(DIBOTa Uloomob nrg: SSI SATURDAY MORN., NOV, 17, 1849. Spirit of the IV cm llutta ! for Louisiana -The tiewi (rom Lou isiana is ill in favor of the Dimocract, Huzza? "Truth it minhiy, and must prevail. So said General Jackson. Millitarv Eliction. Attn election in the Berks County Brigade on the 4th instant, Rich artlt AtcMicnatl was elected Brigade Itupector, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Maj. Thou. S. Loeser. appoint mint. E. 5. Qoobrich, E H'). , of f.radlord county, has I teen appointed a clerk in the Surveyor General's office Our Hook Table. Immiurants. Duritifc the month of Octolier, there arrived it New York, IO.W-17 paengert, against 14,904 in October last year. Disappointed One hundred and thirty dia ip pointed Irish iminigraiita.iailedfor home yeaterday from New York. Thc Lni'a Garland, for November, ia be fore u. It contain a capital engraving, "The ' young Deserter," and the reading matter ii good throughout. "Mary Powell," i interesting, and "Bear and Forbear," ia an excellent story. The 'Garland" mum aland well wi:h iia reader. Van Court'. CuU.vriiiu-uT Dktectoh, has ! ,,dai,ied York, by si, kniss. been received. It contains also a table of Coins, beside (lie usual matter. Sullivan County, Sugar Hill, in Cherry township, haa been adopted aa the county aeat of Sullivan county. Father Matthew is, we are sorry to learn, Th Ladieb' Rook, fur December, ia on hand. It ia a double number, and more than usually in- Hon, Walter Forward haa been appointed Charge'd Aflairea to Denmark. Among the nobles created by Emperor Fua- Iter. In Nkw York the Register's Office on Thurs day was the ncecie of considerable interest, there ember, also 1 bei" ' "tarriage settlement of $200,000 under ar rangement. expected to ship tliemselvea at Bremen for New stable hould be without a bottle ot Orleans. tereMtng. In every way it is superb; as well in i tian, of Hayti.are two or three colored eenllemen , emui-iiisuiiieni, as in me amount and taste and who once figured in New York as cooks and bar- cnaraeier m its literary content Godey promis es great and gm.il things for ls50, and what he promises, he will perform. Addiess, L. A. Go dey, Fniladelphu ; s'3.0D a ear in advance. Graham's Magazine, for along a usual. It it, always welcome. Our dem ocratic friend, Col. Samuel 1). Patterson, is a capital hand, at getting up a tasty thing. As the new year comes in the Mag izines will come out in excellmit style, and Graham will not be be hind any of its cotemporaries. Sartain's Magazine, for December, also gra ces our table. We do not recollect ever to have een a number that pleased us better. The en graving rue capital. The fashion plales are ex cellent and numerom. The contributors, the most talented in the world. This number con tains portraits of the three expelled Wesleyan Minister, and of Victor Hugo-Sariain gets up a pretty, and readable Book. Three dollars a year, in advance. Address, John Sartaiu & co., Phil- adelphu. Charles Conner & co, n AVE opened a New Store on Main and Iron streets in the town of Blomnsburg. They have a fine assortment of Fall and IFinter Goods, which will be olJ very cheap for Cash or coun try produce W Their friends and the public are invited to call and see them. Blooinsbuig, Nov. 15, 1649. v JUST OPE nISd: At tha Store of .4. J. Sloan E. Mendenhal. DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT this establishment niav be found, every article usually kent in 'country .n.i closed as Dry Uooth, which have been selected wtin care a to quality and price. WE ARE JVOIV liK.inv to show a fresh assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Cedar and Willow VVare, etc., etc., Salt and I'iah, 1 All kind-Mil' cnunrrv liroil.i.o .....l T taken in exchange, for which we pay the hiihem prices. Hlooinsburg, Nov. IT, lh-19. MARKET PRICKS CUR UK NT. Uluomsburg. flour, pe r barrel, 5 Oil Wheat, " bushel,. Kye, " Corn, " Oats, " Buckwheat , Egiis, per do Butter," pound,... in i .f, . .40 ,3u .Su, .10 .1.11 Philadelphia. Sr.", so l oo oo !)0 :ir Oil 15 25 NEW GOODS-FRESH & CHEAP Merchantable Merchandize. 1) Y different arrivals, we have replenished Jour STOCK OK GOODS. whirh'L- .... Mll 111 .,,. ., I I .. " ""I ..... ..,U1I ,ow prices. Our style and va net) of Ladies dress goods cannot ,e surpas.ed" and as we have made arrangements t , ()c a constant supply, t,t.y wiJ1 be'ol the latest styles. e ( Also.CrocerifH, Hardware", Queens-: ware, Spice, Salt, Fish, Molasses, Se-i S-tra, otc, in great variety. , , . . J-ll-UARTONiCo. Hloomsbursf, Nov. 10. .iy AUAllNlSTRA'jnifM mhum.' MM' of J1MM SIVJ1SK, deceased. JV iniiy!?, hewh3r iven. 't '-lieu f M. Ueo t. ",U"Un lnti "t A OA M WAN E, to John i ' ""' K' K'""'1 "! s;,llJ ''""lily, Swjlll. ''"idil.K in Mifllin ,.l,; ' chins' lt,',;aM ''""" H' h.v,K 0.-tobc 1-23, lS.I9..fi i im nl JOHN SWANK. Jlilm r. HENRY IIASSLER. German Optician from Philadelphia. "I ) ESFECTFl'LLY inlo.ms the Citizens of J.V BlomnNhurK and its vicinity, that he ha upe. e.l a room in the Hotel ot S. A.Brady, wher. he i tiers for s,.le SPKCTACLES, Hoe Sliell, of all kinds of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. AGAIN the undersized take pleasure in an nounem to their Iriends and the public VAI.UAULK REAL ESTATE ton SALE. rnup ... 1. 1 : ... g. sen ai private sale, a vaj uatile TRACT OF LAM), situate, ot, the wateia of Vt Creek, in J clon luwmhi,, Co hunt. in i .. ,' . ALSO. A seventy acre f r.(-i ....l..:- i ...,. ..i.:.. ' nut thev hav- 4i . T. l'u"MC-1 : " '. 1,1 '" f assortment o. Wn "a ' ' ,h" c ) n i , """x'-eiieut timber. The !) Goods and Grocer, ,. .. . adapted lo l,,e . . nr v..l ". ". '"''11. "e " . -1 " "HIS 1(1 II1H ilPftt. n ' r -i,c ti i ' i-, l lif ,n ..I mi which they oiler i.,r tAu. at it J ".'I slid t,remi: i .? ... . 'ur . J ",,u on a ifi.ui-i,. b.lvi.1, anus,, hi Plated ! i aii.es; "in he fins i ... lo..,.., ....,.... . .'. r L-i , , , i"i nsn'imient ut Mint ami A.ur. (,0Hses,,. hi, own inauulaciure. I Me iM.ul.i o. ,tieol:,iU , .. . , j "" ni.tiiiiLii o, me I'U Mf IU fu heM ,.,-,,, , iv,,scopic (not nlucaO t lJve , ( ,.. ve f at.d hur.s.nhteu p, and for , eisons M,o I irouul. tt n.y ,., Mu.'yand Practice, ha h steuched, he know ledge of .oiling will, the i h . I ! 7 . i x-'imng their eye.; ;;' he hp, the honor m attending the prm 'tK,( rone,i Means ol l-urone I Ioii,mKW;S.1!II! iiiiitofCafttm i B in Miigiirlna' winch h.'C n.uieudal.uiia idi, he shown if renuiredl I on. the ,,, eelehra.ed ,'roles,o,s and Pbysi- U lias at,, or'Me. S, Glasses. Mirrcscoi.ef , Mn H, ,,.lSseH .,e Gl.,s,es, Thread Conn-' I'ctucles Exehui l'.-.I u.....;,..,i .i , ,, j( - 0--. aim uu-tri (W- lie ill ren,in in Ihis thee dm inn fW ni-iii-i. N',,v mh, iij U-A WORD TO HORSEMEN. rnR Dr. Pearson's Jiarber's Embro- CattUHA (1( Clllt,)! V Kiiuf ,f. ...... ..-.. lhat can be in-ed for the cure of Sprains, Bruise, Cuts, Gulls, Splint, Curb, Riiuhone, Spavin, slid- 0NE HuN,,neDand six,, HunK,rian officers are Zit TZtZ ev " ?Z? II. 1'rice 25 UpwARr of aixty thousand emigrants have left Germany within the last six months.for the United Slates. Mr. W. T. Poussin, lale Frenrh Minister, left on Saturday last, in the packet ship Bavaria, for France. (JTHIenry Clay, is now sojourning in Phil adelphia, the guest of Richard H. H.t) rd, Esq. Helm many warm Iriends as any oiner man in the nation. A Mad Dog was killed in Bucks county on the 3uth ult. bo says that ,;hoss of a paper," the Doylestown Democrat. The Illoomslnii'ff In fan fry. We are gratified to know, thut the new Vol UNTEFa Company, about being raised in this place, is progressing encouragingly and will soon be ready for organization. The Company already num'ier a force nearly sufficient lo warrant its permanent establishment and we doubt not will oon be eqtiipt and ready fur action. Cart M. Hamlin, to whom the temporary cnmmar.d has been assigned, of!, rs fair to become an efficient officer, and with all the member of the Compa- I ' 1. . Ill - mi... ,.. ru.u.ue.. ,ne irue niiiiiarjr Annexation or MsxicoThere i. a party in mum soe-sential to the complete success of such j Mexico advocating the annexation of thatcountry a iiuiiiwi tout eiiiuroiize. and 00 cents. Prepared onlv bv fi a P,..o. M I)., and for sale, wholerale and retail, at loo! NORTH FOURTH ST., Phialadelpuia.-Nov.17 y AND at MY STORE, BLOOMSBVRO. WM. ROBISON,a?tn;. ALSO, FOR SALE, A LARGE and splendid asnrtment of well selected A'Ell GOODS, iust oneninL-. toiisiningoi every variety of Goons, such as are nvherally kept in a country Stole, with the addi tion of READY MADE CLOTHING, All of which 1 will sell chi:ap for cash or country produce. 'J'The public are respeclfuilv invited to call and examine, his stock, il they want bargains i!loomburg,Nov,17, IS I'J. y 'r people, ..i.i . prices "cheaper than the chouneu" Tl,..i.-.'....i u""lT'T 3 '.'Ull as!i,"""t'1" ''" kind fi- gonds, ,- '. . ' "" snuec, ami without iiJr. ct an.Hmeach nrhcl,, (t.,. wangled in l,,'e that those ,,. want ot ,.o, Ko..dsl,aeoi.ly tu'cail Groceries, Qiiu,.t.iire, Hardware, 1'isli Salt, MolasHc, &c. f large and lie.ulilul selection of the above nr. ! llCl.'K I.I Klliiui'lr.r I. . U a 'ii H,,a"'.. "i v-'ii low prices. ALsO.H,ts, r,,w, BoH, Shoe,, &c , of every variety. s.,rt. si.,- 4l,d price ' U'taih paid f.ir giain always pi, W-M-McKELVY&Co. Bloomsburg, Nov. lo, jsjy. witli the ,e o her. premues a eooH 11,,.,, n Aple and Peach Orchard an Siigarloaf tovniin, Set. ao.'i s'fi'.'i OILS. .1. n Hie If. -ink l'laiivilic iN ELECTION wibe held a, ,he Mn(our .1. House, iiiihehnronL.i .,t I.,...;!i.. , r the 03""Blcssed are they who do not advertise, for they shall rarely be troubled with customers," Sensible paragraph. Vide, the columns of the Columbia Democrat. This Democats have elected Speakers, with all the oi her officers, in both branches of the Georgia Legislature. Brisndc I itspt clot's Election. E. A- Ki;r.jrKR, nidA on the 3d inst., elected Brigade Iniectoi of the Northumberland Coun ty Brigade, to till the vacancy occasiuhed by the promotion of Maj. V. II. Kase, subsequently e l'Cted Mijor (iener.l of the Division. W. G. KiseandR McCav, were the opposing candi date! against Mr. Kutxner. We glean the fore going iniormauou from the last Sunhury Ca-zuttc. to the the United States. The Harrisburg 7'eltgrnph, heads an article, "damming the Conneuticut River." We Ihought it was "Salt River" the Whigs are damming about this time. Carlisle Democrat. yRmk Director). The election for Thir teen Directors of the Hank or Danville, to er?e the ensuing year, will come ofl next Mon day, at the M it, tour House, in that Borough. flcj- General Romulus M. Saunders, of North Carolina, our late minister to Spain, arrived in Washington city on Saturday evening, in fine health and spirits. Aw York We gather from the papers of thii State, that the Democratic majority of the popular vole is about 1500 that the Senate has 17 Feds to 15 Democrats the House ofi Democrats, 63 Feder als, thus making a tie on joint ballot bO of each party. Jltrcanlile Advertising, . ffcJ-CnW Lttint We learn that Ihe letting at lunkhannork, on last Monday, wag attended by an immense number of people. It is estima ted tha- five hundred bids or proposals were made. I We commend the splendid display of New Many of these are said to have been at starving j Goods, which are offered through the columns I'"06"- by our Mercantile friends of Bloomsburg. Bu.'- The propnKiils have bfen taken to Harrisburg, ,nk.S8.Mf.n know the efficacy ot ADVERTISING, and will bedecUed off by the Canal Commis- j a,ld we are proud to say. that the Columbia toners, of which due notice will be given. J Democrat, always enjoys a very large and lib- . . . ! eral share of this substantial patronage. Our fyyOptinnn. B his advertisement in anofh- i r i n i . , ... . .. ., ,, , friends will always be well suited by fu ow ng r column, will be teen, thai Mr. Hauler, the ' . , ,, . . . . , i the directions of business-advertisements. German Optician, has opened a Store for the I . S le of his SpHclai'les.HtuI accompanying articles, I in the Exihance Ilotcl.opposite the Court House, ' iTIAIMlILII I u ... i. iii i. . ....... i . -. : ? wnere i,e in ue nea.e,i in wait upon customers I PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE RE AL ESTATE. PURSUANT lo the directions conbined in the lat will and testament of F.DMOND CIl W FORD, late of Mountpleast township, Columbia county, deceased, will he expired to sale, by I'uh he Vendue or Out cry, by the subscriber, on the premises, on Wednesday, the mh day of December, Jh I)., 1819, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon, of said d.iy, A Certain Plantation : Oil TRACT OF LAND, Situate intaid Mountpleasant township.Columuia county, adjoining lands of Joseph Crawford's heirs, on the south ; John Rnekel, on the ..vest David Johnson, and Daniel Zigler.on the north and Joseph Kline, cm Ihe east, containinij ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN ACRES, or thereabouts. JO There is on the nremisps. n nnr.fl FRA v. liniTst? a f!ifsf'n2 Harn, it barin IT UMMPPLEOJICUIU) jlw A variety of other FRUIT TREES.Iihd a good Mprino. Also A small stream of water cnnvenient to the house and barn. tCpOf the above tract, about EIGHTY ACRES IS CLEARED LAND. The remaining part is in woods. V'i'eiuis will be made known on the dav of sale. IDDINOS DARKLEY, Surviving Executor of Edmund Crawford, deed. U.oomauuig, Nov. 12, IS-l'J-tils. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. Mh. 1 OBISON, hiving jUsl rHur. . ned Irotn I'hiladelphiu, with a ..i.e u,,.. iMiu,iM,ie asortmen nl Fll n.i I whiter Milinei y, invites the Ladte.so! thiTpTce andU-r mends w-rall,, to call and exau.in! Her slock consists of velvets, cut and uncut satins, silks, plain and Irir.ged, ribbondi. feat I, ers, ! uni a Ki;,eraI Mjr bjmmt Trmnumtis, tngeti,er, wuh a vnrie y ! mh.v artines.surt, Mbolu, slide,, bret-i in, !. puis, pencils, lh,ml,ts, looth-picks, , ' and fancy con.bs, e.igi.,K, needle-w' .rket an Plain collars, cutis, hkfs. t.dv n I,,.,; ... . .. inark.nB cotten, zephjr, crd-bnard, no e-pKpe,' and envelrp. ,k cauvaiM, ond sle.-l hetfl, ' t,' V purs tas.,;ll,. clasps, Uc, which havo betn care iv si-eeled Bi.dmliU sold as low as thev can he pu,cli.,s,v eL-ewiier?. y .Store in xt door to the Court Home. M !' l,'i,ii;i,M . I iloomsl.tirc, Nov. .1.1, l;i. u in. i. .i . n . " i.iiv oi isnvetn in- ,.. K) order of the Commissioners b A.F.Hs-,j,I.,SenSM1,BLK,t-Danville, Oct. 'Jo, ls.!t-r,t. I'ANCY FURS, .MUFFS, BOASaTd DAVID II SOL1S. ( Successor to Sois, lirotliers.) IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER fiFiv EllV DESCRIPTION OF Ss V" HAVING just returned from Europe', with a f.'ifllieu, in a very s,iL..,r n.l .., m.nstliein , the most ele'gan. mant eV.and wo 1 invite the attention of Merchant, and tl rs lu supmor and extens.vc as,orlinenf, which') m,,,,, , c ores as WHI an iln,)()rK he innh , ,, o I, r at such pruvs, as lew 1UUSL,3 in tllt. Vl - 'J Males can ci mpete with. "unin iNo. hu, Arch (Mulberry) St, ,i doors helow 3d sl next to l,,,lo & Co's. Family Medic le Stu,! ' IXf More always closed n . ' ! ' S,loM' . . or indues, c.isn V,,i,,Ao.4. BrkiaDF iNspKCTOH'g OtTICE,) s. ,r, H'TWick, Nov l.l.vp. I l'lv"'"". P. to , are hereby ordered to "send U copies of their rollstoihis'odwi, rr!,T "hl'h3Ve "'" "tifi-nte.,orwh.. volunteer Company, w, be returned tn Ihe Conn- fHftTT'T ""''i11 lo an annual t of hit- coots. It ,s therefore, .,), Ihl .,. nes. should do so as speedily as possible. Fv.-iv .'M.lyandencooniKen.entwill be extended to b-edeMr.ngtobeotniedinto new c. p.. Eri(? Ins., 1st . , N- EEI.Y. Brig , 9th Div. p. ii. Philadelphia, Oct. ti, 1 price naid for shipping furs. Ml'.t Iim inil.lslr'.ilii... ........ the Estife ol JUHN KNOKIJ li ti. VIT1- AD.MINls'l'K'A'iOR'S NOTICE Estate of John Knorr, deceased. f I1EKKAS, I.e'lets of Ad . ! ' 'imni.i county, deceased, have !";", i l H'-"'''''l l'P oudeisiicni'd ; all persons indebted to said estate are requested lo make pay rnei.i.and those havinu rhiimj ,e same to present them for settlement. Id ' THOMAS KNOUR, ) JOHN CONN EH, Jr. ( 1J''r Nov. 3d, is.l!i.-0t. ; REMOVAL ! Fushionubk Tuilorint linile I'BtfJvriK I.srrcTnn 0t,ce, ) Uerwick, Nov. I, i-j.jo. ' ) rPIlE Washinutou Cavalry, Columbia Ariller- t. I f u r" n,r cre,k ll'"''. eoinposi.,' tno Baltalmn of Coluo.hi, (:,. ,r.,' , . comndedtoholdanelec, tor line Lu'ulZ ant Co onel and one M.r,o Saturday, the iM-.al such places as the Captains of the re,-l'-'"ve companies shall desin.e, lo fi.l the va tancies occas.aned by the resignations f Ucvt iiht 'v"w"'' a"d M"j"r I,lwi" v- v-v v. ... i,un v , it.rm n a.t.i...t.. .. .... to be septricnted by then respective lion hoar Ca)tdins. Hriu. Insp., 1st K,iKi f.,, j)jv p N M. SEELY, during the first w eek of ti e Court. On Tuesday, the 13th inst., by Rev. D. J. Wal ler, Petkr .sTAH,Jr., of Hazleton.and Miss A Chance. Who among our subscri- Mary Smith, ot ' Nescopeck, Luz ., co. hers iiilciicls lo fatten that Christmas tur- 1 On Thursday, the :5th inst., by the same, Ceo. key fur us ? Its lime to have it "put up," ! Eves, of Greenwotd, and Miss Sarah Ann, bo that it may be prepared to "go down , daughter of Mr. James Cii ton, of Hemlock. ."-Montgomery Ledger. j 0n Thuri(lay 25th ,,., by Rev RaM) Mr 1!r Thus proposes our worthy brother Xtrf.e- ! Charles Ash, and Miss Sarah Ruogles, both pun.ol that excellent paper, the Montgomeiy , of Fishingcreek. Led.rr. We oiler ihe same "chance," to any of j 0n Saturday week,.bv the same, Mr. Charlf.s ...... I... I i.inn.ld ...:.i..... l j:. . . , "' 'i""""" .iim.in.ii : ; riillkr, and Mis Angbuwc Kline, both of Newport twp., Luzerne county. 2forilj JJraiul) Canal. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE IS EACH JlAVEN.Oft. 1,1819. Col. Tate: fir .Sir The follmvinj; shows the collections of canal tolls at this cilice: Amount per last report &r;sU IS " inonth ending Sept. uOtli.... IJ,r.--0 Ij2 r.-mned iespe,;'uly informs losr-oa. linen and -lie i nblie. tlo.i I... I. .u ... i bis Tailoring Es nhhshment ii.'n it, ., i..... I ly occuiiied by C. R Huckalpw. V.n M.; ' ..." bclwe, ,, vvtn No.e and Ihe Columbia Demo' cr.d ollif-p, w l, i.. ,p continues Mie TAILORING nuSlNENS, In nil rs departments, us usual, and invites a con li'iu.'iici; ot Hie publi,; palro-iag... a n i-ouce oi alt kind, taken in exchange for tailoring. n r.F.n'.i!n pt'ih.'i-t looomsbnrT, Nov. ,td, s p. F IS s 01 . U 'HONO F Ia liTN ER s iiTi. ' "en l'iei; : . . i , i l i i s ner.:i.y given, that I lie p.irtnershi A1IJFIS UOAS, VIC'f ORIAS, AMFUKT,iI.MAiliCS, Jl.n VOUE.V, FANCi' FLiRIUER, V 'rLn ""'St resP,cll'l'lly "11 Ihe altentinn 1'ANUY I UR UUSIMXS, that he has now ready a splendid assortment of rZrXTlm r idl's'ni;,llp"' "'cry den- ' ' ", ami in me greatest variety (.f shapes .1, ,, are now fuhionable, winch be ofl s to Mill at very reasonable profits, at his fur sr...., No W, North .Second' StreA two do ,s be o.v .yd, .Street,) Philadelphia. Merchants purchasinK to sell again, would find ii considerably to their advani amine his stock and iudee for the,rw..lM i ' piircliii-ins elsewhere. ' .! he Store always closed on .,i...i.... I. TL . .. .. .- ' " ' "'".O.MJ. y- me inn market price alwav Mv.l..s, of every description. ,,o.,.. . .M.D.COHEN. ... .... ... , ,,,(, uW1 wcr. ii. tlii .'tm. :'r . - 'i-- '1 given for tow Arch) Ph.ad'a. OTIC! lieretolore existinK between the nil,.,u;j ill the business of Surveyinir Sr. flfiiivpvanci.i.r : renom havirii; areonnts uriil. in paitnership are reouested to ,,..t il,.,. ... this day dissolved the paitnership ar once for settlement. solomon neyfi.m:d. 0- C. KAIILER. II!ootnsbur(r, Nov. :t, lSiri. No me. Whole amount since 30th Nov. IMS, .j s-w lio Increase over last season tn same date, 0 ii.ri l U9 J. S.CAMPBELL. Coll. UATTEAUS. "VAS UVpn "I1 recently, in the River, nppo ,T T site Caltawissa, two fiaiteaus or Sliitts. i ne ..wuers are reuues led to ......e.. ,....,., charges and take them away on or belore the '.Uth day of November, inst., or they will be sold ac cordinf; .o law. GEORGE BANGHART. Caltawissa, Nov. 3,1, lSI!).-.'!t. ESTRAY: "1AME into tlie enclosure of the subscriber, j residini; in Hemlock township, sometime in CHARLES R. BUCK A LEW, Attnrn ow of T. , - jr w du u. vif ; ;,st .iimi'ier, a two year old red EI.OO.MSHURU, COL. CO., PA. j and l.rmdu, MJI.L. 'with a while k,cE-Two doors below the Court-IIousc, i "" Z :.J1 .' North side of M.,in Sheet , ,' .'. ' i .- n nun away, or ne will tie sold ae- IJkdl'ckb I'mcns. NEW, CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE P I , , .' .7' JX 7i m p Q riUmt HIE stihscriber rpsi.or-f fol I i.i.. i. i- , , v .'iiiisuifiirieni s and the public, that he has d,.sl.i ..... pailiier,hip hiisinf.ss and opened an entire Nl-'U' S lOCKOF GOODS, freshViom the c, Z, . Cheap Cluttnog Emporium in the sa,e s , .hi Wain bireet, above ,),,. AjlEHICAN where he cm beat bmh J..,v ....I .rbk:' ling cheap Goods, Clothing, &c. Take the In - ' lowiiii sample of his prices: I Wes'e r'"CK ' oatstrom fi; tocio Splendid lllne Black Dress Coats ,2 " Laslimerelt, Alpaca and summer cl Linnen Coats ol nil kinds, lll ick Casimere i'antSi Splended Lamarlinc Pants, Cotfonade and summer Cassimere, Plain Satin Vests, FiKUted Satin vests, Mars.'iles and Cashmere vests lioy's Pants nd Vests, ' Men's Casinel Pan's, lEPropiidors, full of confidence in ,l,e re. sonrres t j)0,.lur ,,., .. . , k.lm I'.n., . . " oovereltti 13 "avc gamed lor thnisl.iw s, ii an enviable reputation in t,r short m. ace I f live years Ihey have been belore llept'l r .,, many core, they have perlormed- some l ,, l.eb. hav.nir been c'oi.fioed to hi ir Luf', (Tr months and veais-a, .,.!, , ' ' V ,"ul r 'chjilloe the world,,, produce "Z "V ,ung standing Jm,sla um, ,,aj , , ( Mifw.thiy have never l, led, w lHn ,.,'". cordnit; In directions, tiw. a ,,, ' permanent relaf, a'U'e "r -'ue fid Liver Complaints, Jaumliro. frc . ., Permanently cured, by ,he Uh, of , " . I hey operate direciiy noon the I ie, . , 4 UKrlormitsnatiii-ald'fcfc . ".nl CLICKS M.cl.ll,.M.t.,,. r ever. Worms, x,. i,,, , Soin.,1 AtV,..., i ..... . , " ll' libeuiiiiilisi, ,,' ,. , ,' "i n,-, ( ,.,,8.f ,...: nav e proved ; ii'.n'iaiiie Jieiilldi FEVER A N 1 1 .. (;n.; AXJ GUI U. EE V Ell. i as Cnli's umniisi, and Collin. ""ine yet dscov..ie,l I,,., j I i,....-.... a i ami ft. ,UC OI II S Ol'lr eu ! Vp.',.rn v.,.., . , V np t lrno .... I.' V '""... d" '"P l.l'N ., . .... ' " ' ''.us i rom El, In CIO "AI.M TILLS. We III the i im: .Si viru.K.fv W 13 i. 3 0 1 3 3 0 4 0 1 4 2 S s a 1 s 1 3 175 fiorj Have HI. I I. I II I I. ir ... . I : . ev haver,,.! ...r. ..' ' .""''"'ns Wlt,e i rase, when tiiken I davs. They cleanse and new r known n m. i.i,. ! lo eight a cure in I'mtn ,, ify of ffW Farhkhscf I'olimhia, here's a CHANCE, n'.w to do ll,e "deliifhtlul," by way of beating out our MonlKotriery friend?, and also, enlisting the printer's lasting gratitude. M ml Rbrkrs. John D. Jones and George , v. Caswell have been committed for trial at In r!iana,ioli.i forjhe rubbing of the mail. Death of Mr. Ihobst. Mr. fv ri.PH. Urobst, on Friday morning last, whilst in the act of Shoeing an unruly horse, at his shop in Hriarrreek. nfar Berwick, received On the 1st inst., by the Rev. W. J. Ever, Mr. Solomon Strab.er, and Miss Kohan.n Hllwic, both ofRoaringcreek township. On the 13th inst., by thesame, Mr. Nehemiak j Reece, of Rohrsburg, to Miss Harriet Yetter, of Franklin tp. In Sunbury, on Ihe 29th nit., by Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr. Emanuel Wilvert, Printer, and Miss Margaret Bloom, both of that place. On the ISth ult., by the Rev. J. II. YVorrel, Mr. Ja mis C. H. Barrett, ol Danville, and Miss Nov. lu, 1 si!). HATS AM) CAPS. rpHK subscriber respectfully inforn JL and customers, that he' has ji cordiili; to tile net lei I ; II. Iiibick, Nov iillliK lo strav j. DAM EL 3, is in-:;ts. PURSEL. ms his friend. Hist r..i.iu.. iioin me city, a laW and select assortment ol 7l lasluoiinlili! eAa Hats and Gaps, oi oiiianie maiieanrt improved sty le, which he o.ieis ,o. casti sales very cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, second door South of the c..ui t House. ..I ol I 3Li J SA DDLE, II A UK ESS," AN I) TRUNK M AM: FACTORY. OUN K. CROrz, respeettullv lull, i ins hi . old Ji lends and ens'- ur3. ti'ili.TS, and it,, noldir ..e,,rr,llu l i mat ne sun carries on the ! Iliirni'ss fmd Trunk .'lll.Til V, -V PI iddie! tfm T CLOTHIi(;, DRUGS & MEDICINES. Ml E undersigned a.'.iin aDiu izes I,,.- iv....i . and the public, that he has ioeei.,1 ,, . . . . i u 1 1 n internal ni, rv v. hub a ...I I. is, ball, in lew i It,,s n v a . rl.,ii -hi,.r f lto..K ifn.. v... ..f ' 1 ' "c n".'7 8,1 n.'. "l stand ... ' ' s T" ".', ui j i -neap corner, ..... iii.ora mr. n i,av, s a wile and larni. Husli township, Northumberland county 'y- He was lale a eiii..n ..t Bloomsburg, and'?. ""'i at th age of at,. on .(,, years. frt- New yrk S-ate contains twelv. thousand schwl dmricts. frW,!,arr, Shakspeare ist. S. of Sons of Tern pMr,rp at Cliimbin, Ohm. 1... ... . , , , rs - - s-J -.i.i'.'ss hi m,i: ,, jvh . .,M. .in :ll.... v. . (pj-IIfl continues to manufacture Hats to order lile ' " H"-e and Alailu-t Street, and where hi! Usual. I keeps f.,.sj,-.iv ,, i, .....i ,, , " ""- "- I, .' " "i.me.s in order tlie i hlloMiicariirleh in his line all of which for fi ;m! and w.irki.Mm.lii,, will be-,r comparisi'm , ilh t be best that cm beprod,,,,;,any.,lt,,!iViz. hiinfi. i II i thereloren.,,....,..., ' " . fri" am , . , .... ..u, i in,, oy ir .v,-, ,,,, .,,. anil all disease, arisi.,,- n-oin ,. , '' stale of the blood. h '"' "1:''Wa I In Nkiivoi-s J)f nu.iTY and Fi-m,i- jH.A.KTs,,heyhaveo,k,d " he nerves by rcrr.ovi,,, ,, cause , NV V(..V I r "".". ! gradually Mu-riKihen and l , ... ' rK CLOTHING, I :"levr.. Kjway,., advice lo f a,; ' 7 every descr titinn. Irv. I.'r. ... . ' , llict&d with the al,i,. ,11. ... ' " al s M kercl iels ' T;"1 u"'e"ue,s 0,orks. "and- a, , d ' " Z , . ,'u"" Le Garments made to order on short notice i, y . eisonsre out ol twn will find it to deiet:::r: ool inill'htlllM.)! ft it l,,ti ... . rhe r . i I.'. Trl f Nathans , "" scoiui s mciican Ilous Olll. one door use. Ii looms- r. v I Uli, II, ill a p.... ... . rso r;...,, t....a'i .u,tl!. cteu " 1 "1S were lust introduced in manner. :o gauilv .how cuds or t 'isciiiei.is rilled wni cum ,...i. i.... i-er lived .,,m.,NM,;KS I heir way mlo public favor .,i, it,..;. '.. K ' " ll WIT- a noiseless i'iig aover- ; Its. Thev r.loomshurK,Oct.l.lS.i;,MO:VNATIIAN' noticET rE'h,l'l?f'-'"-- I 7 , 'Moesemanves ol Jar f.re rurelv v.ireil.l ...-u, . i.i . nun our Kurpin ! Ihur operation, and perfectly sit,. ir .- . lofdebmtatedcontt.tiitiS.,, I ,,U".;;N ivhc..nn,.i iMI,u h"" ntlwrpil ncwinuse. Great care has en U (. ; f i in selcctimr and roi,:,,nl,n,li,.B the ,"; . I iwhtch las alWaw been ' . " I SOCLE in Person. ' uy jJr. , , VT THOMAS WII.LITS. I.Ioomshuri;, Nov. lo, isi;i. In Danville, on Sunday Ihe -lib inst., Miss Sa rah Sechllr, aged about 33 years. On th 3.'dh ult , in Anthony tp., Col. co., Rev. Dr. F. A. Herma.n, aged about 00 years .... ... j. . . on noil in r.aa u . a,n ..,! M ... , ... .. .... i . " -".ii , ri ,,,.-e,s,vMii.re ne oners reat bargains to those ' who may want tn purchase. His stork ol Aw and Fashi,ta',!e Ch'hui" I rum n r iui.s i.v-.ir.. ........... ...... .... "-' ..... - ...... .s.i, , aoil size, ;,h I ot: mho -'.iir.Ari.ll man tlie ricaiel ,n i; . num I ItJ-The public yenerallv arn I animation of his e,.,o,ls belore i v bete. j 10! I Brinmsruirc, Nov If,1, s.;, ill I'oins. ar e ci'i). i. , ..:.., , .. ,. , . " " "KK"il nan- ,.,., ni an Kim's. cavvtemi nr,,..,, colh.s, llridler, WaK,., an,l Vl'FFAl.nE IMllES Also, Uce 'V"irm.m .-f In.,, a, 'ttnd fram Iran'lni. ln,,,, pur,,,in ,,,,,, j, "" " """ ".- 1,1 iraveiiinir 1,,,, lf,,. .;;".1iU. '""i i .iikc assortment ,,f iHITN'TIMi, ( 'ai r c .lap' Hid.byD;.Ei:s(.l'LE7Vr! had of agents gratis. may ue r.K 'illlll ( l.llil, K. ."'II.. s .ii-ni. a , cha-a. anv '' the a', s.itiil'.n li,.n, ! ,ite i.s Biornisburr;, N 'gel her IAK.M..SS :c.eTi iinminr . .A. M,h, r. "d'al Carpet, 'rman.lite.il'.Miinjn. ,' l,,a c.nnlv. P, .1 'V ! """"'P. oium. ma n , M a ml 1 i n a Zi name rtn'a n. Ma ri retia m mer " ni..,,. intermarried wi,;, Charlet i.ackj I'limenna,, intermarried will, William rilston LeorgH .mmennun, Jhn Xiinmerman, R M Ill'l Ill llifrln'i n : 1 '.t n . . . ler. Hi,, 7.Z : " ' hl,,1,:s Zei,.i'i Or.en.nl, r.Wn'ip,, ha Ma,H iv, : .ii.i 1 1 1 e,i win, j,,!,,, iioreyou tuy iha, .c t.atne ofDr man intermarried with Aaron Frv ami ' X ' T'T. " 'bat any ,, en o, .Iacoimnie,ma,la,c of Gei ma ny , dec,' t '. , Z7" r Z T ' sed, are hereby not.fied .hat in pursuance of , w'rt ! had . he imnudence C n . i. "'"I ' " haVe i'C. Tnle., tho n.ihti se, they will l,e de- nlVZ :r,Ui'" 0VE.IGN BALM PILLS BEWARE OF Cnr;TF R efits ' ' ' slbere are spurious TilN in ri.rul:.ii ,, "e miii to ... 1,. E. L. snt;i e s None l.lhra !l fn " 1 1 " I'" W, sb In . ' V".;.nf,,le..l II,,,, he ,....,. ! to ine (ii.,.t,. and pii,.,. 'OH V K GKdTZ ' '. Iei5. i of i;.;..,. :.. i... . V, . . " "in ; ' " r' ' .Vpnans' Cnurl of I our circulars. rirlificMe Z a P3.,".lnn "r"p rpal m- I rar, flJl 'i'n Ihey p,c: late of said dcrcased.sitliite ml he in.Lv . r f ; i l",lca ., .. . ""'"I'aiorp. ,me.i -". u ..... is ,,i una containine in all two hundred and llnrlv-five acres more Icss.amnimst H,e heirs and le.l represenlativ'ei ol Ihe said deceased. I will hold an Imjuesi :,, premises, in the Imvpship of Milllin.on Tue, day the sixth dav November next, at IDoVlork A. ,M , when and where you aio re.iuesled i fe (1. 1 BENJAMIN HAV'MAN. Sheriff Sheriffs Office, Uln.imshur!;; ) 1 September fth. ISf'J. ) can he had of ..eon .. .ii .yer, liloomsburc : Sn, TI R.Moore. Panvillf.; if,'Vm ire'onville; J. JJ Sheldnn M-n.:j- tit. . . 111 lllll'k' l l'l U hxi-.I . . a. R.ser M. i.... i r, ' n. lani) " u "rmanue, INorlhumber. A. r. Norim,. General Agent Carlisle. Pa snll, I.ljlil Sip el ; ers anil Co., U'a .-,s.-, : ,.rr U jipi-r rtp Whitehall Hives and M, r, L- . nai'