U l o o in o I) u r 3 : SATURDAY MORN., DEC. 1,1819. A Unties for the Columbia Democrut. ffcj-V. B. Palmar, Third and Chestnut streets, riiiU'li'lphiH. (Itf- it. W. Cash, TliirJ and Walnut streets, Fhil idelphia. Kf-liariru PArr. Nj. HO, Nassau street, New V.irk. w. tfy Strung. Gkn- Bowmaw. of (lie Baljunl Qit-lte, advertises f.r hi winter' pork, and of fer to pay iu 'h "Vumtitutiuiidl Cuirtncy, CslLD ami Silvir !" Choice Production. W publish, on nur lift paethis week, among othm excellent things tvo choke productions. They are headed "Fashionable Gir!s," ami "The wy of th transgressor is hard ,, Thc-e. articles wire selecte.! tor our C dii'tins. by a valued friend ol oiirs.i Mnntr of the G upel in liln.iinstiurg.tn whus kindness and Christian regard for our read its' t d, thev are (svith us) deeply iiide.hted lor J irmiiT similar favois. The H m Alkxavokr IUmssy, Governor of Miiiei.it. arrived in II irrisbuig lt Wednes ,liv, and was warmly greeted by all his old friends. ITIcctin; of Cimsrcs. The First Session of the Thirty-first Congress, will commence on next Monday, in Washington City. It will bo the long eession, and doubtless, one of surpassing interest to the country. The President's Message, it in expected, will appear in the next Columbia Democrat. SooTT'i We'kkly Papir -This valuable city wnkly, is M appear to day, in an enlarged fiom, and in an entire new dress. Scott promises his patrons" larger, hanJ.rner.anJ belter paper in all reie-H, thin was evir before published," and ha is a man of his word. Tcnns-3- V' ,nu.n in a Wanced; two copies for $3; five copies. f,r twelve for l?l;f rty for $3). A Idles A. S;itt, N. 115 C'l'jstmit Street Pniladelphia. Bank". -The Dmville Hank has gone into opotation. Pennsylvanian. A unit ike, Mr. Peimylvmn. The Dan-ill hin'cA'ii -it 't - tf 'ie into np ir.ition," nor wd it.uoidneKt February. Pitkr Bai.dy, Kfr , h u been elected I'reiiJsnt, and the Cashier is to be t no-en on le 1 Sill i istant. (fTh Notes of the F.mii-r" ai l Dover', of V,iy'ies')Uig. d the York Bulk, at York, Pa , sre as'1 1? 'Ol as wheat," ilo;ir rj.?ction by the ri.i'initn'tTUad Hank M the contrary noiwilh. tt.llldllr. Lnrnl .Hfii'r Toe Stieriffand Commission, cis of Colombia Cmoly, on Thmiday last, rilled the Jury wheel for 1SVJ, od drew the Jury f o the January Teim, which will cotinonce on MondHV.the iilst of January and continue two weeks. (VSHKmrr Hiu-Mk Yi P, makes his firt of ficial trip h Philadelphia in-xt week, with the Convict. Ihivid Arthiii tl. irv Ai;i;ovluim.kmknt. We return --4 thanks I" our nuincrous friends and patrons who - noiwitliMa- dine the "prcstire of the limns" ra led upon the Printer, to some purposn.diiriiig the two weeks of our coun. ty Courts Fatal Jlffftty ! - We Inarn that an ttn foriiina'.e rift'r.iy oecitrred at IMymouth, Lu zerne conniv. o; Monday fvciiini; last.lie twern7ot K. Gttf)rlrl,xnd .1. W. Young, in whieh Mr. Yciino was killed. The par lies had liecn drinking, which led to the nofinvt. 1 1 ' r r ! I If v4 jJi,;i ill'"' r,'iet i po'l Ii T, n e mi n " " " ' . of Mr. CsL-.b Aii-i.i.man.oI Val.ey I i .vn-ti i p . j in n two miiis iro-ii Dr.ville, w.n consumed I by 'i I. oi fiiliv eve il U list.wMti uli i its contents. Cn.Mti.i'.s M. G i: it ii aut, of Rur!i town thip, Noilhiini'ierl ttid etttiniy, lias been ar rested in Mount Vernon, Ohi , on a charge if haviny; ft'ileii ni tiey to the amount of about $1000 Ir'in (I tiorent letters mailed j ind received .it the Foft OlTiee in this tmr- i.i . i Ollll, wneio in, v. ; ""l-V as Clerk- L is said, a talewraplnc despateli I,i- tliH Pustin-ister of this nhiee rrn.iv.... -j 1 1 says the IJanvilln uemocrai, inai soinc ot the notes in his possession have been iden tified as the money allleired to havp been a II. ! v rtrnlffl trt hrAtlfft'll VlivrP in Stolen. e -1 n . . i, r, r- ... k & 0a Ol I vv .J Jy - -....... , - - .j - , , mti r f(, I . I .1HRIT, IV. I S II . . W 1 1 1 1 wont ft piirsiitT o'.i.n,. rsitit of him. . S. Nuee Itir oi pr. ",U, s,'r(.,.N,wl.rP !.,,(!, mreatba,;,.,:,s.oti,o!v ltter has hern received from Mr-G irri'tson j wio. rr.-iv w.n.t t ptn. . ' " , . t lliss.ek(,l Xiw ...' F;Ciit:lVr Cl-ffall. .' caiin.r thai iheso,o .d s.l.oSI in cash and , .r, ,.r,. v :in,i , . w,.t;.,. checks had been f"u l in the possession of Genrhnrt, and pliiecd in the hands of vounir ihe Shenlf at M-unt Vernon fur safe keep - j,.c. It will probablv take somp time be- fv.re Mr. Garreison ran return. BANK OF DAN V ILLI:. 1 VTOTICE is hereby given tn the Stockholders 1 in the Hank ul Danville, that the t.il!nv installments on each share will he required in he I a ul in, as Inllows : Thirty per rent, on the 1Mb. day of December, IN49; ttvrnty per r ut. on the Hi it.iy nf Januarv, IViO; ami twenty per cent, nil the 15th day n' January, ISM. by onler of the Hoard of Directors. PETER IIALDY, President. Danville. Nov. Wnh, lfl'., CI.IAULKS CONXKU & Co., M.-rcht,t. New J Hrlck Sioie, north west corner ol Mdtu hih! 1 udi Ml eel a. FOUND! 1 7"AS fininil in t tie Street, a lew dais xilfe, a lot nt Merchandize, consisting ol I'.it put Thread, Hooks and Eyes, etc , supposed to h.ive been l st linn a Pedlai's wagon. The ' ner can have the tame hy proving popery and paving for thin nlveitmetlieiK. Aiily at this office. Hlo'imshnrg, Peer. 1-1, 'is4u. AT I EIXTlON, l'lJlN'll-lKS. VCOdD practical Prinlei. wiliin to eml'ark in the business., can hear of on excellent Miiidiioti iir luve hi choice ol two, on applica tion to the Kdilor of this paer, io whom m in trusted the Agency tor the sale of two excellent 'ejnoci'ilic Hi,diiMhmentl. "r a part i f either, in Northern Pennsylvania. We regard them as rare opioirMmi'ies IO-No attention will be iiven to vnpnid littrt. LEVI L. TAI K. lUonmshuri;, Deer Ist.lM'j -3t. POWDCll ! POWDKIl iT I B 1.1 . so isi l oe s one u;in 'inrii iul-ii ut" I .. . .. . . ..1.. .. 1 ,,. MIIF. solisi-ribeis liaie compltird their new I l oAf.el .1 J I .11. ill i'ii alio uic iJieiiflntj i" luioish, on short notice, any amount cf I'.lasliiiK Powder of superior quality, and on liberal terms. Order-addressed to Knai i- V Parhish, W'iUi ilaire, P 0., will meet with immediate attention KXAPPiiPARKlSU. Wilkcs-Baire, Dec. 1, Iil9-3ai. Coopers- Fivit or six Kood Coopers are wanted, to whom constant employment will heaven PUBLIC SALE , VALUABLE RVAL ESTATE. IN purs lancu ol an order of the Oiphatit'Court ol Columbia county, on Mundny,the vj Mtatnbtr li-l'J, at 10 o'clock in tne forsnoon, Leonard I!. Kuperi, Amiiiislralor, &c, ol Sarah I1ui'i:rt, late nl Montour township, in tsaid coun ty, deceased, will expose to sale by Public Veudue, upon the premi-ts, a certain TKVCT OF LAND Situate in Montour township in said County, ad joining lan.l ol John II. Quick, and the Suique. Iianuaiivur and Fishing crek, Containing about ISO Acre-, on which aie erected a large BRICK house In which the Intestate resided at the time of her death ; witb the appurtenances. ALSO, On the same (lav, at 'i o'cleck, P. M., aii'ither lUACTof LAND, situate in Monloui township, a.ljouiniL' lamls ol Jolm Richa (Is I', tei Appleman, and otheis, containing U.'jU Acres, or Ibereaboiil-, on w hicb F.lias Dietrich resales a teiuiit; with the appurtenance. LateUie F-late ol naid deceased, situate in the to.v.islnp ol Montour, ami reuniv afotes. id. JACOdCYERLY, Clerk Uluomtburg, D-c, 1, iviy. The first above named 1 1 act is a valuable prop, erly situate on the in uu road fiom lllonmslniin to Calt.iwi..-a, lately in the occupancy of Lennal'! Uapert, now deceased. TlieNoilh Branch Canal runs l In on ilp.ipoii which i.s convenient alio ux-l"o-ive whailj'.'e. Theie is upon it tils i, a Luge bem bate, a good well, a splint;, and a variety ol ou' buildings an I other improi ements The Second trai-t above named is an extellent fanning property and will be m. Id entire or i i two parcels. There is a valnalile deposite ol'iicn oie upon a part of the trai t, and liiriesu.pe tr un tne olio r inrt. '1 h-'ie is a house, batik barn :,nd other hniidniM upon the pmpulv. TKUM OK S.A LF.. live percent of purchase money to be paid on day of sale, one fourth on 1-t ', Annl l), woen possession w ill In- liven, and i adil'tionil loor'h on first of April one fourth ' on ist oi Aoiu 150.', ami ttie remainder 1st of i LEONARD H RFIT.I'.T. Jlliiliiii'h atiir Deeemlinr 1, c IM PUBLIC SALE. rilMF.snWrilpr will sell at Public Vendue, on Sat ui day the S:h ol D 'Ci-mber, Is 19, at 10o'. clock, A. M .ol slid dav on the piviuid s, a cer- a n r la irai "ii or .,1... thee-tite f. J ,ci, Hewer, late o! Rrurrrerk ; t,e.v'ni)ip, C Ininl.i a couf'tnleee ned, I Sua lie in s .id Itnarcreek lowi.-h.p, Colnmhia j ronr-M . 'liiM!'B land, of James Fvao.. ,n the , l-.ast and VVe.l; lleorv Mill., on the N. ith; ami , Mirh el ,.-., on the South; ro,.,,,,,,,, - H I : H ! TF.KN ACRK's'. and all. .wane... all ,.f is ! rh' iie I and in a in mI slate of cul' iv at i..n. , Theie is in, s.id premises, a dwelli-g' lloo-e, ir p.irn and o'her i lit Ion! l e .s. fe . , wild all kinds ofex-eilcat Fiuit.a ' u.u":i.i,u. of ! w d. r convenient to I he door A LS(), At the tin,,, an-l place, another RCT OF I.'ND? ; the ,,tp of ,T te.., I'.oWer. decM, -so o i-e n-i orn n-r m . i o-ai v a- I'oninr. i 'o ihov.. it..se,i.r. trot.i cont.niiini; 1H KNrV M-!r- p., 0f W,ie, l(j cleared; the balance is1 jn ijr,, ,r Said I none I tract will lip snpl intwn equal parn. f'f 7Vi Wer each, to tuil ptire!i:.fi-rii. i t tendance w ,11 be given end leims n ade know ... ... on dav of Sale. 1 SOLOMON POWER, I .7 Imuii! ular., Pr'aTce'r, Nov. in. Itn-nts , t , 1 si ....o , 1 iTi7'sj . , 1 , . 7. AD.il.NLl RA I K S iNOHCh. Estate r John hnoff, decerned. -.tt-jikp.EAS, Lett, ts of the Esti'e '. JollN f A1l1rnn1.tralie.11 upon KNORIt, lateol ( en- I,-,, ti.ul.shtp, Co!i)lll.l Coili.lv, deci j,ft. ,. ...ted 1.) lie ..i..!erigm-d ; a.iper-o!,. indeli'.ed to s.dd estate an- ri queste.l lo n-ake pay- tiu'iit, and Ihn-e havint' claims -,.g aitist the same, U)m ....r.i ihein for sr-itleno nt, to THOMAS KMllHI. ,,,.. JOHN CONNER, Jr. w"""'' tW. 154'J.'.t. CLOTHING, DRUGS tt MEDICINES. riv,r llft,.ri.inMl jL'iin hupr.zcs hm friends B . . , . I B 1 . L . ..I . - I & . i.r r I''., ll.rt ., III). i i aniline puui o, ' n-o i'c , . -.. a 'v i.l Ion n ,ovi- allien 'aT MIS 001 SMIHI ir- . ... v,,,,,, .j-,.,. i: Mam -nd M be si t iimi i.n than ti e c'.t ij.i in Llooe.s irir; I '-T'i.e pt'.i;e ennci ailv are invited to fr rx- 1 am.nati -n ot I .Is before pure' 'asm.: el-e- JOHN R. MOV EF riiw.uisS-jrj. NVv V., Jf III Partition. In the Orphans' Court of Columbia coun ty :- Ihtute of J 0I1S KXOMIA Sur writ lu! of Centre township, in the v of Count; oj Columbia, deceased) Partition Mil) Sm.in K tioi r, the widow ol John Knohr, J Thomas Knorr, Joseph Knurr, J"m ih Lil . ), und V.Uzx his wife, late Klizi Kuoir, John I'ouner, Jr , and Sarah, his wile, lale Sarah Knoir, Levina Knoir, childien ol John Ktlori1', deceased j Abraham LMdine, aial Louisa, Iiin wile, late Louisa Knoir, - Drake, and Angelina, his wife, late Airhna Knorr, John Freas, guardian ol fiiajina Knorr, Aa ron Knoir, keuben Knorr, Joseph Knorr, and Kli-ha Knorr, chihlien ul I et r Knoir, de. ceased, w ho was one of the sona of John Knorr, deceased Chaihs H.ieidiuch, Ktiaiiliaii ol John Knurr, Suvan Knoir, Snub Kinar, and Samuel K in n r, and 'I in u. as Knoir, guardian of Hiram Knorr, I'liineas Knorr. and Mary Ann Knurr, childienol Wtlliain Knot r, rh cia-eit, who was our ol liie sons ol J.din Knoir, ih-ctaied, and Willi. on II Jiji nliiii h, t; uurii i .i n of S.n h ll.iKcn bueh an t Kliza Hatienburh, ( hihlrcn of Ann Ha geidinch, eleceased. lale Ann Knorr You, and each of you, will take notice, That an INQUEVl", will be held at the laiedwel Inn; house ol JniiN Knohr, decttsed, in the lowo'hipof t'entie, in the county of Columbia, nil Friday, the Eleventh day of January next, between the hours often o'clock, a. m. and 6 o'. cluck, n. in ,of that day, tor Hie purpose of inaking Partition or the Ileal Estate, of Said (leeea-ed, to 3 ml amoiiK his childien and ... . .11 ,.'.1 .... representatives, il the same can he done without - .. piejndicc to or spoilnar ol ttiewhole, otherwise, to value ntnl appraise the same accoruing to law, at which time and place you arf required to at tend, il you think iimiH r. PETER BILLMEYER, Sheriff, SlIKRIFf't Oiricr., ) Cloornsbui.', November 21, IS 19. J ,Tlif rurifylvfinin Tiliprnph, Harrisborir, will publish six times, send hill and paper w ith the notice to ihe She 1 ill of Columbia County. PUBLIC JSOTICE rrillC undersigned, Aditiinislratoii of Iho es I late of JuiiN Knorr, lale of Centre tow n s ap, Columbia county, deceased. havinu niven tin nsuwl lt-dl notice, hereby give Public .utice, that they will attend at Ihe late residence of the s.iid deceased, on Wednesday, the 20A of December, 1819: w hen and w ncre all persons having business with siid e-l.ite are requested to meet with thctri for the. pui puse of making setllements and thereby tavecusts. , THOMAS KNORR, ) JOHN CONN Kit jr. J Nov. 04, 1V19 4t.s. Jldmr't. FARM FOli SALE. 'I HIE under-ii:iieil w ill sell it piivule salp, cn verv moderate terms, a valuable FARM, snnate in Suif irloal tnw nslup, Crdmi bia coiuiti, adjoining I mils id Kenneii Davis, Mathias Rhone and ijamin-l Hhone, w iihin about 3 'lihs ol a mile east uf H !' i-ti i nr ri-k . c oitaininu EIGHTY THREE ACRES, Tliirtvor thirtv-five Sicks of which is cleared land." i'bere i on the premises a C"cd In? dwel. . , litis? IIOL'Si-; and Stable, i yninir Orchard. and a nood Spiitigol water ( lose to the Uoor I the hon-e. , Terms will hp made kiownnn app'iratien to ttiesul acriber. Acldie-s H. titnn, P 0 WILLIAM KIIONK. N. v. 24. IMD -3 PUBLIC SALE 01' VALUABLE RE AL ESTATE. 1)''U -UANT to tin directions contained in the I ist will and testament ol F.DV.OND ( R V-- OKI I, late ol Monntplea-t lo.vnsbip, Colundiia county , .'ecea-ed, w ill he exooscd to tale, by Pub lic Vendue or Out cry, by Ihe njbscnber, ou the pi einis. s" on Wednesday, the 20A day of December, .7. D., 1 8 1'J, at ten o'clock, in the lurenoon, ol sii.l rfay, A Certain Plantation: CH, TRACT OP LAND, S 1 1 i ,i 1 1- insit I .l not ideas ml township. I'olnriilna . . . ! f i enniiy, le'joione.' lands ol Josiq Ii Ci awl. rds Ihe, is." on no-sotun; J,,,n Rnekel, on the He-t ; , I).,vnl J dirisoo, and Daoii I Ztglei.on Ihe north ; I and Jo-eph Kl -o-., ,, -he e.,-1. roMan-ire- eeiinlv, or. iii!m;r.i) and SIXTEEN A CUES, or thcreab aits. ! ' ';' Tliein is mi Uip premises, a pood FRAME HOUSE. A FT f & m I . i i.' h & i i j. I .lor l . I r i . :i ii" i r o it tj !-..; ( i n i .('IT IV. ."vJ . , ?22J- A variety of other FRUIT TREl'.S, and a g,M M'IMNO. Alsn A f Iliad Stream of , rn.n ciii.'ttt to the house and ham. . i-m-ii'I-v the ah-.ve Irarl. i.hotlt LK.II I A KKS IS C LEA ULI) LAND. 'I he lemaniirig pa ' is '" woo!.-. VTcima will he ma le ktitiwn on the day ol sale. IDDINfiS BAI.KI.F.Y, Surrifii f t-l' ci if ol tilnnnni Liuujuiit,di:rt!. Mo j. Nov Vi. '. li's. DESIRABLE PKOPEUTY. T I -.V IMF, -nhseub, r f.irir- for sale his hut. hoCfE AiND I.Oi. in Wil- fiit i, v Oiove, (-i'U'ti I'lo n-boiii. V'f,Ar, I'lZ s.v-a.a.r I he M.oi-e 1, a ne.v line a uuiloini; p.vt'.''g, f fiu,: iei t s 7. V arc mniod de a ' laree t ipitly. Thei e a well u oiler cov. r at Ihe kitchen door, el t-.i t-i ti-i. I water, siip, rciiing Hie ( necessity of ;;oing els.- le-ie to precuie Water 1 Ic r anv poio.-o wloi'ivrr. There sic 011 the I premise, a CAi.RlAGE llOCsh AND B.aRN. : 'ifi;eient!v hire'- lor t e.e.v and three horses, ar.d . ,hl,r .,,;,, ,1,.l,,1!.s, w. i The h t ioe:-ted mi i.iit -tuet, at a distance ! "'ill e pi d to et.-ht -q. ite- id I'js t.-ct earh Itom : 'he Co'l't IIti-p; VI le-t wideand II I feet deep. I Tnere a e on ihe p,t, propeil.y dispn- f't-r I T ! , I ri I I Va'i "Is si?..;, lo'.v:ild- i (jS!T?V' . 1 ' lv .1 A Ai r, . 1 iu I JvL'.r.S-, "' V etnt.ruciiig, 'pii'c a varielv, vi. : Ma-,7)j 1 or. I.rn. I. 'id t 1 d n . A s' 1 , I .id ton-w inl, iw n d'ci r , I Weepin 1 lock, C . iMo's , i i irltorv. Oak, line!,- eve, Heir- H-. vi;ite.nii.!, ie ,with a vain ly of silcct -oo'.'.foy I to re pri-.M-o. iir.wiiida 0 1 lady toung Fruit. I rers, veral of which arn uralted with superior fr'iit. lie-.. ' ri es w ere T,! ,riri ii aSftof th.. v...rd irn ' " . . .1 iii. i i - - ' " s ius uc 10 joov ill 1 I m hi 1.1. h.inn..linlf.n... I. . 1' . V. . - i peculiar bealltll s. I Tho-.e-.v'ei ,:r." ac-su ij e ! wit 'n the relative sit- lhai, lesti'.cd tld id. r e. t'i'ist oerc in h w v rs it w pi be on toe treat I'm I- to the 4. tl'ni:,..hs.'.'.nl' l!v .- rcn in ie, t,,n-t be a sffe and prntralilft ri.e-lo I ot ,t i n f.'irri): . ited to or in illy, to M'T. i r-i'l s' on ot tn iiwil'i' r. on " his n k ore, ( ao ni.tHP appm a'i. It 1 1 r t.", I" j., h.orm't.i n,w: A WORD TO HORSEMEN. fMiDr. Pearson's JJurber's Ftnbrv--l cirii,is decidedly llio beat preparation that can be u-ed or the riiie of Sprains, HruiHes, Cuts, G.ills, Splint, C'uib, hinUione, bpavm, still', ne-s ol the joints, &c. Si.". It is an ami le wl.ich should he in I lie hands ol every horseman, and lio stable should be without abottleof il. I'uceVj and SI) cents. Prepared only by S.A. Plarson, M. I) , and for sale, wholeialc and retail, at lull, N OK 1 11 FOURTH ST., Phialadclphia. Nov n AND AT MY STORE, BLOOMSD'JRO. WM. KOIJISON, jJi'inJ. ALSO.-FOUSALF.. VI.ARCE and sohndid assortment of well selected vVEIV KOOHS, ju-l opening ConsHUtiK ol evei) vat iety of (joods, sui Ii as aie generally kept in a CuUntiy Mire, with the addi tion ol READY MADE fIXTHIXC, All nf which I will sell cheap lor tash or Country produce. 'The public are respectfully invifpd to call and examine his stock, it I Ley waul bargains. Uluotn.burg, Nov, 17, IS49. W. R. BOOTS AND SHOES. TTlIIE subscribers reiuftn their thank to the J citizens of Llootrikburg, and the publii, lor I ur l.u.ir. HI it bn. prize tliein that they J l have just received L. finenew assottnienl of V" booTJ and Smits, h vv. at their eslablishrneut f4 on Main Street, to rSk. wnich they invite the WS aitelition ol custom- "IW ers. Their selection comprizes every tort, size and variety, and at pliers to suilthe titnes. Greatbargains call be had on application. Qt- Slote opposite I.tady's Hotel, on Main St., second door above the Court Hoiish. FK ANTZ &, JOHNSON. Blnomshuie.Oct 67, IS 19. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Estate of JJiCOll MILLER, deceased, IURSAUNT to the directions contained in the last Will and Testament ol J AC011 MIL LAR, Junior, late of Bloom township, Colundda county, deceased, will be exposed lo sale.hy Pub lic Vendue or Out-Cry. on the premises on Tuesday, the first day of Jan. a. .,18S0, A Certain Plantation or? Tract of Land. Situate in Cenire township, Columbia county, adjoining lauds id' 1-aac 11. ss, on the west; John Tbn sher. on the north ; laac Low , on the east ; Peter Miller, on the ninth, and Benjamin liuoti, on the south and west, containii.g ONE HUNDRED AND TIIIKTY ITVE ACIU-.S AND I KiHTY-TNREE PEUCI1ES AM) THREE-FOURTHS, STK1CT MMASUHEMENT. M-Tliere is n LIJH lillV, on the pre mises and abundance ol good Li.me STonk. There is on the premises a two jtr. story l.Oli HtJU-J'., a bank V. K.N, JTh.3 J Uthg a hearing apple ORCIl-iKlj r.,ncyk i".a stone .-mringnouse, xu.. liM w.M w 1. - y ...ii uiti j- Adior, and other ( utihuildings. wT'ihe above tract, ONF HUNDRED AND I'll I H I V Al'Rr.S, is cleaied land, and in a high slate of cultivation. The land is of f.i-si-nualily, and well worthy theatteotioncf any person who may be disi.ous of piirrhusioK a lirst-rate (arm. fry- Tekms, will be made known on the day o JOSEPH POIIE, and LEAH POIIE. late I.tah Miller, Fxtutiixvf Jacob Milltr, Jun. i', tlrrnihul. For I'urtei description, etc , see bills. Centre township, ) Oetolier ;,1, s.0.. inv. v. .cw lYStllitHiy C!cds tfij riitr a ,..i .. . i . . ..... ....... i;.e awuir in ft lr (ill PC I UK .1 r,n ,:, i ,.i , nsiciiiei.s anil tne cilt7i nh o m-biirit, tt tieiallv , that they Yuye iiist r. 111 ! ceivert a new sip, v , i,H , ,t FASHIONABLE BO N NETTS, -..l... . I sv . . I I ; ' ,,L' " '"" um n, fiik. L , ids, n,b- i ',0:",,.,j' !'U r"Pl1' 'c Fh r. .Feathers, nowers, hods p. fl, rs. laee c;. s, h It-, rea-h. combs, rolred.si!k larr.i iusions, fm,g seat is. Kin. lisle, il it ail at d r. tti n elnve. .,. s'ntr, Collars, Spencer--, Lire-capes, Velvet and shind -and satin IVmh ts, ALSO An asr-itireitof rlaln Per.netts and Laps, tcgetlu r wiih liinhl, S'mw, jt r. M. ct S. Darklev. Filnnti shiirir, Oct. 07, 1-49. vzr NOTICE. 1 1IIF. snb-rriher, thankful for I a-t patrrna"e. ntdic.llial t'e I 2S l.ileti ti e eniite i liarte of ihe oLOOMSI.LHO HOOK STOilF., inn vtni 10 limine ire t'Us;ne-s an oioiil.in nil Us deo;,tninnis,al thejji -ao e -land in tt e l-.vcliaei;e Ilnililinea, wheie he inv tes his lite, ds to cive him a call. Tile rilllltl loan ('alell'a'nr ('. Ii n.l.I-n Cr..lt lins!-hok. ete.,, t(!.. 1, p i,,.,. wj,i, , 11 ,r ftaiuiaid 1 rPIIE "udersmtied re-peetliilly informs hiscus works and spl.ct stali. tin, fet K,le rlnap .1 tomers and ihe public, that he has removed ft 'ir A si lend d asuitnent if WW i.nnt,'C , his Tniiurine E.itabihhmi lit in'n Ihe rooms late- w:ll he rei eiud in a few da;.s at the above es tablishment. JOSEPH PWAKTZ. rioorrshurg, Oct. t24, IS49. FHESII A RR1VAL OF NEW GOODS AT THE CHEAP ARCADE. WE. the snh-crihers. announce '0 all our old customers and the public, that vc have nrcr.tlyn reived a tine let i l Ni.w tomrs, noted to the ieii(.n, w hich we me w illu n tu dis. i nn.se of a' a vi t sn.all prof is, ft r 1 aali, kc Our siork enn-irls ot 1 I'rrneii and English Merinocs, Alaoacas, Klck and oiher colors, iMi-ltn de Dur.es, Lus tres, Coburc, Haul gouts. f v., t inns kitidj- ' Shawls, lorrr and tdrr1. M dtfterent styles. Cali- ; i.oi., trorn .'lls 11 r. to 1 '2 1 I lr l.rr! ! Vvrmi. i.nitj I A ..... r .... ...I . I ...... . . .1 . . . .' . . - . ' - . n ' o n 1 ro aoo i .,-.. , i i . , u i - - n iwoi I rim rutins r.f Si 1 1 k'Oi s. A ve'V gtne-al a; tort nifit of Fanrv and staple pent!;!. Alf-rv--A l;ir"ft ' i, r 0-irrrf.-w.ire. ILnrl-u are. fe.larnml , , ,. ... ' , . vi mow -w .iri', ii in. mi mi p iii v oi eiiOlcC GPO(-ERIK.. food and ehoap. 'rv-VVe r o inoe o ' hfl ?. ' ir 'p (.f 't.v ; n v s'.run fi' i, --is b-r 'f. ts j , i oali 'ti. Jri.- n. rlu-mn, we ill i t 'v dd, ' r i. ieer v il! jn-t Civo ns a ai! v nil: il, e inn pur 1 1,, R, tlvt show. H f s: I W H hl MAK rd'.rro'r'uri;, (.. at, t .- S J U ST OPENEDi At th Store of .'if. J, Sloun E. Mendenhull. DKY COOD.'j OF tVfcKY UEiChll'lloN. AT this establisiiiiii tit may be lound, every arileU u.ually kept in country stores, and cia.sod as JJi y (Jumlt, which liav been selected will! Cam as lo quality and pin e. iVK A R H YOW HEAVY. to show a Ire-ili a-isoi t u.ent of (iroceries, Hardware, Cedar and Willow Ware, etc., tu , H alt and Fish, All kindof cuuuiiy pruJo.e utid Lnmber, !aeu in exchange, for which we pay the highei' prices. Jjloimo?hnr. Nov. 17, IS4H Charles Connor, & co, HAVE opened a Nkvv -i,,Bs on Main and Iron streetsin the town ol Illoou.sburg. Tlicy have a fine assortment of Fall und Winter Goods, which will he sold very cheap for Cuth or coun try produce 15 Their friends und the public tire vueu to call auu sec them. . I n t 1 1 . f K u'.' NEW (iOODS-FRKSll t CI1EM Merchantable Merchandize. BY dilli.renl arrivals, we have replenished our STOCK Oc COODS, which w will sea at our usual low prices. Our style Midva. i tety of Ladies dress goods cannot be surpassed and as we have made arrangements to procure a constant supply, they will always be ol the lutes! Styles Also. Groceries, Hardware, Queens' ware, Spires, Salt, Fish, Molasses, Se gars, etc., in great variety. J. 11. BARTON & Co. Uloomshiirg, Nov. 10, Is49 FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 4 GAIN the undersigned take pleasure in an J iiouncing to their Ineuds and the public, inai they bave just recuveu a select and heavy assortment ol choice Dry Goods and Groceries, adapted to the season, and wants of the people, winch tliey oiler tor fale, at their old stanu at prices "cheaper than the cheapest." Their stock comprizes a lull assortment of all kinds of goods, usually kept in country stores, and without par lictilarizii'K each article, It-el warranted in saying that those in want nl good goods t.aveonly tocall 'o satislv their tsste and lancy. Groceries, Quetnswarc, Hardware, Fish, Suit, Mohsses, Arc. largo and beautiful selection of the above ar ticles ol cuperiur quality, at very low prices. ALSO. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ol every variety, sort, size and price. (cj-Casli paid for grain alwav. WM. McKELVY 1 Co. Elnnmsburg, Nov. 10, 1S4J. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. ME. P.OBISON, having just retur , oed from Philadelphia, with a ho ue and handsome asorimetit id Fall ami wtntt r MtUineiy, invites the Ladies olthis piace and her friends generally, tocall and examine them. Her stork consists of vplvels, cut and pnent; satins, silks, plain and fringed, ribboiuls, feath ers, lloweis, raps, and a general abutment, ol bmnA yvr,,,,,.,, together, with variety' ol I , ,pv nr, irll.. M,rh . ..,. ,t!dM. hrMr.,.in- shal-pins, pencils, thimblis, looih-picks, pUin and fancy combs, edging, needle-worked anrl plain collars, cutis, l.kl-. tidy and darning cotton, maikinu cotlen, zephyr, card-board, no'e piper and envelops, silk canvass, and steel heeds, bags, pur-es, la-sells, clasps, t,v. &c, which hnve been ciiel'ully selected and will be sold as low as they Call he purchased elsewhere. j'y Store tit xt door to the Court House. M. E. ROHLSON. Ploomshurir. Nov. 3d. 119. HATS AND CAPS, rjlll E .subscriber respectfully infoi tn his ft iends and customers, that he has just received (r un the city, a l irgn and select assortment nf rs i n. r raaiiionawc j Hat and Cap, WKtlj, i , durable make and improved -H le, which he t,j.rs f,,r rash salps verv cheap, at nis old stand. J Street, cccond'door South of the Court ri ii f ,. ,i f , . vjst House. I-I!i contitif.es to manufacture Hals to ordei as usual. THOMAS WILL1TS. Hlonrpsbnrg, Nov. lo, 1S49. CHARLES R. BUCKALEW, Attorney at Law p,loomsi;ui;o, col. co., pa. OrncE Two doors below thu Court House, North side of Main Street. Nov. Vi, ls.49. REMOVAL ! Fashionable 7'ailoring. I v occupieo oy i. n. nucuaiew, esq., on main St. betwfsii Repert's Sloie and the Columbia Demo crat office, " here he continiies the ii i, .... i . i ... ... ... , TAILORING BUSINESS5?, In all i's departments, as n-nal, and invitesa con tinuance of Ihe public patronage. f-Prniluce of all kinds taken in xchange for Tailoring. HF.RNARD RUPERT, r.lnnmshurg, Nov. 3d, 1S49. saddle, harness, and trunk manufactory". JOHN K. OROl'Z, respectfully ffSv int iriiu his old friends and cits- (A ffl. - tomers, and the public generally, jl that he sltil carries on the saddle, ViTJ Harness and Trunk Making m3sit business-at the above stand, on Main St. between the Court House and Market Street, and where he keeps constantly on hand and makes to order the following articles in his line all nf which for ma. lend and workmanship will bear comparison with the best that can be produced anywhere, viz : Men'b best saddles, common saddles, waggon sad dles, carriage harness, of all kinds. Heavy team narnet.3, coilais, Bridles waggon and Carriage whins, BUFF.ItOE ROBES, Atsn a line assor'ment of Iron and word frame TrnvUi3 Tiunki. Portfolio Carpet Bag, and ail other articles in the travi lling line, together .v, n with a larue assortment of H r ntss r.-l-C 1 1 ViV Mounting. Carriace Trimirinc. La. '.. lr' . r . i i r v n.i.j - . . . CCS. Jilji il. ltaou-, vrncu .ipri, G'j::i Cloti:, fcc I1 ;-! le solicits a ri'.l from all w ho wi-h o pur r'm-e. any i f th" above, confident that be ran give iitisfaciioti, lei'h as to the quality and price JOHN K CROT? F! -'.r.-;v;--, Vor S, iXorilj Dmncr) Canal. co l l eT'a'FoTfk."; :. ? Beach HAVN,Oct. 1,1ft'; J Cut Trt: XVor Sir The follow .1 it howf the collections of canal tolls at this ( ff ' Amount per lasl npnit i j r " mouth ending Sopl. 30tl,.... iii f-iO ts Whole amount sine ioth Nov. HH, ) ... ' 2 2 ) 'tcrraie ovr taut iruivn tn nime tluti . .'',. '., J J. S. CAM PHI LL. C' l.i. mark ei pjat'Es cvi r.Kyy. Bh,mlvitr. I J'l,i:,uiflj I in. Hour, r barrel, fco m vV'heat, " bush. 1,. w Rye, " c . ' f 0 .1 (0 ...il ...U) Corn, 4' .... Oats, 3tl.... Buckwheat, fi ...... ',t Eggs, per do )t ; ; Buffer " pn-jrul f HACfliH I): By the Per D. S. Tobias, on the JOtb n't , Mr. Amos Hillcs, and Miss Suahkah TAI.a, both of Mailtsou township. On thi 2Stb o It., by the Rev. R K. Brush, Mr. FmrtmcK HijtkY.toNn. HaNiNah Llmwick, all of Pottsvtlle. In Danville, oa Tuesday last, hy Itev Dr. T'o mans, Mr. Chawcit p,,., cf Mahct,;i.,r tp , Columbia county, aud Mi Mahoahkt Fuok ,f that place. In Danville, ,n the 31 ult., by the K. v. ,T, W Yeonians, Dr. FtiKrr.aicK FuijiiVit, ol Ks- ) town, and Miss Anna Makia t nr v.-n, ' of Orange township. In Danville, on Thnmhy h,t, ,v tb, J!, v. T. Mitchell, Mr. UfjAMtf 1't.NT, anrlMiEs Sai-ah Beachem, all of that plice. In East Bitflaloe, on the loth in.t., by F.rv. ProL Bliss, Norman Ball, ef LaLv.:.e, to Mit Julia Ass Merrill. On the 8'hult., by the f3me, M-. r.:.wi-j Qcioo, of Chester cu., to Miss Acm.s Cai.m.k, of Danville. In nellefonte. Centre county, on tl.e lO h ylt , Hon. Charlli Hbktow, late a Judge t it. .-.'n-preme Court ol Peiiiisylvinia, in the '.itl. jear of his age. In VVi!kshatr, on Sunday irmrnit g w, Mtet a bug and painful illness, Mr. Tb.jua. Laviic:, aged about C3 years. In Willumspor!, on the loth ult , Mra. f a h y Matilda Llovd, in the SJnd year of her "ii", In Munry Creek to , on the 3Vh u't. M ,.-v JANK.aged 7 yean ; on the 1st it.st.,!rAe-. . . aged 2 years; on the Kp), it.sl. S-araii Maim;.' Ri.T, aged 4 vpiij; etiildren of Mr. V Columbia Co. lmptract !c The 15th annual uieelinij of the (,'olit.;,1 county Temperanee Society, AT the last meeting ol this society n ,t. lion was adopted, requniog the' feet, . to publish a Crcular, previous tn ihe to m s . si tneelii'.g, calling upon the Various ;,iim.:i to sen l uu strong delegations to sii.l tr.eet " ' In perlorming this duty, we would Iran, nolice, that t ho next annua! meeMi.e will Le i in the M V.. Chtin h.ln I'ativille, ut, i! ,f : Thursday (tl.e ,'td,) ol Jdim.iry, -i rjij , coiio,., cingat 10 o'clock A. M. We'l.av,, il,p p,,,r ol several speaker", on e of w hern, la: J,.... Worrall, will deliver an adtliess at t o,,. ing ol ihe exercises. And we wool, t i,ov- l:. eai tifstlv rail upon the hu, pi ranee teen ,. umbi i C i'v, to use l heir best etide,iv..i. ,. I 7 eVety ti ii perance societ v and nrgainTialioi. ;r ; cooti'y fully lepie-etited by deb tiii,., , ,,,,, report the -tde of the on'.- in ',,eu 'n-itpi bounds ( oirie Itieiids. i no and nil m o .. have a gen;! old l,i..iioti, d VM.rin. I,e.,i led , our coiintri nifleri' tr hjuiantie r ... of C.rlt ill call I II 'v (r m i. , .... ... . atid Zeal itl thr fa. d eat JAMES It WILSON, JAMES t a WAV .r Is,- Liberty tnw i ip, Nov vf., j-.jo liy Newspapers in Colntnlda ei and ehew here, I, iotn!!v to the 'F, in' Cause, are res.o -eifuhy requo.. :ed (l, the ;ibo; e rn lice. valuaiill:1s1;alkst.t rilHF. Uilth.-lsig led. r . is f a a. tell at lotvau fj. ualde TRACT OF LAND. V;' ". situate, on the watci rd We-t lj Creek, in Jacksuti luwii.siii. vt. . Colnmhia cointv, eear Ke-1,: ' 7 ." , taming 40 acres, of txcellei.t UMiXU, n . pine. This properly is well adat 'ed ,,. !in.:ie- ,- ;; luinberiiig and enjoys sn ex -rllipi wt,.i ....... . . ALSO. A seventy acre tract, in .Suarliaf township, snout Hi are (. 'whtrh j ts i improved; tha balance abound- Jfcrjj r I with excellent timber. The half iuHtmA'X a new taw. null will he sold with it .n ti. rjriviledup of nurchisinir the mher Ti.,., ; .... slid premises a grind House, Bam, Ai.c, with au Apple and react) orchard. p , , , , OEOKCK DtLS Sugarlnaf township, Sept. ;n, sjin .fliv. FANCY FURS, MUFFS, BOAS AND T1PPKT.S. DAVID II SOLIS, ( Sue rtnor lo Solm. JWnthtrt ) IMPORTER AND MANDTAC1 l.'KER OF LV. trvr ubNLKlrllON OF FCh'S HAVING jest returned ,,,m Europe, Wln sritCT stocx or runs, is now ;,-,.. turwr them in a verv .sunerior sKIr .,,.1 rr.ingthem in thu most elegant maiiner.nt.d w,,u'd invite trio attention ot .Merchant. ,),, ,. 1() his superior soil extensive astnnmont ...k..i.'i.. mnufactiires as well as imports, he is'tushM m oner ai suc prices, as lew hotlsea in the U;,ild States can corr. pete with. DAVID H. SOLES, No. SS, Arch (Muiherr St, r, (,.,. t,,ow, 3rt f, TfXt to London ft f 's Fim:W Medicine Store ' ft Store always closed on Saimdav. The hitsb.-si ci-h ,.r.Ce ,nid f(ir ,,t, ,..,,,,. f,,t. Pl.iladelphn. 0t o, IMifirn, ii'nb'" OUR BLANKS AND JOB IMUNTlNfJ tfrST W'K hlv" !"st ni o'evaluabln a.Vi. 15icV-M- fonslnrur .'op.OfTicp , r.f c w tvpe kr., and prcfiied a hmdsene snptdy oi At r.rla1 riell V ,rd.r Vs.. ... L . . L . ' "" we eat etwote 'ton peatf.tr ; r u.:k -,r. l..f reitira