t 7 v- vJ "J(cjMr'',i' . - "i.y iLi , , i9XLrri:m f rvttusui:n "That (ioiciwcnU ther! uhit!i soveni lea" . i BIT Li ,L. TATE. -.:v. - -'-v - - " - .' "J I7 , ,r MATT 1 rr 10,(0 V ifiji ''" ' "' n Ei I . liLOOMSBUUG, COLUMBIA COMSAT U hlp ielfTho mothwrlnsB, ? i Theiriciirlin8doV,:"", ' For whoBiki no rich font Tne4A-nli"el'conrel'i' " F.ji l"on 'he-v ' "' tlpoiwh-aFf 1"v ;.,.' gied.intijl'oly ray! ' ge.iile if above them bdnJi .Tosoolli it couch of palii- No roicc v (id a her', essys ! Tocilm J feverish brain. 0, fiber ! y whisper love. ' ' In acoi'ii toft and llli'J 1 . But none ofhu pure m that A inoihwwwi bur f h,1J ? ,.( Jj.lkii of iho rootlwrleM- ' A wear! at U their, ' Andnl'tik hwtrt the gayest seems. A load orro bears. No laithlo voice direct their steps, Of bids ii onward press, . Codtioe motherless ' And Whe rf wnf Md lb ,ral1 Thet4da,,J ,hetrl8d' . ' U,,,ott..!hallcrotbyr.th, ThuuUo-to-twhatthoabad-.tbeea ' 'With rl eve" leSb- , Aod wbjihy "uld vent tel,r,Jac', Thim,f"-y wtrtmolhtrlM. A blex; I on the motherless, Whci Ji- ibey dul1 on earth, 1Vihajho"'eo,'i;l'ilJhol,,J' OctI stranger health! mueb.li'yte,heirh,illJ'' AU1isbtbetheunwiihm, AuilLpthemf.ee fromwu! ljuldn't, Would Voh, The Bol one d.y lately published the , L much (or a girl with a bonnet :,:lU:T:d,,Ur,wheuft.Stitwanew. Whosp.riiilaig1 That hare 1 wouldi Columbia JDcmocrat. To our Subscribers' Many person who take ihn Columbia Demo crat, are now in .lebt to u lor one, two, or three ywn. and we want the pay. Where we are com pnlled to employ ants, officer., or travel our Live,, to make collecliims. the eK!ra ch.re o Sucnt- ,.r,-ar. accord,,., to our published U.rmj,willhe added to cover expense,. 1 :,! f..rwiinl ihttmsflvM, or hendtl.e mnev,bi.o,eora. the coming Court, w. II h . .eiaim to lh wuimi"" of at 1-a.t rt of I t- l,.chre.. Kverycrib.nnacouu-. - . by co..HiJri notice a. Paii.cu-.y -tended for himself. A,u-Tli'o ita.l-bled for Job-work, advciti 3ini, etc., will pleae make immediate payment. (jtj-This notice will He coiuiuuiu m,.-. Court ) i not intended to apply in y -j - OUr PAVISO PATBONt. . xo- noticed favorably some tin.e tiiice.lun.fuu aa,n , for a lew words. We are .till more ,.,,....-. with iu excellencies upon a more careful exam ination. It is full -I every tbn.g . and good ; of men, manner, and things. We extract from it below, some of the inter esting morceau. with which it abounds : T K.no of I'umiA. Dr. Bainl thinks him possessed of good iutf Uerlual a- biliiy. His age is 55, He id a beu-uiau man, not popular, rather violent tempered, ..tlinrtmrrlalv evangelical m ins religious views," of unhounded wit and sarcasm, fine looking, near signied, with a very ru- dy complexion and full habit. Family Circle. II i i.lt-iHine to Cod that i.ur children lu; given to him, and m be trained up,' that U. hi blcteiiig, they will early know mm, we come into a Harden we h.ve to young hud, and miiell it, that we may be defined wilh it lciruuce. And o Cod loves the heart in its bud, before its fragrance is all Mattered upon the ttoildandain. Of all the trees made choice of in a prophetical vision, it was the almond tiee ..-lull tin. Iieo Hat Mo.iOKiS a- rnoiijj thc'ffrsl of trees. Such an almond tree is an early coiivert-a young hiart given to its maker. pJ-'-Wloitever God lus made Is pel feet." said a Weniern preacher to his hearei. "What do you think of me.'" fcaid a hunchback, lising and exhibiting his own deformity. "Think of you ?" i-,.jiod the preacher-" Why you are us j.eifect a a hunchback us 1 ever saw in my life." The Miitnlrrnot the unit) one. Iu Piay.h h ! related of the lute John hrackelibiiJge, whilst the Chaplain of Congress, that, observing that several membeis of that body kept their seats and continued reading while he was rtieiing prayer; he one morning arose iu his place and said, "Let us pray." Wailing some minutes for lliem to rise, he repeated the expression, let M;ay,cm ohasLMiiL' the word us, and then added, iu his pe culiar and courteous way. "1 did not my lot .t limv. but lot wmrav. all of us." The rebuke had i-' I' ll desired ell'ect, all of Ihemembyis, from that time till the end cl the bessioii, invariably arose, and slod iu a respectful attitude, whilst he led their morning devotions. Tlie Great filiation. A theme that can never be exhausted. I Salvi.lion or deliverance implies danger. A great salvation implies danger. There is no danger, where there is no bin ; no great danger, where there is no great sin. '1 lie name of Jesus is so called.because he came to save his people from that dangerous sm. See how Paul speaks of the"so great sal vatio.i." Inspiration itself seems to leave tlto mind to conceive ns it can of this great ness. '-Cod so loved the world." Uu, the depth of this thought! Salvation is a mighty Ian -a stupendous enterprise, to the ex ecution of which Omnipotence aloua is equal. Its subject is the soil. The object of this salvation is a great i ne-to glorify GoJ. Ho hath said "A trulv as 1 live, all the arth shall be lilie-u with the glory of ihe Lord." But there is no glory that can (ill the earth like that ol redemption. This is the great work ot God. Heaven will be full of the glory of the great salvation. Eternity, through Us revolving ages, will proclaim the greatness and ihe glory. You taai take sisy Hal. II V VNCI.E TOBY. I WO'jlJi PnuiiM. G'.vinrf Enough 1 V.oUllii muffwitha hairy tail on it, auW1) In front ol it just as it grew: iV much for ihntemale- WoulJ you ? . , . .. who nra.ices, Avk mucn ior .. H ,!,. thorouularisiui-'B". i" an ....... 7 .v.. rinks, or else amorous i,:ts io iu- - ;cis, . . tumber eye. all Kive much for this femalo o v'..iilil vou ? . ... .... I,..ensent to the Pf Tiaf. llowm? " . ,1. ... r.uilv: aT,veU-hforachaPwhohas.goneU' ,:rl;lcofhUleSacythroo8h pli,-chin'haial,ugegorte!Oi" . ,1,10 upon it J'it a " erevy That ha pd'W 'P . I Woiild irijiv n-ach'o'r ibis fellow 1 Would you ? ,, ,,, much for a chap With a collar , ' ..... im a olOSI ovei ' 1 - . .i.t u ami . . . z:z rtr:z::z as a cab Ad a.oat.nai John Jacob Astor Died at a real - . .1... l.M.,f.t a itwn ago 111 184H wasiuearciuw-i- ... ... I fortune of $20,000,000, whieh he left to his ......tivPR. rxcent $100,000 for a public U- brary, which is very much wanted in New York.but the building not yet commeneeu. Mr. Astor was a native of Ciermany.whence I.a r migrated to the United Stales early in i life, and engaged in the fur trade. Nicholas Biddle.-TIi'w distinguihhed business-man was secretary to (Jen- Arm strong, at Vans, when only 19, and to Mr Monroe, at London, when but He next practised law at Philadelphia, sat in the Pennsylvania legislature; in 1810, 1814, and became a government Ui rector of the United Slates Bank, in 1810, and its prcidont in 182 J. In this last difficult position he labored zeaiousiy, un til the institution ceased to have a national character, after which he wentnit retire ment. Mr. P.iddle, had great experience, a cultivated mind, agreeable manners, unti ring perseverance, a fluent expression, a quick perception, and generally speah.uy, possessed a clear judgement. Stephen GiRAKD-Was born in May, T ..... ..iirlit In 1750, near Bordeaux, r ra.ux uug , ... . c-n'orl to the West read anu wrue ""' - ' 'Nothing to no but to Die." So said an aged servant of the Lord, recently deceased, when, after a long life of labor and uelulnesn, he was su.ldi.uly taken ill, and saw that his hour had atloiiiilh come. "I have been spared long, 1 have tiied to honor my Master; but 'tis over now; my work is done, and I have nothing e.se lo do but to die." What a glorious, whit a In umpbai.t declaration, with which to welcome death! work done with men ; peace mudii with Uod. Nothing to do but to dit I Want or Time Whin a man says he h.'S not lima for a thing, ho means thai he (Iocs not choose to devote lhat portion ol time lo it which is ne cessary, if it is lo be done at til ; in other w ords, he preteis to give the same portion of time to something else. Mr. Law observes, iu his "Se rious Call," that -'the greatest of all wants is the want of ii.teoliou." Pleasures of lite Mind. Ther is no principle of the mind which is not capable of creating pleasures lor it telf and others : while, on the oilier hand, there is none, whatever the excellence of its nature, by being ill-directed may not prove the source of individual and general suffering. The thirst after knowledge, lhat undying desire of the mind, which, as it imbibes, grows less stated, is the spring of all that is delightful in fancy or contempla tion. Science opens to man those bound Iubs field where solid fragrant flowers a bound in matchless beauty and endless va riety. It offers the magic wand by w hich we cull create a celcaiial fountain on u bine rock, the waters of which purify the soul and raise the thoughts to a diviner sphere ; hut knowledge also possesses its evils; it is often attended with craving anxiety, and ends in bitter disappointments. Perhaps after years of toil, we find ourselves in a wilderness of doubt; or after fruitless at tempts to grasp some mighty object, we find that it still rebounds from our touch. Friendship and alleetion affords us pleas ure the most pure and lasting they are bonds which unite fhe thousands of earth inoftlmr. We repose securely on the Headers probaby remember the story of breast of a friend, aud delight iu the hat- i . i I. ..i. nil! ,i,i;itl mrl at BaiK'or. who apparently ! lowcl tics oi un.uu. N.a' Had. "What salary do you cxr.ect?" inquiied a New York me, chant, of a youth who was apply ing l"r a situation. "Enough to keep me trom wishing lo steal," was the frank rejoin der. The merchant had sense enough to strike a bargain on the spot. The Tranced Child o llanzor. We were once coming over the railroad f.'Otn Washington City to Baltimore, when we observed a peculiar sort of a man sit tinir hard by a tall, slim, go d tiatured fellow, but one who somehow seemed to bear the impression of a person who lived by his wits, written upon his face. A friend, who was with me, answered my in quiry as to how he was, and at the same lime asked nic to keep between the object of my notice and himself, h'st he should come over to our seat, as my companion said that he know him, but did not wibhto recognize him here. ..That is Beau 11 ," said he, "a man that is universally known in Washington as one of the most accomplished fellows iij the city always ready lo borrow oi, or drink with you. He never has any mo ney, however, and I am curious to know how he will get over the road without pay ing, for he'll do it some way." "Probnbly he has got a ticket borrow ed the money to buy it with, or something of that sort," said 1. N ot he. Beau always travels free, and boards in the same way. He never pays money when wit or trick will pass current in its place," said my friend, confident ly. 'What a shocking bad hat he has got on," said I, observing the dilapidated condition of his beaver. 'It is some trick of his, for the rest of his dress, you observe, is quite genteel." "Yes, I see." My friend went on to tell me how Bean haffchme his tailor out of a receipt in full of hhf'last year's bill, and the landlady at his last boarding place, and also various other specimens of his ingenuity and wit. "lie owed me ten dollars," said my friend, "but in attempting to collect it of him one day, I'll be hanged if he did'nt get ten more out of me ; so I think I shall let the mailer rest there, f,r fear of doubling the sum once more." At this moment ihe conductor entered the opposite end of the cars to gather the tickets from ihe passengers, and give them checks in return. Many of them asisol- ten the practice with travellers, who arc frequently called upon on populous routes to thawtlntr tickets, nap piaceu ineirs m lands ol their hats', so that the condtic- Ticket! Haven't vou iust knnrLn? it 4 out of the window, hat and all! Do you want to add insult to injury V ' U, your ticket was in the hat-band, suggested the conductor. Suppose you stop the train, and go back and see,' said the hattless Beau, with indignant scorn depicted on his face." Well, sir, I (-hall pass you free over the road, then,' replied ilie conductor, at tempting to fro on with his duty. The price ol a ticket, said Beau, i one dollar, my beaver cost me a V. Your good sense will at once (.how you that there is a bi.hmce of fjur dollas in my favor, at any rate.' The conductor lieMtafed, Btau looked like a (.'cutlunian. to dresspi!. rim! Mu ., ted op in tne Human lace, he uas well indignation appeared most died of cholera, but revived, and said she Imd been to Heaven, where she saw her mother, and where she was to go again on the next Sunday. The Bangor Whig of the 12th gives the sequel as follows : On Sunday afternoon, Mr. Daniel War shear; j vrou .o'i A' uiuch for this fellow- Would you : ? WcWS ami for the Cosily Mop. u,frm the i.on of dispot.sm, badly ' in, continually ground down upon s ,l he poor. . nlostolVlla. ,!,ue suppose" . . . .. rare With hyste.RS. ,,rein nor w ullets"trom the public "wea., u, . . i' . inn ntuu " ".ulorswhowenl in search t .t.. An.Hiiansaiiors " Cia-y ,iohti Franklin. "madelrom the tail of a comet by ,h:irt iu a tm-on. N0 ADC K.NO.--n.i-altheyof a Arkaoseswho goes to "see" a young wo' t . '. l,,. i !" ,.,, in? :. ... .. hn no r,.u inil I I l"l yet, tlift1! wretched arcomoda l. Lni mu-t . " 1 .Mlu said when they, o.le him on none a rail Conundrum- w.hy lBatli,etr,k' aCdierman; AlMB,cau,ehe. b.m (v- bra does a d-i,lalbuuc unn li? r .iis alter it- rartofshipisUkeafarmer; Glider in a certain vehicle like a ,lieta in a ship? Aas lle is a cab in. II . . in boy in his 1 Ith year, ami lost an tyt rose to the rank of first mate ana men cap tain and part owner of a small sloop-be came an obscure storekeeper in Jl.i.auei- nnl.n nnilv. h,S OP.lV child died, and he applied for a divorce-traded and made money during the war of inde-non.lrnce-became an eminent merchant built ships for the India and China trade, in 1791 acted a truly benevolent part du ring the pestilence in 1703, m 1 hiladel- ohia became a private banker, aitieu govs eminent extensively when at war 1811 subscribed largely to useful improvements -lived to be 84, and died in a facie room at his house in Water sheet, December, 1830. Though no believer in Christianity, 1U contributed liberally to its support; and by his will, left S2.000.0U0 to build and endow a collego for the education oi or- phans 6300,001) for internal improve ments in Pennsylvania 5UU,uuu ior im- nrnvmir Philadelphia 30,000 to the Penu- 1 " ' . . . . . , .v . f ...i,.,ni;, II.ismta-.-tf20.0Ui) to me ucai cy nam" j and Dumb Asylum 610,000 to the Public Schools with many other gen erous bequests. Header, when you meet with a poor stranger struggling to get for ward in the world, help him onward a little and thus aid in paying a debt of gratitude to the memory of the truly noble Guard. IVjicc Vasts. A practical farmei informs the Hartford Times that in taking up a lence that hail been set lour. tn.. wMrs.be noticed that some of the posts re ,.:'..,! e;tr'v oUiul, while others, were rotted ... ..i i. ...... (i inokitiir ior the cause, lie kj....." . Oil ai Hie umti'iu. - o ren, a very worthy, religious man, who I ,,in.i )We posts that were set limb part down, r i I . . 1 , ... .i tVinv rmv ur sound. has been among tlie cholera pauciim, leei- (,r inveiteanoui ...e - il,M,rhaps,a little moved by curiosity,! 1W .ha, were set as they grew r,,t,e, U Sed to Lethe little girl, addressing herj """' Ul cheerfully, told her that she appeared bet honest. I'll see you afier I have collided the tickets,' replied the conductor, passing on thro the car. Beau sat in silent indignation, frowning upon everybody until the conductor re turned, and came and sat down bv his side. Beau, then, in an earnest under tone, that we could only hear occasionally, talk ed to the conductor "like a father," and we saw the crestfallen nan of tickets pay the hatchss jmssmgerfour dollars ! The trick was at once seen through hy both my friend and myself, and the next day, ever a bottle of wine at the Founlain Douse, Beau told us that he was hard up, hadn't a dollar, picked up an old hat at' iiausby s hotel in Washington, slaped hi3 cap iu his pocket, and res.dvt-d that the hat should cary him lo Baltimore, and it did, tvilh four dollars into Iks Largurt. Who stuck my Llrcikcr Ecbl u.i.v P.vTTl-n'.'N i, d..ne l,. -li-ou ,,,( a mere shadow, ks will be ,eer, by the follow, in-' : Old Bob Hilton was one of the hardest easi's that ever existed i;i Georgia or any where else. Ue fxceilcd in only two things-the frequency of his 'sprees,' and Ihe number ef 'scrapes' tney Id ,;, j!o. No election day, 'court wttk.'nr F.uiril. of July ever passed over his htud At e f , t i-onie Uiincuity, rest of the in toxica I in? In the h;i tg from his I'a e use average, or, as he term ed it, 'fpercu Bob had a brother win so name was Peter.ealh d by bis ;,;,.,;,, icle Pete was a tali specim, ;i . f the gen(.s 10. mo, stanumg, about m J'eet two in hU oni being a .Milf! ut.i ilifit ibnv were all noht. and slockini's. I If ivns . ..i-.. i... LVU w.v. ...... j - D . - .. .w) lu. l,(lJI Ot'll! not trouble them to lake them lrom iheir j Julius Cesar, in point of braver,-, hut v ! l.L. ,., i.,nt, ttnnniniT nloPI1. As till?! lliorp vunc ii.i iT.,,wr..M , , (ii'We have heard ot a close fi.-ted follow w ho gripped a half dollar so tightly tnat tbe eagle vmtnkrJ. but the newspaper now tell ol a siini- l,r l,ai;,cter. It is so bald to gel a quarter from , j,,, ,e always rub the i.iUats vff'ui taking over, iinii the recipi.-ul only succeeds in passing it for l.veiiiV .euts. r?J ThR publication of "Tin: Pout," Starkeville, N. Y., has been suspended for 1 ilie present, owing to the illness of the Very Ti'tig. tor and would soon be well, and get out in a day or I wo. 'But I'm going lo mother again at four o'clock,' she quietly and softly said. When, to morrow! No, to day.' Mr. Warren endeavored to turn her at tention to hopeful prospects of recovery : but the little sufferer was fast sinking a-wav.-the death rattle was heard, and she soon ceased to breathe, her pulse sloppeo, ' potior, and the fixedness of death was impressed ........ I, r lipoiitil'ul countenance, ihe was lljiwu dead. Mr. Wrarren looked at the town1 jr ..tiu don't want to tall in lovu with a i,irl, !,.lock in the distance, from the window, . ,t..n'i crimn.-i.ee flirting w,th her. This cur- i 1,11 ' ....... i.i. . i. . . I'.,,, Vi.ii nut on fo- there was no clock in the house, aim it img ' ' " . ' 10i 1 ,;. t;v, s in pei Ret good humor with the uwKt was four o'clock. j jK.,,,,,,,,, f ,m hancing a lew amicably U'lilln non.lpvitii' unon. to him, the sin-',,:. ... .. .,, find vr.uiself insensibly warm with rrul'.r cohuridences in this case, and about f,e e.,triuMa,u. ol the coiil'iiC until some unlucky K ' . .... i :.. ,i i',i'.ti.,iilr !ln iioiticr. and the ha'f an hour had passed, new signs ol Itle appeared, and again the spirit of the sweet . . 1 s'l,.. ..t-l.-fwl r,.r tvilpr vind "irl returut'ii. oim on.. ....... ( viid she was tired, and sunk away into a I m-j)(, fpi()Ving epitaph in Aldgate church quiet sleep. ! yard related to an admirable spinster of k;m ilipn she has been gradually recov- fiii-tv-eighl : k in. - - w - i .iii.. nuneh in I lit: "vetkil" tiecdes the matter, annine tthnle iiflaire-'ds in a downright fight. Don' ! y u see ihe rouiilarit) : . ll,r. . hler MStf-r.WllO Wlltl'lU'd lit l- '...I,- ..ol won h so v. uminr,' l;av fo leiiu, i m , his f..th.r wy accompanied her to live wit'- ' in Heaven, was the next day rri-A little boy hearin, "there ii a time for all things," climbed up be hind his mother's chair, and whispering in '-ef j am lhc fjjowing . ear aked when was tlm proper time lor hooking j 1 ". sug'.,r out of the sugar bowl! 1 vas buried. , n.ivi; niodier . : !i the and S!i,' w.H out .vrros are wuu'.-ii i" mj wh.h. S.-.v what a w.uuii .-liuiilil br :.e ..s lhat." In a few weeks ihe following couplet was neatly added : A woman hull be both '"fe anil mother : Hilt ' K NfsWJs neither Oil,' 1101 lo'thef." r.n.l.-ptu ( p'ipli stnnniiiir nlace. As the conductor drew nearer, Beau thrust bis head out of the car window.and seemed ab sorbed in contemplating the scenery on that side of the road. The conductor spoke lo him for his ticketthere was no answer. "Ticket sir," said the conductor, tapping him lightly on the shoulder. Beau sprang back into the car, knocking his hat into the road, and leaving it in one minute nearly a mile behind, lie looked first inwards the conductor, then out of the window after his hat, and in a seeming fit of rage exclaimed, What the d -1 do you strike a man in that way for ? Is that your business ? Is lhat what the company hires you for ?" 1 1 beg your pardon, sir, 1 only want your ticket,' replied the conductor, meekly Ticket," O, yes, it's all very well for you to want my ticket, but I want my hat? replied Beau, bristling up. ' Very sorry, sir, realy. I barely desi red to call your atteniion, and I took the only means in my power,' said the con ductor. ' You had better use a cane lo attract a person's attention next time, and hit him over the head with it if he happens to be a looking the other way !' replied the indig nant Beau. Well, sir, I am ready to apologize to you again if you wish. I have done so al ready once,' said the now disconcerted official. Yce, no doubt, but that don't restore my .l.-.V. ,. properly ; urai s guuc ' Well. Mr. I cannot talk any longer, I'll take your ticket, if you please,' said the conductor. on? there was no danger, no man could tali; louder, or come ihe blood and thunder larger scale. One da on a V (!lll;ilr ii court week, Bob became decently tight, or, i,i Georgia dialect, slightly ialcrrog.ihd. Getting rather quarrelsome, some pcrso i had presented him wiili Klinl.i i,',., i. . tweeu the eyes, which stretched liim at full length upon the iloor. !'!. I. ,r,l ..r it, and understanding that the pcnili mau who had been kind enough to give Bob the Iloor had left, he started up, and polling on a ferocious countenance, exclaimed ; 'Who struck ir.y brother Bob?' No one answered, for all v.e.e too bu sy talking for ihcmselves. 'Who struck my brother Bob?' contin ued Pete, waxing bolder, as lie saw no no tice was taken of his first question. 'Who struck my brother Bob ?' he cried the third time, working himself into a per fect fury and stalking about the piazza of the grocery as if he didnt't fear anybody, it. f.i, ... : .1 .!... ...... ue leu cum iiieeu mai noootiy but the stri ker himself would take tin the matter, ai.,1 as he was not in the icinity, he wasn't af raid, not be. He was, howeur.doomed to disappointment for just as he yelled out the terrible questioH for the fourth time a tall broad shouldered fellow, who was known as the bully of the country, stepped up and said 'I struck pour brother Bob.' Ah !' said Pete, after surveying his brother Bob's enemy for several minutpg, ' Well, you struck him a powerful lick!' A M,m insulted a woman in a Cincinnati mar ket lately, whereupon she lammed him with a 1-g of mutton, and made him run for his life. He n.u' t have felt rather sheepish.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers