The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 13, 1849, Image 4

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    oil tllO
. nin.
.nvile at 1 J
en Sell. Haven 2, T7
' J'urt Clinlun 3,110
" leading H'.'mj
" Potlxtown A, in
" rhicnixviile ii.mj
, Arrives :il State JM .I.Ttii
i will stop only at the a
I'lissengers fur other points
I lie Morning Line
,i(tinir. corner of Chestnut and
i. lisMii'ri cannot enter the
. irviileil v. ith Tiriiots.
, iTICK Kilty pound of baicgn".'1 will lie
.(ill'i each luisstnger in these lini'h; am!
..rtister" are rJCirf.-wly prohibited from takini:
l.iv t'li"'.' a li.iaine hut their wearing apparrel,
vliieli v ill lie M tlie risk of its owner. julrei;lit
w.U tie taken hy 1hee linei.
flv ruder of iho Board of Manner.
S. lIRAuKURD.Ser'r-.
Mav 7,
flUF. state of my health, which, after more
j Irian a years' abstinence from much profes
sional labor, is still very imperfect, renders it ab
fot'itelv necessary that I should settle up tny
a! urs here. I reiplest, therefore, that all who
! now themselves to be indebted to me, would
come; iMMf.niATKi.v a id pay me, that J may be
B ile to settle personally and pioinntly with AM.
with whom I have dealings.
Sept. S, Mfi.
Lest ale of J. WO II HOW EH, deceased.
NOTICE is heri'liy uivon, that Letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of J tr.nn Bower,
iale of Briarcreek tovvnship.Columbiacoimty, de-cea-ed,
have been granted by the liegister ol Co.
lnmbia county, to "the unrlers'ned, residing in
Briarcreek township : All persons indebted to
toiid Estate are requested to make payment, and
those bavin? demands against said estate, will
tirescnt tlicmdulyauthenticated for settlement.
O-t 1 Siy.-ts;. Adminintiatoi.
.y, with
. Mental
.iship and
the greatest a
.pit, we think the
twenty-live, unless
should w arrant an as
.1 be as follow s:
$0 per quarter.
.iniruM.'e. i " "
.KKI.VY, "
l'1'EH T, (
,A BAUTOX, Trustees.
jury, March -, 14'J.
F. subscriber would inlorm his old friends
and the public in general, that he hns taken
: well-known si a ml, recently kept by Damki.
..wni.n, Ksq., on the head of Main Strict, in
Blooinsbnrp, and will continue the
Know n by the sign of the "FOKKS," wheie heis
prepared to accommodate those w ho may favor
him Willi their custom, ills aranireincms are
complete quarters tpacious location pleasant,
and without promising too much, he llallcis him
self, he will be able to do amide joslics to his
frjrSublint' and the best fare for horses, Ac.
Hloornsbnrir, April 7, ll'j.
Xnr ainl Cheap Suvtmtr (Sooth.
VXKW supply of splendid coods just received
at the cheap store ol J. II Barton it Co ,
winch is chciper than ever. Their style and va
riety of Ladies dross (riiods cannot be surpassed,
anil " thev have made arraiiiif inenls to procure
a constant supply, they will always be of (he
latest styles
Also. (irnecrii's, Hnri!w;iri',QitfTis
wm', Suit, Fish, Molnsscs, &.v.
in treat variety.
.1. II. HAKTON Co.
HlooiBsbnr!.', May .1. Is 10.
riMIl- fullowing Volunteer Company
J in Ibis Brinade are notified to
meet in Baltallion at Linht Street cm
Saturday the 13th day of October, at 10
o'clock, A. M. in unilorm with arms ft
accoulraoients in good order, as the law
requires for Military paiade.
The Washington Cavaliy.
The I'ennsylvania (juaids.
Briarcreek Rifle Company.
Kishingercek Kifle Company.
It is understood frum i,e Adjutant Ceneul,
that all the old .Volunteer Cavnpanie?, will have
the right to orgatdre and parade in ll.eir obi uni
formes, with an uiilers'amling that mine Suitable
uniforirK'S will be provided a; sunn Hsrircumstan
ces will admit. The old unitoimed Companies
Ih4 have not alreaily Kleeled ollicers, aie notified
to hold Klecljons and make lelnrns to this oflirer
without delay, that the old a well as i )L. n,.w
Companies may be entitled to iliaw .lO to 75
per year from tlio Staff.
N. SI'.ELY, Kri. 1,1'perfor,
ist Brx. jih Dtv. I'. V
Briarcreek, S:pt. 22,
irj-The Washington Cavarly, and Kishinecree k
liifles to meet at the new Hotel ot I'eier Sinoi k,
the Pennsylvania (iuards, and Priarcrcck Bille
Company, nl K. llageiibu'-h.
e assort
e ppring
. will be
nuance ol
,ion their
,iow opening
ml American
aen's, Muslins,
.es, l)e Lains ol
.ibroidered lawns,
. nd striped ; bonnet
us, bonnet-ribbands., Terkeriee, tie lain
riety. Carpetling ; Wool,
. rugs, and embossed table-
..n, Tanama and Leghorn Hats.
,S Mackerel, Irish Salmon, Salt
..Hire, Hardii'art, willow and cedai
ware, yc iyc,
in fine all these with many more not u
,iy kept in rountrv stores, will be exchanged
Cash, Produce or Lumber.
Bloomsbnrg, April 21, is r.t.
N E W" STOKE ANicilEAI' (i 001 IS.
rpilK undersigned respectfully informs his old
rustomeis and the public that he bas
just completed his arrangements for their better
accommodation, by re building his store house at
the old stand, on Main Street, w here he is receiv
ing and offers for cash sales, a select assort mentol
Clnlliintf and ('oufrctionarics.
His stock ol clothing which is of the latest
style and best finish, consists of every variety ol
Coals and Summer Garments, viz : pants, vests
shirts, rolars, storks, &.C., &.C., mmiutacturcd ex
pressly for coiintiy sales, anil will be sold at
exceedingly low prices for cash.
Confeclionaries and Fancy articles, of all kinds
too numerous, to mention.
Ice cream, lemonade, mead, beer, ami other re
freshments, furnished to order at all times.
Blonmsburir, June 21, IS-iii-iim.
rMIIE subscriber respectluily inlorms the citi
I ens ol Bloomsbnrg, and' vicinity, thai he
is now opening i select
ConfectiouarjjJ'full and Toy Store,
in the Exchange buil:iiii;s, No, wbere he will
be happy to wait upon those w ho may favor him
wilb his custom, (jive him a call.
yrj-llis stock is fresh has been selected with
care and will be sold cheap lor cash.
Bloomsbnrg, April 21, I I'.'.
MV. subscriber has opened a new Boo! and
Shoe Stole at the lower end of Main street,
in lie buildiimilig lately used as Nathan's Cloth-
Store. Hu will alwajs Keep on hand an assort
ment ul ready made woik, and w ill make to order
at the shortest notice coais and lind Bonis, Shoes,
(jailers and Slippers lor Gentlemen, Ladies and
Misses' wear, lie w ill furnish his work, made
in a neat and manner, at the lowest
i-j-Work made strum; and neat, and sold cheap.
Solicits a share ol public patronage.
JOSEPH li. WE.WT.l!.
Blooin-I'iin;, April 7, M'l-.'lm.
Jprnf for the .stile tf Soullnrnrti Man
ufacturing ( o'x Writing J'apcrs.
V ;irc house No. X Minor Street.
Hid cases of the almw; supi nor Papers now in
stoic, and fur sale lolhe trade at the lowest mar
ket prices, colisislilij! in pait ol
Fine thick Flat Caps, 1,', l l.Tiand Id lbs.,
blue anil white.
Superfine Medium and Demi Wi ilings, blue
and w hite.
F.xtia super and supcifine 1'oliu Posts, blue
and w lute, plain ami rib d.
Supeiline Coiumeiruil Posts, blue ai d while,
plain and ruled.
Fxti a super Linen Nile Papeis, plain ami uilt.
Supeiline and tine Bill l'a cis, long and biuad.
Supeiline and line Counting-House Caps and
Posts, blue and bite.
Exlia super Conuioss Caps and letleis, plain
and ruled, blue anil w bile.
Extra siipt r Conniots Caps and I. tt is, gilt.
Supeiline Sermon Caps ai d Pests.
Snscrline blue linen thin Letleis.
Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain
and ruled. '
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes.
"Lawyer's" Brief Papers.
S'opf rlino and fine Caps and Posts, ruli d and
plain, blue and w hite, various , i : .i 1 , 1 s ;,n pii, es.
Also, li)i mi reams w lute am' ' '.IMioe I'a
pers, l'oniiet Boaids, w bite ,;i . .Mill i-siic,
Tea, Wrnppil'i.. Envelope, . - . . ' and Id ue
Mi 'll'iriis, t.'.ip Wla01T, i I :l I , X.C
.'on' ' ', I I "''
rillKnuliMTiliel bffih leave In inlniin liiB JA
friends and the public in general, that lie A-
has taken the While Swan IMrt and Stiiifc.
i ('ice, No 10b, Kaee Street, formerly kept by '.I.
I'eletH it Son. Tlie House beintf lare ami con
I venient, and in the business part ol the City, he
hoped, by strict attention to business, that liis
Iriends will (jive him a rail. He pledge himself,
that nothing shall be wanting mi lus purl to tnaxc
hit friends at home.
Terms ?Jl per (lav.
" cr.oKr.1': rahn,
Formerly of Schuylkill County.
Phila... March 'i I,' !'.. tf.
' ITTAUREN KUSSKI,, has removed his Shoe
y Store into the Kxi'liange lliiildint's, next
. door to ll.irlman's store, where he will always
I keep ol) hand and make to order every desirable
kind of Hoots and Shoes for Men's Ladies' and
Misses' wear.
He is determined to torn nil work that will hear
examination ami trial, and which will compaie
with that of any other establishment in northern
Ctf All work warranted.
Kloomslmrir, April 7, MO.
)HIS0NS visiting town during
Lourl weeK or any oilier time,
auu in want o a uncap Jutmilt Jiihli m-ftft.
or other article in the Book aiid Sa.t ft
tionery way, ran be accommodated on applica
tion at the Bi.noMSKURU Book Store, in the
Exchange buildings, by
Sivartz iy Messenger.
Blnomnburg, Aug. Is!, 1j'.i.
Altocrny at Law:
Okfick, next door to the Court House,
liloomshurg, Columbia County, Penna.
0. C. K A 11 iTrfR
Attorney at Law and Counselor,
fJCJ-Oflice on Main street, by the Courthouse.
I) ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
i the public that he has commenced the prac
tice of law in Illoomsbnrg, Columbia county, Pa.,
wbere he will promptly attend to all legai busi
ncss entrusted to his care.
Hlonmsburg, April US, IS-lft.
Office of the " Catawissa, WiUiaumporl
and Lrie Hail Itoad Company," Ao, 48
South Fourth Street, Philadelphia,
June ith, 1849. .
I)Y an act of the Legislature of the Common
) wealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 2()lh
day of March, lS'.l, it was declared that the
Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna Koilroad Com
pany should, thereafter, he known by the namenl
the Catawissa, Williauispoit and Erie Kailroao
Company, and the President and Managers ol
said Company this day passed the following reso
lution :
", That the Secretary publish a no
tice of the change in the name of the said Com
pany, and to request the Stockholders thereol to
surrender up the old certificates of stock, and
take out new ones in conformity In the chance in
the name of the Company ; and that he also i;ive
notice to such of the Stockholders of the late Lit
tle Schuylkill and Susquehanna liailroad t'oinpa
whose stock is forfeitable lor non-payment ol
instalments thereon, that the owners of said slock
shall have the rii;lit to consolidate the payment
made thereon, and lake shares at the par value in
the Catawissa, Williamsporl and Erie Kail Komi
Company, to the amount of the actual payments
on the shares so forfeitable, provided, the old
certificates are surrendered up in ninety days
from the time of the publication of such notice in
two of the papers printed in the city of Philadel
phia, and one in ihe county ol Columbia ; and in
default of the surrender of Mich certificates and
consolidation, the said shares and all previous
payments thereon are hereby declared to be for
feited. VM. 1). LEWIS, Pmithnl.
Jos-Ki'H B. Pav ro.,.SVc:'i )'7-nm.
! Attorney at Law,
)ESECTF1T.LY inborns the public that he
j has located in BEH WICK, w here he w ill
attend promptly loallleca! business entinsledto
his care in Columbia and Luzerne count ies.
j-()llice on Main .Street, opposite the Rising
Sun Hotel.
Jan. 2D, y
" T II E I ' 1 5 X N S Y J . A M A 1 1 0 T E L .
ri'MIE undersigned very respectfully minims hi-
Iriends and the public in general, that he
has taken the I'knivsyi.vama Ho'i n., located on
Main street, Hluomshuti:, recently kept by Tlios
C. Boinliov, and will continue it as a
Where he w ill be happy to attend to the w ants
of bis custoliii'is and the public.
His house h is been renovated and refurnished,
ami no pains or expense will be wanting to make
it bulb pleasant end comfortable.
His table is well supplied with the choicest ot
viands, his bar w ith t!ie best of liquors, and hi'
.slahlin:! extensive and w ell-iu ranged.
:', -The patronage of travi Hers and Ihe custom
ol Jurors, Witnesses, fcc, attending court, is so.
licited, as they will alwajs find " good lare and
toudelate bills."
Hloonisbni!;, Apiil 7. S.!i.
MM1E iindeisigiied would aliliolince to his old
J customers and the public ill gciieial,lbat he
has iusl opi lied a new
iMerehtuit 'J'nilorin- I'lsliililishincnt,
Kxchalige buildings, liist doer above the Hotel,
w here he is u ceiving Im iii the Eastern Cities a
select assortment ol choice Cloths, Cassimers,
and Drapery genei ally, and is prepared tolinnii-h
ev ry vaiicly ot clothing, at loodeiate prices.
Garments made to order, and ready made cloth
ing furnished at nearly city cost.
ALSO, Coals, P;inls, Vests, Stocks,
Cravats, Fancy Handkerchiefs, jee, and a variety
ul other articles for sale cheap.
ijrj-The Tailoring business continued as usual.
Bloomsbnrg, April 21 , M'.i.
Surgical and Mechanical Jientisl.
rilHK undersigned respectluily inlorms the La-
I dies and Gentlemen ot Blooiusbiirg and the
public in general that he attendsto all thevariutls
opperations in Dentistry. Kesidence.nearBlooms
bum.biit w ill visit families ur inviduals, at their
dwcllitigs.wheti required. Thankful lor past fa
vors, he impes to tneiit a continuation of public
patronage ,asil w ill ever be his pleasuretorendcr
satisfaction in his profession
fiTj-The special partnership in plate work, hero
future (listing bilwei n A. Vallerrhamp and J.
II. Vaudcrslice, has expired by limitation, and
flic accounts n .said firm are in the hands el the
u ii'ler.-u.'in d fur i tilrini nt.
M i. -h 27, I - I''.
sSvliliinry it ITIniilii
riHF. undersigned lakes pleasure in announcing
t to her old customeis ;iml the citiitns of
1. 1.., mi. Iiur:'. I'eliel'allv. lliat she loin !i I.' M i .V I,' 1 1
to her new apartments, on Main street, innnedi- i
ately over llaitman's Store, up stairs, (entrance j
at the head ot Foundry Alley,) w here she is me
pared to execute, in neat style and on very short I
notice, all orders in the line of fashionable
Millinery and M;iiitii:iiii:iluiir. j
(trj-LAPiKs' work, ol every description, will !
be attended to piomplly and .sewing executed to '
order. !
Vamiti J'aviast. '
Bloomsbiirg, Aug. IS, ls:i.
""The empire company.
VV. the exclusive Agents loi Gicen's Oxy
genated Bitleis, which is i e best and stitn- ;
(.est icrliliid ineilicine li r ll.ertm ol Dyspcjsia, J
(jeneial L'ebiliiy, Haluliial ( estivi ik s, iVc , in j
the world. In evuy (.i.-ease uiimiik liom imper- ;
feet dig,t tit ion, or iltninttt stitiiiuli, Ibis nine
dy has been certified to b,y Hon. L. II. Arnold,!
Ex-Governor of Rhode Island, Hon. Win. Woou- ;
Inidge, Ex-Governor of Michigan; 1 Ion. T. .1. :
Mooihead, Ex-Governor ol Kentucky, Hon. J. S. ;
Simmons, Senator from II. I. Hon. S. S. Phelps, ,
Senator Bum Vl., Hon. Win. L'pham, Senator '
from Vt., lion. S. Foot, Si nator tu in Vermont,
Hon. 11. 1) Foster, inembei ol Congiesslioin Pa., i
Hon. W. S. Maitin, Wisconsin, (jcn. A. C. Dodge,
Iowa, C. C. Trowbridge, Esq.i, L'elroit S II.
Holmes. Esq., Ct., G- W.Jones, Esq., Dubuque,
Joseph Hoxie, New York, and many others who j
are living witnesses of lis supei ior ellicacy. N. ;
li One penliar property ol the BIT'l EUS is.that
is docs not contain any spirituoi s lniuois, and is
on an entirelv new plan of cine for Dyspepsia.
The EMVIKE VOMi'JIAY, to whom orders
should be addiisscd, ine at No. 1'iij Bioadway
N. Y.
A medical piepaiation by the name of Vain
Killer, has been put inio the market by the Em
pire Company in N( w Y( ik, v hich bids lair to
cast all other picpautiotis into the shade. It
cannot, pejhaps, be better desrnlxd than by sta
ting that it is in a liquid term, mid is adapted to
internal and external use, holding instantaneous
control over all Nervous Alii ctions, Bheiirnalism,
Croup, Inflammations, Toooth and Ear Ache,
Burns, Piuises, Sprains, Sores, ftc. Ejui'irk
Company, No. 170 Broadway,
Can be made to litur in almost every case ! by
proper lieattnent, but they should
the organization of the Ear is the most delicate
structure of the body, (except the eye,) and hence
is oltener injured than benefitted by syringes.
The Jleounlie Oil sold by the Empire Company,
1711 Broadway, is the surest and most successlul
article ever known foi cuies.
Ch(!inic;il Ck'itnsinu; Fhlit!.
ftfaiiufacturod and sold by the Empire Compa
ny, is to every prison who washes or has wash
ing done, of veiy great and essential service. It
obviates more than hall the oidinaiy labor andal,
so the wear lo clothes. It sets the color fast to
fading calicoes, and answers us well lor cambrics
muslins, and woollen goods.
The Laundry Starch Polish is Usui to give thai
peculiar polish to eullais bosoms and linens, i hat
nothing else can give; besides, if gnat ly lacili
tales Ihe ironing. The genuine has I he stamp ol
the Empire Company, No. 17o I'lcadway.
llu suit) ahout Vermifuges !
liniiiii kill the Children ! as well as the worms,
and the only sale ai tiele that kills the worms and
not the children, is the one made and sold by the
Empire Company, at 1 7 ('roadway.
is the only one of Ihe kind incuporated by the Leg
islature ol this Slate as ;i Si nek Company , and un
der such legislative enactments as to make lin
stock a!u ays at par, and the Company clear of
liabilities. Individuals holding any i f'the Slock
of the Company, will bo i milled to their pro ratio
amount of the profits of the business, declared
upon the allidavils of the Trustees, at the i ml n
each year. The Company leceive their own Stuck
at pat in, 0:e payment loi goods al the New York,
Office, I''i Broadway.
Are Manufactures of and Agents for, seme of the
finest and most popular kinds ol Shaving and Fan
cy So.q s, such as Vanilla, Napoleon Toilet, fie.,
Barbers' Shaving Snap in bars.
Balm of Columbia, Hewes's Liniment, Sphuiis'
Sick Headache Remedy, the Chinese Celestial
Skin powder, sVc, have been liansleiiid to the
Empire Company, 1 T Broadway, to win mall
orders and applications should he mwle.
Has the Agency of the Nervine Balsam, tin
Great Indian Remedy for Fits, the only sure and
certain cure fur EpMiplic Fits, Cramps, ('envoi
sinus, iS'C. Il has beei li admiliistcil with astonis
hing success, and is as near a spicilicas any thing
can be. H foimsamvv ela in the J'laclice of
Physicians, many of w horn use Ibis Balsam as the
only remedy. Poisons wishing the Nervine Bal
sam, must apply to Empire Company, 17ti liiead-
Dr. Rush's Hct.lih Pills
Aie only lo be had genuine liom the Empire
Company 1 This caution is necessary to avoid a
.spurious article. The genuine Bush Pills an?
harmless, ellectnal, and the tit- plus villa ohpe
cilics. In was invited by I he great Dr. Rush, and
used as a utiivoisal remi dy for dix ase.
Dr. Rarthuh incM'si Kxjn clorant Pink
Is manufactured peiti clly pure by the Empire
Company, 17ii Broadway, under iiicorpoiatiou
In in the Stale, lor Coughs, Colds, Pain of the
Side, Lungs. Jtr. It is a sure pievcnlivecf Con
sumption, but not a certain cm c alter the disease
is once thoroughly seated. The genuine is only
lobe had from Ibis Company.
Those who do not believe il, are rrspertfullv
desired not to read ! Rut Itald-Ileadid person's
may lead and test, and have ti e head covered
with a fine, luxui iaiil, glossy hair, by Ihe use of
the Magnetic Hair Restorer and Jnvigoraloi.
Manufactured and sold by the Empire Company,
incorpoiated hy the Stale ot New York, No, 170
llroadway. July 1S, IS If. -I'm.
rpilE Pknnsyi
JL Hot v. i., li
kent bv l'ordinand R.t-
ler, on Main street, in
White Hall,
Columbia county, Panua.
on the upper side of saidTh!
utri'i'l. mill on Ibe lllaill'W1
road leading from lllooinsbiire to M
j kept by the undersigned, w ho is fully prepared
j to accommodate the public, and will be pleased to
I wait upon travellers ami others who may favor
! him with their cu.-tom
' A CRAWFii;
Whi'e II..!',. Aug i . sp.
St. !
jm&. i
$Jr have just made valuable addi
tiV4JLi lionslooiir Joli-Ollicc, ol new type,
&c., and procuicd a handsome supply of As
sorted Fancy Paper, by which we can execute
the neatest and cheapesl Job-woi k in this sec
CAir'l (). KM KA
A linn by lli mime uf CI..1I I' lm rngnii-il wilfc t
yoiinK inna of dm mime of fl. I'. Townwiid. "
runic lo put up Sarsnparilln, wlm ii iliev mil Ur. 'to
tunit'n Fiir.imrillH, ili-nniMinnliiij il (: f'Xt'l.Vr., Ofiflnat.
eic. Tlii Tiiwiim'iiiI ii ii" iliirtnr. unit ii'vm ivih; Imi win
CiiniH'rly a worker un raitriinil.i Hn.ih. ami iho like. Vrt h
astuuies llio lillc- ol Dr.. fur Iho uiii'u-e of gaining credil for
wlul he in mil. 'J'los n In cnuiiuii diu I'lililu'. not In bo
deceived, unit purchaii! none bul tin .'..V('.VK OUICIl
Jf.1. 01. 1) ti. Jamb Townscnd' S irsupnrilla, huvuiu w
II Ihe OIJ H'. Iikuiiei, lift funlly coal of iinns, and hi
litnatnre acniss the cihI of arms.
rnneiiai njire, m tfaitau it., .Veto i'urk Cit.
HA1 M-time i
(iCDuinc Tow list1 nd Sars.tparilla.
Old lir. Tim nsend m mm' nliout 711 years of nee, nm) h m
Innx bten known in Ihe .It'THtiH and DIKCOV KM H
of tlie tlK.YUI.YK UKHII.Y.II. " TO H 'Jfx KA7 . It
S.lPAlillJ..1. Itein! ionr, he wnx cunnitftled to limit iu
in inuljcoirc. by whirh iiiiiiom It him li'i-n ks pl mil ol n'mr
ktit, nml the salei cirrunisi-ritii'it in llioiie only who had
proved its ivurlh, unit known Us value. Il hn.t reaiPhed
the vtitA of many, ui-verilu'lt-ss. as Itinie iiersnns v, hn, hHil
bei!Q hi'Hled of sore ilise isus, and savtd troiu dealli, f prar
clmined iu CIM-Ilenoil ninl wiindi rfill I
Knnwini, many year dfu, lhat he had. by bit -skill,
srienre and riperknre, devised an article which woulu a
of incalculahle liilvanlHiie tu uiinkind when the iiiieani
would he tarnished In hrin1! it into universal notice. 'Hhe-t
us niHsliiiialile virtniw would he known nnd appreitinted.
This time has rouie, (he means are supplied ; this j
UII.1.Y1I A.YH L'XKti.ll.l.Kli I'll ICP.1 H.1 h'lO.Y
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is cnllied for
Ihroucliiuii Ihe length and lireadth of the land, espciall
as ir. is found incauitile of di-ueneriilinn or deterioration.
Unlike ynurif! rt. V. Townseint'1, il impruves with n,ce. anil
nover chances, hut for the heller : became il is prepipred vn
tcirnlijit principles hy a ti-.imtific man. 'J'he highest kuowl
cdee ul On inisirr. and the latest discoveries of lllie an,
have all been brouiiht into rtiuisi(ion in Ihe niunifilaeiure
of Hie Hid lir's sarsapanlla. The stursuparilla OS. it. It Is
I .TV re
well known lo medical men, contains many nieuiciinnl pro
ernes, and some pioperncs which arc inert ur uso less, and
oihers, w hic.h if retained in pre p'lritui il for use. produce
ftrmmlaUnn and acii. w loch is injurious lo ihe sysleiu.
-tome of Ihe proierues of iSursapanlla are so ruwli, Dull
I they entirely evaimratc and are Inst in the preparation. If
lliey are not preserved by a rifnr.jie pruersn, kqown only
lo those extH-rjenccd in its inaiiufactiue. IMorejiver. Ihcsa
eclattlt prinriplrM. which II y off in vapor, or as 4n exhala-
uon. under heat, are the very tsftntiat mtdical jiriptrtitt
of the n - it. which sive to it all ils value.
! Any person can boil or slew Ihe rout till lliey et a dark
enlured liiuid, whicli is mure from ihe colortnir mailer la
Hie mm than from any Ihin; else; ihey tin ihun strata
this Insipid 'ir vapid hiuiil, sweeten with sour molasses,
i nd then call it "SAllfA i'A llll.l.A lIXTItACf or its'.
KIT." It is t such is not the erode known as ttif-
'J'liis is so prepared, linn all Hie itit.-rt prnpertles of the
Sarsaparilla runt are tirsi ri-moved, every thine f;tmb!e of
hecuniiiil! acid ur offi'iiiieiilaliiiii, is evtrarleil ami rejected;
then every particle ut mcilicil virtnu is s.nireil in a pure
and C' lriu ; and Uius il is rumlnred nicaiablHiir
losing any of its valuable ami in; iliaj; prus-riios. Prepared
III tins way, it is tnmle tne iiiusl (Hiwerlill aent ill Ihf
Cure of innumerable iliseases.
' Heine Die reaxiui why we hear c i enilaiuius mi every
; aide In its f ivor liy na n, women, and children. We find it
; dnine wonders in the i urn uf
VO.VlitrMI'THi.Y, in -il'l.l'SI.-l, and V.H CUM-
t VI..1I.YT, and in Hin:i'.HTIsM. UL litirL I..1,
' PII. IS, OsTiyK.YKSS, all I I T.i.vy.vl .S P. It VP
TIL.YS. 7.U7..S, HJ.OL IUHS, mid nil allucliiiua
: Busing from
1 It jmnniHH'.. u ui irvcliuiis -rhr ,-y in ail ( (irnj-lHinM nriiinf
fluiil Indifitnitun. In.iti .ir. nitty uf lh St.un.ti,h Irnin limnjiul
; crriiltitiiiii. ilt-W-nimiMiiHi el' Vl ' U, the he.'ul, lalpimtiun
I ul' the hcurl. coUi U-vi mil ;, run! i tiilU a ml h( li.whn
i itvt-r lint It.nly. It lint tint it-. I' in ( Wijt nml ( o'lgki ;
fimj'i vn-ty lutun', ami if"in!i )n r-iirtiiitn,
iolai.ui; lure ol liiw liimii,, ;n-l uvry nlluir iaru
Hut in nutting l itt t -m tiinit' ti. itiiif-.ily accii hih!
1 iiclni'vli.'(li-il tliiti in ;tll ktii'i- 'n it -ii'iL'i's i f
1 1 "nrk-i WfHiiU.Ti in i1 it el ul' y.uur .iibuA or White, h'tll
' tnpofthe H'.iih'j. t''tn,f!td, Suf.ri.i'd, ot I'-mitut MrnstJ,
imu.urttti ul tl'C ihfii -irtiti I'-Timls, ii ml itiu lik; nml
i in eittTiiidl id t tf-iiif .ul dm I 'lin nf Kutuftj 'i"UM,
llv rcHU'Viiii; dliAtjui'li.His. nml rt';:ul.itn:; tun fin-ral
jytfMii, it .vp- ti'iio iii.d .-.ifuuiii in iiu: wimle iniy, and
I ii ii s nircx nil l-iniis it'
Nervous !iscisrs iind dvhilitj'i
nnd ilms j.rcvt. ut. i.r frht vLSrf uji- tt iifiety t( ulher mala
llit. ns pintU irritutnut, 'rura, 'in, At. i Janet
bW'MKinf, y.nii-jittc (., ('iiHin'.thiii!,. &.C.
It clunn.ifi tin: MixhI. null1- tin' liVKt m heahliy nctinii,
luiit'fl tiio -(IuhniiMi, nint iiivv.i ti.iuil -1 jitii'ii. nMievt? ilia
Inih-cU ol' tnri(i' it nil i:ui-1t.p.iHiill, ni! llill.UHHi.itl'in,
(iiiritici tlic kui, I iiiuti-.i s tn I IU Hl.Ul.-ll I tin' bllMhl,
.iuiIu'iiil' uutiu Wiiitiiil, i-.ji.illy all uvt-r ()ih Imily, and
I he iiiMfisililc icr.iiriitinii ; 1 ml ifictuiA aim tight
u!.vs, rtiiKivcs all nliiirm ti'.ni, tnul iuvionttei i.iiur
hflVilllH h) Mr 111. Is fi-t.Pt th i a thru
The medicine you irc-cnjiiini!ly nfcd I
Hut ran any ot lln-'e ilium. tn!s.,.d "I f . I'. I " n-end's
Ihlelior nrl.c If ! 'I'll.. Vii'lni Iii.ic'.- oiilid is il"i I" be
derail I l.KAN'H l-'At'T. I lie imc is I.NC.IPA
ui.i. i.i iii: i i:iiti i: i i i.s, iin.i
wtole Dienltier D'lKS ; ...on uii'. frriiu ntiwr, and bluvipjf
Ihr l,n"r. C'lliliiiliilic il Him li.ikinciil- , Ihe s.uir, achl liu.lil'l
aipliidiui; null .1 un i-mc ullii r l'uuiN : M list not litis hurn
be ciiiiipuiiud be ii.i.uiin.u.1 lo tne sj stem ? ll'Auf .' put
cud into a fij.iti hi iili fitito ti:st ii.ii t irith find .' W bat i'it
i)-ipsiu tint :o ill ! I m we ii"t nil know that when looit
ours in our simii.tchs. w iniscbicts it produces .' Ilatn
lence, he.iriluirii, p.Up'u alum ol the heart, liver complaint,
diarrhfi-a. dysentery, colic, nnd cirrupinui ol Dm bloiKlt
VV'hai is rViul'ulu hut no :u ul luiinur in Die Imdy t What
pruilurrs nil the humm- wiucu l.n i, un Kruptiiuis of tlio
rtkill, rrtllil Ili ad, f ill III 11. I-r si.-llia. vVllltn .Iwell
lints, l-'tver Surei. nml all ioi:er;iliuns internal and eslt-rnalf
It IS ilntiiltii lllldir Iii:iiVcu, bin all m id Mibstalicu. w hictl
ours, and Uius .uls all Hie ilniils of the body, more or
less, W'h.ii ciuises I, ii 1 1 1 1 1 it i i . in I,u: a smir or ucid Hunt,
which insinuaos ii-eil beiweeu the joints and ehewhere,
Untiiling and iiillionuiit the ilelu aie iis-ues upon w Inrd it
acts ? So ,f iierlous ii,., est, of oiiiunl of the blond, ih
denuded circiil iiiniis, -uul m arly all me nilmeub wlocii
afflict human nature,
how is it imi horrible to make and sell, and innnitilf
I'Ul'Nl)'' UK S. V. TOWNSKNI),
md yel lie wnuiu fiin Inve it unilcrsiood that (ltd Ur. .Isrob
rownsend's 14-nuinf SdrgnpariUa, is an I.MITA
I'll I.N ol his inleruir preparation 1
Heaven tiirhul Dint we should deal in an article w-hlrh
ivollld hear the most distant rr-t-mhiaure lo P. Town
tend's article ! and which shnuiil Urine dow n upon Ihe Old
Dr. such a mountain load of complainls and rriilillialinns
front Aeenej w ho ti.tve si, id. and purrha-rs who have uieii
rl. I'.'I'uwiisrud's I KK.MK.M INli l'( iMI'i I'M.
We wish it iiiiderstoud, because it is the aluoluit truth.
thru H. I. Tow nsend's article and Old I ir. Jacob Town
lead's Sarsa(iarilla are heavm-vult apart, nnd irfimttiy dit
tmilar ; lhat they are unlike in every particular, having
uot one Mingle ilunt! in eunimou.
As t. V. Tuivn-eiul is no doctor, and never was, ie nm
cliemist, no pburmsri-iinst knows no more of medicine or
due.isc than any oihercommun, iiiiscieniim. nnprotessionat
man, w hat rmiraittre can Ihe pulilic have lhat tney are re
ceivini a itenuine scicutiuc mrtlirine, contauonE all iha
virluet of Die nrucles used in presiriuc it. nnd w hich are m
capable nfchatuies which audit render them the AGHNlsl
Ot llisease ue.tiiolol health.
Uui what ehe should I eiperted from one who knows
uoihiut,' of tni-dicine ur disease ! Iireiinrra
a person uf some experience to n,k and serve up even
uiinmon decent meal. How nun n umre important is it ihal
the perions who niAuuf.iriure medicine, donned f,,r
should know well the medical properiies of plants, ih
best manner of securing and concentratine their healinf
virtues, also an i-uen-ive knowledijBol the various disease
shich aibct the human system, and how to adapt remedied
to the.e diseases !
It Is to arre.i irniius ii,n the unfortunate, lo pour balia wouutii d liiimaiiity. t,, kindle hope in the iiespairins;
bus to resmre health and bloom, and valor into the
crushed nod bn, ken, and to banish intirmitv ihst Ol.l) HR.
J.M'IUI TiM NSHNI) has Siil,t;HT and FOI .N I) the op
purlunity and m.-ans to brin( Ins t
(.iu nd l uivi r-tal Couct'iitratcd
within the rem h. and In the kuowlrdi;e of nil who ned It,
llnnhey may It, mi and know, by joyful eipenenre. iu
1 raiisct ikU nt I'unrr to Ileal.
F 1' UT. Acm), I'ltiem-.l'urg - aug li.'-jjiM