Agricultural. Ho.v bunt thii r ah mi:h'- 1111 le hie ! H uv u ! llin joy il y n-lti-4 ? Far hum Out w.i. I I n Lin n'st'im slriln, Kf, 'mill iti-fiiii I ' lihor. Hi! yj that till the stubborn noil A'l I gui.l with skill I he plough ; Wlm bend lieiii'aili tin- summer mm, Willi l)araiu, choi-k an.l brow Ye I torn llu! cur-o still flings in c.irtli From uKl'ii limit till now : B it tvllili! y If II 'Ih lur.l 1 1 toil, A n J labor all day iliioiili, 1! Mni)iu')i!r il is hji l.n- slill To have tin vork lo do. Curing Hum for Private t'sc. 1 bag leave ti) present lo the puMic, nays a correspoiiili'iit of llio Main Farmer, my monitor of preserving litmt. 1 turn my burrel over a pan or kettle, in which I bum hard wood for seven or eight days ; keeping a little warm water on the head of thu barrel, and prepare a piekel by putting six gallons of water in a boiler, with I'i His. of salt, 12 ounces of salt pelre, and two quarts of molasses. This I stir suf ficiently to dissolve the salt, $m., and let it boil and skim it. 1 then let it cool and pour it on my hams.and in one week I have smoked hams, very tender, of an excellent fiavor, and well smoked. When the weath er becomes warm there will be a scum arise on the pickle. By keeying my hams under pickle, it will keep the year round. It is better to have a good oak barrel than any other. Try it, and if you ever had neat smoked earlier after killing, and more palatable, please inform tha public through the columns of your paper- Liver J'uildings. Boil some pigs' livers. When cold, mince them, and season themwiih pep per, salt, and some sage and sweet marjo ram rubbed fme. You may add some pow dered cloves. Have ready some large skins nicely cleaned, and fill them with the mixture, tying up thu ends securely. I'rick them with a fork lo prevent their bursting; put them into hot water, and toil them slowly for about an hour. They will require no farther cooking'b.;fore you eat them. Keep them in stone jars close ly covered. They are eaten cold at break fast or supper, cut into small slices an inch thick or mure ; or they may bo cut into large pieces, and bfoiled or fried. Common 'Sauxrige Mnit. 'Having cleared it from the skin, sinews, and gristle, take six pounds of the lean of young fresh pork, and three pounds of the tat, and raince it as line as possible. Take some dried sage, pick off the leaves, and rub them to powder, allowing three teai spoonfuls to each pound of meat. Having mixed the fat mid lean, well together, and seasoned it with six lea-spoonfuls of pep per, and the same quantity of salt, strew on the powdered sage.and mix the whole very well, with your hands. Tut it awiy in a stone jar, packing it down hard, and keep it closely covered. Set the jar in a cool dry place. When you wish to use the sausage-meat, nnke it into I at cakes about the size of a dollar; dredge them with (lour, and fry them in butter or dripping, over rather a low lire, till they are well browned on both sides, and thoroughly done, ges are seldom caton except at last. ausa-t;re;I:- Ft nr Suusugrs. Tako somn fresh pork, (the is hrst,) ami dear it from the skin, sinews, and gris tle. Allow two jioiiixls of fat to three pounds of lean. Mince it all very line, and season it with two ounces anil a hull-of salt, half an ounce ol pepper, tlnrtv cloves, I I 1 . 1 r ' . . and a dozen blades of m ice powdered, : ihrpn (rrsitoil milinom i-Jl,l.,.L.n.,....K,l. ; , , , 1 , , 1 jKjwiirriiu sage, una uvo tea-spoonlllls 01 i nowdered rosem:i-i'. Mlv-dl u- II in.ili. , cr. I'ut it into a ttnue jar, and press it down very hird. Cover it closely, and keep it in a dry cool place. When you use this sausage-meat, mix with it some beaten yolk of cgw, and make it into balls or cake?. Dredge theni with flour, and fry them in butter. Washinc; Made Kasv. M ike. ,1 sml t usual, then ailil ahout a tua-spootiful of gpirita of turpentine to each bucket nf wat er, stir it up, put it: the clothes, and lut th'jni Hoak an hour ati'I a half, ami then lnil ;hcm as usual. Unless very dirty, they will need no ru'i'iiii;:, the turpi ti'im' havincr (he cfT'Ct li) l'Kiseii the hri (m v ili" : ivs i i15 in-Vtllll l' l"' The l.ry'nlaluif of Peiiniylvama, will at I Idi rixburg ii)on 'liiinlay, .l.mujry I, CONDITIONS. i V. 1111''. COl.UiMHIA DliMOCKAT, ii iiIIinIi'iI fViM) S,ilmil:iy iiioiniiiK ;il Tivii uii.i.ARi per Hiiuuia, payable half yew ly in advAiH'c, viz, y, I .ill silhiui itiiiijf and 1 1 upon iMlll'I'ilig mi I III! six iiionlln and il nut paid men riling tit 1 Ih; Iitiiis, we nli.ill invariably charge two dollars and fifty et lit. fin iiilur, iplion taktMi lor a hIimi ti'r period of t tine I ban nix inn nt lis, nui dim'ontiiiiii'il until iill art'a rni;f nhall have been paid, which must lie one month prim lo the expiration ot llieli'i n. agreed tor, and a failure l thu no tify the tvlilur wil I be considi-ied anew tu- g :)geiilelir. A.lvurlMeiiienM rnnipinioiiHly inserted nt one dollar csu per mpuri) (of 14 lines or l.'ss) for three times, and twenty five renin per muare (or every sulni'iptcM inserlion. HusinesCardn inset led at three dollars per annum. A liber al discount made to yearly advertisers. I.K'ITKRS, CoMMUNIt.'ATIOVS, 4ti: , addreisml lo the Kditor, on business pertaining lo Ihh ollice must be post paid, to secure attention, . I. I 1 "! Business Directory CHARLES U. BUCKAI.EW, Attorney at Law BLOOM SHUKtJ, COL. CO., I'A. Omen Two doors below the Court-House, North tide of Main Street. Iov.10, IS 19. JOHN 0. FREKK, Attorney at Lawj BLOO.MSHL'RG (jOL., CO. I'A. Okmck, next door to the Court House, c tinck .Store, north west corner ot. Main and Iron street. IT JL 'Wrer,signoftiie Watch, on Main street in tae Kxchange, I" EONARDB. RUPKHTcrcAuMdirstdoor J in" Rupert's Row," on Main street beluw m arket. SLOAN & MK.VUKNIHLL,..Wcrciunfs, Main street, above Market and uiie door below the xehange. IPHRAIM P. LUTZ,)rgi.i,storeonMain j street, below Market, east side, sign ol the ('ioldeii Mortar. w AR'l'IN & A. M.RL'PKRT, Tinware and Sheetiron Manufacturers, shop on Main stree, below the Post-olrif e. RNJ ; HAG KN BUCH,CA malar S Pain- ter, North side of Main street, a tew doors below Market street. McKELVY & CO., Mcrrhantx, North West comer of Main and Market streets. ( i HILL, Siirooik and i'nysician, location Jf, on Mtrket st., south side, above Main I reel, Blooinshurg. T r NORR (c II A M LIN, Black-smiths .shop on lV Main it reet , first itory, i inmedialel y under this ollice. TACOU . 1)1 KTTKItlCK, limits Shormakri, shop in N nth Main street, ftpiosite the Forks Hotel. LEVI L. TATE, pRiNTKR.otlice in the Brick building, south end of" Rupert's Row," on Main street. T HOMAS W1LLITS, Ihittn stablishinenloH Main street, north side, door below the urt House E. he A A li l -i ) N' i i, Marhlr-m anufartvrrr ,v c eslaiillsbiilL-ut on Main strec, opposite ui.:ricaii. 'OIIN K'JAN, B ml and Shoemaker, store on Main street, east side, first door below Mar ket street 1 ill illlS II') 1'IJL, uv Smui:i. Hi.i'k, roads n forks of the Ber.vick and Orangeville in North Moornsburg. CI I. MUX NATH N, ('heap and FaHlnon.ibit' Clothier, Store on Main street, two doois a above the American Hotel, 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL, by Snmtirl A.Bi uiht on Miin street, directly opposite ihe new coui t House. TO UN II. BARTON Jt Co., merchants, Store on Main si reet, opposite the Pennsylva nia Hotel, south Bloomsliurg. LIST OF LETTERS, f" EM INING in the Post Ollice, at Blooms- 1 . I 1, opt. 3uth, I VP). Ager, Wilson Appleman, George Beriirhoil, I'homas Burchlield, Wm. II I'.laine, J. II. Es.j , Boon, H. V. Bounds, F.inm i Cannain, James W. Clark. H. C. CoX, Sainnrl I) lie, Albeit G. Daves, Joseph Dennis, I.ndin Eves. Joseph fry, H. H. .sv ro., Fisher, Jacob , MisK E. 1 1.wlcii, Jolin (ship) , M'ackill, John I Miickkunclily, John Murry, Casper Lm M'Murlrie Miss S. M j Madden, A. J. Menges, Joseph Kobens, .Martha , IJichel, Elizabeth ' Rishel, Elizabeth I Shoinakcr, .lolni , Shoemaker, John Sellers, W. J F.-. , j Shull., Henry . Savits, William ' Sidel.Jaci.b . Snyder, N. ; Treslveati. Fiank ; Taggart, Franklin 1 T'.vle, Timothy ' Willi s. John I Watts, Ephraim iVilUon, .lanies I). I Wilt, Daniel Wild, Thomas (ship) ("l"'r' Haines, Jacob Hirnebauct, Mich i- ; Treslicin. I'i;ink Heilman. Ellas l'.si , Jones, 1 bomas (ship) Jones Jolim Beni. A. D Kinf , Nicholas Kressler, Samni Lundi's, George Y'rftcr, ls.ilx-1 1.1 $y Peiooin applying l"r h'llern on thealioie list will pleaip say Ihey are advcrtisTil. .1. M (TIEMMEIILIN', P. M. NOT'ICI' TO ALL INTEKKSTEI). rilHE siihucrihi-rs, having dissolved parlrieriship oiiilie Hrs ilay i. Aiii;'ist 11, woiilil i.;iy t"i ! 9i-nu'ii ihojp knoivniK Ihencsf.vc4 in arreais, on Mite, i f ,mr nit' pnone, iimi nc na n-ri'iveit a inli h(Hik-,i("'"iint, or jildu'i'meiil, that iiuli.fs paid in 4 ! npjilv ol llif nliove ,nticle-i -it lis old stand -vny .short t inn-, additiniial co.-ls will he tin! con- ' Cheap Corner, on South East ot Mhiii Ah.i serpicnee. And lli ise holdioi; clainis- against Ihi in are re-"-,'ii:st( d to present them luilin duli-ly tor pay merit. H. T. I nvrii s, ii authorised to attend to their loinii -s lie may be seen bra shotl lime al I. line Kn': ',1 allel whi' li coiiiiniiiitcjli'ii i f-nd I, i in at Mitilmh"".', I r i"'ii root tv, I'a. i; T i us nr S VV l lloMI' I :. !.;.-. I'" - i- 1.' Mil ATTENTION, rillNTKHS. 4 COOl) niai'liral Printer. VMshini! to Inbark in the biiNinesi, can hear of an excellent situation or have his choice ol two, on applica tion to the Kditor of this paper, lo whom is en trusted Hie Agency for thu sale of two excellent democratic, entablishinniils, or a part of either, in Northern Pennsylvania. We regard them as rare opportunities itJ-No attention will be given to unpaid ItttiM. r.KVI I,. 1ATK. Illoomshuig, Deer. 1st. ISI'.l ..'It. SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. .1 OIIN K. (JKOi'Z, respectfully iiiIoiuk tnsulil Int'iids anil cus tomers, anil the public generally, that he still carries on the Hnl.lle, Harness and I run It Making dimness at the above sland, on Main SI. between the Court House mid Maikel Street, nod where lie kiH'pi constantly on hand and umkes to order the following articles in his line all of which for ma- turial and workmannliip will bear comparison with Ihe Uesl that call be produced anywhere, vr, : i Mcu'ti best saddles, common saddles, w aggon sad dles, carriage tiai nes, of all kinds. Heavy team ' liaiiiess, collais, liridlets waggon and carriage! whips, ' DUFFALOE ROIiES. i Alsu a Virge assortment of Iron and wood frame Trundling Trunks, Portfolio Carpet lias, and all other articles in the travelling line, together lfo itn a large assortment ol Hahnkks i-iiiu is i in,,, v.ui riae i rimniiog, i.u- ,ces, Jap'd. Leather, Oiled Carpet, Gum Cloth, kc. (JCJ-lle solicits a call from all whe wish to pur chase, any of the above, confident that he can give satisfaction, both as to the iUalitv and price. JOHN K. (JROTZ. Bloomsliurg, Nov. 3, lS-iy, MERCHANT TAILOR STORE. T customers and the public in general, thai he bas i)st opt tied a new I Merchant Tailoring Establishment, j Exchange buildings, first door above the Hotel,! where he is it-ceiving from the Eastern Chics a; select assoitnieiit oi choice Cloths, Ca.ssimei.s,1 aiul Drapery generally, and prepared to furnish ' every variety ot clothing, at moderate prices. ! Garments made to order, and ready lnadecluth-! ing furnished ul nearly city cost. AISO, Coals, I'ants, csls, Stocks, Cravats, Fancy Handkerchiefs, &c., and avariely of other arlicies fur sale cheap. QrThe Tailoring business continued as usual. ALONZO H. KLL1S. Bloomsliurg, April 21, lb-ll. J'HK I'ORKS HOTEL. MK subscriber would inform his old friends I and the public in general, that he hit taken i the well-known stand, recently kept by Danikl: S.vvdkr, K-ip, on the head ot Main htreet, in Bloomsliurg, and will continue the Known by the sign of the "FORKS," w here he is prepaft'd to accommudato those who may favor him with their custom. His arangeinenls are complete tpiarlcrs spacious location pleasant, i and without promising too much, he flatters dim self, he will be able to do ample juslics to his guests. Jci-Stabling ami the best fare for horses, Ac. SAMUEL BLUE. Hloomshnrg, April 7, 1 S -1 0 . CONFECTIONARY & TOY &TORIS. T IHE subscriber respectfully informs theciti. .ens ot Bloomsburg, and vicinity, thai he is now opening a select Confcctionary.I'niH anil Toy S'lorr, I in the Exchange buil(ting9, No, 4, where he w ill be happy to wail upon those who may ;s. i him with his custom. Give him a call. frJ-H's stock is fresh has been selected with can and will be sold cheap lor cash. THUS: ELLIS. ! Rloornsburg, April C I, 1S I!. 0. C. K A ll L E R , " " Jlttoniry at Imw and Councilor, OtJ-OIIice on Main street, by the Courthouse. I ESPEtTFULI.y informs his friends and , the public that he has commenced the one- ! lice of law in Hloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa., 1 ( where he will promptly attend to all legal bufi i ness entrusted to his care. ' Uloomshurg, April !iS, IS4n. j NEW 'STORK AND CHEAl' (JOODS.; I TIMIE undersigned respectfully inlotms his old , JL customers anil the public that he lias' I just completed hi arrangements for their better1 accommodation, be re-building his store house at ! the old stand, on Main Street, w here he isreceiv- ' nig and oflei s for cash sales, a select assortment ol Clothing- and (.onlcclionarics. His slock ol clolhillLT u bicll is nf I lie l:,t, -t style and best finish, consists ol every variety of Loals and hummi r darmenlK, vr. : pants, vests shirts, colars, slocks, &,(, be, manufactured ex pressly for country sal,, and will be sold at exceedingly low prices for cash. ALSO (Jonfectionaries and Fancy articles, nf all kinds too numerous to mention. S. by MOSES MAY. BlnomsbiirK, June 2.1, I. t' Stir 'tea unit Mechanical J.'intisl. T "UlEunder-iigiio'l respectliillv inloniis Ihe La- iesand Gl'iilleinen ol il 00 :::.,! 11 1 g and the ililic in general I he altcinlsto all the various opperalions in Dei,iistr. Residunce,iieai Blooms. j burg, but will visil families or i 11 vidua Is, at I heir ; dwellings.w hen reijuired. Tbankful lor past fa ; vors, he In inei il a continuation of public 1 it w ill ewr he In. plea-uretorender at is far tin 11 i n Ills profession J. II. V ANDERSLIC E. J-TI'cspeci.l partnership in flate work, h eve- ! lolore I'Vistion lietm i'ii .A . .illevcli.-ir . unil J. ll. Viiinlersliee, Inis r.pii(il Li liniitiitioii, ,iinl tlic aeeoiiiiH ol -iinl fi rm arc in tin' liatids ot t lie iuiiiersii;in.'il lor M-ltlrineiil. J . II. VA.M'.KSLK E. Miri h 21. I , I'i. limit 'ml SlioniiaLiii''. T 111!" uiiileisitiicil, llisirkliil lor past iiaf rniiajri ' ri'ijicrt Oil ly intoriin his oil ciitoiner ami llie pulilir thiit lie n looveil lim t-it ;,h I L ii,i nl lo llie new Ir.niie linildii.c;, . 1 1. 1 m L I At Mendel's Store, i n Mam Slieel, nppn.iip (lie Korks Hotel, mlieie In- will In- liadv to wail op. on iill w ho Ilia foi in I. im , it h a ex 11 n-na!. .JACOli K. IHETKK K. l?isomliiirc, A pril 7. cLoTin.N':, DIM'IJS ,t .Mf:i)ClKS. rptlE imileisiirne.I .mam apprizes in- tueinls I ki t strec'.s, w lie"- i 1 oors ureat narj those ' ivho mav want I" pniclias... I 11.. J.irl i.l' .Vi ir nud Einhionalilr i'liithiiur comprises every i.m i. 'v sort anil pi.c, unit vv 1 1 lie sold "Mir M I H Inn the ritaprsf in lilnoms l.-irir ' K,-TIC I ' animation U h' .,h !::...".! , -met o ..rli illy ale un it, d to lore poll J,., to iill. II I V- " U" i ! I r. b Mil.i; COODS-NDW AR1HVAL ,1 LS I' leceived and now bl.ltlll III till? M inri ilicr, pi Hint at the old a fplemild u.-wil- no 'lit ol AIIU (.ODDS ! Selected with gieal caie, ami li.oo long rxpeii elice, he Ihlteis hlliisell thai Ins seleriioiiK are good, mil only ill patterns and styles, but in j 11 .i I -ily and price, and will be mild at the lowi-t pus bible prices. His Lit Y (iOODS consiMs ol ill f.m. y articles, frum ifhavils lo a skeia il silk; and eompi ises all luateiialu fur cloak and ilic-bes to n d and uhitc flannels. A good assort met. I of Cloths ; Cassiiners ; Satins and Vesting, I Kleacheu anil brnnii tun - li us , liankels and I'urpi t lings; Men's and bo)' 1 !. Is and (Japs. UOO'I S. Ladle's kid unit gnin hl.ois; Li okl ng gl.i-i , Crockery-ware, llaid-waie, Ci dar-waic; nil kinds ol (irucuuKs ii ,".ici:s Also NA I.T, kc. iVc. All ol which he respi clfully ieiiicts his friends and the public to c.dl and ex iiniiie. Jr-AII kinds of grain, lumber, and counli produce taken in excliani'e and lor which tin ) highest prices will always I e paid L. It. Kl'PERr. Bloomsliurg, Oct. 27, M'.i. RLOO.MSBDRO ACADEMY A 111011 SCHOOL For i'onnif Ltidim and (Jrnthmm J. E. BRADLEY, Prinrijial. The next winter Session of this Institution, will commence on JAiONDAY tin "ri dui of k tubrr. TijcI Buokn. Emersion's Spelling Book and Reader. Goodrich's Geography. Bullion's Gi.immar. Parker's Progressive Exercises. jf " Aids lo English Composition. Blair's Rhetoric, University edition. Davies' arithmetic " Algebra. " Geoiuetiy. " Sui ve vini;. " Mensuration. Foster's Book Keeping, Ackerman's Nat. History. Cutter's Anatomy and Phisiology. Guernsey's Histoiy of the Unitod Staten. Laidiier's Outlines. Olmsted's School Philosophy. Burritt's Geography of the lleavi ns. Johnston's Turner's Chemisiry . Wood's Botany. Schmucker's Mental Philosophy. VVayland's Moral Science. Webster's Dictionary. L A TI N. Bullion's Latin Grammar, Bullion's Latin Read er, Ant hon's Ceasar, Salliisl, Cicero, Horace; Folsom's Livy, Leverelt's Latin Lexicon. (i R E E K. Bullion's GreekG i ammar, Bullion's GreekRead- er, Robinson's Greek Testament, Xenoiihoii's Anabasis, Xenoplion's Memorabilia, Pickering's Greek Lexicon. There will be frequent exercises in Declama tion and Composition. Instruction will also be given in Penmanship and Book-Keeping. It will be Ihe aim of the Teacher in this School, to impart to the pupils a thokoi i;h knowledgk of the branches studied, lo i ducat e their minds, and Ihus to prepare them lor hon- j orable places in lile. j T E R MS. The winter session will consist of iil weeks, 1 or two iuniiers ot twelve weeks each. As this ; session is two weeks longer than the last sum- j mer session, a corresponding addition is made to the price ol 'Tuition, which will be as follows, per (platter: ; For Reading, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Boi k- , keeping by simile entry, Geography, Gram mar, tllsl. I.. .... ,;(,! y For same and Algebra, Geometry, Surveyini;, Mensuration, Rook-keepinc liy doube en try. General History, Nat. History, i'liisi ology, Philosophy, oihei English branch es mid Drawing, .... il.'.O F'or Latin anil Greek Languages, .'i,7.ri 0- Good boarding can be obtained in private families at from 7! ,'() to S'J on ju-r week. Ilifcriii rfy. Col. Joseph Paxtoii, (Rev. Daniel ,s,ecl, Hon. Stephen B.ddy, )lev. Joshua Evans, lloh.lieorge M.iek, (Michael Hrohsl,Esi John .Mclii.ynolds, l'.scj. Ttlooinsburg, Sept. 0l.i, IS I'.t. Ri:nrcKD Thicks. NKW, CIIEA1' AND l ASIHONAIiLE Clot h i n ir 11 in n 0 r i a hi. 1 IHE subscriber respectfully in tor iiis his tr lends anil the public, that he has ilissnlved t be paitnei'ship business and opened an entire IN KH STOCK OF GOODS, fresh liotn Ihe cities, in Ihe Vhrap L'lothinn Emporium he same stand, on Main Street, above the American House, where he can heal hnifi Jew and Gentile at sel ling cheap (ioods, Clothing, c. Take the lo. living sample ol his prices r me. Dress or r rock ( oats Irnm to Splendid Uliie Black Dress Coals I Cashmerott, Alpaca and summer cloth, j Linneii Coats ol a!l kinds, Black (Jasimcre Pants, 1 Spleuded Lamartine Pauls, Cottonade and summer Cassimere, 1 Plain Satin Vests, Figured Satin vests, Maisciles and Casliinere vests, Hen's Pants and Vests, Men's Casinoi Pan's, Ni SI : ! 1 :i I . 'ini 1 unniNi;, FALL AM) AY ENTER ( of every description, Dry, Fancy, GOOD-!, and a general assortment nl .mil Staple SI, itts, !o. solus', I 'oU.irs, (Iloies, SiispeiiiUrs, SI nek Il.inil- keichiefr, tie, iic. tiiii ineiit.i made to ordi r on short nnlier. O'j- I'ersonsresiilio!; out ot town will lin.l it to their advantairi' to i.nir'hase' ol lnM .,. I:e j i.s "ll'llTItlilll ll lo pill 1 1 1' H I'siloWII so low s i n i ,i k t - .HI ooe" t io i nose no cunt- iii.iij .i install" , (ietitli'irieii don't torni't to enquire lor Nathan.' Cheap ('lidhiiit! Sinre, o'l Main Stteet, one ilnor above Mr. D.i'hlei's Ainelic.iii lloiisc, lilooins tiurit. 's'lMt'X NATHAN, r.'of.iri-s'iiuir. o.'t I, IH'.i SOLM) m:v watch us. T HUE snliscrihe r will (jive lull sali.slac'- lion lo ihosr ivlni may w ish a ton,) A'J solnl article lor a verv inoileiaie prii'i lie oil' is a tine, and -elect lot ol U" noine crao- ineo! w .itches, niiuiely : Ei.ulish I'aleiil Li vers. , Pal is Li vi r-.tieneva Lever- t-;ii iic-.i-Ii y.tiil ipiai- tlel s. &.'... til'. , i li.'pairini; Walcln-s and .leweliy ol ewiy des rriptioii. musical hnxi s, nio-ical in-ti ntneiits n' almost eVi ry iti'noii.liiai i' ii . by thi-np Ileal prin ciples always pimctn.illy act ladicall , (lone. T m M m t is ( i l. si-r. I "iiitiion, patent, and 'ci.isieal luiiclt lI.i-1's ..r liieisulni I" pin., Kkvs rnmnii'ii. si. rl, I t eair.'t it'dd and ..'D ear rut cnld keys. Hands --common, siei I, ciunurni i;nlil ami lini' told h.iinN an'l i;od hands especial ly lor lepiin . H ii. .m l. Wmi:i:i.i;s . and crown wheeles, chain i. veriies, screws, cp-. cli ; t..r eng. lish, swiss anil liench watches, Inr b pines, An- rhors nnd Son, enu'li h iatenl levers. .Iku i i.s and ryli'ti'lois lor b pim's and b vcrs,( t( . Also Cbi' k Trunin in:?- - (',-1 . n 1 1 mi hand, at ln. siaSli lini' tit m lllo.'tn -loin; on 'Man, M itket -ii". I. v i; i v;r.K 'I' vV'ch nmfcr Dr. 11. A. Souk A-Cn. 'I 1IIK Pioprietors, full miiii 'us ol line tor of cotil'uli-nci; in the re SOCLE'S .Sovereigii halm Tills which have gained for Hiemsi'lveH sucli an enviable repuiation in the slmrt space ot live veais tiny have been hclnre Ihe public; Il many cures they hat e perlormed - some ol the pa tients having tic in (unfilled 10 tbeir bed. Or limnltiH ami years aie hilly astooisbini', now clullenne Ihe woild to produce theii npi il. For long standing liipipma and habiinul ' tilnii.i, Ihty have lieVei tailed, when taken ac cording to direction-, In etli ( t j i-nfr, ur giw pi-rmaoent reliel. Old Liver Compl.iihK Jaundice, fc, ran be I'ermanenlly cured, by the use ol ihe-c Pills, as they opcrale dueclly iiion the Liver, and cause it to perform its naliiial and heallhy action. For sudden attacks in children -nrli j-'s Fever, Worms, Ate., for Giavel, Klieum.ilisio, Spinal Aileclions, Huadachi-, Coughs and Cold, lliev have proved an invaluable Kcmedv. FEVER AND Mi IT. AND cm 1.1. 1 1:1 1:11. No medicine yet discovered Iras piovej so el lectual inciiiing Ague and Fever, Ate., in Ihe Western States, as the Gi.M'ink Soil 11 i:k.n Balm Pills, We have never known a single, case, when taken acconlitig to directions wheic they have not effected a cure in from otic to tight ! days. They cleanse and purify the blood, ami aie Iheielore an cllcctual remedy lor Srrujulu Ery sipelas, and all diseases arising from an impure sta'e of the blood. In Nkrvois Dniii.iiv and Com plaints, Ihey have win ked wonders. 1 hey quiet the nerves by removing the cause ot Nervous lui tulion, and gradually strengthen and bring up Ihe , whole system. By way ol advice to females af llictiid with the above diseases, we would say thai large doses of any kind of cathartics are al ways injurious. These Pills should be taken one ; at a dose every night until a cure is t fleeted ; See Circulars 1 These Pills were first introduced in a noiseless ' manner. No gaudy show cards or long adver tisements filled with cirtificatts from pei.sons that ,' never lived weio restored to, bill weie left to work : their way into public favor on their own mer- i its. " : They are portly vegetable, mild but sure in j their operation, and perfectly sale for young and ' old of debilitated constitution. They never leave ' the bowels costive, which cannot be said of any i olheipill now in use. Great care has been tak- I en in selecting and compoundim; the medicine ! which has always been superintended by Dr. ; SOULE in person. For further directions, cirtificatcs, he , see ih ! New York Botanic. Institute, published at Eu , did, by Dr. E L. SOULE ii. Co., which may b had ef agents gratis. ' i li K WARE OK COUNTEFKriTS ! ! ! As there are spurious Pills in circulation cal 1 ed Oriental or Sovereign Balm, be sure lo see bE I lore vou buy that Ihe name of 'Dr. E L. SOUL fi 10.' is on the face of the boxes None others can be genuine. We are not aware that any one w ho is making a spurious article has et dared to make use of our name; but some of them have had the impudence to iinit'itt our boxes and copy our circulars, cirtilicates &c. Unless Ihe public are careful when they purcase, Ihty will be de ceived. OCi- The genuine SOVEREIGN BALM PILLS can be had ot John R. Moyer, Bloombur2 ; Sloan it Thomp son, Light Street; R. Moore, Danville; A. I.eve ers ami co., Washingtonville ; J. M. Sheldon, Jerseytoivn ; Derr and McBride, Whitehall; Hayes and McCormick, McF.w nsville; J, I) Raser, Milton; J. D. Normande, Northumbr ian.!. A. C. Norton, General Agent Carlisle, Pa. Sept. '!), s!)..liin. F. 8 T : W A R T, TTOEJ.S:V A T Ii W, VOH.M KHLV OE W1LKESBAHH E, II' ESPECTFULLY inloims the publiclhat he lias located in BEKVt l( h, where he will 1 attend promptly lo all legal business entrusted to ' his care in Columbia and Luzerne counties. (jy-Oliiceon Main Street, opposite the ! Sun Hotel, j Jan.-iO, 1M',). y 1 PHILADELPHIA, READINO using it I'OT'l'SYILLE RAILROAD. WINTER ARRA N(i EM ENTS. and after November 1st, Ivlii, the Passen- I rains will run between Philadelphia I and l oltsvnie, as loitows ; j Leaves Philadelphia at Sj A . M., daily, ex cept Sundays. Arrives at heading at 11 Is. Arrives at Potlsville at 12 ."o Li'ilVP SlllldjVs. PotthVille at A.M. Daily rxrepl Arrives at lieadirif' at ID "il Arrives at I'littsvillc at I'.' ''). Eahes. I'ottsvillc and rhilailelplna : S.iJU ; Potlsville and Keadinn I In and !.." din and I'hiladelplna and l.'.n. r.isseniri'rs cannot (Uiler ihx. Cars mile i ided i ith Tickets, l. I1- There will he no Afternoon Train. frj-NOTICE. Eifly pnnnd ol hancau'e wii lie allowed to each passenger in these lines; am! passci.m'is are expressly proluhiteil fr-iri lukinir nij tiling as liajjuaije hut their wearim; aopau l, which w ill he at the n's, ol it.s ow ner. Ily order of the Board oOlanuuiTM. S. BRADFORD, Sef'rv. Nov. ID, s i'i. COI.IIMIIIA rilllE Trustees COliMTY INSTrnTfc. ! nl tin; Columbia Countu Insti tute, lake pleasure in atinouncim,' to Ihiii public that thev have secured the services ol the I ; Kl-'.V. SAMl'EL SCIIAEEEK, as Principalol'tlle School to be opened iu nlooms- bun; 'i Thursday, the "ith day ul' Apiil next. ( j The highly attested abilities of Air. .Scliall'er al-' ford anaUiple guarantee for thoroiu;h instruction ' in all th(! various: branches taught ill the school. ' 1'liesK will consist of the following: lais(;ua;i:s. i .Indent Latin, Greek and Hebrew. j .Modern German, Spanish. French and Italian, j Arilliiiictie, Geometry, Altcebra, Survpyinc, ! Navigation, (jeni;raphy, with the use ot nlobes; History, Natuial I'hilisophy.and Chemistry, w ith lectures and experiment-; .Moral and Mental Philosophy, w ith lectures. Penmanship and i Elocution will receive daily attention. I Ti.kms. In order lo secure the greatest a- J mount oi bjiiiuit to each pupil, we think the standard number should be twenty-five, unless j the demand of Ihe public should warrant anas sislant The prices w ill he as follows: j The English branches. $' per piaiter. ! Do with iiddition ol' la turn, lee. " " WM. McKKfAY, "1 I,. IS. RUPKRT. j , CAMUS HAKTOX, yrnntrrs. DAN'li SNYDKK, JArOH MHI.H'K, J ; i "i io. i:tiia A imoi hv il.f nam" t hl" " '"!",, "lUl ' Vi.iiiu nmn ol llif nn'liu of H. I'. Ti.wnwnil. his nnn.r I., pill up Sr :.piin lo. ll Hi"'l Hi. Town- ..,Mf. nun il HUXl'I.VK. tlfimiwl. el,-. I In. Tim n.l I" 'l'""'r. ",M "ry" wnt- ,v u I'm m 11 w,,rk.-r hi. r olr.iiols. i:un:ili. "ml ihf llkn. Vi no n.MHi,. . ihi: i,it....f Dr., I..r II.-- .'ii"-e ..I ji.iuiinii cieilu for whl he a ii. it Thu N 10 riuiiiiiii Hie imWie " " ilt.-i r !. nml piin-li-.M: ni.M 1.11I tin- Oh.XWK (iHHil Nil. Hill In. J I H..r.i.inrill. IiuunK ml II Hi)- I M.I III', lik. I01 Iiomly 11I' hiiiii, and III lipiialuru itvilt.M tllf lout ..I Hnu-, , A' w I'ri C'!). j Ai i)U) l)U. JACOIJ TOUiNSKxM), i ne. (lU'iliN ll. I'lsniVDIILR 11PTHB (iciiiiiiie Towjisfml Sarsaparilla. (I..1 hr. 'I'en.'ii.l i ii.. it ;o Iiiiiu liecii idi.iwu us iio .it l'll"H :r. of see. im. I rm nt llie UK.VVI.VK 1'HKil.VI!. l".YK.l) HH 4 ;'. (...I. '' llt'iie. p. .r. lie i.Hr..iii" l J to Inn. I III MiHiiul Ttnro. I.y ivhirh t.i'.'O.s e. lias hi-cn ki-it oul nmr Im-1. nml Hie sulci nrniiii-i '.Li .1 :.. ;tioe ..lily who tin ti ir.ivt:d Us win 111, an'l kieovii iu vilue. h hit.) reurii.l die curs nl many, uevi rile U -s. m iliu-.c.' per-uiiM wlin h. iwi:u lifttleil ol MTf ilitt'ii-es, -hi,1 viveli lliiili clualtl, (ine i'l.'oiiii:J Hi cutrlli -tire 1111. 1 w.inil. rial HEALING POWER. Kn'iwoii!, '".'nl W'lri 't'a, licit II lent liy Ins "Kill, ,neio:i. nml fipcn. ui'i.. itrv.M'it an arnclii v li tc Ii uoul.l 1.1, t,t llli-'Orillutlle a.iuiiiliiL'.! 01 llllllkiflil w III n lilt- llli'ani would liu larili-li. .1 In lifm' il into inuiiTYi! nolite, lli;:i il. iiriuos w.iiii. I l.t, known mid npiirccuilcil. I'Iiih Hint! tins i e. iliw im ins an1 .iipnlieil ; tlii Ult.l-Vlt .1X11 '-VK V'.l I.I.KIl I'll HP.1II.1TIIIX is in.inilliiclulf.l mi Ih"' lnriMut scale, "old is c.nlnd li.f tlireiiu'lioni U"' len.'ili iiml'iilili nt' llie Intnl. evprcially Hi ll. 1 liiilllit ilicat.l"! ol il. ni ni-rall. .11 or 1! leri.irMlioll. l.'iilikD young H. I Tim'tiMiinl's, il inip'oven with Hge, unil oiivi-r chiuises, lnu for Ihe boiler: l"ei:iiue il is pri'imrcil m $ctfnt'Jic principle liy H trtrnujic intin. Tlie hiuliust ktumi edi;is ol Ijliciinslry. mid llie I an t (liin.v.Tie." of llie an, hnvH all U'cn limuzht ini" riiiiisitinn In llie iiiiinnt'.iciiira uf llie (il.l lu'i irKrillM. The Saraiu.rillii reoi. il is well known lo medical men, I'.inuuos nuiiiv .iit-ditouil pro liorliin, anil sniii,. pnpi.rti'' which ire inert or u-ulcis. unit iiihers, which il retained in prep'inni; ll lor use, pnulnca 1'rTtur.nliilii'ii and 'ice', wlndi is itijurii.ini to llie sy-li-in. nme nt Hie proTtn,'s ol .-LrMipiirill nrc so ralatile. that they entirely "'laporate and lire In ,t in the preparation. t they "ire not preserved by u aciraiific prur.rH, Itnown only to thoe eiiK'nenccd in in niiiniilnciiire. Moreover. Ihusa toUxilt vrmeiplet. ivhirh tly oil in vapor, or m an eilmui tloli. lltliler hchl. lire (tie very e.isrntwi maticai yrujicrlxtt jf the, which mve to it nil u value. I Any (leriori mn iioil or stew ih. root ill they (,'et a rlarh t colored liiiii.l. w incti is more in. in he colorine nmuer la ; the root than In. in any thing ehe: they "'.'in then itrtim tins Insipiil or VMpnl rniiiid, ("wt'eten vs 1 1 li Mitir inoliiAsAs, .nil then rail il - riA ll I! I I.I.A K.VI'llMT "1 SV- i;l'P." I . 1 1 such is mil the arlicie know n hp llie , GENUINE OLD DK. .JACOB TOWNSEND'S I SAKSAl'AUILLA. j 'Dm is m irepitri-tl. iill tli" mt'it prnn-r!l- "f thf ; tfiiii:inllil nml ;irt: hrl f liluVt'ii. i-vt-ry Ibllik' (iii'li.t.' ' ht'rttiihim iinil ur nf itTiui-nriticn, i.urnrnil ;mil rt:jt rtr 1 llu'n tviTy piirin 1c til nu ilical virtue is : 11 rt-d in n tf ' nnd ciiiictiitrnu'il turni ; ami thus u ii rnnU rnl iiii''tl'lc I ( i ti ii any of us vitoi i liic ;hm1 litaiin; propf rtim. I'rfpareJ I in thiii lur it mi lit: llu tinot poutTiul nm-nl in ihe ' Mfin: Itio rt-'tsun wtiy w e rnmii ii1;iiuhih tin I'Vtfry I ihIi-tn its (l.Titr liy iht-ii, WMim-ii, :nnl rhiliimi, V ttnniu i tl'tniL' vvtimltT.i in i tirr nl COw'r.l'77'. itYt'KI'sM. tmil .II I ft ca.v : P..HXT, iii'tl in Kliyj M.l I '.Li. MAoM7,i '.f'-v. cos-iyy.i:ss. nil f l.iXhot s t.HVl ! 'I H .Vs. VIMl'l.KS, ;.C 77 fc amt nil uMtcuoni ' Afiiin Ifiiiit i LVII'ILITY OK THE HI. OOP. ! It piHst sM- s a m i rve Mi. ii-. t liii ni y iu ii i"i.i'l.i iiif .in" I finrii liiilir-tunt. Iroin . httitttl t t i-tiwuuh. Ift'lli IllitljUi , cirrtihitimi, (Ictcniiiiiihiiii nl ' ' nr! lo ihe huctil, p;ilp!iuiit. nl tiic heart, cult, n-ei hh.1 Ilui-I.-. mlil rmlh umj iittl mrr tru finily. ll lins int iu- i m in ul-Lt :imi (onjit ; nml pii'ii,. ii i-asy -pL-i:t rin iu .unl d mU per -pirfiimn, rcl.uit.i: -irituirt nl th I ii n is, llruit. ;hhI twry it.tVr p.iri, liut ill intthiiiU l il- t'M I iMicu Hi-lie ni.ini!'ll; ctu t i ntl it tii'.i llli ll in :ili Kml il fl H iVM nf KEMAl.E COWPLAINTS. It uiirk vvt.mli rs m riiM-- nt' h' r J.iw.-: ur If'titts lull ffij.' "(ihi JJ ...ul,. ' i..-tr ti,!: S.ij firt.'tr'i, or I'.iti'JD- .Wfi.', irn iruhintu nl the litm-lruii (41 uls, rinii tlu: lil.i'; and in Ji. i'i!rfUl;il Ml ciTili'.' Uir I-.riic ( h"ltt'ff fiwttw, liy h iiiiivin nliiti ui'iii.nv .nui rt ';iii;i:iiii! ilitf rueral -v - l( Jti. ll ii vV i tunc .ll. il .-ilt.ii.ui I'i itltJ M III lu liitil) , ;uiu ims t iin-T h, liirms i'i Xer au-i ilivivvs ami debility hi. (I liiii? pre tin l-i - ii" ri-lirv e .1 in ;ii v .1 1 n i nt' nitii-r 111 til ilits, .is S-,nt:l trn'utniit. .V ,ir-kJtn, St. it tin' I'.iare b&uOHinf, I fiiiip'tr ('""iii.-ntn.i, It viiMii-t) . uu' cM iii -, Hit livtjr m lie.'ilthy urtuiii, tnm s tlic tlninH'l), :uiti U.v - "il ili-ii-sllnil. nrlH'Vfft tl(9 Utw.'it nl' torpor ami roil tipattin, n t iiiiliuinii.ition, .ii n iu s thu .iv;n, Mjti,iit-s ti,c nr. uliLtmn i-l the tilnotf, irnl Ji nr.' L.'i nilL' ;irinth t- m . 1 I nil uvui lilt litnij , .tiil liit iiiii-ii;. nie pi'r-nr.i'.ii.ii ; n-i.iit'i il ti ir in .tun ttht i:t'V, ft itii't.i'-'t -ill oii-.tinclt'iii'. .mil iiivk'-'orui: ihu cniirt l.t'tV'ollS hStt III. U lit il tills liluli The iiH-difitto ou prr-s'sunfiifl)' need I li it cm ai-y oi tin r iIjih::- I'.' utl ol S. I'. 'i'nw n-rnil' inter or article ? Tin' -'Uf j't Imui'l i m l in l COMPAJ.'El) V.TT1I 'I'i IK OLD UK'S, !e.tli-' ol one l,l:..Ml I- M T. Unit Oie one i l.CAI'A lil.Kol NEVEK SPOILS, while llie other I)i rK. ; ...nirni.j. (1 1 mr,:'.ttv. Hml A-Vifinw Mr bulla coiil.onini: ll into liayii.unls , liie sour. HClil I i. lil.f .iil.'.lii.i: nml .1 oo.i!:mi oth-r li-iniN : .Most not linn horn b.e 1.1 iiiii ill oil lie pooionotl l." lliu .- siclu .' - It tnl .' put and inli. u into Hi uirrnn.j irilft m nt ' Wli.ii riillc. iKsiM'iMit lint itf.n 1 llu vvu not il kiintt iliac win n Uiod t smiim in mr Mmn.M h-. uiiai niiM-liieiN it prthluc..! liun- ; tt-ncf. hi artt-'ini, p.iipica.uii "I tin; In in. liver romplftint. ilmrrini'Ji. il,.'fiUery. runr. nml nirrnplitin nl the lnotitl T Wh it lit ."m loiuu I'tit .nt .'u'lti iiimiof iu 1 utr hotly f Wnnt prmiin e ihv hiimof" ulinii firum on I'.rn pi u ul' llio t-Kin. svHiti k:ul. fail llhenin. Kr) Mem. Vhil? .Htil liiSi, Kever ores. mtil ;i!l H.t-ei.ttioiis inu rn il mid rMt'rntil? It is noiliin uinl'T lieu ven, lititau ti:iil xili.-t-inct1, h hictl Eoiirs.ri.iti iiiti.i pi ii -s hit :Uf liu. "I the botiy. more or It-.x. U a iviii-i' i:!n'iioi;tii in Imt ;i s'Mir ir hckI Hunt. w lot li iiiini:.tti'- it ) i..'iu 1 trriiain .tiHi m:l. in ii;. arts 1 Si of in rou- t,. .v... lll'MtlUetl rifn.ilioiu, iinii in Blllicl hum III toil, lie. mi tne joints mi.l c'heh r;. i, no. iiisiii iii .ii which it ..I mi.". my ol llie tilomt. m my all llie Hiliuenu, uliicll Aov is it nut itorr.inu lit tu.iKti ami sell, nml inviit msriti tu lli tins SOL'JilNf;. FK!;.MKN'I'INt;. ACID CUM- I'OL'M)" OK S. K 'l'OW.NSKND, ind ft )if won I.l l"iin li-f it uimNt'.PmmI tint ' ltl Itr. Jurnb I -ih nM';i(J'i Oniutnr t-ri.nU SuTiajmrilta, i an I M I'i' A I'M N ft' lu. iiiltr ur r I'i r uioii : ! Hpiivcn Icrtud (tint v.r t)ouul J it I in nn arii'lt) whicH ixiuid tn' ir llu: iiioi ilj-iini rptiinlirinri' tu S. I', Tnwn rrid'i tLrtidn! funl w h.i fi Jiiulii Itiii' iluwn upon tin Old (ir. Midi u inotiiw.nii io'ul nt nunpUintH hml rniiniiiiliiin j ;rnn At-nti h -o'l. umI pure ihh irr biiv uu-il S. P. Tovnuen.r I M l!VMi; r M T' H'M). We with it nmii;r.i"oil. l-i . ;inr it is tin- ato-'utf truth, ihtit S. 1'. 'l ow iii'im ' urtk'lc nml 0, I r. .Im-uit Tnwo iiil's Srrt (i.iri I l.i air hi tr-n trii oynrt. ami ifjimtfi d j ; ih tl tlif)' .triMmo!!- in uit y i ruuiUr, h iving nut tint' hinirle iIiiiil' in 'nnmiim As .S. IV 'i'liniiM'iid i no (lorfor, Hnd ni'Vi-r wai, In nn rlmmii, no iliiirm.irt'iiiLsl--Kr,ii.v no ini-rn nt' nwrtirinp or dit(Mo thin nn tiilu'rriimmi.n, iii-i-iniiiir. riiiitrtil'ciii(iurtl m in, v,U;t "uitrurttee lini the nnimr hive that tlny nrt; 10 iiivini: ii c'iLiiiiie n-if iiiiiii; nirdirinH. rniit.nniai; tl Iho tirtiifs nl theuriirlcs um il in pri(rvriii it. ami uhirh nrain f,i.nlilfi nl'clmiiL's ivhirh im'hl iiuli-r tlit-ni the AGEM3 nl liiea insh-ml nf ht'iilth. llul wh tt t'Uf tlmulil In ttpiTti il from nne whu know imlliinj; r' nl' nicilinne nr ilhNM' : It rqnire 'i (KTstui ot xomu c'.xprr.t nru to mo It nml nprvt? up eQ a common (ieu'iit nitMi. How mnrh mo it important it It thitt tli M.7sms who m.-iiiuiiii -dire intilirin, itcaiinud tor U'KAK STOMACHS AND KNKKtBl.KD 5VSTKMS, should know ttrll thi! nifiliral (trnjiertiw of plnots, thl U't iii.iniicr of sfcnnn and rom;i nirnting their hea!iD nrtnpa, aNnan't(Mi-ivr know it'dt' ul th viuions diieasmi vliich aitfct the liininn sjstiwn. arid how to adapt rcuieUiw U thpc'a'fs. ll is to arrest tra'i.t upon the tmfortun ite. io pour balro tntn wonnileil huuiFimty, to huiilln hopu in the despairing tiogoni, to rektnre httnlLh nml Itl'tnin, and vieor into tb uusht d and broken, ami to birmh infirnnty thit OLD DK. JAt'l )K 'l 'UV.NKMt ha SiM UHT and Fut'NU th op iforumity and m-iann to tTtnp lu j (iauil ('nivrrsal Couccntrated within tlift rrach, and v thf KiiowifdL'f of nit who nrfd l I bat they Diay lc;tra ami kimw, by joyful eipnfnre, ttt TianscfiKU'iit Tower to Ileal- '! P. Luiz, A'cnt, HliHTiishurg - au;. 1 ISM I; nrll krnt Inn - liy i'ns H T' 1 . w ''..' i.i.v ' . . ' I.