The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 08, 1849, Image 2

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Columbia Elcmocrnt.
, ivi i. mi:, v.vaoM.
Min;i)V MOKN'., DEC. 8, 1819
f 2li in a long time since we hnanl from
J..I1101.1. Are we t ) receive no in ire of
thosa excellent articles, from her classic
p i? is always wclcoiiie, and wc
t!i'H' it a punitive proof of our good taste,
to lilis i:t beautiful production.
.DUoi iiii uion Rebuild.
. VtAntn thai an attempt hai recently been
in 1 1 ! i ) ciiilil th another democratic paper at opposition to the Bedford Gatette. The
g'Tiaot disargaiiuatinn was immediately crush
cj oy tn ! dl in 0-.1 out no truss of the ever-glorious
; -in i:..iey, including tha Sheritl', Prothonotury,
Ci:aii!;iiiinii'ri, iti: , f Bedford county, appear
i a j i a a slung Adhess, to the Public, over their
j).!i:iiv(! minus, in which they manful
ly dj i u i ilto ctTirt as "V sxecehkky," and
'etlnt'.i'f I to datrny the. Union and harmony
cfin Dcnttralie Purty," au.l moit nobly stand
byt'mr K litor Gen Bowman, with the soul
cn !riir i 1 mi;ritnim im declaration that "We
htve KVriRR CONFIDENCE in the-BED-
ro;t!) GAZiirfE," a paper that hai ahly and
fearlessly defended the prinelplrj of the Demo
cratic Party for (he list EIGHTEEN YEARS,
under its preseut Editor and Proprietor, and want
liO other."
Suchcjiiduct is worthy of all commendation,
anl ianu. placa their Editor, as wo have no
doubt it will, under lasting obligation!. We can.
not conceive of a higher or more substantial com
pliment. Ungratelul must be the man, who
waulj not love to honor such a constituency.
Per Contra. How w.s it, about one year
since, with some of the oliicer of Columbia coun
.ty, when the idea w.isconceivrd of raising an op.
position paper in CIonmsburj ? Did Ihey step
forward manfully, and resolve lo sustain the or
franol'lhe Democratic parly, that had faithfully
defended their principles for the last twelve years,
and was then zealously sustaining the County,
Stale and National Nominations, and the Editor
. 'f the Columbia Democrat, who had served over
twenly.five years in the "political battlefield."
and just paid an exorbitant price for the location
at the county Seat without opposition ? Did they
emulate the glorious example of the "Bedford
JDmiurrary," or did they encourage the "opposi
lion movement," by the profuse bestowal of of
ficial patronage ?
nancsty, Capacity and Fidelity.
How this text of Zachary, is lived up to,
and carried out, by It is appointees to office !
We are certain, that timing the last four
years, we have not heard of so many mail
mid Post-office have been com
mitted since the advent of Collamer,
Taylor, and Co. Almost every paper
we open contains an account of a post
ollice felony. Talk about officers under
the last administration. Nine months have
convinced every one, of the honesty, ca
pacity, and fidelity of whig Post-masters
and clerks.
The mail of Nov. 3d,from Oswego, to N.
'York, containing cheeks and drafts to the
Amount of $2,000 or S3.000 which should
have reached New York on the 5th inst,.
has not been heard from.
At Springfield, Ohio, a few days since, a
Jnnil agent was arrested for rohberry of the
mail. SI, 200, have been recovered.
In our own Connty is a case of daring
and successful robbery. The culprit is ar
rested 43,08 1 having been found upon him.
We have not pretended to keep an ac
count of these things, and no doubt many
t.mre could be gathered up, with a very lit
tie trouble. But these are enough to show
the character for Honesty, Capacity and
Fidelity, which "the all decency party"
wear before the world. What a commen
tary is this, upon the promise of the Whig
Party to conduct the government and reform
abuses !
iCpSoma people dontknow how to pass
a person 011 the street, and thus force one
to step, first to one side and then lo the oth
er; as if wavering between two magnets.
You should always pass to the left of a
man, and invariably give the inside ot the
side-walk, to a lady. Ting W1 ;n ai cas.
es prevent collision.
Ifyouseeany dogs on the pavement,
the best thing you can do, is to kick them
off-but be somewhat careful because there
Are puppies which have only two legs.
A Banker in Jail for Perjury.
Th President of the St..te Morns Hank hat
been arreted in New Jersey fur perjury in hav.
ins; s.vorn that the actual cash capital of the
concern hit been ptid in.
lyThe Editor of the Lancaster Express
was convicted of a libel up n Mrs. Hcah
Fraz'T, at the Lancaster Courts, last week,
.and sentenced to pay a fine of $200 and
m f-
North EE in it eh C anaf.
The Hoard of Canal Commissioners met
at Congress Hall on 1st iost. and made the
following allotments on the North Branch;
Sections. Sections.
It. Jacon.S
r & CcvllJ. Nead & Carrigan
1 J. I'vl.ens &. Weudcl
IN. Funcis Ulnir Si. Co.
13 1 .Jackson McFaddm,
r!. John Siurdivant,
tfti ClfM-'H Llebink,
n.'l. C irhran fc M"l,uie
CI. Jhn McCord.
7. Patrick Uni I. c.
07 Palnek I'm ki.
0.1. Sttodivjiit .V. Li'tlc
7i Jacob f(-i!er4- Co. ,171. J ihn McM ih
S. J & J I.iinion,
ISi Roily McdeeCo ,
III. John Siioilgrass,
1 12 Joh i Snndgrass,
lfJ. t.lwaiil Kerimit Co
1SI. Win. Pbelan h Cc
The Hoard meet again next morning fur
the transaction of business relative to the
Uoad to avoid the Inclined Piano.
Lnr?f Radinh.-Mt. John R. Moyra, of
Bloomsburg, introduced into ournflice, on lat
Thnriday, a Radish from his garden, 30 inchrs
long, IS in circuirricrance, and U lbs t( 7oz.
Laroe Beet. A Deet of extraordi narv
dimensions, weighing 14 Ihj., was left at
this office last week. Itgrew in the gar
den of David Cromwells in this Borough.
I'l. L . . 1 - .... n.
1 ins oeaw me great Meet of which the
Dojlcstown lnlellisencer boasted a few
weeks since, by 4J lbs. Who has a Beet
that can beat this Beet ?
Norristown Register.
fJ-J-We can Mr. Register ! The Beat the Rev.
Mr. Bradley presented us, on the 20th of October
lat, weighed exactly 13 lbs. We now repeat
what we then said, that it was the greatest beat
of the season, excepting the one Mr. Gamble and
the democracy gave the whig candidate for Ca
nal Commissioner.
large cabbage.
Sheriff Tate, informs us, savi the Clin
ton Democrat, that Mrs. Loder raised a
lead of Cabbage, on his Cedar Spring
arm, in Porter tiwnship, which weighed
18! pounds ! If that can be beat In Penn
sylvania we will agree to cat the Cabbage.
Bamk or Northumberland. At an elect-
tion lor Directorsol the Rank 'Northumberland,
on Monday the 19th inst , the following gentle
men were chosen to serve for the ensuing year,
viz t
John Taggart, John Torter, William
orsythe, Wil iam McKelvy, Abbot Green.
George Schuure, Ebenezeer Wallon.Dati
iel Biauligani, A. K. Kapp, Lewis Dewart.
Samuel Wilbon, John Walls, and Samuel
T. Brown.
West Branch Bnk The following per-
sons wi re elected directors of the West Branch
Bank for the ensuing year :
A. UpdegrafT, S. II. Lloyd. A. Wood
ward, Geo. Tomb, Wm. McKinney, J. S.
Grafius, P. Dickinson, E. S. Low, Jos. S.
Williams, Thos. Bennett, C. Gudvkunst.
John H. Cowden, L. A. Mackey.
At a meeting of the board, A. Urnr.GRArr.was
unanimously elected President and Thi ns. W,
Lloyd, Cashier.
Vominalions at Washington.
Washington, Dec. 1 P. M.
The Democratic 1ember3 of the House
of Representatives met in cacus this even
ing, Hon. James B. Bowlin, of Missouri,
in the chair.
The following named gentlemen were
nominated, lobe balloted for on the organ
ization of the House :
For Speaker H. Conn, of Georgia.
Clerk J. W. PoBXEV.of Pennsylvania
Sergeant-at-Arms-N. Lam:, ofKy.
DoorkeeperB. F. Brown, of Ohio.
Postmaster J. M. Johnson, of Va.
The Whig Members also met in caucus,
and after nominating the Hon. Robert C.
Wintiirop, of Massachusetts, for Speaker,
adjourned over to Monday morning, to I
complete their nominations.
The following statement of parties we
think can be nearly relied upon.
Democrats proper, 1 1 1
Feds, and Tayloriles proper, 108
Democrats Free Soilers, 7
Federalists Free Soileis, 2
Abolitionists Free Soilera 2
Total Members, v.:io
King of Georgia, and Alston of Alabama,
both Federalists arc absent.
A correspondent of the Washington
Union, makes the following calculation :
Democrats elictid Iroin sdaveholding Stales, CI
" " nun slaveholding Slates, J-l
Whigs elected from lnvhniding Stales,
" " n.ui siutfh.'Iiliiig uies,
Death cf Gen. Clineh.
General Dcncan L. Cl.iMCH.Ir ru erlj of thear
myof the United Starrs, and "uVtqucnth a T.i pre
sentative in Congri t- In in ihe St;:le o Gu ipi.
died at Macon, on the en nil g id ihe i'Sth ullimo
after an illness i f nincd.os.
In lTRfi, Geneal Washington imported
two ploughs from Fnjjland, because be
found our own too inferior for L'ood hus
bandry. Washington Hepublic.
In 1 1 10 General Tvlnr impi rid Son yards tf 1 is carpit frum England, became he found
our own too inferior lor an American President
to walk upon This is another proof that Gen.
rl Taylor ii uteond Vathnjti.r.
In writing letters, people shoulj be very
careful. Cartful, in the first place what
they say , nnd in the 111 xt place, how iln.'y
"y it. They should" be careful also, that
ihey say just what they wish tn, and no
more. No mistakes should be made in
spelling, nor in grammar.
As a general ihing, unless yon have par-! nnnd 1 resolute, firm ami nju il nil his
licular directions to the country, a letter ' functions are in the highest order ; hn as
fhould bo dirrlcd lo tho place, at which Mimes the mastery ov( r business ; builds
the one you are answering, was mailed. up a competence on the foundation he has
A space fchould always be left at the mar-. laid in early manhood, and passes through
gin, for the wafer, or you may chance to a period of I, fo attended by many gratilica
eovcr some very important word, upon j lions. Having gone a year or two past
which the meaning of the whole sentence ' CO, he arrives at a critical period in the
kpunds. road of existence; the river of death llows
1 no uirecuon on tne outside should be
plain and full. First the person's name,
then the town or Post Office : then tho
county and then tho State. There should
be no flourishes with the Pen, in the di
rection of a letter. It should be done in a
plain, legible hand. Care should also bo
taken in folding a letter. We have received
some letters, of which we were actually
ashamed, and no doubt the writers were.
A little pains will make all those things
come easy to you, and are a great acquisi
Aii Idea.
While the subject of the modification of
the post office regulations, is exciting an
interest, and giving a movement to the
massess which congress is bound to res
pect; we wish to throw out to our readers
accasionally, such ideas, views, and no
tions, as may be useful or new.
Many changes are being spoken of, as
necessary, either forconvenience or safely;
and as effecting beneficially, the collection
and amount of revenue. It has been made
a question, whether the lowering of the
postage or letters, would result to the good,
pecuniarily, of the Department, and at the
same time, to the convenience of the Peo
ple. We hope that upon this point, Con
gress will display some of its wisdom.
In most governmental measures, the mean
is perhaps tho true position.
Among the many projects and changes
which will probably be submitted to, and
acted upon, by Congress, we would like to
see this one appear.
It is our opinion that with the exception
of Newspapers, sent from the office of
Publication, all matters passing through
the mails, should be prepaid. We go in
for Equality, and think no one entitled
either by i'ti?e right, or superior abili.
ties, or splendid achievements, to the priv
ilege of the frank.
We are not aware that this thing is new.
Indeed we think it is not. If it is, we
claim the honor. It has always been our
opinion, that much money would be sa
ved to the Department, by passing a law
for the prepayment of all mail matter.
And to the franking privelege we are de
cidedly opposed. We think men who get
right dollars per-day, can prepay iheir
constituents. Wc shall revert to this a
irain. Supposed Jlurder 1
Portions of a human body, supposed to 1 ave
been that of Dr. George Paikman, who invsti r
iouly disappeared in Boston, some time since,
were found on Friday last. under the Medical Col
lei;e, in thai City. Suspicion fell upon I'rol'es-nr
VV-bsi-r of the Colh-ge, as the Murderer.who was
aneMen ami inrown into prison. Gieat excite
merit prevailed in tha Cily.and the Military were
called out to prevent an oulbri ali. 1 he evidence
against the accused is circumstantial.
Original Tenlor. ttun Taylortted.
Col. Gkoruk Seizixokr, one of the old
ost citizens of this county, snys the Potts,
ville Emporium, a Taylor Democrat, who
claims to have been the first man in the
I'uion to name Gen. Taylor for the Presi.
dency, and who supported him faithfully
up to the time of his election, has fallen
under the ban of the keepers of the Presi
dent, and had the Post Office at Fountain
Sprinctorne fromhim and removed to Ash
land, about one and a half miles farther
Aorth. And tins inertly because the old
gentleman dared to rxereise the rights of a
Ireeman, and lend his influence lo secure
the success of ihe Democratic Ticket, last
The value and importance of this Office i
which Col. Seitzinger, has faithfully con- 1
ducted, lo ihe satisfaction of all, from (,e 1
lime of its establishment, some 17 years
airo, iiinlcr the Administration of Oen.
Jackson, 111 iy be the more readily under
stood, when we stale , that there arc four
Mails to be charged daily, and the com-!
icn.atioii to the Post Master does not ave
a(,rp lnoro llla" ''trCC dollars and Jifti eents
per quarter !
Mr. A. B Jones, of Ashland, has been
appointed lVst Mas'.ir in nlaee nf dl Li
' i'iUit ''er.
.. - vi
The Turn or l ift.
Irom40ti CO. a man who has pro
perly regulated himself may It considered
s ij his prune of life. His matured
irftigih of constitution renders him iilmon
impervious In the alt rk of diirar, and
fxperienco has given his judgement the
soundness of alinoit inf.ilhbilitv. His
before him, and he remains at a stand-still.
But athwart this river is a uaduel called
The Turn of Life,' which if crossed safe
ly, lead to the valley of 'Old Age,' around
which the river winds, and then llows, be
yond without boat or cause-way to tffect
its passage. The bridge is, however, con
structed on fragile materials.and it depends
upon how it is trodden whether it bend or
break. Gout, apoplexy, and other bad
characters also are in the vicinity to way-
lay the traveler, and thrust him from the
pass; but let him gird up his loins and
provide himself with a fitting staff and be
may trudge on in safety with perfect com
posure. To quit metaphor, " the Turn of
Life" is a turn cither into a prolonged life
or into the grave. The system and pow
ers having reached their utmost expansion
now beginning cither to close like flowers
at sunset or break down at once One in
judicious stimulant a single fatal excite
ment, may force it beyond its strength,
while a careful supply of props, and the
withdrawal of all that tends to force a plant
will sustain it in beauty and in vigor unti
night has entirely set.
Governors of Pennsylvania.
From the time when the Stale Constitu
tion was formed, in 1790, down to the pre
sent lime, the list of executives is as
follows, which may serve as an item of pol
itical intelligence to our young men .
Thomas Mipriarr, Democrst-elected 1701
and left office 1799.
Thomas McKka.v, Democrat elect. d 1 79C.
and left office 1SUS.
Simon Snydkr, Democrat-elected ISO's, and
left office 1S17.
William Findlat, Democrat elected I SI 7,
and left office 1S20.
Josiph Himter, elected by democratic votes
1S20, nnd lelt office lf-S3.
John Andrew Shul.i: elided lMS.and left
office in lh'iii.
Georue Wolf, Democrat elected ISC'J, and
left nffiee in lSJ'i.
Joskph RiTNKn.Whig-elecledin lS35,owii.g
to aserious division in the Democratic party, and
lelt office in 1 .'i0.
David K. Pohtfr, Democrat elected in IS.!:'
and left office in 1 S ! ..
Francis U. Shunk, Democrat elected in
lSt'),and died in ISIS,
Wm F. JohnsIon, Whi GiiverinT by virtue
of Iih ITu-ft as speaker of the Senate, and elected
in IMS by a small majority.
IZP The whig papers are all in a iiiiihs,
in trying lo defend Governor Johnson, in
his gross violation of the pardoning pow er.
Every one that wc pick up, is in anus up-
.1 1 . 1 . .1 .1
mi me Miojeci ,- nno anogeiiier tney are in
a great stew. Now if the Governor is re
ally so innocent as they would have us to
believe, why pour out so many pens full ol
wrath on Judge Parsons ?
SiiixK, and Portkh, also, come in for
their share, and they endeavor to hide the
responsibility of Johnson, by putting for
ward the acts done by those democratic
governors. If their excellencies, Porter
and Shunk, were wrong in this thing, let
them take ihe blame; but in what wav
will this hffect Wm. F. Johnston? Two
wrongs do not make a right, and the pres.
cut Governor is as guilty as if Messrs Por
ter and Shunk had pardoned twice the ac
tual number.
Such a defence merely shows the der.rlh
of arguments, labored under by his defen
dcrs; and we think that Judge Parsons,
lias done his duty nobly and fearlessly :
let Governor Johnson "go and do likewise."
Conviction of Murder in the Second De
gree. Baltimore, Dec. 1.
John Price, charged with the murder of
('' Washington Campbell, has been
'"un" fe'l'''ly nnirr ' second de
grPr ail(' 8f'"tt'n(,(,l to fourteen years and
six months, in the penitentiary.
The Ohio Legislature.
('m.i'MBUH, Dec. .1.
The House is fully oreauied. Tbe Demorinic
have elected all their officers. Tho Detnncrlic
memhers wliuse seat bave been disputed, have
been admtted, the Free Soilers voting generally
with the Democrats.
In Ihe Senate there is no prosper! of an immedi-
ate organization. Iioth members troir Hamilton
.ini seal, and ask tube (.worn in Warm and
' animated discuisiou both sicca.
Letter from WasJi,nztot,?ito t
Sua ma m thk Houiii.
December .'), 13-10.
C"t L. I.. Tale:
I'kah Sir Tho First Session cf the Thirty
lut Coiiresn, commenced on Monday lait, in
puniuncf o , Cinuiilu'ioii.
I'l thf Nfiinle, II, no w as a pretty full attend
"', and the body was called lo order at 12 o'
cl'xji. M , by i. J Ion, Mux a no Fili.mork, ol
New York, who h S'leaVr of llie Senate by vir
tue of hi, fli .,, , Vice Pienident of Ihe United
S'jies. There were sou.u IS absentees. The
eri-ilriilijl f .vv fpn,i)f rj) mtc presented
wiio were qualified and healed alter w hich the preliminary business was transacted and
a committee appointed.
In thf .ic,Hiine,s were vastly different. The
1 C'erlc called the House tn order, at the usual hour.
Trto hundred and twenty-three inemheis were
pie-ent and seven absent making 230 Represen
tative. The coniest, or lest of strength between
parlies, was for Speaker. The democratic nomi
nee, as you will have seen by the papers, is Hon.
Hoivill Cohh, of Georgia, and lion. A'uicrr C
Winthroop, whig, of Massachusetts. Four un
successful balloting were had on Monday, six on
Tuesday, and four more to-day, (Wednesday),
making in all II Polls. On Monday, Mr. Cobb,
(demo.) on first vote had 103 and on last vote.lOJ,
whiNt Mr. Winlhronp had only 0f votes. Had
Mr. Cobb, cn the last vo'e received his :u3, first
vole, lie would have been elected, Winlhronp
t day, was 10 ahead, but at no time above 0'.1 :
112 beini; necessary to a choice.
t tfDaoid fl'imot,the "Judas" Representative
from Bradford county, is also a, and has
received as high as 10 votes. After having de
feated the State and National nominees in IMS,
he may btlray the American Congress, Wilmot
V)te with tht whin.
Under existing circumstances, it is altocelher
uncertain w hen an organization cf (he House w ill
be effected, and till then we tdiail not have 'he
President's Message.
Tho nomination of Col. Forney, of the Penn
sylvania!!, is hailed with profound satisfaction,
and is a just tribute to the chivalrous democracy
of the Keystone Stale.
Faithfully yours.
How lie sot Out.
Once upon a time, in the early part of
the spring, I was driving along the road in
an an open waggon; and overtook two
boys, from eleven to fifteen years of age;
the elder of whom, was carrying some but
ler. It was extremely muddy, and in
course, the walking miserable. In fact, I
dont think I ever saw it much worse.
The boys asked me for a ride, which I
readily granted, and they clambered into
my carry-all. Thus, we jogged along un
til we came to, if possib'e, a still muddier
portion of the road, and here, at a little
house ;dong side, the boys told me they
lived, and requested me to slop.
I did so, and holding the buiter fur the
elder, he proceed to get upon terra Jinna.
The mother came out, and was profuse in
her thanks for my kindness. During this
lime, the youngest stood njion the top of
the wapgnii-body, looking at the mud
and piteously asking, 'bow wi 1 I gel out ?
how will I get out ?' and reaching his hnnils
towards his mother, who was approachii g,
for aid.
Just while he was in the very njnny of
uspense, as to his getting nut, my horses
made a step or two forward, and he '(
out where the clay and mire was about
six inches ileep. lie got up, a perlect pic
ture of rfr toiler, and taking a hastv
glance at his profile in the mud. I cracked
the w hip and made tracks.
lUtitoriat Compeiid.
The " Ten, the Past, and Scis-nrs," is a paper,
gotten lip to compete w lib the" Plough, the
Loom, and the Anvil.-'
ty, i'i , , , , I,,
W 1 he Kent News earns, from undoiihtid an-
., , .. , . ,
thonty, I Ii .it Mr. .lames N. (.Id-borough, ol TjI- I
hoi county, raised, ihe pre-ent )i ir, en a lol ol
twelve and a half acres, tbnty scven and a hall
bushels of wheat to the acre.
fJiJ-Wo Uain from the Philadelphia renn.jlva-
nian, that three million seven hundred and llor- ;
ty thousand dollars of California gold had been I
received at the U. S. Mint, in that city,
Saturday last.
UP ,u 1
Orj-The shocks nf an caithquakf, which were
felt at Brooklyn, N. V , and Middle-ex, Mjs ,
on the Uth of October, were felt 111 Jainan o, and
at about the same hour.
(jTMiie legislature ol tbc .Mexican Stale ol 1
'r-t 1 . ...
Queretaro recenlaly enacted a law re-rtaMihinir
the Jesuits there. The Covemer has vilnd ,1 ' ,hi' ('""'nnp1-l"'- " ''' ( ' UM '' P
loeiuvirner nas viiua it. ,,,ie,l 1 he Thud M.i,Ih(I January nxK ler
.1. 1 . . ... 1 n . ... .(,,,.. . 1 . 1 . f ... . .
n,. Ti n 11 .. ., ,.,,... I
OChlhe Fallonnol Mr. aid.,11, Charleston, on I
.....u'.n;, .11-51 ,-nui-u mm me ruer, out lewasiis
cued by a boat.
M.,.l ... A.. 1..1 ... . . .
(i-The Legislature of.Minesola adjnurnrJ on
the l'Jtli inst.
fjrj-The New Brunswick Times claims a
Democratic majority on the popular vote in
New Jersey, at Ihe late flection, of 3,olS.
f-Thc objert of Sir John Franklin upedi
tion.wasto find a northwest pansage through
I.aucaatcr Sound uj Peiiriog's Strailt.
rA! FOUND, on Tue-d.v Usi, in oro. of
I f the Streets ot Illuooishniir. a li.l ! Jl..
ri, y. The owner can have the dj .ai,r.
lonly idenlilying Ihe property and paving lor tins
itdwrtisemrni. Apphioihe K jiur o the Co
lumbia I'emocnt.
Illooinsburir. Dec. 8, I&J9. 3
rjMHK nndersigi,. d. Alien! for Kpruiil, Hur
J rows & Co ' improved I;, Ihi g Window
lit I If, would lliloimll.e piblir p is ie-
p.ired tolninish II imlow Liint ol eveiy size lo
order on modi rate lei 11 s.
.Specimens ni.iv be seen at his Store
Blonin-b'llg, D c. 14!)
y-Thf Lfgitlaturr Pfmlnyhnniu, wilj
meet at Harnshurg upon Tuesday, Jai;urv 1,
ALL persons indebted to ihe auWribi rs tn
bond, ne'e, or hook-account, il n.oie than
one jeais' stamlinir, tie n (uesied lo midie pay
ment between this and Ihe (iist day ol Mairh next.
These neglecting thin noiice may t vet to pay
Piloomsbnrg, Dec. 3, lMft.
rMHK subscribers, having difsoved partnership
on the fust day of Annus! 1Mb', would say lo
those knowing tin ihm Iws in uneais, en note,
hook-account, or jin'gi inert, that unless paid in a
very short lime, additional lorts will I e the con
sequence. And llio-e holding claims ngnii sl tin rn are re
quested to present ibirn immediately lor pay
merit. II. T. Pontius, is authorised In attend lo Heir
business lie may he seen fi r a short lime at
Lime Ridce, alter which communications vvill
find him at Mifllinbuig, Union cni.u. IV
li. T. PONTiUS,
Lime Ridge, Dec. 8. 1).9 -3
IN pursuance of an outer r.f I I:r Orrlarts' Cruit
cf Colombia ci uo'y. en
Saturday, the fifth day of Jchiaiy tuxt,
at 10 o'i li i k, in il.e duel 1 1.1., t i.n Iiiijit,
Administratrix 4c, of WILLIAM III1LKT.
late nf Mi lintplea;il. ti w 1 ship, m n-n cuMj,
deceased, w il I i X ose lo sule by JuLiit Yn.LLe,
upon ihe r noses, a certain
Situate in Mount pleasant township, aforesaid. d
joining lands ol John Crosui, en the i.onh ; John
ll.-isier, on the east; Fishingcieik, on the aoulh,
tieorge Ji ho. en ihe west ci ntainiie
all cleared and improved land. 1 hue is r n tho
Frame Barn, an MSs&eJI Apple Orchard,
and a good Spring of water.
A Wood Lot
Situate in Mountpleasiint icw nshtp, afon said. d.
joining J.uik s (oimrs, on ti e cost and si nil
William Howell, on ihe west and Janb khi
man, on the north ror isooo e
Late the estate ol ihe said deceased .silcale tr'
township of Mounlpleasant, and county
said. JACOB EYFRLY, Clerk.
Uloomsburg, Nov. ifl, ls-iy.
I)Y virtue of a writ of Firri Ficiai, to me di
) reeled, will be (xi'nl to Public the
I 001 1 Hoo-e, i n lilm iii-t uir, n
Monday, the 3 1 si day of Ffcfmbcr, IH9,
at one o'clock, p. in , ihe lulli wug piopntyio
w i! :
1st. A Lot of Grnind, situate in Roar
iiigcreek lowii-bni. Ci Inn. bin 11 1.1m v. rep 11 ii g
I.iikI-, of li'eiiben F.1I0 ii ver, fin ne FilteitMOi,
I hi nil-1 K'clli i. Josi 1 b ( l( an 1 , ii! d lie in r! If a
dinn lo Hear Cap. ri'iiininii t liivcui 'II FrE
.AM) Fol'l! A( Rl'.S, mine 01 li-, on which is
erected a LOG I,Ol.K AND M!OP.
2. A Lot of (i round, in the same tr.wti
ship. ;k1 j .1 111 mi Dunn I K. i. r, J. si h Co ; Vi r,
(leorue F( Hi linai . 1 1.1I t. p, C; p 1 i. i , . ii
uh'ch is a UlA.VK I: (.USE, conlainir.g
3. A Lot of Wood Land, in same town-
i, ai the loot i.l I ln Liole ,Mi iini!iii.,i(,j( ii 11 g
i binds ol John Lint , anil .lo.f-i.h
k'o si
1 1 11 ! -
jaboi.t Font ACRIS AM) ' 1 1 1( F. F. KTR'IIIS,
more or less.
Seized, i.iken in execution and to be sold as the
property ol John lie o .
I''. I Til niLLMEYER, Slff.
. ' - r o r , i'i,'i'.iiBVI1lj
1 celli'ier -, s
7o Collectors of Cotnitn and Kitf
I Turn in Columbia County:
Hie i ar will si in n n,e lo a c 1 se. ard ci r
r ,,,,,,,1 .011 . 1
l annual -ell, eioi-i t b.oe lo be made.we will
mrei Ibe -eveial (.'1 11. eh rs a! lie '1 11 a-uii i'a
''Ihce, liloi.mshiiig, ( n IhchsPay, the 17ih dav
ot Dei en, In r, m-l., to make Lxoneralioiis. kc
We (1,-mib tbein lou.akea vieorous i fie ri lo set-
lie ibo amount ol their respiclne Lujdicalts 1 n
lion uav.
flelinrpienl rollectors, previous In
'ke Ibis lnerillv hint, s Ibe nut may be of
' mn' '"'. ami we I ereby cive'nolice
- mn imr 111. 1 1 on 11 a' inr s 1 11 1 ii 1 oesii
or lliililit lines, aller ibe dav above mrnliniitd.
Commisionei (ll,re, )
HloouisloKi;, Dircn (m r S,I1- I!V )
"VTOTICF.. is l.rifhv al I havespplird
X 1 I" Ihe Coiiri ol Ci n il on Men i t (1 Ion bia
'""fy. h r Ibe In ixlil cf ihr Intolvn l Lbwt cf
l,,r I'HOIH ' 1 11 "" " ' ' "'"1 ""i'l 1'H
,,., , nn.-boic, v. hi n ,1 d where uu may
attend if )oii Ihn k j i"'(l.
Dec s. -J".-3.
"VrOTIt'K is hr rebv iiim n to ll e Sli rkhclderi'
l 111 the lUnk 1 1 Danville. It il Ihe h !( vtirg
insialluirels i n f a( h l sir w ill be riquind lo I e
paid m. is follows Thirty percent, in Ihe 16l h
day l Iit-cember, I hsl'J; Iwftity per lent, en tha
isidayif Januarv, 1S50; and lu-mly fti ttnl.
on the l.Vh day ol Januarv, 10.
lis order of Ihe lloard of Direclora.
r.atill. Nov JOlh, IM9,