ta 1 . !iimiism m ' . j 0 "That (.ovcrnint iit h the best which govern leant." W LEVI L. TATE. P 0 E T II Y. I7T I A Touching Poem. f IVfl ncrnitinnallv mit with an iatraV thtt fraiehted with the most Blowing pa thos, but which, upon inspection, exhibiw . u.. .1,- .nhi.ifl im mold. p Clous cnarncrr. nv j led, as obnoxious. When however the poetical t jfj'ct ii consulted in connection, the mol favor aido auspices will l) apparent. As an example of this species of poetry, Hood's 'Uridge of Sighs' rand pre eminent. The subject, and the great ympathy w hich is awakened lor the fair suicide, lead on tosuspect thelendency of the poem ; but a clear examination shows that the author's inien ti,n ii not a toleration of crime, but a rebuke of the cause that leadi to crime. Thii poem lias perhaps done more toward the amelioration of the unfortunate class it so eloquently pleads for, than any aingle poetical production iu the Ian- The Forsaken- Sheatood amid the crowded hall. Forlorn, yet oh, how fair? ' Though many a beauty graced the hall To me the loveliest there. Yet guilt and woe a shade had east Upon her youthful fame. And scornlul murmurs as she passed Were mingled with her name. I looked into her languid eyes; So dark and deeply set. And read uth thrilling mysteries Of passion and regret. I thought of Eve when taught to sin, Fresh from the serpent's lore, Though tutored to seduce andwin, Yet lovelier than before. In truth it w a painful sight As former friends pasted by, To set her quivering lips grow white Beneath each altered eye. Oh i how I wished seme angel then Mis pitying wings should spread To shelter from the scorn of men That fair, defenseless head. With none to strengthen or sustain, Alas .' why came she there, Amid the selfish and the vain, Alone in her despir ! Perchance she longed to see once more Some dear familiar face, Some vanished friendship to implore, Some enmity efface. I know not i for one first and last Sad Bieeting war this one. Tearful I gazed i but midnight pissed ; 1 looked and she was gone. The Soul's Destiny. BY AUGUSTINE I. H. DUOANNE. Tell me, ye who read and ponder Ye who gaze with vision free When the clay shall burst in sunder, What the Soul's great fate shall be ! Not lo part from earth and being, Like a rock thrown in the waves K it like streams the sunlight fl.-eing, Sinking in eirth's hidden caves; Bnf, as in the polar heaven Sinks the large and golden sun. Which, ere yet hath come the even, Hath another day begun! And each ray, still backward streaming, Lights the glorious earthward course, While its gushing fulnes beaming, Adds new splendors to its source ; Even tehs the Soul's great action O'er the world its beams shall idled. And it prfrrt light's refraction Shall increase its fountain bead! IVobleineii. BY O. D. STUART. The noblest mn I know on Earth Are men whose hands are brown with toil Who, barked by no ancestral graves, Hew down the woods, and till (he soil, And win thereby a prouder fame Than follows king or wanior's name The working men! whate'er their task, To carve the stone, or hrar the hod Thev wear upon their honest brow The roval stump awl seal ol God ! A nd brighter ar- 'heir drop of sweat Thin diamond in a cornet j! Hn Meithe noble working men, Wh'i rear the cities of the pla n ; Who riiitrhp mines, and build the ships, nd drive the I'l.n.merre ol the mam ,A bie- them ' for their swarthy harids H4. wfMjghf thr r'nM ' f all lands, JiLOOMSEUllG, COLUMBIA CO., SATURDAY, ?m g s m a l'atJiionable Hit In. Mrs. Swisshelm.ol the Pittsburg Saturday Vis iter, gives the following malter-of-lact intnriua tion in sue ol her admirable "letters to country girls ! "There are hundreds of girls in every Urge city who parade the streets in feath ers, silks and laces, whose hands are soft and white as UNulessncss can make them, whose mothers keep hoarders to get a liv ing for their idle daughters. These motli ers will cook, sweep, wait on the tables, carry loads of marketing, do the most me nial drudgery, toil late and early with lit tle more clothing than would be allowed to a Southern slave.while their hopeful daugh ters spend their mornings lounging in bed, reading some silly book, taking lessons in music, and French, fixing finery, and the like. The evenings are devoted to dress ing, displaying their charms and accom plishments to the best advantage, for the wonderment and admiration of knights of the yard stick and young aspirants fur pro fessionable honors doctors without pa tients, lawyers without clients who are as brainless and soulless as themselves. Af ter a while the piano-sounding simpleton captivates a tape-measuring, law-expounding, or pill-making simpleton. The two ninnies spend every cent that can be raised by hook or crook get all that can be got on credit in broadcloth, satin, llowers, lace, carriage, attendance, &c.,-hang their emp ty pockets on somebody's chair, lay their empty heads on somebody's pillow, and commence their empty life with no other prospect than living at somebody's expense with no higher purpose than living gen teelly and spiting the neighbors. This is a synopsis of the Uvps of thousands of street and ball-room belles, perhaps of some whostj shining costume you have envied from a passing glance. Thousands of women in cities dress, ele gantly on the streets, who have not a suf ficiency of wholesome food, a comfortable bed, or fire enough to warm their room. I once boarded in a 'genteel boarding house' in Louisville. There were two young la dies and a piano in the house,' halls and parlors handsomely furnished. The eldest young lady, the belle, worn a summer bon net at $10, a silk and blonde concern that could not last more than two or tliree months , silk and satin dresses at two, three and four dollars per yard, and $5 a piece for making them, and the entire family, women, boys and babies, nine in all, slept in one small room, with two dirty bags of pine shavings, two straw bolsters, and three dirty quilts for bedding ; no sheets, no slips, and there on the wall hung the peagreen and white satin, the rich silk and lawn dresses. These ladies did not work, but played the piano, accordeon and cards , and nearly broke their hearts the week be fore we were there, because another, who I presumed lived just as they did, caded on them with a great, clumsy gold chain on her neck. None of them had one, and Miss Labalinda, the belle, could eat no supper, and had a bad fit of the sulks to console her for the want of a chain. Dut, dear me ! I had no notion of running away off here. I was just thinking how busy you country girls are apt to be in the fall, and this led me to think what a blessing it is that you have something to do, and that you think it a disgrace to live idly. It is a great blessing to live in a country where it is a credit to work, for idleness is the pa rent of vice and misery. Ko do not get weary or think your lot a hard ono when putting up pickles or" preserves, npplehut ter, sausages and sauces for future use." The Morning and Evening nf Life. The following is an inscription on a tombstone in Massachusetts. It is beautiful : "I came in the moraine it was spring. And I unilcd ; f walked out at noon it was summer. Ami I way glad ; I sat me down at even it was autumn, i And I was sad ; I laid me down at night it was winter, And I slept." The Pfnnsyfoaman say: " Three mil I inn seven hundred and thirty thousand dnln of Cal-jf.-rina gild had been received at the !,'. Mn.t, I. f'tiil.delpr.ia, up t Saturday l.i-t "The fJ'ay of the transgressor u hard." This solemn declaration of holy writ is often verified in the developments of God'n providence towards sinners. In some in stances, this verification has been so strik ing, that it would not fail to force itself upon the attention of the most careless ob server. The sins of the wicked do mo&t assuredly find them out. This is especial ly the case with those, who continue pre sumptuously in the way of trangression af ter they have been solemnly and repeated ly warned. Often does God suddenly cut such down in the midst of their career of sin and fully. An especial aggravation seems also lo attach itself to the case of those, who, though they had once number ed themselves amongst the professed follow ers of the Savior, continue deliberately in the violation of some known command of God. We have recently met with the re cord of a remarkable exemplification of this fearful truth, in the memoir of the Rev. James Patterson, of Philadelphia. It is contained in a quotation from his diary ,and is Htated by him in the following words : "Mr. , a communicant in our church for eight or nine years, or perhaps more, was determined to get rich, lie kept a grocery store, and began to sell on the Sabbath. Having heard this, I went to him and reasoned with him about the sin of breaking the Sabbath. He replied, that he knew it was wrong, and was sorry that it was a general custom ; but that if he should refuse lo sell on the Sabbath, people would not buy from him through the week. I went again to visit him, and reasoned with himafJectionately on the subject. 1 told him if he continued in this practicc.he would be publicly suspended from the communion of the church; and that the session would now give him some time to make up his mind, before they would proceed to deal with him. I left him the tract, 'Quench not the Spirit,' and told him 1 would men tion his case in our prayer meeting, and we would pray for him. I did so, not mentioning any name, and we prayed re peatedly for him. It being in the time of a revival, the church was much engaged in prayer in his behalf. I called on him the third time, and asked him how he was getting along? lie replied, that he had made up his mind, I was happy to hear this, supposing it was to quit selling on the Sabbath, and to return to his duty. Hut, think of my surprise.when hoto'.d me that it was to continue to break the Sabbath. I said, is it possible, that you have calmly and deliberately made up your mind to profane God's day ? If so, I would advise you to prepare to die ; for you have pjreat reason to fear that God will soon cut you off from the earth. Poor fellow ! his race was short. The next time I heard of him was after a Wednesday evening lecture ; the congregation was invited to attend his funeral the next day ! I do not know that lever was so surprised. His mother-in-law told me that he was greatly distressed before he died, and that he would freq uently exclaim, with his hands clasped, 'Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, have mercy upon my poor soul, and forgive my past life and past offences.' The Sabbath before he died they were selling in his store all day. "The funeral was pompons j fine car riages and fine mourning dresses: but alas! I thought, where is the soul ? "They that will be rich fall into temptations and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in des'r uction and prr litioii.' His physician ti Id me lliiithis was an pxtroardinary case ; tli. had no fever : that he had a little sickness in his stomach, but nothing that could excite alarm. III! said that his mind was overwhelmed with the world that he was bent (.n ma king money. His soul was agonized to think that he must leave off the world a little, nnd lie bv durinj his sicknesc. His death was sudden and unexpected. Hi: died while fritting in bin chair!" "This case,'' the biographer very j ustly remarks, "affords an impressive warning to professing Christians, whose lov; i .1'yniii it pleasure leads llieiu to j r I i i c ; tin: day of sacred rest, notw illis!:tti ' ' e rtinoa strancei nf pious friend.;. '!e t'.ipii- ful messpneers of nd ),' nnaku anv pecuniarv :ierihVp, cr ri! fication of a Sunday excursion, many pre sumptuously disregard the command of Je hovah, which was promulgated amid the awful displays of Sinai. Let such trans gressor! be admonished by the preceding history, and hereafter 'remember the Sab bath day to keep it holy.' " We would not, however, have the warning confined to such only as have taken upon themselves the obligations of a profession of religion. Others out of the Church are also similar ly exposed to the judgments ol God on ac count of transgression. Striking exem plifications of this fact are not wanting. -The only path of safety for any one lo pursue is the path of duty. Let all then, who would avoid the displeasure of God and secure Lis favor, turn to him at once in the exercise of sincere repentance for sin and of faith unfeigned in the merits of his Son's death, and yield a diligent and cheer ful obedience to ail his commandments. CO The Republican Standard, published at Berwick by our triend Maj. Kitchun, has been discontinued, having bteu published lor six months. New" York Evening Tost c i 'iiclFTZi n . The New York Rvhiiii Post is the oldest Democratic paper in the state of New York, and one of the oldest in the United States. lis past history, we venture to hope, will justily us iu so liciting Irom our democratic madeis and fellow laborer-i, a 1 1 it: n illy interest in behall of a journal which hajgeeii some service ia llie caue of de mocracy. It is not for us perhups to say how far the Even ing Post is calculated to meet the want to which we have alluded. Our readers are doubtless gen erally acquainted with its literary and political character. If its aim and influence are such as meet wiih their approval, we trust they may find it in their way to contribute somew hat to its cir culation. To those unacquainted with its plan nnd char acter, we bei; lo nibmit the following summary; The Evening Pusrwill contain: Ths News or thb dat, which we shall re port with all the accuracy and fidelity in our power, including intelligence from foreign coun tries, political information, reports ol elections, and notice of every occurrence of general in terest. II. Public Documents of general importance, reports, messages, ollicial communications, &c. III. Discussions ci- Political Questions. These we hope to be able to conduct in a spiiit of fairness and courtesy, not descending to personal ities or appeals to prejudice, yet always without any basi of personal interest, and with complete independence. We are demociats in plinciple: we have embraced the demociatic creed from a profound conviction of its truth, because we find it striving in the main for objects which we cor dially approve. We bold to the ureal doctrines ot free trade, of simplicity in the powers of ov. ernmcnt, of equal and sparing legislation, of the propriety nf hrinuinK public atlaiis as much as possible within l he cognizance and management ol small neighborhoods. We are opposed to the extension of slavery, and in favor ol its restrict ions in every constitutional mode; we are ene mies of all monopolieB.and of all legislation which seeks to create jobs for favorite?, and to promote the interests nf particular classes. The course of the Evening Post in regard to these subjects is well known, and iis conductors may say, with an allowable satisfaction, that in the zealous support of these views for a long series of years, they have never wavered through fear or through interest. IV. The Markets and Commercial Information the proprietors have made arrangements for giv ing with accuracy and with the latest revisions of persons intelligent in such matters. V. Literary notices, selections from the liter ature of the dav.extracts from our best magazines, popular and scientific, and a fair proportion of that sort of miscellaneous. Trading which gives an entertaining character to a newspaper. With these material, we endeavor to make a paper both interesting and useful to the reader. Out country friends have now gathered in the principal harvests of the year, and will soon have more leisure for reading than in the late busy season. Congress will soon be in session, and questions of the greatest moment will come be fore it for its discussion. The legislatures of the several Sta'es will shortly enter upon their winter sessions- A contemporary record of thei,e impor tant discussions and proceedings, m.dr up with industry, exactness and candor, mut be desired bv every intelligent man, and to such we recom menJ the examination of the Evening Post. TERMS. The price of the New York Weekly Evening Post, is for a single copy, payable in ad vance, $l 00 For ELEVEN copies to one nddref, 1Q 00 The price ol the Semi-Weekly Evenino Post, is, for a hinule copy, payable in advance, o ijij Four dollars will he charged when the subscription is not paiii within lh fir-t six months. Fur TEN copies to line address, 50 rjfi (irf-'rany number between FIVE and TEN, Two Dollars per copy. 1 he Evening Post, iued daily, 10 fjO It is not our riKinin toappniM Local Aientsto solicit subscript ioiu, nor to place much reliniire on A:;eiits at all. Put any pelioiis mav aid lis it he will, Ii.- takini thii. prospectus, and asking fho-e who like toe Evennini; I ' "1 , to hand him ll, money for a .ear, whirh he ran leinit at ('lull price and th'u oii'ain pay I'nr his lunu and trou hie. If nor friends would favor ns with a IM of lo-sony in their county or iieighb.irhoi'd, who fee! .hi uili re-t in the circulation nt trie view ,id vi cat ed m 'he con in ns i I' our joiiriisii , 'r lo rn v uh! ii'o pf' pi ii ty In, '.v,ud cur rirculars, lli 'V ii. av gi:ii oli live us IV. P. HIi' Y A NT !z CO. Vk-v Y vk. O.-tol.n nth, I" pi. --Anv P'V'r 'oiS.Jiii.j. ,, r irulHi roppic. i"'i-lv o'irc n : eck f"t ;hrr -en-ks, and aei.dini :r!fd .wtl' he e'lV'i. .) .. n '. hni; .!' . Ov'l ' --a:' DEC. 1, 1849. Another llouctt Wliix. The Ohio Statesman has the followirg gi one : The good of the Whig party, not of tin country demanded a change of postmaster1 at Troy, in this Stale, and the cxcelleiv Postmaster at that place was removed foi the crime of being a Democrat. Though the county of Miami is strongly Whig, the people resented the removal at the last election by making Mr. Pearson, the dis charged postmaster, sheriff of the county. The new Postmaster appointed a young whig by the name of I'uhrman, as clerk; and a few days after entering upon the du ties of his office, a package of letters inten ded for the Cincinnati distributing post offi ce was missing : one nf which contained $2,500 in bank bills. Suspicion was fixed on the clerk in the office, and some days since he was arrested iu Zanesville, and S'2,400 of the money found iu his posses sion, lie is now in this city awaiting his trial before the U. S. Court, now in ses sion, and has already confessed the crime. Escape or Puisoners. Two prisoners confi ned in the jail of Schuylkill county, at Crwisbuig escaped on T hursday morning week, by boring a hole through th ceiling leading to the garret Juhn Sullivan, charged w ilh burglary, and Dennis Kclley, confined for robbing a ftore, aie the names ol these "birds." A reward of 50 isnfl'cr ed bv the Sheriff. "Therk is aliinc for all tbings,"said a crusty old fellow Iu his wife : I'll believe that" answered his wife, in a sharp vinegar voice, "when you pay for your newspaper." Hit him again.old wo man, we'll stand by you. Refuskd The notes of the Farmers' and Dro vers' Bank of Wuyncsburg, sie relux d by the Northumberland Hank. It is said the Bank has gone down. Extraordinary cose of Disease and Death. The remarkable illness and recent death of Mrs W. Deale, ol Wellington city, og d fifty four years, is thus described in a Utter publish ed in the Baltimore Sun : "Twelve yenrs ago she was suddenly attacked with a pain in one of her feet. It grew worse. The usual remedies failing, the skilful services of the late Doctor Thomas Sewall were obtained. Months and years rolled on, Her physician in vited additional medical talent. T he case as sumed a singular character. Many members of the faculty of this city, and occasionally distin guished members from other places, were afforded opportunities to examine t lie case. Hut notwithstanding all, the diseases fcrad uilly aril uuco.iiii;ly penetrated Ihe en tire y-tein; bone afur bono left its position and worked through the flesh; while some parts of her body seemed to undergoqiiiie a tians fortnation. Dr. Sewall styled it a "bone can cer." It was literal) v such. He also stated to the writer that during his tour of observation through Europe, a shnrt time previous to the conversalion he had found but one single, toli tary parallel case to this. Within the last few months all eruption had disappeared, but it was apparent that the disease had taken deep hold on the vitals. She gradually lost her appetite then it became impossible for her to partake of any kind of diet without suffering! Thus, under ex cruciating pain, unprecedented in the annals nf medicine, did Mrs. D. linger without a favorable symptom from the first moment of attack. It is remarkable, however, that she retained almost uninterrupted possession of her faculties, and withacltar intelligent mind, would distinctly describe, her sufferings, and complacently exhibit to her friend, her mutilated form. But Mrs. D.,was a christian, and seldom a muimer was heard from her lips.'' Femai.k Reputation. To woman reputation is indeed a jewel so connected with her happiness, that to barter it for diamonds were a loss forever irreparable. There issomething in thenrdina'ion of human affairs, in the organization of soeiety, which demands from the female sex the highest lone of purity and the strictest observance of duties pertaining to woman's sphere. There has always eisted a marked difference in the mea sure ol reproach rust upon ihe sexes for similar faults Woman moat suffer in the dust cast down in an instant Irom the loftiest eminence fur (rival faults; while man walks proudly upright, penetrates the highest circles though cov ered with his viices. Reputation is all to wo man, yet a breath rnny soil it. Would she preserve the priceless jewel, hold no in'crcourse with tho betrayer -encourage not a train of admirers let not the libertine enter her door. Slap. Sleep is surest, and oftentimes the only fiiend which misfortune is not certain to drive from the siilu i( the unhappy. It poms the priceless trea sure if its wealth upon the poor; it sheds? itsopi ate upon (he couch nf agony, when the leech des pairs; ut its magic touch the straw of Ihe maniac I is turned to softest down; the dungeon an I the j 'elter dU-olv ! bclore its spell, and even i"niorse I itselt forbears to prey upon th"! victim whom its ! -field protects while, ol all luxuries of life. ,t ' ih the nnlv one that pampered opulence r in r,ev. r c mcand. OLD SLHILS-I OL. 1 HIU'E volTSTnuSber 37. Uaiubfing in California. A San Francisco correspondent of the New Voik .,, uj tVrowrrce, has the following liieture o gambling in Calilonna, in hit last lit ter : What would you think to see every house around the l'ark, an open gambling house, monte-iables in each comerfaro, A I.. J. and roulette, and nunilerlet9 rrcncli games in the centre: a splendid ly stocked Imr a hand f musicians to en tertain the crowds, who throng these places so densely, that you find it difficult lo press your way through, or get near a tafclc. Abandoned women visit these places open Iy. I saw one the other evening sittj? quietly at a irioute-taUe, dressed in whim punts, blue coat, and cloth cap, curia dang ling over her cheeks, cigar iu her mouth, ami a ulass of punch by her t,ide. Sim handled a pile of doubloons with her while kid gloved hands, find bet most boldlv. One man approached a faro tabid, staked a hundred dollars, nnd won seventeen hun dred in fifteen minutes. Next day I saw him miming from friend to friend to borrow fifty dollars. He was broke. Yectt .d:i v n gnmbler, who came rn in the Ore ! whi. is worth come 00,000 dollars, told me I flint ilia nrnnnn.L ,.C U: I 1. I' .1 ...... mi. puurua ui ins onus., ior me pre ceding day, were. 3000 dollars , and y(;t, with nn infatuation truly astonishing, men flock to these places, and stake the products of months' labor at tin; mines. Now and then, it is true, some bank frets ilm worst ol it. One of them was completely broken up by a Soiitheniur, a few weeks ago He took 30,000 dollars from the bank, in two nights' playing. OCf-A Hkroi.vk i-iin ('Al.iFOR.viA.T-Thc brig Ark sailed from Newport on the 3lst lilt., for California, with 117 piuReiigeis, among whom were three young Indies. One of them is a sin gle Human, without friends (unless of recent ac iiuaiiil.in -e) or relatives on board. She goes cut on her own hook. Kahi.v Kisivu."He who will thrive rni.i,t J rise at iWc." So says the piuvcrl), though ihcr I iti ri.nri, ..t' . I........ t -"ii i.j. nn; vo.iii leas oil in ii ; For if He tha will thrive niut lis,, at five, it must follow, a furtinri. He who would thrive more most ri.-o at ,ur and it would ensue a foititsimn. He who would more tluninc he, mut aluavi rise at three : He wiio would the Conner outdo, must ri.'r n early as two ; and by way of climn.v. if should hold good ilmt He who'd ne'er be. outdone., mini always r,.n at one ; while as a clincher tn the whole, it should he ,o! ded as a sort of grand climaierie, t)., He who'd be thriving quitf, muM cit un ail night. Smaet liov 'Well, Mjtir.ev, wliosf, pigs are lho,e V 'Old sow's, sir.' Whose sow is il ?' 'Our old man's sir.' 'Well then, who is your old man V If you'll mind these pigs, I'll ntn home and axe the old woman.' 'Never mind, snnney, 1 want n smart boy, what can you do ?' Oh ! I can do more than considerable. I milk the geese, rides the turkeys to water, hamstrings the grasshper, light fires for flies to court by, cuts the buttons off dads coat when he's at prayers, keeps tally for dad and man when ihey scold at mark old woman is always ahead,' Got any brothers V 'I.ots of 'em-all nimcd Rill, except Rob, his name's Sam my names Larry, but they call me Lazy Lawrence for short ness.' Well you're too smart forme V 'Travel on old stick in the mud, I shan't hire you for a boss in-day ?' Fvi'.x Mont:y.-Wc have read of cool things many times, but the following rather 'takes the rag ofTfrnrn ihe bush.' It js (,. cidedly 'icy.' A shabby nrntpel young man entered a tradesman's store the other day, with hi hands crammed in both pockets, as if ihey were flush with the rhino. 'Mr. J.' t-aid he -I believe I am indebted to you i ixty-two and a half rents, cash borrowed about a vcar an;o.' Yes. sir, replied the tradesman, smack ing his lips and holding nut his hand to re ceive the ready cash. 'I a.n glad you have come, for I had almost forgntien it mv self.' Ol., I nc er forget these thing,,' sai,i the fellow; I like to have things square, so I want you to lend me Ihiriy-seven and a hall ctiis nirp, whirl, will make it just rem money. '