own parly by t
whoso aid the result was accomplished,
should bo everywhere denounced by all
men of virtue aud honor.
What a glorious thing it is for tho he
man heart, Thoso who work hard seldom
yield themselves entirely up to fancied or
real sorrow. When grief sits down, folds
its bands, and mournfully feeds upon its
own tears, weaving tho dimsbodows that a
littlo extortion might sweep away into a
funeral pall, tho strong spirit is shorn of
its might, aud sorrow our master.
hen troubles llow upon you, dark and
heavy, toil not with tho waves tfrcstle not
with tho torrent I rather see if, by occupa
tion, divert the dark waters that threaten
to overwhelm you, into a thousand channels
whfWi tho duties of lifo .always present,
Beforo you dream of it those waters will
fertilize tho present, and giv6borth to fresh
n - . 1 ..... 1 1 -. 1.. r .
uunuiB mat tuuv iiiuj uttgiutiu luu luiuru
flowers that will becomo puro and holy,
iiflbo sunshine which ponctratcs to tho path
of duty, in spite of every obstacle. Grief
after all, is but a selfish feeling; aud most
sclGsh is tho man who yields himself to the
indulgence of any passion wbic.h brings uo
joy to his fellow man,
SOr A farmcr'iiiifb is Bio bappieiri
of all. . ,