The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 15, 1849, Image 4

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Tht Slraitfrr nu tht SHI. '
" ' Htf T. . RBAO.
Hitweonbroi fi,,. m vuiuai and corn,
In tha lovely home wlieia 1 wj horn,
The peach tree leans uji.iinii (lie Will,
AdJ the wooJbiihi wanders nv-r til :
timrsi ism andcj doorway 4till,
' But a stranger's t'.iot ht crod tht dill.
Ter is tha barn -and at of yurt,
I can. smell tht hxjr from tht npsn door,
And let' the busy swallow'i throng,
And hr th pewce's rtournful song j
, Put tht stranger cooies oh ! painful proof
Hi ihsavct are pilud to tht hetJ roof.
i Tbtrt it tht orchard the wry trees,
Where my childhood knew long hourt of,
Ami witched the shadowy moment run,
Till my life itnbihad more ihadow than tun;
VL . . .. . ...
( The awing from the hough Kill sweeps the air,
, Put the itrangert children ire twinging there
There bubblit tht thady spring below,
With its bullruah brook whert the hazel grow,
' Twit there I found the calamus root,
And watched the minnowi poite.and thoot,
And heard the robin lave hi wing,
But the itrangert bucket it at the spring.
v Oh, je who daily cron the till,
, ; Step ligktly for I love it still:
' And when you crowd the old barn eives,
Then think what counties harvest sheavta,
Have pasted within that scented door,
To gladden eyes that are no more.
Deal kindly with those orchard trees,
' And when your children crowd their knees,
Their sweetest fruits they shall impart
At if old memories stirred their heart ;
T youthful sport still leave the swing,
And in sweet reverence held the spring.
I. ... . .
The 'barn, the trees, the brooks, the birds, .
"The meadows with their lowing herds,
The woodbine on the cnttiRe wall
My heart still lingers with Ihem all, '
. Ye strangers on my native sill,
Step lightly, for I love it still.
Fruit 'Ycs,
- Now is just the brst time of all the year
foi tha i setting of - fruit trees. The land
shouhlfce stirred deep, made ricWand well
ptilverwed, the trees carefully set, and pro
tected from tho shaking of the winds by a
stiff stake and tsuccrss fs certain. Se
lect your trees frem nurseries not located
too far at the south let thmn be of hardy
and politic varieties and be wre and deal
witha nurseryman u pan whose word and
care you may depend.
Cotyloid Sheep.
The recent letter oh Col. Ware, f Virginia,
concermT.g hi Cotswold Sheep, is creating al
ready a good deal of inquiry about the fleece and
oreass qualities of the animal. Among those
who have been applied to for information, are
ioma of the heavy wool growers ot Washington
county, Pennsylvania. One of these has replied
through the Washington Reporter. The gentle'
man, in lb t5, for the purpose of experimenting.
honcrht a thorough bred Cotrwold buek, and 30
native ewes of only ordinary quality. From
these he has since been breeding, permitting no
other cron. He has attained nothing like the sue
cess of Col. Ware, either to size of the carcass or
weight of fleece, but nevertheless well satisfied
with the cuccem ot his experiments. He sny the
pregenyof this breed are very
heavy coated. They are hardier than the Saxo
ny slieep. His have had no shelter, and though
they are more hungry than the Saxon, they are
r.iore prolific than the fiiifl stock, often dropping
twins. And with reference to their (Wh, he te
titles that the butchers vory readily pay him fur
lambs three menthn old, the averages of the price
he receive for three year old weathers of the
Merino sto-'k Upon this point he further says:
"Were I living in the neighborhood of a large
markdf, where mutton was a fashionable article
;( diet oi it ottftht to be enery where I would
;o largely into this description of sheep." The
wool from hi Cotswnld crois is very lonjt, and
admirably adapted for hlilikels, worsted goods,
fcc. He clips an high as six and a half peunda
to the fleece.
Fattening Catti.x on Hat. ftras which
is cut while it is in blossom, and carefully made,
will fatien cattle nearly as well ip a dry as in a
green slate. Some of the best farmers in the wes
tern part of Vermont are particular in making
their hay for this purpose. Mr. Bowdinh, rf
Weybridee, whose stock is well known for its
good qualities and fine condition, informed us
that he found do difficulty in making his cattle
thrive on hay. His oxen and steers are fed lib
erally on the best hay throughout the winter.
With careful driving, they perform the farm labor
in the spring without loss of flesh, and being
turned on sweet pastures at the proper time,
they get in high order for early beef fur the Bos
ton market, and always command a good price.
Water Paoor roa boots Put a ponrd of
tallo'w and half a pound of rosin in a pot on the
fire, when melted and mixed, warm the boots snd
sodIv tho hot stuff with a pointer's brush until
neither the sole nor the upper will tuck in any
more. If it is desired that the boots should im
mediately take a polish, dissolve an ounce of wax
in a teaspoonful of lamp-blick. A day after the
boots have been treated with the tallow ani rosin
ru'aover them this wax in turpentine but not
buforeths fire. Thus the exterior will hive a
coit of wjx alone, and shines like a mirror. . Tal
low or any other grease becomes rancid, and rots
pitching as well as the leather; but the rosingives
it an antiseptic quality which preserves the whole,
E-jots should be so large as to a Imit of Wearin;
t cork folci. Cork u so bad a conductor of hest
tnit w th lli.i the b'tots the fe:t ate always wnn
ci; tha coldest stone floor.
siii A'K .Tio.rr.tiL.rr.
A very hrv; majority of tht Collectors appoin
ted irnlillerent parts of tht Sisle, to receive run
trihuiious towards the Shi'nk Mdunmust, have
not mufe ant return of tho papers sent them Ills
then-fore hereby desired, llut all such lialt should
ts returns.) un or bcloro the 1st 'lay of January,
next U. FRY, .
Chairman Ki- Comuiittce.
O John "McRivnolds, F.sq,, is the Collector
for Columbia county, to whum subscriptions for
the ahnve Monument, of $1 each, Tin be mails.
avery Saturday morning st two dollars per
annum, payable half yearly in advance, viz,
Ston subscribing and $1 upon entering on the
last six months and il not paid according to
the above term?, we shall invariably charge
he a dollar i and fifty eentf.
No subscription taken for a shorter period ef
time man six months, nor discontinued until
til arrearages shall have been paid, which
must be one month prior to the expiration of
the term agreed for, tnd a failure to thus no
tify the Editor will be considered anew en
gagement. Advertisoments conspicuously inserted at one
dollar cask per square (of 14 lines or less) for
three times, and twenty-five cents per square
for every subsequent insertion. Business Cards
inserted at three dollars per annum. A liber
al discount made to yearly advertisers.
Lettish, Communications, fcc., addressed to
the Editor, on business pertaining to the office
must be pott paid, to secure attention.
Business Directory-
Attorney at Law:
Orricic, next door to the Court House,
CHARLES CONNER & Co.,iMerchar.ts, New
Brick Store, north west corner ot Main and
iron street.
nENRY ZL'PPINGER, Watch and Clolk
JfaAer.sign of the Watch, on Main street
in ine Exchange.
HOWARD B. RUPERT, -McreAanf .first.hiur
J in " Rupert's Row,"on stain street below
SLOAN 4. MENDKNH .LL,-.treAanf,Main
streot.above Market and one door below the
e xchitnge.
J street, below Market, eat side, sign of the
Gulden Mortar.
MARTIN Sl A. M. RUPERT, Tinware ond
Sheeliron Manufacturers, shop on Main
sireu, below the Post -office.
ter, North si-leof Main street, a lew doors
below Market street.
WM. McKELVY & CO., MfrehaliJTJiorUi
West corner of Main and Market
G1 HILL, Surje. n and Hnynician, local ion
r n" Mirktt st ., south side, above Main
t recr. Rlnnmnhnre.
17'NOIIR ii HA M LIN, fl-mti,shop on
IV. Main treet, first itory, immediately under
this otTice.
JACOB e'.UI ETrKRICK.JW Shoemalirt,
shop on North Miin wreet, apposite the
Forks Hotel.
LEVI L. TATE, printer, office in the Brick
building, outh end of" Rupert's Row," on
aiain street,
rPHOMAS WILLITS,r7(jfrr,e?tablishmpnton
Main street, north side, one door below the
Court House,
1,1 AR.VHTRi)Ni;,.Mur6- mnmifacturrrc
j, establishment on Main stree, opposite
lie American.
JOHN E N. B mt suit Shoemaker, store on
M in street, east side, first door below Mar
ket street.
I710KK8 HOl'ill,, tiv SiMVKt. Ri.ur, roads on
forks of the Berwick and Orangeville in
North Bloombnrtf.
QlMON NATHAN, Cheap and Fashionable
Clothier, Sinre on Main street, two doors a
above the American Hotel.
I EXCHANGE HOTEL, by Samuel A .Bi ndt
on Main street, direc.tly oi'pnsite ihe new
couit House.
AMERICAN" HOUSE Acommodiouf snd
well kept Inn By Cras.H. Dokmlir
south tide of Main street
f Store on Main street, oppnsitpihel'ennsylva
nia Hotel, south Bloomsburg.
T)EMAININ iu the Post Blooms-
IX burg.Sept. sot h, isiy.
Ai;er. WiWon
I'le.MiKk F.
Appletnan, Georne
Bernchert, Thovia
Burchfield, Win. 11
Blaine, J. R. E ,
Boon, B. V.
Bounds, Emma
Cannain, James W.
Clark, H. C.
Cox, Samuel
I) lie, Albert C.
Paves, Joseph
Dennis, Lodina
Eves, Joseph
Fry, H. H. &. co.,
Fisher, Jacob
Gilbert fienrge
Haines, Jacob
Hirnebauct, Michael
Ileilman, Elias Esq .
Jones, Thomas (ship)
Jones, Benj.
Joline, A. D.
Kint, Nicholas
Kressler, Samuel
I l.viien. John (ship)
Msckili, John
Muckkunchly, John
1 Murry, Casper Kq.,
j M'Mnrtrie Miss S. (,
I Madden, A. J.
Menges, Joseph
i Robens, Martha
J Richel, Elizabeth
Rishel, Elizabeth
I SliomSker, John
, Shoemaker, John
i Sellers, W. J. Esq.,
Shalt, Henrv
Sdvits. William
' Sidel, Jacob
Snyder, N.
Treslyean, Frank,
i Taggart, Franklin
Toyle, Timothy
1 Willi t. John
Watts, Ephraim
I Willson, James D.
Wilt. Daniel
Landes, George
Wild, Thomas (ship)
Yetter, Isabella
fcj- Persons applying for letters on the above
list will please say they are advertised.
Attorney at Law
Orrrr.E Tvo doors below the Cijtirt. House,
' North tide nf Main .Street,
i :-o' l; 1S10.
TOHN K.M.ROTZ, respectfully
Inl'oriim hi old Iriends snd cus
tomers, and the public generally,
that lie still carries on the saddle,
Harness and Trunk Making
business at the above stand, ou IvUin tit. between
tlie Court Home auJ Matket Street, and where he
keeps constantly on hand and makes to order the
following article iu hia line all of which for ma
terial snd workmanship will bear comparison
with the best that can bo produced anywhere, via s
Men's bst saddles, common saddles, waggon sad
dles, i jrnane htrnets, of all kinds. Heavy team
haruras, cullais, Bridles waggon and carriage
Also a large assortment oi l ron, and wood frame
Ti avelling Trunk; Portfolio Carptt Bag; and
all other articles in the travelling line, together
with a large ansorttrteot ot Harnkhj
Mountino, Carrisge Trimming, La
ces, Ju J. Leatfter, Uiled Carpet,
Gum Cloth, he
9He solicits t call from all who wish to pur
chase, any of the above, confident that he can give
satisfaction, both as to the qulitsnd price
Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1 840,
riIHE undersigned would announce to his old
X customers and the public in general, that ho
Las just opened a new
Merchant Tailoring Establishment,
Exchange buildings, first door above the Hotel,
where he is receiving trom the Eastern Cities a
select assortment ot choice Cloths, Cassimers,
and Drapery generally, and is prepared to furnish
every variety n! clothing, at moderate prices.
Garments made to order, and ready made cloth
ing furnished at nearly rity cost.
ALSO, Coats, Pants, Vests, Stocks,
Cravats, Fancy Handkerchiefs, &.c.,and a variety
of other articles for sale cheap.
OO-The Tailoring business continued as usual.
Bloomtburg, April 21, 1649.
rpiiE subscriber would inform his old friends
and the public in general, that he has taken
the well-known stand, recently kept by Daniel
Snyder, Esq., on the head of Main Street, in
Bloomsburg, and will continue the
Known by the sign of the "FORKS," where heis
prepared to accommodate those who may favor
him with their custom. His arangeuients are
complete quarters spacious location pleasant,
and without promising too much, he flatters him
self, he will be able to do ample justice to hie
0r-8tabling and the best fare for horses, &c.
Rlnomsbnrir, April 1, 1849.
rpilE subscriber respectfully informs theciti
J zens ol Bloomsburg, and vicinity, that he
is now opening a select
Confcctionary,Fruil and Toy Store,
in the Exchange buildings, No. 4, where he will
be happy to wait upon those who may favor him
with Ins custom. Give him a call.
0HitMock is fresh has been selected with
care and will be sold cheap fur cash,
Bloomsburg, April 21, 1849.
0. C. K AHLIifR
Attorney at Law and Coumdor,
fJfJ-Otlice on Main street, by the Courthouse.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public that he has commenced the prac
tice of law in nlonmsburg, Columbia county, Pa ,
where he will promptly attend to all legal busi
ness entrusted to his care.
Blonmsburg, April 28, IS49.
rpHE undersigned respectfully informs his old
J customers snd the public that he has
just completed his arrangements for their better
accommodation, by re-building his store house at
the old stand, on Main Street, where he is receiv
ing and offers for cash sales, a select assortment ot
Clothing and Confiictionarirs.
His stock ol clothing which is of the latest
tyle and best finish, consists of every variety ot
Coats and Summer Garments, viz : pants, vests
shirts, colars, slocks, &e., tie., manufactured ex
pressly fur country sales, and will be sold at
exceedingly low prices for cash.
Confectionaries and Fancy aricles, of all kinds
too numerous to mention.
Rlooinshnrir. June 23, !S4f'-fim
Surgical and Mechanical )e.ntit.
mHE midersiened resiiectfullv informs the La-
J dies and Gentletntiii of Bloomsburg and the
public in general that he altendsto all thevarious
opperalions in Dentistry. Residence, nearBlooms
hurg,hiil wili visit fainiliehor iiividuals, at their
dwellings," I. en required. Thankful lor past fs
vors, he hopes to merit a continuation of public
parronace.asit will ever he his pleaurctorender
satisfaction i n his profession
OO-Thespecial partnership in plate work, here
tofore existing between A. Vallerchsmp snd J.
H. Vanderslice, has expired by limitation, snd
the accounts of said firm are in the hands of the
undersigned for settlement.
y arch 27, Sf.
Boot and Shotmaking.
TI1HE undersigned, llianklul lor past patronage
J respectfully inform" his old customers and
the public that he has removed his estahlislinit nt
to the new frame building, above Albright k J
Mengel's Store, on Main Sireet, rppositi l,e
Forks Hotel, where lie will be ready In wait up.
on all who may form him ith a call as iimul, j
Rlnomshurr. April 7. 1M. i
Estate of John Knorr,dccruxtd. j
WHEREAS, Letters of Adminitratinn upon j
the Estate of JOHN KNORR. late of (Jen- i
tre township, Cnlmbia county, deceased, have
been duly granted to the undersigned ; all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make pay- j
ment, and those hiving claims against the same,
t'j present them for settlement, to j
Nov. nd, IS49.-Bt. !
rpHE undersigned again hpprizes his friends
and the public, that he has received a full
supply nf the above articles st his old stand
Cheap Corner, on South East of Main and Mar
ket streets, where he offers great bargain to those
who may want to purchase.
His titock of Vtw and Fathianabte Clothing, !
comprises every variety, son and size, and will I
be sold "cheaper than the chenpent in Blooms- j
fjtj-The public generally are invited to an ex
amination nf h s geo'ls before purchnipp rUe
where. !
ioiin r. Movr.r.
Bloomsburp, No' ..'0, I?4?.
UST received and now opening at the old
staud ot the schscriber, a splendid assort-
ment of
Selected with great rare, and Irom long experi
ence, he Hatters hitnsvlf that his selections are
good, not only in patterns and style., but in qual
ity anil price, and will be sold at (he lowest pos
sible puces.
His DRY GOODS consists of ill fancy articles,
from shawls to a skei.i of i J U ; and comprises all
materials for cluakt and dresses to red and white
flannels. A good assortment nf
Cloths ; Cassimcra ; Satins and Vestinps,
bleached and brown muslins, Baskets and Carpet
bags; Men's and boys' Hats and Caps. FOOT S.
Ladie't kid and gum ehott; Looking glassea,
Crockery-ware, Hard-ware, Cedar-ware; all kinds
of Grockries & Prices Also SALT, lie. fee.
Allot which he respectfully requests bisfriends
and the public to call tnd examine.
CO All kinds of grain, Inmhei, and cnuntrv
produce taken in exchange and lor which tht
highest pricet will alwavt be paid.
Bloomsburg, Oct. 37, 1S49.
f) LOO M S B U ftTs A CA DE M V
For Vovug Ladiei and Otntlimtn
J. E. BRADLEY, Principal.
The next winter .Session of this Institution,
will commence on MONDAY tht bth day of Vc
tuber. Text Book:
Emersun't Spelling Book aud Reader.
Goodrich's Geography.
Bullion's English Grammar.
Parker's Progressive Exercises.
. Aids to English Composition.
Blair's Rhetoric, University editiou.
Da vies' arithmetic.
" Surveying,
" Mensuration.
Foster's Book Keeping.
Ackerman'a Nat. History.
Cutter's Anatomy and Phisiolngy.
Guernsey's History of the United States
Lardner's Outlines.
Olmsted's School Philosophy.
Burritt't Geography of (he Heavens.
Johnston's Turner's Chemist ry.
Wood's Botany.
Schmucker's Mental Philosophy.
Wayland's Moral Science.
Webster'e Dictionary.
L A T I N.
- Bullion'sLatin Grammar, Bullion's Latin Read
er, A uthon's Ceasar, Sallust, Cicero, Horace;
Folsom't Livy, Leverett's Latin Lexicon.
0 R E E K.
Bullion's GreekGrainniar.Bullion'sGreekRead
er, Robiii8un's Greek Testament, Xenophon't
Anabasis, Xenophon't Memorabilia, Pickering's
Greek Lexicon.
There will be frequent exercises in Declama
tion and Composition. Instruction will also be
given in Penmanship and Book-Keeping,
It will be the aim of the Teacher in this
School, to impart to the pupils a thorough
knowledge of the branches studied, to educate
their minds, and thus to prepare them for hon
orable places in life.
The winter session will consist .of )4 weeks,
or two quarters ol twelve weeks each. As this
session is two weeks longer than the last sum
mer session, s corresponding addition is made to
the price of Tuition, which will be as follows,
per quarter:
For Reading, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Book
keeping by single entry, Geography, Gram
mar, Hist. U. S., - - - - $3,25
For same and Algebra, Geometry, Surveying,
Mensuration, Book-keeping by doube en
try, General History, Nat. History, Phisi
ology, Philosophy, other English branch
es and Drawing, .... $t,.'0
For Latin and Greek Languages, 5,7fi
(jCtr Good boarding can be obtained In private
families at from $1 50 to $2 00 per week.
Col. Joseph Paxtnn, Rev. Daniel Steck,
Hon. Stephen Baldy, fRev. Joshua Evsns,
Hon, George Mack, (Michael Brobst.Esq
John Mr Reynolds, Esq.
nlonmsburg, Sept. 29,'lS49.
RKDl'CKD Prickh.
Clothing Emporium.
riAHF. sunscriber respectfullyinforms hislriends
I snd the public, that he has dissolved the
partnership business and opened an entire NEW
STOCK OF GOODS, fresh from the cities, in the
Cheap Clothing Emporium in the same stand,
on Main Street, above the American Houbk,
where he r un beat both Jew and Gentile at sel
ling cheap Goods, Clothing, tie. Take the fol
lowing sample of his prices:
Fine Dress or Frock Coats from fi to $19.
Splendid Blue Black Dress Coals W 13
Cashmerelt, Alpaca and summer cloth, .1 fi
Linnen Coats of all kinds, l 3
Black Casimere Pants, 3
Splended L iinartine Pan's, 4 f,
Cottonade and summer Ciissimere, I A
Plain Satin Vests, 2 .1
Figured Satin vests, 2 3
Maroeiles and Cashmere vests, 1 1
Boy's Pants and Vests, 1 ,'i
Men's Casmet Pan's. 1 7-"i 3H0 1
of every description, Dry, Fancy, ami Staple
GOODS, and a eeneral assortment f Shirts, Bo -
snms, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Stocks, Hand-
kerchiefs, &c &.C.
Carmrntu made to order on nhort notice.
)CJ- Persons residing nut of town will find if to
their advantage to purchase clothing of him ns he
is determined to put pricesdown so low ss to make
an object to those who eome from a distance.
Gentlemen don't forget to enquire for Nathans's
Cheap Clothing Store, on Main Street, one door
above Mr. Drebler's American House, Blooms
rtloomsbnrg, Oet. 1, 1 S-t t
rilllK subscriber will give lull satisfac-
I tinn to those whg may wish a good
solid snide for a verv moderate price.
He pflers a fine, and select lot nf uenoine esrap.
merit watches, namely : English Patent Levers,
Paris Lcvers.Genev a Levers lepines.eleganl quar
tern, tic.. &.C..
Repairing Watches and Jewelry of every des
cription, musical boxes, musical instrument of
almost every denomination, by the-oreticid prin
ciples always punctually and radically done.
Trimmings Glasses. Common, patent, and
clasical Innett glasses for levers and lepins.
Keys common, steel, J I carrot gold snd 20 car
rat gold keys. Hands common, sieel, common
gold and fine gold hands and gold hands especial
ly for lepines Bal anck -and crown
wheeles, chains, verees, screws, etc. etc ; for eng.
lish, swiss and french watches, for lepines, An
chors and Son, enslish patent lever. Jewels
and cvlendi rs for lepines slid levers, etc.. Also
Clofk Trimmings Constantly in hand, at his
establishment in Bloomsburg on Main ; shove
Market street.
SiV'cmh' ; '.i, ;?4?
t 11
HIE Proprietors, lull of confidence in there-
souictK ot Vortor bUL'l.t'8 Sovereign 1
balm rills which lavs gamed lor themselves '
such an enviable reputation in the short space ol '
live years they have been hf lore the ublic; the i
msny cures they baveperlormtd- some of the pa-
tients having been conlined to I heir beds tor j
months and years are truly astonishing, now t
challenge the world to produce their equal.
Fur long standing Dyprpna and habitual Cos- j
tivenett, they have never tailed, v. hen taken sc.
cording to directions, to eflecl a cure, or give j
permanent relief, I
Old Liver Complaints, Jaundice, 4'C, can he I
Permanently cured, by the use ot these Pills, at !
Ihey operate directly upon the Liver, and cause it i
to perform its natural and healthy action.
For sudden attacks in children such as Coldt
Fever, Worms, &c.,-for Gravel, Rheumatism,
Si,.ul Affifni,. II..HM.I,. i k. .-J r..i.i
7 " "' ""' " '. "" v.u.,
they have proved an invaluable Remedy.
No medicine yet discovered has proved so ef
fectual in curing Ague and Fever, &c, in the
Western States, as (lie Gknuinb .Sovereign
Balm Pills, We have never knowa a tingle
case, when taken according to directions where
thev have not effected a curt in from one to eielit
1 days.
Ihey cleanse and purify the blood, and are
therefore an effectual remedy lor Scrofula Ery
aiprlat, and all discasei arisi.ig from an impure
sta'e of the blnod.
In Nervous Dkbii.ity and Fkmi.e L'om-
i plaints, they have worked wonders. They quiet
the nerves by removingthe cause of Nervous Irri
tation, and gradually strengthen and bring up tlm
whole system. Bj way nf advice to females af
flicted with the above diseases, we would say
that large doses of any kind of cathartics are al
ways iniurious. These Pills should be takpn one
! at a dose every night until a cure is effected
See Circulars.
These Pills were first introduced in a noiseless
manner. No gaudy show cards nr Jong adver
tisements filled with cirtificates from persons that
never lived wete restored to, but weie left to work
their way into public favor on their own mer
its. They are purely vegetable, mild hut sure in
their operation, and perfectly safe for young and
old of debilitated constitution. They never leave
the bowels costive, which cannot b said of any
other pill now in use. Great care has been tak
en in selecting and compounding thr medicine
which has always been superintended by Dr.
SOL'LE in person.
For further directions, ci rt ifiritrs. Sic., see th
New York Botanic Institute, publish"! at Eu
clid, by Dr. E. L. SOULE & Co., which may b
had of agents gratis.
As there are'spurious Pills in circulation cal
ed Oriental or Sovereign Balm, be" sure to see bE
fore you buy that the name of 'Dr. E L. SOItL
(t CO.' is on the face nf the boxes None others
can be genuine. We are not aware that nnv one
I who is making a spurious article has rf dared to
make use ot our name; but some r tbem have
had the impudence to imitite our hnxef snd copy
our circulars, cirlifieales &c. Unless the public
re careful when they purcase, Ihey will be de
ceived. 03 The genuine SOVEREIGN BALM PILLS
can be had nl
John R. Mover, Bloornsbure ; Sloan & Thomp
son, Lmht Street; R. Moore, Danville ; A. Leve
ers and co., Washingfonville ; J. M. Sheldon,
Jerseytown ; Derr snd McRride, Whitehall;
Hayes snd McCormick, McF.wnsville: J, H
Raser, Milton; J. D. Normande, Northumbr
land. A. C. Norton, General Agent Carlisle, Pa.
Sept. QO, ISIO.-fin..
f7s te'wTr t,
T) ESPECTFULLY inloims the pnblir that he
JV has located in BERWICK, v. here he will
attend promptly to all legal business entrusted to
his care in Columbia and Luzerne counties.
fcrOlficeon Mam Street, oppobite the Rising
Sun Hotel.
Jan. 20, 1S49. y
ON and after November lt, M!t, the Passen
ger Trains will run between Philadelphia
arid Pottsvillc, as follows:
Leaves Philadelphia at Sj A.M., daily, ex
cept Sundays.
Arrives at Reading at tl IS
Arrives at PottsviTle at 12 ,10
Pottsville at t$ A. M. Dnily except
Arrives at Reading at 10 00
Arrives at Pottsville at Vi M.
Fa Firs. Pottsvillc and Philadelphia 3. SO and
3 .00 ; Pottsville and Reading 1 -10 and 1.20 ; Hea
ding and Philadelphia 2,35 and l.'.'O.
PasseiiKcrs cannot enter the Cars unless pro
vided with Tickets.
There will be nn Afternoon Train.
(rMTlCE. Fifty pound of baggage will be
; allowed to each nassenter in these lines: anr!
' passengers are expressly prohibited from taking
j any thing as baggage but their wearing appart l.
which will beat the risk of its owner,
I By order of Ihe Board of Managers.
I ' s. BRA DFORD. Sec'ry .
Nov. 10,
1 vUJjIJ m lit A olHUs 1 1 liXJIItlf.
rpHE Trustees of the Columbia County Jntti
Jl lute take pleasure in announcing to the
public that they have secured theservices of the
as Principal of the School to be opened in Blooms
burg on 1 hursilay, the Stn day ol April next.
j The highly attested abilities ol Mr. SchalTer af
, ford an ample guarantee for thorough instruction
in all the various branches taught in the school.
These will consist of Ihe following:
Ancient-Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
Modern German, Spanish. French and Italian.
1 Arithmetic. Geometrv. Algebra. Surveying.
Navigation, Geography, with the use of globes;
History, Natural Philinophy.and Chemistry, with
lectures and experiments; Moral and Mental
Philosophy, with lectures. Penmanship and
Eloculion will receive daily attention.
Terms. In order to secure the greatest a
mnunt ofbtnefit to each pupil, we think the
standard number shnnld be twenty-five, unless
the demand of the public should warrant an as
sistant. The prices will be as follows:
The English branches. 5 per quarter.
Do. with addition nf language , 6 "
D.oninfbiirg, March 15, lkt?.
ijit'li wmm Mto.m mat esvisiisifiii
UM m Ui KtEUIrllHU
EopUi. Slick, Tutnitu ,lr.l, Sfwiblys. H. f.
Life and Ilcalih are in the Blood.
Olranse, Pnrlff, and Rngulntt the Clrenlstion, and
lliu wliolo body will havo health. The most
wonderful of nil remedies to produce tilth
result is
Yea. the d, sirnd result snd effs'kri wilt hr produced hr
the u of i mailer jnmlOy nl tlm I't HII'II.H. thiin eso
Im i rt' cli d hj tin av of a like einniiUIv of snv oilier Mt
I iT i the world. (Se our ".;.! lor pr.K.1.)
, m, (.(jWHEII i. rM) pre
-epjtnd Iruin yifrtahlrt, and
eun-i the nrS, morl obtiinatr, nd Uirniiiiii4 due.
ot the blood, without jmKmr fiHrjiiur., nr rfeAui
Ulixg. It tliamrn, ttrtKnKrnt. mriiora'u, lilnkrs n w
krtlihy blood, snd ijivet in tie or and lint lift to the ho,
thn any other remedy In Hie world. iMrnuse
of It will effect a greater aaiuunt id nire tlisn Jnur Mr
worth of urtaparillt, or any other remedy, no instti r lio
litrfft their hottlea may he. Tie m(rniit awtio tor con
autnera to di termlon i. A,r murk rmtrt citrariT rffret vill m
tnllaft KwrlA of t'vriiier freintt. 'on doUn'i oK
of tknl tortapnrilln or ntlvr renalf. We miiht hera any,
timl Hrnnt't bltdicnrt had fund, within the Inat year,
100,000 Persons of Impure Blood Diseases,
end 25,000 Cases considered Incurable!
aa aumo other pment-medieine men urn in the hnhit of aj
itiK. If we aliniml any so, who wofild bi'lii'Vo ust Thia,
huworer, wndo any, nd stand n:ady to prove, by mptcubt
Kitnnue, tlwt IliiAMT'a Ml dicing hurs
; 11 red more Impure Blovtl Disensrs,
is living hunmn lins, Hie pwt yesr. than wiy other
n medy in exiitenee did durisc the snow time..
low much will n ollur' Worth ('iiret?
Thla ia tiiu iniiortnnt asuutiun to decide. READ Til 6
Twkktv lare, deep ifl'm were wtd by ueing ontjf
tvrht botllea ait" Pram $ Puriftr.
wai perfected on Mr. 1. B. Haskins, of Home, Oneida Co..
N. V, snd it Ia one of th moat mirarit lout eurea that wa
ever (.'riveted on a human txnu 1 and it was effected by a
kit quaintly of
and nt a swallsii cost, th uch a cure win ever nefors)
or ainin unuio, by sAiiaAFAsn-LA or anv otiiks moiciNK,
aince tlm creation of the world. Thia cum of s
does not atand alono, n a iy( iioiiiitiiCTtf of the grot iffir
tanj, aa a ParifitT, of Praia'i lntlim Medkinu i for w
could ifivd almoet unllanitml evidence of other mtonlahln;
ciriia of Scrofula and terofulou itfirtioiu, Thia cura is
itorn to by Mr. Haskins, niid ia artifiri to by
Fourteen Itesprrtnble Witnesses 1
Vj Doct Thomas Williams, one of tlm moat respectable
Bhysicinna ot Home; by Meaara. HissrLL Lkunasii,
wholeasle and retail dnnoiiit ; by Mr. O. IL Huown. pro
prii tor and keeper of tin Weal Home Hotel j snd by eUtm
other wits"'.
jDrant's Jnbian flnrificr
eurea all impurn diaeaiaa of the blood, vii: SeaU-Huut,
Sott tkotim, nhnmatim, Ervptimt. Pmytri on tht Fact,
Plla. Hiltt. Ulctrt, Cuttrncnnt, Mmmial litra$tt. Liter
CrmpUtrni. Paint in tht hack, Side, and Limit, Ruth of Mood
to tht H'ai, etc.. etit.
l the mint wonderful meilirinn to Clan Couekt, Coldt,
and confirmed I'ulmonaiit C'oNSi'nPTioN, that haa ever
been tried and proved, an na to he, hy the msny. considered
an undoubted mrt. It enntnina. and ia atmntt aa atronjly
poaaeaaed of, cleansiso. altkhativs, snd ri.'strvisn
KirtiiM, na the preparation which we cell Branft Puriftimf
urtn. It alao poaaeaana Mrniil other mcdirationa, partie.
Htarlu and peculiarly ndapted to aiKUhe, a1l"viate, rellevn
pun. aid expectoration, and eun Caught and Comumptimi.
It healt and eiirra Vlrtrt in tlie iAinit. and tlteKhern. tN
TEHnallt. aa certainly and rmdilf us the Purifying Hi
tract heiils and cures am i, eztmallf.
Tlionannds ef roiisiimptire ('oiiha,
and cnaea of the moat utterly hoftelrit Connumptinni, fully
Ernvn its almoiit inirin'iiloua i llic.iry iu all dlaenaca uf Ui
In our panphlrtt, we jive Hie particulars and cerlilkatcii
of the cure of a case of confirmed Conntmption, which ia
monument to prove the pnvrr tn ,me life, (even whi n thej
perion ia pronounced hy Phvsiriunx friend, and rithtrt.
to be in the very Inat flupe of exiit, nc.) when Prant't
Pulmonary Balran ia sdminiit'Ted. .See in our pamphleta
the cure ol the wife of Mr. Zint Hykfuan, of Hulliton ripa,
iinitnffi, Co., N. Y. Mrs. Pykkman whs pronounced, by
her pfiyekan anil orliers, to wise with the Pulmonary
Onttumptinn. Mr. Ilykcnmn wns tiuyin; cloth ftrathroua,
unil other liurial clnthrt, nt the alore of Mr. John Wait, at
HalMon ."pa. expertin his wife noun to din. He wna thern
pi riuadi d to take home with him a bottle of Brand PhU
monary Fnham. und wai totd that, although hia wife's caao
wna too for gone to cure, yi't it would relieve her dittrat,
and nvtko the paig of death more eeni. lb took the Bal
sam home, wiUi the cioth lor the aiirond. He evu tlie dy
ins womm a portion ot the Ititltmn : it relieved her. Hhd
continued tn take nf it, and bxcovssko hex hxaltii;
and haa sinco continued in uiwi.t hentth.
Mr. flvxr.MAN made n;irh tr the above facta, on the 2flth
dy of April. 1H IS. hefure Thomas f. Yntixo, Eaq., Justice.
Mr. Yui'NO certifier, thut he Ima known Mr. Iykemnit
many years, intimnti'ly, and tlmt be ia one nf their sul
irorthy and retpei'tahle citizens ; and thet his atatemi.-nt is
entitled tn tfll) credit and Mief. Mr. Joins Wait, the mer
chant of whom the burin! clothes were bought, and who sold
riykemtin tho Rutpam, iitsn cfrtinea to all the facts, aud let
the undoubted teracity and ehitrarter of Mr. Dykcmnn.
where all hope waa enne, h.iv, tie, n made, and the persons)
perfectly retlored to health, hv the ue nf Brant't Hal tarn.
sumption, Coughi. Cold. Spitting of lilood. HleMing at
tht Lungt, Pain In tht Preatt and Side, yight Sucati, Nee.
rout Complainti, Palpitation of the Heart,
Female Weaknesses and Complainti,
Ciolera Infantum, Dyentrry, and Summer Complainti.
Doctors anb Prjrjsicians ttccommenb.
The followinj-named Voctort and Phyticiant have bifhlj
recommended Brant's Modioines :
Hr. N. HIJI1RARI). Stamford, Conn.
Dr. J. N. HMITII, Watertuwn. N. Y.
!r. ROUHMAN, 1.18 Henry-at., Brooklyn, N. Y
Dr. T. M. HUNT. Auhurn, M. V
Dr. OKORIIK FRANCIS. Midnli'town. Conn. (
Pr. (iKOKUK A. ItORKRH. Ruth, N. Y.
Dr. B. WHITE. Fredonia, N. Y.
Dr. G. B. RAI.KNTINR, Byron, N. Y.
Dr. J. O. SHIPMAN, Fayetleville, N. Y.
Dr. J. rKlNf,R, Henry at., Ilrooklya, N. Y.
Dr. O. HHII'TlAN, Cortkud. N. Y
For Sale by K. P. Lriz. snd h vs H. h 1
Bioomsbnrir; M. H. Pickley, Laiville; G. K
Kower, Iinaicreek ; VV. H" (.'etf nt r. 1 1 1 w It k ;
McNinch & Weif'fi.liiri rr, J nimte: Flisa
Wertman, Rnhrshinp; K. & J. I ?inv. rrarfe.
ville; Sloan te I himpun, l.iel istiitt : M G.
Shoemaker, BucMinin ; J. M. MildiD, Jiln v
tnvvn; McC'ay &. PaiterfMi, Wasliirgtrn.
CC3All letters anrl mrii rs rritiH re fVirs(r) to
Wallacf & Co . tnr,. Brptidv-sv. N. Y.-vr .'.9
Rook a nil Job rrinlintr.
fc"twr4 KKKP it hkfcde thi rKorictkat
ttissstsiTi Hand-bills, Blanks, Checks, Labels,
Cards, Tickets, Circulars, and iveiv descriptien of
in various colors, executed at the tflcecl ilie
Columbia (Blot nul.tirp) Lt mono!, in r.rst sljlc,
short order, and mo.Hrrote turns. Aifo: 1 If vs.
ry hest article of DFF.fS, FLANKS, STAT1CN
F.RY, fec.Jiept constantly for sale.
We have also added to cntslretd hravy imI
j extensive stcrk of FlnnP. of v hii h v. I aie sll
(kinds, from Deeds to Nslnralislion fs) rrs a
j select sssortment nl vnyfcre Msrrt?ge Cftlif
estc, printed and cngrjvet. Icr M'niMrrs aril
' M BgtTKtel.
Jim i ,S. U1 'WSMli