A TP LUVI I. TATE!, F.DITOt. I'lUU-i'lKU AM) rmPKlKrOH VCLTJKE THIRTEE1T. That Govern nil-nt in Hie hvt which Koviiih leaml." VOLUME 111. r,LOOMSP.UUG, COLUMBIA CO., PA., SATURDAY, DEC. 29, 1349. NUAI.BKU 41. ju n if i u u i n POETRY. st st in: o.r. Strive on the ocean ne'er was rron'd K. iiiiim)( on tin! snore; A nati on's freedom nu'er wan won When .4lu- li I lie baiinei beta- Strive on 'tis cowardly to shrink When dmiKeri, rise around; 'TissAeeier far, though linked with pain. To gain the vantage ground. Blight name are on the roll of Fame, Like la: ll ) shine, on Inge,' They may tie hut woh bnhtci ray, but never, never il it." ! Ami th -se were lighted 'mill the gloom Ol low ubcuiil: Situating ilnougti years of am and toil, And piyltss overly: But itrive this world's not all a waste. A wilderness of care; Green spot are on the field of life And ll.jw'iets blooming fair: Then strive on hut, oh let Virtue be ; The guardian of your aim! Let pure, unclouded love- illume The pa' h that leads to lame! City IVcws, Whl. Rao Pickers. Yesterday morning the n ulTouiih near Malket, says the Daily here regaled with a spnutoneous er- .illiiijsgatt,aiid a mostrhoice exhibition Two rival tax pickers, one a femin- n, aj d.ok us Kiohns, and the other a ile man, who like Casius, had a ..gry look," happened to suitable on f p.it 'hes off'il cotton, a'ld strips -,..p .-V'e same, time. The liihl ot prim .V'oisisttd on by Dinah, with much Ueseheie's my r ." she nuking a ity attack ontnepile, will In r pickers imd lealem j "and I'm- hw im i- in" ' m. t'1" The (to'y,.e..i Ciivin I'. i-Mi, not l.ing d urn! ed by , I U gathering t..:'ni c-tfi i i i . tn-d t ii n i.i fingers I tr w liie cin-ier iA .-s:t ict the rboe't ilireds, vrilhout otiertn,; i to- word in r.-piy. This was too much fin boiling 'etnper ol the h'ic bear. With her arms g '-ue.ula'iiig annihilation, and her tongue folio, g oil the most haih cple 'ives she rnuhl ma-icr. -he to nle a decent on the oishevclled led hairsil (V-ius., which threatened the Iosk ol his sloiilew hip" whole crop. 'Ibis too much even for a pliil"-o-her,he rea-ed his at tacks on the rags, ami made a decent with the pulllt of his shoe on :he shin of Dinah "Down fidl this luriltj maiden. As fall .i l oiaiili -red latnh. The ti ,irx 1 1 1 1 1 1 u on h"r enhintl cheeks. S Xi'.i At't'lt oo a cl.HM " ! "Tru'h rin-bed to e.nih will ri-o a;.oi," and n did Dinah, and nothiut! 'a n ut tj made another rush at hones. At thi jui ctore, a pel irrnian ar rived and p.iried the ui.li it;u,t-; and aK rmakirg a just aihitiMinent of the property, rent Mch on their way lamenting over their wrongs. Si.'odkn Dvmih Miss Pinomu .t avf To-j IVKA, aul'lii ihli; oimhi l,oh. aaed ahool twenty. I tivejears, "f Anllioiiy township, died very sud denly iiiiTue-d iy evening of this week. She had been visinni! at a nrii;hh i'. and upon eoini; hnum, compl iined to lii-r Ino'her ot cxtietne pain in her hea I and ihe tiack ol her neck, and feeling verv singularly In about an hour afterwards she Wai dead. Lyrmnin ' dtizrllf. Wh'n a lie nets into the world, yon may bailer it about the head until lit is apparently extinct, but next day you will meet it a Iresh and vinor ous as ever. The Wilmoi I'iumimi. 'Ilio. AViltnot Frovinn may now bp rrgardeil as an abstrac- i tioa Tin! action of llio Calil'orni.i con-! vent ion lately disposed of tin; fjttestitm of , slavery, by probibitiiiL' its introduction, and New Mexico will tut I I'iblidy I'd low i!k: f xamde, Iru r t lir ;ijil;iiion ol' this subjoet , is now worse than itsnlrss. Tlie Soiitbern members of (miiiicss may altctntlo reject the admission d t !alifoniia, and for a brief period excitement may be iviivul; bii! tlpppite all their ffTorts she will eoinc into the sisterhood at the next session, without a staia upon her escutcheon. While wo rejoicp that she lias thus earl -taken a de rided stand in favor of human riuhis, our gladness is tempered with a regret that Gen. Tavlor has i ol been compelled, in his official rapacity, to show Ins band in this matter, to take nm ml in lavnr of lonp-chi r. inhnl opinions, or pruoressive idea". Hut perhaps it is belter ihat the w vi d (pu Fiion isal real. lironLiillr J (ft r simian. Kiom (jodey's I.adv's Book. C h r i m I in a E e s e u t h . Story for Ihe Holidays. Y T. S. AIM III It. 'Didn't lie make you a present of any thing-, Lizzy V asked Margaret Granger of her cousin Lizzy Green. No, not even of a strawberry cushion,' Pioke up Lizzy's sister Jane, 'that he might have bought for a sixpence. I think he's a right down mean, selfish, stingy fel low, so I did ; and if he doesn't keep Liz zy on bread and water when he gets her my name's nut Jane Green.' 'I wouldn't havp him,' said Margaret, jesting, yet hnlf in earnest. 'Lot Christ mas g i by and not make his sweetheart or sister a present of the most trilling value ! He must have a penny soul. Why, Mar ry Lee sent me iho 'Leaflets of Memory' and a pair of the sweetest flower-vases you ever saw, and he only comes to see me as a friend. And Cousin William made me a present of a splendid copy ol 'Mrs. Hall's sketches,' the most interes ting book I ever read. Besides, I received lots of things. Why, my table is full of presents. 'You have born quite fortunate," said Lizzy, in a quiet voice; 'much more so than Jane and I, if to receive a great many Christmas presents is to be considered fortunate.' 'But don't you think Edward might have sent you some token of good-will and af- lection in this holiday season, when every one is giving or receiving presents V ask ed Margaret. '.Nothing of that kind was needed, Con- sin Magga.as an expression of his feelings towards me,' replied Lizza. 'He knew that I understood their true quality, and felt that any present would have been a useless formality.' 'You can't say the same in regard to Jane, lie inieht have passed her the usual coinplinit nl of the schmiii.' Certainly be might,' said Jane. 'Liz zy needn't try to excuse him after this lame l.ishion. Of course, there is no cause for the omission but meanness thai' a my opinion, and I speak it out bidd y.' 'It i-n't right to say that, sister,' remark ed Lizzy, 'lid ward has other reasons for omitting the prevalent custom at this sea son and good reasons, 1 am well assured. As to the charge of meanness, I doni'i think the fact you allege a sufficient ground for making; it.' 'Well, I do then,' said Cousin Marga ret. 'Why, if I were a young man and engaged in to -Triage to a lady, I'd sell my slines but what I'd give her something as a Christmas present.' Yis or borrow or beg the money,' chimed in Jane. 'Kverv one must do as he or she thinks best,' replied Lizza. 'As for me, 1 am content to receivp no holiday gift, being well satisfied that meanness on the part of L'dward has nolhn g to do with it.' Rut notwithstanding Lizzy said this, she could not help feeling a little disap pointed morp, perhaps, on account of the appearance of the thing than Ironi any suspicion that meanness, as alleged by Jane, had anything to do w ith the omission. '1 wish Ldward had made Lizzy some kind of a present,' said Mrs. Creen to her husband a day or two after the holiday had passed ; 'il it had been only fir the looks ol'the thing. Jane has been teasing her a bout it ever since, and calls it iioiliing but meanness in Kdwnrd. And I'm afraid he is a Utile close.' Retler that he should bo so than too frer," replied Mr. Green ; 'ihough 1 must confess that a dollar or two, or even ten iloiiats, ; sneiit at Christmas in a present fur his in-1 ended bride, could hardly have been set i down to the score ol prodiganlv. It does look mean, certainly. He iu doing very wi II.' 'He t"Ms a salary of i ight hundred dol lars, and I suppose it doesn'ieost him over f.ur or five hundred dollars to live at lea! it ought not to do so.' 'He has bought himself a snu illle ' i bouse, I am told. If he's done, that, he's done verv wr'i!.' said Mr. (irffii; 'and I rail bogice liini , for not spending hi" ninnc, m ( hnstinvi presents, that are never of much use, say the best you will of them. I'd rather Ed ward woti'd have a comfortable house to put his wife in than see him loading Iter down, before marriage, with presents of one foolish thing or another.' 'True. Rut it would'nt have hurt him to have given the girl something, if it only had been a book, a purse, or some such trifle.' For which trifles he would have been as strongly charged with meanness as he ... ... , , . is now. isctter let it go as it is. lo uouut he has good reasons for his conduct.' Thus Mr. Green and Lizzy defended Edward, while the mother and Jane scol ded about his meanness to their heart's con tent. Edward Mayfield, the lover of Lizzy Creen, was a young man of good principles, prudent habits and really generous feel ings ; but his generosity did not consist in wasting bis earnings in order that he might be thought liberal and open-hearted, but in doing real acts of kindness where he saw that kindness was needed, lie had saved from his salary, in the course of four or five years, enough to buy himself a very snug house, rind hail a few' hundred dollars in the Savings' Rank with w hich to furnish it when the lime came for him to get mar ried. This time was not very far off when the Christmas, to which allusion has been made, came round. At this holiday sea son , Ed ward had intended to make both Lizzy and her sister a handsome present, and he had been thinking for some weeks is to what it should be. Many articles, both useful and merely ornamental, were thought of, but none of them exactly pleased his fancy- A day or two before Christmas, he sat thinking about the mutter, when something or other gave a new turn to his reflec tions. 'I hey don't leally need anything, said he to himself, and yet I propose to myself to spend twenty dollars in prescnis merely for appearance's sake. Is this right ? Ivight if you choose to do it, he replied to himself. I am not so sure of that, he added, after a pause. Ami then he sat in quite a mu sing mood for s-'iue minutes. That's belter, he at length said, rising up and walking about the floor. That would he money and good feelings spent to a better purpose. Rut they'll ixpecl something, lie argued with hiniM il'; the familv will think so strange of it. I'erbaps I'd better spend half the amount inelegant books f r Lizzv moiI J.me. and let the other tro ill the wav I I - - . - i propose. This suggestion, however, did not satis fy him. Retter let i; all go in the other direction, he said, after thinking awhile longer ; it will tb a real good. The time will come when I can explain the whole matter ii' necessary, and do away with any little false impression that may have been formed To the conclusion at which Edward ar- therelrom. I hen ho turned away am! lei! rived, he remained firm. No present of , the office without uttering a word, any kind was made to his bethrotln d or j 'John is very late to night,' said the poor her sister, and the reader has seen in what Widow Elliot.as she got up and went to the light the omission was viewed. ! door to look out in the hope of seeing her Christinas eve proved to be one of unit-! boy. Flipper had been ready fur at least sual inclemency. The snow bad been fal- - an hour, but she didn't feel like eating anv ling a 1 !:iv, dritcn into every nool; and ; thing until John came home. Little A'ctiv corner, cleft and cranny, by a piercing ' had fallen asleep by the fire, and was now northeaster ; and now, although the wind , snugly covered up in bed. As Mrs. Elliot had ceased to roar among the chimneys and , opened the door, the cold air pressed in op to whirl the snow wi;h blinding violence mi hi r, bearing its heavy burden of snow, into the face of any one who ventured ' She shivned hk one in a sudden ague lit, abroad, the broad (hikes were falling slow-i and shutting the door, quickly murmured v but in ii'1 heaiiiy lii in since morning, 1 ',!v poor boy it is n (ircidfid nioht for ib'-uii oroiind w as covered : in ::dy to ilie ileptu I many incurs, i- was a incut to make tii.t poor feel sober r. thev sjather- i i d more closely around their small fires. and thought ol tne lew stick'; ol wood or pucks ofr oat that yi I ri main: I of their limited store. On this dreary night, a small boy, who had hem at work in a printing office ;.ll dav, stood near the desk u w ai'ieg to r'-cen e his wee his t tnployer. s wages and go home to Ins inothi r, a poor w idow, i I I I iV I . W 1IOM' Mono- I no -JOH. -il' ' l :-ooo Ol ,ij t giu: I. Hid to her llttie house-hold. , You ni'dn't eomr to-morrow, John,1' aid the pnntci, n- lie handed ih vi iV two dollars that were due him for the week's work : to-morrow is Christinas. The boy took the money, and after lin gering a moment, turned away and walked towards the door. He evidently expected something, and seemed disappointed. The printer noticed this, and at onco compre hended its meaning. John, he said kindly. The boy stopped and turned round : as he did so, the printer took tip a half dollar from the desk, and bidding it between his lingers, said You've been a very good boy, John, and I think you deserve a Christmas gift. Here's half a dollar for you. John's countenance was lit up in an in stant. As he came back to get the money the printer's eyes rested upon his feet, which were not covered with a very com fortable pair of shoes, and he said Which would you rather have, John,! this half dollar or a pair of new shoes ? I'd rather have the new shoes, replied John, without hesitation. Very well ; I'll write you an order on a shoemaker, and you can go and fit your self, and the printer turned to his desk and wrote, the order. As he handed to John the piece of pa per on which the order was written, the lad looked earnestly into his face, and then said, with strongly-marked hesitation I think, sir, that my shoes will do very well if mended ; they only want mending. Won't you please write shoes lor my mother instead of me ? 'I he boys voice trembled, and his face wassuffused. lie felt that he had ventur ed too much. The printer looked at him for a moment or two, and then said iJocs your mother want shoes badly ? Oh, yes, sir. She doesif team much by washing and ironing when she can do it, but she jiprained her wrist three weeks ago, and hiis'nt been able to do anything but work a little about the house since. A re uur w ages all she has to live upon ? They are now. You have a little sister, I believe ? Yes, sir. Does she want shoes, also ? She has had nothing but old rags on her feet for a month.' Indeed! The prinler turned to his desk, and sat and mused for half a minute, while John stood with his heart beating so loud that he could hear its pulsations. Give mo that order, the man at length said to the boy, who banded him the slip of Pal" r He tore it up, and then took his . , pen and wrote a new outer 'l ake this, he said, presenting it to John, I have told the shoemaker to give you a pair for your mother, yourself am! your lit tle sister; and here is ihe half dollar, mv , boy, vou must have that a'so. John took the order and the money, and j stood for a few moments looking into the ! primer's face, while his lips moved as if he ! were trying to speak , but no sound came him to be on!, and so lliinlv rl.n I won-1 ,;( r vchv tie sin;, s so ite away, The mniher bad hard v uttered t!ie?e v, o.ds v. ben the door was thrown open, pud John entered with a hiMv step, hear ing several tvrki'ges in his arnv, a I cover ed with snow. There's your rhr'sinn gift, mother, said h", in a ('elighird voice; and here i initio, and there is .Netty's!' displaying at th" same liiiie three pairs of shoes, a pa- p, r of sun-ar, amnh'-r id lea, nod another of rice. r.iliot lonkn 'Whireihdal! tin bewildered. e en-no from, John !. she askrd. ir i trembb:-;; n-e,fof sh' wr, overcome with surprize and p'easure at this unexpected supply of articles so much "' " ' ' John gave an artle ss relation of what had passed between him and the printer for whom he worked, and added I knew Ihe number yon wore, and I i , , , i . ' , , tbo t 1 would gfless at etly s size. If they don't liit the man says he will change them; and I'll go clear back to the store to night but w hat she shall have her new shoes for Christmas. Won't she be glad ! I wish she were awake.' And the tea, sugar and rice, you bought with the half dollar he gave you ?' said the mother. Yes,' replid John : 'I bought the tea and the sugar for you. They're your Christmas gift from me. And the rice we'll all have to-morrow. Won't you make us a rice-pudding for our dinner?' ' ou're a good boy, John a very good boy,' said the mother, much affected by the generous spirit her son displayed. 'Yes, you shall have a rice-pudding. Rut take off your wet shoes, my son they are all wet and dry your feet by the (ire.' 'No, not till you put Netty's shoes on to sec if they fit her,' replied John. 'If thev don't lit, I'm going back to the store for a pair that will. Hie shall have her new shoes for Christmas. And, mother, try yours on may be they won't do.' To satisfy the earnest boy, Mrs. Elliot tried on Netty's shoe, although the child was sleeping. Just the thing, she said 'Now try on yours,' urged John. They couldn't fit me better, said the mother, as she slipped on one of the shoes. 'Now take off your wet ones, and dry your feel before the fire, while I put the supper on the table.' John, satisfied now that all was ri'dit, did as his- mother wished, while she got ready their frugal repast. Roth were too much excited to have very keen appetites. As they were about rising from the table, al'iiT finishing llieir meal, some one knock ed at the door. John opened it, and a gen tleman came in and said, familiarly IIow do vou do, Mrs, Elliot ? Ohhow do you do, Mr. Mayfield ? Take a seat ; and she handed her visitor a chair. IIow has ycur wrist got, Mrs Elliot! Are yon most ready to take my washing again ? It's better I thank you, but not well en ough fur that ; and I can't tell when it will be. A sprain is so long in gelling well, How do you get along? asked Mr. Mayfield. Can you do any kind of work? Nothing more than a little about the house, Then you dotet earn anything at a:l No sir nothing. IIow do you manage to live, Mrs We have to get rdong the best we ran on John's two dollars a week. Two dollars a week ! Yuu can't lien on two dollars a week, Mrs. Elliot; that is impossible. It's all we have, said the widow. Mr. Mayfield asked a good manv more questions, and showed a very kind interest in the poor widow's a Hairs. When he arose to go awav, he said I will send you a few things to-nieht. Mrs. Elliot, as a Christmas present. This is the season when friends remember each other, and tokens of good will are passing in all directions. I think I cannot do bel ter to spend all I designed giving for this purpose, in making you a little, mire com fortable. So when the man comes with what I shall setd. you will know that it is r I !..:..!. i -pi i iii-iui. iwmurop in to see yon ag-im In fire !o:;r. And ere Mrs Elliot cot, Id express her thanks, Mr, Mayfield had n tired. Xo my bim,' liac hi fnv the voice of a in. in, M'oakn .-i to his Loix', was hoard at the d'r. Tin: veil,- ! i-.ol mevc-l so nm-leiv nn dl'c.v.'otirr.-.! s I. tll.it its approach had :vt been ,;.;i rvc-l. 'I'll,- h od tr..k of whip handle on the daor rau-H lae . vpechmt widow and h"r s.-n to l,i,-. ii luiinedi.ilcly npm.'.,1 l 'to" .Mir rila-fi ' i-lod n r.irman, who stood w it Ii his leather hit .nn! riiiih mat all env cied with snow. Yes, -ir , replied Join Very ivrll , IrV ;,,t a CHutmm pre'rril fVr hp', I rather tho w , n h -ld pen the door unt:l I " ! n.-en U n on I ew Miois and ! '", l;,c"J M'k'M j the ci in in came. So cut he bounded Hit" It " a-iow . ,-ivim Ihe door lo Uke CHie f itself, trnd ' j up i,in 1 1, fm ma twinkling. It did mt i,.ke Ioi.b, wih John's nctive a.nsiance, to tmn. i.i ihe c nn Ms oi il e car to ti e widows mic- : ri" "i. which had been lor a l ng t me wonting in I alii'Oal rv,-i lunik'. j i;oJl lu;iH , vu.,, la,n. so l t!,e carman m he was miring, and may to-'MilleW b? tie- merriest Cliii-tnia-you e.er ipci.l. It isa t i veiy on" who has a liioial like jonr. . .out iii.n ijoj ii w.ikI non.aid Mr". Filint lei v cully , a tin- in. in el, :! ihe dm r iit.u h it her alone won ; it cliihlo n. And now i ne lonely re-cut win r:!"re Catelully examined It consisted o! 'many aiticles. 1'irsf, and not the U-a-t welcome, wa- lull a barrel of fl iiir. Then there was a ha ol coin iroal.aiinther of potatoes, with sugar, tea, rice, molasses, hotter etc., "nine warm -dockings for Ihe children, n cheap thick shawl for herself, and a pair of (i'Jrri shoei b.-si Irs ;i i;m,d many lin ihinits that had all been selected with strict repaid to their use. A largR chicken Cora Clni-t mas dinner, and seme leave of fresh D'llch cake for Ihe children, had not been funjoticn. Added to all this was a letter cer tain, in;; live dollars in w hich the generous donor said that on the next day lie would send her a small stove and hall a ton of coal. I'ldw ii'il Mayfield .-'lent sweetly and soundly tli at ninht. On the next day, which was Christ -mis, he j;ot the sieve lor Mrs. Klliot. It was a small cheap and economical one, designed ex. pressly for the poor, lie sent it with half a ton of CO'll. Three or four days afler Chris'tnas, Mrs. Green said to I.izzy and Jane, as tln-y sat sowini; I declare, i;irls, we've entirely forgotten mr wa-herwomnn, poor Mrs. Klliot. It is somn weeks since she si-i t us word (!ml she had -prain-ed her wrist, and could not d our wishing nn'il it ant well. I think ycj had better go and s i) her this tinn-iii-ig. I hon! J net wonder if sloi stood in ni",'il of snnict 'lipf. She h:: two elul. di'i'n, and only one ol' them h old enoc-li t i eai n anything and even he can only brina hon e a very small sum. We have done Wioog to forget Mis. Klliot. You go and see her, I.ir.y, said j",ir I don't rare n'oeit vi-'iling poor people in distress; it makes em f ! bad. To relieve their wants. Line, out, hi to r.rjke yon fee I good, i-aid Mrs. Green, ! know i! ought; but I bad rntlu r not go. Oil yi ,.) me.said Lizr.yjynti must co with ra. I waul yon logo. 1'onr Mis. KHi-il! who knows how muc!i may have sufiered ;" Yes, Jane, go wrh l.ir. : I u.mi ynt to go. Jane did not like In ri lu-e po-ilivi I v, so" sl , got readvand went, thniigli with a good dead of reluctance. Like n m i-nt. n, any el hers, she had n fife t-T --ones of disti,..s. ( sh,. rotild rehYv,, a wo,! bv jiiiiti.ig hor bnd behind her a-id not seeing the object of pen'iry, she hiid no ..hection to ihiit-gso; hot to looli siii'li-iir g u, t,o l l(-t. rt.ts ton rev-'illiiif n berxMis'l ive Iceloi" When .'. I.;,- and Jane enu re; ihe hnri.hle nfti;e widow .they I., and rv,r.thii ., e(.,!r,t.l() neat and riran. A sioali -h-iy was upon the' hearth, and, thooch Ihe ilay w-, verv mid, ,-tjf. fused n genial wrnmth thinughoiit the reran. Mrs. Klliot sal knitting; she appeared rMtemidy Kmi to sop the girls, j.i-zy inqnlr.-t: how lier'writ was, how she had been trtlinc i-lorg. and if sl. stood in need nl' anything, To ;,c last ouf 3tion be ri'idii-il I should have wanted almost evei rlbing (o me c itif-rtahle. had not Mr. May , i,d. ('( ,'h'(, g.'n.l,.,;,,.,, I washed for befo,,. hurt n.y reu.i",,''ried rn V do islmas. II, H ., ' , nice I, tile stove and a lad-i, -,, a ,ilif ,,.t.r of fl-nr, ine.,1, petal, (-.;,, snuar, and I ran't now tell .you what ail- beside a -.j, ke,, fr (,r l'hr,'.tiuas,:inner. r.nd f,vedolaas in mm.,-. l'm sure hecniildu't lave .,,hi' hlh,,, i., ., , los. Heaven He came 011 CI !"'" Nl.all mverfm-u-t him : i-'ir .s.ve, rindie,-,,,,,- .1 ... , ly how I was ge!!i!,g that he .Vo'lld s;-,i u ''""C: '"id thm lohl ,,, e a I, tile re :. . . . "ft'i these who doiii'i. reaiiv ,., , d ,,ro, w linmighlw, !! I, ri-.e hiia'lV.r ',.;, comiilonei.'s , I' It ,J.. t-. .... "'I ' t'ei hi- w ,i.s 14 me, ,! :;i,i ti-,o:,. i! l;.. H e,ir , , j n , 'gs, mill on i 11, !!:, ,:,i- t:-e fl ii- a-id II , Jane h.id.i'd at I.e. ", :, ,, u Ce.il capip. 1 ' l'.'e was a ' '-: ' light. warm glow and in i ,o.o c , - 'I 1 , .- 1 . ' "' ;''" any, I,,-, . s j,, , .. -': .v. i. 1 01,1111, vou 1. : in; iy, not tu-.v. coail'orlahle. I.01 c h,.(, P ,. v ,.n I am verv fl' nr. r ral alio pninmcs are nil, i,,.,,,. i,( wash, 1, g ..gain, and then i .-lu sistace- he ' I" la! in l:" 10 ed any as. l orgive I IP, s'-te- ,,r '.v I::: il v. or.i.. .,1..... ' - rl I M 1 1 J I l! and T.izv !' it tile V. illoW'.S Im-Ijip e is eenern'H nrnl r. ade-hcai led. I v. on !l1 '':d'er 1 p h,d ,!,.,, than lnnloine a pre.,.,,1 ,, the- ,,..,, r,,,y ' fft memb, aneerl.e could f.nd, for it M.unps I()s" r It i r" a.'ter. I.i;-ry,y.,um.:v well l,P ,.r,. pf ,,; ' Li'.v .hil k'-rs:-!,' , ,,,!.., ,-fhn , ."in 111. in. 1 00 ,m,, ;.. ..Heqiiatp , (()(, ( I -n of her lei I OIL'S. When J.i expre.-s- '' told hi r C.ilw- ab ntt!,cwidowI.,7y :i, milesv sVt ihe su1 j cl Mr. f;,,,.,, .s.,,,1. Thai w, nolily- dene' fhnr is t h,. , inK rf ,Lb genuine cin ! am ,irnd ol hin, ; Tears came into l.iz., c w , . ,'he heard he tather speak so warmly and appiovingly rf h-' lover. Next vear, added Mr f,r,rn. milff lake , lesion ol Khvard. and lin,.rme r.ilr ,(m f-h uUv presents. IIow p.ai y hnr,,!if,!s a,,,j ,t sands of dollar, a.e.w.s,,,! j ,,s,lr5 rn, and pr. Tiytr lie, that might ,ln , ,, ln ihes'ream ol kind fr, lii,,- , Tf .. . ' tiuttpr rlunne;