A J I. 1 i Columbia E3cmacrat. LEVI 1.. TATE, ElMTOIl. svraitn.vY mor, nov. 17, 1819. A 'twas far Iht Columbia Democrat. Yt-V. ft. PAtMSH.TliirJ and Chestnut street, Philadelphia. f)- E. W. Cabr, TliirJ and Walnut ilrnets, Philadelphia. OJ-GtoRun PaArr, No. 113, Nassau street, New York. WOol. Tate, of tlto Columbia Demo crat, will please consider our beaver louch cd" i.'e(orrf GarrVc. f A id "wju'i any thinir else," Gkn- IRAL. IC7 "To preserve your health, drink -water, and get married early." OJ- Thu "Olive Rrauch," has among i"leavt$" tho foreguinir, which, by the way, w think !i)uldbe among its4o)Hn,a indicutingVuif ? Ti the first part of this proportion, we tnoHt h.'arlily su'ncriba, but are inclined to dispute t ha l I'lnr. Wi d 1 not for.pl th advice of Franklin, n rGjn. Taylor' ixe dixit upon this iitjnrt ; but are oppod to it physiologically, on account both ot the mental and physical development of the offspring. We do not intend to discus the nhjct, but it appeal to us, that the mind and body of the parent should be fully matured, in order to giv health and vigor to the child. Beside this, we think also, that the health of the Parent! is pro moted. In view of these things, in part, it is de creed in some countries, that no young man shall tmrty until twenty-five, nor a woman till eigh teen. Itis asserted by Wallur, we think, in his work on "beauty," that late marriages are favora ble to its preservation. Spoils and Debt. It a Messed fine thing for some of our fellow citizens, that the Whig Party has once got into p wer. But if the treasury of Uncle Sain dont suffer for it, it will be a wonder. The fact is, the whig party were completely bankrupt, and the Fpoils of ollice will just about fix them up again. Nu wonder there was loich a scrambling for the "loaves and fishes." It was neck or nothing, with the universal Federal party. Well, we are glad that the creditors of the poor fellows, who have waited long, can now hope to ge-. something. It was (lead dog or no dinnei w ith them, for a long titae. We notice that the Honorable Filz Henry Warren, was arrested at Springfield, Mass. just us he was stepping on the car of the southern train, for a debt of 1 ,100. Ae gave bail for his appearance and Went on to Washington. The whins Hied to make us believe that all his debts were paid long since. If he makes a few more trips out there, v.e imagine they toun will be oil .paid. Creditor vs. thbtor. The relation of creditor and debtor, is one, wliich, in a trading and commercial community, t:,ust he sustained. The na'ural honesty of man, or else his natuml credulity, give rise to the credit system. Necessity on the one hand, and a desire for making money on the other, bid fair to Vep ihe system forever in vogue; notwithstan ding the apparent attempts of the Legislature to sap its foundation. There is perhaps, little doubt, it'll e system were entirely eradicated, that in the end it would he better tor the public; though the hardships at first would undoubtly be great. ftut this is not the question we started to dis cs. We must lake things as they are, and not he anirr.-y because they are not as we could wish. Then l'.tion of creditor and debtor, to a great ex te.it, must exist ; hut there is absolutely nothing, in tnis country, so torturing as a Shylock uf u Cmlitor. He docs your steps like an evil spir ji like the nhostol a murdered companion, he meets you face to face at every corner unrelen ting as death, you are not released even for a mo ment, upon any pretence. He v ill cull you a cheat, a lair, a scoundrel, and appear to rejoice in your distress. Hut it of ten happens; aye, always, that your creditor is Homebody else's debtor. What he wants of you, another wants of him; and thus a continued chain is f irmed. When one is pressed he presses aont tier, and thus one five dollar bill may benefit, in the course of a week, thousands nf individuals. Think of this, ye who own and can pay. Let not an innoeent, honest debtor, he distressed on your account. You may in this way bring joy ar, 1 gladness to many a heart. There is one other thought, and then we have done. Since every mm sustaines in society both relations, of creditor and debtor-when acting creditor he should remember that it is just as difficult lor tubers to gut money, as himself. His err Jit i perhaps received in b'Ter encourage ment than h! eo.v receives himself. People ap p;ar to f-irget that society is an endless chain, of which each tnni !oi ins a link. Popo beautifully says, ami it wi.l apply here. Vfrn ni'ireV- rti.im wi, .lever link yon strike, Tnth,or tea Ih-iu-nn Ph .fcrca'f the chain alike. rpyDurine 0e 1 'Her pail of lat week, we had q lite n l'rehet in Fisbmircreek ; and the Susque hanna, at this die, was also quite intoxicated Indeed, we may salely siy, that both the riv e.r an I creek, ww on considerable, of a bender. The ground is becomim? pretty well soaked with rain, and th waters will now, twt prnba ab'y.busuOiiiontly high for practical purposes, all winter. lVi'Monal Wc noticed oiiK timo ince, in i paper we accidentally picked up, tome rumaikt, in regard to the fashion of letter-writer and newspaper pufiijii, describing in glowing color, the person al appearance of our ladv writer. The author of that article, i decidedly opposed to the system of thus holding up to the view of the profane vul- ir, the person of our distinguished hteralii. So far as regard the propensity to puff the beauty of facp and form of our poettasea ; we go with the author of the article, upon which we are commenting, heart and hand ; but when lie ays that a man or woman one hundred mile ofT, rare nothing about the appearance of Mr. A., or Mis B., we most respectfully beg leave to dis tent. There it much in the personal appearance of an author. A man who make mankind hi study judges very correctly of hi talent, by hi descrip tion, True we like no fiction mixed up with this matter. Hut can it be said, that the tout in temble of such person as Washington, Napoleon, Wellington, Scott, Byron, Wordsworth, Milton, Pope, Bryant, Willis, Mrs. Sigourney, Mr. Wei by, and hosts of other, are nut interesting to the majority of their countrymen .' Tous.atany rate such reine n indices of great men, anecdote, say ings, and doings; are indeed peculiarly entertain ing. It i undoubtedly true, that the character nf a great writer can be seen in hi work : but mere curiosity, if nothing more, would prompt u to wish to become more thoroughly acquainted with those w ho have cheered many an otherwise wea ry hour. We love to sit in our arm chair, and bring up before us, bodily, as it were, the author with whom we are holding sweet converse. We must tay therefore, that we are in favor of seeing all our writer htld up to the public. Col. Kenry Pttrikln. Wij are very wry to announce this mor ning, the death of Coloiiel Hknby Petrikkn, which took place yesterday morning, at two o' clock, say the Spi'itvfllte Timet, of Friday, Nov yth, at Mr. McKibbiu' Merchants' Hotel, Col. P. was well known throughout the Common wealth a an active politician. He was the first white child born in Bulleloute, Centre county, in the year 'US. He was a printer by profession, and for years was the Editor ot the Belief in'e Pa triot. He was a member of the Houe of pre ventatives fur several years, and, as we learn from ventlemen whnseived with him at that period, was one of the most active and intelligent mem bers in the House. He was subsequently elected to the Senate to fill the vacancy occasioned by i lie resignation ot Judge Iturnside. At thegener aleleetnm in the year Colonel Petriken was elected for a full term which he served out When Governor Porter came into power he was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Common wealth wliich post he held for six years, and was retained in the place by Governor Shunk. He was removed by Governor Johnston. For a few months he has been discharging the duties o(,ijii nerintenilant on the railroad to avoid the Incli ned Plane. Colonel P. was a warm-hearted man, exceedingly ailached to his friends and not un jenerous towards his opponents. He had been in bad health for some lime, and his death will noi surprise his friends. His remains will he conveyed to Harrisburg for interment, as he re quested yesterday morning. At the time of his death, Col P , was super intendent of the railroad to avoid the Inclined Plane, Philadelphia, now in progress. He was in the Ji'2d year uf his age and had been ill but a hort time. fJ-The stone from Pennsylvania, for the Mon ument of the hero, christian, statesman and 'lath er of his counlrj ,' Gkohc;k Washington, is row ready for the builders. It is 4 feet long, 2 feet wide and 15 inches thick . On its face it hears the following inscription : "Pennsylvania, Jrom he quarry uf J). 0. 7inrr, Montgomery county." A Soldier's Death. Lieut. Col. Dickinson, of the Palmetto Regi ment, being wounded at the storming of Chmu buscn, was left in the Hospital at Miscoac, w here he died. The Buffalo Courier says that in ihede lirium of fever he heard a drum heat the reville at early morn, liaising himself with an cflorl.he i looked calmly toward the window, and said, in his deep tones of command. "Battallion, hall! order arms! ret!" and falling back, he expired. Ohio Central Railroad. The Ancient Metropolis ol IheS'id, published at Chilicothe, says : The counties of Musking um and Licking have made an additional sub scription of $Mi,0ij0 to the torl of this Compa ny, The aggregate nf the subscriptions is $1.'0, 1)00, which leaves ST-WiO" yet remaining of the sum, which with the contemplated loan, will i build and stock this road fi om Zanesville In Co lumbus. It is expected thai Licking and Frank lin counties will make up this deficiency, and the road is to be placed under contract itnmmediale ly." Thanksgiving in the V. Slates. Florida, November I, New Hampshire, 15, New York, 'i:t, Maine, 23, North Carolina, 29, Massachusetts, 2!), Pennsylvania, 2'J, Khode Is land, 29, Ohio 29, New Jersey, 2. The Cost of the I'aeifir. Railway. At the st. Louis Convention, an estimate was suhmittrdhy Gol. Curtis, a skilful engineer, ol the cost of the road to the Pacific, and the cost of asurvey. The road can be made, ho thinks, for eii;hiy eight millions of dollar'.; and one thou and men, an entpner with a party boini; nii;tied to each one hundred miles, can compk tu the sur vey in one year. Hon. William Strong. This efficient tal i anted, and courteous member nf (.'impress, from Beiks county, is recommended (or speaker of the ' neit Congr. ii. SltUtorinl Convention. Agreeably to previous notice a number of the country editor of l'eiinsyUuiiia met at Bueli lei', Kaglo Hotel, on Friday the lUh inst., and organised by appointing the Hon. NIMIU1U STIilCKLAM), editor of Hm West Chester Jl publican, President, M. U. Hoi.unooK, Kq , edi tor of the I.ancunti rian, and C. K. McCi.imk, editor of the Juniata Stntittt l, Vice I'lesidenls: Gkorge Frysinukh, F.sq , edilnr ol the Lewi town Untitle, and J. M. Coopir, editor of the Valley Spirit, Secretaries. On motion, Messrs. Thfo Finn, of the V Telegraph, P. S. DFCHKiir.of the Valley Spiiit, Wm. P. Cooper, of the Juniata Itrginter, Hkn ry S. Evans, of the Village liecuid, John B. Bratton, of the Carlisle Volunteer, Wm. M. Hih.si.in, of the Libanon Adv either, w ere ap pointed to report a course of action lo the Con vention After consultation by the Committer, th made the following report to the Convention which wa adopted : Jlesolved, That an adjourned conven tion of the editors nnd publishers of news papers within the State of Pennsylvania beheld in the borough of Ilarrihburg on TUESDAY the first day of January next, (1850,) to niemoralize Congress on the subject of such an alteration of the postage laws as will allow newspapers to be sent in the mails, within the counties and con gressional districts in which thev are pub lished, FREE OF POSTAGE ; also to memorialize the Legislature ol Pennsyl vania on the subject of having the laws of a public nature published in tne newspapers of the Commonwealth ; and to adopt such other measures as will be calculated to protect and advance the interests of the public and of the publishers of newspapers of the interior, as they may deem proper and important. Jlesolved, That the editors and publish ers of newspapers in Pennsylvania, with out distinction of party, are requested and expected to attend said convention. Jlesolved, That the above proceedings be signed by the officers, and published in all the papers of the Commonwealth ; and that this convention adjourn to meet on said day. MM ROD STRICKLAND, Pres't. M. P. IIoi.IlllOoK, C. K. McCtCRK, Vice Presidents. George Fry singer, ? Sccrctaiip. J. M. Cooper, $ k"-1311" Gratifying KcmuII. The tolls on the Slate Works, received at the State Treasury up to Nov. 1, amount to: SI ,3S3,i4t Last year, to November. 1 1 .032 50 Excess in favor t f 1819, $07,414 12 The fiscal year, in this State, closes on the 1st of November. Ascs of llie Prt sideiiis. The following have been the ages of the Presidents of the United States.at the tiir.c I of their election to the executive chair Axes. Ages 7. Jackson, 01 8. Van Buret), o l 11. Harrison, 07 10. Tvler, .r)() 11. Polk, 4 a 12. Taylor. 01 1. Washington, f7 2. John Adams, 01 'A. Jefferson, 57 1. Madison, 57 5. Monroe, 57 0. John Q. Adams, 57 The average of the above ages is about 57 years, and it is a curious circumstance that five of our twelve presidcuis have been of the ace of 57 at the time of their election. Harrison was the oldest of thppresidents.and Polk the youngest, when elected. TtiKitt-: were sixty battles fought during the revolutionary war; thirty-eight during the last war with Great Britain; and thirty, two, in all, during the late war witn Mex ico. Dcalli of a .stranger. About two weeks ago, says the I'uttsvillc Emporium, a young woman came to this lown in the Philadelphia cars, and stopped at the Exchange Hotel, where she give her name as Ei.i.ks Crook, and said she was from Allenlown.bui subsequently told some one she was from Reading. After remain ing with a negro w.-nian on "Guinea Hill." there about a week since gave birth to an infant. Both mother and child were sized with Small Pox.and died, the first on Sun day last, and the latter on Tuesday night. The trial of Joux R Bosr.ru. editor of the Fayellc Jf'hig, charged with stealing letters from the Kniontown I'.t Office commenced at Pittsburg, before the United States' Court on t'riday, Oct. and las- ted four days. The evidence seems to be decided enough, but the jury could not a gree, eight being for conviction atnl four for acquittal. now trial has been ord ered to take place on the I Dili instant. The. P.h riioii ia I.ouisianri. Ni.w Oki.i.a.ns, Nov. Z. (Jen. Joseph Walker, tli" Detune raiir rniididate lor (iovernnr t-1 S'-late, has 'be Ctm "s before. n .'v. . heen elected. It is believer ! gressional Delegation w ii. j The election passed of! ver Important1 from Sanfa I'c llrturnvf Col. 11'ashing.tun from the Xuvi jo Country-Treaty with the liuliaris.' Major Stein IicenveriiigSurgeon Nor wood and Sergeant Snyder Killed by Indittnii-'Xtw touteto California Discovered. St. Lous, Nov, Hy an arrival here from the Plain., later dates have been received from Santa l'e. s i r i , , , I l,ol. N ashington returned to litH quartern i on the 2Sth of f('iteiribir, from his march ! .1 i ,i m . i i through the Navijo country. At first he, found the Indians very troublesome, and I notdinjiosed te come to terms, hut he final-1 ly suceeded in concluding a treaty of an i imnorlant character with the Naviinn, bv 1 J ' Sell it is Stipulated that lIlCV cive lip all l property which the marauding bands of U. t A I . I r tribe have stolen, relane prisoners and uowledire tlieir Ktibiection to tlie United Stales. The Indians appeared perfectly ,Thte!vh"l're'acq,,-,i..t,.,lwith the relative .it satisfied with the arrangement. uation of this place, innt pereonu that, destined , to be, as ill a lew vears it will be. on the ereat J revious to llie conclusion ol the I reaty Col. Washington had an cni'ajjement with a parly of the tribe, in wliich six Indians were Killed and several wounded. Major Stein who was wounded in a flight with the Apaches, on the Ifith of August last, is recovering. lie is now able to walk about, but the ball has not ycl been extracted. Surgeon Norwood was shot dead in the same engagement, ami Sergeant Snyder' who was woiindiid at the same lime died from the efTecls of his wound on the 14th of September. Lieut. Simpnson, who accompanied Col. Washington on his expendilion, has dis coved a middle route to California. It is situated between Gila river route and the old Spanish tail. It is a wagon route, and three hundred miles nearer than any other passage which has yet been dicovered. Business at Santa Fe is represented as being verv dull. The Hamilton County Representatives Probability of an another "Buckshot ll'ar" Id the Ohio Legislature. Cincinnati, Nov, 12. In the Court of Common Pleas of Ham ilten co..thecase of Brodwell and Ruffin vs. Mr. Roll the Clerk of the Court, came up for argument this morning. The decision of the Court was given by Judge Hart in favor of the defendant. The complaint a. gaii si Mr Roll originated on an application to dismiss him, for giving llie Democratic members from the first district of Hamilton county certificates of their (lection. The Court decided, Judge Tallin dissenting, that it did not feel it its duty to interfere in the matter. The complainants had their modi; of reiinss by an appeal to the Legis lature ihc proper tribunal to decide matter. I hat no proof had been offered to show that Roll had acti d corruptly in the dis charge of his duty ; but, on the contrary, the opposing coiiiise I, Mr. Storer, had ad mitted that he believed Mr. Roll acted con scientiously in the case; that Mr. Roll could not do otherwise than give the cer tificates as he did, it having been certified by the Justices that the parties receiving their certificates had received the highest number of votrs. The case is therefore dis missed, and the Court decree Mr. Roll not guilty, as charged. The opinion of the Court was very lengthy, but given clearly and succincily by Judge Hart. There is every reason to suspect that the disgraceful scenes of last session will be re pealed again at Columbus, this winter, as both sets of delegates will probably claim .-eats. Wheeling District. HKi;r.iMi. Va.. Nov. 12. Colonel D. T. S. llaymond, Whij; has lu en elected lo Conijres.s from tliis district, This jn a Wlii pain. Mrs. MARIA T. YATES, eonsort of Dr. C. M. Yatts, ami sister of tlie lion. James Iitiehainm, died at Meadville, on tin; 'Jtl iHsl.l'itlslurg Morning Post, Sor. 8. The resignation with wliich this truly exempt irv and chrislun woman met her death, was in harm liny ith her paheiiee tlurin a lonqand hopeless nei i"d of s'lU'erii.e; and di-ea-e. Dinini;a life of .iiipreiei:dini;exe.liei,ee, she was enabled to cm. fi-r in.ieli t'ootl up. in tin; ilesiiim,. an,l lielpless ; and sh(. d.. charged all her doties as wife and run. tht-r ith sii (;iar r.it e an I .It votion. She died inonined by a larjje eiri-lenf reoilives and fiietids. Tin: Syr.'itryv Co. riiii C,mkV(. e-rn that ti e hint; iend;lii; rise of Mul-leti r, Mc M.d.l'i, sal, the Daily N-v,, lias at, lenptli been celt led. 'I I f del'ionlHiit ,.i pai, thePXerlttors ofia- pi.iiii'.tr-'l.-i.'liio inca-h, as their half of. 'he vj'ne o tin. --).! i ii i,' 1 1 1 . besides ."iO..'i.;0 in oiitsiandii s del,.,. ' .M, iire (lrrr.r,., (r sale. Hid are worihi the a'teinion of Coertin.,' i,...,., ,i 1 . 1. irt . , , . ... . ills'. .' Clmpfn 'n at in e nf oor st.,'e prisons w.is : ' , a-Ken riv a Irien.l liiev to, prisoprr j ua lei C'.nrt-I mi "' Aa, (!,,. ans -. cr i n AH I -V I)JJSIItAUL-!i i'KOl'EKTY. rililK siil'Viiber oilers for sale his J . j nousic and i.or, m wm -e!jTL" lovv-Giove, (.South llitnbur(. ft&J i 1 1 j0 The llousi) is anew brick building. .m fa ol sulllL-ii iil e to ucciiimiiniJatH a Urst family. There i a well uodcr cover at the liltcliiin door, of excellent Water, superceding 1 lit) llivessil V of Ifolng elsett belti to pmcine water !:::j:'l':7;';ru:AHOUK suthaeiitly Ure lor cow mid three horses, and other aptiiopnale out buildings, ail new. Tle m,ltP(t u,,;,, i , distance about equal to cuht sqnaies ol in-, toet each from the Court llo Ise ; (W leel wide and I U leet deep. qq,,,,,. Hie (HUhe lot, properly dispo- sed. and of various sizes, m. wards ol $t?V$ ' ORNAMENTAL 'ntBKS, einiiracing quite a variety, viz : .Ma-7,i,, pie, Klin, Linden, Ash, n'uiti.n. wood, Mmtiern, vq.ii,K.Wiii..w, h..-k..r, ui.k, iiuck eve.i , , , L. ( ,.,l;,r. WI, He. oiiio. i.c . with a vanetv o a vanetv of elect Shnhherv Th.ro are, ;,so. npwaida" ol Thirty Young I nut 'trees, I WYITdl 1)1 V II till ill U Ul 11 II ft I V II -sliWt-1 1 1 "111 . i T,ie!M fri!M vvlMe p,e,, B ,,,r; years a-.., ' nd are just beginning the dt v.-lopim ni i f their ihorounh fare to the Lakes: the purchiwnf lit al F.-ta'I e heie, must hu a safe and profitable investment V- Those disposed to purchase, are invited to call soon on the subscriber, on th" piemies, or in his nlisi'iicp, can make application personally, to R. K. Khodks, F.sq., HlooTiishiirjr DAVID N. SCOTT. Nov. o, is if). PUI5LIC SALE. r N pnrsiianco of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Fhilav thk I'AY IT INoVFMHCR MXI. ill tell I, 'clock 111 the forenoon, Samci i. Kim.r, Kxecutor, S,t.., of MICH.AKL I'.VKKT. late of Madison tnwnshin. in said county, deceasi-d, will expose to sale by Public t eniloe, upon llie p'emwi s, a certain TRACT OF LAND, situate in Madison township, contiiniiiiff One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Acres, more or lesi, adjoining lands ol John Jlcllei , Jnn. Rillheim, Paul llaitot and Georjio liojrarf, about i imty acres of whii h is cIimiimI I.hiiI. Then: are on the premiurs two lo houses, lot; biro a t;ood apple orchard, and all kinds of 1'KUIT; one eood spriiiL' of water at each boose. L.ito the Estate nf v,id tlnco:,.,.,!. -iiostn Sr. tl,u township of Madison, and county aioreaid. JACOB KYEKLY, Clerk. Elooinsburg, Sept. y, lSl!) Sis. - - .ici.joiij'sini t ti I lie above saie stands ailjourned un til SATURDAY, the I7ih in.-l.o t, at ! o'clutk, at the same l i n e. s mi;kl kisxer, i:yr. Jersejtown, Nov. 2. 1 19 Proclamation- "VyOTICK is hereby tiven that (he several ! X Courts ol Common Pleas, Geneml Qu.irler j Sessions ill il.e Peace, and Orntia. s' t;ourt. Court J of Oyer ami Tei miner ai.il.l.iil Ibdivery, in and I. n- I lo I '.Mint v ot I .l o in In i In f-on.tiii.ii.'u -..l l i,u ' Court I-Ihusp in Jliionwlivrg, on M niday the I'J'h day of Noyeirilier in xt, will continue two uri-ln, I'he Coroner, Justices t-f the Peace and Con. -t ibles, in and f -r the county of I 'oloiiibia, aie reipiesled to he then and theie in tlieir proper iiei-sfins, witn tlieir rolls, roct.iit.s, impiiMiiotis, and other i'eii.embr:iiii'es, tiiilo 'i.m Hiints to ih -ir i-ever il ollim-s .ipnol urii u he done. And a'l itiiess,.s j nweciitiiit; in hi n..'l' ol the Com moniveallh against any pi is.moi , ar 1 also rcqnes. led nnd con. mantled to be then ;nnl there a'ten dini in 'li'-i. nrniier pei-ons lo p, rutc ii :t i ri -t hen, ns s!,;, ho jast and i . t In depart wilhi til le ie at their peril. Jurnn ure reiiiesied lobe pnnetiiiil in their a' terilaiu c, at tho lime appoin ted rureeable to I heir not iri s, (liven under mv hand at Id nimsbiirg the Isih of Odoher, in the i ar ot i it r Lord one thon-nnd i u 1 1 f hundred and loiiy-nine and Il.e hide lienilence of the United Stales of America the Till). (Jul save 'lie Ci irrr "-oil: fi, MESS. IIAVMAX, SWff. PHILADELPHIA. READING & POTTS VILLE RAILROAD. isi.f, .-r-f-is. j Pli MisTl J::;:::.-;;.fl Ji4. ' '" ' ' - , WIN I Kit A l Pv A N C KM K.N'TS. ON and a r Tr after Nnveinher 1st, is.!i, the Pasen- mill" will run betAcen I'hil.idelohia ami t "Itsville, as i llois Leaves Philadelphia at S.J A. M., daily, ex cept SnndiHs. Arrives at Readies at 11 H Arrives at I'oltsvi.le at 12 .'Ml r .......... t..i ..:ii.. . ti i i t i..:i.. . Sundays ' Arrive, at Readimt at 10 CO , l"'',',"'l-v ,l'rt-"'e,l a tine lot tl Mw Ceew, soiled to the season, wi,itl, we ait willlls lodit Arrives at Po'tsville nt 12 f,f). pose ol at a ven snuili profils, l,.r uli,fcc. Our F ynrs. Pofsvilie and Phil.ideliihia 3 TiO and ! s,orl consists i oil ; PotNvill,. :,,! Iieailiei; 1 do and l.'JO ; Ilea- dinu and Philadelphia 2,2'i and .!0. Pa wens ,..,, ..,.., ,k r, 1... iv,ded u,,b icke.s X ' H?'"' i ti I ! i "'V ;alloive,lt, each pase,,,,.r , th.'e lines; am! I i. i,. iii 1 m i'ih-ii ill e expres,y ,,rohi,-,.ed Iron, taknaf hair.'a.'e but their uearni! anpartl ,. nt.be ri.lt i it, ' i anv ihniL' as hai I who-. will h 1 Hv order of the fioard n!' Minnimra . . .... S. iRADKUKD.Sec'rv .V'V. in, t;0. FIRE PROOF CHESTS. 1 OR PooliS, Papers, Jew- elrv.fiC. KvAxsi-U'A-r- : i i. ... "r-""- so.v.No. W) north third street, ; 'st,ir;r ; 1 bel .veen Ar, b anil It iro. unit I.J&.lii'l 'f sil Dock Street, opposite the ".ct:tr 't Philadelphia F.xchance. pat. tjl'iSfij" '" ' ' ent so ip-sione nnetl antl Key-f. " htd cover i i . i.' T'..-t-'' .-- I an, thiel Pli )( IK IKON C IIKS TS.'wauanted lo ' stand more beat than anv chests in this country ! Also. Patent A ir-Clianiber Iron Chests, i 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1-1 w r vn-.i.j:r- . ,'.n7,lV,wtWr;rh,,v",,,nrn,1'''''i'' 'ake -THE ORDINARY FIRE PROOFS,- UI " I 1 l ' ' I'll. ,'Sl . n , . i f i .- . . cl an ea Me titt T "J'n lh"U,an' ,me' ,1 ,i Mb Tl 'i' '""P U,K ,'"rk ,s f m,, I'm Tt rkLs .arc l'rn"r "'""t the Zlt kev hoi e:i7b?:::K- rVu'A. wilh .,he ... .i..rf Int. ; ' cannot l.lnwn ,. ,.. r,.l f'rnn. nry e i nu n ,. I ,. , . , r. , J in ended P nk:''T,W r T,TC I I nl.-E .... i. i.- i : Seal .ml I i fur liniils, ji.iI : ' l""'"""ors I alent Slat,. ,m R-f, :.,..,. ,.. ...... .., . ore,. arranted n- j lienor i" ar. otiieis, water filter j the best quality. hower baths nf f''""1" 'hi.,t; to purchase any of the above article,, wi I ii .. i. . ., ' - " can, as we sell ebeaper than anv other i ,. re,) S'ates. t oil uleiphia, . imh, is., .v ..,HH OVJ,LE. EsUUe vfJAC0Ut:lLRtiltctu,tdt VYlnS contained... the 1 last Will and I I ,!t JALoP ML. i.r.U, Junior, I., e M , Cl,lului county,, ecu ,.,d,,vil b , lie Vendue or Out ( ". Mdtt lan. ti. J..186C, A CcrJain illation or, Tract 5 Lana. Situate,,, Cetore Jiiovis l l reslo-r ,,,lel ,rlh; , o ; 1 terNuller,,,,, the "'..BerljamiD Boo. on the south and wnt, cull,- 1 ' ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-I-1 V E ACRES AND I , r Y-T 1 1 R F F rt:iMiESANi)TirtcyouRTrs STRICT MEASUKEVr ' (PrThere is a LIME iV on ,he ptt. Iiuses and abiindanie ol g"1". TliKEi 'I'lu.ru IM on ll.u tut. story l.Uti lluUK, a b-mk KiJ. "p.'"'ln al'l'"' -:i Mili.ii Hlorii; Siirin. T S-l ... , fe.Wl". IV..1 of Water i .J.V . lloor. AUl flt...r ..Ol . 1 - un,,j,. Ui in., above tract, UN'-XMiRUD AND Ti l I II I V ACKKS, is cleaied ,kd, jn a nuh state of cultivation. . 'I'l.e land is of first -qua', i' ;md W,J wor,,y theatte'ito n of any person n ijnay bg lesirou of purchasing a fiikt-rati! tann !( Terms, will be made k vin on the da) ot JOSEPIpOIIE, and I'EAII liHE.late Leah Miller. Kxecutmvf Juu Millir.Jvn ior, drcriiiinl. For fuller description, etc , bills. Cetitie low iisbiii, ) October 'J't, IM'J. low. j IViw .llillimi y(,o(,(N TIMIK imdersitfiieil lake plta.su inanm uriciiiB to their old customcis iilnie citizens ,,f tllMOinsbni'i;, (ieneially, 1 1 at l; have ;ust rg. ceiveil a new mpplv it the inoM J FASHIONABLE BOJSETTS, Velvet, cut nnd uncut. Satin, Ci.it!, Rib bons, of all ill cilplions liit f K.vtrs.Fenll i r, out sitle flowers, boos, p tit is, , l..,-i,,St riet wreaths, combs, crlored-sill, lace Jusions, inr-iie scarfs, kid, lisle. Ihiend ai.d Colo gne, t)ie. slut!', Collars, Spencers, Laee-cies, Velvet and I sllire't anil satin HoM.ets ! ALSO An assortment nf plaii Ronnetts at.d ( al's' 'r",,ht'r W1,tl l'""1. w. e. I M. t S.Iakklf.V. niimnishuii!, Oct. '7, J H'.i. ' " " - . DISSOLUTION 'N' Ol It h Is litiehv tottl. II, m I mMiit.l.'s hlNlolire I x,,li t ,.,1 ni.rteisii.ind liainni; in me r.rt k mat Ma'iniiei uoiiits, un der the ii. ue in d iitr, ft v uif 4. j.p r, is dissolved by n ntiial coi si-i,p Tl.e n Is t-l 'he late tii ni air in llie hauls o Jon i i u r i z. I v vyboni nil ilt-hls n i iini-i, n , , ill( ni( w paid and with whoni m ci urits n it ..i ttitd JOSL1 Jl sv 1,17, ' " MLssiNGllt. Plo' rnsbort'. Oet. S4). vzr MniCE." rpi.F. sub-el ilit-r, il.niiktnl Iiii ;isi (.'itirni'e, J lesi.t ciln I ly i 1 1 ; 1 1 1 lis lis Cisi'i, ni :u i! ihe puiilic, ihiii In- i sis ti,!., ti i p ci,:,,.,. l,)l.e i e dluu.ii si l nu yiVRF., wr. 'nil "in t'lniii'ie h i; i osmesis n.sii-,.1, ill nil lis i!e;iai linenl ,at tl( i same sl-iiin in il.e i.m ii-iiil'o l)oilil,u.5ile,e he i n v i if s ins ii ;fi os iii (; i ve nun a call The CiiIuii bian (. ;,i uia'r.i , t i n 1 : n Fptl! ma -book, etc.t tc , ti tell er will, o ., j woi lis aril select stain any, (n sa, ,1, !r A splendid as.si t'n t r,t ( j. i,r.OiS .... 1 1 I... .J . . ' , in or iei rivt u iii a ityyiiiysai tablishioi nt. u ve ti- .i0s-:rn swr.iz. nm!MUfy, Ort CM. xA BOO'J'M AM) SliuEsT r s 'ill-, siiiisciihers n-li.n.s tl , ,r H aiio i ( J citizens t t :!,;, msLmg, m d the pub.i Ii.r ; li'l llie) OIVUIs, Hl.t iip- pi i.e tlicm that ihey I ave just leeeivetl a ti hp new assninnei.t of Hoots and Shoks. atthtiirestiililislimi.hl V55sT I on Main Street, to which tliey invite i,h ' I a'tentmii o riisinm. I ers rht-n- selection comprizes every sort, size and variety, and at prices "lo untitle limes. iCreatbau'ainsran be h,idi)ii ai4it-.iiifn. . I (W- Store opposite Lratly-s Holt1,, 1 1. Main St., second door above the Conn House I , FHAIvrz it JOHNSON, i Plooir shnrir. Ort 27, ls.pi FKEMl ARRIVAL OF M.W GOODS I A'l' THE CHEAP ARCADE. 14 v.. tin snbsciibeis, ainitui.ie IQ all etif I,' ""' cus,omers nnd the i-uhlic that ! I'reilcll and Entrli.cl, Alnrlmiee ft, Ii.no- it i iMerinoes. AlanaraJ. . . V L. ' i'l USI I II t.f ,;dU.e, V- 1 . 1 . 1 1 K .1 1 1 1 1 iii ii. .1- ....i.u. n .. i . . I . A. . i .... 1.....1. .i ., . . i : Shawls, In,,, and sli,r,.o,d,r,,e,,.snlW. C ' 'r' ''"' :"'s upt.il'. eryartl; White , -nd stript'tl; Horii-rv.-eloy,, M, t- I miiiKs; t.f all kin Is. Av,.,v'e,. :, ;,.m,....,rf .' j Fanev and staple e, , ids. Aiso.-A Wl, , ro 1 f ,, , 'i ! l Queens-ware. I art -ware. Cednri.4' r veiv eelti-la ' H' ill ... . - .Si ii ii - v wa re. A In-sh supply ol cm 1 1 CROCERIES, good and cheap. CJ" We continue to st II the Inst article of"' I i ney-syriip niolasts. for .'.. . Is i.e-r tul'ioni Irf ' elusion, (. win I on 1 v at'tl, if our I. it i t's m Rive us a call we will in icliuii. give them! i show. f i II. C. I. W. HARTM.; " Bioomsbnrc, Oct. 2-1, 1-4!i-.';ni. V ' COODS IS' E W AR Rl V A L . JUST leeeivetl nnd now openirg at tl stand ol the srbscriber, a .splendid i ment of ' i;v ,oiJiN - Selected wi'h (ritat caie. and Ircni long t;' ence, he flatters hitiist-ll that his selectit Rood, not only in patterns awl styles, hut ii'f ill! nn. I nrin.. n...i ....1. l.n ...!,! n kA . ''iir. Ullll i 1 1 OC'-Ulll SI ML' lUHI - . , i sthle tirices. i fr"m 'kia of s.ik ; ami reuipr 1 materials for cloaks and tlres ,o red am"" i flannels. A e0d assortment nf I t'lchs ; Cassimers ; Satins and Xe'F uieaeoeii koii oro n niiisniis, raske s and I : i"'H ,'"-vs' H',s "' C.r''-HlS. I lileachetl and brown muslins. p.-Vrls and 11 Crnrkefv-wmn, Hai.l-naie. rnifar.war... of (iRi rFFirs it Spicks Also SALT.C Allot which he respectfully request lii;,'tlc' and the public to call and examine. Or-All kinds t.f train, lumber, and rrotiuee lasen in exrnarire and Inr it" ' hichest prices will alwavs hi L. B. Rl tT BIot n,s...iri;, Oct. 27, 1S4? (Cm, i s (e-l'i-, ' i