The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 01, 1849, Image 2

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Columbia Ocmofrnt.
I.KVl L T.M'i-, nnroR.
A very Urge majority of the Collectors anpoin.
t4 in different parts ot'lhd Sute, In receive con
trilitiiiom towards tha Shonk Mou'nmknt, have
not m elu any Mai n of the papers sunt i hem. It it
t mref ire hereby desired, th it ali such lists should
Jier'jtunied on or before the lt day of January,
nvxt D. FRY,
Chairman Ex. Committee.
CrW'iUW MolrvynLni, r.-q., i th Cnllcrtor
fir Columbia county, tu whom subscription! for
' "Vu Muiumoot, nf jfi each, can be mriu.
TU'iJ. U rn. Simh.v Camkrp, will plt-isa
accept our thanks lor a copy of the Eepou of the
Secretary ot the Treasuty on the Waiohousiuj
System, for 16-i'J.
The Uieut Christmas and .cw
Hrotiu'r Jonathan' mammoth sheet for tin
coming Holiday has made its appearance, the ro
ceipt of v Inch we acknnwldgc, and agiand and
imposing spectacla ho presents to his numerous
reader and admires. It would h almost impos
sible to overrate the truly splendid collection ol
eiiRi avin which appear in this magnificent
Christmas iheet. The fine large graphic picture
oflho "pleasures, Collie and Miseries of a New
York Christmas." is a masterpiece of American
Tine a 1 1 4 ; and either that or the group of spirited
portrait of ' Gsneral Taj lor and hi Cabinet,"
11 alone worth double the coat of the whole
inner. We hav. not room to eiiuumente a
tithe cl the fii'y or ax'y beautiful Engiav
ing and popular reading which go to make
up this stupendous sheet. Of one thing wo are
certain. It ii hy far the hel anil handsomest pic
torial paoer ever issued in America or any where
flo. Published by Wilson 4 Co , New York, at
12 cents per cop, or Inn for one dollar.
Our Book Table.
Peterson's Ladies Nntioval Maoa
zise,for December, is already on our ta
ble. It is a capital number, and the first
wo hate lately received. It has an excel-
If nt sett of engravings. "Mated," is good,
both as an embellishment, and as a story.
Widow of jain "is very good. Also
anion;' other things, a portriat of "the
make us sneak of CI. Forney as a c.mdi- rounicss 'f Hlessington." The magazine
date for Speaker ot the House of Represen- j s edited by Axn S. SrnrjinNs, and Chas.
latives. THis is rather too much. The Clerk-: J. Peterson." No. ns r.ha.,... .-.'
Toi mccii Honor In his last paper,
Co!. Tate, of the Columbia Democrat,
htp, we believe, was ad that Col. Forney
-aimed at; ami notwithstanding all the hard
work ho has done for his party, we still
nope to see not only himself but all Ins
competitors distanced by some thorough"
Cing working Whig. Daily Sews.
Tho editor of ihe .Vru must have a large or
gin of hope. There in no danger of any "thor
running working whin" thing elected to the
UerKHhip of the house. Our types did make ua
a.y Spui.'ttr, in.Ioad of ClaH, but we ati.l hope
tn see Col. Forney, some day, Sptatttr, if the
JO J wti M. Power, Kiq , at present one of
t'leC iual CninmUsioricrs of this Sute, has been
. ; i:ile I clwje d' Affaire lo 'Naples, vice
Thiaui VV. Cuimn, re'sii;iid.'' The term nl
Mr I', a Canal Commissioner: dcea not expire
until January.
Professor Aix:",of Diekmsin Collie, is flee
ted President ol Glrard College.
ttT'Bloomsburg will soon bo the Que
brc df Columbia county, having a growing
vpper and lower town. . It give s us great
pleasure to notice the signs of improve
incut in the lower town ; and wc see that
Hie road so long talked of, has been open.
'd clear through but it is not yet worked
the sniire distance to the present travtliud
Ihus our town i daily inrrfasitiT in
beauty, and business, and extent.
rr Will "the Dollar Nev rspapcr ' per
mit us to as!i a qursti.'ti ?
Are the followien sentences, in the paper
of November 14, nit, grammatically cor-r-etr
"Stanzas" am! "dpaii" by "Alp,"
"ijack-eptiMl." "Whose" and "Horatio,"
f:A part of Sullivan County is peli
tinniiiir tn h,. ri'-anticxi'd to Lycoming.
We iimjji'ie the SHtne thing will happen
v.r.ii .Mi.ntunr, sliou il sticli a tliii
Montour county, ever e;;ist.
Philadelphia. $2.00 a year.
-Holder? Magazine, for this month,
is also on hand. It is as usual a capitally
readable number. This Magazine gener
ally contains more solid reading than the
other magazines. Although not so taste
fully gotten the periodicals generally:
still we like it much. The editor promises
valuable improvement, for 1850. $1,00 a
year-W II. Deitz, New York.
Codey's Ladies Book, For January,
is already on our table ; and we can truly
say, that we never saw any thing of the
kind so superb. We expected much from
the announcement, and we are agreeably
ftia nnni n toA Ti i i
n"'""1" hcai.-ccus our ntgnest an
ticipations. It contains ten embellish
ments, independently of numerous draw
ings, representing costumes of different na
tions in all ages. It has thirty seven eon
tribu'.ions. It is almost an annual in it
self. It will he dificult. if not impossible,
lor any ot its contemporaries to rival it, in
the splendor and artistic elegance of its ex
ecution, and the talent of its contributors.
Schuylkill I'omily Democrat.
Mr Ciiarlks M. IlALL.ofSunbury, we
fee it stated, will commence the publica
tion of a new paper in Pottsville, prior to
the firnt of January, under the above name.
Il is ourpleasure to enjoy the acquaintance
of Mr. Hall, who is both a good practical
primer and an able wrher.and wish his un-dertakii-g
great success. Oi:r partailities
are with the Craft.
tlTW'ts do not recollect, ever to have-
seen, an autumn so uniformly, mild and
pleasant. It is a most delightful season of
tho year, combining all the advantages of
the other llirro with those of itself.
Thompson speaks of it thus :
Cron'd with the sickle and the whealen alieaf,
While au:ufnn, iimUlinn o'er-ihc yellow plain,
Comes jovial on; (he Dorie reed once more,
Well-pleasi d I tune. liatu'm the wintr frost
Aitroua prepared, tho various blowoni'd aurinjr.
" 'i"unu mi in , inn riiuiuicr dUI'.s
Concot.tpil slinni;, rush tinnnillens now to view,
Full, perfect'all, and swell my glorioua theme.
At this season, neither cold nor heat,
annoys one. It has, too, been said lo be,
"the carnival cf nature." -Every thing is
in abundance. It is rIho tho season for
poetry, tho chosen of the muse
When autumn's yellow lustre fiildn the world,
And lempta the siekled swam into the field,
Seized by thti jjen'ial joy, his heart distends
Wi:hget.ll ihron-;and through the tepid gleams
Deep musing, then be best exerts his sum;.
FtrM Tho riliht of snll'raire nhnuM h
ded, and every man. who cm i h,Kli.h . a,.
Jule, should vote, not ber.auia .he has
paid a tax, but because he in a man.
We clip the above from tho Lycoming
Gazette, it being one of the editors propo
sed amendments to the constitution. We
must confess, that we are utterly confoun
ded ! We had supposed that tho Editor
was a man of gallantry, and that lie would
not be in favor of such an overwhelming,
and sweeping, and unequivocal ostracism,
of the female- part of tho community.
What mockery ! we cannot find words to
express our indignation at such an unwon
ted outrage. The editor expresses him
fe'f in favor of extended suffrage ! Mira.
bileDirttf! Ha even goes on to say that
it should be right for a man to vote, if he
can establish a bona fide residence in the
district. To this we have no objection,
but he wishes this vote to be given, not
because the giver has paid tax but because
the voter is a man ! !
Ladies ! do you hear that; Because he
is a man. We can not say more at pres
ent. It debars you forever.
Mont Cold. A gold mine, it is uted, has
been discovered in CYl.nahiin County, Cj , on
Iho fituu of McManii. Inditing a well
aome g,.ld dint was found sticking to a rock be
neath the hoiloca. Un huMkiog the rock, gold
was found in great abundance. It yields nl ihe
rate of ,'iu per cent.
Acquittal ok J. 8. IUsi.R.The jury in
!'' rase of John S. Hassler, publisher ol the Vi.y
rlti tnig, on trial in Pittsburgh for robbing (be
mad, on Saturday returned a vr-rdirt ol acquittal.
Tha jury on a former trial had been unable to u
Sf'e. - .
lltaay l' rJi,:l. d, the Court of NUi Prius.
yesterday, in the case of Benjamin Hayman.Slieritr
f Columbia county, against John K. Foster, and
ftamuei Holland, which wasan action lo recover
the difference between tho amount of damages
iok;n! ai a iirnt anil second sale.lhe jorv brought
in a verdict ot $:io,jj n for aimi(,; The ptnn.
tig, as
f There is a feature in the "Dollar
Mrwsjv.iper," vi hich we do not recollect to
liaie seen imitated in any other, and we
think it of considerable advrnlagn to the
... i .
ruaiicrs ot inai capital weekly. lMiciting
lis it does, a mass of information on manv
KiilqVriH. which would not naturally come
vi bin the province editorial, it has the ff-
f'.Ti. nf calling out the inrjiiiitiveite?3 of
ni!.rribers, ami is a never-failing fund f.-r
:.mitsing ami teaching the yotieger cicm.
licrs of the family. V.'e say that we dtci
ile llv like this feature.
hilailelphians are diciissitnr
.1 i . r
in c auvaiiiages ol a consoluialed City, and
we believe county government: as one
of the ways to prevent riots and other dis
graceful scenes. YK do I ope the Q.i, ker
city wil establish something, which shall
smack of law and order.
TbeL-gi-L.tuieof M,nl;.nd will convene on
the nt h Monday of December, bi in the 3lit d,1N
of the tii'litii.
The Jefferson Star, by McEliiose &
Di-ck, is the title of a new whig pnper,
just commenced in Brookville, Jefferson
countv Pa.
liank of IKmrillc.
Taylorlsm.-U a late Misaissppianwefiml
tho following declaration of Taylor democrats of
Mississippi, t embodies, in a auccinect lorm
some of the leading faults of Taylorism :
President Taylor has proved retread lo his prom
ise not to be a party president, and to avoid all
parly schemes.
He has proved recreant la his promise to allay
the violence of party proscription.
Ho has proved recreant to his promise to make
only "honesty, capacity and fidelity," the three
great requisites of political preferment.
He has discharged from office some of the mu-t
gallant and heroic soldiers of tho Mexican war,
his own compatriots in aims, and the btavest spir
its of the war of IS 12.
tin hj tiLU ,.,.1 r . .
. a, .,-, ,,aiS.j i unii service poor wn;ow.
Ho has appointed to ,i4b official stations, blue
light federalists of 1-13, and advocates to Mexico
in our recent contest.
Ho Ins surrendered to the Whig cabinet tho
whole co'itnd of affairs of government.
Lie has shown him-e!f to be incapable of per
forming Ihe duties of his office.
His brief political history forms a series of con
tradictions, shameful violation id pledges, and
prustinitinri to paity schemes unparalli l. d.
I lis early letters and tha avowal of friend w hom
he has s.nca presonated to offi,.,., ,.,,vei ,
h.vo hten Willful attempt to deceive the
In view oru hich a solemn pledge j, u,uJe lo
rid tho country of the corse of T.i b.risni.
Nuonor Fl.ojrjrrC.-A Boston Dandy black
stepped into a provision store in that city, to buy
sumo potatoes ; before purchasing, ha gave, tha
following eloquent description of their nature.
"De latar is inevitably bad, or inwariably gnod.
Dare is no madionity jn de combination ob dc
tater. Ua exterior may indeed appear remark,
bly exemplary and bulisoma while de interior is
toh.tlv n.-ir .tiuu . !... :t . .
uui, sir, ii you de aiucli
'pon your own recommendations, knowing you to
ha a mm of probability in all your translations,
why, sir, without furder circumlocution, I take a
FIRE. We are under the paiifnl necessity of
announcing that our town w j veiled.,..
afternoon, by another destructive fire.
The fire occurred in that part of the town known
as Jiroadway, and destroyed the upper storiesof
ine loiiowin? house: James And-as' John Tree's,
Benjamin Williams', Conrad KoekerN, Abraham
Andreas', John Painter's, and Iia CortricM's. We
are unable lo vet, how the fire originated.
The loss will probably be about arm). We can
notsny too much in praise of the citizen of Mau, h
chunk.for tho untiring energy displayed i subdue
ing the flame. Their exertions, and a calm day,
saved our town from total desiiuction.-Corior!
Democrat, .Vuo. 24.
AH Hail TlisMSipju.
,!y dispatch in tho Washington t'awn.wi
";'r." """ ,,m Ucinocai. have Kained a member
(-,"1K'inMissisHip),,i,lth .,.,.,,,
h'Vd t,y 'r"'" ToMi'KtNa, Whig ;.., r.u
QeiTMAM.tha l.eroof M.M.terev and Chepuli,.
pecsweeps the Slate of WhiSKerT as efiecually as
he did tha fold f Mmioo of tha country's toes.
Uaukornu Maiiiagi.Uonthact.-A private
letter from a gentleman at San Kianiseo, tu ,i
friend in New York, says j - have been, is you
j know, overs yearae in California, and am et u.i
j married. My friend Mr. U. has lately lelt for
."Scotland, and I have give him a commission to
brinji ineont a$. of the following decripti. n :
not less than six feet, blue eyes unburn hair.
am either to mairy lier.or payaloifejl .!' lO.'JOO.
I do hope, as soon as the country is a little more
settled.about ten thousand first rate girl will start
for California; we have good enough, arid gold
enough : now give us some w ives."
- - ruiKUrJAIIY
m m i
'.A- I .
Cj 1 r .
i S.I UlM
ararin m,ZJv ' UHY-
Life 'ami Jiciltli are In the
Cbvinsc, Perifv, and Regntate the Otrcutatl. ,ni
loo un.,-,) .dy wnl bin,, h.'iilih. TrV',11,,1
w.ii.dojrnl of all reiuedM)., t onidaco aua t
rosnit is "
Vi:mitilinn.TUe firm of Taylor .V Lathirp,
of the Wyoming ('unly Whig, has been
cd. S. II. Tavi.oh, retires, and U. K Latiihoi.,
ha again become the sole Editor and Prop, ;,.(,
We extend to each of them our hearty greiting.
Mail Ms.-iii. The n.ail which was mule,
up at the Font Cilice in Oswego, on ll.e 'J nt,
and which should have reached New Yolk on
lha 5th has not boon heard ff hi. It cnr.t lined
diali and check to the amount of f,U,l'M
Conrt B'roctidiiisw.
lite dratreiT.
I I... . it- ,-I.-d
1 ily in tin. rM
remit mni , (!, , u ii i, ,
if mollrriutiHii'ii ot lie, 1LI IHl.jf,
M. -d IT J.-: I. 1 1.-. i . I
j I'r a ii:,- tr.iiA. ..IJ..I (ii.-'.,i;f i,.,,! h,
Illt.lN ! H ITRfFIKIt IS t-npii
,1 by
i l'iiMl
' "Htj, (ir isbi.i-
t )i'i':i. luki hhw
"f ',.wi1.' ' ""''' " r """"oil "f . t',,,,, fnurdollnrf
,..,.. MM,,W,.',, r i)yi,t.,r .-.-, !y, (;ii,,.r,w
lurst n.i-ir eoiil. . ,., In-. " T,u- rs.-.t,,,,',,,,.,;,,,, ,,,!.
Ii II, I S t'l ,J- t' . in ,lr i i, A'-T :;i mnr ruitW ,- Tt .
or 1 -''"' "''' f ' Vin i'vr,. i.Uii a daUa,:
j o tl.nt fnr-nim-;il n, ilt r rcnt-l'i. W njii n, , . .,
' I'.rnni' .V..:i,., ij ... j . in, ,i, in,- ii
100.CIW riTsons of Impure Bluml Diseases,
23.00IJ f;ihs foibidiTed Incurable!
ni ft me nMir
ire:. Il Wi
lli, wevt r, M e
..-., I), ,1 II.' avTs M i nici.s k ham
iii.'.l'-ir,' iiii-n urn in t!,e !ml,il of .,y
'v ". !" w"id in lii've ii.i Ti).
'.! r' lii,, r.cly lo ui-uve. Iiv rtsvcualiU
First ft'evk.
Thursday Morning.
Robert Montgomery and Margaret his
Wile, S. i;alltet 1 Ollmer LX r. ot iJimiel lv;"- loon-n l-'in n, lh,i p,. t y.i.r, than imy otlicr
... i " meiiy ill i-Maieneu nul Unr.115 tut- Hume lime.
Wm. Under, vs Levi Loes.Kob-1 Uo mu.-i. in ,. i)0u,.,, ivo.n. ru
iirel inuie Impure 13 loo. I Dieim,
Heavy Mail Robbery.
Si'Ri.vofiKU), Ohio, Nov. 2-V
A large mail robbery wa discovered ir. this
place this afternoon. It appears that a young man
named Charles W. MeWilliams, who was for a
short period during the past Summer engaged a
mail agent between here and Sandusky city, ha
been (or some time suspected of robbing the mail,
and the proof was brought home to him to-day. -It
is not known how much money he ha abstrac
ted-about $I20IJ have been reeved. The young
cuiprit is under arrest. '
1 Ufr." Jiobbtd,
On Saturday last, the office of the State Dank
at Camden, No. 1 'Church alley, was entered by
lal-e key,, and robbed of fcli,243. principally ol
t;ie noies ol I lie. Camden Hank, during ihe tempo
rary absence ot the agent in making his usual
morning exchange with Philad'a. hanks. Three I
nr or thejiotes stolen are of the denomination
ofS-iOO, printed in blue ink.
Jt'noc k. 1 hi gee.tlem.-.n, President
Judge of ,t- ricdi'or.l, Fui.klin ai d Somerset dis
trict, pie, id. d at our October Court in the room
ol Judge Walts. This a.-raicemciit was ( ffecled i
Associates, on the bench. The ar"uuicni
1 "
list was taken up and the case of .la:hia.s
m purMnrice ol an Act of Aen.bly p,s.ed by the Kline, who had been found a lunaiic, by at.
last Legislature, allowing the Prcsidi nt J.idges ot I inn nisition sumo limn !w.l-.rU ......
our cimi In i.vau ... ,. . I '
eri.viontgomery anilVlarirarev Ins wile. ; 1 ,H "":"rtm.t Hnctiim to decij.... iikaij tub
1 he first cause was one of trespass on the
case-for cutting timber.
The second was Ejccinwnt, brought for
about twenty acres of land.
A struck Jury, who had been on the ground
were cmpannelled in both cases: upon an a
greement that separate verdicts should be giv
en upon each. The Jury was called and
sworn on Thursday morning Nov. 22nd.
on account of some w itnesses beinjr ab.srnt
Ihe cause was not opened till some time
after. Comly and Montgomery, fur Mont
gomery and wife -and lit lias, Trick mid
Leidy for 1'ollmer Ex., of Wagner, and
Huiler. It was tried wiih much ability and
at length, and the pleadings where open
ed by Mr. Bellas on Saturday afternoon,
and continued by Messrs Comly and Mont
gomery, were closed by Mr. IVick. Af
ter the chargcof thu court, the Jury retired
and after some timo returned briuiu.r in
a verdict for Plffs., in first suit, and fur
Defts. in the second.
Second Jf'ick.
Monday Morning,
Court met agreeably to ailjouri meni.
J. II Anthony, Pres't. Haldy and O.ikes,
I I'ifOliF.
1'tt-fM-v l.r.'f. deep l'l,-m wore cured by using am'k
Vr.lrt lintl!. s ol itrfii'a I'.nu.jr.
wi.s ii-rf-i.-t, it on Mr, J. H IIaskim, of Home, On,-iila Co..
N. V., ;.id il i.-i one ot li: n. iit Muariiloas runn ihut waa
i-v, r oi!' I, , on a l.uiii .a belief ; mid it was trtuckd by a
lat qltflii'.i'l III
i:i:.VTl l.lIA."V I'tlCIFIKR,
nnd nt a ssMi.i.Ka cost, than sneli a cure whs ever nnfora
or s.nee ie,.,.-. I,y s.ksapikii.i.a or asiv othkr iiKDicixa,
Since tin-. r.-ni.o.i oi the w.ti UI. Tiiii cure ol's
(tops riot b'i-inI iiiiiiic, iw h i-inU monimnnr ot tilts rftll rjjl-C't-.,'.
ii n ' ,,-, ol' lh-fi;it'it 'itfjfin Miitirintf ; lor wil
l uii d.-lve .,:ni,,-i inn. ni inl i-viili iii M of- cither nitiinirhiinf
ei'l.s ot S.tojn'.a iu:, ncrtfulu'n nf-1 linns. 'I'l.ia cure ii
ivih to I y Mr. Ha-ikim, mi, I rry'ifltd tn hy
I' cin li'i ii Kopeetalile Wilurs-esi
I'y On t. 'l iinVAi Wii.mam i. on.. Of the mo.-t n .-pectnlilu
(... -ii i. in oi i;,,ni.,- ,y .M..-.-I,.. IIikskm. A. Lh.vaiid,
li.-!e:,l.- nil, I r- i,i:l ilm.-ti-l; l.y Mr. (f. It. Ilnow.w pro
pn. tor ii ii-1 kcei, r ul liu VV. at Uuiua llutcli and by detitn
Cnt ill's Jubian pttriScr
rnr. all loip'in. il,,.i.s,9 of il,,., viz: StM-ttcni,
.f l!l,unitf"i, fin jitio is, I'implri on lite I'art,
I'll', ',,'.. ii-ax tVf...:."i-!C.. M rritrmt Jaium.-ii, I.trrr
C n:Mt, hum h ikt h,i . i. s,d,, and l4Mi, tltuh of LUnJ
la tut II .. te.
I h thr-
, ..... ,,,,r, , I. l.iio.N A Ii v (.oveveT,ov Unit bus ever
, r-e. t, ,.-,l ,e,,l1.,-o..:d s In !,,. I.y ,i. ,,,,. j,,,.,,,,
i "" "''';'""' It,.,,. I a, ,o...v
I I (.,. m. II,.. .r,.,,.,,.,,l,i, !, v , , g.n(t l,i:;r
e.-,., ,,.l pr.;,l , Iry .-.p.... Ii, m,,I, ., vif... ,..
p mii. " ;,.. ,-M, .!.., I crr (."-...a C.,,,m,;t.o,.
I ' "" ' '"""''' ' b" ..n l wrW iv.
Tl', 1.1 v. ,;,i.,il, (, ;ii til jur,lvlll c
trmt h.-...- ii,.! ..-, , ,rt.. rr.runin.
'I Iioii.-iii.I of i o.i..if,j,tive ona!i,
""' "'"' V I-f...,.i,n,e;. r.
' .,r.,Ml,,. ,,.,,T iuu:1 ,!..,,,.,,
1 1 1 1: ' j. l , an.i i-t: ,t.
03- The insolent fellow, ?,Wo,,4,Woom Cen.
Jacksnn discliaiged ii. m the Navy, and who so
Krosy insulted the Cenrral in ihecabiuofasteam
Ica, ha petitioned the prt-tnt tie. retaiy nl li e
N.ny. to be reinstated. I (. ran sali ,e ()e.
sent whig Cabinet lb..t he actuallv accomnlished
noi iiig oi special Coiiils- to try causes in which
I hey may have been concerned. Judge fo-nk, un
and njf the Iletich, gave general satisfaction.
He occupied a prominent pisition before the de
mocracy last tall lor tha office of Covernnr, and
we know that he would have filled that responsi
ble pisi w illi great ability and tact. jotu Co.
Jk min t at.
TVh is amusing, t pick up a variety nf
the papers, published in the cities of Phila
delphia, Aew lork.and Iloston, and some I
oilier latitudes ; and read the nroorammp I
.1. .. .1. ' i r,
....ii o..Braiei.u act, an, I really pulled the nose ol of what 1 .pv inloml l ,U f... .1. : I :
. ... i . , J 11 "'en -'llilMCII-
At a meeting nf th,. Hoard of Directors
of this Institnii, n held at the Montour
House. in this place, on Mundav h.m p,.
nsenn nf rmirxr. f'm nnrtinn nC t(,n rn. It.,,,,. .c.i- .
" J i "l ". 'C4- "its place, was unani-
"Xewspaper" devoted to "Queries and an- mously elected as President of the Hank
nvvew." In order to make this dcp,rt- j The Octinn . f a Cashier was postponed
mrrnt iufrefting and useful, the questions i until the 18th of December next, when the
should he such as to be of some importance ! meeting of the Board of Directors will
'vhen answered, either as a matter nf laUc place
useful or general knowledge. It could
comprize within its" limits: science, and
literature, and history; political, natural,
sacred and profane. We repeat, that wc
think th:9 thing worthy of imitation; and
we do opine, that in th? hands of a Ilnent
writer and well informed Editor, it could
be mad; highly beneficial and useful.
It is much more easy 1 1 see what a pa
ir should hi", thai to make it so, and there
is no man luiu?. who at all times, can get
up a paper as u a pi-pf r. Neither should
it be expected ; md ic.i',;. , a well informed j
bonimuuiiy will net hi, for epicy papers, j
hit. r. I. . I i . ..
... .c-(iiaoieu ny Me present whig
Death or a Miskr.-TLo .V 0. Tirayunr
says.lhal an hi rniser.a .Iat..r,d,ed at Attakapas,
lately, who wa worth in mo,,ev,,nd and negroes
at least S.C'J'i.tiuOU. He had his colHii. .,!.? t..
It will he seen by an advertisement in
another column, that an installment of thir
ty percent. o each share of stock sub
scribed has been called for to be paid by
the 18th day of next month; twenty per
cent, on the 1st of January next.aud twen
ty per cent, on the 1 5ih of the same
The building, which it has been decided
tt-pon lo use f(,r a banki ,g h0st., adjoins
the store of Mr. Daddy, in the centre of
me imsii.ess pan oi toe town. It has been
expressly fittedup for (lie purpose, with a
lanre and stroiie- firs nnx.f c-.r,. .,.t :..
is I o,.c , njui it, Ihe year 1850-Noihing that ever
has been done, in the way of Newspaper
and Periodical publishing, can be compa
red to what is to come.
Now, we wish our Drethern of the press,
every success in their cff.rls to surpass all
fore his death, of rough unhewn pluaks, in were former doings in this line, but we cant help
fn.ln.l nfi... LI .1 1 . .
.--..u...,r, o.-oe,,,,,,,,,... ,wo or hrec thousand laughing, at the way they do pile it on
dollars in gold. SecWed in the ceiling of ,,e '
hoii.e wis found iN.'i.OOo in .,,,1,1. a,i : :
, a very large amount in gold and I wv, n , v . 1 1
b "iiu IIm.MJ i cf Liimuone townsl,i,to be
' Auditor ol the iccoont of Ciliiinbia roo..ti- i,n
Isov CoNvr. ntion i Convention of prison ! ,h' ,M'Xt g'',"'r' 1",er,i"n'in "Hit n jam in
inieiested in the Iron trace ol the country, met at ' K Msn""relnovet,to Nurtbumberland
l'ittsbur?o2l,t inst, and was well alilnd.-dbv! , .
delegate (mm a number of Stale. J.,,,,,,, t.n(l. I A P'UU'' WCIK'""K 3 1!'"- 13J ( z , rised near
ers, of Ohio, wa chosen lesident. A number of ' Mou,'""' sll"w" 10 'e editor of the .v,9,(f
M.eeches wei-tmade. and ,.ii; .. , 'i'na lugger last week.
cnest, also,
pap. r.
in iirciiiir II, e
establishment ola specific duly ,(..i(,n jnm
weid adopted. Col. f'AXr,.N, ol our cuntv, wm,
I l, m. ii i. , ,-, ,
v...u i, uiciuii lor ivimo ti;qiii.-.
tion stricken off.
Hannah Jackson, vs Charles Raider
Adm r. ol Caius Jackson. Civil case -v
diet for Plff.
Wm. Cunningham vs Klitha Everett and
John Snyder. 'I his was a case of tres
pass brought by the Plff. against Deft, for
leveying on, and selling a horse. The
question to be determined was, whether
the Plff. was actually engaged in the sci
ence of agriculture. The Jury found that
he was, and gave the Piff. damages in the
amount nf 25,00 the proved value of the
horse sold.
Perry A. Fox and Samuel Stahlnacker
Adm'rs. of (Jeorge Fox dee'd. vs. Fro
ntons and Samuel McNineh, AdmV. of
Andrew Kminons deed. '.his was a ease '
of settlement between the parlies as admin- '
islrators, and was c ntituied on.
'I ucsday Morning.
Fox's Adm'rs. vs. Emmnn's Admr's
In this case the jury found for ITfls. SHO,-
Admr's. of Douty jr. vs. Adini's. of
Doiity sen. This was like the one before
A EJV3. ,vs.n savj-:!
i, o: I , -1 , v fa-. t .,
1 ' !" ' i, I i .v
in t ' , , v I M . -.-
..; Ii we-, of 'Ir, :
i-, I',,. N. i.
-! nn-ii -nlir, i.d.I c. r'UVnfoi
i! . f .;, ,,, , ;, I, j
' .'" . Id , V, l.ivcn !! t!,,(
,''... ,V,,,,'.... ,,..-,
ol t :-t, h, . .) nl,,.,, , , ,
' r, ,i .-. a, i o oroi,;,
ii i. :n--!iv, oi i;:-i,,i, ,.
I'V-'-vvv w l.'-o, ., ,.,l i,u
himi ot.or. to B f,lNnnr. Hie ',.-MMrV
'f I'" U H l.,iv:,i- rrl, ',.
' "' ' "" ' 'lor-' ' f M'. J-.ii.v V, Air. t
I S- .! .1.- (VI,- t,, i. n,. -,. ,,.
i , i .. a... if y ; ,0 n b,u of !,, ;.
" ' . '' " t ' " y-! -.: i.-i
" I I" IK" I ' .' . , ,, ,.
-1, ., , .-.I
I ,1
,. H omo, 11 a p ,, I-ir. ol t
, "1,1 ,.i, .1 to !;.. i f It.
,11' i I;.,. -!l,-,, ,.,l,,t,,,,l, , j,,
Mr. I've, !,-.- .1,. , .,
I -v oi . I. : k i. ..
Mr. V ,
'(' lj'T ilV.'rMt,
tn..!( I'.r- Uii-
"iii iur 'Mr f.trou. . Mi- a ,v.. tl ..
i illl ; it p-!if'V.-,l h.-r.
! nnu
when the Kusmn allair wears ol., ami the i nearly finished for the reception of furni
JIusu.uito queston is settled, and politics ; tore, tc
become stale. In this state of things "In-j We learn that the Dank willgo into oper
quiriea and answen" would bring out : ation about the beginning of Febuary next,
something maybe. j So sas the Danville Democrat.
Vr The total amount of the liahities of the
So-Myiehunna Coiinly IJank, as nearly as can now
be ascertained, is about two hundred thou-a' d
The Imr.t no.-The last Minnesota Chrnn. , dollars. The amount ofas-vl eft!.,. sni(. j,,,.,,,
icle contain the veto of Gov. Ha.nsey all a( , !diag eveiythmg bearing .hat name or shape
'"!.': M..o.og i,.r me eleclion lo- , Uoe not exreeil one hnndivd and fortv thou
.mmissiunersio prepare a code .,( las for ,ie j '-''bi'-h -bow abaianco ol i,ea,ly or
territory. He lakes the ground that the ,,,,. ; th, osand doll.,, unaccounted for. .t,allt(.v ., ! Fill". Friek, Pleasants and Jialdy for Del',
tive is a i islinc-l t.r..i,el, ,,l il,,. I,...:. , . :. . - ul.... . J 1 ""l
"b'sutne autbor- ; a;,,,.-,,!, n nirnsont I H., ,, ;,.(,.,.. f .,, (! (leSllOll was ah V in.,,,,,! I... .1
,. ,, ' 1 ' J K 11 1 v ii
i r""":"'-Slhr" K"'"im" '""' re.,.i,re. tu ve j sel. as to whether the def,
l.oio.Moi a ,,,,.,, trU,nn.tUll.pi,(
Hi,- - h, .111' V I,,.
net ( r
'i'llie si.xly
it, a dispute, diflictilt of adjustinent
Jury find for Deft. $80,12.
Homer Parmlee vs Simon P. K;ise
This was a difiiculty arising between the
parties in the pump business, whieli ' "vv" ; M' C;,-v & ,M ' w " s' '
, , 'IU il had ' fvAH leltcrsard r-tilMs n -l le i.Mlf-rdto
neon carrieo on ociween (hem Comlv for I " & Cm . n .',. Pi. k w.. N Y. rc '..'
1 ' i ' ore I-...-H on ,! I'lttj
A- li Yor,j t;-(j . J , .I,, ,,.
- !o, ,vn Mr. iHIt-iri u
I ''"" . " '' ! ' I tie ir ml
1 ":"' si, i e,t rt,t, i,t
; t ',, , r,,.l.t ,.( M. Mr. J..HV Wait th. m-r-
, r. ,1,1 ,., wl ,,o, I,.,- , or, ,1, ' i: , w,,r,-l,,i-l,t. ,i,l llu.
! ' "" "'"e- Il l-.,lil. .,!- e.illi.. ll (!,. t. I.. ,! w
, "" '""''" ' ' "' 'J " 1 cWr.!, Vr 01 Mr. Ilvk, III ill.
I 't !!.-, ... ., ',. ,, i,.. .i r'. , r,,,,
l j,-,,, -I ;. i-..,i.,i I , i . . . i ,, i, llraoi's lUiltnm.
nft.M'.-T'.i I'UI.r.rOTJAKY I'AtSA.-.I certs Con
, roeyl on, t'uwi . c,, , ..... ., ,,, ,;., (,,,,,v at
'" ' '. ' ' . , . v.,-. .it.,tS;iul,,tr'
roniaio Wcaltiicsscs ana Complaints,
' '.-,,l .'., )j.; r ,, n ,. S,;m,-r Complain.
Dctclora unb piirjairiaito Ucccnimcnb.
1 : !,i ;., -a .,, i i,, I ,,-,. n,y "lysKaiu have UMr
r. ( ,, ,, , Brunt's JYIcdicinnn
Hi. N. II!'!, I; Mill, -!.,,, . (-,,.
I'r .1. N ,-.!,' , vt, ,l,,n. N, V.
Dr. l: i---f s. ,j j. ,o v t , loooloyn, K Y.
I'r. T. M. I,f. I. .1 i ,,-', N V
I'.- ; i;i .!.;,. nuwK M, ,;,i,.v. Conn.
In-. ;!!;;;!: ik;i:c ii fh n y.
I'r. s 111 , K I'r, l N V.
Hi. fi. It. (I M.KM INK. !iir,, ,V y
I'r .1. (I .-itll'M N K ,v.-rr- , rt,-. N. V.
Iir. .1 .-MVJ'll. II. ii, r ,t,, N. Y.
In. O. hllll'.iiAN, fortlaii I. N. V
I'm ."-a .' I j K ft,, , i ,' ,'. i r I t'n 1 1,
Pli nliisblilL'; Id P. 1 ; , ), , 1 I I ; (.;. i
'""'r, In. I, ; V . I (,, in. 1 i ,v , ,;
MiN.nch ic , i . i . ti . i, J r,i.',iiM j;
Wirtlloio. I,ol,i.l,iug ; I-.. J, .'. 1 His. I imii.
villi-; Sloan '1 1,, r. p.- v. I l I is. i, n : ft;. (;.
Slli.rmi.kiT. Ili.ikl.tii. ; J. W. Mili'ili. Jriiix.
i;;o'. ;ii!l Jolt rnnliii"-.
he coun-
A.N i:nli ckv fali.. ThcKe
psMorol ine I'resbytei i,,n Chnrrh at ,l,.,,
land, near Charleslnn. .V (' ..,
" i " "a miii ! i v
L . 1 ... -
'rse, on lon.lav ,, i.,.-t ,,,.((
fTvT"- b'l'.KP IT 01 ft KK Til T. Mel 1 v.. 1 1 at
nor col ,,. 1 ti m1'' liino-oiis. lOHiiis, i i i(i,, j
ne set u . should ....... ., .... .... . ,.i ,. ,t. . . ,'
. v. -.1.,, ,l . , - . I I . l
'lie court reei,,., il,,i .1 ( ) 1 1 A I ) f t 1 I.I.I ii I I I r I I.' ! M ' s
from his
I'Tatrn at llr.irt. n t:
residence ol (i,-n. 'I avl,,r. i, ;
j beiten the n.crr.ili.- nia.ioi
I ifom saien to iei eiit)-.,.vu
I;,' let ill nr nul.
, ,,i. . . ..i ., . ,
Is- v u.isc.,i!,l..ei .,r t.,. i.. ...... ..: .,. : they liatl not jurisdiction iii th ... ...i.:..i. ' V'"IM " 1,1 '
. ,, .......... -r woni.i nave . . " ''" Culuiiwin i , ,. I, -t n ! M i,l .
,H" ; ir 111 ituc u.) iiv r,i iwiri-fn.n , un kiiiiii; iii iji i rfni.i.i.. i i . . . i . . .. .... ...... i . n t
' - "' "' Ii- A'itHltl I, HP I I, fll ' J "Ul I ' Mi l r 1 I to .- ') 11(1 Hit I . i Hi! ' F C I I' M I I 1 lilt ' I I I, Vtl.
! and directed the jury lo find f. pwr .. r be-t .nt.rU cl PI- IT'S, I'.l.AMxS, hTAlltN.
.Kiehatd II. Dana, the Poet. , ,,,,- j die, ov, r .1700.' ' j "ZV !'!,t ad
nmr in Plnlade!,n:i, m, (,(, Drama of' After Irving the can-of JW) l 1 '"yen-ne si,, k . I f.l.u 1. .-, i .w , !lW ;,M
Shakespeare. Mr. !ina .:.. ....:..!.! David f.lnv.l ,, '. .' Wnd... Ir-m IWM Na...r;.-Mi,.r, rM f -
seiert as-oo ineoi ri v.iv i;P l:in;tr lerlifi
in'., t'I'int'd aa.lrrptavn in M ii.uj r, M.-i
, Mij-'.ij'n
i'lige, ti
e bully ...(....., un- iM-am.'i ol ' ' r nig i ne case of Jnco!) D
o,,,. j Miakespeare. A. r. Dana sMsiains a 1,,, ! David hlovd, which we did not hear the
r-putat!, ii, as a Po-i and a srb.i!;.r. rourt adjourned nt Wrilnrdav iici.mi'