Columbia democrat. r ... .., . .... .... I.r.VI li. T TK, K.DITOM. . . ii m ii SITURDAY MUll., NOV. 21, 1810. A XI U.VK T1 (K ri'JI LVVT. A very large majority of the Collectora appoin ted indifferent part of the Slate, to rwoive con tribution.1 towards thf Shrink Mounmknt, have not made inv return of tho piiperi Kent them. It is therefore hereby desired, tlut alUuch liste nhmilrf be rnturuod on or More the lt day of January, uext I). KKV, Chairman J'.x. Committee. CJ- Jdhh, Y.(., is the Collector for Columbia cuiinty, to whom nuhii-riptiuna for tii! above Monument, of $1 each, ran be made Caught a It'ild-cat .'Mr. Hoiiston Rophon, Son of John Robison, Esq., of Hlouin township, (near Espy town,) one Jay last week treed and captured a young Wild-cat. It was nearly full-grown. Mr. It., received the usual Bounty of $2 for . the scalp. Skunk's Moiirnnenl. In the fall of 1817, Fits. 11. Shuxk, rc reived a majority of votes for Governor of Pennsylvania, of nearly seventeen thou sand. After bin lamented death, the fob lowing June, it was proposed in public meetings, to raise i Monument to his vir tues, by means of public contributions. Accordingly, about 180 subscription pa pers were sent to .as many different gen tlemen, for lite purpose of soliciting or rath cr receiving the voluntary contributions of the citizens of the Commonwealth. The subscription wa limited, in amount, to one dollar; although any one could give more if so disposed. Thus almost every man could contribute, and have a pecuniary as well as a patriotic interest in its success. Few returns have as yet been made, and in view of this melancholy fact, the time for making a return has been p-rrj'.onged till January 1st, 1950. It is not. possible that the people have in any wise forgotten MIUNK. His administration will go down to posterity, side by side with that of Somon Snydkr. His pure democracy, his devotion to the state and her interest; his proverbial honesty of purpose, his un blemished character, 'Ilia .plain republican mannurs, have endeared him to the peo pie. We know citizens, (hat you cherish his memory ; we know, that you would not, -unwillingly, forget his virtues ; wc know, that you would point him out as an exam ple t,) your children ; we know, that you i'el, that the honor and prosperity or your native state, are inseparably connected with his iiHine; we know, that he has a holy shrine in your hearts and the hearts of your children; we know, that he has an undying monument in the History or a i.i. timk ; but, notwithstanding, we ask that something be done by his compeers, io show how they appreciated his unparal leled virtues. j John Mel?"yno!ds, Esq., is the Agent f..r this County, and let court weeks see hundreds of dollars on his subscription liM. tV It was predicted to us a few (lays ago, that the coming winter, would be one of liie open ami splashy kind. The pre diction was founded on the departure and return of our Indian Summer during the fill. We hope that the prediction may fail, to that the young folks can enjoy thein Helxes this winter in Kiaying. We bes peak fur ihem lots of snow and fun, and for the "Columbia Democrat," an ever in creasing circulation and usefulness. A cm.' York, has not done badly after all. 1'rom present indications, the popular vote shows a Democratic majority of from 1 OjtX) to 1 5,0J. Gladdly do wc welcome into our ranks once more, a sometime erring sister. In fpitc of all cavi!, wc ere the great party of the Union Phoenix like, we rise from defeat, and proudly display ing our colors rush to the conflict. We do not triumph over our opponents, but we rejoice m the micwss of our time tried principles. ryilnvci i-iii tu. I . J.. .1 . . ... . ! . , . in, n riling or two fur honest Frank Nuink ? Although Kil- liers little loiVS were not Govern,, ' cause their daddy was: ycl, 0 may be j goveri.or yourself, some of these dav. ' .Kcincmber, HunorAad fame, from nitnndition rise I AclvT-jlljroiir part, there all the biiUu. I Court Proceeding. Monday Morning, Nov. IN, 1819. Court called about eleven o'clock -all three of their Honors, Anthony, Oaks and Baidv.oii the bench. The morning was consumed, ss usual, in making motions, presenting petitions, going over the trial lint, 1,0., ifcc after which the court ad journed until half past two o'clock. Afternoon. Court called agreeably to adjournment. II rami Jury called ami -charged. ' The Traverse Jury wero called, and a jurv empannelled in (he ease of the Comth. vs Jos. Jones, et al. Indict ment, Trespans Bancroft $ Buckalew for Prosecution, Cptnly and Hurley, fordefls. The Jury find Jos. Jones, and Icorgo M. Hagenbnrh guilty and not guilty ng to the rest, and they are fined fach fifty dollars. The grand Jury fined Bilht in the follow ing cases. Comth. Charles Franklin Fioch. In dictment Fornication and Bastardy. The Jury find him guilty usual sentence. Comth. vs Michael Graham. Indict ment, fornication and Bastardy. Roeogni- zanee in 200 till next term. Comth. vs Sarah Ann Bochtel. Indict ment, Audultcry. Jury called on Tuesday morning Pleasants and Hurley for prose. cution. Montgomery and Buckalew for defence. Verdict of tho Jury is that Sar ah Ann Bechtel, is not guilty, and that Henry Bechtel, the prosecutor, fay the costs. Tuesday Comth. vs Jacob Teats. Recognizance of the peace Bail in $200. The Grand Jury camo in with the fol lowing Bills. Comth. vs John .West. Indictment as sault and Battery. Not a true bill. Pros ecutor to pay the costs. James Black, vs John Black. Recog nizance of the peace. Sentence of the court, each pay his own costs. Comth. vs Fred. Pflugncr. Indictment larceny. A true bill Plead guilty sen- tence 1,00 fine-; costs of prosocution and three months in the county jail. Comth vs John P. 'Grove. Indictment, larceny. A true bill. This cause we learn is continued. Comth. vs James Ralston. Indictment, Fornication. A true bill. This cause we think will not be called up. Comth. vs. George Kramer. Indict ment, Assault and Battery. A true bill. Wednesday Morning, Jury called. Ver dict guilty sentence $5,00 fine, costs, and Bail in $1 00 to keep the peace. Comth. vs Abraham Force. Indict ment, Assault and Battery, A (rue bill. Wednesday Morning, Jury called. Ver dict guilty in manner and form, 4-c, Wednesday Morning. Various business was transacted before j the Court, and a few eases spoken of above j despatched. Comth. vs Jackson Meyers. Indict ment, larceny, Nov 21, 18 19. Polly Sey hurt discharged from her recognizance con sequent on the death of Defendant. Wf.dni:suav Afternoon. Conilh. vs David Neyhard. Indict ment, larceny. A true bill. Deft, pleads guilty. Sentence of the court is that David Neyhard pay a line of 1,00 and the costs of prosecution, restore the property, and undergo an imprisonment by separate and solitary confinement, at labor in the East ern Penitentiary, for the term of fifteen cal endar months. Neyhard is un old offender, having been up for the same offence at August .Sessions, 1817, at August .Sessions, I8-1M, and at this terui. Thursday Mokxinw. liobt. Montgomery, vs. l);iu. F0!mcr, Adm'r. of Dav. Wagner, dee'd. Struck jury in this case. Comth. vs Wm. Donaldson. Indict ment, Perjury-not a true bill. Sentence ofthe court that John P. Grove, pay the costs of prosecution. William Butler, vs Levi I.oes, Robert Montgomery and Margaret his wife. struck Jury in thin case. Commissions of Fkter Bii.lmkyer, Esq. High Sheriff of Columbia county, read in open court. And Deeds acknowledged by Henjamin llayinan, Esq., High Sheriff in Court. The two causes upon which struck Ju ries had been called, not being ready for trial, court was adjourned till the ringing ol the bf .11. The (iraud Jury ramc m and made the fnltmvinrr UIU'OUT: To thi Ifonnrabh Ju,t f th, r,,rt r , . in Sti,wni of the County nf Co'umha. I'iie Grand Ix'juest, for the bod v of "f 'he county of Columbia, respectfully re- M..V-..MM,. port: That thev have viewed the r :niljlu: I building and property, and find all in rood eondition Except the steps which ro out of the jail into the yavd, which need repair Also, some of the locks in the jail, which need repairing or lew ones in place of tho old ones. Also, a table in the Pro thonolary's ollicc ; ne v one. Also, Iron railing put around the pbtform in front of the Court House, as recommended by the Grand Jury in April sessions 1819. Also. thu State road, commencing at tho head of .itmn AineriHon s lauo, and to be opened to near Samuel MeHenry's. Also, the road in Madison from Foil liter's Mill, to Titts man's Mill, which is in very bad order Also, the bridge across tho Clnllisquaquo Creek in Liberty township, which was re ported April Sessions, 18-18. All which is respectfully submitted. VENIAH RE'ES, foreman. Nov. Sessions, 1849. ITT" Will notthcStar ofthe North, which gave Frs. R. Shuuk sixteen hundred and six of a majority, do something handsome, in tho way of subscribing a dollar each man to building a monument over his re mains J We know that it is unnecessary to urge this measure upon our citizens. They will not forget to remember to reward ;r..,. r ... t.iin , .m. .11.111. mi win jriuiui uurrriwr : anu thus, incite our youth to emulate his fame. A Very Palpable Hit. Wc are somewhat like the Dutchman, who came out. to his milkman one morn ing, with two vessels, instead of one, as usual. "What is this for, says the man of chalk, what do you want with the two vessels ?" vy, says the old gentleman, dis is for de valer.and dis vor le milic, und I mix em to shute myself." We too, like every thing by itself, and then we can suit ourselves in its mix ture. We intend to apply the anecdote to the universal Whig party, which, accord ing to the "Daily News," is composed of two destructive parties, the drones and the workers : or in other w ords, those who 'hnrra," and those who do something to "hurra" about. The "News," which by the way, we like, as being a radical whig paper, and not milk and water; speaking upon the subject of Col. John W. Forney, of the Pennsylvanian, being Speaker of the next House of Representatives ; gives its party, a poke under the short ribs for taking more care of the water than the milk. We think wiui me -flews that "the laborer is wor- -.1 .i . m ... ... ttiy ot Ins lure, and Col. Forney, has strong claims, which we hope will receive due consideration. His works praise him, we need not. The "News" proceeds to say "Locofocos always act upon this princi ple, and if the Whig party had done the same, there would probably be no doubt now as to the Whig complexion ofthe next L-ongress 'Do you take, Zachary, do you take ?" We wonder if ii is not a sly cut at the cab inet? Well, the Whig party are certainly in a bad state of condition, and it must be confessed, that from the cabinet down to the. negro Post Master in Virginia, the ap. pointmrnts give universal dissatisfaction. But this is no concern nf ours, it is ;t ly quarrel, and while we remember and re ward our friends, the whigs may furgel theinj Twelve Thoiiuii! Victim. It is stated officially, by a Whig corn spond.-nl of the Philadelphia A'oi th .hoi m an, that Mr. Coli.ammi, the Postmaster General, has relieved two thousand ii)il,t hvndrtd and 4y.Wr j ilim.h ia...; pi'!.ioiD-.ierH, established NiSnew pot I ollices, anil discontinued some v t.icli weit 1 lle if. by Democrats. This is an arci;;,!,. ap pointiiK-nt ol li.vis-, (,1 iM ,,ie ,) iif(' ( twelve months! The .New York llrrnldS -.,i,w. ...I..,., . ..,..!!. .1. I . ..,,...,;! ,rlM iiiensi 01 presr-nbeil ii,i tins "Washington era" to twelve thoiisam: writes : cr lie I he proscriptions of the cabin. t are ecr- ' 1 iMinlir U'ltiiuif t-.......ll.,l ' . .i i the government. The number ofpoMiiins-! ters turned out, airioiiuts to about I 000: to i ii Mnrv nt ' which may tie adileil a thousand clerks- ' he Louisiana sunk a f. -,v mit.tutes after the h',n?,,,fore P"Wihed, has been convicted at Col eqilfl to lour thousand expulsions in one ! ''iter. ll is nnknown what led o the exnlo ' "",l,usanJ sentenced to the penilcnliary for len department, in nine months. TJlf.ri, me ! " i" ""IT"' .t the engineers ad rc- i nair wino uomo C (nn il. ... , , . . I - "" '"" "-- inousanil postmasters i yet untouched; but every ollice i,at pays i is already appropriated-i'hosn that remain 1.11..: in on to ojii a year. In the 1 Home Hi erctrlnipni lo.m .....1 .... n ties included, there have been probably not less than four thousand chanovs ,,i ide In the Treasury Department thore have been, including (-inks, lig!nloS0 k(.(,r,rrS( &e., fome thr-x; thoii.and more, and kLow mg only a thousand for AD. ( 'la Ion Mr Crawford, and Mr. Preston, we ha'v,.', j,i nine moiiihs, a list of proscriptions, for t(,e ealitnct, apiouniing to twelv,, tlmusund. I be exact number of Mr. Co!hmicr ,, moialsof postmasters, m 27I. a,rrdiir. t- the books. .w. who,, ih,. s,.,,.,,; comes to act on all thi iinmcnsc ( executions you ni.iv depend .,,.,, ,l 1 '.. taii-i; ,MM MIl . ilnmi. f-ibinetwi!l be rcquir.-d to rivcll,c reason-., and hosts of their ap,,oinn,.. i,i.. , u. rr. jecteil. Indeed. I ventm, :,, , .!;... ,i,. Il wing nnd his deparinn n tinned as a itsnl, jnr-nml Treasury. "m the K.i The Ittdiord Ittiuocnuy. We have pemij, v.iil, muj, i ,f I itn the spirited pioceedit.gsnf a ineetiii; htlduli the I .'th iiiat., by tho irloriou tl.-ii! v of lledford conn, ty. The meeting was a tdieao-d, in tuin, hy our worthy demucuiic. Irieiids, Jnrv Ct 'sn a, I's,; , fylaj. Ta I K, II, id lien. DoWAMN. I'lrcting our iiiuiJiiiiy to give Iloi proceeding at length, we) must hi; content, with the re-publkjli.m I'mmlU it. ...-. II. .. .1...... .' n I . . I j nuiid, with whieh.wK aieominly plead and ,., i in- o h, -HO 111 III ill Mil . . 1.; I . , oditor ofthe Pcnnsylminian, a paper re - cognized not only as the organ of the Hem- ocracy of this Stale, but as an organ of the Democracy of the Union, is connpicously named as a candiilato fur Clerk of the -.- til II n I HOIISI! fit K',M r(.u.,l-,i;. 'I I, . " ' ' """"I'1! I IIU Colonel ii eiiiineuilv Qualified fur ib. m.t -is a gentleman in 'every sense ofthe term -and has rendered as much service to the rSkerr1''0' rr,,i,0r C lie speaker as a ny man of bis years Wi not the Democracy in (.'ongress confer this complinicnt upon the Democracy of the Keystone State ? Dor great Democratic i of r,'sP;('1 at llie la"ds of her brethem of the other States, and we resnectfullv beor i . i II. u !' , I'mn inn . ... ......... 1. 1:... I ! ,a, 01 ' VV , ' 1 we know mm. lit solved, That our confidence in the Hon. Jamks Buchanan is unabated. We 1 i cj ' recognize in hiin all the traits of the States- man and ( ientleman, and the older he grows the better we like him. The result of his great intellectual labors, like bread cast upon the waters, will be seen and felt lor generations to come. His integrity as a man, his devotion to pure Democratic principles, and his ability as a Statesman, will forever endear his name to the Ameri can people. Although he can number his friends by thousands and by hundreds of thousands, ho can find none more devo tedly attached to him than the lion-hearted Democracy of Bedford Countv." . Thkrk's NoTiriNd True but Culifarnia The Te.u Gazette alludes a follows to the gold found in Wichita, in that State : These descriptions of the Wichita gold are more glittering than those we read in oriental history of the Olon Tula, or sea of stars, at the source of Whangho, in Thibet. li one Halt ot ttiose tales were true, the philosopher's stone would be no longer a desideratum, and our neimtiable notes would be made payable in eagle and ru jSres instead of rows and calves. But, a- las ! a person who at !,. L-n-0 ,i. ' rise locality of the I .... i:.. .- .i .... ' ' J .' i -t i. . ,-' i ...m inuurn uoasures, nuns i I t h -" ." I'ioh , mill uiuv linon n-iii nir in i m i,l-,,.,, il ... .!... ) nlaee that tbpv nil vm j i.s, j, &jr enchanted castles i - "j - "- J lip Wichita g ld, whenever irazed upon, as if touched by a magician's wand, has the pe culiar quality i f becoming transmuted into mica. In short, it is nothing but an iqnis faluus that "leads to bewilder, and dazzles to blind." We happen to know this, for we liail the pleasure ot going all the way ln.t. t.n I.: - i- ' ........ ..... .v.inmni ijrn.y , aMimmersiin, " . 1 " 8"'" J anu wnen we uiiivi.u.n inu ii;h-(; ir tie It. ll'IIS. u- found it was nut '-itr." and anv nersnn who will find it there, without the aid of Aladdin's lamp is welcome to our hat. 7Vii. pild i j'.l a lli'i tinn nhow, That throws false 1 1 -1 1 r u ;im the cornea; The fucks ahovt, Hit- rocks below, shine, di i-i.i;'iil j;,,w ; There's ii'ilhin- Inn- but California. Horrible Slcatubout Disaster! pi. . Ivvplosion on Board the J.ouisiuin-The ! Shncred to Atoms I'pwards of" l.'il) Diver Lost ! i Nmv l)iti.KA.s, Nnv, 10... M. , I..-' vemir; about lHe o'clock, as the steamer i I.i uiia,ia, I o'Mid to St. ii-.. i. i... ' i"H Hit- luce bth 1- cs ,!e, b a terrible crash, lit. rally scall.-uu- the boat to atoms, and serious ly ilij'iril.z ail. The decks of all tlnee steam. ers w,'rL' 'V.detl with assent rs, and the scene iouowi ii was lu-art-r.-iiilin in exlw-ine. I " ""i'l",,"'d h.if ..hont ICO lives were last be sim-s a I,,'-!- number who w-re frinhtfully scalded and wanted. Airca-ly .Ml, bad bodies have been recovered. The levee U strewn will, the dead and d; iLj.-. Anns,!,...s ami beads mo scattered in every i.iicoiiun. I Iii.ii-ji,,!,,,! citizens are c,Mi-reKaled ;,r""!"1 melaneholj seen,-, doing al j , ; nicviai,. llie snileic-. U IS lliipi.JMI.1,;, I,, t. cunlllslOII Which lls' t0 0,""il1 I'-' i name, ui tbo killed and w i'- i i" 1 1 j ii si rill wiiii'ii Tirw "" " w""Mle,l, as tl.ey bave not been seen since 'be accident, SIXfiXD I'KSPATCII. -m-w Dm.nxs, ,,v. 17 A. M. : ap.ain ivcnnon, ot itm steamer Louisiana, has ; hcen arrested, and held lo bail in il, .., s.ili;. The explosion having been atlribulei arelcsiii-ss, a search,,,,. :,, .... . I hi Ivtiikeiilac. M;,,iv,:,, M Z Z - ' ' ""l "e.-o j I he I..IS.M ot the iiippimr are all at half rnasl. ll'initru Iivr, ti ,ii , . I in,hu Hit,- I ,e Inllowir,,. adverlisen,e.,i .i ,. I lately appeared in the . V. Sun:-" T),.ar .Tohn i Kil.y anil l.,n,,,u.,ln,lshnn;,, bis meet your i eye, I buiolnv wimi li v.ii, to r, ,r , . : siiail i v, i In- d'llilol as a wile r-hoiild be," - is uil, 1 I - l. irre I'm "-''' ' I'.eho-k.,.,,:.,,,,,,,!,,,.,,,!,.. nnmlwr a. hiniru: been killed bvl--.ppi.Ain Fs.i ' -S ','"'"-"""'i'lii,e,l;be,,,,tVi (.r ' """I-"' let.lL,,,, m. , r.,,,1 h,,,,,!,-,,,! nlni,. ''""' I 'I' 'Ile seventv fiwip,,,,,,,,., .. i.;. i. , . i ... 1 " "' " 1 ' 'I'i'i'ii, '-- w- I! in. . , ,1 !err 'i ra lln.r un. -thi, 0 e- in nini II lilt Mi; pjI'lI'MIKir llttl'lltlon : , "Ui'Koliwd, That wn have heard with j Th-girU ho der;voj thu eye hy wearing LUe pnde and pleasure, that Col. John W. j '-url U apt to deceive ihe heart with IoImj proli s I'oknky, the talented and acroinnlished siw of love. J'ditortal Vomjnnd. Hun TiiumuH. U.N ion, arrived i in YWhiiv- lu"' "" Monday evening last. TlIK pKINIlKtl of W HHhilJtoil Cily tit! about to contibuie towards llie National Monument I'licy are the right sort uf men, t, a waggish cur-rcioiiili.-iit uf iliu wVcu remark,' Wo nt vp a i l uiiiinu ! i. II.... II... r.. . ., , ... " 1 ' - iumi. iiilwiw i. lav mine hucki ol AlJerinau ' I! ..n u-. v.i ... .'v. .. ui ibii oi uci , m;v iUlll. 1 j i,iK 0 lies ol Worth, Gates, and Duncan, ct"tt ttlu c"' New York, .jviuou. i ,, , 1 lN k-w v,,,,lt (-' will be closed on the Jiit ot l)ci mber; i '"" M -''"'''' wl for i mml,',";lt t M Kiv,'r 1!"lk- ' be Capiial of Cahtornia ha been fixed at ,i. i j couvt-ution ' ' C""l"Uli0'Ul I ' j fcH-oui, Napoleon rides about l'aris, escorted Look out I T)i Irpttianfiom X,w Mi rico.-Uvnu Smith, . . ..X... .1 . 1 ZI " I - ii nit vuiiiicM ui iiie . Vmittd State. j ! Mf- T- p- s- Jlm who wos Cashier of the j Kuuehana Lank, ha been bailed out of prison I al Mrie. 'ylore- 'u''""".-vValter Joy's tank at Buffalo, ; V(J'k h:H f'il(!,, ah(1 1'awtuxet Hank. Providence, is reported to have slopped payment. The notes of the former institution aro worth 7o cents on the dollar. &The whole negro vote or New York cily w as cast for the whig ticket. No wonder the democrats were beat-en, if ihey had 90 much darknesi arrayed against Ihein. I Fair Exearu-e.l Ue female teacher of a I C0UI1,'y school nnco said to one of her visitors ." " W . d it's hut little leacm-s- em. Eiliton-in the Field We observe in the list of candidates for elction to the Legihlaturu of Massachusetts, the names ol five Editors. The total number of deaths in New York cily 'dcouii' '"r 'beweeking on the .Id inst.,were , .,..."": I 1,0,1 Kobert C- hm.hrop, t-.v-Spenker of Cm- We, wan married m Iloton. on the Gih. in Mr . ,,, . ....... , , ,. .... 1 "r""'a ".v dm lasmonablu lady ol that Cllv, A recent Paris journal says it is the intention ofthe French Government toaioint Mr. I'ous-in to a diplomatic post near one ofthe South Ameri can (iciverinnents. John B. Leperance died at the almshouse of St. Louis last week. lie was wealthy and ' - jble.hut intemperance hroke down his fortune, his heath, and, at last, his intellect, so that he died a in iiiiae pauper. fjrj- The imprisoned Gen. IV, in Veneznuli l,, i,. i - , . . . ... has bail Ins youngest son seprafed Irom hnn, being extirpa.ed from his eiuhlh vears 1 - - JTJ-N'cw York ships forty head of cattle ahout 1 J iii'i-uL every three weeks to Bermuda, lor the bupply ol Ik.. V.,,,ll t. V .... I . i- .i the hiiglisli aval station there. J'J- A hUlnber of dermal) politico-military re- . . i . xiii.ii i.iiii fill .'1 ICO I III. IIISCI V Swiss regiments levid for .he King of N fui;ies in -Switzerlatnl enrolled tln-insclves in Die plc C3-It isaidthat three hundred ofthe late par. risson of Colaorn, with their leader k'lapka, are ahout to depart lor America, (; Tennessee has, at this time, within her limils, forly-seven foin.'ce.s, and ninetv-livo bloonierics, forces and rolling mill,. In the man- iifaoture of iron, she stands as the third Stale in the Union. 0r- Uo-.nliii urns m favor of the annexation of Cuba to the United States, have been introduced into both house of the Vermont Legislature. The Anstian papers, nnl withst a tulinij t lie risk ini'nrred in doin' so, are denouncing the bur- bartities on Hungarians as unnecessary and cruel, and demand their cessation. T,. J.I'-. Fehrani, whose arrest for Mealing from the mail at Troy, Ohio, has been ' frj-r.ast India ugar growinp, on the West India plan, has been given upas a failure, alter ixperi- monts conducted under the most favorable circum ; sttnees, and regardless nf expense. nights of Gold Dinners. A letter from Tali. ffii - ni - i . i- . ... ' aW "Ust hM - ' n ,,,C " tUn oacK as lar as he chooses. No one w ill infringe so long as his tools are left on the s Cincinnati contains a population of one I '''"1 ad ten thousand persons, estimated , , ....... ii li on a re- villi LIIUIIII lilllUH, Wisconsin is "right id7up. r.y Dewev n..m : ..l. -.-.i l " in, loajoriiy, and Democrat, retain (heir ascendancy in the l'H ."t-l. Cll-U nv .1 It nr .Iiim ,.,;.... "e,nowevcr, has foi-rt r Ri'Mort ti.0 v y f-. . , ... " ' 'v ' ommericiai ays: 1 here ,s a rumor in town, we understand, hint rater more than hinting-,, the probabil.y, i..:.t A.r Cl.iy may assume the port ol Secetarv sv,.eWtclonSiMr r,;lre,irim, .. ' .3 l.U I o "S I . .... A Hi A ii l,y iiri'u uf ( h' fiic ii'.'il wilii n yuwn ikioi nt Ihr iinnii' of S. C, 'I iiw ii.i'hii .nm ii.i. lu 4 name In juil nri Si,r -Himnlhi, v li,rh i'm i i-'-II I if. I'iiwii -iiil' 'iif.iuinrillii. di -uiiriiinxtiriK 11 UKXlilJfK, Ur.iiiwil, li'. Thlii 'J'uu n-t'ii ill 'in ili'i-lor. unit nrvpr v. ; dm h-, ' fiiriwrly a worAi'r nil mifmiu!-. i-mint. mul il.r tlkn. Vrl I18 M"Uiih' mil-1,' Dr., 'it the piOile nl'iininiiif erpilli fur wlml hs in nnl. TI01 In In rmilmn llm m Jt no! In lid iWi'hvit, nnil iirrhii.a mme Hill iM (ihS'l K OHHII KAtt O.It if. J i;.i ''4 Sitrnitmrillit, ImviiiK 'in II Hi" 1 )l J lit'. liKim-w. his I' ly fu.ii ul' Hriua, kpiI hl i(rllnilir nrnni ihi, i ,.ul of iirm.. friwifal njirt, lli.'.V... ..;u (., ,V York City. OLD J)R, JACOB TOWNiSKXl),, TUK OKIIil.NAI, l!ISCliVI'.l(LR or -j UK Outline Tovvnsend Sarsaparllla.' Olil Pr. 'l iiHiHrnil it now iihuiil'O year, or" net', nml Iiim loud lie. 11 kniiwn nn Hip .1UTHOR anil ItlSVOVKHf.ll n( the UKAVI.YK UHlUl.V.ll. " 7 V II Jtf:X, n.nt &JI'.1HII.I..1." llpii'K innr. Iih whs ruiiiif Hi d m Until it iiiainilnrtiim, hy whii h iiieiinn it hn, l-i-n kfit out ul iiuir kft, und llie wile, rirnnimrihed in thine i,nly n)n hurt imvd its wnrih, mid knuwii III vnltia. II had runchid the eurii of ninny, ni'vonhdem, ni ihme 'rmin n hn hmt l)H n hi'nli il in mire diseiuet, anil mvid Icmii ileiuh, iiro claimt'd us en llenre nml wnnilrfiil 1IKAL1NG POWKR. KniiwinK, many yran aga. that he hd. hy hi "kill, irloniii. nml riiH-rirnee. di-vwed an nriii-le which hihiIiI h of inriilciil.ilili' iulninini!e lu mankind wlu-n ih inmine woiilil Mo luriiiihml in brinit it inlii umvciial niitire, whrn itH ini'iliniiilili! virnies umilil Iw knmvn and uirecmted. Tlli, timii ho i-iiiiie. Hie means are 1 1 1 1 p li r 1 1 ; llm ail.tA-l) .4X1) VJfHtitl.H.I.Kli i'Hr.P.1H.1TIO.V n inaniilai'iiiri'il on Iho Inrirest hciiIp, aud i called for Uirwinliiiiit the Innt'ih and liremttli of ihf land. eM-rmllf w V u liiuml iniNiviiilu uf di'Kuneraiinn nr ileieriiiraiiuu. t'nlike yiiiini! S. I1 'I'linnM-iid'.i, it improve, with age. anil nnvcr i hani!", hut fur the hcue r : hrcaue it ia fireparrd m icirntijic pmr.ipltt hy a stttnufk man. The hishe.,1 knowl edne of (Jhennstry. and llie MH ili.coveries of the art, have all linen bronchi inln ren,uiMliun In the nmniil'aciiui) ofthe Old llr's Harsapinlla. The Karinniirilla ii noil know n to medical man, oontaiBi many iin-ilir'a-tt pro perties, and imi" prui. riii'H whirh arn inert or iimjIi'-m, anil othern, whirh if retained in prfparinn it fur line, produce fcrracafiiOnn and und, which ia injurioii, to the ayiiein. Soma of the pruiicriie, of S.rapariila are so ruiatile. that they entirely evaHirate and lire lo-t in the pieimralion. if Ihey are not preserved hy a larntific pmcr.'.i, known only tu those experienced in iu nianiilactiire. Moreover, thesa inlatilt principles, which fly nil' in vapor, or an an ethala Imn, under heal, am Iho very tmtntinl mcdieiU proptriiet jf the ruot, which irive tu it all 11, value. Any periun can boil or ,tew llie root nil they (el a dark- I S'S-,,".,!; Zj'ZX this liifftpid 'ir vapirt hiiiid, sweeten with .our mol.-me., nd then nil it "SAH.-AI'AI'.II.I. A HXTH.WT or SY- iiil-v c.iti Idea &tram lil'P." llm Mirh ii nm (he nrlii-U- knomi :i. llie tiENriNE OLD lK. JACOB TOWMS END'S SAKSAPAHILLA. This ia .o prepared, lhal all the ini-rl propcr;le of lha Pariapanlla runt are liml ri-lnuM-il. every thmt' mpalile of heciuniiar m id or ul feriiiiMitatinn, is e.irncieil nnil n jei led ; then every pnrticto ol medic.-il virniw m seciiri.-d in a pur and cuticeiiirati-d lorui ; anil thus it ia remlen.-il niciipalile nf losiril! any of it, valualiie and healing properiies. I'reur.'ii In iIim way, it ia made l lie moat powerm! ::i-nt in tho Cure of iituujiierixtjlo i.-:v-;s. Ilem-e the rea-mn w h we near 'oiiiii.enilniiona on everr a, ile In in favor hy nun, women, and clulil run. U e lind it dnine uonderi in the cure of ( o.VAf MI-TIH.V, nml i.Cf.'fl COM- '..i.v-, aii in lUir.l M 77VV. SI nil) V 1.1, Pii.r.s. twirwEss. mi c'-iw.vcrs kuvp Tltxs. VIMft.HS. tu.dCTllKs, and all annuion. arisini; iruui liVll'l lit 1 Y UK THK HLtXH). ll powsM",a iii.irvi-ili.iui ilii .,1 y in ah .on. .linni. urisinc from,i. t'riin, .tctdih nf lkt iiumtuk. Iriini tn,r.iiaT cirri, lalioa, iti-1. r 1 1 1 1 1,. t i. ,,, l (:;nKj u ,,u he:,d. p-ilpilalion nt Uih li.-nrt. i:ul.t it-uinail Ii.hiiim, roid caillMcnl ln.i ll .n-a oii-r lb.- ll h.i. not Hi. aipia, in ( W.l.i ai d l-.giu ; and i. in. .:i". easy i . i t,,r.itioii ninl umlln pir piralioll. ichuiiii- -.rn-iarnil'lhs liu. nnil every otln-r part. Illll in iiuinini; is il MMitract, louri. ni'illllii -tty sct-n ai.d ni-kninvii-iUt-d thnn in all kiniN ami st;i-:.- i f I'KMALK COVlf'L.VI.NT.S. It Work. woiiiIl-, in -4-a.,nr y.ttur . libit f or tt'ltilrn. h'lll ing "I '-'.'- 0 ('n (. ,. Suj.itrr.-ir, I, ur I'tttiifui .lf,M, In t i ulnrtty of the ln.inslrih.ii .ri..uri. anil On- like: anil I r.-. c.El-i-io.iI in ,-iiriiu.' nil lliv lurnia ol hi'iiirt lima.trH llv ri-ini.vii'i; iilistrurtiuns, anil rsinlaane un: ut-ii.Tiil aym... il l-iv.-' .n,c and slrt-inili lo ihe Mlnil,:, and. uiu.s ,:,,rKa an i-ino- o, IS en on uud rfehiltty, un, I lint, prcwiut or reii.-VHHa an . u varn-ij ol' oim-i malA "Il,i " -v'""' irrioinon. , ,ir.0'ia, .v. urua Itatut I .... v. t.piin,i,r. r.u, i ,..,,. kc ! " ' ' lll"r I'falihv nfii..ti j loiiei llm aioiiuir.h, and !ivu pnid diawtion. relievnn tl, laiwi-is ul torpor un, I vonsiip ition. allaja iiiltiiiim.ition, ! e'l"u1'-'" '"' o hnd. I nroi Ui:,llL' I'UIll I- vviiiinlli enujil k- li, n.ef I lu in ill mul "isena.iiie p.'rpiriiiinii ; ...I Miitnu.a ann'ticht ui .ill ol-iliiiciiniK, anil oivi;nrale the e.iliK . cvona sm, m. U nm ims iln-n tight v.. tm ! The ibvdiciue voa Dre-?iiitv(iv necil I I Hat ran any ..I these ibuun be s.n.1 .l'!. P. Tuviim.'N.- i iunT or .'irl.. l. t 'Cl.iv ....,,, i.i .ii' 1. .nm I i. ..... ... 1.- I'OMPARKD WITH II IK OLD bli'S, hrraliMi ol one l,K Ml l-'ACI'. th.Mhe on ,a I.NCAP.V lil.l.ul III; I t.ll, I i.'I A I U i, .mil NKVhH SPOILS, uhile Iho oihur Di ,KS ; ,.i.i,i"r, fit mri:!init, and Having Ik btitU's cinil-iinin it inln liiiami-nls ; the sour, lu-ii, li.fMlil Hipinilin. am! l i, n.isiiii.' ouirr i.' : .Must not thix horre bin i-inii.i.i,..d bo poi-lllli'lM to tho s sl.-iii ! ll'Anl.' put etitl into a - y..n in -ni', tl'.tf.ism trilh u ttl! What ,:nlr l'y.irp.ia Inn arid J In, ive not all know ihat whf n lin d sino-i in nur sieinnrhs, wh.ii ini.rliirls it pro,liii'.a 1 tlatn lenre. hrnrCiiirii, p ,liii itn.n oi" n,,. hen, liver complaint, fliiirrl.ii it. .ly-i-iiti ry, rour, nirrnplion of lha hlooiU hat is Srroiula hut an arid hnninr in ihr Imdy 7 What pr.nliii-os iill llie telinor, whirh limn.' on lirilpliiim uf ths ktn, .-cnid Head. Kilt lilieniii, Kr).,clin, While Swell Inea, t'evi'r .Sun's, and all iiiri-rnliona iniernnl and etlernalt It ia not In op under In an n. Inn an mid .nlistance. whirh sour., and thu, spoil, all the , Inula ol' the hudy. more f les. Whit mums llheiiinaiioi, lint a amir or acid rluid which in-inil ili s u-ell hi'tuHrii llinjiniila and el-ewhi-r. Irotatoic and inflainme the ilriiran: t,H.,ira upn whirh il rls So ol' nnvuiis ili-e.mi-1. of impurity ol llm hi I, m deraiiL'eil iiiclllations, anil nearly all the Hllmenta whirl, fittlicl hillll.ul nature. how ia it not leirnlile m nmka nd sell, and .aia.taJy nrn to Use thia buLJ(b(i. I'KIiAIKNTlXfi. ACID " CUM- POI'MJ" OF S. P. TOW.NSKNU, ,nil yet he won la lain have it nn.l.rt.Ml that old Dr. Jamb I'nunii-nii'i (.'limine Orifimii Saritipuriiii, iaan I Mil' A l'. i.N ol In. Init-rnir prrparatmn : ! Heaven lorhiil that wu should ileal in nn ariirls which nmild I't-ar tin. most lii.enit re..tiil., .iirM i.. s e r..u.. rnd'iiar(Kei and which should brin down ii.n'ihe Old i-i. mii.ii a iiinuntain Hum ol roiuplaiina i.n.l criiiiiuatii.nj Irom Au'enia w ho have nud. nml piirr.hii.era w ho have uii-d S. I". l oivusend's KKItMK.NTI.Nii (;( l.MI'i (I'M). We w,sh it un.lrrat.HHl, bemuse il is the akmtyit rm(A, IhM K I. 'l ownMind a nrtirle and Old ir. Jeroh l own end'i riar.a,rilla are kr.irrn-irttle apart, mid iwinitWv Ju-(miliar,- t,at tiny are unlike in every pnriiru'iar, having not one single Uein; in riinuun. As f. I'. 'low nsei id n no dnrmr, and novrr waa, lain. Che, nisi, no pharinareutial knowa more of meihriue or disease than any otharconiinon, imar.enilrtc. ttntiroreaaiomt man, w hai guarantee can the pithlir bave lhal they are ceivmi! a erniiine arirnlinc nirdirinn, coiiliiniini ill th virlue.a ol tneartirles used in preparing it. and whirh ar in capable, of chnnies whirh nnKhtrcndir lliini Ilia AUb.Yl'8 nf lii-ra-e inairnd of health. but whit clao ahould tie o.tairtcd from en who knnn-M milhine ciiiiip.irativt-ly of inn or ihaeaa ! Itreqmru i ieraon nt aenie extierienru to cook and aerve up even a common ilerenl meal. How uiiirh more uiiporinni ia it lhal the eeraons who ninnut'ariure medicine, .Icsinned liir WCAK STOMACHS AND KS ItBI.KD SrSTKUJ, ahnuld know- tvelt the medical properiiea nf pltimt, th ba-at manner of serurinK and couccntrnonK iheir healing vinnea. aim an e iiensive know led;.' of the varinus diaeaaeu ' Inch nltrct Hie human ayaiein, aud how in adapt remedim lo Ihrse .hseases ; It n to arrest Ira.ius upon the nnforninnte. In pour balm nto woninl. il hiiinanily. to kini'ia nope in ino neaiwinan laisniii. to restore health nnd hl.Hiin, and vifor into the rru.liril and hrnken, and lo banish inliimitv lhal 01.11 IIH, JACOB ToM'.NrtKM) baa SOI'tillT and roll.MI the op portunity nnd meant to liriue hi, Giaml I'niversal roncentraleil Henieily within the rrm-h.and I" ' knnw-ledee of all who need It, thai ihey ni..v learn and kunw, by joyiul eipenence. lu 'J'raiist tiKleiit Power to Ileal. P.. I.I'TZ. Airnnt. PI oonisbnri;.. nue.ll, '.tnty oi if i! V, r ;'k s a inTn h imu .viTn frs. o t. nave nisi mane vaiuanic add,. jvjjis tions to our .lob-Cflice, of new type, fvic, and profiled a handsome supply of "As sorted Fancy Paper, hy which wc ran rxeruU the ri'-at'-t frh woik in this section.