life. SATURDAY MGR., OCT. 13, 1810. Potatoes I I'otatoci! ! Mr. S A. firmly. the Proprietor of the K chang Hotel, yelerd) leceneun pieseiil from Mr. Cileb tUitou, J.,uf 5 Potaioc. which weigh ed 3fJ lbs. ffrJ-TiuConN Cr. v.Tit Mig islown Wedge ikvi j Many of I ho larnien in thin region art- very giecably lurprised to find that the corn cropt aie much belter than ihey txpected, considering the jjieil dryness of the neasoii. 5-5- Lom. SsNrrsut -The tmgro retry Gc.l convicted iu Kent county, (Md.,) court, of murder in the cond degree, in killing negro Jaka Caulk, wai sentenced on Friday 21st ult I id be confined in the penitentiary 14 yearn and 10 I months, fjch "What's the state ol moral in your dis llrict." aaiJ a long Uced reformer to a farmer, L ha recently visited town. "Pretty good," replied th fanner ; "every h-idy sectns disposed to mind 14 in own besiue- ill ourpirts." I (t The Mt tire at Owcgo.on the 27th ult., (iLiiu)ed the printing office of the ()ego Mver thrr and the Oego Uavlte. There was no in iirnc.e. The proprietor! aie busy repairing their loWx. The office ut I he Freeman alone ciaped the fl noes. BeiuS e 8UPP0je it vh'ao lewdelruetibl8 (jdj-The U.S. Attorney General, Hon. Rever dy JBohnsoil, in confined to his residence at Wash ingBon, by a severe attack of pleuiisy. Me J.-tTerson K. Ileckman, Esq., the Collector on the Delaware Easton, Fa., passed on Satu'.daylast.inboats-the tolls, exclusive ol dravr-buk, amounting to $19o2. 1 . Bit by n Snnhe.A young man named George Kellar, of Union townhip, Berks county, was bit ten bjy a rat'lesnake, a few days since, under these cirrunhstsnres; In endeavoring to kill the snake, it had .nearly disappeared in the crevise of a rock when fje attempt to cut off its rallies and in doing wn 'bit on the finger. With, remarkable pies ece of,' mind he immediately cut out the bitten put anjd wound astring tightly round the finger to prevent the circulaiion of the poison though his KViteiiii The bandage was afterwards cut loose, ami th hand and arm soon became enormously wolle i but by medical aid he was afterwards cu red. Singular Obituabt. The iMlnwing singular obituary notice appears in the Athens (G-i.).Measenger; "He was the father of eleven sons, five of the ,nM having married five sisters. He had also one hundred and eighty-nine greatgiand children: ndat his funeral two weeks ago lat Sabbath. two how teere Hung to death by another lamt near losing hi UJebyht mine- r-The people of Texas have resolved, by a very large iiuj 'rity to amend ihe Constitution of their Slate. rSusings-No 11. B V Q.V 1 z : 'The man recovered of the bite, It was the dug thai died." 1 am his highne-s' dog at kew ; ' Prnv tell me sir whose dog are you. In thi insinuation of Mr. Pope, there in, perhaps, as much truth as poetry ; and I am often inclined to the opinion, that there am in this country, some tings that' do not w-lk on four Ic-th. Both kinds, are, without doubt, puhlic nuisances. Dr. Franklin says, "What maintains one vice, would hiiui; np two chilren." I beg leave to amend, by crossing out the word "vice" and iuHerting tur," merely for the pres ent iec;.sinn, lor both the "sayings" are as true us preaching. 1 was led into this fit of "musing" by a -fight 1 saw" not long ago, during a jaunt into the country. Passing by rather a qua'td ii nd neglected house, which, never theless might have been made pretty by a little, a very huh' attention; I observed round about the door a half dozen ragged, dim- looking children, anil at least half as many t-h'ck, fat. lazy good-for-nothing dogt. As soon as the sound of the buggy struck their ears, they wetc all heels over head over the fence, and setting to in reg ular fashion, one behind the buggy, one at si e ami one before the horse, kept up a sort of i ler ml music, very much resem bling that described by Mi'ton in his "Par adise Lost." Ji would be a national blessing if the Philadelphia l)oir killers would condescend lo lake si journey through the country, and hoot two iliirds of the dogs in it, and cut the tails off of the remaining third, close be hind llicir cam. It ii not meet to i;,kn the children bread and cast it to the dogs. Where one d g is tieeissarv, twenty-five are a deceided nuisance. A "liig dog" I have no objection to, if be k'i'A - his place; but these mean, contemp'i.'!. . in-ionilicant, snarling, snappinir. barking "7.7c curs," 1 do aboini'iate. I would as soon walk the it-rets with a newspaper or a dish cloth niined to mv coat tail, as to be followed t;'n sinre, taepro and parlour, by a rlinv 'I'tlr cur dog. ftr-W call the attention of the public to the mi rv. advertisement of Messr. John l:. HAKih u. v . of Philadelphia, in another column. The we frmm f.ui I.ihff Oil. sdvestised by them, is re commended by the highest medical authorliies of University College, London, and numerous emin ent physicians of this eo unlry, md has proved ol 1... ualiu. It. m.irlv all case of colisump- iliu jirun... . v i;..,. iii..,.tmofthelunirs. where il has been used. The article, we are assured by men who rini0, does not belong to the class usually renom inated ;in7fHi or quack medicines, but is of in trinsic value for the purposes indicated. QiJ-The great "Whig" Protective Tarifl Pres ident Taylor has just bought an imported carpet for the White House in place of the dom ettie one Mr. Polk used .' STOKE FOK SALE. rilllK undersigned about lo relinquish tl.esti re keeping business in llloomshuru, oilers his entire STUdv OK (JOODS, for at a bargain. I he Store Houe in which they ore kept, can be rented, on application to B K. Rhodes, Ksij., (hi-l'hi allmiN ii.oil oimorluuilv toanv per- r - - - . i ... son wishing lo engage in the Mercantile buoness. r I'.LIA IV.AII.S. Blooir.Hbuig.Oct. 13, 110.-31. $10 HE WAR I). isodjsi: s'roi.i:.! "I7"AS ", 1,in ,1'"m lll' "' the subscriber I III 'Jeiitre to'.vnsliip, Liilom- jpjpj Oil COUO'V, (Ml J II II I !,t.d,T IIIKH(,"I,T 11th of October, lb l'J, a dark IKOA Sixecn bancs high, about lour years o.d ami ve ry gentle in use. The above reward of 10 will be given for the rc. very of saiil burse, it stolen, iin.i ihe con lininent ol the thirl in the county jail : or il only strayed away, the finder shi.ll he sell u warded. AN'IJKKW KB HAS. October 13, lSfl!. (Adoress lierwick, Pa.) SUEIUFF'S SALE. Iy virtue ol a writ of venditioni exponas to ) me directed will be exposed to pudlic sale i the old Court House, in Danville, on Friday the 2d day ol'Noveti.bur Hex at two o'clock in the afternoon All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in North Danville bounded on the North by lilooiiisburg street on the South by an alley on the east by ferry street and on Ihe Wet by lot No. S, being the lot niaiked No. 'J, on Alexau. Mont gomery's plan ol Noilh Danville, whereon is a hirge two story brick house and a one and a-half story frame duelling house with a basement story, one frame slable and other oui-buiUings, ttiih the amiuitenances, ALSO, ' All tl'at pice or parcel of land, situate in Mahoning township, adjoining Church street on the West, i he Pennsylvania Canal on the South, land of llavwood k Snyder on the Kast, land ol Sarah H.Sechler on the North c lining between lour and live acres with the appurtenances. ALSO, All the right title and interest of defen dant being an undivided moiety or hall part ol a certain trart ol land situate in Valley township, adininini' land of Thm: Yol ks, Joe.h Mans, and others, containing 2'l acres more or less, whereon is erected a double lug-house with the appurtcn. CCS. ALSO, All the interest of the defendent of, in, to, and out ol the several pan els of land sold by Alex ander .Montgomery to Joshua Slctler, C. W. Chil 's and M. Snyder, containing together about lUleen acres, defendant's intiest th-iein being ihe riijht and privilege of mining and taking away all iron ore therefrom, held by defendant j.i.nlly with A. K. Russel. Seized, taken in execution and to be told as the nroncrlv ol David P. Davis, bv ' ' P.KNJ. DAYMAN, Slur iff. Sheriffs Office. ( Bloniiisburg, Oct. 13, M'.). S "iMJHE FKESH COl) LIVEIi OIL. This new and valuable medicine, now ned by the medical profession with such astonishing ef ficacy in the core of pulmonary Con sumption, Scrofnl i, Chronic malism. (!out,tercral Debility, complaints of the Kidneys &.c , is prc'ired IVoin the liver of the Cod Fish for medicinal use, expressly for our sales. Extract fiom the London Mtdical Journal. "C. J. B. Williams, M. D., F. IX. S., Profes sor ol Medicine in University College, London, Consulting Physician to the Hospital for consump tion, ic, say ': 1 have prescribed the Oil in a hove tour hundred cases ol luherrniom disease of Ihe LunKs, in different Hnges, which have been under my care the last two years and a half. In the large nuin'irr of cases, ."Jo out ol 23 1, i's u-e was followed by marked and mw ipiivoci.l linprov riient, varying in degree in dilierent cast s, Iroin a temporary retardation of h progress ol the dis ease and a miiiaa:ion ol i!ilrevsiiig symptoii:s, up lo a more or less complete restoration lo apparent health. "The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these rases was very remark ibl". Ku;n in a lew days the cough was initiated, the expectoration di minished in ipiantity and opacity, tne nighlswents ceased, the pulse became slower, Mid i f better volume, and Ihe appetite, ll.s'n and strcnglhwere gradually improved. "In conclusion, I repeal mat toe pure irrli ml from the Liver of Ihe Cod imorc beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than a:: au'ent, medicinal, dieteiic or regtmtnul, that has yet bee;i employed." Awe have made arrangements In procure Ihe Cod liver Oil, fresh from head rpiut tt-i t. it can now he had rhemieallv pure by the single bottle, or in boxes of one dozen each Its wonderful efficacy ha induced Miinrroin xpnriom imitation. As its success depends en tirely on its purity, loo much care cannot he used in procuring it genuine. F.verv hntilo having on it out written signature, rrnv be depended upon as genuine. I Pamphlets containing an nnsly-is ol the Oil, with notice of il fmni Medical Journals, will he ent to those w ho address us tree of postage. JOHN C. HAKKR & CO, M'holennle A ia'C'"'-' Ctirmitt. 100 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Oct 13, 1 S l .l Cm. 1)3 III): In Lewisbiirg, on Thursday morning. Anna Maria, wife of Dr. T. A Thornton, aged 2'. years. In Salem, on Saturday last, Mr. F.L1JA1I Doan, aged ahout S3 ; and on the following cay. Sabah, his wife, aged about 70. Moth were bu- rirt in nni 'inn. Inr in Ai lib are not I ir 1 ' P'1 I!pTinlican Stsndar-J ti itmi:i: Py the Rev, D. S. Tobias, on the Dili inst., Mr. John Dkmliv, to Mis Mahy Ann Ghaham, ol Hriarcreek. Ily Rev. C. II. Day.on the 'Jlst of August, Ml pKi'ta Whiik, to Miss Sahah Ann Mki.icii, both of Mount Plensnnt. Ry the aame, Sept 23d. Mr. Clahk MsniL, of Ruckhorn, to Miss Anoalink lUtse, of Robrs burg. Ry the fame Sept. 2.0th, Mr. John II. Dr.wrrr to Miss Caholink S. John, both of Light St. In Salem on the 3d instant, by the Rev. I. Rahl.Mr. Wm. II. Harris, to Miss Susannah Oahkison, On the 27th Ult., by Rev. T. Mitchell, Mr. Israel Staumbach, to Miss Mar Winnkh, both of Danville. 820 Steward, HOUSE STOLEN. "17'AS s,"ll'M fl0m iheS:hu ,.f ) tne Subscriber, in Mahoning township, near Danville, lail night, the 12 inst, A ULACK HOItSl' He is about 12 or 11 yean old, near 10 hands high, right hinJ-leg white ill) to or abov th ..a-. ture joint, was marked with the swingle-trees, is unshod behind and has heavy main and tail. fr- P'-'t) leward, will he paid for the conviction of Ihe thief and the return ol Ihe horse: or, $15 inr inc. recovery olsanl horte. D. M. FOX. Mahoning twp., Col. ro., Oct. 13, lM'J. LIST OF LETTERS, )FM -IMNO in the Post Odice, at Rluoms- V burg, Sept. 30lh, 1SI0. Ager, Wil-on Appleiuan, (jeorge Hei nclioi I, I noli, as B'irel. field. V.'m II. lilaine, J R. Lsq , Hooll, Ii. V. Bounds, F.iutua Cannain, James W. Clark, 11. C. (.'ex, Samuel Dde, Albeit O. Daves, Joseph Dennis, Lodina Eves, Joseph Fry, 11. H. & co., Fisher, Jacob Oilberl George Haines, Jacob Hirnebaurt, Michael Heilftan, Flias F.sq., Jones, Thomas (ship) Jones, Hoi.j Joline. A.'l). k'inl, Nicholas Krcssler, Samuel Linle, Mips E Lvden, John (ship) M ar kill, Joiiu Mod. kui, chly. John M'.iry, Casper Kn., M'Ai in trie Miss S. M. Madden, A. J. Menges, Joseph Robens, Martha Ni.-liel , Kliziheth Uishel, I'.ii.abeth boii..:!.i r, john Slioernalier, John Sellers, W. J. Esq., Shuliz, Henry Savits, Willi Jin Sidel, Jacob Snyder, N. Treslyean, Frank. Tagg.ii I. h iai.kliii Tovle, Timothy Willi s. John Watts, Ephraim Willson, James D. Will, Daniel Landes, George Wild, Thomas (ship) Yetter, Isabella fj:3- Persons applying Inr letters on the above list w ill please say they are adveitised. j. m: chemj!I'.f;lin, r. m. Li( nr(sr:uil Jurors. FOIt NOVEMBER TERM, 1849. Heaver Charles Michael. llloom Jacob Oarietsou, Thos. Fair man, Iiewis II. Matisr. Uriarereck Isaac Yoeum. Caltawissa Jonan Price. I Jerry Thomas Kobison, John Stci ner. Franklin J. II. Vought, Jacob Kus tenborder. Greenwood Ilrnry Kilehen. Hemlock V'tniah Heesc, Liberty Wm. Maddon. Maine Jonathan liitlenbcnder. Madison Wm. Harder. Mahoning Thos. Jamison, James U. Myers. Milllin Christian Miller, Jacob Yohe. Montour Elias Dielerich. Orange John Neyhard, Jacob Snyder. Stiffarloaf-David Goulder, l'eterLatibach. TItA VEIiSE JUKOKS-FIIIST WEEK. ! Heaver Isaac I'etil, Isaac Davis, Jacob j Ilinterleitcr. I Bloom John K. Girton, John Jacohy, i Charhs II. Doebler. i Hriarcreek Leonard .Sjionenberger. Centre John Siller. Derry Jacob Hiddle. Fishingcreek Hiram IIcss, John Pil ner. Hemlock John McHey nobis. Limestone John S. Follmer, William Mutchart, John Fulton. Liberty Davis Wilson, John Clark. Maine Hndolpb Slinman. Malionin?; George Leibricli. David Hob erts, Kdwaid Tinney, George McAlpin. Montour William (!. (uick, Joseph Mouser, John Hoycr. Mountpleasant Andrew Meltck, 2d., Win. J. Ikfder. Orange David Ilidlebrand, Geo Ilar man. Korirltacreek Dr. F. Ii. Wolfarth.Dan lei J,e"an. sr. 8iioarlaf Jtthn Daubach, Isaiah Cole, Samuel Me Henry. Valley Win. .Moore, Griffith Davis. SECOND WEEK. Heaver John .Shuinan.Simon Rrrdbrn der Bloom-Thomas Trench.Tho. (yrivtding. liriarcrei k-Henry C. I'reese Cattawissa-Jacob r, Cenlre.-(;ilbirl II. I'nwler, Jos. Weiss. Derry-Daiid Cox, Wm. S. Clark, Ja cob Crawford, Abraham Weliiver. Fishingcreek Abr'ni Kobbius, Frrder Ilartmati, Williiim f'rnmer. Greenwood Daniel Mr Co wen. JacksonMichael Keinely. Liberty -Frederick Blue, James D. Wil son. Limestone-Samuel Caldwell, Abr'in Waoner. Madison Abraham Cool. Mahoning Samuel Gulick. Wm. Kitch en, Thomas Brandon, Win. Miller, Sam'l. S. liotish, Hugh Harrison, I'eter l'if-lii'l. Maine George W, Gardner, Isaiah ''hu man. Milllin Wm. Mensinger, Wm ' Snmuel Creasy, John R. Ynlie, r;ir.g--,lnhn Rcrrinc be da. VII em assi 1 O FAi IMPO II1- ui i ii g tnt invile 111. his siipen manulacHi idler at sin States can c No. F5, Arch next to Loudon (jj- Store alw.i The highest e.. Pinladelphia. O. ES . S' TRAY ED from the r of the snliserilier, resiu Fishingcreek town-hip. on 2-2d d:v of Seplelti'1er,a hiten, RED MULEY, Any person giving ii.luruiatiou ol suitably rewarded. JOHN Hi October 4, 1M0-V Rkulcki) l'iuci;s. NEW, CHEAP AND FASIIIONARl Clot hi n g E m p o ri u m. rill I F su'iseriber respect fully informs his friends . I and the puniic, that be has dissolved tne pjiinership business and opened an entire NEW ! STOC'K OF (iOODS, fresli lium Ihe ciliis, in ihe Cheap Clatlniijf Emporium m the same stand, on Main Street, uiinve. the Amkkican Houff, wheio he can heat both Jew and licnlile at sel ling cheap tioods. Clothing, &c. Take the lul lowing sample ol his prires : Fine Dress or Fr-ick Coats from S'i to i'1'2 Splendid lilnii lilaek Diess Coats Hi 1H Cuslimcielt, Alpaca and siiuiincr cloth, 3 ii I.inneli ('o.ils ol all kinds, 1 3 Ii lark Casiiuere I'ants, 3 0 Splendcd Liinartine Pants, ti ('nttnnade and summer Cassimere, 1 4 Plain Satin Vc-ls, 2 ."I Figured Satin vi.sts. 2 ,'i Marseiles and Cashmere vests, I 1 Hoy's I'ants and Vests, 1 ,1 Men's Casinct Pan's. ',', .too FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, of every description, Dry, Fancy, and Maple G001K, and a general assortment of Shirts, l!o sums, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Stocks, Hand kei chiefs, 4i,o., iVc. (jarm ilt mailt to ortter on hhnrt nntiee, fjrj Persons residing out of loan w ill find il to their advantage lo pnichase clothing of him as he is determined to put prires down so low as lo make an object to those who come Irom a distaiiep. Cien'lenieii don't forget lo enquire for Nalli.ins's Cheap C'loihing Store, on Main Street, one door above Mr. Dodder's American House, lilooins burg. SIMON NATHAN, n'onindmrg, O.-t. 1, SI!i 1'LHLIC NOTICE. rj V. r'3rt'ierhip heretofore existing under the firm of 1 l.iybuist and Paldv, is ihis day dis solved by mutui'l consent, nil persons indebted tn said fir ii e re.iues'ed to make immediate pay ment, tn Stephen Hah'v who isfullv nothoii-ed to receive thes; Thoe w ho neglect this call must not coini)! o n if they u:ceive a visit from a pro'K-r oliiecr v; f. mvnn;sT. ST K Pi I F.N I1ALDY. Pdoom-biirg, Oct. jf, I Spl. X Ii.S. I'..ildy will attend at the SpireKnii-e, Corner of Main and Iron Miec!, every Saturday lor etib inent with llrisi- who rail. NOTICE. Eatitc tif .Inc h Zimmerman, deceased. r"Vi". heir J Zlo.iriel irs trd legal reoivs, ii;iivi s r.f ,1 lrrvi I loan. I to "I Mni'.in loivnhin.(.'olii ! - lia coin. , Pa , d, ce.-sed, In il J.ici b ,' man, Manilliti.i Zimmerman. Mirgnett i Zimmer man, I : . I 1 1 : i 1 1 1 1 I wil.i Chailis Lacks, S.iiah .luioiei imii inierin ii rice nth William PiUto (ieoig1 Zimt'i.T'e:i!i, John Zimmertii'in, R. Marg in'! ' inieiniailied with Charles Zonl er. K- in . oii'i. rein iiiiennairie-l wi'h John M iu, I'reil, ricl; Zimrnrrmu,, LuiI.m; Zimmi l m,i!i, Christ iati Zimmerman, Margaret Xi.i. mer man i'ii.-':n;iirii'd with Aaron Fry. and Ihe rhdd rrn ot .la"o'i ZiuiPiern'an.hite r.f (Jeremy, d.-eei-seil.aie hercl'V notified that in puisiiance of a writ of p i: liiion i--ued out of the Orphans' ( ' i.rt r f Columbia cono'v hn Ihe partition of the real es tate of .-aid dri ea.s..d,'ilu ite in She townshin ;.f,,' inv ol severil tracts of jni rrnt.iininT in all two lomdred and ihirtv -live rten s trore or b-ss, amonu-t the hens ami li-gil repii'pnlalives of the said deceasr.), 1 w ill hold an Im;oi .) on said i reir'-es, i'l il e -ii'! t.iwnsh'i" Milllin. on Tors, day. the sixth dav N ivem'ier next, at 10 o'clock A. iM , when and where you art inpiostod to a! lend. P.FVI M!N II W.MAN, SI., riff. Sheriffs OtTirc, Cloonis'cng; ) rpt m!'-! S situat One. . I 1 more or !e j IMIheim, P. j TINK I V ACM 1)S o. I are on the piouiNi ;'fy v,r .rn a . fichard, and . j other FM'I'I ! ffaSrspi ing of water j Late the F.-late r,f said d 1 township of Madison, anil cn .lACOl, I. j r.'oomshiirg, Sept :i, i..:i si 1 1'UBLIC SALE OF REAL 4 VALl'Alll.1'. FAliM will heoi J lie salo, upoti Ine premises, j ieiilence of Lf.onaup Lazahi's, on DAY. the Wh iloy of .YUl'KMlillli j The lariii contains li20 Acres of good IaM, of which aliout 15i) acres are cl.'ared mid , I stste of cultivation, The land contains a body 1IUON ORE, a bed of LIMKSTON IC, and llier ,PtJI are upnn the premises two p jTt'rS'itdwellin.r IK) fr.s AVV. two VAh 'Tip f OJ'Mft 1 1 BP. ' " r. a ii. ' lloirn:, with its fixtures -sJ, ol Topper Kettles. Hogsheads, &.C., a S,M!lig I lloiisi!, and a never-lailiiigspring of water. The farm is in Montour township, along the main road leading from Ploomsbnrg to Danville, .mil is about live miles from each place. I yjr Sa'e lo commence at In o'clock, of said je.iy, when due attendance will be given, and j terms made known, bv F.MAM'FL LAZAHIN, ! .Itiniaistrator with Hie will annexed. ! Montour, Sept. l lS4:i8ts. ,ir!io!iis nncltiti t'x heirs and legal rrprc I sent alive. '1 VV. heiit.ind !e; d representa'ivs of Nicholas Pi'Thart.l 'te e .MadlS'Ui tn .Colundiia rc.unly i .'.occ-iseii. are lipreny nohiied mat ny virtue ol a ! ivri ol partition and valuation isued out of the Orphans' Court ol Columbia county aforesaid, the . real estate of said deceased, situate in said Madi. i son township, not admitlir g ol partition, has been valued vd appraised, a"d the inquest roi.firmrd ! bv sil l Court ; that at the lat August term ! of said C'io-,1. a rule v.i granied by Court on the saiii I'i'irs ai'd legal represent ilives, lo apjirar in ' said Court the first div of next November term tn wit. the 'bird Moi.i! i of November next, and ac- ( erl s 'id ( s i'e at I lie valuation, or shew ranse i whv Ihe said Couit shall iiot order the same to he i .old tU-'.XniAYM . ,S7r.J j SEUi'KSTiiATOKS' NOTICE. T)Y viiiue of siiialiN writs of Seijiirstraticn to ' E ) me direcli"), will be exposed lo sile at the pimlic l oiie uf John Keller, ill Milllin townbip, Col. o., o i Saturday the 2 th day of (Iclohfr, ! i'pvI, nt in o'clock, A. M., the following Life ; ite, to wit : All the Lite I'state of rhiiip in a i ci'i I lin tract of land situile in Milllin town-hip I Columbia ro!iiitv,civit.iitiir,g fi'iacres more or Irs-', ' ahum ill acres of w hich are cleared lands, hound ; ed by I in I oft;. Kirkoridall, Leonard Kirkenrlall I and i UoTs. w bem m is creeled a Log Dwelling I house, a largp l iame h.nik l'.iin and there is on j the premises an apple orchard with thenppurten j anees. i Seized and taken in'o rvecnli n and to be sold a-,lhc Life IMalo of I'hili'i Hailerker. ! HF.NJ. H.YMN. i, at1". : ShenlVs Orice, ) I rt.Msni!?, Sept, 2s '1 J. ) then s7t sta'e oi In N l'LAINTS, , the nerves h tatinn, and gnu whole system. i. flirtiid with ihe a that large doses of ways injurious. Ti at a dose every nigi See Circulars TIicm; Pills were firsi manner. No gaudy di( tisemeiils tilled with rirlii.. never lived weie restored to, n their way into public favor on . its. They are purely vecrlalde, r Md i, their operation, and perleclly h' .f for vol, old of debilitated constitution. They never i the bowels costive, which cannot he said of other pill now in use. Great rare has been ta pn in selecting and rnmpnuni'iric the mcdiriw which has always been superintended by Dr. SOCLE in person. For I'm i her ilnectien, cirtificatrs, p., fPf, New York P 'tanic Institute, published at Fa did, by Dr F L. SOL'LK & Co., which mavU had of agents gratis. dkw'ark of rr r.TrnrFiT ! ! ! As tliereare spiiriei's PilN in circulation rr.''i ed Oriental or Seven iri Lsdm, hp -ure n ere 1 ,.. fore Von buy I lint Ihe name of' l. F. L. SOI"" F Jc CO.' is on the face f the boxes None , tlvis ran be genuine. YYe sue not nware that at.v one w ho is making a spnuoiis article has wt dm'pd to make n-e of ourr ?ti e; hut w, f th.mhave hail Hie impudence ! imitate rnr hr xps and opv our circulars, eirtific ,Ve. C1p-., the public, arp careful when they pure.ise, they will be deceived itrv I he gpnuine SO ! 1,1 IC.N BALM TILLP can be bad of John R M wor. r.lnrrr hi:-. Sloan & Tlmmn. on. Light Street; R. Mnre. Danville ; A Lev .rs and ro.. Washingic rvi!1.1 : .1, M. Khr'vn ,i..rsenmn ; perr ami r.lcHnde, Whitehall lbps and McCormici;. McFwrisvillp : J. ' H Uaer, Milton; J. D. Normande, Northumber ' land.