Uloomob nr q : 8ATUKDAY MORN.. DEO. 18. 1849. rs .Igtuclti for the Columbia Democrat. fc-V. rl PtbMtft, Third slid CheslinH streets, riiiadulihi. to- K. W. Cakh, Third tnd Walnut streets, Philadelphia. G'Unia Prr, No. U6. Nwm '"' New York. Jli jHiinlmtnU by the Uovnnor. Jc Adm,oI Tiov, Bedford county, to be Assofiatt Judge, for that county, in the room of the Hon. Rrubm Wither, resigned. LA. MCKe,Esq.. of Clinton county, to be in Aid def imp to the Governor, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Canat Commitslontr. t T..e Xtrrvtnion R-Kiter nominates our c.ellent Iriend Jmliie STMCicL(D,of the West Chester frpubliran, lor the office of Canal Com nusaioner. There. ppe..s to be i growing feeling in favr of bin nomination. The Gray Eagle.-Mr. Piiimp Apple man, of Fishingereek towr.Rhip.near Rohrs burg, presented us on last Monday, with a quill from the pinion of a tremendous Gray Eagle, recently shot by his son Mathi as Jppleman, the wings of which when extended, measured tlx foot ten inches. The quill in question is 19i inches jn length. We have jut converted it into a pen and a capital one it makes with which this first article is written Whole Number of Vclow. ' The veto power ha" been exercised twenty-fin timet since the formation ofthegovernment, viz : By Geo. Wellington, 2 By Andrew Jackson, 9 James Mauison, u Jatnea Monroe, I " John I vfr, i James K. Polk, 3 Total number of vetoes, S5 Tho whole number oi ecu passed aim apon- ince the origin of the government, is about 1000 which will make 280 acta to one veto. Telegraph to Bloomsburff. 'A. C.GoiaL, Eir.,th" principal Agent of Professor Morse, visited our place on Thursday last, for the purp. se of cr.rting the Supq-thanna River ami Norihand West Branch Telegraph. 1 he IVlegui h Company, of which Mr. Goell, is Chairman of the corporation, propose extending thnir "Liic'itninK-line" liom Eiston via. Ha.le ton, and Hei wick to Moomsburg, and from thence to Danville, up the West Branch and over the Allegheny.- We rejoice in the prospect of the speedy estab liniment nfthe News Posts, hy which we will be in momentary communication with almost all the ptincipal Cities in the Union, and by which we can learn the proceedings in Congress iwtuntor. We hope our men of enterprise and capital will subscribe liberally to the Stock of this Com pany, and thus secure (is the advantages of a Tel euraph Line. If the necessary stock be promptly raised, we may have the Telegraph in operation Kere, within six week. "Wiuiam MiKei.w, Esq ,of Ulnorrmbiirg.iV.as the subscription Book and will be happy to register the names of those wishing to take shares of the Stock. 3 I Tht Indian Concert Mr. Yoi'Nomans, a distinguished vocal ist with a celebrated trottp of Indian Song sters, proposes to entertain our citizens to-night in the Exchange Buildings with a grand "Concert of Sacred Music." The Indians are of the Mohawk Tribe. We advise our friends to pay them their res pects. No Xewi from Congress. : Up to the last moment, we are without any in formation of the organitstion of Congress. Nei- ther have we received our Washington Letter. Our news of course are unimportant. On Tuesday, the 39th unsuccessful Balloting was made for Speaker. R. C- Winthrop, whig Mas., and Win. J. Brown, of Indiana, democrat, were the principal caiididates. Mr. Winthrop r.i ,incd his 101 votes, whilst Mr. Brown rone from SO to 109. After this contest, Mr. Win thrnp, the Menl candidate, withdraw his name from the canv.us. Thus hs the ("ongressof the Nation been en gaged in liuilless effort to organize by placing i minority wh g Speaker in the chair. The dem nrrats have a clear maturity ana ahoulr, never yield. And thus ge daily $3,000 of '.he peo pie's money. tyy- One ofthe reasons why the Whig Regency at Washington is said to be so nearly sinking, is because there are so many taken in the State Department. fcjr We have spen it stated that Dr. Durbin intends to leave the Methodist, and join the new school Presbyterian Churrh. Shutout raoM GovrmsMrsiT The eastern tnundary of California is fixed by the constitution at 129 deg. west of Gn-enwich ; the western boundary of Deseret has been establisded by the people of that country at I IH deg. 30 min. This leaves s territory a degree and a half wide be-t-ven the two, with no government Ne Orleans ceased to he th seat ofgovorn rncnt of Louissns on the 1st ins The officers of Nt and the reenrds in their keeping left fur FrtHiii Rouge, the new cjjnUl, or that day fct-Edwin Pulk.a dear relative of President Pnlk, has been tppninlud Quarter Master General ul Tennessee, by the (Vivemur ul that State- Marriage Wisi Omielia Scott, dmiRhter of (;! So.ill, was Hurried on tin 2Tlh ult. 10 Major II L. Scott, Aid de Camp to the'Commander-in-Chiuf, it the residence of the General, in Eighth street, New York. HAllKILt): On last TuesJay morning, at Iroudale, by Rev. Joel Uudderro, MARSHALL SILVER THORN E, of liloonobur.g to Misa AGNES RALSTON, of the former place. In Greenwood tp.,on the 7lh ult., Thomas Lundv, aged about 0) years. In Milton, on last Friday evening, Mra. Fanny, wife of Stephen Wilson, sged about 43 years. In Huntington township, one day last week, Mrs. Fliabii h Dopson, relict of the late Rev. Eliat Dodson, aged about 60 years. The deceas ed was in very good health on the day of her death and was returning in a carriage from a vim to her son in the neighborhood. She stopped in front of the house of a friend, and remained in the carriage while the driver went to call some one to the dour. When lie returned she had Ul Ion slightly forward, and was dead Lvt: Dem. NOTICE TO ALT, INTERESTED. flTHE subscribers, having dissolved partnership JL on the first day of August 1S-IS, would say to those knowing themselves in arrears, on iiote, hook-account, or judgement, that unless paid in a very short time, additional cuts w ill he the con sequence. And those holding claims against llii m are re quested to present tht-m immediately lor pay ment. B. T. Pontius, is authorised to attend to their business He may be seen for a short time at Lime Ridgp, after which communications will find him at Mifflinburg, Union county, Pa. B. T. PONTIUS, S. W. THOMPSON. Lime R idge, Dec. S. 1849 -3 PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday, the fifth day of January next, at 10 o'clock, in tbe forenoon, Sahah Ihilpot, Administratrix 4rc, of WILLIAM PHILP0T, late ot Mounlpleasant township, in said county, deceased, will expose to sale by l'ublic Vendue, upon the premises, a certain LOT OF LAND, Situate in Mountideasant township, uioresaid, ad joining lands of John Oman, on the north j John Heister, on the east ; Fishing-reek, on the south, George John, on the west containing TWENTY THREE ACRES, all cleared and improved lund, There is on the premises, A LOG aI10USE, Frame Barn, ane53u3AppIe Orchard, and a good Spring of water. ALSO: -A Wood Lot, Situate in Mountpleaant township, aforesaid, ad joining James Grimes, on the east and south, William Howell, on the west and Jacob Ship man, on the north containing FIVE ACRES, Late the estate of the said deceased.situate in the township of Mountpleasant, and county afore said. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Rloomsburj:, Nov. 21. SHERIFF'S SALES. T)Y virtue of a writ of Fieri Fieia, lo me di 1 reeled, will be exposed to l'ublic Sale, at the touit House, in BUomshurg, on Monday, the 31st day of December, 1849, at one o'clock, p. m., the lollowmg property to wit: 1st. A Lot of Ground, situate in Koar- inccreek township, Columbia county, adjoning lands ol Reuben Fahringer, George Fetterman, Daniel Keller, Joseph Cleaver, and the lonri lea- dine tn Kear-Gan. containing between THREE AND FOUR ACRI.s, more or less, on wnic: is erected a LOG HOUSE AND SHUt'. ALSO. 1. A Lot of Ground, in the same town ship, adjoining Daniel Keller, Joseph Cleaver, George Fetterman. and the Bear Gap road, on which is erected a FRAMF HOUSE, containing ONE ACRE AND A HALF. ALSO, 3. A Lot of Wood Land, in same town ship, at the foot of the Little Mountain, adjoining , . , t l rt.'ll.. I I 1. l'i.I... ...nt.in. about FOUR ACRES AND THREE-FOURTHS, lanus ni jonn uinv, no jmw in .-Mi'isr. . .mh more or less. Scirod, taken in execntion aim lo be sold as the property of John near. PETER B1LLMEYKR, Shff. SHrmrr's Office, Bi.oomsburg, December S H EH 18 8 , To Collectors of County and Slate' Taxes in Columbia County : AS the year will soon come to a close, and our annual settlement have to be made.we will meet the sewal Collectors at the TreaMiiei's Office, Hlooinsburg, on Thurmiay, tbe V"lh day of December, inxt.,1o m:ike Exonerations, &c We desire them to make a vigorous eltort lo set tle the amount of their respective Duplicates on that dav. fly- Delinquent Collectors, previous to IMP, will take this friendly hint, as the next may be ol a more serious nature, and we hereby give nntire that we will make rrr, exoneiations on Duplicates or militia fines, after the day above mentioned. JAMES l.AKI.. i HARM AM LA HOUR. S Corn's. JOSEPH YKTTER, ) rommissioner's Ofiire. ) Rlonm-t'iirg. December S, I M'.l. TO MY CREDITORS. "TOT,CK' is hereby given, that 1 have appliri I m 1 tl.ai f'.illW 1-4 f Pnntmnn PIpaa nf fdllirhhi fnr thp hMipfit of the Insf)lvTit Laws of ,h. Ommnnwealtb, and the f-aid Court nave ap. pointed tbe Third Monday of January next, for the hearing of me and my creditors at the Court House in Bloomsburg, when and where you may attend ifyou think proper. RISSE, Dec. . 1S19.-3. BANK OF DANVILLE. AT0TICE is heTebv civentolhe Stockholders f in the Bank of" Danville, that the I, l!owir installments on each fbre will he required lo b paid in, u follows -.-Thirty per cent, on the IMh dav of December, ISI'I; frcenn per cent on the 1,1 dav of .lanuarv. lf.f.0: and Iwmti, per rent, on the IMh dav of January, 1."0. IH order of the Bonrd of Directors. PF.TKR BAf.DY, Presidmt. Daniilie, Nov 30th, lMr', IOTICJU. ALL persons indebted to the subscribers on j bund, no-e, or book-account, ol more tbaii : vmk1 aiunilinir. are rcdiiestcd to muke pay nient between this and the first ilay ol Maich neit. Those neglecting this notice may exect to py costs. WM. McKELVY cCo. Klootnsburg, Dec. 3, 1S49. ROLLING WINDOW BLINS. riIHE undersigned, Agent for Sprout, Bur- rows U Co.'s improved Rolling Window buns, would inform the public that he is pre pared to luinisli H inUvw Blim ol every aiM to ordei on moderate terms. Specimens may be seen at lib SorJUpEBT.' Bloomsburg, Dec. 8, 1S49. . BOOTS AND SHOES. rF Encourage your own Mechanics, and encourage Yourselves. TIIIIE subscriber would inform his friends and I the public, that ho has on hand, and makes harder all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, at the following low prices i Men's fine calf or morocco boots, do kip or cow hide, do calf shoes , dn ' cow hide do miners,' nailed, Ladies' gaiters, " Lace boots, Thich soled slippers ,. pump soled, Kxcelsims. $4 a 4 3 2 1 a 2 30 3tt 00 75 50 a 2 25 1 Oi la 1,37 1 00 125 Boys', youths' and children's shoes in propor. (ion ' He' manufactures his work of the best ol slock, and warrants it to wear ; and he is determ ined -o sell it as low as others can their Yankee or city work. Call and see for yourselves. Shop on M jin street., next door below Hartman's Store. WARREN RUSSEL. Dec.S 1S49. ATIENTION, PRINTERS. A GOOD- practical Printer, wishing to embark in the business, can hear of an excellent aituution or have his choice of two, on applica tion to the Editor of this paper, to whom is en trusted the Agency for the sale of two excellent democratic establishments, or a part of either, in Northern Pennsylvania. We regard them as rare opportunities. , ... r-No attention will be given to unpavt Itlten. LEVI L. TATE. Bloomsburg, Deer. 1st. 1849.-31. POWDER ! POWDER ! ! 11 HE subscribers have completed their new Powder Manufactories, and are prepared to furnish, on short notice, any amount of Blasting Powder of superior quality, and on liberal terms. Orders addressed to Knapp S( Parrish, Wilks Harre P O . will meet with immediate attention. ' KNAPP & PARRISH. Wilkes-Barre, Dec. 1, 1S-19 3in. Coopers. Five or six good Coopers are wanted, to whom constant employment will be given. PUBLIC SALE, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Lourt of Columbia county, on Monday, the 2 th vf Jjfcrmbir IM'J, alio o'ciock in me iuicouuh, Leonard B. Rupert, Admims lrator,4.c., c f Sarah Rupert, late of Montour township, in said coun ty, decead,will expose to sale by Public Vendue, upon tho premines, a certain TttCT OF LAND Situate in Montour township in s;iid County, ad joining land of John H. Quick, and the Smijue- Innna river ana fishing creeg, containing auoui 18J Acres, on which are erected a Urge BRICK HOUSE In which the Inlcntate resided at the time of her death ; with the appurtenances. ALSO, On the same day, at 2 o'clock, P. M., another TRACT of LAND, situate in Montour township, adjoining landti of John Richaids, Peter Appleman, and otlieis.containitig .)U Acres, or (hereabouts, on which Elias Dietrich resides as tenant ; with the appurtenances. Late the Es'ate ol said deceased, situate in the township of Montour, uml eounty aforesaid. JACOU EYERLY, Clerk, Hloom!burg, Dec. 1, 18-10. The first above named tract is a valuable prop, erty situate .on the main road from Bloomsburg to Caltawissa, lately in the occupancy of Leonard Rupert, now deceased. The North Mranch Canal runs through it.upon which is convenient and ex tensive wharfage. There is upon it also, a large bank barn, a good well, a spting, and a variety of out buildings and other improvements. The Second tract above named is an excellent farming property and will be sold entire nr in two parcels. There is a valuable deposite of iron ore upon a part of the tract, and limestone upon the other part. There is a house, bank barn and other buildings upon the property. TERMS OF SALE. Five percent of purchase money to he paid on d;iy of sale, one fourth on 1st April IS1)'), when possession will be tiven.and additional fourth on first of April lfc51, one fourth on 1st of April I $32, and the remainder 1st of April 1S53. LEONARD B RUPERT, Almiiiislrator, Derembr 1, IM'J. FANCY FURS, MUFFS, BOAS AN I) DAVID II SOLIS, 1 ( Siii'ivumr lo Soli., Brother.) IMPORTER AM) MANUFACTURER OF EV ERY DESCRIPTION OF t I RS, ir AVIN( just returned Iroin Emope, with a KLKC'T STOCK OK H'HS, IS flow ttiailllftlC- UMi.ptheni in a very superior style, nnd trim mingthem in the most elenant nianner,and would invite the attention of Merchant and others, to his Miperior and extensive as.surunent, w hich he jnanuf ictures us well as imports, he is enabled lo oiler at such pric'-s. as tew houses in the United States can compete with. DAVID H. SOUS No. s'i. Arch (Mulheny )St, " below 3d St., next to Loudon A I'o's. Family Medicine aiorc. Os- Store ulwajs closed on Saturdays. ,The highest cash price psiil for shipping fun. "Philadelphia. Oct. rt, IM'i-fim. Nl-iw'f-AM H . E 1 1 S II U P . - I ! that: AT THESH.N OK THE WHITE HM"K. T HE subscriber announces to ihe pui.l he has recently opened a Saddler Shop te central Dirt of I: oomshiirg, on Alain stieet. o P door "hive Rupert's Stme, where he will keep constantly on hand and make lo order, nil hupc ii .y V j,, v 4 n. Mrrr-ff' Tit.ES.TRtJXh'S, I'AURCES, s? A tt IIW'4 ni Ml. 1 1 1. . fJWrwatfcj and ev. I V otner aiucie in nn iiiii td&&L'' h,,!,imr: m S L,.i.u t . . . .... . :.. u. . Ml. O CAllRIAtiES and BUG-foirg VMS, in everv deniable sty le, andjM! U will turn olf all his work neat and (.ood; and ,,i the lowest prices. Those who wish woik in hi? line, will do well to Rive him a call. iff Hide, country produce, and even gnld dol lars will t'C taken t it payment for work. W. M'K THORNTON. R-.-md'irii, ept. .', l 1C- 3m He w ill allcii'l to i I'l.u- 'iw v Partition. .. Iii the Orphan Court of Columbia coun ty : Estate of JOHN KKOfiRA Sur writ late of Centre township, in the K of County of Columbia, deceased) Partition rMO Susan Krlorr, the widow of John Knorh, I 'i'hitfnnit llnnrr liidpnh ICnnrr. Jnkpnh LlH- It. and tliz.i his wife, lute bliza h.uoir,Jonn Conner, Jr., and Sarah, his wile, late Sarah Knorr, Levina Knorr, children of John Knurr, deceased ; Abraham Dildine, wife, late Louisa Knorr, Angelina, his wife, late and Louisa, hi Drake, and Angelina Knorr, Regiua Knorr, A- John Freas, guardian id ron Knorr, Reuben Knorr. Joseph Knorr, and Elisha Knorr. children of Peter Knorr, de ceased, who was one of the sans of John Knorr, deceased, Charles Hagcnbiich, guardian of John Knorr, Susan Knorr, Sarah Knorr, and Samuel Knorr, and Thomas Knotr, guardian of Hiram Knorr, Phineas Knorr, and Mary Ann Knorr, children of William Knotr, deceased, who was one of the eons of John Knorr, deceased, and William Hagenbuch, guardian of Sarah Hagen bueh and Eliza Hagenouch, children ol Ann Ha genbuch, deceased, late Ann Knorr You, anil each of you, will take notice, That an INQUEST, will beheld at the latedwel ling house of John Knorr, deceased, in the township of Centre, id the county of Columbia, on Friday, the Eleventh day of January next, between the hours often o'clock, a. m. and 0 n'. clock, p. in., of that day, tor the purpose of making Partition o- the ileal Estate of said deceased, to and among hi children and representatives, if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling of tho whole, otherwise, to value and appraise the same according lo law, at which time and place you arc required to at tend, ilyou think proper. PETER BILLMEYER, Shtriff, Sheriff's Office, Bloomsburg, November 32, 1849 ,The Penntylvania Ttlrgroph, Harrishurg, will publish six times, send bill and paper with the notice to the'Sherifl of Columbia county. PUBLIC NOTICE. rrillE undersigned, Administrators of the es J tale of John Knorr, late of Centre town ship, Columbia county, deceased, having given tht usual legal notice, hereby give Public Aotice, that they will atiend at the late residence of the said deceased, on ' Wednesday, the 20th of December, 1849: when and whereall persons having business wiih said estate are requested to meet with them for the purpose of making settlements and thereby save costs. THOMAS KNORR,) ... JOHN CONNERjr. J J,am Nov. 24, 1849 4ts. FARM FOR SALE. THE undersigned will sell 5t private sale, on very moderate terms, a valuable FARM, situate in Sngarlouf township, Columbia county, adjoining lands of Reunen Davis, Mathias Rhone and Samuel Rhone, within about 3-4ths of a mile east of Big Fisbini(creek, containing EIGHTY THREE ACRES. Thirty or thirty-five acres of which is cleared land. There is on the premises a good log dwel- , . ling HOUSE and Stable, a young Ohchard. jjjj and a good Spring of water close to the door of the house. Terms will be mndc. known on application to thesubscriber. Address Kenton, P 0. WILLIAM RHONE. Nov. 24.1 $40 -3 PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE RE AL ESTATE. PURSUANT to the direciions containedm the lust will and testament of EDMOND CR W FORD, Irte of Monntpleast township, Columbia rounyi, deceased, will be exposed lo ale,by Pub lic Vendue or Out cry, by the subscriber, on the premises, on Wednesday, the 267i day of December, Jl. 1)., 18-10, -at ten o'clock, in the forenoon, of said day, A Certain Plantation ; OH, T1&ACT OP LAND, Situate in said Mmntpleasanl township.Columbia county, adjoining lands of Joseph Crawford' heirs," on the souih ; John Roekel, on the 'est ; David Johnson, and Daniel Zigler. on the north ; and Joseph Kline, on the east, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN ACRES, or thereabouts. C There is on the premises, a jjooil FRAME HOUSE, Aa lllLtiLoi! Barn, a bearing ieP 2lUU& apple onciiMDjJZ. Aarictv of other FRUIT TREES, and ii good Spring. Also A small stream of water convenient to the house and barn. C?Of the above tract, about EIGHTY ACRES IS CLEARED LAND. The remaining part is in wood. , Terms will be majo known on the day ol sale. IDDINCSS HA lift LEY, Surviving Exrtulor of Kilmond CrawJoril,iteed. Cloomsliuig, Nov 12, JMit-Ots. DESIRABLE PROPERTY. milK subscriber offers fr sale bis JrgjS. I HOUsK AND LOI. in Wil- Kiil i Jk l.iw-Ornve. (South Hluomslinrg. The House is a new brick building of sufficient :J' to accominoii jte a Isr-ie family. There is a well under cover at the j kitchen doiir, of excellent water, superceding tne I necessity of tfoinK clsewheie t procure water I ior ativ porpcse whatever. There are' on the I premises a CARRIAGE HOUSE AND BARN. sullieientlv larue for a cow unit three horses, and , other apnu'piiale nui-b'iibhi'ps, all new. ; Thelitis loc.itefl on main "ireei, m a ins. .one houl equal tn eitht squares ol m teet each Horn the Court House : u loet wide and 114 leer deep There aie on the lot, properly dispu- , a ,f various i7.ps. uoyvards ol Cfy.Tl IO ORNAMENTAL TREES, w, , racing quite a variety, viz -.-Ma-si X Kim, Linden. Ai. Botton-wood. Modern, WeepiiiK-willow.llickorv.Oak, Buck-eye, Hem- lock, .Cedar, White-pine, fcc , with a variety of ,.tt Sh'ibberv There are. also, upwards ol Jllllllf Ovnf nun. cu, j M.v,,, , w ,,4 arra.ted with superior fruil. n,,, .,.pJ were planted about three years aKn, I ... . .-.L: i....i....i , ,h.,;, ' .Mill !ifp M t'L' I I'U "ir ur v in huh III "I is- i i I ,.,.niiar beauties. ' .. Those who are acinaiMted with the relative sit- nation of this place, must perceive, that, destined t,, he, ns in lew years it will be, on the itrcal ilmrnuxh i;,,' to the Lakes -. the piirchaseof - m IVi-iTi: here, must he a safe knd rmfit able investment fri. 1hoe deposed n pure rm, are invi'eo tn ' j o i,r-. . nil i,oii nn the 'nbserru-r. or the premises, "r n Z"nr. . can ,-ake anpli-M.on 'person.ily. ,n n. K. Rhopks, F.s.( . F.!oo..We n o MM'c ' ' A WORD '10 HORSEMEN. Or. Pt arson's liurbtr'n Einbro- ruin, n.i. uYf.iilKillv the in .i' 1I I . j i 1 1 1 li lhal can be ii-ed lor ioe cu e ol ''prim,, Itium s, Cuts, Galls, Splmi, t ihli, hiiiboue, Spavin, shll- iliifSof the j In, n.c, &e. I: is an urliclf v. I n h should be in I lie liaods ol every Imrseinan, and no stable should be without anoint-of it. Pnci 2.ri and (0 cents. Prepared only by S. A. Pkaks' n, M. D , and for sale, wholerale and retail, at 1 00, NORTH FOURTH ST., Philadelphia.. Nov 11 ) AND AT MV STORK, m.nnMSRliri. WM. ROBIhON,f. AI'O,-F0R SALE, A LARUE and splendid assortment of well (elected l'ir iOOHS, just openum. consisting of every vaiict) ol tiuoes, such as aiu generally kept in a country t.rn, with the addi tion ol READY MA OK CLOTHING. All of which I will sell c u t a p tor rash or country produce. 'I'i'he public are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock, il ihey want bat gain. Bloomsburg, Nov, 17, IM'J. W. R , BOOTS AND SHOES. rilHE subscribers returns their thank to the I citizens of lloomburg, and the public, lor lormer favors, and ap prize them that they have just received a finenew assniiment of Boots and Shof.s, at their establishment on Main Street, to which they inviietlie attention ol custom ers. Their selection comprises every sort, site and variely, and at prices to suitthe tunes. (ircatbargains can be had on application. Jry. Store oppoi-ite Brady's Hotel, on Main St., second door above the Court House. FRANTZ JOHNSON. Rlonmsburg, Oct '27, 1849. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Estate of JACOB MILIEU, deceased, 1")URSAUNT to the directions contained in the last Will and Testament ol JACOB MIL liER, Junior, late of Bloom township, Columbia county, deceased, will be exposed to sale.by Pub lic Vendue or Out-Cry, on the premises. on Tuesday, the first day of Jan. a. d.,1850, A Certain Plantation ur Tract of Land. Situate in Centre township, Columbia county, adjoining l'ands of Isaac Hess, on the west ; John Thresher, on the north ; Itaac Low, on the east ; Peter Miller, on the south, and Benjamin Boon, on the south and west, containing ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE ACKES AND FIGHT Y-TI1REE PERCHES AND THREE-FOURTHS, STRICT MEASUREMENT. UO-There is a LMJ1IE JUL.Y, on the pre mises and abundance ol good Lime Stone. There is on the premises a two story LOG HuUSE, a bank BARN, a bearing apple ORCH ARD.a stone Spritighouse, Wtf? a Well of Water at the (tpJj3a(dr.or, and other oulibuildings. Ul the above tract, ONE HUNDRED AND : THIRTY ACRES, is cleared land, and in a high state of cultivation. V The land is of first-quality, and well worthy thp attention of any person who may be desirous j of purchasing a first-rale farm. J 0U- Tkrms, will be made known on the day o JOSEPH POHE, and j LEAH POHE. late I.rnh Miller, Executrix of Jacob Miller, Jim ior, ilteetmed. Fni furter description, etc , 6ee bills. Centre township, ) October S3. 1M0. lOw. J jIYew Iflillincry oods.) milE undersigned lake pleasure inannouncire I to their old ciistomeis t,nd the citizens of liloomsbnrir, generally, that they have just re ceived a new nipplv of the n-r. FASHIONABLE BONNETTS, Velvet, cot and uncut, Satin, Silk, Cords, Rib hons, of all descriptions face Flowers. Fealhers, out-side flowers, buds, poflijrs, face-raps, belts, wreaths, combs, colored-silk lace, elusions, fringe scarfs, kid, lisle, thread and cotten gloves, dress stuff. Collars, Spencers, Lace-capes, Velvet and sbiied and satin Bonnets. ALSO An assnrlmentnf plain Ronnetts and Caps, together with Bmid, Straw, Ac. M. ii S. Barkley. Bloomsburg, Oct. 27, 1M9. tzr NOTICE. d THE subscriber, thankful for iast patronage, respectfully informs his enstotners and the public, that he has taken the entire charee of the BLOOMSBURC BOOK STORF., rJTnlm and will continue the business as JflMii usual, in all its departments, at 'hesJSrmJfli same stand in the Exchanee Iluildints, where he inviles his friends to fcive him a call. The Columbian Calculator, Columbian Spll-line-honk, etc. .etc., together with other standard works and select stationery, for sale rheap. f3- A splendid assArtm'ent of NEW HOOKS, wiil he received in a few days at the above es tablishment. JOSEPH SWARTZ. Hloomshiiij;. Oct. 8l, IM'J. KRKSH AKKlVALUt itV liUUUfl AT THE CHEAP ARCADE. TTTE.the subscribers, announce to all our V old customers and the public, that we have recently received a fine lot of Niw Goops, suited to the season, wnic, we aie iinn,o pose of at a very small piolus, lor cash. &c. Our stock consists of- Frcneh and English Meiinoes, Alapaean, plack and other colors, .iiusnn oe uaines, r.us- ires, vooum, . Shawls, Ion, an ' coes, from 3c.ts up " Ul peryard , White good I h.,..l nd striped: Hoirry, elove and lilm- . - I niinifs:nf ,11 kinds. A very eeneral assortment of ' Fnnr.V nml Ptnple gOOHR. A ISO,- A large o( nf Queens-ware, Ilard-Wlire, Cedar Hllil j , ow.warr, A fresli supply of choice. i . .pnrFTMF.S. rood and cheap. ,11 - f" I i iroWp continue to sell the best article of Ho. Mi I I ! , . ; ,,,1 .wim fnr fii.cls l'pr salli.li. Incoli- , neij ,, , ,. . ' j . ,, . i,luinn w on v add, if our rienns will list i elusion, we n in in . t,.vr -s a call we will in return, give them a fair ; h r. & I. w. H RTMAN P,;,.u;,Oc. .IMJ'm loluiuLta Co. Ttmpirante J he 15th annual meeting of ths toltiinbia county I t'liijieraiice a t ittj. VT the U-i lioelllig ol Ihis svuil) I' -do-tion wa- adopted, lecjinn.g lie Mmm . . .' ... il.. In M I I 1 tl- i u i.ublish a L'lUiar. P' " ' ,,r.4 -i ' .,i,. u n, he various i iln'l HI hicri uir., iiimib -- lo seinl op shook Uelegaliuns to saiOloeelii r- 6-. perlonoiiiK I In .wiy.w w.mi.l Inn 'j Mt none, U.at (he next aniiUal treein g v-ill bi: il in iheM E. thui.h.ii. Lui.viile, in U' Thursday (the 3d,) ol J r. e f r en- CliKal 10 o'clock A. M. Uehave lhe promise ol several speakers, one ol wlun, Dr. HiHaIm WoHHAM., ul O. hvu -ii ailoltss utile M ,g ol I he exert isea. WM.h IV '; earnestly call npnn the l n " c '' '"' llinhia (Minn, to use H.cir best i n. v. is to havr every ieii-p.rai.ee --ieij .ji-i. oigiiioa"""' U,e county n.llv .epreseii.. by oeli pu ple arm t. report the stale ..I lb. hum iu Ihut i' eiiive hounds Cine irierds, , ne and all ; ai rl 1. 1 u hate a good old-fahiol.eil waiu.-harte(l inn-tints -our rounlry Millern humaoiiy-tbe l.Mncli l ci.n.i ail call I-)' ly tor increased milion snd zeal in the good cause JA!ES D. WILSON, ) Slcl; JAMES McM UlAN.jr , J Liberty township, Nov. 20, 1 S1!. Iij" Newspapers in Columbia county, hihI elsewhere, friendly to the Tempirace Cause, are rtpuci fully requested to copy the above notice , JUST OPENED: ' nAt the Store of Jl. J. Sloan $ E. Mendenhull. D.tV fJOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AT this establishment may be found, every article usually kept in country stores, and classed as J)ry Conih, which have been selected with care as to quality and price. WK JtRU'jVOW READY, to slimv a Iresb assortment t of (jioceries, Hardware, Cedar and W.llw Ware, etc., ete , Salt and Fish, All kindsof country produce ami Lumber, taken in exchange, for which we pay the highest prices. Bloomsburg, Nov, 17, 1S-I9. Charles Conner, & co II AVE opened a New ti re on Man. mid Iron streets in the town ol tuoomsiiurg. They have a fine assortment of Fall and If inter Goods, which will be sold very cheap for Cash or coun try produce fi?" Their friends and tbe public arc vitcd to call and see them. i 1 1 1 1 1 . , I ' i ; !!.. NEW (JOODS I-KES11 & CHEAP Merchantable Merchandize. different arrivals, we have leplet.ishi 1 our S I UU ri vt liuuu.'s, which we win suit at our usual low prices. Our style and v;i net) ol 'Ladies dress (goods cannot be Mirpassed, and as we have made arrangements lo procure a constant supply, they will always be ol the ! latest styles Also. Groceries, Hardware, Queen- ware, Spices, Salt, Fish, Molasses, Sc- L'ars, ivc, in great variety. J. H' BARTON & Co. JUonmsburu, Nov. 10. IMP.. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. AGAIN the undersigned take pleasure in an nouncing t their Iriends and the puhl.r, j mat they have just received a select and heay I assortment ol choice J Dry Goods and Groceries, I adapted to the season, and wants ol the proj which they oiler lor sale, al their olu sianu :.t prices "cheaper than the cheHpest," Their sloi 1 comprizes a lull assnttment of all kinds ul gm.i-s, usually kept in country stores, and wit! , n ,,r. ticulai i.ing each article, I eel win isnli d i i : ;. , that IhoKe in yvant of good coods have only hm .' I " ns.y meir cste ano iai,i I Groceries, liuettisware, llnruware r Salt, Molafses, &c. largo and beautiful selection ol ll.i a' vr ar ticles ol superior quality, at very low pnci s. ALSO. Hats, Caps, Riint,," Shoes, Ik,'., of every variety, sort, size and price. (fT-Cash paid (or grain always. WM. McKELVY &. Co. Flnnmshurg, Nv 1'). ISfj FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. E. KOHISUN, hnvinij just retur- ned from Plnlaileliihia. with a YJ-TJ : i.ire .mo hanasuine asorimeiu oi rail anil winter Miliineiy, im iies i he I. idieol Hn, ,;,c, j and her Iriends generally , lo call anil exainiim , them. I Her stock consists of velvets, cut and uncut; satins, silks, plain and lrii;ged, ribbonds, leath ers, lloweis, caps, anil a general a-snriiiioiil, o," ' Imiintt Trimming. toKctber, with a variety rf lincy artirles, such as holt, slides, hrest-pina, shawl-pms, (leucils, thimbles, tooth. picks, plain and laocy combs, eduins:, ueedlv-wi rked ami plain collars, culls, bkfs. Inly and darnini; cotton, niarkinu coileii. zephyr, ciid-buanl, no'e-p.iper and envelops, silk caiivas, and steel heeds, b;ps, purses, tasells, clasps, Ve. tc, which havn been carefully selected ai.dwill bo sold as low as tluv can be purchased elsewhere. (jr Store n xl dour to the Court Honse. M. E. ROIUSON. r.Inninsliurn. Nov .'Id, 1M0. HATS AND CAPS. rilHE subscriber respectfully inlbimsliis friend ami ciistoitiers, that he has just received from the city, a large and splect assortment ul rf- Fashionable r3r 4si Hats and Cups, V&i f durable make and iinpiuvvd style, which t o nflers for cash sales very cheap, at his old siatid on Main Street, second door South of the Court llouve. M"Hf coutinues to manufacture Hats to order as usual. THOMAS WU.UTS. fUoonisburu, Nov. 10, IJU. REMOVAL ! Fashionable Tailoring. fpiIE undersigned respecifnllv jni0rms hisc. y occupied by C. R R0rk.p, F..q., RIi,jn. betwe-n Re,,,rt Store 3nd the (:nibia n; " ; TAILORING r.USlXFSR ' In all i's departments, us iinual. aod invi!. . tin.unce of the public pa-rona?' ' ' l0r rrj-Pnxfnce of all kinds tken'ifl ecle. . Tailoring. "cnar. r "ERXARD RI'Pl ' Rlnomsbnre. Nv. .id. ,J5 '- ' ITJ" WF. havejint mdeval-i-UVVW tionstnimr .loh-Offic,., 0 Stc, and prornied a hards, p P f,)pri, sorted Fancy Paper, hv which w ra the neatest fob. oiV in this sertioj ,