The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 03, 1849, Image 2
i i Li:vi l. tati:, kiutor. uxonaxHiT7iL(;. SATURDAY MUR., NOV. 8, 1849. To our Subscribers- Mmy purlin who Uke the Columbia Demo crat, are ni in debt to i for one, two, or three ye.m. t.).l w wiut tha p,ly, where we ire com pulled to employ iinents, officer, or travel our mires, to mika collection, tho extra cliargn ot McnU per year, according to our published term., will b alloj to cover expend. Those who will com-? forward tliemelve,.or send the runny, b.-lore or at tho comin; Court, will have a claim to tlu remission, of at 1oiit part of the ex tu cliargo. Every ubscriber indebted will favor ui by considering thin notice as particularly in tended (or himself. Also indebted for Job-work, adverti sing, etc , will please make. imineilintH pavment. 0- This notice will bo continued until the -C urt and in not intended to apply in any way to OUr PAVING PATSOXs. . irfHl Flood and Loss or Lire. AVe lenrn from the Luzerne Democrat, "that on Monday last, a dam on Hickory Kun covering some 70 acres and in some places about 40 feet deep, which empties into iho Lehigh, somo five miles below White's Haven, overflowed and was wash . cd away and with it swept everything off ' below for miles within its reach. Houses with their sleeping inni:ites were dashed , to atoms, and whole families, without a mo- ' rusiils warning, drowned in the mighty del uge ! Twenty persons were missing, of whom seven dead bodies only have been ' found. ni'licm Orbit. Messrs. N. W, Goodrich, and J. B. Oviatt, have assumed tho publication of the democratic paper, at Smelhport, Pa., (lately published by A. II. Corny, as the McKran County Yeoman,) and given it ihe namo of M'Ksan Oiuiit. The num ber before us is truly democratic and bears visible marks of industry and is much im proved in appearance. Success attend the new Orbit. Vote of Me.Kean. 'Yb official canvass of McKean County, shows a poll of 003! Mr Gamble's vote, which is the highest in the county, was only 305, giving him a majority of 127 over Mr. Fuller. Six hun dred and three votes for a wholeVoun.y ! about equal to the taxables of the town ship and village of Hloornsburg. Monroe County, The following ii Ihe official vote of Monroe county fur Canal Ojtiiisioner j Gamble, Fuller. Stroud, aoi 10u Muible Stnithfield sij 5 Luwee Sinitlilield, )sj 2d l'ocono, 107 n Hamilton, ir,i) 27 Mk. hi a Chesiiuthill, bj 15 Kosj, j os jo Jackson, i roulbdugh, 35 G Price, ,o 4 Paradise, 41 15, 45 13J3 S51 Body Found .' '-The body of a man ' named Martin Bush, formerly of To wanda, who was drowned at the Nanticoke Dam, on the lath of October, we learn by the Wilkesbarre Farmer, was found on the SGih ult., about five miles below the Ham, in Hunlock's Eddy. German ECeformed Synod. The Synod of the German Reformed Church of .the United States, composed of Delegates from t!ii! ncveral local bodies, was in session at Norrii v : fmvn the whulo of last week and a portion of the previous week. This body embraces a large a ' tinunt of theological talent, and numbers amongst j' members some of the iinwt rminent divii,e6 cf l ie country. We learn from the Norrintowri pa pen lint Ihe sitiinyj of ihe Synod were character ized by the utmost harmony and good feeling, 1 vuiuing u hi((h d (,'rte of brotherly regard and Christian unity. Hy the Statistic? laid before the Synod, it appears that the German Reformed Chmcii uf the United States is in a prosperous coalition, ami steadily multiplying its numbers. Thk RmniMir it Am.ER, published in Rea dn$ for more than fi'ly years, made its appear ance on Tuesday last, considerably enlarged. It is 11 1 pitiably the. largest and must popular O.-imau paper in the United States, and its tone, on .'ii.-ial principles, has always been democrat ic, aud not Ihe least useful, is its adop'in t.f the cnih .nlrui in all their business transactions, i, inier an, me 01. .y rue way 11 noing a sai'e bu-un, t.s, and ought to be adopttd by all. Another UnuU. Itrokcn. The failure of the Susquehanna County is announced. The fact is sufficien tly KUgestiv says tho l'cnnsylvanian, not to require much elaboration. Yet how much disaster must nut such a catastrophe occasion in all of North Pennsylvania, es pecially among the farmers and mechanics ll.tllicr t'ltaiiiinous. From the recent election returns we select the following nighly exemplay figures, L'JDOHUS TOWNSHIP, Yt'HU COUNTY-. Gainblo, 232 Fuller, g Gamble's majority, 23(; The Lycoming Guzftte has the striking ex ample , Our friends will recollect, that in the great contest for President in 1S4I, the Democratic Club of Williatnsport. presented a banner to the Democracy of Cherry, that township having given a larger majority lor James K. Polk, in pro portion to the vote polled, than any other in Lycoming county. The vote then stood for James K. Polk, 179 Henry Clay, ji Mojotity for Polk, fo The township ol Cherry has since been stricken from Lycoming, and now composes a part of Sul livan county but her Democracy still stand by their guns, and Cherry remains the banner town ship, not only Lycoming, but of this Senatorial district election, the vote in Cherry stood as follows ; Cunal Commissioner. For John. A. Gamble, For 11. iM. Fuller. IV Dusincts-Mui's Miuuhic.' , II. Palmer, tho celebrated newspaper agent, has issued a publication with the above ti tle; containing sixty four pages, which should bu in every man's hands in tho country. Ilcside bring nit almanac for 1850, it is filled with tho most important information on eviry subject. Personal sketches, anecdotes, statistics, Hanking, cotton, brcadstufi'st , Canada, post office, the coal trade, rail-ways, ouba, the iron trade, 6ic, Sic, Every man should have one of these Business-men's almanacs. They are only 12 J els. a piece. It will be well laid out money. Address V. U. Palmer, Tribune Buildings, New York. Safety of Sir John Franklin, and hi Expedition. Continuation oA'twi riceivtd by thr Xiaara, The highly interesting intelligence received by the Niagara from England, of the probable safely of the long lost navigator, Sir John Franklin, nd his expedition, is confirmed by an arrival ut New London. This news will send a thrill of joy to all parts of the civilized world. From the A'ew London Chronitle, Cct. IS. INTKBItlTINO IR11M UAI ri.Vs BAY 81R, JOHN FRAMtl.lN, Capt. Chapel, of the bark McLellan of this port, from Davis Straits, whose arrival we announced yesterday morning, furnish es information which will at least be read with interest in the United Stales, and. in deed, in every part of the world. About the 1st of August, while the Mcl.cllan lay in Pond's Bay, an indentation ol'Banfii's Bay, latitude 71. Ion. 72, the natives of the coast came on board the Chieftain, an En glish whaleman, and gave information by signs that two large ships were then lying in Prince Regent's Inlet, and had been there fast in the ice for four seasons, and being asked with regard to those on board, witetncr they were dead or alive, thev re- plied in the same way that the crews were not "asleep" (that is, not dead) but were all well. This information was considered by the English map and by Capt. Chapel as indicating that the ships of Sir John Franklin were clearly meant. TUh) (iWDl): 1 Coiiipmsioiiu, Jriaitturul, and Literary Acirnpajicr. Ihk approach of Congress calls out Ihe Annual Piospecius ol tho Gi.nm; Establishment. The lime is lull ol 11,11,,.. The coming in i f a lie Administration the nn.seiitieiu broaching ol a policy touching i,e internal concerns of the counliy the new n ml most important i-snes aris EAECUTOIi'S SALE. Estate, of JACOB MILIEU, deceased, )UivS.Al'N'T to the directions contained in ihe . last Will and Tistament ol ,IA( Oil MIL- 1 t-:ii, J i , hiti) ( pinom township, Columbia eouniy.d.'i'eiscd, will tie exposed to Pub lie Vendue ur Ont-Ciy. on ihe premises, 011 itr.sday, the flrxt daii cf Jan. a. .,1850, inglioin the late vast accession to the public do I A fJfvffir THi rati -u-am. the great national oHJccUcd Jr, Tract Of lnVl ' Willi 1 lance, and the pontile complication ol our adjoinum lands of I.-e II Js. .hu . i..i. allairs with the troubles t,( Europe.-ronspite to ' T,""'l"'r' " 'Ttii ; l-aae I.nw, on the east ; 1 I I'j.l.lH Mill... . .. . t- rpiIE undersigned take pleasute in anneunciM to their old customers and tho citizens of ..looming, federally, n,at fl ceivi'il i...... 1. ... . l J ceived a new hiipjdt ) the n ,.kt nave just re- l'ASHIO.NABLi; BONNETTS, I'l r:lVC'n U",'U, Si""' 'S,lk. L'..rdP. t . . .,rM;,i)iions luce I lowers. Fesli I " llow.Ms.l.udH, K'llers, a,.e.c;,,,s .,s . ' V "i"--er. l..ce-ea.,fs. Velvet n,l create great expeclion as to tin I'l'PtT 111 IIIlX I k ..L ie proceediiiLS of the . . .1 ' , " ", aml "' "J""" noun, r. 'ii , . 1111 oonio urn west, cont.nniM mxt tongicss. Ihe iipproae hing Session will rvi ,..,, , "o.moioi, l-baldy continue .,11 , i , le lllM.r lnJK , A NO THIRTY- The debates, Com the ablation .,r. " ! !' ... A AMI I' I V. 11 T Y-TI I Ii EE tinnsofvitaliutttothoi:,,,,.,!;., ,' I ' a ! . A. N 1 " ) UHTES, forth all the talent of the National legislature, i 'Ml - ...... 10 uringits ileliberaliot.s home lo the 1 eonle. on : 1 1 . -1 no, is, ol OUlMde. wre I' sin xnireii nun salin Id.i.i.. n C.n,H" T,!f'"",f ',!,in "nnetu.d Lais, together will, jif.,,,1, sliaw & r,,.. A I 1 --v.. .viUihB uay.nnne n.easuies ale maturing, is. in efi' biing the whole nation into council. Tho discussion, spreading Iron, the Capitol to the remotest parlsof the lmilll a lHijc , n which reacts epon Cong.css and coMiols its' To become a useful insti uintnei,t,l,mvcver hum ble, to assist tho won, in ir of ,.. admirabl.. m,. chinery ol our popular the ambition STRICT MEASUREMENT. !r-TI,ere is a LtJJE HJUV, on Ihe pre mises and abundance 01 good Limb Stonk. Then; is on the pit-inisee a iwo jt-4 stm-y I.Ufl HOUSE, a l.ank l' UN, MiWttA V " 'veil 01 u;,,.r at the door, and otln-r inn iMiihljue Piloomsburg, o.'t, 27, Resictcr's XToticc. V"OTICE is 11 1: k l u v cvKN, to all legi .be .olio,,,,,,,," ' ; ::.":(".,.,;,-"f r " nninisira 11 11 ni . 1 .1 , L.. 1. . . ", 1 lrr ai0 ' " " ' ' ". i n inro in ii . en.ce (I ihe Regis- ter o. tie cniimy,,, Columbia, ,,d will he i re mited orc( ,,ma,i(1al;rt , M' phaii'sCoiiitlote held a. Illr.-I. sl.u, naidfir ,l,e count v af,e,id. o Wl dhl HJy j n dj ol iNovemb, r next, at oVbrk. P. M y 1. J he account of William Vn.L. aa ,1. ...... . . i . n. mull r .1 .1... -", u " "an. .r, 1 1 1, a iikkii ami Ol Ho Turn i'ir ,.ii, . 11 1111 r .UMv, is cleaied land, and iu a high I stale ot rullivalinn. j VTI.e lleinloel lowrli estate of J. n.n r. . . t . v momma coni,tv.i!f.rM..,l ,....1 ,.f ft. .. ... . .. . Iv.nn I'm I ...... I ll IO I) 1 of .he conductor of .be :..,.- ., the atle,,,,,,,, f Z ' 7l V" """"""1 , state ol . ' ' "'"""l L A 1 1 ill l II 1 1 1 .1 1 V I ' I".-" 11 iU II V l)fl OI'SIHIIU farm. '! known on the day of! 01 pui'cn.ising a lirst-idt iTO-Ttiiiis, will t,o i: JOSEPH POIJE, and , , . . I'KAH POME, late t, p. Uf, . llT, fCri.s ' '", I'esniptinn, ,lc , M.e bill (.eli'ri! teunsiiifi, 1 October o.-, 1 Sif I fiw. 100 8 The Foreign Ji'iun by the Europa. f?The foreign intelligence by the Eu ropa is one week later. The English pa pers are f u 1 of rumors, nriny of them con tradictary, in relation to the difficulty be tween Russia and Turkey. The reply of Nicholas had not reached Constantinople, but was expected by the twelfth of Octo ber. A large fleet of steamers was collec ting In the harbor of tho Golden I lorn preparations have tin r fore been made tomett the muea,ing Ueuiiiuds ol our lapiilly-improving and growing country r c.,., Sl)i(,ial i.,,,,. The Uloiik Press has already enliM.d the ablest Reporters jet know Congress; its material and machinery are of the best son ; and the exclusive levolion of the individual hof.,r so manv jeais has made it his stud to embody and pubi'ish the labors of Congress, gh os rou-011 l0 .1 . an auvancc wilt bo in the accomplishment of this j undertaking commuisuiali! with its incic d in,- i poitance. lint theaccumlatioi. of expense (cm- I secpienton the additional number ol lln ortcrs re- ' ii . . . . ' i ...u.u inu Cliaiues IM lired 111 i,r:ntii,,r !,.... l.u .1 ...... nieiit Ihe ib.l,,,,.,..,' ,1, , ' ' ' . . . ' sai.l v, ,v - -I'leieumg uny ue vast imni .-iwaiiK, lesmiii addition made to the mass published. "bv the 010. ' cuun, A persons traded .sessions and the fuller repoits given, willrenderour enti.prise a failure, unless Con gress shall so far patronize it as to become a pur chaser of such portion of the daily sheets issued, as shall contribute to make (he reports that fill ineiii. 1 ne umtersined has ventured on the pre- j I'diauun ne mis made lor the next Session, in the expectation that Congress will subscribe f.,r as many daily sheets for each Member, at the sub scription price, as will, in pait, defray the ix I'dise of repelling, and give them circulation as Congressional documents in their several districts. This will enable the Publisher to hear the charge .m.i,iiik, iiou 11 win give an impulse: to the 1 lio fust and final account (Jf Aim am Cm I and I). W.Iiobiis 4,1,,,,,.;. . .state ol C Leee late i I lil 1 . , , . ' late 1 1 fllui iw 11 town shin, Columbia 0 uniy, (!er.n.d. . 1 he account nf .Ll.n ,t 11 1 Ad.,i,n,stra,or.dthe,Ma,e,f Tl. ii-aa !ta(,,k. .hiigcrnkaw,,,,,,,,,; I. The account of John Lazarus and A diam Mi;l-r. Kxtculnis .,1 iho . spad,., h,t,. ,,, Fishmgcuk iav,.si,,;, c;u,i ci.nniy. I'ecea-ed. 1 l-"ILIM'la S The account of Jacob Swisher and Joseldi l'.illin.. A 1 11 ., I.i,.r, :,i, U-..I ... , 7 ' of 1 ' " ""- , one hi v :ii iu bra I A DM I M8TR A'l'l Hi's iTvtniT TV T.'I'iii, i'I'l. j 1 11 r, is iien-by tfiven, ti.iii ,.,,ls ,i. . 1 account 0 William Unth. Ad 1 1 1 '. 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 . r. 1 , . ITt lni.ritt.,H ...... . ... ' .... . ,c ,.Mit. , M)AM v,VANK . I " l ,Mil"' " I'ml J. ii.. lute "iisoii. 1 1 e iii ii a ci niiii.i!,, M- 1 " tl "' h wnnui cta-eil. Ct I1.11 l.-iu t-i m t . of "if in MiCl n lewnship'! J- l:f first and final account of (.Vorre is indebted to said estate ""hay, Adimnisiratii 11 if tl, .,);,,,. , ...,, :-v":r,,V 11 ".. f j 11',"l;l-v' l;iU: (-'i""--,., c, imMuZ 'esi m them as tuoie du. ' 'b reased. ' " ni.T 1 1 i tiri en inaKC , claiuiH auiiirst it. will 1 1 1 .:. ... .1 '. ,j ouuicnucaitu ior tetiii nn til Jiitm r, bllERli'l 'S fc.Ai.EsT 1 T)Y virue of a writ ol li fa. to n.e directed will ! 1) be expose,! to public sale, at the (Joint- i 8. Ihe account r,f Almndrr Best and Wlllli.ll. iTMlth, A 1 III! i 1 i: I,, s ni8 enm teslamento aim. xn . f ihe ,niP of J., . . . , 1U,U W1 inviiie, c oil n l.ia 1..1 '.ni.lj, JFSSE O. CLARK, .IV I flu 1 .11 .. .. of Novell. hnr at I ,,VI,...I it . " i. .. ' ... .' ' .. : . ' ' " ' " " "ii mi . me .11.11 inii ies ot aini 1 on Mniid, Kiuht n a cut! .11. 1 1 1 i.i.i ... . , iut' aim y n ... o U.IIIS sltUle j.e bolollgh Ol Danville, Columbia co.iniv, b A ccrlain least-hold'properiv with about Ihree years 10 ni, d,.Scnld and bounded as h'llows, to wit: In li'n.i. nn 11. .i ... circulation of ( he; Congressional Print, which, al- j Win. iMilner on the east and Chri.-tun RKfiirni's ( km. .- Riooin-bi.ig, (Jcl, her L'7.1SJt) dissolution: l I K K is In n I v L'lv, 11. lighter. though the cheapest in the l i.ion the ex, cne ol preparation consuleied wi pr.dit to r.ake the system permanent. John C. Hives having puiehascdthc interest ol F. I'. Hi.aih, in Jackson Hal 1 the printing ollice unci. in, ry and mat, lial-hecmcs the side pro- prietor thereof, i.,,,1 will ivc-his exclusive alien- Mnir 1 we Vf K im nf 1 ,n 1 CM.. :.. .. 1 . . ' , . IUI1V ,; 1 1 1 Mil. , .(.n ,n ilf, I'..,.. ...... T. ir... ' , . r.-,,,,,, , ,,. ,,, imoi.i 1 i- i'h-k. 1 hi -inn nr. ., , i.iniiiiiia ,.,. i.ti- "ill others 011 the w, .1 ,.,ii.,:,,; , , - 1 . 1 c 1 eieh ) nf an ae. e m,,r,. .,r l,. . . vet yield sunicicnt Ihiuldin.eie,,,,). and he , ,. ill, """.""! IramedAellieg house, witn ihe ai puilenances. Vicd, taken in . x,ci.un and i0 be s. ld as the proiieilv ol Anil. ,.nv U'ln.., ALSO, -y a win m vrnu. rxn prl.iin lnl il I,,, I : . ' '"I" II ! I I I C I HP. I .,..( ,. , ... . r 1 1 . , , 71 , 'm i mi 1 i-iiuniu n I lr.iii....i!wi H at Ihe rnrlr.mhin 11 let,. I, re 1 x.Mim 1 1,. . ...1 liadii.g in the lin, k a, Sl.j,m usii.tss, U- e. the,.,1 (i, n. . 1 k A ;8 li-so!v,,l l,y n...l..s coisu.r 'J'leboas H lie laie l.itn aie in the l ands o J0, , bwA,lz, f,y whom a I i!,l.s cm.ih.,1,,1 ,, r a. f, .,, LJe paid and Willi whom ace, w,., r, . (. S1ii,() JOS Kl H sW.AhTZ. " p, . "I' AiKsSKNCLR l-l'i'TrnniTL'. Off. 9. TZ-AOTlCE.Di Majority for Gamble Stnatot, For Win, F. Packer For A. G- Curtin, Majority for Packer, In North Porter and Clover townships, Jeffer- on counly.the voters had evidently no knowledee of the existence of such a candidate as Hil.nhy M Fclle. Behold I ID,'. 6 110 North Porter, Clover, Gamble, Fulller. feO (jO 73 0'J 103 (JO I't ofession is. Vratlke, It has been already slated that Mr. Polk selected Ihe furniture ol the Whith House, as far as was practicable, of American ti.aiiiiljclure : hut the present occupant of the White House, is seems, will spread upon the floor nf the Dat Iloom a magnificent carpet of foreign manufacture. So days Ihe Philadelphia Times, in the following paragraph; A splendid Urusscls carpel was last Sat urbay shipped a New York for ton. It is for the President. It contained WPM O .innhn. , lkn ...:..LI . I .. . L v r , t 1 if , . .. , I .. .. . . I . . SI. , , . . ' .1 ... uiin.u. in urn uuiimuorilOOll 01 ItlC 1 " " me :i i-cei;.r.e, ins llepaitmul I louiinni hi acr.' more ,, . r. ol tile lYmvsn in...- I,1 ll l. . .. . . I .,l ..... I...: .... JilaCK Bca. A Jlirksh Armv iX o !, 1 '..ami reures Horn tmti, ni jtiu l r. asv , ... . , ' ' 1 j ,niiT:.s wiiii pn.yi is tnr I ueir pi-iu t.t usdul- lrel thousand men had been gathered a- """and prnpeniy. round the capital, and drills and reviews I T''e (;''"'!E wi" 1,8 1'01'1'11'1 'Jaily during the were in constant preirress. A letter ,., ! Z, :5!:T,,ii.'"1,w',"U,l'p.r"'"aii-'- " o - i .nul, Ull, , i j i u II , T 'l , I.I it ,iu . . . - ..,.....11,111 mi ute a .w.fKi.v (ii.mke, a Com. rp.I. si.bM i.her.thanklnl In, M, pair,.,,, PO. a -f,.",Yr"'ly'!'"i- his cnsmiHs,,,,,. ,le P" 3 public, thai he Las lal.,.,,,1, .,.,,,,,,.,, , f .(-en.,BI.O'AlSI.Ui;C l!U()K STORP lf V If imp. i ..... .. :., ' JiHtTrni .,f th:ii fair -ami fertile region. Everybody j r.llti yards, and cost S3 per yard, is to go on recollects the ruin spread around by the ex- i B Ife-'ptioti Hooin of the White House, plosion of theLcwistown bank, and now j ,l,al(,"ial h:tviur licc-n purchased, was we have added to this another example 'Vtf ltmma 10 bo mM 1 .'ndj .iiieil. ihe pattern was as line as scarcely less appalling. Are we never lo j t1(- nterial was rich. Fifteen hundred be sitHicicntly warned against the evil con- ! dollars for a carpet 7 sequences of an unrestricted banking sys tem? Are we never to be satisfied by the repeated warningings we have received that legislation which encourages the in crease of bunking capital, and hesitates a liout refusing charters to new, and restrict ing these of old banks, is the fruitful source of inconceivable disaster ? JCp(ieorge I.ippard will publish in a few days, in liook form, "The liobbers;" Waohhigtou ,T2H(ci s. Hon. Waltkh Forward, of this Slate, tr be solicitor of the Teeasury in place of Ii- II. Oillkt, Dim. removed. On aIiLes Ii. I'exro.k, Esq.,of this Slate resigned as Assistant Secretary of the Trea- A letter states that before inlering the terrilory of the Sul tan, Kossuth and his companions were as sured of a welcome, with the liberty of pro ceeding to any part of the world. A mini. ber of refugees had been put on board American vessels and a French steamer. destined, it is said, for (Jreece. The report from Widdin is, that I!em and some of the other refugees had embra ced Islamism, while Kossuth and tho other eaders avowed that no inducement could maiie tliem apostatize. Some of the IV chalics on the borders of Turkey, had man ifested a disposition to take advantage of the trouble with Russia, and revolt. Th: English (iovcrnmcnt had sent a note toils ambassador at St- Petersburg, couched in kindly but linn language, announcing a de termination to Mistai.i, the Pone. Lord Palnierston had sent like ir.stniei;,i,,0 i i,n British .Minister at Constantinople, and placed the Alcdilerriinean licet at his dis posal. France, it is said, is acting wii, England iu this mailer. J'he iippi.intinentof ,J. Bois le Comnte, ! ;l" ,,at M as French Miisi,.r .. xvi.: . . lain Us cn,ir.,cter it the ' " nil. "iu .1 ('() 1 . , fir,...l I,.,.:. :.. i ., . r . apaityhue "-"mis Maieu mat wiieii the ap pointment was made, intelligence had not llliU l.niiM', Seied, hi;,. in ' l ei 1 1 il :i , ,, .i, ... . "I'l Willi the .nn, in fi'iiM ti.w.t exee.i'i I . .. i... i ! ' .he prope.ty of Thm. (;. ALSO. B ;il:i Hi 'ill ) u ........ i . . i Toil.v. and . ' . 1 ': , '' ''' ' . ... .viMi'ijn niiiiiiii.fM where lie ...v.iesl.H Irte.-ds loirivebimacaii. v virtue of a writ of vein' evnn tionlraclil'land silnate in F,-hnw,' k . ship, Cnlnmhia, contjii,j vn .., . r.,l, bnun,!,,, i by lands, fPh,i(, Vn, f, I vans, John W.iirns,and other,. w!,,,, i(: '' ecte.l n nne. slut.. , ...:.... ... . 11 , . ' ' 1 " vi i lid ;i.n. a b.irn.aid hujldii.vs. :,h ... , - ...I U ,. Iraine ile i r- aim an rti'i'KNDix. The U'uKKi.y Globk will contain Au'iicu'.lu ral and lni.scellnei.iis ai tides ; and will occasion ally (,'ive debates ot such itnporiaiicc as ceii.ii and universal uileiist. 'I I. n ..-I-.. ..I .1... II'. r. .. .... wi me it i i klv is reduced to i, no ... ... .. . ,.- I ..I ... I .. .. ""'"'i a new io (.main a n.oie "enerJ ' 1 ii nn, witlt the ai.luit,.in,, ,w circi.lali,,.,. Subscrib. rs who have hilherlo paid i ,'''a.'''!" ''Cntinn v,,d to be sold as P-r annum, will he charged only $1 alter the '"'"'"'' ' Wl t"! ('"IIM expiralion of the first vear. I SI,Miflv n;r. ,'", J- "' 1 M olwrilT. - ' i I'.nninsillll j; The Congiikssio.nai. Gi.ouk will embedv. a I. "',,,,,r IS . has done for the las. MM,,.,, years. Cong,essi,,al I ( ' ( J E U Al 11 1 A A R T J I. J . E lTsTl 'sT proeeediims and debates exclusively. ' TOIJ are f.,.,-,.l ,... , , . I't . , ... - ft v " " 1 1 . n ..ill' , j fi n,.pl I III A UPP VIllV 1.' . 1 ...n . U n .1... t. .. .. .I'.l.l " n, ',.n e me ievisi-,1 speech. . --- ul lm: uonse m rt.,.r .Shi, ess,par:.tiy,ai,d the mes-a-es ofllu Presi,!,..., LIGHT STUr.KT ol the L'nited Slates and the reports of the Heads ! nn Si'H.r.hiy. K..veml...r lo, pvjn. at of ihe Kxeculivo Departments. j 1 I'. M, filly eiii,,p,,,j 'f,',r The Conuressmnal Glebe and Appendix ill ' m:uie 'Jml ''' ilK '!)' order of the Can pui.lMied as last as the piocecl!,, ,, f,,,,. j ' ,.sswni mane a mitnlnr. Sul scnbeis imy ,,x. I ,., .. -- MA UK, O. S. l;e, . one iiumner ol end, a ve, lour weeks ota session, and two or three liuii,. I beis ot e.ieh a week i.llerwards. ui.i.l il,,. .... I ion. Ilai Ii v., Inn. i. will i, ..I,. pii" ii lh,iiis.nid royal ouait,. in.n,.. ,,, s',.,' j lonioiacou.ilv,,,,, ri,u,s,l ',,il ;'.,. .. I itu-rs sunn af- .ooiir,r turf, at n. u'cl.n-U , , n. . .. J I i .,..,:,l I! I'..l. ...... . ". I ii, .-Miiini-ira or, .Vc . ol Nm ... l-'y-p ecu,,!,!,,,,,!,,; Unlr n.ul,, ,n 1 "in oe loiind in i ""i"'".ics.;iosaleljV 'ublie V...,,!,, ine ininniiian ( ;dcu!.vor, ' ill mbian Ill.e-linoh ..tcetctee,,!,,. Wilhltl.rsl,,',:. hi,, laid oi ks art sen , .i;,i ... . . i. mi r I i;j- rt spieiulid Ps.nili, ,J.V ;r,OK S i,l Ml" I e, u veu III a letv .1: ... .1... - .... .... , i. .1 I 1 1 1 tabjshmi III. P- liCi above es- JOSKPH SVVARTZ "S ill the.- iiipie.e iiiuex.-s In the Conyiessi , t;iln I an,.einu wn no s.'nt l a.'jeiii lis. I iJUD-is AiSiysiTuEsT lIIKsiil.seul.eis returns , ir a . il ''"liters l t I I,., m.-buie. iii.d il, ,,,,1,1;.. i-,. r 1 prize llii in that I hey have just received a liiiencw iis-niinieht f's ivi. at Iheirestablisl in,., on .Mam Sheet, to w hich iln v invite ihe ailenPon i . ' is -Tb. ir select,,,,, rnmprizes cverv sert, ,Ve ;'."' yarieiy, and a, tn MlllI,;e G.ealt);i,,i,,sc,.,, be bad on a, ,.,c;,.i. 1X7- S ore ,.,(.,, ;!,,,,,,,,, A;ain ? pecond deer above Ihe C,.rr 1,1SI: "'' li. Wl'Z ii. JOHNf ON. 7. IM!.. I Jk. . ft'enn ...rir. Orl ter Co. A( ' lii ni: nl a imilli ill the Gi.mii: dive Ii at i.iSiii .-rreer, JT, s.,. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. TN pnrsnaiice of ari nnil.r of ,,, Orplnmc,,,,,, J. ol Columbia cuu.ilv. ,. ii 7V,i,,u,;.. i r .o, ;, ,,. i ...-,., L V lo'""J , I" Cm.-, repoil A paper asMiii.iii). I,, , i up. in (In: preiin-t ? ii ceil. 1 1 n 1' UEMI A If If I V A, OK MTW GTjlJs Al nij; cilEAF A K CADE. 11, ! In" Mib-enb, is. ai I,, ,.,,. , ,,,, I,;',. ''..I''"1" ' lh" fblictha. we la e ,,, :,v,e,e,W,la f,:e Ii I it ,w Vuhit 1,1 "sc.. which we:,,,, . ' uZ"., ""'Ill'icfiis. U,,,l.,Ke. C,ir , i rnii'ii and Eeglisl, Mrrinrrs, Alapttcas, ;,il ........ ;..i. i i uj'.oniiuu in ins j.iace. Ma. (ali.agiier, ofKichmond, Va.coes a J rageily, tratislated Irotn the Oeruian of j ""o the otli Auditor s Depnrtiiicnt iu place Frederick Schiller. It is a most splendid of Mr. IIag.nkr, removed. Drama and no doubt v ill he got up in good otyle. It will be the only complete edition ever issued in this country. Our friends will never regret liavinr secured a copy. tnis great Address (Je'.ru I.ippard, VI Chestnut St. 'er issued Philadelphia, '23 cts. per copy, 5 copies lbr$l 00. 111' ... re.Kiieu I ni lice ol U,e iiiisunderstiiiidino; with M. I'oiiKbiii. The matter had nut been discussed iu the French Chamber. (ieneral Kosti.lan has been succeeded tit Rome by d'en. de 1 1 ;. u t j001 . The French in Koine and the Cardinals do not harmo nize. Constant disputes recur. The sury, aud M'Clixtock, Democrat, I I.'0,,C P,"Im.I,I-v n m:'il1 :,t ' I-'..'. iu a iiii hi me winter, tiarribaldi tin.. Mill iy iiu- sm.iii ni Lniire-s, aim wee be recess) a eai- Fm the Daily (;,l,eV..r le-s than a "year "at Ine ,u cenis a uinnt,.. ' For one copy ol the Weekly l.icbe Inr one Vear I'or .me copy ol the Cnii-r, ,i,.,,,'," ( "b; JJ d'llini; the ses-inn Km one copy ol Ihe Appemlix diirinV'llie ses-iou 1' or Inur Comes nl ellhcr. ,ir i .1 l' . . I uu , or ?e-;ion or ten niiiies oi eiih, r. or n mi ,.i i...,i. 'be session ,,, u j i ue price ior iiiese "papers aie so l,,w, H,,,, ineiii., ,nu iiiuis.ieiicutiie tu both ': 1)1) 1 (JO 3 Ou .1 (M 10 () l'l.l'M v.. T ..... I , ' Mdes, ca.,., ,,!,,. ,'s. ' "' l'i Ices, tuu'":': '""":'Ml.s. eil.toiial colu...,,. ,, n. ... i ... "...J County, ad- I b ,1 , . : 1 ' '' i " l."e p o. V"'"" ', H. Wmck, and the Suviue. ini,,,-. . V ii i 1 ' y.ll. w.s ,,.l tin TK!!Ms! i 'c' ."?."V,;r "' '. '-"a,,,,,,, ubVu. ,.'!":. Ave.yte,,.,ali,..M.,M,ef I'' ope,,,, helm,, (;LBKf!!.ljlv (!, -M.aM..,,,edalarg lot r I 1 1 !1 'i'i' '"'"i A,"'CA lnir'i- iri i-k v:u ' . "m .ue, l . (.'ar Mid ii.n r'.i,sj m i a mrsi? " "."w-ware. a i,.., 11 U n which l he Intwate resided Jt ,l0 lirne ()f , j "ey syiup niol.,..,s, cealll ; will, i,. aonurteiinnces cliisi,,,,, WP ..lit ,.. 'wiishi,.,adi,.inin,r lands nl Jl, !..;,.,,. ,' ' "r show. vppleiniin, and olheis, conlainii,,, or,,, a,.' . i ...i. i n . , . " or 1 t., . C .1 . . f:l,Vll.,..M.(, . ....., ,; v, cioux """i.nitB, good iiiid cheap, (s We c.minne to m II ,,u lust art ail- i them ! abatitij in E iii'laml Wm. L. Walleh, of I'enna.has been ap pointed to a clerkship in the 4th Auditor's OOice, Washington, "Tiik roiuBi.ns" ii concluded in this week's number ol our paper. We will put to pre, cxt week iu bonk firm, a new and mi!, .,,!, I ...i;.: , i - i ".'i.'ii i i il .i , ...a-iia-ine nly Cu,,,pute edition ev- ft arkct Mi l eosv Tl,(! in this country. It can be forw aided l,y .".. . . ', . ' mail to ai.y part of Ihe United Sta'd. llrethrei, ' . ........: u. j.nces. ;rfi of the press who may give this a notice, will he imi,m "' ,1C raiii markets. Consols entitled loaenpyo! The book. NutwilhUanding ! 10 '' the experife which we have inclined, in the ste- ! , reo.yiiingnfthij Drama, we will sell it f,,r L'.'i i' ;aine.s has I'.iriiii,! v nled tl.n Icentu per copy; or Five Co..ES for $1.0.1 remit- I governorship of Orcimn, ;,; .j .. :. ..j r,,,,,, ed by u.a,..-Q,a,cr cuy. j N. V. rity in llc cuu 0,. I ... lias been ollcirU a post in the Monlci idea n 1 Xavv. which he will iirnlml.N- ,. v I " ' " i ' i . j nn. fon.iidable c.mspira.ty was lately discovered ' I'-'m, irs ul, ,; ,jin sllIl,n.illf,n ii . iruiiioiii. j ne reported n-uion ! ".-"" pe. .-, m. ,,u n.esnb ., ... ' " " ' 'es Inr sin .,i,iei-s.M-lo,-li n.. ot .forKy is contnuncicd. The surrender Hy .,.1 thi. . , ;;,;;;,;.;:' ;; 'v ofComoriiis confirmed. Tliec,m was , s",Hrill,,,'.!l'"' '""). The ,.,i. f. tr 1(. (',,...,. . si i (lone mi. .m v ,.. i . . J he I., mil, in M ...,,1 wm 'I ii';el, I'lii i,; I 'o.. , - " i"k. ii.i n , e. ii,, nicle of IIo. Inr .r.t;. Is I , ir;.i n. I,, ,. a,',!, i, nor ii .,.i-i'. , 1 1 ;... I 1- . . ' . .- I . . u. . 11 i IIS .1 IV. .. .. .. I 1 in iWon our i l . 1 1 i u i el 1. 1 ii , m. e I l,f m a in nomMn'r?. Oct. rJI. '.., : (;)0Ds-New a mu vat ? cil..,l :.. .. 1 l O'l. -.. lowiishlji ol .M uitniir, and cnnniv aloies,ii '"e ' .1 V ,,d ,d ''2 ' '"" ll00IM-bir,r. ()r (, w .,, ' " 111 f , Secoinlly A Irait of land .. lo A I ' bereabniils, ,, which KliaS Dieliid, ; tem.M; with the appui lenamvs. I.atethe I'.stnlu s.,i,l ,b.,.,. I a as imrir, Oct. ii. 'I he tirst above named city situate on liael is a valuable ne main rna, inn, III.,,... , .... i . i. .. '"".ni . .,i,.i..-sa, laieiy in u,,. , prnp. oeiccieu will, ei, at caie. ami I. 1....,; HKlo e,,ce,,c.;.,i,t.,s Ih.i.m II that h,s n ler. i, ,,s ,. liuperl, now deceaM-d. The ,,il, i:,...' . '',":'"! '"" "nl.v '" l.'"eu. and M.I,,. l,t j,, (:B runs tin, iinjl, it, p ,s convenent , V'" ii"" 1""'e' a"li l,e suil1 at '' '""est p( ten-ive wharl.,,.,.. There is , . ' 11111 f X" ' lU'' 1 b"'l b a s, well, a sp,i, K, a "' : f "'"'V COODS consists of ,11 fanrv aic, i" buihiinss and ,,er iinnm, , ..." Ur,ey "f rom "kein ,f s,lk - all, ,:.;. ""oi in. t . ..(.... r . i i i ii i Ilplln.l .-- " .i in iv i eiai'i ..v en. Snl,.,.,i.i I our I i-!i, iu in.. i is may u. ,,, v at oar in . ..... on i, ue, i- M,".,,., ine..y ii sine. I lie ..orio-si, I (;u, Daily (.lob,., they ,; ail I dltois ten as Hire (viniier, an, l.i'iu.i: il di direct our "i excellent 'nine ir in 1 1 1 1 1 r ( 1 1 elin.t,, I ne .-.ei iiiio i ai l a mi-,. ,,.i.,.i : . 'Una can b,. alio id. 1 I'.ii-iniiiL' nrnnerlv :,n,l ;n i . milted bv n,ail -,i I in,, T.lnr. i, ,......, i ''. ""' "eclion nl Ihe ' oie -limn t ..I il. i,:.,., , I" site irr, ll.enllurn.iil. Tl.,,. ; .. , ".i.sinne ,, Appendix, , . ! oiher huiblinus ,.,,,, il. L. ... .'. """" 1,i"n (' ('ft . A ill . Tirl'MC HMO rn . ' ' nan. .i:s ler cio; ks and dires o ud a,,d vh in.nneis. t'oeil assnilnirM i , Chillis; Ciissimcrs ; Satins and Vfsliff, HI, a, I, id ai, it blown mn-lins, I i.l i is ,n ,: f: r) bat's: Men's ami bn)b,ll.,ls ,., ( i,, J ('07 S. Ladle's kid and ei.ln sin is; I ,,!,,. .)...,, who inav piibiUI, ihls'v,' , ,,c, M!,,t 1 TKK t"SAI.K.-Five,,erVr,!ofpro,n.p ' Wiirr' m!.-whV:II ki,d, .,.,,,; ' . ' " 1 '"""'Ins as ol- i money to be paid on , ,,v ofsde ,, , , ,la"e .n, cuius .t Mmcis AIm-'.'AI T r A 1 1 id , ?V "' M'""U- ' Ie- J A,.ril 15.1. when ,,,". . ; i ' 1s. All ol l,., he ,cs,, clfn!U , ri i 1,! i is ne I , Z':V " "r11- ",1'"-'' ' I iMM first V. ,;V . .be I No lo call and exam, , " "d" a!.-!:.',! Jtt"'M- toon of April IS5, ,, . -in. ,,,,,, f0UBj 1 April is.u. LKO A R 11 n .,:.. l 01 prouuee laken m exctiat ee ami (up ul.i.k it.". Ii.irv f r,,t-r... WA'Htivcro.v cn v, Oetvler 'J,' IS-!,. Apnlis.3. LEONARD n b .;' "1 ' 1 -- "rr.lil , I October 3, I 9. Mm'titlrator. produce taken in exchai ge and lor which th. highest prices will alwayi be pj,l, Eloomsburg, Oct. 37,1649. L' B' KirERr-