The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 20, 1849, Image 4

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How blunt tho Kahmkk'ii itiinuli life '
How puru tlm l''v it yield '
Far from tlm wji j' tn.n"' n'vifc,
Kreo, 'mill tho aivntnl u.U.-Krret.
The Yeoman.
The man It" kUiii! upon own Moil ,
vhol'erU thiitl'v the liwsof tho land in
which lir live.i--ly tin' Uws ofciviluetl
n;ttions ho is tho rightful auJ cxdmivn
owner of the Uml which ho tilln, is, by tho
constitution of our nature, under a whole
eome influence iut ctinily iiiibibcd from any
other source.
lie feels, other things being equal
more iitrongly than another, the character
o fman, as the lonl of the inanimate world.
Of this great and wonderful spere which,
f.i;.hioned by the hand of Cod, and upheld
by htH power, id rolling trough the heaven'
,1 portion is his , -his from the centre to
the sky. It is the space on which the
generation before him moved in its round
of duticd ; and he feels himself connected
by a visible link, with those who preced
ed him, c he is also, to those who will
follow him, and to whom he is to transmit
a home. Perhaps his farm has come down
to him from his fathers. They have gone
lo their last home ; but he can trace their
footsteps over the daily scene of his labors.
The roof which shelters him, was reared
by those to whom he owes his being.
Some interesting domestic tradition is con
nected with every enclosure. The favorite
fruit tree was planted by his father's hand.
He sported in his boyhood, by the side of
the brook which still winds through his
meadow. Through that field lies the path
to the villnge school of his earliest days.
He still hears from the window, the voice
of the sabbath bell, which called his father
and his forefathers to the house of God; and
near at hand is the spot where he laid his
parents down to rest, and where he trusts,
when his hour is come, he shall be dutiful
ly laid, by his children. These are the
feelings of the owner of the soil. Words
cannot paint them i gold cannot buy them
-they flow out of the deepest fountains of
the heart, they are the life-spring of
fresh, healthy generous national character.
Edward Evtrctt.
Core of Fresh Meet.
Fresh meat should be carefully examined
and wiped with a dry cloth as sunn as it
comes in, and if Hies have blown upon it.the
part must be cut olT. This should be dai
ly observed until it is dressed, as not only
tends to preserve the meat long in perfec
tion, but prevents that musty flavor too of
tea perceived in the outer slice, when
I, rough t to the table.
In the country where the meat i3 often
carried a great distance, it should be well
covered with a cloth, over which fresh
cabbage leavei would Veep it cool. The
cautions arc more needful, as in soma fam
ilies great loss is iustainnd 1-y the spoiling
of meat. The lly may, in some measure,
be prevented by dusting, upon the parti
most likely to be attacked, pepper and gin
ger mixed, after wiping, which should nev
er be omitted.
Pieces of charcoal laid shout meat pre
ervc it from purification, and recover
what U spoiling. All legs and shoulders
of meat should hang with the knuckle
downward, which will cause the gravy to
lie retained.- Valley Farmer.
Peeling and Eviling Votr.ton.k loss
;rf the most nutritious portion of the. pot
loe is incurred by peeling off the rind and
pirts directly underneath, as in these the
jiitrogcnizcd matters, but no starch, chiefly
rtsii'o, which are dissolved by cold water
and coagulated by water while boiling If
potKtotfS, therefore, are thrown into cold
water, and gradually heated, much of their
iatnisonii:ed principles will be extracted
before the water reaches the point of ebul
lition.; whereas, if it be made to boil be
fore they are introduced, the coagulation
will cause these matters to be retained
within the tissue of the vegetables lying
contiguous to the rind.
To Kup a Stove Fright by two ,'lppl:
miiodii a Ytttr. Make a weak alum wa-t-.r,
and mix Hritifh lustre with it, perhaps
two teasjioon-l'i.N n a gill of alum v.aer ;
,et thestou; be cold ; brush it with the
mixture; then s. dry brush and rub it
till it is perlecily dry. Should any part,
before polishing, become o dry as to look
rrrev moisten with a vrt brush and proceed
;i8 befure.
Ventilation-. As every adult human
being inhales about Fixty gallons of air j rr
hour, the necessity of attending to ventila
tion in rlw aprtiBcnt'- t cvid-in
Mil' '" UMBIA IM'.MOl'KAT, is tHinliihfd
cvmy Saturday inomuiK "I two I'Oi.i.ahs per
milium, nyaliiu halt vrtrly in advance, vu,
w 1 "n mititi i iliiuK and j 1 upon I'Utetini! en tint
l.iM six iiKintti 4 .nhl il not paid nceorduiK to
the above, terms, we slull invariably charu
ftcii dollar and fifty rents.
.Mo sulihcriilion Ukuu tin shorter period of
tune than mx monthx, nor discontinued until
all mri'Hia(;e shall liive been jutnl, whirh
must he one limn Hi prior to the expiiatiou nt
thi! tern, unread '"r am' failure to thus no
fy mo Kditor will lie roiiHidertd anew en
Kmemenl. Aruvilisrmiinti i'oujut;iinn:ily iiMcrloil al one
dollar et-m er siju.ire (of I I linei or le-ts) f,r
threi lime, and twenty five cciiIh per sijUdie
for every 6u!ise iienl iii.mii lion. riiljinitShTiinW
inserted al threw dollars per annum. A liber
al discount nude to yearly advertisers.
I, firms Communications, Au, addressed to
Hie Kdilor, on business peitainiiii; to the ofliiu
inn-it to; iiit paid, to serine attention.
ICjiok niul Jolt I'riiitiifX.
Jjy Kt'KP ir ukwhc no: PKopi.K.that
WA-V-i lland-bills. lilanka. t'hecks. Labels.
Cards, TidielN, Circulars, and ev ery description of j
J u a .m ) r- a , l l I. h I I h. li-nu.SM'luIS TIN (i
in various colors, executed at the. ullice of tho
Columbia (lUooliishuin) Dtmntrat, in lieatstyle,
short order, and molerate terms. Also: The ve
ry best article of DKl'.DS, BLANKS, STATION
KKY,&c.,kepl contanly for sale.
We have also added to our alrttndy heavy and
extensive storkof Blanks, of w hich, we have all
kinds, from Deeds to Naturalization papers a
select assoiinient of very fine Marriage Certifi
cates, printed and engraved, for Ministers and
M agistr.iti'S.
Cur Friends are. invited to call and examine
for themselves.
flHK siitiicriuer aiinoiiuti'S to the public, that
1 he has recently opened a Saddler Minp in
tho central part of Hlooiosliurt;, on Main street,
one door above Kupert's Store, where lie will
keep constantly on riand and make to order, all
S kinds of 1LU(.KSS, SjIDDLKS,
iYV7t7.Y'A'.S, VJUKCES, and every
-CP other article in his line of business.
i.mi He wi a emi o i hiai-
He wi
Mi.(i annua es and nui;-Q.
GIES, in every desnable ntvle,
will turn oil' all his work mat and good; and at
the lowest prie s. Those who wish work in his
line, will do well to give him a call.
fjrj- llidei, country produce, end even gold dob
lara will be taken in pavmenl for work.
Blonmiburn, Sept. :, IS.itf 3rn.
COLUMBIA COUNTY INSTITUTE. of the Columbia Cuunty lnsti
I lute take pleasure in aiiiiounrini; to the
puulic that thev have secured the services of the
as 1'riucip.ilol the School to be opened in ulooins
buru on Thursday, the fnh day of April next.
The highly atlesti d abililiesot Mr. Schatli r af
ford an ample guarantee for thorough instruction
in all the various branches taught in the school.
These will consist of the following :
.Indent Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
Mudtrn German, Spanish. Kronen and Italian.
Ariihmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Surveying,
Navigation, Geography, with the use of (lobes;
History, Natural I'hilisophy.and Chemistry, with
lctuies and experiment; Moral and Mental
l'nilosopl.y, with lectures. Penmanship and
Klocution w ill receive daily attention.
Ten ms. In order to secure the prfati'M a
monnt oi'lxnelit to each pupil, we think the
standard number bhonld be twenty-five, unless
the dmanil of the public should warrant an as
sistant The prices will he as follows:
The Knglish blanches per quarti r.
Do. with oMmon ot lant'iiage. d
I.. I!. laTERT,
iiloomsburg, March LI, 14'.i.
"WIV. subscriber would inform his old friends
,!iid the public in general, that lie him taken
the well-known stand, recently kept by 1'amh.
Snypk.h , K.-(., on the head ot Main .Sheet, in
hloouisburg, and will continue the
Known by the sign of lhe"Ki)KKS," whi le l.eis
preired to ueroinmoilale those who may favor
lll'il with their cu-lom. His nialigernenlH are
coeipletc .;nur'ers spacious i., a inn lc.ialit,
and without promising ton much, he flatleis him--ell,
he w ill he aide to do ample juslics to his
ftJ-Stahling and the best fare fur horses, Ac
bloom-burg, April 7, l- td. !
.Yew unit Cliutp Xummtr (!oi.kI'i.
.KW supply of s pleinliil gooilf jiifl received )
at the cheap store ul J. lll'utton i Co.,!
which is cheaper than ever. 'I heir .-I) Ic and va- I
riety of Lariice dross ponds cannot he surpaed, I
ami m thev have madi aiiiiugrments to roeiiie
a consiant supply, ihey will id ways he (I the
latest styles
Also. Groceries,'lwun .Queens
wure, Salt, Fish, Molus.-es, A.e.
in (.'rent vurietv.
.1. II liAKTON it Co.
Hlfinrnshurg, May f, I Pi.
o. cT K A 11 L E R ,
Jltturnc.y at J.uw and Cuvnsihir,
fc-Odice on Main .street, by the (,'oni thoii-e.
RKSPKC'ITCLI.Y informs his fiiciids and
the public th:it he. h,.- coidliionced the prac
tice ot law in H'oomsburg, Columbia county, l a.,
where he will
tie- I ntvnsle:
proic.ptlv ait
I to e:ire.
lid to all li gal biisi-
pril -ii, i:. j
ill', tlate i t Ti.v health, whirh. alter more i
I kun a vim i's abs' incur" from mtioli pr te f
son. til Lrjor, is -Mil very impfrlect, renners it an- ' -soPliely
neces-aiv that 1 should tittle up mv '
.illllIS here. I reqilf-:-'. fl-cp-forc, tfa all wh . i '
kht'W the?ni-lves 10 be nv'e'iti i! to ttll'.wou '! j
nni! IMy.LDnri.LY ll id pav me, that I Diay oe .
i')e to se'(i pei:iut,al!v and pi ertptly w I'll Al 1
'N 1th whoni I luve it'
David n. ,'corr
Sept. 1MD
01IN II. HAR l Ur,- fi. Co , M K M C II A V T I ,
Store on Main street, opposite the penm-v v.i-
nia I Intel, south Blnornshurg.
KVT L. TATE, fhivtep .of. re in Hi- llrirk
j building, jo'i'h md ' f"L ii 1 1 W :..-v " . tI
Maui j'ree!.
Merchantable Mrrehandlzv..
VGA IN the uudei.sigucd take plt aMiio in Mi
nouuciiig lo Iheir Iileinl- alel the public,
that they have u.t received a select and heavy
assortment id choice
lry OuihIh X firocerlis.
adapted to the season, ami wants ot thu people,;
which they oiler lor sale, at their old stand at
plices "cheaper than the cheapest." Their slock
coiupii.cs a lull assortment of all kinds of goods,
usually kept in counhy hloies, and without pal
ticulariing each article, feel warranted in saying
Ihatlhosc! ir want of good goods haveonly tocall
'o iatisly their Ir.ste and fam y
(irocerics, (jucensware, Hnnlwnre, I'ih,
Salt, MohtKSCK, cVc.
large and beailllrtil snlcction ol the above ar
ticled ol superior o.uality , at very low pi ices.
ALSO. Had of every variety (for Suimne
wear,) Roots, Shoes, .e..
Oi-Casli paid for grain alwavu.
Rlnnnisburg, May 5, lslx
JlfV (iJOODS !
rilHK undersigned respectfully informs the pull
I lie, that he lias pisl received, at the Cheap
Coiner Store, in Maine ,r 1 1, btlnw .Market, a
large and select assortment of
Fashionable and liurablc
Sl'ni.Yi J1J SUMMER (iOOliS,
which lie will sell on terms even more reasonable
lor purchasers, than any yet introduced iuto
His stock compiiscs every variety of Dry Goods
Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Kish, Salt,
iVc Uc, together wilh all the essential requisites
of a well. stocked Country More.
09- Thankful for past patronage, a continuance
of the same is cordially invited, l'roduce. received
as usual in exchange lor Goods.
hloouisburg, Mi if 10. .. . HUrEliT.
Spring and Summer (loads,
TI1HK subscribers, in again calling the atlentioi
1 nl the public to their STUKK, immediately
opposite the Court House, would respectfully
announce the arrival of a large and clwu e as.-oit-mentor"
Jni Goods, Hiiitable for the rpring
and siitniiier trade, and that nothing will he
w auling on their part to merit a continuance id
the patronage so liberally bestowed iijton their
since the arrival of their first slock o( merchan
dize. A fmall advance on city cash priccsshall
continue to be our motto.
The assortment just received and now opening
consists in part of Krench, Knglish and American
Flannels of all colors, Kmitucky Jaen's, Muslins,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Linen-lustres, De Lains ol
various pateins, FreQcli and tinbroidertd lawns,
and white dress goods.
Sill(s Hlack, blue-black and striped; bonnet
silk, &c, Kringes and braids, bonnet-ribbands).
Shawls, Cashmere, Thibhet, Terkeriee, de lain
and silk, scarls in variety. Carpetting; Wool,
cotton, etc. Hearth rugs, and embossed table
covers. Honnets: Palm, Panama and Leghorn Hats.
GHOCKKIKS Mackerel, Iiisli Salmon, Salt
and Piaster.
tyiieenrwurc, Hardware, willow andcidat
ware, iVc. ye,
(U-ln fine all these with many more not n
sually kept in country stores, will be exchangi d
for Cash, 1'ioduce oi Lumber.
Ploomshurg, A-ril 21, IbVX
III' undersigned r-iiectfully inlorms his old
customers and llie iiuhlic that he has
ju:t completed his arrangements for their better
accommodation, by re-building his store house at
the old stand, on Main Street, where he is receiv
ing and of!, rs for cash sales, a -.elect assortment of
Clolhinur iiml ('onlt'i'tionarics.
His stocked clothing which is of the latest
style and bet finish, coin-ists of every variety ot
Coats and Summer Garments, viz : pants, vests
shirts, colars, stocks, kc, iS.c, manutacturoti ex
pressly for country sales, and will he n Id at
exceedingly low prices for c.ih.
Coiifectionai ies and fancy articles, of all kinds
loo numerous to mention.
Ice cream, lemonade, mead, beer, :nd other re
Irethineiils, linni-dicd to order at all tunes.
KlooinsliiirL'. .tunc l- IIi-'im.
MIV, subscnlier respectfully inforiM the i r i -
lis o Moom-burg, anil vicinity , tl, at he
IS IIOA' ofiehltig 'i select
Con fextiutia rii , Fruit and 'Foif Store,
in the Kvhange buildings, No. 1, where he will
he happy to wait upon those who inay l.ivor him
with ins custom. Give him a call.
U J-111.- slock is fresh ha- been selecfrd with
cai u and w ill he soul cheap o cash.
liloomdiur.:, Apnl '.'I, I I
111". subscriber has npciicil a low lloo! and
Shoe M lf .0 ll e louel end ot Main sireel,
Mi the Luildingiiig lalel u-ida.- Nathan's Cloth-
Stoic. He w ill always keep on au assolt
lliehl o! e.nly iji.v.e wo: k, ami will make to order
at the slmllcM notice eo.o- all.i lllnl Louts, Shoes,
Gaiters an.l Slipoer lor I i.-nt ! ni.-n, Ladies am!' wear, lie will loinl-ll hiswoik, made
in a le a! n! :' maimei', ..t Ihe lowerl
if Woil: nia l
le lruni: ami m at, anr, sold cheap
ot public Ji lt l uli.iu-n.
.liJSK.rH li WKAYKK.
Solicits a .-'l.lle
pril 7, I s P.i-.'.'m
)it f.'r the .sole of Sovtlneorlh Man-
njiit toring Co -v riling J'aju rs,
Wareliiiiisi! No. .'I Minur Street.
Ion ca.te of the above sup, rior 1'api r now in
rtcre. iilol lor siilo lo Ihe 1 1 : i T , :M tl.
ke! prices, con-i-lii f in ; ot ol
l'ilie tun I; f l it HI s, l'J, 11, i
lowe.-t mar
aud It
blue and while.
Supcrliiic Medium an ! I'eii.i Writing, bin
and w bite.
J.Mia Mipi-r it'i'l '-''I erSinc I'o
ant! wbili . plain an ! I mi d
Str.ifi line
I 'i'iiii i oli ('.
! xtia nip. : I. ii. i n N'oti
Su port. m and line bill
Stipi i line an I boo (. '
1 l-.i.
pi is. h
isis, bin. . , t . -i white.
E:. tra super d niiir'ii
)A role-'. I I n ,.i,il w 1 ile
Extra tii er Ci..i.H'. ('
s i'l d li If r.
atni Letlt I...
, I..11.
l-npeiiii.e Si rrm ,i 'ips ii'd I
,-upi-i line blue linen thin Lett
Extra -tiper ha'.h i't's:-.., blue
and ruled.
and while, ( lain
E.l.vch pes.
I.intiroiilereil t,. t ,,),..r
' Lawyi-r V Pin t l'a eis
Sup rfme npd fine Caps
pi. on, I Ine Hid ".bite, v n loi
Also, 1 1 j. , j r ari'.s wliiti ;
per;.. P u:tn t !' -, w hi'"
1 a . Wrapping. P , i . p.
ri..linio--.i .'P I'.'mm". 1
d I',
, rnlt d and
a I'd lll'lces
' Sin e Pa
id 1 is. Ill ,
.id blue
"II 7" AS sloleli liom the ..laldr nl Ihe subsei ibur
y f in ",euli: town-hip, Coiinn
hi, i county, on 'I'hui suay night, Ihe
Htliol I'cioticr, .lark IKON
ft rt a r vrrm em .
Sixeen hands high, about tour years old anil vit
i v irioitto in Use.
; The. above reward ol f l l will he given for ;
the recovery of snid llor-e, il Mnlcn, ami the con- I
him t ol the thief in the county jail : or if only
strayed away, the tinder shall be wfll lewsrdcd. I
October H, ISP.l (Ad lleis-lierwick, l'a.) 1
lUEsubsciiliHr begs h ave lo inloi in his fa
friends and Ihe pul.l.c in geiTiial, lhat he
('ice, No Ins, Haw Shi et, foimerly kept by J.
Peters fi Sun. The House being large and con
venient, and in the hiisitic is pal I ol the City, he
hopes, by strict attention to business, that his
friends will give him a call. He pledge himself,
that nothing shall he w auting uli his pi t to
his friends at home.
Terms f 1 per dav.
Foimr, lif of Si-luujIlaU County.
Phila.. March 21,'' I','. If.
"IITARKKN lU'SSEL, has removed Ins Shoe
f y Store into the Exchange Kuildings, next
dour to llartman's store, where ho will always
keep on hand and make to order every desirable
kind of Hoots and Shoes for Men's Ladies' and
Misses' wear.
He is determined to turn oil work that will bear
examination and Iriai, ami winch will ruuipaie
with lhat of any other establishment in noitiiei:i
fjrj- All work warianted.
Plooinsbiirg. A pril 7, I P.i
)EKSON'S visiting town during yfx.
Court week or any other time, . '.''
and In want ol a Cimi Fnmiu lhlili A
or other article in the liook aiid Sta--11"1"
timiery way, can be accommodated on applica
tion at the Bi.onMsiiL'HU Hook Stork, hi the
Exchange buildings, hv
S it-art z cj- Messenger.
Illooiiijhurg, Aug. is, 1 s.pi,
Attocmy at Law:
Dfkich, next door lo the Court House,
JHoomsburg, Columbia County, Pinna.
EeslaU ofJ.'ICOli 1101 TEN, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters ot Ad
ministration on tlie estate oI'.Iach IIiuvkh,
lale of lliiarc.reek to.vnship, Columbia cuunty, no
ceased, have been granted by the I!egis!.;r ol Co
luuibia county, to the undersigned, residing in
Hiiarcreek tovvnsliip : All persons indebted t
said Estate are reijueiteil to make payment, and
those having demands against said estate, w il!
prestul them dulv aiilhenticated lor settlement.
Oct. ti, 1 s I'l .Cls. .lilmiitisti dtiii .
ff-y NOTICE. Cl
j)ire of Ihe " Calairisxa, JCiliatntioit
ami Erie Hail Road Company" i'o, -is
South Fan ilk Strut, Philadelphia,
June li, I MIL
I)Y an act ot Ihe Legislature of Ihe Common
j wealth ol Pennsylvania, approved ,e :iiuh
day of March, l"nt ', it was declared the
Litlle Schuylkill and Sus'Ui banna Koilroad Coin
pany should, tlieie after. He known by tin; m.meol
tin: Catawissa, Williamsport and Erie llailmad
("oinpany, and the Pi'esideni and Managers ol
said Company tins day pa-si d the following reso
lution :
" i'omici ., That the Sei rel iry publish a no
tice of t'ne change in the name of the said Com to r-'jiie-t the Moekholdci thereof to
suiieii'ter up the old ceilHn'ales ol sto( k', Inl
take out. new ones in eonlorriuly lo Ihe change in
the name of the ( 'on. p my , and he also give
I,. .lice lo Ml.-li .f Ihe M-,cl.i.l,l,-, o tin; Lit
tle Schuvl'.iiil ami Sii-ipo-1 .anna h'aili'o.iil (,'oinpa
wllo.e stock IS fil'l'i lor 11011-p.iHlient ol
in-t iln.euts thereon. Unit the owners ot said slock
.-hail have the right to con -ululate 1 1 j - layinent
made Ibvieou, .mil lake shale at the par value in
the Calawi-'-a, Will iam-pni t and Erie Kail h'oaii
Company, to I he amount ( the actual payment-,
on the share'! so I'orl'ci' tide, provided, the old
eoitllh-jtos ale -HI reudeled up tu ninety davs
1 1 oiii the time of t he publication of such notice in
two of the papers plin'ed ill the cilv ol Philadel
phia, and one in the county of Columbia ; and in
default of the .surrender if Mich cei'tifii ales and
consolidation, the said shires and ail previous
payments thenon aie hen by declared tobelnr
feiled. WM l. LEWIS, Pre.Utnit.
.to ecu K. P an i'"N. v' '. y'l-ojn.
F. ST E W A T,
Allornoy at Law,
vnll MIHI.V Oi- W ll.k KSII II ll V.
) ESpEl'Tl-TT.LV tut. in- Ihe public that I .
hj has located in PEIiWICK, w here he will
I.....I i,r.n,.i.llu to Alt loi-i! Iiiuimui: o o I it . c I . , I t.
alleiid promptly to nil legal business fplniplcd I
hi eate in i. dltieiliia ami lie mimm .
:, j 1 lliiee on Main Si 1 1 et , oppo.-il e t he Kisiug
Sun Ib tel
.Pin. ..' i, 1 y
.MERCHANT '1 All.ilR '"s'J'ORE.'
TIIIE molt i sunt il v ..ii in aiiin unci to his old
ciisloiuers and the public jn genei ul, that he
has nisi opt In at a new
?.!i:reli;iiit 'J';,iiiriii l o-lnlilisliini nl,
Ex. h.nige l.uililincs, Hi st iloor .do m- the 11, lei,
w inie be i-leceiviiig In in the Easlnn Citiesa
select a-sol tini-M ot choice C loths, ("assiti eis,
.iii.i Ihiipeiy geheially, and is pn ) ared lo liiinish
u-'iy variety i I clothing, at inoili rate puces.
Gai'ment.- riiaiie to eidei-, and ready made cloth
ing furnished at nearly city cost.
ALSO, C i ;i!s, Rants, Vests, blocks,, I'aticy llandkeiel.i, I-, &.e.,aiul a vain ly
d oth-r articles hr sale . 1 i ap.
i. j-'I'litt ' alluring business continued as
I t:.!. in:. Apnl-. I, t --it..
Surgical and M-';ti,iinil J'i ii'isf.
f M1IE I. id. l-i:;rn d rc.-p.eelliiilj inlorms the La
J d:s and Geiitleiiieii ol Ploiiiiisliurg and the
puidic Ml geio itl lb il he itleinlsto all t he Valimis
oppi i..!.n.-: in ll.'l.tistry. Leslderice.neai lilonms
tiurg.b'il wiil viji l.niiilies or invnluals, at their
d'.ve'.iii::r-i.wlieii rt ill red. Thankful lor past ii-vo.-t,he
hopes to in. i it a c.otitinuatioii of public
;i.ilonage,as il will ever he 1. is plea.-urc t o render islact inn i n Pi.- p i otoss-ion
f-j-The specul par'nership iii plate work, here.
t. toie i xi-tii.g Pi unci n A. Vallerrhtiinp and J.
H aii'ler-liee, ) .m opuid by limitation, and
the v cunt ; i t - in' t"r;il in the hatnis r( ti c
in-!-1. :,:: "' r -. it- no rt
1 h .'; : ;,P i:
0Lv iTimiu-ry ti.iitui.i-. ,
f I'M IE. Illlder-.igiicil lakes ph.asine in anm lllicin,.
I tu In-1 old ell tiiliieis and the citieus il I
I, loonisbiitg, generally , liiat she has KKMlAT'!) !
to her new apnrtments, on Mam street, innucili- j
at fly over llailuian's Store, up stairs, (enhance j
al thu head ot Eoundiy Alley,) where rd,e is pic
pared to execute, in Heat style and on veiy slnul
m l ice, all orders in the In l.ishioiiahle
Millinery ntul M:iiitu.un:ikiii;.
tjr)- Laiuls' wonn.ot every ilescriphon, will
he ailondcil t'1 piomplly mid sewing i xi i Ulcd to
'AMfi'l I'am-uaSI.
Plooiiishnri!, Aug. Is, Jsp..
1.m:ohi oiiAi id is v iiu: Li-i.isi a 1 1 ii i. ik iiik
T VI t Ll M W ) i Kh,
4 KE the exclusive. Ag loi Gmi.'s Oxy-
genalcd Hit lei s, w hit h is : e best and stn n-
isl ceitllicd inedicnie lor lne((i;( nl Dyspepsia,
Geneial Deluliiy, llahltinil ( i -tii tiess, ivc, in
the woild. In every disease arising liom impel
led diiiftlion, or tltiiwpd sli.tniifli, this reme
dy lias Im-cii cerlilied lo by Hon. L. ll. Aiiudd,
l:.X Gnvei nor el Khoiie Island, lion. Win. Wood
bridge, Ex Goveinor ol Michigan; Hon. T.J.
Moorhead, Ex-lov i rnoi id Kentucky, Hon. J. S.
Simmons, Senator Irom U. I. Hon. ,v S. Phelps,
'Senator from t., Iloli. vNm. I pbam, .Senator
Irom 't., Hon. S. loot, Senator horn Vennotii,
Hon. II. 1) Poster, loeliilicl ot Gongicisliom Pa.,
Hon. V. S. Marlin, Wisconsin, (ien. A. C. Lo.ige,
loW.l, C. C. Tl'owbli.lge, J-; . , l' Inn! H IP
Hoiiiuts, Est)., CP, G. W. Joins, Em;., Hubnipie,
Joseph HoXie, New York, and many nlhtis who
ant living witnesses ol its superior cllu-ucy. N.
li One peuiiar properly ol I he lil'I'l El
is does not coin, mi any spn ll iioi.s lnpiois, anil I
on an enlirelv in w plan ol ciiie . r Pvspep-ia.
The EMI' 1 llli CUMl'.l. Y, to whom orders
should be addiissed, aie i,l .o. 1 ' ij lir auwuy
N. Y. i
i'j ix Kiu.r.n ; 1
A ti.ctliciil prepin iilion by tl c nuit.e of I'niu j
Killer, has been put into the market h ,e Km- j
pi re ('ompai.y in At w 1 1 ik, v huh Inns lair o j
cast all ot her pie) ,il,itl"lis inm ihe sbinle. Il
cannot, pel bans, bo hi tli I ib scnl i d ih.m b s'n-
ling lhat It is in a loio! hi;;, and is ailapted lo
internal and external use, In doing instantaneous
control over all Neivous At;, tinps, Kheiimalisni,
Croup, lnllainuraticiis. '1 001 I h and Ear Ache,
hums, liruisis, Spi.'ii'S, Sous, il,c. E.mi'Hik
C'UMI'ANV, No. I"') Preadwa).
Can he made to In or in almost every ease ! by
proper tioalmeiit, hul ll.t y si. mid ri Inemlu i thai
ihe oiganization ol ihe Eur i the n.osl d. lie ile
structure ol'the body, (except ll e i ye.) and hem e
is ollctier ii iuied tl an bt itlil'tdl y M'inges.
The .'Iroustic Oil sold by the I'.mpiie Com any,
I"!) Broadway, is ihe sine-t and most sucit's.siul
article ever kn' vvii lm cuu-s.
Clieinichl ( 'kiiiisine: l'liiiil.
Manufactured and sold by tie En.piie Compa
ny , is lo ev, ry piisonwlo w a-l.t s or has wash
ing done, of very meat and e.-septn.l service. I:
obviates tin re lloili I ail ll e oitnn.'iy i.d 1,1 ai n.ij,
vi the wear In clolhes. It si I - I he oi Ii r 1,,-t ,,
l.uliiig calicoes, and clisu el a , s m il li r can, hi ii -mii"liiis,
anil woollen gm i!s.
ornami;ntal and i seit.l.
'Pile L.iiilidl V Starch Peli-h is ix ,1 to rli. that
peetllliil pol isll lo collllls hosolns and linens. 1 1 . i. I
lioUiing else can give; In sides, ll g It i.t ly laeiln
late-i Ihe in iniig. '1 he gel. nine has ll.e .-lamp o:
the Empire Company, No. I't V" .u'.wiiy.
lir; sure iiln.'iit 'ei Piiln; es !
t'nll.e kill the ChlPl roll ! is w i , . 1 he v oi l s,
and Ihe old V sale al I icle I oat k t', I I ' e w or ins it ml
not the i-ttiitlieii, I- l! t i.. . .. nd i.old I j li.i
l.u.pire Company , at In Ci i a. .
is the only one old In: kind mcop raicd by I he I c;
islatui e ot t f 1 1 Slide a- a Stock Company , and un
dt r such h iiislal've emu tu,. nls as in make !l,o', i.itil the Cnn.pmy liom ,t
liabilities. Individuals hoh'irg n y nl l he
ot the Coillpiil, , Will he ellMlled lo Iheil pin la ;
amount oi llie plolils id Ihe lli-lin ss, diclair.
upon the allidav its of tl c 'I ni .ti . , l li e ( lei i
each y t in . 'I he Company 1 1 eei e 1 1 t ir n'. It I oi
at pill in, 'he pay Hu nt I'm gi . tl - at the .New Yol !.
Ollice. Ini llmadwav.
Are M iniil'actiiies' of and Agents- tor, si me ol li,.
Iniest and most pi pillar kincs. i Slnnii u and Fan
cy Soaps, such as Vanilla, Napoleon Tuilel, fo ..
Harbeis' Shaving Si up in bar-.
Palm of Ciiluinh'ii, wes's Liiiiincid. i-phnn-'
Silk he Keli.edy , the Chinese (ihst: ',
Shin I'owdi r, & c, In i c 1 1 en t . I'l'-lent ! to i
I'.ii.pire Ci.riij.e i. v. 1'ifi Puiidv. ay, lo wliiiial
ordi is and iipplic. liotis should I" made.
Has tin Agency ( I tin; Neiuno Palsain, ll.e
Gieal Indian Ken edy for Eils, the only ,01!
certain cine for Epihplic Eils, (damps, ( enin.
i 1 11-, .t. It P..s be ecli aiiii.iiiitlid wilh aatmds
I1111!! success, and is as lie ,i a spt cilic as any I h 11, 1:
can I.e. It forms a new era in li e Iratd'c- ol
Phy -u nil s, tinicy el whim use this Ba!s.nn as ll,e
only l'i inedy. l'risolis Wlsinng tho Nervii e Pal
sam, must ap ly lo l''.in lie Ci mpiiiiy, ',:
w a v .
Dr. Riihl.'.s M. ali!, Rills
Aie only In be had gi nuine In m the Empiie
Coiopahy ! 'Phis caution is 1.1 11 ssiu y lo ;nioa
spninus iirtiele. Ihe piii.iit Push Puis are
loirmiess, elh 1 lual, and th( 111 iilti 11 1 I pe
rilies. In was invited by the un at Pi. Push, and
ns.-il as it liniveisal riilit dv h i' tli--' !
Dr. UaithuU ni v'.s E. i etniatil Pink
Syrup j
Is manufactured pcilcclly puie l ythe Empire j
Ciinpanv, I'iii liri-adway. under m nipmation j
In 111 the Stale, ti r Coughs, ('elds, Pain ol ihe 1
Side, Lungs. Kc. It Is a sure ,reveiilienl ( 011
suiiiptinn, but not a certain cine alk r ihe ditani-c
is once then uglily sealid. 'I'hc gehuine is only
to be had from ll is Company.
Thi-sf who do net believe it, ate rospi clful'.y
th'siicd riot In read ! Put Paid Headed persons
mav read ai d It st. and have Ihe head covcicd
wilh a line. lu.Miiiiti.'. eb'ssy hair, by ihe use of
the M.ignitic Hair liestorer and Invigoiatni.
Matiuliictnred sml sold by the Empire Company ,
incorpoiated by the Stale ol New York, No. P7ij
Urnadway.-Julv '-'S, I'- P1 -I'm.
T I i E I ' E N N S Y L V A N I A I I (7rE l7
8 Horn., lormerly ...
kepi I')' E.idiiiatid R'.t- yjlVk.
.,, mi Main street, in AMifi7K
White Hall,
on tho upper side of said 'Jr, .''.' . r
slreet.anti on the main '--li&Zi.--.!:?-road
loading from Iiloomsburg to Muncy, is now
kept by the undersigned, who is lully 'pn par. d
to accommodate the public, and will hi' pleased to
wait upon travellers and other? who may lavnr
him with their .
Vi ' I'.'' .i.- ;. . !H'-
t II! R IJLANKS AM) J0IJ rm'llM;
. u i.' i ;...i .;itfl' ''
tJ- tlt'llstootir .lol)-(lliC(V,j
r;tr . -I " i- "'it, 't-1! ,...-- --n
.i... aiitl procliled a halidsorni!, HUi
,01 led Fancy Paper, by which W ,
the neatest and cheapest .loh-woikj
A man by clni nuiim of Cl ll'P ham: ''"
i nmiie III" S. 1'. 'riiHRSflld ttl
nmiie lo iiii ii(. ii !ir.,:itKinlln. Inch Ibey t"l "' ,
jruil's Sar.iBitillti,il(iloliillint:i.K ll lUMVb'1 '
. . -r .un
t ic. 1 tils Tins flM'tirl in nmloi tor, ami nVf
(or inert y ii wiakur on r.olr.i.iil.. uniatt, und lhii'k(
ns-uiiim il..i nili-ol I'.r.. for ..ire.a of pllt'"'
vvliiil he lb nut. Tin in m cannon Ilia fnb 11,11 ''J
i deceived, sin! imalniM! none tiul ilio m'-Jfll'?-I
Jf.1L (l l lir. Jamb TiiwOMinil'i Hariaiwi.. "
I It Ihe Old llr'a likniiesn, his f.ninl) coal f ,li
lignauirii ncrnsK Ihe emit of arms.
rrineiint fjiif, I't- .Viitnu-ir.. Xua i. c,t1'
THE (lllllil X A I, IMS! :i vi:i: KK 01' e
(it'ouinfi 'I'owa.sciid Sarsap.irilia.
did lir. Tinui-ciiil is imiv almiu Til Venn ot er. ''
Ini'H liten kiiuwn Ki llie .HiTHllH mill )niCf.Hft
ni lac r(vvi iiUiui.wu. v'ciw-t'.v''-'"'
S.H'.IHII.l..i." Iienii! lie n, ouipeiie.l lu lm"' "
lll llltll'll'lliri', il' Wllll ll luit ois it ti;, iHti'll ilii'llllll a' ir'
kel, mill the stile l ir. liiii-irnl.itd in 1I111.B iinl t'l"1 J''"J
pnivi-il in iv.irlli, mill ktinwn in mine. Il hail rcac ii'il
llie ears nf tunny, nnvt-riliettsis, us iliuse pcr,'tnt tio lt'l
oe. n lit-alid nt sure ih,eii;, and suvid Iniiu iielu. V"'
cltliliu j it i-Xia'll.-n.'t? n o.l .Miliil.
Ktmvvin?, inniiu yrnr.i act. tint lie hail. ItV I1'1 v . ' ami i'Xii'iifiiiT, i!.-n-i'il tin arliclu tilth M,,ll'J
ul' itirnli iilal.if tuhatltim: lu iiiinkind 'hn It"' I"1''"'
won ill lie nimislit'.l In liriiii! il ml.) iniiHTui iiiii'ft.
lis iiu'itimiialo yirlnus umilil lie known aril npiireaiiUMl.
This lium li:i t-'iiiie, llie means arc Hiitiiheil ; lilt
(IIU.YI) AXD 1. Ill I-HKP.1H.1 IIO.Y
it in.inillin'liii.'il on ttnt larL'it-l wnle. timl n cmlfil J"f
llireinih. nil llie I. nuili and hre.-ultli ( ihe limit. ercmllr
te. ii. is liniii'l iiii'a.iiiile nl il, i.'i'iifriiiiii'i or inmouriiliiin.
I.'uiike 1.u1 S. I' T.iiin-,itii.l'. iliinii.i(i- with 115c. "HI
never iJ.a'iui s. Mil for the better: Uetnuaj it 1 prepureii m
liirnfirti: prnu-iplra hy a ,nnitifi( man. The hilitiesl knuwl-i-dite
of (,'hi'inniry. ami ilio l itest (iisri.veriei nf the art,
hum all Iteeri linuiiihl into iiitii.iiii.n in the iniuv.ilacniiii
ul tne inl lir's S irsiii inlla. Tins punlta rent, it H
vill known in iiieilietil men, contains many medicinal rn-
iicrni.s, anl s e imii ini wlnfn are inert or uoicn. una
Diners, tvtiirh il retnui.:.! in iriiarin!! il for use, pmduct
frrmrnl:li"il and acid, "loi n 1 nliiiriull' l tho syileni.
Sain,,' of the 'r.itrue. oi .-irsttlflll.'l a'" l''i""''. l''tl.
( DMPAliKl) U I I'll THK OLIJ JJK n,
lil-r 111 r al ...'!.- 1. ti A Mi I- ll I', ll.e "liu M LSCAPA
UU; ul' Dlil LlllilH .Vn. t. ami
wt tin- ntlu r h1 'I.S ; .t.'iruv'. jt j mentwir, ftnd hlovinf
ihr.bvtti'..; r..;ii iin,i. a into n.iiiii.iiK ; the sour, uriii limili
npn.ilini,'. ami u tiii iftrL' uuht : Musi not Hits tiufn
b;u t (iiii(tmiiil h; tiniiiinu lo liif sysii'iii 1 h'kf.l ! put
c 1 1 mlii a .'jilt in i.frt.,tliit.r.iittLsilh triW W'liiH CiiOw
Li) -irpps. i out i.r .l ? hit w v i, hi .ill kimrt thnt w tu n torni
fcourb ni itiir iioin u:li. u h it iium-hJ-l- it pnnliu't s .' Il.utl
leiirt', iiuiirtlmru, ji.ilnLiiU'ii nl tnc ht- iri, h vt.T cuiiiiiUiiit,
itDinii'fci. "i tnti'ry, coin , itml rr 1 1 1 l m n nl ihe hittiHlf
W h it u "'cioitii.i out ncul ihiiiitir in t)m hotly ? Wlmt
(irothii ' -.1 all Uu: liuiii'ir- w iiich limit! on l,niili!nn ot" tho
bk.n, rt .il.l llctii, :-.ttt li Iu'inti. Kr j MjH'itiM, While it well
I .il", l'V v.i .Suit's, nii.l ;il I Miifr.ttiiiii.i in tr trial anil cxiernalf
U b noitiiiiL! u:i'hT lionrii, Mil .in anil uht.nice, which
sotir:i,np.a ihu ,i..i! .il ti.f llunU ol' tiic l-oil, more or
h'M, W h it etui Kit' intiiitiii lutt u M-ur or ncul lluid
which niMiiipiti iiw.! hi iwtni iliL joint-i iinil ul enhtr,
Irni tlif.i,' nut) mil m i a. thu iU unt:i' li-m upon whirh it
lot-,! Snot ntrviiiH tl i f-i-a. ot iniii.rity nl the lhn'J, m
df r,H)i,'iil cirMii'itiiins, ;wnl i. early ail Llie. aiijucuLa whick
altlict htiiH.iti miturt'.
huw is it not (.orriitic to make anil sell, und mfinttig
mrtt to ll m till
buLhiNU. J-'KiiMKN'l IN;, ACID " CUM-
rui.'M)" Oi?' S. ?. TOWNSKND,
ind yt't hp woiii.i f.nn tvwtt il unilfrl'nn ih:tl Old Mr. .Inrnb
l'uw nstiitl'i tifihtnf (riiiin,il &irtapariUat linn IMITA
I'M N of )n interior : !
llt'itvtn torn nl that we- thoulil ih'.il In an artirln which
tvonld hf;ir tho inosi iltnit n-MNiiiiiaiii-e ti . P. Town
irnil'H urtirlf. ! ami which should hrinc dtiwn upon thi Old
lr. surh a mount tin nT rimi;i nuts ;md criiiiinulinna
Irom A-nts who hue Mml, mul purclm-crs w ih h ive utej
S. I'. Towuend'5 I hit M I.M"I.Ni; r'O.MPiU'M).
We wiMi tl iindt'louit, hccjiue it n the absolute frytk,
llw.t H. 1. TowiiMJiid nriicie and Old r. Jarnb Tnwn
seud'n S trapariiiii are htiiren-wtUe ajhirt, and ttnnitefdit; th it Uii y af nulikn m every p.trlitiiniX, having
linl dllf sniL'!: tllitlL' ID Ci-uimon,
As I', 'j'-nuiMMid is no doctor, und nover ku, ii nn
rli''mit. no iilirinit.tri'titii ;,how no more of medicine or
Qian.ue in. in ::ny luluTCoiiituoti, unirn-niUic. unprofensioo!
m tn, w it'll ;'f(.ra,tac can thu public hiive thai they ure i-rt-ivipc
n tt auiit'-' cicntilic ni' dtcuie, containing tit th
vtrtu'j ol Lu: artirli s iist-ti in pnparnn t. and n hirh tre id
rapahle ol clmmfes inch imijlil junlcr tliuin Vh AUKM'I
01 tlM' t-f i!:tl',ul of lUMtth.
Hut wli it i hhouul he exported from n who Hnws
utitliin conijitrivtiVf ly nl meiiirine or dnenae ! Itrttjutw"
u person ni' Miine expenenci to couk ftml icrve up ev
fmiiiMoii ii. i ciil nn' il How iimilIi more iinporuint U
the pmons who niaiiiit'hruire mnlirine, dcMRned li.r
ehouht know utll the nifdical profiies uf plajils, thfc
UM iifitiitur i.t Mi iinug hnd concentrating their heahef
vir tries, alo an ctf miVf Knowledyn nt' the vriout dieiwin
w hich Atl'Tt Die hutiiaii Hynlem, and how to ud.t pi routed iM
lu lhr-e'iMJH '.
ll is to nriet imuti'i upon the unfortunate, lo pour btla
-to woiitulfd liuiiinuity. to kindle hope in the ttnpuriw,
lotoin, to restore huhlih nnd hlnoin. .mil Vigor mtn th
frusiu'd and hr.ikn. and lolt.inih inliriflilF int OM) DR.
JAUull .NrfUNU has .StCiillT and fOljM) ibeop
liijrt'inily and niPovns to hriti hit $
.iautl l iiivi rsal Couceutratetl '
within the rent h, a ml t- thu mowtd(r nf ill who irntd 1
that they may learn and know, by joyful eip""-
udciit Tom r to Ileal-