The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 22, 1849, Image 2

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    & J "L-l. I
tfTflltimlmi rinnnrrnt
yuuuuuiu wviuuituu
U X. O H M s iTtt it (i
The Danville Hank.
tiwt A ITai.-M P.i i.f ll.rivill.. watt nn fh..
ISth ii'.flanl,lected Calhier, and J.'arW Clark,
Esq., ut Catlawissa, chur-'u Tuller, ol thii Jnsti-
lutiou. pEI'ER BALDV, Emj , hsvint; Hme
tune niiic.e been elected President The
llilli, nid to lie very lianunoineiy printea on u
porbly engraved plales, have already been procu
red, and will be imued about the tint of next
1 tbutarv.
Shicksliituj Irun Works.
John Car, ot Dauphin, and William
'Kuiins, of Luzerne, have purchased at private
ale, the above works ol iMessii Htmilry It It'i
,irt. Mosiri, Care & .Eoww, are Keiitlutnen f
capital, industry and perjeveunee. We wish
them success w ith this enterprise.
A Fine CaZ.-Mr. Wu. Howell, of i
Mountpleasant townseip, a few days ago,
had a three year old calf slaughtered in
Itloomsburg, by Mr. Weight, which when "j
dressed, weighed over 800 lbs. Mr. How
ell is one of our most thrifty farmers and
-manages his agricultural affairs to the best
general advantage. Who or which of our
-frieuds can beat this ?
The people are becoming tired of this
fooling by Congress, which is now costing
them three thousand dollars a-day : and
anathemas, loud and deep, are being pour-
cd out against them. The people can now
see of what pradind use free-soilers are,
in our. government, by the game they ara
playing. More and more is it becoming
spparent, that this fusu is only about an ab
stract idea.
Many adopt this course, merely for the
sake of a little notoriety. Like Aerostra
tus, thev are determined to do something,
so that their names may decend to poster
ity. But how differently the edifices, up
on which they play off their prau ks. One,
the temple cf Diana, the other the temple
of Liberty- The burnings of the one caus
ed but little consternation in its immediate
neighborhood, while the fall of the other
will shake the earth to its centre
Are Wilmot, Koot, Oiddings and a few
others who accidentally hold the balance
of power in Congress : t all hazards de
termined that their names shall be remenw
bered? If so, let them reM contented, for
already are they "damned to universal
famei" Are we not fallen on an age suf
ficiently practical, to ouiU from ot:r system
such moon-shine notions concerning sla
very ? L the jrreat problem, that men are
capable of self-government, insufficiently
proved. ? I
If upon thin point, we are satisfied, then i '' H' B " v " VM
1 ' . , "A a whole,'r.arii, is unlike an i I mn
give the people ol t erntortes a chance ())iiip ni(.n (.oii( miy nM
to make their own laws, and do not restrict j the HlV,,uj ,,,,, n, Weh-ter, Claj, Clmaie,
then in the exorcise of their ''certain, inal- Hentun, and toe late John (inincy Adanm, ami
ienahlu rights. We hope that the pen- jdmde the m int.. four or five part, we n,iKht.
, , ,- .,, ,f i i .... .I..,, ! hy aiiliii!,' a lirons; tincture of John C t'a ! h' ii n .
nle, LencelorK., will he careful how the y . 1 . .
' niake tmir nr live verv Bond H.-nrv r.rouchari.s."
.ut povi er into the hands of so ur.serupu- . .. , ,
I ' J he above is an extract Inmi a wur; lv
lous a fiction. On the stump, they plead!.. ., ., . .
' IIenrij It. Stanton, entitled, "Ski ti li ol
for abstract ideas : in Congress they strike . .... ... . ..
. , neformes of lireat Uritain and Ireland,
a blow at the very heart of the iiinon.throat-- !
J . . . , , i I have not as et read anything hi.' : x-
pnitig to bring anarchy, cou!ii.sion,and dark-j ; .
B u i tracts from the work, hut I'nd it highly
ness upon the world. , . . , , . '
1 , praised by the papi rs. in rearil to the
."Veil Canal Coilllllissionor. wwun of the work, I am dis-
! posed lo agree with the general tone of liu
Ilon. John H. I'irophi- ao, of Pike conn- ; ,ati0n,arid shall onl remark, upon thf few
ty, is strongly r-enmmende'!, through a !inc's j jiavP (j)tl,j ;il tu ir.(ij (,flhi:i ;irll.
labored and very able editorial tn the (.t,
Inst 1'ikn County Derrvrr.t. as the ti'xt jenry lrnUi,,ami ,,- ,.(.nainly a very
dpinnrratir- candidate for Canal Commis- remarkable mix. i,u' from ih- Author's
sioner. We ngrf with m;r hr-ither of the flf snripl,()n, ,, pnible to till anything
Vilce County Deinocri't, that Col. Urml- ahf)ul Wm tlf hm .me llfih of' John
head, has a state-wide rep-ita'ton , a repu- ( , f ;;l l hoti l"i.'i-'al diM-nminaiton ? The
tatton for talents, intefrity and rapacity. ; garae anioutit of Web-trr's reasoning pow
which have nobly sustained him in c.verv t'Uv's ,-,mmn: of Cbnnn.'s lirn
situation in which be has ec-r been pla
ced. Jiidge B. is one of the ablest d,:nic
crats in Northern Pennsvlvaina,
The Minem' Journal,
Our friend Bannav, of the Miner'
.Journal, proposes important n's
in his paper with the opening of lKm.
I ho Journal, bannr its politics, lias lnne
been an excelh-i.t pai'tr- We wish it in -
creasei! siii resf.
Y A .' f faibiir.n!i', Ili'iv
US; ' .01-- yf p p ?r'v .
ol. I8r wee '-'d it an jvr- -pt "I
'!-,-, Mir
-p Mnn.'sv
' Tin' Unm-Ult (Whig 1 Iduocrulof List
, week, contains some reniarkn rclaiivc iu nn
article in ilns paper, conccrtiing mail rob'
brncs ; hemic, , -honesty capacity ami li-
'il.lny." Cook asserts, (lint the two instan
ces we gave, one in Springfield, and one in
this county ; arc Democrats, ami const'-
,,ul",v ""' u!lil? parly ar,! 1,01 ,i;,rt!Ba.
bl(! Wl. ha(l ,,,UUJ,hl ,,lal tllt. ,.,Jllor ot-
i tin1 Danville Democrat was a man of ver
acity, luit how sadly arc we mistaken.
i We gie below a communication we
received a few days since, upon ihis sub
ject, which speaks for itself ami betray a
! thorough knowledge of the fads. Now,
I hen it in proved thai C, M. Oearhart,
ami 11 " ra,,bld anJ ' I'er"
j sotuilly known to many of us; we have a
j right to infer, ill the absence of proof to
f the contrary, that the UL'ent in Springfield
was also a wing.
The charge of the Danville Democrat is
therefore gratuitous and untrue, ami we tire
aorry that the editor should have so far for
gotten himself, lint enough lor the pres
ent. c subjoin the .letter.
Fur thr Columbia Ikmorrat.
CcL. Ta i t: :
Dear Sir: In glancing over
the Danville Democrat (!) of last week, I
a" Editorial Paragraph, a part of
which purported to be aniniadvcrtions upon
some remarks in your paper, in reference
to Mail Ilvbbc.mes, vc. hat your re
marks were, I know not, but he (Cook,)
says that the Columbia Democrat, in its
anxiety to substantiate its charges, cites
two cases, one that occurred lately one in
Ohio and one iu Danville, cunniittcd by
young Cearhait. Now, Sir, what your
charges were I know not, for I am not in
formed in Cook's paper.but am left to guess
by what he says viz ; the second of the
nbberries he refers to, is, that said to have
been committed by y inrtg Oearhattiu this
Borough. He too, says Cook, is of the
same political school as the editor of the
Columbia Democrat. Well as to your po
litical creed, I have nothing to say but
this 1 do say, that Charles AJ. (iearhart,
was a Whig and one of the most rabbid
and ultra of his kindred : 1 1 is father
Peace to his ashes, was a moderate whig.
He had four respectable sons, and Charles
was the only whig in the whole family.
He was always considered highly respect
able ami intelligent and no person who was
acquainted with Charles, could have
thought him capable of performing such a
bloarh uf trust as that allcdged against him,
but the temptation proved to much for him.
Now Mr. Editor, Cook well knows that
ibis young man was a w hig and 1 must
consequently say that he has published a
fahrhood. I hope Cook will publish this
Paragraph (if he is not bereft of all reason)
in his paper, as he has given the world to
understand that young (iearhart was a
Democrat. 1 have said enough on this
matter and hope that Cook will deal more
honestly with neighbor Tate hereafter.
Hush, Dec. 18th, 1740.
P. S. 1 have been neqtiainled with
(earhart, since he was born, and know
him to he a stinking whig. Cook, knows
it loo, as well as 1 do. Von may make
such remarks as you think proper,
o in isi out.
and impetuosity, of ll' tiloti's untiring i;.
or ' Now, altboiigh this would make linn
i (crv great in, in, ii Mil causes lum to fall
behind eci rv nnc of tlmsc named ; and if
lie had i'li tl.o qua'iiies i tiit tncii, in
stejd o ,.rie fifth part, he would not limp
than r.j'i-i! J"hn IJiiincy AiUrus.
Hi nrv, Lord Bron!i,im,.s a man of great
ti"w(r of i.i
f , ii ..1 lull lie l ei rfii.nlv- roil sll-
j ptro-t it
i to 1 1 i v mail v men in th.
Cniicd S't't.s S, i.a'f . hi? ., pity that the
ehva''o r -if iii' in in wr,- am I. no r di iio
;.n'!l, 'nan ' ' i ' p'jtnpoi'nd b ,
liri r;ct''n i." '.--n nfi;f-( n'' ne.r.i
! . I, ' ;,..,-!
Our Itook TaMc.
Among the many good things t t t li season, ami
olio nl I In- Ipii,m, thu"LI I EliARY GAZE ITK,"
published in Lancaster city, by lUlilrmun &
Cvi-hnuwr ; and Edited, in the literary depart
ment, liy Mn I.mia Jank PkiiuiiN. Thu rep
utation of Mrs, in fully sustained liy tier
admirable conduct of this paper. Wu rejoice,
that she ii pi. k cil in a puliation In w hich she can
ho no useful, in which lur talent can well
display themselves
The "Gazette." will not be lung in placing it
tl, il it has nut already dune no ; in the front
rank ot literary papers. Enlivciiid as il will be,
l, M.o l i. I :..
1 " . .' "J''1" v
."iiu im. June ui .-inii 1 1 jiuuii .uu a year or
J'l.Gt) in Bilvaiu e. We congratulate our hreth
em ol the ipull in Earn aster, nir this plendul
.K 'jiiisitiun to the corps editorial.
C tittam for January. We mutt say, that we
(bins, the present number of Graham, niperior
to ai.y and tveiy previous one. The embellish
ments are superb. The Belle of the Seonon, is
pretty ami entirely lieo from the objection no of-
j ten urged, of an indecent state of nudity. The
Advent vj the. ye a r," and the potrait of "Gen'l.
! R. Muntgotncry," are excellent. We like the
"Meeting of the waters," illustrated Inun Moore.
J The contributor are, among others, Arthur,
Hurst, Tuckerman, Foe, Du Solle, Mrs. Osgood,
: Mrs. Peirson, &c.
( Sartain for January. Is exquisite. One liuii
j died and lour pages of reading matter. Contri-
tuition by Mrs. Sigourney, Gray, Kinney, Os-
good, Kirklaud, Smith and cithern, Also hy
I'roles.sor Alder, Illiodes and Hart.and many more;
I comprising a imu nf talent. Among the tin-
bellishments, we prefer "The conversion of St.
Paul," and the "Winter." It also contains a pur
trait of Humboldt.
Peterson fur January Is also on our table.
It is a double number, and contains seventy two
pages. "The risit g tide" is a spirited engra
ving. We like "our Lillie," and "the till."
Among the contributors are, Mrs. Stephens,
Osgood, Neal, and Moreton, and Madame Dre
four. Peterson, beside getting up a good Maga
ziene, is a capital writer himself. The maga.
zines arc beginning the new year with high
Cody's Ladies' Book, for January, 1S50, has
been on our table for two week, having been
kindly furnished to the Prei-s, by the publishers,
in advance. This number contains 100 pages of
reading matter, besides an unusual number of
most beautiful Engravings. Asa specimen of the
contents of this work, we need only refer the rea
der to the beautiful and life-like story entitled
January Hills.
(JO- We ennnnt cumber our columns with a
lengthy pubiicalion of all the Magazines. We
however regularly note their contents iu our fdi- I
'urial department. This ought to be satisfactory,
and with il, we wish all success.
Political Item.
Tub Ohio Sksatb. We learn from the Ohio I
Statesman, that the Whig Senators deleaieu an j
organization on Ilie 1 Ith inst. The Statesman
adds : "The die i. cast, and we feel it a duty to
say that wo have good cause for announcing that
there is no prospect of an orginixation, and hence
the New Constitution is lost, notwithstanding
the people gave Tni.000 majority in its favor.
What is to he done ? The people must answer
that question at .lie polls !"
JJ-TI.e Legislature of Oregon, October 11th,
had jiislclo,-d itssessionof lilty-five days. 'I hey
have adopted a code ol laws, mostly taken from
the Iowa statues. One. however, is the irut)ibi
tioli ot ".Ycg.-iiev and .Mulatms," from settling
in or pas-inn through the terlitory.
Tub CoNsTri'eiioN ok Ukskkt The consti
tution ol this new Slate is published in full, and
and is like that of many of onr Stales. We have
ool ite reiivreo in us principal leatuns. It coin ,
tnences ith setting foilh the boundaries rluiin
ed lor the new St ,te. The oruanr.ation is tem
porary to bo re-iiliirmed or modified, w hi-n
("ongreis .-loill pinvide for the goveintneiit of the
territory. It bears all the in-ignia of trior re-pulilicini.-in.
Dhkapi'!!l Ahaik. About a nmnth ago
we In ud some hints relative to the treatment re
ceived by a little orphan girl, in Bnmingham.
which si-eincd i horrible thai we paid hut little
attention to the matter, as we were unw illing to
believe it. Dni ini; thepa-t fe.v days a repoit ha
leached us that iIim child in quclion had died,
which led us to en. pure lilithir. The gill it
seems w.k taken into a laiiiil. in liirmi ngham as
an object of chanty, -he h. i!;!; an orphan and
l'rieud!e-s. The head ot this Lmilj is a man of
irreproachable ohdiie ter. Hi- wife has alwavs
leiini -ni b a i eput.ilion as onr possessing all the
womanly viitu, - is entitled to. But notw il hslan
din:; thi-, rinnor siys lb,,t she t.)k the I, :ie or
phan, and urii a re,l-hot poher seared her thsl,
limbs, nol chest in the n,ot dreaclfhl manner
We are not certain that the lut;L. victim i de.-d. 1
hilt it the Imr Olfi' was a .r, ... ,!..... .I,..,l .t '
" -"""
wul be a marvel it -he be still .tfering Wr 1
nndei .:,iinl that a pros. cut ion been in'i'u'i"!,
Cil. r.l.o k having h. eni.'aini-d loi t,c Con.mon
wealih. Wr- are tol l that the plea tor Ibo de
tome ul he xn-am'y I'ithtiia a '.,, ,,- u
.M'lij n ...iie I lie rit ol qua trananlo is
sued again-il tins popular and hiuh-inindi d tunc. ;
tionary, will he heard h.-l.-re the Supreme Conn i
on Tuosdav i.e t. al which tune then- w ,11 eoiilit
le-s In- a ri:-. time. (ienr-oM. li,;i,,s ,,i: ',i I
1. Ilir-',l 0- i.i.ole in .i .1 o-1 1 ii.ii on ; 1 1 r (
day, t" -ho i-,iu- wliyli,,! writ ami all i-t!i, i!
pr nee. dinu- n the ca-e, shoiiiii ,..t he ipi,i-h. d
A I o" o fi'M I I.e i .li
(in: lie -ll.'e , . .,..,)
f tin
1 1 ; 1
Hi i'.iii;
' , lei "I.,
b ' 1- U,'-
1,1 f I
u.'g' -' i"'1 the j riq ! i. M i.f i he lM
accnnipaey x i 1 1 n- mai i inc. t oi.r
; ij'.in'Vrni ". iM, ti e , f
h.f r:.ip r,f .),. f
I ',r ''' wh.- ii it :i . i is ,i, i'c-1 W!.a' t
. ii .
Chi islmax VdMs-
'I i i.sDiV next bungs the return of
another Christmas, h will be a day i, ZZIZ'ZZ
festivities and general merriment, and with ', l,'r Session, ol ihc e, mid Cnuu ot coiim.nii
, .,. M'Iimb and Uipluni,' t'nui, in id,. 1,1,1,1 ui
it, we wish all our Ir.ends a -happy OhriM-, n,Mn,,, , , , . ";,,,...
num." For the amusement of our young
renders, wu present them below, bome
thoughts, in erne, on the
tlmiunl t'i&lt ol ' Sl .Vicholas.
TwAHthe niht heli'ie ( hn-!iiuH, whin, al
thrniigh thi; )iouh,
Nut a creature was itirrinp, ru.l even a inoiiK".
''he utockingfl were hung by the chimney with
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there
1 he children were nestled all ung in their beiN,
While visioiih of wgar-plums danced lliMUgh
heir heads:
And mamina in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a lang winier's nap
When out on the lawn Iheie arose such a clatter.
i . .. i , . i . .i ..
I sprang lioin my bed lo see what w is the mattei ,
Away lo the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters, and threw up the sash.
'I'lm inimii on the breast of the new. fll,.n i. .
(!ave the lustre of mid-day to nbji rts below
When, what lo my wonderiiigeynMbould appear,
Hut a miniature sleigh, and eilit tiny reiudei-r,
With a little old driver, as lively anil quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers I hey came,
And lie whistled and shouud, and called thelu by
"Now Dasher ! now iJ.mcer ! now Praticei ! now
Vixen !
On, Comet ! on, Cupid on 1 loader and Hlui'ii !
To the top of the porch ! to the tup ol the wall !
Now, dash away, dash away,ila"h away all '."
As the leaves that be lore the wild hurricane fly,
When iheymeet with no obstacle mount to the sky,
So up to the house lop the coursers they nVw,
With the sleigh full of toys and .St. Nicholas too
And then, iu a twinkling, 1 heard on the root,
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas camo si!h a
He wasdressd all in fur, from l.isbead tohis foot
Aud his r.lollivi were all larnil,.:U with ashes and
soot ! !
A bundle of toys he had flung on his hack.
And he looked like a pedlai just opening his pack;
His eyes how they twinkled ? his dimples, how !
merry ! i
His ckeelis were likn roles, hi nose like a cherry! I
His droll little mouth was drawn like a bow, j
And the heard on his chin was as white us the 1
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, 1
And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath '
He had abroad lare, snd a little round bellv. ;
inal stiook.wneiineiaugnd.iiKeaiiowi lull ol
,. J'y
He wa chuhhy and plump ; a right jolly old elf
And I lanuhed.wheii I saw apile ol mj.elf,
A winK ot ins eys, and a iwisi ot nis neau,
Soon gave me to know I had nnthiiiK lo dread. ,
He spoke not a word, but went to his work, 1
And filled all the stockings then turned w ith a :
Ami Inviriir hie fini7i.r nairl.i ni hii nn
Anj giving a nod, up the chimney he one, ;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his tuatn gave a who- .
And away they all (lew lika the down ol! a thistle
But I heard bun exrlaim,ere he drove out ol siuhl
"Happy Chtistinat to all, and to uU a rood
Ohio Editorial f'onvtntion.
A convention of the conductors of the
newspapers of Ohio, assembled at Colnni-
bus, on the 2'Jlh ult., and continued in ses-
sion three days Some, forty editors were
-considerab! v more than tittcnded
,....,.., ,.,...., no, ,w,
the late coventit.n in thi. State, but nol so
many as we trust will lie at llarrisliiirg on
the 1st of January.
On looking over their proceedin
I I In nnkinir over llioir nr.'iceei lues. w e
o i o
find that they adopted resolutions to the
following fllect:
That Congress should pass an act giving
free circulation to newspapers within a
. ,. . , .... ,
certain limit.and prohibiting the carrying of
nswspapers out-side the mails to places
where post ollices arc establisheil.
That no apprentice to the priming
siness should be taken for a less term than I
live years, and no one should be employed
as a journeyman who had not served a full ;
apprenticeship, unless in casts of emergen- I
11 ' ., . .i
ry. anu uien oniy vuia a huosi.s.uie can oe
That the practice of gratuitous adverti
sing had become an onerous and udequal
tax upon the press, and therefore rerom-
nieniiing to cnarge lor an Kimis oi notices
and advertisments, exacting payment in
advance for all transient printing of tins
I hat tne country rress decline ptniisn-
ing, gratutiously, the Prnsprrtuses for
Marnrine. Maininiith Weeklies. A c.
! That Patent Medicine advertise men's
, ,
.should be discourageil, especially those
I which are lengthy and intended tube pub-
lished for long periods, and should not be
mil .1 l,,.il i veoiit nl riliiM rloirr.n,t f. ir rllior
The convention also proceeded to form
a State Tvpi.L'raphical Society, and adoj
ted rules for the government thereof, en
tirelv consonant with the resolutions. of (told Hubbers.
Nov Yohk, Dec. 15,
I 'narli". Cl.uri'h I! . late cierk of the si.Minir
' in on. plvinj belwein Sa'i l i ancisco and Vali
um . and John clnn.i.i. mate "I 'b.
iro-i , have been arrest.-il a charge if i,.;u!,j
-flu, -'i i'i in g.ilil iIiim t,oin ,iie l,r. which wen
ihipiied on i.o.uii ti,.-i ifryon, consi'ru H to John
De Vitl J.- Co , New Yoik Th-v i i .! .,,,
tin: box mo! abstr.o i, 1 tl-.e iluM M.'n,n,i .l ;ir,i
i 'h;i:i-hili rained .1 t" 'he tin, I -it I' 1 1 i : 1 ; . ,
t'ed i' rnir.cj and utiiainci 'he pr.
-rrp -rr.) n-l vLr
re IIP vor,
he r l -r " .
. i.
HWH'.AS the H.,ii. u II Ami hum,
i'..,-,. i... , , ... . . .
j beiUnd, Columbia ami Luming; and ii,c ihni.
.1AMI1 KL Uahls. mid Ni Ken i.. Imi.v 1.',.,,,, ... !
Ar'ci,ile iii (!iilumliui'(i'iiil, i,iv,. ,1,-1,
Hu-ir pifi-ept, hearnii; date I he Jstli day ol Nuv,
in thevuai ut our nut I Kiel,! ,uu-
i. i i . . , . "
died and tui' V-iilne, and In me (!n ecti'd tnr hid-
ding a t uurt ut Ow-i and Tennnn r, and (l.fiieral '
Jail Hell very, ( liurii-r Srniiuiin ot tlio ,
!''"'" I'1"' "nail's fiiuii in;
HI"0imb',Jir, in the cmini) nt C olombia, on the1
third Mmidav. (beine the 'JUt .lav ) ot J.-LYI'.i.
H V next, and ti continue hvu w.eks :
! .Nniick. is mmnoui. iikui.hy givin. to the the Justices o. t.ic I'ea. . and console, ,
. ol the said euuniv ol ('olumbia, Inat thev be then
and there in the proper p.ini,s at 10 o'clock iu j
the loienoon ol said daj, with their records, in-
ipiiHitinns, Hiid other remembrances, in do those
tnm-s which to their ollires appe.t.iin to he doi.i. ,
1 And those that are bound bv recognizance, to
. " . .i
pion ute against the piisoners that are or (nay be j
in the Jail of said counlv of Columbia, are lo be I
then and there to prosecute them as shall be just I
i Jr.o. ar r..,,n....,l ,.. I,.. .,,n,:.t i u,i. ... i
li,ih'i-n,.Ii'tiU iMlhi-ir lioftrp
li.i..,l t Ki.'.ii.l,.nif il... "..,( ,l.,v nfW.v.m
the vear ..l our I.oid one thousand ei'ght hundred
aod'loitv-nine, and in the lllh yeai of the liule -
nemlanceol the Cmled Stales of Amtiica.
Rlonm-buri;, Dec. l"l'i.
Ant of Causes for Trial ut January
7rm, 1850.
I Ciiiiiuionw ealth vs Charles I Mann et a!.
'J John v Catharine "ear.
Hoiiham R. Geaihait v., John .S Dje.
1 Kilinuiid L I'ipoi vs John U'lilev
Ti Klisha B. Sleltler vs S unni l Slf tier,
'i Henry Hartinan vs No.di S Prentiss
1 Jacob A'elliver vs John Konyan
b Isaac Tjler t, Hi l.lamin P. r'rick.
'J Thomas htitlon vs Veiilah Hees
10 Hubert MontgnmiTv vs Gilbert Mess and John
I I .)...!... W... tw.rl v.. TV,,.., (' ,Y OulK ,,l ol
i ohl rl vt a! Vi William Donaldson it al.
,. i i,,..,, T,m: UJ itl.r ,..,.,
I 1 Caleb Appleuian vs Josiah Giibuith
lr. John Hetron et x vs J McGowiu adm'r. et al.
It! George Dreisbach vs Jacob H Hower.
i7 Adams 4c Price vs Frederick R Wohlfoith.
IS John Shively vi Samuel Yoi-I et al.
IJ Thomas ildoner's ;. vs Kobeit Lnckart.
0 Same vs same,
il John Shively vn Samuel Yost et al.
i'; James Hlack vs Richani Black.
S.i David N Kownover et al versus Danville
lii'idne C. inpaliv.
il Mjnasah Bowman vs Joseph Sharpies
J()h Achenbach vs Mathew McDowell et al
I Same vs same.
.,7 Allllj LJillmaii vs S U M YanU.
Jnm, R,.(!ll Vb Lp Gr,ml .;)m.,f(.
i j , h . . w u Wooden
.'JO Isaac Kurnheimer etal vs J R Krdk al.
It Levi Ashton vs Ahrahntn Cool.
Si David II Risbel vs Jese Aten et al
.'(.'( Win Betteily vs Mos- May et ux.
il Drake A, Hcchtel vs Nicholas Seybejt.
i'i Euhraim Mct.'ollnm's Ek vs. H. Johus.nn.
V 0 U J A N U A A Y T K R M .
Anthony. Robert llutl-r, in. Curry,
Robert Derr.
Bloom. 1'hilip Eyer, John Mclich, Oeorge
i Weaver.
j jri.m:rcck,,s riPtnn
( 'attawissa. AJm. Censil, Dan. Krcigh,
Jacob Clay well, Jr.
1 Centre. .Samuel Bower, Daniel Ilagen-
, ,U,ln It.,l,,.
j (;t.orj?; s. kSail(I(.r5t j,,!,,', Koekafenow.' !
ranklin. Daniel Vaiifc-ht, 1'iler Kline.
Eishingereck. Jacob Karns,John II. Dud'
Hemlock. William Robbms. '
, , ., , ...
Jackson. Robert Eilirar.
I.iuie;-toni'. Joseph (iibson. (ieo. B- Bun-
l.iUrK- Lm M'M-,l,en Mint 1 SliiePt
i- " . . , , .,, ,, , in-,
; Madison. S.;hnolv Allen, Michael Ililnian,
, AV,n M'""'!'. John M. Sheldon, John
........... v.- ... ...I, , ... ....
Mahoning. Michael Sanders.
i v ii i t i ii v i
Mitllin. Jacob Haruel, John Mtchncl,
Daniel Wolf.
Anthony. John Ellis, Win. M'Dride.
lJI";,ra- ,:'r" B:,r,"! , J,l11'" "i
Ilarmau Johnson, Michael tv alter. 1
, riatcreek. j,,,, Eck r,,j Ytc.St
Cattaw isf-a. Jos. Bteish, Isaac 1. I.invill
Jacob L. Shutnan.
Danville. Archibald Vohris, Ben jam
Sidle r.
Derrv. John Robison.
, ,,r;i1 Wm Kol)r);irk) r.enjamin 1
i Former, Abraham Burger Jr. James Ch
I' lshiiii'cree'fc. Tbns. .T . Iliit.bins' n.
trreenwood. harmnd iMatfiers, ( liarl
, Kves.
Heinlock. Bnrtis A r wine. Moses Oibbs.
, Limestone. Wm. J. M'Kee, Abraha
l ,:rmin' ,. ,. ,
' Mahoning. Dav. flnlips, Peter l oust, S
i J.-kH,;
on. iNeneinian u etuver, m. J
.. , i,. ti- ... .
dren, Richard Deniott.
f M ailCC, Da II It
KeitTer. J. D. Kline.
Woarinccreek. Daniel Y eager.
Sugarloaf. Peter Appleman.
: V;iT,,Vi ViHl;1m Caldwell
Bloom. Jacob Melick, Alex, Hughes,
Joseph Long Sr.
Biiaictt'i k. Jonas Wright, Samuel I re
Centre. John Zaner, Henry Deloiii.'
Danville. John O'Connor, Andrew- F. R
sol, ( 'lareneo H . Prick .
Derrv. Betuainiii Leihv.
1 (Jrceinvoiui. ),miel Roil.
Hemlock, issac J.eidy.
Libertv. John B.igart.Pctf r C..
Jo-eph Hilkert.
Limestnne. Peter Waconer
Mahoniti". Andrew I H orpecs.
Motttoiir. John H (Jinck.
Madison ( 'ah b Tl:nm,i.
' V'liioo. S.iniu ( ' onn. r
S-iarlonl' .Inbtt K 1
i -,;!,- I,, im 'A t.hon Il-s
X o r 1 1 IJ t n im I) a ti it I .
BfcM.ii II a v i .N.Dcc. 1 , i M 1 U.
I hi.. T. I I,.--
Diill .Nil --The I'll Ih wing klili
till' colli'i-tinn., in Ciiliu I lull- al tin." . lin e1
i Al""u"' l"'r "'l'"rl
........ f.ia.i-10 t;7
ij. "ii t It ci.iIiiil iN' v. liiJII M.-l.'il ''rj
t'l, nit ain't .iiiub .'.01 li .Nov. I1--), jlu'i.yy"
' Wlnde .unijUiit cullnlcd in 117, lnrtJll 3-1
Ina tint over lat euun lu miwr tltitr, I oVi
.x-The im e arming Inun the North
1!l;"ld' (--'k w '",-,5n"'K i"',,u're ,ltavy v"
: 'iiue. It is als'j uradiially ami i - nrum :,ini;ly in
: rr, :., uh.-u fu.i-li.-.l. will ln il. mainiln.
,,.,., , ,,. ,,, ,,-,,. Tll, .,, rfV.
'"r ""' )iai. is 43Ki,17 (J-
'- -
Headuirleis the ti fliviin 1
,, , ,, , . i... , , , .. f
u li i ill lueil fvj till a ol I elil, a.
i,-, v .-. . . .. i
.. .. ' ' '
1 !"' M'nplu nv and liuralulilv id lie nndie-i
nil""n "I I he V luted Ma'es Ann) mcord ltSl
iiirpoi.i, oi in,, 1 ,1.1,1 O I II III1. II I'll US l rfliliro
, will eiiiilile man) to a-pne h is aid dis-
j ' " ,,lu"t'" 1,1 l'lilsry, w ho w'nun! t
M"' h neee-;y expiree attending
i '-'i,"l'""''" l'"; tull 1ji.-. V i.ito, in.
I i I irii.-i, hi in ' ,ii I i ,n Mm If I . "
i chief The command Hill- ol bngadi s III the 'Jib)
Divmoii, w ill, on trie iec, ml lieu of, i-sue an ol-
j ' in'incting their i fii i U to adopt the T'ui'ies
! 1'',l".'l ('"''' ani1 Eorae i.'np of ir,e Aimy of th
l.Mlei Staler.
Ollirers who have precnn.4 the lull driss uni
foim will nol be efiei'ted b this erd. r.
I'y older of
Mat (Jen. K. W. S I L KLEVANT.
Lfivis, Aid-de Ciiiiip. o w
NO. 3.
Brig, lusdertni's Office, )
Berwick, Dip.1'2, iMti.
I In accordance with the dinitniis nip wd
from the Mnjoi General (I II I- Pivision. the Of.
( ticers of lbi Miiilmv Pi iua.l.' are iiislnicti li try
i adopt the Undress Eio.-k Coat am, li ruge Gup of
j lirA'inv of the U. Sr.iiis.
j Officers who have pi c.-uri t fhe full tiitu uni
1 form will not hi . flecltd l this cidir
I Pria. Irs. M Hi it. uh J)iv P. V.
j 'state of .'lit l ander Mi Carly, dierasid.
"V'OTIlE is hereby given, that li tters lesta
1 1 mi Mary on the' i stale ot ALl'XANLER
AiiCAliTY, late nt Jtlooin township, Cnlnnihia
I county, di cea.-ed,have been gi anted, b) the Iitgis-
ter ot said county, to the iiiiileismncd n.siiling in
lilooin low n.-hii ; All poisons indebted to said
H.,,te are leipn-sled to make pajjnenl, and thorn
' piesenl il,, lothe Lxeculor
i lor seineiiieni.
' John x. GayTz,5"frj-
! Pec. I", lS'.i.-Ct.
1HE subscribers wish to inloiin their fiienclt
and the public giiiotally, lhat thej have ta
ken the entire sloik ol store gri ns I elongiiig lo
the lale turn of Hrfloy fc Il. luleuhall. and ruin
ed into pui.irership aidei the firm ol MI'NDEN
HALL AMI MKNMTI, l!aiii.K in in lheU6.h of
Noveinhrr. IMS'. ai il I heir sto k coinprisss ;t
Ci'lieral 3-soi Uncut ol Meichatidize, suited lo the
sia-oll. They can always be leimd at the I hi dp
Cm net, anxious to , -11 cheap lor cash or iu ex.
change lur country pi educe gei eiallv
nioorns-linrs. Dei. 1 .". 1 s -I '.. lit.
7" ILL be sold at Public Sale, in Iiloim
on Erid.iv, at 1 o'i i ik P. M. Die
!lkl:i. a," the late n m i of Choilrt
j dei'd. the lollowiioi personal pr. cii vi
Cow two Eat Hots, one Sleigh, one Ms
i !'"e K.-kawnx Ija.ri.n,
rile, one hnflaloc -robe, i in hall bane
one C. S. Axe. two new bibbs, one I.
1 one Com -i i . I ruli . m im w I m kit Tor
: W'het-stoi e, one Fish-U'u. I'lshirg Pol
! La In p.. one hall o a ti-h srin, two Ho ,
..;.,. ,.. L' , . 1.1. ..... I I .. . ....
a variiiy oi oiiiei r isiiioa, one
I hn(,ei ,.,, ,. (.( w (.,,.ljn. fi
j box, , li.i.E lo,l, .,. Whip and Hi
'. Uealber hoards, oi'i- : i. loriune sir
I Twine, and one out K.tcb. n.-Togi,
1 i Viirii'ty ot i Iher iiilicles too Odious lo
,. , '
j ;j-Sale in commence at 1 o'clock. 1
! sale will he n.iule ki...wn on p ",i
, nidnn-l.i.rp. Dec l.) l's-m ' " .
, ,,i,M l"
v -xpo-ed , Public Sale. v
"lit ) iml.s below the Cat'
I the mh.-v