The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 10, 1849, Image 2

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    Columbia Democrat.
STURIAY. MUR., NOV. 10, 1319.
VI, .ti. t,.i
crl' trt,wwiinlflblt.i.Hf1rme. two, or three
,er,.,J'th',--f- Where we are com-
. .. -.1: ..... nr tr:lVl OUr-
nelled t.mliy ""
ran,, who Uke Ihn Columbia IVmo-
Jtr. IturhananlHlht Wist.
Some lima since, we noticed in our paper, that
the Hon. Jamm Huciiahan, wa about to
visit a near relation of his, in western I'etin
... !.,..; 1 1. dm mosecution of that jaunt, he
MiivoJ al rui.buiK a lew day aiin. Win recep
tion there most enthusiastic; and we are
free to say, Ihe democracy could not honor a
more worthy mi. The Union in not yet done
with Buchanan. She ha in reserve lor him, yet
higher honors. '
We copy from the Pittsburg Post, of Nov. 3d,
(he remarks of Col. MsCanttln, in welcome of
"Pennsylvania's favorite," and also, t lie happy
and appropriate reply of Mr. lliuhanan :
Mn. llii iiM Mv fellow-Democrats
who will f"rw',rd l"'in",lveH' "r V" . . ..' 1 imon the inmulse of the moment, have re-
Death of a t'tmrnhle Vltrgynwn.
di'siuahli: i'roim:rty.
Live, to mike collections, the extra ctur Ke 0,
enrdnw to "lr publisnc.i
ii 1 cem p" j"' ,,
... .11.1 1,. o .vnr exonnse. 1 lion.
Will 00 aUUOVl iu v " -"I
1 :i. ... ...,,l will favor I'illsliiinrli.
iracharue f.very suns, -num """ " . . n
..onsidcius this notice H particularly in-1 1 j,,, sir, with great pleasure
ended lor himself. . j your letter, announcing the probability of
AUo-Those indebted for Job-work, advert.- . mis(,arri(,d( ,he
" ilr:mt Vre ! Lt of steamboats a, our wharf.would have
It r" J 111" "" -
Uev. John Plack, D. D. died in the city
of Pittsburg on the 28th ult., in the 82 year
of his age.
Or. Ulack, was the father of the gallant Col.
Samcix W. Hi.ack. lie was a pure patriot, a
truly religroua man, and revered by a large con
gregation, and bin numerous descendants.
A Good Bkoinninu, The first official act of
Mayor Jont of Philadelphia, wiui thetying of the
llymenial knot for loving couple from Lalicas
ter county, .
New Idka. A Muff holds a lady's hand
without iiiiieezinit it, and a Shmw often goes
to her lips without kissing her. Strange! isn't
Thk oni.v Senator who refused the con
stru.'live mileage las-t March were Messrs. Ca.s
Calhoun and Benton! all democrats!
A spk:imkn or lead ore from the mines near
Little Rock, ArkansaH, weighini? 1,251) pounds
has been sent to the Memphis Convention.
Col. John V. Forney, says the
Court and is not
intended to apply in any way to ! been inadequate to contain the throng of
people anxious to grrel you.
it ir:irn tlmt vou visit Western Pcnn-
A Handsome VrojMrty , anJ ym Jo yWf ap.
IAr. Dxvm N. Se.viT, oilers his delitjhtful i pr0:ieh is so silent and unostentatious, that
f.,milv residence at private Hale,throoeh this Pew-, lylffu.1i (or your personal and poilti-
llCMt. ltUinn1.eorder,hamUomely,H the period of your
a Imirablv arranged. We believe this property , '
t0 be the moat desirable family residence in or a- advent.
Tout liloomsbur,, posse.ii,, many Krowin ad-j Travelling alone, w.lhout equipage o
,,... Bnj should hrins a much greaier puce , allcntant8i yoll ptcsent the simplicity and
than the proprietor demands. i beauty of the Republican character, illus-i Appointments and Humors
trated in your private life, and stereotyped Washinuton, nov.
in your admirable political papers. j John W. Farrelly, of Pennsylvania, Sixth An
,,mc K,TCH.he Edi.orof.he ..K.ntificd as vou are with the adminis-j .toroltne treasury, vice
nmi. - ....
WW. subscriber oilers lor sale his J'Tj
IIOtlSK AMI I.OI', in Wil-ffi'lJlilfA
iiw-Grove, (South Xloi .unburn. IWj I L
I'he House i anew brick b'libline, Vb'WjJ
f sullii ietit si" to accommodate a
ame family. Tln-ie is a well under cover at the
kitchen door, ol excellent water, Miieiceding III"
necessity of i;oiii elsewhere to procure water
nr nnv iurpoe whatever, mere aie on me
premises a CARRIAGK HDlM'. A.M BAKNi
sulliciently lari;e lor a cow and three hordes, ami
oilier appropriate out-uoildings, all new.
Tlie ot is locutei on iMam streei, ai a iinnnm;
ahont equal to ciht squaies of li-et eactilrom
the Court Mouse : hi) feet wide and 11 feet deep.
There are on (be lot, properly dispo- ;.PfJf,
sed. and of various sizes, upward ot CJ.
euiliraeing quite a variety, vi : Ma-.jjfS.'
nle, Kim, l.indep, Ash, liollon-wooil, Muiomrv,
I.. ii .1-1 .V.I. I.. ..I. ...... II.. III.
Weeping-Willow, llli-Kory, oik, no n ;,
lock, Cedar, White-pino, &.c , with a variety ot
select Shuhherv. There are, also, opwaidj ol
Thirty Young I nut I reri,
severs! of which are galled wuh superior fruit.
These trees wele planled about Ibree years ago,
nndaru jut beginning the development of their
peculiar beauties.
Those who are acquainted with the relative sit
uation ol this place, must perceive that, destined
to be, m in a few esrs it will be, on tho great
,hn,n.h.f(ire. tu tlie Lakes : In-nee, the purchase
n.. .. 'i.-...n..i.L. tiuii Iw. 'A s. if'n anil nndit-
, ... . ,l.l., OI lull' i..iiir.n'r - I
caster intelligencer, is very uvummj Ma iveiment
spoken of in many places for Clerk of the Ti,P,e disposed to purchase, are invited to
i;Eci!Toirs sai.i:. Registers Ioticc
Estate ofJ.lCO1 Mil. 1 0 deceased, j V OTIC V. is "V,C'V,"V" ," I'l'"
' 1 t. es, ereililors and olhi l ' im I ml' i'"1' 1
I Hilhe csliitrscf III' n-eIIM- i . ' ' " '
! the lolliiwing a lmiiinlialiiP i ' 1 '
e-lates have been filed iq lie -I I he
,,-rof the of Columbia, iiml win oe pn -aenled
for cot lii n ntioii and alb VM.M f l U e H -
..h.m's C t to be held al lib on si ' "
the county -.ifi.ies.iid, on VVuim sdi'V IheliUt di y
. , v. .....i,K.., ... i ' ,.V1. i k. P. M.
1. 'I'hc account of William Wis, Ai.-
,,,1,11-lralorol the est; I Jlnc 1' X. '
lli inlock lownhhip, Coluipbia county, i!cceaM-l.
2. The first and final account of Abra-
1 , ,in Cool und U. W. Kohit.e, Adinmislrators ol the
, state ol James C. Le!i:u, late ol Madison Ii wn
' s,i)i, Colniiibia ccuiiiy, deceit. ed.
'A. The account ol John Al. xieacoch,
1i:ilSAl.'NT to the ibreclioiis contained in 'be
last Will and Testament ol JACOB Mil
i.i Junior, late ol Bloom lownship, Columbia
Ci.ii'.'v.ib'ce ned, will be exposed to 1 uli
lie Vendue or Out-Cry, on l he pieiuiscs.on
Tuesday, the Jirst'dm nf Jan. a. (..IHfiO,
A Certain Plantation
or Tract of Land.
Situaie in Centre township, Columbia county,
adjoinmi; lands ot Uo,c lle;.s, on the wesi ; jonn
Tliiesher, on tho norlli ; Uaac Low, on the east ;
I'.-ier Miller, on the south, and Benjamin Boon,
on (be south and west, coiil.iiiiitii;
FlVFi VCUI'ISAM) I'UMI IY-T IIKl- I Admini-liali.r ol the .Main t Tl.tinas llencicK,
Ph-IM'llKS AM) TU RKK-FOURTHS, j hie of ri-hir i''k t. viiii-hip, Col. Inbia ccui I),
him in .- , ,
(tcy There is a 1.1M11 il0', "n the pre-
mines ami abundance ol iio.! Limk Si'oisf..
it r. 7t a
Demise of the Republican Standard.
House of Representatives at Washington.
t If thirty and a quarter square yards
h. Innv ni.iiiv will make a
lliunvu v v.iw.., ...... . j
shad ?
New Cou.ntkrfeits on the !Urrisbur Bank
have been detected ; they are badly executed.
call soon on the subscriber, on the piemises, or m
lis absence, can make application personally, i
B. K. Rhodes, Ksq., llloomshurij.
UAV ) IN. M " i i
Nov. , f--.p.i-
whig paper at Berwick, has nolified its patrons, j ()f m ,0 gay) that j
more publications win leiuuna
existence ol ine -jitonin...',
. i - . ... bini ii u I '
that two more punucauon. ... " - , imi!rmenl 0f who surround you,
ntiaru. e , j- n
i . ii i . , . t .1 Ihn Aoi r
,,e necessity which compel, the foregoing ; lis parallel can on.y ue .ouuu .,.
-n.pnt The M'aior is a very clever fel-. Presidents and Cabinets, who looked lor
aiiiiuuin.i- - - . ,
..wonlyi-or!iolitically-andhaspm)iineo J Uit;ir guitlo to the wellare ol tne peopic,
'a paper deserving of living patronage. j and the preservation, intact, ol the Con-
Ht is wond ered wMheT Governor Johnson stitulion of the United States.
. ..-II L . I . .1 I' 11., I ii lllmU'-
will roiKu. I'f" ('(rSe l"eie wl" m v,u" I in me name in my iiuU... ,
trnor. It wont he much of a bargain, Darsie for j citi7PS) 10re) hastily and spontaneouly as- j
j(,llSn ; but things c.uld nut well he wor-e.- . mMf, i invile j.()U t0 ollr aggregate and
no doubt he would be willing M make a chillis,
bargain ; "let me alone and I'll let you alone." j
Robert 11 Moore, Branch Mint, Dah
lonegh, Georgia.vice D.ll. Mason, removed.
Gabriel W. Long, of Alabama, Indian Agent
for the Chichasaws, vice Upshur, removed
I learn, unofficially .that the following appoint
mentshave been made;
Tench Tilghman, of Maryland, Consul for Per
to Rico
Samuel W. Piersall, of Pennsjlvania, Consul
for Buenos Ayres.
TN pursuance ol an onli-r ol iiie'irpnans i.imo ,;
of Columbia coniitv, on Knii'AV thk ii j
'. - ..ll. In ll li I
yi K OVEMIIKR plr.xr, Ul -ll iu' I
-noon. Samiki Kisner, Kvecutor, 4-c., of;
MICHAKL KVKRT, late of Madison township,
insairlcounly, deceased, will expose to sale by j
Public Vendue, upon the premises, a
situate in Madison township, containing
One. Hundred and Thirty-Seven Jlcrcs,
more or less, adjoining lands ol John Heller, Jno.
Billheiin, Paul Bartot and George Begirt, about
tinetv aciifs of which is cleared land. There
are on the premix s two lo;' hou-es, Ion barn a
good apple orchard, ami all kinds of l'KLIT;
one. good sprint: of water al each house.
Late the Kslaie of said deceased, situate in the
township of Madison, and county aforesaid.
r.looinshurg, Sept. 3, IMH-Ms.
There is on the piemises a two
story LOil llOt,N-., a hank BARN , j
a bearing apple OliCl I- VA
HtW3AKI)- Ht"'"' Sprib""''.SSffi23-J
'fflif" Well of W-.iter al ihn
.J1, door, and oilier on' iimihliogs.
HTlnt above tract, ONF. IICXDRKD AND
T1URI V ACUKS, is cleat ed land, and in a high
state of cultivation.
. The land is of lift-quality, and well woithy
Ihatlention of any person who may be de.-iious
of porch isiog a liisl-rate lat in.
, (jcj-, w ill be mail-known on the day of
!S'U .lOSKI'll POIIK, and
I J.F.MI I'lllli:, late
I !.(i!i MUhr, F.xitutiu vf Jm id) Malt r,
1 inr, dn i.tixi il.
t'oi I'uiUt de.-ci Ipfion, elc , sec bills.
Centre township,
October 23, lM-.l.-low. i
Estate of JIDJiM SVJISK, deceased.
ATOTK'V. is herebv mw n, that letters ul Ad-
I niini-tra'ion on the c-late nf Adam Sm a? k, j
d. The account of John Lazarus and A-
hrahani Mi'l-r. I-Mcnleis ot ihe i -late 1 1 John
Spade, late ol I'lshllcrel k U wohip, Ct ll.ll bta
CoimlV. decea-ed
5 "The account of Jacob SwiMirr and
.loseph P..M011, Ai'miiii.-tiab is el Ihe enlale of
jeremiali Wcllner, late of Madison township,
Ci Imnhiii coiilitv.deceas' (I.
it. The account of William Roth, Ad-
ministiator ot Ihe es'ale (I 1'aol Iblh. late of
: Roariniretei k ti wnsliip, Cdnnbia citnily, de.
ci a-edt
7. The lirl and final account of (ieoree
1 llidlay, Administration of tie estate ol Lemy
j lliilhi'v, lull- ol Centre township, Ci lun.bia n i:u
i ty, decea-ed.
S. The account of Alexander Cct i:i:d
William l'oisjih, A ti.ii'isiratHs de hi oh nun
1 ciiin lestainelito antn xo of ihe estate of Jan es
LatiL'head, late ol Luiivtlle, Colrn.bia comiM,
i Ri:(.im En's Ol eh E, ? llixishr.
Biooiiisbini.', October --l'.l )
$.cw JlilliiH'ry o:d.)
ft Mi K undersigned take pleasure in anni uticiiig
1 to Iheir old customers and the ciiims of
,,ie nl Beaver lownshiti. ( nloti, bta cotmt,(lec'd-, ; llioouisbuii:, generally, mat mey luve josi le-
have been granted, by the K.g.Mer..: said colmly, i ceived a new M.i.plv ' I the ! (
to John Swank, residing in Milliin township, j 1'ASll ION A I'LL ROMS L'l IS,
said conntj , All person indebted to said -s.(ote ; 't.l t-t , cut and uncut, Satin, Silk, Cutds, iiih.
are reituesled to make p;iiiiet,t. and those havitig ; ,.lS ji1 ile.-ciiptiotis I'm e Flowers. Fealht l"s,
claims against il, will pi cent I hi m as above du- , ,,, sl,. llowi-ts, buils, t;i lb is, l.n e-caps, hells,
Your welcome, on behalf of my Demo-
(tf-YvV have not yet receive J the "Poet" for j pitize1S);s characteristic of the
lv authenticated for cttlemi nt
October 23, lSl'J-n .hlw'r. i
"fellERII'l 'S ALES. !
"I iY virtte of a writ o! Ii fa. to tne directed will
I 1 be exi'i sed to public sale, at the
cordial friendship and support which I have
Appointment of Consuls.
Washington, Nov. '.
J. P, Wardell, of North Carolina, has
been appointed Consul to Malamoras.Mcx
ico. 1$. Everett Smith, of Maryland, Consul
! the Ci. v of Pittsburgh and County of AH-; to 1 ur-i imi.
jegheny. Thoughout my past political
life, they have always sustained me and
this with increased energy in the hour of
severest trial. When clouds and dark
ness appeared to obscure my path, their
IVThe above sale stands adjourned un-
t,l UATCUDAV. the 17lh instant, al 'J ocIock, (
.t the same place. ,..... ,. ..
i MI, r.l. M3.U.II, 'a
Jerscjlown, N"V. i, IS l'J.
O. tober- Why is this : i ne -ueinoi iai, ..
... , .i ... i. r. I.
been regular V mailed, anil we ininK aiM-r ii"'mi - - - f
, P o!nectusaninser,ion,we an ever experienced from the Detnoera y f.
(r;-Thc wh!gs have got themselves into a mcst
beautiful fixation," by their course before the
last election in Ibis slate. Thinking to frighten
and drive up to the polls, as usual, the hands en
gaged al the. manulactories, I hey put the tarifl" in
i,siie. They failed in their expectations, and
now deny that there was any issue in the election.
Logical, i'snt it '
al Pottsville ha?
"KTOTICF. s herebv L'lven inar ine
Conns of Common Pleas, General Quarter
aV. 1 . ... ,. ...j i f'..,,rl l-iiorl
Sessions ol Hie I'eace, ami ii' v w....,
wreaths, combs, colored-sill, lace, i lusioi.s,
sc.iiis, kid, lisle. 1 1. lead and colleli gloves, ibe-s-slull,
Collars, Speiieets, Lace-capes, Veh el and
hircd and satin lioiini Is.
ALSO An as-oi tinenl of plain Ilonnells nr. d
flaps, together Willi Braid, Straw, &e.
M. it fc. CtRKLKY.
1 r.lonii.Jiiiri' (let. J",. ls.1'1.
iii.nse in ltloomsburL', on Momlay the 1 Still i.y i
Nov. mber, at 1 o'l lock, P...', all the Kinht, j ; SS() I.U TION.
Title and Interest of and hi a lloiie ai.d "JO'l ftp. is heiebv gin n, that Ihe pr.rlncrvhip
Lot of llie nelenil.ihls silule in li e ben ugh ol ; tX ,., t,,, r,. , ,, n(, i, Ihe oi.octMiiin il
Danville, Columbia com ly, i n,idii:: in tl e Book and Sta'iori ry I usintss, nn-
A certain lease-hold property with about ; lWt tll. ; , tit m I Svnitv Nir.-nngi r. is
three ytaisto run, desci tlied am! bounded as i ,ii-so!ved by n.iiluiil coi si t,t. The ho ks ol the
follows, to wit: l i liont on in.iin -lii it and by a , ate (inn ate in lh( hat (Is ol Jo-f I ii Wj,i,Ti, by
lot of Wm. Milm-r on Ihe eat and Cliii-lian i ,, del t coi.ti. cti d Ii t .-ate r m. w ill he
Muir and nlheis on the wi si cnnt.iiniiig about 1 ! paid and w ilh win m accounts u nl I e si 'lUl.
eighth 1 1 an acre mot,- or bs, toLiher Willi I lie ' J0SF.1T1 SWA hi '..
iMiildin eiecied, and beiiia ihen-oi. a two i.ij j H. I'. MKSSKNt.KR.
Thk Nkw Court IIou-e
I) .en cunmenred. Il is to he two stories hinh. 'id
feet front by 1 1" deep, and is lo cost 20,-IKK).
The Cholera Again in the Jl'eat.
Sr. Loins, Nov. C.
The cholera has rc-appcarcd :it St. (icn
cvieve, and is quite prevalent and fatal.
,'ifOver and Terminer andJail delivery, in and j
for the County of Columbia, lo commence at the ,
Court House in HhoMsbMg.Mt Monday the Hull
day of November next, will continue two weeks.
he Coroner, .luslices ol ine re.un mm
Iraine ilwellllK? house, Willi .e apjiui leiiaoi
Seized, taken in execution and lo be sold as
the projieitv ol Anthoev Whitman.
virion of a writ ol vend.
Blootiishurg. Oct. -M, IMH,
15 V
cheering voice has always been potent in
disncliinir the gloom and restoring the sun-
shine. Prom my heart 1 thank them for!
for this spontaneous and enthusiastic wel
come, but 1 fed that any attempt of mine to
express the emotions which now swell my
l.iwiim w mild be a vain effort. I am now a
Horrible Crime Double Murder The
I'erpterutor to be Burned Alive.
St. Loins, Nov. f.
A revolting case of rape and murder took
place the other day, near Palmyra. A ne
gro belonging to Mr. Olasscock, committed
violence on Miss interesting little
tar notice, jzh
VV. snb-enher, Ihanklul foi ast patronage,
in... eilolk inloi ii, h lis cum lii is and lie
y Virilin 01 a win in m-iiu. i-ajm . " ; .u,., ,!,, he has taken Ihe , mite chaice ol ti e
certain ol ol irrouiul Sllil.ue in i,enireiue,i en- . nn,ui.c.r notlk S I t) K K.
... i i.: . ..... oi..- i. - - - 7ir.'.rva
stables, in and tor tlie cootiiy oi i onuiiin,., , tretownstnp, i oiumoia roiiniy, """i - I eolitinnc Ihe business as iZil'JM
sted to be then anil tneieiti meir piop-.r , lllUl ,A ;ln acre more or us, o.n, mien i,y idiios ; . j ), j(, 1 1.. CJB -...
I i il,,. I.iIm i.l .In in ( riasv. I i-'ari lotliV. and1 . . , i.-...i i,,.;i,o, ... ... i
oi ", " - ' h;iie -l.ntn I" lor I..M ll.ll'Ui. l u I in n.e?, 11111:11: oi:
nn Fioul street, whereon is i reel, d a one story , ...., , ... .ii a call.
their several offices appertaining to be none. A ml i train.- dwelling house, w ill. flu- ..ppur'enaiic. . ; Tlll. rm, ;,n t i.h ula'or, t i b nd.ian Sp. II
all witnesses proseculiiig in behalf of the Coin- Seized, taken in execution and lobe sold as .. (( ( , )(, , wn, ,,t , i m.h
persons, wilhlhetr rolls, rocerus, inq.iiMiions,
and other reinembrances, to do tlmsu things to
mouweallh against any prisoner, are also reques- j llui pl0,eity of Thomas Cam
Let Charity btgin al Konu. riVate citizen and the day ot my political i . , , ( s r :Uil then murdered her
", ... . 1( i trials has propably passed away forever; i y0 (),- detected the inliiiman
We like to see people ,,h. lanihjop e It ()f jn. ,
is a most noble trait .n thecharae o. ai , j The wretch has been ar-
m;in. u shows a love for 1 " My uou.'.esio.i with the administration , ( wil, lc b,mii,alive on Fri
ueneral, a natural, .h-ep grounded feeling ,
c . .i..:. tut n man snotl U lie usi " "
- win ,.vt.r i,e to me a source ot lieartleit
,)(,,o 'lS S-"7S' I11"1 W,'Cn .J0. ' saiisfaetion. 1 can truly say that he was
he should bestow h, charilies with ,1 -.
ment and discrei.on. ere no doub J..(
lml lhat in M thing- Cod loveih a cheerfu. , .. nm,r,ry am Ulliring
r.f hut :tt i ni same uinu. n miuuhi
ill lao v iiii'
do, he did it with all his might, lie was j souri side of the river. Tlie slaves were
the laborious man 1 have ever known; j owned by Miss Miller, Mr. McKini, and
ami his lite was dovotcd, indeed, I might ul- j Mr. McUutcheon, of Sugar Creek, and Mr.
most nay he fell a victim, to his labors and : Kllis, of Monticello, Lewis county. Their
Stamped and Jtrsistunee Their
Leader Killed.
....I ...,i,l eoiniiuinded to be then and there alien-
dim: in Iheii proper persons to pios.cule against
him. as shall he just and m t lo depart wtlboul
leave at their p. ill Jurors are requested lo be
punctual in tbeii alb ndam e, al the time appoin
ted mreiiibli- lo Iheir notices,
(liven under mv hand at Phmmsbtiri: Ihe ISlh ol
October, in the. year of our Lord one thousand him, bed and lortv-nmc ami llielinie-
Hy virtue of a writ of vend. expo, a cer
tain Ir'.'l i I land situaie in FMiioL'''ioi k town
ship, Columbia county, rnnlaiuii.t- 0 acies mote
or less, about sixty-live aires ol which ;-r clea
red, bounded by lands o I Philip I'liangst, 'tn.
Kvans, Jnbn Lazarus, and otin is, '.vheieon is er
ected ,i ..iif -sloi V liaii.e (iuelluc hoii-e, a iVatne
s ot ks at
sell ct staliel eiy , lol sale el ( up.
; . ..i.-... i...:i.r.. i. ,. .. ....
. . . . . i . ti.i i'm lii.. i oi oer oiii tiiiiii.iii . ' oo ..ii .ii oil . i
lence of the UoPed Males l America .tie
Seiz.-d, taken in im co' ioti -o.l to'-e sold as
' the properly ol William t un: n.liam.
j 1 1 l)V... 1 1 A YMAN, Sl.ctill.
i Sherifl's Ollice. I'doomsburK, (
Octolmi Ofi. l-sl'i. S
Cod save the Ci tnonwenlth.
Ili:N.I. II A YMAN, Sh'tf.
(ieiNcv, III.
Last night.about fifty negroes, of all ajes
Whatever he determined to ; and sexes, with teams, stampeded for Mih-
.i . .. r... l.'.j
r.ieinbered that lie who carcui uoi ior
own housohuld, is worse than an infidel.
Now we like the plan of spreading the
Oosnel among the brethern amazingly, and
we love to see contributions mane tor anxi,.lv iu tilf. ?lrrv ii-e ol his county. Woul.L slaves were overhauled on Smutday mom-
i i : ...i .....i tinni; it mniiv win
wormy an onjo. j , ,mi,..;s(. i)llL Mysterious l'rovulencc , inir, ami atser a
a I
i i i :, l.o tli'it ihe lireau
rxpenueo , m" " ""v '
thus cast upon the waters, will be found
itsrain afier many dnys ; but we think that
iu most cases, there is ample room for our j
own charities rearer home. Our children
need instruction-many families in the,
Pnili-d States have never seen or In aid tell
f a bible-and in extensive regions of
country, there is no minister.
Would it not be well to attend to our
breihern to bring up, in the nurture and
admonition of the Lord our own children ;
ami thus bless first our own land with our
superabundance; While we ar;; in
' ' . . . i . 1.1. c...
,;iyr of domg every tning n-a.onaoio . .. , of my h
f I I. t t n ,1 .i 1 - I
the illumination oi inose won mi cuim-:
T)C areln-n by cotf.inaiuleil lo meet
j at tin! bote ol' I'otiT Sh'ii; 111
on Saturday, November 10, IM'b at
I o'clock. 1'. M , fully (quipped lor
parade and dull. I!y "t.icr ol the Lap-
A splendid aornceiil of NT- W r,f 01-S,
w ill he reeem d in a lew (lavs al the jibivcts-
lablishmi ul.
l'.loomsburir. Oct. 01. IHSi
rnl!!''. subscribers returns their thai k to lie
I eiiieiis ol Pirn msbiii:, in d the public, lor
bo iner favors, al.d ap
: prize tht 111 that I hi-V
have jut received u
! linem w iisorliiii'iit of
Hoots a.v.i .hi. us, h
N'and alter November 1-1, IS ISi, the Pa-sen-
ii-r Trains will run between I'liiladelplna
and 1 UlSVllir, a- o , i.iin
I (lives Philadelphia at J M., uai:y, ex- tain,
cept Sundays. , V. C M.U.R.
Arrives n Iv-adini; at 1 1 If ! Linht Street, October 'J I, IMS'.
: ... I1..1. ..I 1) r.l t i - --
, i)..,,.;ito i.i v.1 A M. Dailv except VVUl.IV
I.ivivi' I llll..lll J ' J I
An Ives al Reading at lo uo
Arrives at l'o'lsville at 2 -i0.
it :il I ..I. .!..!.... 't '.fl in.1
desperate resistance, ami ;.,,; ;lsvi,.e ;u, K,..M,. i.,,,,,,,,! 1.2,1, I!,,,-
the loss ol llieir leailer.lliey were captured
I 1 AMli Ui.tlk.
attention ot cii-tniti-
011 .Main St hi t , to
wliicb thev invite the
i.nj li'un -.1 lw vrnrs onmrr to wit- the loss oi imur icaooivney were r-aiJlunMl. din-,' and vwm
1 till r-ir.iiivi ihiii n , . ,
ness the tllecls of the measures of his ad-j The slae who was killed belonged to Miss
minisiralion ! A very brief period will serve j Miller.
10 disnel die mists ol'proiudice which now ) '
I l j 1 rvj-pi, 0 Denioci its ol New Orleans are inakoiK
hang over his policy; and I venture to . extensive arranL'cmenls lo teccive the
predict that the day is not lar dis- j un ..Ia.mks Iii-i.-iianan, wild 'cn, on hiscon-
Alliericail people, WllllOUl ; teuiplaled visit to env. A -orr. sponilent ol
Ihe .V O. Ltwner In Ids the . Ilnwn htiiiae
taut, when
distinction of a parly, will do justice to his
memory and award him a niche in the tem
ple of fame among ihe wisest and best
of his predecessors. I shall ever regard the
in regard to Mr. II. and his intended visit ;
No man is more worthy of the gratitude
and esteem of the Democracy than James,
Iliiclianan. lie brought llie Slate Depart- 1
Ipht'i VJ.'iO and l.SH.
Heels cannot enier ine 1,11s inms 10-
viih-d with Tickets.
There will be 110 Afternoon Train.
,-.. ,(TICfv Fifty pound ol hansiie will be
iilloweil lo each )ia-seneer in these lines; am!
pas-oneers an- expressly prohibited from takiin;
any 111 ill t! as wa ae but their wearimi iippan.-l,
wliich will heal the risk of it-' owner
I!v order of ihe Board ol .Managers.
S. l!HAI)FORI),Siec'ry.
N,.v. 10, l'slO.
VALLA 15 LI'. V. A 1 . 1 '.STAT 11.
purn:inie of an order of Un- Orphans' Conit
ol Coluinhi.i county, on J hurnlii; thr 1 .tin tJ
.o)ttrhir mil, at in ocpck 111 me loir-iiuoii,
: Leon.ud II. Kuberi, Aministr.iti.r, ice, ot Sarah
! liiil'K.n i', lale of Monlour township, in said Coil 11
I tv, deceased, w ill expose to sale by Public Vendue,
' upon liiu preui'M s, a certain
' Situate iii M.inlnnr town-bin in said County, ad
ds Their selection every set!, size
iiiul vartely, and at prices to snilthe tin i s
(ire.itbariiains can be bad on application.
fjfj-Store opposite Prady' I loiel, on piuin .1.,
second door above Ihe Coun House.
Piloni.-iiiiii', Oct 07, s..;i.
Fukh'i arrival r nkw ooodn
J K. 111? siih-criht is, aniioniice In nil . ' r
old cnsioiui is nmi the public. Iliat we
have re a nth lu etuda (Ine b t ol Mw (imis,
suited lo 'he M-a-nii, which we are w illn t1. lo 1 is
pose ol at a n-r strail pn tits, lor lash, X.C ( 1 r
slock consists ol
Trench and Publish Meiinees, Alajiacas,
lilark and olher colt rs, Mu-lin de Faun s, I. lo ttos,
(', burs, I'I.ikI loi ds. l (aliens kmi'3
Shaw Is, lone and short, ot dillen nl s!( b s. ( uli
cues, liotti :ict up to l'J.!, per yard; V htte l'i e,
balled and striped: 1 losien . eli 1 . s inn! llll
sit Aei'iK. nil tv ( ,'t Mn' crcciiM
l,l,"'K 0k
a la i ce
no isi :
noli Rooks, Papers,
I' etrv.fvc. Kvans VWai-
part which I acted in his administration j ., ,a,.k t(( its (.riirinal ibcdavs l"'X- ,,l',',r'1 ""'n,l' :! ;':
I ...... 1 - . . - I i,..k.- 1 Ar hand 1 ice, an. I v -"'i
in conjunction with my eniment and pain- (l Jefferson and .M.uIisiiii -comlticicil tl- ! s;, )nrk Slre,.,t ,,pp.te the ....
...;.. .'.ii,...n ilii'nroiidest and most ' affairs ofVnvi rniiicnt to the satisfaction of I ph,ladelphi.i I'.ch:inc.-. Pat- h 1 'i-H
joiniiiK laud ol John II. (iuick, and the Susqui- .;. ,,, ,,n Wt t V..1A L, petal a-soitmenl rf
li itma river nnu r i-nini; cie.-n, .o,o.i,,,,K uoo,. ,,-.,,. , .,.,,. , ,. AUn. A nroL
1 lot of Ijueens-waie, 1 lard-ware, Cedar and
j W ill'-w-ware. A fresh supply of choice
i OROOP.RIP.S. good and cheap.
I IfjdVn tinlie to sell llie best article ol Ho.
Iiey-sMUp lnobs.i s, tor ,'i'h Is .er K-U li. Iicon
I clnion, we will onlv add. if our II lends Will jut
Montour s'vp "s " l'il" wt' '" r,'lut"' lle " "" 11 li"r
H. C. & I. W. HAKTMAN.
PI'iotnsbnrL'. On. St. -l!'-:im
I ent soap-stone liliei
.i.:..l. .......1. i.rini.iiiinii In lie dnne : A l-voi rivr: wio'i
..i.u U'H LI 1 1 II l UIUOII ll-lliiiii..- - '...v.
. ... i lu bnlilc. that while. ! on Wcdneiday last, between Jackson, leime.1
atllOllie, d.o. , ! ..niericau Deir," and eiiteen Indians! the
.0 a great extent the one should be done, : t, Ch-khU. an Indian ,rn
the other should not be led undone. j . r(,S(M v.,,ion) W(,M (m. r;i(C. Jackson
Peside all this, we think it the duly ol c;mie in ,ertm, t.est. The time made wis .rir min-
,w eircntiistances render it ru- mes. and -lo seconds. This is Ihe first liuie that
d 1 in".- .
dent, to give, for ii is lending to the Lord ;
or rather repaying him, for what we have
here, is ""'" ll is ti:1"1 aulh(jri
tv, "Every beast of the forest is mine, and
,'hc cattle upon a thousand lulls-for the
world is mine, and the fullness thereof.'
I et therefore your charity begin at home,
thmlgh it end in the Islands of the South
Jackson has ever hem out distanced, llie red
men he beaten when it comes lo racing.
Cilderslccvc, Ihe renowned runner, met with the
same fatei n this same course two vears since. On
that occasion he entered auainsl foe Indians, 011 a
ten '.nib- heat, and came out louilli best.
. 1 . ,t . , 111
I every American aooreo, zealously labor
1 ed, for ihe good of bis country and, Dcni-
. .. t. 1 1 ncr.ils r-Mti oriiilillv tiroehiini il. In- imvur
r rack come oil at iiun uso, . 1. 1 .
I the I permitted iniusi 11 10 1,111 into inyionmh
errors and quarrels merely about t lit
"style" of a document. instead of the prin
ciples which it advanced. I'nt he should
be doubly dear In every Democrat, as hav
ing done all which it has yet been in his
power to do, to advance and diffuse- the
1 .1 c .
benign iniiuences 01 nomocracy.
Should he arrive alter the
would sii''''esl to the difft
clubs the propriety of savinjr their trap- 1 e.d and Letter copy
sparencies and order oivc himsuch
. 1 1: .1 . ... 1 . , 1 .
' a pireii-iifiiu iriic(-s.iion as otiiy tin- ucmri-
Ji. o.;e Hart, of ('it.cintiallijatily caused the ! cracy are capable of gelim - op. Lei us
"criminal box" to be taken out of com!, on the j show Kooudoni that tin- ! 1 ... racy an;
ground that nn nu?ht to he disiared hcloie i not forgelllll ol true palm. . , I parlieu-
I I . . ..i' 11 c. ..... . I ii
he is found mult vofi rime. I nil') 01 -a p-ncct ami up... ,it .11.
I ami Key-
In which Ihe Inleitate resided at Ihe time of
death ; Willi tne apporieimo. es.
S. cotidlv A tract of land situate in
township, adjoinini: lands ot John KichaidsJ'eti r
Applcm.iii, and olbeis, coiitiiiniuu '2n0 Acres, or
thereabouts, on which Flias lliclricli resides as
tenant ; with the appurtenances.
al lb.
'ST n-rnived and now opt 1.11 S
stand ol the scbscliber, a splendid a-soil-
tneiit ol
Selected with m't cate, and Iron, lcrur rpen
... l,. il .iters himsel! that his n lectin. aie
Lale the F.slate ol said deceased, situaie in llie
towiishinol Monlour, and ronnty aforesaid.
,1h cover S.ilani 1-. d.-rs. ere - JACOIJ KiKliLY, Clrrk,
;! thief I'liOOi- IbO.v l llf.M.-.warranieii ,0 ; p,ootn-buri;, Oct. ('., IS P.I.
jo, r. l 10. .ii-beat th in anv . bests in t!iis coittitrv. '
st a n I , 'I he first above named tract is a valurdde prop
Also. I'alelil Air-l hamber Inn t hesis. 1 . , , . iii,,,,,,,:,--L
i',i.inmv in use. 1 '"-v a 'so ( on, " ; , Caawissj. lalelv in the occupancy of Leonard ' Rood, not only in patterns aim min s. 0.0 n ai-
-THP ORDINARY 1'IRP. 'UOOl' S,- j ;pKrt, now deceased. The North Branch Canal j ily and price", and will be sold at the lowest pes
atvervbrvpri. es ! runs lbroiu;h it, upon w hieh is convenent and ( x- ' st'hle pricei.
petent C.riibination locks, with Oiiai:.- Keys, , ,,,sivi; wh;n latie. There is upon it also, a large j His LKV COODS consists of all fancy arlicl.s.
which can he chatcc) several lb .and limes Yiuk bain.aood well, a spiiint, and a variety of from shawl- lo a skeia ol silk ; end ci n prises nil
ahlein tact everv time the Lock is used 1! ; , hnii.tiims and other itliprin emonts. , materials lor cloaks and diessis lo red and while
I,.. Th b.elis are pro. i amtnr ine 1 -pi,,. Second tract above named is an excellent 1 Ihmiiels. A Kooit assoruoei.i
bein- supplied Willi tin: . rarniini.' property and will be sold entire or in Cloths '. assimers ; r-aiins ami csui ps,
I tn
-I exa-'ll
' . ! pati nt hev-hob-cover, and made very strum:, they w ,, 'Phere is a valuable deposite ol iron j pleached and blown muslins, Haskels and Carpel-
Id next election, 1 jrim,t he blown open by Cunpowder. 'I'hese ie upon a iart of Ihe tract, and limeslone upon bails ; Men's and boys' Hals and Cas 1 CO'I S.
trout Democratic ! ,c!s are intended I'-r Hanks, Stores, Sales, fcc. ltr p;)rt. There is a house, bank barn and I.adie's kid and torn shots; L rkinulass. s
presses, lire prool Honrs
for b ml s and stores.
Palenl ShiP- liii'-d liefi i.-ratnrs, warranted
perior lo al' others, water fillers, showr r baths nf
the best ipi.diiv.
I'er.oos wi-hint: In puiehase any of tho above
article-, will pb uoe us a call, as we sell
'bi-iper than an other in the 1'iule.l Stall
I I.1I.1 hi. In.., N v. I":b. I 'l'.'-ly.
other buildiims upon the property. ('rockery wi re. Ibiid-waie, ( inar-waie: all kim.s
TKRMS OK SAI.F.. Five percent of purchase l (lio iVmr s & Scuts Also SALT. A.c &e.
money to be paid on day of sale, one fourth on 1st AH "t which he respectfully leqmsts his fiiuri.s
April lv'iO, when possession will be pven, ami and the public to call and examine,
additional I'.inrth on lirst of April, one fourth j grf-All kinds of prain, lumber, and country
on 1st of Anril is.VJ, and the remainder 1st nf j produce taken in fM'l.anee and lor wliichthe
April xr,.V. I.F.ONAKD B. lil'I'F.KT, 1 bielust prices will always he paid.
Mmi,ulrator. L. R. lUTFKI'
j o, i,,!,L.r o, 1 - .. ' niofui.-biir, Oct. S7,