The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 10, 1849, Image 1
u i- k j ! . - !imim!i . . w g "That Government is tlicbct which govern le:it." fniJTTEU .f.l'I I'UIILISIILn BY LEVI L. TATE. POETRY. The Teacher's Office. "Take hetd that thou drtpire not one oj thnc lillle onei." Desirest lh-u tearher's work ? Ask wisdom from above. It is a work ot toil and care, of patience and of love. Ask for an understanding heart, to rute in gnrlly fear The feeble flock r which tin Lord hath made overseer. Ala ! thou mrely mayest expect suuie evils to en dure, E'en children's faulta ar hard to bear, and harder still to rure. They may be wilful, proud, pcrvese; in temper unsubdued In mind obtuse and ignorant in manner coarse and rude. Thou uvay'st contend with fcluggiih minds, sad weary, and depressed To trace the windings of deceit, in many a youth ful breast, Yet scorn them not, remomber Him, who loved his lambs t feed. Who never quenched the smoking flax, nor broke the bruised reed; Who for the thankless and the vile, poured out his precious blood Who makes his sun to rise upon the evil and the good. The love of God extends to all the works his hand has framed; He wills not that the meanest child.should perish unreclaimed. Tray that His Holy Spirit may, thy selfish heart incline, To bear with all their waywardnesses He has borne with thine. If by example or by word, thou leadest them to sin, Thou perilest the precious souls, that Jesus died to win. If thon from indolent neglect, shouldest leave their minds unsown, Or shouldest their evil passions rouse, by yielding to thy own; Shouldest tlmu intimidate the weak.and so destroy their peace. Or drive the stubborn to rebel, by harshness or caprice ; Shouldest thou their kindlier feelings chill, by apalhy and scorn, Twere good for them and fn- thyself, that thou had'M e'cr been born. But Oh! what blessings may be thine.whca thou hast daily striven, To guide them in the narrow path that leadelh up to Heaven. What joy t see their youthful feet, in wisdom's wavs remain, To know that b) the grace 'if God, thy labor is not vain ; To watch the dawn of perfect day,in many a hope ful child, To seethe crooked mind grow straight, the rug ged tumper mild To mark the sinful habit checked, the stubborn will subdued, The cold and' selfish spirit warmed by love and gratitude. To read in many a sparkling eye a depth of love unknown To hear ?he voice of joy and truth in every silver tone, Jf such Ihe joys that now repay the Teacher's work of love ; If such the iccoinpcnsc on earth, what must it bo above .' 0 blessed are the faithful dead, who die unto the Lord, Sweet is the rest they find in heaven, and great is their reward. Their arts performed in humble failh, are all re corded there. They see the travail of their souls, the answer to their prayer. Then may the teacher and the taught, one gtor t in anthem raise, And they who sow, and they who reap, unite in endless praise. The Golden Sand of Thought BV THF.OPOKK A GOl'LD. Thf v speak of California's shore, With mines of glittering treasure fraught ; The brain hath still a nber store The golden sandB of thought ? This wealth ne'er takelh wings to fly; It owns no mre extraneous worth : Ar.d nobler pleasures it will buy, Than all the irjdd "I earth. This is the wealth that cannot cloy; A broader light its rays imparl ? It bleiieth with a purer joy It lilts to God the heart! Oh, ye who seek, in distant lands, The dazzling ore of earth to find, Do not forget the rldcn saml, That spaikle in the mind! 13L00MSBU11G, COLUMBIA From the Pennsylvania".. f fronlrate Politician. The following confabulation will explain itself. Mayor. Ralph Hutchinson, you were extricated from a mud puddle in Race street, lust night; lying, like a beast, on your hack. Ralph. Hold, sir ; thai lying wont do. Mayor. How, sir-Lying ! What do you mean ? Ralph. Yon say I was lying, like a beast, on my back. I never saw a beast lie on its back. Beasts lie generally on iheir billies; sometimes on their sides, bul never on their backs. Manor. You lie every way. A drun- kard is a beast; and a dunkanl commonly lies on his back. Ralph. If he does, that's better than lying in his throat. But I was not drunk, sir, precisely ; 1 threw myself on the ground in a fn of despair and unutterable anguish. Mayor. On what account, pray ? Ralph. Can your honor be a Whig and ask that question ? Are wc not used up, root and branch ? As soon as the terrible news of out defeat came to my ears, I fell into a swoon, with my face on the ground, just as if I had been knocked down with a brick-bat. Mayor. With your face on the ground ! But how does that account for your being found on your back ? Ralph. When I had lain insensible for about fifteen minutes, I turned over and looked upward, as if to see if there were any dawnings of hope for us. But all was impenetrable dark. Mayor. No wonder, when it was half- past twelve o'clock. Ralph. I saw what seemed to be a glim mering star in the distance. This affor ded me some comfort. The twinkling lu minary drew nearer, and at last I discover ed it to be a lighted sogar in the mouth of a tipsy watchman, lie took the weed out of his potatoe-trap ; spit about half a pint of rank tobacco juice in my face, and then asked me what I was doing there, making a hog of myself. Mayor. And a very penitent question it was, I think. Now if you had sense en ough to see and observe all this, why did'ut you get out of the mud ? Ralph. Well, the sense of shame and distress I felt for the ruined prospects of our party, made me feel like I did'nt care where I was. Thinks I. if Whiggery's gone to the dogs, I might as well go among the hogs ; so I wallowed in the mud like a real gruntcr. The ground vas pretty dry when 1 first fell down : but I shed so many tears for the ruin of Whig cause, that I made it a real quagmire. Mayor. Humph ! 1 wonder you were not afraid of being taken up as drunk. Ralph. Why I thought of that ; but then I considered that if any fool of a watch man should have the impudence to take me, your honor would have sense enough to set all to rights. Mayor. This tale will hardly do, Mr. Hutchinson , but considering all circuin. stances, you may go. (July take care not to give way to such extravagant grief anoth er time, as my successor might have little discretion enough to mistake your case for one of intoxication. Ralph. Very likely, sir. I'll take your advice. Good morning, sir. Exit. Ai.l the Deckncy r'ilz Henry Warren, se cond assistant Post Master General, was arrested at the depot in Springfield, Mass., on Tuesday, jut before the departure of the southern train, by officer Gorham, at the instance of a creditor in Worcester, whose claim amounts to about $1 100. Mr. Warren gave bail fur his appearance on the VJOt b of next month. Ur- The Teleeranh line fiom Philadelphia through Doylestown, Hasten, and P.ethleheln, to Allentnwn, lias been in successful operation lor several weeks. It works well, and i doing a fair business. grj-The burden of Park Benjamin's last good thing is, that Mr. Clayton voluntarily gave to M. Poiifsin his government ha 1 steadily re fuse 1 to a brother Republic - l.wrrty t (Koam) Proclamation. Pennsylvania, si. In the name and by the authority of the Common wealth of WILLIAM F. JOHN STON, Governor of the said Commonwealth. A beneficent Cod has blessed ImIOI tl10 p,i'le 0,1 tliis t'mr(,on" Jfira-P1 wealth with health and abuttd aiKe. The fields have yielded bountiful returns to the labors of the husbandman. The entcrprizes ol the citizens in all branches of industry have been appropria tely rewarded. Peace with all nations has been vouchsafed to the country. Civil and religious liberty, under the institutions of free government, have been preserved in violate, and the largest measure of earthly happpincs, has been graciously dispensed by an all wise and merciful Providence. These blessings demand our gratitude to 1 1 i in , in whose hands are issues of life and death who controls and directs the affairs of man whose will is omnipotent to save or destroy: and who mingles in the justice of His judgments, the attributes of His mercy before whose power nations are exalted or cast down, and they call upon us as one people to unite in solemn Thank sgiving in humble supplication and praise to the Almighty Author of every good and perfect gift.for these his underserved bless ings to his weak and sinful creatures. They require the profound reverence of penitent hearts, sensible of the unwortbiness of humanity and of the enduring mercy of a righteous God. Believing the solemn truths; deeply impressed with the duty of devout adora tion, and humble prayer ; in compliance with a venerated custom, and the desires of the great body of the people : I, William V. Johnston, Governor of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby ap point and designate, THURSDAY, the 29th day of November next, as a day of general Thanksgiving throughout the Stale, and I hereby recommend and earnestly in vite all the good people of this Common wealth to a sincere and prayerful obser vance of the same. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this twenty fifth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and of the Commonwealth the sev-enty-fourth- By the Governor : TOWNSEND HAINES, Secretary of the Commonwealth. State .Treasurer. Mr. F.i'iroa: The late elections having resulted in the eleclion of a Democratic majority in both branch . ..i tho r Kiril:itiiri. il follows, as a matter of course, that a Democratic Slate Titamrer will be chosen bv that body ; allow me, tneretore, to suggest the "name of JOHN SNODGRASS, of Westmoreland county, for that office. He is known all over tho Slate as a faithful and untir ing business man, mid a consistant and unwaver ing Democrat. The ollice of State Treasurer is one of great importance and responsibility, and should he filled bv a irond and competent man such is he w hom I have named. WEST. From IVafcliiiigtoii- Correspondence of the Baliniore Republican, Washington, Oct. 20, ls4:. Dear Argus; The appointment today of McClintoek Young, Esq., to the post of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, has created quite a sensation in the Whig ranks. They arc galled at the idea of a Democrat being called to so important a post, and whose service are deemed no tssnriiul to assist in performing the duties assigned the Secretary. As a gentleman and scholar, Mr. Young has no superior,- and, as to capacity, it is useless for mc to add any thing to his wide spread reputation. Mr. Penrose returns, I learn, to his re sidence in Philadelphia, disgusted with the whole Taylor party, as must be every so. ber-thinging man, who has had cognizance of its corruption. I have understood that the Congrr agonal delegation of several of the States, have addressed Gen. Taylor, requesting him to dismiss two or three members of his Cab inet, or the party is irretrievably lost to tally annihilated ! So you may expect a blow up soon after the annual reports arc submitted to Congress-. I- said that Kwig's mission to Ohio i. dm the troubled waters." Go it,".'" . of the Intciior of the Mat' vffhi .' " CO. , SATURDAY, Domestic Life. He cannot bo an unhappy man, who lias the love and smiles of woman to accompa ny him in every department of life. The world may look dark and cheerless without enemies may gather in his path but when he relumes to the fireside and feels the tender love of woman, he forgets his cares and his troubles, and is a compara tively liappy man. He is but half prepa red for the journey of life, M ho takes not with him, to soothe and comfort him, that friend who will forsake him in no emer gency who will divide his sorrows in crease his joys lift the veil from his heart and throw sunshine amid the darkest scenes N'o man cannot he miserable, who has such a companion, be he ever so poor, des pised and trodden upon by the world. Who is the author of the following gem ? U'e i . .... nave seen it gum I tie rounds ot the press lor a number of years in a stale ol orphanage, like "Ja phel in search of his father;" and we send it on its way again, in hopes that so pretty a bantling may not always be bereft of paientage. The Sea llotfs Farewell, Wail, ye winds, till I repeat A parting signal to the fleet, Whose station is at home. Then watt the sea boy's prayer, And let it oft be whispered there ! While other climes I roam. Farewell to father rev'rend hulk, Who, spite of metal, spite of hulk, May soon his cables slip : And while the parting tear is moist, The flag of gratitude I'll hoist, In duty to the ship. Farewell to Mother first-class she, Who launched tnn on life's stormy sea, And rigged me fore and aft ; May Providence her timber spare, And keep her hull in good repair, To tow the smaller craft. Farewell to sister lovely yacht, But w hether she'll be manrje'd or not, I cannot now forsec: May some good ship a tender piove, Well found iu stores uftruih and love, And tak her under lee. Farewell to George the jolly boat, And all the little craft afloat In home's delightful bay ; When they arrive at sailing age, May wisdom give the weather-gaije And guide them on their way. Farewell to all on life's rude main Perhaps we ne'er may meet again, Thro' stress of stormy weather ; But summon'd by the. board above. May haibor in the port of Love, And all be rnoor'd together. OtJ-Thomas J. Gross, for many years assistant clerk of the Ilouscof Representatives of this State, died at his residence near the Trappe, on the 25ib ult.aged 10 years. Great Freshet. From the Kaston Sentinel, Nov. '2. We are pained to learn that the heavy rain of Monday, caused a tremendous Hood iu Hickory Run, a tributary of the Lehigh, in Kidder township, Carbon county, which caused the breaking of no less than three dams, and the destruction of three saw mills ; one belonging to J. oy S. Gould, and two to Mahlon K. Taylor, Esq., and sevfral dwellings. Nor is this the worst of the catastrophe seven lives were lost. One, a daughter of Mr. Gould, and the en tire family of Mr, West, an enterprizing blacksmith, who had settled there some time since; whose dwelling was swept off, and family, with the exception of himself, drowned. The Mauch Chunk (lutrtle furnishes us with the lollowing additional particulars ; It appears that on Hickory Kun.a stream which empties into the Lehigh, about live miles below V lute Jlaven, there was a large dam, belonging to Mahlon K. Tay lor, which covered about 70 acres of ground when full, and insome places 40 feet deep. During Monday night, in consequence of the heavy rains on that day, this dam tilled to overllowing,(the waste gates having been neglected to be hoisted,) and the darn gave way about midnight, sweeping everything before it. Douses with theirspeping in mates, were dashed to atoms, and their in habitants, without a moment's warning, car ried away by the mighty flood. Nothiny; lias been heard from below the mouth of the creek ; and serious apprehen sions are entertained for several families living just below, tn a narrow gorge. They must have perished. As the Lehigh wis high at the time, we very much fear there has been disastrous work along the whole line of Lehigh navigation. NOV. 10, 1849. The Duel between Decatur aim nation. From Kennedy's lifo (,f Wirt, we take the lid lowing letter to Judge Carr, upon the ill omened duel bWweuri Decaiur am P.arron, in which a gallant patriot threw away his life: Washington, April 'i, 1820. I thank you, my dear friend, for your short letter, which I would have sooner an swered, hut fur causes beyond my control. Instead of attempting to give you an ac count of the quarrel between our lamented I'eeattirand llarron, I propose to send you in this paper a copy of their correspondence wiiien we are promisoil Irom the lntell gencer press to-morrow. Decatur showed me this correspondence, in confidence, late last lull, so lar as it had hen rone : and used every effort to prevent I lie fight.which lie was very lar from wishins to brins on but which he considered as forced upon him iu such a way that there was no avoiding it but by disavowing what he had already said anil thought ol Harron, and of this need not say he was incapable. He di not approve of duelling. He then passed to his own case. Fight ing, lie said, was Ins nrolession.andit woul be impossible for him to keep his station and preserve his respectability, without snowing himsell ready at all limes, to an swer the call of any one w ho bore the name ol a gentleman. After rny return from Ilallimore, I heard nothing more of it till he was brought home mortally wounded; and then I saw him no more till he was a corpse. As I stood near him, alone, and looked at his dear face marked as it still was, with the traces of his departed spirit, I could not help saying: "What is life, and what all the glory that this world can give? 1 he soliloquy is not a very novel one,indccd. I have made it, in common with others, a thousand times before, but I never felt its force till then ; for never till then, had 1 seen the corpse ol such a man. I hey boih fell at the shot which was so simultaneous that the report ol two pistols could not he heard by those who stood out of sight, though close within ear-shot. This I heard from Commodore Porter, who was standing thus with Rogers He exclaimed immediately "One of them is Killed lor there is only one shot. Very different was the scene when he got to the ground. Decatur was apparent ly shot dead; he revived soon alter, and he and Harron held a parley as they lay upon the ground. Doctor Wasliinglon,who got up just then, says that it reminded him of the elosinj; scene of n tragedy Hamlet and Laeters Com. Harron proposed that they should make friends before they met in heaven, (lor he supposed they would both die immediately.) Decatur said he had never been his enemy, that he freely forgave him his death though he could not forgive those who stimulated him to seek his life. One report says that Har ron exclaimed, "Would to God you had said so much yesterday !" It is certain that the parley was a friendly one, and that they parted in peace. Decatur knew he was to die, and Ins only sorrow was that ic had not died in the service or his coun try. It is believed that Harron will recov er though this is far from certain. The papers will tell you everything as to Dcca ter's funeral, procession, Cvc, Your friend, WM. WIRT. ES" The Riots in Philadelphia have cost us just a qvuetcr of a million of dollars. One forth the rnoaev would have armed the police and preserved us from the disgrace and the destruction. This is whig economy. 77ir. i?liiieoia- The St. Paul's (Minesola) Chronicle furnishes some interesting particulars res pecting the climate, productions, &c, of that territory, Esculents of every descrip tion and of superior quality are produced in abundance, and the crops of oats and In dian corn are rpokcnofns being much heavier than those of Ohio and Indiana. Mechanics, and particularly house-builders, arc in great demand, and it is believed that artizans of small means could there acquire property and grow up with the country. The lumber business is spoken of as at tracting much attention, and increasing in importance with the return of every spring, and the rapid augmentation of the popula tion. Mercantile and professional pursuits arc in small demand, although St. Paul's, it is believed, would compare favorably in this respect with any other town of the same size. The oldest inhabitants of the territory declare that at no place where they had formerly resided, have they, or their families, mjoyed a greater share of he ;l ih than at Mincsota. VP'' NUMBER 34. Extract of a Utter from Colonel in mot to Col. Utnton, dated. Mon tkrut, Juneid,lfc49. " I shall be anxious to receive the best infwB.a tim. relative to your pUn for the railid-whut th prospects are f.r its adoption, and towtrd what point uf this couulry it will probably b directed. "In conversing with Mr. Duller Kokand Gen eral Persiler Smith, a lew day since, this road wasHsubjrctof gen,.,,! inll!rlti , melti(JheJ that lheli,,eexplr,.din my last journey, was admirably calculated fr the ,01ld. passing the mountains between the Arkansas and the M Norte, with scarcely an ineu.ual.ty ofprofile, and with knowledge obtained since our disaster show ed what would have been the character ot its ex tension further weM, to the Great Basin. A re ference to Hie map will show you that this lino crosses the valley of the Del Norte at the norther., edge of the New Mexican settlements.! handsome and fertile country whence a branch rood might be thrown down the valhiyof the river, snd though, the settlements, to Santa Fe. The road would en ter the basin at thesoulhern end ef ihe Morrm.a settlements, and cross by way of Humboldt river. About midway of the river's course, a large valley opens into it.and up this Irs an excellent wav to a pass near the head of the lower Sacramento val ley. Before reaching this pass, a way diverging to Ihe north affords a very practicable valley road into Oregon ; and, in my opinion, far the best Ly which you can reach that county. "Immediately nfler this conversation, Genonl Smith determined upon a party to explore that part of the route which I have lastdescribed.wuh a view to report upon it at tho ensuing session ot Congress. He afterwards called upon me tore quest that I would send him a written communica tion, to the same effect in order that hereafter the suggestion might remain wiih mc. It is ot pleas ant to see Ihe work pass into other hands, but pri vate ir.eans are inadequate to si.xh Undertaking here." Charles Kino has retired from the N, Y, Courier. Old and JT,w Members. On looking over the list of members elect to tho noxt House, Kays the llairisbure Union, we ob serve that there are tw,nly-fuW elect who were members of the last Houe. In a.ldi lion to thee there are somesix nr eisjht who rnv? ben members of the llou,e at some former neri- od. Among-l the new men-.hrs wn notice that there are several geidmnen on both iides uossm- smg great talents and ability, ,0 that e may ex pect the House to compare very favorable will, precetding Ileuses. Put Nkt Gain of communicants to flip Bap tist Church in the United States, for the tat year, has been set down at IS. 007. IlARnisnvKii. Sutntov morninc f)rt oo icm Massrs. Hamilton, Fur my A- Co A lire was discoved at 2' o'clock ihm morninn;, in the four story buildinc. nrn.r,; ed by M'Kinley& Lesscure, proprietors of the Democratic Unionml Printers for the State, which destroyed nearly even-thin in the second (toy of the building in which" the newspaper and job materials were located- The principal part of the materi:.U on which the Slate Printing ii done beinn on the third stoty was saved by the tfihi- lit exertions ol our firemen. The valuable stock of Law Book in Hip first and second story, was principally fv. ed, the loss of these confined to a lot on the lust story. J lie steam engine and machine irrsses were but partially injured. lours. dj'The Governor ol Ohio has appointed the Tth i list , as a day of Thanksgiving. Overl.-iiiri i:iniraeifi. t'"It is thought 1 5,000 emigrants to Cal ifornia by the plains, will have to winter at the Morman settlement at the Salt Lake, owing to the earlier parlies of emigrants laving set fire to and burned the grass. I'hey will fortunately be able to obtain sub sistence there, as the Mormans have raised immense crops of grain, their farms exten ding eighty miles in length, and more than twenty in width, though they have br-en there but two years. Surely these Mor mons arc a singnlar people. Soithf.rv Convention. The Missis sippi state convention, which met to discuss the best method of protecting the rights of the south, in relation to the question of slavery, has just concluded its sittings, n:ul adopted a rt njlution providing for a conven tion of the slavrholding stales in the city of Nashville, on the firnt Monday in June next, "to devise and adopt soms mode of resistance tn th ?i;rf ssionn of tb.94' North''