The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 08, 1849, Image 1

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"That Government is the beat which govern least."
by levil7tate. i
P 0 E T 11 Y.
Song- tor December.
IUkk! how the wind now whittle wild
The leaflets treet aiming,
' Hack to its voice hmd ecliumg for:h
A melancholy song;
O'er hill ami dais, its mournful UW
la told with a piteous ligh.
And it groans wilh 4 s,ltl b'tter8rief
For the iinilitig days gone by.
It whisper in a hollow voice,
Of' aumiiwr'a jyoua hour,
When b.-auty bid the heart rejoice
In Nature's lovely bowers;
When all was sunshine bright and warm,
And perfume fill'd the aif,!
And earth could boast a beauteous form
And countenance so fir.
U whispers, too, that these bright things
, Have periihed and are (tone,
That joys, like riches, buy them wings
And soon, tso soon, are flown ;
That all that's good and beautiful
Beneath this changeful sky,
Must, like the t'lmmer and sweet spring,
With swift destruction die.
Then list the wind, bow it whistles wild,
The leafless trees among,
How it echoes forth oVr the desert earth
A melancholy song;
O'er hill and dale its mournlul tain
, Is told with a piteous sigh,
And it groans with a sad and bitter grief
For the joyous das gone by.
A little nonsense now and then,
Is relished by the beat ol men !
. "Do it Bob-Tail!" A specimen of th r-
nua Hoosier was found by Capt. . of toe
lteamer- ., in the engine room of his boat,
whilelyini? at Loui ville, one fine morning in
June. The Captain inquired to kuow "What he
was doing there i"
Have yon seen Captain Perry ?" was the inter
TOgative response.
'l don't know him; and can't tell what that
has to do with your bei r.g in my engine room,'
replied the Captain angrily. .
"Hold on ! That', just what I was getting at.
You see Captain Perry and I walked down togeth
er. Captain Perry asked me to drink, and ro-I
did. I knew that I wanted toiirink.or I wnuldn"
have been so cussed dry. So, Captain Terry and
1 drank three or four limes. Capt. Perry and I
was puttini? in some extras on one toe. I sings
out, "Go it.CaplainPerry.ifyonrbilerdoes bust!'
With that a man steps op to me, and sajshe,
ee here, stranger, you must leave."
"Says (, 'what mut I leave for ?'"
'Says he, 'you are making ton much noise.'"
"'Says I, 'I've been in bigger crowds than this
and maile mora noise,' and did'nt leave nuther."
'Willi that he look me hy the nap of the neck
and the seat of the breeches, and I left ! As 1
was shoviu' down street, I met a iauy. I know
She was a lady by a remark she nude. Says she,
Young nun. I reckon you'll go home with
"And 1 went !"
.M hin in her house hut a short time, when I
W.I ..lavilUriockinirat the door. I knew the
.u.nia.i m set in whoever he was, or he
wouldn't have kept up such thundering racket.
Ey and by said a voice ;
if nn don't open, I'll burst in the door'"
"I put on a bold face, and says I, 'stranger,
does this woman belong to you :
i.s.i- h. She does.'"
- "Then, says 1, she's virtuous, I think, from all
ik, i I have seen of her '."
" ----- ,
With that, he made at me with a pistol in one
v,,nl .ml a bowie kiul m the oilier, ana being
a little pressed for time, 1 jumped through the
winder, Itavin' the br portion of my coat tail.
As I was treakin' it down town with the Irag
menls fl ittering to the breeze, I pasted a friend.
I knew he was a friend, by a retnaik he made.
Savs he,
'Go it. Bub-tail! ht's einin' oniou?"
'And that's the way 1 happened to be in your
engine room. Ism a K"od swimmer, Captain,
but do excuse me if you please from lucin' watir."
53-A good story is told of a city belle who
laUly jisiled a country ulative for the purpose
cf spending a few week recruiting her healih.
Accompanying her cousin to the barn yard, in
her domestic errand of pailing the cows, her eyes
rolled with astoni-hment as she saw her cmi-in
eat herself and Uik it 'h cows nipples. "Why,
is that the way they do u f" said the beauty "1
thought they took hold oh he cows lail.and pump
td the milk out of her.
Wbat's she got that very long tail for?
fcy Would it sv ere lawful to marry two wives !"
..,l,,m.n ivonne man desperately in love, with
couple of country mucins -Try one, to h-gin
tr.," the aner of a surly o.d benedict
Sacrifice of Murium Life in War.
A Parisian paper La Presso which enjoys a
larger circulation than any other journal in Eu
rope, baa recently presented an appalling picture
of the results of modern wars. It appears that of
one million two hundred thousand men enrolled
in the armies ol France in lit 1 3, only one hun
dred thousand were alive in 161-1; and that be
tween I'M and 181 3, twenty one years, no less
than four millions five hundred thousand French
men were blown to pieces by cannon, transfixed
by bayoncts.trought down by musketeers, or slain
by sabers or broadswords. Yet, by all this sacri
ficed, France did not guin permanenlpositession of
one square inch of ground beyond her former ter
ritorial limits.
The Loudon Times, by way f commentary on
these horrible statistics, computes that the loss
of tho allies in .the war which cost France so
much blood, was about ten millions of men, cut
to pieces in the prim of life. So much fur the
wars ol royal butchers.
"Build a teinpic to Ambition,
Bus it on an empire's neck, -Ye
who bow in meek submission
Atascepterek tyrant's beck.
Search earth's bosom for the slaughtered,
And with bones that there be hid
Of the millions it has martyr' d,
pile the ghastly pyramid."
Judge Geary.
In a letter from San Francisco which we find
in the Washington Union, we extract the follow
ing account of the manner in which a well known
and highly esteemed Pennsylvania!!, JuJge Geary
performs his duties of a high office on the borders
of the Pacific Ocean.
Our friend Colonel Geary now Jungo Geary,
who was in the Mexican war, discharges the du
ties of his office with as much facility as though
he was an old hand at the business. Right, reas
on, and justice (including law,) he takes for his
guide in all his official acts, which sre very nu
merous, as well as arduous. He is bland, kind
and firm, asking no favors nor does he shrink
from any responsibilities. Should the Judge per
mit his name to be used in the gubernatorial can
California becoming a slate, he will
undoubtedly be elected by a large majority, and
have the honor of being the first Governor ol Lai
ifornia. General Taylor missed a figure when he
removed Col. Geary from the post office here.
Josenh Daniel, a Frenchman, ol small slature,
good looking, and aged 21 years, will be hung
by the neck until he is dead, on the 2Slh ol ucto
ber. Ue was tried belote Judge Geary and an
impartial jury of twelve men, and found guiiiy
of murder in the first degree, by shooting his
companion, and robbing him of six thousand
dollars in gold dust. Judge a very feel
ing and impressive manner, pronounced to the
prisoner that awful sentence ol di-atii, -mat you
be taken to the place of execution within the
walls of the prison, and there be banged until
you are dead.
WhiniMcal Interruption.
When Dr. Brandon was rector of Eltham, in
Kent, the text he one day took to preach from
was, " Who art thou " After reading Hie text,
he made fas was his custom) a pauie, for the
congiegation to reflect upon the words, when a
gentleman in a military dress, who at the instant
was marching very sedately up the middle aisle
of the church, suiinnbirg it to be a question aa
dressed to him, to the surprise of all present re
. r m ir in nffiriT of the 17ih font, on a re
cruiting party here ; and having brought my wile
and family with me, I wi-h to he acquainted with
Ihe neighbouring clergy and gentry.
This so deranged the divine, and astonished
the congregation, that though they attempted to
listen with decorum, the discourse was not pro
ceeded wilh, without considerable difficulty.
Pleasant. Sitting down in a barber's
shop to be shaved lathered with strong
yellow soap the brush as large as a pain
ter's barber sweeping his detestable brush
over mouth and all, preventing any possi
bility of breathing, by stopping up your
nostrils with soap-suds. To conclude the
whole, upon opening your mouth to re
monstrate, receiving eaid brush and all its
appurtenances plump into it.
The barber shaves with polished blade,
The merchant shaves in nmstant trade.
The broker shaves on twelve per e nt,
The landlords shaves by rais-irc rent,
The doctor shaves in patent pills,
The printer shaves in printing bills,
The fanner shaves in hay and oats,
The banker shaves on his own notes,
The lawyer shaves both friends and foes,
The pedler shaves where'er he goes,
The OtTice-holdor shaves the nation,
The parson shaves to men's salvation,
The wily churchman shaves his brother,
The people all shave one another.
It'hite Ink for Writing on Black roper
Having carefully washed some egg
shrlU, remove the internal skin, and grind
them oa a piece of prophry. Then put
the powder into a small vessel of pure
water, and when it lias settled at the boN
torn, draw off the water, and dry the pow
der in the sun. This powder must be pre
served in a bottle : when you want to use
it, put a small quantity of gum ammoniac
into distilled vinegar, and leave it to dis
solve during the night. Next morning the
solution Will appear exceedingly white ;
and if you then strain it through a piece
of linen cloth, and add to jt the powder of
egg-shells, in sufficient quantity, you wi l
obtain a very while ink.
ICT-The Students of Princeton Collego
N. J. are in a rebellion. It is supposed,
the faculty will have to dismiss about fifty
or sixty of them. If this is true, it is a bad
Found Dead. The cornse of a man. suunos.
i - r I
ed to have died some ten days previously, was
lound by a company of hunters, in a shanty,
erected by lumbermen, near the Eddy Licks, on
Beech Creek, in Centre county, some ten miles
from its mouth, on Thursday night lbs 10th ult.
IVew York Even ins; Post
C i n C u LA n.
The New York Evening Post is the oldest
Democratic paper in, the state of New York, and
one of the oiliest in the United Stales, lis past
history, we venture to hope, will justify us in so
liciting Irora our democratic readers and fellow
laborers, a Iriendly interest in behall of a journal
which has seen some service in the cause of de
mocracy. Jt is not for usperh.nps to say how far the Even
ing Post is calculated to meet the want to w hich
we have alluded. Our readers are doubtless gen
erally acquainted with its literary and political
character. It its aim and influence are such as
meet wilh their approval, we trust they may rind
it in their way to contribute somewhat to its cir
culation. To those unacquainted with its plan and char
acter, we beg in bubinit the following summary ;
The Evening Post will contain:
The Nkwsof tub dav, which we shall re
port wilh all the accuracy and fidelity in our
power, including intelligence from foreign coun
tries, political information, reports ot elections,
and notice of every occurrence of general in
leiest. II. Public Documents of general importance,
reports, ines-iages, otlicial communications, &c.
III. Discussions or Political Questions
These we hope to be able to conduct in a f pir it of
fairness and courtesy, not descending to personal
ities or appeals to prejudice, yet always without
any hasi" ot personal interest, and wilh complete
independence. We are democrats in piinciple:
we have embraced the democratic creed from a
profound conviction of iis truth, because wc find
it striving in the main for objects which we cor
dially approve. We hold to the Kre:it doctrines
ol free trade, of simplicity in the powers of gov
ernment, of equal and sparing legislation, of ihe
propriety of bringing public afhtiis as m no h as
possible within the cognizance and management
of small neighborhoods. We are opposed to Ihe
extension of slavery, and in favor of its restrict
ions in every constitutional mode; we are ene.
inies of all monnpolie8,and of all legislation which
seeks to create johs for favorite', and to promote
the interests ol particular tlas-ies. The C' urse of
Ihe Evening Tost in regard to these suhji-cis is
well known, and il conductors may say, w ith an
allowable satisfjclion, that in tlip zealous support
of these views lor a long scries of years, they have
never wavered through fear or through interest.
IV. The Markets and Commercial Information
the proprietor have made arrangements for giv
ing wilh accuracy and wilh the latest revisions
ot persons intelligent in such matters.
V. Literary notices, selections from the liter
ature of the dav.ex'ncls from oor best magazines,
popular and scientific, and a fair prnporiinn ot
that f oi t of miscellaneous reading which gives
an entertaining character to newspaper.
With those material, we endeavor to mnke a
paper both interrling and Useful to the reader.
Oor country friends have now gathered in Ihe
principal harvests of the year, and wiil soon have
more leisure for reading than in Ihe l. le busy
season. Congress will soon be in seji-inn, and
question of the greatest moip,nl will rome be
fore it for i's disrii-sion. The legislatures of the
several Sta'es will shortU enter uocn their winter
sessions- A contemporary r coid of lhee impor
tant discussions and pr, m.tur mi wilh
indoslry, exactness and candor, mut be desired
by rverv intelligent man, and to such we recom
mend the examination rf the Evening Post.
The price of the Nrw York Wf.fki.v Evfning
Post, is lor a single copy, pa) able in ad
vance, si 1"'
For ELEVEN copies to one addren, 10 00
The price o the Skmi " fikly r umbo Post,
is, for a single copy, payat.le in advance, 3 UU
Four dollars will he chafed w hen the
subscription is not paid within Ihe first
six mnn'hs
For TEN copies to one addres, 20 00
Or fir any number between FIVF. and
TEN, Two Dollars per copy.
The Evening Post, issued daily, 10 00
It is not our custom to appoint Lor a' Agents to
solicit subscriptions, nor lo place much re'iance
on Agents at all. Hot any pions may aid ns if
he will, by taking th'R prospc-etuj, and nskin1;
those w!m like the Evennsng To-', to hand hn.i
the motiev for a year, which he can remit at Cln;
price and thus obtain pav for his litre an.f trou
ble. If nor fiieods would favor ns with a hit of
pessons in their county or neighborhood, who
feel an interest in the circulation of the views
advocated in the columns nf our journal, lo whom
-.vp might with prorn'iv forwaid our circulars,
1 lliev tnav urrailv ohli-'c us
j ' ' WM. C. BRYANT t CO.
Nf.w York, Oclohf r lfilh,
I fjT Any paper publishing this circular rnnspic-
unusly once a week for three weeks, snH sep'iirj
I u a rnarked ropy.will be eptit'.rd !) an f A-hargc
I with our Patly for one vpr
The Visilcd Voter.
A Story of Soring Candidates for Office.
A correspondent ot the New Orleans Delta,
furnishes the following clever hit at tisveling
candidates lor office :
One day just as I was to sit down to
dine on a nice fat capon that my wife had
laid upon the table (the capon was just
large enough for her and me,) and I had
pulled the cork out of a cool bottle of clar
et, a man walked up the gallery steps, hat
in hand, bowing and smirking, and says
he, -Good day sir this is Mr. Timson, I
believe sir!' 'Yes, sir that is my name
take a seat sir.' Thank you Mr. Tim
son,' said he laying his hat oneside, and
planting himself in a chair wilh an air that
showed plainly enough that my fat capon
was in danger. 'Very warm weather, sir,'
said he, 'Very,' said I. 'Shall I trouble
you for a drink of water 1' said he, 'Oh, no
trouble,' said I ; 'here Polly,' said I speak
ing to a niggar girl, 'here Polly, go set the
decanters upon the side board ; walk in
6irond take something to stimulate the sys
tem.' Well really,' said he, 'I hardly ev
er drink anything,' 'Oh, it won't hurt you
sir,' said I, 'walk in, walk in.' Well he
did walk in, and as he passed the table, he
cast an eye upon my capon. Mrs. Tim
son saw the glance, and turned pale not
that my dear wife begrudged the capon,
but she knew lhat there was not emmo-h
for three and there was no time to cook
another. He took a stiff horn, and then
turned around and tuld me that his name
was Orimpkin, and that he was a candi
date for the Legislature. I told him lhat
I was glad to make his acquaintance, and
introduced him lo Mrs, Timson, who told
him that she was very glad to sec him,
(poor woman she told a white one that
time, but I hope it will be forgiven bur
in fact I feel certain it will, for she was
driven to it you know,) and I invited him
to set down and-lake dinner. Mrs. Tim
son excused herself wiih the plea that she
had to go out and attend to a negro child
that had just been taken very sick, (may
ihe guilty that is, the candidate suffer
for that sin, too, as I am confident it will
be the case,) and left us to devide Ihe cap
on betwern us, she, dear heart, dining on
mush and milk ! Very little of that capon
did I eat, and very little of my cool bottle
ofclarct passed my lips ! I had Mr. Grimp
kin's horse fed, ton, and he kept me up.
after dinner, talking about what he ment to
do when he got into Legislature ; whilst I
would have given more for my after-din-'
ncr nap than I would for a 1 his principles
and brains put together. I didn't promise
to vote for him, but hinted very strongly
that way. The fact is, I never heard of him
before. When he went away, and I lay
down on Ihe grilery and went to sleep.
I had gone off into a deep and glorious
snooze, and was dreaming lhat a huge
monster with forty heads (on each of which
was a great brass gimlet a la rinnceros,)
had announced himself as a candidate for
all the f'flicts within the gift of the people
when Mrs. Timson (who would no more
have dared to disturb my siesta on ordina
ry occasions than she would have cut off
her little finr.) tickled my nose with a
feather and I awoke in very bad humor.
'Curse it all, Mrs. Timson, my dear!'
said I, starting up and rubbing my eyes,
'what the devil did you disturb me for, eh
Mrs. "1 imson ?' 'Oh don't speak so loud,'
said she in a whisper, 'there's a gentleman
i sitting in the parlor another candidate.
I put on a calm countenance and walked
; in, and there sat an intelligent, bright look
! ing young man, whom I saw at a glance,
i w as a gentleman distinguished as a randi
; dn!e. He rose up and apnlngisej very
'gracefully lor having disturbed me, and
! told trie ihit lie was a candidate; lhat m
' exorable custom compelled him to visit the
j people, and that he wished to occupy us
: little of their time, and give them as little
trouble as possible. 'Sir,' f aid I wilh ler
vor, 'you shall liavp my voir you are a
gentleman, I see 'hat, and I'll vot.i for you,
sir ' What ire your politics, an.i for what
do yon run?' HprxpUiMC ii all and after
I had pressed him lo eat a little dinner, and
refresh himself at the sideboard, he left.
I advised Mrs. Timson lo have some cap
ons always dressed, and some claret al
ways cooling and it was well I did so.
That night three candidates slept at my
house ; one was running for Justice of the
Peace, one for Constable, and the other for
Congess. They discussed the affairs of
the nation with considrable warmth, until
after midnight the constable getting rather
ihe best of it, as Mrs. Timson and I both
thought, and then went to bed ihe whole
three being, as I thought (and Mrs. Timson
remarked the same thing) rather light.
The next day seven candidates visited
my house and ate with me, and four more
slept in my beds, and therefore they slept
two in a bed. About five minutes after 1
had conducted ihe new comer to the room
where the one candidate was a bed, I heard
a tremendous racke loud voices-a crash
ing of furniture a falling of bodies and
such cursing and swearing as I never before
heard in my house. I ran to the room, at
the donr of which stood the too candidates
in their shirts, looking at the scene of des
truction. 'Why, Mr. Timson,' said one
'why did you put those two men to bed to
gether ? Why, eir, they are both running
for Clerk, and they are as hostile towards
one another as two men can be !' I look
ed into the room, and therestood Mr. Squirt,
with one of Mr. Timson's beautiful pieces
of crockery held aloft in his hand, (like
Jove poising a thund erbold, ready to de
cend upon thead of Mr. Spotts, who held
up as a shield the cover of the same ves
sel. They had already broken the look
ing glass, bureau, had demolished two chairs,
and torn the musquito bar into shreds.
Mr. Squirt brought the spacious mouth of
the vessel down accurately upon the top of
Mr. Spoot's small head. The bottom flew
out, and the milk-white vessel rested upon
Mr. Spoot's shoulders, encircling the neck
and chin like the ruffle of a Spanish Hid
algo, in the time of Cortez. The bridge
of Mr. Spoot's nose was considerably skin
ned by the descent of the vessel. 1 suc
ceeded in stopping the row, and after two
hours spent in wriiing and acceptingchal
lenges, and drinking my old rye, the par
ties shook hands, and went to bed together.
The Kind of rork New Yorkers get to
eat A Horrible Picture,
A New York correspondent of the Ska
neatles Columbian, gives the following hor
rifying picture of an establishment in lhat
city, at the corner of '10th street and 10th
avenue. We imagine that few cny resi
idents were aware that such, an enormous
nuisance existed even in their suburbs :
A few days since, while strolling in the
suburbs of the city, in the vicinity of the
track of the Harlem River rai road, inter
secting 40th street.rny attention was diawn
towards an odly shaped cart, on which
was a dead horse. I had heard that there
was a class of people who make a business
of drawing off dead animals, and I felt a
curiosity to know what was done with the
carcasses. I therefore kept a good "look
out," and saw it enter an enclosure where
there was a number of old wuoden build
ings and sheds, also alarge brick chimney
termed "a stack."
I approached the entrance, over which
was a sign, "Depot fir Dead Animals."
In a few moments a man came out, and I
asked him what he did with the horses.
He said, "we skin 'em and bile 'cm up.
Come in, if you wish to see how it is done."
As soon as I entered the gateway, I saw
large piles of bones, comprising skulls, leg.
bones, ribs, etc., which were very white
and clean, and were piled with great reg
ularity, the skulls and olhcr large bones,
forming the outside and the smaller bones
filled in the centre. The piles were about
ten feet in height. There was also a good
collection of d 'gs chained up in the enclo
sure, intended, probably, to wateli the
premises. I turned towards tho buildings
and the first thing that niPt my eye was a
poor old horse just in the agonies of death.
He was bleeding from a frightful gash in
the neck. I stood by, thinking what he
might have been once and of his sad fate,
when the proprietor remarked, "that was a
hard -w." 1 askrrl how. He said,
...yoiiVbTNuiislTn as.
'look at his hoofs and joints." Sure en
ough, his hoofs and joints were one mass
of disease and putrefaction. I turned from
his sight ui.Iy to see a more horrid one.
Here were iwo Irish boys, "cutting and
dashing at an old h rse lo get his ekin ff.
K few feet distant were another set, ru'ting
up another mass of putrifml horse fh
ind throwing the pieces in'o a large rrthl
rou, under which was a tierce fire. Fur
ther (.ff were masses of flesh in the starts
of disease and putrefaction.
1 inquired of the owner how many ani
mals they manufactured in a d iy. II e re
plied. 'We keep three carts and horses, and
they are busy all day, carting the animals
from all parts of the city ; and it was as
much as his men could do to cut 'em up tis
fast as they came,' I inquired, 'How do
you ascertain where the horses are? do
you keep an office down town?' 'Yes,'
he replied, 'we have an office in the street
inspector's office, at the City Hull, and
that is the place where people who have
sick or dead animals make their report.'
I asked, 'Do you get paid for removing
carcasses?' 'Oh, no we generally pay
for the privilege. If the animal is in good
order and has not been sick very long, we
give a dollar for him ; but if, on the con
trary, he is poor and thin, we give fifty
cents. I have been in this business seven
years, and my father followed it before I
commenced. When my father commen
ced he was almost alone in this line of busi
ness. At that time they were paid for ta
king the animals off; but now there is so
much competition that wc pay for the priv
iledge.' 1 inquired how many 'factories'
there were besides his. He said 'seven.'
I asked him about how many shoes begot.
Ho eaid, 'About a hundred weight per
week.' 'What do yon do with the hoofs,
and how much are the bones worth, $'(!.'''
'We sell the hoofs to the glue maker? ;
the bones sell readily for SVi per ton ; the
skin in worth $1,25, and the fat we sell to
the soap makers.'
I looked into the boi ing cauldron, and
saw the process. The fat or grease rises
to the surface, and is drawn off by menus
of a faucet in the side of a vat. The llesh
is boiled until the bones are loosened, and
they are taken out and ihe r'idue is fed
to the hogs, of which there are hirge. num
bers around these factories. 1 saw an en
closure containing ncrly a huii.ired hoi's,
which were being fed by one of the hands.
He brought two pails full ef the hot soup
each time he came, and the buys were per
fectly ravenous, and in a very fair condi
tion 10 kill. I saw, also, in one corner of
the enclosure, what appeared in lie the re
mains of some raw flesh but 1 will go no
further. This making pork nut of oh!
dead horses, caps the climax. Surely, wo
innocent citizens know not what we cat.
In passing from this establishment I
passed another, and saw the same work
going on. I asked the 'boss' about how
many horses were consumed in the hnrsc
(aetorics in a year. He repiicd, 'From
50. 0(10 upwards.' This is a large num
ber, but I give it lo you as I receivrd it.
I forgot to mention that the horse es
tablishments also 'manufacture' all the
dogs that art; killed or die about the city
during the warm weather, I suppose they
are put in wilh the horses. I saw, a'o,
at one of the factories, some quite decent
looking steaks hanging np against the wall.
Whether it was beef or horse, or whether
it was to be eaten, I could not judge.
I give you the foregoing just as the pro.
prietors told me, and as I saw myself
nothing more ; and any one may satisfy
himself of its truth by going to the facto
ries, corner of 40th street and 10th aven
ue. Dey does say that way down in Geor
gia, they makes poor nigra work tiventv
five hours ebbery day. Now, look hea,
Fse been told that day hasn't got no mors
nor twenty-four hours, an' I wants you,
Mr. Johnsing, to'splanify to dis chile, how
they make 'em work twenty-five hours.'
Golly mighty, what ignoramussas nig
ga ycu is, Scipio : why, way down dare,
day make poor nigga get up one hour afore
day doesn't dat mak 'em twenty-five ?
Sripio was convinced.