The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 10, 1849, Image 4

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    Now3 aridltcms
i-Oiiuf Ihe Mioy indite the following to
bii ladylove; ;
And wlim the reverend lir thall ay,
" My ton tuke thou (hit daughter I"
I'd iii.wit lu in in fonrlen time,
"I ihau'ldo nothiu' ahurter!"
"Will you my nn support and nourinh
Thin flownr I five to tlief!"
I'd give my white kid glovr a flnuriah,
And atiswar, "Yes Sir-roe !"
fiT Tho Last Operation. A cattle ipec
tilator iti driving through Jersey, incorpora
ted tho loo cattle of the farmers with his
own drove and sold the whole lot, Tho
farmcm are after him.
A Strike.
A meeting of the b'hnyn, in favor of more work
nd higher wagM, wn held it the "corner," on
Monday evening, Auguat 25, IS ID, w hen it wu
Resolved, That we the b'hoya of New York,
-contiidnr the Police of New York a nuisance tlut
should be removed.
Resolved that we lam the Cubans; eat up the
Canadians; sinault the Musijtiiteina, and elect
Tom Bi'ar the next president.
Resolved, That wo go a;;in the Cholera and
Hose Company No. y.
Resolved that we are opposed to Colleges and
Resolved, When this meeting adjourns, that it
break up in a grand row, and we all go on a bon
der for a week.
Resolved, that we are in favor of Coney Island,
American Segars, and Target excursions.
IF" A couple of Nantucketers in Califor
nia went out into the woods one day in
August, and shot fifty-five birds of some
kind, which they sold before night, in San
Francisco, for rifty-five dollars.
Business Directory
1.1PHRAIM P. LUrZ,rrttgi,storonMaui
J street, below Market, east side, sign of the
Gulden Mortar.
" fARTIN & A. M. RUPERT, Tinware and
Sheetirun Manufacturers, shop on Main
tiree, below the i'ost-othce.
street, above Market and one door below the
xcmiu'e .
I j let, North aide of Main atreet,a lew doors
below Market street.
M. McKELVY fc CO., Merchants, North
West corner of Main and Market
11 I Ll, Surgeon and Physician, location
sneet, Rlnomshnrif.
XNORR &. HAMLIN, Btaek-ntiith$, boy on
Main street, first story, immediate!) under
this olhce.
ft shop on North Main street, epposite the
Forks Hotel.
BNRY ZL'PPINGER, Watch andCluck
Maker, sign of the Watch, on Market
near Minn street.
TEON RD B. RUPERT, Merchant Ximli
J in "Rupert's Row," on Main atreel below
hi a r k e t .
T MllOMAS WlLLrr.S,-fcr,cstablisrimeiitor.
I Main street, north side, one door below the
Cioirt House,
,"s ARMSTRONGWi;Ac-Hi((fi(rrr
I i. esiablislinient
on Main stree, opposite
toe American.
OilN' EG AN, II nit and Shoemaker, slore on
.m mi street, east side, first door below Mar
ket street ,
1.!')KKS HOTEL, by Samukl Blue, roads on
' forks of the Berwick and Orangevillc in
North liloomburg.
8.MDX NATHAN, Cheap and Fashionable
Ctnthier, Store on Main street, two doors a
a nive the American Hotel.
T EXCHANGE HOTEL, by Samuel Jt.Biady
X j on Main street, directly opposite tho new
rouit House.
M ERIC A.N HOUSE A commodiou c and
well kept Inn lly Ciias.II. DosHLF.n
well kept Iiih Hy
south sole of Main ktrect
rt'AS H. BARTON Co" merchants,
Store on Main street, opposite the rtiintjTva
liu Hotel, south nloomsburg.
I' EVI L. TATE, riiisi ri.R,oflice in the Brick
j building, south end of'Kupei t't Row," on
mho street.
1Yv)VISION.i of all kinds, Corn, Hay, Pump-
I kins, PdUtun, Buckwheat, Apples, Cider,
t;..rn stoi V,, Wood, ftc , together with whatever
our Iriends can conveniently spare. Now is
the time we expect something from the farmers.
Itook in (I .lob rrinfiiiff.
U&Ast Hand-bills, Blanks, Checks, Labels,
( inl, Tickets, Circulars. and every description ol
pi various ndors, executed at the ollice ol the
Culumhia (Bloomsbure) Democrat, in neat style,
siorl oriler, and moderate terms. Also: Theve.
rv best article of DEEDS, BLNKS, STATION
EkY, Sic, kept eoiHlanlly I'M sale.
We have also added to ooralieady heavy and
xtemive stork ol HUnks, of w hii b, we have all
kinds, from IW to Naturalization papers a
(elect assortment ol verv tine Marriaee Cerliti
eates, printed and entfi aved, (or Ministers and
Our Friends am invited to call and examine
for themclve.
Hunt -oul Shnrmaking.
TTE undei signed, thankful for past patronage'
respectfully inlorins his old customers and
tiiep'ihlic that he has removed his f stahlishmeiit
to the new frame buildine. above Albriebt &.
..!... . . : 1 1 1. 1 .
i,. r .1 v -'....- ........ , i i ;
F -rks Hotel, where he will be ready to wait tip- :
ct all who may form him with a call as mua!
Clceni'mrg, April 7, 154?,
; w hy
THi: COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, is published
r"-'J "iuruay morning at two dollars per
mum, payaoie tun yearly in advance, viz,
5f ion subscribing and 1 upon entering on the
nisi mix tnontha-and it not paid according to
the above terms, we ilmll invariably charge
two dollar! ami fi'lu renin.
No subscription taken for a shorter period of
tune than six months, noi discontinued until
all arrearages shall have been paid, which
must be one month prior to the expiration of
t tie term agreed lor, and a lailure to thus no
tify the KJitor will he considered anew en
gagement. Advertisements conspicuously inserted it one
dollar cash per square (of H lines or less) for
three limes, and twenty-live cents per square
fr every subsequent insert mn. ItusinessCsrdi
inserted at three dollurs per annum. A liber
al discount made to yearly advertisers.
Leitkrs, Communications, itc., addressed to
the Editor, on business pertaining to the office
must be post-paid, to secure altenlion.
"I) KM A'lXIKli in the Post Ollice, at Blooms
JX, burg, Sept. 30th, 1S4S.
Ager, Wilson
Appleinan, (iuorge
Herncheit, Thomas
Burchneld, Win. H.
Blaine, J, R. Ksq ,
Boon, B. V.
Little, Miss K.
l.yden, John (ship)
M ,ic kill, John
M'ickkunchly, John
Murry, Casper Esq.,
M'Mortne Miss 5. M.
Mallen.A. J.
Menges, Joseoh
Robeim, Martha
Hichel, Elizabeth
Risliel, Elizabeth
Shomaker, John
Shoemaker, John
Sellers, W. J. Ebq.,
Shullz, Henry
Savits, William 4
Sidel, Jacob
Snyder, N.
Treslyeau, Frank.
Talari, Franklin
Tyle, Timothy
Willi a, John
Watts, Ephraim
Willson, James D.
Wilt, Daniel
Mounds, Emma
Caonain, James W.
Clark, II. C.
Cox, Samuel
I) tie, Albert G.
Daves, Joseph
Dennis, Lodiua
Eves, Joseph
Kry, II. H. &. co.,
Fisher, Jacob
Gilbert George
If tines, Jacob
Hiniebaucl, Michael
Heilman, Kli.iH Ks. ,
Jones, Thomas (ship)
Jones, Kenj.
Joline, A. D.
Kint, Nicholas
Kressler, Samuel
Landcs, George
Wild, Thomas (ship)
Yetler, Isabella
fjtj- Persons applying lor letter on the above
list will please say they are advertised.
"IHE subscriber announces to the public, that
he has recently opened a baddler shop in
the central part of Blonmshura, on Main street,
the 1
one (
one door above Rupert's Store, where he will
keep constantly on liand and make to order, all
kinds of W1UAKSS, S.UWLE8.
TRU.Yk'S, VALIECES, and every
other article in his line ol business.
also tie wilt attend to TKI-U- Mtji S3
MIA (J C.1R1I I A (1 E S and l''-?$
(11ES, in every desiiable style, and
will turn olf all his work neat and good ; and at
the lowest prices. Those who wish work in his
line, will do well to give him a call.
ff Hides, country produce, and even gold dol
lars will be taken in pavment for work.
Blonmsburg, Sept. l.', I SI!) 3m.
rpilE Trustees of the Columbia County lush.
J tute take pleasuie in announcing' to the
public that ihey have secured the services of the
as Principal of the School to be opened in nlooms
bum on Thursday, the 5th day of April next.
The highly attested abilities of Mr. Schafler af
ford an ample guarantee for thorough instruction
in all the various branches taught in the school.
These will consist of the following:
.1 nrifiii Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
Modern German, Spanish. French and Italian.
Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Surveying,
Navigation, Geography, "with the use of Globes:
History, Natural Philisophv.and Cliemistrv. with
lectures and experiments: Moral nnd M,.ni:,l
Philosophy, with lectures. Penmanship and
Elocution will receive daily attention.
Tkrms In order to secure the treatest a-
mntnit nfbfnefit to each pupil, we think the
standard number should be twenty-five, unlcsi
the demand of the public should warrant an as
sistant The prices will be as follows;
The English branches. Sfj per oiiarter.
Do. with addition of laiicuaire, H "
CALEB BARTON, yfrustrrs.
looinsbiirg, March 10, lSI'.t.
rpilE subscriber would inform his old friends
J ad the public in general, that he has taken
the well-know n si. mil, recently kept hy Daniel
SMiit;R, Esq., on the head of Main Street, in
Blooinsbuig, and will conlinue the
WHO 11 LLTO'klls
Known hy the sign of the "FORKS," w here he is
prepared to accommodate those who may favor
him with their custom. His arangeinenls arc
complete quarters spacious location pleasant,
and without promising t0 much, he flatters him
sell, be will be able to do atiq le juslics to Ins
I fcrlabling and the best fare for horses, Ac
i Blooni'luirg, Apt il 7, IM'.l.
Arw and Clnnp Summer Goods.
4 NEW supply o splendid goods just received
2. at the cheap store ol J. II Ballon & Co.,
wbicll is cheaper than tvi r Their style Hnd va
riety ol Ladies dress goods cannot be "surpassed,
mid as they have niadt airangi innils in piiu-iin!
a coiMant supply, tliey will alwtos he o ifie
latest styles
Also (.'rocciies, ILirdwarr.Qurcii.s-
wtirc, Suit, Fisli, Molassc", dtc,
in ficut variety.
KlMnm-lioig, Mav r,, Ispi
j Xichohs Jloriart's lirin und legal npn-
hi 111 ai 1 Lea.
HEheiisand leaal rnpietitalivps ol,..
Bochart.lateoi MjcIimih in .('iilninl,,;, rmililv
j in ..-..o, ic in iruj iioiiihmi hV Vlllllf if a
; writ of partition aiol valoHlion issued mt f lfl
1 Orphans' Court ol 'Columbia county nloresaid, the
I real estate of said deceased, situate in said Maili
j son township, not admitting nt partition, hash. en
; valued arid appraised, and the inquest confirmed
j by said Court; and lhat at the lust August term
of said Coort, a rule was granted by Court on the
.lilt Kf.ira i.wl I.....I
. .., ,rs, i.-,i.-..iM.,iives, 10 appear I
1 . . ... . I ' '
i."nmi! nisi 0 ly in nexr ivoveinoer term to
wit, ,e third Monday of November n-vi .,.,1 ...
f i.l. I t .irt au .1. . . .1
- t.ii.- ui 1 in- valuation, or snew raosc
the said Court shall not nrd.-r the same to be
bj;nj hay. man, ahinff.
Longrtmonul, dgricullural, mid
Literary Xetvapaper.
Thk approach of Congress calls out the Annual
Prospectus ol the Globk Establishment.
1 he time is full of interest. The coining in of
a new Administration the consequent broaching
ol a policy touching the internal concerns of the
country the new and most important issues aris
ing from the late vast accehsion to the public do
main, and the great national objects associated
with it the impending difficulty in our relations
tih trance, and the possible complication of our
affairs with the troubles of Europe, conspire to
create great expection is to tho proceedings of the
next Congress. The approaching Session will
probably continue till late in the summer of lSOO
The debates, from the agitation of so many ques
tions of vital interest to the Republic, will draw
forth all the talont of the National Legislature
To bring its deliberations home to the people, on
each succcding day.wliile measures are maturing,
is, in bring the whole nation into council
The discussion, spreading from the Capitol to the
remotest parlsof the Union, forme a public opin
ion which reacts upon Congress and condole its
To become a useful instrummcnt.however hum
ble, to assist the working of the admirable ma
chinery of our popular the ambition
of the conductor of the Globe. Extraordinary
preparations have therefore been made to meet the
increasing demands of our rapidly-improving and
growing country for Congressional intelligence.
The Glprs Press has already enlisted the ablest
Reporters yet know to Congress; its materials and
machinery arc of the best son; and the exclusive
devotion of the individual who for so many years
has made it his study to embody and publish the
labors of Congress, gives reason to hope that an
advance will be in the accomplishment of this
undertaking commensurate with its increased im
portance. But the accunilation of expeuse con
sequent on the additional number of Reporters re
quired the extra charges incured in printing at
night the debates of the preceding day the vast
addition made to the mass published, by the pro
tracted sessions and the fuller reports given,
willrender our enterprise a failure, unless Con
gress shall so far patronize it as to become a pur
chaser of such portion of the daily sheets issued,
as shall contribute to make the reports that fill
them. The undersincd has ventured on the pre
paration he has made for the next Session, in the
expectation that Congress will subscribe for as
many daily sheets for each Member, at the sub-
cri r.t ,..n InA .......lit ! . . . ..
w.r.uU )ui.r, an mn, 111 part, ueiray me ex
pense of repotting, and give them circulation as
Congressional documents in their several districts.
This will enable the Publisher to bear tho charge
of reporting, and it will give an impulse to the
circulation of the Congressional Print, which, al
though the cheapest in the Union the expense of
preparation considered will yet yield sufficient
profit to make the system permanent.
John C. Rivks having puichascd the interest of
F. P. Blair, in Jackson Hall the printing office
machinery and material becomes the sole pro-
prietor thereof, and will give his exclusive atten
tion to the Coneressional Department .1. C. Pu t.
itt, will conduct the Miscellaneous Department
ol the Newspaper. F. P. Blair retiies from hold
concerns with prayers for their permanent useful
ness anu properiiy.
The Globe will be published daily during the
sesion of Congress, and weekly the remainder of
ine year, ami win undergo distribution in the
form of
Wekkly Globe, a Conr
and an Apprmux
The Weekly Gloiie will contain Agricultu
ral and miscellaneous articles ; and wj occasion
ally give debates of such iniiiortanep as r.,,.,,,
universal interest.
The price of the Weekly Globe is reduced to
one dollar, with a view to obtain a more general
circulation. Subscribers w ho have hitherlo paid
82 per annum, will be charged only l after the
expiration of the first year.
Thl,n.....Lj.,... - - 1. . .
....,.,,...,,,,.,., 1, v, win emiiooy, a ,(
has done for the last sixteen years, Congressional
proceedings and debates exclusively.
The Ar-r-KNoiv will embrace the revised speech
es separately, and the messages ofthe President
of the United Slates and the reports of the Heads
of the Executive Departments.
The Congressional (;hc anj Appendix will
be published as last as the proceedings of Cm,,
gress will make a number. Subscriber may ex
pect one number of each a w eek during the firt
lour week.s ota session, and two or three num.
hers ot each a week afterwards, until the end of
the session. Each volume will probably com
prise 2 thousand royal quailo pages, of small type
Complete indexes to the Congressional (ilobe
and appendix will sent to subscribers soon af.'
ter Congress adjourns.
Nothing ol a political parly aspect will appear
in the rave that which will he foun'lin
Congressional repoits. A paper assuming lo be
j an impartial vrl.iele for all sides, cannot main-
I lain iisuiaisru r if the cdiloiial column
a paity hue.
J For one copy f the Daily Glome (daily ,,lrin
-! Congress, ua wucklv
ring the n crss) a year, t-
. u, ,C , , ,,)t, ,r R.5S .,M1 a n
the rale m hi , eiits H tilont ti
F01 one copy t. Weekly i;ihe lor one
udi . 1
F01 one copy l the
during tin" session
1 00
Cuiigresbiciidl G,e
.1 01)
r or one eni.y (, t:
lie Appendix during the
l..i. 1 .
3 00
. ..,. 1, ,,.,, , eiiiii-r, or part of '..oili
uiiiing me session
For ten cIPi,.s ol ii.,( r, or pa'.t oi b,iih dl,'-
10 OH
1 hi 1 in- ses.iioi;
The price for these p,,pP,M ar(. s(1
'JO tut
, that ad-
vance payments are indispensable to carrv tin n,
i.n '
I Po-tmaslers who may obtain subscribers will be
I allowed trteniy per cent, on the sul.s. ription pri
ces lor single papers.wliieb they m iv iclain wlieii
tin y send on tin- imiiii s of snhn iiders and the
subscription money. The price for the Congres- 1
sional Clulu- h ii,l Appendix In Clubs who lake ten '
copies, is so low, thai no deduction cu, be aflord- I
ed. Siihscripiioiis may he reiiulled bv mail, at J
our rik, in money at par in tin: section ol the
country where sill'si ribess 11 nnle.
The Congressional Globe and Appendix, or the j
Daily Globe, as Ihey limy eeil,wil In, vent to'
all eililors wlm in.iV 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 d ijs p.,
ten as three tunes bell. ie the ,, i
cetnber, and send us one copy . 1 ,
lainiog it distinctly nnuked .11 in,,'
duecl our attention lo it.
.!' : .
Waiiinhu.n ''11 r. f i- bn ,
n l iv il e
paper (on-
I'l, a i,..n 1,.
, , 1
l H T E W A R T,
Attorney .at Law,
") ESTHCTFl'LLY minim the public that he
X) has located in BERWICK. hi ,n iil
ailend promptly to all leal buine entrusted to
his care in Columbia and Luzerne counties.
fcJ-Oflieu on Main .Stieet, opposite tho Risine
Sun Hotel. F
J nii.'.JMS4'.). y
0. C. K A II LEU,
Attorney at I .mo and Counselor,
OO-Olfice on Mainslreet, by the Courthouse
T ESrECTFULLY informs his friends and
-It tll public that he has commenced the prac
tice ol law in llloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa ,
where ho will promptly attend to all legal busi
ness entrusted to his care,
bloomsburg, April 2s, IS4D.
Merch an luble Mercian dize.
AGAIN the uudersiKiied take pleasure in an
tiouncing to their friends and the public
Iliat they have just received a select and iwuvx
assortment of choice
Jtru Ootid X Oroctrif
'adapted to the season, and wants ol the people.
UL'hi..L lit,... ..OV. 1 t .1 - . . 1 1
......... i.,.:jr unci iui Mir, ai ineir old stand at
prices "cheaper than the cheapest." Their stock
comprizes a full assortment of all kinds of goods,
usually kept in country stores, and without par
ticularizing each article, feel warranted in saying
that those ir want of good goods haveonly tocall
w laiiMij ineir insie anu lancy.
Groceries, Quecimvare, Hardware, Fish
Sail, Molasses, &c.
K large and beautiful selection of the above ar
uciesoi superior quality, at very low prices.
ALW'-Mats ol every variety (fur Summe
ncai,; noois, nnoes, &C
(JO-Cash paid for grain always.
Bloomsburg, May 5, s.)i.
Spring and Summer Goods.
THHE subscribers, in again culling the alientior
X of the public to their STOKE, immediate!
opposite the Court House, would respectfully
announce the arrival of a large and ehuir.e assort
ment ul lirJ Hoods, suitable for the ppring
and summer trade, and that nothing will be
wanting on their part to merit a consiuuance ol
the patronage so liberally bestowed unon their
since the arrival of their first stock of merchan.
dize. A small advance on city cash priresshall
continue 10 oe our mono,
The assortment just received and now opening
consists in part of French, English and American
Flannels of all colors, Kentucky Jaen's, Muslins,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Linen-lus'tres, De Lains of
various paterns, French and embroidered lawns,
anu wiuie aress goods.
Silks Black, blue-black and striped; bonnet
silk, &c Fringes and braids, bonnet-ribbands.
Shawls, Cashmere, Ihibbct, Terkerice, de lain
and silk, scarfs in variety. Carpetting; Wool,
cotton, etc. Hearth rugs, and embossed table-
Bonnets: Palm, Panama and Lcchnrn Hats.
GROCERIES Mackerel, Irish Salmon, Salt
and I'laster.
Qucrnrware, Hardware, ivillow andccdai
ware, $-c. c.
fKj-ln fine all these with many more not u
sually kept in country stores, will be exchanged
for Cash, Produce or Lumber.
Blonmshure, April 21, 1st'.).
rilHE undersigned respectfully informs his old
cus icis ana Itie public that he
just completed his arrangements for their better
iccommodation, liy re-building his store house at
the old stand, on Main Street, where be is receiv.
ing and oilers for cash sales, a select assoitnient of
Clothing and ('onlectioimrics.
His stock ol clothing which is of the latest
style and best finish, consists of every variety of
Coals and Summer Garments, viz : patils, vests
shirts, colars, stocks, &c, &.C., manufactured ex
pressly for country sales, and will be hold at
exceedingly low prices for cash.
Cnnfeclionariesand Fancy articles, of all kinds
Inn numerons to mention.
Bloomsburg.. luno Q.t, Isi'.t-Hm.
confe(;tionary ti toy store!
HIE subscriber respectfully informs ihccili.
. 7-ensol Bloomsburg, and vicinitv. thnt l.
Coife,cliaiutr;i,Frvit and Toa Store,
in the Exchange buildings, No. 4, where he will
ho happy to wait upon those who may favoi him
with his custom. (Jive him a call.
fJ'i-His stock is fresh has been ' s .-looted with
care and will he sold cheap lor cash.
p, . . -, T110S: ELL'S-
Bloomsburg, April 21, IS I!).
rilHE subscriber has opened a new Booi and
J Shoe Store at the lower end of Main street,
111 the buildinging lately used as Nathan's Cloth
Store, llewillalivayskeep on hand an assort
ment of ready made wmk, and will make to order
at the shortest, notice coars and find Boots, Shoes,
Gaiters and Slippers lor Gentlemen, Ladies and
Misses' wear. He will liiu,.., i, ...... 1..
Ill a neat and substantial
manner, at the lowest
iJiy-ork made strong and neat, and soldcln
Sohcils a share of public palronaco.
Bloomsburg, April 7, M'.i.nm.
N. s. lauremJe,-
A griil for the sale, of Souliirorlh Aan
vfaeforing Co'.i Writing J'ajirrs.
Warcliouse No. 3 Minor Street.
0o cases of Ihe above superior Papers now in
store, and lor sale lo the hade al the lowest mar
ket prices, consisting in pa,t of
Finn thick Hal Cap.,, U, II, 1", and 16 lbs.,
blue and while.
Sopeiline Medium and Demi Writing?, blue
and w hile.
Extra super and tipeifiiie. Folio Posts blue
and white, plain and rolid
Sunei line Commercial Posts, blue , ,..,;,
plain and ruled. '
Extra super Linen N,,P Papers, plain and gilt
Superfine and line Bill Papers, long andbrrud'
Superfine ami i,. C(,uiilii,g. House Caps and
Posts, blue while.
Fx Ira super fgres Caps and letters, phj,,
and ruled, blue and white.
E.Mia super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt
cupcrline Sermon (ip and posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and while, plain
and ruled. 1
Embroidered Nolo p,,ners ami F,,-
f rmwin" I?.:. r n..
iwyer's" Brief Papers.
"l,;;lll'-1";-'h'e Caps and Posts, ruled and
A so. linn r..:.n.o ,. l.; i .,
.' . ... . --sorieii .i,ne ha.
,s, n.Mioei imams, !,,(,. am assorte
I issue.
( ie.i, ivr.ipping. l-.nveb p.., aoilid
I Mediums, Cap Wrappeifj llaideiatc T
' June J'.M'-rjfm
ami hliia
apt-l 4iC.
Attorney at Law:
liloomsburg, Cohnnbia County, 1', 'nua.
AVrAKUEN Kt'SSKL, bus removed his She
. V More o F.xchange Hil,li," ' " !
door to llar.ina.i's store, where he will
will always
heep on II and and make to order
every desirable
Kinii 01 i.ooIh aini Shoes for M
Misses' wear.
en s Ladies'
CMI.Jl.Vt) KX.'iMlXK,
He is determined mn, work that will bear
examination and trial, and which will compare
with that 01 any other establishment in norihem
( All work warranted.
i:iooiiisbiirg, April 7, li.pi.
This new and valuable meilienie iu 1 1... ...
medical profession wi
.1 1 ...... uy me
ID siicli asloiiishing ef
of pulmonary Con.
licacy 111 the cine
sumption, Scrofula, chronic Rheu
rnalMiii.Guui.Geneial Debility,
complrtinis ol (he Kidneys"
&c., is prepared from
the liver of he Cod
Fish for medicinal
use, expressly for
our sales.
Extract from the London Medical Journal
"C J. B. Williams, M. D., F. R. S Proles
sorof Medicine 111 University College, London,
Consulting Physician to the Hospital for consume,.
IllIM X-C ... . I I . .1 '
., wu., 9..,i, . , ii.iyc prescnoeo me Ull in a
hove lour bundl ed cases; of tuberculous disease of
the LunKs, in dillcrent stages, which have been
undei my care the last two years and a half. In
the large number of cases, 2uti uul of V.'l I, its use
was billowed by marked and unequivocal improv-
mem, varying 11, degree in dill, rent cases, Irom
a temporary retardation ofthe progress ofthe dis
ea.,e and a miliga:ion of distren-smg svmploms, op
to a more ur less complete restoration to apparent
health. 11
"Theellixt of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these
cases was very remarkable. Even in a lew days
the cough was mitigated, (bo expectoration d"i-mini.-hed
in quantity andopacitv, the night sweats
ceased, Ibe pulse became slower, and of holier
volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were
gradually improved.
"In conclusion, I repeat that the pure fresh oil
Irom the Liver ofthe Cod is more beneficial in the
treatment of Pulinonarv Consumption than arv
agent, medicinal, dietetic or regimenal, that has
yci ueen employed."
As we have made arrangements to procure the
Cod liver Oil, fresh from head qnaiters, it can
now be had chemically mire hv tin- s, l,ni..
or in boxes of one doen each.
Its wonderful ellicacy has induced mum runs
spurious imitations. As its success depends ei,
tirely on its purity, too much care cannot be used
111 procuring it genuine.
Lvp.ty bottle having on it our written
may be depended upon as genuine. '
Pamphlets containing
with notices of it from Medical Journals, will be
sent to those who address us free of postage.
iwi, ......... ' " '
Wholesale Dnmnisls and Chemists.
lUU North Third Si reel, Philadelphia.
jOct. 13, lSI!i.(i,. 1
A I ) I 1 N I ST A T( ) R '.! N ( )Tlf : V.
Estate of JACOB DOWER, deceased
"T0TICE is hereby given, thai Letters of A, I.
X.y ministration on the cst;,lo ,i ,U,;n Ibm n,
late of Hriarcreek towiishipX'oluinbia county, de.'
ceased, have been uranled liv the i:..,ivir r
lumbia county, o the undei jgriod, residiim in
liriarcreek township : All nrrsoos imlel.i..l 1.
said Estate are requested to make pavment, iim
those having demands amiied said estate, will
present them duly authenticated for settlement
Oct. fi, l.0..,its. Jldmitiisttatm.
11I1IWIII . ...... V" " " ' " '
HIE undersigned would hinmuiice in h;,t,i
cusiomers and the mil. I
l ,. I 1 h j I Hut lit
Merchant Tailoring Esii,l.lis,Inrnt
Exchange buildings, liit door nbc ve the lloiel
w here be is receiving iron, ihe KasUrn Ciiiesi,'
select assortment of choice Cloth,, Cassimers
and Urapery generally, and is prepared lolurnisb
every variety ol clothing, at m, , I, ,. ,.,;,.,
. Garmenls made to order, and readN iri'idc cloth
ing luiiiisbed at nearly i ir ,ost.
ALSO, CoaUsJ'anlH, Vrstt., Stocks,
Cravats, .acy llamlkercbieis, ilv.,rjHv
ol other articles for sale clienp.
5Tlie Tailoring business continued as usual
Bloomsburg, April 21, lvisi.
Surgiealand Alvelianical .'enlist.
IHE undersigned resoectfollv ininrm. il,., r
diesaud Gentlemen of BlooinshuiL' and the
public in general that he allendsto all the various
opperations ill Uenfislry. Residence, neai filooins
Kurg.bnt will visit families or inviduals, al their
dwellings.wheti required. Thanklul lor past la
vors, he hopes lo merit a continuation of public
palronage,asil will ever be his pleasure torendei
satisfaction in his profession
C-Thespecial partnership in plate work, here
toforo existing between A. Vallerc hamp and .1.
II. Vanderslice, has expired bv limitation, ami
the accounts ol s,,,d fi,ni are , lc a1(s ()f the
undersigned lor setllpincnt.
., , , J- "I- VANERSLICE.
March 27, )s ;),
Illl" ...I I
wir. sunscriner will give In sat sf:ic.
lion In tlin-o who may wish a cood
solid article for
a verv modciale priee.
He oilers a tine,
,,.,1 ... I...., 1... f .
r V I 1- I', LI' H . .wi"....
mem waienes. n.nneiv : l.pglisli l',,leii Levers
1 ans i.tver.s.ueniva Levers lepiiies,lti:ant
tiers, &.C, &.C.,
quar'.llttirT W .I..1... 1 1 1 .
.. ...... ...s nn 111 dim .leneiryoi everv des
inpiioii, Poxes, mu.-ical instrumrnls
niiou-i eveiy oenomniaiion, by Ihe-orelical prin
ciples always punctually and radically done
i HiMMi.N-,,a-i,LAssKs.-Common, patent, and
clasical luiiclt glasses lor livers ami lepins -
, m a,ro( gom and 'JO car
rat gold keys. Hands-common, steel, commnn
gold and tine gold hands and gold hands esneci .1.
ly for
niiiui u ... ... it- 1
w heeles.
. .... .. ..AbAnl.k IIKKLKS-arn I'lim,
chains, verges, sciews o,. . r.
lih, Swis, and trench w atches, lor epi'es, An"
. . , ....,. ..., , p,,n, icvem. jtWKI ,
, " ' I "ana levers, etc. Also
i' . :":::"''!:si7;('"nsian,y n 'n.i. . hi.
Seplembrr 22, S.y
white swan' hotff
rnilEsubsciber begs leave ,0 i i, M
.it ."'Virr'-'-'iiathetk
omee.Ko I is k Zc, r"""(
Peters Son. Tho Ho h . krl" J'
venietit m, .l i l;,rK' and con-
venii tit and 111 the business part of t,e City l,n
hopes by strict ale.,on .' es , , h "
fnends will give him a call. He pledge , , sel
lerms . (M r ,j.,v
n,i J' "";ln hl"f ''Hylkill County
' I'll-1 , Mrlcll t'l,'U. .-((,
A in in by the name of tl,iHP e,,,fa Klih
jrounj nmn of Hi diuiib of t p, Tomn.nJ, ul uiri till
m 10 put up a Sarlrtlll w. I, ..-h ,i,ey ea )r. Town
eml'i Hnrjninrillii, Hi.uoinioHt i rf .yfi.v:, Oriiol,
elc. Tin, Ton mend n no dm iw, m,, r, WH, ; tiill wio
formerly a worker on ruitronds, tiaWi, ,j ,,e me. Vet h
mhuuics Ilia title uf Dr., for tin purp.,,, r (.niDing credit (if
what he U not. Thii it 10 caiitn,, n ,,1,1,5 ;,( t0 Im
duceived, and none Iniilln. (itJVUIJfK OHIQI
11. lir. J hoIi Townw" !'. Siia,i,, Uvinf na
Il tha Old llrV liknriesii, hii Inn .ly f(ml f D(1 hi
inalure cnj die co;it of arne.
I'rinciti (,jp,:t, i !., JfiV York Cttj.
iicaaine Townsciid Sarsaparllla.
f)!il Ur. 'Iiiniueiiit 1. now iitiniilTII yearn ot no mil h
i-.n iirrn nnown ns lilt .111 I HUH Hllll ) I IKCOV f '
..( the OKXIIIXK OKIWJf.1l. ' roHA-sfxlt stH
S.1i:iMI,l..1." Ileui i,Kir, he w.-u ciimHIfd In limit Its
iinuiilacliiri:, hy wliirli means it hus bran at-pt out of umr
kel, and llm miles rirruiinerilil In llmio n. wno j
pniveil its wiirlli, and knmvii ,u vnlue. It Imd reached
die ears f umny, m verilieless, h Ihnse T..mii nhu had
bi'iin liKiilnl ui' nre ilisc.Lsiis, unit mivtil (0U, Br9.
claimed iu cicclli-nri' unit u-oml.-rfiil ' r
Knoiviiiir, vmnij yruri aga, thin he hail, hy his skill,
ure-ncu mill evpi rimce, ilevised an itriirln which windd ba
ol' inciilruliilile mlvninnL'e to innnkind when the uimna
wniild he,l ii, hnnq it in In iimni, uuiira,
us Ini'sniiroilf urniiM would ha known uml apirecild.
1'his time 1ms eoine. the inr uu nra siijnil tj u,n
OH.1XII jlJflt rjfKtfll.-IU.KH PlirpjiHATIOJf
Is iiMtniifiiriiireil nn the scale, unit it called I'oi
liirpil'jiiniii tlie li'iii'lli anil hrweltli of Ibi land, eipccially
an ii is found ioc-nuitile of di-ijenemtion or ileterinration.
I 'nlike yoiinf H. I' 'J'owniend's, it iinprioei with fe. od
never clinnues. Imt .r ike heiwr : heciiu! it is prepured n
icirntijie Brinci;i hy a teuniific ma. 'J'hthifhml knowt
ediie of (.'keiinlry, Mnd ihe lmt discon'ne, of the nrt,
have nil Is-en bmuaht into requisition in Hie innniifiiciur
of Ihe Did Hr'n S:irnnrilln. The AirsHrill& root, it i
well known lo imilicul men. conlniM niauy ineilirnuil pro
ponies, ami some prnperiu;, which lire inert -hu-cIimj, and
oihers. which it retnneii in irep.trini; it fur u..e, pnetura
11 rwruniiuin miu nriu, ivnim is injurious .u trio system.
Home of the properties of biitsnpiirillii are an nlvttlt. thai
Ihey entirely evaporate and lire lost in the preparation, If
they we not preserved hy a irtrntific yrttusi. known only
In those experienced in Hi manutiiciiire. M reuvcr, thuss
caltMle principles, which lly oil in vapor, om no exhala
tion, under hem, are the very tnnnnnl mtdiitl proptrttii
ot the rout, which Hive 10 it all its valnc.
Any person cue boil or stew tha root nil th'r pet a dark
enlored lliunl. which ia mure from the colon niatier ia
the root than from any thinp ele; tliey cir then siraia
this Insipid ur hiunl, sweeien with m ir mnluaes,
nd itien rail il SAKSAPAKII.I.A li.XTKU.T or Sy
KI'P." Hal Mich is mn the prm-ie knoiwi .is ne
This is o prepared, that nil the inert propvrles of the)
H.irs.-iiarilla mot are lint removed, every tbini mpahlv uf
liei oiiiniL' arid or ol leruientiiinin. is eiiracinl uml rejected ;
then every particle ol medical vlnue is si-curtu in pur
and cnnceiiirated liirni ; mid inns it is rendered uicapalileof
limnp any of lis valuable anil limiting propertitis. 1'ieparad
ill tins way, il is made the most poHerllll naenlin tha
Cure of iEiuuuu-i'iible 4a,siue8.
Ilenco Ihe reason wny ite hear ciiiiiii:i..mlaiioii, 1111 every
aide In its favor hy men, women, and children. We find it
iloinn h-oiiiIi'm in die cure of
l'o.V.V('.W'77(J.V, Ilisi-KPSU, unit Uff.H COM
l'l..1W, and in HHKVMITISM. 1,1, Mil CI..1,
rii.i.s, cosrirh:.YKss. uii i irr.i.YKovs Knur
771A-.V, n.Ufl.KS, h.UVIIIKS, nnd ull uilections
armtiig Irom
II possesses n in irvellonsellii ncy in all i.omi!ainisirislnc
froln Indinesam. from .Itulilii f lite AomarA. Irom iiiiKiual
circulation, deieriinnation of si-l to llm head, pilpilniiini
"I Ihe heart, cold tuci mil h mils, cold caill. and In. I tlLfies
over the h.idy. It has not its equal In ( 1UJ.1 and
and 1 1. iie easy eipi'i lorntion .1111I cnius wr.iiriiiuii,
relamii .uirinre of llm iuiii, throat, uml every ntlwrparu
llm in nothing is its mo liroce in.ire r 1 1 . ti 1 1. - -1 1 y and
acknonUd!(ed lh:ni in all kind, and mt' of
It works w-iinili-rs in of ui,r.7rni or miin. Ml
inifiitr iymli, ('i.-o-urnl. .Siiof.-i'a. or 1'ntitful Muuei,
ri-!-(,'uui-iy of ihe uienstriLii riiiil, and the ilkn; and
is as euecilial in l ilrnu! nil trie I rois ol Amur; l,.,j,rl.
lly n ni.. vim.' olniruciioiH, ami regulating liie uiiicriil
system, il cive, and slrtnslli to Hie vi hole heiiy, nnd
I tins, cures all Ionik ol
1 ous tliseasfs itud tJebility,
and thus prevents or relieves a itre.ii varu i) ol inner m.ila
dies, ns Spmnl irrttauim. .V.u-.wm, St. ywt' Jitint-t
kmoflMHf, y.nrftic rite, Ctnii'ntstoitit, jtc.
Il rli'ansus ihe hloiul. e M iles Ihe liver 10 liralihy arii'io,
limes the slouiach, nnd cues riuOMiion. relieve. Hi
bowels of torpor and constipation, nihil .,v
iinrities llm skin, fsunlises the tin ulnumi ol' the ninntl.
pioducinj geulle warmili equally all oer Ihe li.,.U. n,i
the instn nliie perspiration ; relajes all :nciuri. una tilii
al as, removes alt oIisiiikohik, ami invH!orai tlie emir
nervous sj Mi in. la 11111 nun llien
The mrtliciun you prc-fuiiiveHiIy md I
lint can any 01 ihesc thiints hetnid of St. I', ''imn.eiiil'i
inlet. or artn let 'I'll c vouns man's liouiil i 11. a in u
Iierauieof one I. HAM) f ACT, thai the one ia I.UAfA
111. Kol Dbri fcltlolS ATln V and
while Ihe other D M ; sinirim;, j, 1 m, r;.. anil Hutrtnf
the hiltlr. cnnlmn:ntH into fragments ; the imr, nun liquid
iplinhiig. uml il iinaciuit niher iromta ! .Mini mil ilns horri
ble iomsunii be pon-ouous to tne sytrin ! Hut.' put
ictdmtna tyslem ulrtmly dnr,nt,l ritk 'acid! c ill ,et
liysoepsla but nciilt Hi, we mil nil know Ihamhrn loud
ours in our stomachs, what mif luefs n prmiuria 1 rlam
lence, liearthurn, palpitaiinn ol the heart, liver cmnplainL
diarrhira. dysentery, colic, nnd enrruptiua nl the biondt
What is ."crolula Inn an acid humor 111 the body t What
produce all Hie hninnrs which brine on Knipnuni of Ilia
kin, fcald Head, Malt Ithnum, ;risilas, W hile Sfll
ins, fiver Sores, and all Mlceralions internal and nifrnslt
It la nothing under heaven, hut an acid tiibsinitca, which
oiart.aad tuns spoils nil the Munis of the body, mere ni
'"a- sV8it aniises Klienmaiisiu Inn a sour or a.Mil fluid,
which insinuaies it-ell hetiveen the joints and eliewhen,
irrltiinntT aaad inllauuni; the ili liinie iissues upon winch It
afUl aaool nervous diseases, of impurity ol ihe bland, in
deranfjed circulations, uml nearly all the ailments Miuh I
aBlict human iiatiiri.. ,
cw U It not humble to maka and sell, and I
saaraa tn ue Ilns j
ind yet he wniil,i S:n h ive it unilcrstoml that (ltd l)r..lvnb
I nwn.end s ll.nmor tir-tn.U Sar,aptrult, is an I.HII A- ,
1 1 t.N of his inferior pn paralinn ! ! I
Heaven forbid lhat we should deal In an ariirle whlc 1
Bould hear the mint distant rr.i nililiin.-e 10 is. p. rn.
lead's umrle! and which shnnld hrine down upon the Old 1
lr. such a mountain load ol imiii'i.tiiiis nnd rrinhnaimn f
fmui Acenta w Im have .old. nnd pnrch uor. who ban uaa'1
I'. 't'ownaend'a I'KKMK.V I I.Mi I'dMI'Dl'M). f
Wewi-h it undersmnil, heinu.e it 11 the abuMntr hmil
Ihni ; H. I'. Townsend a nrticle nnd Old Dr. Jaroh T.iwt '
send'a Hir.aparilla are Aianrn iroi apart, nnd innnilfii '
timl-tr; lint they are unlike in every parntular, havli'
not one m!e ihinu in rmiimon. '
As H. P. 'I'own.end is no doctor, and never was, la '
fheinisi, nn pharin-ireniist-knows no more of medicine
l-ia.e than any nthercommon, unsneniific. nnprolessinr I
nun. whatfuiirunrrc ran the puhlic have lhat they are '
ceivine a Sfniiine scieniitic medicine, romainint all t
voiuesoi the niiicli-s u-.ed in preparing it. and w hich ara
capable nl clmnces winch might render them the AliK.V
nl IMen-e in-n ad of hcallh.
Bin wnit el.e shnnld he cipecnd from una who k-f
uoihini: r.iiiipirativelv of medicine or ihsensi It rev
a 'rsi.n ol some ca'rirnre m rook and aeive up
common dcierit How much mireimMirlant ia
Ihe persons 11 110 manlihirlure meilirine. designed (u
shonld know well tne medical proptnin of plr
bi-st mitnner of seciiriui and fourenlraiinf Ibeil
viriues, also an ettensive kaoivledpe of the vnrinu
hlrh alh ct the human .iylcui, nod how to adnp
to ihi.'-e dm iscs :
It is lo iirre.l Irsiius upon the unfortunate, u
tito wnnti'h d hiiiuaniti, to kln.lte bnpe in th
lininin. to reaore health and hlomn. and if
crushed aed broken. Bed lohmish inrinniiv 1'
J Aft III Ti, r.SO bus isoliliHT and fC.jnl) tt,
pnroinity nnd means to ImnK his
(rami ( ui versa I Concentrate
w lilnn Ihe re.irh. nnd to ihe knowledite nf all who n"
that tliey m.ijr learn and know, hy joyiul mpenenre,
TiaiiH t'inli lit Pinvt r to Ileal
P.. l.lil'X. Afeiit. Hlooirislnirir.. nuir .11.
ft7;Vr- H'E have just niaile valualili ""'
lioiislooiir Job-Olficr, of nev.vP'
itc., arel procill oil a lialnlseinp pujiplv r
ortcd rancy 1 aper, t'V winch we r?n i 'tu"
tlit ntal'.st f ' b welkin tins sectirn.
n - vt i'r-t.' . J VV?- vsv